Book of Jeremiah

Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­

the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·son·of ­Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ

from ­the·priests⁺ ­that ­in·Responses

in·the·land·of ­Son-of-Right :

that ­he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·him

in·the·days⁺·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Truth ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

in·three·of ­and·ten ­year ­to·be·king·him :

and·he·is ­in·the·days⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

unto ­completed ­øne ­and·ten ­year

to·Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

unto ­stripping ­Torahshalom ­in·the·new·moon ­the·fifth :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­saying :

in·ere ­I·form·you ­in·the·belly ­I·knew·you

and·in·ere ­you·go ­from·womb ­I·made·you·sacred

prophet ­to·the·clans⁺ ­I·gave·you :

and·I·say ­¡oh-oh! ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­I·did·not·know ­speaking

as ­youth ­I :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

ꜝdo·not·say ­youth ­I

as ­upon ­all ­that ­I·send·you ­you·walk

and·°all ­that ­I·command·you ­you·speak :

ꜝdo·not·fear ­from·their·face⁺

as ­with·you ­I ­to·snatch·you·away ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·sends ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°his·hand

and·he·touches ­upon ­my·mouth

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

¡lo! ­I·gave ­my·speeches⁺ ­in·your·mouth :

ꜝsee ­I·gave·you·to·reckon ­the·day ­this ­upon ­the·clans⁺ ­and·upon ­the·kingdoms⁺

to·expel ­and·to·wreck ­and·to·cause·to·be·lost ­and·to·demolish

to·build ­and·to·plant :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­saying

¿what ­you ­seeing ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

and·I·say ­rod·of ­vigilalmond ­I ­seeing :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­you·did·good ­to·see

as ­keeping·vigil ­I ­upon ­my·speech ­to·do·him :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­second ­saying

¿what ­you ­seeing

and·I·say ­pot ­blown ­I ­seeing

and·his·face⁺ ­from·face⁺·of ­➝north :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

from·north ­she·is·opened ­the·badness

upon ­all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­the·land :

as ­¡lo!·me ­calling ­to·all·of ­families⁺·of ­kingdoms⁺·of ­➝north ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·entered⁺ ­and·they·gave⁺ ­man ­his·throne ­the·opening·of ­the·gates⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­and·upon ­all·of ­her·ramparts⁺ ­turninground

and·upon ­all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand :

and·I·spoke ­my·judgments⁺ ­with·them

upon ­all·of ­their·badness

that ­they·abandoned⁺·me ­and·they·incense⁺ ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺

and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ ­to·the·doings⁺·of ­their·hands² :

and·you ­you·belt ­your·thighs²

and·you·arose ­and·you·spoke ­to·them

°all ­that ­I ­I·command·you

ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down ­from·their·face⁺

lest ­I·cast·you·down ­to·their·face⁺ :

and·I ­¡lo! ­I·gave·you ­the·day ­to·city·of ­fortification ­and·to·standing·pillar·of ­iron ­and·to·ramparts⁺·of ­copper ­upon ­all·of ­the·land

to·the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­to·her·princes⁺

to·her·priests⁺ ­and·to·the·people·of ­the·land :

and·they·battled⁺ ­to·you ­and ­they·are·not·able⁺ ­to·you

as ­with·you ­I ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·snatch·you·away :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­saying :

walking ­and·you·called ­in·the·ears²·of ­Torahshalom ­saying ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·remembered ­to·you ­the·mercy·of ­your·youth⁺

the·love·of ­your·allnesses⁺

your·walking ­after⁺·me ­in·the·outspeak

in·land ­not ­seeded :

sanctuary ­Princepowr ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

the·headmost·of ­his·inbringing

all·of ­that·eat⁺·him ­they·transgress⁺

badness ­she·enters ­to·them ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·house·of ­Heeler

and·all·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¿what ­they·found⁺ ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­in·me ­evil

as ­they·were·far⁺ ­from·upon·me

and·they·walk⁺ ­after⁺ ­the·vapor ­and·they·evaporate⁺ :

and ­they·did·not·say⁺

¿where ­Yʜᴡʜ

that·offers·up ­°us ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

that·causes·to·walk ­°us ­in·the·outspeak ­in·land·of ­arabah ­and·pit ­in·land·of ­desert ­and·shadow-of-death

in·land ­he·did·not·cross·over ­in·her ­man

and ­he·did·not·settle ­adam ­there :

and·I·bring·in ­°you⁺ ­to ­the·land·of ­the·orchardgrain

to·eat ­her·fruit ­and·her·goodness

and·you·enter⁺ ­and·you·defile⁺ ­°my·land

and·my·derivation ­you·placed⁺ ­to·abomination :

the·priests⁺ ­they·did·not·say⁺ ­¿where ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·the·clenchers⁺·of ­the·torah ­they·did·not·know⁺·me

and·the·tendents⁺ ­they·rebelled⁺ ­in·me

and·the·prophets⁺ ­they·prophesied⁺ ­in·the·Master

and·after⁺ ­they·do·not·benefit⁺ ­they·walked⁺ :

to·surely ­again ­I·argue ­with·you⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·with ­the·sons⁺·of ­your⁺·sons⁺ ­I·argue :

as ­ꜝcross·over⁺ ­the·islands⁺·of ­Kittïtes⁺ ­and·ꜝsee⁺

and·Glooming ­ꜝsend⁺ ­and·ꜝdiscern⁺ ­very

and·ꜝsee⁺ ­¡lo! ­she·was ­as·this :

¿he·had·a·share ­clan ­Powers⁺

and·they⁺ ­not ­Powers⁺

and·my·people ­he·bargained·away ­his·weight ­in ­he·does·not·benefit :

ꜝbe·desolate⁺ ­skies⁺ ­upon ­this

and·ꜝhair·up ­ꜝbe·withered⁺ ­very ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­two² ­badnesses⁺ ­he·did ­my·people

°me ­they·abandoned⁺ ­fountain·of ­waters⁺ ­living⁺ ­to·quarry ­to·them ­wells⁺

wells⁺ ­broken⁺

that ­they·do·not·contain⁺ ­the·waters⁺ :

¿servant ­Princepowr

if ­child·of ­house ­he

¿know·why ­he·was ­to·spoil :

upon·him ­they·roar⁺ ­wolves⁺

they·gave⁺ ­their·voice

and·they·put⁺ ­his·land ­to·desolation

his·cities⁺ ­they·were·flared⁺ ­from·no ­settling :

also ­the·sons⁺·of ­Nof ­and·Tachpanches

they·tend⁺·you ­scalp :

¿not ­this ­you·do ­to·you

your·abandoning ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

in·season·of ­that·causes·you·to·walk ­in·the·step :

and·now ­¿what ­to·you ­to·the·step·of ­Egypts²

to·drink ­the·waters⁺·of ­Murk

and·¿what ­to·you ­to·the·step·of ­Blessed

to·drink ­the·waters⁺·of ­Stream :

she·instructs·you ­your·badness ­and·your·backturnings⁺ ­they·reprove⁺·you

and·ꜝknow ­and·ꜝsee ­as ­bad ­and·bitter

your·abandoning ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

and·not ­my·trembling ­to·you

the·revelation·of ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

as ­from·eternity ­you·broke ­your·harness ­you·snapped ­your·chains⁺

and·you·say ­I·do·not·cross·over

as ­upon ­all·of ­hill ­climbing ­and·under ­all·of ­tree ­thriving

you ­squatting ­fornicator :

and·I ­I·planted·you ­arbor·of

all·of·him ­seed·of ­truth

and·¿ħow ­you·were·converted ­to·me

the·removed⁺·of ­the·vine ­unrecognized :

as ­if ­you·wash ­in·the·soda

and·you·multiply ­to·you ­cleaner

bullioned ­your·guilt ­to·my·face⁺

the·revelation·of ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¿ħow ­you·say ­I·did·not·defile·myself ­after⁺ ­the·Masters⁺ ­I·did·not·walk

ꜝsee ­your·step ­in·the·valley

ꜝknow ­¿what ­you·did

first·camel ­slight ­thonging ­her·steps⁺ :

ass ­disciple·of ­outspeak ­in·the·yearning·of ­her·soul ­she·gobbled ­breath

her·occasion ­¿who ­he·returns·her

all·of ­her·seekers⁺ ­they·do·not·get·tired⁺

in·her·new·moon ­they·find⁺·her :

ꜝdeprive ­your·foot ­from·shoeless

and·your·jaw ­from·thirst

and·you·say ­despair

not ­as ­I·loved ­strangers⁺ ­and·after⁺·them ­I·walk :

as·shame·of ­stealer ­as ­he·is·found

surely ­they·shamed⁺ ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

they⁺ ­their·kings⁺ ­their·princes⁺

and·their·priests⁺ ­and·their·prophets⁺ :

saying⁺ ­to·the·tree ­my·father ­you ­and·to·the·stone ­you ­you·enchilded·us

as ­they·faced⁺ ­to·me ­spine ­and·not ­face⁺

and·in·the·season·of ­their·badness ­they·say⁺

ꜝarise! ­and·ꜝsave·us :

and·¿where ­your·Powers⁺ ­that ­you·did ­to·you

they·arise⁺ ­if ­they·save⁺·you ­in·the·season·of ­your·badness

as ­the·count·of ­your·cities⁺

they·were⁺ ­your·Powers⁺ ­Gloryhand :

to·¿what ­you·argue⁺ ­to·me

all·of·you⁺ ­you·rebelled⁺ ­in·me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to·the·vanity ­I·struck ­°your⁺·sons⁺

instruction ­they·did·not·take⁺

she·ate ­your⁺·sword ­your⁺·prophets⁺ ­as·lion ­ruining :

the·saeculum ­you⁺ ­ꜝsee⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

¿outspeak ­I·was ­to·Princepowr

if ­land·of ­black-place-of-Yʜ

¿know·why ­they·said⁺ ­my·people ­we·rambled⁺

we·do·not·enter⁺ ­again ­to·you :

¿she·forgets ­virgin ­her·decoration

allness ­her·ligatures⁺

and·my·people ­they·forgot⁺·me

days⁺ ­there·is·ńot ­count :

¿what ­you·do·good ­your·step ­to·seek ­love

to·surely ­also ­°the·bad⁺

you·discipled ­°your·steps⁺ :

also ­in·your·wings² ­they·were·found⁺

blood·of ­souls⁺·of ­wanting⁺ ­innocent⁺

not ­in·the·burrowing·in ­you·found·them ­as ­upon ­all ­these :

and·you·say ­as ­I·was·innocent

surely ­he·returned ­his·nostrils ­from·me

¡lo!·me ­judged ­with·you

upon ­your·saying ­I·did·not·sin :

¿what ­you·cause·to·proceed ­very ­to·double·back ­°your·step

also ­from·Egypts² ­you·are·ashamed

as·how ­you·were·ashamed ­from·Blessed :

also ­from·with ­this ­you·go

and·your·hands² ­upon ­your·head

as ­he·rejected ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·your·trusts⁺

and ­you·do·not·prosper ­to·them :

saying ­¡lo! ­he·sends·out ­man ­°his·woman ­and·she·walked ­from·with·him ­and·she·was ­to·man ­after ­¿he·returns ­to·her ­again

¿not ­profaned ­she·is·profaned ­the·land ­she

and·you ­you·fornicated ­tendents⁺ ­many⁺

and·returning ­to·me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝbear ­your·eyes² ­upon ­ridges⁺ ­and·ꜝsee ­¿wẖere ­you·were·not·bedded

upon ­steps⁺ ­you·settled ­to·them

as·Arab ­in·the·outspeak

and·you·profane ­land

in·your·fornications⁺ ­and·in·your·badness :

and·they·are·deprived⁺ ­many·rains⁺

and·gleaning-rain ­he·was·not

and·brow·of ­woman ­fornicator ­he·was ­to·you

you·refused ­embarrassed :

¿not ­from·now

you·called ­to·me ­my·father

the·alpha·of ­my·youth⁺ ­you :

¿he·targets ­to·eternity

if ­he·watches ­to·forever

¡lo! ­you·spoke ­and·you·do ­the·bad⁺ ­and·you·are·able :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­in·the·days⁺·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king


that ­she·did ­backturning ­Princepowr

walking ­she ­upon ­all·of ­mount ­climbing ­and·to ­under ­all·of ­tree ­thriving ­and·you·fornicate ­there :

and·I·say ­after⁺ ­her·doing ­°all ­these ­to·me ­she·returns ­and ­she·did·not·return

and·she·sees ­covert ­her·sister ­Gloryhand :

and·I·see ­as ­upon ­all·of ­matters⁺ ­that ­she·adulterized ­backturning ­Princepowr

I·sent·her·out ­and·I·give ­°the·account·of ­her·cutting·off⁺ ­to·her

and ­she·did·not·fear ­covert ­Gloryhand ­her·sister

and·she·walks ­and·she·fornicates ­also ­she :

and·he·was ­from·the·slightness·of ­her·fornication

and·she·is·profaned ­°the·land

and·she·adulterizes ­°the·stone ­and·°the·tree :

and·also ­in·all·of ­this ­she·did·not·return ­to·me ­covert ­her·sister ­Gloryhand ­in·all·of ­her·heart

but ­rather ­in·falsehood ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

she·justified ­her·soul ­backturning ­Princepowr

from·covert ­Gloryhand :

walking ­and·you·called ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these ­➝north ­and·you·said ­ꜝreturn! ­backturning ­Princepowr ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·do·not·let·fall ­my·face⁺ ­in·you⁺

as ­merciful ­I ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·do·not·target ­to·eternity :

surely ­ꜝknow ­your·guilt

as ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­you·rebelled

and·you·sow·about ­°your·steps⁺ ­to·the·strangers⁺ ­under ­all·of ­tree ­thriving

and·in·my·voice ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝreturn⁺ ­sons⁺ ­backturning⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­I ­I·mastered ­in·you⁺

and·I·took ­°you⁺ ­one ­from·city ­and·two² ­from·family

and·I·brought·in ­°you⁺ ­Tzion :

and·I·gave ­to·you⁺ ­tendents⁺ ­as·my·heart

and·they·tended⁺ ­°you⁺ ­knowledge ­and·making·prudent :

and·he·was ­as ­you·multiply⁺ ­and·you·were·fruitful⁺ ­in·the·land ­in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

they·do·not·say⁺ ­again ­the·ark·of ­the·covenant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­he·does·not·go·up ­upon ­heart

and ­they·do·not·remember⁺ ­in·him ­and ­they·do·not·reckon⁺

and ­he·is·not·done ­again :

in·the·season ­she ­they·call⁺ ­to·Torahshalom ­the·throne·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·were·hoped⁺ ­to·her ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­to·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·Torahshalom

and ­they·do·not·walk⁺ ­again

after⁺ ­the·bondage·of ­their·heart ­the·bad :

in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺

they·walk⁺ ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand ­upon ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

and·they·enter⁺ ­united ­from·land·of ­north

upon ­the·land ­that ­I·derived·for ­°your⁺·fathers⁺ :

and·I ­I·said ­¿ħow ­I·put·you ­in·the·sons⁺

and·I·give ­to·you ­land·of ­desire

derivation·of ­prettiness·of ­prettinesses⁺·of ­clans⁺

and·I·say ­my·father ­you·call ­to·me

and·from·after⁺·me ­you·do·not·return :

surely ­she·acted·covertly ­woman ­from·her·tendent

surely ­you·acted·covertly⁺ ­in·me ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

voice ­upon ­ridges⁺ ­he·was·heard

the·weeping·of ­the·graceprayers⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

as ­they·acted·guiltily⁺ ­°their·step

they·forgot⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­their·Powers⁺ :

ꜝreturn⁺ ­sons⁺ ­backturning⁺

I·heal ­your⁺·backturnings⁺

¡lo!·us ­we·came⁺ ­to·you

as ­you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ :

surely ­to·the·falsehood ­from·hills⁺ ­hum ­mounts⁺

surely ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺

the·salvation·of ­Princepowr :

and·the·shame ­she·ate ­°the·labor·of ­our·fathers⁺ ­from·our·youth⁺

°their·sheep ­and·°their·plowcattle

°their·sons⁺ ­and·°their·daughters⁺ :

ꜝlet·us·bed⁺ ­in·our·shame ­and·she·covers·us ­our·embarrassment

as ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­we·sinned⁺ ­we⁺ ­and·our·fathers⁺

from·our·youth⁺ ­and·unto ­the·day ­this

and ­we·did·not·hear⁺

in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ :

if ­you·return ­Princepowr ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­you·return

and·if ­you·remove ­your·detestations⁺ ­from·my·face⁺ ­and ­you·do·not·sway :

and·you·vowed·seven ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·truth ­in·judgment ­and·in·justice

and·they·knelt·themselves⁺ ­in·him ­clans⁺ ­and·in·him ­they·praise·themselves⁺ :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­and·to·Torahshalom

ꜝtill⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­tillage

and ­ꜝdo·not·seed⁺ ­to ­thorns⁺ :

ꜝbe·snipped⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­and·ꜝremove⁺ ­the·foreskins⁺·of ­your⁺·heart

the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­and·the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom

lest ­she·goes ­as·the·fire ­my·heat ­and·she·was·consumed ­and·there·is·ńot ­quenching

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·badness·of ­your⁺·exploits⁺ :

tell·forth⁺ ­in·Gloryhand ­and·in·Torahshalom ­ꜝlet·hear⁺

and·ꜝsay⁺ ­ꜝhit⁺ ­shofair ­in·the·land

ꜝcall⁺ ­ꜝfill⁺ ­and·ꜝsay⁺

ꜝbe·gathered⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·enter⁺ ­to ­the·cities⁺·of ­the·fortification :

ꜝbear⁺ ­flag ­➝Tzion

send·to·a·mighty·place ­ꜝdo·not·stand⁺

as ­badness ­I ­bringing·in ­from·north ­and·break ­great :

he·went·up ­lion ­from·his·tangle

and·ruining·of ­clans⁺

he·journeyed ­he·went ­from·his·rising·place

to·place ­your·land ­to·desolation

your·cities⁺ ­they·strive⁺ ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling :

upon ­this ­ꜝgird⁺ ­burlaps⁺ ­ꜝlament⁺ ­and·yowl

as ­he·did·not·return ­the·scorching·of ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·us :


and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·is·lost ­the·heart·of ­the·king ­and·the·heart·of ­the·princes⁺

and·they·were·desolated⁺ ­the·priests⁺

and·the·prophets⁺ ­they·marvel⁺ :

and·I·say ­¡oh-oh! ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­surely ­defrauding ­you·defrauded ­to·the·people ­this ­and·to·Torahshalom ­saying

shalom ­he·is ­to·you⁺

and·she·touched ­sword ­unto ­the·soul :

in·the·season ­she ­he·is·said ­to·the·people ­this ­and·to·Torahshalom

breath·of ­plain·of ­ridges⁺ ­in·the·outspeak

the·step·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people

not ­to·winnow ­and·not ­to·clean :

breath ­full ­from·these ­he·enters ­to·me

now ­also ­I ­I·speak ­judgments⁺ ­with·them :

¡lo! ­as·clouds⁺ ­he·goes·up ­and·as·the·blast ­his·chariots⁺

they·were·slightened⁺ ­from·eagles⁺ ­his·horses⁺

¡woe! ­to·us ­as ­we·were·overbreasted⁺ :

ꜝwash ­from·badness ­your·heart ­Torahshalom

because·of ­ꜝbe·saved

unto ­¿wħen ­she·reposes ­in·your·impresence ­the·considerations⁺·of ­your·iniquity :

as ­voice ­telling·forth ­from·Vindicator

and·letting·hear ­iniquity ­from·the·mount·of ­Fruits² :

ꜝcommemorate⁺ ­to·the·clans⁺ ­¡lo! ­ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­upon ­Torahshalom

protecting⁺ ­entering⁺ ­from·the·land·of ­the·afar

and·they·give⁺ ­upon ­the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­their·voice :

as·watching⁺·of ­field

they·were⁺ ­upon·her ­from·turninground

as ­°me ­she·was·bitter ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

your·step ­and·your·exploits⁺

doing ­these ­to·you

this ­your·badness ­as ­he·was·bitterness

as ­he·touched ­unto ­your·heart :

my·bowels⁺ ­my·bowels⁺ ­ꜝlet·me·wait ­the·walls⁺·of ­my·heart ­humming ­to·me ­my·heart ­I·do·not·craft·silence

as ­voice·of ­shofair ­you·heard ­my·soul

cheer·of ­battle :

break ­upon ­break ­he·was·called

as ­she·was·overbreasted ­all·of ­the·land

suddenly ­they·were·overbreasted⁺ ­my·tents⁺

wink ­my·curtains⁺ :

unto ­¿wħen ­I·see ­flag

ꜝlet·me·hear ­voice·of ­shofair :

as ­wrongdoer ­my·people ­°me ­they·did·not·know⁺

sons⁺ ­mistaken⁺ ­they⁺

and·not ­discerners⁺ ­they⁺

wise⁺ ­they⁺ ­to·do·bad

and·to·do·good ­they·did·not·know⁺ :

I·saw ­°the·land

and·¡lo! ­null ­and·nil

and·to ­the·skies⁺ ­and·there·is·ńot ­their·light :

I·saw ­the·mounts⁺

and·¡lo! ­quaking⁺

and·all·of ­the·hills⁺ ­they·slighted·themselves⁺ :

I·saw ­and·¡lo! ­there·is·ńot ­the·adam

and·all·of ­the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­they·retreated⁺ :

I·saw ­and·¡lo! ­the·orchardgrain ­the·outspeak

and·all·of ­his·cities⁺ ­they·were·wrecked⁺ ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·scorching·of ­his·nostrils :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

desolation ­she·is ­all·of ­the·land

and·altogether ­I·do·not·do :

upon ­this ­she·mourns ­the·land

and·they·were·gloomy⁺ ­the·skies⁺ ­from·upward

upon ­as ­I·spoke ­I·determined·evil

and ­I·did·not·sigh ­and ­I·do·not·return ­from·her :

from·voice·of ­shockcavalry ­and·tricked·out·of ­bow ­the·bolting·of ­all·of ­the·city

they·entered⁺ ­in·the·fogs⁺

and·in·the·spooncaves⁺ ­they·went·up⁺

all·of ­the·city ­abandoned

and·there·is·ńot ­settling ­in·them ­man :

and·you ­overbreasted ­¿what ­you·do ­as ­you·are·robed·in ­scarlet ­as ­you·decorate ­decoration·of ­gold ­as ­you·tear ­in·the·powder ­your·eyes²

to·the·vanity ­you·beautify·yourself

they·rejected⁺ ­in·you ­passioning⁺ ­your·soul ­they·seek⁺ :

as ­voice ­as·pierced ­I·heard ­rockiness ­as·firstbirthing

the·voice·of ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion ­she·blows·her·nose ­she·stretches ­her·spoons²

¡woe! ­¡please! ­to·me

as ­she·was·tired ­my·soul ­to·killing⁺ :


ꜝpaddle·around ­in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­and·ꜝsee⁺ ­¡please! ­and·ꜝknow⁺ ­and·ꜝseek⁺ ­in·her·broadways⁺

if ­you·find⁺ ­man

if ­there·is ­doing ­judgment ­seeker ­truth

and·I·pardon ­to·her :

and·if ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·say⁺

to·surely ­to·the·falsehood ­they·vow·seven⁺ :

Yʜᴡʜ ­your·eyes² ­¿not ­to·truth

you·struck ­°them ­and ­they·did·not·whirl·in·labor

you·were·all·done·them ­they·refused⁺ ­taking ­instruction

they·made·firm⁺ ­their·face⁺ ­from·clifftop

they·refused⁺ ­to·return :

and·I ­I·said

surely ­pulled·down ­they⁺

they·were·willful⁺ ­as ­they·did·not·know⁺ ­the·step·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·judgment·of ­their·Powers⁺ :

ꜝlet·me·walk ­to·me ­to ­the·great⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·me·speak ­°them

as ­they⁺ ­they·knew⁺ ­the·step·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·judgment·of ­their·Powers⁺

surely ­they⁺ ­united ­they·broke⁺ ­harness

they·snapped⁺ ­chains⁺ :

upon ­surely ­he·struck·them ­lion ­from·forest ­jackal·of ­arabahs⁺ ­he·overbreasts·them

leopard ­keeping·vigil ­upon ­their·cities⁺

all·of ­that·goes ­from·them ­he·is·preyed·upon

as ­they·were·multiplied⁺ ­their·rebellions⁺

they·were·strongboned⁺ ­their·backturnings⁺ :

¿where ­to·this ­I·pardon ­to·you

your·sons⁺ ­they·abandoned⁺·me

and·they·vow·seven⁺ ­in·not ­Powers⁺

and·I·satisfy ­°them ­and·they·adulterize⁺

and·house·of ­fornicator ­they·clout·themselves⁺ :

horses⁺ ­supplied⁺ ­lustful⁺ ­they·were⁺

man ­to ­the·woman·of ­his·tendent ­they·whinny⁺ :

¿upon ­these ­I·do·not·reckon ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·if ­in·clan ­that ­as·this

she·does·not·avenge·herself ­my·soul :

go·up⁺ ­in·her·boundaries⁺ ­and·ꜝruin⁺

and·altogether ­ꜝdo·not·do⁺

ꜝremove⁺ ­her·leftovers⁺

as ­not ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­they⁺ :

as ­acting·covertly ­they·acted·covertly⁺ ­in·me ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­and·the·house·of ­Gloryhand ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

they·denied⁺ ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·say⁺ ­not ­he

and ­she·does·not·enter ­upon·us ­badness

and·sword ­and·hunger ­we·do·not·see⁺ :

and·the·prophets⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­to·breath

and·the·speech ­there·is·ńot ­in·them

thus ­he·is·done ­to·them :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­hosts⁺

because ­your⁺·speaking

°the·speech ­this

¡lo!·me ­giving ­my·speeches⁺ ­in·your·mouth ­to·fire ­and·the·people ­this ­trees⁺ ­and·she·ate·them :

¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­upon·you⁺ ­clan ­from·afar ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

clan ­rugged ­he ­clan ­from·eternity ­he

clan ­you·do·not·know ­his·tongue

and ­you·do·not·hear ­¿what ­he·speaks :

his·quiver ­as·tomb ­opened

all·of·them ­heroes⁺ :

and·he·ate ­your·crop ­and·your·bread ­they·eat⁺ ­your·sons⁺ ­and·your·daughters⁺

he·eats ­your·sheep ­and·your·plowcattle

he·eats ­your·vine ­and·your·fig

he·impoverishes ­the·cities⁺·of ­your·fortifications⁺ ­that ­you ­trusting ­in·them ­in·the·sword :

and·also ­in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·do·not·do ­with·you⁺ ­altogether :

and·he·was ­as ­you·say⁺

under ­¿what ­he·did ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­to·us ­°all ­these

and·you·said ­to·them ­as·how ­you·abandoned⁺ ­°me ­and·you·serve⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­unrecognizee ­in·your⁺·land

surely ­you·serve⁺ ­strangers⁺

in·land ­not ­to·you⁺ :

tell·forth⁺ ­this ­in·the·house·of ­Heeler

and·ꜝlet·her·hear⁺ ­in·Gloryhand ­saying :

ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­this

people ­mistaken ­and·there·is·ńot ­heart

eyes² ­to·them ­and ­they·do·not·see⁺

ears² ­to·them ­and ­they·do·not·hear⁺ :

¿°me ­you·do·not·fear⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­if ­from·my·face⁺ ­you·do·not·whirl⁺

that ­I·placed ­sand ­border ­to·the·sea

prescription·of ­eternity ­and ­he·does·not·cross·over·him

and·they·convulse·themselves⁺ ­and ­they·are·not·able⁺

and·they·hummed⁺ ­his·rolls⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·cross·over⁺·him :

and·to·the·people ­this ­he·was

heart ­defiant ­and·bitter

they·moved⁺ ­and·they·walk⁺ :

and ­they·did·not·say⁺ ­in·their·heart ­we·fear⁺ ­¡please! ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺

that·gives ­shower ­torahingrain ­and·gleaning-rain ­in·his·season

sevendays⁺·of ­prescriptions⁺·of ­crop ­he·watches ­to·us :

your⁺·guilts⁺ ­they·branched·out ­these


they·deprived⁺ ­the·good ­from·you⁺ :

as ­they·were·found⁺ ­in·my·people ­wicked⁺

he·glimpses ­as·abating ­ensnarers⁺

they·posted⁺ ­ruin ­mortals⁺ ­they·seize⁺ :

as·dogcage ­full ­flyer

surely ­their·houses⁺ ­full⁺ ­trickery

upon ­surely ­they·became·great⁺ ­and·they·enrich⁺ :

they·were·well-oiled⁺ ­they·reflected⁺ ­also ­they·crossed·over⁺ ­speeches⁺·of ­bad

vindication ­they·did·not·vindicate⁺

vindication·of ­orphan ­and·they·prosper⁺

and·judgment·of ­wanting⁺ ­they·did·not·judge⁺ :

¿upon ­these ­I·do·not·reckon ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­in·clan ­that ­as·this

she·does·not·avenge·herself ­my·soul :

desolation ­and·horror

she·had·been ­in·the·land :

the·prophets⁺ ­they·prophesied⁺ ­in·the·falsehood ­and·the·priests⁺ ­they·govern⁺ ­upon ­their·hands²

and·my·people ­they·loved⁺ ­surely

and·¿what ­you·do⁺ ­to·her·afterward :

send·to·a·mighty·place ­the·sons⁺·of ­Son-of-Right ­from·the·impresence·of ­Torahshalom

and·in·Hithorn ­ꜝhit⁺ ­shofair

and·upon ­House·of ­the·Orchard ­ꜝbear⁺ ­burden

as ­badness ­she·peered·out ­from·north ­and·break ­great :

the·radiant ­and·that·is·consoled

you·were·like ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion :

to·her ­they·enter⁺ ­tendents⁺ ­and·their·flocks⁺

they·hit⁺ ­upon·her ­tents⁺ ­turninground

they·tended⁺ ­man ­°his·hand :

ꜝsanctify⁺ ­upon·her ­battle

ꜝarise⁺ ­and·we·go·up⁺ ­in·the·noonpeak²

¡woe! ­to·us ­as ­he·faced ­the·day

as ­they·are·branched·out ­shadows⁺·of ­evening :

ꜝarise⁺ ­and·we·go·up⁺ ­in·the·night

and·ꜝlet·us·ruin⁺ ­her·heights⁺ :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

ꜝcut·down ­trees

and·ꜝspill·out ­upon ­Torahshalom ­advances

she ­the·city ­he·was·made·to·reckon

all·of·her ­intimidation ­in·her·impresence :

as·fountaining ­well ­her·waters⁺

surely ­she·fountained ­her·badness

violence ­and·overbreasting ­he·is·heard ­in·her ­upon ­my·face⁺ ­always ­piercing ­and·stroke :

ꜝbe·instructed ­Torahshalom

lest ­she·is·disquartered ­my·soul ­from·you

lest ­I·place·you ­desolation

land ­she·was·not·settled :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

exploiting ­they·exploit⁺ ­as·the·vine ­the·survivor·of ­Princepowr

ꜝreturn ­your·hand

as·fortifying ­upon ­baskets⁺ :

upon ­¿who ­ꜝlet·me·speak ­and·ꜝlet·me·witness ­and·they·hear⁺

¡lo! ­foreskinned ­their·ear

and ­they·are·not·able⁺ ­to·listen

¡lo! ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was ­to·them ­to·detraction ­they·are·not·pleased⁺ ­in·him :

and·with ­the·heat·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·filled ­I·was·wearied ­containing

spilling·out ­upon ­nursling ­in·the·exterior

and·upon ­confidences·of ­choice·youths⁺ ­united

as ­also ­man ­near ­woman ­they·are·seized⁺

elder ­near ­full·of ­days⁺ :

and·they·were·turned⁺ ­their·houses⁺ ­to·after⁺

fields⁺ ­and·women⁺ ­united

as ­I·branch·out ­°my·hand ­upon ­the·settling⁺·of ­the·land ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­from·their·small ­and·unto ­their·great

all·of·him ­profiteering ­profit

and·from·prophet ­and·unto ­priest

all·of·him ­doing ­falsehood :

and·they·heal⁺ ­°the·break·of ­my·people ­upon ­slight

saying ­shalom ­shalom

and·there·is·ńot ­shalom :

they·shamed⁺ ­as ­abomination ­they·did⁺

also ­ashamed ­they·are·not·ashamed⁺ ­also ­embarrassing ­they·did·not·know⁺

to·surely ­they·fall⁺ ­in·that·fall⁺ ­in·season·of ­I·reckoned·them ­they·stumble⁺ ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝstand⁺ ­upon ­steps⁺ ­and·ꜝsee⁺ ­and·ꜝrequest⁺ ­to·paths⁺·of ­eternity ­¿where ­this ­the·step·of ­the·good ­and·ꜝwalk⁺ ­in·her

and·ꜝfind⁺ ­wink·of·rest ­to·your⁺·soul

and·they·say⁺ ­we·do·not·walk⁺ :

and·I·raised ­upon·you⁺ ­sentries⁺

ꜝlisten⁺ ­to·voice·of ­shofair

and·they·say⁺ ­we·do·not·listen⁺ :

to·surely ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·clans⁺

and·ꜝknow ­assembly ­°that ­in·them :

ꜝhear ­the·land

¡lo! ­I ­bringing·in ­badness ­to ­the·people ­this ­the·fruit·of ­their·considerations⁺

as ­upon ­my·speeches⁺ ­they·did·not·listen⁺

and·my·torah ­and·they·reject⁺ ­in·her :

to·¿what ­this ­to·me ­white·incense ­from·Sheba ­she·enters

and·stalk ­the·good ­from·land·of ­afar

your⁺·upward·offerings⁺ ­not ­to·favor

and·your⁺·offerings⁺ ­they·were·not·even⁺ ­to·me :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­giving ­to ­the·people ­this ­stumbleblocks⁺

and·they·stumbled⁺ ­in·them ­fathers⁺ ­and·sons⁺ ­united ­fellowdweller ­and·his·tendent ­and·they·were·lost⁺ :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­people ­he·entered ­from·land·of ­north

and·clan ­great

he·is·aroused ­from·flanks²·of ­land :

bow ­and·javelin ­they·grasp·firmly⁺ ­cruel ­he ­and ­they·do·not·enwomb⁺

their·voice ­as·the·sea ­he·hums

and·upon ­horses⁺ ­they·chariot⁺

lined·up ­as·man ­to·the·battle

upon·you ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion :

we·heard⁺ ­°his·hearsay ­they·went·slack⁺ ­our·hands²

rockiness ­she·grasped·us·firmly

whirling ­as·that·enchilds :

ꜝdo·not·go⁺ ­the·field

and·in·the·step ­ꜝdo·not·walk⁺

as ­sword ­to·enemy

dislodgement ­from·turninground :

the·daughter·of ­my·people ­ꜝgird ­burlap ­and·ꜝwallow·yourself ­in·the·ash

mourning·of ­unique ­ꜝdo ­to·you

lamentation·of ­bitterness⁺

as ­suddenly

he·enters ­that·overbreasts ­upon·us :

tester ­I·gave·you ­in·my·people ­fortification

and·you·know ­and·you·tested ­°their·step :

all·of·them ­removed⁺·of ­defiant⁺

walking⁺·of ­gossip-trading ­copper ­and·iron

all·of·them ­ruining⁺ ­they⁺ :

he·was·scorched ­bellows

from·fire ­complete ­dustylead

to·the·vanity ­he·smelted ­smelting

and·bad⁺ ­they·were·not·snapped⁺ :

silver ­rejected

they·called⁺ ­to·them

as ­he·rejected ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·them :


the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

ꜝstand ­in·the·gate·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·called ­there

°the·speech ­this

and·you·said ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­all·of ­Gloryhand ­that·enter⁺ ­in·the·gates⁺ ­these

to·prostrate·oneself ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

ꜝdo·good⁺ ­your⁺·steps⁺ ­and·your⁺·exploits⁺

and·ꜝlet·me·make·to·dwell ­°you⁺

in·the·rising·place ­this :

ꜝdo·not·trust⁺ ­to·you⁺

to ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·falsehood ­saying

the·palace·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·palace·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·palace·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they⁺ :

but ­rather ­doing·good ­you·do·good⁺

°your⁺·steps⁺ ­and·°your⁺·exploits⁺

if ­doing ­you·do⁺ ­judgment

between ­man ­and·between ­his·tendent :

lodger ­orphan ­and·widow ­you·do·not·intimidate⁺

and·blood ­innocent

ꜝdo·not·spill⁺ ­in·the·rising·place ­this

and·after⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺ ­you·do·not·walk⁺ ­to·bad ­to·you⁺ :

and·I·made·to·dwell ­°you⁺ ­in·the·rising·place ­this

in·the·land ­that ­I·gave ­to·your⁺·fathers⁺

to·from ­eternity ­and·unto ­eternity :

¡lo! ­you⁺ ­trusting⁺ ­to·you⁺

upon ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·falsehood

to·not ­benefiting :

¿stealing ­murdering ­and·adulterizing

and·vowing·seven ­to·the·falsehood ­and·incensing ­to·the·Master

and·walking ­after⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺ ­that ­you·did·not·know⁺ :

and·you·entered⁺ ­and·you·stood⁺ ­to·my·face⁺ ­in·the·house ­this ­that ­he·was·called ­my·name ­upon·him

and·you·said⁺ ­we·were·snatched·away

because·of ­doing

°all·of ­the·abominations⁺ ­these :

¿barrens·of ­rupturers⁺ ­he·was ­the·house ­this ­that ­he·was·called ­my·name ­upon·him ­in·your⁺·eyes²

also ­I ­¡lo! ­I·saw ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­ꜝwalk⁺ ­¡please! ­to ­my·rising·place ­that ­in·Relaxation

that ­I·made·to·dwell ­my·name ­there ­in·the·headmost

and·ꜝsee⁺ ­°that ­I·did ­to·him

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·badness·of ­my·people ­Princepowr :

and·now ­because ­your⁺·doing ­°all·of ­the·deeds⁺ ­these ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·speak ­to·you⁺ ­yoking·up ­and·speaking ­and ­you·did·not·hear⁺

and·I·call ­°you⁺ ­and ­you·did·not·respond⁺ :

and·I·did ­to·the·house ­that ­he·was·called ­my·name ­upon·him ­that ­you⁺ ­trusting⁺ ­in·him


that ­I·gave ­to·you⁺ ­and·to·your⁺·fathers⁺

as·how ­I·did ­to·Relaxation :

and·I·dropped ­°you⁺ ­from·upon ­my·face⁺

as·how ­I·dropped ­°all·of ­your⁺·brothers⁺

°all·of ­the·seed·of ­Fruits² :

and·you ­ꜝdo·not·mediate ­about ­the·people ­this ­and ­ꜝdo·not·bear ­about·them ­shouting ­and·mediation ­and ­ꜝdo·not·peg ­in·me

as ­I·am·ńot ­hearing ­°you :

¿you·are·ńot ­seeing

¿what ­they⁺ ­doing⁺ ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom :

the·sons⁺ ­gleaning⁺ ­trees⁺ ­and·the·fathers⁺ ­consuming·by·fire ­°the·fire

and·the·women⁺ ­kneading⁺ ­dough

to·do ­surecakes⁺ ­to·the·queen·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·libating·out ­libations⁺ ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺

because·of ­my·troubling :

¿°me ­they⁺ ­troubling⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

¿not ­°them

because·of ­the·shame·of ­their·face⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo! ­my·nostrils ­and·my·heat ­melted ­to ­the·rising·place ­this

upon ­the·adam ­and·upon ­the·beast

and·upon ­the·tree·of ­the·field ­and·upon ­the·fruit·of ­the·adamah

and·she·was·consumed ­and ­she·is·not·quenched :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

your⁺·upward·offerings⁺ ­ꜝadd⁺ ­upon ­your⁺·offerings⁺ ­and·ꜝeat⁺ ­flesh :

as ­I·did·not·speak ­with ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­and ­I·did·not·command·them

in·the·day·of ­my·letting·go ­°them ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

upon ­speeches⁺·of ­upward·offering ­and·offering :

but ­rather ­°the·speech ­this ­I·commanded ­°them ­saying ­ꜝhear⁺ ­in·my·voice

and·I·was ­to·you⁺ ­to·Powers⁺

and·you⁺ ­you·are⁺ ­to·me ­to·people

and·you·walked⁺ ­in·all·of ­the·step ­that ­I·command ­°you⁺

because·of ­ꜝlet·him·be·good ­to·you⁺ :

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­and ­they·did·not·branch·out ­°their·ear

and·they·walk⁺ ­in·counsels⁺

in·the·bondage·of ­their·heart ­the·bad

and·they·are⁺ ­to·aft ­and·not ­to·face⁺ :

to·from ­the·day ­that ­they·went⁺ ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

unto ­the·day ­this

and·I·send ­to·you⁺ ­°all·of ­my·servants⁺ ­the·prophets⁺

day ­yoking·up ­and·sending :

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­to·me

and ­they·did·not·branch·out ­°their·ear

and·they·harden⁺ ­°their·spine

they·did·bad⁺ ­from·their·fathers⁺ :

and·you·spoke ­to·them ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

and ­they·do·not·hear⁺ ­to·you

and·you·called ­to·them ­and ­they·do·not·respond⁺·you :

and·you·said ­to·them ­this ­the·clan ­that ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·Powers⁺

and ­they·did·not·take⁺ ­instruction

she·was·lost ­the·truth

and·she·was·cut·down ­from·their·mouth :

ꜝshear ­your·vow ­and·ꜝdrop

and·ꜝbear ­upon ­ridges⁺ ­dirge

as ­he·rejected ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·leaves ­°the·saeculum·of ­his·crossness :

as ­they·did⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­the·bad ­in·my·eyes² ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

they·placed⁺ ­their·detestations⁺ ­in·the·house ­that ­he·was·called ­my·name ­upon·him ­to·defile·him :

and·they·built⁺ ­the·daises⁺·of ­the·Tophet ­that ­in·the·valley·of ­Son·of ­Hinnom

to·burn ­°their·sons⁺ ­and·°their·daughters⁺ ­in·the·fire

that ­I·did·not·command

and ­she·did·not·go·up ­upon ­my·heart :

to·surely ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­he·is·not·said ­again ­the·Tophet ­and·the·valley·of ­Son·of ­Hinnom

but ­rather ­the·valley·of ­the·killing

and·they·entombed⁺ ­in·Tophet ­from·there·is·ńot ­rising·place :

and·she·was ­the·wilted·body·of ­the·people ­this ­to·edibles

to·the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·to·the·beast·of ­the·land

and·there·is·ńot ­cause·for·shuddering :

and·I·gave·rest ­from·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·from·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom

voice·of ­rejoicing ­and·voice·of ­gladness

voice·of ­married·one ­and·voice·of ­allness

as ­to·withered·place ­she·is ­the·land :

in·the·season ­she ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·let·go⁺ ­°the·bones⁺·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°the·bones⁺·of ­his·princes⁺ ­and·°the·bones⁺·of ­the·priests⁺ ­and·°the·bones⁺·of ­the·prophets⁺ ­and·°the·bones⁺·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­from·their·tombs⁺ :

and·they·fanned·them·out ­to·the·sun ­and·to·the·moon ­and·to·all·of ­the·host·of ­the·skies⁺ ­that ­they·loved⁺·them ­and·that ­they·served⁺·them ­and·that ­they·walked⁺ ­after⁺·them

and·that ­they·investigated⁺·them

and·that ­they·prostrated·themselves⁺ ­to·them

they·are·not·gathered⁺ ­and ­they·are·not·entombed⁺

to·dung ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah ­they·are⁺ :

and·he·was·chosen ­death ­from·life⁺

to·all·of ­the·survivor ­the·survivors⁺

from ­the·family ­the·bad ­this

in·all·of ­the·rising·places⁺·of ­the·survivors⁺ ­that ­I·banished·them ­there

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

and·you·said ­to·them ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¿they·fall⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·arise⁺

if ­he·returns ­and ­he·does·not·return :

¿know·why ­returning ­the·people ­this ­Torahshalom ­backturning ­forever

they·grasped·firmly⁺ ­in·the·trickery

they·refused⁺ ­to·return :

I·listened ­and·I·hear ­not ­sure ­they·speak⁺

there·is·ńot ­man ­sighing ­upon ­his·badness

saying ­¿what ­I·did

all·of·him ­returning ­in·their·running

as·horse ­flooding ­in·the·battle :

also ­mercy·bird ­in·the·skies⁺ ­she·knew ­her·assembly·times⁺

and·pigeon ­and·horse ­and·agur

they·watched⁺ ­°the·season·of ­their·entering

and·my·people ­they·did·not·know⁺

°the·judgment·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¿ħow ­you·say⁺ ­wise⁺ ­we⁺

and·the·torah·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­with·us

surely ­¡lo! ­to·the·falsehood ­he·did

quill·of ­falsehood·of ­accounters⁺ :

they·shamed⁺ ­wise⁺

they·were·cast·down⁺ ­and·they·are·seized⁺

¡lo! ­in·the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·rejected⁺

and·wisdom·of ­¿what ­to·them :

to·surely ­I·give ­°their·women⁺ ­to·after⁺ ­their·fields⁺ ­to·heirs⁺

as ­from·small ­and·unto ­great

all·of·him ­profiteering ­profit

from·prophet ­and·unto ­priest

all·of·him ­doing ­falsehood :

and·they·heal⁺ ­°the·break·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people ­upon ­slight

saying ­shalom ­shalom

and·there·is·ńot ­shalom :

they·shamed⁺ ­as ­abomination ­they·did⁺

also ­ashamed ­they·are·not·ashamed⁺ ­and·embarrassed ­they·did·not·know⁺

to·surely ­they·fall⁺ ­in·that·fall⁺ ­in·the·season·of ­their·reckoning ­they·stumble⁺ ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

gathering ­I·blast·them ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

there·is·ńot ­grapes⁺ ­in·the·vine ­and·there·is·ńot ­figs⁺ ­in·the·fig ­and·the·upper·leaf ­he·wilted

and·I·give ­to·them ­they·cross·over⁺·them :

upon ­¿what ­we⁺ ­settling⁺

ꜝbe·gathered⁺ ­and·we·enter⁺ ­to ­the·cities⁺·of ­the·fortification ­and·ꜝlet·us·be·silent⁺ ­there

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­he·silenced·us ­and·he·gives·us·to·drink ­waters⁺·of ­headweed

as ­we·sinned⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝhope ­to·shalom ­and·there·is·ńot ­good

to·season·of ­healing ­and·¡lo! ­fright :

from·Vindicator ­he·was·heard ­the·snorting·of ­his·horses⁺ ­from·the·voice·of ­the·whinnying⁺·of ­his·pinioned·ones⁺

she·quaked ­all·of ­the·land

and·they·enter⁺ ­and·they·eat⁺ ­land ­and·her·fullness

city ­and·the·settling⁺ ­in·her :

as ­¡lo!·me ­sending·out ­in·you⁺ ­copperheads⁺ ­snakes⁺

that ­there·is·ńot ­to·them ­whispering

and·they·bit⁺ ­°you⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

my·relief ­upon ­sorrow

upon·me ­my·heart ­sick :

¡lo! ­the·voice·of ­the·cry·for·safety·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people ­from·land·of ­afars⁺

¿Yʜᴡʜ ­there·is·ńot ­in·Tzion

if ­her·king ­there·is·ńot ­in·her

¿know·why ­they·troubled⁺·me ­in·their·sculptures⁺ ­in·vapors⁺·of ­unrecognizee :

he·crossed·over ­crop ­he·was·all·through ­summer

and·we⁺ ­we·were·not·saved⁺ :

upon ­the·break·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people ­I·was·broken

I·was·gloomy ­desolation ­she·grasped·me·firmly :

¿balsam ­there·is·ńot ­in·Roll-of-Witness

if ­healer ­there·is·ńot ­there

as ­¿know·why ­she·did·not·go·up

the·prolonging·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people :

¿who ­he·gives ­my·head ­waters⁺

and·my·eye ­fountain·of ­tears

and·I·weep ­daytime ­and·night

°the·pierced⁺·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people :

¿who ­he·gives·me ­in·the·outspeak ­place·of·repose·of ­wayfarers⁺

and·ꜝlet·me·abandon ­°my·people

and·ꜝlet·me·walk ­from·with·them

as ­all·of·them ­adulterers⁺

constrained-assembly·of ­covert⁺ :

and·they·make·step⁺ ­°their·tongue ­their·bow ­falsehood

and·not ­to·truth ­they·were·heroic⁺ ­in·the·land

as ­from·badness ­to ­badness ­they·went⁺ ­and·°me ­they·did·not·know⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

man ­from·his·tendent ­ꜝwatch·yourselves⁺

and·upon ­all·of ­brother ­ꜝdo·not·trust⁺

as ­all·of ­brother ­heeling ­he·heels

and·all·of ­tendent ­gossip-trading ­he·walks :

and·man ­in·his·tendent ­they·taunt⁺

and·truth ­they·do·not·speak⁺

they·discipled⁺ ­their·tongue ­speaking ­falsehood ­acting·guiltily ­they·were·wearied⁺ :

your·settling ­in·midst·of ­trickery

in·trickery ­they·refused⁺ ­knowing ­°me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

¡lo!·me ­their·smelter ­and·I·tested·them

as ­¿ħow ­I·do

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people :

arrow ­slaughtered ­their·tongue ­trickery ­he·spoke

in·his·mouth ­shalom ­with ­his·tendent ­he·speaks

and·in·his·impresence ­he·places ­his·ambush :

¿upon ­these ­I·do·not·reckon ­in·them ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­in·clan ­that ­as·this

she·does·not·avenge·herself ­my·soul :

upon ­the·mounts⁺ ­I·bear ­weeping ­and·grief ­and·upon ­habitations⁺·of ­outspeak ­dirge

as ­they·were·flared⁺ ­from·no ­man ­crosser

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­voice·of ­stock

from·the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·unto ­beast

they·retreated⁺ ­they·walked⁺ :

and·I·gave ­°Torahshalom ­to·rolls⁺ ­home·of ­serpents⁺

and·°the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­I·give ­desolation ­from·no ­settling :

¿who ­the·man ­the·wise ­and·ꜝlet·him·discern ­°this

and·that ­he·spoke ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·him ­and·he·tells·forth·her

upon ­¿what ­she·was·lost ­the·land

she·was·flared ­as·the·outspeak ­from·no ­crosser :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

upon ­their·abandoning ­°my·torah

that ­I·gave ­to·their·face⁺

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·my·voice ­and ­they·did·not·walk⁺ ­in·her :


after⁺ ­the·bondage·of ­their·heart

and·after⁺ ­the·Masters⁺

that ­they·discipled⁺·them ­their·fathers⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

¡lo!·me ­that·gives·to·them·eat ­°the·people ­this ­poison

and·I·gave·them·to·drink ­waters⁺·of ­headweed :

and·I·scattered·them ­in·the·clans⁺

that ­they·did·not·know⁺

they⁺ ­and·their·fathers⁺

and·I·sent·out ­after⁺·them ­°the·sword

unto ­my·all·done ­°them :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

ꜝdiscern⁺ ­and·ꜝcall⁺ ­to·that·dirge⁺ ­and·they·enter⁺

and·to ­the·wise⁺ ­ꜝsend⁺ ­and·they·enter⁺ :

and·they·speed⁺ ­and·they·bear⁺ ­upon·us ­grief

and·they·descend⁺ ­our·eyes² ­tears

and·our·flyelids⁺ ­they·cascade⁺ ­waters⁺ :

as ­voice·of ­grief ­he·was·heard ­from·Tzion ­¿ħow ­we·were·overbreasted⁺

we·were·ashamed⁺ ­very ­as ­we·abandoned⁺ ­land

as ­they·dropped⁺ ­our·dwelling·places⁺ :

as ­ꜝhear⁺ ­women⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·takes ­your⁺·ear ­the·speech·of ­his·mouth

and·ꜝdisciple⁺ ­your⁺·daughters⁺ ­grief

and·woman ­her·tendent ­dirge :

as ­he·went·up ­death ­in·our·window-piercings⁺

he·entered ­in·our·heights⁺

to·cut·down ­nursling ­from·exterior

choice·youths⁺ ­from·broadways⁺ :

ꜝspeak ­thus ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·fell ­the·wilted·body·of ­the·adam

as·dung ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·field

and·as·sheaves ­from·after⁺ ­the·cropper ­and·there·is·ńot ­gathering :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝlet·him·not·praise·himself ­wise ­in·his·wisdom

and ­ꜝlet·him·not·praise·himself ­the·hero ­in·his·heroism

ꜝlet·him·not·praise·himself ­rich ­in·his·riches :

but ­rather ­in·this ­he·praises·himself ­the·self-praising ­making·prudent ­and·knowing ­°me

as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ

doing ­mercy ­judgment ­and·justice ­in·the·land

as ­in·these ­I·was·pleased ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ


upon ­all·of ­snipped ­in·foreskin :

upon ­Egypts² ­and·upon ­Gloryhand ­and·upon ­Blood ­and·upon ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­and·upon ­From-Father

and·upon ­all·of ­ends⁺·of ­edge

that·settle⁺ ­in·the·outspeak

as ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­foreskinned⁺

and·all·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­foreskinned⁺·of ­heart :

ꜝhear⁺ ­°the·speech ­that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·you⁺ ­the·house·of ­Princepowr :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·step·of ­the·clans⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·be·discipled⁺

and·from·the·signs⁺·of ­the·skies⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down⁺

as ­they·are·cast·down⁺ ­the·clans⁺ ­from·them :

as ­the·prescriptions⁺·of ­the·people⁺ ­vapor ­he

as ­tree ­from·forest ­he·cut·down·him

doing·of ­hands²·of ­craftsman ­in·the·adze :

in·silver ­and·in·gold ­he·beautifies·him

in·spikes⁺ ­and·in·puncthammers⁺ ­they·make·them·firm⁺ ­and ­he·does·not·reel·over :

as·palm·of ­hardness ­they⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·speak⁺

bearing ­they·are·borne⁺ ­as ­they·do·not·pace⁺

ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ ­from·them ­as ­they·do·not·do·bad⁺

and·also ­doing·good ­there·is·ńot ­with·them :

from·there·is·ńot ­as·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

great ­you ­and·great ­your·name ­in·heroism :

¿who ­he·does·not·fear·you ­the·king·of ­the·clans⁺

as ­to·you ­she·was·due

as ­in·all·of ­the·wise⁺·of ­the·clans⁺ ­and·in·all·of ­their·kingship ­from·there·is·ńot ­as·you :

and·in·one ­they·consume⁺ ­and·they·are·foolish⁺

instruction·of ­vapors⁺ ­tree ­he :

silver ­plated ­from·Tarshysh ­he·is·brought·in ­and·gold ­from·Uphaz

doing·of ­craftsman ­and·hands²·of ­smelter

blue·of ­and·purple ­their·robe

doing·of ­wise⁺ ­all·of·them :

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺ ­truth

he ­Powers⁺ ­living⁺ ­and·king·of ­eternity

from·his·anger ­she·quakes ­the·land

and ­they·do·not·contain⁺ ­clans⁺ ­his·damnation :

as·this ­you·say⁺ ­to·them


this ­the·skies⁺ ­and·the·land ­they·did·not·do⁺

they·are·lost⁺ ­from·the·land ­and·from ­the·under·of ­the·skies⁺ ­these :

doing·of ­land ­in·his·vigor

making·sure ­world ­in·his·wisdom

and·in·his·discernment ­he·branched·out ­skies⁺ :

to·the·voice·of ­his·giving ­hum·of ­waters⁺ ­in·the·skies⁺

and·he·offers·up ­wellborns⁺ ­from·the·end·of ­the·land

flashes⁺ ­to·the·rain ­he·did

and·he·lets·go ­breath ­from·his·treasures⁺ :

he·was·consumed ­all·of ­adam ­from·knowledge

he·dried·up ­all·of ­smelter ­from·sculpture

as ­falsehood ­his·libation ­and·not ­breath ­in·them :

vapor ­they⁺

doing·of ­schemes⁺

in·the·season·of ­their·reckoning ­they·are·lost⁺ :

not ­as·these ­the·dividend·of ­Heeler ­as ­the·forming·of ­all ­he


the·stem·of ­his·derivation

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name :

ꜝgather ­from·the·land·of ­your·cashing·out

settling ­in·the·rocked·up·place :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­slinging ­°the·settling⁺·of ­the·land ­in·the·time ­this

and·I·rocked·in ­to·them ­because·of ­ꜝlet·them·find⁺ :

¡woe! ­to·me ­upon ­my·break

piercing·oneself ­my·stroke

and·I ­I·said

surely ­this ­piercing·of ­and·I·bear·him :

my·tent ­he·was·overbreasted

and·all·of ­my·remnantcords⁺ ­they·were·snapped⁺

my·sons⁺ ­they·went⁺·me ­and·they·are·ńot⁺

there·is·ńot ­branching·out ­again ­my·tent

and·raising ­my·curtains⁺ :

as ­they·were·consumed⁺ ­the·tendents⁺

and·°Yʜᴡʜ ­they·did·not·investigate⁺

upon ­surely ­they·did·not·make·prudent⁺

and·all·of ­their·tending ­she·was·scattered :

voice·of ­hearing ­¡lo! ­entering

and·quaking ­great ­from·land·of ­north

to·place ­°the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­desolation ­home·of ­serpents⁺ :

I·knew ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­not ­to·the·adam ­his·step

not ­to·man ­walking

and·making·sure ­°his·pace :

ꜝinstruct·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­surely ­in·judgment

not ­in·your·nostrils ­lest ­you·make·me·little :

ꜝspill·out ­your·heat ­upon ­the·clans⁺ ­that ­they·did·not·know⁺·you

and·upon ­families⁺

that ­in·your·name ­they·did·not·call⁺

as ­they·ate⁺ ­°Heeler ­and·they·ate⁺·him ­and·they·are·all·done·him

and·°his·habitation ­they·desolated⁺ :


the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

ꜝhear⁺ ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·covenant ­this

and·you·spoke·them ­to ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand

and·upon ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom :

and·you·said ­to·them

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

cursed ­the·man

that ­he·does·not·hear

°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·covenant ­this :

that ­I·commanded ­°your⁺·fathers⁺ ­in·the·day·of ­my·letting·go ­°them ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­from·the·cauldron·of ­the·iron ­saying ­ꜝhear⁺ ­in·my·voice ­and·you·did⁺ ­°them

as·all ­that ­I·command ­°you⁺

and·you·were⁺ ­to·me ­to·people


I·am ­to·you⁺ ­to·Powers⁺ :

because·of ­raising ­°the·seven ­that ­I·vowed·seven ­to·your⁺·fathers⁺ ­to·give ­to·them ­land ­emitting·of ­fatmilk ­and·honey ­as·the·day ­this

and·I·respond ­and·I·say ­truly ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

ꜝcall ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­saying

ꜝhear⁺ ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·covenant ­this

and·you·did⁺ ­°them :

as ­witnessing ­I·witnessed ­in·your⁺·fathers⁺ ­in·the·day·of ­my·offering·up ­°them ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­and·unto ­the·day ­this

yoking·up ­and·witnessing ­saying

ꜝhear⁺ ­in·my·voice :

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­and ­they·did·not·branch·out ­°their·ear


man ­in·the·bondage·of ­their·heart ­the·bad

and·I·bring·in ­upon·them ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·covenant ­this ­that ­I·commanded ­to·do ­and ­they·did·not·do⁺ :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

he·was·found ­league ­in·the·man·of ­Gloryhand

and·in·the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom :

they·returned⁺ ­upon ­the·guilts⁺·of ­their·fathers⁺ ­the·headmost⁺ ­that ­they·refused⁺ ­to·hear ­°my·speeches⁺

and·they⁺ ­they·walked⁺ ­after⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺ ­to·serve·them

they·scuttled⁺ ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­and·the·house·of ­Gloryhand

°my·covenant ­that ­I·cut·in ­with ­their·fathers⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­to·them ­badness

that ­they·are·not·able⁺ ­to·go ­from·her

and·they·cried⁺ ­to·me

and ­I·do·not·hear ­to·them :

and·they·walked⁺ ­the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom

and·they·cried⁺ ­to ­the·Powers⁺

that ­they⁺ ­incensing⁺ ­to·them

and·saving ­they·do·not·save⁺ ­to·them ­in·the·season·of ­their·badness :

as ­the·count·of ­your·cities⁺

they·were⁺ ­your·Powers⁺ ­Gloryhand

and·the·count·of ­the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­you·placed⁺ ­offering·places⁺ ­to·the·shame

offering·places⁺ ­to·incense ­to·the·Master :

and·you ­ꜝdo·not·mediate ­about ­the·people ­this

and ­ꜝdo·not·bear ­about·them ­shouting ­and·mediation

as ­I·am·ńot ­hearing ­in·the·season·of ­their·calling ­to·me ­about ­their·badness :

¿what ­to·my·intimate ­in·my·house ­her·doing ­➝the·determination ­the·many⁺

and·flesh·of ­sanctuary ­they·cross·over⁺ ­from·upon·you

as ­your·badness ­then ­you·exult :

olive ­thriving ­beautiful·of ­fruit·of ­figure

he·called ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·name

to·voice·of ­hubbub ­great ­he·enflared ­fire ­upon·her

and·they·did·bad⁺ ­his·pulledbranches⁺ :

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­the·planter ­°you

he·spoke ­upon·you ­badness

in·the·roll-account·of ­the·badness·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­and·the·house·of ­Gloryhand ­that ­they·did⁺ ­to·them ­to·trouble·me ­to·incense ­to·the·Master :

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·let·me·know ­and·I·know!

then ­you·showed·me ­their·exploits⁺ :

and·I ­as·lamb ­alpha ­he·courses ­to·butcher

and ­I·did·not·know ­as ­upon·me ­they·considered⁺ ­considerations⁺ ­ꜝlet·us·ruin⁺ ­tree ­in·his·bread ­and·we·cut·down·him ­from·land·of ­living⁺

and·his·name ­he·is·not·remembered ­again :

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­judge·of ­justice

testing ­allkidneys⁺ ­and·heart

I·see ­your·vengeance ­from·them

as ­to·you ­I·stripped·out ­°my·argument :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Responses

the·seekers⁺ ­°your·soul ­saying

you·do·not·prophesy ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­you·do·not·die ­in·our·hand :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

¡lo!·me ­reckoning ­upon·them

the·choice·youths⁺ ­they·die⁺ ­in·the·sword

their·sons⁺ ­and·their·daughters⁺

they·die⁺ ­in·the·hunger :

and·survivor ­she·is·not ­to·them

as ­I·bring·in ­badness ­to ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Responses ­the·year·of ­their·reckoning :

just ­you ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­I·argue ­to·you

surely ­judgments⁺ ­I·speak ­with·you

¿know·why ­step·of ­wicked⁺ ­she·prospered

they·relaxed⁺ ­all·of ­covert⁺·of ­covertness :

you·planted·them ­also ­they·were·rooted·out

they·walk⁺ ­also ­they·did⁺ ­fruit

present ­you ­in·their·mouth

and·afar ­from·their·allkidneys⁺ :

and·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you·knew·me

you·see·me ­and·you·tested ­my·heart ­with·you

ꜝcause·them·to·snap ­as·sheep ­to·butchery

and·ꜝmake·them·sacred ­to·day·of ­killing :

unto ­¿wħen ­she·mourns ­the·land

and·the·herb·of ­all·of ­the·field ­he·dries·up

from·the·badness·of ­the·settling⁺ ­in·her ­she·swept·away ­beasts⁺ ­and·flyer

as ­they·said⁺

he·does·not·see ­°our·afterward :

as ­with ­on·foot⁺ ­you·ran ­and·they·weary⁺·you

and·¿ħow ­you·scorch ­with ­the·horses⁺

and·in·land·of ­shalom ­you ­trusting

and·¿ħow ­you·do ­in·the·majesty·of ­the·Descender :

as ­also ­your·brothers⁺ ­and·the·house·of ­your·father ­also ­they⁺ ­they·acted·covertly⁺ ­in·you

also ­they⁺ ­they·called⁺ ­after⁺·you ­full

ꜝdo·not·be·true ­in·them

as ­they·speak⁺ ­to·you ­goodnesses⁺ :

I·abandoned ­°my·house

I·left ­°my·derivation

I·gave ­°the·intimate·of ­my·soul ­in·the·spoon·of ­her·enemies⁺ :

she·was ­to·me ­my·derivation ­as·lion ­in·the·forest

she·gave ­upon·me ­in·her·voice ­upon ­surely ­I·hated·her :

¿vulture ­blotted ­my·derivation ­to·me

¿vulture ­turninground ­upon·her

ꜝwalk⁺ ­ꜝgather⁺ ­all·of ­the·life·of ­the·field ­ꜝcause·to·come⁺ ­to·edibles :

tendents⁺ ­many⁺ ­they·ruined⁺ ­my·orchard

they·treaded·down ­°my·division

they·gave⁺ ­°the·division·of ­my·desire ­to·outspeak·of ­desolation :

he·placed·her ­to·be·desolate

she·mourned ­upon·me ­desolation

she·was·desolated ­all·of ­the·land

as ­there·is·ńot ­man ­placing ­upon ­heart :

upon ­all·of ­ridges⁺ ­in·the·outspeak ­they·entered⁺ ­overbreasting⁺

as ­sword ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­eating

from·end·of ­land ­and·unto ­the·end·of ­the·land

there·is·ńot ­shalom ­to·all·of ­flesh :

they·seeded⁺ ­wheat⁺ ­and·thorns⁺ ­they·cropped⁺

they·pierced·themselves⁺ ­they·do·not·benefit⁺

and·ꜝbe·ashamed⁺ ­from·your⁺·inbringings⁺

from·the·scorching·of ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­all·of ­my·fellowdwellers⁺ ­the·bad⁺

that·touch⁺ ­in·the·derivation

that ­I·derived·for ­°my·people ­°Princepowr

¡lo!·me ­that·expels·them ­from·upon ­their·adamah

and·°the·house·of ­Gloryhand ­I·expel ­from·their·midst :

and·he·was ­after⁺ ­my·expelling ­°them

I·return ­and·I·enwombed·them

and·I·returned·them ­man ­to·his·derivation ­and·man ­to·his·land :

and·he·was ­if ­discipled ­they·are·discipled⁺ ­°the·steps⁺·of ­my·people ­to·vow·seven ­in·my·name ­the·living·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­they·discipled⁺ ­°my·people

to·vow·seven ­in·the·Master

and·they·were·built⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­my·people :

and·if ­they·do·not·hear⁺

and·I·expelled ­°the·clan ­he ­expelling ­and·losing ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­walking ­and·you·stocked·up ­to·you ­belt·of ­flaxes⁺

and·you·placed·him ­upon ­your·thighs²

and·in·the·waters⁺ ­you·do·not·bring·him·in :

and·I·stock·up ­°the·belt ­as·the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·place ­upon ­my·thighs² :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­second ­saying :

ꜝtake ­°the·belt ­that ­you·stocked·up ­that ­upon ­your·thighs²

and·ꜝarise ­ꜝwalk ­➝Euphrates

and·ꜝbury·him ­there ­in·the·grotto·of ­the·clifftop :

and·I·walk ­and·I·bury·him ­in·Euphrates

as·how ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°me :

and·he·is ­from·end·of ­days⁺ ­many⁺

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­ꜝarise ­ꜝwalk ­➝Euphrates

and·ꜝtake ­from·there ­°the·belt

that ­I·commanded·you ­to·bury·him ­there :

and·I·walk ­➝Euphrates

and·I·dig ­and·I·take ­°the·belt

from ­the·rising·place ­that ­I·buried·him ­➝there

and·¡lo! ­he·was·ruined ­the·belt

he·does·not·prosper ­to·all :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

thus ­I·ruin ­°the·majesty·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°the·majesty·of ­Torahshalom ­the·much :

the·people ­this ­the·bad ­that·refuse⁺ ­to·hear ­°my·speeches⁺ ­that·walk⁺ ­in·the·bondage·of ­their·heart

and·they·walk⁺ ­after⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺

to·serve·them ­and·to·prostrate·oneself ­to·them

and·ꜝlet·him·be ­as·the·belt ­this

that ­he·does·not·prosper ­to·all :

as ­as·how ­he·is·joined ­the·belt ­to ­thighs²·of ­man ­surely ­I·joined·up ­to·me ­°all·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­and·°all·of ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·be ­to·me ­to·people

and·to·name ­and·to·praise ­and·to·sprigging

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ :

and·you·said ­to·them ­°the·speech ­this

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

all·of ­wiltbag ­he·is·filled ­wine

and·they·said⁺ ­to·you

¿knowing ­we·do·not·know⁺

as ­all·of ­wiltbag ­he·is·filled ­wine :

and·you·said ­to·them ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo!·me ­filling ­°all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­the·land ­this ­and·°the·kings⁺ ­that·settle⁺ ­to·Intimate ­upon ­his·throne ­and·°the·priests⁺ ­and·°the·prophets⁺ ­and·°all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­drunkenness :

and·I·shattered·them ­man ­to ­his·brother ­and·the·fathers⁺ ­and·the·sons⁺ ­united ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·do·not·pity ­and ­I·do·not·spare ­and ­I·do·not·enwomb ­from·their·ruining :

ꜝhear⁺ ­and·give·ear⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·climb⁺

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke :

ꜝgive⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ ­weight ­in·ere ­he·darkens

and·in·ere ­they·smite·themselves⁺ ­your⁺·feet² ­upon ­mounts⁺·of ­evening·breeze

and·you·hoped⁺ ­to·light ­and·he·placed·her ­to·shadow-of-death

and·he·put ­to·sprinkling·cloud :

and·if ­you·do·not·hear⁺·her

in·hiding·places⁺ ­she·weeps ­my·soul ­from·face⁺·of ­majesty

and·shedding·tears ­she·sheds·tears ­and·she·descends ­my·eye ­tears

as ­he·was·captured ­the·flock·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝsay ­to·the·king ­and·to·the·heroine ­ꜝmake·low⁺ ­ꜝsettle⁺

as ­he·descended ­your⁺·headrests⁺

the·crown·of ­your⁺·sprigging :

the·cities⁺·of ­the·Negev ­they·were·locked·in ­and·there·is·ńot ­opening

she·was·stripped ­Gloryhand ­all·of·her ­she·was·stripped ­shaloms⁺ :

ꜝbear⁺ ­your⁺·eyes² ­and·ꜝsee⁺

that·enter⁺ ­from·north

¿where ­the·flock ­he·was·given ­to·you

the·sheep·of ­your·sprigging :

¿what ­you·say ­as ­he·reckons ­upon·you

and·you ­you·discipled ­°them ­upon·you ­alpha⁺ ­to·head

¿not ­ropes⁺ ­they·hold⁺·you

as ­woman·of ­enchilding :

and·as ­you·say ­in·your·heart

¿know·why ­they·called·upon·me ­these

in·the·multitude·of ­your·guilt ­they·were·stripped⁺ ­your·skirts⁺ ­they·were·done·violence⁺ ­your·heels⁺ :

¿he·converts ­Kushïte ­his·bareskin

and·leopard ­his·stripes⁺

also ­you⁺ ­you·are·able⁺ ­to·do·good

disciples⁺·of ­doing·bad :

and·I·scatter·them ­as·stubble ­crosser

to·breath·of ­outspeak :

this ­your·lot ­the·allotment·of ­your·tunics⁺ ­from·with·me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­you·forgot ­°me

and·you·trust ­in·the·falsehood :

and·also ­I ­I·made·naked ­your·skirts⁺ ­upon ­your·face⁺

and·he·was·seen ­your·roasting :

your·adulteries⁺ ­and·your·whinnying⁺ ­the·evil·determination·of ­your·fornication

upon ­hills⁺ ­in·the·field

I·saw ­your·detestations⁺

¡woe! ­to·you ­Torahshalom


after⁺ ­¿wħen ­again :


that ­he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

upon ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·fortifications⁺ :

she·mourned ­Gloryhand

and·her·gates⁺ ­they·were·exhausted⁺ ­they·were·gloomy⁺ ­to·the·land

and·the·scream·of ­Torahshalom ­she·went·up :


they·sent⁺ ­their·lessers⁺ ­to·the·waters⁺

they·entered⁺ ­upon ­cisterns⁺ ­they·did·not·find⁺ ­waters⁺ ­they·returned⁺ ­their·things⁺ ­empty

they·were·ashamed⁺ ­and·they·were·embarrassed⁺ ­and·they·shrouded⁺ ­their·head :

in·sake·of ­the·adamah ­she·was·cast·down

as ­he·was·not ­shower ­in·the·land

they·were·ashamed⁺ ­farmers⁺ ­they·shrouded⁺ ­their·head :

as ­also ­powerdeer ­in·the·field

she·enchilded ­and·abandoning

as ­he·was·not ­grass :

and·asses⁺ ­they·stood⁺ ­upon ­ridges⁺

they·gobbled⁺ ­breath ­as·the·serpents⁺

they·were·all·through ­their·eyes² ­as ­there·is·ńot ­herb :

if ­our·guilts⁺ ­they·responded⁺ ­in·us

Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝdo ­because·of ­your·name

as ­they·were·multiplied⁺ ­our·backturnings⁺ ­to·you ­we·sinned⁺ :

the·hope·of ­Princepowr

his·savior ­in·season·of ­rockiness

to·¿what ­you·are ­as·lodger ­in·the·land

and·as·wayfarer ­he·branched·out ­to·repose :

to·¿what ­you·are ­as·man ­√confused

as·hero ­he·is·not·able ­to·save

and·you ­in·our·impresence ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·your·name ­upon·us ­he·was·called ­you·do·not·set·us·in·peace :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·people ­this ­surely ­they·loved⁺ ­to·rattle

their·feet² ­they·did·not·keep⁺

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·did·not·favor·them

now ­he·remembers ­their·guilt

and·he·reckons ­their·sins⁺ :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

ꜝdo·not·mediate ­about ­the·people ­this ­to·goodness :

as ­they·fast⁺ ­I·am·ńot ­hearing ­to ­their·shouting

and·as ­they·offer·up⁺ ­upward·offering ­and·tribute ­I·am·ńot ­that·favors·them

as ­in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable

I ­all·done ­°them :

and·I·say ­¡oh-oh! ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo! ­the·prophets⁺ ­saying⁺ ­to·them ­you·do·not·see⁺ ­sword

and·hunger ­he·is·not ­to·you⁺

as ­shalom·of ­truth ­I·give ­to·you⁺

in·the·rising·place ­this :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­falsehood ­the·prophets⁺ ­prophesying⁺ ­in·my·name

I·did·not·send·them ­and ­I·did·not·command·them

and ­I·did·not·speak ­to·them

vision·of ­falsehood ­and·divination ­and·no-power ­and·the·trickery·of ­their·heart

they⁺ ­prophesying⁺ ­to·you⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­the·prophets⁺ ­that·prophesy⁺ ­in·my·name ­and·I ­I·did·not·send·them

and·they⁺ ­saying⁺

sword ­and·hunger

he·is·not ­in·the·land ­this

in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­they·are·completed⁺

the·prophets⁺ ­they⁺ :

and·the·people ­that ­they⁺ ­prophesying⁺ ­to·them ­they·are⁺ ­dropped⁺ ­in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·hunger ­and·the·sword ­and·there·is·ńot ­entombing ­to·them

they⁺ ­their·women⁺

and·their·sons⁺ ­and·their·daughters⁺

and·I·spilled·out ­upon·them ­°their·badness :

and·you·said ­to·them ­°the·speech ­this

they·descend⁺ ­my·eyes² ­tears ­night ­and·daytime ­and ­ꜝlet·them·not·silence⁺

as ­break ­great ­she·was·broken ­the·virgin·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people

stroke ­piercing·oneself ­very :

if ­I·went ­the·field ­and·¡lo! ­pierced⁺·of ­sword

and·if ­I·entered ­the·city

and·¡lo! ­diseases⁺·of ­hunger

as ­also ­prophet ­also ­priest ­they·merchandised⁺ ­to ­land ­and ­they·did·not·know⁺ :

¿rejecting ­you·rejected ­°Gloryhand ­if ­in·Tzion ­she·neglected ­your·soul

¿know·why ­you·struck·us

and·there·is·ńot ­to·us ­healing

hoping ­to·shalom ­and·there·is·ńot ­good

and·to·season·of ­healing ­and·¡lo! ­fright :

we·knew⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·wickedness ­the·guilt·of ­our·fathers⁺

as ­we·sinned⁺ ­to·you :

ꜝdo·not·disregard ­because·of ­your·name

ꜝdo·not·let·wilt ­the·throne·of ­your·weight

ꜝremember ­you·do·not·scuttle ­your·covenant ­with·us :

¿there·is ­in·the·vapors⁺·of ­the·clans⁺ ­causing·to·shower⁺

and·if ­the·skies⁺ ­they·give⁺ ­many·rains⁺

¿not ­you ­he ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­and·we·hope⁺ ­to·you

as ­you ­you·did ­°all ­these :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

if ­he·stands ­Moseh ­and·Heard-by-Powr ­to·my·face⁺

there·is·ńot ­my·soul ­to ­the·people ­this

ꜝsend·out ­from·upon ­my·face⁺ ­and·they·go⁺ :

and·he·was ­as ­they·say⁺ ­to·you ­¿where ­we·go⁺

and·you·said ­to·them ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­to·the·death ­to·the·death ­and·that ­to·the·sword ­to·the·sword

and·that ­to·the·hunger ­to·the·hunger

and·that ­to·the·captivity ­to·the·captivity :

and·I·reckoned ­upon·them ­four ­families⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

°the·sword ­to·kill

and·°the·dogs⁺ ­to·rag

and·°the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·°the·beast·of ­the·land ­to·eat ­and·to·ruin :

and·I·gave·them ­to·irritation

to·all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·land

in·the·roll-account·of ­Frustration ­the·son·of ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

upon ­that ­he·did ­in·Torahshalom :

as ­¿who ­he·pities ­upon·you ­Torahshalom

and·¿who ­he·sways ­to·you

and·¿who ­he·moves

to·request ­to·shalom ­to·you :

you ­you·left ­°me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­aft ­you·walk

and·I·branch·out ­°my·hand ­upon·you ­and·I·ruin·you

I·was·wearied ­sighing :

and·I·winnow·them ­in·winnower ­in·the·gates⁺·of ­the·land

I·was·bereaved ­I·lost ­°my·people

from·their·steps⁺ ­they·did·not·return⁺ :

they·were·strongboned⁺ ­to·me ­his·widows⁺ ­from·sand·of ­seas⁺

I·brought·in ­to·them ­upon ­mama·of ­choice·youth ­overbreasting ­in·the·noonpeak²

I·let·fall ­upon·her ­suddenly

city ­and·agitation⁺ :

she·was·exhausted ­the·enchilding·of ­the·seven ­she·blew ­her·soul ­he·entered ­her·sun ­when·still ­daytime ­she·was·ashamed ­and·she·was·dug·under

and·their·survivor ­to·the·sword ­I·give ­to·the·face⁺·of ­their·enemies⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¡woe! ­to·me ­my·mama

as ­you·enchilded·me ­man·of ­argument ­and·man·of ­vindictiveness ­to·all·of ­the·land

I·did·not·defraud ­and ­they·did·not·defraud⁺ ­in·me ­all·of·him ­that·slights·me :

he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­I·did·not·unbind·you ­to·good

if ­I·did·not·peg ­in·you ­in·season·of ­bad ­and·in·season·of ­rockiness ­°the·enemy :

¿he·does·bad ­iron ­iron ­from·north ­and·copper :

your·strength ­and·your·treasures⁺ ­to·spoil ­I·give ­not ­in·price

and·in·all·of ­your·sins⁺ ­and·in·all·of ­your·borders⁺ :

and·I·made·cross·by ­°your·enemies⁺

in·land ­you·did·not·know

as ­fire ­she·was·fevered ­in·my·nostrils ­upon·you⁺ ­she·smolders :

you ­you·knew ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝremember·me ­and·ꜝreckon·me ­and·ꜝbe·avenged ­to·me ­from·my·pursuers⁺

not ­to·the·long·of ­your·nostrils ­ꜝtake·me

ꜝknow ­my·bearing ­upon·you ­detraction :

they·were·found⁺ ­your·speeches⁺ ­and·I·eat·them

and·he·is ­your·speech ­to·me

to·rejoicing ­and·to·the·gladness·of ­my·heart

as ­he·was·called ­your·name ­upon·me

Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­hosts⁺ :

I·did·not·settle ­in·confidences·of ­making·laughter⁺ ­and·I·exult

from·the·face⁺·of ­your·hand ­alone ­I·settled

as ­damnation ­you·filled·me :

to·¿what ­he·was ­my·hurting ­forever

and·my·stroke ­mortal

she·refused ­being·healed

being ­you·are ­to·me ­as ­lying

waters⁺ ­they·were·not·true⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­if ­you·return ­and·I·return·you ­to·my·face⁺ ­you·stand

and·if ­you·let·go ­precious ­from·letting·loose ­as·my·mouth ­you·are

they·return⁺ ­they⁺ ­to·you

and·you ­you·do·not·return ­to·them :

and·I·gave·you ­to·the·people ­this ­to·rampart·of ­copper ­fortified

and·they·battled⁺ ­to·you ­and ­they·are·not·able⁺ ­to·you

as ­with·you ­I ­to·save·you ­and·to·snatch·you·away ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·I·snatched·you·away ­from·hand·of ­bad⁺

and·I·ransomed·you ­from·spoon·of ­awesome⁺ :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­saying :

you·do·not·take ­to·you ­woman

and ­they·are·not⁺ ­to·you ­sons⁺ ­and·daughters⁺

in·the·rising·place ­this :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­the·sons⁺ ­and·upon ­the·daughters⁺

the·child⁺ ­in·the·rising·place ­this

and·upon ­their·mamas⁺ ­that·enchild⁺ ­°them ­and·upon ­their·fathers⁺ ­that·bechild⁺ ­°them ­in·the·land ­this :

deaths⁺·of ­diseases⁺ ­they·die⁺ ­they·are·not·lamented⁺ ­and ­they·are·not·entombed⁺

to·dung ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah ­they·are⁺

and·in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­they·are·all·through

and·she·was ­their·wilted·body ­to·edibles

to·the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·to·the·beast·of ­the·land :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝdo·not·enter ­house·of ­anguish

and ­ꜝdo·not·walk ­to·lament

and ­ꜝdo·not·sway ­to·them

as ­I·gathered ­°my·shalom ­from·with ­the·people ­this ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

°the·mercy ­and·°the·wombliness⁺ :

and·they·died⁺ ­great⁺ ­and·small⁺ ­in·the·land ­this ­they·are·not·entombed⁺

and ­they·do·not·lament⁺ ­to·them

and ­he·does·not·clout·himself

and ­he·does·not·make·himself·bald ­to·them :

and ­they·do·not·claw·apart ­to·them ­upon ­mourning ­to·sigh·with·him ­upon ­dead

and ­they·do·not·give·to·drink⁺ ­°them ­cup·of ­sighs⁺

upon ­his·father ­and·upon ­his·mama :

and·house·of ­drinkingfeast ­you·do·not·enter ­to·settle ­with·them

to·eat ­and·to·drink :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

¡lo!·me ­giving·rest ­from ­the·rising·place ­this ­to·your⁺·eyes² ­and·in·your⁺·days⁺

voice·of ­rejoicing ­and·voice·of ­gladness

voice·of ­married·one ­and·voice·of ­allness :

and·he·was ­as ­you·tell·forth ­to·the·people ­this

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·they·said⁺ ­to·you ­upon ­¿what ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·us ­°all·of ­the·badness ­the·great ­this

and·¿what ­our·guilt ­and·¿what ­our·sin

that ­we·sinned⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ :

and·you·said ­to·them ­upon ­that ­they·abandoned⁺ ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­°me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·walk⁺ ­after⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺

and·they·serve⁺·them ­and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ ­to·them

and·°me ­they·abandoned⁺

and·°my·torah ­they·did·not·watch⁺ :

and·you⁺ ­you·did·bad⁺ ­to·do ­from·your⁺·fathers⁺

and·¡lo!·you⁺ ­walking⁺ ­man ­after⁺ ­the·bondage·of ­his·heart ­the·bad

to·not ­hearing ­to·me :

and·I·hurled ­°you⁺ ­from·upon ­the·land ­this

upon ­the·land ­that ­you·did·not·know⁺

you⁺ ­and·your⁺·fathers⁺

and·you·served⁺ ­there ­°Powers⁺ ­after⁺ ­daytime ­and·night

that ­I·do·not·give ­to·you⁺ ­grace :

to·surely ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­he·is·not·said ­again ­the·living·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­he·offered·up ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² :

but ­rather ­the·living·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·offered·up ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·land·of ­north

and·from·all·of ­the·lands⁺

that ­he·banished·them ­➝there

and·I·returned·them ­upon ­their·adamah

that ­I·gave ­to·their·fathers⁺ :

¡lo!·me ­sending ­to·fishers⁺ ­many⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·they·fished·for·them

and·after⁺ ­surely ­I·send ­to·many⁺ ­hunters⁺

and·they·hunted⁺·them ­from·upon ­all·of ­mount ­and·from·upon ­all·of ­hill

and·from·the·grottos⁺·of ­the·clifftops⁺ :

as ­my·eyes² ­upon ­all·of ­their·steps⁺

they·were·not·hidden⁺ ­from·to·my·face⁺

and ­he·was·not·kept·secret ­their·guilt ­from·before ­my·eyes² :

and·shalomed ­headmost ­the·second·of ­their·guilt ­and·their·sin

upon ­their·piercing ­°my·land

in·the·wilted·body·of ­their·detestations⁺ ­and·their·abominations⁺

they·filled⁺ ­°my·derivation :

Yʜᴡʜ ­my·might ­and·my·mighty·place ­and·my·fleeing·place ­in·day·of ­rockiness

to·you ­clans⁺ ­they·enter⁺ ­from·limits⁺·of ­land

and·they·say⁺ ­surely ­falsehood ­they·derived⁺ ­our·fathers⁺

vapor ­and·there·is·ńot ­in·them ­benefit :

¿he·does ­to·him ­adam ­Powers⁺

and·they⁺ ­not ­Powers⁺ :

to·surely ­¡lo!·me ­that·lets·them·know

in·the·time ­this

I·let·them·know ­°my·hand ­and·°my·heroism

and·they·knew⁺ ­as ­my·name ­Yʜᴡʜ :

the·sin·of ­Gloryhand ­written ­in·quill·of ­iron ­in·skipnail·of ­watchbrier

crafted ­upon ­the·slate·of ­their·heart

and·to·the·horns⁺·of ­your⁺·offering·places⁺ :

as·remembering ­their·sons⁺ ­their·offering·places⁺

and·their·Blessed·Ones⁺ ­upon ­tree ­thriving

upon ­hills⁺ ­the·climbing⁺ :

my·mountain ­in·the·field

your·strength ­all·of ­your·treasures⁺ ­to·spoil ­I·give

your·daises⁺ ­in·sin ­in·all·of ­your·borders⁺ :

and·you·released ­and·in·you ­from·your·derivation ­that ­I·gave ­to·you

and·I·put·you·to·service ­°your·enemies⁺

in·the·land ­that ­you·did·not·know

as ­fire ­you·were·fevered⁺ ­in·my·nostrils ­unto ­eternity ­she·smolders :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­cursed ­the·hero ­that ­he·trusts ­in·the·adam

and·he·placed ­flesh ­his·arm

and·from ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·moves ­his·heart :

and·he·was ­as·bare-bare·tree ­in·the·arabah

and ­he·does·not·see ­as ­he·enters ­good

and·he·dwelled ­scorched·places⁺ ­in·the·outspeak

land·of ­saltmarsh ­and ­she·does·not·settle :

knelt·to ­the·hero

that ­he·trusts ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·was ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·trust :

and·he·was ­as·tree ­grafted ­upon ­waters⁺ ­and·upon ­watercourse ­he·sends·out ­his·roots⁺

and ­he·does·not·see ­as ­he·enters ­heat

and·he·was ­his·upper·leaf ­thriving

and·in·year·of ­fortification ­he·is·not·anxious

and ­he·does·not·budge ­from·doing ­fruit :

heeling ­the·heart ­from·all ­and·mortal ­he

¿who ­he·knows·him :

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­examining ­heart ­testing ­allkidneys⁺

and·to·give ­to·man ­as·his·steps⁺

as·the·fruit·of ­his·exploits⁺ :

calling·bird ­he·brooded ­and ­he·did·not·enchild

doing ­riches ­and·not ­in·judgment

in·the·half·of ­his·days⁺ ­he·abandons·him

and·in·his·afterward ­he·is ­wilted :

throne·of ­weight

heights ­from·headmost

the·rising·place·of ­our·sanctuary :

the·hope·of ­Princepowr ­Yʜᴡʜ

all·of ­that·abandon⁺·you ­they·are·ashamed⁺

and·my·removed⁺ ­in·the·land ­they·are·written⁺

as ­they·abandoned⁺ ­fountain·of ­waters⁺ ­living⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝheal·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·I·am·healed

ꜝsave·me ­and·ꜝlet·me·be·saved

as ­my·praise ­you :

¡lo! ­they⁺ ­saying⁺ ­to·me

¿where ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·enters ­¡please! :

and·I ­I·was·not·hasty ­from·tendent ­after⁺·you ­and·day ­mortal ­I·did·not·yearn·for ­you ­you·knew

the·going·of ­my·lips²

in·view·of ­your·face⁺ ­he·was :

ꜝdo·not·be ­to·me ­to·casting·down

my·refugee ­you ­in·day·of ­badness :

they·are·ashamed⁺ ­my·pursuers⁺ ­and ­ꜝlet·me·not·be·ashamed ­I

they·are·cast·down⁺ ­they⁺

and ­ꜝlet·me·not·be·cast·down ­I

bring·in ­upon·them ­day·of ­badness

and·second ­breaking ­ꜝbreak·them :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­walking ­and·you·stood ­in·the·gate·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·people

that ­they·enter⁺ ­in·him ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·that ­they·go⁺ ­in·him

and·in·all·of ­the·gates⁺·of ­Torahshalom :

and·you·said ­to·them ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·all·of ­Gloryhand

and·all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom

that·enter⁺ ­in·the·gates⁺ ­these :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝwatch·yourselves⁺ ­in·your⁺·souls⁺

and ­ꜝdo·not·bear⁺ ­burden ­in·the·day·of ­the·rest

and·you·brought·in⁺ ­in·the·gates⁺·of ­Torahshalom :

and ­you·do·not·let·go⁺ ­burden ­from·your⁺·houses⁺ ­in·the·day·of ­the·rest

and·all·of ­ministry ­you·do·not·do⁺

and·you·sanctified⁺ ­°the·day·of ­the·rest

as·how ­I·commanded ­°your⁺·fathers⁺ :

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺

and ­they·did·not·branch·out ­°their·ear

and·they·harden⁺ ­°their·spine

to·not ­hearing

and·to·not ­taking ­instruction :

and·he·was ­if ­hearing ­you·hear⁺ ­to·me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·not ­bringing·in ­burden ­in·the·gates⁺·of ­the·city ­this ­in·the·day·of ­the·rest

and·to·sanctify ­°the·day·of ­the·rest

to·not ­doing ­in·him ­all·of ­ministry :

and·they·entered⁺ ­in·the·gates⁺·of ­the·city ­this ­kings⁺ ­and·princes⁺ ­settling⁺ ­upon ­the·throne·of ­Intimate ­charioting⁺ ­in·the·chariot ­and·in·the·horses⁺ ­they⁺ ­and·their·princes⁺

the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­and·the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom

and·she·settled ­the·city ­this ­to·eternity :

and·they·entered⁺ ­from·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·from·turninground ­Torahshalom ­and·from·the·land·of ­Son-of-Right ­and·from ­the·lowland ­and·from ­the·mount ­and·from ­the·Negev

bringing·in⁺ ­upward·offering ­and·offering ­and·tribute ­and·white·incense

and·bringing·in⁺·of ­gloryhand ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·if ­you·do·not·hear⁺ ­to·me ­to·sanctify ­°the·day·of ­the·rest

and·to·not ­bearing ­burden ­and·entering ­in·the·gates⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­in·the·day·of ­the·rest

and·I·enflared ­fire ­in·her·gates⁺ ­and·she·ate ­the·heights⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­and ­she·is·not·quenched :


the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

ꜝarise ­and·you·descended ­the·house·of ­the·former

and➝there ­I·let·you·hear ­°my·speeches⁺ :

and·I·descend ­the·house·of ­the·former

and·¡lo! ­he ­doer ­ministry ­upon ­the·wheelstones² :

and·he·was·ruined ­the·thing ­that ­he ­doing ­in·the·pitch ­in·the·hand·of ­the·former

and·he·returned ­and·he·does·him ­thing ­after

as·how ­he·was·straight ­in·the·eyes²·of ­the·former ­to·do :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­saying :

¿as·the·former ­this ­I·am·not·able ­to·do ­to·you⁺ ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­as·the·pitch ­in·the·hand·of ­the·former

surely ­you⁺ ­in·my·hand ­the·house·of ­Princepowr :

wink ­I·speak

upon ­clan ­and·upon ­kingdom

to·expel ­and·to·wreck ­and·to·cause·to·be·lost :

and·he·returned ­the·clan ­he


that ­I·spoke ­upon·him

and·I·sighed ­upon ­the·badness

that ­I·considered ­to·do ­to·him :

and·wink ­I·speak

upon ­clan ­and·upon ­kingdom

to·build ­and·to·plant :

and·he·did ­the·bad ­in·my·eyes²

to·not ­hearing ­in·my·voice

and·I·sighed ­upon ­the·goodness

that ­I·said ­to·do·good ­°him :

and·now ­ꜝsay ­¡please! ­to ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­and·upon ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­saying ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­I ­forming ­upon·you⁺ ­badness

and·considering ­upon·you⁺ ­consideration

ꜝreturn⁺ ­¡please! ­man ­from·his·step ­the·bad

and·ꜝdo·good⁺ ­your⁺·steps⁺ ­and·your⁺·exploits⁺ :

and·they·said⁺ ­despair

as ­after⁺ ­our·considerations⁺ ­we·walk⁺

and·man ­the·bondage·of ­his·heart ­the·bad ­we·do⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝrequest⁺ ­¡please! ­in·the·clans⁺

¿who ­he·heard ­as·these

horror ­she·did ­very

the·virgin·of ­Princepowr :

¿he·abandons ­from·rock·of ­field ­the·snow·of ­Whitemost

if ­they·are·expelled⁺ ­waters⁺ ­strangers⁺ ­cold⁺ ­cascades⁺ :

as ­they·forgot⁺·me ­my·people ­to·the·vanity ­they·incense⁺

and·they·cause·them·to·stumble⁺ ­in·their·steps⁺ ­straightshots⁺·of ­eternity

to·walk ­paths⁺·of

step ­not ­advanced :

to·place ­their·land ­to·desolation ­whistlings⁺·of ­eternity

all·of ­crosser ­upon·her

he·is·desolate ­and·he·sways ­in·his·head :

as·breath·of ­frontwind ­I·scatter·them ­to·face⁺·of ­enemy

spine ­and·not ­face⁺ ­I·see·them ­in·the·day·of ­their·calamity :

and·they·say⁺ ­ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·consider⁺ ­upon ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­considerations⁺

as ­she·is·not·lost ­torah ­from·priest ­and·counsel ­from·wise

and·speech ­from·prophet

ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·we·strike⁺·him ­in·the·tongue

and ­ꜝlet·us·not·listen⁺ ­to ­all·of ­his·speeches⁺ :

ꜝlisten! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

and·ꜝhear ­to·the·voice·of ­my·arguers⁺ :

¿he·is·shalomed ­under ­goodness ­badness

as ­they·drilled⁺ ­pit ­to·my·soul

ꜝremember ­my·standing ­to·your·face⁺ ­to·speak ­upon·them ­goodness

to·return ­°your·heat ­from·them :

to·surely ­ꜝgive ­°their·sons⁺ ­to·the·hunger ­and·ꜝdrain·them ­upon ­hands²·of ­sword

and·they·are⁺ ­their·women⁺ ­bereaved⁺ ­and·widows⁺


they·are⁺ ­killed⁺·of ­death


struck⁺·of ­sword ­in·the·battle :

she·is·heard ­cry ­from·their·houses⁺

as ­you·bring·in ­upon·them ­clouttroop ­suddenly

as ­they·drilled⁺ ­pit ­to·seize·me

and·traps⁺ ­they·buried⁺ ­to·my·feet² :

and·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you·knew ­°all·of ­their·counsel ­upon·me ­to·the·death

ꜝdo·not·atone ­upon ­their·guilt

and·their·sin ­from·to·your·face⁺ ­you·do·not·wipe·away

and·they·are⁺ ­caused·to·stumble⁺ ­to·your·face⁺

in·the·season·of ­your·nostrils ­ꜝdo ­in·them :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

walking ­and·you·stocked·up ­vacuole·of ­former·of ­claycraft

and·from·the·elders⁺·of ­the·people

and·from·the·elders⁺·of ­the·priests⁺ :

and·you·went ­to ­the·valley·of ­Son·of ­Hinnom

that ­the·opening·of ­the·gate·of ­the·claycrafter

and·you·called ­there

°the·speeches⁺ ­that ­I·speak ­to·you :

and·you·said ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­badness ­upon ­the·rising·place ­this

that ­all ­that·hears·her ­they·ring⁺ ­his·ears² :

because ­that ­they·abandoned⁺·me ­and·they·make·unrecognizable⁺ ­°the·rising·place ­this ­and·they·incense⁺ ­in·him ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺

that ­they·did·not·know⁺·them ­they⁺ ­and·their·fathers⁺ ­and·the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·they·filled⁺ ­°the·rising·place ­this ­blood·of ­innocent⁺ :

and·they·built⁺ ­°the·daises⁺·of ­the·Master ­to·burn ­°their·sons⁺ ­in·the·fire ­upward·offerings⁺ ­to·the·Master

that ­I·did·not·command ­and ­I·did·not·speak

and ­she·did·not·go·up ­upon ­my·heart :


to·surely ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­he·is·not·called ­to·the·rising·place ­this ­again ­the·Tophet ­and·the·valley·of ­Son·of ­Hinnom

but ­rather ­the·valley·of ­the·killing :

and·I·vacuated ­°the·counsel·of ­Gloryhand ­and·Torahshalom ­in·the·rising·place ­this

and·I·let·them·fall ­in·the·sword ­to·the·face⁺·of ­their·enemies⁺

and·in·the·hand·of ­the·seekers⁺·of ­their·soul

and·I·gave ­°their·wilted·body ­to·edibles

to·the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·to·the·beast·of ­the·land :

and·I·placed ­°the·city ­this

to·desolation ­and·to·whistling

all·of ­crosser ­upon·her

he·is·desolate ­and·he·whistles ­upon ­all·of ­her·strokes⁺ :

and·I·gave·to·them·eat ­°the·flesh·of ­their·sons⁺ ­and·°the·flesh·of ­their·daughters⁺

and·man ­the·flesh·of ­his·tendent ­they·eat⁺

in·rocked·up·place ­and·in·overpouring

that ­they·overpour⁺ ­to·them ­their·enemies⁺ ­and·the·seekers⁺·of ­their·soul :

and·you·broke ­the·vacuole

to·the·eyes²·of ­the·mortals⁺

that·walk⁺ ­with·you :

and·you·said ­to·them ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­thus ­I·break ­°the·people ­this ­and·°the·city ­this

as·how ­he·breaks ­°the·thing·of ­the·former

that ­he·is·not·able ­to·be·healed ­again

and·in·Tophet ­they·entomb⁺

from·there·is·ńot ­rising·place ­to·entomb :

surely ­I·do ­to·the·rising·place ­this ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·to·that·settle⁺·him

and·to·give ­°the·city ­this ­as·Tophet :

and·they·were⁺ ­the·houses⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­and·the·houses⁺·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand

as·the·rising·place·of ­the·Tophet ­the·defiled⁺

to·all·of ­the·houses⁺ ­that ­they·incensed⁺ ­upon ­their·roofs⁺ ­to·all·of ­the·host·of ­the·skies⁺

and·libating·out ­libations⁺ ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺ :


and·he·enters ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·the·Tophet

that ­he·sent·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­there ­to·prophesy

and·he·stands ­in·the·courtyard·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­to ­all·of ­the·people :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­to ­the·city ­this ­and·upon ­all·of ­her·cities⁺

°all·of ­the·badness

that ­I·spoke ­upon·her

as ­they·hardened⁺ ­°their·spine

to·not ­hearing ­°my·speeches⁺ :

and·he·hears ­Tattering ­the·son·of ­Saying ­the·priest

and·he ­reckoner ­foremost ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ


prophesying ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these :

and·he·strikes ­Tattering

°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

and·he·gives ­°him ­upon ­the·converter ­that ­in·the·gate·of ­Son-of-Right ­the·uppermost

that ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­from·aftermorrow

and·he·lets·go ­Tattering ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from ­the·converter

and·he·says ­to·him ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­not ­Tattering ­he·called ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·name

but ­rather ­dislodgement ­from·turninground :


as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo!·me ­that·gives·you ­to·dislodgement ­to·you ­and·to·all·of ­that·love⁺·you ­and·they·fell⁺ ­in·the·sword·of ­their·enemies⁺ ­and·your·eyes² ­seeing⁺

and·°all·of ­Gloryhand ­I·give ­in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·he·stripped·them ­➝Babylon ­and·he·struck·them ­in·the·sword :

and·I·gave ­°all·of ­the·dominion·of ­the·city ­this

and·°all·of ­her·labor ­and·°all·of ­her·preciousness

and·°all·of ­the·treasures⁺·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­I·give ­in·the·hand·of ­their·enemies⁺

and·they·spoiled⁺·them ­and·they·took⁺·them

and·they·brought·them·in⁺ ­➝Babylon :

and·you ­Tattering ­and·all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­your·house

you·walk⁺ ­in·the·captivity

and·Babylon ­you·enter ­and·there ­you·die ­and·there ­you·are·entombed

you ­and·all·of ­that·love⁺·you

that ­you·prophesied ­to·them ­in·the·falsehood :

you·beguiled·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·I·am·beguiled

you·were·firm·me ­and·you·are·able

I·was ­to·laughter ­all·of ­the·day

all·of·him ­mocking ­to·me :

as ­from·enough·of ­I·speak ­I·cry

violence ­and·overbreasting ­I·call

as ­he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­to·detraction ­and·to·derision ­all·of ­the·day :

and·I·said ­I·do·not·remember·him ­and ­I·do·not·speak ­again ­in·his·name

and·he·was ­in·my·heart ­as·fire ­consumed

restrained ­in·my·bones⁺

and·I·was·wearied ­sustaining ­and ­I·am·not·able :

as ­I·heard ­slurs·of ­many⁺ ­dislodgement ­from·turninground

tell·forth⁺ ­and·we·tell·forth⁺·him

all·of ­the·mortal·of ­my·shalom

the·watching⁺·of ­my·limping

¿maybe ­he·is·beguiled ­and·ꜝlet·us·be·able⁺ ­to·him

and·ꜝlet·us·take⁺ ­our·vengeance ­from·him :

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­with·me ­as·hero ­awesome

upon ­surely ­my·pursuers⁺ ­they·stumble⁺ ­and ­they·are·not·able⁺

they·were·ashamed⁺ ­very ­as ­they·did·not·make·prudent⁺

embarrassment·of ­eternity ­she·is·not·forgotten :

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­testing ­just

seeing ­allkidneys⁺ ­and·heart

I·see ­your·vengeance ­from·them

as ­to·you ­I·stripped·out ­°my·argument :

ꜝsing⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝpraise⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ

as ­he·snatched·away ­°soul·of ­wanting ­from·hand·of ­bad-doers⁺ :

cursed ­the·day

that ­I·was·enchilded ­in·him

day ­that ­she·enchilded·me ­my·mama ­ꜝlet·him·not·be ­knelt·to :

cursed ­the·man ­that ­he·fleshed·out ­°my·father ­saying

he·was·enchilded ­to·you ­son ­membered

gladdening ­he·gladdened·him :

and·he·was ­the·man ­he

as·the·cities⁺ ­that ­he·converted ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and ­he·did·not·sigh

and·he·heard ­cry ­in·the·dayplow

and·cheer ­in·season·of ­noonpeak² :

that ­he·did·not·cause·me·to·die ­from·womb

and·she·is ­to·me ­my·mama ­my·tomb

and·her·womb ­pregnant·of ­eternity :

to·¿what ­this ­from·womb ­I·went

to·see ­toil ­and·sorrow

and·they·are·all·through ­in·shame ­my·days⁺ :


the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

when·sending ­to·him ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­°Tattering ­the·son·of ­King-of-Yʜᴡ

and·°Secret-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Deed-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·priest ­saying :

ꜝinvestigate ­¡please! ­about·us ­°Yʜᴡʜ

as ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­battling ­upon·us

¿maybe ­he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­with·us ­as·all·of ­his·wonders⁺

and·he·goes·up ­from·upon·us :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to·them

thus ­you·say⁺ ­to ­Just-Yʜᴡ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­¡lo!·me ­turning·away ­°the·things⁺·of ­the·battle ­that ­in·your⁺·hand

that ­you⁺ ­battling⁺ ­in·them ­with ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·with ­the·Chaldeans⁺

the·rockers⁺ ­upon·you⁺

from·exterior ­to·the·rampart

and·I·gathered ­°them

to ­the·midst·of ­the·city ­this :

and·I·battled ­I ­with·you⁺

in·hand ­branched·out ­and·in·arm ­firm

and·in·nostrils ­and·in·heat ­and·in·anger ­great :

and·I·struck ­°the·settling⁺·of ­the·city ­this

and·°the·adam ­and·°the·beast

in·unspeakable ­great ­they·die⁺ :

and·after⁺ ­surely ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·give ­°Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°his·servants⁺ ­and·°the·people ­and·°the·survivors⁺ ­in·the·city ­this ­from ­the·unspeakable ­from ­the·sword ­and·from ­the·hunger ­in·the·hand·of ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·in·the·hand·of ­their·enemies⁺

and·in·the·hand·of ­the·seekers⁺·of ­their·soul

and·he·struck·them ­to·mouth·of ­sword

he·does·not·spare ­upon·them

and ­he·does·not·pity ­and ­he·does·not·enwomb :

and·to ­the·people ­this ­you·say

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­giving ­to·your⁺·face⁺

°the·step·of ­the·life⁺ ­and·°the·step·of ­the·death :

that·settles ­in·the·city ­this

he·dies ­in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable

and·that·goes ­and·he·fell ­upon ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­the·rockers⁺ ­upon·you⁺ ­and·he·lived

and·she·was ­to·him ­his·soul ­to·plunder :

as ­I·placed ­my·face⁺ ­in·the·city ­this ­to·badness ­and·not ­to·goodness ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­she·is·given

and·he·burned·her ­in·the·fire :

and·to·the·house·of ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

the·house·of ­Intimate ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝvindicate⁺ ­to·the·dayplow ­judgment

and·ꜝsnatch·away ­robbed ­from·hand·of ­intimidator

lest ­she·goes ­as·the·fire ­my·heat ­and·she·was·consumed ­and·there·is·ńot ­quenching

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·badness·of ­your⁺·exploits⁺ :

¡lo!·me ­to·you ­the·settling·of ­the·deepland ­the·rock·of ­the·straight·place ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that·say⁺ ­¿who ­he·plunges·in ­upon·us

and·¿who ­he·enters ­in·our·homes⁺ :

and·I·reckoned ­upon·you⁺ ­as·the·fruit·of ­your⁺·exploits⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·enflared ­fire ­in·her·forest

and·she·ate ­all·of ­turninground·her :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝdescend ­the·house·of ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

and·you·spoke ­there

°the·speech ­this :

and·you·said ­ꜝhear ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·king·of ­Gloryhand

that·settles ­upon ­the·throne·of ­Intimate

you ­and·your·servants⁺ ­and·your·people

that·enter⁺ ­in·the·gates⁺ ­these :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝdo⁺ ­judgment ­and·justice

and·ꜝsnatch·away ­robbed ­from·hand·of ­intimidator

and·lodger ­orphan ­and·widow ­you·do·not·exile⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·do·violence⁺

and·blood ­innocent

ꜝdo·not·spill⁺ ­in·the·rising·place ­this :

but ­rather ­doing ­you·do⁺

°the·speech ­this

and·they·entered⁺ ­in·the·gates⁺·of ­the·house ­this ­kings⁺ ­settling⁺ ­to·Intimate ­upon ­his·throne ­charioting⁺ ­in·the·chariot ­and·in·the·horses⁺

he ­and·his·servants⁺ ­and·his·people :

and·if ­you·do·not·hear⁺

°the·speeches⁺ ­these

in·me ­I·vowed·seven ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­to·withered·place ­he·is ­the·house ­this :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­the·house·of ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

Roll-of-Witness ­you ­to·me ­the·head·of ­the·Whitemost

if ­I·do·not·put·you ­outspeak

cities⁺ ­they·were·not·settled⁺ :

and·I·sanctified ­upon·you ­ruining⁺ ­man ­and·his·things⁺

and·they·cut·down ­the·choicest·of ­your·cedars⁺

and·they·let·fall⁺ ­upon ­the·fire :

and·they·crossed·over⁺ ­clans⁺ ­many⁺

upon ­the·city ­this

and·they·said⁺ ­man ­to ­his·tendent

upon ­¿what ­he·did ­Yʜᴡʜ ­thus

to·the·city ­the·great ­this :


upon ­that ­they·abandoned⁺

°the·covenant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­their·Powers⁺

and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺ ­and·they·serve⁺·them :

ꜝdo·not·weep⁺ ­to·dead

and ­ꜝdo·not·sway⁺ ­to·him

ꜝweep⁺ ­weeping ­to·that·walks

as ­he·does·not·return ­again

and·he·saw ­°the·land·of ­his·childage :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Shalom ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­the·king ­under ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­his·father

that ­he·went ­from ­the·rising·place ­this

he·does·not·return ­there ­again :

as ­in·rising·place·of ­that ­they·stripped⁺ ­°him ­there ­he·dies

and·°the·land ­this ­he·does·not·see ­again :

¡oweh! ­building ­his·house ­in·not ­justice

and·his·upper·rooms⁺ ­in·not ­judgment

in·his·tendent ­he·serves ­gratuitously

and·his·work ­he·does·not·give ­to·him :

that·says ­I·build ­to·me ­house·of ­measures⁺

and·upper·rooms⁺ ­breathing⁺

and·he·tore ­to·him ­window-piercings⁺·me

and·panelled ­in·the·cedar

and·anointing ­in·the·glimmer :


as ­you ­scorching ­in·the·cedar

your·father ­¿not ­he·ate ­and·he·drank ­and·he·did ­judgment ­and·justice

then ­he·was·good ­to·him :

he·vindicated ­vindication·of ­humiliated ­and·wanting ­then ­he·was·good

¿not ­she ­the·knowledge ­°me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­there·is·ńot ­your·eyes² ­and·your·heart

but ­rather ­upon ­your·profit

and·upon ­the·blood·of ­the·innocent ­to·spill

and·upon ­the·intimidation ­and·upon ­the·smashing ­to·do :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

they·do·not·lament⁺ ­to·him

¡oweh! ­my·brother ­and·¡oweh! ­sister

they·do·not·lament⁺ ­to·him

¡oweh! ­lord ­and·¡oweh! ­his·splendor :

tomb·of ­donkey ­he·is·entombed

ragging ­and·dropping

from·out ­to·the·gates⁺·of ­Torahshalom :

go·up ­the·Whitemost ­and·ꜝcry

and·in·the·Bashan ­ꜝgive ­your·voice

and·ꜝcry ­from·Region·Across

as ­they·were·broken⁺ ­all·of ­that·love⁺·you :

I·spoke ­to·you ­in·your·relaxations⁺

you·said ­I·do·not·hear

this ­your·step ­from·your·youth⁺

as ­you·did·not·hear ­in·my·voice :

all·of ­your·tendents⁺ ­she·tends ­breath

and·that·love⁺·you ­in·the·captivity ­they·walk⁺

as ­then ­you·are·ashamed ­and·you·were·embarrassed

from·all·of ­your·badness :

settling ­in·the·Whitemost

nested ­in·the·cedars⁺

¿what ­you·groaned ­when·entering ­to·you ­ropes⁺

whirling ­as·that·enchilds :

living ­I ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

but ­rather ­he·is ­Sure-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

seal ­upon ­the·hand·of ­my·right

as ­from·there ­I·snap·you :

and·I·gave·you ­in·the·hand·of ­the·seekers⁺·of ­your·soul

and·in·hand·of ­that ­you ­dislodged ­from·their·face⁺

and·in·the·hand·of ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·in·the·hand·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺ :

and·I·hurled ­°you ­and·°your·mama ­that ­she·enchilded·you

upon ­the·land ­after

that ­you·were·not·enchilded⁺ ­there

and·there ­you·die⁺ :

and·upon ­the·land ­that ­they⁺ ­bearing·up ­°their·soul ­to·return ­there

➝there ­they·do·not·return⁺ :

¿pain ­despised ­shattered ­the·man ­this ­Sure-of-Yʜᴡ

if ­thing

there·is·ńot ­pleasure ­in·him

¿know·why ­they·were·hurled⁺ ­he ­and·his·seed


upon ­the·land ­that ­they·did·not·know⁺ :

land ­land ­land

ꜝhear ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝwrite⁺ ­°the·man ­this ­barren

hero ­he·does·not·prosper ­in·his·days⁺

as ­he·does·not·prosper ­from·his·seed ­man ­settling ­upon ­the·throne·of ­Intimate

and·ruler ­again ­in·Gloryhand :

¡oweh! ­tendents⁺ ­losing⁺ ­and·scattering⁺ ­°the·sheep·of ­my·tending ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­upon ­the·tendents⁺ ­the·tendents⁺ ­°my·people

you⁺ ­you·scattered⁺ ­°my·sheep ­and·you·banish⁺·them

and ­you·did·not·reckon⁺ ­°them

¡lo!·me ­reckoning ­upon·you⁺ ­°the·badness·of ­your⁺·exploits⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·I ­I·collect ­°the·survivor·of ­my·sheep

from·all·of ­the·lands⁺

that ­I·banished ­°them ­there

and·I·returned ­°them ­upon ­their·habitation ­and·they·were·fruitful⁺ ­and·they·multiplied⁺ :

and·I·raised ­upon·them ­tendents⁺ ­and·they·tended⁺·them

and ­they·do·not·fear⁺ ­again ­and ­they·are·not·cast·down⁺ ­and ­they·are·not·reckoned⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·raised ­to·Intimate ­growth ­just

and·he·was·king ­king ­and·he·made·prudent

and·he·did ­judgment ­and·justice ­in·the·land :

in·his·days⁺ ­she·is·saved ­Gloryhand

and·Princepowr ­he·dwells ­to·trust

and·this ­his·name ­that ­he·calls·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·justice :

to·surely ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­they·do·not·say⁺ ­again ­the·living·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­he·offered·up ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² :

but ­rather ­the·living·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·offered·up ­and·that ­he·brought·in ­°the·seed·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­from·land ­➝north

and·from·all·of ­the·lands⁺

that ­I·banished·them ­there

and·they·settled⁺ ­upon ­their·adamah :

to·the·prophets⁺ ­he·was·broken ­my·heart ­in·my·impresence ­they·fluttered⁺ ­all·of ­my·bones⁺

I·was ­as·man ­drunk

and·as·hero ­he·crossed·over·him ­wine

from·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·from·the·face⁺·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­his·sanctuary :

as ­adulterers⁺ ­she·filled ­the·land

as ­from·face⁺·of ­oath ­she·mourned ­the·land

they·dried·up ­habitations⁺·of ­outspeak

and·she·is ­their·running ­bad

and·their·heroism ­not ­sure :

as ­also ­prophet ­also ­priest ­they·were·profaned⁺

also ­in·my·house ­I·found ­their·badness ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to·surely ­he·is ­their·step ­to·them ­as·devices⁺ ­in·the·blackness

they·are·overthrown⁺ ­and·they·fell⁺ ­in·her

as ­I·bring·in ­upon·them ­badness ­the·year·of ­their·reckoning ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·in·the·prophets⁺·of ­Watchstation ­I·saw ­sludge

they·prophesied⁺ ­in·the·Master

and·they·lead·to·wander⁺ ­°my·people ­°Princepowr :

and·in·the·prophets⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­I·saw ­horror ­adulterizing ­and·walking ­in·the·falsehood ­and·they·made·firm⁺ ­hands²·of ­bad-doers⁺

to·not ­they·returned⁺

man ­from·his·badness

they·were⁺ ­to·me ­all·of·them ­as·Sodom

and·that·settle⁺·her ­as·Gomorrah :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­upon ­the·prophets⁺

¡lo!·me ­giving·to·eat ­°them ­poison

and·I·gave·them·to·drink ­waters⁺·of ­headweed

as ­from·with ­the·prophets⁺·of ­Torahshalom

she·went ­profanity ­to·all·of ­the·land :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·hear⁺ ­upon ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·prophets⁺ ­that·prophesy⁺ ­to·you⁺

vaporizing⁺ ­they⁺ ­°you⁺

the·vision·of ­their·heart ­they·speak⁺

not ­from·the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

saying⁺ ­saying ­to·that·disregard⁺·me

he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ

shalom ­he·is ­to·you⁺

and·all ­walking ­in·the·bondage·of ­his·heart ­they·said⁺

she·does·not·enter ­upon·you⁺ ­badness :

as ­¿who ­he·stood ­in·the·confidences·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·ꜝlet·him·see ­and·he·hears ­°his·speech

¿who ­he·listened ­his·speech ­and·he·hears :

¡lo! ­the·storm·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­heat ­she·went

and·storm ­in·a·whirl

upon ­head·of ­wicked⁺ ­he·whirls :

he·does·not·return ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

unto ­his·doing ­and·unto ­his·raising ­the·determinations⁺·of ­his·heart

in·the·afterward·of ­the·days⁺

you·discern⁺ ­in·her ­discernment :

I·did·not·send ­°the·prophets⁺ ­and·they⁺ ­they·ran⁺

I·did·not·speak ­to·them ­and·they⁺ ­they·prophesied⁺ :

and·if ­they·stood⁺ ­in·my·confidences

and·they·let·hear⁺ ­my·speeches⁺ ­°my·people

and·they·return⁺·them ­from·their·step ­the·bad

and·from·the·badness·of ­their·exploits⁺ :

¿Powers⁺ ­from·present ­I ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·not ­Powers⁺ ­from·afar :

if ­he·is·hidden ­man ­in·the·hiding·places⁺ ­and·I ­I·do·not·see·him ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

¿not ­°the·skies⁺ ­and·°the·land ­I ­filling ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

I·heard ­°that ­they·said⁺ ­the·prophets⁺

that·prophesy⁺ ­in·my·name ­falsehood ­saying

I·dreamed ­I·dreamed :

unto ­¿wħen ­¿there·is ­in·the·heart·of ­the·prophets⁺ ­the·prophesying⁺·of ­the·falsehood

and·the·prophets⁺·of ­the·trickery·of ­their·heart :

that·consider⁺ ­to·cause·to·forget ­°my·people ­my·name


that ­they·recount⁺ ­man ­to·his·tendent

as·how ­they·forgot⁺ ­their·fathers⁺ ­°my·name ­in·the·Master :

the·prophet ­that ­with·him ­dream ­he·recounts ­dream

and·that ­my·speech ­with·him

he·speaks ­my·speech ­truth

¿what ­to·the·straw ­with ­the·food ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¿not ­thus ­my·speech ­as·the·fire ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·as·mallet ­he·scatters ­clifftop :

to·surely ­¡lo!·me ­upon ­the·prophets⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·stealers⁺·of ­my·speeches⁺

man ­from·with ­his·tendent :

¡lo!·me ­upon ­the·prophets⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that·take⁺ ­their·tongue

and·they·reveal⁺ ­revelation :

¡lo!·me ­upon ­prophesying⁺·of ­dreams⁺·of ­falsehood ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·recount⁺·them ­and·they·lead·to·wander⁺ ­°my·people

in·their·falsehoods⁺ ­and·in·their·raunchiness

and·I ­I·did·not·send·them ­and ­I·did·not·command·them ­and·benefiting ­they·do·not·benefit⁺ ­to·the·people ­this ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·as ­he·requests·you ­the·people ­this ­or ­the·prophet ­or ­priest ­saying

¿what ­the·burden·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·said ­to·them ­°¿what ­burden

and·I·left ­°you⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·the·prophet ­and·the·priest ­and·the·people

that ­he·says ­the·burden·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·reckoned ­upon ­the·man ­he ­and·upon ­his·house :

thus ­you·say⁺ ­man ­upon ­his·tendent ­and·man ­to ­his·brother

¿what ­he·responded ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·¿what ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·the·burden·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you·do·not·remember⁺ ­again

as ­the·burden ­he·is ­to·man ­his·speech

and·you·converted⁺ ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­Powers⁺ ­living⁺

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­our·Powers⁺ :

thus ­you·say ­to ­the·prophet

¿what ­he·responded·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·¿what ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·if ­the·burden·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you·say⁺

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

because ­your⁺·saying ­°the·speech ­this ­the·burden·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·send ­to·you⁺ ­saying

you·do·not·say⁺ ­the·burden·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to·surely ­¡lo!·me

and·I·was·defrauded·of ­°you⁺ ­bearing

and·I·left ­°you⁺ ­and·°the·city ­that ­I·gave ­to·you⁺ ­and·to·your⁺·fathers⁺ ­from·upon ­my·face⁺ :

and·I·gave ­upon·you⁺ ­detraction·of ­eternity

and·embarrassment·of ­eternity

that ­she·is·not·forgotten :

he·showed·me ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·¡lo! ­two²·of ­intimation-boilers⁺·of ­figs⁺

assembled⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·palace·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

after⁺ ­stripping ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­°Assured-of-Yʜ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°the·princes⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°the·craftsman ­and·°the·lockdown ­from·Torahshalom

and·he·brings·them·in ­Babylon :

the·intimation-boiler ­one ­figs⁺ ­good⁺ ­very

as·the·figs⁺·of ­the·firstfruits⁺

and·the·intimation-boiler ­one ­figs⁺ ­bad⁺ ­very

that ­they·are·not·eaten⁺ ­from·badness :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­¿what ­you ­seeing ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

and·I·say ­figs⁺

the·figs⁺ ­the·good⁺ ­good⁺ ­very

and·the·bad⁺ ­bad⁺ ­very

that ­they·are·not·eaten⁺ ­from·badness :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

as·the·figs⁺ ­the·good⁺ ­these

surely ­I·recognize ­°the·stripping·of ­Gloryhand ­that ­I·sent·out ­from ­the·rising·place ­this ­the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺ ­to·goodness :

and·I·placed ­my·eye ­upon·them ­to·goodness

and·I·returned·them ­upon ­the·land ­this

and·I·built·them ­and ­I·do·not·demolish

and·I·planted·them ­and ­I·do·not·expel :

and·I·gave ­to·them ­heart ­to·know ­°me ­as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·were⁺ ­to·me ­to·people


I·am ­to·them ­to·Powers⁺

as ­they·return⁺ ­to·me ­in·all·of ­their·heart :

and·as·the·figs⁺ ­the·bad⁺

that ­they·are·not·eaten⁺ ­from·badness

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­surely ­I·give ­°Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°his·princes⁺ ­and·°the·survivor·of ­Torahshalom ­the·survivors⁺ ­in·the·land ­this

and·that·settle⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts² :

and·I·gave·them ­to·irritation ­to·badness

to·all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·land

to·detraction ­and·to·simile ­to·toothed·word ­and·to·slight

in·all·of ­the·rising·places⁺ ­that ­I·banish·them ­there :

and·I·sent·out ­in·them

°the·sword ­°the·hunger ­and·°the·unspeakable

unto ­their·completed ­from·upon ­the·adamah

that ­I·gave ­to·them ­and·to·their·fathers⁺ :


the·speech ­that ­he·was ­upon ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­upon ­all·of ­the·people·of ­Gloryhand

in·the·year ­the·fourth

to·Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

she ­the·year ­the·headmost

to·Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon :

that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­upon ­all·of ­the·people·of ­Gloryhand

and·to ­all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­saying :

from ­three·of ­and·ten ­year ­to·Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Truth ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·unto ­the·day ­this ­this ­three ­and·twenty⁺ ­year

he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

and·I·speak ­to·you⁺ ­I·yoke·up ­and·speaking ­and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ :

and·he·sent ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you⁺ ­°all·of ­his·servants⁺ ­the·prophets⁺ ­yoking·up ­and·sending ­and ­you·did·not·hear⁺

and ­you·did·not·branch·out ­°your⁺·ear ­to·hear :

saying ­ꜝreturn⁺ ­¡please! ­man ­from·his·step ­the·bad ­and·from·the·badness·of ­your⁺·exploits⁺

and·ꜝsettle⁺ ­upon ­the·adamah

that ­he·gave ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you⁺ ­and·to·your⁺·fathers⁺

to·from ­eternity ­and·unto ­eternity :

and ­ꜝdo·not·walk⁺ ­after⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺

to·serve·them ­and·to·prostrate·oneself ­to·them

and ­you·do·not·trouble⁺ ­°me ­in·the·doing·of ­your⁺·hands²

and ­I·do·not·do·bad ­to·you⁺ :

and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­to·me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

because·of ­my·troubling ­in·the·doing·of ­your⁺·hands² ­to·bad ­to·you⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

because ­that ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­°my·speeches⁺ :

¡lo!·me ­sending ­and·I·took ­°all·of ­families⁺·of ­north ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·to ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­my·servant

and·I·brought·them·in ­upon ­the·land ­this ­and·upon ­that·settle⁺·her

and·upon ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­these ­turninground


and·I·placed·them ­to·desolation ­and·to·whistling

and·to·withered·places⁺·of ­eternity :

and·I·caused·to·be·lost ­from·them ­voice·of ­rejoicing ­and·voice·of ­gladness

voice·of ­married·one ­and·voice·of ­allness

voice·of ­millstone ­and·light·of ­lamp :

and·she·was ­all·of ­the·land ­this

to·withered·place ­to·desolation

and·they·served⁺ ­the·clans⁺ ­these ­°the·king·of ­Babylon ­seventy⁺ ­year :

and·he·was ­as·filling ­seventy⁺ ­year ­I·reckon ­upon ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·upon ­the·clan ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°their·guilt ­and·upon ­the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺

and·I·placed ­°him ­to·desolations⁺·of ­eternity :

and·I·brought·in ­upon ­the·land ­she

°all·of ­my·speeches⁺ ­that ­I·spoke ­upon·her

°all·of ­that·is·written ­in·the·account ­this

that ­he·prophesied ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­upon ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ :

as ­they·served⁺ ­in·them ­also ­they⁺ ­clans⁺ ­many⁺

and·kings⁺ ­great⁺

and·shalomed ­to·them ­as·their·work ­and·as·the·doing·of ­their·hands² :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·me

ꜝtake ­°the·cup·of ­the·wine ­the·heat ­this ­from·my·hand

and·you·gave·to·drink ­°him ­°all·of ­the·clans⁺

that ­I ­sending ­°you ­to·them :

and·they·drank⁺ ­and·they·convulsed·themselves⁺ ­and·they·praised·themselves⁺

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·sword

that ­I ­sending ­between⁺·them :

and·I·take ­°the·cup ­from·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·give·to·drink ­°all·of ­the·clans⁺

that ­he·sent·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·them :

°Torahshalom ­and·°the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·°her·kings⁺ ­°her·princes⁺

to·give ­°them ­to·withered·place ­to·desolation ­to·whistling ­and·to·slight ­as·the·day ­this :

°Pharaoh ­the·king·of ­Egypts² ­and·°his·servants⁺ ­and·°his·princes⁺ ­and·°all·of ­his·people :

and·°all·of ­the·eveninger

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­the·land·of ­the·Counsel

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­the·land·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·°Shekelry ­and·°Mighty ­and·°Sterile

and·°the·survivor·of ­Breaster :

°Blood ­and·°From-Father ­and·°the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled :

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Rock

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Hunter

and·°the·kings⁺·of ­the·island

that ­in·the·region·across ­the·sea :

and·°Dedan ­and·°Tyma ­and·°Despisal

and·°all·of ­ends⁺·of ­edge :

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Arabia

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­the·Evening

that·dwell⁺ ­in·the·outspeak :

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Musical ­and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Hooded

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Media :

and·°all·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­the·north ­the·present⁺ ­and·the·afar⁺ ­man ­to ­his·brother

and·°all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·land

that ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah

and·the·king·of ­Shesh-Aku ­he·drinks ­after⁺·them :

and·you·said ­to·them

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­ꜝdrink⁺ ­and·ꜝbe·drunk⁺ ­and·ꜝvomit⁺

and·ꜝfall⁺ ­and ­you·do·not·arise⁺

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·sword

that ­I ­sending ­between⁺·you⁺ :

and·he·was ­as ­they·refuse⁺ ­to·take ­the·cup ­from·your·hand ­to·drink

and·you·said ­to·them ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­drinking ­you·drink⁺ :

as ­¡lo! ­in·the·city ­that ­he·was·called ­my·name ­upon·her ­I ­piercing ­to·do·bad

and·you⁺ ­innocent ­you·are·innocent⁺


as ­sword ­I ­calling ­upon ­all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­the·land

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

and·you ­you·prophesy ­to·them

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·you·said ­to·them ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·heights ­he·roars ­and·from·the·home·of ­his·sanctuary ­he·gives ­his·voice

roaring ­he·roars ­upon ­his·habitation

celebration ­as·stepping·forward ­he·responds

to ­all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­the·land :

he·entered ­roaring ­unto ­the·end·of ­the·land

as ­argument ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·clans⁺

judged ­he ­to·all·of ­flesh

the·wicked⁺ ­he·gave·them ­to·the·sword ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

¡lo! ­badness ­going ­from·clan ­to ­clan

and·storm ­great

he·is·aroused ­from·flanks²·of ­land :

and·they·were⁺ ­the·pierced⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·day ­he

from·the·end·of ­the·land ­and·unto ­the·end·of ­the·land

they·are·not·lamented⁺ ­and ­they·are·not·gathered⁺ ­and ­they·are·not·entombed⁺

to·dung ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah ­they·are⁺ :

yowl ­the·tendents⁺ ­and·ꜝcry⁺ ­and·ꜝwallow·yourselves⁺ ­the·regals⁺·of ­the·sheep

as ­they·filled⁺ ­your⁺·days⁺ ­to·butcher


and·you·fell⁺ ­as·thing·of ­desire :

and·he·was·lost ­fleeing·place ­from ­the·tendents⁺

and·rescue ­from·the·regals⁺·of ­the·sheep :

the·voice·of ­the·cry·of ­the·tendents⁺

and·the·yowling·of ­the·regals⁺·of ­the·sheep

as ­overbreasting ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°their·tending :

and·they·were·silenced⁺ ­the·habitations⁺·of ­the·shalom

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·scorching·of ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

he·abandoned ­as·the·wolf ­his·knit·shelter

as ­she·was ­their·land ­to·desolation

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·scorching·of ­the·exiler

and·from·the·face⁺·of ­the·scorching·of ­his·nostrils :


in·the·headmost·of ­the·kingdom·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

he·was ­the·speech ­this

from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝstand ­in·the·courtyard·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·spoke ­upon ­all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­that·enter⁺ ­to·prostrate·oneself ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺

that ­I·commanded·you ­to·speak ­to·them

ꜝdo·not·diminish ­speech :

¿maybe ­they·hear⁺

and·they·return⁺ ­man ­from·his·step ­the·bad

and·I·sighed ­to ­the·badness ­that ­I ­considering ­to·do ­to·them

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·badness·of ­their·exploits⁺ :

and·you·said ­to·them

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­you·do·not·hear⁺ ­to·me

to·walk ­in·my·torah

that ­I·gave ­to·your⁺·face⁺ :

to·hear ­upon ­the·speeches⁺·of ­my·servants⁺ ­the·prophets⁺

that ­I ­sending ­to·you⁺

and·yoking·up ­and·sending ­and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ :

and·I·gave ­°the·house ­this ­as·Relaxation

and·°the·city ­this ­I·give ­to·slight

to·all·of ­the·clans⁺·of ­the·land :

and·they·hear⁺ ­the·priests⁺ ­and·the·prophets⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·people


speaker ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­as·all·done ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to·speak ­°all ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·speak ­to ­all·of ­the·people

and·they·clench⁺ ­°him ­the·priests⁺ ­and·the·prophets⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·people ­saying ­dying ­you·die :

¿know·why ­you·prophesied ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying ­as·Relaxation ­he·is ­the·house ­this

and·the·city ­this ­she·is·withered ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling

and·he·congregates ­all·of ­the·people ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·they·hear⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·they·go·up⁺ ­from·the·house·of ­the·king ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·settle⁺ ­in·the·opening·of ­the·gate·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·new :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·priests⁺ ­and·the·prophets⁺ ­to ­the·princes⁺

and·to ­all·of ­the·people ­saying

judgment·of ­death ­to·the·man ­this

as ­he·prophesied ­to ­the·city ­this

as·how ­you·heard⁺ ­in·your⁺·ears² :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­all·of ­the·princes⁺

and·to ­all·of ­the·people ­saying

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·sent·me ­to·prophesy ­to ­the·house ­this ­and·to ­the·city ­this

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­that ­you·heard⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝdo·good⁺ ­your⁺·steps⁺ ­and·your⁺·exploits⁺

and·ꜝhear⁺ ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺

and·he·sighs ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­the·badness

that ­he·spoke ­upon·you⁺ :

and·I ­¡lo!·me ­in·your⁺·hand

ꜝdo⁺ ­to·me ­as·the·good ­and·as·the·straight ­in·your⁺·eyes² :

surely ­knowing ­you·know⁺ ­but ­rather ­putting·to·death⁺ ­you⁺ ­°me

as ­blood ­innocent ­you⁺ ­giving⁺ ­upon·you⁺

and·to ­the·city ­this ­and·to ­that·settle⁺·her

as ­in·truth ­he·sent·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·you⁺

to·speak ­in·your⁺·ears²

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·princes⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·people

to ­the·priests⁺ ­and·to ­the·prophets⁺

there·is·ńot ­to·the·man ­this ­judgment·of ­death

as ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­he·spoke ­to·us :

and·they·arise⁺ ­mortals⁺

from·the·elders⁺·of ­the·land


to ­all·of ­the·congregation·of ­the·people ­saying :

Who-As ­the·Inheritanceïte

he·was ­prophesying

in·the·days⁺·of ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

and·he·says ­to ­all·of ­the·people·of ­Gloryhand ­saying ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Tzion ­field ­she·is·crafted ­and·Torahshalom ­guilts⁺ ­she·is

and·the·mount·of ­the·house ­to·daises⁺·of ­forest :

¿putting·to·death ­they·put·him·to·death⁺ ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·all·of ­Gloryhand ­¿not ­he·feared ­°Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·pierces·the·presence·of ­°the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·sighs ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­the·badness ­that ­he·spoke ­upon·them

and·we⁺ ­doing⁺ ­badness ­great ­upon ­our·souls⁺ :

and·also ­man ­he·was ­prophesying ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

Light-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Heard-Yʜᴡ

from·Walledcity·of ­the·Forests⁺

and·he·prophesies ­upon ­the·city ­this ­and·upon ­the·land ­this

as·all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens :

and·he·hears ­the·king ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­and·all·of ­his·heroes⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·princes⁺ ­°his·speeches⁺

and·he·seeks ­the·king ­his·putting·to·death

and·he·hears ­Light-of-Yʜᴡ ­and·he·fears

and·he·bolts ­and·he·enters ­Egypts² :

and·he·sends ­the·king ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­mortals⁺ ­Egypts²

°Powr-Given ­the·son·of ­Rat ­and·mortals⁺ ­with·him ­to ­Egypts² :

and·they·let·go⁺ ­°Light-of-Yʜᴡ ­from·Egypts² ­and·they·bring·him·in⁺ ­to ­the·king ­Yʜᴡ-Raises

and·he·strikes·him ­in·the·sword

and·he·drops ­°his·wilted·body

to ­the·tombs⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·people :

surely ­the·hand·of ­Rising-Brother ­the·son·of ­Rabbit

she·was ­with ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

to·not ­giving ­°him ­in·the·hand·of ­the·people ­to·put·him·to·death :


in·the·headmost·of ­the·kingdom·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

he·was ­the·speech ­this ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

ꜝdo ­to·you

chains⁺ ­and·shakepoles⁺

and·you·gave·them ­upon ­your·neck :

and·you·sent·them·out ­to ­the·king·of ­Blood ­and·to ­the·king·of ­From-Father ­and·to ­the·king·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled

and·to ­the·king·of ­Rock ­and·to ­the·king·of ­Hunter

in·hand·of ­ministers⁺ ­that·enter⁺ ­Torahshalom

to ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand :

and·you·commanded ­°them

to ­their·lords⁺ ­saying

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

thus ­you·say⁺ ­to ­your⁺·lords⁺ :

I ­I·did ­°the·land ­°the·adam ­and·°the·beast ­that ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·land

in·my·vigor ­the·great

and·in·my·arm ­that·is·branched·out

and·I·gave·her ­to·that ­he·was·straight ­in·my·eyes² :

and·now ­I ­I·gave ­°all·of ­the·lands⁺ ­these

in·the·hand·of ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­my·servant

and·also ­°the·life·of ­the·field

I·gave ­to·him ­to·serve·him :

and·they·served⁺ ­°him ­all·of ­the·clans⁺

and·°his·son ­and·°the·son·of ­his·son

unto ­entering ­the·season·of ­his·land ­also ­he

and·they·served⁺ ­in·him ­clans⁺ ­many⁺

and·kings⁺ ­great⁺ :

and·he·was ­the·clan ­and·the·kingdom ­that ­they·do·not·serve⁺ ­°him ­°Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·°that ­he·does·not·give ­°his·neck

in·the·harness·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable ­I·reckon ­upon ­the·clan ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

unto ­my·completed ­°them ­in·his·hand :

and·you⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·hear⁺ ­to ­your⁺·prophets⁺ ­and·to ­that·divine⁺·you⁺ ­and·to ­your⁺·dreams⁺

and·to ­your⁺·cloud·readers⁺ ­and·to ­your⁺·sorcerers⁺

that ­they⁺ ­saying⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­saying

you·do·not·serve⁺ ­°the·king·of ­Babylon :

as ­falsehood

they⁺ ­prophesying⁺ ­to·you⁺

because·of ­moving·faroff ­°you⁺ ­from·upon ­your⁺·adamah

and·I·banished ­°you⁺ ­and·you·were·lost⁺ :

and·the·clan ­that ­he·brings·in ­°his·neck ­in·the·harness·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·he·served·him

and·I·set·him·in·peace ­upon ­his·adamah ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·served·her ­and·he·settled ­in·her :

and·to ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­I·spoke

as·all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these ­saying

bring·in⁺ ­°your⁺·necks⁺ ­in·the·harness·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·ꜝserve⁺ ­°him ­and·his·people ­and·ꜝlive⁺ :

to·¿what ­you·die⁺ ­you ­and·your·people

in·the·sword ­in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable

as·how ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­the·clan ­that ­he·does·not·serve ­°the·king·of ­Babylon :

and ­ꜝdo·not·hear⁺ ­to ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·prophets⁺ ­that·say⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­saying

you·do·not·serve⁺ ­°the·king·of ­Babylon

as ­falsehood

they⁺ ­prophesying⁺ ­to·you⁺ :

as ­I·did·not·send·them ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they⁺ ­prophesying⁺ ­in·my·name ­to·the·falsehood

because·of ­my·banishing ­°you⁺ ­and·you·were·lost⁺

you⁺ ­and·the·prophets⁺ ­that·prophesy⁺ ­to·you⁺ :

and·to ­the·priests⁺ ­and·to ­all·of ­the·people ­this ­I·spoke ­saying ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝdo·not·hear⁺ ­to ­the·speeches⁺·of ­your⁺·prophets⁺ ­that·prophesy⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­saying

¡lo! ­the·things⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­returned⁺ ­from➝Babylon ­now ­speedily

as ­falsehood

they⁺ ­prophesying⁺ ­to·you⁺ :

ꜝdo·not·hear⁺ ­to·them

ꜝserve⁺ ­°the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·ꜝlive⁺

to·¿what ­she·is ­the·city ­this ­withered·place :

and·if ­prophets⁺ ­they⁺

and·if ­there·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­with·them

they·peg ­¡please! ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

to·not ­ꜝenter⁺ ­the·things⁺ ­the·remnants⁺ ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·the·house·of ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·in·Torahshalom ­➝Babylon :


as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

to ­the·standing·pillars⁺

and·upon ­the·sea ­and·upon ­the·sure·places⁺

and·upon ­the·remainder·of ­the·things⁺

the·remnants⁺ ­in·the·city ­this :

that ­he·did·not·take·them ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

when·he·strips ­°Assured-of-Yʜ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­from·Torahshalom ­➝Babylon

and·°all·of ­the·brilliants⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·Torahshalom :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

upon ­the·things⁺ ­the·remnants⁺ ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·the·house·of ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·Torahshalom :

Babylon ­they·are·brought·in⁺ ­and➝there ­they·are⁺

unto ­the·day·of ­my·reckoning ­°them ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·offered·them·up ­and·I·returned·them

to ­the·rising·place ­this :


and·he·is ­in·the·year ­she ­in·the·headmost·of ­the·kingdom·of ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

in·the·year ­the·fourth

in·the·new·moon ­the·fifth

he·said ­to·me ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Helper ­the·prophet ­that ­from·Hillside ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·the·eyes²·of ­the·priests⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·people ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

I·broke ­°the·harness·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon :

when·still ­years² ­days⁺ ­I ­returning ­to ­the·rising·place ­this

°all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­he·took ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­from ­the·rising·place ­this

and·he·brings·them·in ­Babylon :

and·°Assured-of-Yʜ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°all·of ­the·stripping·of ­Gloryhand ­that·enter⁺ ­➝Babylon ­I ­returning ­to ­the·rising·place ­this ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­I·break

°the·harness·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

to ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·prophet

to·the·eyes²·of ­the·priests⁺ ­and·to·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·people

that·stand⁺ ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

truly ­surely ­he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝlet·him·raise ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°your·speeches⁺

that ­you·prophesied ­to·return ­the·things⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·all·of ­the·stripped

from·Babylon ­to ­the·rising·place ­this :

surely ­ꜝhear ­¡please! ­the·speech ­this

that ­I ­speaker ­in·your·ears²

and·in·the·ears²·of ­all·of ­the·people :

the·prophets⁺ ­that ­they·were⁺ ­to·my·face⁺ ­and·to·your·face⁺ ­from ­the·eternity

and·they·prophesy⁺ ­to ­lands⁺ ­many⁺ ­and·upon ­kingdoms⁺ ­great⁺

to·battle ­and·to·badness ­and·to·unspeakable :

the·prophet ­that ­he·prophesies ­to·shalom

when·entering ­the·speech·of ­the·prophet ­he·is·known ­the·prophet

that ­he·sent·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·truth :

and·he·takes ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·prophet ­°the·shakepole

from·upon ­the·neck·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

and·he·breaks·him :

and·he·says ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­to·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·people ­saying ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

thus ­I·break ­°the·harness·of ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­when·still ­years² ­days⁺

from·upon ­the·neck·of ­all·of ­the·clans⁺

and·he·walks ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­to·his·step :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

after⁺ ­breaking ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·prophet ­°the·shakepole

from·upon ­the·neck·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­saying :

walking ­and·you·said ­to ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­saying ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

shakepoles⁺·of ­tree ­you·broke

and·you·did ­unders⁺·them ­shakepoles⁺·of ­iron :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­harness·of ­iron ­I·gave ­upon ­the·neck·of ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­these ­to·serve ­°Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·they·served⁺·him

and·also ­°the·life·of ­the·field ­I·gave ­to·him :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­to ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·prophet ­ꜝhear ­¡please! ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ

he·did·not·send·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you ­you·caused·to·trust ­°the·people ­this ­upon ­falsehood :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­that·sends·you·out

from·upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah

the·year ­you ­dead

as ­mutiny ­you·spoke ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·dies ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·prophet ­in·the·year ­she

in·the·new·moon ­the·seventh :


and·these ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·account

that ­he·sent ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­from·Torahshalom

to ­the·remainder·of ­the·elders⁺·of ­the·stripped ­and·to ­the·priests⁺ ­and·to ­the·prophets⁺ ­and·to ­all·of ­the·people

that ­he·stripped ­Prophethelpedkadre ­from·Torahshalom ­➝Babylon :

after⁺ ­going ­Assured-of-Yʜ ­the·king ­and·the·heroine ­and·the·eunuchs⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·Torahshalom ­and·the·craftsman ­and·the·lockdown ­from·Torahshalom :

in·the·hand·of ­Powr-Did ­the·son·of ­Rabbit

and·Yʜᴡ-Concluded ­the·son·of ­Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ

that ­he·sent ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­to ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­➝Babylon ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·all·of ­the·stripped

that ­I·stripped ­from·Torahshalom ­➝Babylon :

ꜝbuild⁺ ­houses⁺ ­and·ꜝsettle⁺

and·ꜝplant⁺ ­guardens⁺

and·ꜝeat⁺ ­°their·fruit :

ꜝtake⁺ ­women⁺ ­and·ꜝbechild⁺ ­sons⁺ ­and·daughters⁺

and·ꜝtake⁺ ­to·your⁺·sons⁺ ­women⁺ ­and·°your⁺·daughters⁺ ­ꜝgive⁺ ­to·mortals⁺

and·they·enchild⁺ ­sons⁺ ­and·daughters⁺

and·ꜝmultiply⁺ ­there ­and ­ꜝdo·not·be·made·little⁺ :

and·ꜝinvestigate⁺ ­°the·shalom·of ­the·city ­that ­I·stripped ­°you⁺ ­➝there

and·ꜝmediate⁺ ­about·her ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­in·her·shalom

he·is ­to·you⁺ ­shalom :


as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

they·do·not·defraud⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­your⁺·prophets⁺ ­that ­in·your⁺·impresence ­and·that·divine⁺·you⁺

and ­ꜝdo·not·hear⁺ ­to ­your⁺·dreams⁺

that ­you⁺ ­causing·to·be·dreamed⁺ :

as ­in·falsehood

they⁺ ­prophesying⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­in·my·name

I·did·not·send·them ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­to·the·mouth·of ­filling ­to·Babylon ­seventy⁺ ­year ­I·reckon ­°you⁺

and·I·raised ­upon·you⁺ ­°my·speech ­the·good

to·return ­°you⁺

to ­the·rising·place ­this :

as ­I ­I·knew ­°the·considerations⁺ ­that ­I ­considering ­upon·you⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

considerations⁺·of ­shalom ­and·not ­to·badness

to·give ­to·you⁺ ­afterward ­and·hope :

and·you·called⁺ ­°me ­and·you·walked⁺

and·you·mediated⁺ ­to·me

and·I·heard ­to·you⁺ :

and·you·sought⁺ ­°me ­and·you·found⁺

as ­you·investigate⁺·me ­in·all·of ­your⁺·heart :

and·I·was·found ­to·you⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·returned ­°your⁺·captives⁺ ­and·I·collected ­°you⁺ ­from·all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­and·from·all·of ­the·rising·places⁺ ­that ­I·banished ­°you⁺ ­there ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·returned ­°you⁺

to ­the·rising·place

that ­I·stripped ­°you⁺ ­from·there :

as ­you·said⁺

he·raised ­to·us ­Yʜᴡʜ ­prophets⁺ ­➝Babylon :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·king ­that·settles ­to ­the·throne·of ­Intimate

and·to ­all·of ­the·people

that·settles ­in·the·city ­this

your⁺·brothers⁺ ­that ­they·did·not·go⁺ ­with·you⁺ ­in·the·stripped :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

¡lo!·me ­sending·out ­in·them

°the·sword ­°the·hunger ­and·°the·unspeakable

and·I·gave ­°them ­as·the·figs⁺ ­the·horrible⁺

that ­they·are·not·eaten⁺ ­from·badness :

and·I·pursued ­after⁺·them

in·the·sword ­in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable

and·I·gave·them ­to·irritation ­to·all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·land ­to·oath ­and·to·desolation ­and·to·whistling ­and·to·detraction

in·all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­that ­I·banished·them ­there :

under ­that ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­to ­my·speeches⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­I·sent ­to·them ­°my·servants⁺ ­the·prophets⁺ ­yoking·up ­and·sending

and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·you⁺ ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

all·of ­the·stripped

that ­I·sent·out ­from·Torahshalom ­➝Babylon :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to ­Brother-Father ­the·son·of ­Voice-of-Yʜ ­and·to ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Deed-of-Yʜᴡ

that·prophesy⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­in·my·name ­falsehood

¡lo!·me ­giving ­°them ­in·the·hand·of ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·he·struck·them ­to·your⁺·eyes² :

and·he·was·taken ­from·them ­slight

to·all·of ­the·stripping·of ­Gloryhand

that ­in·Babylon ­saying

he·places·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as·Just-Yʜᴡ ­and·as·Brother-Father

that ­he·roasted·them ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­in·the·fire :

because ­that ­they·did⁺ ­wiltedness ­in·Princepowr ­and·they·adulterize⁺ ­°the·women⁺·of ­their·tendents⁺

and·they·speak⁺ ­speech ­in·my·name ­falsehood

that ­I·did·not·command·them

and·I ­that·knows ­and·witness ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·to ­Heard-Yʜᴡ ­the·Dreamedïte ­you·say ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

because ­that ­you ­you·sent ­in·your·name ­accounts⁺ ­to ­all·of ­the·people ­that ­in·Torahshalom

and·to ­Secret-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Deed-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·priest

and·to ­all·of ­the·priests⁺ ­saying :

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·gave·you ­priest ­under ­Yʜᴡ-Known ­the·priest

to·be ­reckoners⁺ ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·all·of ­man ­psycho ­and·prophesying

and·you·gave ­°him ­to ­the·converter ­and·to ­the·pillory :

and·now ­to·¿what ­you·did·not·rebuke

in·Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·Responsesïte

that·prophesies ­to·you⁺ :

for ­upon ­sureness ­he·sent ­to·us ­Babylon ­saying ­long ­she

ꜝbuild⁺ ­houses⁺ ­and·ꜝsettle⁺

and·ꜝplant⁺ ­guardens⁺

and·ꜝeat⁺ ­°their·fruit :

and·he·calls ­Secret-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·priest ­°the·account ­this

in·the·ears²·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­saying :

ꜝsend ­upon ­all·of ­the·stripped ­saying

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Heard-Yʜᴡ ­the·Dreamedïte

because ­that ­he·prophesied ­to·you⁺ ­Heard-Yʜᴡ ­and·I ­I·did·not·send·him

and·he·causes·to·trust ­°you⁺ ­upon ­falsehood :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo!·me ­reckoning ­upon ­Heard-Yʜᴡ ­the·Dreamedïte ­and·upon ­his·seed

he·is·not ­to·him ­man ­settling ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people ­this ­and ­he·does·not·see ­in·the·good ­that ­I ­doing ­to·my·people ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­mutiny ­he·spoke ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ :

the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying

ꜝwrite ­to·you ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­that ­I·spoke ­to·you ­to ­account :

as ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·returned ­°the·captives⁺·of ­my·people ­Princepowr ­and·Gloryhand ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·returned·them ­to ­the·land ­that ­I·gave ­to·their·fathers⁺ ­and·they·inherited⁺·her :


and·these ­the·speeches⁺ ­that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Princepowr ­and·to ­Gloryhand :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

voice·of ­shuddering ­we·heard⁺

trembling ­and·there·is·ńot ­shalom :

ꜝrequest⁺ ­¡please! ­and·ꜝsee⁺

if ­enchilding ­membered

¿know·why ­I·saw ­all·of ­hero ­his·hands² ­upon ­his·dresses² ­as·that·enchilds

and·they·were·converted⁺ ­all·of ­face⁺ ­to·greenishness :

¡oweh! ­as ­great ­the·day ­he ­from·there·is·ńot ­as·him

and·season·of ­rockiness ­she ­to·Heeler

and·from·her ­he·is·saved :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­I·break ­his·harness ­from·upon ­your·neck

and·your·chains⁺ ­I·snap

and ­they·do·not·serve⁺ ­in·him ­again ­strangers⁺ :


°Yʜᴡʜ ­their·Powers⁺

and·°Intimate ­their·king

that ­I·raise ­to·them :

and·you ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­my·servant ­Heeler ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and ­ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down ­Princepowr

as ­¡lo!·me ­your·savior ­from·afar

and·°your·seed ­from·the·land·of ­their·captivity

and·he·returned ­Heeler ­and·he·was·quiet ­and·he·was·placid ­and·there·is·ńot ­cause·for·shuddering :

as ­with·you ­I ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·save·you

as ­I·do ­altogether ­in·all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­that ­I·scattered·you ­there ­surely ­°you ­I·do·not·do ­altogether

and·I·instructed·you ­to·the·judgment

and·finding·innocent ­I·do·not·find·you·innocent :


as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­mortal ­to·your·break

piercing·oneself ­your·stroke :

there·is·ńot ­vindicating ­your·vindication ­to·torment

healings⁺·of ­irrigation ­there·is·ńot ­to·you :

all·of ­that·love⁺·you ­they·forgot⁺·you

°you ­they·do·not·investigate⁺

as ­stroke·of ­enemy ­I·struck·you ­instruction·of ­cruel

upon ­the·multitude·of ­your·guilt

they·were·strongboned⁺ ­your·sins⁺ :

¿what ­you·cry ­upon ­your·break

mortal ­your·hurt

upon ­the·multitude·of ­your·guilt ­they·were·strongboned⁺ ­your·sins⁺

I·did ­these ­to·you :

to·surely ­all·of ­that·eat⁺·you ­they·are·eaten⁺

and·all·of ­your·rockers⁺ ­all·of·them ­in·the·captivity ­they·walk⁺

and·they·were⁺ ­that·loot⁺·you ­to·looting

and·all·of ­that·spoil⁺·you ­I·give ­to·spoil :

as ­I·offer·up ­prolonging ­to·you ­and·from·your·strokes⁺ ­I·heal·you ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­banished ­they·called⁺ ­to·you

Tzion ­she

investigating ­there·is·ńot ­to·her :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo!·me ­returning ­the·captives⁺·of ­the·tents⁺·of ­Heeler

and·his·dwelling·places⁺ ­I·enwomb

and·she·was·built ­city ­upon ­her·tel

and·highest ­upon ­his·judgment ­he·settles :

and·he·went ­from·them ­gloryhand ­and·voice·of ­making·laughter⁺

and·I·multiplied·them ­and ­they·are·not·made·little⁺

and·I·made·them·weighty ­and ­they·are·not·lessened⁺ :

and·they·were⁺ ­his·sons⁺ ­as·frontmost

and·his·assembly ­to·my·face⁺ ­she·is·assured


upon ­all·of ­that·squeeze⁺·him :

and·he·was ­his·regal ­from·him ­and·his·ruler ­from·his·impresence ­he·goes

and·I·presented·him ­and·he·approached ­to·me

as ­¿who ­he ­this ­he·pledged ­°his·heart ­to·approach ­to·me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·you·were⁺ ­to·me ­to·people


I·am ­to·you⁺ ­to·Powers⁺ :

¡lo! ­the·storm·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­heat ­she·went

storm ­chewing

upon ­head·of ­wicked⁺ ­he·whirls :

he·does·not·return ­the·scorching·of ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

unto ­his·doing ­and·unto ­his·raising ­the·determinations⁺·of ­his·heart

in·the·afterward·of ­the·days⁺ ­you·discern⁺ ­in·her :

in·the·season ­she ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·am ­to·Powers⁺

to·all·of ­the·families⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­to·me ­to·people :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·found ­grace ­in·the·outspeak

people·of ­escapees⁺·of ­sword

walking ­to·let·him·take·a·wink ­Princepowr :

from·afar ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was·seen ­to·me

and·love·of ­eternity ­I·loved·you

upon ­surely ­I·drew·you·out ­mercy :

again ­I·build·you ­and·you·were·built

the·virgin·of ­Princepowr

again ­you·decorate ­your·timbrels⁺

and·you·went ­in·whirldancing·of ­making·laughter⁺ :

again ­you·plant ­orchards⁺

in·the·mounts⁺·of ­Watchstation

they·planted⁺ ­planters⁺ ­and·they·pierced⁺ :

as ­there·is ­day

they·called⁺ ­protecting⁺ ­in·the·mount·of ­Fruits²

ꜝarise⁺ ­and·we·go·up⁺ ­Tzion

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ :


as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝshout⁺ ­to·Heeler ­gladness

and·ꜝwhinny⁺ ­in·the·head·of ­the·clans⁺

ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­ꜝpraise⁺ ­and·ꜝsay⁺

ꜝsave ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°your·people

°the·survivor·of ­Princepowr :

¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­°them ­from·land·of ­north ­and·I·collected·them ­from·flanks²·of ­land

in·them ­blind ­and·hobbling

pregnant ­and·enchilding ­united

congregation ­great ­they·return⁺ ­here :

in·weeping ­they·enter⁺ ­and·in·graceprayers⁺ ­I·make·them·course

I·cause·them·to·walk ­to ­rivers⁺·of ­waters⁺

in·step ­straight

they·do·not·stumble⁺ ­in·her

as ­I·was ­to·Princepowr ­to·father

and·Fruits² ­my·firstborn ­he :

ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­clans⁺

and·tell·forth⁺ ­in·the·islands⁺ ­from·afar

and·ꜝsay⁺ ­the·winnowing·of ­Princepowr ­he·collects·him

and·he·watched·him ­as·tendent ­his·flock :

as ­he·ransomed ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Heeler

and·he·goeled·him ­from·hand·of ­firm ­from·him :

and·they·entered⁺ ­and·they·shouted⁺ ­in·the·heights·of ­Tzion

and·they·streamed⁺ ­to ­the·goodness·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­grain ­and·upon ­winemust ­and·upon ­elixer

and·upon ­sons⁺·of ­sheep ­and·plowcattle

and·she·was ­their·soul ­as·guarden ­overflowing

and ­they·do·not·add⁺ ­to·anguish ­again :

then ­she·is·glad ­virgin ­in·whirldancing

and·choice·youths⁺ ­and·elders⁺ ­united

and·I·converted ­their·mourning ­to·rejoicing ­and·I·sighed·with·them

and·I·gladdened·them ­from·their·sorrow :

and·I·overflowed ­the·soul·of ­the·priests⁺ ­bounty

and·my·people ­°my·goodness ­they·are·satisfied⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­voice ­in·High·Place ­he·was·heard ­grief ­weeping·of ­bitterness⁺

Ewe ­weeping ­upon ­her·sons⁺

she·refused ­to·sigh ­upon ­her·sons⁺ ­as ­he·is·ńot :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝdeprive ­your·voice ­from·weeping

and·your·eyes² ­from·tears

as ­there·is ­hire ­to·your·work ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·returned⁺ ­from·land·of ­enemy :

and·there·is ­hope ­to·your·afterward ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·returned⁺ ­sons⁺ ­to·their·border :

hearing ­I·heard ­Fruits² ­swaying·himself

you·instructed·me ­and·I·am·instructed

as·ox ­he·was·not·discipled

ꜝreturn·me ­and·ꜝlet·me·return

as ­you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­my·Powers⁺ :

as ­after⁺ ­my·returning ­I·sighed

and·after⁺ ­my·being·known

I·pounded ­upon ­flank

I·was·ashamed ­and·also ­I·was·embarrassed

as ­I·bore ­the·detraction·of ­my·youth⁺ :

¿son ­precious ­to·me ­Fruits² ­if ­child·of ­delights⁺

as ­from·enough·of ­my·speaking ­in·him

remembering ­I·remember·him ­again

upon ­surely ­they·hummed⁺ ­my·bowels⁺ ­to·him

enwombing ­I·enwomb·him ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝpost ­to·you ­tzionmarkers⁺ ­ꜝplace ­to·you ­palm-palms⁺

ꜝput ­your·heart

to·the·avenue ­step ­you·walked

ꜝreturn ­the·virgin·of ­Princepowr

ꜝreturn ­to ­your·cities⁺ ­these :

unto ­¿wħen ­you·curve·yourself·away

the·daughter ­the·backturning

as ­he·shaped ­Yʜᴡʜ ­new ­in·the·land

punctured ­she·turns·around ­hero :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

again ­they·say⁺ ­°the·speech ­this ­in·the·land·of ­Gloryhand ­and·in·his·cities⁺

when·I·return ­°their·captives⁺

he·kneels·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­habitation·of ­justice ­the·mount·of ­the·sanctuary :

and·they·settled⁺ ­in·her ­Gloryhand ­and·all·of ­his·cities⁺ ­united

farmers⁺ ­and·they·journeyed⁺ ­in·the·flock :

as ­I·overflowed ­soul·of ­tired

and·all·of ­soul ­she·anguished ­I·filled :

upon ­this ­I·awoke ­and·I·see

and·my·sleep ­she·was·even ­to·me :

¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·seeded ­°the·house·of ­Princepowr ­and·°the·house·of ­Gloryhand

seed·of ­adam ­and·seed·of ­beast :

and·he·was ­as·how ­I·kept·vigil ­upon·them ­to·expel ­and·to·wreck ­and·to·demolish ­and·to·cause·to·be·lost ­and·to·do·bad

surely ­I·keep·vigil ­upon·them ­to·build ­and·to·plant ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺

they·do·not·say⁺ ­again

fathers⁺ ­they·ate⁺ ­tartlet

and·teeth²·of ­sons⁺ ­they·are·blunt⁺ :

but ­rather ­man ­in·his·guilt ­he·dies

all·of ­the·adam ­that·eats ­the·tartlet ­they·are·blunt⁺ ­his·teeth² :

¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·cut·in ­with ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­and·with ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand ­covenant ­new :

not ­as·the·covenant ­that ­I·cut·in ­with ­their·fathers⁺

in·the·day·of ­my·grasping·firmly ­in·their·hand

to·let·them·go ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

that ­they⁺ ­they·scuttled⁺ ­°my·covenant ­and·I ­I·mastered ­in·them ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­this ­the·covenant ­that ­I·cut·in ­with ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­after⁺ ­the·days⁺ ­they⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·gave ­°my·torah ­in·their·impresence

and·upon ­their·heart ­I·write·her

and·I·was ­to·them ­to·Powers⁺

and·they⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­to·me ­to·people :

and ­they·do·not·disciple⁺ ­again ­man ­°his·tendent ­and·man ­°his·brother ­saying

ꜝknow⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ

as ­all·of·them ­they·know⁺ ­°me ­to·from·their·small ­and·unto ­their·great ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­I·pardon ­to·their·guilt

and·to·their·sin ­I·do·not·remember ­again :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­giving ­sun ­to·light ­daytime

prescriptions⁺·of ­moon ­and·stars⁺ ­to·light ­night

winking·at ­the·sea ­and·they·hum ­his·rolls⁺

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name :

if ­they·budge⁺ ­the·prescriptions⁺ ­these ­from·to·my·face⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

also ­the·seed·of ­Princepowr ­they·rest⁺ ­from·being ­clan ­to·my·face⁺ ­all·of ­the·days⁺ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­if ­they·are·measured⁺ ­skies⁺ ­from·to➝upward

and·they·are·examined⁺ ­foundations⁺·of ­land ­to·beneath

also ­I ­I·reject ­in·all·of ­the·seed·of ­Princepowr ­upon ­all ­that ­they·did⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·was·built ­the·city ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

from·the·great·tower·of ­Grace-of-Powr ­the·gate·of ­the·corner :

and·he·went ­again ­the·hopecord·of ­the·measure ­before·him

upon ­the·hill·of ­Itchy

and·he·was·turned·around ­➝Mooing :

and·all·of ­the·deepland·of ­the·carcasses⁺ ­and·the·bounty ­and·all·of ­the·fields⁺ ­unto ­the·river·of ­Gloominess ­unto ­the·corner·of ­the·gate·of ­the·horses⁺ ­➝dawn

sanctuary ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

he·is·not·expelled ­and ­he·is·not·demolished ­again ­to·eternity :

the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·year ­the·tenth

to·Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

she ­the·year ­eight ­and·ten ­year ­to·Prophethelpedkadre :

and·then ­the·strength·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

rockers⁺ ­upon ­Torahshalom

and·Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­he·was ­detained ­in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target

that ­the·house·of ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand :

that ­he·detained·him

Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­saying

¿know·why ­you ­prophesying ­saying ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­giving ­°the·city ­this ­in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·he·seized·her :

and·Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

he·is·not·delivered ­from·the·hand·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺

as ­being·given ­he·is·given ­in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·he·spoke ­his·mouth ­near ­his·mouth

and·his·eyes² ­°his·eyes² ­they·see⁺ :

and·Babylon ­he·causes·to·walk ­°Just-Yʜᴡ ­and·there ­he·is

unto ­my·reckoning ­°him ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­you·battle⁺ ­with ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­you·do·not·prosper⁺ :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­saying :

¡lo! ­Graced-Powr ­the·son·of ­Shalom ­your·intimate·uncle

entering ­to·you ­saying

ꜝstock·up ­to·you ­°my·field ­that ­in·Responses

as ­to·you ­the·judgment·of ­the·goelment ­to·stock·up :

and·he·enters ­to·me ­Graced-Powr ­the·son·of ­my·intimate·uncle ­as·the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·courtyard·of ­the·target

and·he·says ­to·me ­ꜝstock·up ­¡please! ­°my·field ­that ­in·Responses ­that ­in·the·land·of ­Son-of-Right ­as ­to·you ­the·judgment·of ­the·inheritance ­and·to·you ­the·goelment ­ꜝstock·up ­to·you

and·I·know ­as ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he :

and·I·stock·up ­°the·field

from·with ­Graced-Powr ­the·son·of ­my·intimate·uncle ­that ­in·Responses

and·I·shekel! ­to·him ­°the·silver

seven ­shekels⁺ ­and·ten ­the·silver :

and·I·write ­in·the·account ­and·I·seal

and·I·witness ­witnesses⁺

and·I·shekel ­the·silver ­in·earscale :

and·I·take ­°the·account·of ­the·stock-purchase

°the·sealed ­the·commandment ­and·the·prescriptions⁺ ­and·°that·is·stripped :

and·I·give ­°the·account ­the·stock-purchase ­to ­Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Refugee-of-Yʜ

to·the·eyes²·of ­Graced-Powr ­my·intimate·uncle

and·to·the·eyes²·of ­the·witnesses⁺

that·write⁺ ­in·the·account·of ­the·stock-purchase

to·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·Gloryhandïtes⁺

that·settle⁺ ­in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target :

and·I·command ­°Knelt-To

to·their·eyes² ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­taking ­°the·accounts⁺ ­these ­°the·account·of ­the·stock-purchase ­this ­and·°the·sealed ­and·°the·account·of ­that·is·stripped ­this

and·you·gave·them ­in·thing·of ­claycraft

because·of ­ꜝlet·them·stand⁺ ­days⁺ ­many⁺ :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

again ­they·are·stocked·up ­houses⁺ ­and·fields⁺ ­and·orchards⁺ ­in·the·land ­this :


and·I·mediate ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

after⁺ ­my·giving ­°the·account·of ­the·stock-purchase

to ­Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ ­saying :

¡oh-oh! ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­you ­you·did ­°the·skies⁺ ­and·°the·land

in·your·vigor ­the·great

and·in·your·arm ­that·is·branched·out

he·is·not·too·wonderful ­from·you ­all·of ­speech :

doing ­mercy ­to·thousands⁺

and·shaloming ­guilt·of ­fathers⁺

to ­the·bosom·of ­their·sons⁺ ­after⁺·them

the·powr ­the·great ­the·hero

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name :

the·great·of ­the·counsel

and·the·much·of ­the·exploit

that ­your·eyes² ­illuminated⁺ ­upon ­all·of ­steps⁺·of ­sons⁺·of ­adam

to·give ­to·man ­as·his·steps⁺

and·as·the·fruit·of ­his·exploits⁺ :

that ­you·placed ­signs⁺ ­and·omens⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­unto ­the·day ­this

and·in·Princepowr ­and·in·the·adam

and·you·do ­to·you ­name ­as·the·day ­this :

and·you·let·go ­°your·people ­°Princepowr ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

in·signs⁺ ­and·in·omens⁺ ­and·in·hand ­firm ­and·in·arm ­branched·out

and·in·fear ­great :

and·you·give ­to·them ­°the·land ­this

that ­you·vowed·seven ­to·their·fathers⁺ ­to·give ­to·them

land ­emitting·of ­fatmilk ­and·honey :

and·they·enter⁺ ­and·they·inherit⁺ ­°her ­and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·your·voice ­and·in·your·torah ­they·did·not·walk⁺

°all ­that ­you·commanded ­to·them ­to·do ­they·did·not·do⁺

and·you·call·down·upon ­°them

°all·of ­the·badness ­this :

¡lo! ­the·advances⁺ ­they·entered⁺ ­the·city ­to·seize·her

and·the·city ­she·was·given ­in·the·hand·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­that·battle⁺ ­upon·her

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·sword ­and·the·hunger ­and·the·unspeakable

and·that ­you·spoke ­he·was ­and·¡lo!·you ­seeing :

and·you ­you·said ­to·me ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝstock·up ­to·you ­the·field ­in·the·silver ­and·ꜝwitness ­witnesses⁺

and·the·city ­she·was·given ­in·the·hand·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺ :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­saying :

¡lo! ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ

Powers⁺·of ­all·of ­flesh


he·is·too·wonderful ­all·of ­speech :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­giving ­°the·city ­this ­in·the·hand·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­and·in·the·hand·of ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·he·seized·her :

and·they·entered⁺ ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­that·battle⁺ ­upon ­the·city ­this

and·they·enflared⁺ ­°the·city ­this ­in·the·fire ­and·they·burned⁺·her

and·°the·houses⁺ ­that ­they·incensed⁺ ­upon ­their·roofs⁺ ­to·the·Master ­and·they·libated·out ­libations⁺ ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺

because·of ­my·troubling :

as ­they·were⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­surely ­doing⁺ ­the·bad ­in·my·eyes² ­from·their·youth⁺

as ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­surely ­troubling⁺ ­°me ­in·the·doing·of ­their·hands² ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­upon ­my·nostrils ­and·upon ­my·heat ­she·was ­to·me ­the·city ­this

to·from ­the·day ­that ­they·built⁺ ­°her

and·unto ­the·day ­this

to·remove·her ­from·upon ­my·face⁺ :

upon ­all·of ­the·badness·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­that ­they·did⁺ ­to·trouble·me

they⁺ ­their·kings⁺ ­their·princes⁺

their·priests⁺ ­and·their·prophets⁺

and·the·man·of ­Gloryhand

and·the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom :

and·they·face⁺ ­to·me ­spine ­and·not ­face⁺

and·discipling ­°them ­yoking·up ­and·discipling

and·they·are·ńot⁺ ­hearing⁺ ­to·take ­instruction :

and·they·place⁺ ­their·detestations⁺ ­in·the·house ­that ­he·was·called ­my·name ­upon·him ­to·defile·him :

and·they·build⁺ ­°the·daises⁺·of ­the·Master ­that ­in·the·valley·of ­Son·of ­Hinnom ­to·make·cross·by ­°their·sons⁺ ­and·°their·daughters⁺ ­to·the·King

that ­I·did·not·command·them ­and ­she·did·not·go·up ­upon ­my·heart

to·do ­the·abomination ­this

because·of ­causing·to·sin ­°Gloryhand :

and·now ­to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

to ­the·city ­this ­that ­you⁺ ­saying⁺ ­she·was·given ­in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable :

¡lo!·me ­that·collects·them ­from·all·of ­the·lands⁺

that ­I·banished·them ­there ­in·my·nostrils ­and·in·my·heat ­and·in·anger ­great

and·I·returned·them ­to ­the·rising·place ­this

and·I·settled·them ­to·trust :

and·they·were⁺ ­to·me ­to·people

and·I ­I·am ­to·them ­to·Powers⁺ :

and·I·gave ­to·them ­heart·of ­one ­and·step ­one

to·fear ­°me ­all·of ­the·days⁺

to·good ­to·them

and·to·their·sons⁺ ­after⁺·them :

and·I·cut·in ­to·them ­covenant·of ­eternity

that ­I·do·not·return ­from·after⁺·them

to·do·good·me ­°them

and·°my·fear ­I·give ­in·their·heart

to·not ­moving ­from·upon·me :

and·I·rejoiced ­upon·them ­to·do·good ­°them

and·I·planted·them ­in·the·land ­this ­in·truth

in·all·of ­my·heart ­and·in·all·of ­my·soul :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­I·brought·in ­to ­the·people ­this

°all·of ­the·badness ­the·great ­this

surely ­I ­bringing·in ­upon·them ­°all·of ­the·goodness

that ­I ­speaker ­upon·them :

and·he·was·stocked·up ­the·field ­in·the·land ­this

that ­you⁺ ­saying⁺ ­desolation ­she ­from·there·is·ńot ­adam ­and·beast

she·was·given ­in·the·hand·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺ :

fields⁺ ­in·the·silver ­they·stock·up ­and·writing ­in·the·account ­and·sealing ­and·witnessing ­witnesses⁺

in·the·land·of ­Son-of-Right ­and·in·turninground ­Torahshalom ­and·in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·mount

and·in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·lowland ­and·in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·Negev

as ­I·return ­°their·captives⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­second

and·he ­he·is·still ­restrained

in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that·does·her

Yʜᴡʜ ­forming ­°her ­to·make·her·sure ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·name :

ꜝcall ­to·me ­and·I·respond·you

and·ꜝlet·me·tell·forth ­to·you ­great⁺ ­and·fortified⁺ ­you·did·not·know·them :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

upon ­the·houses⁺·of ­the·city ­this

and·upon ­the·houses⁺·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand

that·are·wrecked⁺ ­to ­the·advances⁺ ­and·to ­the·sword :

entering⁺ ­to·battle ­with ­the·Chaldeans⁺

and·to·fill·them ­with ­the·carcasses⁺·of ­the·adam

that ­I·struck ­in·my·nostrils ­and·in·my·heat

and·that ­I·hid ­my·face⁺ ­from·the·city ­this

upon ­all·of ­their·badness :

¡lo!·me ­offering·up ­to·her ­prolonging ­and·healing ­and·I·healed·them

and·I·stripped·out ­to·them

supplication·of ­shalom ­and·truth :

and·I·returned ­°the·captives⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·°the·captives⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·I·built·them ­as·in·the·headmost :


from·all·of ­their·guilt ­that ­they·sinned⁺ ­to·me

and·I·pardoned ­to·all·of ­their·guilts⁺ ­that ­they·sinned⁺ ­to·me

and·that ­they·rebelled⁺ ­in·me :

and·she·was ­to·me ­to·name·of ­rejoicing ­to·praise ­and·to·sprigging

to·all·of ­the·clans⁺·of ­the·land

that ­they·hear⁺ ­°all·of ­the·goodness ­that ­I ­doing ­°them

and·they·trembled⁺ ­and·they·were·stirred·up ­upon ­all·of ­the·goodness ­and·upon ­all·of ­the·shalom

that ­I ­doing ­to·her :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­again ­he·is·heard ­in·the·rising·place ­this

that ­you⁺ ­saying⁺

withered ­he

from·there·is·ńot ­adam ­and·from·there·is·ńot ­beast

in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom

the·desolated⁺ ­from·there·is·ńot ­adam ­and·from·there·is·ńot ­settling ­and·from·there·is·ńot ­beast :

voice·of ­rejoicing ­and·voice·of ­gladness ­voice·of ­married·one ­and·voice·of ­allness

voice·of ­saying⁺ ­gloryhand⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­as ­good ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­to·eternity ­his·mercy

bringing·in⁺ ­gloryhand ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­I·return ­°the·captives⁺·of ­the·land ­as·in·the·headmost ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

again ­he·is ­in·the·rising·place ­this ­the·withered ­from·there·is·ńot ­adam ­and·unto ­beast ­and·in·all·of ­his·cities⁺

habitation·of ­tendents⁺

letting·lie·down ­sheep :

in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·mount ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·lowland ­and·in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·Negev

and·in·the·land·of ­Son-of-Right ­and·in·turninground ­Torahshalom ­and·in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

again ­they·cross·over⁺ ­the·sheep ­upon ­hands²·of ­allotting ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·raised ­°the·speech ­the·good

that ­I·spoke ­to ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­and·upon ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand :

in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺ ­and·in·the·season ­she

I·cause·to·grow ­to·Intimate ­growth·of ­justice

and·he·did ­judgment ­and·justice ­in·the·land :

in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺ ­she·is·saved ­Gloryhand

and·Torahshalom ­she·dwells ­to·trust

and·this ­that ­he·calls ­to·her ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·justice :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·is·not·cut·down ­to·Intimate

man ­settling ­upon ­the·throne·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr :

and·to·the·priests⁺ ­the·Debtorïtes⁺

he·is·not·cut·down ­man ­from·to·my·face⁺

offering·up ­upward·offering ­and·incendiating ­tribute ­and·doing ­offering ­all·of ­the·days⁺ :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­you·scuttle⁺ ­°my·covenant ­the·day

and·°my·covenant ­the·night

and·to·not ­being ­daytime ­and·night ­in·their·season :

also ­my·covenant ­she·is·scuttled ­with ­Intimate ­my·servant

from·being ­to·him ­son ­king ­upon ­his·throne

and·with ­the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­the·priests⁺ ­my·assistants⁺ :

that ­he·is·not·counted ­the·host·of ­the·skies⁺

and ­he·is·not·measured ­the·sand·of ­the·sea

surely ­I·multiply ­°the·seed·of ­Intimate ­my·servant

and·°the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­assistants⁺·of ­°me :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­saying :

¿not ­you·saw ­¿what ­the·people ­this ­they·spoke⁺ ­saying

the·two²·of ­the·families⁺ ­that ­he·chose ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·them ­and·he·rejects·them

and·°my·people ­they·disregard⁺

from·being ­again ­clan ­to·their·face⁺ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­not ­my·covenant ­daytime ­and·night

prescriptions⁺·of ­skies⁺ ­and·land ­I·did·not·place :

also ­the·seed·of ­Heeler ­and·Intimate ­my·servant ­I·reject ­from·taking ­from·his·seed ­rulers⁺

to ­the·seed·of ­Father-Hi-Hum ­Laugher ­and·Heeler

as ­I·return ­°their·captives⁺ ­and·I·enwombed·them :

the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·all·of ­his·strength ­and·all·of ­kingdoms⁺·of ­land ­the·rule·of ­his·hand ­and·all·of ­the·people⁺ ­battling⁺ ­upon ­Torahshalom ­and·upon ­all·of ­her·cities⁺ ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

walking ­and·you·said

to ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

and·you·said ­to·him ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­giving ­°the·city ­this ­in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·he·burned·her ­in·the·fire :

and·you ­you·are·not·delivered ­from·his·hand

as ­clenching ­you·are·clenched

and·in·his·hand ­you·are·given

and·your·eyes² ­°the·eyes²·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­they·see⁺ ­and·his·mouth ­with ­your·mouth ­he·speaks ­and·Babylon ­you·enter :

surely ­ꜝhear ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·you

you·do·not·die ­in·the·sword :

in·shalom ­you·die ­and·as·the·burnings⁺·of ­your·fathers⁺ ­the·kings⁺ ­the·headmost⁺ ­that ­they·were⁺ ­to·your·face⁺ ­surely ­they·burn⁺ ­to·you

and·¡oweh! ­lord ­they·lament⁺ ­to·you

as ­speech ­I ­I·spoke ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

to ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these ­in·Torahshalom :

and·the·strength·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­battling⁺ ­upon ­Torahshalom

and·upon ­all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­the·remnants⁺

to ­Lakysh ­and·to ­Imprinted

as ­they⁺ ­they·survived⁺ ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­cities⁺·of ­fortification :


the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

after⁺ ­cutting·in ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­covenant ­with ­all·of ­the·people ­that ­in·Torahshalom

to·call ­to·them ­liberty :

to·send·out ­man ­°his·servant ­and·man ­°his·family·servant ­the·Acrossïte ­and·the·Acrossïte ­free⁺

to·not ­serving ­in·them ­in·Gloryhandïte ­his·brother ­man :

and·they·hear⁺ ­all·of ­the·princes⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·people ­that ­they·entered⁺ ­in·the·covenant ­to·send·out ­man ­°his·servant ­and·man ­°his·family·servant ­free⁺

to·not ­serving ­in·them ­again

and·they·hear⁺ ­and·they·send·out :

and·they·return⁺ ­after⁺ ­surely

and·they·return⁺ ­°the·servants⁺ ­and·°the·family·servants⁺

that ­they·sent·out ­free⁺


to·servants⁺ ­and·to·family·servants⁺ :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

I ­I·cut·in ­covenant ­with ­your⁺·fathers⁺

in·the·day·of ­my·letting·go ­°them ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts²

from·house·of ­servants⁺ ­saying :

from·end·of ­seven ­years⁺ ­you·send·out ­man ­°his·brother ­the·Acrossïte ­that ­he·is·sold ­to·you ­and·he·served·you ­six·of ­years⁺

and·you·sent·him·out ­free ­from·near·you

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­to·me

and ­they·did·not·branch·out ­°their·ear :

and·you·return⁺ ­you⁺ ­the·day ­and·you·do⁺ ­°the·straight ­in·my·eyes²

to·call ­liberty ­man ­to·his·tendent

and·you·cut·in ­covenant ­to·my·face⁺

in·the·house ­that ­he·was·called ­my·name ­upon·him :

and·you·return⁺ ­and·you·pierce⁺ ­°my·name

and·you·return⁺ ­man ­°his·servant ­and·man ­°his·family·servant

that ­you·sent·out ­free⁺ ­to·their·soul

and·you·subdue⁺ ­°them

to·be ­to·you⁺

to·servants⁺ ­and·to·family·servants⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

you⁺ ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­to·me

to·call ­liberty

man ­to·his·brother ­and·man ­to·his·tendent

¡lo!·me ­calling ­to·you⁺ ­liberty ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·sword ­to ­the·unspeakable ­and·to ­the·hunger

and·I·gave ­°you⁺ ­to·irritation

to·all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·land :

and·I·gave ­°the·mortals⁺ ­the·crossers⁺ ­°my·covenant

that ­they·did·not·raise⁺ ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·covenant

that ­they·cut·in ­to·my·face⁺

the·ox ­that ­they·cut·down ­to·two²

and·they·cross·over⁺ ­between ­his·slices⁺ :

the·princes⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·the·princes⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­the·eunuchs⁺ ­and·the·priests⁺

and·all·of ­the·people·of ­the·land


between ­the·slices⁺·of ­the·ox :

and·I·gave ­°them ­in·the·hand·of ­their·enemies⁺

and·in·the·hand·of ­the·seekers⁺·of ­their·soul

and·she·was ­their·wilted·body ­to·edibles

to·the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·to·the·beast·of ­the·land :

and·°Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°his·princes⁺ ­I·give ­in·the·hand·of ­their·enemies⁺

and·in·the·hand·of ­the·seekers⁺·of ­their·soul

and·in·the·hand·of ­the·strength·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

that·go·up⁺ ­from·upon·you⁺ :

¡lo!·me ­commanding ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·I·returned·them ­to ­the·city ­this ­and·they·battled⁺ ­upon·her

and·they·seized⁺·her ­and·they·burned⁺·her ­in·the·fire

and·°the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­I·give ­desolation ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling :


the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·days⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­saying :

walking ­to ­the·house·of ­the·Charioteers⁺

and·you·spoke ­°them

and·you·brought·them·in ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­one·of ­the·rooms⁺

and·you·gave·to·drink ­°them ­wine :

and·I·take ­°Eared-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·son·of ­Chabatzin-Yʜ

and·°his·brothers⁺ ­and·°all·of ­his·sons⁺

and·°all·of ­the·house·of ­the·Charioteers⁺ :

and·I·bring·in ­°them ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­the·room·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Grace ­the·son·of ­Greatened-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·man·of ­the·Powers⁺

that ­beside ­the·room·of ­the·princes⁺

that ­from·upward ­to·the·room·of ­Deed-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Shalom ­the·watching·of ­the·portal :

and·I·give ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·house·of ­the·Charioteers⁺ ­chalices⁺ ­full⁺ ­wine ­and·cups⁺

and·I·say ­to·them ­ꜝdrink⁺ ­wine :

and·they·say⁺ ­we·do·not·drink⁺ ­wine

as ­Yᴡ-Noble ­the·son·of ­Charioteer ­our·father ­he·commanded ­upon·us ­saying

you·do·not·drink⁺ ­wine ­you⁺ ­and·your⁺·sons⁺ ­unto ­eternity :

and·house ­you·do·not·build⁺ ­and·seed ­you·do·not·seed⁺ ­and·orchard ­you·do·not·plant⁺

and ­he·is·not ­to·you⁺

as ­in·tents⁺ ­you·settle⁺ ­all·of ­your⁺·days⁺

because·of ­ꜝlive⁺ ­days⁺ ­many⁺ ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah

that ­you⁺ ­lodgers⁺ ­there :

and·we·hear⁺ ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡ-Noble ­the·son·of ­Charioteer ­our·father

to·all ­that ­he·commanded·us

to·not ­drinking ­wine ­all·of ­our·days⁺

we⁺ ­our·women⁺

our·sons⁺ ­and·our·daughters⁺ :

and·to·not ­building ­houses⁺ ­to·settle·us

and·orchard ­and·field ­and·seed ­he·is·not ­to·us :

and·we·settle⁺ ­in·the·tents⁺

and·we·hear⁺ ­and·we·do⁺

as·all ­that ­he·commanded·us ­Yᴡ-Noble ­our·father :

and·he·is ­when·going·up ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­to ­the·land

and·we·say⁺ ­ꜝenter⁺ ­and·we·enter⁺ ­Torahshalom

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·strength·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺

and·from·the·face⁺·of ­the·strength·of ­Height

and·we·settle⁺ ­in·Torahshalom :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

walking ­and·you·said ­to·the·man·of ­Gloryhand

and·to·the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom

¿not ­you·take⁺ ­instruction ­to·hear ­to ­my·speeches⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

he·was·raised ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Noble ­the·son·of ­Charioteer ­that ­he·commanded ­°his·sons⁺ ­to·not ­drinking ­wine ­and ­they·did·not·drink⁺ ­unto ­the·day ­this

as ­they·heard⁺

°the·commandment·of ­their·father

and·I ­I·spoke ­to·you⁺ ­yoking·up ­and·speaking

and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­to·me :

and·I·send ­to·you⁺ ­°all·of ­my·servants⁺ ­the·prophets⁺ ­yoking·up ­and·sending ­saying ­ꜝreturn⁺ ­¡please! ­man ­from·his·step ­the·bad ­and·ꜝdo·good⁺ ­your⁺·exploits⁺ ­and ­ꜝdo·not·walk⁺ ­after⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺ ­to·serve·them

and·ꜝsettle⁺ ­to ­the·adamah

that ­I·gave ­to·you⁺ ­and·to·your⁺·fathers⁺

and ­you·did·not·branch·out ­°your⁺·ear

and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­to·me :

as ­they·raised⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Noble ­the·son·of ­Charioteer

°the·commandment·of ­their·father ­that ­he·commanded·them

and·the·people ­this

they·did·not·hear⁺ ­to·me :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­to ­Gloryhand ­and·to ­all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom

°all·of ­the·badness

that ­I·spoke ­upon·them

because ­I·spoke ­to·them ­and ­they·did·not·hear⁺

and·I·call ­to·them ­and ­they·did·not·respond⁺ :

and·to·the·house·of ­the·Charioteers⁺ ­he·said ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

because ­that ­you·heard⁺

upon ­the·commandment·of ­Yʜᴡ-Noble ­your⁺·father

and·you·watch⁺ ­°all·of ­his·commandments⁺


as·all ­that ­he·commanded ­°you⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

he·is·not·cut·down ­man ­to·Yᴡ-Noble ­the·son·of ­Charioteer ­standing ­to·my·face⁺ ­all·of ­the·days⁺ :


and·he·is ­in·the·year ­the·fourth

to·Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

he·was ­the·speech ­this ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

ꜝtake ­to·you ­scroll·of ­account

and·you·wrote ­to·her ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­that ­I·spoke ­to·you ­upon ­Princepowr ­and·upon ­Gloryhand ­and·upon ­all·of ­the·clans⁺

from·day ­I·spoke ­to·you ­from·the·days⁺·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ

and·unto ­the·day ­this :

¿maybe ­they·hear⁺ ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand

°all·of ­the·badness

that ­I ­considering ­to·do ­to·them

because·of ­ꜝlet·them·return⁺ ­man ­from·his·step ­the·bad

and·I·pardoned ­to·their·guilt ­and·to·their·sin :

and·he·calls ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

°Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ

and·he·writes ­Knelt-To ­from·the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·spoke ­to·him ­upon ­scroll·of ­account :

and·he·commands ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

°Knelt-To ­saying

I ­restrained


to·enter ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·you·entered ­you ­and·you·called ­in·the·scroll ­that ­you·wrote ­from·my·mouth ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·ears²·of ­the·people ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·day·of ­fasting

and·also ­in·the·ears²·of ­all·of ­Gloryhand ­that·enter⁺ ­from·their·cities⁺ ­you·call·them :

¿maybe ­she·falls ­their·graceprayer ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·return⁺ ­man ­from·his·step ­the·bad

as ­great ­the·nostrils ­and·the·heat

that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·people ­this :

and·he·does ­Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ

as·all ­that ­he·commanded·him ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

to·call ­in·the·account ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­in·the·year ­the·fifth ­to·Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­in·the·new·moon ­the·ninth

they·called⁺ ­fasting ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­all·of ­the·people ­in·Torahshalom

and·all·of ­the·people ­that·enter⁺ ­from·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­in·Torahshalom :

and·he·calls ­Knelt-To ­in·the·account ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·room·of ­Yʜᴡ-Concluded ­the·son·of ­Rabbit ­the·accounter ­in·the·courtyard ­the·uppermost ­the·opening·of ­the·gate·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·new

in·the·ears²·of ­all·of ­the·people :

and·he·hears ­Who-as-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Concluded ­the·son·of ­Rabbit ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·upon ­the·account :

and·he·descends ­the·house·of ­the·king ­upon ­the·room·of ­the·accounter

and·¡lo! ­there

all·of ­the·princes⁺ ­settling⁺

Powr-Hears ­the·accounter ­and·Pulled-Up-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Heard-Yʜᴡ ­and·Powr-Given ­the·son·of ­Rat ­and·Yʜᴡ-Concluded ­the·son·of ­Rabbit ­and·Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ ­and·all·of ­the·princes⁺ :

and·he·tells·forth ­to·them ­Who-as-Yʜᴡ

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­that ­he·heard

when·calling ­Knelt-To ­in·the·account ­in·the·ears²·of ­the·people :

and·they·send⁺ ­all·of ­the·princes⁺ ­to ­Knelt-To ­°Gloryhandïte ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Shalom-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Kushïte ­saying

the·scroll ­that ­you·called ­in·her ­in·the·ears²·of ­the·people

ꜝtake·her ­in·your·hand ­and·ꜝwalk

and·he·takes ­Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ ­°the·scroll ­in·his·hand

and·he·enters ­to·them :

and·they·say⁺ ­to·him

ꜝsettle ­¡please!

and·ꜝcall·her ­in·our·ears²

and·he·calls ­Knelt-To ­in·their·ears² :

and·he·is ­as·they·hear⁺ ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺

they·trembled⁺ ­man ­to ­his·tendent

and·they·say⁺ ­to ­Knelt-To

telling·forth ­we·tell·forth⁺ ­to·the·king

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these :


they·requested⁺ ­saying

tell·forth ­¡please! ­to·us

¿ħow ­you·wrote ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these ­from·his·mouth :

and·he·says ­to·them ­Knelt-To

from·his·mouth ­he·calls ­to·me

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·I ­writing ­upon ­the·account ­in·the·ink :


and·they·say⁺ ­the·princes⁺ ­to ­Knelt-To

ꜝwalk ­ꜝbe·hidden ­you ­and·Yʜᴡ-Heightens

and·man ­ꜝlet·him·not·know ­¿wẖere ­you⁺ :

and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­the·king ­➝courtyard

and·°the·scroll ­they·gave·to·reckon⁺

in·the·room·of ­Powr-Hears ­the·accounter

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­in·the·ears²·of ­the·king

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ :

and·he·sends ­the·king ­°Gloryhandïte ­to·take ­°the·scroll


from·the·room·of ­Powr-Hears ­the·accounter

and·he·calls·her ­Gloryhandïte ­in·the·ears²·of ­the·king

and·in·the·ears²·of ­all·of ­the·princes⁺

that·stand⁺ ­from·upon ­the·king :

and·the·king ­settling ­the·house·of ­the·tractortime

in·the·new·moon ­the·ninth

and·°the·brazier ­to·his·face⁺ ­consumed·by·fire :

and·he·is ­as·calling ­Gloryhandïte ­three ­pulldoors⁺ ­and·four

he·tears·her ­in·the·bareblade·of ­the·accounter

and·dropping ­to ­the·fire ­that ­to ­the·brazier

unto ­completed ­all·of ­the·scroll

upon ­the·fire ­that ­upon ­the·brazier :

and ­they·did·not·tremble⁺

and ­they·did·not·tear⁺ ­°their·coverings⁺

the·king ­and·all·of ­his·servants⁺


°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these :

and·also ­Powr-Given ­and·Pulled-Up-of-Yʜᴡ ­and·Yʜᴡ-Concluded ­they·pegged⁺ ­in·the·king

to·not ­burning ­°the·scroll

and ­he·did·not·hear ­to·them :

and·he·commands ­the·king ­°Powr-Wombs ­the·son·of ­the·king ­and·°Prince-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Help-of-Powr ­and·°Shalom-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Service-of-Powr

to·take ­°Knelt-To ­the·accounter

and·°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

and·he·hides·them ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

after⁺ ­burning ­the·king ­°the·scroll ­and·°the·speeches⁺

that ­he·wrote ­Knelt-To ­from·the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­saying :

ꜝreturn ­ꜝtake ­to·you ­scroll ­after

and·ꜝwrite ­upon·her ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­the·headmost⁺

that ­they·were⁺ ­upon ­the·scroll ­the·headmost

that ­he·burned ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand :

and·upon ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­you·say

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

you ­you·burned ­°the·scroll ­this ­saying

¿know·why ­you·wrote ­upon·her ­saying ­entering ­he·enters ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·he·ruined ­°the·land ­this

and·he·gave·rest ­from·her ­adam ­and·beast :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

he·is·not ­to·him ­settling ­upon ­the·throne·of ­Intimate

and·his·wilted·body ­she·is ­dropped

to·the·withering ­in·the·day ­and·to·the·baldice ­in·the·night :

and·I·reckoned ­upon·him ­and·upon ­his·seed ­and·upon ­his·servants⁺ ­°their·guilt

and·I·brought·in ­upon·them ­and·upon ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­and·to ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­°all·of ­the·badness ­that ­I·spoke ­to·them ­and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ :

and·Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­he·took ­scroll ­after ­and·he·gives·her ­to ­Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·accounter

and·he·writes ­upon·her ­from·the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·account

that ­he·burned ­Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­in·the·fire

and·again ­he·was·added ­upon·them ­speeches⁺ ­many⁺ ­as·them :

and·he·is·king ­king

Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ

under ­Sure-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Raises

that ­he·kinged ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­in·the·land·of ­Gloryhand :

and ­he·did·not·hear ­he ­and·his·servants⁺ ­and·the·people·of ­the·land

to ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­he·spoke

in·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet :

and·he·sends ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­°Yʜᴡ-Able ­the·son·of ­Shalom-of-Yʜᴡ ­and·°Secret-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Deed-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·priest

to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­saying

ꜝmediate ­¡please! ­about·us

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ :

and·Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­entering ­and·going ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people

and ­they·did·not·give⁺ ­°him ­the·house·of ­the·detention :

and·strength·of ­pharaoh ­he·went ­from·Egypts²

and·they·hear⁺ ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­the·rockers⁺ ­upon ­Torahshalom ­°their·hearing


from·upon ­Torahshalom :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

thus ­you·say⁺ ­to ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

that·sends ­°you⁺ ­to·me ­to·investigate·me

¡lo! ­strength·of ­pharaoh ­that·goes ­to·you⁺ ­to·help

he·returned ­to·his·land ­Egypts² :

and·they·returned⁺ ­the·Chaldeans⁺

and·they·battled⁺ ­upon ­the·city ­this

and·they·seized⁺·her ­and·they·burned⁺·her ­in·the·fire :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you·do·not·defraud⁺ ­your⁺·souls⁺ ­saying

walking ­they·walk⁺ ­from·upon·us ­the·Chaldeans⁺

as ­they·do·not·walk⁺ :

but ­rather ­you·struck⁺ ­all·of ­the·strength·of ­Chaldeans⁺ ­that·battle⁺ ­with·you⁺

and·they·survived⁺ ­in·them

mortals⁺ ­stabbed⁺

man ­in·his·tent ­they·arise⁺

and·they·burned⁺ ­°the·city ­this ­in·the·fire :

and·he·was ­when·gone·up ­the·strength·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺

from·upon ­Torahshalom

from·face⁺·of ­strength·of ­pharaoh :

and·he·goes ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·Torahshalom

to·walk ­the·land·of ­Son-of-Right

to·get·his·division ­from·there ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people :

and·he·is ­he ­in·the·gate·of ­Son-of-Right ­and·there ­master·of ­reckoning

and·his·name ­Fearful-of-Yʜ

the·son·of ­Shalom-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Grace-of-Yʜᴡ

and·he·clenches ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­saying

to ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­you ­falling :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­falsehood ­I·am·ńot ­falling ­upon ­the·Chaldeans⁺

and ­he·did·not·hear ­to·him

and·he·clenches ­Fearful-of-Yʜ ­in·Yʜᴡ-Heightens

and·he·brings·him·in ­to ­the·princes⁺ :

and·they·are·angry⁺ ­the·princes⁺ ­upon ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­and·they·struck⁺ ­°him

and·they·gave⁺ ­°him ­the·house·of ­the·chain ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·accounter

as ­°him ­they·did⁺ ­to·the·house·of ­the·detention :

as ­he·entered ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­the·house·of ­the·well ­and·to ­the·campcells⁺

and·he·settles ­there ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­days⁺ ­many⁺ :


and·he·sends ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­and·he·takes·him ­and·he·requests·him ­the·king ­in·his·house ­in·the·hiddenness

and·he·says ­¿there·is ­speech ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­there·is

and·he·says ­in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­you·are·given :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

to ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ

¿what ­I·sinned ­to·you ­and·to·your·servants⁺ ­and·to·the·people ­this

as ­you·gave⁺ ­°me ­to ­the·house·of ­the·detention :

and·¿where ­your⁺·prophets⁺

that ­they·prophesied⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­saying

he·does·not·enter ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­upon·you⁺

and·upon ­the·land ­this :

and·now ­ꜝhear ­¡please! ­my·lord ­the·king

she·falls ­¡please! ­my·graceprayer ­to·your·face⁺

and ­you·do·not·return·me ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·accounter

and ­I·do·not·die ­there :

and·he·commands ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­and·they·give·to·reckon⁺ ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target

and·giving ­to·him ­round·of ­bread ­to·the·day ­from·the·exterior·of ­the·bakers⁺

unto ­completed ­all·of ­the·bread ­from ­the·city

and·he·settles ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target :

and·he·hears ­Judge-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Gift ­and·Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Tattering

and·He-Is-Able ­the·son·of ­Shalom-of-Yʜᴡ

and·Tattering ­the·son·of ­King-of-Yʜᴡ


that ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­speaker ­to ­all·of ­the·people ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

that·settles ­in·the·city ­this

he·dies ­in·the·sword ­in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable

and·that·goes ­to ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­and·he·lived

and·she·was ­to·him ­his·soul ­to·plunder ­and·he·lived :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

being·given ­she·is·given ­the·city ­this ­in·the·hand·of ­the·strength·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·he·seized·her :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·princes⁺ ­to ­the·king ­he·is·put·to·death ­¡please! ­°the·man ­this

for ­upon ­sureness ­he ­slackening ­°the·hands²·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­the·survivors⁺ ­in·the·city ­this ­and·°the·hands²·of ­all·of ­the·people

to·speak ­to·them

as·the·speeches⁺ ­these

as ­the·man ­this ­he·is·ńot ­investigating ­to·shalom ­to·the·people ­this ­but ­rather ­to·badness :

and·he·says ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ

¡lo! ­he ­in·your⁺·hand

as ­there·is·ńot ­the·king

he·is·able ­°you⁺ ­speech :

and·they·take⁺ ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­and·they·drop⁺ ­°him ­to ­the·well·of ­King-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­the·king ­that ­in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target

and·they·send·out ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­in·ropes⁺

and·in·the·well ­there·is·ńot ­waters⁺ ­but ­rather ­mud

and·he·sinks ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­in·the·mud :

and·he·hears ­Servant ­King ­the·Kushïte ­man·of ­eunuch ­and·he ­in·the·house·of ­the·king

as ­they·gave⁺ ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­the·well

and·the·king ­settling ­in·the·gate·of ­Son-of-Right :

and·he·goes ­Servant ­King ­from·the·house·of ­the·king

and·he·speaks ­to ­the·king ­saying :

my·lord ­the·king ­they·did·bad⁺ ­the·mortals⁺ ­these ­°all ­that ­they·did⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

°that ­they·dropped⁺ ­to ­the·well

and·he·dies ­unders⁺·him ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·hunger

as ­there·is·ńot ­the·bread ­again ­in·the·city :

and·he·commands ­the·king

°Servant ­King ­the·Kushïte ­saying

ꜝtake ­in·your·hand ­from·this ­thirty⁺ ­mortals⁺

and·you·offered·up ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­from ­the·well ­in·ere ­he·dies :

and·he·takes ­Servant ­King ­°the·mortals⁺ ­in·his·hand ­and·he·enters ­the·house·of ­the·king ­to ­under ­the·treasure

and·he·takes ­from·there ­decayed·bits⁺·of ­rags⁺

and·decayed·bits⁺·of ­saltyrags⁺

and·he·sends·them·out ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­the·well ­in·ropes⁺ :

and·he·says ­Servant ­King ­the·Kushïte ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­ꜝplace ­¡please! ­the·decayed·bits⁺·of ­the·rags⁺ ­and·the·saltyrags⁺ ­under ­the·sides⁺·of ­your·hands²

from·under ­to·ropes⁺

and·he·does ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­surely :

and·they·draw·out ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­in·ropes⁺

and·they·offer·up⁺ ­°him ­from ­the·well

and·he·settles ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target :

and·he·sends ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­and·he·takes ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­to·him

to ­entrance ­the·third

that ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­the·king ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­requesting ­I ­°you ­speech

ꜝdo·not·stifle ­from·me ­speech :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­Just-Yʜᴡ

as ­I·tell·forth ­to·you

¿not ­putting·to·death ­you·put·me·to·death

and·as ­I·counsel·you

you·do·not·hear ­to·me :

and·he·vows·seven ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­in·the·hiddenness ­saying

living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·did ­to·us ­°the·soul ­this ­if ­I·put·you·to·death

and·if ­I·give·you ­in·the·hand·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­these

that ­seekers⁺ ­°your·soul :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­if ­going ­you·go ­to ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·she·lived ­your·soul

and·the·city ­this

she·is·not·burned ­in·the·fire

and·you·lived ­you ­and·your·house :

and·if ­you·do·not·go ­to ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·she·was·given ­the·city ­this ­in·the·hand·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺

and·they·burned⁺·her ­in·the·fire

and·you ­you·are·not·delivered ­from·their·hand :

and·he·says ­the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

I ­anxious ­°the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ ­that ­they·fell⁺ ­to ­the·Chaldeans⁺

lest ­they·give⁺ ­°me ­in·their·hand ­and·they·exploited·themselves⁺ ­in·me :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­they·do·not·give⁺

ꜝhear ­¡please! ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·that ­I ­speaker ­to·you

and·he·is·good ­to·you ­and·ꜝlet·her·live ­your·soul :

and·if ­refusing ­you ­to·go

this ­the·speech

that ­he·showed·me ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·¡lo! ­all·of ­the·women⁺ ­that ­they·survived⁺ ­in·the·house·of ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

made·to·go⁺ ­to ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·they⁺ ­saying⁺ ­they·coaxed⁺·you ­and·they·were·able⁺ ­to·you ­the·mortals⁺·of ­your·shalom

they·were·sunk⁺ ­in·the·marsh ­your·feet² ­they·were·skimmed·away ­aft :

and·°all·of ­your·women⁺ ­and·°your·sons⁺ ­letting·go⁺ ­to ­the·Chaldeans⁺

and·you ­you·are·not·delivered ­from·their·hand

as ­in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­you·are·clenched

and·°the·city ­this ­you·burn ­in·the·fire :


and·he·says ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­man ­ꜝlet·him·not·know ­in·the·speeches⁺ ­these ­and ­you·do·not·die :

and·as ­they·hear⁺ ­the·princes⁺ ­as ­I·spoke ­with·you

and·they·entered⁺ ­to·you ­and·they·said⁺ ­to·you ­tell·forth! ­¡please! ­to·us ­¿what ­you·spoke ­to ­the·king ­ꜝdo·not·stifle ­from·us ­and ­we·do·not·put·you·to·death⁺

and·¿what ­he·spoke ­to·you ­the·king :

and·you·said ­to·them

letting·fall ­I ­my·graceprayer ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·king

to·not ­my·returning ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to·die ­there :


and·they·enter⁺ ­all·of ­the·princes⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­and·they·request⁺ ­°him

and·he·tells·forth ­to·them ­as·all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

that ­he·commanded ­the·king

and·they·craft·silence ­from·him

as ­he·was·not·heard ­the·speech :


and·he·settles ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target

unto ­day ­that ­she·was·seized ­Torahshalom

and·he·was ­as·how ­she·was·seized ­Torahshalom :


in·the·year ­the·ninth ­to·Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­in·the·new·moon ­the·tenth ­he·entered ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·all·of ­his·strength ­to ­Torahshalom

and·they·rock·up ­upon·her :

in·øne ­and·ten ­year ­to·Just-Yʜᴡ

in·the·new·moon ­the·fourth ­in·nine ­to·the·new·moon

she·was·cleaved ­the·city :

and·they·enter⁺ ­all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·they·settle⁺ ­in·the·gate·of ­the·midst

Nergal ­Prince ­Helped ­Samgar ­Prophet ­Prince ­Sekym ­major·of ­eunuch ­Nergal ­Prince ­Helped ­major·of ­magi

and·all·of ­the·survivor·of

the·princes⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon :

and·he·is ­as·how ­he·saw·them ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­and·all·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­and·they·bolt⁺ ­and·they·go⁺ ­night ­from ­the·city ­the·step·of ­the·guarden·of ­the·king

in·gate ­between ­the·ramparts²

and·he·goes ­the·step·of ­the·Arabah :

and·they·pursue⁺ ­the·strength·of ­Chaldeans⁺ ­after⁺·them ­and·they·catch⁺ ­°Just-Yʜᴡ ­in·the·arabahs⁺·of ­Breath

and·they·take⁺ ­°him ­and·they·offer·him·up⁺ ­to ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­➝Riblah ­in·the·land·of ­Rampart

and·he·speaks ­with·him ­judgments⁺ :

and·he·slaughters ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­in·Riblah ­to·his·eyes²

and·°all·of ­the·brilliants⁺·of ­Gloryhand

he·slaughtered ­the·king·of ­Babylon :

and·°the·eyes²·of ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­he·blinded

and·he·chains·him ­in·the·coppers²

to·bring·in ­°him ­➝Babylon :

and·°the·house·of ­the·king ­and·°the·house·of ­the·people

they·burned⁺ ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­in·the·fire

and·°the·ramparts⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­they·wrecked⁺ :

and·°the·remainder·of ­the·people ­the·survivors⁺ ­in·the·city ­and·°that·fall⁺ ­that ­they·fell⁺ ­upon·him

and·°the·remainder·of ­the·people ­the·survivors⁺

he·stripped ­Prophetseed ­Adan ­major·of ­butchers⁺ ­Babylon :

and·from ­the·people ­the·pulled·down ­that ­there·is·ńot ­to·them ­smidge

he·let·survive ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Gloryhand

and·he·gives ­to·them ­orchards⁺ ­and·ranches⁺ ­in·the·day ­he :

and·he·commands ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­upon ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

in·the·hand·of ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺ ­saying :

ꜝtake·him ­and·your·eyes² ­ꜝplace ­upon·him

and ­ꜝdo·not·do ­to·him ­smidge ­bad

as ­as·how ­he·speaks ­to·you

surely ­ꜝdo ­near·him :

and·he·sends ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺ ­and·Prophetshazban ­major·of ­eunuch

and·Nergal ­Prince ­Helped ­major·of ­magi

and·all·of ­the·majors⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon :

and·they·send⁺ ­and·they·take⁺ ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·the·courtyard·of ­the·target ­and·they·give⁺ ­°him ­to ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­the·son·of ­Rabbit

to·let·him·go ­to ­the·house

and·he·settles ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people :

and·to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

when·he·is ­restrained

in·the·courtyard·of ­the·target ­saying :

walking ­and·you·said ­to·Servant ­King ­the·Kushïte ­saying ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­°my·speeches⁺ ­to ­the·city ­this ­to·badness ­and·not ­to·goodness

and·they·were⁺ ­to·your·face⁺ ­in·the·day ­he :

and·I·snatched·you·away ­in·the·day ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­you·are·not·given ­in·the·hand·of ­the·mortals⁺

that ­you ­dislodged ­from·their·face⁺ :

as ­delivering ­I·deliver·you

and·in·the·sword ­you·do·not·fall

and·she·was ­to·you ­your·soul ­to·plunder

as ­you·trusted ­in·me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

after ­sending·out ­°him ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺ ­from ­the·High·Place

when·he·takes ­°him ­and·he ­chained ­in·the·fetters⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­all·of ­the·stripping·of ­Torahshalom ­and·Gloryhand

that·are·stripped⁺ ­➝Babylon :

and·he·takes ­major·of ­butchers⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡ-Heightens

and·he·says ­to·him

Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­he·spoke ­°the·badness ­this

to ­the·rising·place ­this :

and·he·brings·in ­and·he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as·how ­he·spoke

as ­you·sinned⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·his·voice

and·he·was ­to·you⁺ ­the·speech ­this :

and·now ­¡lo! ­I·opened·you ­the·day ­from ­the·fetters⁺ ­that ­upon ­your·hands²

if ­he·was·good ­in·your·eyes² ­to·enter ­with·me ­Babylon ­ꜝenter ­and·I·place ­°my·eye ­upon·you

and·if ­he·was·bad ­in·your·eyes² ­to·enter ­with·me ­Babylon ­ꜝcease

ꜝsee ­all·of ­the·land ­to·your·face⁺

to ­good ­and·to ­the·straight ­in·your·eyes² ­to·walk ­➝there ­ꜝwalk :

and·he·is·still ­he·does·not·return ­and·ꜝreturn! ­to ­Great-Yʜ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­the·son·of ­Rabbit ­that ­he·gave·to·reckon ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·ꜝsettle ­with·him ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people

or ­to ­all·of ­the·straight ­in·your·eyes² ­to·walk ­ꜝwalk

and·he·gives ­to·him ­major·of ­butchers⁺ ­way-fare ­and·burden ­and·he·sends·him·out :

and·he·enters ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­Great-Yʜ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­➝the·Sentry·Post

and·he·settles ­with·him ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people

the·survivors⁺ ­in·the·land :

and·they·hear⁺ ­all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺ ­that ­in·the·field ­they⁺ ­and·their·mortals⁺

as ­he·gave·to·reckon ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­°Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­in·the·land

and·as ­he·gave·to·reckon ­with·him ­mortals⁺ ­and·women⁺ ­and·toddlers

and·from·the·pulled·down·of ­the·land

from·wħich ­they·were·not·stripped⁺ ­➝Babylon :

and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­Great-Yʜ ­➝the·Sentry·Post

and·Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­and·Yᴡ-Gracious ­and·Yᴡ-Given ­the·sons⁺·of ­Baldy ­and·Prince-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­You-Sighed ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Flyer ­the·Distillïte ­and·Eared-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­the·Batteringïte

they⁺ ­and·their·mortals⁺ :

and·he·vows·seven ­to·them ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­the·son·of ­Rabbit ­and·to·their·mortals⁺ ­saying

ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ ­from·serving ­the·Chaldeans⁺

ꜝsettle⁺ ­in·the·land ­and·ꜝserve⁺ ­°the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·he·is·good ­to·you⁺ :

and·I ­¡lo!·me ­settling ­in·the·Sentry·Post

to·stand ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺

that ­they·enter⁺ ­to·us

and·you⁺ ­ꜝgather⁺ ­wine ­and·summer ­and·oil ­and·ꜝplace⁺ ­in·your⁺·things⁺

and·ꜝsettle⁺ ­in·your⁺·cities⁺ ­that ­you·clenched⁺ :

and·also ­all·of ­the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ ­that ­in·From-Father ­and·in·the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­and·in·Blood ­and·that ­in·all·of ­the·lands⁺ ­they·heard⁺

as ­he·gave ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­survivor ­to·Gloryhand

and·as ­he·gave·to·reckon ­upon·them

°Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­the·son·of ­Rabbit :

and·they·return⁺ ­all·of ­the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ ­from·all·of ­the·rising·places⁺ ­that ­they·were·banished⁺ ­there

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·land·of ­Gloryhand ­to ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­➝the·Sentry·Post

and·they·gather⁺ ­wine ­and·summer ­multiplying ­very :


and·Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy

and·all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺ ­that ­in·the·field

they·entered⁺ ­to ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­➝the·Sentry·Post :

and·they·say⁺ ­to·him ­¿knowing ­you·know ­as ­In-Exultation ­the·king·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­he·sent ­°Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ

to·strike·you ­soul

and ­he·was·not·true ­to·them

Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother :

and·Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy ­he·said ­to ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­in·the·hiddenness ­in·the·Sentry·Post ­saying ­ꜝlet·me·walk ­¡please! ­and·I·strike ­°Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ

and·man ­he·does·not·know

to·¿what ­he·strikes·you ­soul ­and·they·were·scattered⁺ ­all·of ­Gloryhand

that·are·collected⁺ ­to·you

and·she·was·lost ­the·survivor·of ­Gloryhand :

and·he·says ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­to ­Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy

ꜝdo·not·do ­°the·speech ­this

as ­falsehood ­you ­speaker ­to ­Powr-Hears :

and·he·is ­in·the·new·moon ­the·seventh ­he·entered ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Powr-Hears ­from·the·seed·of ­the·kingship ­and·the·majors⁺·of ­the·king ­and·ten ­mortals⁺ ­with·him ­to ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­➝the·Sentry·Post

and·they·eat⁺ ­there ­bread ­united ­in·the·Sentry·Post :

and·he·arises ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­and·the·ten·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­that ­they·were⁺ ­with·him ­and·they·strike⁺ ­°Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­the·son·of ­Rabbit ­in·the·sword ­and·he·puts·to·death ­°him

that ­he·gave·to·reckon ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­in·the·land :

and·°all·of ­the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ ­that ­they·were⁺ ­with·him ­with ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­in·the·Sentry·Post

and·°the·Chaldeans⁺ ­that ­they·were·found⁺ ­there

°the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle

he·struck ­Powr-Hears :

and·he·is ­in·the·day ­the·second ­to·put·to·death ­°Great-Yʜᴡ

and·man ­he·did·not·know :

and·they·enter⁺ ­mortals⁺ ­from·Yoke ­from·Relaxation ­and·from·Watchstation ­eighty⁺ ­man

shaved⁺·of ­old·beard ­and·torn⁺·of ­coverings⁺ ­and·clouting·themselves⁺

and·tribute ­and·white·incense ­in·their·hand

to·bring·in ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·goes ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­to·call·on·them ­from ­the·Sentry·Post

walking ­walking ­and·weeping

and·he·is ­as·encountering ­°them

and·he·says ­to·them

ꜝenter⁺ ­to ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother :

and·he·is ­as·they·enter⁺ ­to ­the·midst·of ­the·city

and·he·slaughters·them ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­to ­the·midst·of ­the·well

he ­and·the·mortals⁺ ­that ­with·him :

and·ten ­mortals⁺ ­they·were·found⁺ ­in·them ­and·they·say⁺ ­to ­Powr-Hears ­you·do·not·put·us·to·death

as ­there·is ­to·us ­buried·treasures⁺ ­in·the·field

wheat⁺ ­and·hairbarley ­and·oil ­and·honey

and·he·ceases ­and ­he·did·not·put·them·to·death ­in·the·midst·of ­their·brothers⁺ :

and·the·well ­that ­he·dropped ­there ­Powr-Hears ­°all·of ­the·carcasses⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­that ­he·struck ­in·the·hand·of ­Great-Yʜᴡ

he ­that ­he·did ­the·king ­Physician

from·the·face⁺·of ­Fetid ­the·king·of ­Princepowr

°him ­he·filled ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­pierced⁺ :

and·he·captures ­Powr-Hears ­°all·of ­the·survivor·of ­the·people ­that ­in·the·Sentry·Post ­°the·daughters⁺·of ­the·king ­and·°all·of ­the·people ­the·survivors⁺ ­in·the·Sentry·Post

that ­he·gave·to·reckon ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺

with ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother

and·he·captures·them ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ

and·he·walks ­to·cross·over ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled :

and·he·hears ­Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy

and·all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺ ­that ­with·him

°all·of ­the·badness ­that ­he·did

Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ :

and·they·take⁺ ­°all·of ­the·mortals⁺


to·battle ­near ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ

and·they·find⁺ ­°him

to ­waters⁺ ­many⁺ ­that ­in·Hillside :

and·he·is ­as·seeing ­all·of ­the·people ­that ­with ­Powr-Hears

°Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy

and·°all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺ ­that ­with·him

and·they·are·glad⁺ :

and·they·turn·around ­all·of ­the·people

that ­he·captured ­Powr-Hears ­from ­the·Sentry·Post

and·they·return⁺ ­and·they·walk⁺

to ­Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy :

and·Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­he·was·delivered ­in·eight ­mortals⁺

from·the·face⁺·of ­Yᴡ-Gracious

and·he·walks ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled :

and·he·takes ­Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy ­and·all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺ ­that ­with·him ­°all·of ­the·survivor·of ­the·people ­that ­he·returned ­from·with ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­from ­the·Sentry·Post

after ­he·struck

°Great-Yʜ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother

heroes⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­and·women⁺ ­and·toddlers ­and·eunuchs⁺

that ­he·returned ­from·Hillside :

and·they·walk⁺ ­and·they·settle⁺ ­in·the·lodge·of ­Fainting

that ­beside ­House·of ­Bread

to·walk ­to·enter ­Egypts² :

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺

as ­they·feared⁺ ­from·their·face⁺

as ­he·struck ­Powr-Hears ­the·son·of ­Given-Yʜᴡ ­°Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother

that ­he·gave·to·reckon ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­in·the·land :

and·they·approach⁺ ­all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺

and·Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy

and·Eard-of-Yʜ ­the·son·of ­Savior-Yʜ

and·all·of ­the·people ­from·small ­and·unto ­great :

and·they·say⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­she·falls ­¡please! ­our·graceprayer ­to·your·face⁺

and·ꜝmediate ­about·us ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

about ­all·of ­the·survivor ­this

as ­we·survived⁺ ­little ­from·multiplying

as·how ­your·eyes² ­seeing⁺ ­°us :

and·ꜝlet·him·tell·forth ­to·us ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

°the·step ­that ­we·walk⁺ ­in·her

and·°the·speech ­that ­we·do⁺ :

and·he·says ­to·them ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­I·heard

¡lo!·me ­mediator ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ ­as·your⁺·speeches⁺

and·he·was ­all·of ­the·speech ­that ­he·responds ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°you⁺ ­I·tell·forth ­to·you⁺

I·do·not·deprive ­from·you⁺ ­speech :

and·they⁺ ­they·said⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

ꜝlet·him·be ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·us

to·witness·of ­truth ­and·true

if ­not ­as·all·of ­the·speech ­that ­he·sends·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­to·us ­surely ­we·do⁺ :

if ­good ­and·if ­bad

in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­that ­we⁺ ­sending⁺ ­°you ­to·him ­we·hear⁺

because·of ­that ­ꜝlet·him·be·good ­to·us

as ­we·hear⁺

in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ :

and·he·is ­from·end·of ­ten ­days⁺

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens :

and·he·calls ­to ­Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy

and·to ­all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺ ­that ­with·him

and·to·all·of ­the·people

to·from·small ­and·unto ­great :

and·he·says ­to·them

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

that ­you·sent⁺ ­°me ­to·him

to·let·fall ­your⁺·graceprayer ­to·his·face⁺ :

if ­returning ­you·settle⁺ ­in·the·land ­this

and·I·built ­°you⁺ ­and ­I·do·not·demolish

and·I·planted ­°you⁺ ­and ­I·do·not·expel

as ­I·sighed ­to ­the·badness

that ­I·did ­to·you⁺ :

ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon

that ­you⁺ ­fearful⁺ ­from·his·face⁺

ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ ­from·him ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­with·you⁺ ­I

to·save ­°you⁺ ­and·to·snatch·away ­°you⁺ ­from·his·hand :

and·I·give ­to·you⁺ ­wombliness⁺ ­and·he·enwombed ­°you⁺

and·he·returned ­°you⁺ ­to ­your⁺·adamah :

and·if ­saying⁺ ­you⁺

we·do·not·settle⁺ ­in·the·land ­this

to·not ­hearing

in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ :

saying ­not ­as ­the·land·of ­Egypts² ­we·enter⁺

that ­we·do·not·see⁺ ­battle

and·voice·of ­shofair ­we·do·not·hear⁺

and·to·the·bread ­we·are·not·hungry⁺ ­and·there ­we·settle⁺ :

and·now ­to·surely ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·survivor·of ­Gloryhand

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­if ­you⁺ ­placing ­you·place⁺ ­your⁺·face⁺ ­to·enter ­Egypts²

and·you·entered⁺ ­to·lodge ­there :

and·she·was ­the·sword ­that ­you⁺ ­fearful⁺ ­from·her

there ­she·catches ­°you⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

and·the·hunger ­that ­you⁺ ­anxious⁺ ­from·him ­there ­he·is·joined ­after⁺·you⁺ ­Egypts² ­and·there ­you·die⁺ :

and·they·are⁺ ­all·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­that ­they·placed⁺ ­°their·face⁺ ­to·enter ­Egypts² ­to·lodge ­there

they·die⁺ ­in·the·sword ­in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable

and ­he·is·not ­to·them ­escapee ­and·rescuee

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·badness

that ­I ­bringing·in ­upon·them :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

as·how ­he·was·melted ­my·nostrils ­and·my·heat ­upon ­the·settling⁺·of ­Torahshalom

surely ­she·melts ­my·heat ­upon·you⁺

when·you·enter⁺ ­Egypts²

and·you·were⁺ ­to·oath ­and·to·desolation ­and·to·slight ­and·to·detraction

and ­you·do·not·see⁺ ­again

°the·rising·place ­this :

he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·you⁺ ­the·survivor·of ­Gloryhand

ꜝdo·not·enter⁺ ­Egypts²

knowing ­you·know⁺

as ­I·witnessed ­in·you⁺ ­the·day :

as ­you·led·to·wander⁺ ­in·your⁺·souls⁺

as ­you⁺ ­you·sent⁺ ­°me ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ ­saying

ꜝmediate ­about·us

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺

and·as·all ­that ­he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­surely ­tell·forth ­to·us ­and·we·did⁺ :

and·I·tell·forth ­to·you⁺ ­the·day

and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺

and·to·all ­that ­he·sent·me ­to·you⁺ :

and·now ­knowing ­you·know⁺

as ­in·the·sword ­in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable ­you·die⁺

in·the·rising·place ­that ­you·were·pleased⁺

to·enter ­to·lodge ­there :

and·he·is ­as·all·done ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to·speak ­to ­all·of ­the·people ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­their·Powers⁺

that ­he·sent·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­their·Powers⁺ ­to·them

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these :

and·he·says ­Help-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Savior-Yʜ ­and·Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy

and·all·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­the·boiling⁺

saying⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­falsehood ­you ­speaker

he·did·not·send·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­saying

you·do·not·enter⁺ ­Egypts² ­to·lodge ­there :

as ­Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ

coaxing ­°you ­in·us

because·of ­giving ­°us ­in·the·hand·of ­the·Chaldeans⁺ ­to·put·to·death ­°us

and·to·strip ­°us ­Babylon :

and ­he·did·not·hear ­Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy ­and·all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·people ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·settle ­in·the·land·of ­Gloryhand :

and·he·takes ­Yᴡ-Gracious ­the·son·of ­Baldy ­and·all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­the·strengths⁺

°all·of ­the·survivor·of ­Gloryhand

that ­they·returned⁺ ­from·all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­that ­they·were·banished⁺ ­there

to·lodge ­in·the·land·of ­Gloryhand :

°the·heroes⁺ ­and·°the·women⁺ ­and·°the·toddlers ­and·°the·daughters⁺·of ­the·king

and·°all·of ­the·soul ­that ­he·set·in·peace ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺

with ­Great-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Rising-Brother ­the·son·of ­Rabbit

and·°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

and·°Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·land·of ­Egypts²

as ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·enter⁺ ­unto ­Tachpanches :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

in·Tachpanches ­saying :

ꜝtake ­in·your·hand ­stones⁺ ­great⁺ ­and·you·buried·them ­in·the·deliveryyard ­in·the·white·brickyard

that ­in·opening·of ­house·of ­pharaoh ­in·Tachpanches

to·eyes²·of ­mortals⁺ ­Gloryhandïtes⁺ :

and·you·said ­to·them ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­¡lo!·me ­sending ­and·I·took ­°Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­my·servant

and·I·placed ­his·throne

from·upward ­to·the·stones⁺ ­these ­that ­I·buried

and·he·branched·out ­°his·shofair ­upon·them :

and·he·entered ­and·he·struck ­°the·land·of ­Egypts²

that ­to·the·death ­to·the·death ­and·that ­to·the·captivity ­to·the·captivity

and·that ­to·the·sword ­to·the·sword :

and·I·enflared ­fire ­in·the·houses⁺·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Egypts²

and·he·burned·them ­and·he·captured·them

and·he·was·clothed ­°the·land·of ­Egypts² ­as·how ­he·is·clothed ­the·tendent ­°his·covering

and·he·went ­from·there ­in·shalom :

and·he·broke ­°posts⁺·of ­house·of ­sun

that ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

and·°the·houses⁺·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Egypts² ­he·burns ­in·the·fire :

the·speech ­that ­he·was ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

to ­all·of ­the·Gloryhandïtes⁺

that·settle⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

that·settle⁺ ­in·Greattower ­and·in·Tachpanches ­and·in·Nof

and·in·the·land·of ­Patros ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

you⁺ ­you·saw⁺ ­°all·of ­the·badness ­that ­I·brought·in ­upon ­Torahshalom

and·upon ­all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·¡lo!·them ­withered·place ­the·day ­this

and·there·is·ńot ­in·them ­settling :

from·the·face⁺·of ­their·badness ­that ­they·did⁺ ­to·trouble·me

to·walk ­to·incense

to·serve ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺

that ­they·did·not·know⁺·them

they⁺ ­you⁺ ­and·your⁺·fathers⁺ :

and·I·send ­to·you⁺ ­°all·of ­my·servants⁺ ­the·prophets⁺

yoking·up ­and·sending ­saying

¡please! ­ꜝdo·not·do⁺ ­°the·speech·of ­the·abomination ­this ­that ­I·hated :

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­and ­they·did·not·branch·out ­°their·ear

to·return ­from·their·badness

to·not ­incensing ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺ :

and·she·melts ­my·heat ­and·my·nostrils

and·she·is·consumed ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom

and·they·are⁺ ­to·withered·place ­to·desolation ­as·the·day ­this :

and·now ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·¿what ­you⁺ ­doing⁺ ­badness ­great ­to ­your⁺·souls⁺

to·cut·down ­to·you⁺ ­man ­and·woman ­nursling ­and·suckling ­from·the·midst·of ­Gloryhand

to·not ­letting·remain ­to·you⁺ ­survivor :

to·trouble·me ­in·the·deeds⁺·of ­your⁺·hands²

to·incense ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

that ­you⁺ ­entering⁺ ­to·lodge ­there

because·of ­cutting·down ­to·you⁺

and·because·of ­your⁺·being ­to·slight ­and·to·detraction

in·all·of ­the·clans⁺·of ­the·land :

¿you·forgot⁺ ­°the·badnesses⁺·of ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­and·°the·badnesses⁺·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·°the·badnesses⁺·of ­his·women⁺


and·°the·badnesses⁺·of ­your⁺·women⁺

that ­they·did⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Gloryhand

and·in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom :


unto ­the·day ­this

and ­they·did·not·fear⁺ ­and ­they·did·not·walk⁺ ­in·my·torah ­and·in·my·prescriptions⁺

that ­I·gave ­to·your⁺·face⁺ ­and·to·the·face⁺·of ­your⁺·fathers⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

¡lo!·me ­placing ­my·face⁺ ­in·you⁺ ­to·badness

and·to·cut·down ­°all·of ­Gloryhand :

and·I·took ­°the·survivor·of ­Gloryhand ­that ­they·placed⁺ ­their·face⁺ ­to·enter ­the·land·of ­Egypts² ­to·lodge ­there

and·they·were·completed⁺ ­all ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­they·fall⁺ ­in·the·sword ­in·the·hunger ­they·are·completed⁺

from·small ­and·unto ­great

in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­they·die⁺

and·they·were⁺ ­to·oath ­to·desolation

and·to·slight ­and·to·detraction :

and·I·reckoned ­upon ­that·settle⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

as·how ­I·reckoned ­upon ­Torahshalom

in·the·sword ­in·the·hunger ­and·in·the·unspeakable :

and ­he·is·not ­rescuee ­and·escapee ­to·the·survivor·of ­Gloryhand

that·enter⁺ ­to·lodge ­there ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

and·to·return ­the·land·of ­Gloryhand ­that ­they⁺ ­bearing·up ­°their·soul ­to·return ­to·settle ­there

as ­they·do·not·return⁺ ­but ­rather ­self-rescuers⁺ :

and·they·respond⁺ ­°Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­all·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­that·know⁺ ­as ­incensing⁺ ­their·women⁺ ­to·Powers⁺ ­after⁺

and·all·of ­the·women⁺ ­that·stand⁺ ­congregation ­great

and·all·of ­the·people ­that·settle⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­in·Patros ­saying :

the·speech ­that ­you·spoke ­to·us ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

we·are·ńot⁺ ­hearing⁺ ­to·you :

as ­doing ­we·do⁺ ­°all·of ­the·speech ­that ­he·went ­from·our·mouth ­to·incense ­to·the·queen·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·libating·out ­to·her ­libations⁺

as·how ­we·did⁺ ­we⁺ ­and·our·fathers⁺ ­our·kings⁺ ­and·our·princes⁺

in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

and·in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom

and·we·are·satisfied⁺ ­bread ­and·we·are⁺ ­good⁺

and·badness ­we·did·not·see⁺ :

and·from ­then·on ­we·ceased⁺ ­to·incense ­to·the·queen·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·libating·out ­to·her ­libations⁺ ­we·were·lacking⁺ ­all

and·in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­we·were·completed⁺ :

and·as ­we⁺ ­incensing⁺ ­to·the·queen·of ­the·skies⁺

and·to·libate·out ­to·her ­libations⁺

¿from·not·unto ­our·mortals⁺ ­we·did⁺ ­to·her ­surecakes⁺ ­to·cause·her·pain

and·libating·out ­to·her ­libations⁺ :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­all·of ­the·people

upon ­the·heroes⁺ ­and·upon ­the·women⁺ ­and·upon ­all·of ­the·people

that·respond⁺ ­°him ­speech ­saying :

¿not ­°the·incense ­that ­you·incensed⁺ ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and·in·the·exteriors⁺·of ­Torahshalom

you⁺ ­and·your⁺·fathers⁺ ­your⁺·kings⁺ ­and·your⁺·princes⁺ ­and·the·people·of ­the·land

°them ­he·remembered ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·goes·up ­upon ­his·heart :

and ­he·is·not·able ­Yʜᴡʜ ­again ­to·bear ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·badness·of ­your⁺·exploits⁺

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·abominations⁺ ­that ­you·did⁺

and·she·is ­your⁺·land ­to·withered·place ­and·to·desolation ­and·to·slight ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling ­as·the·day ­this :

from·face⁺·of ­that ­you·incensed⁺ ­and·that ­you·sinned⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­and ­you·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·in·his·torah ­and·in·his·prescriptions⁺ ­and·in·his·witnesses⁺ ­you·did·not·walk⁺

upon ­surely ­she·called·upon ­°you⁺ ­the·badness ­this ­as·the·day ­this :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­all·of ­the·people

and·to ­all·of ­the·women⁺

ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

all·of ­Gloryhand ­that ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts² :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­saying ­you⁺ ­and·your⁺·women⁺ ­and·they·speak⁺ ­in·your⁺·mouth ­and·in·your⁺·hands² ­you·filled⁺ ­saying

doing ­we·do⁺ ­°our·vows⁺ ­that ­we·vowed⁺ ­to·incense ­to·the·queen·of ­the·skies⁺

and·to·libate·out ­to·her ­libations⁺

raising ­they·raise⁺ ­°your⁺·vows⁺

and·doing ­they·do⁺ ­°your⁺·vows⁺ :


to·surely ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

all·of ­Gloryhand ­that·settle⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

¡lo!·me ­I·vowed·seven ­in·my·name ­the·great ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­he·is ­again ­my·name ­called ­in·the·mouth·of ­all·of ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­saying ­the·living·of ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·all·of ­the·land·of ­Egypts² :

¡lo!·me ­keeping·vigil ­upon·them ­to·badness ­and·not ­to·goodness

and·they·were·completed⁺ ­all·of ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­that ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­in·the·sword ­and·in·the·hunger ­unto ­their·all·through :

and·rescuees⁺·of ­sword ­they·return⁺ ­from ­the·land·of ­Egypts² ­the·land·of ­Gloryhand ­adults⁺·of ­count

and·they·knew⁺ ­all·of ­the·survivor·of ­Gloryhand ­that·enter⁺ ­to·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­to·lodge ­there

speech·of ­¿who ­he·arises ­from·me ­and·from·them :

and·this ­to·you⁺ ­the·sign ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­reckoning ­I ­upon·you⁺ ­in·the·rising·place ­this

because·of ­ꜝknow⁺

as ­arising ­they·arise⁺ ­my·speeches⁺ ­upon·you⁺ ­to·badness :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo!·me ­giving ­°Pharaoh ­Haaibre ­the·king·of ­Egypts² ­in·the·hand·of ­his·enemies⁺

and·in·the·hand·of ­the·seekers⁺·of ­his·soul

as·how ­I·gave ­°Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­in·the·hand·of ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­his·enemy ­and·the·seeker·of ­his·soul :

the·speech ­that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

to ­Knelt-To ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ

when·he·writes ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these ­upon ­account ­from·the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens

in·the·year ­the·fourth

to·Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

upon·you ­Knelt-To :

you·said ­¡woe! ­¡please! ­to·me

as ­he·added ­Yʜᴡʜ ­sorrow ­upon ­my·hurt

I·labored ­in·my·groaning

and·peaceful·place ­I·did·not·find :

thus ­you·say ­to·him ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­that ­I·built ­I ­demolishing

and·°that ­I·planted ­I ­expelling

and·°all·of ­the·land ­she :

and·you ­you·seek ­to·you ­great⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·seek

as ­¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­badness ­upon ­all·of ­flesh ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·gave ­to·you ­°your·soul ­to·plunder

upon ­all·of ­the·rising·places⁺ ­that ­you·walk ­there :

that ­he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­upon ­the·clans⁺ :

to·Egypts² ­upon ­the·strength·of ­Pharaoh ­Necho ­the·king·of ­Egypts²

that ­he·was ­upon ­the·stream·of ­Euphrates ­in·Karkemish

that ­he·struck ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

in·the·year·of ­the·fourth

to·Yʜᴡ-Raises ­the·son·of ­Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand :

ꜝline·up ­guard ­and·shield

and·ꜝapproach⁺ ­to·the·battle :

ꜝchain⁺ ­the·horses⁺ ­and·go·up⁺ ­the·shockcavalry

and·ꜝpost·yourselves⁺ ­in·helmets⁺

ꜝscour⁺ ­the·spears⁺

ꜝbe·robed·in ­the·mail⁺ :

¿know·why ­I·saw ­they⁺ ­cast·down⁺ ­skimmed·away ­aft

and·their·heroes⁺ ­they·are·beaten·down

and·fleeing·place ­they·fled⁺ ­and ­they·did·not·face⁺

dislodgement ­from·turninground ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝlet·him·not·flee ­the·slight

and ­ꜝlet·him·not·be·delivered ­the·hero

north ­upon ­the·hand·of ­the·stream·of ­Euphrates

they·stumbled⁺ ­and·they·fell⁺ :

¿who ­this ­as·the·Nile ­he·goes·up

as·the·streams⁺ ­they·convulse·themselves⁺ ­his·waters⁺ :

Egypts² ­as·the·Nile ­he·goes·up

and·as·the·streams⁺ ­they·convulse·themselves⁺ ­waters⁺

and·he·says ­I·go·up ­I·cover ­land

ꜝlet·me·cause·to·be·lost ­city ­and·the·settling⁺ ­in·her :

go·up⁺ ­the·horses⁺ ­and·ꜝpraise·yourselves⁺ ­the·chariot

and·they·go⁺ ­the·heroes⁺

Kush ­and·Put ­clenchers⁺·of ­guard

and·Ludïtes⁺ ­clenchers⁺·of ­stepping·forward·of ­bow :

and·the·day ­he ­to·My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­day·of ­vengeance ­to·be·avenged ­from·his·rockers⁺

and·she·ate ­sword ­and·she·was·satisfied

and·she·overflowed ­from·their·blood

as ­offering ­to·My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·land·of ­north ­to ­the·stream·of ­Euphrates :

go·up ­Roll-of-Witness ­and·ꜝtake ­balsam

the·virgin·of ­the·daughter·of ­Egypts²

to·the·vanity ­you·multiplied ­healings⁺

irrigation ­there·is·ńot ­to·you :

they·heard⁺ ­clans⁺ ­your·roasting

and·your·scream ­she·filled ­the·land

as ­hero ­in·hero ­they·stumbled⁺

united ­they·fell⁺ ­the·two²·of·them :


the·speech ­that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet

to·enter ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

to·strike ­°the·land·of ­Egypts² :

tell·forth⁺ ­in·Egypts² ­and·ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­in·Greattower

and·ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­in·Nof ­and·in·Tachpanches

ꜝsay⁺ ­ꜝpost·yourself ­and·ꜝmake·sure ­to·you

as ­she·ate ­sword ­turninground·you :

¿know·why ­he·was·overwhelmed ­your·pinioned·ones⁺


as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·thrusted·him :

he·multiplied ­stumbling

also ­he·fell ­man ­to ­his·tendent ­and·they·say⁺ ­ꜝarise! ­and·ꜝlet·us·return⁺ ­to ­our·people ­and·to ­the·land·of ­our·childage

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·sword·of ­the·exiler :

they·called⁺ ­there

Pharaoh ­the·king·of ­Egypts² ­roaring

he·made·cross·by ­the·assembly·time :

living ­I ­the·revelation·of ­the·king

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name

as ­as·Summit ­in·the·mounts⁺

and·as·Orchardgrain ­in·the·sea ­he·enters :

things⁺·of ­stripped ­ꜝdo ­to·you

the·settling·of ­the·daughter·of ­Egypts²

as ­Nof ­to·desolation ­she·is

and·she·was·flared ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling :

ox ­beautiful ­shmutiful ­Egypts²

twitching ­from·north ­he·entered ­he·entered :

also ­her·hireling⁺ ­in·her·impresence ­as·oxen⁺·of ­tetherstall

as ­also ­they⁺ ­they·faced⁺ ­they·fled⁺ ­united ­they·did·not·stand⁺

as ­the·day·of ­their·calamity ­he·entered ­upon·them ­the·season·of ­their·reckoning :

her·voice ­as·the·copperhead ­he·walks

as ­in·strength ­they·walk⁺

and·in·hatchets⁺ ­they·entered⁺ ­to·her

as·hewing⁺·of ­trees⁺ :

they·cut·down ­her·forest ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­he·is·not·examined

as ­they·were·multiplied⁺ ­from·multibug

and·there·is·ńot ­to·them ­count :

she·shamed ­the·daughter·of ­Egypts²

she·was·given ­in·hand·of ­people·of ­north :

he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­¡lo!·me ­reckoning ­to ­Truth ­from·No

and·upon ­Pharaoh ­and·upon ­Egypts²

and·upon ­her·Powers⁺ ­and·upon ­her·kings⁺

and·upon ­Pharaoh

and·upon ­that·trust⁺ ­in·him :

and·I·gave·them ­in·the·hand·of ­the·seekers⁺·of ­their·soul

and·in·the·hand·of ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·in·the·hand·of ­his·servants⁺

and·after⁺ ­surely ­she·dwells ­as·days⁺·of ­frontmost ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·you ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­my·servant ­Heeler ­and ­ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down ­Princepowr

as ­¡lo!·me ­your·savior ­from·afar

and·°your·seed ­from·the·land·of ­their·captivity

and·he·returned ­Heeler ­and·he·was·quiet ­and·he·was·placid ­and·there·is·ńot ­cause·for·shuddering :

you ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­my·servant ­Heeler ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­with·you ­I

as ­I·do ­altogether ­in·all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­that ­I·banished·you ­➝there ­and·°you ­I·do·not·do ­altogether

and·I·instructed·you ­to·the·judgment

and·finding·innocent ­I·do·not·find·you·innocent :

that ­he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­to ­Palestinians⁺

in·ere ­he·strikes ­pharaoh ­°Mighty :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo! ­waters⁺ ­going·up⁺ ­from·north ­and·they·were⁺ ­to·river ­flooding

and·they·flood⁺ ­land ­and·her·fullness

city ­and·the·settling⁺ ­in·her

and·they·cried⁺ ­the·adam

and·he·yowled ­all·of ­the·settling·of ­the·land :

from·the·voice·of ­the·scratching·of ­the·claws⁺·of ­his·pinioned·ones⁺

from·the·quaking ­to·his·chariot

the·hum·of ­his·rollerwheels⁺

they·did·not·face⁺ ­fathers⁺ ­to ­sons⁺

from·slackness·of ­hands² :

upon ­the·day ­that·enters ­to·overbreast ­°all·of ­Palestinians⁺

to·cut·down ­to·Rock ­and·to·Hunter

all ­escapee ­helper

as ­overbreasting ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Palestinians⁺

the·survivor·of ­the·island·of ­Kaftowr :

she·entered ­baldness ­to ­Mighty

she·was·silenced ­Shekelry ­the·survivor·of ­their·deepland

unto ­¿wħen ­you·clout·yourself :

¡oweh! ­sword ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

unto ­¿where ­you·are·not·quiet

ꜝbe·gathered ­to ­your·barecover

take·a·wink ­and·ꜝbe·silent :

¿ħow ­you·are·quiet

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·commanded ­to·her

to ­Shekelry ­and·to ­the·shore·of ­the·sea ­there ­he·assembled·her :

to·From-Father ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­¡oweh! ­to ­Prophet ­as ­she·was·overbreasted

she·shamed ­she·was·seized ­Wallings²

she·shamed ­the·tower ­and·she·was·cast·down :

there·is·ńot ­again ­the·praise·of ­From-Father

in·Consideration ­they·considered⁺ ­upon·her ­badness

ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·we·cut·down·her ­from·clan

also ­Dung·Place ­you·are·silent

after⁺·you ­she·walks ­sword :

voice·of ­cry ­from·Crevasses²

overbreasting ­and·break ­great :

she·was·broken ­From-Father

they·let·hear⁺ ­cry ­her·lessers⁺ :

as ­the·upward·way·of ­the·Slated

in·weeping ­he·goes·up ­weeping

as ­in·the·descent·of ­Crevasses²

rockinesses⁺·of ­cry·of ­break ­they·heard⁺ :

ꜝflee⁺ ­ꜝdeliver⁺ ­your⁺·soul

and·they·are⁺ ­as·bare-bare·tree ­in·the·outspeak :

as ­because ­your·trusting ­in·your·deeds⁺ ­and·in·your·treasures⁺

also ­you ­you·are·seized

and·he·went ­Kemosh ­in·the·stripped

his·priests⁺ ­and·his·princes⁺ ­united :

and·he·enters ­overbreasting ­to ­all·of ­city ­and·city ­she·is·not·delivered

and·he·was·lost ­the·deepland ­and·he·was·destroyed ­the·straight·place

that ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝgive⁺ ­flower ­to·From-Father

as ­flowering·away ­she·goes

and·her·cities⁺ ­to·desolation ­they·are⁺

from·there·is·ńot ­settling ­in·them :

cursed ­doing ­the·ministry·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­trickery

and·cursed ­depriving ­his·sword ­from·blood :

he·was·placid ­From-Father ­from·his·youth⁺ ­and·quiet ­he ­to ­his·watchlees⁺

and ­he·was·not·emptied ­from·thing ­to ­thing

and·in·the·stripped ­he·did·not·walk

upon ­surely ­he·stood ­his·taste ­in·him

and·his·breath ­he·was·not·bargained·away :

to·surely ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·sent·out ­to·him ­squatting⁺ ­and·they·squatted·him·over⁺

and·his·things⁺ ­they·empty⁺

and·their·wiltbags⁺ ­they·shatter⁺ :

and·he·was·ashamed ­From-Father ­from·Kemosh

as·how ­they·were·ashamed⁺ ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

from·House·of ­Powr ­their·trust :

¿ħow ­you·say⁺

heroes⁺ ­we⁺

and·mortals⁺·of ­strength ­to·the·battle :

he·was·overbreasted ­From-Father ­and·her·cities⁺ ­he·went·up

and·the·choicest·of ­his·choice·youths⁺ ­they·descended⁺ ­to·the·butchering

the·revelation·of ­the·king

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name :

present ­the·calamity·of ­From-Father ­to·enter


she·sped ­very :

ꜝsway⁺ ­to·him ­all·of ­turninground·him

and·all·of ­the·knowing⁺·of ­his·name

ꜝsay⁺ ­¿ħow ­he·was·broken ­branch·of ­might

rod·of ­sprigging :

ꜝdescend ­from·weight ­and·ꜝsettle ­in·the·thirst

settling ­the·daughter·of ­Sobbing

as ­the·overbreasting·of ­From-Father ­he·went·up ­in·you

he·ruined ­your·fortifications⁺ :

to ­step ­ꜝstand ­and·be·sentry ­the·settling·of ­Bare-Bare

ꜝrequest ­fleeing ­and·delivered

ꜝsay ­¿what ­she·had·been :

he·shamed ­From-Father ­as ­she·was·cast·down ­yowl ­and·ꜝcry⁺

tell·forth⁺ ­in·Shouting

as ­he·was·overbreasted ­From-Father :

and·judgment ­he·entered ­to ­the·land·of ­the·straight·place

to ­Sandy ­and·to ­➝Yahatz ­and·upon ­Shining :

and·upon ­Sobbing ­and·upon ­Prophet

and·upon ­House·of ­Lumps² :

and·upon ­Wallings² ­and·upon ­House·of ­Yielded ­and·upon ­House·of ­Home :

and·upon ­Wallings⁺ ­and·upon ­Fortified

and·upon ­all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­the·land·of ­From-Father

the·afar⁺ ­and·the·present⁺ :

she·was·hacked·off ­the·horn·of ­From-Father

and·his·arm ­she·was·broken

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝmake·him·get·drunk⁺ ­as ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·made·great

and·he·pounded ­From-Father ­in·his·vomit

and·he·was ­to·laughter ­also ­he :

and·if ­not ­the·laughter ­he·was ­to·you ­Princepowr

if ­in·stealers⁺ ­he·was·found

as ­from·enough·of ­your·speeches⁺ ­in·him ­you·sway·yourself :

ꜝabandon⁺ ­cities⁺ ­and·ꜝdwell⁺ ­in·the·clifftop

the·settling⁺·of ­From-Father

and·ꜝbe⁺ ­as·dove

she·nests ­in·regions·across⁺ ­mouth·of ­gorge :

we·heard⁺ ­the·majesty·of ­From-Father ­majestic ­very

his·climb ­and·his·majesty ­and·his·majesty ­and·the·highness·of ­his·heart :

I ­I·knew ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

his·crossness ­and·not ­sure

his·aloneworthiness ­not ­sure ­they·did⁺ :

upon ­surely ­upon ­From-Father ­yowl

and·to·From-Father ­all·of·him ­I·cry

to ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Wall·of ­Claycraft ­he·echoes :

from·the·weeping·of ­He-Helps ­I·weep ­to·you ­the·vine·of ­Spice

your·leftovers⁺ ­they·crossed·over⁺ ­sea

unto ­the·sea·of ­He-Helps ­they·touched⁺

upon ­your·summer ­and·upon ­your·harvest ­overbreasting ­he·fell :

and·she·was·gathered ­gladness ­and·twirling ­from·orchardgrain ­and·from·the·land·of ­From-Father

and·wine ­from·vats⁺ ­I·gave·rest

he·does·not·step·forward ­celebration

celebration ­not ­celebration :

from·the·cry·of ­Consideration ­unto ­Powr-Went-Up ­unto ­Yahatz ­they·gave⁺ ­their·voice

from·Least ­unto ­Crevasses²

Ox·of ­Third

as ­also ­the·waters⁺·of ­Leopards⁺

to·desolate·places⁺ ­they·are⁺ :

and·I·gave·rest ­to·From-Father ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

offering·up ­dais

and·incendiating ­to·his·Powers⁺ :

upon ­surely ­my·heart ­to·From-Father ­as·piercepipes⁺ ­he·hums

and·my·heart ­to ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Wall·of ­Claycraft

as·piercepipes⁺ ­he·hums

upon ­surely ­remainder·of ­he·did ­they·were·lost⁺ :

as ­all·of ­head ­baldness

and·all·of ­old·beard ­diminished

upon ­all·of ­hands² ­clods⁺

and·upon ­thighs² ­burlap :

upon ­all·of ­the·roofs⁺·of ­From-Father ­and·in·her·broadways⁺ ­all·of·him ­lamentation

as ­I·broke ­°From-Father ­as·thing ­there·is·ńot ­pleasure ­in·him ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¿ħow ­she·was·cast·down ­they·yowled⁺

¿ħow ­he·faced ­spine ­From-Father ­ashamed

and·he·was ­From-Father ­to·laughter ­and·to·casting·down ­to·all·of ­turninground·him :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­as·the·eagle ­he·soars

and·he·stretched ­his·wings² ­to ­From-Father :

she·was·seized ­the·wallings⁺

and·the·huntinglodges⁺ ­she·was·clenched

and·he·was ­the·heart·of ­the·heroes⁺·of ­From-Father ­in·the·day ­he

as·heart·of ­woman ­rocked·in :

and·he·was·destroyed ­From-Father ­from·people

as ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·made·great :

trembling ­and·gorge ­and·trap

upon·you ­the·settling·of ­From-Father ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

that·flees ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·trembling ­he·falls ­to ­the·gorge

and·that·goes·up ­from ­the·gorge

he·is·seized ­in·the·trap

as ­I·bring·in ­to·her ­to ­From-Father ­the·year·of ­their·reckoning ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

in·the·shadow·of ­Consideration ­they·stood⁺ ­from·vigor ­fleeing⁺

as ­fire ­he·went ­from·Consideration ­and·flame ­from·between ­Rubbler

and·she·eats ­the·edge·of ­From-Father

and·scalp·of ­sons⁺·of ­roaring :

¡woe! ­to·you ­From-Father

he·was·lost ­the·people·of ­Kemosh

as ­they·were·taken⁺ ­your·sons⁺ ­in·the·captivity

and·your·daughters⁺ ­in·the·capture :

and·I·returned ­the·captives⁺·of ­From-Father ­in·the·afterward·of ­the·days⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

unto ­here ­the·judgment·of ­From-Father :

to·the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¿sons⁺ ­there·is·ńot ­to·Princepowr

if ­heir ­there·is·ńot ­to·him

¿know·why ­he·inherited ­King ­°Clout

and·his·people ­in·his·cities⁺ ­he·settled :

to·surely ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·I·let·hear ­to ­Many·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­cheer·of ­battle ­and·she·was ­to·tel·of ­desolation

and·her·daughters⁺ ­in·the·fire ­they·flare⁺

and·he·inherited ­Princepowr ­°his·heirs⁺ ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

yowl ­Consideration ­as ­she·was·overbreasted ­Guilt ­ꜝcry⁺ ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Many

ꜝgird⁺ ­burlaps⁺

ꜝlament⁺ ­and·ꜝpaddle·yourselves⁺ ­in·the·fences⁺

as ­King ­in·the·stripped ­he·walks

his·priests⁺ ­and·his·princes⁺ ­united :

¿what ­you·praise·yourself ­in·the·deeplands⁺

he·emitted ­your·deepland

the·daughter ­the·backturning

that·trusts ­in·her·treasures⁺

¿who ­he·enters ­to·me :

¡lo!·me ­bringing·in ­upon·you ­trembling ­the·revelation·of ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­from·all·of ­turninground·you

and·you·were·banished⁺ ­man ­to·his·face⁺

and·there·is·ńot ­collecting ­to·that·retreats :

and·after⁺ ­surely ­I·return ­°the·captives⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to·Blood ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

¿there·is·ńot ­again ­wisdom ­in·Right

she·was·lost ­counsel ­from·discerners⁺

she·was·dangled ­their·wisdom :

ꜝflee⁺ ­ꜝbe·faced⁺ ­go·deep⁺ ­to·settle

the·settling⁺·of ­Dedan

as ­the·calamity·of ­Esaw ­I·brought·in ­upon·him ­season ­I·reckoned·him :

if ­harvesters⁺ ­they·entered⁺ ­to·you

they·do·not·let·survive⁺ ­exploits⁺

if ­stealers⁺ ­in·the·night ­they·ruined⁺ ­enough·of·them :

as ­I ­I·made·naked ­°Esaw ­I·stripped ­°his·hiding·places⁺

and·he·was·concealed ­he·is·not·able

he·was·overbreasted ­his·seed ­and·his·brothers⁺ ­and·his·fellowdwellers⁺ ­and·he·is·ńot :

ꜝabandon! ­your·orphans⁺ ­I ­I·keep·alive

and·your·widows⁺ ­upon·me ­they·trust⁺ :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo! ­that ­there·is·ńot ­their·judgment ­to·drink ­the·cup ­drinking ­they·drink⁺

and·you ­he

innocent ­you·are·innocent


as ­drinking ­you·drink :

as ­in·me ­I·vowed·seven ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­to·desolation ­to·detraction ­to·withering ­and·to·slight ­she·is ­Fortified

and·all·of ­her·cities⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­to·withered·places⁺·of ­eternity :

hearing ­I·heard ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·informer ­in·the·clans⁺ ­sent

ꜝcollect·yourselves⁺ ­and·ꜝenter⁺ ­upon·her

and·ꜝarise⁺ ­to·the·battle :

as ­¡lo! ­small ­I·gave·you ­in·the·clans⁺

despised ­in·the·adam :

your·dread ­he·defrauded ­°you ­the·overboiling·of ­your·heart

the·dwelling ­in·the·caverns⁺·of ­the·clifftop

clencher·of ­heights·of ­hill

as ­you·climb ­as·the·eagle ­your·nest

from·there ­I·make·you·descend ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·she·was ­Blood ­to·desolation

all·of ­crosser ­upon·her

he·is·desolate ­and·he·whistles ­upon ­all·of ­her·strokes⁺ :

as·the·conversion·of ­Sodom ­and·Gomorrah ­and·her·fellowdwellers⁺ ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·does·not·settle ­there ­man

and ­he·does·not·lodge ­in·her ­son·of ­adam :

¡lo! ­as·lion ­he·goes·up ­from·the·majesty·of ­the·Descender ­to ­habitation·of ­rugged

as ­in·a·wink ­I·cause·him·to·run ­from·upon·her

and·¿who ­chosen ­to·her ­I·reckon

as ­¿who ­as·me ­and·¿who ­he·assembles·me

and·¿who ­this ­tendent

that ­he·stands ­to·my·face⁺ :

to·surely ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·counsel·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·counselled ­to ­Blood


that ­he·considered ­to ­the·settling⁺·of ­Right

if ­they·do·not·rag⁺·them ­the·lessers⁺·of ­the·sheep

if ­he·does·not·desolate ­upon·them ­their·habitation :

from·the·voice·of ­their·falling

she·quaked ­the·land·of

cry ­in·the·sea·of ­Reeds ­he·was·heard ­her·voice :

¡lo! ­as·the·eagle ­he·goes·up ­and·he·soars

and·he·stretches ­his·wings² ­upon ­Fortified

and·he·was ­the·heart·of ­the·heroes⁺·of ­Blood ­in·the·day ­he

as·heart·of ­woman ­rocked·in :

to·Damascus ­she·was·ashamed ­Rampart ­and·Spread

as ­hearing ­bad ­they·heard⁺ ­they·were·dissipated⁺

in·the·sea ­anxiety

quieting ­he·is·not·able :

she·went·slack ­Damascus ­she·faced ­to·flee ­and·apprehension ­she·grasped·firmly

rockiness ­and·ropes⁺ ­she·held·her ­as·that·enchilds :

¿ħow ­she·was·not·abandoned ­the·city·of ­the·praise·of

the·walledcity·of ­my·rejoicing :

to·surely ­they·fall⁺ ­her·choice·youths⁺ ­in·her·broadways⁺

and·all·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­they·are·silenced⁺ ­in·the·day ­he

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

and·I·enflared ­fire ­in·the·rampart·of ­Damascus

and·she·ate ­the·heights⁺·of ­Son·of ­Hadad :

to·Glooming ­and·to·the·kingdoms⁺·of ­Courtyard ­that ­he·struck ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝarise⁺ ­go·up⁺ ­to ­Glooming

and·ꜝoverbreast⁺ ­°sons⁺·of ­frontmost :

their·tents⁺ ­and·their·sheep ­they·take⁺

their·curtains⁺ ­and·all·of ­their·things⁺ ­and·their·camels⁺ ­they·bear⁺ ­to·them

and·they·called⁺ ­upon·them ­dislodgement ­from·turninground :

ꜝflee⁺ ­ꜝsway⁺ ­very ­go·deep⁺ ­to·settle ­the·settling⁺·of ­Courtyard ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­he·counselled ­upon·you⁺ ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­counsel

and·he·considered ­upon·you⁺ ­consideration :

ꜝarise⁺ ­go·up⁺ ­to ­clan ­relaxed ­settling ­to·trust ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

not ­pulldoor ­and·not ­bolt ­to·him ­alone ­they·dwell⁺ :

and·they·were⁺ ­their·camels⁺ ­to·spoil ­and·the·hum·of ­their·stock ­to·plunder

and·I·winnowed·them ­to·all·of ­breath ­ends⁺·of ­edge

and·from·all·of ­his·regions·across⁺ ­I·bring·in ­°their·calamity ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·she·was ­Courtyard ­to·home·of ­serpents⁺ ­desolation ­unto ­eternity

he·does·not·settle ­there ­man

and ­he·does·not·lodge ­in·her ­son·of ­adam :

that ­he·was ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­to ­Hooded

in·the·headmost·of ­the·kingship·of ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­saying :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

¡lo!·me ­breaking ­°the·bow·of ­Hooded

the·headmost·of ­their·heroism :

and·I·brought·in ­to ­Hooded ­four ­breaths⁺ ­from·the·four·of ­the·ends⁺·of ­the·skies⁺


to·all·of ­the·breaths⁺ ­these

and ­he·is·not ­the·clan

that ­he·does·not·enter ­there ­the·banished⁺·of ­Hooded :

and·I·cast·down ­°Hooded ­to·the·face⁺·of ­their·enemies⁺ ­and·to·the·face⁺·of ­the·seekers⁺·of ­their·soul ­and·I·brought·in ­upon·them ­badness ­°the·scorching·of ­my·nostrils ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·sent·out ­after⁺·them ­°the·sword

unto ­my·all·done ­°them :

and·I·placed ­my·throne ­in·Hooded

and·I·caused·to·be·lost ­from·there ­king ­and·princes⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·was ­in·the·afterward·of ­the·days⁺ ­I·return ­°the·captives⁺·of ­Hooded ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

the·speech ­that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Babylon ­to ­the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺

in·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet :

tell·forth⁺ ­in·the·clans⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­and·ꜝbear⁺ ­flag

ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·stifle⁺

ꜝsay⁺ ­she·was·seized ­Babylon ­he·shamed ­Master ­he·was·cast·down ­Marduk

they·shamed⁺ ­her·pains⁺

they·were·cast·down⁺ ­her·rolling·idols⁺ :

as ­he·went·up ­upon·her ­clan ­from·north ­he ­he·puts ­°her·land ­to·desolation

and ­he·is·not ­settling ­in·her

from·adam ­and·unto ­beast ­they·swayed⁺ ­they·walked⁺ :

in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺ ­and·in·the·season ­she ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

they·enter⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they⁺ ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­united

walking ­and·weeping ­they·walk⁺

and·°Yʜᴡʜ ­their·Powers⁺ ­they·seek⁺ :

Tzion ­they·request⁺

step ­here ­their·face⁺

ꜝenter⁺ ­and·they·were·indebted⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

covenant·of ­eternity ­she·is·not·forgotten :

sheep ­lost⁺ ­they·were⁺ ­my·people

their·tendents⁺ ­they·led·them·to·wander⁺

mounts⁺ ­they·turned·them·back

from·mount ­to ­hill ­they·walked⁺

they·forgot⁺ ­their·lying·place :

all·of ­their·finders⁺ ­they·ate⁺·them

and·their·rockers⁺ ­they·said⁺ ­we·do·not·transgress⁺

under ­that ­they·sinned⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­habitation·of ­justice

and·the·hope·of ­their·fathers⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝsway⁺ ­from·the·midst·of ­Babylon

and·from·the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺ ­ꜝgo⁺

and·ꜝbe⁺ ­as·rams⁺ ­to·face⁺·of ­sheep :

as ­¡lo! ­I ­rousing ­and·offering·up ­upon ­Babylon ­congregation·of ­clans⁺ ­great⁺ ­from·land·of ­north

and·they·lined·up ­to·her

from·there ­she·is·seized

his·arrows⁺ ­as·hero ­prudent

he·does·not·return ­empty :

and·she·was ­Chaldeans⁺ ­to·plunder

all·of ­that·plunder⁺·her ­they·are·satisfied⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­you·are·glad⁺ ­as ­you·exult⁺

the·looting⁺·of ­my·derivation

as ­you·prance⁺ ­as·ox ­threshing

and·you·whinny⁺ ­as·the·pinioned·ones⁺ :

she·was·ashamed ­your⁺·mama ­very

she·was·dug·under ­that·enchilds·you⁺

¡lo! ­afterward·of ­clans⁺

outspeak ­desert ­and·arabah :

from·the·anger·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·does·not·settle

and·she·was ­desolation ­all·of·her

all ­crosser ­upon ­Babylon

he·is·desolate ­and·he·whistles ­upon ­all·of ­her·strokes⁺ :

ꜝline·up ­upon ­Babylon ­turninground ­all·of ­stepping·forward·of ­bow

raise·hands·against⁺ ­to·her

ꜝdo·not·pity⁺ ­to ­arrow

as ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­she·sinned :

ꜝcheer⁺ ­upon·her ­turninground ­she·gave ­her·hand

they·fell⁺ ­her·buttresses⁺

they·were·demolished⁺ ­her·ramparts⁺

as ­the·vengeance·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she ­ꜝbe·avenged⁺ ­in·her

as·how ­she·did ­ꜝdo⁺ ­to·her :

ꜝcut·down ­seeding ­from·Babylon

and·clencher·of ­sickle ­in·season·of ­crop

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·sword·of ­the·exiler

man ­to ­his·people ­they·face⁺

and·man ­to·his·land ­they·flee⁺ :

ovine ­sown·about ­Princepowr ­lions⁺ ­they·banished⁺

the·headmost ­he·ate·him ­the·king·of ­Blessed

and·this ­the·afterward ­he·picked·the·bones·of·him

Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

¡lo!·me ­reckoning ­to ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·to ­his·land

as·how ­I·reckoned ­to ­the·king·of ­Blessed :

and·I·returned ­°Princepowr ­to ­his·habitation

and·he·tended ­the·Orchardgrain ­and·the·Bashan

and·in·the·mount·of ­Fruits² ­and·the·Roll-of-Witness ­she·is·satisfied ­his·soul :

in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺ ­and·in·the·season ­she ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·is·sought ­°the·guilt·of ­Princepowr ­and·he·is·ńot

and·°the·sins⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­and ­they·are·not·found⁺

as ­I·pardon ­to·that ­I·let·survive :

upon ­the·land·of ­Bitters² ­go·up ­upon·her

and·to ­the·settling⁺·of ­Reckoning

ꜝbe·withered ­and·ꜝmake·herem ­after⁺·them ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·ꜝdo ­as·all ­that ­I·commanded·you :

voice·of ­battle ­in·the·land

and·break ­great :

¿ħow ­he·was·hacked·off ­and·he·is·broken

the·mallet·of ­all·of ­the·land

¿ħow ­she·was ­to·desolation ­Babylon ­in·the·clans⁺ :

I·ensnared ­to·you ­and·also ­you·were·seized ­Babylon

and·you ­you·did·not·know

you·were·found ­and·also ­you·were·clenched

as ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­you·chewed·on·yourself :

he·opened ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°his·treasure

and·he·lets·go ­°the·things⁺·of ­his·damnation

as ­ministry ­she ­to·My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺ :

ꜝenter⁺ ­to·her ­from·end ­ꜝopen⁺ ­her·mangering·places⁺

ꜝadvance⁺·her ­as ­piles⁺ ­and·ꜝmake·her·herem

ꜝlet·her·not·be ­to·her ­survivor :

ꜝbe·withered⁺ ­all·of ­her·cows⁺

they·descend⁺ ­to·the·butchering

¡oweh! ­upon·them

as ­he·entered ­their·day ­the·season·of ­their·reckoning :

voice·of ­fleeing⁺ ­and·self-rescuers⁺ ­from·the·land·of ­Babylon

to·tell·forth ­in·Tzion ­°the·vengeance·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺

the·vengeance·of ­his·palace :

ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­to ­Babylon ­archers⁺ ­all·of ­stepping·forward·of ­bow ­ꜝcamp⁺ ­upon·her ­turninground ­ꜝlet·him·not·be ­to ­rescue

shalom ­to·her ­as·her·work

as·all ­that ­she·did ­ꜝdo⁺ ­to·her

as ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·boiled ­to ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr :

to·surely ­they·fall⁺ ­her·choice·youths⁺ ­in·her·broadways⁺

and·all·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­her·battle ­they·are·silenced⁺ ­in·the·day ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¡lo!·me ­to·you ­overboiling

the·revelation·of ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

as ­he·entered ­your·day ­season ­I·reckoned·you :

and·he·stumbled ­overboiling ­and·he·fell

and·there·is·ńot ­to·him ­raising

and·I·enflared ­fire ­in·his·cities⁺

and·she·ate ­all·of ­turninground·him :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

intimidated⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­united

and·all·of ­their·captors⁺ ­they·grasped·firmly⁺ ­in·them

they·refused⁺ ­their·sending·out :

their·goel ­firm ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name

arguing ­he·argues ­°their·argument

because·of ­he·let·take·a·wink ­°the·land

and·he·stirred·up ­to·the·settling⁺·of ­Babylon :

sword ­upon ­Chaldeans⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·to ­the·settling⁺·of ­Babylon

and·to ­her·princes⁺ ­and·to ­her·wise⁺ :

sword ­to ­the·aloneworthiness ­and·they·were·willful⁺

sword ­to ­her·heroes⁺ ­and·they·were·cast·down⁺ :

sword ­to ­his·horses⁺ ­and·to ­his·chariot ­and·to ­all·of ­the·eveninger ­that ­in·her·midst ­and·they·were⁺ ­to·women⁺

sword ­to ­her·treasures⁺ ­and·they·were·spoiled⁺ :

withering ­to ­her·waters⁺ ­and·they·dried·up

as ­land·of ­sculptures⁺ ­she

and·in·the·terrors⁺ ­they·praise·themselves⁺ :

to·surely ­they·settle⁺ ­desert·animals⁺ ­with ­hawks⁺

and·they·settled⁺ ­in·her ­daughters⁺·of ­responderbird

and ­she·does·not·settle ­again ­to·forever

and ­she·does·not·dwell ­unto ­saeculum ­and·saeculum :

as·the·conversion·of ­Powers⁺ ­°Sodom ­and·°Gomorrah ­and·°her·fellowdwellers⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·does·not·settle ­there ­man

and ­he·does·not·lodge ­in·her ­son·of ­adam :

¡lo! ­people ­he·entered ­from·north

and·clan ­great ­and·kings⁺ ­many⁺

they·are·aroused⁺ ­from·flanks²·of ­land :

bow ­and·javelin ­they·grasp·firmly⁺ ­cruel ­they⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·enwomb⁺

their·voice ­as·the·sea ­he·hums

and·upon ­horses⁺ ­they·chariot⁺

lined·up ­as·man ­to·the·battle

upon·you ­the·daughter·of ­Babylon :

he·heard ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­°their·hearing ­and·they·went·slack⁺ ­his·hands²

rockiness ­she·grasped·him·firmly

whirling ­as·that·enchilds :

¡lo! ­as·lion ­he·goes·up ­from·the·majesty·of ­the·Descender ­to ­habitation·of ­rugged

as ­in·a·wink ­I·cause·them·to·run ­from·upon·her

and·¿who ­chosen ­to·her ­I·reckon

as ­¿who ­as·me ­and·¿who ­he·assembles·me

and·¿who ­this ­tendent

that ­he·stands ­to·my·face⁺ :

to·surely ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·counsel·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·counselled ­to ­Babylon


that ­he·considered ­to ­the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺

if ­they·do·not·rag⁺·them ­the·lessers⁺·of ­the·sheep

if ­he·does·not·desolate ­upon·them ­habitation :

from·voice ­she·was·clenched ­Babylon

she·was·quaked ­the·land

and·cry ­in·the·clans⁺ ­he·was·heard :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­rousing ­upon ­Babylon

and·to ­settling⁺·of ­heart·of ­that·arise⁺·me

breath ­ruining :

and·I·sent·out ­to·Babylon ­strangers⁺ ­and·they·winnowed⁺·her

and·they·vacuate⁺ ­°her·land

as ­they·were⁺ ­upon·her ­from·turninground ­in·day·of ­badness :

to ­he·steps·forward ­that·steps·forward ­his·bow

and·to ­he·goes·himself·up ­in·his·mail

and ­ꜝdo·not·pity⁺ ­to ­her·choice·youths⁺

ꜝmake·herem ­all·of ­her·host :

and·they·fell⁺ ­pierced⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺

and·stabbed⁺ ­in·her·exteriors⁺ :

as ­not ­widowed ­Princepowr ­and·Gloryhand ­from·his·Powers⁺

from·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

as ­their·land ­she·filled ­transgression

from·the·sacred·of ­Princepowr :

ꜝflee⁺ ­from·the·midst·of ­Babylon ­and·ꜝdeliver⁺ ­man ­his·soul

ꜝdo·not·be·silenced⁺ ­in·her·guilt

as ­season·of ­vengeance ­she ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

yield ­he ­shaloming ­to·her :

cup·of ­gold ­Babylon ­in·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

getting·drunk ­all·of ­the·land

from·her·wine ­they·drank⁺ ­clans⁺

upon ­surely ­they·praise·themselves⁺ ­clans⁺ :

suddenly ­she·fell ­Babylon ­and·she·is·broken

yowl ­upon·her ­ꜝtake⁺ ­balsam ­to·her·hurt

¿maybe ­she·is·healed :

we·healed⁺ ­°Babylon ­and ­she·was·not·healed

ꜝabandon⁺·her ­and·we·walk⁺ ­man ­to·his·land

as ­he·touched ­to ­the·skies⁺ ­her·judgment

and·he·was·borne ­unto ­wisps⁺ :

he·let·go ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°our·justices⁺

ꜝenter⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·recount⁺ ­in·Tzion

°the·doing·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ :

ꜝclean⁺ ­the·arrows⁺ ­ꜝfill⁺ ­the·controlshields⁺

he·roused ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·breath·of ­the·kings⁺·of ­Media

as ­upon ­Babylon ­his·determination ­to·ruin·her

as ­the·vengeance·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she

the·vengeance·of ­his·palace :

to ­the·ramparts⁺·of ­Babylon ­ꜝbear⁺ ­flag ­grasp·firmly⁺ ­the·watch

ꜝraise⁺ ­watching⁺

ꜝmake·sure⁺ ­the·ambushes⁺

as ­also ­he·determined·evil ­Yʜᴡʜ

also ­he·did ­°that ­he·spoke ­to ­the·settling⁺·of ­Babylon :

dwelling ­upon ­waters⁺ ­many⁺

much·of ­treasures⁺

he·entered ­your·end ­the·mamacubit·of ­your·profiting :

he·vowed·seven ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·his·soul

but ­rather ­I·filled·you ­adam ­as·the·yeleqbug

and·they·responded⁺ ­upon·you ­celebration :

doing·of ­land ­in·his·vigor

making·sure·of ­world ­in·his·wisdom

and·in·his·discernment ­he·branched·out ­skies⁺ :

to·the·voice·of ­his·giving ­hum·of ­waters⁺ ­in·the·skies⁺

and·he·offers·up ­wellborns⁺ ­from·end·of ­land

flashes⁺ ­to·the·rain ­he·did

and·he·lets·go ­breath ­from·his·treasures⁺ :

he·was·consumed ­all·of ­adam ­from·knowledge

he·shamed ­all·of ­smelter ­from·sculpture

as ­falsehood ­his·libation ­and·not ­breath ­in·them :

vapor ­they⁺

doing·of ­schemes⁺

in·the·season·of ­their·reckoning ­they·are·lost⁺ :

not ­as·these ­the·dividend·of ­Heeler ­as ­the·forming·of ­all ­he

and·the·stem·of ­his·derivation

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name :

shattering·ram ­you ­to·me

things⁺·of ­battle

and·I·shattered ­in·you ­clans⁺

and·I·ruined ­in·you ­kingdoms⁺ :

and·I·shattered ­in·you

horse ­and·that·chariots·him

and·I·shattered ­in·you

chariot ­and·that·chariots·him :

and·I·shattered ­in·you ­man ­and·woman

and·I·shattered ­in·you ­elder ­and·youth

and·I·shattered ­in·you

choice·youth ­and·virgin :

and·I·shattered ­in·you ­tendent ­and·his·flock

and·I·shattered ­in·you ­farmer ­and·his·couple

and·I·shattered ­in·you

prefects⁺ ­and·alcaldes⁺ :

and·shalomed ­to·Babylon ­and·to·all·of ­the·settling⁺·of ­Chaldeans⁺ ­°all·of ­their·badness ­that ­they·did⁺ ­in·Tzion ­to·your⁺·eyes²

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¡lo!·me ­to·you ­the·mount·of ­the·ruin ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that·ruins ­°all·of ­the·land

and·I·branched·out ­°my·hand ­upon·you ­and·I·rolled·you ­from ­the·clifftops⁺

and·I·gave·you ­to·mount·of ­burning :

and ­they·do·not·take⁺ ­from·you ­stone ­to·corner

and·stone ­to·foundations⁺

as ­desolations⁺·of ­eternity ­you·are ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝbear⁺ ­flag ­in·the·land ­ꜝhit⁺ ­shofair ­in·the·clans⁺ ­ꜝsanctify⁺ ­upon·her ­clans⁺

ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­upon·her ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­Ararat ­Minny ­and·Ashkenaz

ꜝreckon⁺ ­upon·her ­prince

offer·up⁺ ­horse ­as·yeleqbug ­spiky :

ꜝsanctify⁺ ­upon·her ­clans⁺ ­°the·kings⁺·of ­Media

°her·prefects⁺ ­and·°all·of ­her·alcaldes⁺

and·°all·of ­the·land·of ­his·rule :

and·she·quakes ­the·land ­and·she·whirls·in·labor

as ­she·arose ­upon ­Babylon ­the·considerations⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·place ­°the·land·of ­Babylon ­to·desolation ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling :

they·ceased⁺ ­the·heroes⁺·of ­Babylon ­to·battle ­they·settled⁺ ­in·the·huntinglodges⁺

she·was·parched ­their·heroism ­they·were⁺ ­to·women⁺

they·enflared⁺ ­her·dwelling·places⁺ ­they·were·broken⁺ ­her·bolts⁺ :

runner ­to·call·on ­runner ­he·runs

and·telling·forth ­to·call·on ­telling·forth

to·tell·forth ­to·the·king·of ­Babylon

as ­she·was·seized ­his·city ­from·end :

and·the·crossings⁺ ­they·were·clenched⁺

and·°the·ponds⁺ ­they·burned⁺ ­in·the·fire

and·the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­they·were·agitated⁺ :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

the·daughter·of ­Babylon ­as·threshingfloor ­season ­he·made·her·step

again ­little

and·she·entered ­the·season·of ­the·crop ­to·her :

he·ate·me ­he·rumbled·me ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

he·situated·me ­thing·of ­emptiness

he·devoured·me ­as·the·serpentine

he·filled ­his·√belly ­from·my·comforts⁺

he·banished·me :

my·violence ­and·my·meat ­upon ­Babylon

she·says ­the·settling·of ­Tzion

and·my·blood ­to ­the·settling⁺·of ­Chaldeans⁺

she·says ­Torahshalom :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­arguing ­°your·argument

and·I·avenged ­°your·vengeance

and·I·withered ­°her·sea

and·I·dried·up ­°her·fountain :

and·she·was ­Babylon ­to·rolls⁺ ­home·of ­serpents⁺ ­desolation ­and·whistling ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling :

united ­as·the·wolves⁺ ­they·roar⁺

they·bucked⁺ ­as·chewcubs⁺·of ­lions⁺ :

when·they·have·heat⁺ ­I·put ­°their·drinkingfeast ­and·I·made·them·get·drunk ­because·of ­ꜝlet·them·exult⁺

and·they·slept⁺ ­sleep·of ­eternity ­and ­they·do·not·awake⁺

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

I·make·them·descend ­as·goats⁺ ­to·butcher

as·powrrams⁺ ­near ­rams⁺ :

¿ħow ­she·was·seized ­Shesh-Aku

and·she·is·clenched ­the·praise·of ­all·of ­the·land

¿ħow ­she·was ­to·desolation ­Babylon ­in·the·clans⁺ :

he·went·up ­upon ­Babylon ­the·sea

in·the·hum·of ­his·rolls⁺ ­she·was·covered :

they·were⁺ ­her·cities⁺ ­to·desolation

land ­desert ­and·arabah

land ­he·does·not·settle ­in·them ­all·of ­man

and ­he·does·not·cross·over ­in·them ­son·of ­adam :

and·I·reckoned ­upon ­Master ­in·Babylon ­and·I·let·go ­°his·devourment ­from·his·mouth

and ­they·do·not·stream⁺ ­to·him ­again ­clans⁺

also ­the·rampart·of ­Babylon ­she·fell :

ꜝgo⁺ ­from·her·midst ­my·people

and·ꜝdeliver⁺ ­man ­°his·soul

from·the·scorching·of ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·lest ­he·is·soft ­your⁺·heart ­and·you·fear⁺

in·the·hearing ­that·is·heard ­in·the·land

and·he·entered ­in·the·year ­the·hearing ­and·after⁺·him ­in·the·year ­the·hearing

and·violence ­in·the·land

and·ruler ­upon ­ruler :

to·surely ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺

and·I·reckoned ­upon ­the·sculptures⁺·of ­Babylon

and·all·of ­her·land ­she·is·ashamed

and·all·of ­her·pierced⁺ ­they·fall⁺ ­in·her·midst :

and·they·shouted⁺ ­upon ­Babylon ­skies⁺ ­and·land

and·all ­that ­in·them

as ­from·north ­he·enters ­to·her ­that·overbreast⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

also ­Babylon ­to·fall ­the·pierced⁺·of ­Princepowr

also ­to·Babylon ­they·fell⁺ ­the·pierced⁺·of ­all·of ­the·land :

self-rescuers⁺ ­from·sword

ꜝwalk⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·stand⁺

ꜝremember⁺ ­from·afar ­°Yʜᴡʜ

and·Torahshalom ­she·goes·up ­upon ­your⁺·heart :

we·were·ashamed⁺ ­as ­we·heard⁺ ­detraction

she·covered ­embarrassment ­our·face⁺

as ­they·entered⁺ ­strangers⁺

upon ­the·sanctuaries⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to·surely ­¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·reckoned ­upon ­her·sculptures⁺

and·in·all·of ­her·land ­he·wails ­pierced :

as ­she·goes·up ­Babylon ­the·skies⁺

and·as ­she·fortifies ­the·heights·of ­her·might

from·with·me ­they·enter⁺ ­overbreasting⁺ ­to·her ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

voice·of ­cry ­from·Babylon

and·break ­great ­from·the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺ :

as ­overbreasting ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Babylon

and·he·lost ­from·her ­voice ­great

and·they·hummed⁺ ­their·rolls⁺ ­as·waters⁺ ­many⁺

he·was·given ­the·roaring·of ­their·voice :

as ­he·entered ­upon·her ­upon ­Babylon ­overbreasting

and·they·were·seized⁺ ­her·heroes⁺

she·cast·down ­their·bows⁺

as ­powr·of ­yields⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ ­shaloming ­he·shaloms :

and·I·made·get·drunk ­her·princes⁺ ­and·her·wise⁺ ­her·prefects⁺ ­and·her·alcaldes⁺ ­and·her·heroes⁺

and·they·slept⁺ ­sleep·of ­eternity ­and ­they·do·not·awake⁺

the·revelation·of ­the·king

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­the·ramparts⁺·of ­Babylon ­the·broad ­laying·bare ­she·lays·herself·bare

and·her·gates⁺ ­the·climbing⁺ ­in·the·fire ­they·flare⁺

and·they·labor⁺ ­people⁺ ­in·enough·of ­emptiness ­and·nations⁺ ­in·enough·of ­fire ­and·they·got·tired⁺ :

the·speech ­that ­he·commanded ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­the·prophet ­°Prince-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Lamp-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Refugee-of-Yʜ

when·he·walks ­with ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­Babylon

in·the·year·of ­the·fourth ­to·be·king·him

and·Prince-Yʜᴡ ­prince·of ­peaceful·place :

and·he·writes ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­°all·of ­the·badness ­that ­she·enters ­to ­Babylon ­to ­account ­one

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

that·are·written⁺ ­to ­Babylon :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­to ­Prince-Yʜᴡ

as·you·enter ­Babylon



°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these :

and·you·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you ­you·spoke ­to ­the·rising·place ­this ­to·cut·down·him

to·not ­being ­in·him ­settling

to·from·adam ­and·unto ­beast

as ­desolations⁺·of ­eternity ­she·is :

and·he·was ­as·you·are·all·done

to·call ­°the·account ­this

you·league ­upon·him ­stone

and·you·dropped·him ­to ­the·midst·of ­Euphrates :

and·you·said ­thus ­she·drowns ­Babylon ­and ­she·does·not·arise ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·badness ­that ­I ­bringing·in ­upon·her ­and·they·got·tired⁺

unto ­here ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens :

son·of ­twenty⁺ ­and·one·of ­year ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­when·he·is·king

and·one·of ­and·ten ­year

he·was·king ­in·Torahshalom

and·the·name·of ­his·mama

in-Law-of-Dew ­the·daughter·of ­Yʜᴡ-Heightens ­from·Whitetree :

and·he·does ­the·bad ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·all ­that ­he·did ­Yʜᴡ-Raises :

as ­upon ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·was ­in·Torahshalom ­and·Gloryhand

unto ­his·dropping ­°them ­from·upon ­his·face⁺

and·he·revolts ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­in·the·king·of ­Babylon :

and·he·is ­in·the·year ­the·ninth ­to·be·king·him ­in·the·new·moon ­the·tenth ­in·the·tenth ­to·the·new·moon

he·entered ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­he ­and·all·of ­his·strength ­upon ­Torahshalom

and·they·camp⁺ ­upon·her

and·they·build⁺ ­upon·her ­barricade ­turninground :

and·she·enters ­the·city ­in·the·rocked·up·place

unto ­øne ­and·ten ­year

to·the·king ­Just-Yʜᴡ :

in·the·new·moon ­the·fourth ­in·nine ­to·the·new·moon

and·he·is·firm ­the·hunger ­in·the·city

and ­he·was·not ­bread ­to·the·people·of ­the·land :

and·she·is·cleaved ­the·city ­and·all·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­they·bolt⁺ ­and·they·go⁺ ­from·the·city ­night ­step·of ­gate ­between ­the·ramparts² ­that ­upon ­the·guarden·of ­the·king

and·Chaldeans⁺ ­upon ­the·city ­turninground

and·they·walk⁺ ­the·step·of ­the·Arabah :

and·they·pursue⁺ ­the·strength·of ­Chaldeans⁺ ­after⁺ ­the·king

and·they·catch⁺ ­°Just-Yʜᴡ ­in·the·arabahs⁺·of ­Breath

and·all·of ­his·strength

they·were·scattered⁺ ­from·upon·him :

and·they·clench⁺ ­°the·king

and·they·offer·up⁺ ­°him ­to ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­➝Riblah ­in·the·land·of ­Rampart

and·he·speaks ­with·him ­judgments⁺ :

and·he·slaughters ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­to·his·eyes²

and·also ­°all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­he·slaughtered ­in➝Riblah :

and·°the·eyes²·of ­Just-Yʜᴡ ­he·blinded

and·he·chains·him ­in·the·coppers² ­and·he·brings·him·in ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­➝Babylon

and·he·gives·him ­the·house·of ­the·reckonings⁺ ­unto ­the·day·of ­his·death :

and·in·the·new·moon ­the·fifth ­in·the·tenth ­to·the·new·moon

she ­year·of ­nine·of ­and·ten ­year

to·the·king ­Prophethelpedkadre ­the·king·of ­Babylon

he·entered ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺

he·stood ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­in·Torahshalom :

and·he·burns ­°the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·°the·house·of ­the·king

and·°all·of ­the·houses⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­and·°all·of ­the·house·of ­the·great ­he·burned ­in·the·fire :

and·°all·of ­the·ramparts⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­turninground

they·wrecked⁺ ­all·of ­the·strength·of ­Chaldeans⁺

that ­with ­major·of ­butchers⁺ :

and·from·the·pulled·down·of ­the·people ­and·°the·remainder·of ­the·people ­the·survivors⁺ ­in·the·city ­and·°that·fall⁺ ­that ­they·fell⁺ ­to ­the·king·of ­Babylon

and·°the·remainder·of ­the·true·one

he·stripped ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺ :

and·from·the·pulled·down·of ­the·land

he·let·survive ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺

to·orchardists⁺ ­and·to·ranchers⁺ :

and·°the·standing·pillars⁺·of ­the·copper ­that ­to·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·°the·sure·places⁺ ­and·°the·sea·of ­the·copper ­that ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·broke⁺ ­Chaldeans⁺

and·they·bear⁺ ­°all·of ­their·copper ­➝Babylon :

and·°the·pots⁺ ­and·°the·shovels⁺ ­and·°the·pruners⁺ ­and·°the·aspersoria⁺ ­and·°the·spoons⁺ ­and·°all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­the·copper ­that ­they·assist⁺ ­in·them ­they·took⁺ :

and·°the·transporters⁺ ­and·°the·firepans⁺ ­and·°the·aspersoria⁺ ­and·°the·pots⁺ ­and·°the·lampstands⁺ ­and·°the·spoons⁺ ­and·°the·innocence-bowls⁺

that ­gold ­gold

and·that ­silver ­silver

he·took ­major·of ­butchers⁺ :

the·standing·pillars⁺ ­two² ­the·sea ­one ­and·the·plowcattle ­two² ­and·ten ­copper ­that ­under ­the·sure·places⁺

that ­he·did ­the·king ­Shalomo ­to·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·was·not ­shekelness

to·their·copper ­all·of ­the·things⁺ ­these :

and·the·standing·pillars⁺ ­eight ­and·ten ­mamacubit ­the·rising·of ­the·standing·pillar ­one

and·thread·of ­two² ­and·ten ­mamacubit ­he·turns·around·him

and·his·thickness ­four ­fingers⁺ ­hollow :

and·circlet ­upon·him ­copper ­and·the·rising·of ­the·circlet ­one ­five ­mamacubits⁺

and·lattice ­and·pomegranates⁺ ­upon ­the·circlet ­turninground ­all ­copper

and·as·these ­to·the·standing·pillar ­the·second ­and·pomegranates⁺ :

and·they·are⁺ ­the·pomegranates⁺

ninety⁺ ­and·six ­➝breath

all·of ­the·pomegranates⁺ ­hundred ­upon ­the·lattice ­turninground :

and·he·takes ­major·of ­butchers⁺ ­°Prince-Yʜᴡ ­the·priest·of ­the·head

and·°Secret-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·priest·of ­the·second

and·°three ­the·watching⁺·of ­the·portal :

and·from ­the·city ­he·took ­eunuch ­one ­that ­he·was ­reckoner ­upon ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle ­and·seven ­mortals⁺ ­from·the·seeing⁺·of ­the·face⁺·of ­the·king ­that ­they·were·found⁺ ­in·the·city

and·°the·accounter·of ­the·prince·of ­the·host

that·hosts·up ­°the·people·of ­the·land

and·sixty⁺ ­man ­from·the·people·of ­the·land

that·are·found⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­the·city :

and·he·takes ­°them

Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺

and·he·causes·to·walk ­°them ­to ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­➝Riblah :

and·he·strikes ­°them ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·he·puts·them·to·death ­in·Riblah ­in·the·land·of ­Rampart

and·he·strips ­Gloryhand ­from·upon ­his·adamah :

this ­the·people

that ­he·stripped ­Prophethelpedkadre

in·year·of ­seven ­Gloryhandïtes⁺ ­three·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·twenty⁺ ­and·three :

in·year·of ­eight ­and·ten ­to·Prophethelpedkadre


soul ­eight ­hundred⁺ ­thirty⁺ ­and·two² :

in·year·of ­three ­and·twenty⁺ ­to·Prophethelpedkadre

he·stripped ­Prophetseedadan ­major·of ­butchers⁺

Gloryhandïtes⁺ ­soul ­seven ­hundred⁺ ­forty⁺ ­and·five

all·of ­soul ­four·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·six ­hundred⁺ :


and·he·is ­in·thirty⁺ ­and·seven ­year ­to·the·stripping·of ­Yʜᴡ-Assures ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

in·two² ­and·ten ­new·moon

in·twenty⁺ ­and·five ­to·the·new·moon

he·bore·up ­Awyl·of ­Marduk ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­in·the·year·of ­his·kingship ­°the·head·of ­Yʜᴡ-Assures ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

and·he·lets·go ­°him ­from·the·house·of ­the·detention :

and·he·speaks ­with·him ­goodnesses⁺

and·he·gives ­°his·throne

from·upward ­to·the·throne·of ­the·kings⁺ ­that ­with·him ­in·Babylon :

and·he·doubled·back ­°the·coverings⁺·of ­his·detention

and·he·ate ­bread ­to·his·face⁺ ­always ­all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­his·life⁺ :

and·his·way-fare ­way-fare·of ­always ­she·was·given ­to·him ­from·with ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­speech·of ­day ­in·his·day ­unto ­the·day·of ­his·death

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­his·life⁺ :

1:7 1:11 1:13 2:1 2:4 3:6 3:11 4:9 5:1 6:9 6:22 7:1 9:17 11:1 13:8 14:1 15:1 16:1 18:1 18:5 19:6 19:14 20:4 21:1 23:16 24:4 25:1 26:1 27:1 27:19 28:1 28:12 29:1 29:8 29:30 30:4 30:12 31:7 32:6 32:16 33:1 34:8 35:1 35:12 36:1 36:19 37:6 37:17 38:20 38:24 38:27 38:28 39:1 40:13 44:20 44:26 46:13 52:31