Book of Isaiah

Yʜᴡ-Saves ­

the·vision·of ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­the·son·of ­Bold

that ­he·visioned

upon ­Gloryhand ­and·Torahshalom

in·the·days⁺·of ­Might-of-Yʜᴡ ­Yᴡ-Complete ­Holder ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand :

ꜝhear⁺ ­skies⁺ ­and·give·ear ­land

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke

sons⁺ ­I·made·great ­and·I·heightened

and·they⁺ ­they·rebelled⁺ ­in·me :

he·knew ­bull ­that·stocks·him·up

and·donkey ­the·manger·of ­his·masters⁺

Princepowr ­he·did·not·know

my·people ­he·did·not·discern :

¡oweh! ­clan ­sinner ­people·of ­weighty·of ­guilt·of

seed ­bad-doers⁺

sons⁺ ­ruining⁺

they·abandoned⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­they·disregarded⁺ ­°the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­they·were·estranged⁺ ­aft :

upon ­¿what ­you·are·struck⁺ ­again ­you·add⁺ ­mutiny

all·of ­head ­to·piercing

and·all·of ­heart ­sick :

from·spoon·of ­foot ­and·unto ­head ­there·is·ńot ­in·him ­completeness

wound ­and·stripe ­and·stroke ­mouldering

they·were·not·trussed⁺ ­and ­they·were·not·wrapped·up

and ­she·was·not·softened ­in·the·oil :

your⁺·land ­desolation

your⁺·cities⁺ ­burned⁺ ­fire

your⁺·adamah ­to·before·you⁺ ­strangers⁺ ­eating⁺ ­°her

and·desolation ­as·conversion·of ­strangers⁺ :

and·she·remained ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion ­as·knit·shelter ­in·orchard

as·place·of·repose ­in·hardness ­as·city ­protected :

iᵮ·not ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

he·let·remain ­to·us ­escapee ­as·little

as·Sodom ­we·were⁺

to·Gomorrah ­we·were·like⁺ :

ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·endofficers⁺·of ­Sodom

give·ear⁺ ­the·torah·of ­our·Powers⁺ ­the·people·of ­Gomorrah :

to·¿what ­to·me ­the·multitude·of ­your⁺·offerings⁺ ­he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·was·satisfied ­upward·offerings⁺·of ­powrrams⁺ ­and·fat·of ­empirecalfs⁺

and·blood·of ­cows⁺ ­and·lambs⁺ ­and·rams⁺ ­I·was·not·pleased :

as ­you·enter⁺

to·be·seen ­my·face⁺

¿who ­he·sought ­this ­from·your⁺·hand ­trampling ­my·courtyards⁺ :

you·do·not·add⁺ ­bringing·in ­tribute·of ­vanity

incense ­abomination ­she ­to·me

new·moon ­and·rest ­calling ­called·gathering

I·am·not·able ­iniquity ­and·constrained-assembly :

your⁺·new·moons⁺ ­and·your⁺·assemblies⁺ ­she·hated ­my·soul

they·were⁺ ­upon·me ­to·fatigue

I·was·wearied ­bearing :

and·when·you·stretch⁺ ­your⁺·spoons² ­I·hood ­my·eyes² ­from·you⁺

also ­as ­you·multiply⁺ ­mediation ­I·am·ńot ­hearing

your⁺·hands² ­bloods⁺ ­they·filled⁺ :

ꜝbathe⁺ ­ꜝperfect·yourselves⁺

ꜝremove⁺ ­the·badness·of ­your⁺·exploits⁺ ­from·before ­my·eyes²

ꜝcease⁺ ­doing·bad :

ꜝbe·discipled⁺ ­doing·good ­ꜝinvestigate⁺ ­judgment ­ꜝbless⁺ ­soured

ꜝjudge⁺ ­orphan

ꜝargue⁺ ­widow :

ꜝwalk⁺ ­¡please! ­and·ꜝlet·us·be·proven⁺ ­he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­they·are⁺ ­your⁺·sins⁺ ­as·the·scarlets⁺ ­as·the·snow ­they·become·white⁺

if ­they·are·bloodyred ­as·the·fangworm ­as·the·wool ­they·are⁺ :

if ­you·want⁺ ­and·you·heard⁺

the·goodness·of ­the·land ­you·eat⁺ :

and·if ­you·refuse⁺ ­and·you·were·bitter⁺

sword ­you·are·eaten·up

as ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke :

¿ħow ­she·was ­to·fornicator

walledcity ­true

full·of ­judgment ­justice ­he·reposes ­in·her ­and·now ­murderers⁺ :

your·silver ­he·was ­to·scums⁺

your·booze ­snipped ­in·the·waters⁺ :

your·princes⁺ ­defiant⁺ ­and·allies⁺·of ­stealers⁺

all·of·him ­loving ­bribe

and·pursuer ­shalomettes⁺

orphan ­they·do·not·judge⁺

and·argument·of ­widow ­he·does·not·enter ­to·them :


to·surely ­the·revelation·of ­the·lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

the·pinioned·one·of ­Princepowr

¡oweh! ­I·sigh ­from·my·rockers⁺

and·ꜝlet·me·be·avenged ­from·my·enemies⁺ :

and·ꜝlet·me·return ­my·hand ­upon·you

and·I·smelt ­as·the·cleaner ­your·scums⁺

and·ꜝlet·me·remove ­all·of ­your·separating-metals⁺ :

and·ꜝlet·me·return ­your·judges⁺ ­as·in·the·headmost

and·your·counselors⁺ ­as·in·the·first·pierce

after⁺ ­surely ­he·is·called ­to·you ­the·city·of ­the·justice

walledcity ­true :

Tzion ­in·judgment ­she·is·ransomed

and·that·return⁺·her ­in·justice :

and·break·of ­rebelling⁺ ­and·sinful⁺ ­united

and·the·abandoning⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·are·all·through :

as ­they·are·ashamed⁺

from·powrtrees⁺ ­that ­you·desired⁺


from·the·guardens⁺ ­that ­you·chose⁺ :

as ­you·are⁺

as·powrtree ­the·wilting·of ­her·upper·leaf


that ­waters⁺ ­there·is·ńot ­to·her :

and·he·was ­the·dominator ­to·buckstring

and·his·work ­to·fluorescence

and·they·were·consumed⁺ ­the·two²·of·them ­united ­and·there·is·ńot ­quenching :

the·speech ­that ­he·visioned

Yʜᴡ-Saves ­the·son·of ­Bold

upon ­Gloryhand ­and·Torahshalom :

and·he·was ­in·the·afterward·of ­the·days⁺ ­assured ­he·is ­the·mount·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·head·of ­the·mounts⁺

and·borne ­from·hills⁺

and·they·streamed⁺ ­to·him ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ :

and·they·walked⁺ ­people⁺ ­many⁺ ­and·they·said⁺ ­ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·we·go·up⁺ ­to ­the·mount·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·house·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Heeler

and·he·torahs·us ­from·his·steps⁺

and·ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ ­in·his·ways⁺

as ­from·Tzion ­she·goes ­torah

and·the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·Torahshalom :

and·he·judged ­between ­the·clans⁺

and·he·reproved ­to·people⁺ ­many⁺

and·they·beat⁺ ­their·swords⁺ ­to·spades⁺ ­and·their·campspears⁺ ­to·pruners⁺

he·does·not·bear ­clan ­to ­clan ­sword

and ­they·are·not·discipled⁺ ­again ­battle :


the·house·of ­Heeler

ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ ­in·the·light·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­you·left ­your·people ­the·house·of ­Heeler

as ­they·filled⁺ ­from·frontmost

and·cloud·readers⁺ ­as·the·Palestinians⁺

and·in·children⁺·of ­unrecognized⁺ ­they·pound⁺ :

and·she·is·filled ­his·land ­silver ­and·gold

and·there·is·ńot ­end ­to·his·treasures⁺

and·she·is·filled ­his·land ­horses⁺

and·there·is·ńot ­end ­to·his·chariots⁺ :

and·she·is·filled ­his·land ­no-powers⁺

to·the·doing·of ­his·hands² ­they·prostrate·themselves⁺

to·that ­they·did⁺ ­his·fingers⁺ :

and·he·is·prostrate ­adam ­and·he·is·low ­man

and ­ꜝdo·not·bear ­to·them :

ꜝenter ­in·the·rock

and·ꜝbe·buried ­in·the·dust

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·trembling·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·from·the·magnificence·of ­his·majesty :

eyes²·of ­climbing·of ­adam ­he·was·low

and·he·was·prostrate ­highness·of ­mortals⁺

and·he·towered ­Yʜᴡʜ ­alone·him ­in·the·day ­he :

as ­day ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­upon ­all·of ­majestic ­and·high

and·upon ­all·of ­borne ­and·he·was·low :

and·upon ­all·of ­the·cedars⁺·of ­the·Whitemost

the·high⁺ ­and·that·are·borne⁺

and·upon ­all·of ­the·powrtrees⁺·of ­the·Bashan :

and·upon ­all·of ­the·mounts⁺ ­the·high⁺

and·upon ­all·of ­the·hills⁺ ­that·are·borne⁺ :

and·upon ­all·of ­great·tower ­climbing

and·upon ­all·of ­rampart ­fortified :

and·upon ­all·of ­the·ships⁺·of ­Tarshysh

and·upon ­all·of ­the·images⁺·of ­the·desire :

and·he·was·prostrate ­the·climbing·of ­the·adam

and·he·was·low ­highness·of ­mortals⁺

and·he·towered ­Yʜᴡʜ ­alone·him ­in·the·day ­he :

and·the·no-powers⁺ ­all-all ­he·changes·away :

and·they·entered⁺ ­in·barrens⁺·of ­rocks⁺

and·in·pierced·places⁺·of ­dust

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·trembling·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·from·the·magnificence·of ­his·majesty

when·he·arises ­to·awe ­the·land :

in·the·day ­he ­he·drops ­the·adam

°the·no-powers⁺·of ­his·silver

and·°the·no-powers⁺·of ­his·gold

that ­they·did⁺ ­to·him ­to·prostrate·oneself

to·dig ­scuttler ­and·to·the·bats⁺ :

to·enter ­in·the·gouges⁺·of ­the·rocks⁺

and·in·the·forks⁺·of ­the·clifftops⁺

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·trembling·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·from·the·magnificence·of ­his·majesty

when·he·arises ­to·awe ­the·land :

ꜝcease⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­from ­the·adam

that ­gasp ­in·his·nostrils

as ­in·¿what ­considered ­he :


as ­¡lo! ­the·lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­removing ­from·Torahshalom ­and·from·Gloryhand

staff ­and·stave

all·of ­staff·of ­bread

and·all·of ­staff·of ­waters⁺ :

hero ­and·man·of ­battle

judge ­and·prophet ­and·divining ­and·elder :

prince·of ­fifty⁺ ­and·wellborn·of ­face⁺

and·counselor ­and·wise·of ­crafties⁺ ­and·discerner·of ­whispering :

and·I·gave ­youths⁺ ­their·princes⁺

and·exploitations⁺ ­they·rule⁺ ­in·them :

and·he·was·bullied ­the·people

man ­in·man ­and·man ­in·his·tendent

they·force⁺ ­the·youth ­in·the·elder

and·that·is·roasted ­in·the·weighty :

as ­he·clenches ­man ­in·his·brother ­the·house·of ­his·father

garment ­to·you

endofficer ­you·are ­to·us

and·the·stumbleblock ­this ­under ­your·hand :

he·bears ­in·the·day ­he ­saying ­I·am·not ­wrapping

and·in·my·house ­there·is·ńot ­bread ­and·there·is·ńot ­garment

you·do·not·place⁺·me ­endofficer·of ­people :

as ­she·stumbled ­Torahshalom

and·Gloryhand ­he·fell

as ­their·tongue ­and·their·exploits⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·embitter ­the·eyes²·of ­his·weight :

the·recognition·of ­their·face⁺ ­she·responded ­in·them

and·their·sin ­as·Sodom ­they·told·forth⁺ ­they·did·not·stifle⁺

¡woe! ­to·their·soul

as ­they·yielded⁺ ­to·them ­badness :

ꜝsay⁺ ­just ­as ­he·was·good

as ­the·fruit·of ­their·exploits⁺ ­they·eat⁺ :

¡woe! ­to·wicked ­he·was·bad

as ­the·yield·of ­his·hands² ­he·is·done ­to·him :

my·people ­his·bullies⁺ ­exploiting

and·women⁺ ­they·ruled⁺ ­in·him

my·people ­that·bless⁺·you ­leading·to·wander⁺

and·the·step·of ­your·ways⁺ ­they·devoured⁺ :

posted ­to·argue ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·standing ­to·vindicate ­people⁺ :

Yʜᴡʜ ­in·judgment ­he·enters

near ­the·elders⁺·of ­his·people ­and·his·princes⁺

and·you⁺ ­you·consumed·by·fire ­the·orchard

the·robbery·of ­the·humiliated ­in·your⁺·houses⁺ :

¿what ­to·you⁺ ­you·crush⁺ ­my·people

and·face⁺·of ­humiliated⁺ ­you·grind⁺

the·revelation·of ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­because ­as ­they·climbed⁺ ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzion

and·they·walk⁺ ­branched·out ­jaw

and·flirting⁺ ­eyes²

walking ­and·toddling ­they·walk⁺

and·in·their·feet² ­they·bangle⁺ :

and·he·caused·a·rash·upon ­My·Lord

the·scalp·of ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzion

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­their·equipment ­he·lays·bare :

in·the·day ­he ­he·removes ­My·Lord ­°the·sprigging·of ­the·bangles⁺ ­and·the·tiaras⁺ ­and·the·lunettes⁺ :

the·stilldrops⁺ ­and·the·bindings⁺ ­and·the·quavers⁺ :

the·sprigs⁺ ­and·the·pacelettes⁺ ­and·the·ligatures⁺

and·the·houses⁺·of ­the·soul ­and·the·whisperings⁺ :

the·rings⁺ ­and·the·jewels⁺·of ­the·nostrils :

the·dresses⁺ ­and·the·collapsers⁺

and·the·spancloaks⁺ ­and·the·penbags⁺ :

and·the·strips⁺ ­and·the·blouses⁺

and·the·turbans⁺ ­and·the·expansecoats⁺ :

and·he·was ­under ­spice ­festering ­he·is ­and·under ­girdle ­encompassing·rope ­and·under ­doing ­hardness ­baldness

and·under ­wide-roll ­girdle·of ­burlap

blister ­under ­beauty :

your·adults⁺ ­in·the·sword ­they·fall⁺

and·your·heroism ­in·the·battle :

and·they·were·melancholy⁺ ­and·they·mourned⁺ ­her·openings⁺

and·she·was·innocent ­to·the·land ­she·settles :

and·they·grasped·firmly⁺ ­seven ­women⁺ ­in·man ­one ­in·the·day ­he ­saying

our·bread ­we·eat⁺

and·our·garment ­we·are·robed·in

only ­he·is·called ­your·name ­upon·us

ꜝgather ­our·detraction :

in·the·day ­he ­he·is ­the·growth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·prettiness ­and·to·weight

and·the·fruit·of ­the·land ­to·majesty ­and·to·sprigging

to·the·rescue·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·was ­the·survivor ­in·Tzion ­and·the·remnant ­in·Torahshalom

sacred ­he·is·said ­to·him

all·of ­that·is·written ­to·the·life⁺ ­in·Torahshalom :

if ­he·bathed ­My·Lord ­°the·filth·of ­the·daughters⁺·of ­Tzion

and·°the·bloods⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­he·banishes ­from·her·impresence

in·breath·of ­judgment ­and·in·breath·of ­consuming·by·fire :

and·he·shaped ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­all·of ­the·assured·of ­the·mount·of ­Tzion ­and·upon ­her·called·gathering ­cloud ­daytime ­and·smoke

and·brightness·of ­fire ­flame ­night

as ­upon ­all·of ­weight ­shroud :

and·knit·shelter ­she·is ­to·shadow ­daytime ­from·withering

and·to·refugee ­and·to·hiding·place

from·deluge ­and·from·rain :


ꜝlet·me·sing ­¡please! ­to·my·intimate

the·song·of ­my·intimacy ­to·his·orchard

orchard ­he·was ­to·my·intimate ­in·horn·of ­son·of ­oil :

and·he·imprints·him ­and·he·lapidates·him ­and·he·plants·him ­arbor

and·he·builds ­great·tower ­in·his·midst

and·also ­vat ­he·quarried ­in·him

and·he·hopes ­to·do ­grapes⁺ ­and·he·does ­stinkweeds⁺ :

and·now ­the·settling·of ­Torahshalom ­and·the·man·of ­Gloryhand

ꜝjudge⁺ ­¡please! ­between·me ­and·between ­my·orchard :

¿what ­to·do ­again ­to·my·orchard

and ­I·did·not·do ­in·him

¿know·why ­I·hoped ­to·do ­grapes⁺ ­and·he·does ­stinkweeds⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝlet·me·let·know ­¡please! ­°you⁺

°that ­I ­doing ­to·my·orchard

removing ­his·knit·hedge ­and·he·was ­to·consume·by·fire

erupting ­his·fence ­and·he·was ­to·trampling·place :

and·I·put·him ­waste ­he·is·not·pruned ­and ­he·is·not·hoed

and·he·went·up ­watchbrier ­and·putweed

and·upon ­the·fogs⁺ ­I·command

from·raining ­upon·him ­rain :

as ­the·orchard·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

and·the·man·of ­Gloryhand

the·plantation·of ­his·delights⁺

and·he·hopes ­to·judgment ­and·¡lo! ­rash

to·justice ­and·¡lo! ­cry :

¡oweh! ­touching⁺·of ­house ­in·house

field ­in·field ­they·present⁺

unto ­limit·of ­rising·place

and·you·were·settled⁺ ­alone·you⁺ ­in·the·impresence·of ­the·land :

in·my·ears² ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

if ­not ­houses⁺ ­many⁺ ­to·desolation ­they·are⁺

great⁺ ­and·good⁺ ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling :

as ­ten·of ­couples⁺·of ­orchard

they·do⁺ ­bushel ­one

and·seed·of ­donkeyload ­he·does ­bucket :


¡oweh! ­the·yoking·up ­in·the·dayplow ­strong·drink ­they·pursue⁺

the·keeping·aft⁺ ­in·the·evening·breeze

wine ­he·makes·them·blaze :

and·he·was ­lyre ­and·wiltharp ­timbrel ­and·piercepipe ­and·wine ­their·drinkingfeast

and·°the·work·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·do·not·look⁺

and·the·doing·of ­his·hands² ­they·did·not·see⁺ :

to·surely ­he·stripped ­my·people ­from·no ­knowledge

and·his·weight ­adults⁺·of ­hunger

and·his·hum ­√parched·of ­thirst :

to·surely ­she·broadened ­sheol ­her·soul

and·she·gaped ­her·mouth ­to·no ­prescription

and·he·descended ­her·magnificence ­and·her·hum ­and·her·roaring ­and·exultation ­in·her :

and·he·is·prostrate ­adam ­and·he·is·low ­man

and·eyes²·of ­climbing⁺ ­they·are·low⁺ :

and·he·climbs ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·the·judgment

and·the·powr ­the·sacred

sacred ­in·justice :

and·they·tended⁺ ­lambs⁺ ­as·their·outspeak

and·withered·places⁺·of ­wipesters⁺ ­lodgers⁺ ­they·eat⁺ :

¡oweh! ­the·drawing·out·of ­the·guilt ­in·the·ropes⁺·of ­the·vanity

and·as·the·cord·of ­the·wagon ­sinfulness :

that·say⁺ ­he·speeds ­he·hurries! ­his·doing ­because·of ­ꜝlet·us·see⁺

and·she·is·present ­and·she·enters! ­the·counsel·of ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­and·ꜝlet·us·know⁺ :

¡oweh! ­that·say⁺ ­to·the·bad ­good ­and·to·the·good ­bad

placing⁺ ­darkness ­to·light ­and·light ­to·darkness

placing⁺ ­bitter ­to·sweet ­and·sweet ­to·bitter :

¡oweh! ­wise⁺ ­in·their·eyes²

and·before ­their·face⁺ ­discerners⁺ :

¡oweh! ­heroes⁺ ­to·drink ­wine

and·mortals⁺·of ­strength ­to·mingle ­strong·drink :

justifying⁺·of ­wicked ­on·the·heels·of ­bribe

and·justice·of ­just⁺ ­they·remove⁺ ­from·him :

to·surely ­as·eating ­stubble ­tongue·of ­fire ­and·stūbble ­flame ­he·goes·slack

their·root ­as·the·festering ­he·is

and·their·bud ­as·the·haze ­he·goes·up

as ­they·rejected⁺ ­°the·torah·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

and·°the·saying·of ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­they·disregarded⁺ :

upon ­surely ­he·was·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·his·people ­and·he·branches·out ­his·hand ­upon·him ­and·he·strikes·him ­and·they·are·stirred·up ­the·mounts⁺

and·she·is ­their·wilted·body ­as·the·rubble ­in·impresence·of ­exteriors⁺

in·all·of ­this ­he·did·not·return ­his·nostrils

and·again ­his·hand ­branched·out :

and·he·bore ­flag ­to·the·clans⁺ ­from·afar

and·he·whistled ­to·him ­from·the·end·of ­the·land

and·¡lo! ­speedily ­slight ­he·enters :

there·is·ńot ­tired ­and·there·is·ńot ­stumbling ­in·him

he·does·not·snooze ­and ­he·does·not·sleep

and ­he·was·not·opened ­the·belt·of ­his·dresses²

and ­he·was·not·snapped ­the·thong·of ­his·shoelatchets⁺ :

that ­his·arrows⁺ ­made·toothed⁺

and·all·of ­his·bows⁺ ­stepped·forward

the·claws⁺·of ­his·horses⁺ ­as·the·rock ­they·were·considered⁺

and·his·rollerwheels⁺ ­as·the·blast :

roaring ­to·him ­as·the·coyote

he·roars ­as·the·wolves⁺ ­and·he·growls ­and·he·holds ­prey

and·he·rescues·for·himself ­and·there·is·ńot ­snatching·away :

and·he·growls ­upon·him ­in·the·day ­he ­as·growling·of ­sea

and·he·looked ­to·the·land ­and·¡lo! ­darkness

rockiness ­and·light

he·was·dark ­in·her·sprinkling·clouds⁺ :


in·the·year·of ­the·death·of ­the·king ­Might-of-Yʜᴡ

and·I·see ­°My·Lord ­settling ­upon ­throne ­high ­and·borne

and·his·skirts⁺ ­filling⁺ ­°the·palace :

Burners⁺ ­standing⁺ ­from·upward ­to·him

six ­wings² ­six ­wings² ­to·one

in·two² ­he·covers ­his·face⁺ ­and·in·two² ­he·covers ­his·feet² ­and·in·two² ­he·flies :

and·he·called ­this ­to ­this ­and·he·said

sacred ­sacred ­sacred ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

the·fullness·of ­all·of ­the·land ­his·weight :

and·they·rattle⁺ ­the·mamastones⁺·of ­the·portals⁺

from·the·voice·of ­that·calls

and·the·house ­he·is·filled ­smoke :

and·I·say ­¡woe! ­to·me ­as ­I·was·silenced ­as ­man ­defiled·of ­lips² ­I

and·in·midst·of ­people ­defiled·of ­lips²

I ­settling

as ­°the·king ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­they·saw⁺ ­my·eyes² :

and·he·flies ­to·me ­one ­from ­the·Burners⁺

and·in·his·hand ­mosaic·piece


he·took ­from·upon ­the·offering·place :

and·he·touches ­upon ­my·mouth

and·he·says ­¡lo! ­he·touched ­this ­upon ­your·lips²

and·he·moved·away ­your·guilt

and·your·sin ­she·is·atoned :

and·I·hear ­°the·voice·of ­My·Lord ­saying

°¿who ­I·send ­and·¿who ­he·walks ­to·us

and·I·say ­¡lo!·me ­ꜝsend·me :

and·he·says ­ꜝwalk ­and·you·said ­to·the·people ­this

ꜝhear⁺ ­hearing ­and ­ꜝdo·not·discern⁺

and·ꜝsee⁺ ­seeing ­and ­ꜝdo·not·know⁺ :

ꜝmake·oily ­the·heart·of ­the·people ­this

and·his·ears² ­ꜝmake·weighty ­and·his·eyes² ­ꜝcause·to·be·delighted

lest ­he·sees ­in·his·eyes² ­and·in·his·ears² ­he·hears ­and·his·heart ­he·discerns ­and·he·returned ­and·he·healed ­to·him :

and·I·say ­unto ­¿wħen ­My·Lord

and·he·says ­unto ­that ­if ­they·roared⁺ ­cities⁺ ­from·there·is·ńot ­settling ­and·houses⁺ ­from·there·is·ńot ­adam

and·the·adamah ­she·is·roared ­desolation :

and·he·put·far·off ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·adam

and·she·was·multiplied ­that·is·abandonment ­in·the·impresence·of ­the·land :

and·again ­in·her ­tenth

and·she·returned ­and·she·was ­to·consume·by·fire

as·the·powrtree ­and·as·the·powrtree ­that ­in·leafdrop·season ­post ­in·them

seed·of ­sanctuary ­her·post :


and·he·is ­in·the·days⁺·of ­Holder ­the·son·of ­Yᴡ-Complete ­the·son·of ­Might-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­he·went·up ­Favour ­the·king·of ­Height ­and·Illumination ­the·son·of ­Remal-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Princepowr ­Torahshalom

to·the·battle ­upon·her

and ­he·was·not·able ­to·battle ­upon·her :

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·the·house·of ­Intimate ­saying

he·was·at·peace ­Height ­upon ­Fruits²

and·he·rattles ­his·heart ­and·the·heart·of ­his·people

as·rattling ­trees⁺·of ­forest ­from·face⁺·of ­breath :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Saves

ꜝgo ­¡please! ­to·call·on ­Holder

you ­and·Survivor ­Returns ­your·son

to ­the·end·of ­the·irrigationchannel·of ­the·kneepool ­the·uppermost

to ­avenue·of ­field·of ­washing :

and·you·said ­to·him ­ꜝwatch·yourself ­and·ꜝquiet ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­and·your·heart ­ꜝlet·him·not·be·soft

from·the·two²·of ­the·tails⁺·of ­the·cinders⁺ ­the·smoking⁺ ­these

in·the·scorching·of ­the·nostrils·of ­Favour ­and·Height ­and·the·son·of ­Remal-Yʜᴡ :

because ­as ­he·counselled ­upon·you ­Height ­badness

Fruits² ­and·the·son·of ­Remal-Yʜᴡ ­saying :

we·go·up⁺ ­in·Gloryhand ­and·we·vex⁺·her

and·we·cleave⁺·her ­to·us

and·we·king⁺ ­king ­in·her·midst

°the·son·of ­Good-of-Powr :

thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

she·does·not·arise ­and ­she·is·not :

as ­the·head·of ­Height ­Damascus

and·the·head·of ­Damascus ­Favour

and·when·still ­sixty⁺ ­and·five ­year

he·is·cast·down ­Fruits² ­from·people :

and·the·head·of ­Fruits² ­Watchstation

and·the·head·of ­Watchstation ­the·son·of ­Remal-Yʜᴡ

if ­you·are·not·true⁺

as ­you·are·not·true⁺ :

and·he·adds ­Yʜᴡʜ

speaking ­to ­Holder ­saying :

ꜝrequest ­to·you ­sign

from·near ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

going·deep ­sheol

or ­climbing ­to➝upward :

and·he·says ­Holder

I·do·not·request ­and ­I·do·not·try·out ­°Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­the·house·of ­Intimate

¿little ­from·you⁺ ­wearying ­mortals⁺

as ­you·weary⁺ ­also ­°my·Powers⁺ :

to·surely ­he·gives ­My·Lord ­he ­to·you⁺ ­sign

¡lo! ­the·girl ­pregnant ­and·enchilding ­son

and·she·called ­his·name ­Near-Us ­Powr :

butter ­and·honey ­he·eats

to·know·him ­rejecting ­in·the·bad ­and·choosing ­in·the·good :

as ­in·ere ­he·knows ­the·youth ­rejecting ­in·the·bad ­and·choosing ­in·the·good

she·is·abandoned ­the·adamah ­that ­you ­vexed

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·two²·of ­her·kings⁺ :

he·brings·in ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·you ­and·upon ­your·people ­and·upon ­the·house·of ­your·father

days⁺ ­that ­they·did·not·enter⁺

to·from·day ­moving ­Fruits² ­from·upon ­Gloryhand

°the·king·of ­Blessed :


and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he ­he·whistles ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·cockroach

that ­in·the·end·of ­the·niles⁺·of ­Egypts²


that ­in·the·land·of ­Blessed :

and·they·entered⁺ ­and·they·were·at·peace⁺ ­all·of·them ­in·the·rivers⁺·of ­the·wastes⁺

and·in·the·grottos⁺·of ­the·clifftops⁺

and·in·all·of ­the·thistles⁺

and·in·all·of ­the·leadoffs⁺ :

in·the·day ­he ­he·shaves ­My·Lord ­in·bareblade ­the·hired ­in·regions·across⁺ ­stream ­in·the·king·of ­Blessed

°the·head ­and·the·hair·of ­the·feet²

and·also ­°the·old·beard ­she·sweeps·away :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he

he·keeps·alive ­man ­ox·of ­plowcattle ­and·two²·of ­sheep :

and·he·was ­from·multitude·of ­doing ­fatmilk ­he·eats ­butter

as ­butter ­and·honey ­he·eats

all·of ­the·remnant ­in·the·impresence·of ­the·land :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he

he·is ­all·of ­rising·place ­that ­he·is ­there ­thousand·of ­vine ­in·thousand·of ­silver

to·the·watchbrier ­and·to·the·putweed ­he·is :

in·the·arrows⁺ ­and·in·the·bow ­he·enters ­➝there

as ­watchbrier ­and·putweed ­she·is ­all·of ­the·land :

and·all·of ­the·mounts⁺ ­that ­in·the·hoe ­they·are·hoed⁺

you·do·not·enter ­➝there

fear·of ­watchbrier ­and·putweed

and·he·was ­to·sending·out·of ­bull

and·to·trampling·place·of ­ovine :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

ꜝtake ­to·you ­strip ­great

and·ꜝwrite ­upon·him ­in·pen·of ­mortal

to·speed ­Plunder ­hurrying ­Spoil :

and·ꜝlet·me·witness ­to·me

witnesses⁺ ­true⁺

°Light-of-Yʜ ­the·priest

and·°Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Yʜᴡ-Kneels :

and·I·am·present ­to ­the·prophetess

and·she·progenates ­and·she·enchilds ­son

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

ꜝcall ­his·name

speeding ­Plunder ­hurrying ­Spoil :

as ­in·ere ­he·knows ­the·youth

calling ­my·father ­and·my·mama

he·bears ­°the·strength·of ­Damascus ­and·°the·plunder·of ­Watchstation

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Blessed :

and·he·adds ­Yʜᴡʜ

speaking ­to·me ­again ­saying :

because ­as ­he·rejected ­the·people ­this

°the·waters⁺·of ­the·Sending

that·walk⁺ ­to·gentleness

and·rejoicing·of ­°Favour ­and·the·son·of ­Remal-Yʜᴡ :

and·to·surely ­¡lo! ­My·Lord ­offering·up ­upon·them ­°the·waters⁺·of ­the·stream ­the·strongboned⁺ ­and·the·many⁺

°the·king·of ­Blessed ­and·°all·of ­his·weight

and·he·went·up ­upon ­all·of ­his·channels⁺

and·he·walked ­upon ­all·of ­his·kidlands⁺ :

and·he·changed·away ­in·Gloryhand ­he·flooded ­and·he·crossed·over

unto ­neck ­he·touches

and·he·was ­the·branchings⁺·of ­his·wings²

the·fullness·of ­the·breadth·of ­your·land ­Near-Us ­Powr :

ꜝdo·bad⁺ ­people⁺ ­and·ꜝbe·cast·down⁺


all·of ­afars⁺·of ­land

ꜝbelt·yourselves⁺ ­and·ꜝbe·cast·down⁺

ꜝbelt·yourselves⁺ ­and·ꜝbe·cast·down⁺ :

take·counsel⁺ ­counsel ­and·she·is·scuttled

ꜝspeak⁺ ­speech ­and ­he·does·not·arise

as ­near·us ­powr :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­as·the·firmness·of ­the·hand

and·he·instructed·me ­from·walking ­in·the·step·of ­the·people ­this ­saying :

you·do·not·say⁺ ­league

to·all ­that ­he·says ­the·people ­this ­league

and·°his·fear ­you·do·not·fear⁺ ­and ­you·do·not·cause·to·awe⁺ :

°Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­°him ­you·make·sacred⁺

and·he ­your⁺·fear ­and·he ­that·causes·you⁺·to·awe :

and·he·was ­to·sanctuary

and·to·stone·of ­smiting ­and·to·rock·of ­stumbleblock ­to·the·two²·of ­the·houses⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·trap ­and·to·snare

to·the·settling·of ­Torahshalom :

and·they·stumbled⁺ ­in·them ­many⁺

and·they·fell⁺ ­and·they·were·broken⁺

and·they·were·ensnared⁺ ­and·they·were·seized⁺ :

ꜝbe·rocked·in ­witness

ꜝseal ­torah ­in·my·disciples⁺ :

and·I·lingered ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

that·hides ­his·face⁺ ­from·the·house·of ­Heeler

and·I·hoped ­to·him :

¡lo! ­I ­and·the·children⁺ ­that ­he·gave ­to·me ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·signs⁺ ­and·to·omens⁺ ­in·Princepowr

from·near ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

that·dwells ­in·the·mount·of ­Tzion :

and·as ­they·say⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­ꜝinvestigate⁺ ­to ­the·ghosts⁺ ­and·to ­the·spiritknowers⁺

that·cheep ­and·that·make·echo⁺

¿not ­people ­to ­his·Powers⁺ ­he·investigates

about ­the·living⁺ ­to ­the·dead⁺ :

to·torah ­and·to·witness

if ­they·do·not·say⁺ ­as·the·speech ­this

that ­there·is·ńot ­to·him ­morning :

and·he·crossed·over ­in·her ­hardened ­and·hungry

and·he·was ­as ­he·is·hungry ­and·he·angered·himself ­and·he·slighted ­in·his·king ­and·in·his·Powers⁺ ­and·he·faced ­to➝upward :

and·to ­land ­he·looks

and·¡lo! ­rockiness ­and·darkness ­dimness·of ­overpouring

and·blackness ­banishment :

as ­not ­dimness ­to·that ­overpouring ­to·her

as·the·season ­the·headmost ­he·slightened ­➝the·land·of ­Residence ­and➝the·land·of ­Knot

and·the·afterward ­he·made·weighty

the·step·of ­the·sea ­the·region·across ­the·Descender

the·roll·of ­the·clans⁺ :

the·people ­that·walk⁺ ­in·the·darkness

they·saw⁺ ­light ­great

settling⁺ ­in·land·of ­shadow-of-death

light ­he·was·bright ­upon·them :

you·multiplied ­the·clan

to·him ­you·made·great ­the·gladness

they·were·glad⁺ ­to·your·face⁺ ­as·the·gladness ­in·the·crop

as·how ­they·twirl⁺ ­when·they·divide⁺ ­plunder :

as ­°the·harness·of ­his·heavy·labor ­and·°the·branch·of ­his·yoke

the·stem·of ­the·bully ­in·him

you·cast·down ­as·the·day·of ­Vindictiveness :

as ­all·of ­boot ­booting ­in·quaking

and·garment ­rolled ­in·bloods⁺

and·she·was ­to·burning ­to·be·eaten·of ­fire :

as ­child ­he·was·enchilded ­to·us ­son ­he·was·given ­to·us

and·she·is ­the·princedom ­upon ­his·yoke

and·he·calls ­his·name ­wonder·of ­counselor ­powr ­hero

father·of·onward ­prince·of ­shalom :

to·the·multiplication·of ­the·princedom ­and·to·shalom ­there·is·ńot ­end ­upon ­the·throne·of ­Intimate ­and·upon ­his·kingdom

to·make·sure ­°her ­and·to·bolster·her

in·judgment ­and·in·justice

from·now ­and·unto ­eternity

the·jealousy·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­she·does ­this :

speech ­he·sent ­My·Lord ­in·Heeler

and·he·fell ­in·Princepowr :

and·they·knew⁺ ­the·people ­all·of·him

Fruits² ­and·the·settling·of ­Watchstation

in·majesty ­and·in·greatness·of ­heart ­saying :

white·bricks⁺ ­they·fell⁺ ­and·masonry ­we·build⁺

sycamores⁺ ­they·were·hacked·down

and·cedars⁺ ­we·change⁺ :

and·he·entowers ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·rockers⁺·of ­Favour ­upon·him

and·°his·enemies⁺ ­he·knits·against·one·another :

Height ­from·frontmost ­and·Palestinians⁺ ­from·aft

and·they·eat⁺ ­°Princepowr ­in·all·of ­mouth

in·all·of ­this ­he·did·not·return ­his·nostrils

and·again ­his·hand ­branched·out :

and·the·people ­he·did·not·return ­unto ­that·strikes·him

and·°Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­they·did·not·investigate⁺ :

and·he·cuts·down ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·Princepowr ­head ­and·tail ­spoon ­and·pondrush ­day ­one :

elder ­and·wellborn·of ­face⁺ ­he ­the·head

and·prophet ­torahing ­falsehood ­he ­the·tail :

and·they·are⁺ ­the·blessing⁺·of ­the·people ­this ­leading·to·wander⁺

and·that·are·blessed⁺·him ­devoured⁺ :

upon ­surely ­upon ­his·choice·youths⁺ ­he·is·not·glad ­My·Lord ­and·°his·orphans⁺ ­and·°his·widows⁺ ­he·does·not·enwomb

as ­all·of·him ­profane ­and·bad-doer

and·all·of ­mouth ­speaker ­wiltedness

in·all·of ­this ­he·did·not·return ­his·nostrils

and·again ­his·hand ­branched·out :

as ­she·was·consumed ­as·the·fire ­wickedness

watchbrier ­and·putweed ­she·eats

and·she·flares ­in·the·tangles⁺·of ­the·forest

and·they·√spiral·themselves·up ­majesty·of ­smoke :

in·the·crossness·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­he·was·√scorched ­land

and·he·is ­the·people ­as·to·be·eaten·of ­fire

man ­to ­his·brother ­they·do·not·pity⁺ :

and·he·sections ­upon ­right ­and·he·was·hungry

and·he·eats ­upon ­left ­and ­they·were·not·satisfied⁺

man ­the·flesh·of ­his·arm ­they·eat⁺ :

Frustration ­°Fruits² ­and·Fruits² ­°Frustration

united ­they⁺ ­upon ­Gloryhand

in·all·of ­this ­he·did·not·return ­his·nostrils

and·again ­his·hand ­branched·out :

¡oweh! ­that·inscribe⁺ ­prescriptions⁺·of ­iniquity

and·writing⁺ ­toil ­they·wrote⁺ :

to·branch·out ­from·vindication ­pulled·down

and·to·rob ­the·judgment·of ­the·humiliated⁺·of ­my·people

to·be ­widows⁺ ­their·plunder

and·°orphans⁺ ­they·spoil⁺ :

and·¿what ­you·do⁺ ­to·day·of ­reckoning

and·to·vanity ­from·afar ­she·enters

upon ­¿who ­you·flee⁺ ­to·help

and·¿where ­you·abandon⁺ ­your⁺·weight :

if·not ­he·stooped ­under ­chainedman

and·under ­killed⁺ ­they·fall⁺

in·all·of ­this ­he·did·not·return ­his·nostrils

and·again ­his·hand ­branched·out :

¡oweh! ­Blessed ­the·stem·of ­my·nostrils

and·branch ­he ­in·their·hand ­my·damnation :

in·clan ­profane ­I·send·him·out

and·upon ­the·people·of ­my·crossness ­I·command·him

to·plunder ­plunder ­and·to·spoil ­spoil

and·to·place·him ­trampling·place ­as·pitch·of ­exteriors⁺ :

and·he ­not ­surely ­he·likens

and·his·heart ­not ­surely ­he·considers

as ­to·destroy ­in·his·heart

and·to·cut·down ­clans⁺ ­not ­little :

as ­he·says

¿not ­my·princes⁺ ­united ­kings⁺ :

¿not ­as·Karkemish ­Kalneh

if ­not ­as·Spread ­Rampart

if ­not ­as·Damascus ­Watchstation :

as·how ­she·found ­my·hand

to·the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·no-power


from·Torahshalom ­and·from·Watchstation :

¿not ­as·how ­I·did ­to·Watchstation ­and·to·her·no-powers⁺

surely ­I·do ­to·Torahshalom ­and·to·her·pains⁺ :

and·he·was ­as ­he·brings·to·profit ­My·Lord ­°all·of ­his·doing

in·the·mount·of ­Tzion ­and·in·Torahshalom

I·reckon ­upon ­the·fruit·of ­the·greatness·of ­the·heart·of ­the·king·of ­Blessed

and·upon ­the·sprigging·of ­the·highness·of ­his·eyes² :

as ­he·said ­in·the·vigor·of ­my·hand ­I·did

and·in·my·wisdom ­as ­I·was·discerning

and·I·remove ­borders⁺·of ­people⁺ ­and·their·rams⁺ ­I·looted

and·I·make·descend ­as·pinioned·one ­settling⁺ :

and·she·finds ­as·the·nest ­my·hand ­to·the·strength·of ­the·people⁺

and·as·gathering ­eggs⁺ ­abandoned⁺

all·of ­the·land ­I ­I·gathered

and ­he·was·not ­retreating ­wing

and·widening ­mouth ­and·cheeping :

¿he·sprigs·himself ­the·axe

upon ­the·quarrier ­in·him

if ­he·makes·himself·great ­the·princesaw ­upon ­that·exalts·him

as·exalting ­stem ­and·°that·heighten⁺·him

as·heightening ­branch ­not ­tree :

to·surely ­he·sends·out ­the·lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·his·best-oiled⁺ ­leanness

and·under ­his·weight ­he·smolders ­smoldering ­as·smoldering·of ­fire :

and·he·was ­the·light·of ­Princepowr ­to·fire

and·his·sacred ­to·flame

and·she·was·consumed ­and·she·ate ­his·putweed ­and·his·watchbrier ­in·day ­one :

and·the·weight·of ­his·forest ­and·his·orchardgrain

from·soul ­and·unto ­flesh ­he·is·all·done

and·he·was ­as·dampening ­flagbearer :

and·the·survivor·of ­the·tree·of ­his·forest ­count ­they·are⁺

and·youth ­he·writes·them :


and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he ­he·does·not·add ­again ­the·survivor·of ­Princepowr ­and·the·rescue·of ­the·house·of ­Heeler

to·be·staffed ­upon ­that·strikes·him

and·he·was·staffed ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­in·truth :

survivor ­he·returns ­the·survivor·of ­Heeler

to ­powr·of ­hero :

as ­if ­he·is ­your·people ­Princepowr ­as·the·sand·of ­the·sea

survivor ­he·returns ­in·him

all·doneness ­decided ­flooding ­justice :

as ­altogether ­and·decided

My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

doing ­in·the·impresence·of ­all·of ­the·land :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

ꜝdo·not·fear ­my·people ­settling ­Tzion ­from·Blessed

in·the·stem ­he·strikes·you

and·his·branch ­he·bears ­upon·you ­in·the·step·of ­Egypts² :

as ­again ­little·of ­tad

and·he·was·all·through ­damnation

and·my·nostrils ­upon ­their·decay :

and·he·aroused ­upon·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­paddle

as·the·stroke·of ­Vindictiveness ­in·the·rock·of ­Eveningbird

and·his·branch ­upon ­the·sea

and·he·bore·him ­in·the·step·of ­Egypts² :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he ­he·moves ­his·heavy·labor ­from·upon ­your·yoke

and·his·harness ­from·upon ­your·neck

and·he·was·roped·up ­harness ­from·face⁺·of ­oil :

he·entered ­upon ­Guilt ­he·crossed·over ­in·Flinging

to·Storage ­he·gives·to·reckon ­his·things⁺ :

they·crossed·over⁺ ­crossing

Hill ­place·of·repose ­to·us

she·shuddered ­the·High·Place

the·hill·of ­Requested ­she·fled :

ꜝwhinny ­your·voice ­the·daughter·of ­Rolls⁺

ꜝlisten ­Cheetah ­humiliated ­Responses :

she·retreated ­Dung·Place

the·settling⁺·of ­the·Cisterns⁺ ­they·sent·to·a·mighty·place :

again ­the·day ­in·Produce ­to·stand

he·exalts ­his·hand ­the·mount·of ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion

the·hill·of ­Torahshalom :

¡lo! ­the·lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

forking ­sprig ­in·awe

and·the·high⁺·of ­the·rising ­hacked·off⁺

and·the·climbing⁺ ­they·are·low⁺ :

and·he·encompassed ­the·tangles⁺·of ­the·forest ­in·the·iron

and·the·Whitemost ­in·regal ­he·falls :

and·he·went ­scion ­from·the·shearedstump·of ­He-Is

and·protectionbranch ­from·his·roots⁺ ­he·is·fruitful :

and·she·was·at·peace ­upon·him ­the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

breath·of ­wisdom ­and·discernment ­breath·of ­counsel ­and·heroism

breath·of ­knowledge ­and·the·fear·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·his·breathing ­in·the·fear·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·not ­to·the·sight·of ­his·eyes² ­he·judges

and·not ­to·the·hearsay·of ­his·ears² ­he·reproves :

and·he·judged ­in·justice ­pulled·down

and·he·reproved ­in·straight·place ­to·humiliated⁺·of ­land

and·he·struck ­land ­in·the·stem·of ­his·mouth

and·in·the·breath·of ­his·lips² ­he·puts·to·death ­wicked :

and·he·was ­justice ­the·belt·of ­his·thighs²

and·the·truth ­the·belt·of ­his·dresses² :

and·he·lodged ­jackal ­near ­lamb

and·leopard ­near ­kid ­he·lies·down

and·ox ­and·wolf ­and·empirecalf ­united

and·youth ­small ­leading ­in·them :

and·cow ­and·bear ­they·tend⁺

united ­they·lie·down ­their·children⁺

and·lion ­as·the·plowcattle ­he·eats ­straw :

and·he·delighted ­suckling ­upon ­crevice·of ­sillsnake

and·upon ­lighthole·of ­snake

yieldling·child ­his·hand ­he·handled :

they·do·not·do·bad⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·ruin⁺ ­in·all·of ­the·mount·of ­my·sanctuary

as ­she·filled ­the·land ­knowledge ­°Yʜᴡʜ

as·the·waters⁺ ­to·the·sea ­covering⁺ :


and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he

the·root·of ­He-Is ­that ­standing ­to·flag·of ­people⁺

to·him ­clans⁺ ­they·investigate⁺

and·she·was ­his·peaceful·place ­weight :


and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he ­he·adds ­My·Lord ­second ­his·hand

to·stock·up ­°the·survivor·of ­his·people

that ­he·survives ­from·Blessed ­and·from·Egypts² ­and·from·Patros ­and·from·Kush ­and·from·Hooded ­and·from·Shinar ­and·from·Rampart

and·from·the·islands⁺·of ­the·sea :

and·he·bore ­flag ­to·the·clans⁺

and·he·gathered ­the·banished⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·the·shattered⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­he·collects

from·the·four·of ­the·wings⁺·of ­the·land :

and·she·moved ­the·jealousy·of ­Fruits²

and·the·rockers⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­they·are·cut·down

Fruits² ­he·is·not·jealous ­°Gloryhand

and·Gloryhand ­he·does·not·rock ­°Fruits² :

and·they·flew⁺ ­in·shoulder ­Palestinians⁺ ­➝sea

united ­they·spoil⁺ ­°sons⁺·of ­frontmost

Blood ­and·From-Father ­the·sending·of ­their·hand

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­their·hearguard :

and·he·made·herem ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·tongue·of ­the·sea·of ­Egypts²

and·he·exalted ­his·hand ­upon ­the·stream ­in·the·√scorching·of ­his·breath

and·he·struck·him ­to·seven ­rivers⁺

and·he·made·step ­in·the·shoelatchets⁺ :

and·she·was ­avenue

to·the·survivor·of ­his·people

that ­he·survives ­from·Blessed

as·how ­she·was ­to·Princepowr

in·the·day·of ­his·going·up ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² :

and·you·said ­in·the·day ­he

I·gloryhand·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­you·flared·your·nostrils ­in·me

ꜝlet·him·return ­your·nostrils ­and·you·sigh·with·me :

¡lo! ­powr ­my·salvation ­I·trust ­and ­I·do·not·tremble

as ­my·might ­and·music ­ ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·is ­to·me ­to·salvation :

and·you·fetched⁺ ­waters⁺ ­in·rejoicing

from·the·eyewells⁺·of ­the·salvation :

and·you·said⁺ ­in·the·day ­he ­gloryhand⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝcall⁺ ­in·his·name

let·know⁺ ­in·the·people⁺ ­his·exploits⁺

ꜝcommemorate⁺ ­as ­towering ­his·name :

ꜝmake·music⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­majesty ­he·did

let·know ­this ­in·all·of ­the·land :

ꜝwhinny ­and·ꜝshout ­the·settling·of ­Tzion

as ­great ­in·your·impresence ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr :


the·burden·of ­Babylon

that ­he·visioned

Yʜᴡ-Saves ­the·son·of ­Bold :

upon ­mount ­ridgelike ­ꜝbear⁺ ­flag

ꜝheighten⁺ ­voice ­to·them

ꜝexalt⁺ ­hand

and·they·enter⁺ ­openings⁺·of ­nobles⁺ :

I ­I·commanded ­to·that·are·sanctified⁺·me

also ­I·called ­my·heroes⁺ ­to·my·nostrils

the·exultant⁺·of ­my·majesty :

voice·of ­hum ­in·the·mounts⁺ ­likeness·of ­people ­much

voice·of ­roaring·of ­kingdoms⁺·of ­clans⁺ ­gathered⁺

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

reckoning ­host·of ­battle :

entering⁺ ­from·land·of ­afar ­from·the·end·of ­the·skies⁺

Yʜᴡʜ ­and·the·things⁺·of ­his·damnation

to·rope·up ­all·of ­the·land :

yowl ­as ­present ­the·day·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·overbreasting ­from·Breasted ­he·enters :

upon ­surely ­all·of ­hands² ­they·go·slack⁺

and·all·of ­heart·of ­mortal ­he·is·dampened :

and·they·were·agitated⁺ ­deformations⁺ ­and·ropes⁺ ­they·hold⁺

as·that·enchilds ­they·whirl·in·labor

man ­to ­his·tendent ­they·marvel⁺

face⁺·of ­flames⁺ ­their·face⁺ :

¡lo! ­the·day·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·entered

cruel ­and·crossness ­and·scorching·of ­nostrils

to·place ­the·land ­to·desolation

and·her·sinful⁺ ­he·destroys ­from·her :

as ­the·stars⁺·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·their·fools⁺

they·do·not·praise·out ­their·light

he·was·dark ­the·sun ­when·he·goes

and·moon ­he·does·not·brighten ­his·light :

and·I·reckoned ­upon ­world ­badness

and·upon ­wicked⁺ ­their·guilt

and·I·gave·rest ­majesty·of ­boiling⁺

and·majesty·of ­awesome⁺ ­I·make·low :

I·make·precious ­mortal ­from·sterling

and·adam ­from·the·bullion·of ­Ophir :

upon ­surely ­skies⁺ ­I·stir·up

and·she·quakes ­the·land ­from·her·rising·place

in·the·crossness·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

and·in·the·day·of ­the·scorching·of ­his·nostrils :

and·he·was ­as·prettygazelle ­banished

and·as·sheep ­and·there·is·ńot ­collecting

man ­to ­his·people ­they·face⁺

and·man ­to ­his·land ­they·flee⁺ :

all·of ­that·is·found ­he·is·stabbed

and·all·of ­that·is·swept·away ­he·falls ­in·the·sword :

and·their·nurslings⁺ ­they·are·cudgeled⁺ ­to·their·eyes²

they·are·looted⁺ ­their·houses⁺

and·their·women⁺ ­they·are·bedded⁺ :

¡lo!·me ­rousing ­upon·them ­°Media

that ­silver ­they·do·not·consider⁺

and·gold ­they·are·not·pleased⁺ ­in·him :

and·bows⁺ ­youths⁺ ­they·cudgel⁺

and·fruit·of ­belly ­they·do·not·enwomb⁺

upon ­sons⁺ ­she·does·not·spare ­their·eye :

and·she·was ­Babylon ­prettiness·of ­kingdoms⁺

the·sprigging·of ­the·majesty·of ­Chaldeans⁺

as·the·conversion·of ­Powers⁺

°Sodom ­and·°Gomorrah :

she·does·not·settle ­to·forever

and ­she·does·not·dwell ­unto ­saeculum ­and·saeculum

and ­he·does·not·set·his·tent ­there ­Arab

and·tendents⁺ ­they·do·not·let·lie·down ­there :

and·they·lay·down ­there ­desert·animals⁺

and·they·filled⁺ ­their·houses⁺ ­¡ach!ers⁺

and·they·dwelled⁺ ­there ­daughters⁺·of ­responderbird

and·hairgoats⁺ ­they·dance⁺ ­there :

and·he·made·his·home ­hawks⁺ ­in·his·widows⁺

and·serpents⁺ ­in·palaces⁺·of ­consolation

and·present ­to·enter ­her·season

and·her·days⁺ ­they·are·not·drawn·out :

as ­he·enwombs ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Heeler ­and·he·chose ­again ­in·Princepowr

and·he·set·them·in·peace ­upon ­their·adamah

and·he·was·indebted ­the·lodger ­upon·them

and·they·were·rashed⁺ ­upon ­the·house·of ­Heeler :

and·they·took⁺·them ­people⁺ ­and·they·brought·them·in⁺ ­to ­their·rising·place

and·they·derived·for·themselves⁺·them ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­upon ­the·adamah·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·servants⁺ ­and·to·family·servants⁺

and·they·were⁺ ­captors⁺ ­to·their·captors⁺

and·they·governed⁺ ­in·their·bullies⁺ :

and·he·was ­in·the·day·of ­setting·in·peace ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you

from·your·pain ­and·from·your·stirring·up

and·from ­the·service ­the·hard ­that ­he·was·made·to·service ­in·you :

and·you·bore ­the·simile ­this ­upon ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­and·you·said

¿ħow ­he·rested ­bully

she·rested ­golden·place :

he·broke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­branch·of ­wicked⁺

stem·of ­rulers⁺ :

striking ­people⁺ ­in·crossness

stroke·of ­if·not ­mutiny

governing ­in·the·nostrils ­clans⁺

pursuit ­no ­he·kept :

she·was·at·peace ­she·was·quiet ­all·of ­the·land

they·bursted·out ­shouting :

also ­firs⁺ ­they·were·glad⁺ ­to·you ­the·cedars⁺·of ­Whitemost

from·then·on ­you·bedded

he·does·not·go·up ­the·cutter ­upon·us :

sheol ­from·under ­she·was·stirred·up ­to·you ­to·call·on ­your·entering

he·aroused ­to·you ­raphahs⁺ ­all·of ­rams⁺·of ­land

he·raised ­from·their·thrones⁺

all·of ­kings⁺·of ­clans⁺ :

all·of·them ­they·respond⁺

and·they·say⁺ ­to·you

also ­you ­you·were·pierced ­as·us ­to·us ­you·were·same :

he·was·made·to·descend ­sheol ­your·majesty ­the·hum·of ­your·wiltharps⁺

unders⁺·you ­he·is·a·cot ­worm

and·your·covering ­fangworm :

¿ħow ­you·fell ­from·skies⁺ ­praiseworthy ­son·of ­morning

you·were·hacked·off ­to·the·land

defeating ­upon ­clans⁺ :

and·you ­you·said ­in·your·heart ­the·skies⁺ ­I·go·up

from·upward ­to·stars⁺·of ­powr ­I·heighten ­my·throne

and·I·settle ­in·mount·of ­assembly ­in·flanks²·of ­north :

I·go·up ­upon ­daises⁺·of ­fog

I·liken·myself ­to·uppermost :

surely ­to ­sheol ­you·are·made·to·descend ­to ­flanks²·of ­well :

that·see⁺·you ­to·you ­they·peep⁺

to·you ­they·discern⁺

¿this ­the·man ­stirring·up ­the·land

making·quake ­kingdoms⁺ :

he·placed ­world ­as·the·outspeak ­and·his·cities⁺ ­he·demolished

his·chainedmen ­he·did·not·open ­➝house :

all·of ­kings⁺·of ­clans⁺ ­all·of·them

they·bedded⁺ ­in·weight ­man ­in·his·house :

and·you ­you·were·dropped ­from·your·tomb ­as·protectionbranch ­abominated

robe·of ­killed⁺ ­fraught⁺·of ­sword

descending⁺ ­to ­stones⁺·of ­well ­as·carcass ­trodden·down :

you·are·not·united ­with·them ­in·tomb

as ­your·land ­you·ruined ­your·people ­you·killed

he·is·not·called ­to·eternity ­seed·of ­bad-doers⁺ :

ꜝmake·sure⁺ ­to·his·sons⁺ ­butchering·place ­in·the·guilt·of ­their·fathers⁺

they·do·not·arise⁺ ­and·they·inherited⁺ ­land

and·they·filled⁺ ­face⁺·of ­world ­cities⁺ :

and·I·arose ­upon·them

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

and·I·cut·down ­to·Babylon ­name ­and·survivor ­and·issue ­and·posterity ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·I·placed·her ­to·inheritance·of ­severingbird ­and·ponds⁺·of ­waters⁺

and·I·broomed·her ­in·broom·of ­destroying

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :


he·vowed·seven ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­saying

if ­not ­as·how ­I·likened ­surely ­she·was

and·as·how ­I·counselled ­she ­she·arises :

to·break ­Blessed ­in·my·land

and·upon ­my·mounts⁺ ­I·tread·him·down

and·he·moved ­from·upon·them ­his·harness


from·upon ­his·yoke ­he·moves·away :

this ­the·counsel ­the·counselled ­upon ­all·of ­the·land

and·this ­the·hand ­that·is·branched·out ­upon ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ :

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­he·counselled ­and·¿who ­he·scuttles

and·his·hand ­that·is·branched·out ­and·¿who ­he·returns·her :


in·the·year·of ­the·death·of ­the·king ­Holder

he·was ­the·burden ­this :

ꜝdo·not·be·glad ­Palestine ­all·of·you

as ­he·was·broken ­stem·of ­that·strikes·you

as ­from·root·of ­copperhead ­he·goes ­snake

and·his·fruit ­burner ­flying :

and·they·tended⁺ ­firstborns⁺·of ­pulled·down

and·wanting⁺ ­to·trust ­they·lie·down

and·I·put·to·death ­in·the·hunger ­your·root

and·your·survivor ­he·kills :

yowl ­gate ­ꜝcry ­city

he·was·dissipated ­Palestine ­all·of·you

as ­from·north ­smoke ­he·entered

and·there·is·ńot ­alone ­in·his·assembly·places⁺ :

and·¿what ­he·responds ­ministers⁺·of ­clan

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·set·the·foundation·of ­Tzion

and·in·her ­they·refuge⁺ ­the·humiliated⁺·of ­his·people :

the·burden·of ­From-Father

as ­in·night·of ­he·was·overbreasted ­City ­From-Father ­he·was·silenced

as ­in·night·of ­he·was·overbreasted ­Wall ­From-Father ­he·was·silenced :

he·went·up ­the·house ­and·Sobbing ­the·daises⁺ ­to·weeping

upon ­Prophet ­and·upon ­Tough-Waters ­From-Father ­he·yowls

in·all·of ­his·heads⁺ ­baldness

all·of ­old·beard ­diminished :

in·his·exteriors⁺ ­they·girded⁺ ­burlap

upon ­her·roofs⁺ ­and·in·her·broadways⁺ ­all·of·him ­he·yowls ­descending ­in·the·weeping :

and·she·cries ­Consideration ­and·Powr-Went-Up

unto ­Yahatz ­he·was·heard ­their·voice

upon ­surely ­the·dressed⁺·of ­From-Father ­they·cheer⁺

his·soul ­she·was·curtained ­to·him :

my·heart ­to·From-Father ­he·cries

her·boltings⁺ ­unto ­Least ­Ox·of ­Third

as ­the·upward·way·of ­the·Slated ­in·weeping ­he·goes·up ­in·him

as ­the·step·of ­Crevasses²

cry·of ­break ­they·arouse⁺ :

as ­the·waters⁺·of ­Leopards⁺ ­desolate·places⁺ ­they·are⁺

as ­he·dried·up ­sprouts ­he·was·all·through ­grass

green ­he·was·not :

upon ­surely ­remainder ­he·did


upon ­the·river·of ­the·arabahtrees⁺ ­they·bear⁺·them :

as ­she·encompassed ­the·cry ­°the·border·of ­From-Father

unto ­Lakes² ­her·yowling

and·Well·of ­Powrs⁺ ­her·yowling :

as ­the·waters⁺·of ­Bloodness ­they·filled⁺ ­blood

as ­I·put ­upon ­Bloodness ­added⁺

to·the·rescue·of ­From-Father ­lion

and·to·survivor·of ­adamah :

ꜝsend⁺ ­goat ­ruler·of ­land ­from·Clifftop ­➝outspeak

to ­the·mount·of ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion :

and·he·was ­as·flyer ­retreating ­nest ­sent·out

they·are⁺ ­the·daughters⁺·of ­From-Father

crossings⁺ ­to·Shouting :

bring·in ­counsel ­ꜝdo⁺ ­mediation

ꜝput ­as·the·night ­your·shadow ­in·midst·of ­noonpeak²

ꜝhide ­banished⁺

retreating ­ꜝdo·not·strip·out :

they·lodge⁺ ­in·you ­that·are·banished⁺·me

From-Father ­ꜝhappen ­hiddenness ­to·them ­from·face⁺·of ­overbreasting

as ­he·was·limited ­the·oppressor ­he·was·all·through ­overbreasting

they·were·completed⁺ ­trampler ­from ­the·land :

and·he·was·made·sure ­in·the·mercy ­throne

and·he·settled ­upon·him ­in·truth ­in·the·tent·of ­Intimate

judge ­and·investigating ­judgment ­and·speedy·of ­justice :

we·heard⁺ ­the·majesty·of ­From-Father ­majestic ­very

his·majesty ­and·his·majesty ­and·his·crossness ­not ­sure ­his·aloneworthiness :

to·surely ­he·yowls ­From-Father ­to·From-Father ­all·of·him ­he·yowls

to·the·firedrinks⁺·of ­Wall·of ­Claycraft ­you·echo⁺ ­surely ­stricken⁺ :

as ­the·fields⁺·of ­Consideration ­he·was·exhausted ­the·vine·of ­Spice ­masters⁺·of ­clans⁺ ­they·hammered⁺ ­her·arbor⁺

unto ­He-Helps ­they·touched⁺ ­they·wandered⁺ ­outspeak


they·were·left·alone ­they·crossed·over⁺ ­sea :

upon ­surely ­I·weep ­in·the·weeping·of ­He-Helps ­the·vine·of ­Spice

I·overflow·you ­my·tears

Consideration ­and·Powr-Went-Up

as ­upon ­your·summer ­and·upon ­your·crop ­celebration ­he·fell :

and·he·was·gathered ­gladness ­and·twirling ­from ­the·orchardgrain

and·in·the·orchards⁺ ­he·is·not·shouted ­he·is·not·cheered·for

wine ­in·the·vats⁺ ­he·does·not·step·forward ­that·steps·forward ­celebration ­I·gave·rest :

upon ­surely ­my·bowels⁺ ­to·From-Father

as·the·lyre ­they·hum

and·my·impresence ­to·Wall·of ­Claycraft :

and·he·was ­as ­he·was·seen ­as ­he·was·wearied ­From-Father ­upon ­the·dais

and·he·entered ­to ­his·sanctuary ­to·mediate ­and ­he·is·not·able :

this ­the·speech ­that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­From-Father ­from·then·on :

and·now ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

in·three ­years⁺ ­as·years⁺·of ­hireling

and·he·was·roasted ­the·weight·of ­From-Father

in·all·of ­the·hum ­the·much

and·survivor ­little ­tad ­not ­vast :

the·burden·of ­Damascus

¡lo! ­Damascus ­removed ­from·city

and·she·was ­guilty·place·of ­fallen :

abandoned⁺ ­the·cities⁺·of ­Bare-Bare

to·flocks⁺ ­they·are⁺

and·they·lay·down ­and·there·is·ńot ­cause·for·shuddering :

and·he·was·rested ­fortification ­from·Fruits²

and·kingdom ­from·Damascus ­and·the·survivor·of ­Height

as·the·weight·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they·are⁺

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he

he·is·pulled·down ­the·weight·of ­Heeler

and·the·best-oiled·of ­his·flesh ­he·is·lean :

and·he·was ­as·gathering ­crop·of ­risen·grain

and·his·arm ­shoots⁺ ­he·crops

and·he·was ­as·gleaning ­shoots⁺ ­in·the·deepland·of ­Raphahs⁺ :

and·he·survived ­in·him ­exploits⁺ ­as·encompassing·of ­olive

two² ­three ­chew-chew·berries⁺ ­in·head·of ­saying

four ­five ­in·her·forks⁺ ­fruitful

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr :

in·the·day ­he

he·gazes ­the·adam ­upon ­that·does·him

and·his·eyes² ­to ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­they·see⁺ :

and ­he·does·not·gaze

to ­the·offering·places⁺ ­the·doing·of ­his·hands²

and·that ­they·did⁺ ­his·fingers⁺ ­he·does·not·see

and·the·Blessed·Ones⁺ ­and·the·hot·sun·idols⁺ :

in·the·day ­he ­they·are⁺ ­the·cities⁺·of ­his·mighty·place ­as·the·abandoned·of ­the·craftsmanship ­and·the·saying

that ­they·abandoned⁺

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·she·was ­desolation :

as ­you·forgot ­Powers⁺·of ­your·safety

and·the·rock·of ­your·mighty·place ­you·did·not·remember

upon ­surely ­you·plant ­plantations⁺·of ­amiabilities⁺

and·prunelet·of ­stranger ­you·seed·him :

in·the·day·of ­your·plantation ­you·skim·around

and·in·the·dayplow ­your·seed ­you·cause·to·bud

heap ­crop ­in·day·of ­piercing·oneself ­and·hurting ­mortal :

¡oweh! ­hum·of ­people⁺ ­many⁺

as·humming ­seas⁺ ­they·hum

and·roaring·of ­nations⁺

as·roaring·of ­waters⁺ ­vast⁺ ­they·are·roared⁺ :

nations⁺ ­as·roaring·of ­waters⁺ ­many⁺ ­they·are·roared⁺

and·he·rebuked ­in·him ­and·he·fled ­from·afar

and·he·was·pursued ­as·chaff·of ­mounts⁺ ­to·face⁺·of ­breath

and·as·rollerwheel ­to·face⁺·of ­blast :

to·season·of ­evening ­and·¡lo! ­agitation

in·ere ­dayplow ­he·is·ńot

this ­dividend·of ­that·loot⁺·us

and·lot ­to·that·spoil⁺·us :

¡oweh! ­land·of ­ring-ringing·of ­wings²

that ­from·region·across ­to·the·streams⁺·of ­Kush :

that·sends ­in·the·sea ­informers⁺ ­and·in·things⁺·of ­guzzlereed ­upon ­face⁺·of ­waters⁺

ꜝwalk⁺ ­ministers⁺ ­slight⁺ ­to ­clan ­drawn·out ­and·buffed

to ­people ­fearsome ­from ­he ­and·out

clan·of ­hope·of ­hopecord ­and·downtrodden

that ­they·fragmented⁺ ­streams⁺ ­his·land :

all·of ­settling⁺·of ­world ­and·dwelling⁺·of ­land

as·bearing ­flag ­mounts⁺ ­you·see⁺

and·as·hitting ­shofair ­you·hear⁺ :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me

ꜝlet·me·be·quiet ­and·ꜝlet·me·look ­in·my·assured

as·heat·of ­plain ­upon ­light

as·fog·of ­dew ­in·heat·of ­crop :

as ­to·face⁺·of ­crop ­as·completed ­bud

and·tartlet ­yielding ­he·is ­flower

and·he·cut·down ­the·loose·tendrils⁺ ­in·the·pruners⁺

and·°the·leftovers⁺ ­he·removed ­he·√clipped :

they·are·abandoned⁺ ­united ­to·vulture·of ­mounts⁺

and·to·the·beast·of ­the·land

and·he·summered ­upon·him ­the·vulture

and·all·of ­the·beast·of ­the·land ­upon·him ­she·detracts :

in·the·season ­she ­he·courses ­homage ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­people ­drawn·out ­and·buffed

and·from·people ­fearsome ­from ­he ­and·out

clan·of ­hope·of ­hopecord ­and·downtrodden ­that ­they·fragmented⁺ ­streams⁺ ­his·land

to ­the·rising·place·of ­the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­the·mount·of ­Tzion :

the·burden·of ­Egypts²

¡lo! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­charioting ­upon ­fog ­slight ­and·he·entered ­Egypts²

and·they·rattled⁺ ­the·no-powers⁺·of ­Egypts² ­from·his·face⁺

and·the·heart·of ­Egypts² ­he·is·dampened ­in·his·impresence :

and·I·knit·against·one·another ­Egypts² ­in·Egypts²

and·they·battled⁺ ­man ­in·his·brother ­and·man ­in·his·tendent

city ­in·city

kingdom ­in·kingdom :

and·she·was·vacuated ­the·breath·of ­Egypts² ­in·his·impresence

and·his·counsel ­I·devour

and·they·investigated⁺ ­to ­the·no-powers⁺ ­and·to ­the·gentlers⁺

and·to ­the·ghosts⁺ ­and·to ­the·spiritknowers⁺ :

and·I·plugged·up ­°Egypts²

in·hand·of ­lords⁺ ­hard

and·king ­mighty ­he·rules ­in·them

the·revelation·of ­the·lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

and·they·were·parched⁺ ­waters⁺ ­from·the·sea

and·stream ­he·is·withered ­and·he·dried·up :

and·they·shunned⁺ ­streams⁺

they·were·pulled·down ­and·they·were·withered⁺ ­the·niles⁺·of ­Rocked·Up·Place

stalk ­and·reeds ­they·were·infested⁺ :

barrens⁺ ­upon ­Nile ­upon ­the·mouth·of ­Nile

and·all·of ­the·seedbed·of ­Nile

he·dries·up ­he·was·wafted·away ­and·he·is·ńot :

and·they·were·melancholy⁺ ­the·fishers⁺


all·of ­the·dropping⁺ ­in·the·Nile ­lingerhook

and·stretching⁺·of ­net ­upon ­face⁺·of ­waters⁺ ­they·were·exhausted⁺ :

and·they·were·ashamed⁺ ­servants⁺·of ­flaxes⁺ ­pale⁺

and·weaving⁺ ­brilliant·white :

and·they·were⁺ ­her·putfoundations⁺ ­crushed⁺

all·of ­doing⁺·of ­hire ­pond⁺·of ­soul :

surely ­wrongdoer⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­Zoan

the·wise⁺·of ­the·counselors⁺·of ­Pharaoh

counsel ­consumed

¿ħow ­you·say⁺ ­to ­Pharaoh·of

son·of ­wise⁺ ­I ­son·of ­kings⁺·of ­frontmost :

¿where·them ­tẖen ­your·wise⁺

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­¡please! ­to·you


¿what ­he·counselled ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­upon ­Egypts² :

they·were·willful⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­Zoan

they·were·defrauded⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­Nof

they·led·to·wander⁺ ­°Egypts² ­the·corner·of ­her·stems⁺ :

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·mingled ­in·her·impresence ­breath·of ­guilt-guilts⁺

and·they·led·to·wander⁺ ­°Egypts² ­in·all·of ­his·deed

as·wandering ­drunk ­in·his·vomit :

and ­he·is·not ­to·Egypts² ­deed

that ­he·does ­head ­and·tail ­spoon ­and·pondrush :

in·the·day ­he

he·is ­Egypts² ­as·the·women⁺

and·he·shuddered ­and·he·trembled ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·exaltationoffering·of ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

that ­he ­exalting ­upon·him :

and·she·was ­the·adamah·of ­Gloryhand ­to·Egypts² ­to·disorbitation

all ­that ­he·commemorates ­°her ­to·him ­he·trembles

from·the·face⁺·of ­the·counsel·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

that ­he ­counselor ­upon·him :

in·the·day ­he ­they·are⁺ ­five ­cities⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts² ­speakers⁺ ­the·lip·of ­Cashiers⁺

and·vowing·seven⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

City·of ­the·Demolition

he·is·said ­to·one :

in·the·day ­he ­he·is ­offering·place ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·midst·of ­the·land·of ­Egypts²

and·post ­beside ­her·border ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·was ­to·sign ­and·to·witness ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

as ­they·cry⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·face⁺·of ­squeezing⁺

and·he·sends ­to·them ­savior ­and·arguing ­and·he·snatched·them·away :

and·he·was·known ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·Egypts²

and·they·knew⁺ ­Egypts² ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·day ­he

and·they·served⁺ ­offering ­and·tribute

and·they·vowed⁺ ­vow ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­and·they·shalomed :

and·he·smote ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Egypts² ­smiting ­and·healing

and·they·returned⁺ ­unto ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·was·supple ­to·them ­and·he·healed·them :

in·the·day ­he ­she·is ­avenue ­from·Egypts² ­➝Blessed

and·he·entered ­Blessed ­in·Egypts² ­and·Egypts² ­in·Blessed

and·they·served⁺ ­Egypts² ­°Blessed :

in·the·day ­he ­he·is ­Princepowr ­third

to·Egypts² ­and·to·Blessed

kneeling ­in·the·impresence·of ­the·land :

that ­he·knelt·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­saying

knelt·to ­my·people ­Egypts² ­and·the·doing·of ­my·hands² ­Blessed

and·my·derivation ­Princepowr :

in·year·of ­entering ­marshal ­➝Breaster

when·sending ­°him

Sureprince ­the·king·of ­Blessed

and·he·battles ­in·Breaster ­and·he·seizes·her :

in·the·season ­she ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­the·son·of ­Bold ­saying

ꜝwalk ­and·you·opened ­the·burlap ­from·upon ­your·thighs²

and·your·shoelatchet ­you·dress·down ­from·upon ­your·feet²

and·he·does ­surely

walking ­bare ­and·shoeless :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­he·walked ­my·servant ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­bare ­and·shoeless

three ­years⁺ ­sign ­and·omen

upon ­Egypts² ­and·upon ­Kush :

surely ­he·leads ­the·king·of ­Blessed ­°the·captivity·of ­Egypts² ­and·°the·stripping·of ­Kush ­youths⁺ ­and·elders⁺ ­bare ­and·shoeless

and·naked⁺·of ­putt ­the·bareness·of ­Egypts² :

and·they·were·cast·down⁺ ­and·they·were·ashamed⁺

from·Kush ­their·thing·looked·at

and·from ­Egypts² ­their·sprigging :

and·he·said ­settling ­the·island ­this ­in·the·day ­he

¡lo! ­thus ­our·thing·looked·at ­that ­we·fled⁺ ­there ­to·help


from·the·face⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Blessed

and·¿ħow ­we·are·delivered⁺ ­we⁺ :

burden·of ­outspeak·of ­sea

as·blasts⁺ ­in·the·Negev ­to·change·away

from·outspeak ­he·entered

from·land ­fearsome :

envisioning ­hard ­he·was·told·forth ­to·me

the·covert ­covert ­and·that·overbreasts ­overbreasting

go·up ­Hooded ­ꜝrock·up ­Media

all·of ­her·groaning ­I·gave·rest :

upon ­surely ­they·filled⁺ ­my·thighs² ­whirlwhirling

deformations⁺ ­they·held⁺·me

as·deformations⁺·of ­enchilding

I·was·guilty ­from·hearing

I·was·agitated ­from·seeing :

he·wandered ­my·heart

dread ­she·frightened·me

°the·evening·breeze·of ­my·charm

he·placed ­to·me ­to·shuddering :

lining·up ­the·table ­topping ­the·topping ­eating ­drinking

ꜝarise⁺ ­the·princes⁺ ­ꜝanoint⁺ ­guard :


as ­thus ­he·said ­to·me ­My·Lord

ꜝwalk ­ꜝcause·to·stand ­the·sentry

that ­he·sees ­he·tells·forth :

and·he·saw ­chariot ­couple·of ­shockcavalry

chariot·of ­donkey ­chariot·of ­camel

and·he·listened ­listening ­much·of ­listening :

and·he·calls ­lion

upon ­sentry·post ­My·Lord ­I ­standing ­always ­daytime

and·upon ­my·watch

I ­posted ­all·of ­the·nights⁺ :

and·¡lo! ­this ­he·entered ­chariot·of ­man

couple·of ­shockcavalry

and·he·responds ­and·he·says ­she·fell ­she·fell ­Babylon

and·all·of ­the·sculptures⁺·of ­her·Powers⁺ ­he·broke ­to·the·land :

my·threshing ­and·the·son·of ­my·threshingfloor

that ­I·heard ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­I·told·forth ­to·you⁺ :

the·burden·of ­Silence

to·me ­calling ­from·Hair

watching ­¿what ­from·night

watching ­¿what ­from·night :

he·said ­watching

he·came ­dayplow ­and·also ­night

if ­you·petition⁺ ­ꜝpetition⁺ ­ꜝreturn⁺ ­ꜝcome⁺ :

burden ­in·Arabia

in·the·forest ­in·Arabia ­you·repose⁺

the·wayfarers⁺·of ­Dedanïtes⁺ :

to·call·on ­thirsty ­ꜝcause·to·come⁺ ­waters⁺

the·settling⁺·of ­the·land·of ­Tyma

in·his·bread ­they·were·in·front·of⁺ ­retreating :

as ­from·face⁺·of ­swords⁺ ­they·retreated⁺

from·face⁺·of ­sword ­left·out ­and·from·face⁺·of ­bow ­stepped·forward

and·from·face⁺·of ­weight·of ­battle :

as ­thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­to·me

when·still ­year ­as·years⁺·of ­hireling

and·he·was·all·through ­all·of ­the·weight·of ­Glooming :

and·the·survivor·of ­the·count·of ­the·bow·of ­the·heroes⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Glooming ­they·are·made·little⁺

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­he·spoke :

burden·of ­valley·of ­vision

¿what ­to·you ­tẖen

as ­you·went·up ­all·of·you ­to·the·roofs⁺ :

vauntings⁺ ­full ­city·of ­humming

walledcity ­exultant

your·pierced⁺ ­not ­pierced⁺·of ­sword

and·not ­dead⁺·of ­battle :

all·of ­your·endofficers⁺ ­they·retreated⁺ ­united ­from·bow ­they·were·chained⁺

all·of ­that·are·found⁺·you ­they·were·chained⁺ ­united

from·afar ­they·bolted⁺ :

upon ­surely ­I·said ­ꜝgaze⁺ ­from·me ­I·make·bitter ­in·the·weeping

you·do·not·hasten⁺ ­to·sigh·with·me

upon ­the·overbreasting·of ­the·daughter·of ­my·people :

as ­day·of ­rumble ­and·downtrodden ­and·confusion ­to·My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·valley·of ­vision

fountaining·over·of ­wall ­and·crying·for·safety ­to ­the·mount :

and·Hooded ­he·bore ­quiver

in·chariot·of ­adam ­shockcavalry

and·Wall·of ­he·layed·bare ­guard :

and·he·is ­the·choicest·of ­your·deeplands⁺ ­they·filled⁺ ­chariot


putting ­they·put⁺ ­➝the·gate :

and·he·strips ­°the·knitting·of ­Gloryhand

and·you·look ­in·the·day ­he

to ­the·armory·of ­the·house·of ­the·forest :

and·°the·clefts⁺·of ­the·city·of ­Intimate ­you·saw⁺ ­as ­they·were·multiplied⁺


°the·waters⁺·of ­the·kneepool ­the·undermost :

and·°the·houses⁺·of ­Torahshalom ­you·counted⁺

and·you·wreck⁺ ­the·houses⁺

to·fortify ­the·rampart :

and·hopegathering ­you·did⁺ ­between ­the·ramparts²

to·the·waters⁺·of ­the·kneepool ­the·sleeping

and ­you·did·not·look⁺ ­to ­that·do⁺·her

and·that·forms·her ­from·afar ­you·did·not·see⁺ :

and·he·calls ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·the·day ­he

to·weeping ­and·to·lamentation

and·to·baldness ­and·to·gird ­burlap :

and·¡lo! ­rejoicing ­and·gladness ­killing ­plowcattle ­and·slaughtering ­sheep

eating ­flesh ­and·drinking ­wine

eating ­and·drinking

as ­aftermorrow ­we·die⁺ :

and·he·was·stripped·out ­in·my·ears² ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

if ­he·is·atoned ­the·guilt ­this ­to·you⁺ ­unto ­you·die⁺

he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :


thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

ꜝwalk ­ꜝenter ­to ­the·caretaker ­this

upon ­Augmenting ­that ­upon ­the·house :

¿what ­to·you ­ẖere ­and·¿who ­to·you ­ẖere

as ­you·quarried ­to·you ­ẖere ­tomb

quarrier·of ­heights ­his·tomb

the·inscribing ­in·the·clifftop ­dwelling·place ­to·him :

¡lo! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that·hurls·you

hurling ­hero

and·your·clothed ­clothed :

turbaning·up ­he·turbans·you·up ­like·a·turban

as·the·saeculball ­to ­land ­broad·of ­hands²

➝there ­you·die ­and➝there ­the·chariots⁺·of ­your·weight

the·roasting·of ­the·house·of ­your·lords⁺ :

and·I·thrusted·you ­from·your·post

and·from·your·standing ­he·demolishes·you :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he

and·I·called ­to·my·servant

to·Powr-Raises ­the·son·of ­Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ :

and·I·robed·him ­your·shirt ­and·your·sash ­I·make·him·firm

and·your·rule ­I·give ­in·his·hand

and·he·was ­to·father ­to·the·settling·of ­Torahshalom ­and·to·the·house·of ­Gloryhand :

and·I·gave ­the·opener·of ­the·house·of ­Intimate ­upon ­his·yoke

and·he·opened ­and·there·is·ńot ­locking

and·he·locked ­and·there·is·ńot ­opening :

and·I·hit·him ­nail ­in·rising·place ­true

and·he·was ­to·throne·of ­weight ­to·the·house·of ­his·father :

and·they·hanged⁺ ­upon·him ­all·of ­the·weight·of ­the·house·of ­his·father ­the·outgoings⁺ ­and·the·snakies⁺

all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­the·small

from·the·things⁺·of ­the·basins⁺

and·unto ­all·of ­the·things⁺·of ­the·wiltbags⁺ :

in·the·day ­he ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

she·budges ­the·nail

that·is·hit ­in·rising·place ­true

and·she·was·hacked·off ­and·she·fell ­and·he·was·cut·down ­the·burden ­that ­upon·her

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke :

the·burden·of ­Rock

yowl ­the·ships⁺·of ­Tarshysh ­as ­he·was·overbreasted ­from·house ­from·entering

from·the·land·of ­Kittïtes⁺ ­he·was·stripped·out ­to·them :

ꜝbe·silent⁺ ­settling⁺·of ­island

the·merchant·of ­Hunter ­crosser ­sea ­they·filled⁺·you :

and·in·waters⁺ ­many⁺ ­the·seed·of ­Murk

the·crop·of ­Nile ­her·inbringing

and·she·is ­merchandise·of ­clans⁺ :

ꜝbe·ashamed ­Hunter

as ­he·said ­sea

the·mighty·place·of ­the·sea ­saying

I·did·not·whirl·in·labor ­and ­I·did·not·enchild ­and ­I·did·not·make·great ­choice·youths⁺ ­I·heightened ­virgins⁺ :

as·how ­hearing ­to·Egypts²

they·whirl·in·labor ­as·the·hearing·of ­Rock :

ꜝcross·over⁺ ­➝Tarshysh

yowl ­settling⁺·of ­island :

¿this ­to·you⁺ ­exultant

from·days⁺·of ­frontmost ­in·front·of·her ­they·make·her·course⁺ ­her·feet²

from·afar ­to·lodge :

¿who ­he·counselled ­this

upon ­Rock ­that·crowns

that ­her·merchants⁺ ­princes⁺

her·cashiers⁺ ­weighty⁺·of ­land :

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­he·counselled·her

to·pierce ­majesty·of ­all·of ­prettiness

to·slighten ­all·of ­weighty⁺·of ­land :

ꜝcross·over ­your·land ­as·the·Nile

the·daughter·of ­Tarshysh ­there·is·ńot ­buckle ­again :

his·hand ­he·branched·out ­upon ­the·sea

he·stirred·up ­kingdoms⁺

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·commanded ­to ­Cashiers⁺

to·destroy ­her·mighty·places⁺ :

and·he·says ­you·do·not·add ­again ­to·exult

that·is·intimidated ­the·virgin·of ­the·daughter·of ­Hunter ­Kittïtes⁺ ­ꜝarise ­ꜝcross·over

also ­there ­he·is·not·at·peace ­to·you :

¡lo! ­the·land·of ­Chaldeans⁺ ­this ­the·people ­he·was·not

Blessed ­he·founded·her ­to·desert·animals⁺

they·raised⁺ ­his·battletesters⁺ ­lay·bare⁺ ­her·heights⁺

he·placed·her ­to·fallen :

yowl ­the·ships⁺·of ­Tarshysh

as ­he·was·overbreasted ­your⁺·mighty·place :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he

and·she·was·forgotten ­Rock ­seventy⁺ ­year

as·days⁺·of ­king ­one

from·end·of ­seventy⁺ ­year ­he·is ­to·Rock

as·the·song·of ­the·fornicator :

ꜝtake ­lyre ­ꜝturn·around ­city ­fornicator ­forgotten

ꜝdo·good ­harping ­ꜝmultiply ­songing

because·of ­ꜝbe·remembered :

and·he·was ­from·end·of ­seventy⁺ ­year ­he·reckons ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Rock

and·she·returned ­to·her·payment

and·she·fornicated ­with ­all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·land ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah :

and·he·was ­her·merchandise ­and·her·payment ­sanctuary ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

he·is·not·treasured ­and ­he·is·not·dominated

as ­to·that·settle⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·is ­her·merchandise

to·eat ­to·satisfaction ­and·to·covering ­surpassing :


¡lo! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­vacuating ­the·land ­and·that·ravages·her

and·he·made·guilty ­her·face⁺

and·he·scattered ­that·settle⁺·her :

and·he·was ­as·the·people ­as·the·priest

as·the·servant ­as·his·lords⁺

as·the·family·servant ­as·her·heroine

as·that·stocks·up ­as·that·sells

as·that·indebts ­as·the·debtor

as·the·fraudster ­as·how ­defrauded ­in·him :

being·vacuated ­she·is·vacuated ­the·land ­and·being·spoiled ­she·is·spoiled

as ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·spoke ­°the·speech ­this :

she·mourned ­she·wilted ­the·land

she·was·exhausted ­she·wilted ­world

they·were·exhausted⁺ ­the·heights·of ­the·people·of ­the·land :

and·the·land ­she·was·profaned ­under ­that·settle⁺·her

as ­they·crossed·over⁺ ­torahs⁺ ­they·changed·away ­prescription

they·scuttled⁺ ­covenant·of ­eternity :

upon ­surely ­oath ­she·ate ­land

and·they·transgress⁺ ­the·settling⁺ ­in·her

upon ­surely ­they·were·scorched⁺ ­settling⁺·of ­land

and·he·survived ­mortal·of ­tad :

he·mourned ­winemust ­she·was·exhausted ­vine

they·groaned⁺ ­all·of ­glad⁺·of ­heart :

he·rested ­rejoicing·of ­timbrels⁺

he·ceased ­roaring·of ­exultant⁺

he·rested ­rejoicing·of ­lyre :

in·the·song ­they·do·not·drink⁺ ­wine

he·is·bitterness ­strong·drink ­to·his·drinkers⁺ :

she·was·broken ­walledcity·of ­null

he·was·locked·in ­all·of ­house ­from·entering :

scream ­upon ­the·wine ­in·the·exteriors⁺

she·became·evening ­all·of ­gladness

he·stripped ­the·rejoicing·of ­the·land :

he·survived ­in·the·city ­desolation

and·roaring ­he·is·beaten·down ­gate :

as ­thus ­he·is ­in·the·impresence·of ­the·land ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people⁺

as·encompassing·of ­olive

as·exploits⁺ ­if ­he·was·all·through ­harvest :

they⁺ ­they·bear⁺ ­their·voice ­they·shout⁺

in·the·majesty·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

they·whinnied⁺ ­from·sea :

upon ­surely ­in·the·lights⁺ ­give·weight⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·islands⁺·of ­the·sea

the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr :

from·the·wing·of ­the·land ­music⁺ ­we·heard⁺ ­prettiness ­to·the·just

and·I·say ­leanness ­to·me ­leanness ­to·me ­¡woe! ­to·me

covert⁺ ­they·acted·covertly⁺

and·covertness ­covert⁺ ­they·acted·covertly⁺ :

trembling ­and·gorge ­and·trap

upon·you ­the·settling·of ­the·land :

and·he·was ­that·flees ­from·the·voice·of ­the·trembling ­he·falls ­to ­the·gorge

and·that·goes·up ­from·the·midst·of ­the·gorge

he·is·seized ­in·the·trap

as ­oculi⁺ ­from·heights ­they·were·opened⁺

and·they·quake⁺ ­foundations⁺·of ­land :

doing·bad ­she·did·herself·bad ­the·land

scuttling ­she·scuttled·herself ­land

shaking ­she·shook·herself ­land :

rattling ­she·rattles ­land ­as·the·drunk

and·she·swayed·herself ­as·the·place·of·repose

and·he·weighed·down ­upon·her ­her·rebellion

and·she·fell ­and ­she·does·not·add ­arising :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he

he·reckons ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­the·host·of ­the·heights ­in·the·heights

and·upon ­the·kings⁺·of ­the·adamah ­upon ­the·adamah :

and·they·were·gathered⁺ ­gathering ­chainedman ­upon ­well

and·they·were·locked·in ­upon ­lockdown

and·from·multitude·of ­days⁺ ­they·are·reckoned⁺ :

and·she·was·dug·under ­the·whitemoon

and·she·was·ashamed ­the·hot·sun

as ­he·was·king ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·the·mount·of ­Tzion ­and·in·Torahshalom

and·before ­his·elders⁺ ­weight :


Yʜᴡʜ ­my·Powers⁺ ­you

I·heighten·you ­I·gloryhand ­your·name

as ­you·did ­wonder

counsels⁺ ­from·afar ­truth ­true :

as ­you·placed ­from·city ­to·the·roll

walledcity ­fortified ­to·fallen

highest·of ­strangers⁺ ­from·city

to·eternity ­he·is·not·built :

upon ­surely ­they·give·you·weight⁺ ­people ­mighty

walledcity·of ­clans⁺ ­awesome⁺ ­they·fear⁺·you :

as ­you·were ­mighty·place ­to·the·pulled·down ­mighty·place ­to·the·wanting ­in·the·rockiness ­to·him

refugee ­from·deluge ­shadow ­from·withering

as ­breath·of ­awesome⁺ ­as·deluge·of ­wall :

as·withering ­in·desert

roaring·of ­strangers⁺ ­you·cash·out

withering ­in·shadow·of ­fog

music·of ­awesome⁺ ­he·is·humble :


and·he·did ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­to·all·of ­the·people⁺ ­in·the·mount ­this

drinkingfeast·of ­oils⁺ ­drinkingfeast·of ­watchlees⁺

oils⁺ ­to·be·wiped·up

watchlees⁺ ­perfected⁺ :

and·he·devoured ­in·the·mount ­this

the·face⁺·of ­the·obscurity ­the·obscure ­upon ­all·of ­the·people⁺

and·the·knitting ­that·is·knit ­upon ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ :

he·devoured ­the·death ­to·forever

and·he·wiped ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­tears ­from·upon ­all·of ­face⁺

and·the·detraction·of ­his·people ­he·removes ­from·upon ­all·of ­the·land

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke :


and·he·said ­in·the·day ­he

¡lo! ­our·Powers⁺ ­this ­we·hoped⁺ ­to·him ­and·he·saves·us

this ­Yʜᴡʜ ­we·hoped⁺ ­to·him

ꜝlet·us·twirl⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·be·glad⁺ ­in·his·salvation :

as ­she·is·at·peace ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·mount ­this

and·he·was·threshed ­From-Father ­unders⁺·him

as·being·threshed ­strawpile ­in ­dung·place :

and·he·stretched ­his·hands² ­in·his·impresence

as·how ­he·stretches ­that·swims ­to·swim

and·he·made·low ­his·majesty

near ­the·oculi⁺·of ­his·hands² :

and·the·fortification·of ­the·tower·of ­your·ramparts⁺ ­he·prostrated ­he·made·low ­he·touched ­to·the·land ­unto ­dust :

in·the·day ­he

he·is·sung ­the·song ­this ­in·the·land·of ­Gloryhand

city·of ­mighty ­to·us

salvation ­he·puts ­ramparts⁺ ­and·stronghold :

ꜝopen⁺ ­gates⁺

and·he·enters ­clan ­just ­watching ­truth⁺ :

form ­propped·up

you·protect ­shalom ­shalom

as ­in·you ­trust :

ꜝtrust⁺ ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­unto ­onward

as ­in· ­Yʜᴡʜ

rock·of ­eternities⁺ :

as ­he·prostrated ­settling⁺·of ­heights

walledcity ­towering

he·makes·her·low ­he·makes·her·low ­unto ­land

he·touches·her ­unto ­dust :

she·tramples·her ­foot

feet²·of ­humiliated ­times⁺·of ­pulled·down :

way ­to·the·just ­straightness⁺

straight ­wagonway·of ­just ­you·scale :

¡yes! ­the·way·of ­your·judgments⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ ­we·hoped⁺·you

to·your·name ­and·to·your·memory ­yearning·of ­soul :

my·soul ­I·yearned·for·you ­in·the·night

¡yes! ­my·breath ­in·my·impresence ­I·seek·morning·for·you

as ­as·how ­your·judgments⁺ ­to·the·land

justice ­they·were·discipled⁺ ­settling⁺·of ­world :

he·is·shown·grace ­wicked ­he·was·not·discipled ­justice

in·land·of ­in·view⁺ ­he·does·evil

and ­he·does·not·see ­the·majesty·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

Yʜᴡʜ ­she·was·high ­your·hand ­they·do·not·vision⁺

they·vision⁺ ­and·they·are·ashamed⁺ ­jealousy·of ­people

¡yes! ­the·fire·of ­your·rockers⁺ ­she·eats·them :

Yʜᴡʜ ­you·dump ­shalom ­to·us

as ­also ­all·of ­our·deeds⁺ ­you·worked ­to·us :

Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺

they·mastered⁺·us ­lords⁺ ­beyond·you

alone ­in·you ­we·commemorate⁺ ­your·name :

dead⁺ ­they·do·not·live⁺

raphahs⁺ ­they·do·not·arise⁺

to·surely ­you·reckoned ­and·you·destroy·them

and·you·lose ­all·of ­memory ­to·them :

you·added ­to·the·clan ­Yʜᴡʜ

you·added ­to·the·clan ­you·were·weighty

you·put·far·off ­all·of ­ends⁺·of ­land :

Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·rockiness ­they·reckoned⁺·you

they·poured·out ­whispering

your·instruction ­to·them :

as ­pregnant ­she·presents ­to·enchild

she·whirls·in·labor ­she·cries ­in·her·ropes⁺

surely ­we·were⁺ ­from·your·face⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ :

we·progenated⁺ ­we·whirled·in·labor

as ­we·enchilded⁺ ­breath

salvations⁺ ­we·do·not·do⁺ ­land

and ­they·do·not·fall⁺ ­settling⁺·of ­world :

they·live⁺ ­your·dead⁺

my·wilted·body ­they·arise⁺

ꜝawake⁺ ­and·ꜝshout⁺ ­dwelling⁺·of ­dust ­as ­dew·of ­lights⁺ ­your·dew

and·land ­raphahs⁺ ­she·lets·fall :

ꜝwalk ­my·people ­ꜝenter ­in·your·chambers⁺

and·ꜝlock ­your·pulldoor ­about·you

ꜝconceal ­as·little·of ­wink ­unto ­he·crosses·over ­damnation :

as ­¡lo! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­going ­from·his·rising·place

to·reckon ­the·guilt·of ­the·settling·of ­the·land ­upon·him

and·she·stripped·out ­the·land ­°her·bloods⁺

and ­she·does·not·cover ­again ­upon ­that·are·killed⁺·her :

in·the·day ­he ­he·reckons ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·his·sword ­the·hard ­and·the·great ­and·the·firm ­upon ­Writhingsnake ­copperhead ­bolting

and·upon ­Writhingsnake

copperhead ­crooked

and·he·killed ­°the·serpentine ­that ­in·the·sea :

in·the·day ­he

orchard·of ­desire ­ꜝrespond⁺ ­to·her :

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that·protects·her

to·winks⁺ ­I·give·her·to·drink

lest ­he·reckons ­upon·her

night ­and·day ­I·protect·her :

heat ­there·is·ńot ­to·me

¿who ­he·gives·me ­watchbrier ­putweed ­in·the·battle

ꜝlet·me·stride ­in·her ­I·enflare·her ­united :

or ­ꜝlet·him·grasp·firmly ­in·my·mighty·place

he·does ­shalom ­to·me

shalom ­he·does ­to·me :

that·enter⁺ ­ꜝlet·him·take·root ­Heeler

he·flowers ­and·he·budded ­Princepowr

and·they·filled⁺ ­face⁺·of ­world ­produce :

¿as·stroke·of ­that·strikes·him ­he·struck·him

if ­as·killing·of ­that·are·killed⁺·him ­he·was·killed :

when·quantifying ­when·she·sends·out ­you·argue·her

he·eliminated ­in·his·breath ­the·hard ­in·day·of ­frontwind :

to·surely ­in·this ­he·is·atoned ­the·guilt·of ­Heeler

and·this ­all·of ­the·fruit·of ­removing ­his·sin

when·he·places ­all·of ­stones⁺·of ­offering·place ­as·stones⁺·of ­gypsum ­shattered⁺

they·do·not·arise⁺ ­Blessed·Ones⁺ ­and·hot·sun·idols⁺ :

as ­city ­fortified ­alone

habitation ­sent·out ­and·abandoned ­as·the·outspeak

there ­he·tends ­ox ­and·there ­he·lies·down ­and·he·was·all·done ­her·forks⁺ :

when·drying·up ­her·crop ­they·are·broken⁺

women⁺ ­entering⁺ ­lighting·up ­°her

as ­not ­people·of ­discernments⁺ ­he

upon ­surely ­he·does·not·enwomb·him ­that·does·him

and·that·forms·him ­he·does·not·grace·him :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he

he·flails ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·the·offshoot·of ­the·stream ­unto ­the·river·of ­Egypts²

and·you⁺ ­you·are·gleaned⁺ ­to·one·of ­one ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·was ­in·the·day ­he ­he·is·hit ­in·shofair ­great

and·they·entered⁺ ­the·lost⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Blessed

and·that·are·banished⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Egypts²

and·they·prostrated·themselves⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·mount·of ­the·sanctuary ­in·Torahshalom :

¡oweh! ­the·crown·of ­the·majesty·of ­the·drunk⁺·of ­Fruits²

and·flower ­wilting ­the·prettiness·of ­his·sprigging

that ­upon ­head·of ­valley·of ­oil⁺ ­hammered⁺·of ­wine :

¡lo! ­firm ­and·bold ­to·My·Lord

as·deluge·of ­hail ­storm·of ­scourge

as·deluge·of ­waters⁺ ­vast⁺ ­flooding⁺ ­he·set·in·peace ­to·the·land ­in·hand :

in·feet² ­they·are·trampled⁺

the·crown·of ­the·majesty·of ­the·drunk⁺·of ­Fruits² :

and·she·was ­flower·of ­wilting ­the·prettiness·of ­his·sprigging

that ­upon ­head·of ­valley·of ­oil⁺

as·firstfruit ­in·ere·of ­summer

that ­he·sees ­that·sees ­°her

when·she·is·still ­in·his·spoon ­he·devours·her :

in·the·day ­he ­he·is ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

to·crown·of ­prettiness

and·to·skippingcrown·of ­sprigging

to·the·survivor·of ­his·people :

and·to·breath·of ­judgment

to·that·settles ­upon ­the·judgment


returning⁺·of ­battle ­➝gate :

and·also ­these ­in·the·wine ­they·strayed⁺

and·in·the·strong·drink ­they·wandered⁺

priest ­and·prophet ­they·strayed⁺ ­in·the·strong·drink ­they·were·devoured⁺ ­from ­the·wine ­they·wandered⁺ ­from ­the·strong·drink

they·strayed⁺ ­in·the·sight

they·reeled⁺ ­in·mediation :

as ­all·of ­tables⁺

they·filled⁺ ­vomit ­filth

no ­rising·place :

°¿who ­he·torahs ­knowledge

and·°¿who ­he·gives·discernment ­hearing

yieldling·children ­from·fatmilk

passed⁺ ­from·breasts² :

as ­command ­to·command ­command ­to·command

hopecord ­to·hopecord ­hopecord ­to·hopecord

tad ­there ­tad ­there :

as ­in·mockers⁺·of ­lip

and·in·tongue ­after

he·speaks ­to ­the·people ­this :

that ­he·said ­to·them ­this ­the·peaceful·place ­set·in·peace⁺ ­to·the·tired

and·this ­the·wink·of·rest

and ­they·did·not·want⁺ ­hearing :

and·he·was ­to·them ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­command ­to·command ­command ­to·command ­hopecord ­to·hopecord ­hopecord ­to·hopecord

tad ­there ­tad ­there

because·of ­ꜝlet·them·walk⁺ ­and·they·stumbled⁺ ­aft ­and·they·were·broken⁺

and·they·were·ensnared⁺ ­and·they·were·seized⁺ :


to·surely ­ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­mortals⁺·of ­scorn

the·rulers⁺·of ­the·people ­this

that ­in·Torahshalom :

as ­you·said⁺ ­we·cut·in ­covenant ­with ­death

and·near ­sheol ­we·did⁺ ­visionary

paddle ­flooding ­as ­he·crosses·over ­he·does·not·enter·us

as ­we·placed⁺ ­a·lie ­our·refugee ­and·in·the·falsehood ­we·were·hidden⁺ :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo!·me ­he·set·the·foundation·of ­in·Tzion ­stone

stone·of ­testing ­corner·of ­precious·of ­foundation ­founded

the·true ­he·does·not·hurry :

and·I·placed ­judgment ­to·hopecord

and·justice ­to·shekelscale

and·he·shoveled·away ­hail ­refugee·of ­a·lie

and·hiddenness ­waters⁺ ­they·flood⁺ :

and·he·was·atoned ­your⁺·covenant ­with ­death

and·your⁺·envisioning ­with ­sheol ­she·does·not·arise

paddle ­flooding ­as ­he·crosses·over

and·you·were⁺ ­to·him ­to·trampling·place :

from·enough·of ­his·crossing·over ­he·takes ­°you⁺

as ­in·the·dayplow ­in·the·dayplow ­he·crosses·over ­in·the·day ­and·in·the·night

and·he·was ­only ­irritation ­giving·discernment ­hearing :

as ­he·was·cropped·short ­the·cot ­from·cramping·oneself

and·the·knitting ­she·was·rocked·in ­as·rallying·oneself :

as ­as·the·mount·of ­Ruptures⁺ ­he·arises ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·deepland ­in·Hillside ­he·is·stirred·up

to·do ­his·deed ­stranger ­his·deed

and·to·serve ­his·service

unrecognized ­his·service :

and·now ­ꜝdo·not·scorn·yourselves⁺

lest ­they·are·firm⁺ ­your⁺·chains⁺

as ­altogether ­and·decided ­I·heard ­from·with ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­upon ­all·of ­the·land :

give·ear⁺ ­and·ꜝhear⁺ ­my·voice

ꜝlisten⁺ ­and·ꜝhear⁺ ­my·saying :

¿all·of ­the·day

he·crafts ­that·crafts ­to·seed

he·opens ­and·he·harrows ­his·adamah :

¿not ­if ­he·leveled ­her·face⁺

and·he·scattered ­fennel ­and·cumin ­he·asperses

and·he·placed ­wheat ­princegrain ­and·hairbarley ­appropriately

and·cliprye ­his·border :

and·he·instructed·him ­to·the·judgment ­his·Powers⁺ ­he·torahs·him :

as ­not ­in·the·incision ­he·is·threshed ­fennel

and·wheel·of ­wagon

upon ­cumin ­he·is·turned

as ­in·the·branch ­he·is·flailed ­fennel ­and·cumin ­in·the·stem :

bread ­he·is·made·thin

as ­not ­to·forever ­threshing ­he·threshes·him

and·he·rumbled ­the·rolling·of ­his·wagon ­and·his·shockcavalry ­he·does·not·make·thin·him :

also ­this ­from·near ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­she·went

he·did·wonderously ­counsel

he·made·great ­sagacity :

¡oweh! ­Lion-of-Powr ­Lion-of-Powr

walledcity·of ­he·camped ­Intimate

ꜝadd⁺ ­year ­upon ­year ­feasts⁺ ­they·encompass⁺ :

and·I·overpoured ­to·Lion-of-Powr

and·she·was ­melancholy ­and·melancholia

and·she·was ­to·me ­as·Lion-of-Powr :

and·I·camped ­as·the·saeculo ­upon·you

and·I·rocked·up ­upon·you ­post

and·I·raised ­upon·you ­rocked·up·places⁺ :

and·you·were·low ­from·land ­you·speak

and·from·dust ­she·is·prostrate ­your·saying

and·he·was ­as·ghost ­from·land ­your·voice

and·from·dust ­your·saying ­she·cheeps :

and·he·was ­as·haze ­thin ­the·hum·of ­your·strangers⁺

and·as·chaff ­crosser ­hum·of ­awesome⁺

and·he·was ­to·suddenly ­suddenly :

from·near ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­you·are·reckoned

in·thunder ­and·in·quaking ­and·voice ­great

blast ­and·storm

and·flame·of ­fire ­eating :

and·he·was ­as·dream ­vision·of ­night

the·hum·of ­all·of ­the·clans⁺

the·host⁺ ­upon ­Lion-of-Powr

and·all·of ­her·host⁺ ­and·her·huntnet

and·that·overpour⁺ ­to·her :

and·he·was ­as·how ­he·dreams ­the·hungry ­and·¡lo! ­eating ­and·he·awoke ­and·empty ­his·soul

and·as·how ­he·dreams ­the·thirsty ­and·¡lo! ­drinker

and·he·awoke ­and·¡lo! ­tired

and·his·soul ­foraging

surely ­he·is ­the·hum·of ­all·of ­the·clans⁺

the·host⁺ ­upon ­the·mount·of ­Tzion :

ꜝdelay⁺ ­and·ꜝmarvel⁺

ꜝdelight·yourselves⁺ ­and·ꜝbe·delighted⁺

they·were·drunk⁺ ­and·not ­wine

they·rattled⁺ ­and·not ­strong·drink :

as ­he·libated·out ­upon·you⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ ­breath·of ­slumber

and·he·bones·up ­°your⁺·eyes²

°the·prophets⁺ ­and·°your⁺·heads⁺ ­the·visionaries⁺ ­he·covered :

and·she·is ­to·you⁺ ­the·envisioning·of ­all ­as·the·speeches⁺·of ­the·account ­the·sealed

that ­they·give⁺ ­°him ­to ­knowing·of ­account ­saying ­ꜝcall ­¡please! ­this

and·he·said ­I·am·not·able

as ­sealed ­he :

and·he·was·given ­the·account ­upon ­that ­he·did·not·know ­account ­saying ­ꜝcall ­¡please! ­this

and·he·said ­I·did·not·know ­account :

and·he·says ­My·Lord ­because ­as ­he·approached ­the·people ­this

in·his·mouth ­and·in·his·lips² ­they·gave·me·weight⁺

and·his·heart ­he·put·far·off ­from·me

and·she·is ­their·fear ­°me

commandment·of ­mortals⁺ ­discipled :

to·surely ­¡lo!·me ­he·adds ­to·do·wonderously ­°the·people ­this ­doing·wonderously ­and·wonder

and·she·was·lost ­the·wisdom·of ­his·wise⁺

and·the·discernment·of ­his·discerners⁺ ­she·hides·herself :

¡oweh! ­that·go·deep⁺ ­from·Yʜᴡʜ ­to·hide ­counsel

and·he·was ­in·dark·place ­their·deeds⁺


¿who ­that·sees·us ­and·¿who ­that·knows·us :


if ­as·the·pitch·of ­the·former ­he·is·considered

as ­he·says ­doing ­to·that·does·him ­he·did·not·do·me

and·form ­he·said ­to·that·forms·him ­he·did·not·give·discernment :

¿not ­again ­little·of ­tad

and·he·returned ­Whitemost ­to·the·orchardgrain

and·the·orchardgrain ­to·the·forest ­he·is·considered :

and·they·heard⁺ ­in·the·day ­he ­the·craftydeaf ­speeches⁺·of ­account

and·from·blackness ­and·from·darkness

eyes²·of ­blind⁺ ­they·see⁺ :

and·they·added⁺ ­humiliated⁺ ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­gladness

and·wanting⁺·of ­adam

in·the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­they·twirl⁺ :

as ­he·was·limited ­awesome ­and·he·was·all·through ­scorner

and·they·were·cut·down ­all·of ­keeping·vigil⁺·of ­iniquity :

causing·sin⁺·of ­adam ­in·speech

and·to·the·reproof ­in·the·gate ­they·ensnare⁺

and·they·branch·out ­in·the·null ­just :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·house·of ­Heeler

that ­he·ransomed ­°Father-Hi-Hum

not ­now ­he·is·ashamed ­Heeler

and·not ­now ­his·face⁺ ­they·are·scorched⁺ :

as ­when·he·sees ­his·children⁺ ­the·doing·of ­my·hands² ­in·his·impresence ­they·make·sacred⁺ ­my·name

and·they·made·sacred⁺ ­°the·sacred·of ­Heeler

and·°Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they·cause·to·awe⁺ :

and·they·knew⁺ ­wandering⁺·of ­breath ­discernment

and·complainers⁺ ­they·are·discipled⁺ ­taking-in·knowledge :

¡oweh! ­sons⁺ ­defiant⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·do ­counsel ­and·not ­from·me

and·to·libate·out ­libated·metal ­and·not ­my·breath

because·of ­sweeping·away ­sin ­upon ­sin :

that·walk⁺ ­to·descend ­Egypts²

and·my·mouth ­they·did·not·request⁺

to·mighty ­in·the·mighty·place·of ­Pharaoh

and·to·refuge ­in·the·shadow·of ­Egypts² :

and·he·was ­to·you⁺ ­the·mighty·place·of ­Pharaoh ­to·shame

and·the·refuge ­in·the·shadow·of ­Egypts² ­to·embarrassment :

as ­they·were⁺ ­in·Zoan ­his·princes⁺

and·his·ministers⁺ ­Hanes ­they·touch⁺ :

all ­he·shamed

upon ­people ­they·do·not·benefit⁺ ­to·them

not ­to·help ­and·not ­to·benefit

as ­to·shame ­and·also ­to·detraction :

the·burden·of ­the·beasts⁺·of ­Negev

in·land·of ­rockiness ­and·overpouring ­coyote ­and·cheetah ­from·them ­hisser ­and·burner ­flying

they·bear⁺ ­upon ­shoulder·of ­citycolts⁺ ­their·strengths⁺ ­and·upon ­honeycomb·of ­camels⁺ ­their·treasures⁺

upon ­people ­they·do·not·benefit⁺ :

and·Egypts² ­vapor ­and·emptiness ­they·help⁺

to·surely ­I·called ­to·this

Force ­they⁺ ­rest :

now ­ꜝenter ­ꜝwrite·her ­upon ­slate ­with·them ­and·upon ­account ­ꜝinscribe·her

and·ꜝlet·her·be ­to·day ­afterward

to·onward ­unto ­eternity :

as ­people·of ­bitterness ­he

sons⁺ ­denying⁺

sons⁺ ­they·did·not·want⁺ ­hearing ­the·torah·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

that ­they·said⁺ ­to·the·seers⁺ ­you·do·not·see⁺


you·do·not·vision⁺ ­to·us ­in·view⁺

ꜝspeak⁺ ­to·us ­division⁺

ꜝvision⁺ ­taunts⁺ :

ꜝmove⁺ ­from ­step

ꜝbranch·out ­from ­way

give·rest⁺ ­from·our·face⁺ ­°the·sacred·of ­Princepowr :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr

because ­your⁺·rejecting ­in·the·speech ­this

and·you·trust⁺ ­in·intimidation ­and·skewed

and·you·are·staffed⁺ ­upon·him :

to·surely ­he·is ­to·you⁺ ­the·guilt ­this

as·rupture ­falling

petitioned ­in·rampart ­towering

that ­suddenly ­to·suddenly ­he·enters ­her·break :

and·he·broke·her ­as·break·of ­wiltbag·of ­formers⁺ ­beaten ­he·does·not·pity

and ­he·is·not·found ­in·his·beating·place ­claycraft

to·firepan ­fire ­from·smolderhearth

and·to·make·naked ­waters⁺ ­from·cistern :


as ­thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­in·returning ­and·peace ­you·are·saved⁺

in·quieting ­and·in·trusting

she·is ­your⁺·heroism

and ­you·did·not·want⁺ :

and·you·say⁺ ­not ­as ­upon ­horse ­we·flee⁺ ­upon ­surely ­you·flee⁺

and·upon ­slight ­we·chariot⁺

upon ­surely ­they·are·slight⁺ ­your⁺·pursuers⁺ :

thousand ­one ­from·face⁺·of ­rebuke·of ­one

from·face⁺·of ­rebuke·of ­five ­you·flee⁺

unto ­if ­you·remained⁺ ­as·the·mast ­upon ­the·head·of ­the·mount

and·as·the·flag ­upon ­the·hill :

and·to·surely ­he·lingers ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·grace·you⁺

and·to·surely ­he·is·high ­to·enwomb·you⁺

as ­Powers⁺·of ­judgment ­Yʜᴡʜ

blessedness⁺·of ­all·of ­lingering⁺ ­to·him :

as ­people ­in·Tzion ­he·settles ­in·Torahshalom

weeping ­you·do·not·weep ­gracing ­he·graces·you ­to·the·voice·of ­your·crying

as·he·hears ­he·responded·you :

and·he·gave ­to·you⁺ ­My·Lord ­bread ­rockiness ­and·waters⁺ ­squeezing

and ­he·is·not·winged ­again ­your·torahingrains⁺

and·they·were⁺ ­your·eyes² ­seeing⁺ ­°your·torahingrains⁺ :

and·your·ears² ­they·hear⁺ ­speech

from·after⁺·you ­saying

this ­the·step ­ꜝwalk⁺ ­in·him

as ­you·are·true⁺ ­and·as ­you·go·left⁺ :

and·you·defiled⁺ ­°the·topping·of ­the·sculptures⁺·of ­your·silver

and·°the·ephod·of ­the·libated·metal·of ­your·gold

you·winnow·them ­as ­sick

filth ­you·say ­to·him :

and·he·gave ­the·rain·of ­your·seed ­that ­you·seed ­°the·adamah ­and·bread ­the·inbringing·of ­the·adamah

and·he·was ­bountiful ­and·well-oiled

he·tends ­your·stock ­in·the·day ­he ­goatland ­broad :

and·the·alephs⁺ ­and·the·citycolts⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­the·adamah

feedmix·of ­souring ­they·eat⁺

that ­winnowing ­in·the·breathfan ­and·in·the·winnower :

and·he·was ­upon ­all·of ­mount ­climbing ­and·upon ­all·of ­hill ­borne

furrows⁺ ­courses⁺·of ­waters⁺

in·day·of ­killing ­much

when·falling ­great·towers⁺ :

and·he·was ­the·light·of ­the·whitemoon ­as·the·light·of ­the·hot·sun

and·the·light·of ­the·hot·sun ­he·is ­seven·times²

as·the·light·of ­the·seven·of ­the·days⁺

in·day ­wrapping ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·break·of ­his·people

and·the·impaling·of ­his·stroke ­he·heals :

¡lo! ­the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·entered ­from·afar

consumed ­his·nostrils

and·weight·of ­burden

his·lips² ­they·filled⁺ ­damnation

and·his·tongue ­as·fire ­eating :

and·his·breath ­as·river ­flooding ­unto ­neck ­he·halves

to·exalt ­clans⁺ ­in·exaltation·of ­vanity

and·halter ­leading·to·wander

upon ­cheeks²·of ­people⁺ :

the·song ­he·is ­to·you⁺

as·night·of ­sanctifying·oneself ­feast

and·gladness·of ­heart ­as·that·walks ­in·the·piercepipe

to·enter ­in·the·mount·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·rock·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·let·hear ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·splendor·of ­his·voice ­and·the·plunge·of ­his·arm ­he·shows

in·tempest·of ­nostrils

and·flame·of ­fire ­eating

shattering ­and·deluge ­and·stone·of ­hail :

as ­from·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·is·cast·down ­Blessed

in·the·stem ­he·strikes :

and·he·was ­all·of ­crossing·of ­branch·of ­foundation

that ­he·sets·in·peace ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·him

in·timbrels⁺ ­and·in·lyres⁺

and·in·battles⁺·of ­exaltationoffering ­he·battled ­in·them :

as ­lined·up ­from·recent ­tophet

also ­she ­to·the·king ­he·was·made·sure ­he·went·deep ­he·broadened

her·firesaecul ­fire ­and·trees⁺ ­multiplying

the·gasp·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as·river·of ­cypressa

consumed ­in·her :

¡oweh! ­that·descend⁺ ­Egypts² ­to·help

upon ­horses⁺ ­they·are·staffed⁺

and·they·trust⁺ ­upon ­chariot ­as ­much ­and·upon ­shockcavalry ­as ­they·were·strongboned⁺ ­very

and ­they·did·not·gaze⁺ ­upon ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr

and·°Yʜᴡʜ ­they·did·not·investigate⁺ :

and·also ­he ­wise ­and·he·brings·in ­bad

and·°his·speeches⁺ ­he·did·not·remove

and·he·arose ­upon ­house·of ­bad-doers⁺

and·upon ­help·of ­workers⁺·of ­iniquity :

and·Egypts² ­adam ­and·not ­powr

and·their·horses⁺ ­flesh ­and·not ­breath

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·branches·out ­his·hand ­and·he·stumbled ­helper ­and·he·fell ­helped

and·united ­all·of·them ­they·are·all·through :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­as·how ­he·echoes ­the·lion ­and·the·wolf ­upon ­his·prey ­that ­he·is·called ­upon·him ­fullness·of ­tendents⁺

from·their·voice ­he·is·not·cast·down

and·from·their·hum ­he·is·not·humble

surely ­he·descends ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

to·host·together ­upon ­the·mount·of ­Tzion ­and·upon ­her·hill :

as·skippingbirds⁺ ­flying⁺

surely ­he·guardens ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­upon ­Torahshalom

guardening ­and·he·snatched·away ­hopping·over ­and·he·delivered :

ꜝreturn⁺ ­to·that ­they·went·deep⁺ ­mutiny ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

as ­in·the·day ­he

they·reject⁺ ­man ­the·no-powers⁺·of ­his·silver

and·the·no-powers⁺·of ­his·gold

that ­they·did⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­your⁺·hands² ­sin :

and·he·fell ­Blessed ­in·sword·of ­not ­man

and·sword·of ­not ­adam ­she·eats·him

and·he·fled ­to·him ­from·face⁺·of ­sword

and·his·choice·youths⁺ ­to·levy ­they·are⁺ :

and·his·clifftop ­from·dislodgement ­he·crosses·over

and·they·were·cast·down⁺ ­from·flag ­his·princes⁺

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­light ­to·him ­in·Tzion

and·lampoven ­to·him ­in·Torahshalom :

¡lo! ­to·justice ­he·is·king ­king

and·to·princes⁺ ­to·judgment ­they·rule·as·prince⁺ :

and·he·was ­man ­as·concealment·place·of ­breath ­and·hiddenness·of ­deluge

as·furrows⁺·of ­waters⁺ ­in·desert

as·shadow·of ­clifftop ­weighty ­in·land ­tired :

and ­they·do·not·gaze⁺ ­eyes²·of ­seeing⁺

and·ears²·of ­hearing⁺ ­they·listen⁺ :

and·heart·of ­speedy⁺ ­he·discerns ­to·knowledge

and·tongue·of ­stammering⁺

she·speeds ­to·speak ­plain⁺ :

he·is·not·called ­again ­to·wilted ­noble

and·to·conspirator ­he·is·not·said ­safe :

as ­wilted ­wiltedness ­he·speaks

and·his·heart ­he·does ­iniquity

to·do ­profanity ­and·to·speak ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­wandering·things

to·empty ­soul·of ­hungry

and·drinking ­thirsty ­he·makes·to·be·lacking :

and·conspirator ­his·things⁺ ­bad⁺

he ­evil·determinations⁺ ­he·counselled

to·rope·up ­humiliated⁺ ­in·sayings⁺·of ­falsehood

and·when·speaking ­wanting ­judgment :

and·noble ­nobles⁺ ­he·counselled

and·he ­upon ­nobles⁺ ­he·arises :


women⁺ ­placid⁺

ꜝarise⁺ ­ꜝhear⁺ ­my·voice

daughters⁺ ­trusting⁺

give·ear⁺ ­my·saying :

days⁺ ­upon ­year

you·are·stirred·up ­trusting⁺

as ­he·was·all·through ­harvest

ingathering ­no ­he·enters :

ꜝshudder⁺ ­placid⁺

ꜝbe·stirred·up ­trusting⁺

ꜝdismantle ­and·ꜝbare·yourself

and·ꜝgird ­upon ­dresses² :

upon ­breasts² ­lamenting⁺

upon ­fields⁺·of ­desire ­upon ­vine ­fruitful :

upon ­the·adamah·of ­my·people

thorn ­watchbrier ­she·goes·up

as ­upon ­all·of ­houses⁺·of ­rejoicing

walledcity ­exultant :

as ­highest ­he·was·left·alone

hum·of ­city ­he·was·abandoned

cresttower ­and·battletester ­he·was ­about ­barrens⁺ ­unto ­eternity

rejoicing·of ­asses⁺ ­tendage·of ­flocks⁺ :

unto ­he·is·bared ­upon·us ­breath ­from·heights

and·he·was ­outspeak ­to·the·orchardgrain

and·the·orchardgrain ­to·the·forest ­he·is·considered :

and·he·dwelled ­in·the·outspeak ­judgment

and·justice ­in·the·orchardgrain ­she·settles :

and·he·was ­the·deed·of ­the·justice ­shalom

and·the·service·of ­the·justice

quieting ­and·trust ­unto ­eternity :

and·he·settled ­my·people ­in·habitation·of ­shalom

and·in·dwelling·places⁺·of ­trusts⁺

and·in·peaceful·places⁺·of ­placid⁺ :

and·he·hailed ­when·descending ­the·forest

and·in·the·low·place ­she·is·low ­the·city :

your⁺·blessedness⁺ ­seeding⁺ ­upon ­all·of ­waters⁺

the·sending·out·of ­the·foot·of ­the·bull ­and·the·donkey :

¡oweh! ­overbreasting ­and·you ­not ­overbreasted

and·covert ­and ­they·did·not·act·covertly⁺ ­in·him

as·you·complete ­overbreasting ­you·are·overbreasted

as·you·scope ­to·act·covertly ­they·act·covertly⁺ ­in·you :

Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝgrace·us ­to·you ­we·hoped⁺

ꜝbe ­their·arm ­to·the·dayplows⁺

¡yes! ­our·salvation ­in·season·of ­rockiness :

from·voice·of ­hum

they·retreated⁺ ­people⁺


they·shattered⁺ ­clans⁺ :

and·he·was·gathered ­your⁺·plunder

the·ingathering·of ­the·chomper

as·foraging·of ­locusts⁺ ­foraging ­in·him :

towering ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­dwelling ­heights

he·filled ­Tzion

judgment ­and·justice :

and·he·was ­the·truth·of ­your·seasons⁺

dominion·of ­salvations⁺ ­wisdom·of ­and·knowledge

the·fear·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she ­his·treasure :

¡lo! ­their·lion-powr

they·cried⁺ ­➝exterior

ministers⁺·of ­shalom

bitter ­they·weep⁺ :

they·were·desolated⁺ ­avenues⁺

he·rested ­crosser·of ­way

he·scuttled ­covenant ­he·rejected ­cities⁺

he·did·not·consider ­mortal :

he·mourned ­she·was·exhausted ­land

he·caused·to·be·dug·under ­Whitemost ­he·was·infested

he·was ­the·Strait ­as·the·Arabah

and·bucking ­Bashan ­and·Orchardgrain :

now ­I·arise ­he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

now ­I·heighten·myself

now ­I·am·borne :

you·progenate⁺ ­stūbble ­you·enchild⁺ ­stubble

your⁺·breath ­fire ­she·eats·you⁺ :

and·they·were⁺ ­people⁺ ­burnings⁺·of ­lime

thorns⁺ ­mulched·up ­in·the·fire ­they·flare⁺ :

ꜝhear⁺ ­afar⁺ ­that ­I·did

and·ꜝknow⁺ ­present⁺ ­my·heroism :

they·trembled⁺ ­in·Tzion ­sinful⁺

she·held ­shivering ­profane⁺

¿who ­he·lodges ­to·us ­fire·of ­eating

¿who ­he·lodges ­to·us ­smolderings⁺·of ­eternity :

walking ­justices⁺

and·speaker ­straightness⁺

rejecting ­in·profit·of ­intimidations⁺ ­bucking ­his·spoons² ­from·grasping ­in·the·bribe

shutting ­his·ear ­from·hearing ­bloods⁺

and·boning·up ­his·eyes² ­from·seeing ­in·bad :

he ­heights⁺ ­he·dwells

huntinglodges⁺·of ­clifftops⁺ ­his·tower

his·bread ­given

his·waters⁺ ­true⁺ :

king ­in·his·beauty ­they·vision⁺ ­your·eyes²

they·see⁺ ­land·of ­afars⁺ :

your·heart ­he·echoes ­terror

¿where ­counting ­¿where ­shekelling

¿where ­counting ­°the·great·towers⁺ :

°people ­fierce ­you·do·not·see

people ­depth⁺·of ­lip ­from·hearing

mocked·of ­tongue ­there·is·ńot ­discernment :

ꜝvision ­Tzion

the·walledcity·of ­our·assembly

your·eyes² ­they·see⁺ ­Torahshalom ­habitation ­placid ­tent ­he·does·not·migrate ­he·does·not·journey ­his·nails⁺ ­to·forever

and·all·of ­his·ropes⁺ ­they·are·not·snapped⁺ :

but ­rather ­there ­regal ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·us

rising·place·of ­streams⁺ ­niles⁺ ­broad⁺·of ­hands²

she·does·not·walk ­in·him ­shipping·of ­paddle

and·boat ­regal ­he·does·not·cross·over·him :

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·judge

Yʜᴡʜ ­that·prescribes·us

Yʜᴡʜ ­our·king ­he ­he·saves·us :

they·were·left·alone ­your·ropes⁺

they·do·not·make·firm⁺ ­the·surefoot·of ­their·mast ­they·did·not·stretch⁺ ­flag

then ­he·was·divided ­decorated·of ­plunder ­multiplication

hobbling⁺ ­they·spoiled⁺ ­spoil :

and ­he·does·not·say ­fellowdweller ­I·was·pierced

the·people ­that·settles ­in·her ­borne·of ­guilt :

ꜝbe·present⁺ ­clans⁺ ­to·hear

and·nations⁺ ­ꜝlisten⁺

she·hears ­the·land ­and·her·fullness

world ­and·all·of ­her·outgoings⁺ :

as ­anger ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­all·of ­the·clans⁺

and·heat ­upon ­all·of ­their·host

he·made·them·herem ­he·gave·them ­to·the·butchering :

and·their·pierced⁺ ­they·are·dropped⁺

and·their·carcasses⁺ ­he·goes·up ­their·stench

and·they·were·dampened⁺ ­mounts⁺ ­from·their·blood :

and·they·festered⁺ ­all·of ­the·host·of ­the·skies⁺

and·they·were·rolled⁺ ­as·the·account ­the·skies⁺

and·all·of ­their·host ­he·wilts

as·wilting ­upper·leaf ­from·vine

and·as·wilting ­from·fig :

as ­she·overflowed ­in·the·skies⁺ ­my·sword

¡lo! ­upon ­Blood ­she·descends

and·upon ­the·people·of ­my·herem ­to·judgment :

sword ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­she·filled ­blood ­she·was·made·bountiful ­from·fat

from·blood·of ­goats⁺ ­and·rams⁺

from·fat·of ­allkidneys⁺·of ­powrrams⁺

as ­offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·Fortified

and·butchering ­great ­in·the·land·of ­Blood :

and·they·descended⁺ ­highaurochs⁺ ­near·them

and·cows⁺ ­near ­pinioned·ones⁺

and·she·overflowed ­their·land ­from·blood

and·their·dust ­from·fat ­he·is·made·bountiful :

as ­day·of ­vengeance ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

year·of ­shalom-makings⁺ ­to·the·argument·of ­Tzion :

and·they·were·converted⁺ ­her·rivers⁺ ­to·tar

and·her·dust ­to·cypressa

and·she·was ­her·land

to·tar ­consumed :

night ­and·daytime ­she·is·not·quenched

to·eternity ­he·goes·up ­her·smoke

from·saeculum ­to·saeculum ­she·is·withered

to·forever·of ­forevers⁺

there·is·ńot ­crosser ­in·her :

and·they·inherited⁺·her ­vomitbird ­and·severingbird

and·breezer ­and·eveningbird ­they·dwell⁺ ­in·her

and·he·branched·out ­upon·her ­hopecord·of ­null ­and·stones⁺·of ­nil :

her·brilliants⁺ ­and·there·is·ńot ­there ­kingship ­they·call⁺

and·all·of ­her·princes⁺ ­they·are⁺ ­limit :

and·she·went·up ­her·heights⁺ ­potthorns⁺

prickles ­and·briar ­in·her·fortifications⁺

and·she·was ­habitation·of ­serpents⁺

courtyard ­to·daughters⁺·of ­responderbird :

and·they·encountered⁺ ­desert·animals⁺ ­°hawks⁺

and·hairgoat ­upon ­his·tendent ­he·calls

surely ­there ­she·let·take·a·wink ­nightbird

and·she·found ­to·her ­peaceful·place :

➝there ­she·nested ­qippozbird ­and·she·delivers

and·she·cleaved ­and·she·brooded ­in·her·shadow

surely ­there ­they·were·collected⁺ ­soarers⁺ ­woman ­her·tendent :

ꜝinvestigate⁺ ­from·upon ­the·account·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·ꜝcall⁺

one ­from·them ­she·was·not·deflocked

woman ­her·tendent ­they·did·not·reckon⁺

as ­my·mouth ­he ­he·commanded

and·his·breath ­he ­he·collected·them :

and·he ­he·let·fall ­to·them ­lot

and·his·hand ­she·divided·her ­to·them ­in·the·hopecord

unto ­eternity ­they·inherit⁺·her

to·saeculum ­and·saeculum ­they·dwell⁺ ­in·her :

they·rejoice⁺·them ­outspeak ­and·desert

and·ꜝlet·her·twirl ­arabah ­and·she·buds ­as·rose :

budding ­she·buds ­and·ꜝlet·her·twirl ­¡yes! ­the·twirling·of ­and·shouting

the·weight·of ­the·Whitemost ­he·was·given ­to·her

the·magnificence·of ­the·Orchardgrain ­and·the·Strait

they⁺ ­they·see⁺ ­the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·magnificence·of ­our·Powers⁺ :

ꜝmake·firm⁺ ­hands² ­slack⁺

and·knees² ­stumbling⁺ ­ꜝembolden⁺ :

ꜝsay⁺ ­to·speedy⁺·of ­heart

ꜝbe·firm⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·fear⁺

¡lo! ­your⁺·Powers⁺ ­vengeance ­he·enters

the·yield·of ­Powers⁺

he ­he·enters ­and·ꜝlet·him·save·you⁺ :

then ­they·are·illuminated⁺ ­eyes²·of ­blind⁺

and·ears²·of ­craftydeaf ­they·are·opened⁺ :

then ­he·leaps ­as·the·powrdeer ­hobbling

and·she·shouts ­tongue·of ­tonguetied

as ­they·were·cleaved⁺ ­in·the·outspeak ­waters⁺

and·rivers⁺ ­in·the·arabah :

and·he·was ­the·mirage ­to·pond

and·thirstiness ­to·springs⁺·of ­waters⁺

in·habitation·of ­serpents⁺ ­her·lying·place

sprouts ­to·stalk ­and·guzzlereed :

and·he·was ­there ­avenue ­and·step ­and·the·step·of ­the·Sanctuary ­he·is·called ­to·her

he·does·not·cross·over·him ­defiled ­and·he ­to·them

walking ­step ­and·wrongdoer⁺ ­they·do·not·wander⁺ :

he·is·not ­there ­lion ­and·rupturer·of ­lifes⁺ ­he·does·not·go·up·her

she·is·not·found ­there

and·they·walked⁺ ­goeled⁺ :

and·the·ransomed⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·return⁺ ­and·they·entered⁺ ­Tzion ­in·shouting

and·gladness·of ­eternity ­upon ­their·head

rejoicing ­and·gladness ­they·catch⁺

and·they·fled⁺ ­sorrow ­and·groaning :


and·he·is ­in·four ­and·ten ­year ­to·the·king ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­he·went·up ­Sanacherib ­the·king·of ­Blessed ­upon ­all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­that·are·fortified⁺ ­and·he·clenches·them :

and·he·sends ­the·king·of ­Blessed ­°Major ­Drinkbearer ­from·Lakysh ­➝Torahshalom ­to ­the·king ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­in·strength·of ­weighty

and·he·stands ­in·the·irrigationchannel·of ­the·kneepool ­the·uppermost

in·avenue·of ­field·of ­washing :

and·he·goes ­to·him ­Powr-Raises ­the·son·of ­Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ ­that ­upon ­the·house

and·Augmenting ­the·accounter

and·Yᴡ-Brother ­the·son·of ­Gatherer ­that·commemorates :

and·he·says ­to·them ­Major ­Drinkbearer

ꜝsay⁺ ­¡please! ­to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

thus ­he·said ­the·king ­the·great ­the·king·of ­Blessed

¿what ­the·trustfulness ­this ­that ­you·trusted :

I·said ­surely ­speech·of ­lips²

counsel ­and·heroism ­to·the·battle

now ­upon ­¿who ­you·trusted

as ­you·revolted ­in·me :

¡lo! ­you·trusted ­upon ­the·staff·of ­the·stalk ­that·is·smashed ­this ­upon ­Egypts²

that ­he·is·propped ­man ­upon·him

and·he·entered ­in·his·spoon ­and·he·punctured·her

surely ­Pharaoh ­the·king·of ­Egypts²

to·all·of ­that·trust⁺ ­upon·him :

and·as ­you·say ­to·me

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺ ­we·trusted⁺

¿not ­he ­that ­he·removed ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­°his·daises⁺ ­and·°his·offering·places⁺

and·he·says ­to·Gloryhand ­and·to·Torahshalom

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·offering·place ­this ­you·prostrate·yourselves⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝpledge·yourself ­¡please!

with ­my·lord ­the·king·of ­Blessed

and·ꜝlet·me·give ­to·you ­thousands² ­horses⁺

if ­you·are·able ­to·give ­to·you ­charioting⁺ ­upon·them :

and·¿ħow ­you·return ­°the·face⁺·of ­the·prefect·of ­one·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­my·lord ­the·small⁺

and·you·trust ­to·you ­upon ­Egypts²

to·chariot ­and·to·shockcavalry :

and·now ­¿from·not·unto ­Yʜᴡʜ

I·went·up ­upon ­the·land ­this ­to·ruin·her

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·said ­to·me

go·up ­to ­the·land ­this ­and·ꜝruin·her :

and·he·says ­Powr-Raises ­and·Augmenting ­and·Yᴡ-Brother ­to ­Major ­Drinkbearer ­ꜝspeak ­¡please! ­to ­your·servants⁺ ­heightïtic

as ­hearing⁺ ­we⁺

and ­ꜝdo·not·speak ­to·us ­Gloryhandïte

in·the·ears²·of ­the·people

that ­upon ­the·rampart :

and·he·says ­Major ­Drinkbearer ­¿to ­your·lords⁺ ­and·to·you ­he·sent·me ­my·lord

to·speak ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these

¿not ­upon ­the·mortals⁺ ­that·settle⁺ ­upon ­the·rampart

to·eat ­°their·filth ­and·to·drink ­°the·waters⁺·of ­their·feet² ­near·you⁺ :

and·he·stands ­Major ­Drinkbearer

and·he·calls ­in·voice ­great ­Gloryhandïte

and·he·says ­ꜝhear⁺ ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·king ­the·great ­the·king·of ­Blessed :

thus ­he·said ­the·king

he·does·not·defraud ­to·you⁺ ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

as ­he·is·not·able ­to·snatch·away ­°you⁺ :

and ­he·does·not·cause·to·trust ­°you⁺ ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

snatching·away ­he·snatches·us·away ­Yʜᴡʜ

she·is·not·given ­the·city ­this

in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Blessed :

ꜝdo·not·hear⁺ ­to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

as ­thus ­he·said ­the·king·of ­Blessed ­ꜝdo⁺ ­with·me ­kneeling ­and·ꜝgo⁺ ­to·me

and·ꜝeat⁺ ­man ­his·vine ­and·man ­his·fig

and·ꜝdrink⁺ ­man ­the·waters⁺·of ­his·well :

unto ­my·entering ­and·I·took ­°you⁺ ­to ­land ­as·your⁺·land

land·of ­grain ­and·winemust

land·of ­bread ­and·orchards⁺ :

lest ­he·coaxes ­°you⁺ ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­saying

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·snatches·us·away

¿they·snatched·away ­Powers⁺·of ­the·clans⁺ ­man ­°his·land

from·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Blessed :

¿where ­Powers⁺·of ­Rampart ­and·Spread

¿where ­Powers⁺·of ­Separw

and·as ­they·snatched·away ­°Watchstation ­from·my·hand :

¿who ­in·all·of ­Powers⁺·of ­the·lands⁺ ­these

that ­they·snatched·away ­°their·land ­from·my·hand

as ­he·snatches·away ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Torahshalom ­from·my·hand :


and ­they·did·not·respond⁺ ­°him ­speech

as ­the·commandment·of ­the·king ­she ­saying ­you·do·not·respond⁺·him :

and·he·enters ­Powr-Raises ­the·son·of ­Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ ­that ­upon ­the·house ­and·Augmenting ­the·accounter ­and·Yᴡ-Brother ­the·son·of ­Gatherer ­that·commemorates ­to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­torn⁺·of ­coverings⁺

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·him

°the·speeches⁺·of ­Major ­Drinkbearer :

and·he·is ­as·hearing ­the·king ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

and·he·tears ­°his·coverings⁺

and·he·covers·himself ­in·the·burlap

and·he·enters ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·sends ­°Powr-Raises ­that ­upon ­the·house ­and·°Augmenting ­the·accounter ­and·°the·elders⁺·of ­the·priests⁺

covering·themselves⁺ ­in·the·burlaps⁺

to ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­the·son·of ­Bold ­the·prophet :

and·they·say⁺ ­to·him ­thus ­he·said ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

day·of ­rockiness ­and·reproof ­and·disregard ­the·day ­this

as ­they·entered⁺ ­sons⁺ ­unto ­breach

and·vigor ­there·is·ńot ­to·enchilding :

¿maybe ­he·hears ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­Major ­Drinkbearer ­that ­he·sent·him ­the·king·of ­Blessed ­his·lords⁺ ­to·detract ­Powers⁺ ­living

and·he·reproved ­in·the·speeches⁺

that ­he·heard ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

and·you·bore ­mediation

about ­the·survivor ­that·is·found :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­the·king ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Saves :

and·he·says ­to·them ­Yʜᴡ-Saves

thus ­you·say⁺ ­to ­your⁺·lords⁺

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­that ­you·heard

that ­they·blasphemed⁺ ­the·youths⁺·of ­the·king·of ­Blessed ­°me :

¡lo!·me ­giving ­in·him ­breath

and·he·heard ­hearing ­and·he·returned ­to ­his·land

and·I·let·him·fall ­in·the·sword ­in·his·land :

and·he·returns ­Major ­Drinkbearer

and·he·finds ­°the·king·of ­Blessed

battling ­upon ­Whitetree

as ­he·heard

as ­he·journeyed ­from·Lakysh :

and·he·hears ­upon ­Tirhaqah ­the·king·of ­Kush ­saying

he·went ­to·battle ­with·you

and·he·hears ­and·he·sends ­ministers⁺

to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­saying :

thus ­you·say⁺ ­to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand ­saying

he·does·not·defraud·you ­your·Powers⁺

that ­you ­trusting ­in·him ­saying

she·is·not·given ­Torahshalom

in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­Blessed :

¡lo! ­you ­you·heard ­that ­they·did⁺ ­the·kings⁺·of ­Blessed ­to·all·of ­the·lands⁺ ­to·make·them·herem

and·you ­you·are·snatched·away :

¿they·snatched·away ­°them ­Powers⁺·of ­the·clans⁺ ­that ­they·ruined⁺ ­my·fathers⁺

°Shearance ­and·°Scorch

and·Mosaic ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Comfort ­that ­in·Tel-Blest :

¿where ­the·king·of ­Rampart ­and·the·king·of ­Spread

and·the·king·of ­the·city·of ­Separw

Hena ­and·Guilty :

and·he·takes ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­°the·accounts⁺ ­from·the·hand·of ­the·ministers⁺ ­and·he·calls·him

and·he·goes·up ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·stretches·him ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·mediates ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying :

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­settling ­the·cherubs⁺

you ­he ­the·Powers⁺ ­alone·you

to·all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·land

you ­you·did

°the·skies⁺ ­and·°the·land :

ꜝbranch·out ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·ear ­and·ꜝhear

ꜝilluminate ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·eyes² ­and·ꜝsee

and·ꜝhear ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Sanacherib

that ­he·sent

to·detract ­Powers⁺ ­living :

truly ­Yʜᴡʜ

they·withered⁺ ­the·kings⁺·of ­Blessed ­°all·of ­the·lands⁺ ­and·°their·land :

and·giving ­°their·Powers⁺ ­in·the·fire

as ­not ­Powers⁺ ­they⁺ ­but ­rather ­doing·of ­hands²·of ­adam ­tree ­and·stone ­and·they·lose⁺·them :

and·now ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺

ꜝsave·us ­from·his·hand

and·they·know⁺ ­all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺·of ­the·land

as ­you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­alone·you :

and·he·sends ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­the·son·of ­Bold

to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­saying

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

that ­you·mediated ­to·me

to ­Sanacherib ­the·king·of ­Blessed :

this ­the·speech

that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·him

she·despised ­to·you ­she·mocked ­to·you ­the·virgin·of ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion

after⁺·you ­head ­she·rattled·around

the·daughter·of ­Torahshalom :

°¿who ­you·detracted ­and·you·blasphemed

and·upon ­¿who ­you·heightened ­voice

and·you·bear ­heights ­your·eyes² ­to ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr :

in·the·hand·of ­your·servants⁺ ­you·detracted ­My·Lord

and·you·say ­in·the·multitude·of ­my·chariot ­I ­I·went·up ­heights·of ­mounts⁺ ­the·flanks²·of ­Whitemost

and·I·cut·down ­the·rising·of ­his·cedars⁺ ­the·choicest·of ­his·firs⁺

and·I·enter ­the·heights·of ­his·end

the·forest·of ­his·orchardgrain :

I ­I·fountained ­and·I·drank ­waters⁺

and·I·wither ­in·the·spoon·of ­my·times⁺

all·of ­the·niles⁺·of ­Rocked·Up·Place :

¿not ­you·heard ­to·from·afar ­°her ­I·did

from·days⁺·of ­frontmost ­and·I·formed·her

now ­I·brought·her·in

and·ꜝbe ­to·make·a·roar·of ­rolls⁺ ­striving·against⁺ ­cities⁺ ­fortified⁺ :

and·that·settle⁺·them ­cropped·short·of ­hand

they·were·cast·down⁺ ­and·they·were·ashamed⁺

they·were⁺ ­herb·of ­field ­and·greens·of ­grass

sprouts·of ­roofs⁺

and·field ­to·face⁺·of ­risen·grain :

and·your·settling ­and·your·going ­and·your·entering ­I·knew

and·°your·stirring·yourself·up ­to·me :

because ­your·stirring·yourself·up ­to·me

and·your·placid ­he·went·up ­in·my·ears²

and·I·placed ­my·briar ­in·your·nostrils ­and·my·bridle ­in·your·lips²


in·the·step ­that ­you·entered ­in·her :

and·this ­to·you ­the·sign

eating ­the·year ­rashcrop

and·in·the·year ­the·second ­volunteer-crop

and·in·the·year ­the·third ­ꜝseed⁺ ­and·ꜝcrop⁺ ­and·ꜝplant⁺ ­orchards⁺ ­and·ꜝeat⁺ ­their·fruit :

and·she·added ­the·rescue·of ­the·house·of ­Gloryhand ­the·survivor ­root ­to·beneath

and·he·did ­fruit ­to➝upward :

as ­from·Torahshalom ­she·goes ­survivor

and·rescue ­from·the·mount·of ­Tzion

the·jealousy·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­she·does ­this :

to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·king·of ­Blessed

he·does·not·enter ­to ­the·city ­this

and ­he·does·not·torah ­there ­arrow

and ­he·is·not·in·front·of·her ­guard

and ­he·does·not·spill·out ­upon·her ­advances :

in·the·step ­that ­he·entered ­in·her ­he·returns

and·to ­the·city ­this ­he·does·not·enter ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·I·guardened ­upon ­the·city ­this ­to·save·her


and·because·of ­Intimate ­my·servant :

and·he·goes ­the·minister·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·strikes ­in·the·camp·of ­Blessed

hundred ­and·eighty⁺ ­and·five ­thousand

and·they·yoke·up ­in·the·dayplow

and·¡lo! ­all·of·them ­carcasses⁺ ­dead⁺ :

and·he·journeys ­and·he·walks

and·he·returns ­Sanacherib ­the·king·of ­Blessed

and·he·settles ­in·Nineveh :

and·he·is ­he ­prostrating·oneself ­the·house·of ­Nisrok ­his·Powers⁺ ­and·Regal-King ­and·Princehelped ­his·sons⁺ ­they·struck⁺·him ­in·the·sword

and·they⁺ ­they·were·delivered⁺ ­the·land·of ­Ararat

and·he·is·king ­Blessed ­Brother-Given ­his·son ­unders⁺·him :

in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺

he·was·pierced ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­to·die

and·he·enters ­to·him ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­the·son·of ­Bold ­the·prophet ­and·he·says ­to·him ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝcommand ­to·your·house

as ­dead ­you ­and ­you·do·not·live :

and·he·turns ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­his·face⁺ ­to ­the·wall

and·he·mediates ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­¡ah·please! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝremember ­¡please! ­°that ­I·walked·myself ­to·your·face⁺ ­in·truth ­and·in·heart ­shalomic

and·the·good ­in·your·eyes² ­I·did

and·he·weeps ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­weeping ­great :

and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­saying :

walking ­and·you·said ­to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Intimate ­your·father

I·heard ­°your·mediation

I·saw ­°your·tears

¡lo!·me ­he·adds ­upon ­your·days⁺

five·of ­and·ten ­year :

and·from·the·spoon·of ­the·king·of ­Blessed ­I·snatch·you·away

and·°the·city ­this

and·I·guardened ­upon ­the·city ­this :

and·this ­to·you ­the·sign ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ

°the·speech ­this ­that ­he·spoke :

¡lo!·me ­returning ­°the·shadow·of ­the·upward·ways⁺ ­that ­she·descended ­in·the·upward·ways⁺·of ­Holder ­in·the·sun ­aftward ­ten·of ­upward·ways⁺

and·she·returns ­the·sun ­ten·of ­upward·ways⁺

in·the·upward·ways⁺ ­that ­she·descended :

writing ­to·Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­the·king·of ­Gloryhand

when·he·is·pierced ­and·he·lives ­from·his·piercing :

I ­I·said ­in·the·silence·of ­my·days⁺ ­ꜝlet·me·walk ­in·gates⁺·of ­sheol

I·was·reckoned ­the·remainder·of ­my·years⁺ :

I·said ­I·do·not·see ­

 ­in·the·land·of ­the·living⁺

I·do·not·look ­adam ­again ­near ­settling⁺·of ­deceased :

my·saeculum ­he·was·journeyed ­and·he·was·stripped ­from·me ­as·the·tent·of ­my·tendent

I·severed ­as·that·weaves ­my·life⁺ ­from·hair·pulled·down ­he·makes·a·profit·on·me

from·day ­unto ­night ­you·make·shalom·me :

I·leveled ­unto ­dayplow ­as·the·lion

surely ­he·breaks ­all·of ­my·bones⁺

from·day ­unto ­night ­you·make·shalom·me :

as·horse·of ­agur ­surely ­cheep

I·echo ­as·the·dove

they·were·pulled·down ­my·eyes² ­to·the·heights

My·Lord ­intimidation ­to·me ­ꜝpledge·me :

¿what ­I·speak ­and·he·said ­to·me ­and·he ­he·did

I·trudge·myself·along ­all·of ­my·years⁺ ­upon ­the·bitter·of ­my·soul :

My·Lord ­upon·them ­they·live⁺

and·to·all ­in·them ­the·life⁺·of ­my·breath

and·you·cause·to·be·dreamed·me ­and·keep·me·alive :

¡lo! ­to·shalom ­he·was·bitterness ­to·me ­bitter

and·you ­you·were·charmed ­my·soul ­from·pit·of ­no

as ­you·dropped ­after⁺ ­your·back ­all·of ­my·sins⁺ :

as ­not ­sheol ­she·gloryhands·you ­death ­he·praises·you

they·do·not·expect⁺ ­descending⁺·of ­well ­to ­your·truth :

living ­living ­he ­he·gloryhands·you ­as·me ­the·day

father ­to·sons⁺

he·lets·know ­to ­your·truth :

Yʜᴡʜ ­to·save·me

and·my·harps⁺ ­we·harp⁺ ­all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­our·life⁺ ­upon ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Saves

they·bear⁺ ­lump·of ­figs⁺

and·they·rub⁺ ­upon ­the·infection ­and·ꜝlet·him·live :

and·he·says ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­¿what ­sign

as ­I·go·up ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

in·the·season ­she ­he·sent ­Marduk ­Master-Lord ­the·son·of ­Master-Lord ­the·king·of ­Babylon ­accounts⁺ ­and·tribute ­to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

and·he·hears ­as ­he·was·pierced ­and·he·is·firm :

and·he·is·glad ­upon·them ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

and·he·shows·them ­°the·house·of ­his·strikery ­°the·silver ­and·°the·gold ­and·°the·spices⁺ ­and·°the·oil ­the·good ­and·°all·of ­the·house·of ­his·things⁺

and·°all·of ­that ­he·was·found ­in·his·treasures⁺

he·was·not ­speech ­that ­he·did·not·show·them ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­in·his·house ­and·in·all·of ­his·rule :

and·he·enters ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­the·prophet

to ­the·king ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

and·he·says ­to·him ­¿what ­they·said⁺ ­the·mortals⁺ ­these ­and·from·¿where ­they·enter⁺ ­to·you

and·he·says ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

from·land ­afar ­they·entered⁺ ­to·me ­from·Babylon :

and·he·says ­¿what ­they·saw⁺ ­in·your·house

and·he·says ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­°all·of ­that ­in·my·house ­they·saw⁺

he·was·not ­speech ­that ­I·did·not·show·them ­in·my·treasures⁺ :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Saves ­to ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ

ꜝhear ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :

¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺

and·he·was·borne ­all·of ­that ­in·your·house ­and·that ­they·treasured⁺ ­your·fathers⁺ ­unto ­the·day ­this ­Babylon

he·does·not·remain ­speech ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·from·your·sons⁺ ­that ­they·go⁺ ­from·you ­that ­you·bechild ­they·take⁺

and·they·were⁺ ­eunuchs⁺

in·the·palace·of ­the·king·of ­Babylon :

and·he·says ­Firm-by-Yʜᴡ ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Saves

good ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­you·spoke

and·he·says ­as ­he·is ­shalom ­and·truth ­in·my·days⁺ :


ꜝsigh·with ­ꜝsigh·with ­my·people

he·says ­your⁺·Powers⁺ :

ꜝspeak⁺ ­upon ­the·heart·of ­Torahshalom ­and·ꜝcall⁺ ­to·her

as ­she·filled ­her·host

as ­he·was·favored ­her·guilt

as ­she·took ­from·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

manifold² ­in·all·of ­her·sins⁺ :

voice ­calling

in·the·outspeak ­ꜝreface⁺ ­the·step·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝstraighten⁺ ­in·the·arabah

avenue ­to·our·Powers⁺ :

all·of ­valley ­he·is·borne

and·all·of ­mount ­and·hill ­they·are·low⁺

and·he·was ­the·heeling ­to·straight·place

and·the·hooks⁺ ­to·cleft :

and·he·was·stripped·out ­the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·saw⁺ ­all·of ­flesh ­united

as ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke :

voice ­saying ­ꜝcall

and·he·said ­¿what ­I·call

all·of ­the·flesh ­sprouts

and·all·of ­his·mercy ­as·the·flower·of ­the·field :

he·dried·up ­sprouts ­he·wilted ­flower

as ­the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·breezed ­in·him

surely ­sprouts ­the·people :

he·dried·up ­sprouts ­he·wilted ­flower

and·the·speech·of ­our·Powers⁺ ­he·arises ­to·eternity :

upon ­mount ­climbing ­go·up ­to·you ­the·fleshing·out·of ­Tzion

ꜝheighten ­in·the·vigor ­your·voice

the·fleshing·out·of ­Torahshalom

ꜝheighten ­ꜝdo·not·fear

ꜝsay ­to·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand

¡lo! ­your⁺·Powers⁺ :

¡lo! ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·firm ­he·enters

and·his·arm ­ruler ­to·him

¡lo! ­his·hire ­with·him

and·his·work ­to·his·face⁺ :

as·tendent ­his·flock ­he·tends

in·his·arm ­he·collects ­patchylambs⁺

and·in·his·bosom ­he·bears

nursing⁺ ­he·leads :

¿who ­he·measured ­in·his·clutchful ­waters⁺ ­and·skies⁺ ­in·the·winnowhand ­he·balanced

and·he·sustained ­in·the·third ­the·dust·of ­the·land

and·he·shekelled ­in·the·scale ­mounts⁺

and·hills⁺ ­in·earscale :

¿who ­he·balanced ­°the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·the·man·of ­his·counsel ­he·lets·him·know :

with ­¿who ­consulting ­and·he·gives·him·discernment

and·he·disciples·him ­in·way·of ­judgment

and·he·disciples·him ­knowledge

and·step·of ­discernments⁺ ­he·lets·him·know :

¡lo! ­clans⁺ ­as·bitterness ­from·pullbucket

and·as·wisp·of ­earscale ­they·were·considered⁺

¡lo! ­islands⁺ ­as·the·thin ­he·hoists·up :

and·Whitemost ­there·is·ńot ­enough·of ­consuming·by·fire


there·is·ńot ­enough·of ­upward·offering :

all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­as·there·is·ńot ­before·him

from·limit ­and·null ­they·were·considered⁺ ­to·him :

and·to ­¿who ­you·liken⁺ ­powr

and·¿what ­likeness ­you·line·up ­to·him :

the·sculpture ­he·libated·out ­craftsman

and·smelter ­in·the·gold ­he·plates·him

and·links⁺·of ­silver ­smelter :

the·destitute ­high·offering

tree ­he·does·not·rot ­he·chooses

craftsman ­wise ­he·seeks ­to·him

to·make·sure ­sculpture ­he·is·not·shaken :

¿not ­you·know⁺ ­¿not ­you·hear⁺

¿not ­he·was·told·forth ­from·head ­to·you⁺

¿not ­you·gave·discernment⁺

the·foundations⁺·of ­the·land :

that·settles ­upon ­the·orbit·of ­the·land

and·that·settle⁺·her ­as·chagabbugs⁺

that·branches·out ­as·the·thinnest ­skies⁺

and·he·sacks·them·out ­as·the·tent ­to·settle :

that·gives ­sovereign⁺ ­to·there·is·ńot

judges⁺·of ­land ­as·the·null ­he·did :

¡yes! ­they·were·not·planted⁺ ­¡yes! ­they·were·not·seeded⁺

¡yes! ­he·did·not·root·out ­in·the·land ­their·shearedstump

and·also ­he·breezed ­in·them ­and·they·dry·up

and·storm ­as·the·stubble ­she·bears·them :

and·to ­¿who ­you·liken⁺·me ­and·I·am·on·a·level

he·says ­sacred :

ꜝbear⁺ ­heights ­your⁺·eyes² ­and·ꜝsee⁺ ­¿who ­he·shaped ­these

that·lets·go ­in·count ­their·host

to·all·of·them ­in·name ­he·calls

from·multitude·of ­vitality⁺ ­and·bold·of ­vigor

man ­not ­deflocked :

to·¿what ­you·say ­Heeler

and·you·speak ­Princepowr

she·was·hidden ­my·step ­from·Yʜᴡʜ

and·from·my·Powers⁺ ­my·judgment ­he·crosses·over :

¿not ­you·knew ­if ­you·did·not·hear ­Powers⁺·of ­eternity ­Yʜᴡʜ ­shaping ­the·ends⁺·of ­the·land

he·does·not·get·tired ­and ­he·does·not·labor

there·is·ńot ­examination ­to·his·discernment :

giving ­to·the·tired ­vigor

and·to·there·is·ńot ­vitality⁺ ­bonestrength ­he·multiplies :

and·they·get·tired⁺ ­youths⁺ ­and·they·labor⁺

and·choice·youths⁺ ­stumbling ­they·stumble⁺ :

and·the·hopers⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·change⁺ ­vigor

they·go·up⁺ ­pinion ­as·the·eagles⁺

they·run⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·labor⁺

they·walk⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·get·tired⁺ :


ꜝcraft·silence ­to·me ­islands⁺

and·nations⁺ ­they·change⁺ ­vigor

they·approach⁺ ­then ­they·speak⁺

united ­to·the·judgment ­ꜝlet·us·be·present⁺ :

¿who ­he·roused ­from·dawn

justice ­he·calls·him ­to·his·foot

he·gives ­to·his·face⁺ ­clans⁺ ­and·kings⁺ ­ꜝlet·him·give·governance

he·gives ­as·the·dust ­his·sword

as·stubble ­wafted·away ­his·bow :

he·pursues·them ­he·crosses·over ­shalom

way ­in·his·feet² ­he·does·not·enter :

¿who ­he·worked ­and·he·did

calling ­the·saecula⁺ ­from·head

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­headmost

and·with ­afterward⁺ ­I ­he :

they·saw⁺ ­islands⁺ ­and·they·fear⁺

the·ends⁺·of ­the·land ­they·shudder⁺

they·were·present⁺ ­and·they·come⁺ :

man ­°his·tendent ­they·help⁺

and·to·his·brother ­he·says ­ꜝbe·firm :

and·he·makes·firm ­craftsman ­°smelter

divided·of ­mallet ­°hammering·of ­time

saying ­to·the·joint ­good ­he

and·he·makes·him·firm ­in·spikes⁺ ­he·is·not·shaken :

and·you ­Princepowr ­my·servant

Heeler ­that ­I·chose·you

the·seed·of ­Father-Hi-Hum ­that·loves·me :

that ­I·grasped·you·firmly ­from·the·ends⁺·of ­the·land

and·from·her·sides⁺ ­I·called·you

and·I·say ­to·you ­my·servant ­you

I·chose·you ­and ­I·did·not·reject·you :

ꜝdo·not·fear ­as ­near·you ­I

ꜝdo·not·gaze·at·yourself ­as ­I ­your·Powers⁺

I·emboldened·you ­¡yes! ­I·helped·you

¡yes! ­I·grasped·you ­in·the·right·of ­my·justice :

¡lo! ­they·are·ashamed⁺ ­and·they·are·embarrassed⁺

all ­the·scorched⁺ ­in·you

they·are⁺ ­as·there·is·ńot ­and·they·are·lost⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­your·argument :

you·seek·them ­and ­you·do·not·find·them

the·mortals⁺·of ­your·strife

they·are⁺ ­as·there·is·ńot ­and·as·limit ­the·mortals⁺·of ­your·battle :

as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­the·grasping·firmly·of ­your·right

that·says ­to·you ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­I ­I·helped·you :

ꜝdo·not·fear ­the·fangworm·of ­Heeler

the·adults⁺·of ­Princepowr

I ­I·helped·you ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·your·goel ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr :

¡lo! ­I·placed·you ­to·truck·of ­incision ­new

master·of ­mouth⁺

you·thresh ­mounts⁺ ­and·you·make·thin

and·hills⁺ ­as·the·chaff ­you·place :

you·winnow·them ­and·breath ­she·bears·them

and·storm ­she·scatters ­°them

and·you ­you·twirl ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

in·the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­you·praise·yourself :


the·humiliated⁺ ­and·the·wanting⁺ ­seekers⁺ ­waters⁺ ­and·there·is·ńot

their·tongue ­in·the·thirst ­she·was·parched

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·respond·them

Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­I·do·not·abandon·them :

I·open ­upon ­ridges⁺ ­streams⁺

and·in·midst·of ­clefts⁺ ­eyewells⁺

I·place ­outspeak ­to·pond·of ­waters⁺

and·land·of ­desert ­to·goings⁺·of ­waters⁺ :

I·give ­in·the·outspeak ­cedar ­paddlewood

and·myrtle ­and·tree·of ­oil

I·place ­in·the·arabah ­fir ­galloptree ­and·blessingtree ­united :

because·of ­ꜝlet·them·see⁺ ­and·they·know⁺ ­and·they·place⁺ ­and·they·make·prudent⁺ ­united

as ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·did ­this

and·the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­he·shaped·her :


ꜝpresent⁺ ­your⁺·argument ­he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

bring·to·approach⁺ ­your⁺·bones·of·contention

he·says ­the·king·of ­Heeler :

they·bring·to·approach⁺ ­and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·us

°that ­they·are·fated·upon

the·headmost⁺ ­¿what ­they⁺ ­tell·forth⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·place⁺ ­our·heart ­and·ꜝlet·us·know⁺ ­their·afterward

or ­that·enter⁺ ­ꜝlet·us·hear⁺ :

tell·forth⁺ ­the·coming·things⁺ ­to·aft


as ­Powers⁺ ­you⁺

¡yes! ­you·do·good⁺ ­and·you·do·bad⁺

and·ꜝlet·us·gaze·at·ourselves⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·see⁺ ­united :

¡lo! ­you⁺ ­from·there·is·ńot

and·your⁺·work ­from·hissing

abomination ­he·chooses ­in·you⁺ :

I·roused ­from·north ­and·he·comes

from·dawn·of ­sun ­he·calls ­in·my·name

and·he·enters ­alcaldes⁺ ­as ­donkeyload

and·as ­former ­he·tramples ­mud :

¿who ­he·told·forth ­from·head ­and·ꜝlet·us·know⁺

and·from·to·face⁺ ­and·we·say⁺ ­just

¡yes! ­there·is·ńot ­telling·forth ­¡yes! ­there·is·ńot ­letting·hear

¡yes! ­there·is·ńot ­hearing ­your⁺·sayings⁺ :

headmost ­to·Tzion ­¡lo! ­¡lo!·them

and·to·Torahshalom ­fleshing·out ­I·give :

and·ꜝlet·me·see ­and·there·is·ńot ­man

and·from·these ­and·there·is·ńot ­counselor

and·I·request·them ­and·they·return⁺ ­speech :

¡lo! ­all·of·them

iniquity ­limit ­their·deeds⁺

breath ­and·null ­their·libations⁺ :


¡lo! ­my·servant ­I·grasp ­in·him

my·chosen ­she·favored ­my·soul

I·gave ­my·breath ­upon·him

judgment ­to·the·clans⁺ ­he·lets·go :

he·does·not·cry ­and ­he·does·not·bear

and ­he·does·not·let·hear ­in·the·exterior ­his·voice :

stalk ­smashed ­he·does·not·break

and·flax ­waning ­he·does·not·quench·her

to·truth ­he·lets·go ­judgment :

he·does·not·wane ­and ­he·does·not·smash

unto ­he·places ­in·the·land ­judgment

and·to·his·torah ­islands⁺ ­they·await⁺ :


thus ­he·said ­the·powr ­Yʜᴡʜ ­shaping ­the·skies⁺ ­and·that·branch·out·them

flattening ­the·land ­and·her·outgoings⁺

giving ­gasp ­to·the·people ­upon·her

and·breath ­to·that·walk⁺ ­in·her :

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·called·you ­in·justice ­and·ꜝlet·me·grasp·firmly ­in·your·hand

and·I·protect·you ­and·I·give·you ­to·covenant·of ­people ­to·light·of ­clans⁺ :

to·illuminate ­eyes² ­blind⁺

to·let·go ­from·lockdown ­chainedman

from·house·of ­detention ­settling⁺·of ­darkness :

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he ­my·name

and·my·weight ­to·after ­I·do·not·give

and·my·praise ­to·the·sculptures⁺ :

the·headmost⁺ ­¡lo! ­they·entered⁺

and·new⁺ ­I ­telling·forth

in·ere ­they·grow⁺ ­I·let·hear ­°you⁺ :


ꜝsing⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­song ­new

his·praise ­from·the·end·of ­the·land

the·descending⁺·of ­the·sea ­and·his·fullness

islands⁺ ­and·that·settle⁺·them :

they·bear⁺ ­outspeak ­and·his·cities⁺

courtyards⁺ ­she·settles ­Glooming

they·shout⁺ ­settling⁺·of ­clifftop

from·head·of ­mounts⁺ ­they·scream⁺ :

they·place⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­weight

and·his·praise ­in·the·islands⁺ ­they·tell·forth⁺ :

Yʜᴡʜ ­as·the·hero ­he·goes

as·man·of ­battles⁺ ­he·rouses ­jealousy

he·cheers ­¡yes! ­he·hollers

upon ­his·enemies⁺ ­he·acts·heroic :

hushed ­from·eternity

I·craft·silence ­I·channel·myself

as·that·enchilds ­I·hiss

I·gasp ­and·I·gobble ­united :

I·wither ­mounts⁺ ­and·hills⁺

and·all·of ­their·herb ­I·dry·up

and·I·placed ­streams⁺ ­to·the·islands⁺

and·ponds⁺ ­I·dry·up :

and·I·caused·to·walk ­blind⁺ ­in·step ­they·did·not·know⁺

in·paths⁺ ­they·did·not·know⁺ ­I·make·them·step

I·place ­dark·place ­to·their·face⁺ ­to·the·light ­and·warped·places⁺ ­to·straight·place

these ­the·speeches⁺

I·did·them ­and ­I·did·not·abandon·them :

they·were·skimmed·away ­aft ­they·are·ashamed⁺ ­shame

that·trust⁺ ­in·the·sculpture

that·say⁺ ­to·libated·metal ­you⁺ ­our·Powers⁺ :

the·craftydeaf ­ꜝhear⁺

and·the·blind⁺ ­ꜝlook⁺ ­to·see :

¿who ­blind ­but ­rather ­my·servant

and·craftydeaf ­as·my·minister ­I·send

¿who ­blind ­as·shalomed

and·blind ­as·the·servant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

seeing ­many⁺ ­and ­you·do·not·watch

illuminating ­ears² ­and ­he·does·not·hear :

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was·pleased ­because·of ­his·justice

he·makes·great ­torah ­and·he·makes·regal :

and·he ­people ­spoiled ­and·looted

trapping ­in·the·crevices⁺ ­all·of·them

and·in·houses⁺·of ­detentions⁺ ­they·were·concealed⁺

they·were⁺ ­to·spoil ­and·there·is·ńot ­snatching·away

looting ­and·there·is·ńot ­saying ­ꜝreturn :

¿who ­in·you⁺ ­he·gives·ear ­this

he·listens ­and·he·hears ­to·aft :

¿who ­he·gave ­to·looting ­Heeler ­and·Princepowr ­to·spoiling⁺ ­¿not ­Yʜᴡʜ

this ­we·sinned⁺ ­to·him

and ­they·did·not·want⁺ ­in·his·steps⁺ ­walking

and ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­in·his·torah :

and·he·spills·out ­upon·him ­heat ­his·nostrils

and·might·of ­battle

and·she·enkindles·him ­from·turninground ­and ­he·did·not·know

and·she·is·consumed ­in·him ­and ­he·does·not·place ­upon ­heart :


and·now ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that·shapes·you ­Heeler

and·that·forms·you ­Princepowr

ꜝdo·not·fear ­as ­goeled·you

I·called ­in·your·name ­to·me ­you :

as ­you·cross·over ­in·the·waters⁺ ­with·you ­I

and·in·the·streams⁺ ­they·do·not·flood⁺·you

as ­you·walk ­in ­fire ­you·are·not·blistered

and·flame ­she·is·not·consumed ­in·you :

as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­your·savior

I·gave ­your·atonement·price ­Egypts²

Kush ­and·Seba ­unders⁺·you :

from·wħich ­you·were·precious ­in·my·eyes² ­you·were·weighty ­and·I ­I·loved·you

and·I·give ­adam ­unders⁺·you

and·nations⁺ ­under ­your·soul :

ꜝdo·not·fear ­as ­with·you ­I

from·dawn ­I·bring·in ­your·seed

and·from·evening·place ­I·collect·you :

I·say ­to·the·north ­ꜝgive

and·to·right ­ꜝdo·not·detain

bring·in ­my·sons⁺ ­from·afar

and·my·daughters⁺ ­from·the·end·of ­the·land :

all ­that·is·called ­in·my·name

and·to·my·weight ­I·shaped·him

I·formed·him ­¡yes! ­I·did·him :

letting·go ­people ­blind ­and·eyes² ­there·is

and·craftydeaf ­and·ears² ­to·them :

all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­they·were·collected⁺ ­united ­and·they·are·gathered⁺ ­nations⁺

¿who ­in·them ­he·tells·forth ­this

and·headmost⁺ ­they·let·us·hear⁺

they·give⁺ ­their·witnesses⁺ ­and·they·are·just⁺

and·they·hear⁺ ­and·they·say⁺ ­truth :

you⁺ ­my·witnesses⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·my·servant ­that ­I·chose

because·of ­ꜝknow⁺ ­and·you·are·true⁺ ­to·me ­and·you·discern⁺ ­as ­I ­he

to·my·face⁺ ­he·was·not·formed ­powr

and·after⁺·me ­he·is·not :

I ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·there·is·ńot ­from·not·unto·me ­savior :

I ­I·told·forth ­and·I·saved ­and·I·let·hear

and·there·is·ńot ­in·you⁺ ­stranger

and·you⁺ ­my·witnesses⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·I ­powr :

also ­from·day ­I ­he

and·there·is·ńot ­from·my·hand ­snatching·away

I·work ­and·¿who ­he·returns·her :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·goel ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr

because·of·you⁺ ­I·sent·out ­➝Babylon ­and·I·made·descend ­bolting⁺ ­all·of·them

and·Chaldeans⁺ ­in·ships⁺ ­their·shouting :

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·sacred

the·shaping·of ­Princepowr ­your⁺·king :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

that·gives ­in·the·sea ­step

and·in·waters⁺ ­mighty⁺ ­path :

that·lets·go ­chariot ­and·horse ­strength ­and·mighty

united ­they·bed⁺ ­they·do·not·arise⁺

they·were·extinguished⁺ ­as·the·flax ­they·were·quenched⁺ :

ꜝdo·not·remember⁺ ­headmost⁺

and·frontmost·times⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·discern⁺ :

¡lo!·me ­doing ­new ­now ­she·grows

¿not ­you·know⁺·her

¡yes! ­I·place ­in·the·outspeak ­step

in·desolation ­streams⁺ :

she·gives·me·weight ­the·life·of ­the·field

serpents⁺ ­and·daughters⁺·of ­responderbird

as ­I·gave ­in·the·outspeak ­waters⁺ ­streams⁺ ­in·desolation

to·give·to·drink ­my·people ­my·chosen :

people ­this ­I·formed ­to·me

my·praise ­they·recount⁺ :

and·not ­°me ­you·called ­Heeler

as ­you·labored ­in·me ­Princepowr :

you·did·not·bring·in ­to·me ­the·ovine·of ­your·upward·offerings⁺

and·your·offerings⁺ ­you·did·not·give·me·weight

I·did·not·put·you·to·service ­in·tribute

and ­I·did·not·belabor·you ­in·white·incense :

you·did·not·stock·up ­to·me ­in·the·silver ­stalk

and·the·fat·of ­your·offerings⁺ ­you·did·not·overflow·me

surely ­you·put·me·to·service ­in·your·sins⁺

you·belabored·me ­in·your·guilts⁺ :

I ­I ­he ­wiping ­your·rebellions⁺ ­because·of·me

and·your·sins⁺ ­I·do·not·remember :

ꜝcommemorate·me ­ꜝlet·us·be·judged⁺ ­united

ꜝrecount ­you ­because·of ­ꜝbe·just :

your·father ­the·headmost ­he·sinned

and·your·scorners⁺ ­they·rebelled⁺ ­in·me :

and·I·pierce ­princes⁺·of ­sanctuary

and·ꜝlet·me·give ­to·the·herem ­Heeler

and·Princepowr ­to·blasphemies⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝhear ­Heeler ­my·servant

and·Princepowr ­I·chose ­in·him :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that·does·you ­and·that·forms·you ­from·belly ­he·helps·you

ꜝdo·not·fear ­my·servant ­Heeler

and·Straightmost ­I·chose ­in·him :

as ­I·pour ­waters⁺ ­upon ­thirsty

and·cascades⁺ ­upon ­dryness

I·pour ­my·breath ­upon ­your·seed

and·my·kneeling ­upon ­your·outgoings⁺ :

and·they·grew⁺ ­in·between ­sprouts

as·arabahtrees⁺ ­upon ­courses⁺·of ­waters⁺ :

this ­he·says ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­I

and·this ­he·calls ­in·the·name·of ­Heeler

and·this ­he·writes ­his·hand ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·in·the·name·of ­Princepowr ­he·titles :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·king·of ­Princepowr ­and·his·goel ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

I ­headmost ­and·I ­afterward

and·from·not·unto·me ­there·is·ńot ­Powers⁺ :

and·¿who ­as·me ­he·calls ­and·he·tells·forth·her ­and·he·lines·her·up ­to·me

from·my·placing ­people·of ­eternity

and·coming·things⁺ ­and·that ­they·enter⁺ ­they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·them :

ꜝdo·not·tremble⁺ ­and ­ꜝdo·not·be·scared⁺

¿not ­from·then·on ­I·let·you·hear ­and·I·told·forth ­and·you⁺ ­my·witnesses⁺

¿there·is ­Power ­from·not·unto·me

and·there·is·ńot ­rock ­I·did·not·know :

forming⁺·of ­sculpture ­all·of·them ­null

and·that·are·desires⁺·them ­they·do·not·benefit⁺

and·their·witnesses⁺ ­they⁺ ­they·do·not·see⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·know⁺ ­because·of ­ꜝlet·them·be·ashamed⁺ :

¿who ­he·formed ­powr ­and·sculpture ­he·libated·out

to·not ­benefiting :

¡lo! ­all·of ­his·allies⁺ ­they·are·ashamed⁺

and·craftsmen ­they⁺ ­from·adam

they·collect·themselves⁺ ­all·of·them ­they·stand⁺

they·tremble⁺ ­they·are·ashamed⁺ ­united :

craftsman·of ­iron ­adze

and·he·worked ­in·the·coal

and·in·the·puncthammers⁺ ­he·forms·him

and·he·works·him ­in·the·arm·of ­his·vigor

also ­he·was·hungry ­and·there·is·ńot ­vigor

he·did·not·drink ­waters⁺ ­and·he·gets·tired :

craftsman·of ­treesticks⁺ ­he·branched·out ­hopecord

he·figures·him ­in·the·style

he·does·him ­in·the·cuspers⁺

and·in·the·orbital ­he·figures·him

and·he·does·him ­as·build·of ­man

as·sprigging·of ­adam ­to·settle ­house :

to·cut·down ­to·him ­cedars⁺

and·he·takes ­leantree ­and·powrtree

and·he·emboldens ­to·him ­in·trees⁺·of ­forest

he·planted ­arktree ­and·shower ­he·makes·great :

and·he·was ­to·adam ­to·consume·by·fire

and·he·takes ­from·them ­and·he·has·heat

¡yes! ­he·ignites ­and·he·baked ­bread

¡yes! ­he·works ­powr ­and·he·prostrates·himself

he·did·him ­sculpture ­and·he·worships ­to·them :

his·half ­he·burned ­in ­fire

upon ­his·half ­flesh ­he·eats

he·roasts ­roast ­and·he·is·satisfied

¡yes! ­he·has·heat ­and·he·says ­¡heyah!

I·had·heat ­I·saw ­light :


to·powr ­he·did ­to·his·sculpture

he·worships ­to·him ­and·he·prostrates·himself ­and·he·mediates ­to·him

and·he·says ­ꜝsnatch·me·away

as ­my·powr ­you :

they·did·not·know⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·discern⁺

as ­he·plastered ­from·seeing ­their·eyes²

from·making·prudent ­their·hearts⁺ :

and ­he·does·not·return ­to ­his·heart ­and·not ­knowledge ­and·not ­discernment ­saying

his·half ­I·burned ­in ­fire ­and·¡yes! ­I·baked ­upon ­his·embers⁺ ­bread

I·roast ­flesh ­and·I·eat

and·his·remainder ­to·abomination ­I·do

to·fruitcourse·of ­tree ­I·worship :

tendent ­ash

heart ­he·was·taunted ­he·branched·out·him

and ­he·does·not·snatch·away ­°his·soul ­and ­he·does·not·say

¿not ­falsehood ­in·my·right :

ꜝremember ­these ­Heeler

and·Princepowr ­as ­my·servant ­you

I·formed·you ­servant ­to·me ­you

Princepowr ­you·are·not·defrauded·by·me :

I·wiped ­as·the·fog ­your·rebellions⁺

and·as·the·cloud ­your·sins⁺

ꜝreturn! ­to·me ­as ­goeled·you :

ꜝshout⁺ ­skies⁺ ­as ­he·did ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝcheer⁺ ­undermost⁺·of ­land

ꜝburst·out ­mounts⁺ ­shouting

forest ­and·all·of ­tree ­in·him

as ­he·goeled ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Heeler

and·in·Princepowr ­he·sprigs·himself :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·goel

and·that·forms·you ­from·belly

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­doing ­all

branching·out ­skies⁺ ­alone·me

flattening ­the·land ­from·with·me :

scuttling ­signs⁺·of ­aloneworthiness

and·divining⁺ ­he·praises

returning ­wise⁺ ­aft ­and·their·knowledge ­he·makes·mistaken :

raising ­the·speech·of ­his·servant

and·the·counsel·of ­his·ministers⁺ ­he·makes·shalom

that·says ­to·Torahshalom ­she·is·settled ­and·to·the·cities⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­they·are·built⁺

and·her·withered·places⁺ ­I·raise :

that·says ­to·the·ocean ­ꜝbe·withered

and·your·streams⁺ ­I·dry·up :

that·says ­to·Cyrus ­my·tendent

and·all·of ­my·pleasure ­he·makes·shalom

and·saying ­to·Torahshalom ­she·is·built

and·palace ­she·is·founded :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·his·anointed ­to·Cyrus ­that ­I·grasped·firmly ­in·his·right ­to·expand ­to·his·face⁺ ­clans⁺

and·thighs²·of ­kings⁺ ­I·open

to·open ­to·his·face⁺ ­pulldoor

and·gates⁺ ­they·are·not·locked⁺ :

I ­to·your·face⁺ ­I·walk

and·magnified⁺ ­I·straighten

pulldoors⁺·of ­copper ­I·break

and·bolts⁺·of ­iron ­I·hack·down :

and·I·gave ­to·you ­treasures⁺·of ­darkness

and·buried·treasures⁺·of ­hiding·places⁺

because·of ­ꜝknow ­as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that·calls ­in·your·name ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr :

because·of ­my·servant ­Heeler

and·Princepowr ­my·chosen

and·I·call ­to·you ­in·your·name

I·title·you ­and ­you·did·not·know·me :

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·there·is·ńot ­again

beyond·me ­there·is·ńot ­Powers⁺

I·belt·you·with ­and ­you·did·not·know·me :

because·of ­ꜝlet·them·know⁺ ­from·dawn·of ­sun ­and·from·evening·place·her

as ­limit ­not·unto·me

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·there·is·ńot ­again :

forming ­light ­and·shaping ­darkness

doing ­shalom ­and·shaping ­bad

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­doing ­all·of ­these :

ꜝsprinkle·down ­skies⁺ ­from·upward

and·wisps⁺ ­they·cascade⁺ ­justice

she·opens ­land ­and·they·are·fruitful⁺ ­safety ­and·justice ­she·causes·to·grow ­united

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·shaped·him :

¡oweh! ­arguing ­with ­that·forms·him

claycraft ­with ­claycrafts⁺·of ­adamah

¿he·says ­pitch ­to·that·forms·him ­¿what ­you·do

and·your·work ­there·is·ńot ­hands² ­to·him :

¡oweh! ­saying ­to·father ­¿what ­you·bechild

and·to·woman ­¿what ­you·whirl·in·labor :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­and·that·forms·him

the·coming·things⁺ ­ꜝrequest⁺·me

upon ­my·sons⁺ ­and·upon ­the·work·of ­my·hands² ­you·command⁺·me :

I ­I·did ­land

and·adam ­upon·her ­I·shaped

I ­my·hands² ­they·branched·out ­skies⁺

and·all·of ­their·host ­I·commanded :

I ­I·roused·him ­in·justice

and·all·of ­his·steps⁺ ­I·straighten

he ­he·builds ­my·city ­and·my·stripping ­he·sends·out

not ­in·price ­and·not ­in·bribe

he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·labor·of ­Egypts² ­and·the·merchandise·of ­Kush ­and·Sebaïtes⁺ ­mortals⁺·of ­measure

upon·you ­they·cross·over⁺ ­and·to·you ­they·are⁺

after⁺·you ­they·walk⁺

in·the·fetters⁺ ­they·cross·over⁺

and·to·you ­they·prostrate·themselves⁺ ­to·you ­they·mediate⁺

surely ­in·you ­powr ­and·there·is·ńot ­again ­limit ­Powers⁺ :

surely ­you ­powr ­hiding·oneself

Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­savior :

they·were·ashamed⁺ ­and·also ­they·were·embarrassed⁺ ­all·of·them

united ­they·walked⁺ ­in·the·embarrassment

craftsmen·of ­rocks⁺ :

Princepowr ­he·was·saved ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

salvation·of ­eternities⁺

you·are·not·ashamed⁺ ­and ­you·are·not·embarrassed⁺ ­unto ­eternities⁺·of ­onward :


as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­shaping ­the·skies⁺ ­he ­the·Powers⁺ ­forming ­the·land ­and·that·does·her ­he ­he·made·her·sure

not ­null ­he·shaped·her ­to·settle ­he·formed·her

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·there·is·ńot ­again :

not ­in·the·hiddenness ­I·spoke ­in·rising·place·of ­land·of ­darkness

I·did·not·say ­to·the·seed·of ­Heeler ­null ­ꜝseek⁺·me

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­speaker ­justice

telling·forth ­straightness⁺ :

ꜝbe·collected⁺ ­and·ꜝenter⁺ ­ꜝapproach·together ­united ­the·rescuees⁺·of ­the·clans⁺

they·did·not·know⁺ ­the·bearers⁺·of ­°the·tree·of ­their·sculpture


to ­powr ­he·does·not·save :

tell·forth⁺ ­and·bring·to·approach⁺

¡yes! ­they·consult⁺ ­united

¿who ­he·let·hear ­this ­from·frontmost ­from·then·on ­he·told·forth·her ­¿not ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·there·is·ńot ­again ­Powers⁺ ­from·not·unto·me

powr ­just ­and·savior

there·is·ńot ­beyond·me :

ꜝface⁺ ­to·me ­and·ꜝbe·saved⁺ ­all·of ­limits⁺·of ­land

as ­I ­powr ­and·there·is·ńot ­again :

in·me ­I·vowed·seven

he·went ­from·my·mouth ­justice ­speech ­and ­he·does·not·return

as ­to·me ­she·stoops ­all·of ­knee

she·vows·seven ­all·of ­tongue :

surely ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­he·said ­justices⁺ ­and·might

unto·him ­he·enters ­and·they·are·ashamed⁺

all ­the·scorched⁺ ­in·him :

in·Yʜᴡʜ ­they·are·just⁺ ­and·they·praise·themselves⁺ ­all·of ­the·seed·of ­Princepowr :

he·stooped ­Master ­angling·down ­Prophet

they·were⁺ ­their·pains⁺

to·the·life ­and·to·the·beast

your⁺·burdens⁺ ­loaded⁺

burden ­to·tired :

they·angled·down ­they·stooped⁺ ­united

they·were·not·able⁺ ­delivering ­burden

and·their·soul ­in·the·captivity ­she·walked :

ꜝhear⁺ ­to·me ­the·house·of ­Heeler

and·all·of ­the·survivor·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr

that·are·loaded⁺ ­from ­belly

the·born⁺ ­from ­womb :

and·unto ­old·age ­I ­he

and·unto ­gray·head ­I ­I·heave·up

I ­I·did ­and·I ­I·bear

and·I ­I·heave·up ­and·I·deliver :

to·¿who ­you·liken⁺·me ­and·you·put·on·a·level⁺

and·you·find·similar·to⁺·me ­and·we·are·like⁺ :

that·let·loose⁺ ­gold ­from·purse

and·silver ­in·the·stalk ­they·shekel⁺

they·hire⁺ ­smelter ­and·he·does·him ­powr

they·worship⁺ ­¡yes! ­they·prostrate·themselves⁺ :

they·bear⁺·him ­upon ­shoulder ­they·heave·him·up ­and·they·set·him·in·peace⁺ ­unders⁺·him ­and·he·stands

from·his·rising·place ­he·does·not·budge

¡yes! ­he·cries ­to·him ­and ­he·does·not·respond

from·his·rockiness ­he·does·not·save·him :

ꜝremember⁺ ­this ­and·ꜝmake·yourselves·men⁺

ꜝreturn⁺ ­rebelling⁺ ­upon ­heart :

ꜝremember⁺ ­headmost⁺ ­from·eternity

as ­I ­powr ­and·there·is·ńot ­again

Powers⁺ ­and·limit ­as·me :

telling·forth ­from·headmost ­afterward

and·from·frontmost ­that ­they·were·not·done⁺

saying ­my·counsel ­she·arises

and·all·of ­my·pleasure ­I·do :

calling ­from·dawn ­vulture

from·land·of ­afar ­the·man·of ­my·counsel

¡yes! ­I·spoke ­¡yes! ­I·bring·her·in

I·formed ­¡yes! ­I·do·her :

ꜝhear⁺ ­to·me ­pinioned·ones⁺·of ­heart

the·afar⁺ ­from·justice :

I·presented ­my·justice ­she·is·not·far

and·my·salvation ­she·does·not·keep·aft

and·I·gave ­in·Tzion ­salvation

to·Princepowr ­my·sprigging :

ꜝdescend ­and·ꜝsettle ­upon ­dust ­the·virgin·of ­the·daughter·of ­Babylon

ꜝsettle ­to·the·land ­there·is·ńot ­throne ­the·daughter·of ­Chaldeans⁺

as ­you·do·not·add ­they·call⁺ ­to·you

soft ­and·consoling :

ꜝtake ­millstone ­and·ꜝgrind ­meal

ꜝstrip ­your·fastening ­ꜝmake·naked ­shootskirt ­ꜝstrip ­leg ­ꜝcross·over ­streams⁺ :

ꜝlet·her·be·stripped ­your·bareness

also ­she·is·seen ­your·detraction

vengeance ­I·take

and ­I·do·not·peg ­adam :

our·goel ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name

the·sacred·of ­Princepowr :

ꜝsettle ­silently ­and·ꜝenter ­in·the·darkness ­the·daughter·of ­Chaldeans⁺

as ­you·do·not·add ­they·call⁺ ­to·you

heroine·of ­kingdoms⁺ :

I·was·angry ­upon ­my·people ­I·pierced ­my·derivation

and·I·give·them ­in·your·hand

you·did·not·place ­to·them ­wombliness⁺

upon ­elder ­you·made·weighty ­your·harness ­very :


to·eternity ­I·am ­heroine

unto ­you·did·not·place ­these ­upon ­your·heart

you·did·not·remember ­her·afterward :

and·now ­ꜝhear ­this ­comfortable·one ­that·settles ­to·trust

that·says ­in·her·heart

I ­and·my·limit ­again

I·do·not·settle ­widow

and ­I·do·not·know ­bereavement :

and·they·enter⁺ ­to·you ­two²·of ­these ­wink ­in·day ­one ­bereavement ­and·widowhood

as·their·completeness ­they·entered⁺ ­upon·you

in·the·multitude·of ­your·sorcery⁺

in·the·bonestrength·of ­your·alliances⁺ ­very :

and·you·trust ­in·your·badness ­you·said ­there·is·ńot ­that·sees·me

your·wisdom ­and·your·knowledge ­she ­she·returned·you

and·you·say ­in·your·heart

I ­and·my·limit ­again :

and·he·entered ­upon·you ­badness ­you·do·not·know ­her·morninging

and·she·falls ­upon·you ­mishap

you·are·not·able ­her·atoning

and·she·enters ­upon·you ­suddenly ­vanity ­you·do·not·know :

ꜝstand ­¡please! ­in·your·alliances⁺ ­and·in·the·multitude·of ­your·sorcery⁺

in·that ­you·labored ­from·your·youth⁺

¿maybe ­you·are·able ­benefiting ­¿maybe ­you·awe :

you·were·wearied ­in·the·multitude·of ­your·counsels⁺

they·stand⁺ ­¡please! ­and·they·save⁺·you ­√astrologers⁺·of ­skies⁺ ­that·vision⁺ ­in·the·stars⁺

letting·know⁺ ­to·the·new·moons⁺

from·wħich ­they·enter⁺ ­upon·you :

¡lo! ­they·were⁺ ­as·stubble ­fire ­she·burned·them

they·do·not·snatch·away ­°their·soul ­from·hand·of ­flame

there·is·ńot ­ember ­to·have·heat·them

light ­to·settle ­before·him :

surely ­they·were⁺ ­to·you ­that ­you·labored

your·merchants⁺ ­from·your·youth⁺ ­man ­to·his·region·across ­they·wandered⁺

there·is·ńot ­your·savior :

ꜝhear⁺ ­this ­the·house·of ­Heeler ­that·are·called⁺ ­in·the·name·of ­Princepowr

and·from·the·waters⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­they·went⁺

that·vow·seven⁺ ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·in·Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they·commemorate⁺

not ­in·truth ­and·not ­in·justice :

as ­from·the·city·of ­the·sanctuary ­they·were·called⁺

and·upon ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­they·were·propped⁺

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name :

the·headmost⁺ ­from·then·on ­I·told·forth

and·from·my·mouth ­they·went⁺ ­and·I·let·them·hear

suddenly ­I·did ­and·they·enter⁺ :

from·my·knowing ­as ­hard ­you

and·muscle·of ­iron ­your·spine

and·your·brow ­copper :

and·I·tell·forth ­to·you ­from·then·on

in·ere ­she·enters ­I·let·you·hear

lest ­you·say ­my·pain ­he·did·them

and·my·sculpture ­and·my·libation ­he·commanded·them :

you·heard ­ꜝvision ­all·of·her

and·you⁺ ­¿not ­you·tell·forth⁺

I·let·you·hear ­new⁺ ­from·now

and·protected⁺ ­and ­you·did·not·know·them :

now ­they·were·shaped⁺ ­and·not ­from·then·on

and·to·face⁺·of ­day ­and ­you·did·not·hear·them

lest ­you·say ­¡lo! ­I·knew·them :

also ­you·did·not·hear ­also ­you·did·not·know

also ­from·then·on ­she·did·not·open ­your·ear

as ­I·knew ­acting·covertly ­you·act·covertly

and·rebelling ­from·belly ­he·was·called ­to·you :

because·of ­my·name ­I·prolong ­my·nostrils

and·my·praise ­I·shut ­to·you

to·not ­your·cutting·down :

¡lo! ­I·smelted·you ­and·not ­in·silver

I·chose·you ­in·cauldron·of ­humiliation :

because·of·me ­because·of·me ­I·do ­as ­¿ħow ­he·is·pierced

and·my·weight ­to·after ­I·do·not·give :

ꜝhear ­to·me ­Heeler

and·Princepowr ­that·is·called·me

I ­he ­I ­headmost

¡yes! ­I ­afterward :

¡yes! ­my·hand ­she·founded ­land

and·my·right ­she·spanned ­skies⁺

calling ­I ­to·them ­they·stand⁺ ­united :

ꜝbe·collected⁺ ­all·of·you⁺ ­and·ꜝhear⁺

¿who ­in·them ­he·told·forth ­°these

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·loved·him

he·does ­his·pleasure ­in·Babylon

and·his·arm ­Chaldeans⁺ :

I ­I ­I·spoke ­¡yes! ­I·called·him

I·brought·him·in ­and·he·prospered ­his·step :

ꜝbe·present⁺ ­to·me ­ꜝhear⁺ ­this ­not ­from·head ­in·the·hiddenness ­I·spoke

from·the·season·of ­her·being ­there ­I

and·now ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·sent·me ­and·his·breath :


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·goel ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­that·disciples·you ­to·benefit

that·makes·you·step ­in·step ­you·walk :

iᵮ·only ­you·listened ­to·my·commandments⁺

and·he·is ­as·the·stream ­your·shalom

and·your·justice ­as·the·rolls⁺·of ­the·sea :

and·he·is ­as·the·sand ­your·seed

and·the·outgoings⁺·of ­your·bowels⁺ ­as·his·bowels⁺

he·is·not·cut·down ­and ­he·is·not·destroyed ­his·name ­from·to·my·face⁺ :

ꜝgo⁺ ­from·Babylon ­ꜝbolt⁺ ­from·Chaldeans⁺

in·voice·of ­shouting ­tell·forth⁺ ­ꜝlet·hear⁺ ­this

ꜝlet·her·go⁺ ­unto ­the·end·of ­the·land

ꜝsay⁺ ­he·goeled ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·servant ­Heeler :

and ­they·did·not·thirst⁺ ­in·withered·places⁺ ­he·caused·them·to·walk

waters⁺ ­from·rock ­he·caused·to·cascade ­to·them

and·he·cleaves ­rock

and·they·emit⁺ ­waters⁺ :

there·is·ńot ­shalom

he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·wicked⁺ :

ꜝhear⁺ ­islands⁺ ­to·me

and·ꜝlisten⁺ ­nations⁺ ­from·afar

Yʜᴡʜ ­from·belly ­he·called·me

from·the·bowels⁺·of ­my·mama ­he·commemorated ­my·name :

and·he·places ­my·mouth ­as·sword ­sharp

in·the·shadow·of ­his·hand ­he·concealed·me

and·he·places·me ­to·arrow ­clean

in·his·quiver ­he·hid·me :

and·he·says ­to·me ­my·servant ­you

Princepowr ­that ­in·you ­I·sprig·myself :

and·I ­I·said ­to·emptiness ­I·labored

to·null ­and·vapor ­my·vigor ­I·was·all·done

surely ­my·judgment ­with ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·my·work ­with ­my·Powers⁺ :

and·now ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that·forms·me ­from·belly ­to·servant ­to·him

to·return ­Heeler ­to·him

and·Princepowr ­to·him ­he·is·gathered

and·I·am·weighty ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·my·Powers⁺ ­he·was ­my·might :

and·he·says ­he·was·slight ­from·your·being ­to·me ­servant

to·raise ­°the·stems⁺·of ­Heeler

and·the·protected⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·return

and·I·gave·you ­to·light·of ­clans⁺

to·be ­my·salvation ­unto ­the·end·of ­the·land :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·goel·of ­Princepowr ­his·sacred ­to·despise ­soul ­to·abominating·of ­clan ­to·servant·of ­rulers⁺

kings⁺ ­they·see⁺ ­and·they·arose⁺

princes⁺ ­and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺

because·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­true

the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­and·he·chooses·you :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·season·of ­favor ­I·responded·you

and·in·day·of ­salvation ­I·helped·you

and·I·protect·you ­and·I·give·you ­to·covenant·of ­people

to·raise ­land

to·derive·for ­derivations⁺ ­desolate⁺ :

saying ­to·chained⁺ ­ꜝgo⁺

to·that ­in·the·darkness ­ꜝbe·stripped⁺

upon ­steps⁺ ­they·tend⁺

and·in·all·of ­ridges⁺ ­their·tending :

they·are·not·hungry⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·thirst⁺

and ­he·does·not·strike·them ­mirage ­and·sun

as ­that·enwombs·them ­he·leads·them

and·upon ­springs⁺·of ­waters⁺ ­he·leads·them :

and·I·placed ­all·of ­my·mounts⁺ ­to·the·step

and·my·avenues⁺ ­they·are·high⁺ :

¡lo! ­these ­from·afar ­they·enter⁺

and·¡lo! ­these ­from·north ­and·from·sea

and·these ­from·the·land·of ­Syns⁺ :

ꜝshout⁺ ­skies⁺ ­and·ꜝtwirl ­land

and·ꜝburst·out ­mounts⁺ ­shouting

as ­he·sighed·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·people

and·his·humiliated⁺ ­he·enwombs :

and·she·says ­Tzion ­he·abandoned·me ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·My·Lord ­he·forgot·me :

¿she·forgets ­woman ­her·nursling

from·enwombing ­the·son·of ­her·belly

also ­these ­they·forget⁺

and·I ­I·do·not·forget·you :

¡lo! ­upon ­spoons² ­I·inscribed·you

your·ramparts⁺ ­before·me ­always :

they·sped⁺ ­your·sons⁺

that·demolish⁺·you ­and·your·witherers⁺ ­from·you ­they·go⁺ :

ꜝbear ­turninground ­your·eyes² ­and·ꜝsee

all·of·them ­they·were·collected⁺ ­they·entered⁺ ­to·you

living ­I ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­all·of·them ­as·the·decoration ­you·are·robed·in

and·you·league·them ­as·the·allness :

as ­your·withered·places⁺ ­and·your·desolate⁺

and·the·land·of ­your·demolitions⁺

as ­now ­you·are·rocky ­from·settling

and·they·were·far⁺ ­your·devourers⁺ :

again ­they·say⁺ ­in·your·ears²

the·sons⁺·of ­your·bereavement⁺

rocky ­to·me ­the·rising·place ­ꜝapproach! ­to·me ­and·ꜝlet·me·settle :

and·you·said ­in·your·heart ­¿who ­he·enchilded ­to·me ­°these

and·I ­bereaved ­and·wound·shut

stripping ­and·moving·away ­and·these ­¿who ­he·made·great

¡lo! ­I ­I·survived ­alone·me

these ­¿wẖere ­they⁺ :


thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo! ­I·bear ­to ­clans⁺ ­my·hand

and·to ­people⁺ ­I·heighten ­my·flag

and·they·brought·in⁺ ­your·sons⁺ ­in·embrace

and·your·daughters⁺ ­upon ­shoulder ­they·are·borne⁺ :

and·they·were⁺ ­kings⁺ ­your·true·caretaker ­and·their·princesses⁺ ­your·sucklenurses⁺

nostrils² ­land ­they·prostrate·themselves⁺ ­to·you

and·the·dust·of ­your·feet² ­they·lick·up

and·you·knew ­as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­they·are·not·ashamed⁺ ­my·hopers⁺ :

¿he·is·taken ­from·hero ­taken

and·if ­captivity·of ­just ­he·is·delivered :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­also ­captivity·of ­hero ­he·is·taken

and·taken·of ­awesome ­he·is·delivered

and·with ­your·arguer ­I ­I·argue

and·°your·sons⁺ ­I ­I·save :

and·I·gave·to·eat ­°that·exile⁺·you ­°their·flesh

and·as·the·juice ­their·blood ­they·are·drunk⁺

and·they·knew⁺ ­all·of ­flesh ­as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·savior

and·your·goel ­the·pinioned·one·of ­Heeler :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¿where ­this ­the·account·of ­the·cutting·off⁺·of ­your⁺·mama ­that ­I·sent·her·out

or ­¿who ­from·my·fraudsters⁺

that ­I·sold ­°you⁺ ­to·him

¡lo! ­in·your⁺·guilts⁺ ­you·were·sold⁺

and·in·your⁺·rebellions⁺ ­she·was·sent·out ­your⁺·mama :

¿know·why ­I·entered ­and·there·is·ńot ­man ­I·called ­and·there·is·ńot ­responding

¿cropped·short ­she·was·cropped·short ­my·hand ­from·ransom

and·if ­there·is·ńot ­in·me ­vigor ­to·snatch·away

¡lo! ­in·my·rebuke ­I·wither ­sea ­I·place ­streams⁺ ­outspeak

she·stinks ­their·fish ­from·there·is·ńot ­waters⁺

and·ꜝlet·her·die ­in·the·thirst :

I·robe ­skies⁺ ­gloom

and·burlap ­I·place ­their·covering :

My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·gave ­to·me ­tongue·of ­disciples⁺

to·know ­to·muster ­°tired ­speech

he·rouses ­in·the·dayplow ­in·the·dayplow ­he·rouses ­to·me ­ear

to·hear ­as·the·disciples⁺ :

My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·opened ­to·me ­ear

and·I ­I·was·not·bitter

aft ­I·was·not·skimmed·away :

my·back ­I·gave ­to·striking⁺

and·my·cheeks² ­to·buffing⁺

my·face⁺ ­I·did·not·hide

from·embarrassments⁺ ­and·spittle :

and·My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·helps ­to·me

upon ­surely ­I·was·not·embarrassed

upon ­surely ­I·placed ­my·face⁺ ­as·the·flint

and·I·know ­as ­I·am·not·ashamed :

present ­that·justifies·me

¿who ­he·argues ­with·me ­ꜝlet·us·stand⁺ ­united

¿who ­the·master·of ­my·judgment ­he·approaches ­to·me :

¡lo! ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·helps ­to·me

¿who ­he ­he·causes·me·to·do·wickedness

¡lo! ­all·of·them ­as·the·covering ­they·decay⁺

moth ­he·eats·them :

¿who ­in·you⁺ ­the·fearful·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

hearing ­in·the·voice·of ­his·servant

that ­he·walked ­darknesses⁺ ­and·there·is·ńot ­brightness ­to·him

he·trusts ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·is·staffed ­in·his·Powers⁺ :

¡lo! ­all·of·you⁺ ­fevered⁺·of ­fire ­belting⁺·of ­fetters⁺

ꜝwalk⁺ ­in·the·light·of ­your⁺·fire ­and·in·fetters⁺ ­you·consumed·by·fire

from·my·hand ­she·was ­this ­to·you⁺

to·place·of·pain ­you·bed⁺ :


ꜝhear⁺ ­to·me ­pursuers⁺·of ­justice ­the·seekers⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝlook⁺ ­to ­rock ­you·were·quarried⁺

and·to ­puncture·of ­well ­you·were·gouged·from :

ꜝlook⁺ ­to ­Father-Hi-Hum ­your⁺·father

and·to ­Princess ­she·whirls·in·labor·you⁺

as ­one ­I·called·him

and·I·kneel·him ­and·I·multiply·him :

as ­he·sighed·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Tzion ­he·sighed·with ­all·of ­her·withered·places⁺

and·he·places ­her·outspeak ­as·Comfort

and·her·arabah ­as·the·guarden·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

rejoicing ­and·gladness ­he·is·found ­in·her

gloryhand ­and·voice·of ­music :

ꜝlisten⁺ ­to·me ­my·people

and·my·nation ­to·me ­give·ear⁺

as ­torah ­from·with·me ­she·goes


to·light·of ­people⁺ ­I·let·take·a·wink :

present ­my·justice ­he·went ­my·safety

and·my·arms⁺ ­people⁺ ­they·judge⁺

to·me ­islands⁺ ­they·hope⁺

and·to ­my·arm ­they·await⁺ :

ꜝbear⁺ ­to·the·skies⁺ ­your⁺·eyes² ­and·ꜝlook⁺ ­to ­the·land ­from·under ­as ­skies⁺ ­as·the·smoke ­they·were·salted⁺ ­and·the·land ­as·the·covering ­she·decays

and·that·settle⁺·her ­as ­grovebug ­they·die⁺

and·my·salvation ­to·eternity ­she·is

and·my·justice ­she·is·not·cast·down :

ꜝhear⁺ ­to·me ­knowing⁺·of ­justice

people ­my·torah ­in·their·heart

ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ ­detraction·of ­mortal

and·from·their·blasphemies⁺ ­ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down⁺ :

as ­as·the·covering ­he·eats·them ­moth

and·as·the·wool ­he·eats·them ­horsefly

and·my·justice ­to·eternity ­she·is

and·my·salvation ­to·saeculum·of ­saecula⁺ :

ꜝarouse·yourself ­ꜝarouse·yourself ­ꜝbe·robed·in ­might ­the·arm·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝarouse·yourself ­as·days⁺·of ­frontmost

saecula⁺·of ­eternities⁺

¿not ­you ­she ­the·quarrier·of ­Force ­piercing·of ­serpentine :

¿not ­you ­she ­that·withers ­sea

waters⁺·of ­rumblewave ­much

the·she·placed ­depths⁺·of ­sea

step ­to·cross·over ­goeled⁺ :

and·the·ransomed⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·return⁺ ­and·they·entered⁺ ­Tzion ­in·shouting

and·gladness·of ­eternity ­upon ­their·head

rejoicing ­and·gladness ­they·catch⁺

they·fled⁺ ­sorrow ­and·groaning :

I ­I ­he ­your⁺·fellowsigher

¿who ­you ­and·you·fear ­from·mortal ­he·dies

and·from·son·of ­adam ­sprouts ­he·is·given :

and·you·forget ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that·does·you ­branching·out ­skies⁺ ­and·founding ­land

and·you·tremble ­always ­all·of ­the·day ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·heat·of ­that·overpours

as·how ­he·made·sure ­to·ruin

and·¿where ­the·heat·of ­that·overpours :

he·sped ­squatting ­to·be·opened

and ­he·does·not·die ­to·the·pit

and ­he·is·not·lacking ­his·bread :

and·I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

winking·at ­the·sea

and·they·hum ­his·rolls⁺

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name :

and·I·place ­my·speeches⁺ ­in·your·mouth

and·in·the·shadow·of ­my·hand ­I·covered·you

to·plant ­skies⁺ ­and·to·found ­land

and·saying ­to·Tzion ­my·people ­you :

ꜝrouse ­ꜝrouse ­ꜝarise ­Torahshalom

that ­you·drank ­from·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·cup·of ­his·heat

°the·cheatcup·of ­the·cup·of ­the·quavering ­you·drank ­you·wrung·out :

there·is·ńot ­leader ­to·her

from·all·of ­sons⁺ ­she·enchilded

and·there·is·ńot ­grasping·firmly ­in·her·hand

from·all·of ­sons⁺ ­she·made·great :

two² ­they⁺ ­that·call·upon·you

¿who ­he·sways ­to·you

the·overbreasting ­and·the·break ­and·the·hunger ­and·the·sword ­¿who ­I·sigh·with·you :

your·sons⁺ ­they·were·swooning⁺ ­they·bedded⁺ ­in·head·of ­all·of ­exteriors⁺ ­as·tauantelope·of ­net

the·full⁺ ­the·heat·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·rebuke·of ­your·Powers⁺ :

to·surely ­ꜝhear ­¡please! ­this ­humiliated

and·be·drunk·of ­and·not ­from·wine :

thus ­he·said ­your·lords⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·your·Powers⁺ ­he·argues ­his·people

¡lo! ­I·took ­from·your·hand ­°the·cup·of ­the·quavering

°the·cheatcup·of ­the·cup·of ­my·heat

you·do·not·add ­to·drink·her ­again :

and·I·placed·her ­in·hand·of ­that·sorrow⁺·you

that ­they·said⁺ ­to·your·soul ­ꜝprostrate ­and·ꜝlet·us·cross·over⁺

and·you·place ­as·the·land ­your·back

and·as·the·exterior ­to·the·crossers⁺ :

ꜝarouse·yourself ­ꜝarouse·yourself ­ꜝbe·robed·in ­your·might ­Tzion

ꜝbe·robed·in ­the·coverings⁺·of ­your·sprigging ­Torahshalom ­the·city·of ­the·sanctuary

as ­he·does·not·add ­he·enters ­in·you ­again ­foreskinned ­and·defiled :

ꜝbuck·up ­from·dust ­ꜝarise ­ꜝsettle ­Torahshalom

ꜝopen·yourself ­the·chains⁺·of ­your·neck

captive ­the·daughter·of ­Tzion :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

gratuitously ­you·were·sold⁺

and·not ­in·silver ­you·are·goeled⁺ :

as ­thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

Egypts² ­he·descended ­my·people ­in·the·headmost ­to·lodge ­there

and·Blessed ­in·limit ­he·intimidated·him :

and·now ­¿what ­to·me ­ẖere ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­he·was·taken ­my·people ­gratuitously

his·rulers⁺ ­they·yowl ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·always ­all·of ­the·day ­my·name ­disregarding·oneself :

to·surely ­he·knows ­my·people ­my·name

to·surely ­in·the·day ­he

as ­I ­he ­the·speaker ­¡lo!·me :

¿what ­they·were·radiant⁺ ­upon ­the·mounts⁺ ­feet²·of ­fleshing·out ­letting·hear ­shalom ­fleshing·out ­good ­letting·hear ­salvation

saying ­to·Tzion ­he·was·king ­your·Powers⁺ :

the·voice·of ­your·sentries⁺ ­they·bore⁺ ­voice ­united ­they·shout⁺

as ­eye ­in·eye ­they·see⁺

when·returning ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Tzion :

ꜝburst·out ­ꜝshout⁺ ­united

the·withered·places⁺·of ­Torahshalom

as ­he·sighed·with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·people

he·goeled ­Torahshalom :

he·made·naked ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·arm·of ­his·sanctuary

to·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·clans⁺

and·they·saw⁺ ­all·of ­limits⁺·of ­land

°the·salvation·of ­our·Powers⁺ :

ꜝmove⁺ ­ꜝmove⁺ ­ꜝgo⁺ ­from·there

defiled ­ꜝdo·not·touch⁺

ꜝgo⁺ ­from·her·midst

ꜝbe·clean⁺ ­the·bearers⁺·of ­the·things⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­not ­in·alarm ­you·go⁺

and·in·fleeing·place ­you·do·not·walk⁺

as ­walking ­to·your⁺·face⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·your⁺·gathering ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr :

¡lo! ­he·makes·prudent ­my·servant

he·is·high ­and·he·was·borne ­and·he·climbed ­very :

as·how ­they·were·desolate⁺ ­upon·you ­many⁺

surely ­ruined ­from·man ­his·sight

and·his·figure ­from·sons⁺·of ­adam :

surely ­he·spatters ­clans⁺ ­many⁺

upon·him ­they·stop·up ­kings⁺ ­their·mouth

as ­that ­he·was·not·recounted ­to·them ­they·saw⁺

and·that ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­they·discerned⁺ :

¿who ­he·was·true ­to·our·hearing

and·the·arm·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­¿who ­she·was·stripped·out :

and·he·goes·up ­as·the·suckling ­to·his·face⁺ ­and·as·the·root ­from·land·of ­desert

not ­figure ­to·him ­and·not ­magnificence

and·we·see⁺·him ­and·not ­sight ­and·we·desire⁺·him :

despised ­and·ceasing·of ­men⁺

man·of ­hurts⁺ ­and·known·of ­piercing

and·as·hiding·place·of ­face⁺ ­from·him

despised ­and ­we·did·not·consider⁺·him :

surely ­our·piercings⁺ ­he ­he·bore

and·our·hurts⁺ ­he·heaved·them·up

and·we⁺ ­we·considered⁺·him

touched ­the·struck·of ­Powers⁺ ­and·humiliated :

and·he ­pierced ­from·our·rebellions⁺

crushed ­from·our·guilts⁺

the·instruction·of ­our·shalom ­upon·him

and·in·his·stripe ­he·was·healed ­to·us :

all·of·us ­as·the·sheep ­we·wandered⁺

man ­to·his·step ­we·faced⁺

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·pegged ­in·him

°guilt·of ­all·of·us :

he·was·bullied ­and·he ­humbled ­and ­he·does·not·open ­his·mouth

as·the·ovine ­to·the·butchering ­he·courses

and·as·ewe ­to·face⁺·of ­that·shear⁺·her ­she·was·tonguetied

and ­he·does·not·open ­his·mouth :

from·restraint ­and·from·judgment ­he·was·taken

and·°his·saeculum ­¿who ­he·meditates

as ­he·was·sectioned·off ­from·land·of ­living⁺

from·the·rebellion·of ­my·people ­touch ­to·them :

and·he·gives ­with ­wicked⁺ ­his·tomb

and·with ­rich ­in·his·deaths⁺

upon ­not ­violence ­he·did

and·not ­trickery ­in·his·mouth :

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was·pleased ­his·crushing ­he·pierced

if ­she·places ­transgression ­his·soul

he·sees ­seed ­he·prolongs ­days⁺

and·the·pleasure·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·his·hand ­he·prospers :

from·the·toil·of ­his·soul ­he·sees ­he·is·satisfied

in·his·knowledge ­he·justifies ­just ­my·servant ­to·the·many⁺

and·their·guilts⁺ ­he ­he·heaves·up :

to·surely ­I·divide ­to·him ­in·the·many⁺ ­and·with ­strongboned⁺ ­he·divides ­plunder

under ­that ­he·layed·bare ­to·the·death ­his·soul

and·with ­rebelling⁺ ­he·was·allotted

and·he ­sin·of ­many⁺ ­he·bore

and·to·that·rebel⁺ ­he·pegs :

ꜝshout ­sterile ­she·did·not·enchild

ꜝburst·out ­shouting ­and·ꜝwhinny ­she·did·not·whirl·in·labor

as ­many⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­desolate ­from·sons⁺·of ­mastered ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝbroaden ­the·rising·place·of ­your·tent ­and·the·curtains⁺·of ­your·dwelling·places⁺ ­they·branch·out ­ꜝdo·not·keep

ꜝprolong ­your·remnantcords⁺

and·your·nails⁺ ­ꜝmake·firm :

as ­right ­and·left ­you·erupt

and·your·seed ­clans⁺ ­he·inherits

and·cities⁺ ­desolated⁺ ­they·settle⁺ :

ꜝdo·not·fear ­as ­you·are·not·ashamed

and ­ꜝdo·not·be·embarrassed ­as ­you·do·not·cause·to·be·dug·under

as ­the·shame·of ­your·girlhood⁺ ­you·forget

and·the·detraction·of ­your·widowhoods⁺ ­you·do·not·remember ­again :

as ­your·masters⁺ ­that·do⁺·you

Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­his·name

and·your·goel ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr

Powers⁺·of ­all·of ­the·land ­he·is·called :

as ­as·woman ­abandoned ­and·pained·of ­breath ­he·called·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·woman·of ­youth⁺ ­as ­she·is·rejected ­he·said ­your·Powers⁺ :

in·wink ­small ­I·abandoned·you

and·in·wombliness⁺ ­great⁺ ­I·collect·you :

in·flood·of ­anger ­I·hid ­my·face⁺ ­wink ­from·you

and·in·mercy·of ­eternity ­I·enwombed·you

he·said ­your·goel ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­the·waters⁺·of ­Peace ­this ­to·me

that ­I·vowed·seven ­from·crossing·over ­the·waters⁺·of ­Peace ­again ­upon ­the·land

surely ­I·vowed·seven ­from·angry ­upon·you ­and·from·rebuking ­in·you :

as ­the·mounts⁺ ­they·budge⁺

and·the·hills⁺ ­they·shake⁺

and·my·mercy ­from·with·you ­he·does·not·budge ­and·the·covenant·of ­my·shalom ­she·does·not·shake

he·said ­that·enwombs·you ­Yʜᴡʜ :

humiliated ­she·was·stormed ­she·was·not·sighed·with

¡lo! ­I ­letting·lie·down ­in·the·powder ­your·stones⁺

and·I·founded·you ­in·the·sapphires⁺ :

and·I·placed ­jarjarstone ­your·suns⁺

and·your·gates⁺ ­to·stones⁺·of ­fervor

and·all·of ­your·border ­to·stones⁺·of ­pleasure :

and·all·of ­your·sons⁺ ­the·disciples⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·much ­the·shalom·of ­your·sons⁺ :

in·justice ­you·make·yourself·sure

ꜝbe·far ­from·intimidation ­as ­you·do·not·fear


as ­she·is·not·present ­to·you :

¡lo! ­lodging·together ­he·lodges·together ­limit ­from·with·me

¿who ­lodging·together ­with·you ­upon·you ­he·falls :

¡lo! ­I ­I·shaped ­craftsman

blowing ­in·fire·of ­coal

and·letting·go ­thing ­to·his·doing

and·I ­I·shaped ­ruining ­to·rope·up :

all·of ­thing ­he·is·formed ­upon·you ­he·does·not·prosper

and·all·of ­tongue ­she·arises ­with·you ­to·the·judgment ­you·cause·to·do·wickedness

this ­the·derivation·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·their·justice ­from·with·me ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

¡oweh! ­all·of ­thirsty ­ꜝwalk⁺ ­to·the·waters⁺

and·that ­there·is·ńot ­to·him ­silver

ꜝwalk⁺ ­get·brokencorn ­and·ꜝeat⁺

and·ꜝwalk⁺ ­get·brokencorn ­in·not ­silver ­and·in·not ­price ­wine ­and·fatmilk :

to·¿what ­you·shekel⁺ ­silver ­in·not ­bread

and·your⁺·labor ­in·not ­to·satisfaction

ꜝhear⁺ ­hearing ­to·me ­and·ꜝeat⁺ ­good

and·she·consoles·herself ­in·the·bounty ­your⁺·soul :

ꜝbranch·out ­your⁺·ear ­and·ꜝwalk⁺ ­to·me

ꜝhear⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·her·live ­your⁺·soul

and·ꜝlet·me·cut·in ­to·you⁺ ­covenant·of ­eternity

the·mercies⁺·of ­Intimate ­the·true⁺ :

¡lo! ­witness·of ­nations⁺ ­I·gave·him

foremost ­and·commanding·of ­nations⁺ :

¡lo! ­clan ­you·do·not·know ­you·call

and·clan ­they·did·not·know⁺·you ­to·you ­they·run⁺

because·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

and·to·the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­as ­he·sprigged·you :

ꜝinvestigate⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ ­when·he·is·found

ꜝcall⁺·him ­when·he·is ­present :

he·abandons ­wicked ­his·step

and·man·of ­iniquity ­his·considerations⁺

and·ꜝlet·him·return ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·enwombs·him

and·to ­our·Powers⁺ ­as ­he·multiplies ­to·pardon :

as ­not ­my·considerations⁺ ­your⁺·considerations⁺

and·not ­your⁺·steps⁺ ­my·steps⁺

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­they·climbed⁺ ­skies⁺ ­from·land

surely ­they·climbed⁺ ­my·steps⁺ ­from·your⁺·steps⁺

and·my·considerations⁺ ­from·your⁺·considerations⁺ :

as ­as·how ­he·descends ­the·shower ­and·the·snow ­from ­the·skies⁺ ­and➝there ­he·does·not·return

but ­rather ­he·overflowed ­°the·land

and·he·bechilded·her ­and·he·caused·her·to·grow

and·he·gave ­seed ­to·that·seeds

and·bread ­to·that·eats :

surely ­he·is ­my·speech ­that ­he·goes ­from·my·mouth

he·does·not·return ­to·me ­empty

but ­rather ­he·did ­°that ­I·was·pleased

and·he·prospered ­that ­I·sent·him :

as ­in·gladness ­you·go⁺

and·in·shalom ­you·course⁺

the·mounts⁺ ­and·the·hills⁺ ­they·burst·out ­to·your⁺·face⁺ ­shouting

and·all·of ­the·trees⁺·of ­the·field ­they·clap⁺ ­spoon :

under ­the·thistle ­he·goes·up ­fir

and·under ­the·burnthorn ­he·goes·up ­myrtle

and·he·was ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­to·name

to·sign·of ­eternity ­he·is·not·cut·down :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝwatch⁺ ­judgment ­and·ꜝdo⁺ ­justice

as ­present ­my·salvation ­to·enter

and·my·justice ­to·be·stripped·out :

blessedness⁺·of ­mortal ­he·does ­this

and·son·of ­adam ­he·grasps·firmly ­in·her

watching ­rest ­from·his·piercing

and·watching ­his·hand ­from·doing ­all·of ­bad :

and ­ꜝlet·him·not·say ­the·son·of ­the·unrecognizee ­the·he·was·indebted ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

separating ­he·separates·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·upon ­his·people

and ­ꜝlet·him·not·say ­the·eunuch

¡lo! ­I ­tree ­dry :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·eunuchs⁺ ­that ­they·watch⁺ ­°my·rests⁺

and·they·chose⁺ ­in·that ­I·was·pleased

and·grasping·firmly⁺ ­in·my·covenant :

and·I·gave ­to·them ­in·my·house ­and·in·my·ramparts⁺ ­hand ­and·name

good ­from·sons⁺ ­and·from·daughters⁺

name·of ­eternity ­I·give ­to·him

that ­he·is·not·cut·down :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­the·unrecognizee ­the·debtors⁺ ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·assist·him

and·to·love ­°the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·be ­to·him ­to·servants⁺

all ­watching ­rest ­from·his·piercing

and·grasping·firmly⁺ ­in·my·covenant :

and·I·brought·them·in ­to ­the·mount·of ­my·sanctuary ­and·I·gladdened·them ­in·the·house·of ­my·mediation

their·upward·offerings⁺ ­and·their·offerings⁺ ­to·favor ­upon ­my·offering·place

as ­my·house

house·of ­mediation ­he·is·called ­to·all·of ­the·people⁺ :

the·revelation·of ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

collecting ­the·banished⁺·of ­Princepowr

again ­I·collect ­upon·him ­to·that·are·collected⁺·him :

all·of ­life·of ­field

ꜝcome⁺ ­to·eat ­all·of ­the·life ­in·the·forest :

his·sentries⁺ ­blind⁺ ­all·of·them ­they·did·not·know⁺

all·of·them ­dogs⁺ ­tonguetied⁺

they·are·not·able⁺ ­to·bark

visionaries⁺ ­bedding⁺

the·loving⁺ ­to·snooze :

and·the·dogs⁺ ­mighty⁺·of ­soul ­they·did·not·know⁺ ­satisfaction

and·they⁺ ­tendents⁺

they·did·not·know⁺ ­giving·discernment

all·of·them ­to·their·step ­they·faced⁺

man ­to·his·profit ­from·his·end :

ꜝcome⁺ ­ꜝlet·me·take ­wine ­and·ꜝlet·us·booze⁺ ­strong·drink

and·he·was ­as·this ­day ­aftermorrow

great ­remainder ­very :

the·just ­he·was·lost

and·there·is·ńot ­man ­placing ­upon ­heart

and·mortals⁺·of ­mercy ­gathered⁺ ­in·there·is·ńot ­giving·discernment

as ­from·the·face⁺·of ­the·badness ­he·was·gathered ­the·just :

he·enters ­shalom

they·are·at·peace⁺ ­upon ­their·beds⁺

walking ­in·view·of·him :

and·you⁺ ­ꜝbe·present⁺ ­here ­sons⁺·of ­cloud·reader

seed ­adulterer ­and·she·fornicates :

upon ­¿who ­you·console·yourselves⁺

upon ­¿who ­you·broaden⁺ ­mouth ­you·prolong⁺ ­tongue

¿not ­you⁺ ­children⁺·of ­rebellion·of ­seed·of ­falsehood :

the·heated⁺ ­in·the·powrtrees⁺

under ­all·of ­tree ­thriving

the·slaughtering⁺·of ­the·children⁺ ­in·the·rivers⁺

under ­the·forks⁺·of ­the·clifftops⁺ :

in·division⁺·of ­river ­your·dividend

they⁺ ­they⁺ ­your·lot

also ­to·them ­you·spilled·out ­libation ­you·offered·up ­tribute

¿upon ­these ­I·sigh :

upon ­mount ­climbing ­and·borne

you·placed ­your·bed

also ­there ­you·went·up ­to·offer ­offering :

and·after ­the·pulldoor ­and·the·doorpost

you·placed ­your·memorial

as ­from·with·me ­you·stripped ­and·you·go·up ­you·broadened ­your·bed ­and·you·cut·in ­to·you ­from·them

you·loved ­their·bed ­hand ­you·visioned :

and·you·glimpse ­to·the·king ­in·the·oil

and·you·multiply ­your·compounds⁺

and·you·send·out ­your·informers⁺ ­unto ­from·afar

and·you·make·low ­unto ­sheol :

in·the·multitude·of ­your·step ­you·labored

you·did·not·say ­despair

the·life·of ­your·hand ­you·found

upon ­surely ­you·were·not·pierced :

and·°¿who ­you·were·anxious ­and·you·fear ­as ­you·lìe

and·°me ­you·did·not·remember

you·did·not·place ­upon ­your·heart

¿not ­I ­hushing ­and·from·eternity

and·°me ­you·do·not·fear :

I ­I·tell·forth ­your·justice

and·°your·deeds⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·benefit⁺·you :

when·you·cry ­they·snatch·you·away ­your·collections⁺

and·°all·of·them ­he·bears ­breath ­he·takes ­vapor

and·that·refuges ­in·me ­he·derives ­land

and·he·inherits ­the·mount·of ­my·sanctuary :

and·he·said ­ꜝadvance⁺ ­ꜝadvance⁺ ­ꜝreface⁺ ­step

ꜝheighten⁺ ­stumbleblock ­from·the·step·of ­my·people :

as ­thus ­he·said ­high ­and·borne ­dwelling ­onward ­and·sacred ­his·name

heights ­and·sacred ­I·dwell

and·with ­crushed ­and·low·of ­breath

to·keep·alive ­breath·of ­low⁺

and·to·keep·alive ­heart·of ­crushed⁺ :

as ­not ­to·eternity ­I·argue

and·not ­to·forever ­I·am·angry

as ­breath ­from·to·my·face⁺ ­he·collapses

and·gasps⁺ ­I ­I·did :

in·the·guilt·of ­his·profit ­I·was·angry ­and·I·strike·him ­hiding ­and·I·am·angry

and·he·walks ­backturning ­in·the·step·of ­his·heart :

his·steps⁺ ­I·saw ­and·I·heal·him

and·I·guide·him ­and·shalom ­sighing⁺ ­to·him ­and·to·his·mourning⁺ :

shaping ­produce ­lips²

shalom ­shalom ­to·the·afar ­and·to·the·present ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·I·healed·him :

and·the·wicked⁺ ­as·the·sea ­driven·off

as ­quieting ­he·is·not·able

and·they·drive·off⁺ ­his·waters⁺ ­mucky ­and·mud :

there·is·ńot ­shalom

he·said ­my·Powers⁺ ­to·the·wicked⁺ :

ꜝcall ­in·jaw ­ꜝdo·not·keep

as·the·shofair ­ꜝheighten ­your·voice

and·tell·forth ­to·my·people ­their·rebellion

and·to·the·house·of ­Heeler ­their·sins⁺ :

and·°me ­day ­day ­they·investigate⁺

and·the·knowledge·of ­my·steps⁺ ­they·are·pleased⁺

as·clan ­that ­justice ­he·did ­and·the·judgment·of ­his·Powers⁺ ­he·did·not·abandon

they·request⁺·me ­judgments⁺·of ­justice

the·presence·of ­Powers⁺ ­they·are·pleased⁺ :

to·¿what ­we·fasted⁺ ­and ­you·did·not·see

we·humiliated⁺ ­our·soul ­and ­you·do·not·know

¡lo! ­in·the·day·of ­your⁺·fasting ­you·find⁺ ­pleasure

and·all·of ­your⁺·pains⁺ ­you·bully⁺ :

¡lo! ­to·argument ­and·strife ­you·fast⁺

and·to·strike ­in·fist·of ­wickedness

you·do·not·fast⁺ ­as·the·day

to·let·hear ­in·the·heights ­your⁺·voice :

¿as·this ­he·is ­fasting ­I·choose·him

day·of ­humiliating ­adam ­his·soul

¿to·spoon·out ­as·pondrush ­his·head ­and·burlap ­and·ash ­he·sets·his·cot

¿to·this ­you·call ­fasting

and·day·of ­favor ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

¿not ­this ­fasting ­I·choose·him

opening ­pangs⁺·of ­wickedness

letting·jump·free ­clods⁺·of ­shakepole

and·sending·out ­smashed⁺ ­free⁺

and·all·of ­shakepole ­you·snap⁺ :

¿not ­clawing·apart ­to·the·hungry ­your·bread

and·humiliated⁺ ­ramblers⁺ ­you·bring·in ­house

as ­you·see ­bare ­and·you·covered·him

and·from·your·flesh ­you·do·not·hood·yourself :

then ­he·is·cleaved ­as·the·morning ­your·light

and·your·prolonging ­speedily ­she·grows

and·he·walked ­to·your·face⁺ ­your·justice

the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·gathers·you :

then ­you·call ­and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·responds

you·cry·for·safety ­and·he·says ­¡lo!·me

if ­you·remove ­from·your·midst ­shakepole

sending ­finger ­and·speaking ­iniquity :

and·ꜝreel·in ­to·the·hungry ­your·soul

and·soul·of ­humbled ­you·satisfy

and·he·dawned ­in·the·darkness ­your·light

and·your·blackness ­as·the·noonpeak² :

and·he·guided·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­always

and·he·satisfied ­in·plains⁺ ­your·soul

and·your·bones⁺ ­he·dresses·up

and·you·were ­as·guarden ­overflowing

and·as·going·of ­waters⁺

that ­they·do·not·lìe⁺ ­his·waters⁺ :

and·they·built⁺ ­from·you ­withered·places⁺·of ­eternity

foundations⁺·of ­saeculum ­and·saeculum ­you·raise

and·he·was·called ­to·you ­fencing ­rupture

returning ­paths⁺ ­to·settle :

if ­you·return ­from·rest ­your·foot

doing ­your·pleasures⁺ ­in·the·day·of ­my·sanctuary

and·you·called ­to·the·rest ­consolation ­to·the·sacred·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­given·weight

and·you·gave·him·weight ­from·doing ­your·steps⁺

from·finding ­your·pleasure ­and·speaking ­speech :

then ­you·console·yourself ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·carried·you ­upon ­daises⁺·of ­land

and·I·gave·to·you·eat ­the·derivation·of ­Heeler ­your·father

as ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·spoke :

¡lo! ­she·was·not·cropped·short ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·saving

and ­she·did·not·weigh·down ­his·ear ­from·hearing :

but ­rather ­your⁺·guilts⁺ ­they·were⁺ ­separators⁺

between·you⁺ ­to·between ­your⁺·Powers⁺

and·your⁺·sins⁺ ­they·hid⁺ ­face⁺ ­from·you⁺ ­from·hearing :

as ­your⁺·spoons² ­they·were·goeled⁺ ­in·the·blood

and·your⁺·fingers⁺ ­in·the·guilt

your⁺·lips⁺ ­they·spoke⁺ ­falsehood

your⁺·tongue ­evil ­she·echoes :

there·is·ńot ­calling ­in·justice

and·there·is·ńot ­judged ­in·truth

trusting ­upon ­null ­and·speaking ­vanity

progenating ­toil ­and·bechilding ­iniquity :

eggs⁺·of ­snake ­they·cleaved⁺

and·laces⁺·of ­ratspider ­they·weave⁺

that·eats ­from·their·eggs⁺ ­he·dies

and·that·is·tortured ­she·is·cleaved ­hisser :

their·laces⁺ ­they·are·not⁺ ­to·covering

and ­they·do·not·cover·themselves⁺ ­in·their·doings⁺

their·doings⁺ ­doings⁺·of ­iniquity

and·work·of ­violence ­in·their·spoons² :

their·feet² ­to·the·bad ­they·run⁺


to·spill ­blood ­innocent

their·considerations⁺ ­considerations⁺·of ­iniquity

overbreasting ­and·break ­in·their·avenues⁺ :

step·of ­shalom ­they·did·not·know⁺

and·there·is·ńot ­judgment ­in·their·wagonways⁺

their·paths⁺ ­they·warped⁺ ­to·them

all·of ­stepping·forward ­in·her

he·did·not·know ­shalom :

upon ­surely ­he·was·far ­judgment ­from·us

and ­she·does·not·catch·us ­justice

we·hope⁺ ­to·the·light ­and·¡lo! ­darkness

to·brightnesses⁺ ­in·the·blackness⁺ ­we·walk⁺ :

ꜝlet·us·grope⁺ ­as·the·blind⁺ ­wall

and·as·there·is·ńot ­eyes² ­ꜝlet·us·grope⁺

we·stumbled⁺ ­in·the·noonpeak² ­as·the·evening·breeze

in·the·oilings⁺ ­as·the·dead⁺ :

we·hum ­as·the·bears⁺ ­all·of·us

and·as·the·doves⁺ ­echoing ­we·echo⁺

we·hope⁺ ­to·the·judgment ­and·there·is·ńot

to·salvation ­she·was·far ­from·us :

as ­they·were·multiplied⁺ ­our·rebellions⁺ ­before·you

and·our·sins⁺ ­she·responded ­in·us

as ­our·rebellions⁺ ­with·us

and·our·guilts⁺ ­we·knew⁺·them :

rebelling ­and·denying ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

and·being·skimmed·away ­from·after ­our·Powers⁺

speaking ­intimidation ­and·mutiny

progenating ­and·being·made·echo ­from·heart ­speeches⁺·of ­falsehood :

and·he·was·skimmed ­aft ­judgment

and·justice ­from·afar ­she·stands

as ­she·stumbled ­in·the·broadway ­truth

and·in·view ­she·is·not·able ­to·enter :

and·she·is ­the·truth ­deflocked

and·removed ­from·bad ­plundering·himself

and·he·sees ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·is·bad ­in·his·eyes² ­as ­there·is·ńot ­judgment :

and·he·sees ­as ­there·is·ńot ­man

and·he·desolates·himself ­as ­there·is·ńot ­pegging

and·she·saves ­to·him ­his·arm

and·his·justice ­she ­she·propped·him·up :

and·he·is·robed·in ­justice ­as·the·mail

and·helmet·of ­salvation ­in·his·head

and·he·is·robed·in ­coverings⁺·of ­vengeance ­robe

and·he·is·clothed ­as·the·guise ­jealousy :

as·upon ­yields⁺ ­as·upon ­he·shaloms

heat ­to·his·rockers⁺

yield ­to·his·enemies⁺

to·the·islands⁺ ­yield ­he·shaloms :

and·they·fear⁺ ­from·evening·place ­°the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·from·dawn·of ­sun ­°his·weight

as ­he·enters ­as·the·stream ­rocky

the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·put·to·flight ­in·him :

and·he·entered ­to·Tzion ­goel

and·to·returning⁺·of ­rebellion ­in·Heeler

the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·I ­this ­my·covenant ­with·them ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

my·breath ­that ­upon·you

and·my·speeches⁺ ­that ­I·placed ­in·your·mouth

they·do·not·budge⁺ ­from·your·mouth ­and·from·the·mouth·of ­your·seed ­and·from·the·mouth·of ­the·seed·of ­your·seed ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·now ­and·unto ­eternity :

ꜝarise ­ꜝlight·up ­as ­he·entered ­your·light

and·the·weight·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·you ­he·dawned :

as ­¡lo! ­the·darkness ­he·covers ­land

and·sprinkling·cloud ­nations⁺

and·upon·you ­he·dawns ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·his·weight ­upon·you ­he·is·seen :

and·they·walked⁺ ­clans⁺ ­to·your·light

and·kings⁺ ­to·the·brightness·of ­your·dawn :

ꜝbear ­turninground ­your·eyes² ­and·ꜝsee

all·of·them ­they·were·collected⁺ ­they·entered⁺ ­to·you

your·sons⁺ ­from·afar ­they·enter⁺

and·your·daughters⁺ ­upon ­hip ­they·are·true⁺ :

then ­you·see ­and·you·streamed

and·he·trembled ­and·he·was·broad ­your·heart

as ­he·is·converted ­upon·you ­hum·of ­sea

strength·of ­clans⁺ ­they·enter⁺ ­to·you :

legion·of ­camels⁺ ­she·covers·you ­the·first·camels⁺·of ­Vindictiveness ­and·Dimness

all·of·them ­from·Sheba ­they·enter⁺

gold ­and·white·incense ­they·bear⁺

and·the·praises⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·flesh·out :

all·of ­the·sheep·of ­Glooming ­they·are·collected⁺ ­to·you

the·powrrams⁺·of ­Productions⁺ ­they·assist⁺·you

they·go·up⁺ ­upon ­favor ­my·offering·place

and·the·house·of ­my·sprigging ­I·sprig :

¿who ­these ­as·the·fog ­they·fly⁺

and·as·the·doves⁺ ­to ­their·oculi⁺ :

as ­to·me ­islands⁺ ­they·hope⁺ ­and·the·ships⁺·of ­Tarshysh ­in·the·headmost

to·bring·in ­your·sons⁺ ­from·afar

their·silver ­and·their·gold ­with·them

to·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

and·to·the·sacred·of ­Princepowr ­as ­he·sprigged·you :

and·they·built⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­unrecognizee ­your·ramparts⁺

and·their·kings⁺ ­they·assist⁺·you

as ­in·my·anger ­I·struck·you

and·in·my·favor ­I·enwombed·you :

and·they·opened⁺ ­your·gates⁺ ­always ­daytime ­and·night ­they·are·not·locked⁺

to·bring·in ­to·you ­strength·of ­clans⁺

and·their·kings⁺ ­led·in :

as ­the·clan ­and·the·kingdom ­that ­they·do·not·serve⁺·you ­they·are·lost⁺

and·the·clans⁺ ­withered ­they·are·withered⁺ :

the·weight·of ­the·Whitemost ­to·you ­he·enters

fir ­galloptree ­and·blessingtree ­united

to·sprig ­the·rising·place·of ­my·sanctuary

and·the·rising·place·of ­my·feet² ­I·give·weight :

and·they·walked⁺ ­to·you ­prostrate ­sons⁺·of ­that·humiliate⁺·you

and·they·prostrated·themselves⁺ ­upon ­the·spoons⁺·of ­your·feet² ­all·of ­that·disregard⁺·you

and·they·called⁺ ­to·you ­the·city·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

Tzion ­the·sacred·of ­Princepowr :

under ­your·being ­abandoned ­and·hated ­and·there·is·ńot ­crosser

and·I·placed·you ­to·majesty·of ­eternity

rejoicing·of ­saeculum ­and·saeculum :

and·you·sucked ­fatmilk·of ­clans⁺

and·breast·of ­kings⁺ ­you·suck

and·you·knew ­as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·savior

and·your·goel ­the·pinioned·one·of ­Heeler :

under ­the·copper ­I·bring·in ­gold ­and·under ­the·iron ­I·bring·in ­silver

and·under ­the·trees⁺ ­copper

and·under ­the·stones⁺ ­iron

and·I·placed ­your·reckoning ­shalom

and·your·bullies⁺ ­justice :

he·is·not·heard ­again ­violence ­in·your·land

overbreasting ­and·break ­in·your·borders⁺

and·you·called ­salvation ­your·ramparts⁺

and·your·gates⁺ ­praise :

he·is·not ­to·you ­again ­the·sun ­to·light ­daytime

and·to·brightness ­the·moon ­he·does·not·light·up ­to·you

and·he·was ­to·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·light·of ­eternity

and·your·Powers⁺ ­to·your·sprigging :

he·does·not·enter ­again ­your·sun

and·your·moon ­he·is·not·gathered

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·is ­to·you ­to·light·of ­eternity

and·they·had·shalom ­the·days⁺·of ­your·mourning :

and·your·people ­all·of·them ­just⁺

to·eternity ­they·inherit⁺ ­land

the·protectionbranch·of ­my·plantations⁺ ­the·doing·of ­my·hands² ­to·sprig·oneself :

the·small ­he·is ­to·thousand

and·the·least ­to·clan ­strongboned

I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·her·season ­I·hurry·her :

the·breath·of ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·me

because ­he·anointed ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°me ­to·flesh·out ­humiliated⁺ ­he·sent·me ­to·wrap ­to·broken⁺·of ­heart

to·call ­to·captives⁺ ­liberty

and·to·chained⁺ ­illumine ­umination :

to·call ­year·of ­favor ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·day·of ­vengeance ­to·our·Powers⁺

to·sigh·with ­all·of ­mourning⁺ :

to·place ­to·the·mourning⁺·of ­Tzion ­to·give ­to·them ­sprig ­under ­ash ­oil·of ­rejoicing ­under ­mourning

clothing·of ­praise

under ­breath ­waning

and·he·was·called ­to·them ­the·powrtrees⁺·of ­the·justice

the·plantation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·sprig·oneself :

and·they·built⁺ ­withered·places⁺·of ­eternity

desolate⁺ ­headmost⁺ ­they·raise⁺

and·they·renewed⁺ ­cities⁺·of ­withering

desolate⁺·of ­saeculum ­and·saeculum :

and·they·stood⁺ ­strangers⁺

and·they·tended⁺ ­your⁺·sheep

and·sons⁺·of ­unrecognizee

your⁺·farmers⁺ ­and·your⁺·orchardists⁺ :

and·you⁺ ­the·priests⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­you·are·called⁺

the·assistants⁺·of ­our·Powers⁺

he·is·said ­to·you⁺

strength·of ­clans⁺ ­you·eat⁺

and·in·their·weight ­you·share·yourselves⁺ :

under ­your⁺·shame ­second

and·embarrassment ­they·shout⁺ ­their·dividend

to·surely ­in·their·land ­second ­they·inherit⁺

gladness·of ­eternity ­she·is ­to·them :

as ­I ­Yʜᴡʜ ­loving ­judgment

hating ­robbery ­in·evil

and·I·gave ­their·work ­in·truth

and·covenant·of ­eternity ­I·cut·in ­to·them :

and·he·was·known ­in·the·clans⁺ ­their·seed

and·their·outgoings⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people⁺

all·of ­that·see⁺·them ­they·recognize⁺·them

as ­they⁺ ­seed ­he·knelt ­Yʜᴡʜ :

rejoicing ­I·rejoice ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝlet·her·twirl ­my·soul ­in·my·Powers⁺

as ­he·robed·me ­coverings⁺·of ­safety

guise·of ­justice ­he·clothed·me

as·the·married·one ­he·is·priest ­sprig

and·as·the·allness ­she·decorates ­her·things⁺ :

as ­as·the·land ­she·lets·go ­her·growth

and·as·guarden ­her·seeds⁺ ­she·causes·to·grow

surely ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·causes·to·grow ­justice ­and·praise

before ­all·of ­the·clans⁺ :

because·of ­Tzion ­I·am·not·hushed

and·because·of ­Torahshalom ­I·am·not·quiet

unto ­he·goes ­as·the·brightness ­her·justice

and·her·salvation ­as·torch ­he·is·consumed :

and·they·saw⁺ ­clans⁺ ­your·justice

and·all·of ­kings⁺ ­your·weight

and·he·was·called ­to·you ­name ­new

that ­the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·punctures·him :

and·you·were ­crown·of ­sprigging ­in·the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·turban·of ­kingship ­in·the·spoon·of ­your·Powers⁺ :

he·is·not·said ­to·you ­again ­abandoned ­and·to·your·land ­he·is·not·said ­again ­desolation

as ­to·you ­he·is·called ­My-Pleasure ­In-Her

and·to·your·land ­mastered

as ­he·was·pleased ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·you

and·your·land ­she·is·mastered :

as ­he·masters ­choice·youth ­virgin

they·master⁺·you ­your·sons⁺

and·rejoicing·of ­married·one ­upon ­allness

he·rejoices ­upon·you ­your·Powers⁺ :

upon ­your·ramparts⁺ ­Torahshalom ­I·gave·to·reckon ­watching⁺

all·of ­the·day ­and·all·of ­the·night ­always ­they·are·not·hushed⁺

that·commemorate⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ

not ­silence ­to·you⁺ :

and ­ꜝdo·not·give⁺ ­silence ­to·him

unto ­he·makes·sure ­and·unto ­he·places ­°Torahshalom ­praise ­in·the·land :

he·vowed·seven ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·his·right ­and·in·the·arm·of ­his·might

if ­I·give ­°your·grain ­again ­edibles ­to·your·enemies⁺

and·if ­they·drink⁺ ­sons⁺·of ­unrecognizee ­your·winemust

that ­you·labored ­in·him :

as ­his·gatherers⁺ ­they·eat⁺·him

and·they·praised⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ

and·that·collect⁺·him ­they·drink⁺·him ­in·the·courtyards⁺·of ­my·sanctuary :

ꜝcross·over⁺ ­ꜝcross·over⁺ ­in·the·gates⁺

ꜝreface⁺ ­the·step·of ­the·people

ꜝadvance⁺ ­ꜝadvance⁺ ­the·avenue ­ꜝlapidate⁺ ­from·stone

ꜝheighten⁺ ­flag ­upon ­the·people⁺ :

¡lo! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·let·hear ­to ­the·end·of ­the·land

ꜝsay⁺ ­to·the·daughter·of ­Tzion

¡lo! ­your·safety ­he·entered

¡lo! ­his·hire ­with·him

and·his·work ­to·his·face⁺ :

and·they·called⁺ ­to·them ­the·people·of ­the·sanctuary ­the·goeled⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·to·you ­he·is·called ­investigated

city ­she·was·not·abandoned :

¿who ­this ­entering ­from·Blood ­sour·of ­coverings⁺ ­from·Fortified

this ­magnified ­in·his·robe

squatting ­in·the·multitude·of ­his·vigor

I ­speaker ­in·justice ­much ­to·save :

¿know·why ­bloodyred ­to·your·robe

and·your·coverings⁺ ­as·stepping·forward ­in·cellar :

scuttle ­I·stepped·forward ­alone·me ­and·from·people⁺ ­there·is·ńot ­man ­with·me

and·I·step·forward·them ­in·my·nostrils

and·I·trample·them ­in·my·heat

and·ꜝlet·him·spatter ­their·forever ­upon ­my·coverings⁺

and·all·of ­my·robes⁺ ­I·goeled :

as ­day·of ­vengeance ­in·my·heart

and·the·year·of ­my·goelments⁺ ­she·entered :

and·I·look ­and·there·is·ńot ­helper

and·I·desolate·myself ­and·there·is·ńot ­prop

and·she·saves ­to·me ­my·arm

and·my·heat ­she ­she·propped·me·up :

and·I·tread·down ­people⁺ ­in·my·nostrils

and·I·get·them·drunk ­in·my·heat

and·I·make·descend ­to·the·land ­their·forever :

the·mercies⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·commemorate ­the·praises⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·upon ­all ­that ­he·yielded·us ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·much·of ­goodness ­to·the·house·of ­Princepowr

that ­he·yielded·them ­as·his·wombliness⁺ ­and·as·the·multitude·of ­his·mercies⁺ :

and·he·says ­surely ­my·people ­they⁺

sons⁺ ­they·are·not·false⁺

and·he·is ­to·them ­to·savior :

in·all·of ­their·rockiness ­to·him ­rockiness ­and·the·minister·of ­his·face⁺ ­he·saved·them

in·his·love ­and·in·his·pity ­he ­he·goeled·them

and·he·hoists·them·up ­and·he·bears·them·up ­all·of ­days⁺·of ­eternity :

and·they⁺ ­they·were·bitter⁺ ­and·they·pained⁺ ­°the·breath·of ­his·sanctuary

and·he·is·converted ­to·them ­to·enemy ­he ­he·battled ­in·them :

and·he·remembers ­days⁺·of ­eternity ­Moseh ­his·people

¿where ­that·offers·them·up ­from·sea ­with ­the·tendents⁺·of ­his·sheep

¿where ­that·places ­in·his·impresence ­°the·breath·of ­his·sanctuary :

causing·walk ­to·the·right·of ­Moseh

the·arm·of ­his·sprigging

cleaving ­waters⁺ ­from·their·face⁺

to·do ­to·him ­name·of ­eternity :

that·causes·them·to·walk ­in·the·rumblewaves⁺

as·the·horse ­in·the·outspeak ­they·do·not·stumble⁺ :

as·the·beast ­in·the·cleft ­she·descends

the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·sets·him·in·peace

surely ­you·led ­your·people

to·do ­to·you ­name·of ­sprigging :

ꜝlook ­from·skies⁺ ­and·ꜝsee

from·the·residence·of ­your·sanctuary ­and·your·sprigging

¿where ­your·jealousy ­and·your·heroisms⁺

the·hum·of ­your·bowels⁺ ­and·your·wombliness⁺ ­to·me ­they·channelled·themselves⁺ :

as ­you ­our·father

as ­Father-Hi-Hum ­he·did·not·know·us

and·Princepowr ­he·does·not·recognize·us

you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·father

our·goel ­from·eternity ­your·name :

to·¿what ­you·lead·us·to·wander ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·your·steps⁺

you·harden ­our·heart ­from·your·fear

ꜝreturn ­because·of ­your·servants⁺

the·stems⁺·of ­your·derivation :

to·the·least ­they·inherited⁺ ­the·people·of ­your·sanctuary

our·rockers⁺ ­they·treaded·down ­your·sanctuary :

we·were⁺ ­from·eternity ­you·did·not·rule ­in·them

he·was·not·called ­your·name ­upon·them

iᵮ·only ­you·tore ­skies⁺ ­you·descended

from·your·face⁺ ­mounts⁺ ­they·were·let·loose⁺ :

as·fevered ­fire ­brushwoods⁺ ­waters⁺ ­she·petitions ­fire

to·let·know ­your·name ­to·your·rockers⁺

from·your·face⁺ ­clans⁺ ­they·are·stirred·up :

when·you·do ­fearsome⁺ ­we·do·not·hope⁺

you·descended ­from·your·face⁺ ­mounts⁺ ­they·were·let·loose⁺ :

and·from·eternity ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­they·did·not·give·ear⁺

eye ­she·did·not·see ­Powers⁺ ­beyond·you

he·does ­to·the·lingering ­to·him :

you·pegged ­°rejoicing ­and·doing·of ­justice

in·your·steps⁺ ­they·remember⁺·you

¡lo! ­you ­you·were·angry ­and·we·sin⁺

in·them ­eternity ­and·we·are·saved⁺ :

and·we·are⁺ ­as·the·defiled ­all·of·us

and·as·covering·of ­periods⁺ ­all·of ­our·justices⁺

and·we·wilt⁺ ­as·the·upper·leaf ­all·of·us

and·our·guilt ­as·the·breath ­they·bear⁺·us :

and·there·is·ńot ­calling ­in·your·name

rousing ­to·grasp·firmly ­in·you

as ­you·hid ­your·face⁺ ­from·us

and·you·dissipate·us ­in·the·hand·of ­our·guilt :

and·now ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·father ­you

we⁺ ­the·pitch ­and·you ­our·former

and·the·doing·of ­your·hand ­all·of·us :

ꜝdo·not·be·angry ­Yʜᴡʜ ­unto ­very

and·not ­to·onward ­ꜝremember ­guilt

¡lo! ­ꜝlook ­¡please! ­your·people ­all·of·us :

the·cities⁺·of ­your·sanctuary ­they·were⁺ ­outspeak

Tzion ­outspeak ­she·was

Torahshalom ­desolation :

the·house·of ­our·sanctuary ­and·our·sprigging ­that ­they·praised⁺·you ­our·fathers⁺

he·was ­to·burning·of ­fire

and·all·of ­our·desires⁺ ­he·was ­to·withered·place :

¿upon ­these ­you·channel·yourself ­Yʜᴡʜ

you·are·hushed ­and·you·humiliate·us ­unto ­very :

I·was·investigated ­to ­they·did·not·request⁺

I·was·found ­to ­they·did·not·seek⁺·me

I·said ­¡lo!·me ­¡lo!·me

to ­clan ­he·was·not·called ­in·my·name :

I·stretched ­my·hands² ­all·of ­the·day ­to ­people ­defiant

that·walk⁺ ­the·step ­not ­good

after ­their·considerations⁺ :

the·people ­that·trouble⁺ ­°me ­upon ­my·face⁺ ­always

offering⁺ ­in·the·guardens⁺

and·incensing⁺ ­upon ­the·white·bricks⁺ :

that·settle⁺ ­in·the·tombs⁺

and·in·the·protect⁺ ­they·repose⁺

that·eat⁺ ­the·flesh·of ­the·swine

and·scourbroth·of ­forbidden·things⁺ ­their·things⁺ :

that·say⁺ ­ꜝbe·present ­to·you

ꜝdo·not·approach ­in·me ­as ­I·was·sanctified·you

these ­smoke ­in·my·nostrils

fire ­smoldering ­all·of ­the·day :

¡lo! ­written ­to·my·face⁺

I·am·not·hushed ­but ­rather ­shalomed

and·shalomed ­upon ­their·bosom :

your⁺·guilts⁺ ­and·the·guilts⁺·of ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­united ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­they·incensed⁺ ­upon ­the·mounts⁺

and·upon ­the·hills⁺ ­they·detracted⁺·me

and·I·measured ­their·work ­headmost ­to ­their·bosom :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as·how ­he·is·found ­the·winemust ­in·the·cluster

and·he·said ­you·do·not·ruin·him

as ­kneeling ­in·him

surely ­I·do ­because·of ­my·servants⁺

to·not ­ruining ­all :

and·I·let·go ­from·Heeler ­seed

and·from·Gloryhand ­the·heir·of ­my·mounts⁺

and·they·inherited⁺·her ­my·chosen⁺

and·my·servants⁺ ­they·dwell⁺ ­➝there :

and·he·was ­the·Strait ­to·habitation·of ­sheep

and·the·deepland·of ­Roiling ­to·lying·place·of ­plowcattle

to·my·people ­that ­they·investigated⁺·me :

and·you⁺ ­the·abandoning⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that·forget⁺ ­°the·mount·of ­my·sanctuary

that·line·up ­to·the·Clout ­table

and·that·fill⁺ ­to·the·Lottery ­mingled·drink :

and·I·allotted ­°you⁺ ­to·the·sword ­and·all·of·you⁺ ­to·the·butchering ­you·stoop⁺

because ­I·called ­and ­you·did·not·respond⁺

I·spoke ­and ­you·did·not·hear⁺

and·you·do⁺ ­the·bad ­in·my·eyes²

and·in·that ­I·was·not·pleased ­you·chose⁺ :


to·surely ­thus ­he·said ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo! ­my·servants⁺ ­they·eat⁺ ­and·you⁺ ­you·are·hungry⁺

¡lo! ­my·servants⁺ ­they·drink⁺ ­and·you⁺ ­you·thirst⁺

¡lo! ­my·servants⁺ ­they·are·glad⁺ ­and·you⁺ ­you·are·ashamed⁺ :

¡lo! ­my·servants⁺ ­they·shout⁺ ­from·goodness·of ­heart

and·you⁺ ­you·cry⁺ ­from·hurting·of ­heart

and·from·break·of ­breath ­you·yowl :

and·you·set·in·peace⁺ ­your⁺·name ­to·seven ­to·my·chosen⁺

and·he·put·you·to·death ­My·Lord ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·to·his·servants⁺ ­he·calls ­name ­after :

that ­that·kneels·himself ­in·the·land ­he·kneels·himself ­in·Powers⁺·of ­truly

and·that·vows·seven ­in·the·land

he·vows·seven ­in·Powers⁺·of ­truly

as ­they·were·forgotten⁺ ­the·rockinesses⁺ ­the·headmost⁺

and·as ­they·were·hidden⁺ ­from·my·eyes² :

as ­¡lo!·me ­shaping ­skies⁺ ­new⁺ ­and·land ­new

and ­they·are·not·remembered⁺ ­the·headmost⁺

and ­they·do·not·go·up⁺ ­upon ­heart :

as ­rather ­ꜝrejoice⁺ ­and·ꜝtwirl⁺ ­unto ­onward

that ­I ­shaping

as ­¡lo!·me ­shaping ­°Torahshalom ­twirling ­and·her·people ­rejoicing :

and·I·twirled ­in·Torahshalom ­and·I·rejoiced ­in·my·people

and ­he·is·not·heard ­in·her ­again

voice·of ­weeping ­and·voice·of ­cry :

he·is·not ­from·there ­again ­nursling·of ­days⁺ ­and·elder

that ­he·does·not·fill ­°his·days⁺

as ­the·youth ­son·of ­hundred ­year ­he·dies


son·of ­hundred ­year ­he·is·slighted :

and·they·built⁺ ­houses⁺ ­and·they·settled⁺

and·they·planted⁺ ­orchards⁺

and·they·ate⁺ ­their·fruit :

they·do·not·build⁺ ­and·after ­he·settles

they·do·not·plant⁺ ­and·after ­he·eats

as ­as·the·days⁺·of ­the·tree ­the·days⁺·of ­my·people

and·the·doing·of ­their·hands² ­they·make·decay⁺ ­my·chosen⁺ :

they·do·not·labor⁺ ­to·the·emptiness

and ­they·do·not·enchild⁺ ­to·the·agitation

as ­the·seed·of ­the·knelt·to⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they⁺

and·their·outgoings⁺ ­with·them :

and·he·was ­ere ­they·call⁺ ­and·I ­I·respond

again ­they⁺ ­speakers⁺ ­and·I ­I·hear :

jackal ­and·patchylamb ­they·tend⁺ ­as·one ­and·lion ­as·the·plowcattle ­he·eats ­straw

and·copperhead ­dust ­his·bread

they·do·not·do·bad⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·ruin⁺ ­in·all·of ­the·mount·of ­my·sanctuary ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·skies⁺ ­my·throne

and·the·land ­the·stool·of ­my·feet²

¿where ­this ­house ­that ­you·build⁺ ­to·me

and·¿where ­this ­rising·place ­my·peaceful·place :

and·°all·of ­these ­my·hand ­she·did

and·they·are⁺ ­all ­these ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·to ­this ­I·look

to ­humiliated ­and·stricken·of ­breath

and·shuddering ­upon ­my·speech :

slaughtering ­the·bull ­striking·of ­man ­offering ­the·ovine ­breaking·the·spine·of·of ­dog

offering·up·of ­tribute ­blood·of ­swine

commemorating ­white·incense ­kneeling ­iniquity

also ­they⁺ ­they·chose⁺ ­in·their·steps⁺

and·in·their·detestations⁺ ­their·soul ­she·was·pleased :

also ­I ­I·choose ­in·their·exploitations⁺ ­and·their·lodging·places⁺ ­I·bring·in ­to·them

because ­I·called ­and·there·is·ńot ­responding

I·spoke ­and ­they·did·not·hear⁺

and·they·do⁺ ­the·bad ­in·my·eyes²

and·in·that ­I·was·not·pleased ­they·chose⁺ :

ꜝhear⁺ ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

the·shuddering⁺ ­to ­his·speech

they·said⁺ ­your⁺·brothers⁺ ­that·hate⁺·you⁺ ­that·discredit⁺·you⁺ ­because·of ­my·name ­he·weighs·down ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·we·see⁺ ­in·your⁺·gladness ­and·they⁺ ­they·are·ashamed⁺ :

voice·of ­roaring ­from·city

voice ­from·palace

the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

shaloming ­yield ­to·his·enemies⁺ :

in·ere ­she·whirls·in·labor ­she·enchilded

in·ere ­he·enters ­rope ­to·her ­and·she·delivered ­membered :

¿who ­he·heard ­as·this ­¿who ­he·saw ­as·these

¿he·is·caused·to·whirl·in·labor ­land ­in·day ­one

if ­he·is·enchilded ­clan ­time ­one

as ­she·whirled·in·labor ­also ­she·enchilded ­Tzion ­°her·sons⁺ :

¿I ­I·break ­and ­I·do·not·bechild ­he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

if ­I ­that·bechilds ­and·I·restrained ­he·said ­your·Powers⁺ :

ꜝbe·glad⁺ ­with ­Torahshalom ­and·ꜝtwirl⁺ ­in·her ­all·of ­that·love⁺·her

ꜝrejoice⁺ ­with·her ­rejoicing

all·of ­that·mourn⁺ ­upon·her :

because·of ­ꜝsuck⁺ ­and·you·were·satisfied⁺

from·the·breast·of ­her·sighs⁺

because·of ­ꜝwring·out ­and·you·consoled·yourselves⁺ ­from·the·abundance·of ­her·weight :

as ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡lo!·me ­branching·out ­to·her ­as·stream ­shalom ­and·as·river ­flooding ­weight·of ­clans⁺ ­and·you·sucked⁺

upon ­hip ­you·are·borne⁺

and·upon ­knees² ­you·are·delighted⁺ :

as·man ­that ­his·mama ­she·sighs·with·him

surely ­I ­I·sigh·with·you⁺

and·in·Torahshalom ­you·are·sighed·with :

and·you·saw⁺ ­and·he·rejoiced ­your⁺·heart

and·your⁺·bones⁺ ­as·the·grass ­they·bud⁺

and·she·was·known ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­with ­his·servants⁺

and·he·damned ­°his·enemies⁺ :

as ­¡lo! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·fire ­he·enters

and·as·the·blast ­his·chariots⁺

to·return ­in·heat ­his·nostrils

and·his·rebuke ­in·flames⁺·of ­fire :

as ­in·the·fire ­Yʜᴡʜ ­judged

and·in·his·sword ­with ­all·of ­flesh

and·they·were·multiplied⁺ ­the·pierced⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

the·sanctifiers·themselves⁺ ­and·the·purifying·themselves⁺ ­to ­the·guardens⁺ ­after ­one ­in·the·midst

the·eating⁺·of ­the·flesh·of ­the·swine

and·the·detestable ­and·the·rat

united ­they·blast⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·I ­their·deeds⁺ ­and·their·considerations⁺

entering ­to·collect ­°all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­and·the·tongues⁺

and·they·entered⁺ ­and·they·saw⁺ ­°my·weight :

and·I·placed ­in·them ­sign ­and·I·sent·out ­from·them ­self-rescuers⁺ ­to ­the·clans⁺ ­Tarshysh ­Pil ­and·Lud ­drawing·out·of ­bow ­You-Course ­and·Wine

the·islands⁺ ­the·afar⁺ ­that ­they·did·not·hear⁺ ­°my·hearing ­and ­they·did·not·see⁺ ­°my·weight

and·they·told·forth⁺ ­°my·weight ­in·the·clans⁺ :

and·they·brought·in⁺ ­°all·of ­your⁺·brothers⁺ ­from·all·of ­the·clans⁺ ­tribute ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·horses⁺ ­and·in·the·chariot ­and·in·the·turtleshells⁺ ­and·in·the·asses⁺ ­and·in·the·goatgoats⁺ ­upon ­the·mount·of ­my·sanctuary ­Torahshalom ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

as·how ­they·bring·in⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­°the·tribute ­in·thing ­pure ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·also ­from·them ­I·take ­to·the·priests⁺ ­to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

as ­as·how ­the·skies⁺ ­the·new⁺ ­and·the·land ­the·new ­that ­I ­doing ­standing⁺ ­to·my·face⁺ ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

surely ­he·stands ­your⁺·seed ­and·your⁺·name :

and·he·was ­from·enough·of ­new·moon ­in·his·new·moon

and·from·enough·of ­rest ­in·his·rest

he·enters ­all·of ­flesh ­to·prostrate·oneself ­to·my·face⁺ ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·they·went⁺ ­and·they·saw⁺

in·the·carcasses⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺

that·rebel⁺ ­in·me

as ­their·fangworm ­she·does·not·die ­and·their·fire ­she·is·not·quenched

and·they·were⁺ ­revulsion ­to·all·of ­flesh :

1:24 2:5 3:1 5:1 5:11 6:1 7:1 7:18 8:1 10:20 11:10 11:11 13:1 14:24 14:28 21:6 22:15 24:1 25:1 25:6 25:9 28:14 30:15 32:9 36:1 40:1 41:1 41:17 41:21 42:1 42:5 42:10 43:1 44:6 44:24 45:14 45:18 48:17 49:22 51:1 65:13