Book of Micah

Who-As ­

the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·was ­to ­Who-As ­the·Inheritanceïte

in·the·days⁺·of ­Yᴡ-Complete ­Holder ­Firm-by-Yʜ ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand

that ­he·visioned ­upon ­Watchstation ­and·Torahshalom :

ꜝhear⁺ ­people⁺ ­all·of·them

ꜝlisten ­land ­and·her·fullness

and·ꜝlet·him·be ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·you⁺ ­to·witness

My·Lord ­from·the·palace·of ­his·sanctuary :

as ­¡lo! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­going ­from·his·rising·place

and·he·descended ­and·he·stepped·forward ­upon ­daises⁺·of ­land :

and·they·were·dampened⁺ ­the·mounts⁺ ­unders⁺·him

and·the·deeplands⁺ ­they·cleave·themselves⁺

as·the·wax ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·fire

as·waters⁺ ­drained⁺ ­in·descent :

in·the·rebellion·of ­Heeler ­all ­this

and·in·the·sins⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

¿who ­the·rebellion·of ­Heeler ­¿not ­Watchstation

and·¿who ­the·daises⁺·of ­Gloryhand

¿not ­Torahshalom :

and·I·placed ­Watchstation ­to·the·guilt·of ­the·field ­to·plantations⁺·of ­orchard

and·I·drained ­to·the·valley ­her·stones⁺

and·her·foundations⁺ ­I·strip :

and·all·of ­her·sculptures⁺ ­they·are·beaten·down ­and·all·of ­her·payments⁺ ­they·are·burned⁺ ­in·the·fire

and·all·of ­her·pains⁺ ­I·place ­desolation

as ­from·payment·of ­fornicator ­she·collected

and·unto ­payment·of ­fornicator ­they·return⁺ :

upon ­this ­ꜝlet·me·lament ­and·ꜝlet·me·yowl

ꜝlet·me·walk ­plundered ­and·bare

I·do ­lamentation ­as·the·serpents⁺

and·mourning ­as·daughters⁺·of ­responderbird :

as ­mortal ­her·strokes⁺

as ­she·entered ­unto ­Gloryhand

he·touched ­unto ­the·gate·of ­my·people ­unto ­Torahshalom :

in·Cellar ­you·do·not·tell·forth⁺

weeping ­ꜝdo·not·weep⁺

in·the·house·of ­To-Dust

dust ­ꜝwallow·yourself :

ꜝcross·over ­to·you⁺ ­the·settling·of ­Shofair ­bared ­shame

she·did·not·go ­the·settling·of ­Sheepness

the·lamentation·of ­House·of ­the·Side

he·takes ­from·you⁺ ­his·standing·ground :

as ­she·whirled·time·away ­to·good ­the·settling·of ­Bitters⁺

as ­he·descended ­bad ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·the·gate·of ­Torahshalom :

ꜝlink ­the·chariot ­to·the·fortunehorse ­the·settling·of ­Lakysh

headmost·of ­sin ­she ­to·the·daughter·of ­Tzion

as ­in·you ­they·were·found⁺ ­the·rebellions⁺·of ­Princepowr :

to·surely ­you·give ­sendoff·gifts⁺

upon ­Inheritance ­Cellar

the·houses⁺·of ­Lying ­to·lying

to·the·kings⁺·of ­Princepowr :

again ­the·heir ­I·bring·in ­to·you

the·settling·of ­Headrest

unto ­Adlam ­he·enters ­the·weight·of ­Princepowr :

ꜝmake·bald ­and·ꜝshear

upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­your·solaces⁺

ꜝbroaden ­your·baldness ­as·the·eagle

as ­they·stripped⁺ ­from·you :

¡oweh! ­considering⁺·of ­iniquity ­and·workers⁺·of ­bad ­upon ­their·beds⁺

in·the·light·of ­the·dayplow ­they·do⁺·her

as ­there·is ­to·the·powr·of ­their·hand :

and·they·desired⁺ ­fields⁺ ­and·they·robbed⁺

and·houses⁺ ­and·they·bore⁺

and·they·intimidated⁺ ­hero ­and·his·house

and·man ­and·his·derivation :


to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­considering ­upon ­the·family ­this ­badness

that ­you·do·not·budge⁺ ­from·there ­your⁺·necks⁺ ­and ­you·do·not·walk⁺ ­highly

as ­season ­badness ­she :

in·the·day ­he ­he·bears ­upon·you⁺ ­simile ­and·he·grieved ­grief ­he·had·been ­he·said ­overbreasting ­we·were·overbreasted⁺

the·dividend·of ­my·people ­he·bargains·away

¿ħow ­he·budges ­to·me

to·backturning ­our·fields⁺ ­he·divides :

to·surely ­he·is·not ­to·you

dropping ­rope ­in·lot

in·the·congregation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

you·do·not·distill⁺ ­they·distill⁺

they·do·not·distill⁺ ­to·these

he·is·not·skimmed·away ­embarrassments⁺ :

¿said ­the·house·of ­Heeler ­¿he·was·cropped·short ­the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­these ­his·exploits⁺

¿not ­my·speeches⁺ ­they·do·good⁺

near ­the·straight ­walking :

and·recent ­my·people ­to·enemy ­he·raises

from·snip·of ­garment

regalia ­you·unmantle⁺

from·crossers⁺ ­trust

returning⁺·of ­battle :

the·women⁺·of ­my·people ­you·drive·off

from·the·house·of ­her·solaces⁺

from·upon ­her·nurslings⁺

you·take⁺ ­my·magnificence ­to·eternity :

ꜝarise⁺ ­and·ꜝwalk⁺

as ­not ­this ­the·peaceful·place

in·sake ­she·was·defiled ­she·ropes·up ­and·rope ­insolent :

iᵮ·only ­man ­walking·of ­breath ­and·falsehood ­he·lìed

I·distill ­to·you

to·the·wine ­and·to·the·strong·drink

and·he·was ­the·distilling·of ­the·people ­this :

gathering ­I·gather ­Heeler ­all·of·you ­collecting ­I·collect ­the·survivor·of ­Princepowr

united ­I·place·him ­as·sheep ­fortified

as·flock ­in·the·midst·of ­his·outspeak

they·rumble⁺ ­from·adam :

he·went·up ­the·rupturing ­to·their·face⁺

they·erupted⁺ ­and·they·cross·over⁺

gate ­and·they·go⁺ ­in·him

and·he·crosses·over ­their·king ­to·their·face⁺

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·their·head :


and·I·say ­ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­the·heads⁺·of ­Heeler

and·the·endofficers⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

¿not ­to·you⁺

to·know ­°the·judgment :

hating⁺·of ­good ­and·loving⁺·of ­bad

the·robbers⁺·of ­their·bareskin ­from·upon·them

and·their·meat ­from·upon ­their·bones⁺ :

and·that ­they·ate⁺ ­the·meat·of ­my·people

and·their·bareskin ­from·upon·them ­they·unmantled⁺

and·°their·bones⁺ ­they·bursted·out

and·they·stretched⁺ ­as·how ­in·the·pot

and·as·flesh ­in·midst·of ­prosperbowl :

then ­they·cry⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­he·does·not·respond ­°them

and·ꜝlet·him·hide ­his·face⁺ ­from·them ­in·the·season ­she

as·how ­they·did·bad⁺ ­their·exploits⁺ :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

upon ­the·prophets⁺ ­that·lead·to·wander⁺ ­°my·people

that·bite⁺ ­in·their·teeth² ­and·they·called⁺ ­shalom

and·that ­he·does·not·give ­upon ­their·mouth

and·they·sanctified⁺ ­upon·him ­battle :

to·surely ­night ­to·you⁺ ­from·vision

and·she·was·dark ­to·you⁺ ­from·divining

and·she·entered ­the·sun ­upon ­the·prophets⁺

and·he·was·gloomy ­upon·them ­the·day :

and·they·were·ashamed⁺ ­the·visionaries⁺ ­and·they·were·dug·under ­that·divine⁺

and·they·were·clothed⁺ ­upon ­lipstache ­all·of·them

as ­there·is·ńot ­the·response·of ­Powers⁺ :

and·yet ­I ­I·filled ­vigor ­°the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·judgment ­and·heroism

to·tell·forth ­to·Heeler ­his·rebellion

and·to·Princepowr ­his·sin :

ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­this ­the·heads⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Heeler

and·the·endofficers⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

that·abominate⁺ ­judgment

and·°all ­the·straight ­they·warp⁺ :

building ­Tzion ­in·bloods⁺

and·Torahshalom ­in·evil :

her·heads⁺ ­in·bribe ­they·judge⁺ ­and·her·priests⁺ ­in·price ­they·torah

and·her·prophets⁺ ­in·silver ­they·divine⁺

and·upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·are·staffed⁺ ­saying

¿not ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·our·impresence

she·does·not·enter ­upon·us ­badness :

to·surely ­in·your⁺·roll-account

Tzion ­field ­she·is·crafted

and·Torahshalom ­guilts⁺ ­she·is

and·the·mount·of ­the·house ­to·daises⁺·of ­forest :


and·he·was ­in·the·afterward·of ­the·days⁺ ­he·is ­the·mount·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­assured ­in·the·head·of ­the·mounts⁺

and·borne ­he ­from·hills⁺

and·they·streamed⁺ ­upon·him ­people⁺ :

and·they·walked⁺ ­clans⁺ ­many⁺ ­and·they·said⁺ ­ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·we·go·up⁺ ­to ­the·mount·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·to ­the·house·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Heeler

and·he·torahs·us ­from·his·steps⁺

and·ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ ­in·his·ways⁺

as ­from·Tzion ­she·goes ­torah

and·the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·Torahshalom :

and·he·judged ­between ­people⁺ ­many⁺

and·he·reproved ­to·clans⁺ ­strongboned⁺ ­unto ­afar

and·they·beat⁺ ­their·swords⁺ ­to·spades⁺ ­and·their·campspears⁺ ­to·pruners⁺

they·do·not·bear⁺ ­clan ­to ­clan ­sword

and ­they·are·not·discipled⁺ ­again ­battle :

and·they·settled⁺ ­man ­under ­his·vine ­and·under ­his·fig ­and·there·is·ńot ­cause·for·shuddering

as ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­he·spoke :

as ­all·of ­the·people⁺

they·walk⁺ ­man ­in·the·name·of ­his·Powers⁺

and·we⁺ ­we·walk⁺ ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­to·eternity ­and·onward :


in·the·day ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝlet·me·gather ­that·limps

and·that·is·banished ­ꜝlet·me·collect

and·that ­I·did·bad :

and·I·placed ­°that·limps ­to·survivor

and·the·outermost ­to·clan ­strongboned

and·he·was·king ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·them ­in·the·mount·of ­Tzion

from·now ­and·unto ­eternity :


and·you ­Great·Tower·of ­Flock ­the·cresttower·of ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion ­unto·you ­she·comes

and·she·entered ­the·rule ­the·headmost

the·kingdom ­to·the·daughter·of ­Torahshalom :

now ­to·¿what ­you·cheer ­cheering

¿king ­there·is·ńot ­in·you ­if ­your·counselor ­he·was·lost

as ­he·grasped·you·firmly ­whirling ­as·that·enchilds :

ꜝwhirl·in·labor ­and·ꜝgush ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion ­as·that·enchilds

as ­now ­you·go ­from·walledcity ­and·you·dwelled ­in·the·field ­and·you·entered ­unto ­Babylon ­there ­you·are·snatched·away

there ­he·goels·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·the·spoon·of ­your·enemies⁺ :

and·now ­they·were·gathered⁺ ­upon·you ­clans⁺ ­many⁺

that·say⁺ ­she·is·profaned

and·ꜝlet·her·vision ­in·Tzion ­our·eyes² :

and·they⁺ ­they·did·not·know⁺ ­the·considerations⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­they·did·not·give·discernment⁺ ­his·counsel

as ­he·collected·them ­as·the·sheaves ­➝threshingfloor :

ꜝarise ­and·ꜝthresh ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion ­as ­your·horn ­I·place ­iron ­and·your·claws⁺ ­I·place ­copper

and·you·made·thin ­people⁺ ­many⁺

and·I·made·herem ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­their·profit

and·their·strength ­to·the·lord·of ­all·of ­the·land :

now ­you·clout·yourself ­daughter·of ­clouttroop

rocked·up·place ­he·placed ­upon·us

in·the·stem ­they·strike⁺ ­upon ­the·cheek

°the·judge·of ­Princepowr :

and·you ­House·of ­Bread ­Fruitful ­least ­to·be ­in·the·thousands⁺·of ­Gloryhand

from·you ­to·me ­he·goes

to·be ­ruler ­in·Princepowr

and·his·goings⁺ ­from·frontmost ­from·days⁺·of ­eternity :

to·surely ­he·gives·them

unto ­season ­enchilding ­she·enchilded

and·the·remainder·of ­his·brothers⁺

they·return⁺ ­upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·stood ­and·he·tended ­in·the·might·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·majesty·of ­the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·Powers⁺

and·they·settled⁺ ­as ­now ­he·becomes·great ­unto ­limits⁺·of ­land :

and·he·was ­this ­shalom

Blessed ­as ­he·enters ­in·our·land ­and·as ­he·steps·forward ­in·our·heights⁺

and·we·raised⁺ ­upon·him ­seven ­tendents⁺

and·eight ­libators⁺·of ­adam :

and·they·tended⁺ ­°the·land·of ­Blessed ­in·the·sword

and·°the·land·of ­Revolt ­in·her·openings⁺

and·he·snatched·away ­from·Blessed

as ­he·enters ­in·our·land

and·as ­he·steps·forward ­in·our·border :

and·he·was ­the·survivor·of ­Heeler ­in·impresence·of ­people⁺ ­many⁺

as·dew ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·many·rains⁺ ­upon ­herb

that ­he·does·not·hope ­to·man

and ­he·does·not·await ­to·sons⁺·of ­adam :

and·he·was ­the·survivor·of ­Heeler ­in·the·clans⁺ ­in·impresence·of ­people⁺ ­many⁺

as·lion ­in·beasts⁺·of ­forest

as·wolf ­in·flocks⁺·of ­sheep

that ­if ­he·crossed·over ­and·he·trampled ­and·he·preyed·upon ­and·there·is·ńot ­snatching·away :

ꜝlet·her·be·high ­your·hand ­upon ­your·rockers⁺

and·all·of ­your·enemies⁺ ­they·are·cut·down :


and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·cut·down ­your·horses⁺ ­from·your·impresence

and·I·caused·to·be·lost ­your·chariots⁺ :

and·I·cut·down ­the·cities⁺·of ­your·land

and·I·demolished ­all·of ­your·fortifications⁺ :

and·I·cut·down ­sorcery⁺ ­from·your·hand

and·cloud·readers⁺ ­they·are·not⁺ ­to·you :

and·I·cut·down ­your·sculptures⁺ ­and·your·posts⁺ ­from·your·impresence

and ­you·do·not·prostrate·yourself ­again ­to·the·doing·of ­your·hands² :

and·I·expelled ­your·Blessed·Ones⁺ ­from·your·impresence

and·I·destroyed ­your·cities⁺ :

and·I·did ­in·nostrils ­and·in·heat ­vengeance ­with ­the·clans⁺

that ­they·did·not·hear⁺ :

ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­°that ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

ꜝarise ­ꜝargue ­with ­the·mounts⁺

and·they·hear⁺ ­the·hills⁺ ­your·voice :

ꜝhear⁺ ­mounts⁺ ­°the·argument·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·the·rugged⁺ ­foundations⁺·of ­land

as ­argument ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­near ­his·people

and·near ­Princepowr ­he·proves·himself :

my·people ­¿what ­I·did ­to·you ­and·¿what ­I·wearied·you

ꜝrespond ­in·me :

as ­I·offered·you·up ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

and·from·house·of ­servants⁺ ­I·ransomed·you

and·I·send ­to·your·face⁺

°Moseh ­Aharon ­and·Bitterness :

my·people ­ꜝremember ­¡please! ­¿what ­he·counselled ­Ravager ­the·king·of ­From-Father

and·¿what ­he·responded ­°him ­Devouring-People ­the·son·of ­Consuming

from ­the·Paddlewoods⁺ ­unto ­the·Rolling

because·of ­knowing ­the·justices⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

in·¿what ­I·am·in·front·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·am·spooned·out ­to·Powers⁺·of ­heights

¿I·am·in·front·of·him ­in·upward·offerings⁺

in·oxen⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­year :

¿he·favors ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·thousands⁺·of ­powrrams⁺

in·multitudes⁺·of ­rivers⁺·of ­oil

¿I·give ­my·firstborn ­my·rebellion

the·fruit·of ­my·belly ­the·sin·of ­my·soul :

he·told·forth ­to·you ­adam ­¿what ­good

and·¿what ­Yʜᴡʜ ­investigating ­from·you ­but ­rather ­doing ­judgment ­and·loving ­mercy

and·meek ­walking ­near ­your·Powers⁺ :


the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·city ­he·calls

and·sagacity ­he·sees ­your·name

ꜝhear⁺ ­branch ­and·¿who ­he·assembled·her :

again ­¿there·is ­house·of ­wicked

treasures⁺·of ­wickedness

and·bucket·of ­leanness ­damned :

¿I·am·perfect ­in·earscale·of ­wickedness

and·in·purse·of ­stones⁺·of ­trickery :

that ­her·rich⁺ ­they·filled⁺ ­violence

and·that·settle⁺·her ­they·spoke⁺ ­falsehood

and·their·tongue ­trickery ­in·their·mouth :

and·also ­I ­I·pierced ­your·striking

desolating ­upon ­your·sins⁺ :

you ­you·eat ­and ­you·are·not·satisfied

and·your·√hunger ­in·your·impresence

and·ꜝskim ­and ­you·do·not·rescue·for·yourself

and·that ­you·rescue ­to·the·sword ­I·give :

you ­you·seed ­and ­you·do·not·crop

you ­you·step·forward ­olive ­and ­you·do·not·libate·on ­oil

and·winemust ­and ­you·do·not·drink ­wine :

and·he·watches·himself·for ­the·prescriptions⁺·of ­My-Sheaf ­and·all·of ­the·deed·of ­the·house·of ­Brother-Father

and·you·walk⁺ ­in·their·counsels⁺

because·of ­my·giving ­°you ­to·desolation ­and·that·settle⁺·her ­to·whistling

and·the·detraction·of ­my·people ­you·bear⁺ :


¡ay-ay-ay! ­to·me ­as ­I·was ­as·ingatherings⁺·of ­summer

as·exploits⁺·of ­harvest

there·is·ńot ­cluster ­to·eat

firstfruit ­she·yearned·for ­my·soul :

he·was·lost ­merciful ­from ­the·land

and·straight ­in·the·adam ­there·is·ńot

all·of·them ­to·bloods⁺ ­they·ambush⁺

man ­°his·brother ­they·hunt⁺ ­heremnet :

upon ­the·bad ­spoons² ­to·do·good

the·prince ­requesting

and·the·judge ­in·the·shalom-making

and·the·great ­speaker ­the·mishap·of ­his·soul ­he ­and·they·cord·her·together :

their·good ­as·barb

straight ­from·knithedge

the·day·of ­your·sentries⁺ ­your·reckoning ­she·entered

now ­she·is ­their·confusion :

you·are·not·true⁺ ­in·tendent

ꜝdo·not·trust⁺ ­in·alpha

from·the·bedding·of ­your·bosom

ꜝwatch ­the·openings⁺·of ­your·mouth :

as ­son ­letting·wilt ­father

daughter ­arising ­in·her·mama

allness ­in·her·mother-in-law

enemies⁺·of ­man ­the·mortals⁺·of ­his·house :

and·I ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­I·am·sentry

ꜝlet·me·wait ­to·Powers⁺·of ­my·safety

he·hears·me ­my·Powers⁺ :

ꜝdo·not·be·glad ­my·enemy ­to·me

as ­I·fell ­I·arose

as ­I·settle ­in·the·darkness

Yʜᴡʜ ­light ­to·me :

the·tempest·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·bear

as ­I·sinned ­to·him

unto ­that ­he·argues ­my·argument ­and·he·did ­my·judgment

he·lets·me·go ­to·the·light

I·see ­in·his·justice :

and·ꜝlet·her·see ­my·enemy ­and·she·covers·her ­shame

that·says ­to·me

¿where·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

my·eyes² ­they·see⁺ ­in·her

now ­she·is ­to·trampling·place ­as·mud·of ­exteriors⁺ :

day ­to·build ­your·fences⁺

day ­he ­he·is·far ­prescription :

day ­he ­and·unto·you ­he·enters

to·from ­Blessed ­and·the·cities⁺·of ­Rocked·Up·Place

and·to·from ­Rocked·Up·Place ­and·unto ­stream

and·sea ­from·sea ­and·mount ­the·mount :

and·she·was ­the·land ­to·desolation ­upon ­that·settle⁺·her

from·the·fruit·of ­their·exploits⁺ :

ꜝtend ­your·people ­in·your·stem ­the·sheep·of ­your·derivation

dwelling ­to·alone

forest ­in·midst·of ­orchardgrain

they·tend⁺ ­Bashan ­and·Roll-of-Witness ­as·days⁺·of ­eternity :

as·the·days⁺·of ­your·going ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

I·show·him ­wonders⁺ :

they·see⁺ ­clans⁺ ­and·they·are·ashamed⁺

from·all·of ­their·heroism

they·place⁺ ­hand ­upon ­mouth

their·ears² ­they·craft·silence :

they·lick·up ­dust ­as·the·copperhead

as·cowering·animals⁺·of ­land

they·are·stirred·up ­from·their·lockingborders⁺

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­they·tremble⁺

and·they·fear⁺ ­from·you :

¿who ­powr ­as·you ­bearing ­guilt ­and·crosser ­upon ­rebellion

to·the·survivor·of ­his·derivation

he·did·not·grasp·firmly ­to·onward ­his·nostrils

as ­pleased·of ­mercy ­he :

he·returns ­he·enwombs·us

he·subdues ­our·guilts⁺

and·you·drop ­in·oceans⁺·of ­sea ­all·of ­their·sins⁺ :

you·give ­truth ­to·Heeler

mercy ­to·Father-Hi-Hum

that ­you·vowed·seven ­to·our·fathers⁺ ­from·days⁺·of ­frontmost :

2:3 3:1 3:5 4:1 4:6 4:8 5:10 6:9 7:1