Book of Esther
and·he·is in·the·days⁺·of Xerxes
he Xerxes the·king from·Hoddu and·unto Kush
seven and·twenty⁺ and·hundred vindicatordom :
in·the·days⁺ they⁺
as·settling the·king Xerxes upon the·throne·of his·kingship
that in·Lily the·castle :
in·year·of three to·be·king·him
he·did drinkingfeast
to·all·of his·princes⁺ and·his·servants⁺
the·strength·of Persia and·Media the·premiers⁺ and·the·princes⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺ to·his·face⁺ :
when·he·shows °the·riches·of the·weight·of his·kingship
the·sprigging·of his·greatness
days⁺ many⁺
eighty⁺ and·hundred·of day :
and·when·filling the·days⁺ these he·did the·king to·all·of the·people that·are·found⁺ in·Lily the·castle to·from·great and·unto small drinkingfeast seven·of days⁺
in·the·courtyard·of the·guarden·of the·greathouse·of the·king :
brilliant·white cotton and·blue held in·ropes⁺·of eggcloth and·purple
upon rolls⁺·of silver and·standing·pillars⁺·of linenstone
branchbeds⁺·of gold and·silver upon mosaic·of porphyry and·linenstone and·libertystone and·merchandise :
and·giving·to·drink in·things⁺·of gold
and·things⁺ from·things⁺ doubling·around⁺
and·wine·of kingship much as·the·hand·of the·king :
and·the·drinking as·the·edict there·is·ńot compulsory
as surely he·set·the·foundation·of the·king upon all·of the·major·of his·house
to·do as·favor·of man and·man :
also Vashty the·queen
she·did drinkingfeast·of women⁺
the·house·of the·kingship
that to·the·king Xerxes :
in·the·day the·seventh
as·good the·heart·of the·king in·the·wine
he·said to·Mehuman Bizzeta Charbona Bigta and·Abagta Zetar and·Karkas
the·seven·of the·eunuchs⁺
with the·face⁺·of the·king Xerxes :
to·bring·in °Vashty the·queen to·the·face⁺·of the·king in·circlet·of kingship
to·show the·people⁺ and·the·princes⁺ °her·beauty
as good·of sight she :
and·she·refuses the·queen Vashty to·enter in·the·speech·of the·king
that in·the·hand·of the·eunuchs⁺
and·he·is·angry the·king very
and·his·heat she·was·consumed in·him :
and·he·says the·king
to·the·wise⁺ the·knowing⁺·of the·seasons⁺
as surely the·speech·of the·king
to·face⁺·of all·of knowing⁺·of edict and·vindication :
and·the·present to·him Karshena Shetar Admata Tarshysh
Meres Mersena Memukan
the·seven·of the·princes⁺·of Persia and·Media the·seeing⁺·of the·face⁺·of the·king
that·settle⁺ headmost in·the·kingship :
as·edict ¿what to·do
in·the·queen Vashty
upon that she·did·not·do °the·saying·of the·king Xerxes
in·the·hand·of the·eunuchs⁺ :
and·he·says Memukan to·the·face⁺·of the·king and·the·princes⁺
not upon the·king alone·him
she·was·guilty Vashty the·queen
as upon all·of the·princes⁺ and·upon all·of the·people⁺
that in·all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king Xerxes :
as he·goes the·speech·of the·queen upon all·of the·women⁺
to·cause·to·despise their·masters⁺ in·their·eyes²
when·they·say⁺ the·king Xerxes he·said to·bring·in °Vashty the·queen to·his·face⁺ and she·did·not·enter :
and·the·day this they·say⁺ the·princesses⁺·of Persia and·Media that they·heard⁺ °the·speech·of the·queen
to·all·of the·princes⁺·of the·king
and·as·enough·of despisal and·anger :
if upon the·king good he·goes speech·of kingship from·to·his·face⁺
and·he·is·written in·the·edicts⁺·of Persia and·Media and he·does·not·cross·over
that she·does·not·enter Vashty to·the·face⁺·of the·king Xerxes
and·her·kingship he·gives the·king
to·her·tendent the·good from·her :
and·he·was·heard the·sentence·of the·king that he·does in·all·of his·kingship
as much she
and·all·of the·women⁺ they·give⁺ preciousness to·their·masters⁺
to·from·great and·unto small :
and·he·is·good the·speech
in·the·eyes²·of the·king and·the·princes⁺
and·he·does the·king as·the·speech·of Memukan :
and·he·sends accounts⁺ to all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king
to vindicatordom and·vindicatordom as·her·writing
and·to people and·people as·his·tongue
to·be all·of man prince in·his·house
and·speaker as·the·tongue·of his·people :
after the·speeches⁺ these
as·abating the·heat·of the·king Xerxes
he·remembered °Vashty and·°that she·did
and·°that he·was·sectioned·off upon·her :
and·they·say⁺ the·youths⁺·of the·king his·assistants⁺
they·seek⁺ to·the·king youths⁺ virgins⁺ good⁺·of sight :
and·ꜝlet·him·give·to·reckon the·king reckoners⁺ in·all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of his·kingship
and·they·collect⁺ °all·of youth virgin good·of sight to Lily the·castle to the·house·of the·women⁺
to the·hand·of Hege the·eunuch·of the·king watching the·women⁺
and·giving their·scourings⁺ :
and·the·youth that she·is·good in·the·eyes²·of the·king
she·is·king under Vashty
and·he·is·good the·speech in·the·eyes²·of the·king and·he·does surely :
man Gloryhandïte
he·was in·Lily the·castle
and·his·name Mardukay the·son·of Enlightener the·son·of Hearing the·son·of Snare man Rightïte :
that he·was·stripped from·Torahshalom
near the·stripped that she·was·stripped
near Assured-of-Yʜ the·king·of Gloryhand
that he·stripped
Prophethelpedkadre the·king·of Babylon :
and·he·is true·caretaker °Myrtle she Ishtar the·daughter·of his·intimate·uncle
as there·is·ńot to·her father and·mama
and·the·youth beautiful·of figure and·good·of sight
and·in·the·death·of her·father and·her·mama
he·took·her Mardukay to·him to·daughter :
and·he·is when·being·heard the·speech·of the·king and·his·edict
and·when·being·collected youths⁺ many⁺ to Lily the·castle to the·hand·of Hege
and·she·is·taken Ishtar to the·house·of the·king
to the·hand·of Hege watching the·women⁺ :
and·she·is·good the·youth in·his·eyes² and·she·bears·up mercy to·his·face⁺
and·he·agitates °her·scourings⁺ and·°her·allotments⁺ to·give to·her
and·°seven the·youths⁺
that·are·seen⁺ to·give to·her from·the·house·of the·king
and·he·doubles·back·her and·°her·youths⁺ to·the·good·of the·house·of the·women⁺ :
she·did·not·tell·forth Ishtar
°her·people and·°her·childage
as Mardukay he·commanded upon·her that she·does·not·tell·forth :
and·in·all·of day and·day
Mardukay walking·oneself
to·the·face⁺·of the·courtyard·of the·house·of the·women⁺
to·know °the·shalom·of Ishtar
and·¿what he·is·done in·her :
and·when·touching queue·of youth and·youth to·enter to the·king Xerxes from·end being to·her as·the·edict·of the·women⁺ two² and·ten·of new·moon
as surely they·fill⁺ the·days⁺·of their·scourings⁺
six new·moons⁺ in·the·oil·of the·bitters
and·six new·moons⁺ in·the·spices⁺
and·in·the·scourings⁺·of the·women⁺ :
and·in·this the·youth entering to the·king
°all that she·says he·is·given to·her to·enter near·her
from·the·house·of the·women⁺ unto the·house·of the·king :
in·the·evening she entering and·in·the·dayplow she returning to the·house·of the·women⁺ second
to the·hand·of Shaashgaz the·eunuch·of the·king watching the·concubines⁺
she·does·not·enter again to the·king
but rather he·was·pleased in·her the·king and·she·was·called in·name :
and·when·touching the·queue·of Ishtar the·daughter·of Father-of-Strength the·intimate·uncle·of Mardukay that he·took to·him to·daughter to·enter to the·king she·did·not·seek speech
but rather °that he·says Hege the·eunuch·of the·king watching the·women⁺
and·she·is Ishtar bearing·of grace
in·eyes²·of all·of that·see⁺·her :
and·she·is·taken Ishtar to the·king Xerxes to the·house·of his·kingship
in·the·new·moon the·tenth he the·new·moon·of January
in·year·of seven to·his·kingship :
and·he·loves the·king °Ishtar from·all·of the·women⁺
and·she·bears·up grace and·mercy to·his·face⁺ from·all·of the·virgins⁺
and·he·places circlet·of kingship in·her·head
and·he·kings·her under Vashty :
and·he·does the·king drinkingfeast great to·all·of his·princes⁺ and·his·servants⁺
°the·drinkingfeast·of Ishtar
and·peacefulness to·the·vindicatordoms⁺ he·did
and·he·gives burden as·the·hand·of the·king :
and·when·being·collected virgins⁺ second
and·Mardukay settling in·the·gate·of the·king :
there·is·ńot Ishtar telling·forth her·childage and·°her·people
as·how he·commanded upon·her Mardukay
and·°the·saying·of Mardukay Ishtar doing
as·how she·was in·true·care with·him :
in·the·days⁺ they⁺
and·Mardukay settling in·the·gate·of the·king
he·was·angry Bigtan and·Teresh the·two²·of the·eunuchs⁺·of the·king from·the·watching⁺·of the·portal
and·they·seek⁺ to·send hand
in·the·king Xerxes :
and·he·is·known the·speech to·Mardukay
and·he·tells·forth to·Ishtar the·queen
and·she·says Ishtar to·the·king in·the·name·of Mardukay :
and·he·is·sought the·speech and·he·is·found
and·they·are·hanged⁺ the·two²·of·them upon treestick
and·he·is·written in·the·account·of the·speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
after the·speeches⁺ these he·made·great the·king Xerxes °Hum the·son·of the·Medata the·Agagïte and·he·bears·him·up
and·he·places °his·throne
from·upon all·of the·princes⁺ that with·him :
and·all·of the·servants⁺·of the·king that in·the·gate·of the·king stooping⁺ and·prostrating·themselves⁺ to·Hum
as surely he·commanded to·him the·king
he·does·not·stoop and he·does·not·prostrate·himself :
and·they·say⁺ the·servants⁺·of the·king that in·the·gate·of the·king to·Mardukay
¿know·why you crosser
°the·commandment·of the·king :
and·he·is as·they·say⁺ to·him day and·day
and he·did·not·hear to·them
and·they·tell·forth⁺ to·Hum to·see ¿they·stand⁺ the·speeches⁺·of Mardukay
as he·told·forth to·them that he Gloryhandïte :
and·he·sees Hum
as there·is·ńot Mardukay
stooping and·prostrating·oneself to·him
and·he·is·filled Hum heat :
and·he·despises in·his·eyes² to·send hand in·Mardukay alone·him
as they·told·forth⁺ to·him °the·people·of Mardukay
and·he·seeks Hum to·destroy °all·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ that in·all·of the·kingship·of Xerxes the·people·of Mardukay :
in·the·new·moon the·headmost he the·new·moon·of NisanApril
in·year·of two² and·ten
to·the·king Xerxes
he·let·fall purim he the·lot to·the·face⁺·of Hum from·day to·day and·from·new·moon to·new·moon two² and·ten he the·new·moon·of RegalMarch :
and·he·says Hum to·the·king Xerxes
he·is people one sown·about and·split between the·people⁺
in·all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of your·kingship
and·their·edicts⁺ doubling·around⁺ from·all·of people and·°the·edicts⁺·of the·king they·are·ńot⁺ doing⁺
and·to·the·king there·is·ńot on·a·level to·set·them·in·peace :
if upon the·king good
he·is·written to·lose·them
and·ten·of thousands⁺ round·of silver I·shekel upon the·hands²·of the·doing⁺·of the·ministry
to·bring·in to the·vaults⁺·of the·king :
and·he·removes the·king °his·ring from·upon his·hand
and·he·gives·her to·Hum the·son·of the·Medata the·Agagïte the·rocker·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ :
and·he·says the·king to·Hum
the·silver given to·you
and·the·people to·do in·him as·the·good in·your·eyes² :
and·they·are·called⁺ the·accounters⁺·of the·king in·the·new·moon the·headmost in·three and·ten day in·him
and·he·is·written as·all that he·commanded Hum to the·Xedarpans⁺·of the·king and·to the·prefects⁺ that upon vindicatordom and·vindicatordom and·to princes⁺·of people and·people
vindicatordom and·vindicatordom as·her·writing
and·people and·people as·his·tongue
in·the·name·of the·king Xerxes written
and·sealed in·the·ring·of the·king :
and·being·sent accounts⁺ in·the·hand·of the·runners⁺ to all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king
to·destroy to·kill and·to·lose °all·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ from·youth and·unto elder toddlers and·women⁺ in·day one
in·three and·ten to·new·moon two² and·ten he the·new·moon·of RegalMarch
and·their·plunder to·spoil :
the·document·of the·writing to·be·given edict in·all·of vindicatordom and·vindicatordom
stripped·out to·all·of the·people⁺
to·be ramready⁺ to·the·day this :
the·runners⁺ they·went⁺ zipped⁺ in·the·speech·of the·king
and·the·edict she·was·given in·Lily the·castle
and·the·king and·Hum they·settled⁺ to·drink
and·the·city·of Lily she·was·confused :
and·Mardukay he·knew °all that he·was·done
and·he·tears Mardukay °his·coverings⁺
and·he·is·robed·in burlap and·ash
and·he·goes in·the·midst·of the·city
and·he·cries cry great and·bitter :
and·he·enters unto to·the·face⁺·of the·gate·of the·king
as there·is·ńot to·enter to the·gate·of the·king in·robe·of burlap :
and·in·all·of vindicatordom and·vindicatordom rising·place·of that the·speech·of the·king and·his·edict touching
mourning great to·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
and·fasting and·weeping and·lamentation
burlap and·ash
he·is·a·cot to·the·many⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ the·youths⁺·of Ishtar and·her·eunuchs⁺ and·they·tell·forth⁺ to·her
and·she·is·in·a·whirl the·queen very
and·she·sends coverings⁺ to·robe °Mardukay and·to·remove his·burlap from·upon·him and he·did·not·accept :
and·she·calls Ishtar to·Hatak from·the·eunuchs⁺·of the·king that he·caused·to·stand to·her·face⁺
and·she·commands·him upon Mardukay
to·know ¿what this and·upon ¿what this :
and·he·goes Hatak to Mardukay
to the·broadway·of the·city
that to·the·face⁺·of the·gate·of the·king :
and·he·tells·forth to·him Mardukay
°all that he·was·fated·upon·him
and·°the·documentation·of the·silver that he·said Hum to·shekel upon the·vaults⁺·of the·king in·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ to·lose·them :
and·°the·document·of the·writing·of the·edict that he·was·given in·Lily to·destroy·them he·gave to·him
to·show °Ishtar and·to·tell·forth to·her
and·to·command upon·her to·enter to the·king to·beg·grace to·him and·to·seek from·to·his·face⁺ upon her·people :
and·he·enters Hatak
and·he·tells·forth to·Ishtar
°the·speeches⁺·of Mardukay :
and·she·says Ishtar to·Hatak
and·she·commands·him to Mardukay :
all·of the·servants⁺·of the·king and·the·people·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king knowing⁺ that all·of man and·woman that he·enters to the·king to the·courtyard the·inface that he·is·not·called one his·edict to·put·to·death
alone from·wħich he·reaches·out to·him the·king °the·sceptre·of the·gold and·he·lived
and·I I·was·not·called to·enter to the·king
this thirty⁺ day :
and·they·tell·forth⁺ to·Mardukay
°the·speeches⁺·of Ishtar :
and·he·says Mardukay to·return to Ishtar
ꜝdo·not·liken in·your·soul
to·be·delivered the·house·of the·king from·all·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ :
but rather crafting·silence you·craft·silence in·the·season this
breathingroom and·snatching·away he·stands to·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ from·rising·place after
and·you and·the·house·of your·father you·are·lost⁺
and·¿who knowing
if to·season as·this
you·touched to·the·kingship :
and·she·says Ishtar to·return to Mardukay :
ꜝwalk ꜝrally °all·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ that·are·found⁺ in·Lily and·ꜝfast⁺ upon·me and ꜝdo·not·eat⁺ and ꜝdo·not·drink⁺ three·of days⁺ night and·day
also I and·my·youths⁺ I·fast surely
and·in·surely I·enter to the·king that not as·the·edict
and·as·how I·was·lost I·was·lost :
and·he·crosses·over Mardukay
and·he·does as·all that she·commanded upon·him Ishtar :
and·he·is in·the·day the·third and·she·is·robed·in Ishtar kingship
and·she·stands in·the·courtyard·of the·house·of the·king the·inface
in·view·of the·house·of the·king
and·the·king settling upon the·throne·of his·kingship in·the·house·of the·kingship
in·view·of the·opening·of the·house :
and·he·is as·seeing the·king °Ishtar the·queen standing in·the·courtyard
she·bore·up grace in·his·eyes²
and·he·reaches·out the·king to·Ishtar °the·sceptre·of the·gold that in·his·hand
and·she·is·present Ishtar
and·she·touches in·the·head·of the·sceptre :
and·he·says to·her the·king
¿what to·you Ishtar the·queen
and·¿what your·thing·sought·for unto the·half·of the·kingship and·he·is·given to·you :
and·she·says Ishtar
if upon the·king good
he·enters the·king and·Hum the·day
to the·drinkingfeast that I·did to·him :
and·he·says the·king
ꜝspeed⁺ °Hum
to·do °the·speech·of Ishtar
and·he·enters the·king and·Hum
to the·drinkingfeast that she·did Ishtar :
and·he·says the·king to·Ishtar in·the·drinkingfeast·of the·wine
¿what your·request and·he·is·given to·you
and·¿what your·thing·sought·for unto the·half·of the·kingship and·ꜝlet·her·be·done :
and·she·responds Ishtar and·she·says
my·request and·my·thing·sought·for :
if I·found grace in·the·eyes²·of the·king and·if upon the·king good
to·give °my·request
and·to·do °my·thing·sought·for
he·enters the·king and·Hum to the·drinkingfeast that I·do to·them
and·aftermorrow I·do as·the·speech·of the·king :
and·he·goes Hum in·the·day he
glad and·good·of heart
and·as·seeing Hum °Mardukay in·the·gate·of the·king and·not arising and·not irritated from·him
and·he·is·filled Hum upon Mardukay heat :
and·he·channels·himself Hum
and·he·enters to his·house
and·he·sends and·he·brings·in °that·love⁺·him and·°Zeresh his·woman :
and·he·recounts to·them Hum °the·weight·of his·riches and·the·multitude·of his·sons⁺
and·°all that he·made·him·great the·king and·°that he·bore·him·up
upon the·princes⁺ and·the·servants⁺·of the·king :
and·he·says Hum
¡yes! she·did·not·bring·in Ishtar the·queen near the·king to the·drinkingfeast that she·did but rather °me
and·also to·aftermorrow I called to·her near the·king :
and·all this he·is·ńot on·a·level to·me
in·all·of season that I seeing °Mardukay the·Gloryhandïte
settling in·the·gate·of the·king :
and·she·says to·him Zeresh his·woman and·all·of that·love⁺·him they·do⁺ treestick climbing fifty⁺ mamacubit
and·in·the·dayplow ꜝsay to·the·king and·they·hang⁺ °Mardukay upon·him
and·ꜝenter near the·king to the·drinkingfeast glad
and·he·is·good the·speech to·the·face⁺·of Hum and·he·does the·treestick :
in·the·night he
she·retreated the·sleep·of the·king
and·he·says to·bring·in °the·account·of the·memorials⁺ the·speeches⁺·of the·days⁺
and·they·are⁺ called⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·is·found written that he·told·forth Mardukay upon Bigtan and·Teresh the·two²·of the·eunuchs⁺·of the·king
from·the·watching⁺·of the·portal
that they·sought⁺ to·send hand
in·the·king Xerxes :
and·he·says the·king
¿what he·was·done preciousness and·greatness to·Mardukay upon this
and·they·say⁺ the·youths⁺·of the·king his·assistants⁺
he·was·not·done near·him speech :
and·he·says the·king ¿who in·the·courtyard
and·Hum he·entered to·the·courtyard·of the·house·of the·king the·exterior
saying to·the·king
to·hang °Mardukay
upon the·treestick that he·made·sure to·him :
and·they·say⁺ the·youths⁺·of the·king to·him
¡lo! Hum standing in·the·courtyard
and·he·says the·king he·enters :
and·he·enters Hum
and·he·says to·him the·king
¿what to·do in·the·man that the·king he·was·pleased in·his·preciousness
and·he·says Hum in·his·heart
to·¿who he·is·pleased the·king to·do preciousness remainder from·me :
and·he·says Hum to the·king
man that the·king he·was·pleased in·his·preciousness :
they·bring·in⁺ robe·of kingship
that he·was·robed·in in·him the·king
and·horse that he·charioted upon·him the·king
and·that he·was·given circlet·of kingship in·his·head :
and·giving the·robe and·the·horse upon hand·of man from·the·princes⁺·of the·king·of the·premiers⁺
and·they·robed⁺ °the·man
that the·king he·was·pleased in·his·preciousness
and·they·carried⁺·him upon the·horse in·the·broadway·of the·city
and·they·called⁺ to·his·face⁺
thus he·is·done to·the·man
that the·king he·was·pleased in·his·preciousness :
and·he·says the·king to·Hum ꜝspeed ꜝtake °the·robe and·°the·horse as·how you·spoke
and·ꜝdo surely to·Mardukay the·Gloryhandïte
that·settles in·the·gate·of the·king
ꜝdo·not·let·fall speech
from·all that you·spoke :
and·he·takes Hum °the·robe and·°the·horse
and·he·robes °Mardukay
and·he·carries·him in·the·broadway·of the·city
and·he·calls to·his·face⁺
thus he·is·done to·the·man
that the·king he·was·pleased in·his·preciousness :
and·he·returns Mardukay to the·gate·of the·king
and·Hum he·was·zipped to his·house
mourning and·shrouded·of head :
and·he·recounts Hum to·Zeresh his·woman and·to·all·of that·love⁺·him
°all that he·was·fated·upon·him
and·they·say⁺ to·him his·wise⁺ and·Zeresh his·woman if from·the·seed·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ Mardukay that you·pierced to·fall to·his·face⁺ you·are·not·able to·him
as falling you·fall to·his·face⁺ :
they·are·still⁺ speakers⁺ near·him
and·the·eunuchs⁺·of the·king they·touched⁺
and·they·agitate⁺ to·bring·in °Hum
to the·drinkingfeast that she·did Ishtar :
and·he·enters the·king and·Hum
to·drink near Ishtar the·queen :
and·he·says the·king to·Ishtar also in·the·day the·second in·the·drinkingfeast·of the·wine
¿what your·request Ishtar the·queen and·she·is·given to·you
and·¿what your·thing·sought·for unto the·half·of the·kingship and·ꜝlet·her·be·done :
and·she·responds Ishtar the·queen and·she·says
if I·found grace in·your·eyes² the·king
and·if upon the·king good
she·is·given to·me my·soul in·my·request
and·my·people in·my·thing·sought·for :
as we·were·sold⁺ I and·my·people
to·destroy to·kill and·to·lose
and·iᵮ to·servants⁺ and·to·family·servants⁺ we·were·sold⁺ I·crafted·silence
as there·is·ńot the·rockiness on·a·level in·the·peril·of the·king :
and·he·says the·king Xerxes
and·he·says to·Ishtar the·queen
¿who he this and·¿where this he
that he·filled·him his·heart to·do surely :
and·she·says Ishtar
man rocker and·enemy
Hum the·bad this
and·Hum he·was·frightened
from·to·the·face⁺·of the·king and·the·queen :
and·the·king he·arose in·his·heat from·the·drinkingfeast·of the·wine
to the·guarden·of the·greathouse
and·Hum he·stood to·seek upon his·soul from·Ishtar the·queen
as he·saw
as she·was·all·through to·him the·badness from·with the·king :
and·the·king he·returned from·the·guarden·of the·greathouse to the·house·of the·drinkingfeast·of the·wine and·Hum falling
upon the·branchbed that Ishtar upon·her
and·he·says the·king
¿also to·subdue °the·queen near·me in·the·house
the·speech he·went from·the·mouth·of the·king
and·the·face⁺·of Hum they·shrouded⁺ :
and·he·says Charbona one from the·eunuchs⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king also ¡lo! the·treestick that he·did Hum to·Mardukay that he·spoke good upon the·king standing in·the·house·of Hum
climbing fifty⁺ mamacubit
and·he·says the·king ꜝhang⁺·him upon·him :
and·they·hang⁺ °Hum
upon the·treestick that he·made·sure to·Mardukay
and·the·heat·of the·king she·abated :
in·the·day he he·gave the·king Xerxes to·Ishtar the·queen
°the·house·of Hum rocker the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
and·Mardukay he·entered to·the·face⁺·of the·king
as she·told·forth Ishtar ¿what he to·her :
and·he·removes the·king °his·ring that he·made·cross·by from·Hum
and·he·gives·her to·Mardukay
and·she·places Ishtar °Mardukay upon the·house·of Hum :
and·she·adds Ishtar and·she·speaks to·the·face⁺·of the·king
and·she·falls to·the·face⁺·of his·feet²
and·she·weeps and·she·begs·grace to·him to·make·cross·by °the·badness·of Hum the·Agagïte
that he·considered upon the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ :
and·he·reaches·out the·king to·Ishtar
°the·sceptre·of the·gold
and·she·arises Ishtar
and·she·stands to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·she·says if upon the·king good and·if I·found grace to·his·face⁺ and·he·was·worthy the·speech to·the·face⁺·of the·king
and·good I in·his·eyes²
he·is·written to·return °the·accounts⁺ the·consideration·of Hum the·son·of the·Medata the·Agagïte
that he·wrote to·lose °the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
that in·all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king :
as ¿ħow·¿ħow I·am·able and·I·saw
in·the·badness that he·finds °my·people
and·¿ħow·¿ħow I·am·able and·I·saw
in·the·loss·of my·childage :
and·he·says the·king Xerxes to·Ishtar the·queen
and·to·Mardukay the·Gloryhandïte
¡lo! the·house·of Hum I·gave to·Ishtar and·°him they·hanged⁺ upon the·treestick
upon that he·sent his·hand in·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ :
and·you⁺ ꜝwrite⁺ upon the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ as·the·good in·your⁺·eyes² in·the·name·of the·king
and·ꜝseal⁺ in·the·ring·of the·king
as writing that written in·the·name·of the·king and·being·sealed in·the·ring·of the·king there·is·ńot to·return :
and·they·are·called⁺ the·accounters⁺·of the·king in·the·season she in·the·new·moon the·third he the·new·moon·of June in·three and·twenty⁺ in·him
and·he·is·written as·all·of that he·commanded Mardukay to the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ and·to the·Xedarpans⁺ and·the·prefects⁺ and·the·princes⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺ that from·Hoddu and·unto Kush seven and·twenty⁺ and·hundred vindicatordom
vindicatordom and·vindicatordom as·her·writing
and·people and·people as·his·tongue
and·to the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
as·their·writing and·as·their·tongue :
and·he·writes in·the·name·of the·king Xerxes
and·he·seals in·the·ring·of the·king
and·he·sends accounts⁺ in·the·hand·of the·runners⁺ in·the·horses⁺ the·charioting⁺·of the·fortunehorse the·Xetarans⁺
the·sons⁺·of the·stallions⁺ :
that he·gave the·king to·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ that in·all·of city and·city to·congregate and·to·stand upon their·soul
to·destroy and·to·kill and·to·lose °all·of strength·of people and·vindicatordom that·rock⁺ °them toddlers and·women⁺
and·their·plunder to·spoil :
in·day one
in·all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king Xerxes
in·three and·ten to·new·moon two² and·ten he the·new·moon·of RegalMarch :
the·document·of the·writing to·be·given edict in·all·of vindicatordom and·vindicatordom
stripped·out to·all·of the·people⁺
and·to·be the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ ramready⁺ to·the·day this
to·be·avenged from·their·enemies⁺ :
the·runners⁺ the·charioting⁺·of the·fortunehorse the·Xetarans⁺
they·went⁺ agents⁺ and·zipped⁺ in·the·speech·of the·king
and·the·edict she·was·given in·Lily the·castle :
and·Mardukay he·went from·to·the·face⁺·of the·king in·robe·of kingship·of blue and·brilliant·white
and·crown·of gold great
and·√robe·of eggcloth and·purple
and·the·city·of Lily
she·whinnied and·she·was·glad :
to·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ she·was light and·gladness
and·rejoicing and·preciousness :
and·in·all·of vindicatordom and·vindicatordom and·in·all·of city and·city rising·place·of that the·speech·of the·king and·his·edict touching
gladness and·rejoicing to·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
drinkingfeast and·day good
and·many⁺ from·the·people⁺·of the·land becoming·Gloryhandïtes⁺
as he·fell the·trembling·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ upon·them :
and·in·two² and·ten new·moon he the·new·moon·of RegalMarch in·three and·ten day in·him
that he·touched the·speech·of the·king and·his·edict to·be·done
in·the·day that they·expected⁺ the·enemies⁺·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ to·control in·them
and·being·converted he
that they·control⁺ the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ they⁺ in·that·hate⁺·them :
they·congregated⁺ the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ in·their·cities⁺ in·all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king Xerxes
to·send hand
in·the·seekers⁺·of their·badness
and·man he·did·not·stand to·their·face⁺
as he·fell their·trembling upon all·of the·people⁺ :
and·all·of the·princes⁺·of the·vindicatordoms⁺ and·the·Xedarpans⁺ and·the·prefects⁺ and·the·doers⁺·of the·ministry that to·the·king
bearing·up⁺ °the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
as he·fell the·trembling·of Mardukay upon·them :
as great Mardukay in·the·house·of the·king
and·his·hearsay walking in·all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺
as the·man Mardukay walking and·becoming·great :
and·they·strike⁺ the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ in·all·of their·enemies⁺
stroke·of sword and·killing and·loss
and·they·do⁺ in·that·hate⁺·them as·their·favor :
and·in·Lily the·castle they·killed⁺ the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ and·losing
five·of hundred⁺ man :
and·°Parshandata and·°Langour and·°Aspata :
and·°Porata and·°Adalya and·°Arydata :
and·°Parmashta and·°Arysay
and·°Arydy and·°Vyzata :
the·ten·of the·sons⁺·of Hum the·son·of the·Medata the·rocker·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ they·killed⁺
they·did·not·send⁺ °their·hand :
in·the·day he he·entered the·count·of that·are·killed⁺ in·Lily the·castle to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·says the·king to·Ishtar the·queen in·Lily the·castle they·killed⁺ the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ and·losing five·of hundred⁺ man and·°the·ten·of the·sons⁺·of Hum
in·the·survivor·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king ¿what they·did⁺
and·¿what your·request and·he·is·given to·you
and·¿what your·thing·sought·for again and·ꜝlet·her·be·done :
and·she·says Ishtar if upon the·king good
he·is·given also aftermorrow to·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ that in·Lily
to·do as·the·edict·of the·day
and·°the·ten·of the·sons⁺·of Hum they·hang⁺ upon the·treestick :
and·he·says the·king to·be·done surely
and·she·is·given edict in·Lily
and·°the·ten·of the·sons⁺·of Hum they·hanged⁺ :
and·they·congregate⁺ the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ that in·Lily also in·day·of four and·ten to·the·new·moon·of RegalMarch
and·they·kill⁺ in·Lily
three·of hundred⁺ man
they·did·not·send⁺ °their·hand :
and·the·survivor·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ that in·the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king they·congregated⁺ and·standing upon their·soul and·peace from·their·enemies⁺
and·killing in·that·hate⁺·them
five and·seventy⁺ thousand
they·did·not·send⁺ °their·hand :
in·day·of three and·ten to·the·new·moon·of RegalMarch
and·be·at·peace in·four and·ten in·him
and·doing °him
day·of drinkingfeast and·gladness :
and·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ that in·Lily they·congregated⁺ in·three and·ten in·him
and·in·four and·ten in·him
and·be·at·peace in·five and·ten in·him
and·doing °him
day·of drinkingfeast and·gladness :
upon surely the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ the·villagers⁺ that·settle⁺ in·the·cities⁺·of the·villages⁺
doing⁺ °day·of four and·ten to·the·new·moon·of RegalMarch
gladness and·drinkingfeast and·day good
and·sending·of allotments⁺ man to·his·tendent :
and·he·writes Mardukay
°the·speeches⁺ these
and·he·sends accounts⁺ to all·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ that in·all·of the·vindicatordoms⁺·of the·king Xerxes
the·present⁺ and·the·afar⁺ :
to·raise upon·them
to·be doing⁺ °day·of four and·ten to·the·new·moon·of RegalMarch
and·°day·of five and·ten in·him
in·all·of year and·year :
as·the·days⁺ that they·were·at·peace⁺ in·them the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ from·their·enemies⁺
and·the·new·moon that he·was·converted to·them from·sorrow to·gladness
and·from·mourning to·day good
to·do °them days⁺·of drinkingfeast and·gladness
and·sending·of allotments⁺ man to·his·tendent
and·gifts⁺ to·the·wanting⁺ :
and·he·accepted the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
°that they·pierced⁺ to·do
and·°that he·wrote Mardukay to·them :
as Hum the·son·of the·Medata the·Agagïte the·rocker·of all·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
he·considered upon the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ to·lose·them
and·he·let·fall purim he the·lot
to·rumble·them and·to·lose·them :
and·when·she·enters to·the·face⁺·of the·king
he·said near the·account
he·returns his·consideration the·bad that he·considered upon the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ upon his·head
and·they·hanged⁺ °him and·°his·sons⁺ upon the·treestick :
upon surely they·called⁺ to·the·days⁺ these purim⁺ upon the·name·of the·purim
upon surely upon all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·letter this
and·¿what they·saw⁺ upon thus
and·¿what he·touched to·them :
they·raised⁺ and·they·accepted⁺ the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ upon·them and·upon their·seed and·upon all·of the·debtors⁺ upon·them and he·does·not·cross·over
to·be doing⁺ °the·two²·of the·days⁺ these
as·their·writing and·as·their·hour
in·all·of year and·year :
and·the·days⁺ these remembered⁺ and·done⁺ in·all·of saeculum and·saeculum family and·family
vindicatordom and·vindicatordom and·city and·city
and·the·days⁺·of the·purim⁺ these they·do·not·cross·over⁺ from·the·midst·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
and·their·memory he·does·not·blast from·their·seed :
and·she·writes Ishtar the·queen the·daughter·of Father-of-Strength and·Mardukay the·Gloryhandïte °all·of prevalence
to·raise °the·letter·of the·purim⁺ this the·second :
and·he·sends accounts⁺ to all·of the·Gloryhandïtes⁺ to seven and·twenty⁺ and·hundred vindicatordom
the·kingship·of Xerxes
speeches⁺·of shalom and·truth :
to·raise °the·days⁺·of the·purim⁺ these in·their·hours⁺ as·how he·raised upon·them Mardukay the·Gloryhandïte and·Ishtar the·queen
and·as·how they·raised⁺ upon their·soul and·upon their·seed
the·speeches⁺·of the·fastings⁺ and·their·cry :
and·the·saying·of Ishtar
he·raised the·speeches⁺·of the·purim⁺ these
and·written in·the·account :
and·he·places the·king Xerxes levy upon the·land and·the·islands⁺·of the·sea :
and·all·of the·doing·of his·prevalence and·his·heroism
and·the·documentation·of the·greatness·of Mardukay
that he·made·him·great the·king
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·account·of Speeches⁺·of the·days⁺
to·the·kings⁺·of Media and·Persia :
as Mardukay the·Gloryhandïte second to·the·king Xerxes
and·great to·the·Gloryhandïtes⁺
and·favored to·the·multitude·of his·brothers⁺
investigating good to·his·people
and·speaker shalom to·all·of his·seed :