Book of Song of Solomon
Song·of the·Songs⁺
the·song·of the·songs⁺ that to·Shalomo :
he·kisses·me from·the·kisses⁺·of his·mouth
as good⁺ your·intimacies⁺ from·wine :
to·breath your·oils⁺ good⁺
oil she·is·emptied your·name
upon surely girls⁺ they·loved⁺·you :
ꜝdraw·me·out after⁺·you ꜝlet·us·run⁺
he·brought·me·in the·king his·chambers⁺ ꜝlet·us·twirl⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·be·glad⁺ in·you
ꜝlet·us·commemorate⁺ your·intimacies⁺ from·wine
straightness⁺ they·loved⁺·you :
murky I and·radiant
the·daughters⁺·of Torahshalom
as·the·tents⁺·of Glooming
as·the·curtains⁺·of Shalomo :
ꜝdo·not·see⁺·me which·I murky
which·she·stared·down·on·me the·sun
the·sons⁺·of my·mama they·scorched⁺ in·me they·placed⁺·me targeting °the·orchards⁺
my·orchard which·to·me I·did·not·target :
ꜝtell·forth! to·me which·she·loved my·soul
¿ħow you·tend
¿ħow you·let·lie·down in·the·noonpeak²
which·to·¿what I·am as·clothed
upon the·flocks⁺·of your·allies⁺ :
if you·do·not·know to·you
the·beautiful in·the·women⁺
ꜝgo to·you in·the·heels⁺·of the·sheep and·ꜝtend °your·kids⁺
upon the·dwelling·places⁺·of the·tendents⁺ :
to·my·horse in·the·chariots⁺·of Pharaoh
I·likened·you my·tendent :
they·were·radiant⁺ your·cheeks² in·the·queues⁺
your·neck in·the·beads⁺ :
queues⁺·of gold we·do⁺ to·you
near the·speckles⁺·of the·silver :
unto which·the·king in·his·turning·around
my·nard he·gave his·breath :
the·rocklet·of the·bitters my·intimate to·me
between my·breasts² he·reposes :
the·cluster·of the·atone-perfume my·intimate to·me
in·the·orchards⁺·of Eyewell·of Kid :
¡lo!·you beautiful my·tendent
¡lo!·you beautiful your·eyes² doves⁺ :
¡lo!·you beautiful my·intimate ¡yes! amiable
¡yes! our·mattress thriving :
the·wallbeams⁺·of our·houses⁺ cedars⁺
our·trougher firs⁺ :
I the·rose·of the·Strait
the·lily·of the·deeplands⁺ :
as·lily between the·briars⁺
surely my·tendent between the·daughters⁺ :
as·blossom in·the·trees⁺·of the·forest
surely my·intimate between the·sons⁺
in·his·shadow I·desired and·I·settled
and·his·fruit sweet to·my·palate :
he·brought·me·in to the·house·of the·wine
and·his·banner upon·me love :
ꜝprop·me·up⁺ in·the·firedrinks⁺
ꜝspread·me·out⁺ in·the·blossoms⁺
as pierced·of love I :
his·left under to·my·head
and·his·right she·hugs·me :
I·told·seven °you⁺ the·daughters⁺·of Torahshalom in·prettygazelles⁺
or in·the·powerdeer⁺·of the·field
if you·rouse⁺ and·if you·arouse⁺ °the·love unto which·she·is·pleased :
the·voice·of my·intimate
¡lo! this entering
leaping upon the·mounts⁺
stopping upon the·hills⁺ :
like my·intimate to·prettygazelle
or to·the·dustyfawn·of the·powrdeer⁺
¡lo! this standing after our·stucco
peeping from the·window-piercings⁺
flowering from the·grilles⁺ :
he·responded my·intimate and·he·said to·me
ꜝarise to·you my·tendent my·beautiful and·ꜝwalk to·you :
as ¡lo! the·winter he·crossed·over
the·shower he·changed·away he·walked to·him :
the·flowers⁺ they·were·seen⁺ in·the·land
the·season·of the·pruning he·touched
and·the·voice·of the·pigeon he·was·heard in·our·land :
the·fig she·embalmed her·√figs⁺
and·the·vines⁺ berry they·gave⁺ breath
ꜝarise to·you my·tendent my·beautiful and·ꜝwalk to·you :
my·dove in·the·caverns⁺·of the·clifftop in·the·hiddenness·of the·crag
ꜝshow·me °your·sight
ꜝlet·me·hear °your·voice
as your·voice even and·your·sight radiant :
ꜝhold⁺ to·us foxes⁺
foxes⁺ small⁺ roping·up⁺ orchards⁺
and·our·orchards⁺ berry :
my·intimate to·me and·I to·him
the·tendent in·the·lilies⁺ :
unto which·he·blooms the·day
and·they·fled⁺ the·shadows⁺
ꜝturn·around ꜝbe·like to·you my·intimate to·prettygazelle or to·the·dustyfawn·of the·powrdeer⁺ upon mounts⁺·of slice :
upon my·bed in·the·nights⁺
I·sought °which·she·loved my·soul
I·sought·him and I·did·not·find·him :
ꜝlet·me·arise ¡please! and·ꜝlet·me·turn·around in·the·city in·the·legways⁺ and·in·the·broadways⁺
ꜝlet·me·seek °which·she·loved my·soul
I·sought·him and I·did·not·find·him :
they·found⁺·me that·watch⁺
that·turn·around⁺ in·the·city
°which·she·loved my·soul you·saw⁺ :
as·little which·I·crossed·over from·them
unto which·I·found
°which·she·loved my·soul
I·held·him and I·do·not·slack·him·off
unto which·I·brought·him·in to the·house·of my·mama
and·to chamber·of that·progenates·me :
I·told·seven °you⁺ the·daughters⁺·of Torahshalom in·prettygazelles⁺
or in·the·powerdeer⁺·of the·field
if you·rouse⁺ and·if you·arouse⁺ °the·love unto which·she·is·pleased :
¿who this going·up from the·outspeak
as·palms⁺·of smoke
incensed·of bitters and·white·incense
from·all·of haze·of trader :
¡lo! his·branchbed which·to·Shalomo
sixty⁺ heroes⁺ turninground to·her
from·the·heroes⁺·of Princepowr :
all·of·them held⁺·of sword
discipled⁺·of battle
man his·sword upon his·flank
from·trembling in·the·nights⁺ :
√carriage he·did to·him the·king Shalomo
from·the·trees⁺·of the·Whitemost :
his·standing·pillars⁺ he·did silver
his·spread gold
his·chariot purple
his·midst mosaicked love
from·the·daughters⁺·of Torahshalom :
ꜝgo⁺ and·ꜝsee⁺ the·daughters⁺·of Tzion in·the·king Shalomo
in·the·crown which·she·crowned to·him his·mama in·the·day·of his·marriage
and·in·the·day·of the·gladness·of his·heart :
¡lo!·you beautiful my·tendent ¡lo!·you beautiful
your·eyes² doves⁺
from·about to·your·fastening
your·hair as·the·flock·of the·mightygoats⁺
which·they·scaled⁺ from·the·mount·of Roll-of-Witness :
your·teeth² as·the·flock·of that·are·sized⁺
which·they·went·up⁺ from the·bath
which·all·of·them bearing·pairs⁺
and·bereaved there·is·ńot in·them :
as·the·thread·of the·scarlet your·lips⁺
and·your·speechmouths⁺ radiant
as·the·piece·of the·pomegranate your·temples
from·about to·your·fastening :
as·the·great·tower·of Intimate your·neck
built to·√armories⁺
the·thousand·of the·guard hanged upon·him
all·of the·controlshields⁺·of the·heroes⁺ :
the·two²·of your·breasts² as·two²·of dustyfawns⁺ pair⁺·of prettygazelle
the·tendents⁺ in·the·lilies⁺ :
unto which·he·blooms the·day
and·they·fled⁺ the·shadows⁺
I·walk to·me to the·mount·of the·bitters
and·to the·hill·of the·white·incense :
all·of·you beautiful my·tendent
and·smudge there·is·ńot in·you :
with·me from·Whitemost allness
with·me from·Whitemost you·enter
you·glimpse from·the·head·of Truth from·the·head·of Senyr and·Heremon
from·homes⁺·of lions⁺
from·mountains⁺·of leopards⁺ :
you·heartened·me my·sister allness
you·heartened·me in·one from·your·eyes²
in·one pendant from·your·necklaces⁺ :
¿what they·were·beautiful⁺ your·intimacies⁺ my·sister allness
¿what they·were·good⁺ your·intimacies⁺ from·wine
and·the·breath·of your·oils⁺ from·all·of spices⁺ :
syrup they·distill⁺ your·lips⁺ allness
honey and·fatmilk under your·tongue
and·the·breath·of your·garments⁺ as·the·breath·of Whitemost :
guarden latched my·sister allness
roll latched eyewell sealed :
your·sendouts⁺ paradise·of pomegranates⁺
near fruit·of luxuries⁺
atone-perfumes⁺ near nards⁺ :
nard and·karkem stalk and·cinnamon
near all·of trees⁺·of white·incense
bitters and·aloes⁺
near all·of heads⁺·of spices⁺ :
eyewell·of guardens⁺
well·of waters⁺ living⁺
and·cascades⁺ from Whitemost :
ꜝarouse·yourself north and·ꜝenter right
ꜝcause·to·bloom my·guarden they·cascade⁺ his·spices⁺
he·enters my·intimate to·his·guarden
and·he·eats the·fruit·of his·luxuries⁺ :
I·entered to·my·guarden my·sister allness
I·lioned my·bitters near my·spice
I·ate my·foresthoneycomb near my·honey
I·drank my·wine near my·fatmilk
ꜝeat⁺ tendents⁺
ꜝdrink⁺ and·ꜝbe·drunk⁺ intimacies⁺ :
I asleep and·my·heart arousing·oneself
the·voice·of my·intimate knocking ꜝopen to·me my·sister my·tendent my·dove my·complete
which·my·head filled dew
my·thornies⁺ drizzle⁺·of night :
I·dismantled °my·shirt
¿ħow·¿ħow I·am·robed·in·her
I·bathed °my·feet² ¿ħow·¿ħow I·dirty·them :
my·intimate he·sent his·hand from the·crevice
and·my·bowels⁺ they·hummed⁺ upon·him :
I·arose I to·open to·my·intimate
and·my·hands² they·distilled⁺ bitters and·my·fingers⁺ bitters crosser
upon the·spoons⁺·of the·latch :
I·opened I to·my·intimate
and·my·intimate he·curved·away he·crossed·over
my·soul she·went when·he·speaks
I·sought·him and I·did·not·find·him
I·called·him and he·did·not·respond·me :
they·found⁺·me that·watch⁺ that·turn·around⁺ in·the·city they·struck⁺·me they·wounded⁺·me
they·bore⁺ °my·expansecoat from·upon·me
the·watching⁺·of the·ramparts⁺ :
I·told·seven °you⁺ the·daughters⁺·of Torahshalom
if you·find⁺ °my·intimate
¿what you·tell·forth⁺ to·him
which·pierced·of love I :
¿what your·intimate from·intimate
the·beautiful in·the·women⁺
¿what your·intimate from·intimate
which·thus you·told·us·seven :
my·intimate plain and·bloodyred
bannered·up from·multitude :
his·head bullion·of sterling
his·thornies⁺ tel-tels⁺
murky⁺ as·the·eveningbird :
his·eyes² as·doves⁺ upon channels⁺·of waters⁺
bathing⁺ in·the·fatmilk
settling⁺ upon fullness :
his·cheeks² as·the·acherow·of the·spice
great·towers⁺·of compounds⁺
his·lips⁺ lilies⁺
distilling⁺ bitters crosser :
his·hands² rolls⁺·of gold
filled⁺ in·the·tarshyshstone
his·bowels⁺ reflective·of tooth
swooning·with sapphires⁺ :
his·legs² standing·pillars⁺·of linenstone
founded⁺ upon lord·brackets⁺·of sterling
his·sight as·the·Whitemost
chosen as·the·cedars⁺ :
his·palate sweets⁺
and·all·of·him desires⁺
this my·intimate and·this my·tendent
the·daughters⁺·of Torahshalom :
¿where he·walked your·intimate
the·beautiful in·the·women⁺
¿where he·faced your·intimate
and·we·seek⁺·him near·you :
my·intimate he·descended to·his·guarden
to·the·acherows⁺·of the·spice
to·tend in·the·guardens⁺
and·to·glean lilies⁺ :
I to·my·intimate and·my·intimate to·me
the·tendent in·the·lilies⁺ :
beautiful you my·tendent as·Favored
radiant as·Torahshalom
terrible as·the·banners⁺ :
ꜝturn·away your·eyes² from·before·me
which·they⁺ they·reinforced⁺·me
your·hair as·the·flock·of the·mightygoats⁺
which·they·scaled⁺ from the·Roll-of-Witness :
your·teeth² as·the·flock·of the·ewes⁺
which·they·went·up⁺ from the·bath
which·all·of·them bearing·pairs⁺
and·bereaved there·is·ńot in·them :
as·the·piece·of the·pomegranate your·temples
from·about to·your·fastening :
sixty⁺ they⁺ queens⁺
and·eighty⁺ concubines⁺
and·girls⁺ there·is·ńot count :
one she my·dove my·complete
one she to·her·mama
clean she to·that·enchilds·her
they·saw⁺·her daughters⁺ and·they·bless⁺·her
queens⁺ and·concubines⁺ and·they·praise⁺·her :
¿who this that·peers·out as morning
beautiful as·the·whitemoon clean as·the·hot·sun
terrible as·the·banners⁺ :
to guarden·of nuts I·descended
to·see in·the·aprilness⁺·of the·river
to·see ¿she·budded the·vine
they·flowered⁺ the·pomegranates⁺ :
my·soul she·placed·me
chariots⁺·of people·of :
noble :ꜝreturn ꜝreturn the·Shalomïte
ꜝreturn ꜝreturn and·we·vision⁺ in·you
¿what you·vision⁺ in·the·Shalomïte
as·the·whirldance·of the·Camps⁺ :
¿what they·were·beautiful⁺ your·times⁺ in·the·shoelatchets⁺ daughter·of noble
the·curves⁺·of your·flanks²
as piercings⁺
doing·of hands²·of true·one :
your·binding the·basin·of the·luna
ꜝlet·him·not·be·lacking the·liquor
your·belly pile·of wheat⁺
skimmed in·the·lilies⁺ :
the·two²·of your·breasts² as·two²·of dustyfawns⁺ pair⁺·of prettygazelle :
your·neck as·the·great·tower·of the·tooth
your·eyes² kneepools⁺ in·Consideration upon the·gate·of Daughter Manies⁺
your·nostrils as·the·great·tower·of the·Whitemost
sentry the·face⁺·of Damascus :
your·head upon·you as·the·Orchardgrain
and·the·hair·pulled·down·of your·head as·the·purple
king chained in·the·troughs⁺ :
¿what you·were·beautiful and·¿what you·were·amiable
love in·the·solaces⁺ :
this your·rising she·was·like to·palm
and·your·breasts² to·clusters⁺ :
I·said I·go·up in·palm
ꜝlet·me·hold in·his·limb-limbs⁺
and·they·are⁺ ¡please! your·breasts² as·the·clusters⁺·of the·vine
and·the·breath·of your·nostrils as·the·blossoms⁺ :
and·your·palate as·the·wine·of the·good walking to·my·intimate to·straightness⁺
slurring lips²·of asleep⁺ :
I to·my·intimate
and·upon·me his·innundation :
ꜝwalk! my·intimate we·go⁺ the·field
ꜝlet·us·repose⁺ in·the·atoned-villages⁺ :
ꜝlet·us·yoke·up⁺ to·the·orchards⁺
we·see⁺ if she·budded the·vine he·opened the·berry
they·flowered⁺ the·pomegranates⁺
there I·give °my·intimacies⁺ to·you :
the·intimacy·plants⁺ they·gave⁺ breath and·upon our·openings⁺ all·of luxuries⁺
new⁺ also sleeping⁺
my·intimate I·kept·secret to·you :
¿who he·gives·you as·brother to·me
the·suckling·of the·breasts²·of my·mama
I·find·you in·the·exterior I·kiss·you
also they·do·not·despise⁺ to·me :
I·lead·you I·bring·you·in to the·house·of my·mama she·disciples·me
I·give·you·to·drink from·the·wine·of the·compound
from·the·juice·of my·pomegranate :
his·left under my·head
and·his·right she·hugs·me :
I·told·seven °you⁺ the·daughters⁺·of Torahshalom
¿what you·rouse⁺ and·¿what you·arouse⁺ °the·love unto which·she·is·pleased :
¿who this going·up from the·outspeak
leaning·herself upon her·intimate
under the·blossom I·aroused·you
➝there she·coiled·you·like·a·rope your·mama
➝there she·coiled·like·a·rope she·enchilded·you :
ꜝplace·me as·the·seal upon your·heart as·the·seal upon your·arm
as mighty as·the·death love
hard as·sheol jealousy
her·sparks⁺ sparks⁺·of fire flame·of·Yʜ :
waters⁺ many⁺ they·are·not·able⁺ to·quench °the·love
and·streams⁺ they·do·not·flood⁺·her
if he·gives man °all·of the·wealth·of his·house in·the·love
despising they·despise⁺ to·him :
sister to·us small
and·breasts² there·is·ńot to·her
¿what we·do⁺ to·our·sister
in·the·day which·he·is·spoken in·her :
if rampart she
we·build⁺ upon·her colonnade·of silver
and·if pulldoor she
we·rock·up⁺ upon·her slate·of cedar :
I rampart
and·my·breasts² as·the·great·towers⁺
then I·was in·his·eyes² as·helping·find shalom :
orchard he·was to·Shalomo in·Master·of Hum
he·gave °the·orchard to·that·target⁺
man he·brings·in in·his·fruit thousand·of silver :
my·orchard which·to·me to·my·face⁺
the·thousand to·you Shalomo
and·hundred² to·targeting⁺ °his·fruit :
that·settles in·the·guardens⁺ allies⁺ listening⁺ to·your·voice ꜝlet·me·hear :
ꜝbolt my·intimate and·ꜝbe·like to·you to·prettygazelle or to·the·dustyfawn·of the·powrdeer⁺
upon mounts⁺·of spices⁺ :