Book of Psalms
Psalm 1
the·blessedness⁺·of the·man that he·did·not·walk in·counsel·of wicked⁺
and·in·step·of sinful⁺ he·did·not·stand
and·in·seat·of scorners⁺ he·did·not·settle :
but rather in·the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ his·pleasure
and·in·his·torah he·echoes daytime and·night :
and·he·was as·tree grafted upon furrows⁺·of waters⁺
that his·fruit he·gives in·his·season and·his·upper·leaf he·does·not·wilt
and·all that he·does he·prospers :
not surely the·wicked⁺
but rather as·the·chaff that she·wafts·him·away breath :
upon surely they·do·not·arise⁺ wicked⁺ in·the·judgment
and·sinful⁺ in·assembly·of just⁺ :
as knowing Yʜᴡʜ step·of just⁺
and·step·of wicked⁺ she·is·lost :
Psalm 2
to·¿what they·crowded·together⁺ clans⁺
and·nations⁺ they·echo⁺ emptiness :
they·post·themselves⁺ kings⁺·of land and·sovereign⁺ they·were·founded⁺ united
upon Yʜᴡʜ and·upon his·anointed :
ꜝlet·us·snap⁺ °their·chains⁺
and·ꜝlet·us·drop⁺ from·us their·cords⁺ :
settling in·the·skies⁺ he·laughs
My·Lord he·mocks to·them :
then he·speaks to·them in·his·nostrils
and·in·his·scorching he·agitates·them :
and·I I·libated·out my·king
upon Tzion the·mount·of my·sanctuary :
ꜝlet·me·recount to the·prescription·of
Yʜᴡʜ he·said to·me my·son you
I the·day I·enchilded·you :
ꜝrequest from·me and·ꜝlet·me·give clans⁺ your·derivation
and·your·freehold limits⁺·of land :
you·do·them·bad in·stem·of iron
as·thing·of former you·shatter·them :
and·now kings⁺ ꜝmake·prudent⁺
ꜝbe·instructed⁺ judges⁺·of land :
ꜝserve⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ in·fear
and·ꜝtwirl⁺ in·shivering :
ꜝkiss⁺ son lest he·flares·his·nostrils and·you·are·lost⁺ step as he·is·consumed as·little his·nostrils
blessedness⁺·of all refuging⁺ in·him :
Psalm 3
musically to·Intimate
when·he·bolts from·the·face⁺·of Father-of-Shalom his·son :
Yʜᴡʜ ¿what they·were·multiplied⁺ my·rockers⁺
many⁺ arising⁺ upon·me :
many⁺ saying⁺ to·my·soul
there·is·ńot salvation to·him in·Powers⁺ ‹compare› :
and·you Yʜᴡʜ guard about·me
my·weight and·heightening my·head :
my·voice to Yʜᴡʜ I·call
and·he·responds·me from·the·mount·of his·sanctuary ‹compare› :
I I·bedded and·I·sleep!
as Yʜᴡʜ he·props·me·up :
I·do·not·fear from·multitudes⁺·of people
that turninground they·put⁺ upon·me :
ꜝarise! Yʜᴡʜ ꜝsave·me my·Powers⁺ as you·struck °all·of my·enemies⁺ cheek
teeth²·of wicked⁺ you·broke :
to·Yʜᴡʜ the·salvation
upon your·people your·kneeling ‹compare› :
Psalm 4
to·the·forever in·harps⁺ musically to·Intimate :
when·I·call ꜝrespond·me Powers⁺·of my·justice in·the·rockiness you·broadened to·me
ꜝgrace·me and·ꜝhear my·mediation :
sons⁺·of man unto ¿what my·weight to·embarrassment you·love⁺ emptiness
you·seek⁺ a·lie ‹compare› :
and·ꜝknow⁺ as he·marked·out Yʜᴡʜ merciful to·him
Yʜᴡʜ he·hears when·I·call to·him :
ꜝbe·stirred·up⁺ and ꜝdo·not·sin⁺
ꜝsay⁺ in·your⁺·heart upon your⁺·bed and·ꜝbe·silent⁺ ‹compare› :
ꜝoffer⁺ offerings⁺·of justice
and·ꜝtrust⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ :
many⁺ saying⁺ ¿who he·shows·us good
ꜝbear·up! upon·us the·light·of your·face⁺ Yʜᴡʜ :
you·gave gladness in·my·heart
from·the·season·of their·grain and·their·winemust they·were·multiplied⁺ :
in·shalom united ꜝlet·me·bed and·I·sleep
as you Yʜᴡʜ to·alone
to·trust you·settle·me :
Psalm 5
to·the·forever to the·piercepipes⁺ musically to·Intimate :
my·sayings⁺ ꜝgive·ear! Yʜᴡʜ ꜝdiscern! my·echo-echoing :
ꜝlisten! to·the·voice·of my·cry·for·safety my·king and·my·Powers⁺
as to·you I·mediate :
Yʜᴡʜ dayplow you·hear my·voice
dayplow I·line·up to·you and·I·am·sentry :
as not powr pleased·of wickedness you
he·does·not·lodge·you bad :
they·do·not·post·themselves⁺ self-praising⁺ to·before your·eyes²
you·hated all·of workers⁺·of iniquity :
you·lose speakers⁺·of a·lie
man·of bloods⁺ and·trickery he·abominates Yʜᴡʜ :
and·I in·the·multitude·of your·mercy I·enter your·house
I·prostrate·myself to the·palace·of your·sanctuary in·your·fear :
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝguide·me in·your·justice because·of my·glimpsers⁺
ꜝset·straight to·my·face⁺ your·step :
as there·is·ńot in·his·mouth assured their·impresence mishaps⁺
tomb opened their·jaw
their·tongue they·are·divided⁺ :
ꜝcause·them·to·transgress Powers⁺ they·fall⁺ from·their·counsels⁺
in·the·multitude·of their·rebellions⁺ ꜝbanish·them
as they·were·bitter⁺ in·you :
and·they·are·glad⁺ all·of refuging⁺ in·you to·eternity they·shout⁺ and·you·knit·over upon·them
and·they·exult⁺ in·you the·loving⁺·of your·name :
as you you·kneel just
as·the·shield favor you·crown·him :
Psalm 6
to·the·forever in·harps⁺ upon the·eight-stringer musically to·Intimate :
Yʜᴡʜ not in·your·nostrils you·reprove·me
and·not in·your·heat ꜝinstruct·me :
ꜝgrace·me Yʜᴡʜ as exhausted I
ꜝheal·me Yʜᴡʜ
as they·were·agitated⁺ my·bones⁺ :
and·my·soul she·was·agitated very
and·you Yʜᴡʜ unto ¿wħen :
ꜝreturn! Yʜᴡʜ ꜝredress! my·soul
ꜝsave·me because·of your·mercy :
as there·is·ńot in·the·death your·memory
in·sheol ¿who he·gloryhands to·you :
I·labored in·my·groaning I·swim·about in·all·of night my·branchbed
in·my·tears my·mattress I·dampen :
she·was·motheaten from·trouble my·eye
she·passed·away in·all·of my·rockers⁺ :
ꜝmove⁺ from·me all·of workers⁺·of iniquity
as he·heard Yʜᴡʜ the·voice·of my·weeping :
he·heard Yʜᴡʜ my·graceprayer
Yʜᴡʜ my·mediation he·takes :
they·are·ashamed⁺ and·they·are·agitated⁺ very all·of my·enemies⁺
they·return⁺ they·are·ashamed⁺ wink :
Psalm 7
Straying to·Intimate
that he·sang to·Yʜᴡʜ
upon the·speeches⁺·of Kush Son·of Rightïte :
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ in·you I·refuged
ꜝsave·me from·all·of my·pursuers⁺ and·ꜝsnatch·me·away :
lest he·preys·upon as·lion my·soul
ripping and·there·is·ńot snatching·away :
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ if I·did this
if there·is evil in·my·spoons² :
if I·yielded that·has·shalom·me bad
and·I·redress! my·rocker empty :
he·pursues enemy my·soul and·ꜝlet·him·catch and·he·tramples to·the·land my·life⁺
and·my·weight to·the·dust ꜝlet·him·dwell ‹compare› :
ꜝarise! Yʜᴡʜ in·your·nostrils ꜝbe·borne in·the·crossness⁺·of my·rockers⁺
and·ꜝarouse·yourself! to·me judgment you·commanded :
and·assembly·of nations⁺ she·turns·around·you
and·upon·her to·the·heights ꜝreturn! :
Yʜᴡʜ he·vindicates people⁺
ꜝjudge·me Yʜᴡʜ
as·my·justice and·as·my·completeness upon·me :
he·concludes ¡please! bad·of wicked⁺ and·you·make·sure just
and·testing hearts⁺ and·allkidneys⁺ Powers⁺ just :
my·guard upon Powers⁺
savior straight⁺·of heart :
Powers⁺ judge just
and·powr damning in·all·of day :
if he·does·not·return his·sword he·hones
his·bow he·stepped·forward and·he·makes·her·sure :
and·to·him he·made·sure things⁺·of death
his·arrows⁺ to·blazing⁺ he·works :
¡lo! he·coils·like·a·rope iniquity
and·he·progenated toil and·he·enchilded falsehood :
well he·drilled and·he·digs·him
and·he·falls in·pit he·works :
he·returns his·toil in·his·head
and·upon his·scalp his·violence he·descends :
I·gloryhand Yʜᴡʜ as·his·justice
and·ꜝlet·me·make·music the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ uppermost :
Psalm 8
to·the·forever upon the·Cellarharp musically to·Intimate :
Yʜᴡʜ our·lords⁺ ¿what regal your·name in·all·of the·land
that ꜝgive! your·splendor upon the·skies⁺ :
from·mouth·of nurslings⁺ and·sucklings⁺ you·set·the·foundation·of might
because·of your·rockers⁺
to·give·rest enemy and·avenger :
as I·see your·skies⁺ the·doings⁺·of your·fingers⁺
moon and·stars⁺ that you·made·sure :
¿what mortal as you·remember·him
and·son·of adam as you·reckon·him :
and·you·make·him·to·lack little from·Powers⁺
and·weight and·magnificence you·crown·him :
you·make·him·rule in·the·doings⁺·of your·hands²
all you·put under his·feet² :
sheep and·alephs⁺ all·of·them
and·also beasts⁺·of field :
skippingbird·of skies⁺ and·the·fish⁺·of the·sea
crosser ways⁺·of seas⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ our·lords⁺
¿what regal your·name in·all·of the·land :
Psalm 9
to·the·forever upon·Death to·the·Son musically to·Intimate :
I·gloryhand Yʜᴡʜ in·all·of my·heart
ꜝlet·me·recount all·of your·wonders⁺ :
ꜝlet·me·be·glad and·ꜝlet·me·exult in·you
ꜝlet·me·make·music your·name uppermost :
when·returning my·enemies⁺ aft
they·stumble⁺ and·they·are·lost⁺ from·your·face⁺ :
as you·did my·judgment and·my·vindication
you·settled to·throne judge·of justice :
you·rebuked clans⁺ you·lost wicked
their·name you·wiped to·eternity and·onward :
the·enemy they·were·completed⁺ withered·places⁺ to·forever
and·cities⁺ you·expelled
he·was·lost their·memory they⁺ :
and·Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity he·settles
he·made·sure to·the·judgment his·throne :
and·he he·judges world in·justice
he·vindicates nations⁺ in·straightness⁺ :
and·ꜝlet·him·be Yʜᴡʜ tower to·the·crushed
tower to·seasons⁺·of fortification :
and·they·trust⁺ in·you the·knowing⁺·of your·name
as you·did·not·abandon that·investigate⁺·you Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝmake·music⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ settling Tzion
ꜝtell·forth⁺ in·the·people⁺ his·exploits⁺ :
as investigating bloods⁺ °them he·remembered
he·did·not·forget cry·of humiliated⁺ :
ꜝgrace·me Yʜᴡʜ ꜝsee my·humiliation from·that·hate⁺·me
that·heightens·me from·gates⁺·of death :
because·of ꜝlet·me·recount all·of your·praise
in·the·gates⁺·of the·daughter·of Tzion
ꜝlet·me·twirl in·your·salvation :
they·sank⁺ clans⁺ in·pit they·did⁺
in·heirnet this they·buried⁺ she·was·seized their·foot :
he·was·known Yʜᴡʜ judgment he·did
in·the·work·of his·spoons² ensnaring wicked
Echo ‹compare› :
they·return⁺ wicked⁺ to➝sheol
all·of clans⁺ the·forgetting⁺·of Powers⁺ :
as not to·forever he·is·forgotten wanting
hope·of humiliated⁺ she·is·lost to·onward :
ꜝarise! Yʜᴡʜ ꜝlet·him·not·be·mighty mortal
they·are·judged⁺ clans⁺ upon your·face⁺ :
ꜝput! Yʜᴡʜ fear to·them
they·know⁺ clans⁺
mortal they⁺ ‹compare› :
Psalm 10
to·¿what Yʜᴡʜ you·stand in·afar
you·hood to·seasons⁺·of fortification :
in·majesty·of wicked he·blazes humiliated
they·are·clenched⁺ in·determinations⁺ this they·considered⁺ :
as he·praised wicked upon the·yearning·of his·soul
and·profiteering he·knelt he·disregarded Yʜᴡʜ :
wicked as·the·climb·of his·nostrils he·does·not·investigate
there·is·ńot Powers⁺ all·of his·determinations⁺ :
they·are·strong⁺ his·steps⁺ in·all·of season heights your·judgments⁺ from·before·him
all·of his·rockers⁺ he·blooms in·them :
he·said in·his·heart I·am·not·shaken
to·saeculum and·saeculum that not in·bad :
oath his·mouth he·filled and·trickery⁺ and·pretence
under his·tongue toil and·iniquity :
he·settles in·ambush·place·of courtyards⁺ in·the·hiding·places⁺ he·kills innocent
his·eyes² to·indigent they·keep·secret⁺ :
he·ambushes in·the·hiding·place as·lion in·his·knit·shelter he·ambushes to·snag humiliated
he·snags humiliated when·he·draws·out in·his·heirnet :
he·crushes he·is·prostrate
and·he·fell in·his·strongboned⁺ strength·of :
sad⁺ :he·said in·his·heart he·forgot powr
he·hid his·face⁺ he·did·not·see to·forever :
ꜝarise! Yʜᴡʜ powr ꜝbear·up your·hand
ꜝdo·not·forget humiliated⁺ :
upon ¿what he·disregarded wicked Powers⁺
he·said in·his·heart you·do·not·investigate :
you·saw as you toil and·trouble you·look to·give in·your·hand
upon·you he·abandons indigent
orphan you you·were helper :
ꜝbreak arm·of wicked
and·bad you·investigate his·wickedness you·do·not·find :
Yʜᴡʜ king·of eternity and·onward
they·were·lost⁺ clans⁺ from·his·land :
yearning·of humiliated⁺ you·heard Yʜᴡʜ
you·make·sure their·heart she·listens your·ear :
to·judge orphan and·crushed
he·does·not·add again
to·awe mortal from the·land :
Psalm 11
to·the·forever to·Intimate
in·Yʜᴡʜ I·refuged ¿ħow you·say⁺ to·my·soul
ꜝsway your⁺·mount skippingbird :
as ¡lo! the·wicked⁺ they·step·forward⁺ bow they·made·sure⁺ their·arrow upon remnantcord
to·torah in blackness to·straight⁺·of heart :
as the·putfoundations⁺ they·are·demolished⁺
just ¿what he·worked :
Yʜᴡʜ in·the·palace·of his·sanctuary Yʜᴡʜ in·the·skies⁺ his·throne
his·eyes² they·vision⁺
his·flyelids⁺ they·test⁺ sons⁺·of adam :
Yʜᴡʜ just he·tests
and·wicked and·loving·of violence
she·hated his·soul :
ꜝlet·him·rain upon wicked⁺ traps⁺
fire and·cypressa and·breath·of tempests⁺ the·allotment·of their·cup :
as just Yʜᴡʜ justices⁺ he·loved
straight they·vision⁺ their·face⁺ :
Psalm 12
to·the·forever upon the·eight-stringer musically to·Intimate :
ꜝsave! Yʜᴡʜ as he·concluded merciful
as they·perished⁺ truth⁺ from·sons⁺·of adam :
vanity they·speak⁺ man with his·tendent
lip·of division⁺
in·heart and·heart they·speak⁺ :
ꜝlet·him·cut·down Yʜᴡʜ all·of lips²·of division⁺
tongue speaker great⁺ :
that they·said⁺ to·our·tongue we·make·heroic⁺ our·lips² with·us
¿who lord to·us :
from·overbreasting·of humiliated⁺ from·wailing·of wanting⁺
now I·arise he·says Yʜᴡʜ
I·put in·safety he·blooms to·him :
the·sayings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ sayings⁺ pure⁺
silver smelted in·exploitfurnace to·the·land
perfected seven·times² :
you Yʜᴡʜ you·watch·them
you·protect·him from the·saeculum this to·eternity :
turninground wicked⁺ they·walk·themselves⁺
as·high beyond⁺ to·sons⁺·of adam :
Psalm 13
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
unto ¿where Yʜᴡʜ you·forget·me forever
unto ¿where you·hide °your·face⁺ from·me :
unto ¿where I·put counsels⁺ in·my·soul sorrow in·my·heart daytime
unto ¿where he·is·high my·enemy upon·me :
ꜝlook! ꜝrespond·me Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
ꜝlight·up! my·eyes² lest I·sleep the·death :
lest he·says my·enemy I·was·able·him
my·rockers⁺ they·twirl⁺ as I·am·shaken :
and·I in·your·mercy I·trusted ꜝlet·him·twirl my·heart in·your·salvation
ꜝlet·me·sing to·Yʜᴡʜ
as he·yielded upon·me :
Psalm 14
to·the·forever to·Intimate
he·said wilted in·his·heart there·is·ńot Powers⁺
they·ruined⁺ they·did·abominable⁺ exploit there·is·ńot doing·of good :
Yʜᴡʜ from·skies⁺ he·peered·down upon sons⁺·of adam
to·see ¿there·is prudent
investigating °Powers⁺ :
all he·moved united they·deviated⁺
there·is·ńot doing·of good
there·is·ńot also one :
¿not they·knew⁺ all·of workers⁺·of iniquity
the·eating⁺·of my·people they·ate⁺ bread
Yʜᴡʜ they·did·not·call⁺ :
there they·trembled⁺ trembling
as Powers⁺ in·saeculum just :
counsel·of humiliated you·shame⁺
as Yʜᴡʜ his·refugee :
¿who he·gives from·Tzion the·salvation·of Princepowr
when·returning Yʜᴡʜ the·captives⁺·of his·people
ꜝlet·him·twirl Heeler he·is·glad Princepowr :
Psalm 15
musically to·Intimate
Yʜᴡʜ ¿who he·lodges in·your·tent
¿who he·dwells in·the·mount·of your·sanctuary :
walking complete and·working justice
and·speaker truth in·his·heart :
he·did·not·foot upon his·tongue he·did·not·do to·his·tendent badness
and·detraction he·did·not·bear upon his·present :
despised in·his·eyes² rejected and·°the·fearful⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ he·gives·weight
he·vowed·seven to·do·bad and he·does·not·bargain·away :
his·silver he·did·not·give in·biting·interest and·bribe upon innocent he·did·not·take
doing·of these
he·is·not·shaken to·eternity :
Psalm 16
Miktam to·Intimate
ꜝwatch·me powr as I·refuged in·you :
you·said to·Yʜᴡʜ My·Lord you
my·goodness not upon·you :
to·sacred⁺ that in·the·land they⁺
and·the·regals⁺·of all·of my·pleasure in·them :
they·multiply⁺ their·pains⁺ after they·sped·away⁺
I·do·not·libate·out their·libations⁺ from·blood
and I·do·not·bear °their·names⁺ upon my·lips² :
Yʜᴡʜ the·allotment·of my·dividend and·my·cup
you the·grasper·of my·lot :
ropes⁺ they·fell⁺ to·me in·the·amiable⁺
¡yes! derivation·of she·shofaired upon·me :
I·kneel °Yʜᴡʜ that he·counselled·me
¡yes! nights⁺ they·instructed⁺·me my·allkidneys⁺ :
I·leveled Yʜᴡʜ to·before·me always
as from·my·right I·am·not·shaken :
to·surely he·was·glad my·heart and·he·twirls my·weight
¡yes! my·flesh he·dwells to·trust :
as you·do·not·abandon my·soul to·sheol
you·do·not·give your·merciful to·see pit :
you·let·me·know way·of life⁺
satisfaction·of gladness⁺ with your·face⁺
amiable⁺ in·your·right forever :
Psalm 17
mediation to·Intimate
ꜝhear! Yʜᴡʜ justice ꜝlisten! my·shouting ꜝgive·ear! my·mediation
in·not lips²·of trickery :
from·to·your·face⁺ my·judgment he·goes
your·eyes² they·vision⁺ straightness⁺ :
you·tested my·heart you·reckoned night you·smelted·me you·do·not·find
I·determined·evil he·does·not·cross·over my·mouth :
to·works⁺·of adam in·the·speech·of your·lips²
I I·watched ways⁺·of rupturer :
grasping my·blessed·steps⁺ in·your·wagonways⁺
they·were·not·shaken⁺ my·times⁺ :
I I·called·you as you·respond·me powr
ꜝbranch·out your·ear to·me ꜝhear my·saying :
ꜝmark·out your·mercies⁺ savior refuging⁺
from·raising·themselves⁺ in·your·right :
ꜝwatch·me as·manling·of daughter·of eye
in·the·shadow·of your·wings² you·hide·me :
from·face⁺·of wicked⁺ this they·overbreasted⁺·me
my·enemies⁺ in·soul they·encompass⁺ upon·me :
their·fat they·locked⁺
their·mouth they·spoke⁺ in·majesty :
our·blessed·steps⁺ now they·turned·around⁺·us
their·eyes² they·put⁺ to·branch·out in·the·land :
his·likeness as·lion he·is·silver to·prey·upon
and·as·wolf settling in·hiding·places⁺ :
ꜝarise! Yʜᴡʜ ꜝbe·in·front·of! his·face⁺ ꜝcause·him·to·stoop
ꜝrescue! my·soul from·wicked your·sword :
from·adults⁺ your·hand Yʜᴡʜ from·adults⁺ from·moment their·dividend in·the·life⁺ and·that·is·secret·you you·fill their·belly
they·are·satisfied⁺ sons⁺
and·they·set·in·peace⁺ their·remainder to·their·nurslings⁺ :
I in·justice I·vision your·face⁺
ꜝlet·me·be·satisfied when·awaking your·nature :
Psalm 18
to·the·forever to·the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ to·Intimate
that he·spoke to·Yʜᴡʜ °the·speeches⁺·of the·song this
in·day he·snatched·away Yʜᴡʜ °him from·the·spoon·of all·of his·enemies⁺ and·from·the·hand·of Requested :
and·he·says I·enwomb·you Yʜᴡʜ my·firmness :
Yʜᴡʜ my·clifftop and·my·huntinglodge and·that·rescues·me
my·powr my·rock I·refuge in·him
my·guard and·the·horn·of my·safety my·tower :
praised I·call Yʜᴡʜ
and·from my·enemies⁺ I·am·saved :
they·engulfed⁺·me ropes⁺·of death
and·rivers⁺·of no-benefit they·frighten⁺·me :
ropes⁺·of sheol they·turned·around⁺·me
they·were·in·front·of⁺·me snares⁺·of death :
in·the·rockiness to·me I·call Yʜᴡʜ and·to my·Powers⁺ I·cry·for·safety
he·hears from·his·palace my·voice
and·my·cry·for·safety to·his·face⁺ she·enters in·his·ears² :
and·she·convulses and·she·quakes the·land and·foundations⁺·of mounts⁺ they·are·stirred·up⁺
and·they·convulse·themselves⁺ as he·was·scorched to·him :
he·went·up smoke in·his·nostrils and·fire from·his·mouth she·eats
embers⁺ they·were·consumed⁺ from·him :
and·he·branches·out skies⁺ and·he·descends
and·sprinkling·cloud under his·feet² :
and·he·chariots upon cherub and·he·flies
and·he·soars upon wings²·of breath :
ꜝlet·him·put darkness his·hiddenness turninground⁺·him his·knit·shelter
darkness·of waters⁺ fogs⁺·of wisps⁺ :
from·brightness before·him
his·fogs⁺ they·crossed·over⁺
hail and·embers⁺·of fire :
and·he·thunders in·the·skies⁺ Yʜᴡʜ and·uppermost he·gives his·voice
hail and·embers⁺·of fire :
and·he·sends his·arrows⁺ and·he·scatters·them
and·flashes⁺ he·arched and·he·rumbles·them :
and·they·are·seen⁺ channels⁺·of waters⁺ and·they·are·stripped⁺ foundations⁺·of world
from·your·rebuke Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·gasp·of the·breath·of your·nostrils :
he·sends from·heights he·takes·me
he·draws·me from·waters⁺ many⁺ :
he·snatches·me·away from·my·enemy mighty
and·from·that·hate⁺·me as they·were·bold⁺ from·me :
they·are·in·front·of⁺·me in·the·day·of my·calamity
and·he·is Yʜᴡʜ to·staff to·me :
and·he·lets·me·go to·the·broad·place
he·redresses·me as he·was·pleased in·me :
he·yields·me Yʜᴡʜ as·my·justice
as·the·cleanness·of my·hands² he·returns to·me :
as I·watched the·steps⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and I·did·not·do·wickedness from·my·Powers⁺ :
as all·of his·judgments⁺ to·before·me
and·his·prescriptions⁺ I·do·not·remove from·me :
and·I·am complete near·him
and·I·watch·myself·for from·my·guilt :
and·he·returns Yʜᴡʜ to·me as·my·justice
as·the·cleanness·of my·hands² to·before his·eyes² :
near merciful you·make·yourself·merciful
near hero complete you·make·yourself·complete :
near clean you·show·yourself·clean
and·near warped you·knot·yourself·up :
as you people humiliated you·save
and·eyes² high⁺ you·make·low :
as you you·light·up my·lamp
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ he·brightens my·darkness :
as in·you I·run clouttroop
and·in·my·Powers⁺ I·leap boundary :
the·powr complete his·step
the·saying·of Yʜᴡʜ smelted
guard he to·all·of that·refuge⁺ in·him :
as ¿who Power from·not·unto Yʜᴡʜ
and·¿who rock beyond our·Powers⁺ :
the·powr my·belting strength
and·he·gives complete my·step :
leveling my·feet² as·the·powerdeer⁺
and·upon my·daises⁺ he·causes·me·to·stand :
discipling my·hands² to·the·battle
and·she·plunged bow·of copper my·arms⁺ :
and·you·give to·me the·guard·of your·safety
and·your·right she·bolsters·me
and·your·humility she·multiplies·me :
you·broaden my·pace unders⁺·me
and they·did·not·slip⁺ my·ankles² :
I·pursue my·enemies⁺ and·I·catch·them
and I·do·not·return unto their·all·done :
I·impale·them and they·are·not·able⁺ arising
they·fall⁺ under my·feet² :
and·you·belt·me·with strength to·the·battle
you·cause·to·stoop that·arise⁺·me unders⁺·me :
and·my·enemies⁺ you·gave to·me spine
and·that·hate⁺·me I·annihilate·them :
they·cry·for·safety⁺ and·there·is·ńot savior
upon Yʜᴡʜ and he·did·not·respond·them :
and·I·wisp·them·away as·dust upon face⁺·of breath
as·mud·of exteriors⁺ I·empty·them :
you·rescue·me from·arguments⁺·of people
you·place·me to·head·of clans⁺
people I·did·not·know they·serve⁺·me :
to·hearing·of ear they·are·heard⁺ to·me
sons⁺·of unrecognizee they·deny⁺ to·me :
sons⁺·of unrecognizee they·wilt⁺
and·they·startle⁺ from·their·lockingborders⁺ :
living Yʜᴡʜ and·knelt·to my·rock
and·he·is·high Powers⁺·of my·safety :
the·powr that·gives vengeances⁺ to·me
and·he·causes·to·speak people⁺ unders⁺·me :
that·rescues·me from·my·enemies⁺
¡yes! from that·arise⁺·me you·heighten·me
from·man·of violence you·snatch·me·away :
upon surely I·gloryhand·you in·the·clans⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·to·your·name ꜝlet·me·make·music :
making·great the·salvations⁺·of his·king
and·doing mercy to·his·anointed to·Intimate and·to·his·seed unto eternity :
Psalm 19
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
the·skies⁺ recounting⁺ weight·of powr
and·the·doing·of his·hands² telling·forth the·plane :
day to·day he·springs saying
and·night to·night he·declares knowledge :
there·is·ńot saying and·there·is·ńot speeches⁺
no heard their·voice :
in·all·of the·land he·went their·hopecord and·in·end·of world their·words⁺
to·the·sun he·placed tent in·them :
and·he as·married·one going from·his·shroud
he·rejoices as·hero to·run way :
from·the·end·of the·skies⁺ his·going and·his·encompassing upon their·ends⁺
and·there·is·ńot hidden from·his·hot·sun :
the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ complete returning·of soul
the·witness·of Yʜᴡʜ true wisening·of gullible :
the·reckonings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ straight⁺ gladdening⁺·of heart
the·commandment·of Yʜᴡʜ clean lighting·up·of eyes² :
the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ pure standing to·onward
the·judgments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ truth
they·were·just⁺ united :
the·desirable⁺ from·gold and·from·sterling much
and·sweet⁺ from·honey and·syrup·of toppings⁺ :
also your·servant beaconed in·them
when·they·watch⁺ on·the·heels much :
strayings⁺ ¿who he·discerns
from·hidden⁺ ꜝfind·me·innocent :
also from·boiling⁺ ꜝkeep your·servant ꜝlet·them·not·rule⁺ in·me then I·am·completed
and·I·found·innocent from·rebellion much :
they·are⁺ to·favor the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth and·the·echo·of my·heart to·your·face⁺
Yʜᴡʜ my·rock and·my·goel :
Psalm 20
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
he·responds·you Yʜᴡʜ in·day·of rockiness
he·entowers·you the·name·of Powers⁺·of Heeler :
he·sends your·help from·sanctuary
and·from·Tzion he·bolsters·you :
he·remembers all·of your·tributes⁺
and·your·upward·offering he·makes·bountiful! ‹compare› :
he·gives to·you as·your·heart
and·all·of your·counsel he·fills :
ꜝlet·us·shout⁺ in·your·salvation and·in·the·name·of our·Powers⁺ we·banner·up⁺
he·fills Yʜᴡʜ all·of your·requests⁺ :
now I·knew as he·saved Yʜᴡʜ his·anointed
he·responds·him from·the·skies⁺·of his·sanctuary
in·the·heroisms⁺·of the·safety·of his·right :
these in·the·chariot and·these in·the·horses⁺
and·we⁺ in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ we·commemorate⁺ :
they⁺ they·stooped⁺ and·they·fell⁺
and·we⁺ we·arose⁺ and·we·witness·ourselves⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝsave!
the·king he·responds·us in·the·day·of our·calling :
Psalm 21
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
Yʜᴡʜ in·your·might he·is·glad king
and·in·your·salvation ¿what he·twirls very :
the·yearning·of his·heart you·gave to·him
and·the·betrothed·of his·lips² you·did·not·deprive ‹compare› :
as you·are·in·front·of·him kneelings⁺·of good
you·put to·his·head crown·of sterling :
life⁺ he·requested from·you you·gave to·him
length·of days⁺ eternity and·onward :
great his·weight in·your·salvation
splendor and·magnificence you·level upon·him :
as you·put·him kneelings⁺ to·onward
you·make·him·celebrate in·gladness with your·face⁺ :
as the·king trusting in·Yʜᴡʜ
and·in·mercy·of uppermost he·is·not·shaken :
she·finds your·hand to·all·of your·enemies⁺
your·right she·finds that·hate⁺·you :
you·put·them as·lampoven·of fire to·the·season·of your·face⁺
Yʜᴡʜ in·his·nostrils he·devours·them
and·she·eats·them fire :
their·fruit from·land you·lose
and·their·seed from·sons⁺·of adam :
as they·branched·out⁺ upon·you badness
they·considered⁺ determination they·are·not·able⁺ :
as you·put·them yoke
in·your·remnantcords⁺ you·make·sure upon their·face⁺ :
ꜝbe·high! Yʜᴡʜ in·your·might
ꜝlet·us·sing⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·make·music⁺ your·heroism :
Psalm 22
to·the·forever upon the·powerdeer·of the·morning musically to·Intimate :
my·powr my·powr to·¿what you·abandoned·me
afar from·my·salvation the·speeches⁺·of my·roaring :
my·Powers⁺ I·call daytime and you·do·not·respond
and·night and·not silence to·me :
and·you sacred
settling the·praises⁺·of Princepowr :
in·you they·trusted⁺ our·fathers⁺
they·trusted⁺ and·you·rescue·them :
to·you they·cried⁺ and·they·were·delivered⁺
in·you they·trusted⁺ and they·were·not·ashamed⁺ :
and·I fangworm·of and·not man
detraction·of adam and·despised·of people :
all·of that·see⁺·me they·make·mockery⁺ to·me
they·spurt·out⁺ in·lip they·rattle·around⁺ head :
ꜝroll to Yʜᴡʜ he·rescues·him
he·snatches·him·away as he·was·pleased in·him :
as you that·gushes·me from·belly
that·causes·me·to·trust upon the·breasts²·of my·mama :
upon·you I·was·dropped from·womb
from·the·belly·of my·mama my·powr you :
ꜝdo·not·be·far from·me as rockiness present
as there·is·ńot helper :
they·turned·around⁺·me cows⁺ many⁺
the·pinioned·ones⁺·of Bashan they·encircled⁺·me :
they·widened⁺ upon·me their·mouth
lion preying·upon and·roaring :
as·the·waters⁺ I·was·spilled·out and·they·split·themselves⁺ all·of my·bones⁺
he·was my·heart as·the·wax
he·was·dampened in·the·midst·of my·bowels⁺ :
he·dried·up as·the·claycraft my·vigor and·my·tongue joined·to my·takerjaws²
and·to·dust·of death you·dump·me :
as they·turned·around⁺·me dogs⁺
assembly·of bad-doers⁺ they·encompassed⁺·me
as·the·lion my·hands² and·my·feet² :
I·recount all·of my·bones⁺
they⁺ they·look⁺ they·see⁺ in·me :
they·divide⁺ my·coverings⁺ to·them
and·upon my·robe they·let·fall⁺ lot :
and·you Yʜᴡʜ ꜝdo·not·be·far
my·powr to·my·help ꜝhurry! :
ꜝsnatch·away! from·sword my·soul
from·hand·of dog my·unique :
ꜝsave·me from·mouth·of lion
and·from·horns²·of highaurochs⁺ you·responded·me :
ꜝlet·me·recount your·name to·my·brothers⁺
in·midst·of congregation I·praise·you :
the·fearful⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ ꜝpraise⁺·him all·of the·seed·of Heeler ꜝgive·him·weight⁺
and·ꜝbe·dislodged⁺ from·him all·of the·seed·of Princepowr :
as he·did·not·despise and he·did·not·detest humiliation·of humiliated and he·did·not·hide his·face⁺ from·him
and·when·he·cries·for·safety to·him he·heard :
from·with·you my·praise
in·congregation much
my·vows⁺ I·shalom before his·fearful⁺ :
they·eat⁺ humiliated⁺ and·they·are·satisfied⁺ they·praise⁺ Yʜᴡʜ that·investigate⁺·him
ꜝlet·him·live your⁺·heart to·onward :
they·remember⁺ and·they·return⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ all·of limits⁺·of land
and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·your·face⁺ all·of families⁺·of clans⁺ :
as to·Yʜᴡʜ the·kingship
and·ruler in·the·clans⁺ :
they·ate⁺ and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ all·of bountiful⁺·of land to·his·face⁺ they·stoop⁺ all·of descending⁺·of dust
and·his·soul he·did·not·keep·alive :
seed he·serves·him
he·is·recounted to·My·Lord to·the·saeculum :
they·enter⁺ and·they·tell·forth⁺ his·justice
to·people child as he·did :
Psalm 23
musically to·Intimate
Yʜᴡʜ my·tendent I·am·not·lacking :
in·habitations⁺·of grass he·lets·me·lie·down
upon waters⁺·of peaceful·places⁺ he·leads·me :
my·soul he·returns
he·guides·me in·wagonways⁺·of justice because·of his·name :
also as I·walk in·valley·of shadow-of-death I·do·not·fear bad as you near·me
your·stem and·your·staff they⁺ they·sigh·with⁺·me :
you·line·up to·my·face⁺ table before my·rockers⁺
you·made·bountiful in·the·oil my·head my·cup overflowing :
surely good and·mercy they·pursue⁺·me all·of the·days⁺·of my·life⁺
and·I·returned in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ to·length·of days⁺ :
Psalm 24
to·Intimate musically
to·Yʜᴡʜ the·land and·her·fullness
world and·settling⁺ in·her :
as he upon seas⁺ he·founded·her
and·upon streams⁺ he·makes·her·sure :
¿who he·goes·up in·the·mount·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·¿who he·arises in·the·rising·place·of his·sanctuary :
innocent·of spoons² and·clean·of heart
that he·did·not·bear to·the·vanity my·soul
and he·did·not·vow·seven to·trickery :
he·bears kneeling from·with Yʜᴡʜ
and·justice from·Powers⁺·of his·safety :
this saeculum·of that·investigate⁺·him
the·seekers⁺·of your·face⁺ Heeler ‹compare› :
ꜝbear·up⁺ gates⁺ your⁺·heads⁺ and·ꜝbe·borne·up⁺ openings⁺·of eternity
and·he·enters the·king·of the·weight :
¿who this the·king·of the·weight
Yʜᴡʜ mighty and·hero
Yʜᴡʜ hero·of battle :
ꜝbear·up⁺ gates⁺ your⁺·heads⁺ and·ꜝbear·up⁺ openings⁺·of eternity
and·he·enters the·king·of the·weight :
¿who he this the·king·of the·weight
Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺
he the·king·of the·weight ‹compare› :
Psalm 25
to·you Yʜᴡʜ my·soul I·bear :
my·Powers⁺ in·you I·trusted ꜝlet·me·not·be·ashamed
ꜝlet·them·not·exult⁺ my·enemies⁺ to·me :
also all·of your·hopers⁺ they·are·not·ashamed⁺
they·are·ashamed⁺ the·covert⁺ empty :
your·steps⁺ Yʜᴡʜ ꜝlet·me·know
your·ways⁺ ꜝdisciple·me :
ꜝmake·me·step in·your·truth and·ꜝdisciple·me as you Powers⁺·of my·safety
°you I·hoped all·of the·day :
ꜝremember your·wombliness⁺ Yʜᴡʜ and·your·mercies⁺
as from·eternity they⁺ :
the·sins⁺·of my·youth⁺ and·my·rebellions⁺ ꜝdo·not·remember
as·your·mercy ꜝremember to·me you
because·of your·goodness Yʜᴡʜ :
good and·straight Yʜᴡʜ
upon surely he·torahs sinful⁺ in·the·step :
ꜝlet·him·make·step humiliated⁺ in·the·judgment
and·he·disciples humiliated⁺ his·step :
all·of the·ways⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ mercy and·truth
to·the·protecting⁺·of his·covenant and·his·witnesses⁺ :
because·of your·name Yʜᴡʜ
and·you·pardoned to·my·guilt as much he :
¿who this the·man the·fearful·of Yʜᴡʜ
he·torahs·him in·step he·chooses :
his·soul in·good she·reposes
and·his·seed he·inherits land :
the·confidences·of Yʜᴡʜ to·his·fearful⁺
and·his·covenant to·let·them·know :
my·eyes² always to Yʜᴡʜ
as he he·lets·go from·heirnet my·feet² :
ꜝface to·me and·ꜝgrace·me
as unique and·humiliated I :
the·rockinesses⁺·of my·heart they·broadened⁺
from·my·overpourings⁺ ꜝlet·me·go :
ꜝsee my·humiliation and·my·toil
and·ꜝbear to·all·of my·sins⁺ :
ꜝsee my·enemies⁺ as they·were·multiplied⁺
and·hatred·of violence they·hated⁺·me :
ꜝwatch! my·soul and·ꜝsnatch·me·away
ꜝlet·me·not·be·ashamed as I·refuged in·you :
completeness and·straightness they·protect⁺·me
as I·hoped·you :
ꜝransom Powers⁺ °Princepowr
from·all·of his·rockinesses⁺ :
Psalm 26
ꜝjudge·me Yʜᴡʜ as I in·my·completeness I·walked
and·in·Yʜᴡʜ I·trusted I·do·not·slip :
ꜝtest·me Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝtry·me·out
ꜝsmelt! my·allkidneys⁺ and·my·heart :
as your·mercy to·before my·eyes²
and·I·walked·myself in·your·truth :
I·did·not·settle near adults⁺·of vanity
and·near hooded⁺ I·do·not·enter :
I·hated congregation·of bad-doers⁺
and·near wicked⁺ I·do·not·settle :
I·bathe in·innocence my·spoons²
and·ꜝlet·me·turn·around °your·offering·place Yʜᴡʜ :
to·let·hear in·voice·of gloryhand
and·to·recount all·of your·wonders⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ I·loved the·home·of your·house
and·the·rising·place·of the·dwelling·place·of your·weight :
ꜝdo·not·gather near sinful⁺ my·soul
and·near mortals⁺·of bloods⁺ my·life⁺ :
that in·their·hands² evil·determination
and·their·right she·filled bribe :
and·I in·my·completeness I·walk ꜝransom·me and·ꜝgrace·me :
my·foot she·stood in·straight·place
in·congregations⁺ I·kneel Yʜᴡʜ :
Psalm 27
Yʜᴡʜ my·light and·my·safety from·¿who I·fear
Yʜᴡʜ the·mighty·place·of my·life⁺ from·¿who I·tremble :
when·present upon·me bad-doers⁺ to·eat °my·flesh
my·rockers⁺ and·my·enemies⁺ to·me
they⁺ they·stumbled⁺ and·they·fell⁺ :
if she·camps upon·me camp he·does·not·fear my·heart
if she·arises upon·me battle
in·this I trusting :
one I·requested from·with Yʜᴡʜ °her I·seek
my·settling in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·days⁺·of my·life⁺
to·vision in·the·amiability·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·plow in·his·palace :
as he·keeps·me·secret in·his·knit·shelter in·day·of badness
he·hides·me in·the·hiddenness·of his·tent
in·rock he·heightens·me :
and·now he·is·high my·head upon my·enemies⁺ turninground⁺·me and·ꜝlet·me·offer in·his·tent offerings⁺·of cheer
ꜝlet·me·sing and·ꜝlet·me·make·music to·Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝhear Yʜᴡʜ my·voice I·call and·ꜝgrace·me and·ꜝrespond·me :
to·you he·said my·heart ꜝseek⁺ my·face⁺
°your·face⁺ Yʜᴡʜ I·seek :
ꜝdo·not·hide your·face⁺ from·me ꜝdo·not·branch·out in·nostrils your·servant
my·help you·were
ꜝdo·not·leave·me and ꜝdo·not·abandon·me Powers⁺·of my·safety :
as my·father and·my·mama they·abandoned⁺·me
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·gathers·me :
ꜝtorah·me Yʜᴡʜ your·step
and·ꜝguide·me in·way·of straight·place
because·of my·glimpsers⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·give·me in·the·soul·of my·rockers⁺
as they·arose⁺ in·me witnesses⁺·of falsehood and·blooming·of violence :
iᵮ·not I·was·true to·see in·the·goodness·of Yʜᴡʜ in·land·of living⁺ :
ꜝhope to Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝlet·him·embolden your·heart
and·ꜝhope to Yʜᴡʜ :
Psalm 28
to·you Yʜᴡʜ I·call my·rock ꜝdo·not·craft·silence from·me
lest you·are·hushed from·me
and·I·was·same near descending⁺·of well :
ꜝhear the·voice·of my·graceprayers⁺ when·I·cry·for·safety to·you
when·I·bear·up my·hands² to the·speakingplace·of your·sanctuary :
ꜝdo·not·draw·me·out near wicked⁺ and·near workers⁺·of iniquity
speakers⁺·of shalom near their·tendents⁺
and·badness in·their·heart :
ꜝgive to·them as·their·work and·as·the·badness·of their·exploits⁺
as·the·doing·of their·hands² ꜝgive to·them
ꜝreturn their·yield to·them :
as they·do·not·discern⁺ to the·works⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to the·doing·of his·hands²
he·demolishes·them and he·does·not·build·them :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ
as he·heard the·voice·of my·graceprayers⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ my·might and·my·guard in·him he·trusted my·heart and·I·was·helped
and·he·exults my·heart
and·from·my·song I·gloryhand·him :
Yʜᴡʜ might to·them
and·the·mighty·place·of the·salvations⁺·of his·anointed he :
ꜝsave! °your·people and·ꜝkneel °your·derivation
and·ꜝtend·them and·ꜝbear·them·up unto the·eternity :
Psalm 29
musically to·Intimate
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ sons⁺·of powrs⁺
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ weight and·might :
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ the·weight·of his·name
ꜝprostrate·yourselves⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·magnificence·of sanctuary :
the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ upon the·waters⁺
the·powr·of the·weight he·thundered
Yʜᴡʜ upon waters⁺ many⁺ :
the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·vigor
the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·magnificence :
the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ breaking cedars⁺
and·he·breaks Yʜᴡʜ °the·cedars⁺·of the·Whitemost :
and·he·causes·them·to·dance as ox
Whitemost and·Mail as son·of highaurochs⁺ :
the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ quarrier·of flames⁺·of fire :
the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ he·whirls outspeak
he·whirls Yʜᴡʜ the·outspeak·of Sanctuary :
the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ he·whirls powerdeer⁺ and·he·makes·naked forests⁺
all·of·him saying weight :
Yʜᴡʜ to·the·floodcourse he·settled
and·he·settles Yʜᴡʜ king to·eternity :
Yʜᴡʜ might to·his·people he·gives
Yʜᴡʜ he·kneels °his·people in·the·shalom :
Psalm 30
musically the·song·of the·dedication·of the·house to·Intimate :
I·heighten·you Yʜᴡʜ as you·pulled·me·up
and you·did·not·gladden my·enemies⁺ to·me :
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
I·cried·for·safety to·you and·you·heal·me :
Yʜᴡʜ you·offered·up from sheol my·soul
you·kept·me·alive from·my·descending well :
ꜝmake·music⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ his·merciful⁺
and·ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·the·memory·of his·sanctuary :
as wink in·his·nostrils life⁺ in·his·favor
in·the·evening he·reposes weeping and·to·the·dayplow shouting :
and·I I·said in·my·relaxation
I·am·not·shaken to·eternity :
Yʜᴡʜ in·your·favor you·caused·to·stand to·my·mountain might
you·hid your·face⁺ I·was agitated :
to·you Yʜᴡʜ I·call
and·to My·Lord I·beg·grace :
¿what profit in·my·blood when·I·descend to pit
¿he·gloryhands·you dust
¿he·tells·forth your·truth :
ꜝhear Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝgrace·me
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝbe helper to·me :
you·converted my·lamentation to·whirldancing to·me you·opened my·burlap
and·you·belt·me·with gladness :
because·of ꜝlet·him·make·you·music weight and he·is·not·silent
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ to·eternity I·gloryhand·you :
Psalm 31
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
in·you Yʜᴡʜ I·refuged ꜝlet·me·not·be·ashamed to·eternity
in·your·justice ꜝrescue·me :
ꜝbranch·out to·me your·ear speedily ꜝsnatch·me·away
ꜝbe to·me to·rock·of mighty·place to·house·of huntinglodges⁺ to·save·me :
as my·clifftop and·my·huntinglodge you
and·because·of your·name you·guide·me and·you·lead·me :
you·let·me·go from·heirnet this they·buried⁺ to·me
as you my·mighty·place :
in·your·hand I·give·to·reckon my·breath
you·ransomed °me Yʜᴡʜ powr·of truth :
I·hated that·watch⁺ vapors⁺·of vanity
and·I to Yʜᴡʜ I·trusted :
ꜝlet·me·twirl and·ꜝlet·me·be·glad in·your·mercy
that you·saw °my·humiliation
you·knew in·the·rockinesses⁺·of my·soul :
and you·did·not·lock·up·me in·hand·of enemy
you·caused·to·stand in·the·broad·place my·feet² :
ꜝgrace·me Yʜᴡʜ as he·was·rocked·in to·me
she·was·motheaten in·trouble my·eye my·soul and·my·belly :
as they·were·all·through⁺ in·sorrow my·life⁺ and·my·years⁺ in·groaning
he·stumbled in·my·guilt my·vigor
and·my·bones⁺ they·were·motheaten⁺ :
from·all·of my·rockers⁺ I·was detraction and·to·my·fellowdwellers⁺ very and·trembling to·my·knowers⁺
that·see⁺·me in·the·exterior
they·retreated⁺ from·me :
I·was·forgotten as·dead from·heart
I·was as·thing lost :
as I·heard slurs·of many⁺ dislodgement from·turninground
when·they·are·founded⁺ united upon·me
to·take my·soul they·determined·evil⁺ :
and·I upon·you I·trusted Yʜᴡʜ
I·said my·Powers⁺ you :
in·your·hand my·seasons⁺
ꜝsnatch·me·away from·the·hand·of my·enemies⁺ and·from·my·pursuers⁺ :
ꜝlight·up! your·face⁺ upon your·servant
ꜝsave·me in·your·mercy :
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝlet·me·not·be·ashamed as I·called·you
they·are·ashamed⁺ wicked⁺ they·are·silent⁺ to·sheol :
they·are·tonguetied⁺ lips²·of falsehood
the·speakers⁺ upon just surpassing·things in·majesty and·despisal :
¿what much your·goodness that you·kept·secret to·your·fearful⁺
you·worked to·that·refuge⁺ in·you
before sons⁺·of adam :
you·hide·them in·the·hiddenness·of your·face⁺ from·hooks⁺·of man
you·keep·them·secret in·knit·shelter from·argument·of tongues⁺ :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ
as he·did·wonderously his·mercy to·me in·city·of rocked·up·place :
and·I I·said when·I·am·alarmed I·was·axed from·before your·eyes²
surely you·heard the·voice·of my·graceprayers⁺ when·I·cry·for·safety to·you :
ꜝlove⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ all·of his·merciful⁺
truth⁺ protecting Yʜᴡʜ
and·shaloming upon remainder doing·of majesty :
ꜝbe·firm⁺ and·ꜝlet·him·embolden your⁺·heart
all·of that·await⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ :
Psalm 32
to·Intimate Prudently
blessedness⁺·of borne·of rebellion covered·of sinfulness :
blessedness⁺·of adam he·does·not·consider Yʜᴡʜ to·him guilt
and·there·is·ńot in·his·breath trickery :
as I·crafted·silence they·decayed⁺ my·bones⁺
in·my·roaring all·of the·day :
as daytime and·night she·weighs·down upon·me your·hand
he·was·converted my·zest
in·witherings⁺·of summer ‹compare› :
my·sin I·let·you·know and·my·guilt I·did·not·cover I·said I·gloryhand upon my·rebellions⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·you you·bore the·guilt·of my·sin ‹compare› :
upon this he·mediates all merciful to·you to·season·of finding
only to·flood·of waters⁺ many⁺
to·him they·do·not·touch⁺ :
you hiddenness to·me from·rockiness you·protect·me
shouts⁺·of rescuing
you·turn·around·me ‹compare› :
I·make·you·prudent and·I·torah·you in·step this you·walk
ꜝlet·me·counsel upon·you my·eye :
ꜝdo·not·be⁺ as·horse as·ass there·is·ńot giving·discernment
in·bridle and·halter his·decoration to·√rein·in
not present to·you :
many⁺ hurts⁺ to·the·wicked
and·that·trusts in·Yʜᴡʜ
mercy he·turns·around·him :
ꜝbe·glad⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝtwirl⁺ just⁺
and·ꜝshout·out⁺ all·of straight⁺·of heart :
Psalm 33
ꜝshout⁺ just⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·straight⁺ radiant praise :
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·lyre
in·wiltharp·of tenth ꜝmake·music⁺ to·him :
ꜝsing⁺ to·him song new
ꜝdo·good⁺ harping in·cheer :
as straight the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·all·of his·doing in·truth :
loving justice and·judgment
the·mercy·of Yʜᴡʜ she·filled the·land :
in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ skies⁺ they·were·done⁺
and·in·the·breath·of his·mouth all·of their·host :
rallying as·the·heap the·waters⁺·of the·sea
giving in·treasures⁺ rumblewaves⁺ :
they·fear⁺ from·Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·land
from·him they·are·dislodged⁺ all·of settling⁺·of world :
as he he·said and·he·is
he he·commanded and·he·stands :
Yʜᴡʜ he·scuttled counsel·of clans⁺
he·negated considerations⁺·of people⁺ :
the·counsel·of Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity she·stands
the·considerations⁺·of his·heart to·saeculum and·saeculum :
the·blessedness⁺·of the·clan that Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
the·people he·chose to·derivation to·him :
from·skies⁺ he·looked Yʜᴡʜ
he·saw °all·of the·sons⁺·of the·adam :
from·the·assured·of his·settling he·peeped
to all·of the·settling⁺·of the·land :
that·forms united their·heart
that·gives·discernment to all·of their·deeds⁺ :
there·is·ńot the·king saved in·multitude·of strength
hero he·is·not·snatched·away in·multitude·of vigor :
falsehood the·horse to·salvation
and·in·the·multitude·of his·strength he·does·not·deliver :
¡lo! the·eye·of Yʜᴡʜ to his·fearful⁺
to·that·await⁺ to·his·mercy :
to·snatch·away from·death their·soul
and·to·keep·them·alive in·the·hunger :
our·soul she·lingered to·Yʜᴡʜ
our·help and·our·guard he :
as in·him he·is·glad our·heart
as in·the·name·of his·sanctuary we·trusted⁺ :
ꜝlet·him·be your·mercy Yʜᴡʜ upon·us
as·how we·awaited⁺ to·you :
Psalm 34
to·Intimate when·he·doubles·back °his·taste to·the·face⁺·of Father-King
and·he·drives·him·off and·he·walks :
ꜝlet·me·kneel °Yʜᴡʜ in·all·of season
always his·praise in·my·mouth :
in·Yʜᴡʜ she·praises·herself my·soul
they·hear⁺ humiliated⁺ and·they·are·glad⁺ :
ꜝmake·great⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ with·me
and·ꜝlet·us·heighten⁺ his·name united :
I·investigated °Yʜᴡʜ and·he·responded·me
and·from·all·of my·dislodgements⁺ he·snatched·me·away :
they·looked⁺ to·him and·they·streamed⁺
and·their·face⁺ ꜝlet·them·not·be·dug·under⁺ :
this humiliated he·called and·Yʜᴡʜ he·heard
and·from·all·of his·rockinesses⁺ he·saved·him :
camping the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ turninground to·his·fearful⁺ and·he·redresses·them :
ꜝtaste⁺ and·ꜝsee⁺ as he·was·good Yʜᴡʜ
the·blessedness⁺·of the·hero he·refuges in·him :
ꜝfear⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ his·sacred⁺
as there·is·ńot lack to·his·fearful⁺ :
wolves⁺ they·were·poor⁺ and·they·were·hungry⁺
and·the·investigating⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ they·are·not·lacking⁺ all good :
ꜝwalk⁺ sons⁺ ꜝhear⁺ to·me
the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ I·disciple·you⁺ :
¿who the·man the·pleased life⁺
loving days⁺ to·see good :
ꜝprotect your·tongue from·bad
and·your·lips² from·speaking trickery :
ꜝmove·away from·bad and·ꜝdo good
ꜝseek shalom and·ꜝpursue·him :
the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ to just⁺
and·his·ears² to their·cry·for·safety :
the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ in·doing⁺·of bad
to·cut·down from·land their·memory :
they·cried⁺ and·Yʜᴡʜ he·heard
and·from·all·of their·rockinesses⁺ he·snatched·them·away :
present Yʜᴡʜ to·broken⁺·of heart
and·°crushed⁺·of breath he·saves :
many⁺ badnesses⁺·of just
and·from·all·of·them he·snatches·him·away Yʜᴡʜ :
watching all·of his·bones⁺
one from·them she·was·not·broken :
she·causes·to·die wicked badness
and·hating⁺·of just they·transgress⁺ :
ransoming Yʜᴡʜ the·soul·of his·servants⁺
and they·do·not·transgress⁺ all·of that·refuge⁺ in·him :
Psalm 35
ꜝargue! Yʜᴡʜ with my·arguers⁺
ꜝbattle with that·battle⁺·me :
ꜝgrasp·firmly guard and·shield
and·ꜝarise! in·my·help :
and·ꜝempty campspear and·ꜝlock to·call·against my·pursuers⁺
ꜝsay to·my·soul your·salvation I :
they·are·ashamed⁺ and·they·are·embarrassed⁺ the·seekers⁺·of my·soul
they·are·skimmed·away⁺ aft and·they·are·dug·under⁺
the·considering⁺·of my·badness :
they·are⁺ as·chaff to·face⁺·of breath
and·the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ overthrowing :
ꜝlet·him·be their·step darkness and·devices⁺
and·the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ their·pursuer :
as gratuitously they·buried⁺ to·me the·pit·of their·heirnet
gratuitously they·dug⁺ to·my·soul :
she·enters·him vanity he·does·not·know
and·his·heirnet that he·buried she·seizes·him
in·vanity he·falls in·her :
and·my·soul she·twirls in·Yʜᴡʜ
she·rejoices in·his·salvation :
all·of my·bones⁺ they·say⁺ Yʜᴡʜ ¿who as·you
snatching·away humiliated from·firm from·him
and·humiliated and·wanting from·his·robber :
they·arise⁺ witnesses⁺·of violence
that I·did·not·know they·request⁺·me :
they·shalom⁺·me badness under goodness bereavement to·my·soul :
and·I when·they·are·pierced⁺ my·robe burlap I·humiliated in·the·fasting my·soul
and·my·mediation upon my·bosom she·returns :
as·tendent as·brother to·me I·walked·myself
as·mourning·of mama gloomy I·was·prostrate :
and·in·my·limping they·were·glad⁺ and·they·were·gathered⁺
they·were·gathered⁺ upon·me stricken⁺ and I·did·not·know
they·tore⁺ and they·were·not·silent⁺ :
in·profane⁺·of mockers⁺·of loaf
gnashing upon·me their·teeth² :
My·Lord as·¿what you·see
ꜝreturn! my·soul from·their·vanities⁺
from·wolves⁺ my·unique :
I·gloryhand·you in·congregation much
in·people strongboned I·praise·you :
ꜝlet·them·not·be·glad⁺ to·me my·enemies⁺ falsehood
that·hate⁺·me gratuitously they·twitch⁺ eye :
as not shalom they·speak⁺
and·upon winking⁺·of land
speeches⁺·of trickery⁺ they·consider⁺ :
and·they·broaden⁺ upon·me their·mouth
they·said⁺ ¡heyah! ¡heyah!
she·saw our·eyes² :
you·saw Yʜᴡʜ ꜝdo·not·craft·silence
My·Lord ꜝdo·not·be·far from·me :
ꜝrouse! and·ꜝawake! to·my·judgment
my·Powers⁺ and·My·Lord to·my·argument :
ꜝjudge·me as·your·justice Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ and ꜝlet·them·not·be·glad⁺ to·me :
ꜝlet·them·not·say⁺ in·their·heart ¡heyah! our·soul
ꜝlet·them·not·say⁺ we·devoured⁺·him :
they·are·ashamed⁺ and·they·are·dug·under⁺ united the·glad⁺·of my·badness
they·are·robed·in⁺ shame and·embarrassment
that·make·great⁺ upon·me :
they·shout⁺ and·they·are·glad⁺ the·pleased⁺·of my·justice
and·they·say⁺ always he·becomes·great Yʜᴡʜ
the·pleased the·shalom·of his·servant :
and·my·tongue she·echoes your·justice
all·of the·day your·praise :
Psalm 36
to·the·forever to·the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ to·Intimate :
revelation·of rebellion to·the·wicked in·the·impresence·of my·heart
there·is·ńot the·trembling·of Powers⁺ to·before his·eyes² :
as he·was·divided to·him in·his·eyes²
to·find his·guilt to·hate :
the·speeches⁺·of his·mouth iniquity and·trickery
he·ceased to·make·prudent to·do·good :
iniquity he·considers upon his·bed
he·posts·himself upon step not good
bad he·does·not·reject :
Yʜᴡʜ in·the·skies⁺ your·mercy
your·truth unto wisps⁺ :
your·justice as·mountains⁺·of powr your·judgment rumblewave much
adam and·beast you·save Yʜᴡʜ :
¿what precious your·mercy Powers⁺
and·sons⁺·of adam
in·the·shadow·of your·wings² they·refuge⁺ :
they·overflow⁺ from·the·bounty·of your·house
and·the·river·of your·comforts⁺ you·give·them·to·drink :
as near·you fountain·of life⁺
in·your·light we·see⁺ light :
ꜝdraw·out your·mercy to·that·know⁺·you
and·your·justice to·straight⁺·of heart :
ꜝlet·her·not·enter·me foot·of majesty
and·hand·of wicked⁺ she·does·not·sway·me :
there they·fell⁺ workers⁺·of iniquity
they·were·overthrown⁺ and they·were·not·able⁺ arising :
Psalm 37
ꜝdo·not·scorch·yourself in·the·bad-doers⁺
ꜝdo·not·be·jealous in·doers⁺·of evil :
as as·the·sprouts speedily they·snip⁺
and·as·green·of grass they·wilt⁺ :
ꜝtrust in·Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝdo good
ꜝdwell land and·ꜝtend truth :
and·ꜝconsole·yourself upon Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·gives to·you the·requests⁺·of your·heart :
ꜝroll upon Yʜᴡʜ your·step
and·ꜝtrust upon·him and·he he·does :
and·he·let·go as·the·light your·justice
and·your·judgment as·the·noonpeak² :
ꜝbe·silent to·Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝwhirl·your·time·away to·him
ꜝdo·not·scorch·yourself in·the·prospering·of his·step
in·man doing determinations⁺ :
ꜝslack·off from·nostrils and·ꜝabandon heat
ꜝdo·not·scorch·yourself surely to·do·bad :
as bad-doers⁺ they·are·cut·down⁺
and·the·hopers⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ they⁺ they·inherit⁺ land :
and·again little and·there·is·ńot wicked
and·you·discerned upon his·rising·place and·he·is·ńot :
and·humiliated⁺ they·inherit⁺ land
and·they·consoled·themselves⁺ upon multitude·of shalom :
determining·evil wicked to·the·just
and·gnashing upon·him his·teeth² :
My·Lord he·laughs to·him
as he·saw as he·enters his·day :
sword they·opened⁺ wicked⁺ and·they·stepped·forward⁺ their·bow
to·let·fall humiliated and·wanting
to·butcher straight⁺·of step :
their·sword she·enters in·their·heart
and·their·bows⁺ they·are·broken⁺ :
good little to·the·just
from·hum·of wicked⁺ many⁺ :
as arms⁺·of wicked⁺ they·are·broken⁺
and·prop just⁺ Yʜᴡʜ :
knowing Yʜᴡʜ days⁺·of complete⁺
and·their·derivation to·eternity she·is :
they·are·not·ashamed⁺ in·season·of bad
and·in·days⁺·of hunger they·are·satisfied⁺ :
as wicked⁺ they·are·lost⁺ and·the·enemies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ as·precious·of goatlands⁺
they·were·all·through⁺ in·the·smoke they·were·all·through⁺ :
debtor wicked and he·does·not·shalom
and·just gracing and·giving :
as his·knelt·to⁺ they·inherit⁺ land
and·slighted·by⁺·him they·are·cut·down⁺ :
from·Yʜᴡʜ paces⁺·of hero they·were·made·sure⁺ and·his·step he·is·pleased :
as he·falls he·is·not·hurled
as Yʜᴡʜ prop his·hand :
youth I·was also I·was·old
and I·did·not·see just abandoned
and·his·seed seeker bread :
all·of the·day gracing and·indebting
and·his·seed to·kneeling :
ꜝmove from·bad and·ꜝdo good and·ꜝdwell to·eternity :
as Yʜᴡʜ loving judgment and he·does·not·abandon °his·merciful⁺ to·eternity they·watched·themselves⁺
and·seed·of wicked⁺ he·was·cut·down :
just⁺ they·inherit⁺ land
and·they·dwell⁺ to·onward upon·her :
mouth·of just he·echoes wisdom
and·his·tongue she·speaks judgment :
the·torah·of his·Powers⁺ in·his·heart
she·does·not·slip his·blessed·steps⁺ :
sentry wicked to·the·just
and·seeker to·put·him·to·death :
Yʜᴡʜ he·does·not·abandon·him in·his·hand
and he·does·not·cause·him·to·do·wickedness when·he·is·judged :
ꜝhope to Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝwatch his·step and·he·heightens·you to·inherit land
when·being·cut·down wicked⁺ you·see :
I·saw wicked awesome
and·laying·himself·bare as·nativedawned thriving :
and·he·crosses·over and·¡lo! he·is·ńot
and·I·seek·him and he·was·not·found :
ꜝwatch complete and·ꜝsee straight
as afterward to·man·of shalom :
and·rebelling⁺ they·were·destroyed⁺ united
afterward·of wicked⁺ she·was·cut·down :
and·salvation·of just⁺ from·Yʜᴡʜ
their·mighty·place in·season·of rockiness :
and·he·helps·them Yʜᴡʜ and·he·rescues·them
he·rescues·them from·wicked⁺ and·he·saves·them
as they·refuged⁺ in·him :
Psalm 38
musically to·Intimate to·commemorate :
Yʜᴡʜ not in·your·anger you·reprove·me
and·in·your·heat you·instruct·me :
as your·arrows⁺ they·were·plunged·in⁺ in·me
and·she·plunges·in upon·me your·hand :
there·is·ńot completeness in·my·flesh from·the·face⁺·of your·damnation
there·is·ńot shalom in·my·bones⁺ from·the·face⁺·of my·sin :
as my·guilts⁺ they·crossed·over⁺ my·head
as·burden weighty they·weigh·down⁺ from·me :
they·made·stink⁺ they·festered⁺ my·stripes⁺
from·the·face⁺·of my·wrongdoing :
I·was·guilty I·was·prostrate unto very
all·of the·day gloomy I·walked :
as my·follies⁺ they·filled⁺ roasted
and·there·is·ńot completeness in·my·flesh :
I·was·numbed and·I·was·crushed unto very
I·roared from·the·growling·of my·heart :
My·Lord before·you all·of my·yearning
and·my·groaning from·you she·was·not·hidden :
my·heart he·merchandised he·abandoned·me my·vigor
and·the·light·of my·eyes² also they⁺ there·is·ńot with·me :
that·love⁺·me and·my·tendents⁺ from·before my·touch they·stand⁺
and·my·present⁺ from·afar they·stood⁺ :
and·they·ensnare⁺ the·seekers⁺·of my·soul and·the·investigating⁺·of my·badness they·spoke⁺ mishaps⁺
and·trickery⁺ all·of the·day they·echo⁺ :
and·I as·craftydeaf I·do·not·hear
and·as·tonguetied he·does·not·open his·mouth :
and·I·am as·man that not hearing
and·there·is·ńot in·his·mouth reproofs⁺ :
as to·you Yʜᴡʜ I·waited
you you·respond My·Lord my·Powers⁺ :
as I·said lest they·are·glad⁺ to·me
when·shaking my·foot upon·me they·made·great⁺ :
as I to·limping assured
and·my·hurt before·me always :
as my·guilt I·tell·forth
I·am·anxious from·my·sin :
and·my·enemies⁺ living⁺ they·were·strongboned⁺
and·they·were·multiplied⁺ that·hate⁺·me falsehood :
and·shaloming⁺·of badness under goodness
they·accuse⁺·me under my·pursuing good :
ꜝdo·not·abandon·me Yʜᴡʜ
my·Powers⁺ ꜝdo·not·be·far from·me :
ꜝhurry! to·my·help
My·Lord my·salvation :
Psalm 39
to·the·forever to·Gloryhandish musically to·Intimate :
I·said ꜝlet·me·watch my·steps⁺ from·sinning in·my·tongue
ꜝlet·me·watch to·my·mouth muzzle
when·still wicked to·before·me :
I·was·tonguetied silence I·hushed from·good
and·my·hurting he·was·roiled :
he·had·heat my·heart in·my·impresence in·my·echo-echoing she·is·consumed fire
I·spoke in·my·tongue :
ꜝlet·me·know Yʜᴡʜ my·end and·the·measure·of my·days⁺ ¿what she
ꜝlet·me·know ¿what ceasing I :
¡lo! spans⁺ you·gave my·days⁺ and·my·moment as·there·is·ńot before·you
surely all·of vapor all·of adam posted ‹compare› :
surely in·shadow he·walks·himself man surely vapor they·hum⁺
he·amasses and he·does·not·know ¿who their·gatherer :
and·now ¿what I·hoped My·Lord
my·waiting to·you she :
from·all·of my·rebellions⁺ ꜝsnatch·me·away
detraction·of wilted ꜝdo·not·place·me :
I·was·tonguetied I·do·not·open my·mouth
as you you·did :
ꜝremove from·upon·me your·touch
from·the·chewing·out·of your·hand I I·was·all·through :
in·reproofs⁺ upon guilt you·instructed man and·you·dampen as·the·moth that·is·desire·him
surely vapor all·of adam ‹compare› :
ꜝhear! my·mediation Yʜᴡʜ and·my·cry·for·safety ꜝgive·ear! to my·tears ꜝdo·not·craft·silence
as lodger I near·you
settler as·all·of my·fathers⁺ :
ꜝgaze from·me and·ꜝlet·me·be·relieved
in·ere I·walk and·I·am·ńot :
Psalm 40
to·the·forever to·Intimate musically :
hoping I·hoped Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·branches·out to·me and·he·hears my·cry·for·safety :
and·he·offers·me·up from·well·of roaring from·the·mud·of the·mire
and·he·raises upon clifftop my·feet² he·made·sure my·blessed·steps⁺ :
and·he·gives in·my·mouth song new praise to·our·Powers⁺
they·see⁺ many⁺ and·they·fear⁺
and·they·trust⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ :
the·blessedness⁺·of the·hero that he·placed Yʜᴡʜ his·trust
and he·did·not·face to forceful⁺ and·paddlers⁺·of a·lie :
many⁺ you·did you Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ your·wonders⁺ and·your·considerations⁺ to·us
there·is·ńot lining·up to·you ꜝlet·me·tell·forth and·ꜝlet·me·speak
they·were·strongboned⁺ from·recounting :
offering and·tribute you·were·not·pleased ears² you·drilled to·me
upward·offering and·sinfulness you·did·not·request :
then I·said ¡lo! I·entered
in·scroll·of account written upon·me :
to·do your·favor my·Powers⁺ I·was·pleased
and·your·torah in·the·midst·of my·bowels⁺ :
I·fleshed·out justice in·congregation much ¡lo! my·lips² I·do·not·detain
Yʜᴡʜ you you·knew :
your·justice I·did·not·cover in·the·midst·of my·heart your·truth and·your·salvation I·said
I·did·not·stifle your·mercy and·your·truth to·congregation much :
you Yʜᴡʜ you·do·not·detain your·wombliness⁺ from·me
your·mercy and·your·truth always they·protect⁺·me :
as they·engulfed⁺ upon·me badnesses⁺ unto there·is·ńot count they·caught⁺·me my·guilts⁺ and I·was·not·able to·see
they·were·strongboned⁺ from·the·hairs⁺·of my·head and·my·heart he·abandoned·me :
ꜝfavor Yʜᴡʜ to·snatch·me·away
Yʜᴡʜ to·my·help ꜝhurry! :
they·are·ashamed⁺ and·they·are·dug·under⁺ united the·seekers⁺·of my·soul to·sweep·away·her
they·are·skimmed·away⁺ aft and·they·are·embarrassed⁺
the·pleased⁺·of my·badness :
they·are·desolate⁺ upon the·on·the·heels·of their·shame
that·say⁺ to·me ¡heyah! ¡heyah! :
they·rejoice⁺ and·they·are·glad⁺ in·you all·of your·seekers⁺
they·say⁺ always he·becomes·great Yʜᴡʜ
the·loving⁺·of your·salvation :
and·I humiliated and·wanting My·Lord he·considers to·me
my·help and·that·rescues·me you
my·Powers⁺ ꜝdo·not·keep·aft :
Psalm 41
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
blessedness⁺·of prudent to pulled·down
in·day·of badness he·delivers·him Yʜᴡʜ :
Yʜᴡʜ he·watches·him and·he·keeps·him·alive and·he·was·blessed in·the·land
and ꜝdo·not·give·him in·the·soul·of his·enemies⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ he·bolsters·him upon mattress·of sickness
all·of his·bed you·converted in·his·piercing :
I I·said Yʜᴡʜ ꜝgrace·me
ꜝheal! my·soul as I·sinned to·you :
my·enemies⁺ they·say⁺ bad to·me
¿wħen he·dies and·he·was·lost his·name :
and·if he·entered to·see vanity he·speaks his·heart he·collects iniquity to·him
he·goes to·the·exterior he·speaks :
united upon·me they·whisper·among·themselves⁺ all·of that·hate⁺·me
upon·me they·consider⁺ badness to·me :
speech·of no-benefit poured in·him
and·that he·bedded he·does·not·add to·arise :
also the·man·of my·shalom that I·trusted in·him eating my·bread
he·made·great upon·me heel :
and·you Yʜᴡʜ ꜝgrace·me and·ꜝraise·me
and·ꜝlet·me·shalom to·them :
in·this I·knew as you·were·pleased in·me
as he·does·not·cheer my·enemy upon·me :
and·I in·my·completeness you·grasped in·me
and·you·post·me to·your·face⁺ to·eternity :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr from·the·eternity and·unto the·eternity truly and·truly :
Psalm 42
to·the·forever Prudently to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness :
as·powrdeer she·aches upon channels⁺·of waters⁺
surely my·soul she·aches to·you Powers⁺ :
she·thirsted my·soul to·Powers⁺ to·powr living ¿wħen I·enter
and·I·am·seen the·face⁺·of Powers⁺ :
she·was to·me my·tears bread daytime and·night
when·saying to·me all·of the·day ¿where your·Powers⁺ :
these ꜝlet·me·remember and·ꜝlet·me·spill·out upon·me my·soul as I·cross·over in·the·knitting I·trudge·myself·along·them unto the·house·of Powers⁺
in·voice·of shouting and·gloryhand hum feasting :
¿what you·prostrate·yourself my·soul and·you·hum upon·me
ꜝwait to·Powers⁺ as again I·gloryhand·him the·salvations⁺·of his·face⁺ :
my·Powers⁺ upon·me my·soul she·prostrates·herself
upon surely I·remember·you from·land·of Descender·of
and·heremonïtes⁺ from·mount·of least :
rumblewave to rumblewave calling to·the·voice·of your·spouts⁺
all·of your·breakers⁺ and·your·rolls⁺ upon·me they·crossed·over⁺ :
daytime he·commands Yʜᴡʜ his·mercy and·in·the·night his·song near·me
mediation to·the·powr·of my·life⁺ :
ꜝlet·me·say to·powr my·clifftop to·¿what you·forgot·me
to·¿what gloomy I·walk in·squeezing·of enemy :
in·murder in·my·bones⁺ they·detracted⁺·me my·rockers⁺
when·they·say⁺ to·me all·of the·day ¿where your·Powers⁺ :
¿what you·prostrate·yourself my·soul and·¿what you·hum upon·me
ꜝwait to·Powers⁺ as again I·gloryhand·him
the·salvations⁺·of my·face⁺ and·my·Powers⁺ :
Psalm 43
ꜝjudge·me Powers⁺ and·ꜝargue! my·argument from·clan not merciful
from·man·of trickery and·evil you·rescue·me :
as you Powers⁺·of my·mighty·place to·¿what you·shunned·me
to·¿what gloomy I·walk·myself in·squeezing·of enemy :
ꜝsend your·light and·your·truth they⁺ they·guide⁺·me
they·bring·me·in⁺ to the·mount·of your·sanctuary and·to your·dwelling·places⁺ :
and·ꜝlet·me·enter to the·offering·place·of Powers⁺ to the·powr·of the·gladness·of my·twirling
and·I·gloryhand·you in·the·lyre·of Powers⁺ my·Powers⁺ :
¿what you·prostrate·yourself my·soul and·¿what you·hum upon·me
ꜝwait to·Powers⁺ as again I·gloryhand·him
the·salvations⁺·of my·face⁺ and·my·Powers⁺ :
Psalm 44
to·the·forever to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness Prudently :
Powers⁺ in·our·ears² we·heard⁺ our·fathers⁺ they·recounted⁺ to·us
work you·worked in·their·days⁺ in·days⁺·of frontmost :
you your·hand clans⁺ you·disinherited and·you·plant·them
you·do·bad nations⁺ and·you·send·them·out :
as not in·their·sword they·inherited⁺ land and·their·arm she·did·not·save to·them
as your·right and·your·arm and·the·light·of your·face⁺ as you·favored·them :
you he my·king Powers⁺
ꜝcommand the·salvations⁺·of Heeler :
in·you our·rockers⁺ we·butt·at⁺
in·your·name we·tread·down⁺ that·arise⁺·us :
as not in·my·bow I·trust
and·my·sword she·does·not·save·me :
as you·saved·us from·our·rockers⁺
and·that·hate⁺·us you·shamed :
in·Powers⁺ we·praised⁺ all·of the·day
and·your·name to·eternity we·gloryhand⁺ ‹compare› :
¡yes! you·shunned and·you·embarrass·us
and you·do·not·go in·our·hosts⁺ :
you·return·us aft from rocker
and·that·hate⁺·us they·looted⁺ to·them :
you·give·us as·sheep·of edibles
and·in·the·clans⁺ you·winnowed·us :
you·sell your·people in·not wealth
and you·did·not·multiply in·their·prices⁺ :
you·place·us detraction to·our·fellowdwellers⁺
mockery and·derision to·turninground⁺·us :
you·place·us simile in·the·clans⁺
swaying·of head not mamaclans⁺ :
all·of the·day my·embarrassment before·me
and·the·shame·of my·face⁺ she·covered·me :
from·voice·of detractor and·blasphemer
from·face⁺·of enemy and·avenger :
all this she·entered·us and we·did·not·forget⁺·you
and we·were·not·false⁺ in·your·covenant :
he·was·not·skimmed·away aft our·heart
and·she·branches·out our·blessed·steps⁺ from your·way :
as you·crushed·us in·rising·place·of serpents⁺
and·you·cover upon·us in·shadow-of-death :
if we·forgot⁺ the·name·of our·Powers⁺
and·we·stretch⁺ our·spoons² to·powr stranger :
¿not Powers⁺ he·examines this
as he knowing hooded·things⁺·of heart :
as upon·you we·were·killed⁺ all·of the·day
we·were·considered⁺ as·sheep·of butchery :
ꜝarouse·yourself! to·¿what you·sleep My·Lord
ꜝawake! ꜝdo·not·shun to·forever :
to·¿what your·face⁺ you·hide
you·forget our·humiliation and·our·squeezing :
as she·lay·in·the·pit to·the·dust our·soul
she·was·joined to·the·land our·belly :
ꜝarise! help to·us
and·ꜝransom·us because·of your·mercy :
Psalm 45
to·the·forever upon lilies⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness
Prudently song·of intimacies⁺ :
he·stewed my·heart speech good saying I my·deeds⁺ to·king
my·tongue quill·of accounter speedy :
you·beautified from·sons⁺·of adam he·was·poured grace in·your·lips⁺
upon surely he·knelt·you Powers⁺ to·eternity :
ꜝgird your·sword upon flank hero
your·splendor and·your·magnificence :
and·your·magnificence ꜝprosper ꜝchariot upon speech·of truth and·humility justice
and·she·torahs·you fearsome⁺ your·right :
your·arrows⁺ made·toothed⁺
people⁺ unders⁺·you they·fall⁺
in·the·heart·of the·enemies⁺·of the·king :
your·throne Powers⁺ eternity and·onward
stem·of straight·place the·stem·of your·kingship :
you·loved justice and·you·hate wickedness
upon surely he·anointed·you Powers⁺ your·Powers⁺ oil·of rejoicing from·your·allies⁺ :
bitters and·aloes⁺ cuspias⁺ all·of your·coverings⁺
from palaces⁺·of tooth my·strings⁺ they·gladdened⁺·you :
daughters⁺·of kings⁺ in·your·precious⁺
she·was·posted consort to·your·right in·the·bullion·of Ophir :
ꜝhear daughter and·ꜝsee and·ꜝbranch·out your·ear
and·ꜝforget your·people and·the·house·of your·father :
and·ꜝlet·him·yearn·for the·king your·beauty
as he your·lords⁺ and·ꜝprostrate·yourself to·him :
and·the·daughter·of Rock in·tribute your·face⁺ they·pierce·the·presence·of⁺ rich⁺·of people :
all·of weighty daughter·of king faceward
from·brocades⁺·of gold her·robe :
to·embroidery⁺ she·courses to·the·king
virgins⁺ after⁺·her her·tendents⁺
brought·in⁺ to·you :
they·course⁺ in·gladness⁺ and·twirling
they·enter⁺ in·palace·of king :
under your·fathers⁺ they·are⁺ your·sons⁺
you·put·them to·princes⁺ in·all·of the·land :
ꜝlet·me·commemorate your·name in·all·of saeculum and·saeculum
upon surely people⁺ they·gloryhand⁺·you to·eternity and·onward :
Psalm 46
to·the·forever to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness
upon Girls⁺ song :
Powers⁺ to·us refugee and·might
help in·rockinesses⁺ found very :
upon surely we·do·not·fear⁺ when·bargaining·away land
and·when·shaking mounts⁺ in·heart·of seas⁺ :
they·hum⁺ they·pitch⁺ his·waters⁺
they·quake⁺ mounts⁺ in·his·majesty ‹compare› :
stream his·furrows⁺ they·gladden⁺ the·city·of Powers⁺
sacred·of dwelling·places⁺·of uppermost :
Powers⁺ in·her·impresence she·is·not·shaken
he·helps·her Powers⁺ to·face dayplow :
they·hummed⁺ clans⁺ they·shook⁺ kingdoms⁺
he·gave in·his·voice she·dissipates land :
Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺ near·us
tower to·us Powers⁺·of Heeler ‹compare› :
ꜝwalk⁺ ꜝvision⁺ the·works⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·placed desolations⁺ in·the·land :
giving·rest battles⁺ unto the·end·of the·land
bow he·breaks and·he·put·an·end·to campspear
wagons⁺ he·burns in·the·fire :
ꜝslack·off⁺ and·ꜝknow⁺ as I Powers⁺
I·am·high in·the·clans⁺ I·am·high in·the·land :
Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺ near·us
tower to·us Powers⁺·of Heeler ‹compare› :
Psalm 47
to·the·forever to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness musically :
all·of the·people⁺ ꜝhit⁺ spoon
ꜝcheer⁺ to·Powers⁺ in·voice·of shouting :
as Yʜᴡʜ uppermost fearsome
king great upon all·of the·land :
ꜝlet·him·cause·to·speak people⁺ unders⁺·us
and·nations⁺ under our·feet² :
he·chooses to·us °our·derivation
°the·majesty·of Heeler that he·loved ‹compare› :
he·went·up Powers⁺ in·cheer
Yʜᴡʜ in·voice·of shofair :
ꜝmake·music⁺ Powers⁺ ꜝmake·music⁺
ꜝmake·music⁺ to·our·king ꜝmake·music⁺ :
as the·king·of all·of the·land Powers⁺ ꜝmake·music⁺ Prudently :
he·was·king Powers⁺ upon clans⁺
Powers⁺ he·settled upon the·throne·of his·sanctuary :
nobles⁺·of people⁺ they·were·gathered⁺ the·people·of Powers⁺·of Father-Hi-Hum
as to·Powers⁺ guard⁺·of land very he·was·gone·up :
Psalm 48
song musically to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness :
great Yʜᴡʜ and·praised very
in·the·city·of our·Powers⁺ the·mount·of his·sanctuary :
beautiful·of exaltation the·rejoicing·of all·of the·land
the·mount·of Tzion flanks²·of north
walledcity·of king much :
Powers⁺ in·her·heights⁺ he·was·known to·tower :
as ¡lo! the·kings⁺ they·assembled·themselves⁺
they·crossed·over⁺ united :
they⁺ they·saw⁺ surely they·marvelled⁺
they·were·agitated⁺ they·were·alarmed⁺ :
shivering she·held·them there
whirling as·that·enchilds :
in·breath·of frontwind
you·break the·ships⁺·of Tarshysh :
as·how we·heard⁺ surely we·saw⁺ in·the·city·of Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺ in·the·city·of our·Powers⁺
Powers⁺ he·makes·her·sure unto eternity ‹compare› :
we·likened⁺ Powers⁺ your·mercy
in·the·impresence·of your·palace :
as·your·name Powers⁺ surely your·praise upon ends⁺·of land
justice she·filled your·right :
he·is·glad the·mount·of Tzion they·twirl⁺ the·daughters⁺·of Gloryhand
because·of your·judgments⁺ :
ꜝturn·around⁺ Tzion and·ꜝencompass⁺·her
ꜝcount⁺ her·great·towers⁺ :
ꜝput⁺ your⁺·heart to·her·stronghold ꜝponder⁺ her·heights⁺
because·of ꜝrecount⁺ to·saeculum afterward :
as this Powers⁺ our·Powers⁺ eternity and·onward
he he·leads·us upon dying :
Psalm 49
to·the·forever to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness musically :
ꜝhear⁺ this all·of the·people⁺
ꜝgive·ear⁺ all·of settling⁺·of moment :
also sons⁺·of adam also sons⁺·of man
united rich and·wanting :
my·mouth he·speaks wisdom⁺
and·the·echo·of my·heart discernments⁺ :
I·branch·out to·simile my·ear
I·open in·lyre my·riddle :
to·¿what I·fear in·days⁺·of bad
the·guilt·of my·heels⁺ he·turns·around·me :
that·trust⁺ upon their·strength
and·in·the·multitude·of their·riches they·praise·themselves⁺ :
brother not ransoming he·ransoms man
he·does·not·give to·Powers⁺ his·atonement·price :
and·he·is·precious the·ransom·of their·soul and·he·ceased to·eternity :
and·ꜝlet·him·live again to·forever
he·does·not·see the·pit :
as he·sees wise⁺ they·die⁺ united fool and·consumerish they·are·lost⁺
and·they·abandoned⁺ to·after⁺ their·strength :
their·impresence their·houses⁺ to·eternity their·dwelling·places⁺ to·saeculum and·saeculum
they·called⁺ in·their·names⁺ upon adamahs⁺ :
and·adam in·preciousness he·does·not·repose
he·was·same as·the·beasts⁺ they·were·silenced⁺ :
this their·step folly to·them
and·after⁺·them in·their·mouth they·favor⁺ ‹compare› :
as·the·sheep to·sheol they·roved⁺ death he·tends·them
and·they·govern⁺ in·them straight⁺ to·the·dayplow and·their·rock to·make·decay sheol from·residence to·him :
surely Powers⁺ he·ransoms my·soul from·hand·of sheol
as he·takes·me ‹compare› :
ꜝdo·not·fear as he·enriches man
as he·multiplies the·weight·of his·house :
as not in·his·death he·takes all
he·does·not·descend after⁺·him his·weight :
as his·soul in·his·life⁺ he·kneels
and·they·gloryhand⁺·you as you·do·good to·you :
you·enter unto the·saeculum·of his·fathers⁺
unto forever they·do·not·see⁺ light :
adam in·preciousness and he·does·not·discern
he·was·same as·the·beasts⁺ they·were·silenced⁺ :
Psalm 50
musically to·Gatherer
the·powr·of Powers⁺ Yʜᴡʜ he·spoke and·he·calls land
from·dawn·of sun unto his·entrance :
from·Tzion place·all·of beauty Powers⁺ he·shined :
he·enters our·Powers⁺ and ꜝlet·him·not·craft·silence
fire to·his·face⁺ she·eats
and·turninground⁺·him she·was·hairied very :
he·calls to the·skies⁺ from·upward
and·to the·land to·vindicate his·people :
ꜝgather⁺ to·me my·merciful⁺
the·cutting·in⁺·of my·covenant upon offering :
and·they·tell·forth⁺ skies⁺ his·justice
as Powers⁺ judge he ‹compare› :
ꜝhear! my·people and·ꜝlet·me·speak Princepowr and·ꜝlet·me·witness in·you
Powers⁺ your·Powers⁺ I :
not upon your·offerings⁺ I·reprove·you
and·your·upward·offerings⁺ to·before·me always :
I·do·not·take from·your·house cow
from·your·detention·places⁺ rams⁺ :
as to·me all·of life·of forest
beasts⁺ in·mountains⁺·of thousand :
I·knew all·of flyer·of mounts⁺
and·abundance·of field near·me :
if I·am·hungry I·do·not·say to·you
as to·me world and·her·fullness :
¿I·eat flesh·of pinioned·ones⁺
and·blood·of rams⁺ I·drink :
ꜝoffer to·Powers⁺ gloryhand
and·ꜝshalom to·uppermost your·vows⁺ :
and·ꜝcall·me in·day·of rockiness
I·redress·you and·you·give·me·weight :
and·to·the·wicked he·said Powers⁺ ¿what to·you to·recount my·prescriptions⁺
and·you·bear my·covenant upon your·mouth :
and·you you·hated instruction
and·you·drop my·speeches⁺ after⁺·you :
if you·saw stealer and·you·favor near·him
and·near adulterers⁺ your·dividend :
your·mouth you·sent in·badness
and·your·tongue you·couple·together trickery :
you·settle in·your·brother you·speak
in·the·son·of your·mama you·give insult :
these you·did and·I·crafted·silence you·likened being I·am as·you
I·reprove·you and·ꜝlet·me·line·up to·your·eyes² :
ꜝdiscern⁺ ¡please! this the·forgetters⁺·of Power
lest I·prey·upon and·there·is·ńot snatching·away :
offering gloryhand he·gives·me·weight
and·placing step
I·show·him in·the·safety·of Powers⁺ :
Psalm 51
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
when·entering to·him Given the·prophet
as·how he·entered to Daughter Seven :
ꜝgrace·me Powers⁺ as·your·mercy
as·the·multitude·of your·wombliness⁺ ꜝwipe my·rebellions⁺ :
ꜝmultiply ꜝwash·me from·my·guilt
and·from·my·sin ꜝpurify·me :
as my·rebellions⁺ I I·know
and·my·sin before·me always :
to·you alone·you I·sinned and·the·bad in·your·eyes² I·did
because·of ꜝbe·just when·you·speak you·are·perfect when·you·judge :
¡lo! in·guilt I·was·whirled·in·labor
and·in·sin she·heated·me my·mama :
¡lo! truth you·were·pleased in·the·plastered·organs⁺
and·in·closed·up wisdom you·let·me·know :
you·make·me·sinless in·hyssop and·I·am·pure
you·wash·me and·from·snow I·become·white :
you·let·me·hear rejoicing and·gladness
they·twirl⁺ bones⁺ you·crushed :
ꜝhide your·face⁺ from·my·sins⁺
and·all·of my·guilts⁺ ꜝwipe :
heart pure ꜝshape to·me Powers⁺
and·breath assured ꜝrenew in·my·impresence :
you·do·not·drop·me from·to·your·face⁺
and·the·breath·of your·sanctuary ꜝdo·not·take from·me :
ꜝreturn! to·me the·rejoicing·of your·safety
and·breath noble she·props·me·up :
ꜝlet·me·disciple rebelling⁺ your·steps⁺
and·sinful⁺ to·you they·return⁺ :
ꜝsnatch·me·away from·bloods⁺ Powers⁺ Powers⁺·of my·salvation
she·shouts my·tongue your·justice :
My·Lord my·lips² you·open
and·my·mouth he·tells·forth your·praise :
as you·are·not·pleased offering and·ꜝlet·me·give
upward·offering you·do·not·favor :
the·offerings⁺·of Powers⁺ breath·of broken
heart broken and·crushed
Powers⁺ you·do·not·despise :
ꜝdo·good! in·your·favor °Tzion
you·build the·ramparts⁺·of Torahshalom :
then you·are·pleased offerings⁺·of justice upward·offering and·all-all
then they·offer·up⁺ upon your·offering·place cows⁺ :
Psalm 52
to·the·forever Prudently to·Intimate :
when·entering Anxious the·Bloodïte and·he·tells·forth to·Requested
and·he·says to·him
he·entered Intimate to the·house·of Brother-of-King :
¿what you·praise·yourself in·badness the·hero
mercy·of powr all·of the·day :
mishaps⁺ you·consider your·tongue
as·bareblade honed doing·of trickery :
you·loved bad from·good
falsehood from·speaking justice ‹compare› :
you·loved all·of speeches⁺·of devourment tongue·of trickery :
also powr he·wrecks·you to·forever
he·firepans·you and·he·yanks·you from·tent
and·he·rooted·you·out from·land·of living⁺ ‹compare› :
and·they·see⁺ just⁺ and·they·fear⁺ and·upon·him they·laugh⁺ :
¡lo! the·hero he·does·not·place Powers⁺ his·mighty·place
and·he·trusts in·the·multitude·of his·riches
he·is·mighty in·his·mishap :
and·I as·olive thriving in·the·house·of Powers⁺
I·trusted in·the·mercy·of Powers⁺ eternity and·onward :
I·gloryhand·you to·eternity as you·did
and·I·hope your·name as he·was·good before your·merciful⁺ :
Psalm 53
to·the·forever upon Piercedness Prudently to·Intimate :
he·said wilted in·his·heart there·is·ńot Powers⁺
they·ruined⁺ and·they·did·abominable⁺ evil there·is·ńot doing·of good :
Powers⁺ from·skies⁺ he·peered·down upon sons⁺·of adam
to·see ¿there·is prudent
investigating °Powers⁺ :
all·of·him he·skimmed·away united they·deviated⁺
there·is·ńot doing·of good
there·is·ńot also one :
¿not they·knew⁺ workers⁺·of iniquity
the·eating⁺·of my·people they·ate⁺ bread
Powers⁺ they·did·not·call⁺ :
there they·trembled⁺ trembling he·was·not trembling
as Powers⁺ he·sowed·about bones⁺·of that·camps·you
you·shamed as Powers⁺ he·rejected·them :
¿who he·gives from·Tzion the·salvations⁺·of Princepowr
when·returning Powers⁺ the·captives⁺·of his·people
ꜝlet·him·twirl Heeler he·is·glad Princepowr :
Psalm 54
to·the·forever in·harps⁺ Prudently to·Intimate :
when·entering the·Tarïtes⁺ and·they·say⁺ to·Requested
¿not Intimate hiding·oneself near·us :
Powers⁺ in·your·name ꜝsave·me
and·in·your·heroism you·vindicate·me :
Powers⁺ ꜝhear my·mediation
ꜝgive·ear! to·the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth :
as strangers⁺ they·arose⁺ upon·me and·awesome⁺ they·sought⁺ my·soul
they·did·not·place⁺ Powers⁺ to·before·them ‹compare› :
¡lo! Powers⁺ helper to·me
My·Lord in·the·props⁺·of my·soul :
he·returns the·bad to·my·glimpsers⁺
in·your·truth ꜝannihilate·them :
in·noble·offering ꜝlet·me·offer to·you
I·gloryhand your·name Yʜᴡʜ as he·was·good :
as from·all·of rockiness he·snatched·me·away
and·in·my·enemies⁺ she·saw my·eye :
Psalm 55
to·the·forever in·harps⁺ Prudently to·Intimate :
ꜝgive·ear! Powers⁺ my·mediation
and ꜝdo·not·hood·yourself from·my·graceprayer :
ꜝlisten! to·me and·ꜝrespond·me
I·ramble in·my·meditation and·ꜝlet·me·rumble :
from·voice·of enemy from·face⁺·of strap·of wicked
as they·shake·down⁺ upon·me iniquity and·in·nostrils they·resent⁺·me :
my·heart he·whirls in·my·impresence
and·terrors⁺·of death they·fell⁺ upon·me :
fear and·shivering he·enters in·me
and·she·covers·me dread :
and·I·say ¿who he·gives to·me pinion as·the·dove ꜝlet·me·fly and·ꜝlet·me·dwell :
¡lo! I·move·faroff retreating
I·repose in·the·outspeak ‹compare› :
ꜝlet·me·hurry rescue to·me
from·breath rushing from·storm :
ꜝdevour My·Lord ꜝfurrow their·tongue
as I·saw violence and·argument in·the·city :
daytime and·night they·turn·around⁺·her upon her·ramparts⁺
and·iniquity and·toil in·her·impresence :
mishaps⁺ in·her·impresence
and he·does·not·budge from·her·broadway pretence and·trickery :
as not enemy he·detracts·me and·I·bear
that·does·not·hate·me upon·me he·made·great
and·I·am·hidden from·him :
and·you mortal as·my·outlined·assessment
my·alpha and·my·knower :
that united we·make·sweet⁺ confidences
in·the·house·of Powers⁺ we·walk⁺ in·crowd :
he·defrauds death upon·them they·descend⁺ sheol living⁺
as bad⁺ in·lodging·them in·their·impresence :
I to Powers⁺ I·call
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·saves·me :
evening and·dayplow and·noonpeak² ꜝlet·me·meditate and·I·hum
and·he·hears my·voice :
he·ransomed in·shalom my·soul from·battle·presentation to·me
as in·many⁺ they·were⁺ near·me :
he·hears powr and·he·humbles·them and·settling frontmost ‹compare› that there·is·ńot changes⁺ to·them
and they·did·not·fear⁺ Powers⁺ :
he·sent his·hands² in·his·shaloms⁺ he·pierced his·covenant :
they·were·divided⁺ the·buttery·things⁺·of his·mouth and·battle·presentation his·heart
they·were·soft⁺ his·speeches⁺ from·oil and·they⁺ open·blades⁺ :
ꜝdrop upon Yʜᴡʜ your·granted·lot and·he he·sustains·you
he·does·not·give to·eternity shaking to·the·just :
and·you Powers⁺ you·make·them·descend to·well·of pit mortals⁺·of bloods⁺ and·trickery they·do·not·halve⁺ their·days⁺
and·I I·trust in·you :
Psalm 56
to·the·forever upon dove·of tonguetied·of afar⁺ to·Intimate Miktam
when·holding °him Palestinians⁺ in·Cellar :
ꜝgrace·me Powers⁺ as he·gobbled·me mortal
all·of the·day battling he·squeezes·me :
they·gobbled⁺ my·glimpsers⁺ all·of the·day
as many⁺ battling⁺ to·me heights :
day I·fear
I to·you I·trust :
in·Powers⁺ I·praise his·speech
in·Powers⁺ I·trusted I·do·not·fear
¿what he·does flesh to·me :
all·of the·day my·speeches⁺ they·pain⁺
upon·me all·of their·considerations⁺ to·the·bad :
they·lodge·together⁺ they·keep·secret⁺ they⁺ my·heels⁺ they·watch⁺
as·how they·hoped⁺ my·soul :
upon iniquity rescuing to·them
in·nostrils people⁺ ꜝmake·descend Powers⁺ :
my·swaying you·counted you
ꜝplace! my·tears in·your·bottle
¿not in·your·account :
then they·return⁺ my·enemies⁺ aft in·day I·call
this I·knew as Powers⁺ to·me :
in·Powers⁺ I·praise speech
in·Yʜᴡʜ I·praise speech :
in·Powers⁺ I·trusted I·do·not·fear
¿what he·does adam to·me :
upon·me Powers⁺ your·vows⁺
I·shalom gloryhands⁺ to·you :
as you·snatched·away my·soul from·death ¿not my·feet² from·overthrowing
to·walk·oneself to·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺
in·the·light·of the·livings⁺ :
Psalm 57
to·the·forever ꜝdo·not·ruin to·Intimate Miktam
when·he·bolts from·the·face⁺·of Requested in·the·barrens :
ꜝgrace·me Powers⁺ ꜝgrace·me as in·you she·refuged my·soul
and·in·the·shadow·of your·wings² I·refuge
unto he·crosses·over mishaps⁺ :
I·call to·Powers⁺ uppermost
to·the·powr concluding upon·me :
he·sends from·skies⁺ and·he·saves·me he·detracted that·gobbles·me ‹compare›
he·sends Powers⁺ his·mercy and·his·truth :
my·soul in·midst·of coyotes⁺ ꜝlet·me·bed kindled⁺
sons⁺·of adam their·teeth² campspear and·arrows⁺
and·their·tongue sword sharp :
ꜝbe·high! upon the·skies⁺ Powers⁺
upon all·of the·land your·weight :
heirnet they·made·sure⁺ to·my·times⁺ he·spooned·out my·soul
they·drilled⁺ to·my·face⁺ pit
they·fell⁺ in·her·midst ‹compare› :
assured my·heart Powers⁺ assured my·heart
ꜝlet·me·sing and·ꜝlet·me·make·music :
ꜝarouse·yourself! my·weight ꜝarouse·yourself! the·wiltharp and·lyre ꜝlet·me·rouse morning :
I·gloryhand·you in·the·people⁺ My·Lord
I·make·you·music not mamaclans⁺ :
as great unto skies⁺ your·mercy
and·unto wisps⁺ your·truth :
ꜝbe·high! upon skies⁺ Powers⁺
upon all·of the·land your·weight :
Psalm 58
to·the·forever ꜝdo·not·ruin to·Intimate Miktam :
¿truly tonguetied·of justice you·speak⁺
straightness⁺ you·judge⁺ sons⁺·of adam :
¡yes! in·heart evils⁺ you·work⁺
in·the·land the·violence·of your⁺·hands² you·scale⁺ :
they·were·estranged⁺ wicked⁺ from·womb
they·wandered⁺ from·belly speakers⁺·of a·lie :
heat to·them as·likeness·of heat·of copperhead
as sillsnake craftydeaf he·shuts his·ear :
that he·does·not·hear to·voice·of whispering⁺
allied alliances⁺ made·wise :
Powers⁺ ꜝdemolish their·teeth² in·their·mouth
fangs⁺·of wolves⁺ ꜝwreck Yʜᴡʜ :
they·are·rejected⁺ as waters⁺ they·walk·themselves⁺ to·them
he·steps·forward his·arrows⁺ as they·snip·themselves⁺ :
as shootsnail·of damp he·walks
fallen·miscarriage·of woman·of they·did·not·vision⁺ sun :
in·ere they·discern⁺ your⁺·pots⁺ bramble
as living as scorching he·hairies·him :
he·is·glad just as he·visioned vengeance
his·times⁺ he·bathes in·the·blood·of the·wicked :
and·he·says adam surely fruit to·the·just
surely there·is Powers⁺ judges⁺ in·the·land :
Psalm 59
to·the·forever ꜝdo·not·ruin to·Intimate Miktam
when·sending Requested
and·they·watch⁺ °the·house to·put·him·to·death :
ꜝsnatch·me·away from·my·enemies⁺ my·Powers⁺
from·that·raise·themselves⁺·me you·entower·me :
ꜝsnatch·me·away from·workers⁺·of iniquity
and·from·mortals⁺·of bloods⁺ ꜝsave·me :
as ¡lo! they·ambushed⁺ to·my·soul they·lodge·together⁺ upon·me mighty⁺
not my·rebellion and·not my·sin Yʜᴡʜ :
no guilt they·run⁺ and·they·make·themselves·sure⁺
ꜝarouse·yourself! to·call·on·me and·ꜝsee :
and·you Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ of·hosts⁺ Powers⁺·of Princepowr ꜝawake! to·reckon all·of the·clans⁺
ꜝdo·not·grace all·of covert⁺·of iniquity ‹compare› :
they·return⁺ to·the·evening they·hum⁺ as·the·dog and·they·turn·around⁺ city :
¡lo! they·spring⁺ in·their·mouth swords⁺ in·their·lips⁺
as ¿who hearing :
and·you Yʜᴡʜ you·laugh to·them
you·mock to·all·of clans⁺ :
his·might to·you ꜝlet·me·watch
as Powers⁺ my·tower :
Powers⁺·of my·mercy he·is·in·front·of·me
Powers⁺ he·shows·me in·my·glimpsers⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·kill·them lest they·forget⁺ my·people ꜝrattle·them·around in·your·strength and·ꜝmake·them·descend
our·guard My·Lord :
the·sin·of their·mouth the·speech·of their·lips²
and·they·are·seized⁺ in·their·majesty
and·from·oath and·from·denial they·recount⁺ :
ꜝbe·all·done in·heat ꜝbe·all·done and·they·are·ńot⁺
and·they·know⁺ as Powers⁺ ruler in·Heeler
to·the·limits⁺·of the·land ‹compare› :
and·they·return⁺ to·the·evening they·hum⁺ as·the·dog and·they·turn·around⁺ city :
they⁺ they·rattle·around⁺ to·eat
if they·are·not·satisfied⁺ and·they·oppose⁺ :
and·I I·sing your·might and·I·shout to·the·dayplow your·mercy
as you·were tower to·me
and·fleeing·place in·day he·rocked·in to·me :
my·might to·you ꜝlet·me·make·music
as Powers⁺ my·tower Powers⁺·of my·mercy :
Psalm 60
to·the·forever upon Lily·of witness
Miktam to·Intimate to·disciple :
when·he·strives °Height·of Streams² and·°Height·of Depot
and·he·returns Yᴡ-Fathered and·he·strikes °Blood in·Valley·of Salt
two² and·ten thousand :
Powers⁺ you·shunned·us you·erupted·us
you·flared·your·nostrils you·return to·us :
you·made·quake land you·shattered·her
ꜝheal! her·breaks⁺ as she·shook :
you·showed your·people hard
you·gave·us·to·drink wine·of quavering :
you·gave to·your·fearful⁺ flag to·flag·out
from·face⁺·of reality ‹compare› :
because·of ꜝlet·them·be·redressed⁺ your·intimate⁺
ꜝsave! your·right and·ꜝrespond·me :
Powers⁺ he·spoke in·his·sanctuary ꜝlet·me·exult
ꜝlet·me·divide Yoke
and·the·deepland·of Knitshelterses⁺ I·measure·out :
to·me Roll-of-Witness and·to·me Frustration and·Fruits² the·mighty·place·of my·head
Gloryhand that·prescribes·me :
From-Father the·pot·of my·bath upon Blood I·drop my·shoelatchet
upon·me Palestine ꜝcheer·for·yourself :
¿who he·makes·me·course city·of rocked·up·place
¿who he·guided·me unto Blood :
¿not you Powers⁺ you·shunned·us
and you·do·not·go Powers⁺ in·our·hosts⁺ :
ꜝgrant! to·us help from·rocker
and·vanity salvation·of adam :
in·Powers⁺ we·do⁺ strength
and·he he·treads·down our·rockers⁺ :
Psalm 61
to·the·forever upon the·harp to·Intimate :
ꜝhear! Powers⁺ my·shouting
ꜝlisten! my·mediation :
from·the·end·of the·land to·you I·call when·collapsing my·heart
in·rock he·is·high from·me you·guide·me :
as you·were refugee to·me
great·tower·of might from·face⁺·of enemy :
ꜝlet·me·lodge in·your·tent eternities⁺
I·refuge in·the·hiddenness·of your·wings² ‹compare› :
as you Powers⁺ you·heard to·my·vows⁺
you·gave the·inheritance·of the·fearful⁺·of your·name :
days⁺ upon days⁺·of king you·add
his·years⁺ as saeculum and·saeculum :
he·settles eternity to·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺
mercy and·truth ꜝallot they·protect⁺·him :
surely ꜝlet·me·make·music your·name to·onward
to·shalom·me my·vows⁺ day day :
Psalm 62
to·the·forever upon Gloryhandish musically to·Intimate :
surely to Powers⁺ silence my·soul
from·him my·salvation :
surely he my·rock and·my·salvation
my·tower I·am·not·shaken much :
unto ¿where you·hoot⁺ upon man you·murder⁺ all·of·you⁺
as·wall branched·out
fence that·is·overthrown :
surely from·his·elevation they·counselled⁺ to·banish they·favor⁺ a·lie
in·his·mouth they·kneel⁺
and·in·their·impresence they·slight⁺ ‹compare› :
surely to·Powers⁺ ꜝbe·silent my·soul
as from·him my·hope :
surely he my·rock and·my·salvation
my·tower I·am·not·shaken :
upon Powers⁺ my·safety and·my·weight
the·rock·of my·might my·refugee in·Powers⁺ :
ꜝtrust⁺ in·him in·all·of season people ꜝspill·out⁺ to·his·face⁺ your⁺·heart
Powers⁺ refugee to·us ‹compare› :
surely vapor sons⁺·of adam a·lie sons⁺·of man
in·earscales² to·go·up
they⁺ from·vapor united :
ꜝdo·not·trust⁺ in·intimidation and·in·robbery ꜝdo·not·evaporate⁺
strength as he·produces
ꜝdo·not·put⁺ heart :
one he·spoke Powers⁺ two² this I·heard
as might to·Powers⁺ :
and·to·you My·Lord mercy
as you you·shalom to·man as·his·deed :
Psalm 63
musically to·Intimate
when·he·is in·the·outspeak·of Gloryhand :
Powers⁺ my·powr you I·seek·morning·for·you
she·thirsted to·you my·soul he·fainted to·you my·flesh
in·land·of desert and·tired no waters⁺ :
surely in·the·sanctuary I·visioned·you
to·see your·might and·your·weight :
as good your·mercy from·life⁺ my·lips² they·acclaim⁺·you :
surely I·kneel·you in·my·life⁺
in·your·name I·bear·up my·spoons² :
as fat and·bounty she·is·satisfied my·soul
and·lips²·of shouting⁺ he·praises my·mouth :
if I·remembered·you upon my·cot⁺
in·watches⁺ I·echo in·you :
as you·were help to·me
and·in·the·shadow·of your·wings² I·shout :
she·was·joined my·soul after⁺·you
in·me she·grasped your·right :
and·they⁺ to·vanity they·seek⁺ my·soul
they·enter⁺ in·the·undermost⁺·of the·land :
they·drain⁺·him upon hands²·of sword
allotment·of foxes⁺ they·are⁺ :
and·the·king he·is·glad in·Powers⁺
he·praises·himself all·of that·vows·seven in·him
as he·is·plugged mouth·of speakers⁺·of falsehood :
Psalm 64
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
ꜝhear Powers⁺ my·voice in·my·meditation
from·trembling·of enemy you·protect my·life⁺ :
you·hide·me from·confidences·of bad-doers⁺
from·crowd·of workers⁺·of iniquity :
that they·made·toothed⁺ as·the·sword their·tongue
they·stepped·forward⁺ their·arrow speech bitter :
to·torah in·the·hiding·places⁺ complete
suddenly they·torah⁺·him and they·do·not·fear⁺ :
they·make·firm⁺ to·them speech bad they·recount⁺ to·bury snares⁺
they·said⁺ ¿who he·sees to·them :
they·search⁺ evils⁺ we·were·completed⁺ searching·out becoming·unsearchable
and·impresence·of man and·heart deep :
and·he·torahs·them Powers⁺
arrow suddenly
they·were⁺ their·strokes⁺ :
and·they·cause·him·to·stumble⁺ upon·them their·tongue
they·retreat·themselves⁺ all·of the·seeing in·them :
and·they·fear⁺ all·of adam
and·they·tell·forth⁺ the·work·of Powers⁺ and·his·doing they·made·prudent⁺ :
he·is·glad just in·Yʜᴡʜ and·he·refuged in·him
and·they·praise·themselves⁺ all·of straight⁺·of heart :
Psalm 65
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate song :
to·you silence praise Powers⁺ in·Tzion
and·to·you he·is·shalomed vow :
hearing mediation
unto·you all·of flesh they·enter⁺ :
speeches⁺·of guilts⁺ they·were·heroic⁺ from·me
our·rebellions⁺ you you·atone·them :
blessedness⁺·of you·choose and·you·present he·dwells your·courtyards⁺
ꜝlet·us·be·satisfied⁺ in·the·goodness·of your·house
the·sacred·of your·palace :
fearsome⁺ in·justice you·respond·us Powers⁺·of our·safety
trust·of all·of ends⁺·of land and·sea afar⁺ :
making·sure mounts⁺ in·his·vigor
belted in·heroism :
conciliating roaring·of seas⁺ the·roaring·of their·rolls⁺ and·hum·of nations⁺ :
and·they·fear⁺ settling⁺·of ends⁺ from·your·signs⁺
goings⁺·of dayplow and·evening you·shout·out :
you·reckoned the·land and·you·innundate·her much·of you·enrich·her the·furrow·of Powers⁺ he·filled waters⁺
you·make·sure their·grain as surely you·make·her·sure :
her·terraces⁺ overflowing plunging her·clods⁺
in·many·rains⁺ you·dissipate·her her·growth you·kneel :
you·crowned the·year·of your·goodness
and·your·wagonways⁺ they·sprinkle·down⁺ bounty :
they·sprinkle·down⁺ habitations⁺·of outspeak
and·twirling hills⁺ they·gird⁺ :
they·were·robed·in⁺ goatlands⁺ the·sheep and·deeplands⁺ they·collapse·with⁺ food
they·cheer·for·themselves⁺ ¡yes! they·sing⁺ :
Psalm 66
to·the·forever song musically
ꜝcheer⁺ to·Powers⁺ all·of the·land :
ꜝmake·music⁺ the·weight·of his·name
ꜝplace⁺ weight his·praise :
ꜝsay⁺ to·Powers⁺ ¿what fearsome your·deeds⁺
in·the·multitude·of your·might they·deny⁺ to·you your·enemies⁺ :
all·of the·land they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·you and·they·make·music⁺ to·you
they·make·music⁺ your·name ‹compare› :
ꜝwalk⁺ and·ꜝsee⁺ the·works⁺·of Powers⁺
fearsome·of exploit upon sons⁺·of adam :
he·converted sea to·dryness in·the·stream they·cross·over⁺ in·foot
there ꜝlet·us·be·glad⁺ in·him :
ruler in·his·heroism eternity his·eyes² in·the·clans⁺ they·are·sentry⁺
the·defiant⁺ they·are·not·high⁺ to·them ‹compare› :
ꜝkneel⁺ people⁺ our·Powers⁺
and·ꜝlet·hear⁺ the·voice·of his·praise :
that·places our·soul in·the·life⁺
and he·did·not·give to·the·shaking our·foot :
as you·tested·us Powers⁺
you·smelted·us as·smelting silver :
you·brought·us·in in·the·huntnet
you·placed strap in·our·thighs² :
you·carried mortal to·our·head
we·entered⁺ in·the·fire and·in·the·waters⁺
and·you·let·us·go to·the·overflowing :
I·enter your·house in·upward·offerings⁺
I·shalom to·you my·vows⁺ :
that they·widened⁺ my·lips²
and·he·spoke my·mouth in·the·rockiness to·me :
upward·offerings⁺·of wipesters⁺ I·offer·up to·you near incense·of powrrams⁺
I·do plowcattle near rams⁺ ‹compare› :
ꜝwalk⁺ ꜝhear⁺ and·ꜝlet·me·recount all·of the·fearful⁺·of Powers⁺
that he·did to·my·soul :
to·him my·mouth I·called
and·highness under my·tongue :
iniquity if I·saw in·my·heart
he·does·not·hear My·Lord :
surely he·heard Powers⁺
he·listened in·the·voice·of my·mediation :
knelt·to Powers⁺
that he·did·not·remove my·mediation and·his·mercy from·with·me :
Psalm 67
to·the·forever in·harps⁺ musically song :
Powers⁺ he·graces·us and·he·kneels·us
ꜝlet·him·light·up his·face⁺ with·us ‹compare› :
to·know in·the·land your·step
in·all·of clans⁺ your·salvation :
they·gloryhand⁺·you people⁺ Powers⁺
they·gloryhand⁺·you people⁺ all·of·them :
they·are·glad⁺ and·they·shout⁺ nations⁺
as you·judge people⁺ straight·place
and·nations⁺ in·the·land you·guide·them ‹compare› :
they·gloryhand⁺·you people⁺ Powers⁺
they·gloryhand⁺·you people⁺ all·of·them :
land she·gave her·fruitcourse
he·kneels·us Powers⁺ our·Powers⁺ :
he·kneels·us Powers⁺
and·they·fear⁺ °him all·of limits⁺·of land :
Psalm 68
to·the·forever to·Intimate musically song :
he·arises Powers⁺ they·are·scattered⁺ his·enemies⁺
and·they·flee⁺ that·hate⁺·him from·his·face⁺ :
as·being·wafted·away smoke you·waft·away
as·being·dampened wax from·face⁺·of fire
they·are·lost⁺ wicked⁺ from·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺ :
and·just⁺ they·are·glad⁺ they·exult⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺ and·they·rejoice⁺ in·gladness :
ꜝsing⁺ to·Powers⁺ ꜝmake·music⁺ his·name
ꜝadvance⁺ to·that·chariots in·the·arabahs⁺ in·Yʜ his·name and·ꜝexult⁺ to·his·face⁺ :
father·of orphans⁺ and·vindicator·of widows⁺
Powers⁺ in·the·home·of his·sanctuary :
Powers⁺ settling unique⁺ ➝house letting·go chainedmen⁺ in·the·worthiness⁺
surely defiant⁺ they·dwelled⁺ plain :
Powers⁺ when·you·go to·the·face⁺·of your·people
when·you·pace in·desolation ‹compare› :
land she·quaked ¡yes! skies⁺ they·distilled⁺ from·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺
this Syny
from·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
shower·of noble·offerings⁺ you·exalt Powers⁺
your·derivation and·wearied you you·made·her·sure :
your·lifegroup they·settled⁺ in·her
you·make·sure in·your·goodness to·the·humiliated Powers⁺ :
My·Lord he·gives saying
that·flesh·out⁺ host much :
kings⁺·of hosts⁺ they·retreat⁺ they·retreat⁺
and·inhabitant·of house she·divides plunder :
if you·bed⁺ between dumps²
wings²·of dove shrouded in·the·silver
and·her·pinions⁺ in·greenish·of precision-gold :
when·stretching Breasted kings⁺ in·her ꜝlet·her·snow in·Shady :
the·mount·of Powers⁺ the·mount·of Bashan
mount·of humps⁺ the·mount·of Bashan :
to·¿what you·surge⁺ mounts⁺ humps⁺
the·mount he·desired Powers⁺ to·settle·him
¡yes! Yʜᴡʜ he·dwells to·forever :
the·chariot·of Powers⁺ multitudes² thousands⁺·of double
My·Lord in·them Syny in·the·sanctuary :
you·went·up to·the·heights you·captured captivity you·took gifts⁺ in·the·adam
and·¡yes! defiant⁺ to·dwell Yʜ Powers⁺ :
knelt·to My·Lord day day he·loads to·us the·powr our·salvation ‹compare› :
the·powr to·us powr to·salvations⁺
and·to·Yʜᴡʜ My·Lord
to·the·death outgoings⁺ :
surely Powers⁺ he·impales the·head·of his·enemies⁺
scalp·of hair
walking·oneself in·his·transgressions⁺ :
he·said My·Lord from·Bashan I·return
I·return from·oceans⁺·of sea :
because·of ꜝimpale your·foot in·blood
the·tongue·of your·dogs⁺
from·enemies⁺ his·allotment :
they·saw⁺ your·walkways⁺ Powers⁺
the·walkways⁺·of my·powr my·king in·the·sanctuary :
they·were·in·front·of⁺ singers⁺ after harpists⁺
in·midst·of girls⁺ timbrelling⁺ :
in·congregations⁺ ꜝkneel⁺ Powers⁺
Yʜᴡʜ from·the·fountain·of Princepowr :
there Son-of-Right least that·governs·them the·princes⁺·of Gloryhand their·executive
the·princes⁺·of Residence the·princes⁺·of Knot :
he·commanded your·Powers⁺ your·might
ꜝbe·mighty! Powers⁺
this you·worked to·us :
from·your·palace upon Torahshalom
to·you they·make·course⁺ kings⁺ homage :
ꜝrebuke life·of stalk assembly·of pinioned·ones⁺ in·oxen⁺·of people⁺ stomped·down in·smashlings⁺·of silver
he·sowed·about people⁺ battle·presentations⁺ they·are·pleased⁺ :
they·come⁺ opulents⁺ from Egypts²
Kush she·causes·to·run his·hands² to·Powers⁺ :
the·kingdoms⁺·of the·land ꜝsing⁺ to·Powers⁺
ꜝmake·music⁺ My·Lord ‹compare› :
to·that·chariots in·skies⁺·of skies⁺·of frontmost
¡lo! he·gives in·his·voice voice·of might :
ꜝgive⁺ might to·Powers⁺
upon Princepowr his·majesty
and·his·might in·the·wisps⁺ :
fearsome Powers⁺ from·your·sanctuaries⁺
the·powr·of Princepowr he giving might and·strong·bones⁺ to·the·people knelt·to Powers⁺ :
Psalm 69
to·the·forever upon lilies⁺ to·Intimate :
ꜝsave·me Powers⁺
as they·entered⁺ waters⁺ unto soul :
I·sank in·mire·of ocean and·there·is·ńot standing
I·entered in·depths⁺·of waters⁺ and·offshoot she·flooded·me :
I·labored when·I·call he·was·scorched my·jaw
they·were·all·through⁺ my·eyes²
awaiting to·my·Powers⁺ :
they·were·multiplied⁺ from·the·hairs⁺·of my·head that·hate⁺·me gratuitously
they·were·strongboned⁺ that·annihilate⁺·me my·enemies⁺ falsehood
that I·did·not·rob then I·return :
Powers⁺ you you·knew to·my·wrongdoing
and·my·transgressions⁺ from·you they·were·not·stifled⁺ :
ꜝlet·them·not·be·ashamed⁺ in·me your·hopers⁺ My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺
ꜝlet·them·not·be·embarrassed⁺ in·me your·seekers⁺
Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
as upon·you I·bore detraction
she·covered embarrassment my·face⁺ :
made·a·stranger I·was to·my·brothers⁺
and·unrecognized to·the·sons⁺·of my·mama :
as the·jealousy·of your·house she·ate·me
and·the·detractions⁺·of your·detractors⁺ they·fell⁺ upon·me :
and·I·weep in·the·fasting my·soul
and·she·is to·detractions⁺ to·me :
and·I·give! my·robe burlap
and·I·am to·them to·simile :
they·meditate⁺ in·me settling⁺·of gate
and·harps⁺·of drinkers⁺·of strong·drink :
and·I my·mediation to·you Yʜᴡʜ season·of favor Powers⁺ in·the·multitude·of your·mercy
ꜝrespond·me in·the·truth·of your·safety :
ꜝsnatch·me·away from·mud and ꜝlet·me·not·sink
ꜝlet·me·be·snatched·away from·that·hate⁺·me and·from·depths⁺·of waters⁺ :
ꜝlet·her·not·flood·me offshoot·of waters⁺ and ꜝlet·her·not·devour·me ocean
and ꜝlet·her·not·clench upon·me well her·mouth :
ꜝrespond·me Yʜᴡʜ as good your·mercy
as·the·multitude·of your·wombliness⁺ ꜝface to·me :
and ꜝdo·not·hide your·face⁺ from·your·servant
as he·was·rocked·in to·me ꜝspeed ꜝrespond·me :
ꜝbe·present! to my·soul ꜝgoel·her
because·of my·enemies⁺ ꜝransom·me :
you you·knew my·detraction and·my·shame and·my·embarrassment
before·you all·of my·rockers⁺ :
detraction she·broke my·heart and·I·am·ill!
and·I·hope to·sway and·there·is·ńot
and·to·the·fellowsighers⁺ and I·did·not·find :
and·they·give⁺ in·my·food headweed
and·to·my·thirst they·give·me·to·drink⁺ sours :
ꜝlet·him·be their·table to·their·face⁺ to·trap
and·to·shaloms⁺ to·snare :
they·are·dark⁺ their·eyes² from·seeing
and·their·thighs² always ꜝcause·to·slip :
ꜝspill·out upon·them your·damnation
and·the·scorching·of your·nostrils he·catches·them :
ꜝlet·her·be their·colonnade desolated
in·their·tents⁺ ꜝlet·him·not·be settling :
as you that you·struck they·pursued⁺
and·to the·hurt·of your·pierced⁺ they·recount⁺ :
ꜝgive! guilt upon their·guilt
and ꜝlet·them·not·enter⁺ in·your·justice :
they·are·wiped·away⁺ from·account·of living⁺
and·near just⁺ ꜝlet·them·not·be·written⁺ :
and·I humiliated and·hurting
your·salvation Powers⁺ she·entowers·me
ꜝlet·me·praise the·name·of Powers⁺ in·song
and·I·make·him·great in·gloryhand :
and·you·are·good to·Yʜᴡʜ from·bull cow horned clawed :
they·saw⁺ humiliated⁺ they·are·glad⁺
the·investigating⁺·of Powers⁺ and·ꜝlet·him·live your⁺·heart :
as hearing to wanting⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·°his·chainedmen⁺ he·did·not·despise :
they·praise⁺·him skies⁺ and·land
seas⁺ and·all·of creeping in·them :
as Powers⁺ he·saves Tzion and·he·builds the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
and·they·settled⁺ there and·they·inherited⁺·her :
and·the·seed·of his·servants⁺ they·derive⁺·her
and·the·loving⁺·of his·name they·dwell⁺ in·her :
Psalm 70
to·the·forever to·Intimate to·commemorate :
Powers⁺ to·snatch·me·away
Yʜᴡʜ to·my·help ꜝhurry! :
they·are·ashamed⁺ and·they·are·dug·under⁺ the·seekers⁺·of my·soul
they·are·skimmed·away⁺ aft and·they·are·embarrassed⁺
the·pleased⁺·of my·badness :
they·return⁺ upon the·on·the·heels·of their·shame
that·say⁺ ¡heyah! ¡heyah! :
they·rejoice⁺ and·they·are·glad⁺ in·you all·of your·seekers⁺
and·they·say⁺ always he·becomes·great Powers⁺
the·loving⁺·of your·salvation :
and·I humiliated and·the·wanting·of Powers⁺ ꜝhurry! to·me
my·help and·that·rescues·me you
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝdo·not·keep·aft :
Psalm 71
in·you Yʜᴡʜ I·refuged
ꜝlet·me·not·be·ashamed to·eternity :
in·your·justice you·snatch·me·away and·you·rescue·me
ꜝbranch·out to·me your·ear and·ꜝsave·me :
ꜝbe to·me to·rock home to·enter always you·commanded to·save·me
as my·clifftop and·my·huntinglodge you :
my·Powers⁺ ꜝrescue·me from·hand·of wicked
from·spoon·of evil and·sour :
as you my·hope
My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ my·trust from·my·youth⁺ :
upon·you I·was·propped from·belly from·the·bowels⁺·of my·mama you that·masons·me
in·you my·praise always :
as·omen I·was to·many⁺
and·you my·refugee might :
he·is·filled my·mouth your·praise
all·of the·day your·sprigging :
you·do·not·drop·me to·season·of old·age
as·all·through my·vigor ꜝdo·not·abandon·me :
as they·said⁺ my·enemies⁺ to·me
and·the·watching⁺·of my·soul they·consulted⁺ united :
saying Powers⁺ he·abandoned·him
ꜝpursue⁺ and·ꜝclench⁺·him as there·is·ńot snatching·away :
Powers⁺ ꜝdo·not·be·far from·me
my·Powers⁺ to·my·help ꜝhurry! :
they·are·ashamed⁺ they·are·all·through⁺ the·accusers⁺·of my·soul
they·are·clothed⁺ detraction and·embarrassment
the·seekers⁺·of my·badness :
and·I always I·await
and·I·added upon all·of your·praise :
my·mouth he·recounts your·justice all·of the·day your·salvation
as I·did·not·know counts⁺ :
I·enter in·the·heroisms⁺·of My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ
I·commemorate your·justice alone·you :
Powers⁺ you·discipled·me from·my·youth⁺
and·unto here I·tell·forth your·wonders⁺ :
and·also unto old·age and·gray·head Powers⁺ ꜝdo·not·abandon·me
unto I·tell·forth your·arm to·saeculum
to·all he·enters your·heroism :
and·your·justice Powers⁺ unto heights
that you·did great⁺
Powers⁺ ¿who as·you :
that you·showed·me rockinesses⁺ many⁺ and·bad⁺
you·return you·keep·me·alive
and·from·the·rumblewaves⁺·of the·land you·return you·offer·me·up :
ꜝmultiply my·greatness and·you·return you·sigh·with·me :
also I I·gloryhand·you in·thing·of wiltharp your·truth my·Powers⁺
ꜝlet·me·make·music to·you in·lyre
the·sacred·of Princepowr :
they·shout⁺ my·lips² as ꜝlet·me·make·music to·you
and·my·soul that you·ransomed :
also my·tongue all·of the·day she·echoes your·justice
as they·were·ashamed⁺ as they·were·dug·under⁺ the·seekers⁺·of my·badness :
Psalm 72
Powers⁺ your·judgments⁺ to·king ꜝgive
and·your·justice to·son·of king :
he·vindicates your·people in·justice
and·your·humiliated⁺ in·judgment :
they·bear⁺ mounts⁺ shalom to·the·people
and·hills⁺ in·justice :
he·judges humiliated⁺·of people he·saves to·sons⁺·of wanting
and·he·crushes intimidator :
they·fear⁺·you near sun
and·to·face⁺·of moon saeculum·of saecula⁺ :
he·descends as·rain upon shearing
as·many·rains⁺ sprinkle-tinkling·of land :
he·buds in·his·days⁺ just
and·multitude·of shalom unto no moon :
and·ꜝlet·him·govern from·sea unto sea
and·from·stream unto limits⁺·of land :
to·his·face⁺ they·stoop⁺ desert·animals⁺
and·his·enemies⁺ dust they·lick·up⁺ :
the·kings⁺·of Tarshysh and·islands⁺ tribute they·return⁺
the·kings⁺·of Sheba and·Seba dues they·present⁺ :
and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·him all·of kings⁺
all·of clans⁺ they·serve⁺·him :
as he·snatches·away wanting crying·for·safety
and·humiliated and·there·is·ńot helper to·him :
he·spares upon pulled·down and·wanting
and·souls⁺·of wanting⁺ he·saves :
from·pretence and·from·violence he·goels their·soul
and·he·is·precious their·blood in·his·eyes² :
and·ꜝlet·him·live and·he·gives to·him from·the·gold·of Sheba
and·he·mediates about·him always
all·of the·day he·kneels·him :
ꜝlet·him·be ampleness·of food in·the·land in·head·of mounts⁺
he·quakes as·the·Whitemost his·fruit
and·they·flower⁺ from·city as·the·herb·of the·land :
ꜝlet·him·be his·name to·eternity to·face⁺·of sun he·is·issued his·name
and·they·kneel·themselves⁺ in·him
all·of clans⁺ they·bless⁺·him :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
doing·of wonders⁺ alone·him :
and·knelt·to the·name·of his·weight to·eternity
and·he·is·filled his·weight °all·of the·land truly and·truly :
they·were·all·through⁺ the·mediations⁺·of
Intimate the·son·of He-Is :
Psalm 73
musically to·Gatherer
surely good to·Princepowr Powers⁺ to·clean⁺·of heart :
and·I as·little they·branched·out⁺ my·feet²
as·there·is·ńot they·were·spilled·out⁺ my·blessed·steps⁺ :
as I·was·jealous in·the·self-praising⁺
shalom·of wicked⁺ I·see :
as there·is·ńot pangs⁺ to·their·death and·shapely their·powrful·one :
in·toil·of mortal they·are·ńot⁺
and·near adam they·are·not·touched⁺ :
to·surely she·was·a·pendant·them majesty
he·collapses·with put-on·of violence to·them :
he·went from·fat their·eyes²
they·crossed·over⁺ imageries⁺·of heart :
they·revile⁺ and·they·speak⁺ in·bad intimidation
from·heights they·speak⁺ :
they·roved⁺ in·the·skies⁺ their·mouth
and·their·tongue she·walks in·the·land :
to·surely he·returns his·people here
and·waters⁺·of full they·are·wrung·out⁺ to·them :
and·they·said⁺ ¿ħow he·knew powr
and·there·is knowledge in·uppermost :
¡lo! these wicked⁺
and·relaxed⁺·of eternity they·enlarged⁺ strength :
surely emptiness I·perfected my·heart
and·I·bathe in·innocence my·spoons² :
and·I·am touched all·of the·day
and·my·reproof to·the·dayplows⁺ :
if I·said ꜝlet·me·recount as
¡lo! the·saeculum·of your·sons⁺ I·acted·covertly :
and·I·consider! to·know this
toil he in·my·eyes² :
unto I·enter to sanctuaries⁺·of powr
ꜝlet·me·discern to·their·afterward :
surely in·division⁺ you·put to·them
you·let·them·fall to·frauds⁺ :
¿ħow they·were⁺ to·desolation as·wink
they·blasted⁺ they·were·completed⁺ from agitation⁺ :
as·dream from·awaking
My·Lord when·rousing their·shadow you·despise :
as he·sours·himself my·heart
and·my·allkidneys⁺ I·sink·my·teeth·into·myself :
and·I consumerish and I·do·not·know
beasts⁺ I·was near·you :
and·I always near·you
you·held in·the·hand·of my·right :
in·your·counsel you·guide·me
and·after weight you·take·me :
¿who to·me in·the·skies⁺
and·near·you I·was·not·pleased in·the·land :
he·was·all·through my·meat and·my·heart
the·rock·of my·heart and·my·dividend Powers⁺ to·eternity :
as ¡lo! your·afar⁺ they·are·lost⁺
you·annihilated all·of fornicator from·you :
and·I the·presence·of Powers⁺ to·me good
I·put in·My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ my·refugee
to·recount all·of your·ministries⁺ :
Psalm 74
Prudently to·Gatherer
to·¿what Powers⁺ you·shunned to·forever
he·smokes your·nostrils in·the·sheep·of your·tending :
ꜝremember your·assembly you·stocked·up frontmost you·goeled the·stem·of your·derivation
the·mount·of Tzion this you·dwelled in·him :
ꜝheighten! your·times⁺ to·frauds⁺·of forever
all he·did·bad enemy in·the·sanctuary :
they·roared⁺ your·rockers⁺ in·the·impresence·of your·assembly
they·placed⁺ their·signs⁺ signs⁺ :
he·is·known as·bringing·in to➝upward
in·tangle·of tree hatchets⁺ :
and·now her·openworks⁺ united
in·stump and·√axes⁺ they·hammer⁺ :
they·sent·out⁺ in·the·fire your·sanctuary
to·the·land they·pierced⁺ the·dwelling·place·of your·name :
they·said⁺ in·their·heart we·exile⁺·them united
they·burned⁺ all·of assemblies⁺·of powr in·the·land :
our·signs⁺ we·did·not·see⁺
there·is·ńot again prophet
and·not with·us knowing unto ¿what :
unto ¿wħen Powers⁺ he·detracts rocker
he·disregards enemy your·name to·forever :
to·¿what you·return your·hand and·your·right
from·the·impresence·of your·bosom ꜝbe·all·done :
and·Powers⁺ my·king from·frontmost
working salvations⁺ in·the·impresence·of the·land :
you you·scuttled in·your·might sea
you·broke heads⁺·of serpentines⁺ upon the·waters⁺ :
you you·smashed the·heads⁺·of Writhingsnake
you·give·him edibles to·people to·desert·animals⁺ :
you you·cleaved eyewell and·river
you you·dried·up streams⁺·of rugged :
to·you day ¡yes! to·you night
you you·made·sure light and·sun :
you you·posted all·of borders⁺·of land
summer and·tractortime you you·formed·them :
ꜝremember this enemy he·detracted Yʜᴡʜ
and·people wilted they·disregarded⁺ your·name :
ꜝdo·not·give to·the·life·of the·soul·of your·pigeon
the·lifegroup·of your·humiliated⁺ ꜝdo·not·forget to·forever :
ꜝlook to·the·covenant
as they·filled⁺ dark·places⁺·of land habitations⁺·of violence :
ꜝlet·him·not·return crushed embarrassed
humiliated and·wanting they·praise⁺ your·name :
ꜝarise! Powers⁺ ꜝargue! your·argument
ꜝremember your·detraction from wilted all·of the·day :
ꜝdo·not·forget the·voice·of your·rockers⁺
roaring·of that·arise⁺·you going·up always :
Psalm 75
to·the·forever ꜝdo·not·ruin
musically to·Gatherer song :
we·gloryhanded⁺ to·you Powers⁺ we·gloryhanded⁺ and·present your·name
they·recounted⁺ your·wonders⁺ :
as I·take assembly·time
I straightness⁺ I·judge :
dissipated⁺ land and·all·of that·settle⁺·her
I I·balanced her·standing·pillars⁺ ‹compare› :
I·said to·the·self-praising⁺ ꜝdo·not·praise·yourselves⁺
and·to·the·wicked⁺ you·do·not·heighten⁺ horn :
you·do·not·heighten⁺ to·the·heights your⁺·horn
you·speak⁺ in·neck surpassing·things :
as not from·going and·from·evening·place
and·not from·outspeak·of heightening :
as Powers⁺ judge
this he·makes·low and·this he·heightens :
as cup in·the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ and·wine he·pitched full mingling and·he·drains from·this
surely her·watchlees⁺ they·wring·out⁺ they·drink⁺
all·of wicked⁺·of land :
and·I I·tell·forth to·eternity
ꜝlet·me·make·music to·Powers⁺·of Heeler :
and·all·of horns²·of wicked⁺ I·hack·down
they·are·heightened⁺ horns⁺·of just :
Psalm 76
to·the·forever in·harps⁺
musically to·Gatherer song :
known in·Gloryhand Powers⁺
in·Princepowr great his·name :
and·he·is in·Shalom his·knit·shelter
and·his·home in·Tzion :
➝there he·broke sparks⁺·of bow
guard and·sword and·battle ‹compare› :
lit·up you regal from·mountains⁺·of prey :
they·were·plundered⁺ pinioned·ones⁺·of heart they·snoozed⁺ their·sleep
and they·did·not·find⁺ all·of mortals⁺·of strength their·hands² :
from·your·rebuke Powers⁺·of Heeler
slumbering and·chariot and·horse :
you fearsome you and·¿who he·stands to·your·face⁺ from·then·on your·nostrils :
from·skies⁺ you·let·hear vindication
land she·feared and·she·was·quiet :
when·arising to·the·judgment Powers⁺
to·save all·of humiliated⁺·of land ‹compare› :
as heat·of adam she·gloryhands·you
survivor·of heats⁺ you·gird :
ꜝvow⁺ and·ꜝshalom⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
all·of turninground⁺·him
they·make·course⁺ homage to·the·fear :
he·fortifies breath·of foremosts⁺
fearsome to·kings⁺·of land :
Psalm 77
to·the·forever upon Gloryhandish to·Gatherer musically :
my·voice to Powers⁺ and·ꜝlet·me·cry
my·voice to Powers⁺ and·he·gave·ear to·me :
in·the·day·of my·rockiness My·Lord I·investigated
my·hand night she·was·drained and she·is·not·numb
she·refused sighing my·soul :
ꜝlet·me·remember Powers⁺ and·I·hum
ꜝlet·me·meditate and·she·collapses my·breath ‹compare› :
you·held the·watchings⁺·of my·eyes²
I·was·mistimed and I·do·not·speak :
I·considered days⁺ from·frontmost
years⁺·of eternities⁺ :
ꜝlet·me·remember my·harp in·the·night
near my·heart ꜝlet·me·meditate
and·he·searches my·breath :
¿to·eternities⁺ he·shuns My·Lord
and he·does·not·add to·favor again :
¿he·was·limited to·forever his·mercy
he·concluded saying to·saeculum and·saeculum :
¿he·forgot showing·grace powr
if he·stopped·up in·nostrils his·wombliness⁺ ‹compare› :
and·I·say my·piercing she
years⁺·of right·of uppermost :
I·remember the·exploits⁺·of Yʜ
as ꜝlet·me·remember from·frontmost your·wonder :
and·I·echoed in·all·of your·work
and·in·your·exploits⁺ ꜝlet·me·meditate :
Powers⁺ in·the·sanctuary your·step
¿who powr great as·Powers⁺ :
you the·powr doing·of wonder
you·let·know in·the·people⁺ your·might :
you·goeled in·arm your·people
the·sons⁺·of Heeler and·He-Adds ‹compare› :
they·saw⁺·you waters⁺ Powers⁺ they·saw⁺·you waters⁺ they·whirl·in·labor⁺
¡yes! they·are·stirred·up⁺ rumblewaves⁺ :
they·deluged⁺ waters⁺ fogs⁺ voice they·gave⁺ wisps⁺
¡yes! your·arrows⁺ they·walk·themselves⁺ :
the·voice·of your·thunder in·the·rollerwheel they·lit·up⁺ flashes⁺ world
she·was·stirred·up and·she·quakes the·land :
in·the·sea your·step and·your·straightshot in·waters⁺ many⁺
and·your·heels⁺ they·were·not·known⁺ :
you·guided as·the·sheep your·people
in·the·hand·of Moseh and·Aharon :
Psalm 78
Prudently to·Gatherer
ꜝgive·ear! my·people my·torah
ꜝbranch·out⁺ your⁺·ear to·the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth :
ꜝlet·me·open in·simile my·mouth
ꜝlet·me·spring riddles⁺ from frontmost :
that we·heard⁺ and·we·know⁺·them
and·our·fathers⁺ they·recounted⁺ to·us :
we·do·not·stifle⁺ from·their·sons⁺ to·saeculum afterward recounting⁺ the·praises⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·his·might and·his·wonders⁺ that he·did :
and·he·raises witness in·Heeler and·torah he·placed in·Princepowr
that he·commanded °our·fathers⁺
to·let·them·know to·their·sons⁺ :
because·of ꜝlet·them·know⁺ saeculum afterward sons⁺ they·are·enchilded⁺
they·arise⁺ and·they·recount⁺ to·their·sons⁺ :
and·they·place⁺ in·Powers⁺ their·folly
and they·do·not·forget⁺ exploits⁺·of powr
and·his·commandments⁺ they·protect⁺ :
and they·are·not⁺ as·their·fathers⁺ saeculum defiant and·bitter
saeculum he·did·not·make·sure his·heart
and she·was·not·true with powr his·breath :
the·sons⁺·of Fruits² armed⁺·of tricked·out⁺·of bow
they·converted⁺ in·day·of battle·presentation :
they·did·not·watch⁺ the·covenant·of Powers⁺
and·in·his·torah they·refused⁺ to·walk :
and·they·forget⁺ his·exploits⁺
and·his·wonders⁺ that he·showed·them :
before their·fathers⁺ he·did wonder
in·the·land·of Egypts² the·field·of Zoan :
he·cleaved sea and·he·makes·them·cross·by
and·he·posts waters⁺ as heap :
and·he·guides·them in·the·cloud daytime
and·all·of the·night in·light·of fire :
he·cleaves rocks⁺ in·the·outspeak
and·he·gives·to·drink as·rumblewaves⁺ much :
and·he·lets·go cascades⁺ from·clifftop
and·he·makes·descend as·the·streams⁺ waters⁺ :
and·they·add⁺ again to·sin to·him
to·embitter uppermost in·the·desert :
and·they·try·out⁺ powr in·their·heart
to·request edibles to·their·soul :
and·they·speak⁺ in·Powers⁺
they·said⁺ ¿he·is·able powr
to·line·up table in·the·outspeak :
¡lo! he·struck rock and·they·emit⁺ waters⁺ and·rivers⁺ they·flood⁺
¿also bread he·is·able giving
if he·makes·sure meat to·his·people :
to·surely he·heard Yʜᴡʜ and·he·is·cross and·fire she·was·ignited in·Heeler
and·also nostrils he·went·up in·Princepowr :
as they·were·not·true⁺ in·Powers⁺
and they·did·not·trust⁺ in·his·salvation :
and·he·commands wisps⁺ from·upward
and·pulldoors²·of skies⁺ he·opened :
and·he·rains upon·them whatness to·eat
and·grain·of skies⁺ he·gave to·them :
bread·of pinioned·ones⁺ he·ate man
huntfood he·sent to·them to·satisfaction :
ꜝlet·him·cause·to·journey frontwind in·the·skies⁺
and·he·leads in·his·might right :
and·he·rains upon·them as·the·dust meat
and·as·sand·of seas⁺ flyer·of wing :
and·he·lets·fall in·the·impresence·of his·camp
turninground to·his·dwelling·places⁺ :
and·they·eat⁺ and·they·are·satisfied⁺ very
and·their·yearning he·brings·in to·them :
they·were·not·strangers⁺ from·their·yearning
again their·edibles in·their·mouth :
and·the·nostrils·of Powers⁺ he·went·up in·them and·he·kills in·their·best-oiled⁺
and·the·choice·youths⁺·of Princepowr he·caused·to·stoop :
in·all this they·sinned⁺ again
and they·were·not·true⁺ in·his·wonders⁺ :
and·he·is·all·done in·the·vapor their·days⁺
and·their·years⁺ in·the·agitation :
if he·killed·them and·they·investigated⁺·him
and·they·returned⁺ and·they·sought·morning·for⁺ powr :
and·they·remember⁺ as Powers⁺ their·rock
and·powr uppermost their·goel :
and·they·beguile⁺·him in·their·mouth
and·in·their·tongue they·lìe⁺ to·him :
and·their·heart he·was·not·assured near·him
and they·were·not·true⁺ in·his·covenant :
and·he wombly he·atones guilt and he·does·not·ruin
and·he·multiplied to·return his·nostrils
and he·does·not·rouse all·of his·heat :
and·he·remembers as flesh they⁺
breath walking and he·does·not·return :
as·¿what they·embitter⁺·him in·the·outspeak
they·cause·him·pain⁺ in·desolation :
and·they·return⁺ and·they·try·out⁺ powr
and·the·sacred·of Princepowr they·taued⁺ :
they·did·not·remember⁺ °his·hand
day that he·ransomed·them from rocker :
that he·placed in·Egypts² his·signs⁺
and·his·omens⁺ in·the·field·of Zoan :
and·he·converts to·blood their·niles⁺
and·their·cascades⁺ they·do·not·drink⁺ :
he·sends·out in·them eveningbug and·he·eats·them
and·skipping-frog and·she·ruins·them :
and·he·gives to·the·chomper their·fruitcourse
and·their·labor to·the·multibug :
he·kills in·the·hail their·vine
and·their·sycamores⁺ in·the·chanamelbug :
and·he·locks·up to·the·hail their·consuming·animals
and·their·stock to·the·sparks⁺ :
he·sends·out in·them the·scorching·of his·nostrils crossness and·damnation and·rockiness
sending·forth·of ministers⁺·of bad⁺ :
he·scales path to·his·nostrils
he·did·not·keep from·death their·soul
and·their·life to·the·unspeakable he·locked·up :
and·he·strikes all·of firstborn in·Egypts²
headmost·of vitality⁺ in·the·tents⁺·of Hot :
and·he·causes·to·journey as·the·sheep his·people
and·he·leads·them as·the·flock in·the·outspeak :
and·he·guides·them to·trust and they·did·not·tremble⁺
and·°their·enemies⁺ he·covered the·sea :
and·he·brings·them·in to the·border·of his·sanctuary
mount this she·stocked·up his·right :
and·he·drives·off from·their·face⁺ clans⁺ and·he·lets·them·fall in·rope·of derivation
and·he·dwells in·their·tents⁺ the·stems⁺·of Princepowr :
and·they·try·out⁺ and·they·embitter⁺ °Powers⁺ uppermost
and·his·witnesses⁺ they·did·not·watch⁺ :
and·they·are·skimmed·away⁺ and·they·act·covertly⁺ as·their·fathers⁺
they·were·converted⁺ as·bow·of trickery :
and·they·trouble⁺·him in·their·daises⁺
and·in·their·sculptures⁺ they·make·him·jealous⁺ :
he·heard Powers⁺ and·he·is·cross
and·he·rejects very in·Princepowr :
and·he·leaves the·dwelling·place·of Relaxation
tent he·made·to·dwell in·the·adam :
and·he·gives to·the·captivity his·might
and·his·sprigging in·hand·of rocker :
and·he·locks·up to·the·sword his·people
and·in·his·derivation he·was·cross :
his·choice·youths⁺ she·ate fire
and·his·virgins⁺ they·were·not·praised⁺ :
his·priests⁺ in·the·sword they·fell⁺
and·his·widows⁺ they·do·not·weep⁺ :
and·he·wakes as·asleep My·Lord
as·hero shouting·himself from·wine :
and·he·strikes his·rockers⁺ aft
detraction·of eternity he·gave to·them :
and·he·rejects in·the·tent·of He-Adds
and·in·the·stem·of Fruits² he·did·not·choose :
and·he·chooses °the·stem·of Gloryhand
°the·mount·of Tzion that he·loved :
and·he·builds as high⁺ his·sanctuary
as·land he·founded·her to·eternity :
and·he·chooses in·Intimate his·servant
and·he·takes·him from·detention·places⁺·of sheep :
from·after nursing⁺ he·brought·him·in
to·tend in·Heeler his·people
and·in·Princepowr his·derivation :
and·he·tends·them as·the·completeness·of his·heart
and·in·the·discernments⁺·of his·spoons² he·guides·them :
Psalm 79
musically to·Gatherer
Powers⁺ they·entered⁺ clans⁺ in·your·derivation they·defiled⁺ °the·palace·of your·sanctuary
they·placed⁺ °Torahshalom to·guilts⁺ :
they·gave⁺ °the·wilted·body·of your·servants⁺ edibles to·the·flyer·of the·skies⁺
the·flesh·of your·merciful⁺ to·life·of land :
they·spilled·out⁺ their·blood as·the·waters⁺ turninground⁺ Torahshalom and·there·is·ńot entombing :
we·were⁺ detraction to·our·fellowdwellers⁺
mockery and·derision to·turninground⁺·us :
unto ¿what Yʜᴡʜ you·flare·your·nostrils to·forever
she·is·consumed as fire your·jealousy :
ꜝspill·out your·heat to the·clans⁺ that they·did·not·know⁺·you
and·upon kingdoms⁺
that in·your·name they·did·not·call⁺ :
as he·ate °Heeler
and·°his·habitation they·desolated⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·remember to·us guilts⁺ headmost⁺
speeding they·are·in·front·of⁺·us your·wombliness⁺
as we·were·pulled·down⁺ very :
ꜝhelp·us Powers⁺·of our·safety upon the·speech·of the·weight·of your·name
and·ꜝsnatch·us·away and·ꜝatone upon our·sins⁺ because·of your·name :
to·¿what they·say⁺ the·clans⁺ ¿where their·Powers⁺
he·is·known in·the·clans⁺ to·our·eyes²
the·vengeance·of the·blood·of your·servants⁺ that·is·spilled·out :
she·enters to·your·face⁺ wailing·of chainedman
as·the·greatness·of your·arm
ꜝlet·remain sons⁺·of death :
and·ꜝreturn to·our·fellowdwellers⁺ seven·times² to their·bosom
their·detraction that they·detracted⁺·you My·Lord :
and·we⁺ your·people and·the·sheep·of your·tending we·gloryhand⁺ to·you to·eternity
to·saeculum and·saeculum
we·recount⁺ your·praise :
Psalm 80
to·the·forever to lilies⁺
witness to·Gatherer musically :
the·tendent·of Princepowr ꜝgive·ear! leading as·the·sheep He-Adds
settling the·cherubs⁺ ꜝshine! :
to·the·face⁺·of Fruits² and·Son-of-Right and·Frustration ꜝarouse! °your·heroism
and·ꜝwalk! to·salvation to·us :
Powers⁺ ꜝreturn·us
and·ꜝlight·up your·face⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·be·saved⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ of·hosts⁺
unto ¿wħen you·smoked in·the·mediation·of your·people :
you·gave·to·them·eat bread·of tears
and·you·give·them·to·drink in·many·tears⁺ third :
you·place·us vindictiveness to·our·fellowdwellers⁺
and·our·enemies⁺ they·mock⁺ to·them :
Powers⁺ of·hosts⁺ ꜝreturn·us
and·ꜝlight·up your·face⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·be·saved⁺ :
vine from·Egypts² you·cause·to·journey
you·drive·off clans⁺ and·you·plant·her :
you·refaced to·her·face⁺
and·she·takes·root her·roots⁺ and·she·fills land :
they·were·covered⁺ mounts⁺ her·shadow
and·her·boughs⁺ cedars⁺·of powr :
she·sends·out her·crops⁺ unto sea
and·to stream her·suckers⁺ :
to·¿what you·erupted her·fences⁺
and·they·lioned⁺·her all·of crossers⁺·of step :
he·bashes·her swine from·forest
and·abundance·of field he·tends·her :
Powers⁺ of·hosts⁺ ꜝreturn ¡please!
ꜝlook from·skies⁺ and·ꜝsee
and·ꜝreckon vine this :
and·grove that she·planted your·right
and·upon son you·emboldened to·you :
burned in·the·fire mulched·up
from·the·rebuke·of your·face⁺ they·are·lost⁺ :
ꜝlet·her·be your·hand upon the·man·of your·right
upon son·of adam you·emboldened to·you :
and we·do·not·skim·away⁺ from·you
you·keep·us·alive and·in·your·name we·call⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ of·hosts⁺ ꜝreturn·us
ꜝlight·up your·face⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·be·saved⁺ :
Psalm 81
to·the·forever upon the·Cellarharp to·Gatherer :
ꜝshout·out⁺ to·Powers⁺ our·might
ꜝcheer⁺ to·Powers⁺·of Heeler :
ꜝbear⁺ music and·ꜝgive⁺ timbrel
lyre·of amiability near wiltharp :
ꜝhit⁺ in·the·new·moon shofair
in·the·covered·moon to·the·day·of our·feast :
as prescription to·Princepowr he
judgment to·Powers⁺·of Heeler :
witness in·Yʜᴡ-Adds he·placed·him when·he·goes upon the·land·of Egypts²
lip·of I·did·not·know I·hear :
I·removed from·heavy·labor his·yoke
his·spoons² from·intimation-boiler they·cross·over⁺ :
in·the·rockiness you·called and·I·redress·you
I·respond·you in·hiddenness·of thunder
I·test·you upon the·waters⁺·of Arguing ‹compare› :
ꜝhear my·people and·ꜝlet·me·witness in·you
Princepowr if you·hear to·me :
he·is·not in·you powr stranger
and you·do·not·prostrate·yourself to·powr·of unrecognizee :
I Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ that·offers·you·up from·the·land·of Egypts²
ꜝbroaden your·mouth and·I·fill·him :
and he·did·not·hear my·people to·my·voice
and·Princepowr he·did·not·want to·me :
and·I·send·him·out in·the·bondage·of their·heart
they·walk⁺ in·their·counsels⁺ :
iᵮ·only my·people hearing to·me
Princepowr in·my·steps⁺ they·walk⁺ :
as·little their·enemies⁺ I·cash·out
and·upon their·rockers⁺ I·return my·hand :
the·hating⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ they·deny⁺ to·him
and·ꜝlet·him·be their·season to·eternity :
and·he·gives·to·him·eat from·fat·of wheat
and·from·rock·of honey I·satisfy·you :
Psalm 82
musically to·Gatherer
Powers⁺ posted in·assembly·of powr
in·the·impresence·of Powers⁺ he·judges :
unto ¿wħen you·judge⁺ evil
and·face⁺·of wicked⁺ you·bear·up⁺ ‹compare› :
ꜝjudge⁺ pulled·down and·orphan
humiliated and·poor ꜝjustify⁺ :
ꜝrescue⁺ pulled·down and·wanting
from·hand·of wicked⁺ ꜝsnatch·away⁺ :
they·did·not·know⁺ and they·do·not·discern⁺ in·darkness they·walk·themselves⁺
they·are·shaken⁺ all·of foundations⁺·of land :
I I·said Powers⁺ you⁺
and·sons⁺·of uppermost all·of·you⁺ :
surely as·adam you·die⁺
and·as·one·of the·princes⁺ you·fall⁺ :
ꜝarise! Powers⁺ ꜝjudge! the·land
as you you·derive in·all·of the·clans⁺ :
Psalm 83
song musically to·Gatherer :
Powers⁺ not silence to·you
ꜝdo·not·craft·silence and ꜝdo·not·be·quiet powr :
as ¡lo! your·enemies⁺ they·hum⁺
and·that·hate⁺·you they·bore·up⁺ head :
upon your·people they·act·smooth⁺ confidences
and·they·take·counsel⁺ upon that·are·secrets⁺·you :
they·said⁺ ꜝwalk⁺ and·we·stifle⁺·them from·clan
and he·is·not·remembered the·name·of Princepowr again :
as they·consulted⁺ heart united
upon·you covenant they·cut·in⁺ :
the·tents⁺·of Blood and·Powrhearsïtes⁺ From-Father and·The-Lodgerïtes⁺ :
Border and·Peopled and·Amalek
Palestine near the·settling⁺·of Rock :
also Blessed he·was·indebted near·them
they·were⁺ arm to·the·sons⁺·of Obscurity ‹compare› :
ꜝdo to·them as·Vindictiveness
as·Sysera as·Discerner in·the·river·of Snary :
they·were·destroyed⁺ in·Eyewell·of Saeculum
they·were⁺ dung to·the·adamah :
ꜝput·them their·nobles⁺ as·Eveningbird and·as·Jackal
and·as·Offering and·as·Shadow-Keeper all·of their·libators⁺ :
that they·said⁺ ꜝlet·us·inherit⁺ to·us
°the·habitations⁺·of Powers⁺ :
my·Powers⁺ ꜝput·them as·the·rollerwheel
as·stubble to·face⁺·of breath :
as·fire she·is·consumed forest
and·as·flame she·enkindles mounts⁺ :
surely you·pursue·them in·your·storm
and·in·your·blast you·agitate·them :
ꜝfill their·face⁺ roasting
and·they·seek⁺ your·name Yʜᴡʜ :
they·are·ashamed⁺ and·they·are·agitated⁺ onwards⁺·of unto and·they·are·dug·under⁺ and·they·are·lost⁺ :
and·they·know⁺ as you your·name Yʜᴡʜ alone·you
uppermost upon all·of the·land :
Psalm 84
to·the·forever upon the·Cellarharp
to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness musically :
¿what intimate⁺ your·dwelling·places⁺ Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺ :
she·went·silver and·also she·was·all·through my·soul to·the·courtyards⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
my·heart and·my·flesh
they·shout⁺ to powr living :
also skippingbird she·found house and·libertybird nest to·her that she·put her·young·buds⁺
with your·offering·places⁺ Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺
my·king and·my·Powers⁺ :
the·blessedness⁺·of the·settling⁺·of your·house
again they·praise⁺·you ‹compare› :
blessedness⁺·of adam might to·him in·you
avenues⁺ in·their·heart :
the·crossers⁺ in·the·deepland·of the·weeping eyewell they·put⁺·him
also kneelings⁺ he·clothes torahingrain :
they·walk⁺ from·strength to strength
he·is·seen to Powers⁺ in·Tzion :
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ of·hosts⁺ ꜝhear! my·mediation
ꜝgive·ear! Powers⁺·of Heeler ‹compare› :
our·guard ꜝsee Powers⁺
and·ꜝlook the·face⁺·of your·anointed :
as good day in·your·courtyards⁺ from·thousand
I·chose being·porter in·the·house·of my·Powers⁺
from·saeculling in·tents⁺·of wickedness :
as sun and·guard Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺
grace and·weight he·gives Yʜᴡʜ
he·does·not·deprive good to·that·walk⁺ in·complete :
Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺
blessedness⁺·of adam trusting in·you :
Psalm 85
to·the·forever to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness musically :
you·favored Yʜᴡʜ your·land
you·returned the·captives⁺·of Heeler :
you·bore the·guilt·of your·people
you·covered all·of their·sin ‹compare› :
you·gathered all·of your·crossness
you·returned from·the·scorching·of your·nostrils :
ꜝreturn·us Powers⁺·of our·safety
and·ꜝscuttle your·trouble near·us :
¿to·eternity you·flare·your·nostrils in·us
you·draw·out your·nostrils to·saeculum and·saeculum :
¿not you you·return you·keep·us·alive
and·your·people they·are·glad⁺ in·you :
ꜝshow·us Yʜᴡʜ your·mercy
and·your·safety you·give to·us :
ꜝlet·me·hear ¿what he·speaks the·powr Yʜᴡʜ
as he·speaks shalom to his·people and·to his·merciful⁺
and ꜝlet·them·not·return⁺ to·folly :
surely present to·his·fearful⁺ his·safety
to·dwell weight in·our·land :
mercy and·truth they·encountered·one·another⁺
justice and·shalom they·kissed⁺ :
truth from·land she·grows
and·justice from·skies⁺ he·peered·out :
also Yʜᴡʜ he·gives the·good
and·our·land she·gives her·fruitcourse :
justice to·his·face⁺ he·walks
and·ꜝlet·him·place to·the·step·of his·times⁺ :
Psalm 86
mediation to·Intimate
ꜝbranch·out Yʜᴡʜ your·ear ꜝrespond·me
as humiliated and·wanting I :
ꜝwatch! my·soul as merciful I ꜝsave your·servant you my·Powers⁺
that·trusts to·you :
ꜝgrace·me My·Lord
as to·you I·call all·of the·day :
ꜝgladden the·soul·of your·servant
as to·you My·Lord my·soul I·bear :
as you My·Lord good and·pardoning
and·much·of mercy to·all·of that·call⁺·you :
ꜝgive·ear! Yʜᴡʜ my·mediation
and·ꜝlisten! in·the·voice·of my·graceprayers⁺ :
in·the·day·of my·rockiness I·call·you as you·respond·me :
there·is·ńot as·you in·the·Powers⁺ My·Lord and·there·is·ńot as·your·doings⁺ :
all·of clans⁺ that you·did they·enter⁺ and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·your·face⁺ My·Lord
and·they·give·weight⁺ to·your·name :
as great you and·doing·of wonders⁺
you Powers⁺ alone·you :
ꜝtorah·me Yʜᴡʜ your·step I·walk in·your·truth
ꜝunify my·heart to·fear your·name :
I·gloryhand·you My·Lord my·Powers⁺ in·all·of my·heart
and·ꜝlet·me·give·weight your·name to·eternity :
as your·mercy great upon·me
and·you·snatched·away my·soul from·sheol undermost :
Powers⁺ boiling⁺ they·arose⁺ upon·me and·assembly·of awesome⁺ they·sought⁺ my·soul
and they·did·not·place⁺·you to·before·them :
and·you My·Lord powr wombly and·gracious
long·of nostrils² and·much·of mercy and·truth :
ꜝface to·me and·ꜝgrace·me
ꜝgive! your·might to·your·servant
and·ꜝsave! to·the·son·of your·amah :
ꜝdo near·me sign to·goodness
and·they·see⁺ that·hate⁺·me and·they·are·ashamed⁺
as you Yʜᴡʜ you·helped·me and·you·sighed·with·me :
Psalm 87
to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness musically song
his·foundation in·mountains⁺·of sanctuary :
loving Yʜᴡʜ the·gates⁺·of Tzion
from·all·of the·dwelling·places⁺·of Heeler :
weighty⁺ spoken in·you
the·city·of the·Powers⁺ ‹compare› :
I·commemorate Force and·Babylon to·that·know⁺·me
¡lo! Palestine and·Rock near Kush
this he·was·enchilded there :
and·to·Tzion he·is·said man and·man he·was·enchilded in·her
and·he he·makes·her·sure uppermost :
Yʜᴡʜ he·counts when·writing people⁺
this he·was·enchilded there ‹compare› :
and·singers⁺ as·pierce-piping⁺
all·of my·eyewells⁺ in·you :
Psalm 88
song musically to·the·sons⁺·of Baldness
to·the·forever upon Piercedness to·respond
Prudently to·Truth the·Dawnïte :
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of my·salvation
day I·cried in·the·night before·you :
she·enters to·your·face⁺ my·mediation
ꜝbranch·out your·ear to·my·shouting :
as she·was·satisfied in·badnesses⁺ my·soul
and·my·life⁺ to·sheol they·touched⁺ :
I·was·considered near descending⁺·of well
I·was as·hero there·is·ńot powr :
in·the·dead⁺ free
as pierced⁺ bedding⁺·of tomb that you·did·not·remember·them again
and·they⁺ from·your·hand they·were·sectioned·off⁺ :
you·put·me in·well·of undermost⁺
in·dark·places⁺ in·oceans⁺ :
upon·me she·propped·up your·heat
and·all·of your·breakers⁺ you·humiliated ‹compare› :
you·moved·faroff my·knowers⁺ from·me
you·put·me abominations⁺ to·them
detained and I·do·not·go :
my·eye she·anguished from humiliation
I·called·you Yʜᴡʜ in·all·of day
I·fanned·out to·you my·spoons² :
¿to·the·dead⁺ you·do wonder
if raphahs⁺ they·arise⁺ they·gloryhand⁺·you ‹compare› :
¿he·is·recounted in·the·tomb your·mercy
your·truth in·the·Lost·Place :
¿he·is·known in·the·darkness your·wonder
and·your·justice in·land·of frustration :
and·I to·you Yʜᴡʜ I·cried·for·safety
and·in·the·dayplow my·mediation she·is·in·front·of·you :
to·¿what Yʜᴡʜ you·shun my·soul
you·hide your·face⁺ from·me :
humiliated I and·expiring from·youth
I·bore your·terrors⁺ ꜝlet·me·show·my·face :
upon·me they·crossed·over⁺ your·scorchings⁺
your·frights⁺ they·annihilated⁺·me :
they·turned·around⁺·me as·the·waters⁺ all·of the·day
they·encompassed⁺ upon·me united :
you·moved·faroff from·me loving and·tendent
my·knowers⁺ dark·place :
Psalm 89
Prudently to·Rugged the·Dawnïte :
the·mercies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ eternity ꜝlet·me·sing
to·saeculum and·saeculum I·let·know your·truth in·my·mouth :
as I·said eternity mercy he·is·built
skies⁺ you·make·sure your·truth in·them :
I·cut·in covenant to·my·chosen
I·vowed·seven to·Intimate my·servant :
unto eternity I·make·sure your·seed
and·I·built to·saeculum and·saeculum your·throne ‹compare› :
and·they·gloryhand⁺ skies⁺ your·wonder Yʜᴡʜ
¡yes! your·truth in·congregation·of sacred⁺ :
as ¿who in·the·wisp he·lines·up to·Yʜᴡʜ
he·is·like to·Yʜᴡʜ in·sons⁺·of powrs⁺ :
powr awesome in·confidences·of sacred⁺ much
and·fearsome upon all·of turninground⁺·him :
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of hosts⁺ ¿who as·you dominating Yʜ
and·your·truth turninground⁺·you :
you ruler in·the·majesty·of the·sea
when·bearing his·rolls⁺ you you·conciliate·them :
you you·crushed as·the·pierced Force
in·the·arm·of your·might you·sowed·about your·enemies⁺ :
to·you skies⁺ ¡yes! to·you land
world and·her·fullness you you·founded·them :
north and·right you you·shaped·them
Summit and·Heremon in·your·name they·shout⁺ :
to·you arm near heroism
she·is·mighty your·hand she·is·high your·right :
justice and·judgment the·assured·of your·throne
mercy and·truth they·are·in·front·of⁺ your·face⁺ :
the·blessedness⁺·of the·people knowing⁺·of cheer
Yʜᴡʜ in·the·light·of your·face⁺ they·walk⁺ :
in·your·name they·twirl⁺ all·of the·day
and·in·your·justice they·are·high⁺ :
as the·sprigging·of their·might you
and·in·your·favor she·is·high our·horn :
as to·Yʜᴡʜ our·guard
and·to·the·sacred·of Princepowr our·king :
then you·spoke in·vision to·your·merciful⁺ and·you·say I·leveled help upon hero
I·heightened chosen from·people :
I·found Intimate my·servant
in·the·oil·of my·sanctuary I·anointed·him :
that my·hand she·is·assured near·him
¡yes! my·arm she·emboldens·him :
he·does·not·defraud enemy in·him
and·son·of evil he·does·not·humiliate·him :
and·I·beat from·his·face⁺ his·rockers⁺
and·that·hate⁺·him I·smite :
and·my·truth and·my·mercy near·him
and·in·my·name she·is·high his·horn :
and·I·placed in·the·sea his·hand
and·in·the·streams⁺ his·right :
he he·calls·me my·father you
my·powr and·the·rock·of my·salvation :
¡yes! I firstborn I·give·him
uppermost to·kings⁺·of land :
to·eternity I·watch to·him my·mercy
and·my·covenant true to·him :
and·I·placed to·onward his·seed
and·his·throne as·days⁺·of skies⁺ :
if they·abandon⁺ his·sons⁺ my·torah
and·in·my·judgments⁺ they·do·not·walk⁺ :
if my·prescriptions⁺ they·pierce⁺
and·my·commandments⁺ they·do·not·watch⁺ :
and·I·reckoned in·stem their·rebellion
and·in·touches⁺ their·guilt :
and·my·mercy I·do·not·scuttle from·near·him
and I·am·not·false in·my·truth :
I·do·not·pierce my·covenant
and·the·going·of my·lips² I·do·not·double·back :
one I·vowed·seven in·my·sanctuary
if to·Intimate I·lìe :
his·seed to·eternity he·is
and·his·throne as·the·sun before·me :
as·moon he·is·assured eternity
and·witness in·the·wisp true ‹compare› :
and·you you·shunned and·you·reject
you·were·cross near your·anointed :
you·abhorred the·covenant·of your·servant
you·pierced to·the·land his·vow :
you·erupted all·of his·fences⁺
you·placed his·fortifications⁺ casting·down :
they·looted⁺·him all·of crossers⁺·of step
he·was detraction to·his·fellowdwellers⁺ :
you·heightened the·right·of his·rockers⁺
you·made·glad all·of his·enemies⁺ :
¡yes! you·return the·rock·of his·sword
and you·did·not·raise·him in·the·battle :
you·gave·rest from·his·purity
and·his·throne to·the·land you·flung :
you·caused·to·be·cropped·short the·days⁺·of his·boyhood⁺
you·clothed upon·him shame ‹compare› :
unto ¿what Yʜᴡʜ you·are·hidden to·forever
she·is·consumed as fire your·heat :
ꜝremember I ¿what moment
upon ¿what vanity you·shaped all·of sons⁺·of adam :
¿who hero he·lives and he·does·not·see death
he·delivers his·soul from·hand·of sheol ‹compare› :
¿where your·mercies⁺ the·headmost⁺ My·Lord
you·vowed·seven to·Intimate in·your·truth :
ꜝremember My·Lord the·detraction·of your·servants⁺
my·bearing in·my·bosom all·of many⁺ people⁺ :
that they·detracted⁺ your·enemies⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
that they·detracted⁺ the·heels⁺·of your·anointed :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity truly and·truly :
Psalm 90
mediation to·Moseh the·man·of the·Powers⁺
My·Lord home you you·were to·us in·saeculum and·saeculum :
in·ere mounts⁺ they·were·enchilded⁺ and·you·whirl·in·labor land and·world
and·from·eternity unto eternity you powr :
you·return mortal unto crushed
and·you·say ꜝreturn⁺ sons⁺·of adam :
as thousand·of years⁺ in·your·eyes² as·day·of recent as he·crosses·over
and·watch in·the·night :
you·deluged·them sleep they·are⁺
in·the·dayplow as·the·sprouts he·changes·away :
in·the·dayplow he·flowers and·he·changed·away
to·the·evening he·is·snipped and·he·dried·up :
as we·were·all·through⁺ in·your·nostrils
and·in·your·heat we·were·agitated⁺ :
you·put our·guilts⁺ to·before·you
that·is·hooded·to·us to·the·light·of your·face⁺ :
as all·of our·days⁺ they·faced⁺ in·your·crossness
we·were·all·done⁺ our·years⁺ as an·echo :
the·days⁺·of our·years⁺ in·them seventy⁺ year and·if in·heroisms⁺ eighty⁺ year and·their·force toil and·iniquity
as he·sheared·off hurriedly and·we·fly⁺! :
¿who knowing the·might·of your·nostrils
and·as·your·fear your·crossness :
to·allot our·days⁺ surely ꜝlet·know
and·we·bring·in⁺ heart·of wisdom :
ꜝreturn! Yʜᴡʜ unto ¿wħen
and·ꜝsigh upon your·servants⁺ :
ꜝsatisfy·us in·the·dayplow your·mercy
and·ꜝlet·us·shout⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·be·glad⁺ in·all·of our·days⁺ :
ꜝgladden·us as·days⁺ you·humiliated·us
years⁺ we·saw⁺ badness :
he·is·seen to your·servants⁺ your·work
and·your·magnificence upon their·sons⁺ :
and·ꜝlet·him·be the·amiability·of My·Lord our·Powers⁺ upon·us
and·the·doing·of our·hands² ꜝmake·sure! upon·us
and·the·doing·of our·hands² ꜝmake·him·sure :
Psalm 91
settling in·hiddenness·of uppermost
in·the·shadow·of Breasted he·reposes·himself :
I·say to·Yʜᴡʜ my·refugee and·my·huntinglodge
my·Powers⁺ I·trust in·him :
as he he·snatches·you·away from·trap·of ensnarer from·unspeakable·of mishaps⁺ :
in·his·pinion ꜝlet·him·knit·over to·you and·under his·wings² you·refuge
shield and·merchandise his·truth :
you·do·not·fear from·trembling·of night
from·arrow he·flies daytime :
from·unspeakable in·the·blackness he·walks
from·scourge he·overbreasts noonpeak² :
he·falls from·your·hip thousand and·multitude from·your·right
to·you he·does·not·approach :
only in·your·eyes² you·look
and·shalom-making·of wicked⁺ you·see :
as you Yʜᴡʜ my·refugee
uppermost you·placed your·home :
she·is·not·occasioned to·you badness
and·touch he·is·not·present in·your·tent :
as his·ministers⁺ he·commands to·you
to·watch·you in·all·of your·steps⁺ :
upon spoons² they·bear⁺·you
lest she·smites in·the·stone your·foot :
upon lynx and·sillsnake you·step·forward
you·trample wolf and·serpentine :
as in·me he·was·charmed and·I·rescue·him
I·entower·him as he·knew my·name :
he·calls·me and·I·respond·him near·him I in·rockiness
I·redress·him and·I·give·him·weight :
length·of days⁺ I·satisfy·him
and·I·show·him in·my·salvation :
Psalm 92
musically song to·the·day·of the·rest :
he·was·good to·gloryhand to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·to·make·music to·your·name uppermost :
to·tell·forth in·the·dayplow your·mercy
and·your·truth in·the·nights⁺ :
upon tenth and·upon wiltharp
upon echo in·lyre :
as you·gladdened·me Yʜᴡʜ in·your·work
in·the·doings⁺·of your·hands² I·shout :
¿what they·became·great⁺ your·doings⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
very they·were·deep⁺ your·considerations⁺ :
man consumerish he·does·not·know
and·fool he·does·not·discern °this :
when·budding wicked⁺ as herb and·they·flower⁺ all·of workers⁺·of iniquity
to·be·destroyed·them onwards⁺·of unto :
and·you heights to·eternity Yʜᴡʜ :
as ¡lo! your·enemies⁺ Yʜᴡʜ as ¡lo! your·enemies⁺ they·are·lost⁺
they·split·themselves⁺ all·of workers⁺·of iniquity :
and·you·heighten as·highauroch my·horn
I·mixed in·oil thriving :
and·she·looks my·eye in·my·glimpsers⁺
in·that·arise⁺ upon·me bad-doers⁺ they·hear⁺ my·ears² :
just as·the·palm he·buds
as·cedar in·the·Whitemost he·is·large :
grafted⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·courtyards⁺·of our·Powers⁺ they·cause·to·bud⁺ :
again they·produce⁺ in·gray·head
bountiful⁺ and·thriving⁺ they·are⁺ :
to·tell·forth as straight Yʜᴡʜ
my·rock and·not evil in·him :
Psalm 93
Yʜᴡʜ he·was·king majesty he·was·robed·in
he·was·robed·in Yʜᴡʜ might he·belted·himself
¡yes! she·is·assured world she·is·not·shaken :
assured your·throne from·then·on
from·eternity you :
they·bore⁺ streams⁺ Yʜᴡʜ they·bore⁺ streams⁺ their·voice
they·bear⁺ streams⁺ their·crushing :
from·voices⁺·of waters⁺ many⁺ regals⁺ breakers⁺·of sea
regal in·the·heights Yʜᴡʜ :
your·witnesses⁺ they·were·true⁺ very to·your·house he·was·radiant sanctuary
Yʜᴡʜ to·length·of days⁺ :
Psalm 94
powr·of vengeances⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
powr·of vengeances⁺ ꜝshine :
ꜝbe·borne the·judge·of the·land
ꜝreturn yield upon majestic⁺ :
unto ¿wħen wicked⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
unto ¿wħen wicked⁺ they·exult⁺ :
they·spring⁺ they·speak⁺ surpassing·things
they·say·much·of·themselves⁺ all·of workers⁺·of iniquity :
your·people Yʜᴡʜ they·crush⁺
and·your·derivation they·humiliate⁺ :
widow and·lodger they·kill⁺
and·orphans⁺ they·murder⁺ :
and·they·say⁺ he·does·not·see Yʜ
and he·does·not·discern Powers⁺·of Heeler :
ꜝdiscern⁺ consuming⁺ in·the·people
and·fool⁺ ¿wħen you·make·prudent⁺ :
¿planter·of ear ¿not he·hears
if forming·of eye ¿not he·looks :
¿instructing·of clans⁺ ¿not he·reproves
that·disciples adam knowledge :
Yʜᴡʜ knowing considerations⁺·of adam
as they⁺ vapor :
the·blessedness⁺·of the·hero that you·instruct·him Yʜ
and·from·your·torah you·disciple·him :
to·quiet to·him from·days⁺·of bad
unto he·is·drilled to·the·wicked pit :
as he·does·not·leave Yʜᴡʜ his·people
and·his·derivation he·does·not·abandon :
as unto justice he·returns judgment
and·after⁺·him all·of straight⁺·of heart :
¿who he·arises to·me near bad-doers⁺
¿who he·posts·himself to·me near workers⁺·of iniquity :
iᵮ·not Yʜᴡʜ help to·me
as·little she·dwelled silence my·soul :
if I·said she·shook my·foot
your·mercy Yʜᴡʜ he·bolsters·me :
in·the·multitude·of my·worries⁺ in·my·impresence
your·sighs⁺ they·delight⁺ my·soul :
¿he·allies·you throne·of mishaps⁺
forming toil upon prescription :
they·clout⁺ upon soul·of just
and·blood innocent they·cause·to·do·wickedness⁺ :
and·he·is Yʜᴡʜ to·me to·tower
and·my·Powers⁺ to·the·rock·of my·refugee :
and·he·returns upon·them °their·iniquity and·in·their·badness he·annihilates·them
he·annihilates·them Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ :
Psalm 95
ꜝwalk⁺ ꜝlet·us·shout⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝlet·us·cheer⁺ to·the·rock·of our·safety :
ꜝlet·us·be·in·front·of⁺ his·face⁺ in·gloryhand
in·music⁺ we·cheer⁺ to·him :
as powr great Yʜᴡʜ
and·king great upon all·of Powers⁺ :
that in·his·hand unexamined·places⁺·of land
and·crests⁺·of mounts⁺ to·him :
that to·him the·sea and·he he·did·him
and·dryness his·hands² they·formed⁺ :
ꜝenter⁺ we·prostrate·ourselves⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·stoop⁺
ꜝlet·us·kneel⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ that·does·us :
as he our·Powers⁺ and·we⁺ the·people·of his·tending and·the·sheep·of his·hand
the·day if in·his·voice you·hear⁺ :
you·do·not·harden⁺ your⁺·heart as·Arguing
as·the·day·of Trial in·the·outspeak :
that they·tried·me·out⁺ your⁺·fathers⁺
they·tested⁺·me also they·saw⁺ my·work :
forty⁺ year I·am·vexed in·saeculum and·I·say people wandering⁺·of heart they⁺
and·they⁺ they·did·not·know⁺ my·steps⁺ :
that I·vowed·seven in·my·nostrils
if they·enter⁺ to my·peaceful·place :
Psalm 96
ꜝsing⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ song new
ꜝsing⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·land :
ꜝsing⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ ꜝkneel⁺ his·name
ꜝflesh·out⁺ from·day to·day his·salvation :
ꜝrecount⁺ in·the·clans⁺ his·weight
in·all·of the·people⁺ his·wonders⁺ :
as great Yʜᴡʜ and·praised very
fearsome he upon all·of Powers⁺ :
as all·of Powers⁺·of the·people⁺ no-powers⁺
and·Yʜᴡʜ skies⁺ he·did :
splendor and·magnificence to·his·face⁺
might and·sprigging in·his·sanctuary :
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ families⁺·of people⁺
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ weight and·might :
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ the·weight·of his·name
ꜝbear⁺ tribute and·ꜝenter⁺ to·his·courtyards⁺ :
ꜝprostrate·yourselves⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·magnificence·of sanctuary
ꜝwhirl⁺ from·his·face⁺ all·of the·land :
ꜝsay⁺ in·the·clans⁺ Yʜᴡʜ he·was·king ¡yes! she·is·assured world she·is·not·shaken
he·vindicates people⁺ in·straightness⁺ :
they·are·glad⁺ the·skies⁺ and·ꜝlet·her·twirl the·land
he·thunders the·sea and·his·fullness :
he·exults field and·all that in·him
then they·shout⁺ all·of trees⁺·of forest :
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ as he·entered as he·entered to·judge the·land
he·judges world in·justice
and·people⁺ in·his·truth :
Psalm 97
Yʜᴡʜ he·was·king ꜝlet·her·twirl the·land
they·are·glad⁺ islands⁺ many⁺ :
cloud and·sprinkling·cloud turninground⁺·him
justice and·judgment the·assured·of his·throne :
fire to·his·face⁺ she·walks
and·she·enkindles turninground his·rockers⁺ :
they·lit·up⁺ his·flashes⁺ world
she·saw and·she·whirls the·land :
mounts⁺ as·the·wax they·were·dampened⁺ from·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
from·to·the·face⁺·of the·lord·of all·of the·land :
they·told·forth⁺ the·skies⁺ his·justice
and·they·saw⁺ all·of the·people⁺ his·weight :
they·are·ashamed⁺ all·of servants⁺·of sculpture the·self-praising⁺ in·the·no-powers⁺
ꜝprostrate·yourselves⁺ to·him all·of Powers⁺ :
she·heard and·she·is·glad Tzion and·they·twirl⁺ the·daughters⁺·of Gloryhand
because·of your·judgments⁺ Yʜᴡʜ :
as you Yʜᴡʜ uppermost upon all·of the·land
very you·were·gone·up upon all·of Powers⁺ :
the·loving⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ ꜝhate⁺ bad
watching the·souls⁺·of his·merciful⁺
from·hand·of wicked⁺ he·snatches·them·away :
light seeded to·the·just
and·to·straight⁺·of heart gladness :
ꜝbe·glad⁺ just⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ
and·ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·the·memory·of his·sanctuary :
Psalm 98
ꜝsing⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ song new as wonders⁺ he·did
she·saved to·him his·right and·the·arm·of his·sanctuary :
he·let·know Yʜᴡʜ his·salvation
to·the·eyes²·of the·clans⁺ he·stripped·out his·justice :
he·remembered his·mercy and·his·truth to·the·house·of Princepowr
they·saw⁺ all·of limits⁺·of land
°the·salvation·of our·Powers⁺ :
ꜝcheer⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·land
ꜝburst·out⁺ and·ꜝshout⁺ and·ꜝmake·music⁺ :
ꜝmake·music⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·lyre
in·lyre and·voice·of music :
in·trumpets⁺ and·voice·of shofair
ꜝcheer⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king Yʜᴡʜ :
he·thunders the·sea and·his·fullness
the·world·of and·the·settling⁺ in·her :
streams⁺ they·clap⁺ spoon
united mounts⁺ they·shout⁺ :
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ as he·entered to·judge the·land
he·judges world in·justice
and·people⁺ in·straightness⁺ :
Psalm 99
Yʜᴡʜ he·was·king they·are·stirred·up⁺ people⁺
settling cherubs⁺ she·√trembles the·land :
Yʜᴡʜ in·Tzion great
and·high he upon all·of the·people⁺ :
they·gloryhand⁺ your·name great and·fearsome sacred he :
and·might·of king judgment he·loved
you you·made·sure straightness⁺
judgment and·justice in·Heeler you you·did :
ꜝheighten⁺ Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ and·ꜝprostrate·yourselves⁺ to·the·stool·of his·feet² sacred he :
Moseh and·Aharon in·his·priests⁺ and·Heard-by-Powr in·the·calling⁺·of his·name
calling⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ and·he he·responds·them :
in·standing·pillar·of cloud he·speaks to·them
they·watched⁺ his·witnesses⁺ and·prescription he·gave to·them :
Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ you you·responded·them
powr bearing you·were to·them
and·avenging upon their·exploits⁺ :
ꜝheighten⁺ Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ and·ꜝprostrate·yourselves⁺ to·the·mount·of his·sanctuary
as sacred Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ :
Psalm 100
musically to·gloryhand
ꜝcheer⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·land :
ꜝserve⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ in·gladness
ꜝenter⁺ to·his·face⁺ in·shouting :
ꜝknow⁺ as Yʜᴡʜ he Powers⁺
he he·did·us and·to·him we⁺
his·people and·the·sheep·of his·tending :
ꜝenter⁺ his·gates⁺ in·gloryhand his·courtyards⁺ in·praise
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·him ꜝkneel⁺ his·name :
as good Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity his·mercy
and·unto saeculum and·saeculum his·truth :
Psalm 101
to·Intimate musically
mercy and·judgment ꜝlet·me·sing
to·you Yʜᴡʜ ꜝlet·me·make·music :
ꜝlet·me·make·prudent in·step complete ¿wħen you·enter to·me
I·walk·myself in·the·completeness·of my·heart in·the·impresence·of my·house :
I·do·not·put to·before my·eyes² speech·of no-benefit
doing paddling⁺ I·hated
he·is·not·joined in·me :
heart warped he·moves·away from·me
bad I·do·not·know :
using·tongue·against in·the·hiddenness his·tendent °him I·annihilate
climbing·of eyes² and·broad·of heart
°him I·am·not·able :
my·eyes² in·true⁺·of land to·settle near·me
walking in·step complete
he he·assists·me :
he·does·not·settle in·the·impresence·of my·house doing·of trickery
speaker falsehoods⁺
he·is·not·assured to·before my·eyes² :
to·the·dayplows⁺ I·annihilate all·of wicked⁺·of land
to·cut·down from·the·city·of Yʜᴡʜ all·of workers⁺·of iniquity :
Psalm 102
mediation to·humiliated as he·collapses
and·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ he·spills·out his·meditation :
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝhear! my·mediation
and·my·cry·for·safety to·you she·enters :
ꜝdo·not·hide your·face⁺ from·me in·day he·rocked·in to·me
ꜝbranch·out to·me your·ear
in·day I·call ꜝspeed ꜝrespond·me :
as they·were·all·through⁺ in·smoke my·days⁺
and·my·bones⁺ as smoldering they·were·scorched⁺ :
he·was·struck as·the·herb and·he·dries·up my·heart
as I·forgot from·eating my·bread :
from·the·voice·of my·groaning
she·was·joined my·bone to·my·flesh :
I·was·like to·vomitbird·of outspeak
I·was as·cupowl·of withered·places⁺ :
I·kept·vigil and·I·am
as·skippingbird alone upon roof :
all·of the·day they·detracted⁺·me my·enemies⁺
that·praise⁺·me in·me they·vowed·seven⁺ :
as ash as·the·bread I·ate
and·my·drinks⁺ in·weeping I·mingled :
from·the·face⁺·of your·damnation and·your·anger
as you·bore·me and·you·drop·me :
my·days⁺ as·shadow branched·out
and·I as·the·herb I·dry·up :
and·you Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity you·settle
and·your·memory to·saeculum and·saeculum :
you you·arise you·enwomb Tzion
as season to·grace·her as he·entered assembly·time :
as they·favored⁺ your·servants⁺ °her·stones⁺
and·°her·dust they·show·grace⁺ :
and·they·fear⁺ clans⁺ °the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·land °your·weight :
as he·built Yʜᴡʜ Tzion
he·was·seen in·his·weight :
he·faced to the·mediation·of the·bare
and he·did·not·despise °their·mediation :
she·is·written this to·saeculum afterward
and·people shaped he·praises Yʜ :
as he·peered·down from·the·heights·of his·sanctuary
Yʜᴡʜ from·skies⁺ to land he·looked :
to·hear wailing·of chainedman
to·open sons⁺·of death :
to·recount in·Tzion the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·his·praise in·Torahshalom :
when·being·collected people⁺ united
and·kingdoms⁺ to·serve °Yʜᴡʜ :
he·humiliated in·the·step my·vigor he·cropped·short my·days⁺ :
I·say my·powr you·do·not·offer·me·up in·the·half·of my·days⁺
in·saeculum·of saecula⁺ your·years⁺ :
to·face⁺ the·land you·founded
and·the·doing·of your·hands² skies⁺ :
they⁺ they·are·lost⁺ and·you you·stand
and·all·of·them as·the·covering they·decay⁺
as·the·robe you·change·them and·they·change·away⁺ :
and·you he
and·your·years⁺ they·are·not·completed⁺ :
the·sons⁺·of your·servants⁺ they·dwell⁺
and·their·seed to·your·face⁺ he·is·assured :
Psalm 103
ꜝkneel my·soul °Yʜᴡʜ
and·all·of my·impresences⁺ °the·name·of his·sanctuary :
ꜝkneel my·soul °Yʜᴡʜ
and ꜝdo·not·forget all·of his·yields⁺ :
that·pardons to·all·of your·guilt
the·healer to·all·of your·diseases⁺ :
the·goel from·pit your·life⁺
that·crowns·you mercy and·wombliness⁺ :
that·satisfies in·the·good your·decoration
she·renews·herself as·the·eagle your·youth⁺ :
doing·of justices⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·judgments⁺ to·all intimidated⁺ :
he·lets·know his·steps⁺ to·Moseh
to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr his·exploits⁺ :
wombly and·gracious Yʜᴡʜ
long·of nostrils² and·much·of mercy :
not to·forever he·argues
and·not to·eternity he·targets :
not as·our·sins⁺ he·did to·us
and·not as·our·guilts⁺ he·yielded upon·us :
as as·climbing skies⁺ upon the·land
he·was·heroic his·mercy upon his·fearful⁺ :
as·far dawn from·evening·place
he·moved·faroff from·us °our·rebellions⁺ :
as·enwombing father upon sons⁺
he·enwombed Yʜᴡʜ upon his·fearful⁺ :
as he he·knew our·form
remembering as dust we⁺ :
mortal as·the·sprouts his·days⁺
as·the·flower·of the·field surely he·flowers :
as breath she·crossed·over in·him and·he·is·ńot
and he·does·not·recognize·him again his·rising·place :
and·the·mercy·of Yʜᴡʜ from·eternity and·unto eternity upon his·fearful⁺
and·his·justice to·sons⁺·of sons⁺ :
to·the·watching⁺·of his·covenant
and·to·the·remembering⁺·of his·reckonings⁺ to·do·them :
Yʜᴡʜ in·the·skies⁺ he·made·sure his·throne
and·his·kingship in·all she·ruled :
ꜝkneel⁺ Yʜᴡʜ his·ministers⁺
heroes⁺·of vigor the·doing⁺·of his·speech
to·hear in·the·voice·of his·speech :
ꜝkneel⁺ Yʜᴡʜ all·of his·hosts⁺
his·assistants⁺ the·doing⁺·of his·favor :
ꜝkneel⁺ Yʜᴡʜ all·of his·doings⁺ in·all·of the·rising·places⁺·of his·rule
ꜝkneel my·soul °Yʜᴡʜ :
Psalm 104
ꜝkneel my·soul °Yʜᴡʜ
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ you·became·great very
splendor and·magnificence you·were·robed·in :
clothed light as·the·garment
branching·out skies⁺ as·the·curtain :
that·walls·in in·the·waters⁺ his·upper·rooms⁺
that·places fogs⁺ his·chariot
that·walks upon wings²·of breath :
doing his·ministers⁺ breaths⁺
his·assistants⁺ fire kindled :
he·founded land upon her·assureds⁺
she·is·not·shaken eternity and·onward :
rumblewave as·the·robe you·covered·him
upon mounts⁺ they·stand⁺ waters⁺ :
from your·rebuke they·flee⁺
from the·voice·of your·thunder they·are·alarmed⁺ :
they·go·up⁺ mounts⁺ they·descend⁺ clefts⁺
to rising·place·of this you·founded to·them :
border you·placed they·do·not·cross·over⁺
they·do·not·return⁺ to·cover the·land :
that·sends·out eyewells⁺ in·the·rivers⁺
between mounts⁺ they·walk⁺ :
they·give·to·drink⁺ all·of life·of field
they·break⁺ asses⁺ their·thirst :
upon·them the·flyer·of the·skies⁺ he·dwells
from·between foliages⁺ they·give⁺ voice :
giving·to·drink mounts⁺ from·his·upper·rooms⁺
from·the·fruit·of your·doings⁺ she·is·satisfied the·land :
causing·grow sprouts to·the·beast and·herb to·the·service·of the·adam
to·let·go bread from the·land :
and·wine he·gladdens heart·of mortal to·cause·to·whinny face⁺ from·oil
and·bread heart·of mortal he·bolsters :
they·are·satisfied⁺ the·trees⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
the·cedars⁺·of Whitemost that he·planted :
that there skippingbirds⁺ they·nest⁺
mercy·bird firs⁺ her·house :
mounts⁺ the·climbing⁺ to·the·benefitdeer⁺
clifftops⁺ refugee to·the·rabbits⁺ :
he·did moon to·assembly·times⁺
sun he·knew his·entrance :
ꜝput darkness and·ꜝlet·him·be night
in·him she·creeps all·of life·of forest :
the·wolves⁺ roaring⁺ to·the·prey
and·to·seek from·powr their·edibles :
she·dawns the·sun they·are·gathered⁺
and·to their·homes⁺ they·lie·down⁺ :
he·goes adam to·his·work
and·to·his·service unto evening :
¿what they·were·multiplied⁺ your·doings⁺ Yʜᴡʜ all·of·them in·wisdom you·did
she·filled the·land your·stock :
this the·sea great and·broad·of hands²
there creeper and·there·is·ńot count
lifes⁺ small⁺ near great⁺ :
there ships⁺ they·walk⁺
Writhingsnake this you·formed to·make·laughter in·him :
all·of·them to·you they·expect⁺
to·give their·edibles in·his·season :
you·give to·them they·glean⁺
you·open your·hand they·are·satisfied⁺ good :
you·hide your·face⁺ they·are·agitated⁺
you·gather their·breath they·expire⁺
and·to their·dust they·return⁺ :
you·send·out your·breath they·are·shaped⁺
and·you·renew face⁺·of adamah :
ꜝlet·him·be the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity
he·is·glad Yʜᴡʜ in·his·doings⁺ :
that·looks to·the·land and·she·shivers
he·touches in·the·mounts⁺ and·they·smoke⁺ :
ꜝlet·me·sing to·Yʜᴡʜ in·my·life⁺
ꜝlet·me·make·music to·my·Powers⁺ when·I·am·still :
he·is·even upon·him my·meditation
I I·am·glad in·Yʜᴡʜ :
they·are·completed⁺ sinful⁺ from the·land and·wicked⁺ again they·are·ńot⁺ ꜝkneel my·soul °Yʜᴡʜ ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 105
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ ꜝcall⁺ in·his·name
ꜝlet·know⁺ in·the·people⁺ his·exploits⁺ :
ꜝsing⁺ to·him ꜝmake·music⁺ to·him
ꜝmeditate⁺ in·all·of his·wonders⁺ :
ꜝpraise·yourselves⁺ in·the·name·of his·sanctuary
he·is·glad the·heart·of the·seekers⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝinvestigate⁺ Yʜᴡʜ and·his·might
ꜝseek⁺ his·face⁺ always :
ꜝremember⁺ his·wonders⁺ that he·did
his·omens⁺ and·the·judgments⁺·of his·mouth :
the·seed·of Father-Hi-Hum his·servant
the·sons⁺·of Heeler his·chosen⁺ :
he Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
in·all·of the·land his·judgments⁺ :
he·remembered to·eternity his·covenant
speech he·commanded to·thousand·of saeculum :
that he·cut·in with Father-Hi-Hum
and·his·seven to·Laugher :
and·he·causes·her·to·stand to·Heeler to·prescription
to·Princepowr covenant·of eternity :
saying to·you I·give °the·land·of Cashier
the·rope·of your⁺·derivation :
when·they·are⁺ adults⁺·of count
as·little and·lodgers⁺ in·her :
and·they·walk·themselves⁺ from·clan to clan
from·kingdom to people after :
he·did·not·set·in·peace adam to·intimidate·them
and·he·reproves upon·them kings⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·touch⁺ in·my·anointeds⁺
and·to·my·prophets⁺ you·do·not·do·bad⁺ :
and·he·calls hunger upon the·land
all·of branch·of bread he·broke :
he·sent to·their·face⁺ man
to·servant he·was·sold He-Adds :
they·humiliated⁺ in·the·shackle his·foot
iron she·entered his·soul :
unto season entering his·speech
the·saying·of Yʜᴡʜ she·smelted·him :
he·sent king and·he·lets·him·jump·free
ruler·of people⁺ and·he·opens·him :
he·placed·him lord to·his·house
and·ruler in·all·of his·stock :
to·chain his·princes⁺ in·his·soul
and·his·elders⁺ he·makes·wise :
and·he·enters Princepowr Egypts²
and·Heeler he·lodged in·the·land·of Hot :
and·he·makes·fruitful °his·people very
and·he·makes·him·strongboned from·his·rockers⁺ :
he·converted their·heart to·hate his·people
to·conspire·among·themselves in·his·servants⁺ :
he·sent Moseh his·servant
Aharon that he·chose in·him :
they·placed⁺ in·them the·speeches⁺·of his·signs⁺
and·omens⁺ in·the·land·of Hot :
he·sent darkness and·he·darkens
and they·were·not·bitter⁺ °his·speech :
he·converted °their·waters⁺ to·blood
and·he·puts·to·death °their·fish :
he·crawled their·land skipping-frogs⁺
in·the·chambers⁺·of their·kings⁺ :
he·said and·he·enters eveningbug
grovebugs⁺ in·all·of their·border :
he·gave their·showers⁺ hail
fire·of flames⁺ in·their·land :
and·he·strikes their·vine and·their·fig
and·he·breaks the·tree·of their·border :
he·said and·he·enters multibug
and·yeleqbug and·there·is·ńot count :
and·he·eats all·of herb in·their·land
and·he·eats the·fruit·of their·adamah :
and·he·strikes all·of firstborn in·their·land
headmost to·all·of their·vitality :
and·he·lets·them·go in·silver and·gold
and·there·is·ńot in·his·stems⁺ stumbling :
he·was·glad Egypts² when·they·go⁺
as he·fell their·trembling upon·them :
he·stretched cloud to·knitting
and·fire to·light·up night :
he·requested and·he·brings·in quail
and·bread·of skies⁺ he·satisfies·them :
he·opened rock and·they·emit⁺ waters⁺
they·walked⁺ in·the·deserts⁺ stream :
as he·remembered °the·speech·of his·sanctuary
°Father-Hi-Hum his·servant :
and·he·lets·go his·people in·rejoicing
in·shouting °his·chosen⁺ :
and·he·gives to·them lands⁺·of clans⁺
and·toil·of nations⁺ they·inherit⁺ :
in·sake ꜝlet·them·watch⁺ his·prescriptions⁺ and·his·torahs⁺ they·protect⁺ ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 106
ꜝpraise⁺·Yʜ ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ as he·was·good
as to·eternity his·mercy :
¿who he·gives·word the·heroisms⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
he·lets·hear all·of his·praise :
blessedness⁺·of watching⁺·of judgment
doing·of justice in·all·of season :
ꜝremember·me Yʜᴡʜ in·the·favor·of your·people
ꜝreckon·me in·your·salvation :
to·see in·the·goodness·of your·chosen⁺ to·be·glad in·the·gladness·of your·clan
to·praise·oneself near your·derivation :
we·sinned⁺ near our·fathers⁺ we·acted·guiltily⁺ we·caused·to·do·wickedness⁺ :
our·fathers⁺ in·Egypts² they·did·not·make·prudent⁺ your·wonders⁺ they·did·not·remember⁺ °the·multitude·of your·mercies⁺
and·they·embitter⁺ upon sea in·the·sea·of Reeds :
and·he·saves·them because·of his·name
to·let·know °his·heroism :
and·he·rebukes in·the·sea·of Reeds and·he·is·withered
and·he·causes·them·to·walk in·the·rumblewaves⁺ as·the·outspeak :
and·he·saves·them from·hand·of hating
and·he·goels·them from·hand·of enemy :
and·they·cover⁺ waters⁺ their·rockers⁺
one from·them he·did·not·remain :
and·they·are·true⁺ in·his·speeches⁺
they·sing⁺ his·praise :
they·sped⁺ they·forgot⁺ his·doings⁺
they·did·not·linger⁺ to·his·counsel :
and·they·yearn·for⁺ yearning in·the·outspeak
and·they·try·out⁺ powr in·desolation :
and·he·gives to·them their·request
and·he·sends·out leanness in·their·soul :
and·they·are·jealous⁺ to·Moseh in·the·camp
to·Aharon the·sacred·of Yʜᴡʜ :
she·opens land and·she·devours Dathan
and·she·covers upon the·assembly·of Father-of-Height :
and·she·is·consumed fire in·their·assembly
flame she·enkindles wicked⁺ :
they·do⁺ ox in·Withered
and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·libated·metal :
and·they·bargain·away⁺ °their·weight
in·build·of bull eating herb :
they·forgot⁺ powr their·savior
doing great⁺ in·Egypts² :
wonders⁺ in·the·land·of Hot
fearsome⁺ upon the·sea·of Reeds :
and·he·says to·destroy·them
iᵮ·not Moseh his·chosen he·stood in·the·rupture to·his·face⁺
to·return his·heat from·ruining :
and·they·reject⁺ in·land·of desire
they·were·not·true⁺ to·his·speech :
and·they·complain⁺ in·their·tents⁺
they·did·not·hear⁺ in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·bears·up his·hand to·them
to·let·fall °them in·the·outspeak :
and·to·let·fall their·seed in·the·clans⁺
and·to·winnow·them in·the·lands⁺ :
and·they·are·coupled⁺ to·Master·of Gap
and·they·eat⁺ offerings⁺·of dead⁺ :
and·they·trouble⁺ in·their·exploits⁺
and·she·erupts in·them smiting :
and·he·stands Copper-Mouth and·he·mediates
and·she·is·restrained the·smiting :
and·she·is·considered to·him to·justice
to·saeculum and·saeculum unto eternity :
and·they·anger⁺ upon the·waters⁺·of Arguing
and·he·is·bad to·Moseh in·their·sake :
as they·embittered⁺ °his·breath
and·he·blurts in·his·lips² :
they·did·not·destroy⁺ °the·people⁺
that he·said Yʜᴡʜ to·them :
and·they·pledge·themselves⁺ in·the·clans⁺
and·they·are·discipled⁺ their·deeds⁺ :
and·they·serve⁺ °their·pains⁺
and·they·are⁺ to·them to·snare :
and·they·offer⁺ °their·sons⁺ and·°their·daughters⁺ to·the·demons⁺ :
and·they·spill·out⁺ blood innocent the·blood·of their·sons⁺ and·their·daughters⁺ that they·offered⁺ to·the·pains⁺·of Cashier
and·she·is·profaned the·land in·the·bloods⁺ :
and·they·are·defiled⁺ in·their·deeds⁺
and·they·fornicate⁺ in·their·exploits⁺ :
and·he·is·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ in·his·people
and·he·abominates °his·derivation :
and·he·gives·them in·hand·of clans⁺
and·they·rule⁺ in·them that·hate⁺·them :
and·they·squeeze⁺·them their·enemies⁺
and·they·are·cashed·out⁺ under their·hand :
times⁺ many⁺ he·snatches·them·away
and·they⁺ they·embitter⁺ in·their·counsel
and·they·slump⁺ in·their·guilt :
and·he·sees in·the·rockiness to·them
when·he·hears °their·shouting :
and·he·remembers to·them his·covenant
and·he·sighs as·the·multitude·of his·mercies⁺ :
and·he·gives °them to·wombliness⁺
to·the·face⁺·of all·of their·captors⁺ :
ꜝsave·us Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ and·ꜝcollect·us from the·clans⁺
to·gloryhand to·the·name·of your·sanctuary
to·acclaim·one·another in·your·praise :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr from the·eternity and·unto the·eternity and·he·said all·of the·people truly ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 107
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ as he·was·good
as to·eternity his·mercy :
they·say⁺ the·goeled⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·goeled·them from·hand·of rocker :
and·from·lands⁺ he·collected·them
from·dawn and·from·evening·place
from·north and·from·sea :
they·wandered⁺ in·the·outspeak in·desolation·of step
city·of seat they·did·not·find⁺ :
hungry⁺ also thirsty⁺
their·soul in·them she·collapses :
and·they·cry⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ in·the·rockiness to·them
from·their·overpourings⁺ he·snatches·them·away :
and·he·makes·them·step in·step straight
to·walk to city·of seat :
they·gloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ his·mercy
and·his·wonders⁺ to·sons⁺·of adam :
as he·satisfied soul foraging
and·soul hungry he·filled good :
settling⁺·of darkness and·shadow-of-death
chainedmen⁺·of humiliation and·iron :
as they·embittered⁺ sayings⁺·of powr
and·counsel·of uppermost they·disregarded⁺ :
and·he·cashes·out in·the·toil their·heart
they·stumbled⁺ and·there·is·ńot helper :
and·they·cry⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ in·the·rockiness to·them
from·their·overpourings⁺ he·saves·them :
he·lets·them·go from·darkness and·shadow-of-death
and·their·chains⁺ he·snaps :
they·gloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ his·mercy
and·his·wonders⁺ to·sons⁺·of adam :
as he·broke pulldoors⁺·of copper
and·bolts⁺·of iron he·hacked·down :
wrongdoer⁺ from·the·step·of their·rebellion
and·from·their·guilts⁺ they·humiliate·themselves⁺ :
all·of edibles she·abominates their·soul
and·they·touch⁺ unto gates⁺·of death :
and·they·cry⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ in·the·rockiness to·them
from·their·overpourings⁺ he·saves·them :
he·sends his·speech and·he·heals·them
and·he·delivers from·their·prostrations⁺ :
they·gloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ his·mercy
and·his·wonders⁺ to·sons⁺·of adam :
and·they·offer⁺ offerings⁺·of gloryhand
and·they·recount⁺ his·doings⁺ in·shouting :
the·descending⁺·of the·sea in·ships⁺
doing⁺·of ministry in·waters⁺ many⁺ :
they⁺ they·saw⁺ the·doings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·his·wonders⁺ in·ocean :
and·he·says and·he·causes·to·stand breath·of storm
and·she·heightens his·rolls⁺ :
they·go·up⁺ skies⁺ they·descend⁺ rumblewaves⁺
their·soul in·badness she·dissipates·herself :
they·feast⁺ and·they·rattle⁺ as·the·drunk
and·all·of their·wisdom she·devours·herself :
and·they·cry⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ in·the·rockiness to·them
and·from·their·overpourings⁺ he·lets·them·go :
ꜝlet·him·raise storm to·silence
and·they·are·hushed⁺ their·rolls⁺ :
and·they·are·glad⁺ as they·are·calm⁺
and·he·guides·them to the·harbor·of their·pleasure :
they·gloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ his·mercy
and·his·wonders⁺ to·sons⁺·of adam :
and·they·heighten⁺·him in·congregation·of people
and·in·seat·of elders⁺ they·praise⁺·him :
ꜝlet·him·place streams⁺ to·outspeak
and·goings⁺·of waters⁺ to·thirstiness :
land·of fruit to·saltmarsh
from·badness·of settling⁺ in·her :
ꜝlet·him·place outspeak to·pond·of waters⁺
and·land·of desert to·goings⁺·of waters⁺ :
and·he·settles there hungry⁺
and·they·make·sure⁺ city·of seat :
and·they·seed⁺ fields⁺ and·they·plant⁺ orchards⁺
and·they·do⁺ fruit·of inbringing :
and·he·kneels·them and·they·multiply⁺ very
and·their·beast he·does·not·make·little :
and·they·are·made·little⁺ and·they·are·prostrate⁺
from·restraint·of badness and·sorrow :
spilling·out despisal upon nobles⁺
and·he·leads·them·to·wander in·null not step :
and·he·entowers wanting from·humiliation
and·he·places as·the·sheep families⁺ :
they·see⁺ straight⁺ and·they·are·glad⁺
and·all·of evil she·stopped·up her·mouth :
¿who wise and·he·watches these
and·they·discern⁺ the·mercies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
Psalm 108
song musically to·Intimate :
assured my·heart Powers⁺
ꜝlet·me·sing and·ꜝlet·me·make·music ¡yes! my·weight :
ꜝarouse·yourself! the·wiltharp and·lyre ꜝlet·me·rouse morning :
I·gloryhand·you in·the·people⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·I·make·you·music not mamaclans⁺ :
as great from·upon skies⁺ your·mercy
and·unto wisps⁺ your·truth :
ꜝbe·high! upon skies⁺ Powers⁺
and·upon all·of the·land your·weight :
because·of ꜝlet·them·be·redressed⁺ your·intimate⁺
ꜝsave! your·right and·ꜝrespond·me :
Powers⁺ he·spoke in·his·sanctuary ꜝlet·me·exult ꜝlet·me·divide Yoke
and·the·deepland·of Knitshelterses⁺ I·measure·out :
to·me Roll-of-Witness to·me Frustration and·Fruits² the·mighty·place·of my·head
Gloryhand that·prescribes·me :
From-Father the·pot·of my·bath upon Blood I·drop my·shoelatchet
upon Palestine I·cheer·for·myself :
¿who he·makes·me·course city·of fortification
¿who he·guided·me unto Blood :
¿not Powers⁺ you·shunned·us
and you·do·not·go Powers⁺ in·our·hosts⁺ :
ꜝgrant! to·us help from·rocker
and·vanity salvation·of adam :
in·Powers⁺ we·do⁺ strength
and·he he·treads·down our·rockers⁺ :
Psalm 109
to·the·forever to·Intimate musically
Powers⁺·of my·praise ꜝdo·not·craft·silence :
as mouth·of wicked and·mouth·of trickery upon·me they·opened⁺
they·spoke⁺ with·me tongue·of falsehood :
and·speeches⁺·of hatred they·turned·around⁺·me
and·they·battle⁺·me gratuitously :
under my·love they·accuse⁺·me and·I mediation :
and·they·place⁺ upon·me badness under goodness
and·hatred under my·love :
ꜝgive·to·reckon upon·him wicked
and·accuser he·stands upon his·right :
when·he·is·judged he·goes wicked
and·his·mediation she·is to·sinfulness :
they·are⁺ his·days⁺ littles⁺
his·reckoning he·takes after :
they·are⁺ his·sons⁺ orphans⁺
and·his·woman widow :
and·rattling they·rattle⁺ his·sons⁺ and·they·requested⁺
and·they·investigated⁺ from·their·withered·places⁺ :
he·ensnares fraudster to·all that to·him
and·they·spoil⁺ strangers⁺ his·labor :
ꜝlet·him·not·be to·him drawing·out mercy
and ꜝlet·him·not·be gracing to·his·orphans⁺ :
ꜝlet·him·be his·afterward to·cut·down
in·saeculum after ꜝlet·him·be·wiped·away their·name :
he·is·remembered the·guilt·of his·fathers⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·sin·of his·mama ꜝlet·her·not·be·wiped·away :
they·are⁺ before Yʜᴡʜ always
and·ꜝlet·him·cut·down from·land their·memory :
because that he·did·not·remember doing mercy and·he·pursues man humiliated and·wanting and·sad·of heart to·cause·to·die :
and·he·loves slight and·she·enters·him
and he·was·not·pleased in·kneeling and·she·is·far from·him :
and·he·is·robed·in slight as·his·tunic
and·she·enters as·the·waters⁺ in·his·impresence
and·as·the·oil in·his·bones⁺ :
ꜝlet·her·be to·him as·covering he·is·clothed
and·to·buckle always he·girds·her :
this the·work·of my·accusers⁺ from·with Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·speakers⁺ bad upon my·soul :
and·you Yʜᴡʜ My·Lord ꜝdo with·me because·of your·name
as good your·mercy ꜝsnatch·me·away :
as humiliated and·wanting I
and·my·heart he·was·pierced in·my·impresence :
as·shadow as·he·branches·out I·was·walked
I·was·bucked·off as·the·multibug :
my·knees² they·stumbled⁺ from·fasting
and·my·flesh he·was·denied from·oil :
and·I I·was detraction to·them
they·see⁺·me they·rattle·around⁺ their·head :
ꜝhelp·me Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
ꜝsave·me as·your·mercy :
and·they·know⁺ as your·hand this
you Yʜᴡʜ you·did·her :
they·slight⁺ they⁺ and·you you·kneel
they·arose⁺ and·they·are·ashamed⁺ and·your·servant he·is·glad :
they·are·robed·in⁺ my·accusers⁺ embarrassment
and·they·are·clothed⁺ as·the·guise their·shame :
I·gloryhand Yʜᴡʜ very in·my·mouth
and·in·midst·of many⁺ I·praise·him :
as he·stands to·right·of wanting
to·save from·the·judges⁺·of his·soul :
Psalm 110
to·Intimate musically
the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ to·my·lord ꜝsettle to·my·right
unto I·put your·enemies⁺ stool to·your·feet² :
the·branch·of your·might he·sends Yʜᴡʜ from·Tzion
ꜝgovern in·the·impresence·of your·enemies⁺ :
your·people noble·offerings⁺ in·the·day·of your·strength
in·magnificences⁺·of sanctuary from·womb·of morning
to·you the·dew·of your·childhoods⁺ :
he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ and he·does·not·sigh you priest to·eternity
upon the·speech·of King·of Justice :
My·Lord upon your·right
he·impaled in·the·day·of his·nostrils kings⁺ :
he·vindicates in·the·clans⁺ he·filled backs⁺
he·impaled head upon land much :
from·river in·the·step he·drinks
upon surely he·heightens head :
Psalm 111
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ I·gloryhand Yʜᴡʜ in·all·of heart
in·confidences·of straight⁺ and·assembly :
great⁺ the·doings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
investigated⁺ to·all·of their·pleasure⁺ :
splendor and·magnificence his·work
and·his·justice standing to·onward :
memory he·did to·his·wonders⁺
gracious and·wombly Yʜᴡʜ :
prey he·gave to·his·fearful⁺
he·remembers to·eternity his·covenant :
the·vigor·of his·doings⁺ he·told·forth to·his·people
to·give to·them derivation·of clans⁺ :
the·doings⁺·of his·hands² truth and·judgment
true⁺ all·of his·reckonings⁺ :
propped·up⁺ to·onward to·eternity
done⁺ in·truth and·straight :
ransom he·sent to·his·people he·commanded to·eternity his·covenant
sacred and·fearsome his·name :
headmost·of wisdom the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ prudence good to·all·of that·do⁺·them
his·praise standing to·onward :
Psalm 112
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ blessedness⁺·of man fearful °Yʜᴡʜ
in·his·commandments⁺ he·was·pleased very :
hero in·the·land he·is his·seed
saeculum·of straight⁺ he·is·knelt·to :
wealth and·riches in·his·house
and·his·justice standing to·onward :
he·dawned in·the·darkness light to·the·straight⁺
gracious and·wombly and·just :
good man gracing and·indebting
he·sustains his·speeches⁺ in·judgment :
as to·eternity he·is·not·shaken
to·memory·of eternity he·is just :
from·hearing bad he·does·not·fear
assured his·heart trust in·Yʜᴡʜ :
propped·up his·heart he·does·not·fear
unto that he·sees in·his·rockers⁺ :
he·sowed·about he·gave to·the·wanting⁺ his·justice standing to·onward
his·horn she·is·high in·weight :
wicked he·sees and·he·was·troubled his·teeth² he·gnashes and·he·was·dampened
yearning·of wicked⁺ she·is·lost :
Psalm 113
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ ꜝpraise⁺ the·servants⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝpraise⁺ °the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝlet·him·be the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ knelt·to
from·now and·unto eternity :
from·dawn·of sun unto his·entrance
praised the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
high upon all·of clans⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
upon the·skies⁺ his·weight :
¿who as·Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
that·climbs to·settle :
that·makes·low to·see
in·the·skies⁺ and·in·the·land :
raising from·dust pulled·down
from·dump he·heightens wanting :
to·settle near nobles⁺
near the·nobles⁺·of his·people :
the·settling·of the·sterile·of the·house the·mama·of the·sons⁺ glad ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 114
when·going Princepowr from·Egypts²
the·house·of Heeler from·people foreign :
she·was Gloryhand to·his·sanctuary
Princepowr his·rule⁺ :
the·sea he·saw and·he·flees
the·Descender he·turns·around to·aft :
the·mounts⁺ they·danced⁺ as·powrrams⁺
hills⁺ as·sons⁺·of sheep :
¿what to·you the·sea as you·flee
the·Descender you·turn·around to·aft :
the·mounts⁺ you·dance⁺ as·powrrams⁺
hills⁺ as·sons⁺·of sheep :
from·to·face⁺·of lord ꜝwhirl land
from·to·the·face⁺·of Power·of Heeler :
that·converts the·rock pond·of waters⁺
flint to·his·eyewell waters⁺ :
Psalm 115
not to·us Yʜᴡʜ not to·us
as to·your·name ꜝgive weight
upon your·mercy upon your·truth :
to·¿what they·say⁺ the·clans⁺
¿where ¡please! their·Powers⁺ :
and·our·Powers⁺ in·the·skies⁺
all that he·was·pleased he·did :
their·pains⁺ silver and·gold
doing·of hands²·of adam :
mouth to·them and they·do·not·speak⁺
eyes² to·them and they·do·not·see⁺ :
ears² to·them and they·do·not·hear⁺
nostrils to·them and they·do·not·breathe⁺ :
their·hands² and they·do·not·budge⁺ their·feet² and they·do·not·walk⁺
they·do·not·echo⁺ in·their·jaw :
as·them they·are⁺ that·do⁺·them
all that trusting in·them :
Princepowr ꜝtrust in·Yʜᴡʜ
their·help and·their·guard he :
the·house·of Aharon ꜝtrust⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ
their·help and·their·guard he :
the·fearful⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ ꜝtrust⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ
their·help and·their·guard he :
Yʜᴡʜ he·remembered·us he·kneels
he·kneels °the·house·of Princepowr
he·kneels °the·house·of Aharon :
he·kneels the·fearful⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
the·small⁺ near the·great⁺ :
ꜝlet·him·add Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺
upon·you⁺ and·upon your⁺·sons⁺ :
knelt·to⁺ you⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
doing·of skies⁺ and·land :
the·skies⁺ skies⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·land he·gave to·sons⁺·of adam :
not the·dead⁺ they·praise⁺ Yʜ
and·not all·of descending⁺·of silence :
and·we⁺ we·kneel⁺ Yʜ from·now and·unto eternity ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 116
I·loved as he·hears Yʜᴡʜ
°my·voice my·graceprayers⁺ :
as he·branched·out his·ear to·me
and·in·my·days⁺ I·call :
they·engulfed⁺·me ropes⁺·of death and·rocky·places⁺·of sheol they·found⁺·me
rockiness and·sorrow I·find :
and·in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ I·call
¡ah·please! Yʜᴡʜ ꜝdeliver! my·soul :
gracious Yʜᴡʜ and·just
and·our·Powers⁺ enwombing :
watching gullible⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
I·was·pulled·down and·to·me he·saves :
ꜝreturn my·soul to·your·peaceful·places⁺
as Yʜᴡʜ he·yielded upon·you :
as you·redressed my·soul from·death
°my·eye from tears
°my·foot from·overthrowing :
I·walk·myself to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·lands⁺·of the·living⁺ :
I·was·true as I·speak
I I·was·humble very :
I I·said when·I·am·alarmed
all·of the·adam liar :
¿what I·return to·Yʜᴡʜ
all·of his·yields⁺ upon·me :
cup·of salvations⁺ I·bear
and·in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ I·call :
my·vows⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ I·shalom
➝before ¡please! to·all·of his·people :
precious in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
➝the·death to·his·merciful⁺ :
¡ah·please! Yʜᴡʜ as I your·servant
I your·servant the·son·of your·amah
you·opened to·my·chains⁺ :
to·you I·offer offering·of gloryhand
and·in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ I·call :
my·vows⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ I·shalom
➝before ¡please! to·all·of his·people :
in·the·courtyards⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·your·midst Torahshalom ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 117
ꜝpraise⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ all·of clans⁺
ꜝacclaim⁺·him all·of the·mamaclans⁺ :
as he·was·heroic upon·us his·mercy and·the·truth·of Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 118
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ as he·was·good
as to·eternity his·mercy :
he·says ¡please! Princepowr
as to·eternity his·mercy :
they·say⁺ ¡please! the·house·of Aharon
as to·eternity his·mercy :
they·say⁺ ¡please! the·fearful⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
as to·eternity his·mercy :
from the·rocky·place I·called Yʜ
he·responded·me in·the·broad·place Yʜ :
Yʜᴡʜ to·me I·do·not·fear
¿what he·does to·me adam :
Yʜᴡʜ to·me in·my·helpers⁺
and·I I·see in·that·hate⁺·me :
good to·refuge in·Yʜᴡʜ
from·trusting in·the·adam :
good to·refuge in·Yʜᴡʜ
from·trusting in·nobles⁺ :
all·of clans⁺ they·turned·around⁺·me
in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ as I·snip·them :
they·turned·around⁺·me also they·turned·around⁺·me
in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ as I·snip·them :
they·turned·around⁺·me as·speakerbees⁺ they·were·extinguished⁺ as·fire·of thorns⁺
in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ as I·snip·them :
overthrowing you·overthrew·me to·fall
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·helped·me :
my·might and·the·music·of Yʜ
and·he·is to·me to·salvation :
voice·of shouting and·salvation in·tents⁺·of just⁺
the·right·of Yʜᴡʜ doing strength :
the·right·of Yʜᴡʜ high
the·right·of Yʜᴡʜ doing strength :
I·do·not·die as I·live
and·I·recount the·deeds⁺·of Yʜ :
instructing he·instructs·me Yʜ
and·to·the·death he·did·not·give·me :
ꜝopen⁺ to·me gates⁺·of justice
I·enter in·them I·gloryhand Yʜ :
this the·gate to·Yʜᴡʜ
just⁺ they·enter⁺ in·him :
I·gloryhand·you as you·responded·me
and·you·are to·me to·salvation :
stone they·rejected⁺ that·build⁺
she·was to·head·of corner :
from·with Yʜᴡʜ she·was this
she wonder in·our·eyes² :
this the·day he·did Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝlet·us·twirl⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·be·glad⁺ in·him :
¡ah·please! Yʜᴡʜ ꜝsave! ¡please!
¡ah·please! Yʜᴡʜ ꜝprosper! ¡please! :
knelt·to that·enters in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
we·knelt⁺·you⁺ from·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
the·powr·of Yʜᴡʜ and·he·lights·up to·us ꜝchain⁺ feast in·cords⁺
unto the·horns⁺·of the·offering·place :
my·powr you and·I·gloryhand·you
my·Powers⁺ I·heighten·you :
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ as he·was·good
as to·eternity his·mercy :
Psalm 119
blessedness⁺·of complete⁺·of step
that·walk⁺ in·the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ :
the·blessedness⁺·of the·protecting⁺·of his·witnesses⁺ in·all·of heart they·investigate⁺·him :
¡yes! they·did·not·work⁺ evil
in·his·steps⁺ they·walked⁺ :
you you·commanded your·reckonings⁺ to·watch very :
¡ach,·iᵮ·only! they·are·assured⁺ my·steps⁺ to·watch your·prescriptions⁺ :
then I·am·not·ashamed
when·I·look to all·of your·commandments⁺ :
I·gloryhand·you in·straightness·of heart
when·I·am·discipled the·judgments⁺·of your·justice :
°your·prescriptions⁺ I·watch
ꜝdo·not·abandon·me unto very :
in·¿what he·perfects youth °his·way
to·watch as·your·speech :
in·all·of my·heart I·investigated·you
you·do·not·lead·me·astray from·your·commandments⁺ :
in·my·heart I·kept·secret your·saying
because·of I·do·not·sin to·you :
knelt·to you Yʜᴡʜ ꜝdisciple·me your·prescriptions⁺ :
in·my·lips² I·recounted
all·of the·judgments⁺·of your·mouth :
in·the·step·of your·witnesses⁺ I·rejoiced as·upon all·of wealth :
in·your·reckonings⁺ ꜝlet·me·meditate
and·ꜝlet·me·look your·ways⁺ :
in·your·prescriptions⁺ I·delight·myself
I·do·not·forget your·speech :
ꜝyield upon your·servant I·live and·ꜝlet·me·watch your·speech :
ꜝstrip my·eyes² and·ꜝlet·me·look
wonders⁺ from·your·torah :
lodger I in·the·land
ꜝdo·not·hide from·me your·commandments⁺ :
she·cracked my·soul to·craving
to your·judgments⁺ in·all·of season :
you·rebuked boiling⁺ cursed⁺
that·stray⁺ from·your·commandments⁺ :
ꜝroll from·upon·me detraction and·despisal
as your·witnesses⁺ I·protected :
also they·settled⁺ princes⁺ in·me they·spoke·together⁺
your·servant he·meditates in·your·prescriptions⁺ :
also your·witnesses⁺ my·delights⁺ the·mortals⁺·of my·counsel :
she·was·joined to·the·dust my·soul
ꜝkeep·me·alive as·your·speech :
my·steps⁺ I·recounted and·you·respond·me ꜝdisciple·me your·prescriptions⁺ :
the·step·of your·reckonings⁺ ꜝgive·me·discernment
and·ꜝlet·me·meditate in·your·wonders⁺ :
she·languished my·soul from·sorrow
ꜝraise·me as·your·speech :
step·of falsehood ꜝremove from·me
and·your·torah ꜝgrace·me :
step·of truth I·chose
your·judgments⁺ I·leveled :
I·was·joined in·your·witnesses⁺
Yʜᴡʜ you·do·not·shame·me :
the·step·of your·commandments⁺ I·run
as you·broaden my·heart :
ꜝtorah·me Yʜᴡʜ the·step·of your·prescriptions⁺ and·I·protect·her on·the·heels :
ꜝgive·me·discernment and·ꜝlet·me·protect your·torah and·I·watch·her in·all·of heart :
ꜝmake·me·step in·the·path·of your·commandments⁺
as in·him I·was·pleased :
ꜝbranch·out my·heart to your·witnesses⁺ and·not to profit :
ꜝmake·cross·by my·eyes² from·seeing vanity
in·your·steps⁺ ꜝkeep·me·alive :
ꜝraise to·your·servant your·saying
that to·fear·you :
ꜝmake·cross·by my·detraction that I·was·dislodged
as your·judgments⁺ good⁺ :
¡lo! I·craved to·your·reckonings⁺
in·your·justice ꜝkeep·me·alive :
and·they·enter⁺·me your·mercies⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
your·salvation as·your·saying :
and·I·respond my·detractor speech
as I·trusted in·your·speech :
and ꜝdo·not·snatch·away from·my·mouth speech·of truth unto very
as to·your·judgment I·awaited :
and·ꜝlet·me·watch your·torah always to·eternity and·onward :
and·ꜝlet·me·walk·myself in·the·broad
as your·reckonings⁺ I·investigated :
and·ꜝlet·me·speak in·your·witnesses⁺ before kings⁺ and I·am·not·ashamed :
and·I·delight·myself in·your·commandments⁺ that I·loved :
and·I·bear·up my·spoons² to your·commandments⁺ that I·loved and·ꜝlet·me·meditate in·your·prescriptions⁺ :
ꜝremember speech to·your·servant
upon that you·awaited·me :
this my·sigh in·my·humiliation
as your·saying she·kept·me·alive :
boiling⁺ they·scorned⁺·me unto very
from·your·torah I·did·not·branch·out :
I·remembered your·judgments⁺ from·eternity Yʜᴡʜ and·I·sigh·within :
tempest she·held·me from·wicked⁺
the·abandoning⁺·of your·torah :
music⁺ they·were⁺ to·me your·prescriptions⁺ in·the·house·of my·lodgings⁺ :
I·remembered in·the·night your·name Yʜᴡʜ
and·I·watch! your·torah :
this she·was to·me
as your·reckonings⁺ I·protected :
my·dividend Yʜᴡʜ I·said to·watch your·speeches⁺ :
I·pierced·the·presence·of your·face⁺ in·all·of heart
ꜝgrace·me as·your·saying :
I·considered my·steps⁺
and·I·return! my·feet² to your·witnesses⁺ :
I·hurried and I·did·not·delay
to·watch your·commandments⁺ :
ropes⁺·of wicked⁺ they·witnessed⁺·me
your·torah I·did·not·forget :
half·of night I·arise to·gloryhand to·you
upon the·judgments⁺·of your·justice :
ally I to·all that they·feared⁺·you
and·to·the·watching⁺·of your·reckonings⁺ :
your·mercy Yʜᴡʜ she·filled the·land your·prescriptions⁺ ꜝdisciple·me :
good you·did near your·servant
Yʜᴡʜ as·your·speech :
goodness·of taste and·knowledge ꜝdisciple·me
as in·your·commandments⁺ I·was·true :
ere I·am·humble I straying
and·now your·saying I·watched :
good you and·doing·good ꜝdisciple·me your·prescriptions⁺ :
they·sludged⁺ upon·me falsehood boiling⁺
I in·all·of heart I·protect your·reckonings⁺ :
he·was·saturated as·the·fat their·heart
I your·torah I·delighted :
he·was·good to·me as I·was·humiliated
because·of ꜝlet·me·be·discipled your·prescriptions⁺ :
good to·me the·torah·of your·mouth
from·thousands⁺·of gold and·silver :
your·hands² they·did⁺·me and·they·make·me·sure⁺
ꜝgive·me·discernment and·ꜝlet·me·be·discipled your·commandments⁺ :
your·fearful⁺ they·see⁺·me and·they·are·glad⁺
as to·your·speech I·awaited :
I·knew Yʜᴡʜ as justice your·judgments⁺
and·truth you·humiliated·me :
ꜝlet·him·be ¡please! your·mercy to·sigh·with·me
as·your·saying to·your·servant :
they·enter⁺·me your·wombliness⁺ and·I·live
as your·torah my·delights⁺ :
they·are·ashamed⁺ boiling⁺ as falsehood they·found·me·guilty⁺
I I·meditate in·your·reckonings⁺ :
they·return⁺ to·me your·fearful⁺
and·the·knowing⁺·of your·witnesses⁺ :
ꜝlet·him·be my·heart complete in·your·prescriptions⁺
because·of I·am·not·ashamed :
she·was·all·through to·your·salvation my·soul
to·your·speech I·awaited :
they·were·all·through⁺ my·eyes² to·your·saying
saying ¿wħen you·sigh·with·me :
as I·was as·bottle in·incendiation
your·prescriptions⁺ I·did·not·forget :
as·¿what the·days⁺·of your·servant
¿wħen you·do in·my·pursuers⁺ judgment :
they·drilled⁺ to·me boiling⁺ pits⁺
that not as·your·torah :
all·of your·commandments⁺ truth
falsehood they·pursued⁺·me ꜝhelp·me :
as·little they·were·all·done⁺·me in·the·land
and·I I·did·not·abandon your·reckonings⁺ :
as·your·mercy ꜝkeep·me·alive
and·ꜝlet·me·watch the·witness·of your·mouth :
to·eternity Yʜᴡʜ
your·speech posted in·the·skies⁺ :
to·saeculum and·saeculum your·truth
you·made·sure land and·she·stands :
to·your·judgments⁺ they·stood⁺ the·day
as all your·servants⁺ :
iᵮ·not your·torah my·delights⁺
then I·was·lost in·my·humiliation :
to·eternity I·do·not·forget your·reckonings⁺
as in·them you·kept·me·alive :
to·you I ꜝsave·me
as your·reckonings⁺ I·investigated :
to·me they·hoped⁺ wicked⁺ to·lose·me
your·witnesses⁺ I·discern :
to·all·of being·all·done I·saw end
broad your·commandment very :
¿what I·loved your·torah
all·of the·day she my·meditation :
from·my·enemies⁺ she·makes·me·wise your·commandments⁺
as to·eternity she to·me :
from·all·of that·disciple⁺·me I·made·prudent
as your·witnesses⁺ meditation to·me :
from·elders⁺ I·discern
as your·reckonings⁺ I·protected :
from·all·of way bad I·detained my·feet²
because·of ꜝlet·me·watch your·speech :
from·your·judgments⁺ I·did·not·move
as you you·torahed·me :
¿what they·were·appealing⁺ to·my·palate your·saying from·honey to·my·mouth :
from·your·reckonings⁺ I·discern
upon surely I·hated all·of way·of falsehood :
lamp to·my·foot your·speech
and·light to·my·path :
I·vowed·seven and·I·raise!
to·watch the·judgments⁺·of your·justice :
I·was·humbled unto very
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝkeep·me·alive as·your·speech :
the·noble·offerings⁺·of my·mouth ꜝfavor ¡please! Yʜᴡʜ
and·your·judgments⁺ ꜝdisciple·me :
my·soul in·my·spoon always
and·your·torah I·did·not·forget :
they·gave⁺ wicked⁺ trap to·me
and·from·your·reckonings⁺ I·did·not·wander :
I·derived your·witnesses⁺ to·eternity
as the·rejoicing·of my·heart they⁺ :
I·branched·out my·heart to·do your·prescriptions⁺ to·eternity on·the·heels :
forked⁺ I·hated
and·your·torah I·loved :
my·hiddenness and·my·guard you
to·your·speech I·awaited :
ꜝmove⁺ from·me bad-doers⁺
and·ꜝlet·me·protect the·commandments⁺·of my·Powers⁺ :
ꜝprop·me·up as·your·saying and·I·live
and you·do·not·shame·me from·my·expectation :
ꜝbolster·me and·ꜝlet·me·be·saved
and·I·gaze in·your·prescriptions⁺ always :
you·compared all·of straying⁺ from·your·prescriptions⁺
as falsehood their·trickery :
scums⁺ you·gave·rest all·of wicked⁺·of land
to·surely I·loved your·witnesses⁺ :
he·went·spiky from·your·trembling my·flesh
and·from·your·judgments⁺ I·feared :
I·did judgment and·justice
you·do·not·set·me·in·peace to·my·intimidators⁺ :
ꜝpledge your·servant to·good
ꜝlet·them·not·intimidate⁺·me boiling⁺ :
my·eyes² they·were·all·through⁺ to·your·salvation
and·to·the·saying·of your·justice :
ꜝdo near your·servant as·your·mercy and·your·prescriptions⁺ ꜝdisciple·me :
your·servant I ꜝgive·me·discernment
and·ꜝlet·me·know your·witnesses⁺ :
season to·do to·Yʜᴡʜ
they·scuttled⁺ your·torah :
upon surely I·loved your·commandments⁺
from·gold and·from·sterling :
upon surely all·of reckonings⁺·of all I·straightened
all·of way·of falsehood I·hated :
wonders⁺ your·witnesses⁺
upon surely she·protected·them my·soul :
the·opening·of your·speeches⁺ he·lights·up giving·discernment gullible⁺ :
my·mouth I·gaped and·I·gobble!
as to·your·commandments⁺ I·wanted :
ꜝface to·me and·ꜝgrace·me
as·judgment to·the·loving⁺·of your·name :
my·times⁺ ꜝmake·sure in·your·saying
and she·does·not·give·control in·me all·of iniquity :
ꜝransom·me from·intimidation·of adam
and·ꜝlet·me·watch your·reckonings⁺ :
your·face⁺ ꜝlight·up in·your·servant
and·ꜝdisciple·me °your·prescriptions⁺ :
furrows⁺·of waters⁺ they·descended⁺ my·eyes²
upon they·did·not·watch⁺ your·torah :
just you Yʜᴡʜ
and·straight your·judgments⁺ :
you·commanded the·justice·of your·witnesses⁺
and·truth very :
she·annihilated·me my·jealousy
as they·forgot⁺ your·speeches⁺ my·rockers⁺ :
smelted your·saying very and·your·servant he·loved·her :
least I and·despised
your·reckonings⁺ I·did·not·forget :
your·justice justice to·eternity
and·your·torah truth :
rockiness and·overpouring they·found⁺·me
your·commandments⁺ my·delights⁺ :
the·justice·of your·witnesses⁺ to·eternity ꜝgive·me·discernment and·I·live :
I·called in·all·of heart ꜝrespond·me Yʜᴡʜ your·prescriptions⁺ ꜝlet·me·protect :
I·called·you ꜝsave·me
and·ꜝlet·me·watch your·witnesses⁺ :
I·was·in·front·of in·the·evening·breeze and·I·cry·for·safety!
to·your·speech I·awaited :
they·were·in·front·of⁺ my·eyes² watches⁺
to·meditate in·your·saying :
my·voice ꜝhear! as·your·mercy
Yʜᴡʜ as·your·judgment ꜝkeep·me·alive :
they·were·present⁺ pursuers⁺·of evil·determination
from·your·torah they·were·far⁺ :
present you Yʜᴡʜ
and·all·of your·commandments⁺ truth :
frontmost I·knew from·your·witnesses⁺
as to·eternity you·founded·them :
ꜝsee my·humiliation and·ꜝredress·me
as your·torah I·did·not·forget :
ꜝargue! my·argument and·ꜝgoel·me
to·your·saying ꜝkeep·me·alive :
afar from·wicked⁺ salvation
as your·prescriptions⁺ they·did·not·investigate⁺ :
your·wombliness⁺ many⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
as·your·judgments⁺ ꜝkeep·me·alive :
many⁺ my·pursuers⁺ and·my·rockers⁺
from·your·witnesses⁺ I·did·not·branch·out :
I·saw covert⁺ and·I·vex·myself!
that your·saying they·did·not·watch⁺ :
ꜝsee as your·reckonings⁺ I·loved
Yʜᴡʜ as·your·mercy ꜝkeep·me·alive :
the·head·of your·speech truth
and·to·eternity all·of the·judgment·of your·justice :
princes⁺ they·pursued⁺·me gratuitously
and·from·your·speech he·trembled my·heart :
rejoicing I upon your·saying
as·finder·of plunder much :
falsehood I·hated and·ꜝlet·me·abominate
your·torah I·loved :
seven in·the·day I·praised·you
upon the·judgments⁺·of your·justice :
shalom much to·the·loving⁺·of your·torah
and·there·is·ńot to·them stumbleblock :
I·expected to·your·salvation Yʜᴡʜ
and·your·commandments⁺ I·did :
she·watched my·soul your·witnesses⁺
and·I·love·them very :
I·watched your·reckonings⁺ and·your·witnesses⁺
as all·of my·steps⁺ before·you :
she·is·present my·shouting to·your·face⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
as·your·speech ꜝgive·me·discernment :
she·enters my·graceprayer to·your·face⁺
as·your·saying ꜝsnatch·me·away :
they·spring⁺ my·lips² praise
as you·disciple·me your·prescriptions⁺ :
ꜝlet·her·respond my·tongue your·saying
as all·of your·commandments⁺ justice :
ꜝlet·her·be your·hand to·help·me
as your·reckonings⁺ I·chose :
I·craved to·your·salvation Yʜᴡʜ
and·your·torah my·delights⁺ :
ꜝlet·her·live my·soul and·she·praises·you
and·your·judgment they·help⁺·me :
I·wandered as·ovine lost ꜝseek your·servant
as your·commandments⁺ I·did·not·forget :
Psalm 120
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
to Yʜᴡʜ in➝the·rockiness to·me
I·called and·he·responds·me :
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝsnatch·away! my·soul from·lip·of falsehood
from·tongue trickery :
¿what he·gives to·you and·¿what he·adds to·you tongue trickery :
arrows⁺·of hero made·toothed⁺
near embers⁺·of linktrees⁺ :
¡woe·ah! to·me as I·lodged Draught·of
I·dwelled near the·tents⁺·of Glooming :
much·of she·dwelled to·her my·soul
near hating·of shalom :
I shalom and·as I·speak
they⁺ to·the·battle :
Psalm 121
song to·the·upward·ways⁺
I·bear my·eyes² to the·mounts⁺
from·¿where he·enters my·help :
my·help from·near Yʜᴡʜ
doing·of skies⁺ and·land :
ꜝlet·him·not·give to·the·shaking your·foot
ꜝlet·him·not·snooze that·watches·you :
¡lo! he·does·not·snooze and he·does·not·sleep
the·watching·of Princepowr :
Yʜᴡʜ that·watches·you
Yʜᴡʜ your·shadow upon the·hand·of your·right :
daytime the·sun he·does·not·strike·you and·moon in·the·night :
Yʜᴡʜ he·watches·you from·all bad
he·watches °your·soul :
Yʜᴡʜ he·watches your·going and·your·entering
from·now and·unto eternity :
Psalm 122
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺ to·Intimate
I·was·glad in·saying⁺ to·me
the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ we·walk⁺ :
standing⁺ they·were⁺ our·feet²
in·your·gates⁺ Torahshalom :
Torahshalom that·is·built
as·city which·she·was·allied to·her united :
which·there they·went·up⁺ stems⁺ the·stems⁺·of Yʜ witness to·Princepowr
to·gloryhand to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
as ➝there they·settled⁺ thrones⁺ to·judgment
thrones⁺ to·the·house·of Intimate :
ꜝrequest⁺ the·shalom·of Torahshalom
they·relax⁺ that·love⁺·you :
ꜝlet·him·be shalom in·your·stronghold
relaxation in·your·heights⁺ :
because·of my·brothers⁺ and·my·tendents⁺
ꜝlet·me·speak ¡please! shalom in·you :
because·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
ꜝlet·me·seek good to·you :
Psalm 123
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
to·you I·bore °my·eyes²
that·settles in·the·skies⁺ :
¡lo! as·eyes²·of servants⁺ to the·hand·of their·lords⁺ as·eyes²·of family·servant to the·hand·of her·heroine
surely our·eyes² to Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
unto which·he·graces·us :
ꜝgrace·us Yʜᴡʜ ꜝgrace·us
as much we·were·satisfied⁺ despisal :
much·of she·was·satisfied to·her our·soul
the·mockery·of the·placid⁺
the·despisal to·majestic⁺·of :
exilers⁺ :Psalm 124
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺ to·Intimate
iᵮ·not Yʜᴡʜ which·he·was to·us
he·says ¡please! Princepowr :
iᵮ·not Yʜᴡʜ which·he·was to·us
when·arising upon·us adam :
then living⁺ they·devoured⁺·us
when·scorched their·nostrils in·us :
then the·waters⁺ they·flooded⁺·us
➝river he·crossed·over upon our·soul :
then he·crossed·over upon our·soul
the·waters⁺ the·overboiling⁺ :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ
which he·did·not·give·us prey to·their·teeth² :
our·soul as·skippingbird she·was·delivered from·trap·of ensnarers⁺
the·trap broken and·we⁺ we·were·delivered⁺ :
our·help in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
doing·of skies⁺ and·land :
Psalm 125
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
that·trust⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ
as·the·mount·of Tzion he·is·not·shaken to·eternity he·settles :
Torahshalom mounts⁺ turninground to·her and·Yʜᴡʜ turninground to·his·people
from·now and·unto eternity :
as he·is·not·at·peace the·stem·of the·wickedness upon the·lot·of the·just⁺
because·of ꜝlet·them·not·send⁺ the·just⁺ in·evil their·hands² :
ꜝdo·good! Yʜᴡʜ to·the·good⁺
and·to·straight⁺ in·their·hearts⁺ :
and·that·branch·out⁺ their·crookedness⁺ he·causes·them·to·walk Yʜᴡʜ with the·workers⁺·of the·iniquity
shalom upon Princepowr :
Psalm 126
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
when·returning Yʜᴡʜ °the·return·of Tzion
we·were⁺ as·dreaming⁺ :
then he·is·filled laughter our·mouth and·our·tongue shouting
then they·say⁺ in·the·clans⁺
he·made·great Yʜᴡʜ to·do near these :
he·made·great Yʜᴡʜ to·do near·us we·were⁺ glad⁺ :
ꜝreturn! Yʜᴡʜ °our·captives⁺
as·channels⁺ in·the·Negev :
that·seed⁺ in·tears in·shouting they·crop⁺ :
walking he·walks and·weeping the·bearer·of the·draught·of the·seed
entering he·enters in·shouting
the·bearer·of his·tiebales⁺ :
Psalm 127
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺ to·Shalomo
if Yʜᴡʜ he·does·not·build house vanity they·toiled⁺ that·build⁺·him in·him
if Yʜᴡʜ he·does·not·watch city vanity he·kept·vigil watching :
vanity to·you⁺ the·yoking·up⁺·of arising the·keeping·aft⁺·of settling the·eating⁺·of the·bread·of the·pains⁺
surely he·gives to·his·intimate sleep :
¡lo! the·derivation·of Yʜᴡʜ sons⁺
hire the·fruit·of the·belly :
as·arrows⁺ in·hand·of hero
surely the·sons⁺·of the·youth⁺ :
the·blessedness⁺·of the·hero that he·filled °his·quiver from·them
as they·speak⁺ with enemies⁺ in·the·gate :
Psalm 128
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
the·blessedness⁺·of all·of the·fearful·of Yʜᴡʜ
that·walks in·his·steps⁺ :
the·labor·of your·spoons² as you·eat
your·blessedness⁺ and·he·was·good to·you :
your·woman as·vine fruitful in·the·flanks²·of your·house
your·sons⁺ as·graftings⁺·of olives⁺
turninground to·your·table :
¡lo! as surely he·is·knelt·to hero the·fearful·of Yʜᴡʜ :
he·kneels·you Yʜᴡʜ from·Tzion
and·ꜝsee in·the·goodness·of Torahshalom
all·of the·days⁺·of your·life⁺ :
and·ꜝsee sons⁺ to·your·sons⁺
shalom upon Princepowr :
Psalm 129
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
much·of they·rocked⁺·me from·my·youth⁺
he·says ¡please! Princepowr :
much·of they·rocked⁺·me from·my·youth⁺
also they·were·not·able⁺ to·me :
upon my·brow they·crafted⁺ crafting⁺
they·prolonged⁺ to·their·responsibility·places⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ just
he·put·an·end·to cord·of wicked⁺ :
they·are·ashamed⁺ and·they·are·skimmed·away⁺ aft
all·of the·hating⁺·of Tzion :
they·are⁺ as·sprouts·of roofs⁺
which·in·front·of he·unsheathed he·dried·up :
which he·did·not·fill his·spoon cropper and·his·embrace making·sheaf :
and they·did·not·say⁺ the·crossers⁺ the·kneeling·of Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺
we·knelt⁺ °you⁺ in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
Psalm 130
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
from·depths⁺ I·called·you Yʜᴡʜ :
My·Lord ꜝhear! in·my·voice
they·are⁺ your·ears² listening⁺
to·the·voice·of my·graceprayers⁺ :
if guilts⁺ you·watch Yʜ
My·Lord ¿who he·stands :
as near·you the·pardon
because·of ꜝbe·fearsome :
I·hoped Yʜᴡʜ she·hoped my·soul
and·to·his·speech I·waited :
my·soul to·My·Lord
from·watching⁺ to·the·dayplow watching⁺ to·the·dayplow :
ꜝawait Princepowr to Yʜᴡʜ as near Yʜᴡʜ the·mercy
and·multiplying near·him ransom :
and·he he·ransoms °Princepowr
from·all·of his·guilts⁺ :
Psalm 131
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺ to·Intimate
Yʜᴡʜ he·did·not·climb my·heart and they·were·not·high⁺ my·eyes²
and I·did·not·walk in·great⁺ and·in·wonders⁺ from·me :
if I·did·not·level and·I·silenced my·soul
as·yieldling·child upon his·mama
as·that·is·yieldling·child upon·me my·soul :
ꜝawait Princepowr to Yʜᴡʜ
from·now and·unto eternity :
Psalm 132
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
ꜝremember Yʜᴡʜ to·Intimate
°all·of his·being·humiliated :
that he·vowed·seven to·Yʜᴡʜ
he·vowed to·the·pinioned·one·of Heeler :
if I·enter in·the·tent·of my·house
if I·go·up upon the·mattress·of my·cot⁺ :
if I·give the·sleep to·my·eyes²
to·my·flyelids⁺ snooze :
unto I·find rising·place to·Yʜᴡʜ
dwelling·places⁺ to·the·pinioned·one·of Heeler :
¡lo! we·heard⁺·her in·Fruitful
we·found⁺·her in·the·fields⁺·of Forest :
ꜝlet·us·enter⁺ to·his·dwelling·places⁺
we·prostrate·ourselves⁺ to·the·stool·of his·feet² :
ꜝarise! Yʜᴡʜ to·your·peaceful·place
you and·the·ark·of your·might :
your·priests⁺ they·are·robed·in⁺ justice
and·your·merciful⁺ they·shout⁺ :
in·sake·of Intimate your·servant
ꜝdo·not·return the·face⁺·of your·anointed :
he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·Intimate truth he·does·not·return from·her
from·the·fruit·of your·belly
I·put to·throne to·you :
if they·watch⁺ your·sons⁺ my·covenant and·my·witnesses⁺ this I·disciple·them
also their·sons⁺ onwards⁺·of onward
they·settle⁺ to·throne to·you :
as he·chose Yʜᴡʜ in·Tzion
he·yearned·for·her to·seat to·him :
this my·peaceful·place onwards⁺·of onward
ẖere I·settle as I·yearned·for·her :
her·huntfood kneeling I·kneel
her·wanting⁺ I·satisfy bread :
and·her·priests⁺ I·robe safety
and·her·merciful⁺ shouting they·shout⁺ :
there I·cause·to·grow horn to·Intimate
I·lined·up lamp to·my·anointed :
his·enemies⁺ I·robe shame
and·upon·him he·flowers his·vow :
Psalm 133
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺ to·Intimate
¡lo! ¿what good and·¿what amiable
settling brothers⁺ also united :
as·the·oil the·good upon the·head descending upon the·old·beard the·old·beard·of Aharon
which·descending upon the·mouth·of his·measures⁺ :
as·the·dew·of Heremon which·descending upon the·mountains⁺·of Tzion
as there he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °the·kneeling
life⁺ unto the·eternity :
Psalm 134
the·song·of the·upward·ways⁺
¡lo! ꜝkneel⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·servants⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that·stand⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·nights⁺ :
ꜝbear⁺ your⁺·hands² sanctuary
and·ꜝkneel⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ :
he·kneels·you Yʜᴡʜ from·Tzion
doing·of skies⁺ and·land :
Psalm 135
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ ꜝpraise⁺ °the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝpraise⁺ the·servants⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
which·standing⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·courtyards⁺·of the·house·of our·Powers⁺ :
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ as good Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝmake·music⁺ to·his·name as amiable :
as Heeler he·chose to·him Yʜ
Princepowr to·his·dearest :
as I I·knew as great Yʜᴡʜ
and·our·lords⁺ from·all·of Powers⁺ :
all that he·was·pleased Yʜᴡʜ he·did
in·the·skies⁺ and·in·the·land
in·the·seas⁺ and·all·of rumblewaves⁺ :
offering·up wellborns⁺ from·the·end·of the·land
flashes⁺ to·the·rain he·did
letting·go breath from·his·treasures⁺ :
which·he·struck the·firstborns⁺·of Egypts²
from·adam unto beast :
he·sent signs⁺ and·omens⁺ in·your·midst Egypts²
in·Pharaoh and·in·all·of his·servants⁺ :
which·he·struck clans⁺ many⁺
and·he·killed kings⁺ strongboned⁺ :
to·Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte and·to·Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan
and·to·all·of the·kingdoms⁺·of Cashier :
and·he·gave their·land derivation
derivation to·Princepowr his·people :
Yʜᴡʜ your·name to·eternity
Yʜᴡʜ your·memory to·saeculum and·saeculum :
as he·vindicates Yʜᴡʜ his·people
and·upon his·servants⁺ he·sighs·within :
the·pains⁺·of the·clans⁺ silver and·gold
doing·of hands²·of adam :
mouth to·them and they·do·not·speak⁺
eyes² to·them and they·do·not·see⁺ :
ears² to·them and they·do·not·give·ear⁺
¡yes! there·is·ńot there·is breath in·their·mouth :
as·them they·are⁺ that·do⁺·them
all that trusting in·them :
the·house·of Princepowr ꜝkneel⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ
the·house·of Aharon ꜝkneel⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ :
the·house·of the·Debtor ꜝkneel⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ
the·fearful⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ ꜝkneel⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ from·Tzion dwelling Torahshalom ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 136
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ as good
as to·eternity his·mercy :
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Powers⁺·of the·Powers⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·the·lords⁺·of the·lords⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·doing·of wonders⁺ great⁺ alone·him
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·the·doing·of the·skies⁺ in·discernment
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·the·flattening·of the·land upon the·waters⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·doing·of lights⁺ great⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
°the·sun to·the·rule in·the·day
as to·eternity his·mercy :
°the·moon and·stars⁺ to·rule⁺ in·the·night
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·the·striking·of Egypts² in·their·firstborns⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·he·lets·go Princepowr from·their·midst
as to·eternity his·mercy :
in·hand firm and·in·arm branched·out
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·the·bisector·of the·sea·of Reeds to·sections⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·he·made·cross·by Princepowr in·his·midst
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·he·bucked·off Pharaoh and·his·strength in·the·sea·of Reeds
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·the·causing·walk·of his·people in·the·outspeak
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·striking·of kings⁺ great⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·he·kills kings⁺ regals⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
to·Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·to·Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·he·gave their·land to·derivation
as to·eternity his·mercy :
derivation to·Princepowr his·servant
as to·eternity his·mercy :
which·in·our·lowliness he·remembered to·us
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·he·rips·us from·our·rockers⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
giving·of bread to·all·of flesh
as to·eternity his·mercy :
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·the·powr·of the·skies⁺
as to·eternity his·mercy :
Psalm 137
upon the·streams⁺·of Babylon there we·settled⁺ also we·wept⁺
when·we·remember⁺ °Tzion :
upon arabahtrees⁺ in·her·midst
we·hanged⁺ our·lyres⁺ :
as there they·requested⁺·us our·captors⁺ speeches⁺·of song and·our·yowlers⁺ gladness
ꜝsing⁺ to·us from·the·song·of Tzion :
¿ħow we·sing⁺ °the·song·of Yʜᴡʜ
upon adamah·of unrecognizee :
if I·forget·you Torahshalom she·forgets my·right :
she·is·joined my·tongue to·my·palate if I·do·not·remember·you
if I·do·not·offer·up °Torahshalom
upon the·head·of my·gladness :
ꜝremember Yʜᴡʜ to·the·sons⁺·of Blood °the·day·of Torahshalom
that·say⁺ ꜝlay·bare⁺ ꜝlay·bare⁺
unto the·foundation in·her :
the·daughter·of Babylon that·is·overbreasted
blessedness⁺·of which·he·shaloms to·you
°your·yield which·you·yielded to·us :
blessedness⁺·of which·he·holds and·he·shattered °your·nurslings⁺ to the·clifftop :
Psalm 138
I·gloryhand·you in·all·of my·heart
before Powers⁺ I·make·you·music :
I·prostrate·myself to the·palace·of your·sanctuary and·I·gloryhand °your·name upon your·mercy and·upon your·truth
as you·made·great upon all·of your·name your·saying :
in·day I·called and·you·respond·me
you·reinforce·me in·my·soul might :
they·gloryhand⁺·you Yʜᴡʜ all·of kings⁺·of land
as they·heard⁺ the·sayings⁺·of your·mouth :
and·they·sing⁺ in·the·steps⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
as great the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ :
as high Yʜᴡʜ and·low he·sees
and·climbing from·afar he·knows :
if I·walk in·impresence·of rockiness you·keep·me·alive
upon the·nostrils·of my·enemies⁺ you·send your·hand
and·she·saves·me your·right :
Yʜᴡʜ he·concludes about·me
Yʜᴡʜ your·mercy to·eternity
the·doings⁺·of your·hands² ꜝdo·not·slack·off :
Psalm 139
to·the·forever to·Intimate musically
Yʜᴡʜ you·examined·me and·you·know :
you you·knew my·settling and·my·arising
you·discerned to·my·tending from·afar :
my·wayfaring and·my·getting·on·all·fours you·winnowed
and·all·of my·steps⁺ you·took·care :
as there·is·ńot word in·my·tongue
¡lo! Yʜᴡʜ you·knew all·of·her :
aft and·frontmost you·rocked·me·up
and·you·put upon·me your·spoon :
wonderful knowledge from·me
towering I·am·not·able to·her :
¿where I·walk from·your·breath
and·¿where from·your·face⁺ I·bolt :
if I·emerge·into skies⁺ there you
and·ꜝlet·me·set·my·cot sheol ¡lo!·you :
I·bear wings²·of morning
ꜝlet·me·dwell in·afterward·of sea :
also there your·hand she·guides·me
and·she·holds·me your·right :
and·I·say surely darkness he·bruises·me
and·night light about·me :
also darkness he·does·not·darken from·you
and·night as·the·day he·lights·up
as·the·darkness as·the·light :
as you you·stocked·up my·allkidneys⁺
you·knit·me·together in·the·belly·of my·mama :
I·gloryhand·you upon as fearsome⁺ I·was·marked·out
wonders⁺ your·doings⁺
and·my·soul knowing very :
he·was·not·stifled my·bone from·you
that I·was·being·done in·the·hiddenness
I·was·embroidered in·undermost⁺·of land :
my·windings they·saw⁺ your·eyes² and·upon your·account all·of·them they·are·written⁺
days⁺ they·were·formed⁺
and·to·him one in·them :
and·to·me ¿what they·were·precious⁺ your·tendings⁺ powr
¿what they·were·strongboned⁺ their·heads⁺ :
I·count·them from·sand they·multiply⁺
I·awoke and·I·am·still near·you :
if you·massacre Power wicked
and·mortals⁺·of bloods⁺ ꜝmove⁺ from·me :
that they·say⁺·you to·determination
borne to·the·vanity aroused·against⁺·you :
¿not that·hate⁺·you Yʜᴡʜ I·hate
and·in·that·rise·against⁺·you I·vex·myself :
being·all·done·of hatred I·hated·them
to·enemies⁺ they·were⁺ to·me :
ꜝexamine·me powr and·ꜝknow my·heart
ꜝtest·me and·ꜝknow my·worries⁺ :
and·ꜝsee if step·of pain in·me
and·ꜝguide·me in·step·of eternity :
Psalm 140
to·the·forever musically to·Intimate :
ꜝredress·me Yʜᴡʜ from·adam bad
from·man·of violences⁺ you·protect·me :
that they·considered⁺ badnesses⁺ in·heart
all·of day they·lodge·together⁺ battles⁺ :
they·made·toothed⁺ their·tongue as copperhead
heat·of coilsnake
under their·lips² ‹compare› :
ꜝwatch·me Yʜᴡʜ from·hands²·of wicked from·man·of violences⁺ you·protect·me
that they·considered⁺ to·overthrow my·times⁺ :
they·buried⁺ majestic⁺ trap to·me and·ropes⁺ they·stretched⁺ heirnet to·hand·of wagonway
snares⁺ they·put⁺ to·me ‹compare› :
I·said to·Yʜᴡʜ my·powr you
ꜝgive·ear! Yʜᴡʜ the·voice·of my·graceprayers⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ My·Lord the·might·of my·salvation
you·were·knit·together to·my·head in·day·of armory :
ꜝdo·not·give Yʜᴡʜ yearnings⁺·of wicked
his·evil·determination ꜝdo·not·reel·in they·are·high⁺ ‹compare› :
the·head·of my·turning·around⁺
the·toil·of their·lips² he·covers·them :
they·are·shaken⁺ upon·them embers⁺
in·the·fire he·lets·them·fall
in·abysses⁺ they·do·not·arise⁺ :
man·of tongue he·is·not·assured in·the·land
man·of violence bad
he·hunts·him to·zipping·places⁺ :
I·knew as he·does Yʜᴡʜ vindication·of humiliated
judgment·of wanting⁺ :
surely just⁺ they·gloryhand⁺ to·your·name
they·settle⁺ straight⁺ with your·face⁺ :
Psalm 141
musically to·Intimate
Yʜᴡʜ I·called·you ꜝhurry! to·me
ꜝgive·ear! my·voice when·I·call to·you :
she·is·assured my·mediation incense to·your·face⁺
the·burden·of my·spoons² tribute·of evening :
ꜝput! Yʜᴡʜ watch to·my·mouth
ꜝprotect! upon the·pulldoor·of my·lips² :
ꜝdo·not·branch·out my·heart to·speech bad to·exploit·oneself exploits⁺ in·wickedness with men⁺ workers⁺·of iniquity
and I·do·not·eat·bread in·their·amiabilities⁺ :
he·hammers·me just mercy and·he·reproves·me oil·of head he·does·not·negate my·head
as again and·my·mediation in·their·badnesses⁺ :
they·were·released⁺ in·hands²·of clifftop their·judges⁺
and·they·heard⁺ my·sayings⁺ as they·were·amiable⁺ :
as cutting·in·pieces and·cleaving in·the·land
they·were·sown⁺ our·bones⁺ to·mouth·of sheol :
as to·you Yʜᴡʜ My·Lord my·eyes²
in·you I·refuged ꜝdo·not·lay·bare my·soul :
ꜝwatch·me from·hands²·of trap they·ensnared⁺ to·me
and·snares⁺·of workers⁺·of iniquity :
they·fall⁺ in·his·nets⁺ wicked⁺
united I unto I·cross·over :
Psalm 142
Prudently to·Intimate
when·he·is in·the·barrens mediation :
my·voice to Yʜᴡʜ I·cry
my·voice to Yʜᴡʜ I·beg·grace :
I·spill·out to·his·face⁺ my·meditation
my·rockiness to·his·face⁺ I·tell·forth :
when·collapsing upon·me my·breath and·you you·knew my·path
in·way this I·walk
they·buried⁺ trap to·me :
ꜝlook right and·ꜝsee and·there·is·ńot to·me recognizing
he·was·lost fleeing·place from·me
there·is·ńot investigating to·my·soul :
I·cried to·you Yʜᴡʜ
I·said you my·refugee
my·dividend in·the·land·of the·living⁺ :
ꜝlisten! to my·shouting as I·was·pulled·down very
ꜝsnatch·me·away from·my·pursuers⁺
as they·were·bold⁺ from·me :
ꜝlet·go! from·lockdown my·soul to·gloryhand °your·name
in·me they·encircle⁺ just⁺
as you·yield upon·me :
Psalm 143
musically to·Intimate
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝhear my·mediation ꜝgive·ear! to my·graceprayers⁺
in·your·truth ꜝrespond·me in·your·justice :
and ꜝdo·not·enter in·judgment with your·servant
as he·is·not·just to·your·face⁺ all living :
as he·pursued enemy my·soul he·crushed to·the·land my·life
he·settled·me in·dark·places⁺ as·dead⁺·of eternity :
and·she·collapses upon·me my·breath
in·my·midst he·desolates·himself my·heart :
I·remembered days⁺ from·frontmost I·echoed in·all·of your·work
in·the·doing·of your·hands² I·meditate :
I·stretched my·hands² to·you
my·soul as·land tired to·you ‹compare› :
ꜝspeed ꜝrespond·me Yʜᴡʜ she·was·all·through my·breath
ꜝdo·not·hide your·face⁺ from·me
and·I·was·same near descending⁺·of well :
ꜝlet·me·hear in·the·dayplow your·mercy as in·you I·trusted
ꜝlet·me·know step this I·walk
as to·you I·bore·up my·soul :
ꜝsnatch·me·away from·my·enemies⁺ Yʜᴡʜ to·you I·covered :
ꜝdisciple·me to·do your·favor as you my·Powers⁺
your·breath good
she·guides·me in·land·of straight·place :
because·of your·name Yʜᴡʜ you·keep·me·alive
in·your·justice you·let·go from·rockiness my·soul :
and·in·your·mercy you·annihilate my·enemies⁺
and·you·caused·to·be·lost all·of the·rockers⁺·of my·soul
as I your·servant :
Psalm 144
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ my·rock that·disciples my·hands² to·the·battle·presentation
my·fingers⁺ to·the·battle :
my·mercy and·my·huntinglodge my·tower and·that·rescues·me to·me
my·guard and·in·him I·refuged
that·expands my·people unders⁺·me :
Yʜᴡʜ ¿what adam and·you·know·him
son·of mortal and·you·consider·him :
adam to·the·vapor he·was·like
his·days⁺ as·shadow crosser :
Yʜᴡʜ ꜝbranch·out your·skies⁺ and·you·descend
ꜝtouch in·the·mounts⁺ and·they·smoke⁺ :
ꜝflash flash and·you·scatter·them
ꜝsend your·arrows⁺ and·you·rumble·them :
ꜝsend your·hands² from·heights
ꜝwiden·me and·ꜝsnatch·me·away from·waters⁺ many⁺
from·hand·of sons⁺·of unrecognizee :
that their·mouth he·spoke vanity
and·their·right right·of falsehood :
Powers⁺ song new ꜝlet·me·sing to·you
in·wiltharp·of tenth ꜝlet·me·make·music to·you :
that·gives salvation to·the·kings⁺
that·widens °Intimate his·servant from·sword bad :
ꜝwiden·me and·ꜝsnatch·me·away from·hand·of sons⁺·of unrecognizee
that their·mouth he·spoke vanity
and·their·right right·of falsehood :
that our·sons⁺ as·plants⁺ made·great⁺ in·their·youth⁺
our·daughters⁺ as·mayglow-corners⁺
hewn⁺ build·of palace :
our·silos⁺ full⁺ reeling·in⁺ from·supply to supply
our·sheep becoming·thousands⁺ multiplying⁺ in·our·exteriors⁺ :
our·alpha⁺ heaved·up⁺
there·is·ńot rupture and·there·is·ńot go
and·there·is·ńot scream in·our·broadways⁺ :
the·blessedness⁺·of the·people which·thus to·him
the·blessedness⁺·of the·people which·Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ :
Psalm 145
praise to·Intimate
I·heighten·you my·Powers⁺ the·king
and·ꜝlet·me·kneel your·name to·eternity and·onward :
in·all·of day I·kneel·you
and·ꜝlet·me·praise your·name to·eternity and·onward :
great Yʜᴡʜ and·praised very
and·to·his·greatness there·is·ńot examination :
saeculum to·saeculum he·acclaims your·doings⁺
and·your·heroisms⁺ they·tell·forth⁺ :
the·magnificence·of the·weight·of your·splendor
and·the·speeches⁺·of your·wonders⁺ ꜝlet·me·meditate :
and·the·might·of your·fearsome⁺ they·say⁺
and·your·greatness I·recount·her :
the·memory·of the·much·of your·goodness they·spring⁺
and·your·justice they·shout⁺ :
gracious and·wombly Yʜᴡʜ
long·of nostrils² and·great·of mercy :
good Yʜᴡʜ to·all
and·his·wombliness⁺ upon all·of his·doings⁺ :
they·gloryhand⁺·you Yʜᴡʜ all·of your·doings⁺
and·your·merciful⁺ they·kneel⁺·you :
the·weight·of your·kingship they·say⁺
and·your·heroism they·speak⁺ :
to·let·know to·the·sons⁺·of the·adam his·heroisms⁺
and·the·weight·of the·magnificence·of his·kingship :
your·kingship kingship·of all eternities⁺
and·your·rule in·all·of saeculum and·saeculum :
prop Yʜᴡʜ to·all·of that·fall⁺
and·establishing to·all that·are·spooned·out⁺ :
eyes²·of all to·you they·expect⁺
and·you giving to·them °their·edibles in·his·season :
opening °your·hand
and·satisfying to·all living favor :
just Yʜᴡʜ in·all·of his·steps⁺
and·merciful in·all·of his·doings⁺ :
present Yʜᴡʜ to·all·of that·call⁺·him
to·all that they·call⁺·him in·truth :
the·favor·of his·fearful⁺ he·does
and·°their·cry·for·safety he·hears and·he·saves·them :
watching Yʜᴡʜ °all·of that·love⁺·him
and·°all the·wicked⁺ he·destroys :
the·praise·of Yʜᴡʜ he·speaks my·mouth
and·he·kneels all·of flesh the·name·of his·sanctuary to·eternity and·onward :
Psalm 146
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ ꜝpraise my·soul °Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝlet·me·praise Yʜᴡʜ in·my·life⁺
ꜝlet·me·make·music to·my·Powers⁺ when·I·am·still :
ꜝdo·not·trust⁺ in·nobles⁺
in·son·of adam which·there·is·ńot to·him salvation :
she·goes his·breath he·returns to·his·adamah
in·the·day he they·were·lost⁺ his·reflections⁺ :
the·blessedness⁺·of which·the·powr·of Heeler in·his·help
his·expectation upon Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ :
doing skies⁺ and·land °the·sea and·°all that in·them
that·watches truth to·eternity :
doing judgment to·the·intimidated⁺ giving bread to·the·hungry⁺
Yʜᴡʜ letting·jump·free chained⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ illuminating blind⁺ Yʜᴡʜ establishing spooned·out⁺
Yʜᴡʜ loving just⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ watching °lodgers⁺ orphan and·widow he·witnesses
and·step·of wicked⁺ he·finds·guilty :
he·is·king Yʜᴡʜ to·eternity your·Powers⁺ Tzion to·saeculum and·saeculum ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 147
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ as good making·music our·Powers⁺
as amiable radiant praise :
the·building·of Torahshalom Yʜᴡʜ
the·banished⁺·of Princepowr he·rallies :
the·healer to·broken⁺·of heart
and·wrapping·up to·their·pains⁺ :
allotting count to·the·stars⁺
to·all·of·them names⁺ he·calls :
great our·lords⁺ and·much·of vigor
to·his·discernment there·is·ńot count :
witnessing humiliated⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
making·low wicked⁺ unto land :
ꜝrespond⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·gloryhand
ꜝmake·music⁺ to·our·Powers⁺ in·lyre :
that·covers skies⁺ in·fogs⁺ that·makes·sure to·the·land rain
that·causes·to·grow mounts⁺ sprouts :
giving to·beast her·bread
to·sons⁺·of eveningbird that they·call⁺ :
not in·the·heroism·of the·horse he·is·pleased
not in·the·legs²·of the·man he·favors :
favoring Yʜᴡʜ °his·fearful⁺
°that·await⁺ to·his·mercy :
ꜝacclaim Torahshalom °Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝpraise your·Powers⁺ Tzion :
as he·made·firm the·bolts⁺·of your·gates⁺
he·knelt your·sons⁺ in·your·impresence :
that·places your·border shalom
fat·of wheat⁺ he·satisfies·you :
that·sends his·saying land
unto speedily he·runs his·speech :
that·gives snow as·the·wool
atonement-snow as·the·ash he·sows·about :
dropping his·baldice as·morsels⁺
to·the·face⁺·of his·cold ¿who he·stands :
he·sends his·speech and·he·dampens·them
ꜝlet·him·breeze·off his·breath they·cascade⁺ waters⁺ :
telling·forth his·speeches⁺ to·Heeler
his·prescriptions⁺ and·his·judgments⁺ to·Princepowr :
he·did·not·do surely to·all·of clan and·judgments⁺ they·did·not·know⁺·them ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 148
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ ꜝpraise⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ from the·skies⁺
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·the·heights⁺ :
ꜝpraise⁺·him all·of his·ministers⁺
ꜝpraise⁺·him all·of his·hosts⁺ :
ꜝpraise⁺·him sun and·moon
ꜝpraise⁺·him all·of stars⁺·of light :
ꜝpraise⁺·him the·skies⁺·of the·skies⁺
and·the·waters⁺ that from·upon the·skies⁺ :
they·praise⁺ °the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
as he he·commanded and·they·were·shaped⁺ :
and·he·causes·them·to·stand to·onward to·eternity
prescription he·gave and he·does·not·cross·over :
ꜝpraise⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ from the·land
serpentines⁺ and·all·of rumblewaves⁺ :
fire and·hail snow and·incendiation
breath·of storm doing his·speech :
the·mounts⁺ and·all·of hills⁺
tree·of fruit and·all·of cedars⁺ :
the·life and·all·of beast
creeper and·skippingbird·of wing :
kings⁺·of land and·all·of nations⁺·of
princes⁺ and·all·of judges⁺·of land :
choice·youths⁺ and·also virgins⁺
elders⁺ near youths⁺ :
they·praise⁺ °the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ as towering his·name alone·him
his·splendor upon land and·skies⁺ :
and·he·heightens horn to·his·people praise to·all·of his·merciful⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr people his·present ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 149
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ ꜝsing⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ song new
his·praise in·congregation·of merciful⁺ :
he·is·glad Princepowr in·that·do⁺·him
the·sons⁺·of Tzion they·twirl⁺ in·their·king :
they·praise⁺ his·name in·whirldancing
in·timbrel and·lyre they·make·music⁺ to·him :
as favoring Yʜᴡʜ in·his·people
he·sprigs humiliated⁺ in·salvation :
they·exult⁺ merciful⁺ in·weight
they·shout⁺ upon their·beds⁺ :
highnesses⁺·of powr in·their·jaw
and·sword·of mouths⁺ in·their·hand :
to·do vengeance in·the·clans⁺
reproofs⁺ not mamaclans⁺ :
to·chain their·kings⁺ in·fetters⁺
and·their·weighty⁺ in·shackles⁺·of iron :
to·do in·them judgment written magnificence he to·all·of his·merciful⁺ ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :
Psalm 150
ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ ꜝpraise⁺ powr in·his·sanctuary
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·the·plane·of his·might :
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·his·heroisms⁺
ꜝpraise⁺·him as·the·multitude·of his·greatness :
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·hit·of shofair
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·wiltharp and·lyre :
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·timbrel and·whirldancing
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·strings⁺ and·passionflute :
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·ring-ringers⁺·of hearing
ꜝpraise⁺·him in·ring-ringers⁺·of cheer :
all·of the·gasp she·praises Yʜ ꜝpraise⁺ Yʜ :