Book of Nahum
the·burden·of Nineveh
the·account·of the·vision·of Sighing the·Powrstubbleïte :
powr jealous and·avenging Yʜᴡʜ
avenging Yʜᴡʜ and·master·of heat
avenging Yʜᴡʜ to·his·rockers⁺
and·targeting he to·his·enemies⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ long·of nostrils² and·great·of vigor
and·finding·innocent he·does·not·find·innocent
Yʜᴡʜ in·blast and·in·storm his·step
and·cloud the·haze·of his·feet² :
rebuking in·the·sea and·he·dries·him·up
and·all·of the·streams⁺ he·withered
he·was·exhausted Bashan and·Orchardgrain
and·the·bud·of Whitemost he·was·exhausted :
mounts⁺ they·quaked⁺ from·him
and·the·hills⁺ they·dissipated·themselves⁺
and·she·bears the·land from·his·face⁺
and·world and·all settling⁺ in·her :
to·the·face⁺·of his·damnation ¿who he·stands
and·¿who he·arises in·the·scorching·of his·nostrils
his·heat she·was·melted as·the·fire
and·the·rocks⁺ they·were·wrecked⁺ from·him :
good Yʜᴡʜ
to·mighty·place in·day·of rockiness
and·knowing refuging⁺ in·him :
and·in·flood crosser
altogether he·does her·rising·place
and·his·enemies⁺ he·pursues darkness :
¿what you·consider⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ
altogether he doing
she·does·not·arise times² rockiness :
as unto potthorns⁺ tangled⁺
and·as·their·booze boozed⁺
as·stubble dry full :
from·you he·went
considering upon Yʜᴡʜ badness
counselor·of no-benefit :
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ if shalomic⁺ and·surely many⁺
and·surely they·were·sheared⁺ and·he·crossed·over
I·do·not·humiliate·you again :
and·now I·break his·shaking from·upon·you
and·your·chains⁺ I·snap :
and·he·commanded upon·you Yʜᴡʜ
he·is·not·seeded from·your·name again
from·the·house·of your·Powers⁺ I·cut·down sculpture and·libated·metal I·place your·tomb as you·were·slightened :
¡lo! upon the·mounts⁺ feet²·of fleshing·out letting·hear shalom
ꜝfeast Gloryhand your·feasts⁺ ꜝshalom your·vows⁺
as he·does·not·add again to·cross·over in·you no-benefit all·of·him he·was·cut·down :
he·went·up scattering upon your·face⁺ protecting rocked·up·place
ꜝbe·sentry step ꜝmake·firm thighs²
ꜝembolden vigor very :
as he·returned Yʜᴡʜ °the·majesty·of Heeler
as·the·majesty·of Princepowr
as they·vacuated⁺·them vacuating⁺
and·their·prunelets⁺ they·ruined⁺ :
the·guard·of his·heroes⁺ bloodyred mortals⁺·of strength fangworm·red⁺
in·fire·of steels⁺ the·chariot in·the·day·of his·making·sure
and·the·firs⁺ they·were·caused·to·quaver⁺ :
in·the·exteriors⁺ they·praise·themselves⁺ the·chariot
they·forage⁺ in·the·broadways⁺
their·sight as·the·torches⁺
as·the·flashes⁺ they·run⁺ :
he·remembers his·regals⁺
they·stumble⁺ in·their·walkway
they·speed⁺ her·rampart
and·he·was·made·sure the·knithedge :
the·gates⁺·of the·streams⁺ they·were·opened⁺
and·the·palace he·was·dissipated :
and·he·was·posted she·was·stripped she·was·offered·up
and·her·amahs⁺ leading⁺ as·voice·of doves⁺
timbrelling⁺ upon their·heart :
and·Nineveh as·kneepool·of waters⁺ from·days⁺·of she
and·they⁺ fleeing⁺
ꜝstand⁺ ꜝstand⁺ and·there·is·ńot facing :
ꜝspoil⁺ silver ꜝspoil⁺ gold
and·there·is·ńot end to·the·balance
weight from·all·of thing·of desire :
vacant and·vacuity and·ravaged
and·heart he·was·dampened and·reeling knees² and·whirlwhirling in·all·of thighs²
and·face⁺·of all·of·them they·collected⁺ sprigging :
¿where home·of lions⁺
and·tendage he to·the·wolves⁺
that he·walked lion coyote there chewcub·of lion and·there·is·ńot cause·for·shuddering :
lion preying·upon in·enough·of his·chewcubs⁺
and·suffocating·food to·his·coyotes⁺
and·he·fills prey his·crevices⁺
and·his·homes⁺ preyed·upon :
¡lo!·me to·you the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺
and·I·consumed·by·fire in·the·smoke her·chariot
and·your·wolves⁺ she·eats sword
and·I·cut·down from·land your·prey
and he·is·not·heard again the·voice·of your·minister :
¡oweh! city·of bloods⁺
all·of·her denial rapine full
he·does·not·budge prey :
voice·of paddle
and·voice·of quaking·of wheel
and·horse gallopping
and·chariot dancing :
shockcavalry offering·up and·flame·of sword and·flash·of campspear
and·multitude·of pierced and·weight·of carcass
and·there·is·ńot end to·the·back
and·they·stumbled⁺ in·their·back :
from·multitude·of fornications⁺·of fornicator
good·of grace mistress·of sorcery⁺
that·sells clans⁺ in·her·fornications⁺
and·families⁺ in·her·sorcery⁺ :
¡lo!·me to·you the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺
and·I·stripped your·skirts⁺ upon your·face⁺
and·I·showed clans⁺ your·bareness
and·kingdoms⁺ your·roasting :
and·I·dropped upon·you detestations⁺ and·I·let·you·wilt
and·I·placed·you as·sight :
and·he·was all·of that·see⁺·you he·retreats from·you
and·he·said she·was·overbreasted Nineveh
¿who he·sways to·her
from·¿where I·seek fellowsighers⁺ to·you :
¿you·are·good from·No Truth
that·settles in·the·niles⁺
waters⁺ turninground to·her
that stronghold·of sea
from·sea her·rampart :
Kush bonestrength·her and·Egypts² and·there·is·ńot end
Put and·Lybians⁺
they·were⁺ in·your·help :
also she to·the·stripped she·walked in·the·captivity
also her·nurslings⁺ they·are·cudgeled⁺ in·head·of all·of exteriors⁺
and·upon her·weighty⁺ they·handed⁺ lot
and·all·of her·great⁺ they·were·linked⁺ in·the·fetters⁺ :
also you you·are·drunk
ꜝlet·her·be hooded
also you you·seek mighty·place from·enemy :
all·of your·fortifications⁺
figs⁺ near firstfruits⁺
if they·are·rattled⁺ and·they·fell⁺ upon mouth·of eating :
¡lo! your·people women⁺ in·your·impresence
opening they·were·opened⁺ the·gates⁺·of your·land
she·ate fire your·bolts⁺ :
waters⁺·of rocked·up·place ꜝfetch to·you
ꜝmake·firm your·fortifications⁺
ꜝenter in·the·mud and·ꜝtrample in·the·pitch ꜝgrasp·firmly white·brickyard :
there she·eats·you fire
she·cuts·down·you sword
she·eats·you as·the·yeleqbug
ꜝgive·yourself·weight as·the·yeleqbug
ꜝgive·yourself·weight as·the·multibug :
you·multiplied your·traders⁺
from·the·stars⁺·of the·skies⁺
yeleqbug he·dismantled and·he·flies :
your·envoweds⁺ as·the·multibug
and·your·princes⁺ as·locust·of locust
that·camp⁺ in·the·fences⁺ in·day·of cold
sun she·dawned and·he·retreated
and he·was·not·known his·rising·place ¿where·them :
they·snoozed⁺ your·tendents⁺ the·king·of Blessed
they·dwell⁺ your·regals⁺
they·were·pranced·away⁺ your·people upon the·mounts⁺ and·there·is·ńot collecting :
there·is·ńot waning to·your·break
piercing·oneself your·stroke
all·of the·hearing⁺·of your·hearing they·hit⁺ spoon upon·you
as upon ¿who she·did·not·cross·over your·badness always :