Book of Daniel
in·year·of three
to·the·kingship·of Yʜᴡ-Raises the·king·of Gloryhand
he·entered Prophethelpedkadre the·king·of Babylon Torahshalom and·he·rocks·up upon·her :
and·he·gives My·Lord in·his·hand °Yʜᴡ-Raises the·king·of Gloryhand and·from·the·end·of the·things⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺
and·he·brings·them·in the·land·of Shinar the·house·of his·Powers⁺
and·°the·things⁺ he·brought·in
the·house·of the·treasure·of his·Powers⁺ :
and·he·says the·king
to·Ashpenaz the·major·of his·eunuchs⁺
to·bring·in from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·from·the·seed·of the·kingship and·from the·premiers⁺ :
children⁺ that there·is·ńot in·them all·of smudge and·good⁺·of sight and·prudent⁺ in·all·of wisdom and·knowing⁺·of knowledge and·giving·discernment⁺·of knowledge
and·that vigor in·them
to·stand in·the·palace·of the·king
and·to·disciple·them the·account·of and·the·tongue·of Chaldeans⁺ :
and·he·allots to·them the·king speech·of day in·his·day from·the·banquet·of the·god·of the·king and·from·the·wine·of his·drinkingfeast
and·to·make·them·great years⁺ three
they·stand⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·is in·them from·the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
Vindicator-Powr Grace-of-Yʜᴡ
¿Who-as-Powr? and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·he·places to·them the·prince·of the·eunuchs⁺ names⁺
and·he·places to·Vindicator-Powr Masterhelpedtesha and·to·Grace-of-Yʜᴡ Struggleaku
and·to·¿Who-as-Powr? ¿Whoasaku?
and·to·Help-of-Yʜᴡ Servant Prophet :
and·he·places Vindicator-Powr upon his·heart
that he·does·not·goel·himself in·the·banquet-of-god·of the·king and·in·the·wine·of his·drinkingfeast
and·he·seeks from·the·prince·of the·eunuchs⁺
that he·does·not·goel·himself :
and·he·gives the·Powers⁺ °Vindicator-Powr
to·mercy and·to·wombliness⁺
to·the·face⁺·of the·prince·of the·eunuchs⁺ :
and·he·says the·prince·of the·eunuchs⁺ to·Vindicator-Powr
fearful I °my·lord the·king
that he·allotted
°your⁺·edibles and·°your⁺·drinkingfeast
that to·¿what he·sees °your⁺·face⁺ tempestuous⁺ from the·children⁺ that as·your⁺·twirl·circle·of·friends
and·you·forfeited⁺ °my·head to·the·king :
and·he·says Vindicator-Powr to the·kinghelper
that he·allotted the·prince·of the·eunuchs⁺
upon Vindicator-Powr Grace-of-Yʜᴡ
¿Who-as-Powr? and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ :
ꜝtry·out ¡please! °your·servants⁺ days⁺ ten
and·they·give⁺ to·us from the·seedlings⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·eat⁺ and·waters⁺ and·we·drink⁺ :
and·they·are·seen⁺ to·your·face⁺ our·sight
and·the·sight·of the·children⁺
°the·banquet-of-god·of the·king
and·as·how you·see
ꜝdo near your·servants⁺ :
and·he·hears to·them to·the·speech this
and·he·tries·them·out days⁺ ten :
and·from·end·of days⁺ ten
he·was·seen their·sight good
and·shapely⁺·of flesh
from all·of the·children⁺
°the·banquet-of-god·of the·king :
and·he·is the·kinghelper bearing °their·banquet-of-god
and·the·wine·of their·drinkingfeast
and·giving to·them seedlings⁺ :
and·the·children⁺ these their·four
he·gave to·them the·Powers⁺ knowledge and·making·prudent in·all·of account and·wisdom
and·Vindicator-Powr he·gave·discernment
in·all·of vision and·dreams⁺ :
and·to·from·the·end·of the·days⁺
that he·said the·king to·bring·them·in
and·he·brings·them·in the·prince·of the·eunuchs⁺
to·the·face⁺·of Prophethelpedkadre :
and·he·speaks with·them the·king
and he·was·not·found from·all·of·them
as·Vindicator-Powr Grace-of-Yʜᴡ
¿Who-as-Powr? and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ
and·they·stand⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·all·of speech·of wisdom·of discernment
that he·sought from·them the·king
and·he·finds·them ten·of hands⁺ upon all·of the·penmen⁺ the·astrologers⁺
that in·all·of his·kingship :
and·he·is Vindicator-Powr
unto year·of one to·Cyrus the·king :
and·in·year·of two² to·the·kingship·of Prophethelpedkadre
he·dreamed Prophethelpedkadre dreams⁺
and·she·mistimes·herself his·breath
and·his·sleep she·had·been upon·him :
and·he·says the·king to·call to·the·penmen⁺ and·to·the·astrologers⁺ and·to·the·sorcerers⁺ and·to·the·Chaldeans⁺
to·tell·forth to·the·king his·dreams⁺
and·they·enter⁺ and·they·stand⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·says to·them the·king dream I·dreamed
and·she·is·mistimed my·breath
to·know °the·dream :
and·they·speak⁺ the·Chaldeans⁺ to·the·king heightïtic
the·king to·eternities⁺ ꜝlive
ꜝsay the·dream to·your·servant and·the·interpretation we·declare⁺ :
responding the·king and·saying to·the·Chaldeans⁺
the·word from·me eluded
¡lo! you·do·not·let·me·know⁺ the·dream and·his·interpretation
stools⁺ you·are·being·done⁺
and·your⁺·houses⁺ cesspool they·are·placed⁺ :
and·¡lo! the·dream and·his·interpretation you·cause·to·declare⁺
gifts⁺ and·emolument and·preciousness large
you·accept⁺ from frontwards⁺·of·me
for-¡lo! the·dream and·his·interpretation ꜝcause·me·to·declare⁺ :
they·responded⁺ two and·saying⁺
the·king the·dream he·says to·his·servants⁺ and·the·interpretation we·cause·to·declare⁺ :
responding the·king and·saying
from yespost knowing I
this the·period you⁺ getting·brokencorn⁺
as·to ḟor this you·visioned⁺
this eluded from·me the·word :
this ¡lo! the·dream you·do·not·let·me·know⁺ one she your⁺·edict and·word lying and·ruined you·were·at·your⁺·hour⁺ to·say frontwards⁺·of·me
unto this the·period he·is·altered
for-¡lo! the·dream ꜝsay⁺ to·me
and·I·know this his·interpretation you·cause·me·to·declare⁺ :
they·responded⁺ the·Chaldeans⁺ frontward·of the·king and·saying⁺
not there·is mortal upon the·dryness
this the·word·of the·king
he·is·able to·cause·to·declare
as·to ḟor this all·of king much and·controller
word as·this he·did·not·request
to·all·of penman and·astrologer and·Chaldea :
and·the·word this the·king requesting precious
and·after not there·is
this he·declares·her frontward·of the·king
for-¡lo! Powers⁺
this their·saeculo-place
near the·flesh not his·there·is :
as·to ḟor this
the·king he·was·√angry and·he·was·angry large
and·he·said to·cause·to·be·lost
to·all·of the·wise·ones⁺·of Babylon :
and·the·edict she·reeled·out
and·the·wise·ones⁺ massacring·themselves⁺
and·they·petitioned⁺ Vindicator-Powr and·his·allies⁺ to·be·massacred :
in·then Vindicator-Powr he·returned counsel and·decree
to·Aryowk the·much·of the·butchers⁺ this the·king
this he·reeled·out to·massacre
to·the·wise·ones⁺·of Babylon :
responding and·saying to·Aryowk the·controller this the·king
upon ¿what the·edict dire from frontward·of the·king
then the·word
he·let·know Aryowk to·Vindicator-Powr :
he·went·up and·he·petitioned from the·king
this hour he·gives to·him
and·the·interpretation to·cause·to·declare to·the·king :
then Vindicator-Powr to·his·house he·proceeded
and·to·Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ¿Who-as-Powr? and·Help-of-Yʜ his·allies⁺ the·word he·let·know :
and·wombliness⁺ to·petition from frontward·of Power·of the·skies⁺
upon the·mystery this
this they·do·not·cause·to·be·lost⁺ Vindicator-Powr and·his·allies⁺
near the·survivor·of the·wise·ones⁺·of Babylon :
then to·Vindicator-Powr in·the·vision this the·night the·mystery he·was·stripped·out
then Vindicator-Powr
he·knelt to·Power·of the·skies⁺ :
responding Vindicator-Powr and·saying
he·is his·name this the·Power kneeling
from the·eternity and·unto the·eternity
this the·wisdom and·the·heroism this to·him she :
and·he altering the·periods⁺ and·the·hours⁺
causing·move·on kings⁺ and·raising kings⁺
granting the·wisdom to·wise·ones⁺
and·the·knowledge to·knowing⁺·of discernment :
he stripping·out the·depth⁺ and·that·hide⁺
knowing ¿what in·the·dark·place
and·the·lightstream near·him unbound :
to·you Power·of my·father gloryhanding and·acclaiming I
this the·wisdom and·the·heroism you·granted to·me
and·so you·let·me·know this we·petitioned⁺ from·you
this the·word·of the·king you·let·us·know :
as·to ḟor this Vindicator-Powr he·went·up upon Aryowk
this he·allotted the·king
to·cause·to·be·lost to·the·wise·ones⁺·of Babylon
he·proceeded and·surely he·said to·him to·the·wise·ones⁺·of Babylon she·does·not·cause·to·be·lost
ꜝbring·me·up frontward·of the·king
and·the·interpretation to·the·king I·declare :
then Aryowk when·agent
he·brought·up to·Vindicator-Powr frontward·of the·king
and·surely he·said to·him this I·did·not·forget hero from the·sons⁺·of the·stripping this Gloryhand
this the·interpretation to·the·king he·lets·know :
responding the·king and·saying to·Vindicator-Powr
this his·name Vindicator-Powr
¿your·there·is able to·let·me·know the·dream this I·visioned and·his·interpretation :
responding Vindicator-Powr frontward·of the·king and·saying
the·mystery this the·king requesting
not wise·ones⁺ astrologers⁺ penmen⁺ bisectors⁺
able⁺ to·cause·to·declare to·the·king :
ƀut there·is Power in·the·skies⁺ stripping·out mysteries⁺
and·he·let·know to·the·king Prophethelpedkadne
¿what this he·is in·the·afterward·of the·days⁺
your·dream and·the·visions⁺·of your·head upon your·bed this he :
you the·king your·tendage upon your·bed they·emerged⁺
¿what this he·is afters⁺·of this
and·stripping·out the·mysteries⁺ he·let·you·know ¿what this he·is :
and·I not in·wisdom this there·is in·me from all·of the·living⁺
the·mystery this he·was·stripped·out to·me
for-¡lo! upon speech·of this the·interpretation to·the·king they·let·know⁺
and·the·tendages⁺·of your·heart you·know :
you the·king visioning you·were and·¡ay-ay-ay! shadow one large
the·shadow this much and·his·mayglow immanent arising to·your·ḟor
and·his·sight cowered :
he the·shadow his·head this gold good
his·briskets⁺ and·his·arms⁺ this silver
his·bowels⁺ and·his·flanks⁺ this copper :
his·legs² this iron
his·feet⁺ from·them this iron
and·from·them this clay :
visioning you·were unto this she·was·sectioned·off stone this not in·hands²
and·she·clapped to·the·shadow upon his·feet⁺
this the·iron and·the·clay
and·she·made·thin they⁺ :
in·then they·made·thin⁺ as·one the·iron the·clay the·copper the·silver and·the·gold and·they·were⁺ as·barechaff from Regal·Marchs⁺·of summer
and·he·bore they⁺ the·breath
and·all·of spot he·was·not·not·forgotten to·them
and·the·stone this she·clapped to·the·shadow she·was to·rock much and·she·filled all·of the·land :
this the·dream
and·his·interpretation we·say⁺ frontward·of the·king :
you the·king
the·king·of the·kings⁺
this Power·of the·skies⁺
the·kingship the·control and·the·prevalence and·the·preciousness he·granted to·you :
and·in·all this saeculants⁺ the·sons⁺·of the·mortal the·life·of the·food and·the·flyer·of the·skies⁺ he·granted in·your·hand
and·he·gave·you·control in·all·of·them
you he
the·head this the·gold :
and·your·spot she·arises kingship after land from·you
and·kingship third after this the·copper
this she·controls in·all·of the·land :
and·kingship fourth
she·is prevailing as·the·iron
as·to ḟor this the·iron making·thin and·enfeebling all
and·as·the·iron this doing·bad all these she·makes·thin and·she·does·bad :
and·this you·visioned the·feet⁺ and·the·fingers⁺ from·them clay this √potter and·from·them iron
kingship furrowed she·is
and·from the·posting this the·iron he·is in·her
as·to ḟor this you·visioned
pledging in·the·clay·of the·mud :
and·the·fingers⁺·of the·feet⁺
from·them iron and·from·them clay
from the·end·of the·kingship she·is prevailing
and·from·her she·is broken :
and·this you·visioned the·iron pledging in·the·clay·of the·mud
pledging·themselves⁺ they·are⁺ in·the·seed·of the·mortal
and they·do·not·be⁺ joined⁺ this near this
¡hey! as·this the·iron
not pledging·itself near the·clay :
and·in·their·days⁺ this the·kings⁺ they⁺ he·raises Power·of the·skies⁺ kingship this to·eternities⁺ she·does·not·rope·herself
to·people after she·is·not·allowed·to·go
she·makes·thin and·she·causes·to·blast all·of these the·kingships⁺
and·she she·arises to·the·eternities⁺ :
as·to ḟor this you·visioned this from·the·rock she·sectioned·herself stone this not in·hands² and·she·made·thin the·iron the·copper the·clay the·silver and·the·gold
Power much he·let·know to·the·king
¿what this he·is afters⁺·of this
and·yespost the·dream and·been·true his·interpretation :
in·then the·king Prophethelpedkadne he·fell upon his·nostrils²
and·to·Vindicator-Powr he·worshipped
and·tribute and·peaces⁺
he·said to·libate·out to·him :
responding the·king to·Vindicator-Powr and·saying from reality this your⁺·Power he Power·of Powers⁺ and·emperor·of kings⁺ and·stripping·out mysteries⁺
this you·were·able
to·strip·out the·mystery this :
then the·king to·Vindicator-Powr he·multiplied and·gifts⁺ many⁺ large⁺ he·granted to·him
upon all·of the·vindicatordom·of Babylon
and·much·of alcaldes⁺
upon all·of the·wise·ones⁺·of Babylon :
and·Vindicator-Powr he·petitioned from the·king
and·he·allotted upon the·service this the·vindicatordom·of Babylon
to·Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
and·Vindicator-Powr in·the·gate·of the·king :
Prophethelpedkadne the·king he·did shadow this gold
his·highness mamacubits⁺ sixty⁺
his·width mamacubits⁺ six
he·raised·him in·the·cleft·of Saeculo
in·the·vindicatordom·of Babylon :
and·Prophethelpedkadne the·king he·sent to·rally to·the·Xedarpans⁺ the·alcaldes⁺ and·the·prefects⁺ the·regalsectors⁺ the·financiers⁺ the·jurists⁺ the·attorneys⁺
and·all·of the·controllers⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺
to·come to·the·dedication·of the·shadow
this he·raised Prophethelpedkadne the·king :
in·then rallying·themselves⁺ the·Xedarpans⁺ the·alcaldes⁺ and·the·prefects⁺ the·regalsectors⁺ the·financiers⁺ the·jurists⁺ the·attorneys⁺ and·all·of the·controllers⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺
to·the·dedication·of the·shadow
this he·raised Prophethelpedkadne the·king
and·arising⁺ to·the·ḟor·of the·shadow
this he·raised Prophethelpedkadne :
and·the·announcer calling in·strength
to·you⁺ saying⁺ the·people⁺
the·mamaclans⁺ and·the·tongues⁺ :
in·the·period this you·hear⁺ the·voice·of the·horn the·whistle guitar tanglestrings psaltry symphonia
and·all·of the·supplies⁺·of the·music
you·fall⁺ and·you·worship⁺ to·the·shadow·of the·gold
this he·raised Prophethelpedkadne the·king :
and·¿what this he·does·not·fall and·he·worships
in·her the·gazinghour he·is·tricked
to·the·back·of the·kiln·of the·lamp that·smolders :
as·to ḟor this in·him the·hour as·this hearing⁺ all·of the·people⁺ the·voice·of the·horn the·whistle guitar tanglestrings psaltry
and·all·of the·supplies⁺·of the·music
falling⁺ all·of the·people⁺ the·mamaclans⁺ and·the·tongues⁺ worshipping⁺ to·the·shadow·of the·gold
this he·raised Prophethelpedkadne the·king :
as·to ḟor this in·him the·hour
they·were·present⁺ heroes⁺ Chaldeans⁺
and·they·ate⁺ their·twitches⁺ this the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ :
they·responded⁺ and·saying⁺
to·Prophethelpedkadne the·king
the·king to·eternities⁺ ꜝlive :
you the·king you·placed decree
this all·of mortal this he·hears the·voice·of the·horn the·whistle guitar tanglestrings psaltry and·symphonia
and·all·of the·supplies⁺·of the·music
he·falls and·he·worships to·the·shadow·of the·gold :
and·¿what this he·does·not·fall and·he·worships
he·is·tricked to·the·back·of the·kiln·of the·lamp that·smolders :
there·is·of heroes⁺ Gloryhandïtes⁺ this you·allotted °them upon the·service·of the·vindicatordom·of Babylon
Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
the·heroes⁺ these they·did·not·place⁺ upon·you the·king decree
to·your·Power not venerators⁺
and·to·the·shadow·of the·gold this you·raised not worshipping⁺ :
in·then Prophethelpedkadne in·stir and·heat
he·said to·cause·to·come
to·Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
in·then the·heroes⁺ these
they·were·caused·to·come⁺ frontward·of the·king :
responding Prophethelpedkadne and·saying to·them
¿plotting Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
to·my·Powers⁺ not your⁺·there·is venerators⁺
and·to·the·shadow·of the·gold this I·raised not worshipping⁺ :
so ¡lo! your⁺·there·is ramready⁺ this in·the·period this you·hear⁺ the·voice·of the·horn the·whistle guitar tanglestrings psaltry and·symphonia and·all·of the·supplies⁺·of the·music you·fall⁺ and·you·worship⁺ to·the·shadow this I·did
and·¡lo! you·do·not·worship⁺
in·her the·gazinghour you·are·tricked⁺
to·the·back·of the·kiln·of the·lamp that·smolders
and·¿what he Power
this he·returns·you⁺ from my·hands⁺ :
they·responded⁺ Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
and·saying⁺ to·the·king
not hurrying⁺ we⁺ upon this sentence to·return·you :
¡lo! there·is our·Power this we⁺ venerators⁺
able to·return·us
from the·kiln·of the·lamp that·smolders and·from your·hand the·king he·returns :
and·¡lo! not
known he·is to·you the·king
this to·your·Power not our·there·is venerators⁺
and·to·the·shadow·of the·gold this you·raised we·do·not·worship⁺ :
in·then Prophethelpedkadne he·was·filled heat and·the·shadow·of his·nostrils² he·was·altered
upon Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
responding and·saying to·fire to·the·kiln
one seven
upon this visioned to·fire·him :
and·to·heroes⁺ heroes⁺·of strength this in·his·strength
he·said to·manacle
to·Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
to·trick to·the·kiln·of the·lamp that·smolders :
in·then the·heroes⁺ these they·were·manacled⁺ in·their·princegarbs⁺ their·mallets⁺
and·their·garbs⁺ and·their·robes⁺
and·they·were·tricked⁺ to·the·back·of the·kiln·of the·lamp that·smolders :
as·to ḟor this from this the·word·of the·king dire
and·the·kiln fired immanent
the·heroes⁺ these this they·immersed⁺ to·Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
he·massacred they⁺
the·inferno this the·lamp :
and·the·heroes⁺ these their·three
Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
they·fell⁺ to·the·back·of the·kiln·of the·lamp that·smolders in·manacles⁺ :
then Prophethelpedkadne the·king
he·marvelled and·he·arose when·agent
responding and·saying to·his·speakers⁺ ¿not heroes⁺ three we·tricked⁺ to·the·back·of the·lamp in·manacles⁺
responding⁺ and·saying⁺ to·the·king
yespost the·king :
responding and·saying ¡huh! I visioning heroes⁺ four unbound⁺ causing·walk⁺ in·the·back·of the·lamp
and·roping·up not there·is in·them
and·his·sight this the·fourth
like to·the·son·of Powers⁺ :
in·then he·was·present Prophethelpedkadne to·the·gate·of the·kiln·of the·lamp that·smolders
responding and·saying Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet his·servants⁺ this the·Power the·upper ꜝreel·out⁺ and·ꜝcome⁺
in·then reeling·out⁺ Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet from the·back·of the·lamp :
and·rallying·themselves⁺ the·Xedarpans⁺ the·alcaldes⁺ and·the·prefects⁺ and·the·speakers⁺·of the·king
visioning⁺ to·the·heroes⁺ these this he·did·not·control the·lamp in·their·shower and·the·hair·of their·head he·did·not·scorch·himself
and·their·princegarbs⁺ they·did·not·alter⁺
and·breath·of lamp
she·did·not·move·on in·them :
responding Prophethelpedkadne and·saying kneeling·oneself their·Power this Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
this he·sent his·minister and·he·returned to·his·servants⁺
this they·were·bathed⁺ upon·him
and·the·word·of the·king they·altered⁺
and·they·granted⁺ their·shower this they·do·not·venerate⁺ and they·do·not·worship⁺ to·all·of Power
for-¡lo! to·their·Power :
and·from·me he·was·placed decree
this all·of people mamaclan and·tongue this he·says laxity upon their·Power this Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet
stools⁺ he·is·being·done
and·his·house cesspool he·levels·himself
as·to ḟor this not there·is Power after
this he·is·able to·snatch·away as·this :
in·then the·king he·prospered to·Struggleaku ¿Whoasaku? and·Servant Prophet in·the·vindicatordom·of Babylon :
Prophethelpedkadne the·king to·all·of the·people⁺ the·mamaclans⁺ and·the·tongues⁺ this saeculants⁺ in·all·of the·land your⁺·shalom he·is·large :
the·signs⁺ and·the·marvels⁺
this he·did near·me
the·Power the·upper
he·shofaired frontwards⁺·of·me to·cause·to·declare :
his·signs⁺ as·¿what many⁺
and·his·marvels⁺ as·¿what prevailing⁺
his·kingship kingship·of eternity
and·his·control near saeculum and·saeculum :
I Prophethelpedkadne relaxing I·was in·my·house
and·thriving in·my·palace :
dream I·visioned and·he·cowers·me
and·pregnations⁺ upon my·bed
and·the·visions⁺·of my·head they·agitate⁺·me :
and·from·me he·was·placed decree
to·bring·up frontwards⁺·of·me
to·all·of the·wise·ones⁺·of Babylon
this the·interpretation·of the·dream they·let·me·know⁺ :
in·then going·up⁺ the·penmen⁺ the·astrologers⁺
the·Chaldeans⁺ and·the·bisectors⁺
and·the·dream saying I frontwards⁺·of·them
and·his·interpretation not letting·know⁺ to·me :
and·unto after he·went·up frontwards⁺·of·me Vindicator-Powr this his·name Vindicator-Powr as·the·name·of my·Power
and·this the·breath·of Powers⁺ sacred⁺ in·him
and·the·dream frontwards⁺·of·him I·said :
Vindicator-Powr the·much·of the·penmen⁺
this I I·knew this the·breath·of Powers⁺ sacred⁺ in·you
and·all·of mystery not compulsory to·you
the·visions⁺·of my·dream this I·visioned and·his·interpretation ꜝsay :
and·the·visions⁺·of my·head upon my·bed
visioning I·was
and·¡ay-ay-ay! powrtree in·the·back·of the·land and·his·highness large :
he·multiplied the·powrtree and·he·prevailed
and·his·highness he·finds to·the·skies⁺
and·his·vision to·the·blasting·of all·of the·land :
his·foliage shofair and·his·aprilness large
and·supply to·all in·him
his·unders⁺ she·bedews the·life·of the·food and·in·his·boughs⁺ they·saecul⁺ the·skippingbirds⁺·of the·skies⁺
and·from·him he·is·supplied all·of the·flesh :
visioning I·was in·the·visions⁺·of my·head upon my·bed
and·¡ay-ay-ay! arouser and·sacred
from the·skies⁺ plunging·in :
calling in·strength and·surely saying ꜝclout⁺ the·powrtree and·ꜝput·an·end·to⁺ his·boughs⁺
ꜝlet·jump·free⁺ his·foliage and·ꜝsplit⁺ his·aprilness
she·flees the·life from his·unders⁺
and·the·skippingbirds⁺ from his·boughs⁺ :
ƀut the·sterility·of his·roots⁺ in·the·land ꜝallow·to·go⁺
and·in·chain this iron and·copper
in·the·grass this the·food
and·in·the·dew·of the·skies⁺ he·blots·himself
and·near the·life his·dividend in·the·herb·of the·land :
his·heart from the·mortal they·alter⁺
and·heart·of life he·is·granted to·him
and·seven periods⁺ they·change·away⁺ upon·him :
in·consection·of arousers⁺ the·sentence
and·saying·of sacred⁺ the·request
unto speech·of this they·know⁺ the·living⁺ this controller the·upper in·the·kingship·of the·mortal and·to·¿what this he·wills he·gives·her
and·be·low·of mortals⁺ he·raises upon·her :
this the·dream I·visioned
I the·king Prophethelpedkadne
and·you Vindicator-Powr his·interpretation ꜝsay as·to ḟor this all·of the·wise·ones⁺·of my·kingship not able⁺ the·interpretation to·let·me·know
and·you able
this the·breath·of Powers⁺ sacred⁺ in·you :
then Vindicator-Powr this his·name Vindicator-Powr he·was·desolated as·gazinghour one
and·his·tendages⁺ they·agitate⁺·him
responding the·king and·saying Vindicator-Powr the·dream and·his·interpretation ꜝlet·him·not·agitate·you
responding Vindicator-Powr and·saying
my·emperor the·dream to·that·hate⁺·you and·his·interpretation to·aroused·against⁺·you :
the·powrtree this you·visioned
this he·multiplied and·he·prevailed
and·his·highness he·finds to·the·skies⁺
and·his·vision to·all·of the·land :
and·his·foliage shofair and·his·aprilness large
and·supply to·all in·him
his·unders⁺ she·saeculs the·life·of the·food
and·in·his·boughs⁺ they·dwell⁺ the·skippingbirds⁺·of the·skies⁺ :
you he the·king
this you·multiplied and·you·prevailed
and·your·multiplication she·multiplied and·she·found to·the·skies⁺
and·your·control to·the·blasting·of the·land :
and·this he·visioned the·king arouser and·sacred plunging·in from the·skies⁺ and·saying ꜝclout⁺ the·powrtree and·ꜝrope⁺·him ƀut the·sterility·of his·roots⁺ in·the·land ꜝallow·to·go⁺
and·in·chain this iron and·copper
in·the·grass this the·food
and·in·the·dew·of the·skies⁺ he·blots·himself and·near the·life·of the·food his·dividend
unto this seven periods⁺ they·change·away⁺ upon·him :
this the·interpretation the·king
and·the·consection·of the·upper she
this she·found upon my·emperor the·king :
and·to·you spewed⁺ from the·mortal and·near the·life·of the·food he·is your·saeculo-place and·the·herb as·bulls⁺ to·you they·give·to·taste⁺ and·from·the·dew·of the·skies⁺ to·you blotting⁺
and·seven periods⁺ they·change·away⁺ upon·you
unto this you·know this controller the·upper in·the·kingship·of the·mortal
and·to·¿what this he·wills he·gives·her :
and·this they·said⁺ to·allow·to·go the·sterility·of his·roots⁺ this the·powrtree
your·kingship to·you rising
from this you·know
this controller⁺ the·skies⁺ :
for-¡lo! the·king my·king he·shofairs upon·you
and·your·sin in·justice ꜝrip
and·your·guilts⁺ when·gracing be·humble⁺
for-¡lo! she·is outlined·assessment to·your·relaxation :
all he·found
upon Prophethelpedkadne the·king :
to·end·of months⁺ two²·of ten
upon the·palace·of the·kingship this Babylon walking he·was :
responding the·king and·saying
¿not this she Babylon the·much
this I I·built·her to·house·of kingship
in·the·prevalence·of my·control and·to·the·preciousness·of my·magnify :
still the·word in·the·mouth·of the·king
voice from the·skies⁺ he·fell
to·you saying⁺ Prophethelpedkadne the·king
the·kingship she·moved·on from·you :
and·from the·mortal to·you spewed⁺ and·near the·life·of the·food your·saeculo-place the·herb as·bulls⁺ to·you they·give·to·taste⁺
and·seven periods⁺ they·change·away⁺ upon·you
unto this you·know this controller the·upper in·the·kingship·of the·mortal
and·to·¿what this he·wills he·gives·her :
in·her the·gazinghour the·word she·blasted upon Prophethelpedkadne
and·from the·mortal he·was·spewed
and·the·herb as·bulls⁺ he·eats
and·from·the·dew·of the·skies⁺ his·shower he·blots·himself
unto this his·hair as·eagles⁺ he·multiplied and·his·skipnails⁺ as·skippingbirds⁺ :
and·to·the·end·of the·days⁺ I Prophethelpedkadne my·eyes⁺ to·the·skies⁺ I·hoisted·up and·my·knowledge upon·me he·returns
and·to·the·upper I·knelt
and·to·the·living·of the·eternity I·acclaimed and·I·magnified
this his·control control·of eternity
and·his·kingship near saeculum and·saeculum :
and·all·of the·saeculants⁺·of the·land as·not considered⁺
and·as·he·wills doing in·the·strength·of the·skies⁺
and·the·saeculants⁺·of the·land
and·not there·is this he·claps in·his·hand
and·he·says to·him ¿what you·did :
in·him the·hour my·knowledge he·returns upon·me and·to·the·preciousness·of my·kingship my·magnify and·my·mayglow he·returns upon·me
and·to·me my·speakers⁺ and·my·majors⁺ they·petition⁺
and·upon my·kingship she·was·caused·to·arrange
and·multiplication immanent she·was·added to·me :
so I Prophethelpedkadne acclaiming and·heightening and·magnifying to·the·king·of the·skies⁺
this all·of his·services⁺ reality
and·his·ways⁺ vindication
and·this causing·walk⁺ in·majesty
able to·make·low :
Masterhelpedsha the·king he·did bread much
to·his·majors⁺ thousand
and·to·the·ḟor·of the·thousand the·pitchwine drinker :
Masterhelpedsha he·said in·the·decree·of the·pitchwine to·cause·to·come to·the·vessels⁺·of the·gold and·the·silver
this he·reeled·in Prophethelpedkadne his·father
from the·palace this in·Torahshalom
and·they·drink⁺ in·them the·king and·his·majors⁺
his·consorts⁺ and·his·paramours⁺ :
in·then they·caused·to·come⁺ the·vessels⁺·of the·gold
this they·reeled·in⁺ from the·palace this the·house·of the·Power this in·Torahshalom
and·they·drank⁺ in·them the·king and·his·majors⁺
his·consorts⁺ and·his·paramours⁺ :
they·drank⁺ the·pitchwine
and·they·acclaimed⁺ to·Powers⁺·of the·gold and·the·silver the·copper the·iron the·tree and·the·stone :
in·her the·gazinghour they·reeled·out⁺ fingers⁺ this hand·of mortal
and·writing⁺ to·the·ḟor·of the·candlestick
upon the·gypsum this the·stucco·of the·palace this the·king
and·the·king visioning
the·amplitude·of the·hand this writing :
then the·king his·mayglows⁺ they·altered⁺·him
and·his·tendages⁺ they·agitate⁺·him
and·the·incenses⁺·of his·dress unbinding·themselves⁺
this to·this encompassing⁺ :
calling the·king in·strength
to·bring·up to·the·astrologers⁺
the·Chaldeans⁺ and·the·bisectors⁺
responding the·king and·saying to·the·wise·ones⁺·of Babylon this all·of mortal this he·calls the·writing this and·his·interpretation he·declares·me
the·purple he·is·robed·in and·the·badge this the·gold upon his·neck
and·third in·the·kingship he·controls :
then going·up⁺
all·of the·wise·ones⁺·of the·king
and·not able⁺ the·writing to·call
and·his·interpretation to·let·know to·the·king :
then the·king Masterhelpedsha large agitating·oneself
and·his·mayglows⁺ altered⁺ upon·him
and·his·majors⁺ brocading·themselves⁺ :
the·queen to·the·ḟor·of the·words⁺·of the·king and·his·majors⁺
to·the·house·of the·drinkingfeast she·went·up
she·responded the·queen and·she·said the·king to·eternities⁺ ꜝlive
ꜝlet·them·not·agitate⁺·you your·tendage
and·your·mayglows⁺ ꜝlet·them·not·be·altered⁺ :
there·is·of hero in·your·kingship this the·breath·of Powers⁺ sacred⁺ in·him
and·in·the·days⁺·of your·father lightstream and·prudence and·wisdom as·the·wisdom·of Powers⁺ she·was·not·forgotten in·him
and·the·king Prophethelpedkadne your·father
much·of penmen⁺ astrologers⁺ Chaldeans⁺ bisectors⁺
he·raised·him your·father the·king :
as·to ḟor this breath immanent and·knowledge and·prudence·of interpreter·of dreams⁺ and·declaring riddles⁺ and·unbinder·of incenses⁺ she·was·not·forgotten in·him in·Vindicator-Powr
this the·king he·placed his·name Vindicator-Powr
so Vindicator-Powr he·is·called and·the·interpretation he·causes·to·declare :
in·then Vindicator-Powr
he·was·brought·up frontward·of the·king
responding the·king and·saying to·Vindicator-Powr you he Vindicator-Powr this from the·sons⁺·of the·stripping this Gloryhand
this he·caused·to·come the·king my·father from Gloryhand :
and·I·heard upon·you
this the·breath·of Powers⁺ in·you
and·lightstream and·prudence and·wisdom immanent she·was·not·forgotten in·you :
and·so they·were·brought·up⁺ frontwards⁺·of·me the·wise·ones⁺ the·astrologers⁺
this the·writing this they·call⁺
and·his·interpretation to·let·me·know
and·not able⁺ the·interpretation·of the·word to·cause·to·declare :
and·I I·heard upon·you
this you·are·able interpretations⁺ to·interpret and·incenses⁺ to·unbind
so ¡lo! you·are·able the·writing to·call and·his·interpretation to·let·me·know
the·purple you·are·robed·in and·the·badge this the·gold upon your·neck
and·the·third in·the·kingship you·control :
in·then responding Vindicator-Powr and·saying frontward the·king
your·gifts⁺ to·you they·are⁺
and·your·emoluments⁺ to·after ꜝgrant
ƀut the·writing I·call to·the·king
and·the·interpretation I·let·him·know :
you the·king
the·Power the·upper
the·kingship and·the·multiplication and·the·preciousness and·the·magnify
he·granted to·Prophethelpedkadne your·father :
and·from the·multiplication this he·granted to·him
all·of the·people⁺ the·mamaclans⁺ and·the·tongues⁺
they·were⁺ irritated⁺ and·cowering·animals⁺ from frontwards⁺·of·him
this he·was willing he·was massacring and·this he·was willing he·was keeping·alive
and·this he·was willing he·was heightening
and·this he·was willing he·was making·low :
and·as·this he·was·high his·heart
and·his·breath she·prevailed to·boil·up
he·was·plunged from the·throne·of his·kingship
and·the·preciousness they·caused·to·move·on⁺ from·him :
and·from the·sons⁺·of the·mortal he·was·spewed and·his·heart near the·life they·leveled⁺ and·near the·burros⁺ his·saeculo-place
the·herb as·bulls⁺ they·give·him·to·taste⁺
and·from·the·dew·of the·skies⁺ his·shower he·blots·himself
unto this he·knew this controller the·Power the·upper in·the·kingship·of the·mortal
and·to·¿what this he·wills he·raises upon·her :
and·you his·son Masterhelpedsha
you·did·not·make·low your·heart
as·to ḟor this all·of this you·knew :
and·upon the·emperor·of the·skies⁺ you·heightened·yourself and·to·the·vessels⁺ this his·house they·caused·to·come⁺ frontward·of·you and·you and·your·majors⁺ your·consorts⁺ and·your·paramours⁺ the·pitchwine drinkers⁺ in·them
and·to·Powers⁺·of the·silver and·the·gold the·copper the·iron the·tree and·the·stone this not visioning⁺ and·not hearing⁺ and·not knowing⁺ you·acclaimed
and·to·the·Power this your·gasp in·his·hand and·all·of your·ways⁺ to·him you·did·not·magnify :
in·then from frontwards⁺·of·him
he·was·sent the·amplitude this the·hand
and·the·writing this he·was·ratified :
and·this the·writing this he·was·ratified
allotment allotment shekel and·clawings⁺ :
this the·interpretation·of the·word
allotment he·allotted the·Power your·kingship and·he·made·shalom·her :
you·were·shekelled in·the·earscales⁺ and·you·were·not·forgotten lacking :
she·was·clawed·apart your·kingship
and·she·was·granted to·Media and·Persia :
in·then he·said Masterhelpedsha and·they·robed⁺ to·Vindicator-Powr the·purple
and·the·badge this the·gold upon his·neck
and·they·announced⁺ upon·him
this he·is controller the·third in·the·kingship :
in·him in·the·night
he·was·massacred Masterhelpedsha the·king the·Chaldeans⁺ :
and·Darius the·Mede
he·accepted the·kingship
as·son·of years⁺ sixty⁺ and·two² :
he·shofaired frontward Darius
and·he·raised upon the·kingship
to·the·Xedarpans⁺ hundred and·twenty
this they·are⁺ in·all·of the·kingship :
and·upward from·them principals⁺ three
this Vindicator-Powr one from·them
this they·are⁺ the·Xedarpans⁺ these granting⁺ to·them the·decree
and·the·king he·does·not·be imperiled :
then Vindicator-Powr this
he·was forever·oneself
upon the·principals⁺ and·the·Xedarpans⁺
as·to ḟor this breath immanent in·him
and·the·king reflected
to·raise·him upon all·of the·kingship :
then the·principals⁺ and·the·Xedarpans⁺ they·were⁺ petitioning⁺ uppitiness to·do·not·forget to·Vindicator-Powr from·the·hip·of the·kingship
and·all·of uppitiness and·ruined not able⁺ to·do·not·forget as·to ḟor this been·true he
and·all·of laxity and·ruined
she·was·not·not·forgotten upon·him :
then the·heroes⁺ these saying⁺
this we·do·not·do·not·forget⁺ to·Vindicator-Powr this all·of uppitiness
for-¡lo! we·did·not·forget⁺ upon·him in·the·edict·of his·Power :
then the·principals⁺ and·the·Xedarpans⁺ these
they·caused·to·crowd·together⁺ upon the·king
and·surely saying⁺ to·him
Darius the·king to·eternities⁺ ꜝlive :
they·consulted⁺ all·of the·principals⁺·of the·kingship the·alcaldes⁺ and·the·Xedarpans⁺ the·speakers⁺ and·the·prefects⁺
to·raise the·arisal·of the·king
and·to·prevail enchainment
this all this he·petitions petition from all·of Power and·mortal unto days⁺ thirty⁺ for-¡lo! from·you the·king
he·is·tricked to·the·cistern·of the·lion :
so the·king
you·raise the·enchainment and·you·ratify the·writing
this not to·alter as·the·edict·of Media and·Persia this you·do·not·move·on :
as·to ḟor this
the·king Darius
he·ratified the·writing and·the·enchainment :
and·Vindicator-Powr as·this he·knew this he·was·ratified the·writing he·went·up to·his·house
and·√windows⁺ opened⁺ to·him in·his·upstairs
before Torahshalom
and·hours⁺ three in·the·day he kneeling upon his·knees⁺ and·limping and·gloryhanding frontward·of his·Power
as·to ḟor this he·was doing
from in·front·of this :
then the·heroes⁺ these they·caused·to·crowd·together⁺
and·they·did·not·forget⁺ to·Vindicator-Powr
petitioning and·begging·grace frontward·of his·Power :
in·then they·were·present⁺ and·saying⁺ frontward·of the·king upon the·enchainment·of the·king
¿not enchainment you·ratified this all·of mortal this he·petitions from all·of Power and·mortal unto days⁺ thirty⁺ for-¡lo! from·you the·king
he·is·tricked to·the·cistern·of the·lion
responding the·king and·saying yespost the·word as·the·edict·of Media and·Persia this you·do·not·move·on :
in·then they·responded⁺ and·saying⁺ frontward·of the·king
this Vindicator-Powr this from the·sons⁺·of the·stripping this Gloryhand he·did·not·place upon·you the·king decree
and·upon the·enchainment this you·ratified
and·hours⁺ three in·the·day
petitioning his·petition :
then the·king as·this the·word he·heard large he·stank upon·him
and·upon Vindicator-Powr he·placed heart to·return·him
and·unto the·going·up⁺·of the·sun
he·was struggling·himself to·snatch·him·away :
in·then the·heroes⁺ these
they·caused·to·crowd·together⁺ upon the·king
and·saying⁺ to·the·king ꜝknow the·king this edict to·Media and·Persia
this all·of enchainment and·arisal this the·king he·raises not to·alter :
in·then the·king he·said and·they·caused·to·come⁺ to·Vindicator-Powr
and·they·tricked⁺ to·the·cistern this the·lion
responding the·king and·saying to·Vindicator-Powr
your·Power this you venerator to·him in·the·saecula
he he·returns·you :
and·she·was·caused·to·come stone one
and·she·was·placed upon the·mouth·of the·cistern
and·he·sealed·her the·king in·his·imprint and·in·the·imprints⁺·of his·majors⁺
this she·does·not·alter will in·Vindicator-Powr :
then he·proceeded the·king to·his·palace and·he·was·housed spinning
and·overthrow⁺ he·did·not·bring·up frontwards⁺·of·him
and·his·sleep she·retreated upon·him :
in·then the·king
in·the·shofairfair he·arises in·the·brightness
to·the·cistern this the·lion he·proceeded :
and·as·he·is·present to·the·cistern
in·voice pain he·cried
responding the·king and·saying to·Vindicator-Powr Vindicator-Powr the·servant·of the·Power the·living
your·Power this you venerator to·him in·the·saecula
¿he·was·able to·return·you from the·lion :
then Vindicator-Powr
near the·king he·gave·word
the·king to·eternities⁺ ꜝlive :
my·Power he·sent his·minister and·he·locked the·mouth·of the·lion and they·did·not·rope⁺·me
as·to ḟor this frontwards⁺·of·him perfection she·was·not·forgotten to·me
and·¡yes! frontward·of·you the·king
roping·up I·did·not·do :
in·then the·king large he·was·good upon·him
he·said to·cause·to·emerge from the·cistern
and·he·was·caused·to·emerge Vindicator-Powr from the·cistern and·all·of roping·up he·was·not·not·forgotten in·him
this he·was·true in·his·Power :
and·he·said the·king and·they·caused·to·come⁺ the·heroes⁺ these this they·ate⁺ his·twitches⁺ this Vindicator-Powr
and·to·the·cistern·of the·lion they·tricked⁺
they⁺ their·sons⁺ and·their·women⁺
and they·did·not·find⁺ to·the·land·of the·cistern unto this they·controlled⁺ in·them the·lion
and·all·of their·frames⁺ they·made·thin⁺ :
in·then Darius the·king he·wrote to·all·of the·people⁺ the·mamaclans⁺ and·the·tongues⁺ this saeculants⁺ in·all·of the·land your⁺·shalom he·is·large :
from frontwards⁺·of·me he·was·placed decree
this in·all·of the·control·of my·kingship they·are⁺ irritated⁺ and·cowering·animals⁺
from frontward·of his·Power this Vindicator-Powr
this he the·Power the·living and·rising to·eternities⁺
and·his·kingship this she·does·not·rope·herself
and·his·control unto the·blasting :
returning and·snatching·away and·doing signs⁺ and·marvels⁺
in·the·skies⁺ and·in·the·land
this he·returned to·Vindicator-Powr
from the·hand·of the·lion :
and·Vindicator-Powr this
he·prospered in·the·kingship·of Darius
and·in·the·kingship·of Cyrus the·Persian :
in·year·of one to·Masterhelpedsha the·king·of Babylon
Vindicator-Powr dream he·visioned
and·the·visions⁺·of his·head upon his·bed
in·then the·dream he·wrote
head·of words⁺ he·said :
responding Vindicator-Powr and·saying
visioning I·was in·my·vision near the·night
and·¡ay-ay-ay! four the·breaths⁺·of the·skies⁺
gushing⁺ to·the·sea the·much :
and·four lifes⁺ many⁺
emerging⁺ from the·sea
altered⁺ this from this :
the·frontmost as·lion
and·bodywings⁺ this eagle to·her
visioning I·was unto this they·were·buffed⁺ her·bodywings⁺ and·she·was·hoisted·up from the·land and·upon feet² as·mortal she·was·raised
and·heart·of mortal he·was·granted to·her :
and·¡ay-ay-ay! life after two like to·bear and·to·√side one she·was·raised
and·three ribs⁺ in·her·mouth between her·tooth
and·surely saying⁺ to·her
ꜝarise ꜝeat flesh large :
spot this visioning I·was and·¡ay-ay-ay! after as·leopard
and·to·her bodywings⁺ four this flyer upon her·brow
and·four heads⁺ to·the·life
and·control he·was·granted to·her :
spot this visioning I·was in·the·visions⁺·of the·night and·¡ay-ay-ay! life fourth cowered and·thighed and·prevailing immanent and·teeth² this iron to·her many⁺
eating and·making·thin
and·the·survivor in·her·foot stomping
and·she altered from all·of the·lifes⁺ this frontward·of·her
and·horns² ten to·her :
making·oneself·prudent I·was in·the·horns⁺ and·¡ay-ay-ay! horn after tad she·emerged between⁺·them
and·three from the·horns⁺ the·frontmost⁺
they·sterilized·themselves⁺ from frontward·of·her
and·¡ay-ay-ay! eyes⁺ as·the·eyes⁺·of the·mortal in·the·horn this
and·mouth giving·word many⁺ :
visioning I·was unto this thrones⁺ they·were·tricked⁺
and·passed·of days⁺ he·settled
his·robe as·snow brilliant and·the·hair·of his·head as·wool innocent
his·throne infernos⁺ this lamp
his·rollerwheels⁺ lamp blazing :
stream this lamp going·forth and·reeling·out from frontwards⁺·of·him
thousand·of thousands⁺ they·sun⁺·him
and·multitude·of multitudes⁺ frontwards⁺·of·him they·arise⁺
the·vindication he·settled and·accounts⁺ they·were·opened⁺ :
visioning I·was
in·then from the·voice·of the·words⁺ the·many⁺
this the·horn giving·word
visioning I·was unto this she·was·massacred the·life and·he·was·caused·to·be·lost her·shower
and·she·was·granted to·smoldering·of fire :
and·the·survivor·of the·lifes⁺
they·caused·to·move·on⁺ their·control
and·outlined·assessment in·livings⁺ she·was·granted to·them unto hour and·period :
visioning I·was in·the·visions⁺·of the·night
and·¡ay-ay-ay! near the·clouds⁺·of the·skies⁺
as·son·of mortal coming·thing he·was
and·unto the·passed·of the·days⁺ he·found
and·frontwards⁺·of·him they·presented⁺·him :
and·to·him he·was·granted control and·preciousness and·kingship
and·all·of the·people⁺ the·mamaclans⁺ and·the·tongues⁺ to·him they·venerate⁺
his·control control·of eternity this he·does·not·move·on
and·his·kingship this she·does·not·rope·herself :
she·drilled·herself my·breath I Vindicator-Powr in·back·of scabbard
and·the·visions⁺·of my·head they·agitate⁺·me :
I·was·present upon one from that·arise⁺
and·the·yespost I·petition from·him upon all·of this
and·he·said to·me and·the·interpretation·of the·words⁺ he·lets·me·know :
these the·lifes⁺ the·many⁺
this they⁺ four
four kings⁺ they·arise⁺ from the·land :
and·they·accept⁺ the·kingship
sacred⁺·of uppermost⁺
and·they·cause·to·dominate⁺ the·kingship unto the·eternity
and·unto the·eternity·of the·eternities⁺ :
then I·willed to·post·up
upon the·life the·fourth
this she·was altered from all·of·them
cowered immanent her·tooth this iron and·her·skipnail this copper
eating making·thin
and·the·survivor in·her·feet⁺ stomping :
and·upon the·horns⁺ ten this in·her·head
and·after this she·emerged
and·they·fell⁺ from frontward·of·her three
and·the·horn this and·eyes⁺ to·her and·mouth giving·word many⁺
and·her·vision much from her·allies⁺ :
visioning I·was
and·the·horn this
doing battle·presentation near sacred⁺
and·able to·them :
unto this he·came the·passed·of the·days⁺
and·the·vindication he·was·granted
to·sacred⁺·of uppermost⁺
and·the·hour he·found
and·the·kingship they·caused·to·dominate⁺ sacred⁺ :
surely he·said
the·life the·fourth
kingship the·fourth she·is in·the·land
this you·alter from all·of the·kingships⁺
and·she·eats all·of the·land
and·she·threshes·her and·she·makes·thin·her :
and·the·horns⁺ ten
from·her the·kingship
ten kings⁺ they·arise⁺
and·after he·arises their·afters⁺ and·he he·alters from the·frontmost⁺
and·three kings⁺ he·makes·low :
and·words⁺ to·the·hip·of the·upper he·gives·word
and·to·sacred⁺·of uppermost⁺ he·makes·decay
and·he·expects to·alter hours⁺ and·edict
and·they·are·granted⁺ in·his·hand
unto period and·periods⁺ and·furrow·of period :
and·the·vindication he·settles
and·his·control they·cause·to·move·on⁺
to·destroy and·to·cause·to·be·lost unto the·blasting :
and·the·kingship and·the·control and·the·multiplication this the·kingships⁺·of the·under·of all·of the·skies⁺
she·was·granted to·people·of sacred⁺·of uppermost⁺
his·kingship kingship·of eternity
and·all·of the·controls⁺
to·him they·venerate⁺ and·they·make·themselves·heard·themselves⁺ :
unto thus the·blasting this the·word
I Vindicator-Powr large my·tendages⁺ they·agitate⁺·me and·my·mayglows⁺ they·are·altered⁺ upon·me
and·the·word in·my·heart I·targeted :
in·year·of three
to·the·kingship·of Masterhelpedsha the·king
vision he·was·seen to·me I Vindicator-Powr
after⁺ the·he·was·seen to·me in·the·first·pierce :
and·I·see in·the·vision
and·he·is when·I·see
and·I in·Lily the·castle
that in·Hooded the·vindicatordom
and·I·see in·the·vision
and·I I·was upon the·watercourse·of Maybe :
and·I·bear my·eyes² and·I·see
and·¡lo! powrram one standing to·the·face⁺·of the·watercourse and·to·him horns²
and·the·horns² climbing⁺ and·one climbing from the·second
going·up in·the·afterward :
I·saw °the·powrram butting·at ➝sea and➝north and➝negev and·all·of lifes⁺ they·do·not·stand⁺ to·his·face⁺
and·there·is·ńot snatching·away from·his·hand
and·he·did as·his·favor and·he·made·great :
and·I I·was giving·discernment and·¡lo! the·skippinggoat·of the·mightygoats⁺ entering from the·evening·place upon the·face⁺·of all·of the·land
and·there·is·ńot touching in·the·land
horn·of envisioning between his·eyes² :
and·he·enters unto the·powrram the·master·of the·horns²
that I·saw
standing to·the·face⁺·of the·watercourse
and·he·runs to·him in·the·heat·of his·vigor :
and·I·saw·him touching beside the·powrram and·he·becomes·bitter to·him and·he·strikes °the·powrram
and·he·breaks °the·two²·of his·horns²
and he·was·not vigor in·the·powrram to·stand to·his·face⁺
and·he·drops·him ➝land and·he·tramples·him
and he·was·not snatching·away to·the·powrram from·his·hand :
and·the·skippinggoat·of the·mightygoats⁺ he·made·great unto very
and·as·he·is·strongboned she·was·broken the·horn the·great
and·they·go·up⁺ envisioning four unders⁺·her
to·the·four·of the·breaths⁺·of the·skies⁺ :
and·from one from·them
he·went horn one from·least
and·she·becomes·great remainder to the·negev and·to the·dawn and·to the·prettiness :
and·she·becomes·great unto the·host·of the·skies⁺
and·she·lets·fall ➝land from the·host and·from the·stars⁺ and·she·tramples·them :
and·unto the·prince·of the·host he·made·great
and·from·him he·was·heightened the·always
and·he·was·dropped the·assured·of his·sanctuary :
and·host she·is·given upon the·always in·rebellion
and·ꜝlet·her·drop truth ➝land
and·she·did and·she·prospered :
and·I·hear! one sacred speaker
and·he·says one sacred to·the·such-and-such the·speaker unto ¿wħen the·vision the·always and·the·rebellion desolate
giving and·sanctuary and·host trampling·place :
and·he·says to·me
unto evening dayplow
thousands² and·three·of hundred⁺
and·he·was·justified sanctuary :
and·he·is when·I·see I Vindicator-Powr °the·vision
and·I·seek! discernment
and·¡lo! standing to·before·me as·sight·of hero :
and·I·hear voice·of adam between Maybe
and·he·calls and·he·says
My-Hero-Is-Powr ꜝgive·discernment to·ⱦhat °the·sight :
and·he·enters beside my·standing·place
and·when·he·enters I·was·frightened
and·I·fall! upon my·face⁺
and·he·says to·me ꜝgive·discernment son·of adam
as to·season·of end the·vision :
and·when·he·speaks near·me
I·slumbered upon my·face⁺ ➝land
and·he·touches in·me
and·he·causes·me·to·stand upon my·standing·place :
and·he·says ¡lo!·me that·lets·you·know
°that he·is in·the·afterward·of the·damnation
as to·assembly·time·of end :
the·powrram that you·saw the·master·of the·horns²
the·kings⁺·of Media and·Persia :
and·the·skippinggoat the·hairgoat the·king·of Wine
and·the·horn the·great that between his·eyes²
he the·king the·headmost :
and·they·stand⁺ four unders⁺·her
four·of kingships⁺ from·clan they·stand⁺ and·not in·his·vigor :
and·in·the·afterward·of their·kingship
as·completing that·rebel⁺
he·stands king·of mighty face⁺ and·giving·discernment riddles⁺ :
and·he·was·strongboned his·vigor and·not in·his·vigor
and·wonders⁺ he·ruins and·he·prospered and·he·did
and·he·ruined strongboned⁺ and·people·of sacred⁺ :
and·upon his·prudence and·he·prospered trickery in·his·hand
and·in·his·heart he·makes·great
and·in·relaxation he·ruins many⁺
and·upon prince·of princes⁺ he·stands
and·in·limit·of hand he·is·broken :
and·the·sight·of the·evening and·the·dayplow that he·was·said truth he
and·you ꜝclose·up the·vision
as to·days⁺ many⁺ :
and·I Vindicator-Powr I·had·been and·I·pierced·myself days⁺
and·I·arise and·I·do °the·ministry·of the·king
and·I·desolate·myself upon the·sight and·there·is·ńot giving·discernment :
in·year·of one to·Darius the·son·of Xerxes from·the·seed·of Media
that he·was·kinged
upon the·kingship·of Chaldeans⁺ :
in·year·of one to·be·king·him
I Vindicator-Powr
I·discerned in·the·accounts⁺
the·count·of the·years⁺ that he·was the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ to Yʜᴡ-Heightens the·prophet
to·fill to·the·withered·places⁺·of Torahshalom seventy⁺ year :
and·I·give! °my·face⁺ to My·Lord the·Powers⁺
to·seek mediation and·graceprayers⁺
in·fasting and·burlap and·ash :
and·I·mediate! to·Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ and·I·raise·my·hands
and·I·say! ¡ah·please! My·Lord the·powr the·great and·the·fearsome
watching the·covenant and·the·mercy
to·that·love⁺·him and·to·the·watching⁺·of his·commandments⁺ :
we·sinned⁺ and·we·were·guilty⁺ we·caused·to·do·wickedness⁺ and·we·revolted⁺
and·moving from·your·commandments⁺ and·from·your·judgments⁺ :
and we·did·not·hear⁺ to your·servants⁺ the·prophets⁺
that they·spoke⁺ in·your·name
to our·kings⁺ our·princes⁺ and·our·fathers⁺
and·to all·of the·people·of the·land :
to·you My·Lord the·justice
and·to·us the·shame·of the·face⁺ as·the·day this
to·the·man·of Gloryhand and·to·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
and·to·all·of Princepowr the·present⁺ and·the·afar⁺ in·all·of the·lands⁺ that you·banished·them there
in·their·disguisal that they·disguised·themselves⁺ in·you :
Yʜᴡʜ to·us the·shame·of the·face⁺
to·our·kings⁺ to·our·princes⁺ and·to·our·fathers⁺
that we·sinned⁺ to·you :
to·My·Lord our·Powers⁺
the·wombliness⁺ and·the·pardons⁺
as we·revolted⁺ in·him :
and we·did·not·hear⁺
in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
to·walk in·his·torahs⁺ that he·gave to·our·face⁺
in·the·hand·of his·servants⁺ the·prophets⁺ :
and·all·of Princepowr they·crossed·over⁺ °your·torah
and·moving to·not hearing in·your·voice
and·she·melts upon·us the·oath and·the·seven that written in·the·torah·of Moseh the·servant·of the·Powers⁺
as we·sinned⁺ to·him :
and·he·raises °his·speech that he·spoke upon·us and·upon our·judges⁺ that they·judged⁺·us
to·bring·in upon·us badness great
that she·was·not·done under all·of the·skies⁺
as·how she·was·done in·Torahshalom :
as·how written in·the·torah·of Moseh
°all·of the·badness this she·entered upon·us
and we·did·not·pierce·the·presence·of⁺ with the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ to·return from·our·guilt
and·to·make·prudent in·your·truth :
and·he·keeps·vigil Yʜᴡʜ upon the·badness
and·he·brings·her·in upon·us
as just Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ upon all·of his·deeds⁺ that he·did
and we·did·not·hear⁺ in·his·voice :
and·now My·Lord our·Powers⁺ that you·let·go °your·people from·the·land·of Egypts² in·hand firm
and·you·do to·you name as·the·day this
we·sinned⁺ we·did·wickedness⁺ :
My·Lord as·all·of your·justices⁺ ꜝlet·him·return ¡please! your·nostrils and·your·heat
from·your·city Torahshalom the·mount·of your·sanctuary
as in·our·sins⁺ and·in·the·guilts⁺·of our·fathers⁺
Torahshalom and·your·people to·detraction to·all·of turninground⁺·us :
and·now ꜝhear our·Powers⁺ to the·mediation·of your·servant and·to his·graceprayers⁺
and·ꜝlight·up your·face⁺
upon your·sanctuary the·be·desolate
because·of My·Lord :
ꜝbranch·out my·Powers⁺ your·ear and·ꜝhear
ꜝilluminate your·eyes² and·ꜝsee our·desolate⁺
and·the·city that he·was·called your·name upon·her
as not upon our·justices⁺ we⁺ letting·fall⁺ our·graceprayers⁺ to·your·face⁺
as upon your·wombliness⁺ the·many⁺ :
My·Lord ꜝhear! My·Lord ꜝpardon!
My·Lord ꜝlisten! and·ꜝdo ꜝdo·not·keep·aft
because·of·you my·Powers⁺
as your·name he·was·called
upon your·city and·upon your·people :
and·again I speaker and·mediator
and·raising·one's·hands my·sin
and·the·sin·of my·people Princepowr
and·letting·fall my·graceprayer to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
upon the·mount·of the·sanctuary·of my·Powers⁺ :
and·again I speaker in·the·mediation
and·the·man My-Hero-Is-Powr that I·saw in·the·vision in·the·first·pierce caused·to·get·tired in·tiredness
touching to·me
as·season·of tribute·of evening :
and·he·gives·discernment and·he·speaks near·me
and·he·says Vindicator-Powr now I·went to·make·you·prudent discernment :
in·the·first·pierce·of your·graceprayers⁺ he·went speech and·I I·entered to·tell·forth
as desirable⁺ you
and·ꜝdiscern in·the·speech
and·ꜝgive·discernment in·the·sight :
sevendays⁺ seventy⁺ he·was·√decreed upon your·people and·upon the·city·of your·sanctuary to·be·all·done the·rebellion and·to·complete sin and·to·atone guilt
and·to·bring·in justice·of eternities⁺
and·to·seal vision and·prophet
and·to·anoint sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ :
and·you·know and·ꜝmake·prudent from going·of speech to·return and·to·build Torahshalom unto anointed foremost
sevendays⁺ seven
and·sevendays⁺ sixty⁺ and·two² she·returns and·she·was·built broadway and·decision
and·in·the·overpouring·of the·seasons⁺ :
and·after⁺ the·sevendays⁺ sixty⁺ and·two²
he·is·cut·down anointed and·there·is·ńot to·him
and·the·city and·the·sanctuary he·ruins people·of foremost that·enters and·his·end in·the·flood
and·unto end battle
decided desolate⁺ :
and·he·made·heroic covenant to·the·many⁺ sevenday one
and·the·half·of the·sevenday he·gives·rest offering and·tribute and·upon wing·of detestations⁺ desolate
and·unto altogether and·decided
she·melts upon desolate :
in·year·of three to·Cyrus the·king·of Persia
speech he·was·stripped·out to·Vindicator-Powr
that he·was·called his·name Masterhelpedtesha
and·truth the·speech and·host great
and·he·discerned °the·speech
and·discernment to·him in·the·sight :
in·the·days⁺ they⁺
I Vindicator-Powr I·was mourning
three sevendays⁺ days⁺ :
bread·of desirable⁺ I·did·not·eat and·flesh and·wine he·did·not·enter to my·mouth and·libating·on I·did·not·libate·on
unto filling three·of sevendays⁺ days⁺ :
and·in·day·of twenty⁺ and·four to·the·new·moon the·headmost
and·I I·was upon the·hand·of the·stream the·great he Hiddeqel :
and·I·bear °my·eyes² and·I·see
and·¡lo! man one robed·in lonens⁺
and·his·thighs² girded⁺ in·the·bullion·of Uphaz :
and·his·back as·tarshyshstone and·his·face⁺ as·sight·of flash and·his·eyes² as·torches⁺·of fire
and·his·arms⁺ and·his·feet⁺
as·eye·of copper slight
and·the·voice·of his·speeches⁺ as·voice·of hum :
and·I·saw I Vindicator-Powr alone·me °the·insight
and·the·mortals⁺ that they·were⁺ near·me
they·did·not·see⁺ °the·insight
¡ah,·no! shuddering great she·fell upon·them
and·they·bolt⁺ when·being·concealed :
and·I I·survived alone·me
and·I·see °the·insight the·great this
and he·did·not·survive in·me vigor
and·my·splendor he·was·converted upon·me to·ruin
and I·did·not·restrain vigor :
and·I·hear °the·voice·of his·speeches⁺
and·as·I·hear °the·voice·of his·speeches⁺
and·I I·was slumbering upon my·face⁺ and·my·face⁺ ➝land :
and·¡lo! hand she·touched in·me
and·she·rattles·me·around upon my·knees² and·the·spoons⁺·of my·hands² :
and·he·says to·me Vindicator-Powr man·of desirable⁺ ꜝgive·discernment in·the·speeches⁺ that I speaker to·you and·ꜝstand upon your·standing·place
as now I·was·sent·out to·you
and·when·he·speaks near·me °the·speech this I·stood shivering :
and·he·says to·me ꜝdo·not·fear Vindicator-Powr
as from the·day the·headmost that you·gave °your·heart to·give·discernment and·to·humiliate·oneself to·the·face⁺·of your·Powers⁺ they·were·heard⁺ your·speeches⁺
and·I I·entered in·your·speeches⁺ :
and·the·prince·of the·kingship·of Persia standing to·before·me twenty⁺ and·one day
and·¡lo! Who-as-Powr one·of the·princes⁺ the·headmost⁺ he·entered to·help·me
and·I I·remained there
beside the·kings⁺·of Persia :
and·I·entered to·give·you·discernment
°that he·is·fated·upon to·your·people in·the·afterward·of the·days⁺
as again vision to·the·days⁺ :
and·when·he·speaks near·me
as·the·speeches⁺ these
I·gave my·face⁺ ➝land and·I·was·tonguetied :
and·¡lo! as·likeness·of sons⁺·of adam
touching upon my·lips²
and·I·open my·mouth and·I·speak! and·I·say! to that·stands to·before·me
my·lord in·the·insight they·were·converted⁺ my·deformations⁺ upon·me
and I·did·not·restrain vigor :
and·¿ħow he·is·able the·servant·of my·lord this
to·speak near my·lord this
and·I from·now he·does·not·stand in·me vigor
and·gasp she·did·not·survive in·me :
and·he·adds and·he·touches in·me as·sight·of adam and·he·makes·me·firm :
and·he·says ꜝdo·not·fear man·of desirable⁺ shalom to·you ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·firm
and·when·he·speaks near·me I·made·myself·firm
and·I·say he·speaks my·lord as you·made·me·firm :
and·he·says ¿you·knew to·¿what I·entered to·you
and·now I·return
to·battle near the·prince·of Persia
and·I going
and·¡lo! the·prince·of Wine entering :
¡ah,·no! I·tell·forth to·you
°that·is·ratified in·writing·of truth
and·there·is·ńot one making·oneself·firm near·me upon these
but rather Who-as-Powr your⁺·prince :
and·I in·year·of one
to·Darius the·Mede
my·standing to·grasping·firmly and·to·mighty·place to·him :
and·now truth I·tell·forth to·you
¡lo! again three kings⁺ standing⁺ to·Persia and·the·fourth he·enriches riches great from·all
and·as·his·firmness in·his·riches
he·rouses all
°the·kingship·of Wine :
and·he·stood king·of hero
and·he·ruled realm much
and·he·did as·his·favor :
and·as·he·stands she·is·broken his·kingship
and·ꜝlet·her·be·halved to·the·four·of the·breaths⁺·of the·skies⁺
and·not to·his·afterward and·not as·his·realm that he·ruled
as she·is·expelled his·kingship
and·to·after⁺ from·aloneside these :
and·he·is·firm the·king·of the·negev and·from his·princes⁺
and·he·is·firm upon·him and·he·ruled
realm much his·rule :
and·to·end·of years⁺ they·ally·themselves⁺
and·the·daughter·of the·king·of the·negev she·enters to the·king·of the·north
to·do straightness⁺
and she·does·not·restrain the·vigor·of the·arm and he·does·not·stand and·his·arm
and·she·is·given she and·that·bring·her·in⁺ and·that·enchilds·her
and·that·grasps·her·firmly in·the·seasons⁺ :
and·he·stood from·the·protectionbranch·of her·roots⁺ his·surefoot
and·he·enters to the·strength and·he·enters in·the·mighty·place·of the·king·of the·north
and·he·did in·them and·he·grasped·firmly :
and·also their·Powers⁺ near their·libators⁺ near the·things⁺·of their·desire silver and·gold in·the·captivity he·brings·in Egypts²
and·he years⁺ he·stands
from·the·king·of the·north :
and·he·entered in·the·kingship·of the·king·of the·negev
and·he·returned to his·adamah :
and·his·sons⁺ they·chew·on·themselves⁺ and·they·gathered⁺ hum·of strengths⁺ many⁺
and·he·entered entering and·he·flooded and·he·crossed·over
and·ꜝlet·him·return and·he·chews·on·himself unto his·mighty·place :
and·he·becomes·bitter the·king·of the·negev
and·he·went and·he·battled near·him near the·king·of the·north
and·he·caused·to·stand hum much
and·he·was·given the·hum in·his·hand :
and·he·was·borne the·hum and·high his·heart
and·he·let·fall multitude⁺ and he·is·not·mighty :
and·he·returned the·king·of the·north
and·he·caused·to·stand hum
much from the·headmost
and·to·the·end·of the·seasons⁺ years⁺ he·enters entering
in·strength great and·in·fortune much :
and·in·the·seasons⁺ they⁺
many⁺ they·stand⁺ upon the·king·of the·negev
and·the·sons⁺·of the·rupturers⁺·of your·people they·are·borne⁺ to·cause·to·stand vision and·they·stumbled⁺ :
and·he·enters the·king·of the·north
and·he·spills·out advances
and·he·seized city·of fortifications⁺
and·the·arms⁺·of the·negev they·do·not·stand⁺
and·the·people·of his·choicests⁺
and·there·is·ńot vigor to·stand :
and·ꜝlet·him·do that·enters to·him as·his·favor
and·there·is·ńot standing to·his·face⁺
and·he·stands in·the·land·of the·prettiness and·altogether in·his·hand :
and·ꜝlet·him·place his·face⁺ to·enter in·the·prevalence·of all·of his·kingship and·straight⁺ near·him and·he·did
and·the·daughter·of the·women⁺ he·gives to·him to·ruin·her
and she·does·not·stand and·not to·him she·is :
and·ꜝlet·him·place his·face⁺ to·islands⁺ and·he·seized many⁺
and·he·gave·rest endofficer his·detraction to·him
if·not his·detraction he·returns to·him :
and·ꜝlet·him·return his·face⁺
to·the·mighty·places⁺·of his·land
and·he·stumbled and·he·fell and he·is·not·found :
and·he·stood upon his·surefoot making·cross·by bully magnificence·of kingship
and·in·days⁺ one⁺ he·is·broken
and·not in·nostrils² and·not in·battle :
and·he·stood upon his·surefoot despised
and they·did·not·give⁺ upon·him splendor·of kingship
and·he·entered in·relaxation
and·he·grasped·firmly kingship in·devices⁺ :
and·the·arms⁺·of the·flood they·are·flooded⁺ from·to·his·face⁺ and·they·are·broken⁺
and·also foremost·of covenant :
and·from allying·oneself to·him he·does trickery
and·he·went·up and·he·was·strongboned in·little·of clan :
in·relaxation and·in·best-oiled⁺·of vindicatordom he·enters
and·he·did that they·did·not·do⁺ his·fathers⁺ and·the·fathers⁺·of his·fathers⁺
spoil and·plunder and·fortune to·them he·sows·about
and·upon fortifications⁺ he·considers his·considerations⁺ and·unto season :
and·ꜝlet·him·rouse his·vigor and·his·heart upon the·king·of the·negev in·strength great
and·the·king·of the·negev he·chews·on·himself to·the·battle
in·strength great and·strongboned unto very
and he·does·not·stand
as they·consider⁺ upon·him considerations⁺ :
and·the·eating⁺·of the·banquet·of his·god they·break⁺·him and·his·strength he·floods
and·they·fell⁺ pierced⁺ many⁺ :
and·the·two²·of·them the·kings⁺ their·heart to·do·bad
and·upon table one a·lie they·speak⁺
and she·does·not·prosper
as again end to·the·assembly·time :
and·ꜝlet·him·return his·land in·fortune great
and·his·heart upon covenant·of sanctuary
and·he·did and·he·returned to·his·land :
to·the·assembly·time he·returns and·he·entered in·the·negev
and she·is·not as·the·headmost and·as·the·afterward :
and·they·entered⁺ in·him the·boats⁺·of Kittïtes⁺ and·he·was·sad
and·he·returned and·he·damned upon covenant·of sanctuary and·he·did
and·he·returned and·ꜝlet·him·discern
upon abandoning⁺·of covenant·of sanctuary :
and·arms⁺ from·him they·stand⁺
and·they·pierced⁺ the·sanctuary the·mighty·place and·they·removed⁺ the·always
and·they·gave⁺ the·detestation desolate :
and·causing·do·wickedness⁺·of covenant
he·profanes in·device⁺
and·the·people·of the·knowing⁺·of his·Powers⁺ they·grasp·firmly⁺ and·they·did⁺ :
and·prudent⁺·of people
they·give·discernment⁺ to·the·many⁺
and·they·stumbled⁺ in·sword and·in·flame in·captivity and·in·spoil days⁺ :
they·are·helped⁺ help little
and·they·were·indebted⁺ upon·them many⁺ in·devices⁺ :
and·from the·prudent⁺ they·stumble⁺ to·smelt in·them and·to·show·clean and·to·become·white unto season·of end
as again to·the·assembly·time :
and·he·did as·his·favor the·king and·he·heightens·himself and·he·makes·himself·great upon all·of powr
and·upon powr·of powrs⁺
he·speaks wonders⁺
and·he·prospered unto he·was·all·through damnation
as decided she·was·done :
and·upon Powers⁺·of his·fathers⁺ he·does·not·discern
and·upon desire·of women⁺ and·upon all·of Power he·does·not·discern
as upon all he·makes·himself·great :
and·to·Power·of mighty·places⁺
upon his·surefoot he·gives·weight
and·to·Power that they·did·not·know⁺·him his·fathers⁺ he·gives·weight in·gold and·in·silver and·in·stone precious and·in·desires⁺ :
and·he·did to·fortifications⁺·of mighty·places⁺ near Power·of unrecognizee
that he·recognizes he·multiplies weight
and·he·made·them·rule in·the·many⁺
and·adamah he·divides in·price :
and·in·season·of end he·butts·himself·at near·him the·king·of the·negev
and·he·hairies·himself upon·him the·king·of the·north in·chariot and·in·shockcavalry⁺
and·in·ships⁺ many⁺
and·he·entered in·lands⁺ and·he·flooded and·he·crossed·over :
and·he·entered in·the·land·of the·prettiness
and·many⁺ they·stumble⁺
and·these they·are·delivered⁺ from·his·hand
Blood and·From-Father
and·the·headmost·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled :
and·he·sends his·hand in·lands⁺
and·the·land·of Egypts²
she·is·not to·rescue :
and·he·ruled in·the·cuminaries⁺·of the·gold and·the·silver
and·in·all·of the·desires⁺·of Egypts²
and·Lybians⁺ and·Kushïtes⁺ in·his·paces⁺ :
and·hearings⁺ they·agitate⁺·him
from·dawn and·from·north
and·he·went in·heat great
to·destroy and·to·make·herem many⁺ :
and·he·plants the·tents⁺·of his·pavilion
between seas⁺ to·mount·of prettiness·of sanctuary
and·he·entered unto his·end
and·there·is·ńot helper to·him :
and·in·the·season she he·stands Who-as-Powr the·prince the·great that·stands upon the·sons⁺·of your·people
and·she·was season·of rockiness
that she·had·been·not from·being clan
unto the·season she
and·in·the·season she he·is·delivered your·people
all·of that·is·found written in·the·account :
and·many⁺ from·asleep⁺·of adamah·of dust they·awake⁺
these to·life⁺·of eternity
and·these to·detractions⁺ to·revulsion·of eternity :
they·beacon⁺ as·the·beacon·of the·plane
and·the·justifying⁺·of the·many⁺
as·the·stars⁺ to·eternity and·onward :
and·you Vindicator-Powr ꜝclose·up the·speeches⁺ and·ꜝseal the·account unto season·of end
they·paddle·around⁺ many⁺ and·she·multiplies the·knowledge :
and·I·saw I Vindicator-Powr
and·¡lo! two² after⁺ standing⁺
one here to·the·lip·of the·nile
and·one here to·the·lip·of the·nile :
and·he·says to·the·man the·robed·in·of the·lonens⁺
that from·the·upward to·the·waters⁺·of the·nile
unto ¿wħen the·end·of the·wonders⁺ :
and·I·hear °the·man the·robed·in·of the·lonens⁺ that from·the·upward to·the·waters⁺·of the·nile
and·he·heightens his·right and·his·left to the·skies⁺
and·he·vows·seven in·the·living·of the·eternity
as to·assembly·time assembly·times⁺ and·half and·as·all·done shattering hand·of people·of sanctuary they·are·all·through⁺ all these :
and·I I·heard and I·do·not·discern
my·lord ¿what afterward·of these :
and·he·says ꜝwalk Vindicator-Powr
as closed·up⁺ and·sealed⁺ the·speeches⁺ unto season·of end :
they·show·themselves·clean⁺ and·they·whiten·themselves⁺ and·they·are·smelted⁺ many⁺
and·they·caused·to·do·wickedness⁺ wicked⁺
and they·do·not·discern⁺ all·of wicked⁺
and·the·prudent⁺ they·discern⁺ :
and·from·season he·was·removed the·always
and·to·give detestation desolate
days⁺ thousand hundred² and·ninety⁺ :
the·blessedness⁺·of that·lingers and·he·touches
to·days⁺ thousand three·of hundred⁺ thirty⁺ and·five :
and·you ꜝwalk to·the·end
and·you·are·at·peace and·you·stand to·your·lot to·the·end·of the·days⁺ :