HIERO (Hebrew Idiom in English Roots) is a partial translation of the Old Testament, in which Hebrew word order and vocabulary choices are transparent to the reader.


Formatting Key

The Lexicon
The Code

Only a Partial Translation

HIERO is a partial translation of the Hebrew text, not a full translation. As a result, HIERO is not rendered in grammatical or idiomatic English. Instead, it represents Hebrew roots and inflections by means of English roots and inflections.

HIERO stands somewhere between a translation and a transliteration. What a transliteration does on the level of letters or sounds, and what a translation does on the level of clauses or sentences, HIERO does on the level of words or morphemes.

HIERO retains mostly Hebrew syntax, so reading it requires effort, just as reading the Hebrew text would require effort even of a reader who had memorized the Hebrew lexicon and inflections.

To understand HIERO best, begin with passages that you already know well, keeping the familiar passage in mind. For less familiar passages, it may be easiest to read HIERO with a normal translation on hand, or, even better, to listen to someone else read a normal translation aloud while you follow along in HIERO.


HIERO is formatted to indicate features of the Hebrew text. The formatting key gives examples of formatting in HIERO.