Book of 2 Chronicles
Speeches⁺·of the·Days⁺ , part 2
and·he·makes·himself·firm Shalomo the·son·of Intimate upon his·kingship
and·Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ near·him
and·he·makes·him·great to➝upward :
and·he·says Shalomo to·all·of Princepowr to·the·princes⁺·of the·thousands⁺ and·the·hundred⁺ and·to·the·judges⁺ and·to·all·of wellborn to·all·of Princepowr the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ :
and·they·walk⁺ Shalomo and·all·of the·congregation near·him
to·the·dais that in·Hillside
as there he·was the·tent·of the·assembly·of the·Powers⁺
that he·did Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·outspeak :
¡ah,·no! the·ark·of the·Powers⁺ he·offered·up Intimate from·Walledcity·of Forests⁺
in·the·he·made·sure to·him Intimate
as he·branched·out to·him tent in·Torahshalom :
and·the·offering·place·of the·copper that he·did In-Shadow-of-Powr the·son·of Light the·son·of Brilliant
he·placed to·the·face⁺·of the·dwelling·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·investigates·him Shalomo and·the·congregation :
and·he·offers·up Shalomo there upon the·offering·place·of the·copper to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
that to·tent·of assembly
and·he·offers·up upon·him upward·offerings⁺ thousand :
in·the·night he
he·was·seen Powers⁺ to·Shalomo
and·he·says to·him
ꜝrequest ¿what I·give to·you :
and·he·says Shalomo to·Powers⁺
you you·did near Intimate my·father mercy great
and·you·kinged·me unders⁺·him :
now Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺
he·is·true your·speech
near Intimate my·father
as you you·kinged·me
upon people much as·the·dust·of the·land :
now wisdom and·knowledge ꜝgive to·me
and·ꜝlet·me·go to·the·face⁺·of the·people this and·ꜝlet·me·enter
as ¿who he·judges
°your·people this the·great :
and·he·says Powers⁺ to·Shalomo because that she·was this near your·heart and you·did·not·request riches assets⁺ and·weight and·°soul·of that·hate⁺·you
and·also days⁺ many⁺ you·did·not·request
and·you·request to·you wisdom and·knowledge
that you·judge °my·people
that I·kinged·you upon·him :
the·wisdom and·the·knowledge given to·you
and·riches and·assets⁺ and·weight I·give to·you
that he·was·not surely to·the·kings⁺ that to·your·face⁺
and·after⁺·you he·is·not surely :
and·he·enters Shalomo to·the·dais that in·Hillside Torahshalom
from·to·face⁺·of tent·of assembly
and·he·is·king upon Princepowr :
and·he·gathers Shalomo chariot and·shockcavalry⁺
and·he·is to·him thousand and·four·of hundred⁺ chariot
and·two² and·ten thousand shockcavalry⁺
and·he·sets·them·in·peace in·the·cities⁺·of the·chariot
and·near the·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·gives the·king °the·silver and·°the·gold in·Torahshalom as·the·stones⁺
and·°the·cedars⁺ he·gave as·the·sycamores⁺ that in·the·lowland to·multitude :
and·the·going·of the·horses⁺ that to·Shalomo from·Egypts²
and·from·Hopecord the·merchants⁺·of the·king
from·Hopecord they·take⁺ in·price :
and·they·offer·up⁺ and·they·let·go⁺ from·Egypts² chariot in·six·of hundred⁺ silver
and·horse in·fifty⁺ and·hundred
and·surely to·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·Castdownïtes⁺ and·the·kings⁺·of Height in·their·hand they·let·go⁺ :
and·he·says Shalomo to·build house to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·house to·his·kingship :
and·he·counts Shalomo seventy⁺ thousand man hefter
and·eighty⁺ thousand man quarrier in·the·mount
and·forever⁺ upon·them
three·of thousands⁺ and·six hundred⁺ :
and·he·sends Shalomo
to Their-Brilliance the·king·of Rock saying
as·how you·did near Intimate my·father
and·you·send to·him cedars⁺
to·build to·him house to·settle in·him :
¡lo! I building house to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ to·make·sacred to·him to·incendiate to·his·face⁺ incense·of aromatics⁺ and·line·of always and·upward·offerings⁺ to·the·dayplow and·to·the·evening
to·the·rests⁺ and·to·the·new·moons⁺
and·to·the·assemblies⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
to·eternity this upon Princepowr :
and·the·house that I building great
as great our·Powers⁺ from·all·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·¿who he·restrains vigor to·build to·him house
as the·skies⁺ and·the·skies⁺·of the·skies⁺ they·do·not·sustain⁺·him
and·¿who I that I·build to·him house
but rather to·incendiate to·his·face⁺ :
and·now ꜝsend to·me man wise to·do in·the·gold and·in·the·silver and·in·the·copper and·in·the·iron and·in·the·purple and·crimson and·blue
and·knowing to·openwork openworks⁺
near the·wise⁺ that near·me in·Gloryhand and·in·Torahshalom
that he·made·sure Intimate my·father :
and·ꜝsend to·me trees⁺·of cedars⁺ firs⁺ and·algumtrees⁺ from·the·Whitemost
as I I·knew
that your·servants⁺ knowing⁺
to·cut·down the·trees⁺·of Whitemost
and·¡lo! my·servants⁺ near your·servants⁺ :
and·to·make·sure to·me trees⁺ to·multitude
as the·house that I building great and·doing·wonderously :
and·¡lo! to·that·hew⁺ to·the·cutters⁺·of the·trees⁺ I·gave wheat⁺ strokes⁺ to·your·servants⁺ cauldrons⁺ twenty⁺ thousand
and·hairbarley⁺ cauldrons⁺ twenty⁺ thousand
and·wine bushels⁺ twenty⁺ thousand
and·oil bushels⁺ twenty⁺ thousand :
and·he·says Their-Brilliance the·king·of Rock in·writing
and·he·sends to Shalomo
in·the·love·of Yʜᴡʜ °his·people
he·gave·you upon·them king :
and·he·says Their-Brilliance
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
that he·did
°the·skies⁺ and·°the·land
that he·gave to·Intimate the·king son wise knowing prudence and·discernment
that he·builds house to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·house to·his·kingship :
and·now I·sent man wise knowing discernment to·Their-Brilliance my·father :
son·of woman from the·daughters⁺·of Vindicator and·his·father man Rockïte knowing to·do in·the·gold and·in·the·silver in·the·copper in·the·iron in·the·stones⁺ and·in·the·trees⁺ in·the·purple in·the·blue and·in·the·eggcloth and·in·the·crimson
and·to·openwork all·of openwork
and·to·consider all·of consideration
that he·is·given to·him near your·wise⁺
my·lord Intimate your·father :
and·now the·wheat⁺ and·the·hairbarley⁺ the·oil and·the·wine that he·said my·lord
he·sends to·his·servants⁺ :
and·we⁺ we·cut·down⁺ trees⁺ from the·Whitemost as·all·of your·need
and·we·bring·them·in⁺ to·you stomp-rafts⁺ upon sea Beautiful
and·you you·offer·up °them Torahshalom :
and·he·counts Shalomo all·of the·mortals⁺ the·lodgers⁺ that in·the·land·of Princepowr
after⁺ the·count
that he·counted·them Intimate his·father
and·they·are·found⁺ hundred and·fifty⁺ thousand
and·three·of thousands⁺ and·six hundred⁺ :
and·he·does from·them seventy⁺ thousand hefter
and·eighty⁺ thousand quarrier in·the·mount
and·three·of thousands⁺ and·six hundred⁺
forever⁺ to·put·to·service °the·people :
and·he·pierces Shalomo to·build °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·Torahshalom
in·the·mount·of the·Seen-of-Yʜ
that he·was·seen to·Intimate his·father
that he·made·sure in·the·rising·place·of Intimate
in·the·threshingfloor·of Arkness the·Troddenïte :
and·he·pierces to·build in·the·new·moon the·second in·the·second
in·year·of four to·his·kingship :
and·these he·was·founded Shalomo
to·build °the·house·of the·Powers⁺
the·length mamacubits⁺ in·the·measure the·headmost mamacubits⁺ sixty⁺
and·breadth mamacubits⁺ twenty⁺ :
and·the·powrhouse that upon the·face⁺·of the·length upon the·face⁺·of the·breadth·of the·house mamacubits⁺ twenty⁺
and·the·climb hundred and·twenty⁺
and·he·tops·him from·faceward gold pure :
and·°the·house the·great he·enshrouded tree·of firs⁺
and·he·enshrouds·him gold good
and·he·offers·up upon·him palms⁺ and·rootchains⁺ :
and·he·tops °the·house stone precious to·sprigging
and·the·gold the·gold·of Parways⁺ :
and·he·enshrouds °the·house the·wallbeams⁺ the·portals⁺ and·his·walls⁺ and·his·pulldoors⁺ gold
and·he·openworked cherubs⁺ upon the·walls⁺ :
and·he·does °the·house·of Sanctuary·of the·Sanctuaries⁺
his·length upon the·face⁺·of the·breadth·of the·house mamacubits⁺ twenty⁺
and·his·breadth mamacubits⁺ twenty⁺
and·he·enshrouds·him gold good
to·rounds⁺ six hundred⁺ :
and·shekelness to·spikes⁺ to·shekels⁺ fifty⁺ gold
and·the·upper·rooms⁺ he·enshrouded gold :
and·he·does in·the·house·of Sanctuary·of the·Sanctuaries⁺ cherubs⁺ two²
doing·of √images⁺
and·they·top⁺ °them gold :
and·the·wings²·of the·cherubs⁺
their·length mamacubits⁺ twenty⁺
the·wing·of one to·mamacubits⁺ five touching to·the·wall·of the·house
and·the·wing the·after mamacubits⁺ five
touching to·the·wing·of the·cherub the·after :
and·the·wing·of the·cherub one mamacubits⁺ five
touching to·the·wall·of the·house
and·the·wing the·after mamacubits⁺ five
joining to·the·wing·of the·cherub the·after :
the·wings²·of the·cherubs⁺ these
stretching⁺ mamacubits⁺ twenty⁺
and·they⁺ standing⁺ upon their·feet² and·their·face⁺ to·the·house :
and·he·does °the·screen
blue and·purple and·crimson and·eggcloth
and·he·offers·up upon·him cherubs⁺ :
and·he·does to·the·face⁺·of the·house standing·pillars⁺ two²
mamacubits⁺ thirty⁺ and·five length
and·the·topper that upon his·head mamacubits⁺ five :
and·he·does rootchains⁺ in·the·speakingplace
and·he·gives upon the·head·of the·standing·pillars⁺
and·he·does pomegranates⁺ hundred
and·he·gives in·the·rootchains⁺ :
and·he·raises °the·standing·pillars⁺ upon the·face⁺·of the·palace
one from·right and·one from·the·left
and·he·calls the·name·of the·right He-Assures
and·the·name·of the·left In-Might :
and·he·does offering·place·of copper
twenty⁺ mamacubit his·length
and·twenty⁺ mamacubit his·breadth
and·ten·of mamacubits⁺ his·rising :
and·he·does °the·sea poured
ten in·the·mamacubit from·his·lip to his·lip wagonwheeled turninground and·five in·the·mamacubit his·rising
and·hopecord thirty⁺ in·the·mamacubit
he·turns·around °him turninground :
and·likeness·of plowcattles⁺ under to·him turninground turninground turning·around⁺ °him
ten in·the·mamacubit
encompassing⁺ °the·sea turninground
two² columns⁺ the·plowcattle
poured⁺ in·his·pourer :
standing upon two² and·ten plowcattle three facing⁺ ➝north and·three facing⁺ ➝sea and·three facing⁺ ➝negev and·three facing⁺ ➝dawn
and·the·sea upon·them from·to➝upward
and·all·of their·afts⁺ ➝house :
and·his·thickness span
and·his·lip as·doing·of lip·of cup
bud·of lily
grasping·firmly bushels⁺
three·of thousands⁺ he·contains :
and·he·does cauldrons⁺ ten
and·he·gives five from·right and·five from·left to·bathe in·them
°the·doing·of the·upward·offering they·banish⁺ in·them
and·the·sea to·bathe to·the·priests⁺ in·him :
and·he·does °the·lampstands⁺·of the·gold ten as·their·judgment
and·he·gives in·the·palace
five from·right and·five from·left :
and·he·does tables⁺ ten
and·he·sets·in·peace in·the·palace
five from·right and·five from·left
and·he·does aspersoria⁺·of gold hundred :
and·he·does the·courtyard·of the·priests⁺
and·the·helpwall the·great
and·pulldoors⁺ to·the·helpwall and·their·pulldoors⁺ he·topped copper :
and·°the·sea he·gave from·the·shoulder·of the·right ➝frontward from·snip·of ➝negev :
and·he·does Their-Brilliance
and·°the·shovels⁺ and·°the·aspersoria⁺
and·he·is·all·done Their-Brilliance to·do °the·ministry
that he·did to·the·king Shalomo in·the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
standing·pillars⁺ two²
and·the·rollbasins⁺ and·the·circlets⁺ upon the·head·of the·standing·pillars⁺ two²
and·the·lattices⁺ two²
to·cover °the·two²·of the·rollbasins⁺·of the·circlets⁺
that upon the·head·of the·standing·pillars⁺ :
and·°the·pomegranates⁺ four hundred⁺ to·the·two²·of the·lattices⁺
two² columns⁺ pomegranates⁺ to·the·lattice one
to·cover °the·two²·of the·rollbasins⁺·of the·circlets⁺
that upon the·face⁺·of the·standing·pillars⁺ :
and·°the·sure·places⁺ he·did
and·°the·cauldrons⁺ he·did upon the·sure·places⁺ :
°the·sea one
and·°the·plowcattle two² and·ten unders⁺·him :
and·°the·pots⁺ and·°the·shovels⁺ and·°the·skewers⁺ and·°all·of their·things⁺
he·did Their-Brilliance his·father to·the·king Shalomo to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
copper scoured :
in·the·round·of the·Descender he·poured·them the·king
in·the·thickness·of the·adamah
between Knitshelterses⁺ and·between Tzeredah :
and·he·does Shalomo all·of the·things⁺ these to·multitude very
as he·was·not·examined the·shekelness·of the·copper :
and·he·does Shalomo
°all·of the·things⁺
that the·house·of the·Powers⁺
and·°the·offering·place·of the·gold
and·upon·them the·bread·of the·face⁺ :
and·°the·lampstands⁺ and·their·lamps⁺ to·consume·by·fire·them as·the·judgment to·the·face⁺·of the·speakingplace gold locked :
and·the·bud and·the·lamps⁺ and·the·takertongs² gold
he altogether⁺·of gold :
and·the·pruners⁺ and·the·aspersoria⁺ and·the·spoons⁺ and·the·firepans⁺ gold locked
and·the·opening·of the·house his·pulldoors⁺ the·inface⁺ to·Sanctuary·of the·Sanctuaries⁺ and·the·pulldoors²·of the·house to·the·palace gold :
and·she·has·shalom all·of the·ministry
that he·did Shalomo to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·brings·in Shalomo °the·sanctuaries⁺·of Intimate his·father and·°the·silver and·°the·gold and·°all·of the·things⁺
he·gave in·the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
then he·congregates Shalomo °the·elders⁺·of Princepowr and·°all·of the·heads⁺·of the·branches⁺ the·wellborns⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to Torahshalom
to·offer·up °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ from·the·city·of Intimate she Tzion :
and·they·congregate⁺ to the·king all·of the·man·of Princepowr in·the·feast
he the·new·moon the·seventh :
and·they·enter⁺ all·of the·elders⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·bear⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ °the·ark :
and·they·offer·up⁺ °the·ark and·°tent·of assembly
and·°all·of the·things⁺·of the·sanctuary that in·the·tent
they·offered·up⁺ °them
the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
and·the·king Shalomo and·all·of the·assembly·of Princepowr that·assemble·themselves⁺ upon·him to·the·face⁺·of the·ark
offering⁺ sheep and·plowcattle
that they·are·not·counted⁺ and they·are·not·allotted⁺ from·multitude :
and·they·bring·in⁺ the·priests⁺ °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ to his·rising·place to the·speakingplace·of the·house to Sanctuary·of the·Sanctuaries⁺
to under the·wings²·of the·cherubs⁺ :
and·they·are⁺ the·cherubs⁺ stretching⁺ wings²
upon the·rising·place·of the·ark
and·they·cover⁺ the·cherubs⁺ upon the·ark and·upon his·lonepoles⁺ from·to➝upward :
and·they·prolong⁺ the·lonepoles⁺
and·they·are·seen⁺ the·heads⁺·of the·lonepoles⁺ from the·ark upon the·face⁺·of the·speakingplace
and they·are·not·seen⁺ ➝the·exterior
and·he·is there
unto the·day this :
there·is·ńot in·the·ark
only the·two²·of the·slates⁺
that he·gave Moseh in·Withered
that he·cut·in Yʜᴡʜ near the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
when·they·go⁺ from·Egypts² :
and·he·is when·going the·priests⁺ from the·Sanctuary
as all·of the·priests⁺ that·are·found⁺ they·sanctified·themselves⁺
there·is·ńot to·watch to·divisions⁺ :
and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ the·singers⁺ to·all·of·them to·Gatherer to·Truth to·Gloryhandish and·to·their·sons⁺ and·to·their·brothers⁺ robed·in⁺ eggcloth in·ringers² and·in·wiltharps⁺ and·lyres⁺
standing⁺ dawn to·the·offering·place
and·near·them priests⁺ to·hundred and·twenty⁺
trumpeting⁺ in·trumpets⁺ :
and·he·is as·one to·the·trumpeters⁺ and·to·the·singers⁺ to·let·hear voice one to·praise and·to·gloryhand to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·as·heightening voice in·trumpets⁺ and·in·ringers² and·in·the·things⁺·of the·song and·when·praising to·Yʜᴡʜ as good
as to·eternity his·mercy
and·the·house he·filled cloud the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and they·were·not·able⁺ the·priests⁺ to·stand to·assist from·the·face⁺·of the·cloud
as he·filled the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ °the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
then he·said Shalomo
Yʜᴡʜ he·said
to·dwell in·the·sprinkling·cloud :
and·I I·built house·of residence to·you
and·assured to·settle·you eternities⁺ :
and·he·turns the·king °his·face⁺
and·he·kneels °all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr
and·all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr standing :
and·he·says knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
that he·spoke in·his·mouth
with Intimate my·father
and·in·his·hands² he·filled saying :
from the·day that I·let·go °my·people from·the·land·of Egypts²
I·did·not·choose in·city from·all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
to·build house
to·be my·name there
and I·did·not·choose in·man
to·be foremost upon my·people Princepowr :
and·I·choose in·Torahshalom
to·be my·name there
and·I·choose in·Intimate
to·be upon my·people Princepowr :
and·he·is near the·heart·of Intimate my·father
to·build house
to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Intimate my·father
because that he·was near your·heart
to·build house to·my·name
as he·was near your·heart :
only you
you·do·not·build the·house
as your·son that·goes from·your·dresses²
he he·builds the·house to·my·name :
and·he·raises Yʜᴡʜ
°his·speech that he·spoke
and·I·arise under Intimate my·father and·I·settle upon the·throne·of Princepowr as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ
and·I·build the·house
to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·I·place there °the·ark
that there the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·cut·in near the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·stands to·the·face⁺·of the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
before all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr
and·he·stretches his·spoons² :
as he·did Shalomo cauldron·of copper and·he·gives·him in·the·midst·of the·helpwall
five mamacubits⁺ his·length and·five mamacubits⁺ his·breadth
and·mamacubits⁺ three his·rising
and·he·stands upon·him and·he·kneels upon his·knees² before all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr
and·he·stretches his·spoons² ➝the·skies⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr there·is·ńot as·you Powers⁺
in·the·skies⁺ and·in·the·land
watching the·covenant and·the·mercy
to·your·servants⁺ that·walk⁺ to·your·face⁺ in·all·of their·heart :
that you·watched to·your·servant Intimate my·father
°that you·spoke to·him
and·you·speak in·your·mouth and·in·your·hand you·filled as·the·day this :
and·now Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr ꜝwatch to·your·servant Intimate my·father °that you·spoke to·him saying
he·is·not·cut·down to·you man from·to·my·face⁺
settling upon the·throne·of Princepowr
only if they·watch⁺ your·sons⁺ °their·step to·walk in·my·torah
as·how you·walked to·my·face⁺ :
and·now Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
he·is·true your·speech
that you·spoke to·your·servant to·Intimate :
as ¿truly
he·settles Powers⁺ with the·adam upon the·land
¡lo! skies⁺ and·the·skies⁺·of the·skies⁺ they·do·not·sustain⁺·you
¡yes! as the·house this that I·built :
and·you·faced to the·mediation·of your·servant and·to his·graceprayer Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
to·hear to the·shouting and·to the·mediation
that your·servant mediator to·your·face⁺ :
to·be your·eyes² opened⁺ to the·house this daytime and·night
to the·rising·place
that you·said
to·place your·name there
to·hear to the·mediation
that he·mediates your·servant
to the·rising·place this :
and·you·heard to the·graceprayers⁺·of your·servant and·your·people Princepowr
that they·mediate⁺ to the·rising·place this
and·you you·hear from·the·rising·place·of your·settling from the·skies⁺
and·you·heard and·you·pardoned :
if he·sins man to·his·tendent
and·he·bore in·him oath to·cause·him·to·oath
and·he·entered oath to·the·face⁺·of your·offering·place in·the·house this :
and·you you·hear from the·skies⁺ and·you·did and·you·judged °your·servants⁺
to·return to·wicked
to·give his·step in·his·head
and·to·justify just
to·give to·him as·his·justice :
and·if he·is·smitten your·people Princepowr to·face⁺·of enemy as they·sin⁺ to·you
and·they·returned⁺ and·they·gloryhanded⁺ °your·name
and·they·mediated⁺ and·they·begged·grace⁺ to·your·face⁺ in·the·house this :
and·you you·hear from the·skies⁺
to·the·sin·of your·people Princepowr
and·you·returned·them to the·adamah
that you·gave to·them and·to·their·fathers⁺ :
when·being·restrained the·skies⁺ and he·is·not rain as they·sin⁺ to·you
and·they·mediated⁺ to the·rising·place this and·they·gloryhanded⁺ °your·name
from·their·sin they·return⁺ as you·humble·them :
and·you you·hear the·skies⁺ and·you·pardoned to·the·sin·of your·servants⁺ and·your·people Princepowr
as you·torah·them to the·step the·good that they·walk⁺ in·her
and·you·gave rain upon your·land
that you·gave to·your·people to·derivation :
hunger as he·is in·the·land unspeakable as he·is blight and·greenishness multibug and·chomper as he·is
as he·rocks·up to·him his·enemies⁺ in·the·land·of his·gates⁺
all·of touch and·all·of piercedness :
all·of mediation all·of graceprayer that he·is to·all·of the·adam
and·to·all·of your·people Princepowr
that they·know⁺ man his·touch and·his·hurt
and·he·stretched his·spoons² to the·house this :
and·you you·hear from the·skies⁺ the·assured·of your·settling and·you·pardoned
and·you·gave to·the·man as·all·of his·steps⁺
that you·know °his·heart
as you alone·you you·knew
°the·heart·of the·sons⁺·of the·adam :
because·of ꜝlet·them·fear⁺·you to·walk in·your·steps⁺
all·of the·days⁺
that they⁺ living⁺ upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah
that you·gave to·our·fathers⁺ :
and·also to the·unrecognized that not from·your·people Princepowr he
and·he·entered from·land afar because·of your·name the·great and·your·hand the·firm
and·your·arm that·is·branched·out
and·they·entered⁺ and·they·mediated⁺ to the·house this :
and·you you·hear from the·skies⁺ from·the·assured·of your·settling
and·you·did as·all that he·calls to·you the·unrecognized
because·of ꜝlet·them·know⁺ all·of the·people⁺·of the·land °your·name and·to·fear °you as·your·people Princepowr
and·to·know as your·name he·was·called
upon the·house this that I·built :
as he·goes your·people to·the·battle upon his·enemies⁺
in·the·step that you·send·them
and·they·mediated⁺ to·you the·step·of the·city this that you·chose in·her
and·the·house that I·built to·your·name :
and·you·heard from the·skies⁺
°their·mediation and·°their·graceprayer
and·you·did their·judgment :
as they·sin⁺ to·you as there·is·ńot adam that he·does·not·sin
and·you·flared·your·nostrils in·them
and·you·gave·them to·face⁺·of enemy
and·they·captured⁺·them their·captors⁺ to land afar or present :
and·they·returned⁺ to their·heart
in·the·land that they·were·captured⁺ there
and·they·returned⁺ and·they·begged·grace⁺ to·you in·the·land·of their·captivity saying
we·sinned⁺ we·acted·guiltily⁺ and·we·did·wickedness⁺ :
and·they·returned⁺ to·you in·all·of their·heart and·in·all·of their·soul
in·the·land·of their·captivity that they·captured⁺ °them
and·they·mediated⁺ the·step·of their·land that you·gave to·their·fathers⁺
and·the·city that you·chose
and·to·the·house that I·built to·your·name :
and·you·heard from the·skies⁺ from·the·assured·of your·settling °their·mediation and·°their·graceprayers⁺
and·you·did their·judgment
and·you·pardoned to·your·people that they·sinned⁺ to·you :
now my·Powers⁺ they·are⁺ ¡please! your·eyes² opened⁺
and·your·ears² listening⁺
to·the·mediation·of the·rising·place this :
and·now ꜝarise! Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ to·your·peace
you and·the·ark·of your·might
your·priests⁺ Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ they·are·robed·in⁺ salvation
and·your·merciful⁺ they·are·glad⁺ in·the·good :
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺
ꜝdo·not·return the·face⁺·of your·anointeds⁺
ꜝremember! to·the·mercies⁺·of Intimate your·servant :
and·as·all·done Shalomo to·mediate
and·the·fire she·descended from·the·skies⁺
and·she·eats the·upward·offering and·the·offerings⁺
and·the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ he·filled °the·house :
and they·were·not·able⁺ the·priests⁺
to·enter to the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
as he·filled the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr seeing⁺ when·descending the·fire
and·the·weight·of Yʜᴡʜ upon the·house
and·they·stoop⁺ nostrils² ➝land upon the·mosaic and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺
and·gloryhanding to·Yʜᴡʜ as good·of
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·the·king and·all·of the·people
offering⁺ offering to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·offers the·king Shalomo °the·offering·of the·plowcattle twenty⁺ and·two² thousand
and·sheep hundred and·twenty⁺ thousand
and·they·dedicate⁺ °the·house·of the·Powers⁺
the·king and·all·of the·people :
and·the·priests⁺ upon their·watches⁺ standing⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ in·the·things⁺·of the·song·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·did Intimate the·king to·gloryhand to·Yʜᴡʜ as to·eternity his·mercy
when·praising Intimate in·their·hand
and·the·priests⁺ trumpeting⁺ before·them
and·all·of Princepowr standing⁺ :
and·he·sanctifies Shalomo °the·midst·of the·courtyard that to·the·face⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
as he·did there the·upward·offerings⁺
and·°the·fats⁺·of the·shaloms⁺
as the·offering·place·of the·copper that he·did Shalomo
he·was·not·able to·contain °the·upward·offering and·°the·tribute and·°the·fats⁺ :
and·he·does Shalomo °the·feast in·the·season she seven·of days⁺ and·all·of Princepowr near·him
congregation great very
from·Entrance·of Rampart unto the·river·of Egypts² :
and·they·do⁺ in·the·day the·eighth constrained-assembly
as the·dedication·of the·offering·place they·did⁺ seven·of days⁺
and·the·feast seven·of days⁺ :
and·in·day·of twenty⁺ and·three to·the·new·moon the·seventh
he·sent·out °the·people to·their·tents⁺
glad⁺ and·good⁺·of heart
upon the·goodness that he·did Yʜᴡʜ to·Intimate and·to·Shalomo
and·to·Princepowr his·people :
and·he·is·all·done Shalomo °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°the·house·of the·king
and·°all that·enters upon the·heart·of Shalomo to·do in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·in·his·house he·prospered :
and·he·is·seen Yʜᴡʜ to Shalomo in·the·night
and·he·says to·him I·heard °your·mediation
and·I·chose in·the·rising·place this to·me to·house·of offering :
¡lo! I·restrain the·skies⁺ and he·is·not rain
and·¡lo! I·command upon chagabbug to·eat the·land
and·if I·send·out unspeakable in·my·people :
and·they·are·cashed·out⁺ my·people that he·was·called my·name upon·them and·they·mediate⁺ and·they·seek⁺ my·face⁺
and·they·return⁺ from·their·steps⁺ the·bad⁺
and·I I·hear from the·skies⁺
and·I·pardon to·their·sin
and·I·heal °their·land :
now my·eyes² they·are⁺ opened⁺
and·my·ears² listening⁺
to·the·mediation·of the·rising·place this :
and·now I·chose and·I·made·sacred °the·house this
to·be my·name there unto eternity
and·they·were⁺ my·eyes² and·my·heart there all·of the·days⁺ :
and·you if you·walk to·my·face⁺ as·how he·walked Intimate your·father
and·to·do as·all that I·commanded·you
and·my·prescriptions⁺ and·my·judgments⁺ you·watch :
°the·throne·of your·kingship
as·how I·cut·down to·Intimate your·father saying
he·is·not·cut·down to·you man
ruler in·Princepowr :
and·if you·return⁺ you⁺
and·you·abandoned⁺ my·prescriptions⁺ and·my·commandments⁺
that I·gave to·your⁺·face⁺
and·you·walked⁺ and·you·served⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and·you·prostrated·yourselves⁺ to·them :
and·I·expelled·them from·upon my·adamah that I·gave to·them
and·°the·house this that I·made·sacred to·my·name
I·drop from·upon my·face⁺
and·I·give·him to·simile and·to·toothed·word in·all·of the·people⁺ :
and·the·house this that he·was uppermost
to·all·of crosser upon·him he·is·desolate
and·he·said in·¿what he·did Yʜᴡʜ thus
to·the·land this and·to·the·house this :
and·they·said⁺ upon that they·abandoned⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ that he·let·them·go from·the·land·of Egypts²
and·they·grasp·firmly⁺ in·Powers⁺ after⁺
and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·them and·they·serve⁺·them
upon surely he·brought·in upon·them
°all·of the·badness this :
and·he·is from·end·of twenty⁺ year that he·built Shalomo °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°his·house :
and·the·cities⁺ that he·gave Their-Brilliance to·Shalomo
he·built Shalomo °them
and·he·settles there °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·walks Shalomo Rampart·of Depot
and·he·is·firm upon·her :
and·he·builds °Tadmor in·the·outspeak
and·°all·of the·cities⁺·of the·caretaking⁺
that he·built in·Rampart :
and·he·builds °House·of Brilliant the·uppermost
and·°House·of Brilliant the·undermost
cities⁺·of rocked·up·place
ramparts⁺ pulldoors² and·bolt :
and·°Mistressship and·°all·of the·cities⁺·of the·caretaking⁺ that they·were⁺ to·Shalomo
and·°all·of the·cities⁺·of the·chariot
and·°the·cities⁺·of the·shockcavalry⁺
and·°all·of the·charm·of Shalomo that he·was·charmed to·build in·Torahshalom and·in·the·Whitemost
and·in·all·of the·land·of his·rule :
all·of the·people the·remnant from the·Castdownïte and·the·Amurruïte and·the·Villageïte and·the·Liveïte and·the·Troddenïte
that not from·Princepowr they⁺ :
from their·sons⁺ that they·remained⁺ after⁺·them in·the·land
that they·were·not·all·done⁺·them the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·offers·them·up Shalomo to·levy
unto the·day this :
and·from the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
that he·did·not·give Shalomo to·servants⁺ to·his·ministry
as they⁺ mortals⁺·of battle and·the·princes⁺·of his·third-ranking·men⁺
and·the·princes⁺·of his·chariot and·his·shockcavalry⁺ :
and·these the·princes⁺·of that·are·posted⁺ that to·the·king Shalomo fifty⁺ and·hundred²
that·govern⁺ in·the·people :
and·°the·daughter·of Pharaoh he·offered·up Shalomo from·the·city·of Intimate
to·the·house that he·built to·her
as he·said she·does·not·settle woman to·me in·the·house·of Intimate the·king·of Princepowr
as sanctuary they⁺
that entering to·them the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ :
then he·offered·up Shalomo upward·offerings⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
upon the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·built to·the·face⁺·of the·powrhouse :
and·in·speech·of day in·day to·offer·up as·the·commandment·of Moseh
to·the·rests⁺ and·to·the·new·moons⁺
three times⁺ in·the·year
in·the·feast·of the·matzahs⁺ and·in·the·feast·of the·Sevendays⁺ and·in·the·feast·of the·knit·shelters⁺ :
and·he·causes·to·stand as·the·judgment·of Intimate his·father °the·divisions⁺·of the·priests⁺ upon their·service and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ upon their·watches⁺ to·praise and·to·assist before the·priests⁺ to·speech·of day in·his·day
and·the·gatekeepers⁺ in·their·divisions⁺ to·gate and·gate
as surely
the·commandment·of Intimate the·man·of the·Powers⁺ :
and they·did·not·move⁺ the·commandment·of the·king upon the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ to·all·of speech and·to·the·treasures⁺ :
and·she·is·assured all·of the·ministry·of Shalomo
unto the·day·of the·foundation·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·unto his·all·through
shalomic the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
then he·walked Shalomo to·Shell·of Hero and·to Powrer upon the·lip·of the·sea in·the·land·of Blood :
and·he·sends to·him Their-Brilliance in·the·hand·of his·servants⁺ ships⁺ and·servants⁺ knowing⁺·of sea
and·they·enter⁺ near the·servants⁺·of Shalomo ➝Ophir
and·they·take⁺ from·there
four hundred⁺ and·fifty⁺ round·of gold
and·they·bring·in⁺ to the·king Shalomo :
and·Queen·of Sheba she·heard °the·hearing·of Shalomo
and·she·enters to·try·out °Shalomo in·riddles⁺ in·Torahshalom in·strength weighty very and·camels⁺ bearers⁺·of spices⁺ and·gold to·multitude and·stone precious
and·she·enters to Shalomo
and·she·speaks near·him
°all that he·was near her·heart :
and·he·tells·forth to·her Shalomo °all·of her·speeches⁺
and he·was·not·hooded speech from·Shalomo
that he·did·not·tell·forth to·her :
and·she·sees Queen·of Sheba
°the·wisdom·of Shalomo
and·the·house that he·built :
and·the·edibles·of his·table and·the·seat·of his·servants⁺ and·the·standing·of his·assistants⁺ and·their·robes⁺ and·his·drink-givers⁺ and·their·robes⁺
that he·goes·up the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and he·was·not again in·her breath :
and·she·says to the·king
truth the·speech
that I·heard in·my·land
upon your·speeches⁺ and·upon your·wisdom :
and I·was·not·true to·their·speeches⁺ unto that I·entered and·they·see⁺ my·eyes²
and·¡lo! he·was·not·told·forth to·me
the·half·of the·multitude·of your·wisdom
you·added upon the·hearing that I·heard :
the·blessedness⁺·of your·mortals⁺
and·the·blessedness⁺·of your·servants⁺ these
that·stand⁺ to·your·face⁺ always
and·hearing⁺ °your·wisdom :
ꜝlet·him·be Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ knelt·to
that he·was·pleased in·you to·give·you upon his·throne to·king
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
when·loving your·Powers⁺ °Princepowr to·cause·him·to·stand to·eternity
and·he·gives·you upon·them to·king
to·do judgment and·justice :
and·she·gives to·the·king hundred and·twenty⁺ round·of gold and·spices⁺ to·multitude very and·stone precious
and he·was·not as·the·spice he
that she·gave Queen·of Sheba to·the·king Shalomo :
and·also the·servants⁺·of Their-Brilliance and·the·servants⁺·of Shalomo
that they·brought·in⁺ gold from·Ophir
they·brought·in⁺ trees⁺·of algumtrees⁺ and·stone precious :
and·he·does the·king °the·trees⁺·of the·algumtrees⁺ avenues⁺ to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·the·house·of the·king
and·lyres⁺ and·wiltharps⁺ to·the·singers⁺
and they·were·not·seen⁺ as·them to·face⁺ in·the·land·of Gloryhand :
and·the·king Shalomo he·gave to·Queen·of Sheba °all·of her·pleasure that she·requested
from·aloneside that she·brought·in to the·king
and·she·converts and·she·walks to·her·land she and·her·servants⁺ :
and·he·is the·shekelness·of the·gold
that he·entered to·Shalomo in·year one
six·of hundred⁺ and·sixty⁺ and·six rounds⁺·of gold :
alone from·the·mortals⁺·of the·scouts⁺ and·the·merchants⁺ bringing·in⁺
and·all·of the·kings⁺·of Arabia and·the·prefects⁺·of the·land
bringing·in⁺ gold and·silver to·Shalomo :
and·he·does the·king Shalomo hundred² shield gold slaughtered
six hundred⁺ gold slaughtered
he·offers·up upon the·shield one :
and·three·of hundred⁺ guards⁺ gold slaughtered
three·of hundred⁺ gold
he·offers·up upon the·guard one
and·he·gives·them the·king
in·the·house·of the·forest·of the·Whitemost :
and·he·does the·king throne·of tooth great
and·he·tops·him gold pure :
and·six·of upward·ways⁺ to·the·throne and·subduestool in·the·gold to·the·throne held⁺
and·hands⁺ from·this and·from·this upon the·rising·place·of the·seat
and·two² lions⁺
standing⁺ beside the·hands⁺ :
and·two² and·ten lions⁺ standing⁺ there upon the·six·of the·upward·ways⁺ from·this and·from·this
he·was·not·done surely to·all·of kingdom :
and·all·of the·things⁺·of the·drinking·of the·king Shalomo gold
and·all·of the·things⁺·of the·house·of the·forest·of the·Whitemost gold locked
there·is·ńot silver considered in·the·days⁺·of Shalomo to·smidge :
as ships⁺ to·the·king walking⁺ Tarshysh
near the·servants⁺·of Their-Brilliance
one to·three years⁺ they·enter⁺ the·ships⁺·of Tarshysh bearers⁺·of gold and·silver
elephant·teeth⁺ and·apes⁺ and·peacocks⁺ :
and·he·becomes·great the·king Shalomo
from·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·land
to·riches and·wisdom :
and·all·of the·kings⁺·of the·land
seekers⁺ °the·face⁺·of Shalomo
to·hear °his·wisdom
that he·gave the·Powers⁺ in·his·heart :
and·they⁺ bringing·in⁺ man his·tribute things⁺·of silver and·things⁺·of gold and·garments⁺ armory and·spices⁺
horses⁺ and·asses⁺
speech·of year in·year :
and·he·is to·Shalomo four·of thousands⁺ lioneers⁺·of horses⁺ and·chariots⁺
and·two² and·ten thousand shockcavalry⁺
and·he·sets·them·in·peace in·the·cities⁺·of the·chariot
and·near the·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·is ruler in·all·of the·kings⁺
from the·Stream and·unto the·land·of Palestinians⁺
and·unto the·border·of Egypts² :
and·he·gives the·king °the·silver in·Torahshalom as·the·stones⁺
and·°the·cedars⁺ he·gave as·the·sycamores⁺ that in·the·lowland to·multitude :
and·letting·go⁺ horses⁺ from·Egypts² to·Shalomo and·from·all·of the·lands⁺ :
and·the·survivor·of the·speeches⁺·of Shalomo
the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
¿not they⁺ written⁺ upon the·speeches⁺·of Given the·prophet
and·upon the·prophecy·of Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·Relaxationïte and·in·the·vision·of Assembled the·visionary
upon People-Argues the·son·of Looked :
and·he·is·king Shalomo in·Torahshalom upon all·of Princepowr forty⁺ year :
and·he·beds Shalomo near his·fathers⁺
in·the·city·of Intimate his·father
and·he·is·king Broadened-People his·son unders⁺·him :
and·he·walks Broadened-People ➝Yoke
as Yoke they·entered⁺ all·of Princepowr to·king °him :
and·he·is as·hearing People-Argues the·son·of Looked and·he in·Egypts²
that he·bolted
from·the·face⁺·of Shalomo the·king
and·he·returns People-Argues from·Egypts² :
and·they·send⁺ and·they·call⁺ to·him
and·he·enters People-Argues and·all·of Princepowr
to Broadened-People saying :
your·father he·hardened °our·harness
and·now ꜝslighten from·the·service·of your·father the·hard and·from·his·harness the·weighty that he·gave upon·us and·we·serve⁺·you :
and·he·says to·them again three·of days⁺ and·ꜝreturn⁺ to·me
and·he·walks the·people :
and·he·consults the·king Broadened-People with the·elders⁺ that they·were⁺ standing⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Shalomo his·father
when·he·is living saying
¿ħow you⁺ consulting⁺
to·return to·the·people this speech :
and·they·speak⁺ to·him saying if you·are to·good to·the·people this and·you·favored·them
and·you·spoke to·them speeches⁺ good⁺
and·they·were⁺ to·you servants⁺ all·of the·days⁺ :
and·he·abandons °the·counsel·of the·elders⁺ that they·counselled⁺·him
and·he·consults with the·children⁺ that they·became·great⁺ with·him
that·stand⁺ to·his·face⁺ :
and·he·says to·them ¿what you⁺ consulting⁺
and·we·return⁺ speech °the·people this
that they·spoke⁺ to·me saying
ꜝslighten from the·harness
that he·gave your·father upon·us :
and·they·speak⁺ with·him the·children⁺ that they·became·great⁺ with·him saying
thus you·say to·the·people that they·spoke⁺ to·you saying your·father he·made·weighty °our·harness
and·you ꜝslighten from·upon·us
thus you·say to·them
my·smallest·finger he·was·thick from·the·thighs²·of my·father :
and·now my·father he·loaded upon·you⁺ harness weighty
and·I I·add upon your⁺·harness
my·father he·instructed °you⁺ in·the·paddles⁺
and·I in·the·scorpions⁺ :
and·he·enters People-Argues and·all·of the·people to Broadened-People in·the·day the·third
as·how he·spoke the·king saying
ꜝreturn⁺ to·me in·the·day the·third :
and·he·responds·them the·king hard
and·he·abandons the·king Broadened-People
°the·counsel·of the·elders⁺ :
and·he·speaks to·them as·the·counsel·of the·children⁺ saying
I·make·weighty °your⁺·harness
and·I I·add upon·him
my·father he·instructed °you⁺ in·the·paddles⁺
and·I in·the·scorpions⁺ :
and he·did·not·hear the·king to the·people
as she·was turn·of·affairs from·near the·Powers⁺
because·of raising Yʜᴡʜ °his·speech that he·spoke in·the·hand·of Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·Relaxationïte
to People-Argues the·son·of Looked :
and·all·of Princepowr as he·did·not·hear the·king to·them
and·they·return⁺ the·people °the·king saying ¿what to·us dividend in·Intimate and·not derivation in·the·son·of He-Is man to·your·tents⁺ Princepowr
now ꜝsee your·house Intimate
and·he·walks all·of Princepowr to·his·tents⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
that·settle⁺ in·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
and·he·is·king upon·them Broadened-People :
and·he·sends the·king Broadened-People °Hadoram that upon the·levy
and·they·execute⁺ in·him the·sons⁺·of Princepowr stone and·he·dies
and·the·king Broadened-People he·emboldened·himself to·go·up in·the·chariot
to·flee Torahshalom :
and·they·rebel⁺ Princepowr in·the·house·of Intimate
unto the·day this :
and·he·enters Broadened-People Torahshalom
and·he·congregates °the·house·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right hundred and·eighty⁺ thousand chosen doing·of battle
to·battle near Princepowr
to·return °the·kingdom to·Broadened-People :
and·he·is the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
to Heard-Yʜᴡ the·man·of the·Powers⁺ saying :
ꜝsay to Broadened-People the·son·of Shalomo the·king·of Gloryhand
and·to all·of Princepowr
in·Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right saying :
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ you·do·not·go·up⁺ and you·do·not·battle⁺ near your⁺·brothers⁺ ꜝreturn⁺ man to·his·house
as from·with·me he·had·been the·speech this
and·they·hear⁺ °the·speeches⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·return⁺ from·walking to People-Argues :
and·he·settles Broadened-People in·Torahshalom
and·he·builds cities⁺ to·rocked·up·place in·Gloryhand :
and·he·builds °House·of Bread and·°Vulture-Place and·°Hithorn :
and·°House·of Rock and·°Knitted and·°Adlam :
and·°Cellar and·°Headrest and·°Tar :
and·°Regals² and·°Lakysh and·°Imprinted :
and·°Leper and·°Powerest
that in·Gloryhand and·in·Son-of-Right
cities⁺·of rocked·up·places⁺ :
and·he·makes·firm °the·rocked·up·places⁺
and·he·gives in·them foremosts⁺
and·treasures⁺·of edibles and·oil and·wine :
and·in·all·of city and·city shields⁺ and·spears⁺
and·he·makes·them·firm to·multiplying very
and·he·is to·him Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right :
and·the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
that in·all·of Princepowr
they·posted·themselves⁺ upon·him from·all·of their·border :
as they·abandoned⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ °their·cattle·drives⁺ and·their·freehold
and·they·walk⁺ to·Gloryhand and·to·Torahshalom
as he·shunned·them People-Argues and·his·sons⁺
from·priest to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·causes·to·stand to·him priests⁺
to·the·daises⁺ and·to·the·hairgoats⁺
and·to·the·oxen⁺ that he·did :
and·after⁺·them from·all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
that·give⁺ °their·heart
to·seek °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
they·entered⁺ Torahshalom
to·offer to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·they·make·firm⁺ °the·kingship·of Gloryhand
and·they·embolden⁺ °Broadened-People the·son·of Shalomo to·years⁺ three
as they·walked⁺ in·the·step·of Intimate and·Shalomo to·years⁺ three :
and·he·takes to·him Broadened-People woman
the·daughter·of Heights⁺ the·son·of Intimate
Father-of-Strength the·daughter·of Powr-of-Father the·son·of He-Is :
and·she·enchilds to·him sons⁺
°Mustering and·°Watched-of-Yʜᴡ and·°Loathe :
and·after⁺·her he·took
°Battering the·daughter·of Father-of-Shalom
and·she·enchilds to·him °Father-of-Yʜᴡ and·°Seasonal
and·°Abounds and·°Shalomness :
and·he·loves Broadened-People °Battering the·daughter·of Father-of-Shalom from·all·of his·women⁺ and·his·concubines⁺
as women⁺ eight and·ten he·bore
and·concubines⁺ sixty⁺
and·he·bechilds twenty⁺ and·eight sons⁺ and·sixty⁺ daughters⁺ :
and·he·causes·to·stand to·the·head Broadened-People °Father-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Battering to·foremost in·his·brothers⁺
as to·king·him :
and·he·discerns and·he·erupts from·all·of his·sons⁺ to·all·of the·lands⁺·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right to·all·of the·cities⁺·of the·rocked·up·places⁺
and·he·gives to·them the·supply to·multitude
and·he·requests hum·of women⁺ :
and·he·is as·making·sure the·kingship·of Broadened-People and·as·his·firmness
he·abandoned °the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·all·of Princepowr near·him :
and·he·is in·the·year the·fifth to·the·king Broadened-People
he·went·up Shoshek the·king·of Egypts² upon Torahshalom
as they·disguised·themselves⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ :
in·thousand and·hundred² chariot
and·in·sixty⁺ thousand shockcavalry⁺
and·there·is·ńot count to·the·people that they·entered⁺ near·him from·Egypts²
Lybians⁺ Knitshelterïtes⁺ and·Kushïtes⁺ :
and·he·seizes °the·cities⁺·of the·rocked·up·places⁺ that to·Gloryhand
and·he·enters unto Torahshalom :
and·Heard-Yʜᴡ the·prophet he·entered to Broadened-People
and·the·princes⁺·of Gloryhand
that they·were·gathered⁺ to Torahshalom from·the·face⁺·of Shoshek
and·he·says to·them thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ you⁺ you·abandoned⁺ °me
and·¡yes! I I·abandoned °you⁺ in·the·hand·of Shoshek :
and·they·are·cashed·out⁺ the·princes⁺·of Princepowr and·the·king
and·they·say⁺ just Yʜᴡʜ :
and·when·seeing Yʜᴡʜ as they·were·cashed·out⁺
he·was the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ to Heard-Yʜᴡ saying they·were·cashed·out⁺ I·do·not·ruin·them
and·I·gave to·them as·little to·rescue
and she·does·not·melt my·heat in·Torahshalom in·the·hand·of Shoshek :
as they·are⁺ to·him to·servants⁺
and·they·know⁺ my·service
and·the·service·of the·kingdoms⁺·of the·lands⁺ :
and·he·goes·up Shoshek the·king·of Egypts² upon Torahshalom
and·he·takes °the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of the·king
°all he·took
and·he·takes °the·guards⁺·of the·gold
that he·did Shalomo :
and·he·does the·king Broadened-People unders⁺·them
guards⁺·of copper
and·he·gave·to·reckon upon the·hand·of the·princes⁺·of the·runners⁺
the·opening·of the·house·of the·king :
and·he·is from·enough·of entering the·king the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
they·entered⁺ the·runners⁺ and·they·bore⁺·them
and·they·returned⁺·them to the·tauchamber·of the·runners⁺ :
and·when·he·is·cashed·out he·returned from·him the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·not to·ruin to·altogether
and·also in·Gloryhand
he·was speeches⁺ good⁺ :
and·he·makes·himself·firm the·king Broadened-People in·Torahshalom and·he·is·king
as son·of forty⁺ and·one·of year Broadened-People when·he·is·king and·seven and·ten year he·was·king in·Torahshalom the·city that he·chose Yʜᴡʜ to·place °his·name there from·all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
and·the·name·of his·mama
Amiable the·Peopledïte :
and·he·does the·bad
as he·did·not·make·sure his·heart
to·investigate °Yʜᴡʜ :
and·the·speeches⁺·of Broadened-People the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
¿not they⁺ written⁺ in·the·speeches⁺·of Heard-Yʜᴡ the·prophet and·Decorater the·visionary to·registration
and·the·battles⁺·of Broadened-People and·People-Argues all·of the·days⁺ :
and·he·beds Broadened-People near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·entombed in·the·city·of Intimate
and·he·is·king Father-of-Yʜᴡ his·son unders⁺·him :
in·year·of eight and·ten to·the·king People-Argues
and·he·is·king Father-of-Yʜᴡ upon Gloryhand :
three years⁺ he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Who-as-Yʜᴡ the·daughter·of Light-of-Powr from Hill
and·battle she·was between Father-of-Yʜᴡ and·between People-Argues :
and·he·chains Father-of-Yʜᴡ °the·battle in·strength·of heroes⁺·of battle
four hundred⁺ thousand man chosen
and·People-Argues he·lined·up near·him battle
in·eight hundred⁺ thousand man chosen hero·of strength :
and·he·arises Father-of-Yʜᴡ from·upon to·the·mount·of Wools²
that in·the·mount·of Fruits²
and·he·says ꜝhear⁺·me People-Argues and·all·of Princepowr :
¿not to·you⁺ to·know
as Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr he·gave kingdom to·Intimate upon Princepowr to·eternity
to·him and·to·his·sons⁺ covenant·of salt :
and·he·arises People-Argues the·son·of Looked
the·servant·of Shalomo the·son·of Intimate
and·he·revolts upon his·lords⁺ :
and·they·are·collected⁺ upon·him mortals⁺ empty⁺ sons⁺·of no-benefit
and·they·embolden·themselves⁺ upon Broadened-People the·son·of Shalomo
and·Broadened-People he·was youth and·soft·of heart
and he·did·not·make·himself·firm to·their·face⁺ :
and·now you⁺ saying⁺ to·make·oneself·firm to·the·face⁺·of the·kingdom·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·hand·of the·sons⁺·of Intimate
and·you⁺ hum much
and·near·you⁺ oxen⁺·of gold
that he·did to·you⁺ People-Argues to·Powers⁺ :
¿not you·banished⁺ °the·priests⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
°the·sons⁺·of Aharon and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·you·do⁺ to·you⁺ priests⁺ as·the·people⁺·of the·lands⁺
all that·enters to·fill his·hand in·cow son·of plowcattle and·powrrams⁺ seven
and·he·was priest to·not Powers⁺ :
and·we⁺ Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ and we·did·not·abandon⁺·him
and·priests⁺ assistants⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ the·sons⁺·of Aharon
and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ in·the·ministry :
and·incendiating⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ upward·offerings⁺ in·the·dayplow in·the·dayplow and·in·the·evening in·the·evening and·incense·of aromatics⁺ and·line·of bread upon the·table the·pure and·the·lampstand·of the·gold and·her·lamps⁺ to·consume·by·fire in·the·evening in·the·evening
as watching⁺ we⁺
°the·watch·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
and·you⁺ you·abandoned⁺ °him :
and·¡lo! near·us in·the·head the·Powers⁺ and·his·priests⁺ and·the·trumpets⁺·of the·cheer to·cheer upon·you⁺
the·sons⁺·of Princepowr ꜝdo·not·battle⁺ near Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your⁺·fathers⁺ as you·do·not·prosper⁺ :
and·People-Argues he·turned °the·ambush·place
to·enter from·after⁺·them
and·they·are⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Gloryhand
and·the·ambush·place from·after⁺·them :
and·they·face⁺ Gloryhand and·¡lo! to·them the·battle face⁺ and·aft
and·they·cry⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
trumpeting⁺ in·trumpets⁺ :
and·they·cheer⁺ the·man·of Gloryhand
and·he·is when·cheering the·man·of Gloryhand
and·the·Powers⁺ he·smote °People-Argues and·all·of Princepowr
to·the·face⁺·of Father-of-Yʜᴡ and·Gloryhand :
and·they·flee⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr from·the·face⁺·of Gloryhand
and·he·gives·them Powers⁺ in·their·hand :
and·they·strike⁺ in·them Father-of-Yʜᴡ and·his·people stroke much
and·they·fall⁺ pierced⁺ from·Princepowr
five·of hundred⁺ thousand man chosen :
and·they·are·cashed·out⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·the·season she
and·they·are·bold⁺ the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
as they·were·staffed⁺
upon Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·he·pursues Father-of-Yʜᴡ after⁺ People-Argues
and·he·seizes from·him cities⁺
°House·of Powr and·°her·daughters⁺
and·°Sleeping and·°her·daughters⁺
and·°Dusty and·her·daughters⁺ :
and he·did·not·restrain the·vigor·of People-Argues again in·the·days⁺·of Father-of-Yʜᴡ
and·he·smites·him Yʜᴡʜ and·he·dies :
and·he·makes·himself·firm Father-of-Yʜᴡ
and·he·bears to·him
women⁺ four and·ten
and·he·bechilds twenty⁺ and·two² sons⁺
and·six and·ten daughters⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Father-of-Yʜᴡ
and·his·steps⁺ and·his·speeches⁺
written⁺ in·the·investigation·of the·prophet Decorater :
and·he·beds Father-of-Yʜᴡ near his·fathers⁺ and·they·entomb⁺ °him in·the·city·of Intimate
and·he·is·king Physician his·son unders⁺·him
in·his·days⁺ she·was·quiet the·land ten·of years⁺ :
and·he·does Physician the·good and·the·straight
in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ :
and·he·removes °the·offering·places⁺·of the·unrecognizee and·the·daises⁺
and·he·breaks °the·posts⁺
and·he·hacks·down °the·Blessed·Ones⁺ :
and·he·says to·Gloryhand
to·investigate °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺
and·to·do the·torah and·the·commandment :
and·he·removes from·all·of the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
°the·daises⁺ and·°the·hot·sun·idols⁺
and·she·is·quiet the·kingdom to·his·face⁺ :
and·he·builds cities⁺·of rocked·up·place in·Gloryhand
as she·was·quiet the·land and·there·is·ńot near·him battle in·the·years⁺ these
as he·set·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ to·him :
and·he·says to·Gloryhand we·build⁺ °the·cities⁺ these and·we·turn⁺ rampart and·great·towers⁺ pulldoors² and·bolts⁺
he·is·still the·land to·our·face⁺ as we·investigated⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
we·investigated⁺ and·he·sets·in·peace to·us from·turninground
and·they·build⁺ and·they·prosper⁺ :
and·he·is to·Physician strength bearer·of shield and·spear
from·Gloryhand three·of hundred⁺ thousand
and·from·Son-of-Right bearers⁺·of guard and·stepping·forward⁺·of bow
hundred² and·eighty⁺ thousand
all these heroes⁺·of strength :
and·he·goes to·them Dawn the·Kushïte in·strength thousand·of thousands⁺
and·chariots⁺ three·of hundred⁺
and·he·enters unto Headrest :
and·he·goes Physician to·his·face⁺
and·they·line·up⁺ battle
in·the·valley·of Sentry to·Headrest :
and·he·calls Physician to Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ and·he·says
Yʜᴡʜ there·is·ńot near·you to·help between much to·there·is·ńot vigor
ꜝhelp·us Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ as upon·you we·were·staffed⁺
and·in·your·name we·entered⁺
upon the·hum this
Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ you
ꜝlet·him·not·restrain near·you mortal :
and·he·smites Yʜᴡʜ °the·Kushïtes⁺
to·the·face⁺·of Physician and·to·the·face⁺·of Gloryhand
and·they·flee⁺ the·Kushïtes⁺ :
and·he·pursues·them Physician and·the·people that near·him unto to·Lodge
and·he·falls from·Kushïtes⁺ to·there·is·ńot to·them livelihood
as they·were·broken⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·the·face⁺·of his·camp
and·they·bear⁺ plunder multiplying very :
and·they·strike⁺ °all·of the·cities⁺ turninground⁺ Lodge
as he·was the·trembling·of Yʜᴡʜ upon·them
and·they·spoil⁺ °all·of the·cities⁺
as spoil much she·was in·them :
and·also tents⁺·of stock they·struck⁺
and·they·capture⁺ sheep to·multitude and·camels⁺
and·they·return⁺ Torahshalom :
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Witness
she·was upon·him the·breath·of Powers⁺ :
and·he·goes to·the·face⁺·of Physician
and·he·says to·him
ꜝhear⁺·me Physician and·all·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right
Yʜᴡʜ near·you⁺ when·you·are⁺ near·him
and·if you·investigate⁺·him he·is·found to·you⁺
and·if you·abandon⁺·him he·abandons °you⁺ :
and·days⁺ many⁺ to·Princepowr
to·not Powers⁺·of truth and·to·not priest torahing and·to·not torah :
and·he·returns in·the·rockiness to·him
upon Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·seek⁺·him and·he·is·found to·them :
and·in·the·seasons⁺ they⁺
there·is·ńot shalom to·that·goes and·to·that·enters
as rumbles⁺ many⁺
upon all·of the·settling⁺·of the·lands⁺ :
and·they·were·beaten⁺ clan in·clan and·city in·city
as Powers⁺ he·rumbled·them in·all·of rockiness :
and·you⁺ ꜝbe·firm⁺
and ꜝlet·them·not·go·slack⁺ your⁺·hands²
as there·is hire to·your⁺·work :
and·as·hearing Physician the·speeches⁺ these and·the·prophecy·of Witness the·prophet
he·made·himself·firm and·he·makes·cross·by the·detestations⁺ from·all·of the·land·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right
and·from the·cities⁺
that he·seized from·the·mount·of Fruits²
and·he·renews °the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
that to·the·face⁺·of the·powrhouse·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·collects °all·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right
and·the·lodgers⁺ near·them
from·Fruits² and·Frustration and·from·Heard
as they·fell⁺ upon·him from·Princepowr to·multitude
when·they·see⁺ as Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ near·him :
and·they·are·collected⁺ Torahshalom in·the·new·moon the·third
to·year·of five·of and·ten to·the·kingship·of Physician :
and·they·offer⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·the·day he
from the·plunder they·brought·in⁺
plowcattle seven hundred⁺
and·sheep seven·of thousands⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ in·the·covenant
to·investigate °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺
in·all·of their·heart and·in·all·of their·soul :
and·all that he·does·not·investigate to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr he·is·put·to·death
to·from small and·unto great
to·from·man and·unto woman :
and·they·vow·seven⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·voice great and·in·cheer
and·in·trumpets⁺ and·in·shofairs⁺ :
and·they·are·glad⁺ all·of Gloryhand upon the·seven as in·all·of their·heart they·vowed·seven⁺
and·in·all·of their·favor they·sought⁺·him
and·he·is·found to·them
and·he·sets·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ to·them from·turninground :
and·also Battering the·mama·of Physician the·king he·removed·her from·heroine
that she·did to·Blessed·One dreadful·thing
and·he·cuts·down Physician °her·dreadful·thing
and·he·makes·thin and·he·burns in·the·river·of Gloominess :
they·did·not·move·away⁺ from·Princepowr
only the·heart·of Physician he·was shalomic all·of his·days⁺ :
and·he·brings·in °the·sanctuaries⁺·of his·father and·his·sanctuaries⁺ the·house·of the·Powers⁺
silver and·gold and·things⁺ :
and·battle she·was·not
unto year·of thirty⁺ and·five to·the·kingship·of Physician :
in·year·of thirty⁺ and·six to·the·kingship·of Physician
he·went·up Fetid the·king·of Princepowr upon Gloryhand
and·he·builds °the·High·Place
to·not giving going and·entering
to·Physician the·king·of Gloryhand :
and·he·lets·go Physician silver and·gold from·the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·the·house·of the·king
and·he·sends to Son·of Hadad the·king·of Height
that·settles in·Damascus saying :
covenant between·me and·between·you
and·between my·father and·between your·father
¡lo! I·sent to·you silver and·gold
ꜝwalk ꜝscuttle your·covenant with Fetid the·king·of Princepowr
and·he·goes·up from·upon·me :
and·he·hears Son·of Hadad to the·king Physician and·he·sends °the·princes⁺·of the·strengths⁺ that to·him to the·cities⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·strike⁺ °Guilty and·°Vindicator
and·°Meadow Waters⁺
and·°all·of the·caretaking⁺·of the·cities⁺·of Knot :
and·he·is as·hearing Fetid
and·he·ceases from·building °the·High·Place
and·he·gives·rest °his·ministry :
and·Physician the·king he·took °all·of Gloryhand
and·they·bear⁺ °the·stones⁺·of the·High·Place and·°her·trees⁺
that he·built Fetid
and·he·builds in·them
°Hill and·°the·Sentry·Post :
and·in·the·season she he·entered My-Grace the·seer
to Physician the·king·of Gloryhand
and·he·says to·him when·you·are·staffed upon the·king·of Height and you·were·not·staffed upon Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
upon surely he·was·delivered the·strength·of the·king·of Height from·your·hand :
¿not the·Kushïtes⁺ and·the·Lybians⁺ they·were⁺ to·strength to·multitude to·chariot and·to·shockcavalry⁺ to·multiplying very
and·when·you·are·staffed upon Yʜᴡʜ he·gave·them in·your·hand :
as Yʜᴡʜ his·eyes² paddling·around⁺ in·all·of the·land to·make·oneself·firm near their·heart shalomic to·him you·were·mistaken upon this
as from·now
there·is near·you battles⁺ :
and·he·is·troubled Physician to the·seer and·he·gives·him the·house·of the·converter
as in·tempest near·him upon this
and·he·smashes Physician from the·people in·the·season she :
and·¡lo! the·speeches⁺·of Physician
the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
¡lo!·them written⁺ upon the·account·of the·kings⁺
to·Gloryhand and·Princepowr :
and·he·is·diseased Physician in·year·of thirty⁺ and·nine to·his·kingship in·his·feet²
unto to➝upward his·piercing
and·also in·his·piercing he·did·not·investigate °Yʜᴡʜ
as in·the·healers⁺ :
and·he·beds Physician near his·fathers⁺
and·he·dies in·year·of forty⁺ and·one to·be·king·him :
and·they·entomb⁺·him in·his·tombs⁺ that he·drilled to·him in·the·city·of Intimate
and·they·put·him·to·bed⁺ in·the·bed that he·filled spices⁺ and·supplies⁺
compounded⁺ in·compound·of doing
and·they·burn⁺ to·him burning great unto to·very :
and·he·is·king Yʜᴡ-Judge his·son unders⁺·him
and·he·makes·himself·firm upon Princepowr :
and·he·gives strength
in·all·of the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand that·are·fortified⁺
and·he·gives posts⁺ in·the·land·of Gloryhand
and·in·the·cities⁺·of Fruits²
that he·seized Physician his·father :
and·he·is Yʜᴡʜ near Yʜᴡ-Judge
as he·walked in·the·steps⁺·of Intimate his·father the·headmost⁺
and he·did·not·investigate to·the·Masters⁺ :
as to·Powers⁺·of his·father he·investigated
and·in·his·commandments⁺ he·walked
and·not as·the·deed·of Princepowr :
and·he·makes·sure Yʜᴡʜ °the·kingdom in·his·hand
and·they·give⁺ all·of Gloryhand tribute to·Yʜᴡ-Judge
and·he·is to·him riches and·weight to·multitude :
and·he·climbs his·heart in·the·steps⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·again he·removed °the·daises⁺ and·°the·Blessed·Ones⁺ from·Gloryhand :
and·in·year·of three to·be·king·him he·sent to·his·princes⁺ to·Son·of Strength and·to·Servant-of-Yʜᴡ and·to·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ
and·to·Given-by-Powr and·to·Who-as-Yʜᴡ
to·disciple in·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand :
and·near·them the·Debtorïtes⁺ Heard-Yʜᴡ and·Given-Yʜᴡ and·Award-of-Yʜᴡ and·Doing-of-Powr and·Name-Heightens and·Yʜᴡ-Given and·Lord-Yʜᴡ and·Good-of-Yʜᴡ and·Good Lord-Yʜ the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·near·them Powr-Hears and·Yʜᴡ-High the·priests⁺ :
and·they·disciple⁺ in·Gloryhand
the·account·of the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·turn·around⁺ in·all·of the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
and·they·disciple⁺ in·the·people :
and·he·is the·trembling·of Yʜᴡʜ upon all·of the·kingdoms⁺·of the·lands⁺
that turninground⁺ Gloryhand
and they·did·not·battle⁺ near Yʜᴡ-Judge :
and·from Palestinians⁺ bringing·in⁺ to·Yʜᴡ-Judge tribute and·silver burden
also the·Arabs⁺ bringing·in⁺ to·him sheep powrrams⁺
seven·of thousands⁺ and·seven hundred⁺
and·capras⁺ seven·of thousands⁺ and·seven hundred⁺ :
and·he·is Yʜᴡ-Judge walking and·greaten unto to➝upward
and·he·builds in·Gloryhand castles⁺ and·cities⁺·of caretaking⁺ :
and·ministry much he·was to·him in·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
and·mortals⁺·of battle heroes⁺·of strength in·Torahshalom :
and·these their·reckoning to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺
to·Gloryhand princes⁺·of thousands⁺
Comfortable the·prince
and·near·him heroes⁺·of strength
three·of hundred⁺ thousand :
and·upon his·hand Yʜᴡ-Gracious the·prince
and·near·him hundred² and·eighty⁺ thousand :
and·upon his·hand Loaded-of-Yʜ the·son·of Remembered
the·ennobled to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·near·him hundred² thousand hero·of strength :
and·from Son-of-Right
hero·of strength Powr-Knows
and·near·him armed⁺·of bow and·guard hundred² thousand :
and·upon his·hand Yʜᴡ-Awarded
and·near·him hundred and·eighty⁺ thousand dressed⁺·of host :
these the·assistants⁺ °the·king
from·aloneside that he·gave the·king in·the·cities⁺·of the·fortification in·all·of Gloryhand :
and·he·is to·Yʜᴡ-Judge riches and·weight to·multitude
and·he·intermarries to·Brother-Father :
and·he·descends to·end·of years⁺ to Brother-Father to·Watchstation
and·he·offers to·him Brother-Father sheep and·plowcattle to·multitude
and·to·the·people that near·him
and·he·coaxes·him to·go·up to Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness :
and·he·says Brother-Father the·king·of Princepowr to Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand
¿you·walk near·me Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness
and·he·says to·him as·me as·you and·as·your·people my·people
and·near·you in·the·battle :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Judge to the·king·of Princepowr
ꜝinvestigate ¡please! as·the·day °the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·collects the·king·of Princepowr °the·prophets⁺ four·of hundred⁺ man
and·he·says to·them ¿we·walk⁺ to Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness to·the·battle if I·cease
and·they·say⁺ ꜝgo·up
and·he·gives the·Powers⁺ in·the·hand·of the·king :
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Judge
¿there·is·ńot ẖere prophet to·Yʜᴡʜ again
and·ꜝlet·us·investigate⁺ from·with·him :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr to Yʜᴡ-Judge again man one to·investigate °Yʜᴡʜ from·with·him and·I I·hated·him as he·is·ńot prophesying upon·me to·goodness as all·of his·days⁺ to·bad
he Who-as-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Full
and·he·says Yʜᴡ-Judge
ꜝlet·him·not·say the·king surely :
and·he·calls the·king·of Princepowr
to eunuch one
and·he·says ꜝspeed Who-as-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Full :
and·the·king·of Princepowr and·Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand settling⁺ man upon his·throne robed·in⁺ coverings⁺ and·settling⁺ in·threshingfloor
the·opening·of the·gate·of Watchstation
and·all·of the·prophets⁺
prophesying⁺ to·their·face⁺ :
and·he·does to·him Just-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Cashier horns²·of iron
and·he·says thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
in·these you·butt·at °Height unto their·all·done :
and·all·of the·prophets⁺
prophesying⁺ surely saying
ꜝgo·up Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness and·ꜝprosper
and·he·gave Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of the·king :
and·the·minister that he·walked to·call to·Who-as-Yʜᴡ he·spoke to·him saying
¡lo! the·speeches⁺·of the·prophets⁺ mouth one good to the·king
and·ꜝlet·him·be ¡please! your·speech as·one from·them and·you·spoke good :
and·he·says Who-as-Yʜᴡ
living Yʜᴡʜ as °that he·says my·Powers⁺ °him I·speak :
and·he·enters to the·king
and·he·says the·king to·him Who-As ¿we·walk⁺ to Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness to·the·battle if I·cease
and·he·says ꜝgo·up⁺ and·ꜝprosper⁺
and·they·are·given⁺ in·your⁺·hand :
and·he·says to·him the·king
unto as·¿what times⁺ I that·tells·you·seven
that you·do·not·speak to·me only truth in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says I·saw °all·of Princepowr scattered⁺ upon the·mounts⁺
as·the·sheep that there·is·ńot to·them tendent
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ not lords⁺ to·these
they·return⁺ man to·his·house in·shalom :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr to Yʜᴡ-Judge
¿not I·said to·you
he·does·not·prophesy upon·me good but rather to·bad :
and·he·says to·surely ꜝhear⁺ the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
I·saw °Yʜᴡʜ settling upon his·throne
and·all·of the·host·of the·skies⁺ standing⁺
upon his·right and·his·left :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ ¿who he·beguiles °Brother-Father the·king·of Princepowr
and·he·goes·up and·he·falls in·Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness
and·he·says this saying thus
and·this saying thus :
and·he·goes the·breath and·he·stands to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·says I I·beguile·him
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·him in·¿what :
and·he·says I·go and·I·was to·breath·of falsehood
in·the·mouth·of all·of his·prophets⁺
and·he·says you·beguile and·also you·are·able
ꜝgo and·ꜝdo surely :
and·now ¡lo! he·gave Yʜᴡʜ breath·of falsehood
in·the·mouth·of your·prophets⁺ these
he·spoke upon·you badness :
and·he·approaches Just-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Cashier
and·he·strikes °Who-as-Yʜᴡ upon the·cheek
and·he·says ¿where this the·step he·crossed·over the·breath·of Yʜᴡʜ from·with·me to·speak with·you :
and·he·says Who-as-Yʜᴡ
¡lo!·you seeing in·the·day he
that you·enter chamber in·chamber to·be·concealed :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr
ꜝtake⁺ °Who-as-Yʜᴡ
and·ꜝreturn⁺·him to Truth the·prince·of the·city
and·to Yᴡ-Fire the·son·of the·king :
and·you·said⁺ thus he·said the·king
ꜝplace⁺ this the·house·of the·detention
and·ꜝgive·to·him·eat⁺ bread squeezing and·waters⁺ squeezing
unto my·returning in·shalom :
and·he·says Who-as-Yʜᴡ
if returning you·return in·shalom
he·did·not·speak Yʜᴡʜ in·me
and·he·says ꜝhear⁺ people⁺ all·of·them :
and·he·goes·up the·king·of Princepowr and·Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand to Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness :
and·he·says the·king·of Princepowr to Yʜᴡ-Judge making·oneself·unsearchable and·entering in·the·battle
and·you ꜝbe·robed·in your·coverings⁺
and·he·makes·himself·unsearchable the·king·of Princepowr
and·they·enter⁺ in·the·battle :
and·the·king·of Height he·commanded °the·princes⁺·of the·chariot that to·him saying
with the·small with the·great
but rather with the·king·of Princepowr alone·him :
and·he·is as·seeing the·princes⁺·of the·chariot °Yʜᴡ-Judge and·they⁺ they·said⁺ the·king·of Princepowr he
and·they·turn·around⁺ upon·him to·battle
and·he·cries Yʜᴡ-Judge and·Yʜᴡʜ he·helped·him
and·he·coaxes·them Powers⁺ from·him :
and·he·is as·seeing the·princes⁺·of the·chariot
as he·was·not the·king·of Princepowr
and·they·return⁺ from·after⁺·him :
and·man he·drew·out in·the·bow to·his·completeness
and·he·strikes °the·king·of Princepowr
between the·joints⁺ and·between the·mail
and·he·says to·the·charioteer ꜝconvert your·hand and·you·let·me·go from the·camp as I·was·pierced :
and·she·goes·up the·battle in·the·day he
and·the·king·of Princepowr he·was causing·stand in·the·chariot in·view·of Height unto the·evening
and·he·dies to·the·season·of entering the·sun :
and·he·returns Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand to his·house in·shalom to·Torahshalom :
and·he·goes to his·face⁺ Yʜ-He the·son·of My-Grace the·visionary
and·he·says to the·king Yʜᴡ-Judge
¿to·the·wicked to·help
and·to·the·hating⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ you·love
and·in·this upon·you anger
from·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
¡ah,·no! speeches⁺ good⁺ they·were·found⁺ near·you
as you·consumed·by·fire the·Blessed·Ones⁺ from the·land
and·you·made·sure your·heart to·investigate the·Powers⁺ :
and·he·settles Yʜᴡ-Judge in·Torahshalom
and·he·returns and·he·goes in·the·people from·Well·of Seven unto the·mount·of Fruits²
and·he·returns·them to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·he·causes·to·stand judges⁺ in·the·land in·all·of the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand that·are·fortified⁺ to·city and·city :
and·he·says to the·judges⁺ ꜝsee⁺ ¿what you⁺ doing⁺
as not to·adam you·judge⁺ as to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·near·you⁺ in·speech·of judgment :
and·now ꜝlet·him·be the·trembling·of Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺
ꜝwatch⁺ and·ꜝdo⁺
as there·is·ńot near Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ evil and·burden·of face⁺ and·taking·of bribe :
and·also in·Torahshalom he·caused·to·stand Yʜᴡ-Judge from the·Debtorïtes⁺ and·the·priests⁺ and·from·the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·Princepowr
to·the·judgment·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·the·argument
and·they·return⁺ Torahshalom :
and·he·commands upon·them saying
thus you·do⁺ in·the·fear·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·truth and·in·heart shalomic :
and·all·of argument that he·enters upon·you⁺ from·your⁺·brothers⁺ that·settle⁺ in·their·cities⁺ between blood to·blood between torah to·commandment to·prescriptions⁺ and·to·judgments⁺
and·you·beaconed⁺ °them
and they·do·not·transgress⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·was anger upon·you⁺ and·upon your⁺·brothers⁺
thus you·do⁺ and you·do·not·transgress⁺ :
and·¡lo! Said-of-Yᴡh the·priest·of the·head upon·you⁺ to·all·of the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ and·Award-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Powr-Hears the·foremost to·the·house·of Gloryhand to·all·of the·speech·of the·king
and·officers⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ to·your⁺·face⁺
ꜝbe·firm⁺ and·ꜝdo⁺
and·ꜝlet·him·be Yʜᴡʜ near the·good :
and·he·is after⁺·surely they·entered⁺ the·sons⁺·of From-Father and·the·sons⁺·of Peopled and·near·them from·the·Peopledïtes⁺ upon Yʜᴡ-Judge to·the·battle :
and·they·enter⁺ and·they·tell·forth⁺ to·Yʜᴡ-Judge saying
he·entered upon·you hum much from·region·across to·the·sea from·Height
and·¡lo!·them in·Arrowing·of Palm
she Eyewell·of Kid :
and·he·fears and·he·gives Yʜᴡ-Judge °his·face⁺ to·investigate to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·calls fasting upon all·of Gloryhand :
and·they·are·collected⁺ Gloryhand
to·seek from·Yʜᴡʜ
also from·all·of the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
they·entered⁺ to·seek °Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·stands Yʜᴡ-Judge in·the·congregation·of Gloryhand and·Torahshalom in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·face⁺·of the·courtyard the·new :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of our·fathers⁺ ¿not you he Powers⁺ in·the·skies⁺
and·you ruler
in·all·of the·kingdoms⁺·of the·clans⁺
and·in·your·hand vigor and·heroism
and·there·is·ńot near·you to·post·oneself :
¿not you our·Powers⁺ you·disinherited °the·settling⁺·of the·land this
from·to·the·face⁺·of your·people Princepowr
and·you·give·her to·the·seed·of Father-Hi-Hum that·loves·you to·eternity :
and·they·settle⁺ in·her
and·they·build⁺ to·you in·her sanctuary to·your·name saying :
if she·enters upon·us badness sword judgment and·unspeakable and·hunger
ꜝlet·us·stand⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·house this and·to·your·face⁺
as your·name in·the·house this
and·we·cry⁺ to·you from·our·rockiness and·you·hear and·you·save :
and·now ¡lo! the·sons⁺·of Peopled and·From-Father and·the·mount·of Hair that you·did·not·give to·Princepowr to·enter in·them
when·they·enter⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts²
as they·moved⁺ from·upon·them and they·did·not·destroy⁺·them :
and·¡lo! they⁺
yielding⁺ upon·us
to·enter to·drive·us·off
from·your·inheritance that you·disinherited·us :
our·Powers⁺ ¿not you·judge in·them
as there·is·ńot in·us vigor
to·the·face⁺·of the·hum the·much this that·enters upon·us
and·we⁺ we·do·not·know⁺ ¿what we·do⁺
as upon·you our·eyes² :
and·all·of Gloryhand
standing⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
also their·toddlers their·women⁺ and·their·sons⁺ :
and·Powr-Visions the·son·of Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Shoveled-by-Powr the·son·of Gift-of-Yʜᴡ the·Debtorïte from the·sons⁺·of Gatherer
she·was upon·him the·breath·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·midst·of the·congregation :
and·he·says ꜝlisten⁺ all·of Gloryhand and·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
and·the·king Yʜᴡ-Judge
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺ you⁺ ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down⁺ from·the·face⁺·of the·hum the·much this
as not to·you⁺ the·battle as to·Powers⁺ :
aftermorrow ꜝdescend⁺ upon·them
¡lo!·them going·up⁺ in·the·upward·way·of the·Flower
and·you·found⁺ °them in·the·blasting·of the·river
the·face⁺·of the·outspeak·of Powr-Torahs :
not to·you⁺ to·battle in·this
ꜝpost·yourselves⁺ ꜝstand⁺ and·ꜝsee⁺ °the·salvation·of Yʜᴡʜ near·you⁺ Gloryhand and·Torahshalom ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down⁺
aftermorrow ꜝgo⁺ to·their·face⁺
and·Yʜᴡʜ near·you⁺ :
and·he·downscalps Yʜᴡ-Judge nostrils² ➝land
and·all·of Gloryhand and·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom they·fell⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·prostrate·oneself to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·arise⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ from the·sons⁺·of the·Associateïtes⁺ and·from the·sons⁺·of the·Baldnessïtes⁺
to·praise to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
in·voice great to➝upward :
and·they·yoke·up⁺ in·the·dayplow
and·they·go⁺ to·the·outspeak·of Hithorn
and·when·they·go⁺ he·stood Yʜᴡ-Judge and·he·says ꜝhear⁺·me Gloryhand and·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
ꜝbe·true⁺ in·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ and·you·are·true⁺
ꜝbe·true⁺ in·his·prophets⁺ and·ꜝprosper⁺ :
and·he·consults to the·people
and·he·causes·to·stand singers⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·praising⁺ to·magnificence·of sanctuary
when·going to·the·face⁺·of that·is·dressed
and·saying⁺ ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·in·season they·pierced⁺ in·shouting and·praise he·gave Yʜᴡʜ ambushes⁺ upon the·sons⁺·of Peopled From-Father and·the·mount·of Hair that·enter⁺ to·Gloryhand and·they·are·smitten⁺ :
and·they·stand⁺ the·sons⁺·of Peopled and·From-Father upon the·settling⁺·of the·mount·of Hair to·make·herem and·to·destroy
and·as·they·are·all·done⁺ in·the·settling⁺·of Hair
they·helped⁺ man in·his·tendent to·ruin :
and·Gloryhand he·entered upon the·sentry·post to·the·outspeak
and·they·face⁺ to the·hum
and·¡lo!·them carcasses⁺ falling⁺ ➝land and·there·is·ńot rescue :
and·he·enters Yʜᴡ-Judge and·his·people to·spoil °their·plunder
and·they·find⁺ in·them to·multitude and·fortune and·carcasses⁺ and·things⁺·of desires⁺
and·they·snatch·up⁺ to·them to·there·is·ńot burden
and·they·are⁺ days⁺ three spoiling⁺ °the·plunder as much he :
and·in·the·day the·fourth they·congregated⁺ to·deepland·of kneeling
as there they·knelt⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ
upon surely they·called⁺ °the·name·of the·rising·place he deepland·of kneeling unto the·day :
and·they·return⁺ all·of the·man·of Gloryhand and·Torahshalom and·Yʜᴡ-Judge in·their·head
to·return to Torahshalom in·gladness
as he·gladdened·them Yʜᴡʜ from·their·enemies⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ Torahshalom
in·wiltharps⁺ and·in·lyres⁺ and·in·trumpets⁺
to the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·is the·trembling·of Powers⁺
upon all·of the·kingdoms⁺·of the·lands⁺
when·they·hear⁺ as he·battled Yʜᴡʜ
near the·enemies⁺·of Princepowr :
and·she·is·quiet the·kingship·of Yʜᴡ-Judge
and·he·sets·in·peace to·him his·Powers⁺ from·turninground :
and·he·is·king Yʜᴡ-Judge upon Gloryhand
son·of thirty⁺ and·five year when·he·is·king and·twenty⁺ and·five year he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Abandoned the·daughter·of Sent :
and·he·walks in·the·step·of his·father Physician and he·did·not·move from·her
to·do the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ :
surely the·daises⁺ they·did·not·move·away⁺
and·again the·people they·did·not·make·sure⁺ their·heart
to·Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Judge
the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
¡lo!·them written⁺ in·the·speeches⁺·of Yʜ-He the·son·of My-Grace
that he·was·offered·up
upon the·account·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
and·after⁺·surely he·was·allied Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Gloryhand
near Yʜᴡ-Holds the·king·of Princepowr
he he·caused·to·do·wickedness to·do :
and·he·allies·him near·him
to·do ships⁺ to·walk Tarshysh
and·they·do⁺ ships⁺ in·Shell·of Hero :
and·he·prophesies Powr-of-Help the·son·of Intimacy-of-Wʜᴡ from·Headrest
upon Yʜᴡ-Judge saying
as·you·ally·yourself near Yʜᴡ-Holds he·erupted Yʜᴡʜ °your·doings⁺
and·they·are·broken⁺ ships⁺
and they·did·not·restrain⁺ to·walk to Tarshysh :
and·he·beds Yʜᴡ-Judge near his·fathers⁺
and·he·is·entombed near his·fathers⁺ in·the·city·of Intimate
and·he·is·king Yʜᴡ-High his·son unders⁺·him :
and·to·him brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Judge Help-of-Yʜᴡ and·Powr-Lives and·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Who-as-Powr and·Judge-Yʜᴡ
all these the·sons⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Judge the·king·of Princepowr :
and·he·gives to·them their·father gifts⁺ many⁺ to·silver and·to·gold and·to·luxuries⁺
near cities⁺·of rocked·up·places⁺ in·Gloryhand
and·°the·kingdom he·gave to·Yʜᴡ-High as he the·firstborn :
and·he·arises Yʜᴡ-High upon the·kingdom·of his·father and·he·makes·himself·firm
and·he·kills °all·of his·brothers⁺ in·the·sword
and·also from·the·princes⁺·of Princepowr :
son·of thirty⁺ and·two² year Yʜᴡ-High when·he·is·king
and·eight years⁺
he·was·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·walks in·the·step·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr as·how they·did⁺ the·house·of Brother-Father
as the·daughter·of Brother-Father
she·was to·him woman
and·he·does the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and he·did·not·want Yʜᴡʜ to·ruin °the·house·of Intimate
because·of the·covenant
that he·cut·in to·Intimate
and·as·how he·said to·give to·him lamp and·to·his·sons⁺ all·of the·days⁺ :
in·his·days⁺ he·rebelled Blood
from·under the·hand·of Gloryhand
and·they·king⁺ upon·them king :
and·he·crosses·over Yʜᴡ-High near his·princes⁺
and·all·of the·chariot near·him
and·he·is arising night
and·he·strikes °Blood that·turns·around to·him
and·°the·princes⁺·of the·chariot :
and·he·rebels Blood from·under the·hand·of Gloryhand unto the·day this
then she·rebels Whitetree in·the·season she from·under his·hand
as he·abandoned
°Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of his·fathers⁺ :
also he he·did daises⁺ in·the·mounts⁺·of Gloryhand
and·he·teaches·fornication °the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
and·he·banishes °Gloryhand :
and·he·enters to·him writing
from·Powr-Yʜ the·prophet saying
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Intimate your·father
under that you·did·not·walk in·the·steps⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Judge your·father
and·in·the·steps⁺·of Physician the·king·of Gloryhand :
and·you·walk in·the·step·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr
and·you·teach·fornication °Gloryhand and·°the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
as·teaching·fornication the·house·of Brother-Father
and·also °your·brothers⁺ the·house·of your·father the·good⁺ from·you you·killed :
¡lo! Yʜᴡʜ smiting smiting great in·your·people
and·in·your·sons⁺ and·in·your·women⁺ and·in·all·of your·fortune :
and·you in·piercings⁺ many⁺ in·the·piercedness·of your·bowels⁺
unto they·go⁺ your·bowels⁺ from the·piercing
days⁺ upon days⁺ :
and·he·rouses Yʜᴡʜ upon Yʜᴡ-High °the·breath·of the·Palestinians⁺ and·the·Arabs⁺
that upon the·hand·of Kushïtes⁺ :
and·they·go·up⁺ in·Gloryhand and·they·cleave⁺·her
and·they·capture⁺ °all·of the·fortune that·is·found to·the·house·of the·king
and·also his·sons⁺ and·his·women⁺
and he·did·not·survive to·him son
but rather Yʜᴡ-Held the·small·of his·sons⁺ :
and·after⁺ all·of this
he·smote·him Yʜᴡʜ in·his·bowels⁺ to·piercing to·there·is·ńot healing :
and·he·is to·days⁺ from·days⁺ and·as·the·season·of going the·end to·days⁺ two² they·went⁺ his·bowels⁺ near his·piercing
and·he·dies in·diseases⁺ bad⁺
and they·did·not·do⁺ to·him his·people burning as·the·burning·of his·fathers⁺ :
son·of thirty⁺ and·two² he·was when·he·is·king
and·eight years⁺
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·he·walks in·not desire
and·they·entomb⁺·him in·the·city·of Intimate
and·not in·the·tombs⁺·of the·kings⁺ :
and·they·king⁺ the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom °Yʜᴡ-Holds his·son the·small unders⁺·him
as all·of the·headmost⁺ he·killed the·clouttroop
that·enters in·the·Arabs⁺ to·the·camp
and·he·is·king Yʜᴡ-Holds the·son·of Yʜᴡ-High the·king·of Gloryhand :
son·of forty⁺ and·two² year Yʜᴡ-Holds when·he·is·king
and·year one
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Athl-Yʜᴡ the·daughter·of My-Sheaf :
also he he·walked
in·the·steps⁺·of the·house·of Brother-Father
as his·mama she·was his·counselor to·cause·to·do·wickedness :
and·he·does the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ as·the·house·of Brother-Father
as they⁺ they·were⁺ to·him counselors⁺ after⁺ the·death·of his·father to·ruin to·him :
also in·their·counsel he·walked
and·he·walks with Yʜᴡ-High the·son·of Brother-Father the·king·of Princepowr to·the·battle upon Vision-of-Powr the·king·of Height in·Heights⁺·of Roll-of-Witness
and·they·strike⁺ the·Heightïtes⁺ °Yᴡ-High :
and·he·returns to·heal·himself in·Powr-Seeds as the·strokes⁺ that they·struck⁺·him in·the·High·Place
with Vision-of-Powr the·king·of Height
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-High the·king·of Gloryhand he·descended to·see °Yʜᴡ-High the·son·of Brother-Father in·Powr-Seeds as pierced he :
and·from·Powers⁺ she·was the·downtreading·of Yʜᴡ-Holds
to·enter to Yᴡ-High
and·when·he·enters he·went near Yʜᴡ-High to Yʜ-He the·son·of Drawn
that he·anointed·him Yʜᴡʜ
to·cut·down °the·house·of Brother-Father :
and·he·is as·being·judged Yʜ-He near the·house·of Brother-Father
and·he·finds °the·princes⁺·of Gloryhand and·the·sons⁺·of the·brothers⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Holds assistants⁺ to·Yʜᴡ-Holds and·he·kills·them :
and·he·seeks °Yʜᴡ-Holds and·they·seize⁺·him and·he concealing·oneself in·Watchstation and·they·bring·him·in⁺ to Yʜ-He and·they·put·him·to·death⁺
as they·said⁺ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Judge he
that he·investigated °Yʜᴡʜ in·all·of his·heart
and·there·is·ńot to·the·house·of Yʜᴡ-Holds
to·restrain vigor to·kingdom :
and·Athl-Yʜᴡ the·mama·of Yʜᴡ-Holds
she·saw as he·died her·son
and·she·arises and·she·speaks °all·of the·seed·of the·kingdom to·the·house·of Gloryhand :
and·she·takes Yʜᴡ-Seven the·daughter·of the·king °Yᴡ-Fire the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Holds and·she·steals °him from·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of the·king that·are·put·to·death⁺
and·she·gives °him and·°his·sucklenurse in·the·chamber·of the·branchbeds⁺
and·she·hides·him Yʜᴡ-Seven the·daughter·of the·king Yʜᴡ-High the·woman·of Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest as she she·was the·sister·of Yʜᴡ-Holds from·the·face⁺·of Athl-Yʜᴡ and she·did·not·put·him·to·death :
and·he·is with·them in·the·house·of the·Powers⁺
concealing·oneself six·of years⁺ and·Athl-Yʜᴡ king upon the·land :
and·in·the·year the·seventh he·made·himself·firm Yʜᴡ-Known and·he·takes °the·princes⁺·of the·hundred⁺ to·Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Wombing and·to·Powr-Hears the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Gracious and·to·Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Servant and·°Deed-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Decked-of-Yʜᴡ and·°Powr-Judge the·son·of Remembered near·him in·the·covenant :
and·they·turn·around⁺ in·Gloryhand
and·they·collect⁺ °the·Debtorïtes⁺ from·all·of the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
and·the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·Princepowr
and·they·enter⁺ to Torahshalom :
and·he·cuts·in all·of the·congregation covenant in·the·house·of the·Powers⁺ near the·king
and·he·says to·them ¡lo! the·son·of the·king he·is·king
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ upon the·sons⁺·of Intimate :
this the·speech that you·do⁺
the·third from·you⁺ the·entering⁺·of the·rest to·the·priests⁺ and·to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
to·the·gatekeepers⁺·of the·portals⁺ :
and·the·third in·the·house·of the·king
and·the·third in·the·gate·of the·foundation
and·all·of the·people
in·the·courtyards⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and ꜝlet·him·not·enter the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ but rather the·priests⁺ and·the·assistants⁺ to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
they⁺ they·enter⁺ as sanctuary they⁺
and·all·of the·people
they·watch⁺ the·watch·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·encompassed⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ °the·king turninground man and·his·things⁺ in·his·hand
and·that·enters to the·house he·is·put·to·death
and·ꜝbe⁺ with the·king when·he·enters and·when·he·goes :
and·they·do⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ and·all·of Gloryhand as·all that he·commanded Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest
and·they·take⁺ man °his·mortals⁺
the·entering⁺·of the·rest
near the·going⁺·of the·rest
as he·did·not·spurt·out Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest °the·divisions⁺ :
and·he·gives Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest to·the·princes⁺·of the·hundred⁺ °the·campspears⁺ and·°the·guards⁺ and·°the·controlshields⁺
that to·the·king Intimate
that the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·he·causes·to·stand °all·of the·people and·man his·sendout in·his·hand from·the·shoulder·of the·house the·right unto the·shoulder·of the·house the·left
to·the·offering·place and·to·the·house
upon the·king turninground :
and·they·let·go⁺ °the·son·of the·king and·they·give⁺ upon·him °the·vow and·°the·witness
and·they·king⁺ °him
and·they·anoint⁺·him Yʜᴡ-Known and·his·sons⁺
and·they·say⁺ ꜝlet·him·live the·king :
and·she·hears Athl-Yʜᴡ °the·voice·of the·people the·runners⁺
and·that·praise⁺ °the·king
and·she·enters to the·people the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·she·sees and·¡lo! the·king standing upon his·standing·pillar in·the·entrance and·the·princes⁺ and·the·trumpets⁺ upon the·king
and·all·of the·people·of the·land glad and·hitting in·trumpets⁺
and·the·singers⁺ in·the·things⁺·of the·song
and·letting·know⁺ to·praise
and·she·tears Athl-Yʜᴡ °her·coverings⁺
and·she·says league league :
and·he·lets·go Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest °the·princes⁺·of the·hundred⁺ the·reckoned⁺·of the·strength and·he·says to·them ꜝlet·her·go⁺ to from·the·house·of the·awnings⁺
and·that·enters after⁺·her he·is·put·to·death in·the·sword
as he·said the·priest
you·do·not·put·her·to·death⁺ the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·place⁺ to·her hands²
and·she·enters to the·entrance·of the·gate·of the·horses⁺ the·house·of the·king
and·they·put·her·to·death⁺ there :
and·he·cuts·in Yʜᴡ-Known covenant
between·him and·between all·of the·people and·between the·king
to·be to·people to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·enter⁺ all·of the·people the·house·of the·Master and·they·wreck⁺·him
and·°his·offering·places⁺ and·°his·shadows⁺ they·broke⁺
and·°Gift the·priest·of the·Master
they·killed⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·offering·places⁺ :
and·he·places Yʜᴡ-Known the·reckonings⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ that he·divided Intimate upon the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·offer·up the·upward·offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ as·that·is·written in·the·torah·of Moseh in·gladness and·in·song
upon the·hands²·of Intimate :
and·he·causes·to·stand the·gatekeepers⁺
upon the·gates⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and he·does·not·enter defiled to·all·of speech :
and·he·takes °the·princes⁺·of the·hundred⁺ and·°the·regals⁺ and·°the·rulers⁺ in·the·people and·°all·of the·people·of the·land and·he·makes·descend °the·king from·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·enter⁺ in·the·midst·of the·gate·of the·uppermost the·house·of the·king
and·they·settle⁺ °the·king
upon the·throne·of the·kingdom :
and·they·are·glad⁺ all·of the·people·of the·land and·the·city she·was·quiet
and·°Athl-Yʜᴡ they·put·to·death⁺ in·the·sword :
son·of seven years⁺ Yᴡ-Fire when·he·is·king
and·forty⁺ year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Prettygazelle from·Well·of Seven :
and·he·does Yᴡ-Fire the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
all·of the·days⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest :
and·he·bears to·him Yʜᴡ-Known women⁺ two²
and·he·bechilds sons⁺ and·daughters⁺ :
and·he·is after⁺·surely
he·was near the·heart·of Yᴡ-Fire
to·renew °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·collects °the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·he·says to·them ꜝgo⁺ to·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand and·ꜝcollect⁺ from·all·of Princepowr silver to·make·firm °the·house·of your⁺·Powers⁺ from·enough·of year in·year
and·you⁺ you·speed⁺ to·the·speech
and they·did·not·speed⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
and·he·calls the·king to·Yʜᴡ-Known the·head
and·he·says to·him ¿know·why you·did·not·investigate upon the·Debtorïtes⁺
to·bring·in from·Gloryhand and·from·Torahshalom °the·burden·of Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·congregation to·Princepowr
to·the·tent·of the·witness :
as Athl-Yʜᴡ the·wickedness
her·sons⁺ they·erupted⁺ °the·house·of the·Powers⁺
and·also all·of the·sanctuaries⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
they·did⁺ to·the·Masters⁺ :
and·he·says the·king
and·they·do⁺ ark one
and·they·give⁺·him in·the·gate·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ ➝exterior :
and·they·give⁺ voice in·Gloryhand and·in·Torahshalom to·bring·in to·Yʜᴡʜ the·burden·of Moseh the·servant·of the·Powers⁺ upon Princepowr in·the·outspeak :
and·they·are·glad⁺ all·of the·princes⁺ and·all·of the·people
and·they·bring·in⁺ and·they·drop⁺ to·the·ark unto to·all·done :
and·he·is in·season he·brings·in °the·ark to the·reckoning·of the·king in·the·hand·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·as·they·see⁺ as much the·silver and·he·entered the·accounter·of the·king and·the·reckoner·of the·priest·of the·head
and·they·lay·bare⁺ °the·ark
and·they·bear⁺·him and·they·return⁺·him to his·rising·place
thus they·did⁺ to·day in·day
and·they·gather⁺ silver to·multitude :
and·he·gives·him the·king and·Yʜᴡ-Known to the·doing·of the·ministry·of the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·are⁺ hiring⁺ quarriers⁺ and·craftsmen⁺
to·renew the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·also to·craftsmen⁺·of iron and·copper
to·make·firm °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·do⁺ the·doing⁺·of the·ministry
and·she·goes·up prolonging to·the·ministry in·their·hand
and·they·cause·to·stand⁺ °the·house·of the·Powers⁺ upon his·balance and·they·embolden⁺·him :
and·as·they·are·all·done⁺ they·brought·in⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·king and·Yʜᴡ-Known °the·survivor·of the·silver and·he·does·him things⁺ to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ things⁺·of assistance
and·offering·up and·spoons⁺
and·things⁺·of gold and·silver
and·they·are⁺ offering·up⁺ upward·offerings⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ always
all·of the·days⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Known :
and·he·is·old Yʜᴡ-Known and·he·is·satisfied days⁺ and·he·dies
son·of hundred and·thirty⁺ year in·his·death :
and·they·entomb⁺·him in·the·city·of Intimate near the·kings⁺
as he·did goodness in·Princepowr
and·near the·Powers⁺ and·his·house :
and·after⁺ the·death·of Yʜᴡ-Known
they·entered⁺ the·princes⁺·of Gloryhand
and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·the·king
then he·heard the·king to·them :
and·they·abandon⁺ °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺
and·they·serve⁺ °the·Blessed·Ones⁺ and·°the·pains⁺
and·he·is anger upon Gloryhand and·Torahshalom
in·their·transgression this :
and·he·sends in·them prophets⁺
to·return·them to Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·witness⁺ in·them and they·did·not·give·ear⁺ :
and·the·breath·of Powers⁺ she·was·robed·in °Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest
and·he·stands from·upon to·the·people
and·he·says to·them thus he·said the·Powers⁺ to·¿what you⁺ crossers⁺ °the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and you·do·not·prosper⁺
as you·abandoned⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ and·he·abandons °you⁺ :
and·they·league⁺ upon·him
and·they·execute⁺·him stone in·the·commandment·of the·king
in·the·courtyard·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and he·did·not·remember Yᴡ-Fire the·king the·mercy that he·did Yʜᴡ-Known his·father near·him
and·he·kills °his·son
and·as·he·dies he·said
ꜝlet·him·see Yʜᴡʜ and·he·investigates :
and·he·is to·the·encompassing·of the·year he·went·up upon·him the·strength·of Height
and·they·enter⁺ to Gloryhand and·Torahshalom
and·they·ruin⁺ °all·of the·princes⁺·of the·people from·people
and·all·of their·plunder they·sent·out⁺ to·the·king·of Damascus :
as in·least·of mortals⁺ they·entered⁺ the·strength·of Height and·Yʜᴡʜ he·gave in·their·hand strength to·multitude very
as they·abandoned⁺
°Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺
and·with Yᴡ-Fire they·did⁺ judgments⁺ :
and·when·they·walk⁺ from·him as they·abandoned⁺ °him in·piercedness⁺ many⁺
they·leagued·themselves⁺ upon·him his·servants⁺ in·the·bloods⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest
and·they·kill⁺·him upon his·branchbed and·he·dies
and·they·entomb⁺·him in·the·city·of Intimate
and they·did·not·entomb⁺·him in·the·tombs⁺·of the·kings⁺ :
and·these that·league·themselves⁺ upon·him
Award the·son·of Hearing the·Peopledïte
the·son·of Watcher the·Fromfatherïte :
and·his·sons⁺ ꜝlet·him·multiply the·burden upon·him and·founding the·house·of the·Powers⁺
¡lo!·them written⁺
upon the·investigation·of the·account·of the·kings⁺
and·he·is·king Bold-Yʜᴡ his·son unders⁺·him :
son·of twenty⁺ and·five year he·was·king Bold-Yʜᴡ
and·twenty⁺ and·nine year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Yʜᴡ-Comfort from·Torahshalom :
and·he·does the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
only not in·heart shalomic :
and·he·is as·how she·was·firm the·kingdom upon·him
and·he·kills °his·servants⁺
that·strike⁺ °the·king his·father :
and·°their·sons⁺ he·did·not·put·to·death
as as·that·is·written in·the·torah in·the·account·of Moseh that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ saying they·do·not·die⁺ fathers⁺ upon sons⁺ and·sons⁺ they·do·not·die⁺ upon fathers⁺
as man in·his·sin they·die⁺ :
and·he·collects Bold-Yʜᴡ °Gloryhand
and·he·causes·them·to·stand to·house·of fathers⁺ to·the·princes⁺·of the·thousands⁺ and·to·the·princes⁺·of the·hundred⁺
to·all·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right
and·he·reckons·them to·from·son·of twenty⁺ year and➝upward
and·he·finds·them three·of hundred⁺ thousand chosen going host
holding spear and·shield :
and·he·hires from·Princepowr hundred thousand hero·of strength in·hundred round·of silver :
and·the·man·of the·Powers⁺ he·entered to·him saying
the·king ꜝlet·him·not·enter near·you the·host·of Princepowr
as there·is·ńot Yʜᴡʜ near Princepowr
all·of the·sons⁺·of Fruits² :
but rather ꜝenter you
ꜝdo ꜝbe·firm to·the·battle
he·causes·you·to·stumble the·Powers⁺ to·face⁺·of enemy
as there·is vigor in·Powers⁺ to·help and·to·cause·to·stumble :
and·he·says Bold-Yʜᴡ to·the·man·of the·Powers⁺
and·¿what to·do to·the·hundred·of the·round
that I·gave to·the·clouttroop·of Princepowr
and·he·says the·man·of the·Powers⁺
there·is to·Yʜᴡʜ
to·give to·you multiplying from·this :
and·he·separates·them Bold-Yʜᴡ to·the·clouttroop that he·entered to·him from·Fruits²
to·walk to·their·rising·place
and·he·is·scorched their·nostrils very in·Gloryhand
and·they·return⁺ to·their·rising·place in·scorching·of nostrils :
and·Bold-Yʜᴡ he·made·himself·firm
and·he·leads °his·people
and·he·walks Valley·of the·Salt
and·he·strikes °the·sons⁺·of Hair ten·of thousands⁺ :
and·ten·of thousands⁺ living⁺ they·captured⁺ the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
and·they·bring·them·in⁺ to·the·head·of the·clifftop
and·they·drop⁺·them from·the·head·of the·clifftop and·all·of·them they·were·cleaved⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of the·clouttroop that he·returned Bold-Yʜᴡ from·walking near·him to·the·battle
and·they·dismantle⁺ in·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
from·Watchstation and·unto House·of Brilliant
and·they·strike⁺ from·them three·of thousands⁺
and·they·spoil⁺ spoil much :
and·he·is after⁺ entering Bold-Yʜᴡ from·striking °Bloodïtes⁺
and·he·brings·in °Powers⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Hair
and·he·causes·them·to·stand to·him to·Powers⁺
and·to·their·face⁺ he·prostrates·himself and·to·them he·incenses :
and·he·is·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ in·Bold-Yʜᴡ
and·he·sends to·him prophet
and·he·says to·him to·¿what you·investigated °Powers⁺·of the·people
that they·did·not·snatch·away⁺ °their·people from·your·hand :
and·he·is when·he·speaks to·him and·he·says to·him ¿to·counselor to·the·king we·gave⁺·you
ꜝcease to·you to·¿what they·strike⁺·you
and·he·ceases the·prophet and·he·says I·knew as he·counselled Powers⁺ to·ruin·you
as you·did this
and you·did·not·hear to·my·counsel :
and·he·consults Bold-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand
and·he·sends to Yᴡ-Fire the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Held the·son·of Yʜ-He the·king·of Princepowr saying
ꜝwalk! we·see·one·another⁺ face⁺ :
and·he·sends Yᴡ-Fire the·king·of Princepowr to Bold-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand saying
the·briar that in·the·Whitemost he·sent to the·cedar that in·the·Whitemost saying
ꜝgive! °your·daughter to·my·son to·woman
and·she·crosses·over the·life·of the·field that in·the·Whitemost
and·she·tramples °the·briar :
you·said ¡lo! you·struck °Blood
and·he·bore·you your·heart to·make·weighty
now ꜝsettle! in·your·house
to·¿what you·chew·on·yourself in·badness
you and·Gloryhand near·you :
and he·did·not·hear Bold-Yʜᴡ
as from·the·Powers⁺ she
because·of their·giving in·hand
as they·investigated⁺
°Powers⁺·of Blood :
and·he·goes·up Yᴡ-Fire the·king·of Princepowr and·they·see·one·another⁺ face⁺
he and·Bold-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand
in·House·of Sun that to·Gloryhand :
and·he·is·smitten Gloryhand to·the·face⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·flee⁺ man to·his·tents⁺ :
and·°Bold-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand the·son·of Yᴡ-Fire the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Held he·clenched Yᴡ-Fire the·king·of Princepowr in·House·of Sun
and·he·brings·him·in Torahshalom
and·he·erupts in·the·rampart·of Torahshalom from·the·gate·of Fruits² unto the·gate·of that·faces
four·of hundred⁺ mamacubit :
and·all·of the·gold and·the·silver and·°all·of the·things⁺ that·are·found⁺ in·the·house·of the·Powers⁺ near Servant Blood and·°the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of the·king
and·°the·sons⁺·of the·pledges⁺
and·he·returns Watchstation :
and·he·lives Bold-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yᴡ-Fire the·king·of Gloryhand
after⁺ the·death·of
Yᴡ-Fire the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Held the·king·of Princepowr
five·of and·ten year :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Bold-Yʜᴡ
the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
¿not ¡lo!·them written⁺
upon the·account·of the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand and·Princepowr :
and·from·season that he·moved Bold-Yʜᴡ from·after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·league⁺ upon·him league in·Torahshalom and·he·flees ➝Lakysh
and·they·send⁺ after⁺·him ➝Lakysh
and·they·put·him·to·death⁺ there :
and·they·bear⁺·him upon the·horses⁺
and·they·entomb⁺ °him near his·fathers⁺ in·the·city·of Gloryhand :
and·they·take⁺ all·of the·people·of Gloryhand °Might-of-Yʜᴡ
and·he son·of six and·ten year
and·they·king⁺ °him
under his·father Bold-Yʜᴡ :
he he·built °Powrer
and·he·returns·her to·Gloryhand
after⁺ bedding the·king near his·fathers⁺ :
son·of six and·ten year Might-of-Yʜᴡ when·he·is·king
and·fifty⁺ and·two² year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Yʜᴡ-Is-Able from Torahshalom :
and·he·does the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
as·all that he·did Bold-Yʜᴡ his·father :
and·he·is to·investigate Powers⁺
in·the·days⁺·of Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ
that·gives·discernment when·seeing the·Powers⁺
and·in·the·days⁺·of his·investigating °Yʜᴡʜ
he·prospered·him the·Powers⁺ :
and·he·goes and·he·battles in·the·Palestinians⁺
and·he·erupts °the·rampart·of Cellar and·°the·rampart·of Building
and·°the·rampart·of Breaster
and·he·builds cities⁺
in·Breaster and·in·the·Palestinians⁺ :
and·he·helps·him the·Powers⁺ upon Palestinians⁺ and·upon the·Arabs⁺ that·settle⁺ in·Chewcub Master and·the·Homeïtes⁺ :
and·they·give⁺ the·Peopledïtes⁺ tribute to·Might-of-Yʜᴡ
and·he·walks his·name unto to·enter Egypts²
as he·grasped·firmly unto to➝upward :
and·he·builds Might-of-Yʜᴡ great·towers⁺ in·Torahshalom
upon the·gate·of the·corner and·upon the·gate·of the·valley and·upon the·cusp
and·he·makes·them·firm :
and·he·builds great·towers⁺ in·the·outspeak and·he·quarries wells⁺ many⁺
as stock much he·was to·him
and·in·the·lowland and·in·the·straight·place
farmers⁺ and·orchardists⁺ in·the·mounts⁺ and·in·the·orchardgrain
as loving adamah he·was :
and·he·is to·Might-of-Yʜᴡ strength doer·of battle going⁺·of host to·clouttroop in·the·count·of their·reckoning
in·the·hand·of Shoveled-by-Powr the·accounter
and·Deed-of-Yʜᴡ the·officer
upon the·hand·of Grace-of-Yʜᴡ
from·the·princes⁺·of the·king :
all·of the·count·of the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·heroes⁺·of strength
thousands² and·six hundred⁺ :
and·upon their·hand strength·of host three·of hundred⁺ thousand and·seven·of thousands⁺ and·five·of hundred⁺
doing⁺·of battle in·vigor·of strength
to·help to·the·king upon the·enemy :
and·he·makes·sure to·them Might-of-Yʜᴡ to·all·of the·host guards⁺ and·spears⁺ and·helmets⁺
and·mail⁺ and·bows⁺
and·to·stones⁺·of slings⁺ :
and·he·does in·Torahshalom considerable·things⁺·of consideration·of considerer to·be upon the·great·towers⁺ and·upon the·corners⁺
to·torah in·the·arrows⁺
and·in·the·stones⁺ great⁺
and·he·goes his·name unto to·from·afar
as he·did·wonderously to·be·helped unto as he·was·firm :
and·as·his·firmness he·climbed his·heart unto to·ruin
and·he·disguises·himself in·Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
and·he·enters to the·palace·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·incendiate upon the·offering·place·of the·incense :
and·he·enters after⁺·him Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·priest
and·near·him priests⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ eighty⁺ sons⁺·of strength :
and·they·stand⁺ upon Might-of-Yʜᴡ the·king and·they·say⁺ to·him not to·you Might-of-Yʜᴡ to·incendiate to·Yʜᴡʜ
as to·the·priests⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon that·are·sanctified⁺ to·incendiate
ꜝgo from the·sanctuary as you·disguised·yourself
and·not to·you to·weight from·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ :
and·he·is·tempestuous Might-of-Yʜᴡ
and·in·his·hand censer to·incendiate
and·when·he·is·tempestuous near the·priests⁺ and·the·leprosy she·dawned in·his·brow to·the·face⁺·of the·priests⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
from·upon to·the·offering·place·of the·incense :
and·he·faces to·him Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·priest·of the·head and·all·of the·priests⁺ and·¡lo! he leper in·his·brow
and·they·agitate⁺·him from·there
and·also he he·was·zipped to·go
as he·touched·him Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·is Might-of-Yʜᴡ the·king leper unto the·day·of his·death and·he·settles the·house·of the·free leper
as he·was·sectioned·off from·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·Yᴡ-Complete his·son upon the·house·of the·king
judge °the·people·of the·land :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Might-of-Yʜᴡ
the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
he·wrote Yʜᴡ-Saves the·son·of Bold the·prophet :
and·he·beds Might-of-Yʜᴡ near his·fathers⁺ and·they·entomb⁺ °him near his·fathers⁺ in·the·field·of the·tomb that to·the·kings⁺
as they·said⁺ leper he
and·he·is·king Yᴡ-Complete his·son unders⁺·him :
son·of twenty⁺ and·five year Yᴡ-Complete when·he·is·king
and·six and·ten year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Inherited the·daughter·of Just :
and·he·does the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ as·all that he·did Might-of-Yʜᴡ his·father
only he·did·not·enter to the·palace·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·again the·people ruining⁺ :
he he·built °the·gate·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ the·uppermost
and·in·the·rampart·of the·Cresttower he·built to·multitude :
and·cities⁺ he·built in·the·mount·of Gloryhand
and·in·the·craftsmanship⁺ he·built
castles⁺ and·great·towers⁺ :
and·he he·battled near the·king·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled and·he·is·firm upon·them
and·they·give⁺ to·him the·sons⁺·of Peopled in·the·year she hundred round·of silver
and·ten·of thousands⁺ cauldrons⁺ wheat⁺
and·hairbarley⁺ ten thousands⁺
this they·returned⁺ to·him the·sons⁺·of Peopled
and·in·the·year the·second·of and·the·third :
and·he·makes·himself·firm Yᴡ-Complete
as he·made·sure his·steps⁺
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Yᴡ-Complete
and·all·of his·battles⁺ and·his·steps⁺
¡lo!·them written⁺
upon the·account·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr and·Gloryhand :
son·of twenty⁺ and·five year he·was when·he·is·king
and·six and·ten year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·beds Yᴡ-Complete near his·fathers⁺
and·they·entomb⁺ °him in·the·city·of Intimate
and·he·is·king Holder his·son unders⁺·him :
son·of twenty⁺ year Holder when·he·is·king
and·six and·ten year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and he·did·not·do the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ as·Intimate his·father :
and·he·walks in·the·steps⁺·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr
and·also libated·metals⁺ he·did to·the·Masters⁺ :
and·he he·incendiated in·the·valley·of Son·of Hinnom
and·he·consumes·by·fire °his·sons⁺ in·the·fire
as·the·abominations⁺·of the·clans⁺
that he·disinherited Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·offers and·he·incenses in·the·daises⁺ and·upon the·hills⁺
and·under all·of tree thriving :
and·he·gives·him Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ in·the·hand·of the·king·of Height
and·they·strike⁺ in·him
and·they·capture⁺ from·him capture great
and·they·bring·in⁺ Damascus
and·also in·the·hand·of the·king·of Princepowr given
and·he·strikes in·him stroke great :
and·he·kills Illumination the·son·of Remal-Yʜᴡ in·Gloryhand hundred and·twenty⁺ thousand in·day one all sons⁺·of strength
when·they·abandon⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·he·kills Remembered the·hero·of Fruits² °Deed-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of the·king
and·°Help-of-Raising the·foremost·of the·house
and·°Powr-Stocked the·second·of the·king :
and·they·capture⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr from·their·brothers⁺ hundred² thousand·of women⁺ sons⁺ and·daughters⁺
and·also plunder much they·spoiled⁺ from·them
and·they·bring·in⁺ °the·plunder to·Watchstation :
and·there he·was prophet to·Yʜᴡʜ Witness his·name
and·he·goes to·the·face⁺·of the·host that·enters to·Watchstation
and·he·says to·them ¡lo! in·the·heat·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your⁺·fathers⁺ upon Gloryhand he·gave·them in·your⁺·hand
and·you·kill⁺ in·them in·tempest
unto to·the·skies⁺ he·touched :
and·now the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand and·Torahshalom you⁺ saying⁺
to·subdue to·servants⁺ and·to·family·servants⁺ to·you⁺
¿not only you⁺ near·you⁺ transgressions⁺
to·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·now ꜝhear⁺·me
and·ꜝreturn⁺ the·capture
that you·captured⁺ from·your⁺·brothers⁺
as the·scorching·of the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺ :
and·they·arise⁺ mortals⁺ from·the·heads⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Fruits² Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Gracious Kneel-of-Yʜ the·son·of Made-Shalom
and·Firm-by-Yʜ the·son·of Shalom
and·Loadd the·son·of Ceasing
upon that·enter⁺ from the·host :
and·they·say⁺ to·them you·do·not·bring·in⁺ °the·capture here
as to·the·transgression·of Yʜᴡʜ upon·us you⁺ saying⁺
to·add upon our·sins⁺ and·upon our·transgressions⁺
as much transgression to·us
and·scorching·of nostrils upon Princepowr :
and·he·abandons that·is·dressed °the·capture and·°the·spoil
to·the·face⁺·of the·princes⁺ and·all·of the·congregation :
and·they·arise⁺ the·mortals⁺ that they·were·punctured⁺ in·names⁺ and·they·grasp·firmly⁺ in·the·capture and·all·of their·barenesses⁺ they·robed⁺ from the·plunder
and·they·robe⁺·them and·they·shoelatchet⁺·them and·they·give·to·them·eat⁺ and·they·give·them·to·drink⁺ and·they·libate·on⁺·them and·they·lead⁺·them in·donkeys⁺ to·all stumbling
and·they·bring·them·in⁺ Breath the·city·of the·palms⁺ beside their·brothers⁺
and·they·return⁺ Watchstation :
in·the·season she he·sent the·king Holder upon the·kings⁺·of Blessed to·help to·him :
and·again Bloodïtes⁺ they·entered⁺
and·they·strike⁺ in·Gloryhand and·they·capture⁺ captivity :
and·Palestinians⁺ they·dismantled⁺ in·the·cities⁺·of the·lowland and·the·Negev to·Gloryhand
and·they·seize⁺ °House·of Sun and·°Powerest and·°the·Defences⁺ and·°Knitted and·her·daughters⁺ and·°Lot and·her·daughters⁺
and·°Gimzow and·°her·daughters⁺
and·they·settle⁺ there :
as he·cashed·out Yʜᴡʜ °Gloryhand
in·sake·of Holder the·king·of Princepowr
as he·disheveled in·Gloryhand
and·disguising·oneself he·disguised·himself in·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·enters upon·him
Tiglath Pilhelped the·king·of Blessed
and·he·rocks·in to·him and he·was·not·firm·him :
as he·divided Holder °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·°the·house·of the·king and·the·princes⁺
and·he·gives to·the·king·of Blessed
and·not to·help to·him :
and·in·season rocking·in to·him
and·he·adds to·disguise·oneself in·Yʜᴡʜ
he the·king Holder :
and·he·offers to·Powers⁺·of Damascus that·strike⁺ in·him
and·he·says as Powers⁺·of the·kings⁺·of Height they⁺ helping⁺ °them
to·them I·offer and·they·help⁺·me
and·they⁺ they·were⁺ to·him to·cause·him·to·stumble and·to·all·of Princepowr :
and·he·gathers Holder °the·things⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ and·he·puts·an·end·to °the·things⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺
and·he·locks °the·pulldoors⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·does to·him offering·places⁺ in·all·of corner in·Torahshalom :
and·in·all·of city and·city to·Gloryhand he·did daises⁺
to·incense to·Powers⁺ after⁺
and·he·troubles °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of his·fathers⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of his·speeches⁺ and·all·of his·steps⁺
the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
¡lo!·them written⁺
upon the·account·of the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand and·Princepowr :
and·he·beds Holder near his·fathers⁺ and·they·entomb⁺·him in·the·city in·Torahshalom
as they·did·not·bring·him·in⁺
to·the·tombs⁺·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·is·king Firm-by-Yʜᴡ his·son unders⁺·him :
Firm-by-Yʜᴡ he·was·king son·of twenty⁺ and·five year
and·twenty⁺ and·nine year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·the·name·of his·mama
Father-of-Yʜᴡ the·daughter·of Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·he·does the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
as·all that he·did Intimate his·father :
he in·the·year the·headmost to·be·king·him in·the·new·moon the·headmost he·opened °the·pulldoors⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·he·makes·them·firm :
and·he·brings·in °the·priests⁺ and·°the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·he·gathers·them to·the·broadway·of the·dawn :
and·he·says to·them ꜝhear⁺·me the·Debtorïtes⁺
now ꜝsanctify·yourselves⁺ and·ꜝsanctify⁺ °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your⁺·fathers⁺
and·ꜝlet·go⁺ °the·retreatment from the·Sanctuary :
as they·disguised·themselves⁺ our·fathers⁺ and·they·did⁺ the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ and·they·abandon⁺·him
and·they·turn⁺ their·face⁺ from·the·dwelling·place·of Yʜᴡʜ and·they·give⁺ spine :
also they·locked⁺ the·pulldoors⁺·of the·powrhouse and·they·quench⁺ °the·lamps⁺
and·incense they·did·not·incendiate⁺
and·upward·offering they·did·not·offer·up⁺ in·the·Sanctuary
to·Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·is the·anger·of Yʜᴡʜ
upon Gloryhand and·Torahshalom
and·he·gives·them to·irritation to·desolation and·to·whistling
as·how you⁺ seeing⁺ in·your⁺·eyes² :
and·¡lo! they·fell⁺ our·fathers⁺ in·the·sword
and·our·sons⁺ and·our·daughters⁺ and·our·women⁺ in·the·captivity upon this :
now near my·heart
to·cut·in covenant
to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
and·ꜝlet·him·return from·us the·scorching·of his·nostrils :
my·sons⁺ now ꜝdo·not·be·lax⁺
as in·you⁺ he·chose Yʜᴡʜ to·stand to·his·face⁺ to·assist·him
and·to·be to·him assistants⁺ and·incendiating⁺ :
and·they·arise⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ Wiping the·son·of Loadded and·Yᴡ-Powr the·son·of Help-of-Yʜᴡ from the·sons⁺·of the·Associateïte
and·from the·sons⁺·of Bitterness
Snare the·son·of My-Servant
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Praising-Powr
and·from the·Drivenïte
Yᴡ-Brother the·son·of Determination
and·Comfort the·son·of Yᴡ-Brother :
and·from the·sons⁺·of Powr-Secret
Watcher and·Shoveled-by-Powr
and·from the·sons⁺·of Gatherer
Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ and·Gift-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·from the·sons⁺·of Truth Powr-Lives and·Hearing
and·from the·sons⁺·of Gloryhandish
Heard-Yʜᴡ and·Might-of-Powr :
and·they·gather⁺ °their·brothers⁺ and·they·sanctify·themselves⁺
and·they·enter⁺ as·the·commandment·of the·king in·the·speeches⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·purify the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·enter⁺ the·priests⁺ to·faceward the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ to·purify
and·they·let·go⁺ °all·of the·defilement that they·found⁺ in·the·palace·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·courtyard·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·accept⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺
to·let·go to·the·river·of Gloominess ➝exterior :
and·they·pierce⁺ in·one to·the·new·moon the·headmost to·sanctify
and·in·day·of eight to·the·new·moon they·entered⁺ to·the·powrhouse·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·sanctify⁺ °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ to·days⁺ eight
and·in·day·of six and·ten to·the·new·moon the·headmost they·were·all·done⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ faceward to Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king
we·purified⁺ °all·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
°the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering and·°all·of his·things⁺
and·°the·table·of the·line and·°all·of his·things⁺ :
and·°all·of the·things⁺ that he·shunned the·king Holder in·his·kingship in·his·disguisal we·made·sure⁺ and·we·made·sacred⁺
and·¡lo!·them to·the·face⁺·of the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·yokes·up Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king
and·he·gathers °the·princes⁺·of the·city
and·he·goes·up the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·bring·in⁺ cows⁺ seven and·powrrams⁺ seven and·lambs⁺ seven and·skippinggoats⁺·of mightygoats⁺ seven to·sin
upon the·kingdom and·upon the·sanctuary and·upon Gloryhand
and·he·says to·the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priests⁺
to·offer·up upon the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·slaughter⁺ the·plowcattle
and·they·accept⁺ the·priests⁺ °the·blood
and·they·asperse⁺ ➝the·offering·place
and·they·slaughter⁺ the·powrrams⁺ and·they·asperse⁺ the·blood ➝the·offering·place
and·they·slaughter⁺ the·lambs⁺
and·they·asperse⁺ the·blood ➝the·offering·place :
and·they·bring·to·approach⁺ °the·hairgoats⁺·of the·sin
to·the·face⁺·of the·king and·the·congregation
and·they·prop·up⁺ their·hands² upon·them :
and·they·slaughter⁺·them the·priests⁺
and·they·make·sinless⁺ °their·blood ➝the·offering·place
to·atone upon all·of Princepowr
as to·all·of Princepowr he·said the·king
the·upward·offering and·the·sin :
and·he·causes·to·stand °the·Debtorïtes⁺ the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·ringers² in·wiltharps⁺ and·in·lyres⁺
in·the·commandment·of Intimate and·Clout the·visionary·of the·king and·Given the·prophet
as in·the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ the·commandment in·the·hand·of his·prophets⁺ :
and·they·stand⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ in·the·things⁺·of Intimate
and·the·priests⁺ in·trumpets⁺ :
and·he·says Firm-by-Yʜᴡ
to·offer·up the·upward·offering to·the·offering·place
and·in·season he·pierced the·upward·offering he·pierced the·song·of Yʜᴡʜ and·the·trumpets⁺
and·upon the·hands²·of
the·things⁺·of Intimate the·king·of Princepowr :
and·all·of the·congregation prostrating·themselves⁺
and·the·song singer
and·the·trumpets⁺ trumpeting⁺
all unto to·be·all·through the·upward·offering :
and·as·all·done to·offer·up
they·stooped⁺ the·king and·all that·are·found⁺ with·him and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ :
and·he·says Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king and·the·princes⁺ to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
to·praise to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·speeches⁺·of Intimate and·Gatherer the·visionary
and·they·praise⁺ unto to·gladness
and·they·downscalp⁺ and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ :
and·he·responds Firm-by-Yʜᴡ and·he·says now you·filled⁺ your⁺·hand to·Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝapproach⁺ and·ꜝbring·in⁺ offerings⁺ and·gloryhands⁺ to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·bring·in⁺ the·congregation offerings⁺ and·gloryhands⁺
and·all·of noble·of heart upward·offerings⁺ :
and·he·is the·count·of the·upward·offering that they·brought·in⁺ the·congregation
plowcattle seventy⁺
powrrams⁺ hundred lambs⁺ hundred²
to·upward·offering to·Yʜᴡʜ all these :
plowcattle six hundred⁺
and·sheep three·of thousands⁺ :
only the·priests⁺ they·were⁺ to·little
and they·were·not·able⁺
to·unmantle °all·of the·upward·offerings⁺
and·they·make·them·firm⁺ their·brothers⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ unto all·through the·ministry and·unto they·sanctify·themselves⁺ the·priests⁺
as the·Debtorïtes⁺ straight⁺·of heart
to·sanctify·oneself from·the·priests⁺ :
and·also upward·offering to·multitude in·the·fats⁺·of the·shaloms⁺ and·in·the·libations⁺ to·the·upward·offering
and·she·is·assured the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·is·glad Firm-by-Yʜᴡ and·all·of the·people
upon the·he·made·sure the·Powers⁺ to·the·people
as in·suddenly he·was the·speech :
and·he·sends Firm-by-Yʜᴡ upon all·of Princepowr and·Gloryhand and·also letters⁺ he·wrote upon Fruits² and·Frustration
to·enter to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·Torahshalom
to·do Hopover
to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·consults the·king and·his·princes⁺ and·all·of the·congregation in·Torahshalom
to·do the·Hopover in·the·new·moon the·second :
as they·were·not·able⁺ to·do·him in·the·season she
as the·priests⁺ they·did·not·sanctify·themselves⁺ to·¿what·enough
and·the·people they·were·not·gathered⁺ to·Torahshalom :
and·he·is·straight the·speech in·the·eyes²·of the·king
and·in·the·eyes²·of all·of the·congregation :
and·they·cause·to·stand⁺ speech to·make·cross·by voice in·all·of Princepowr from·Well·of Seven and·unto Vindicator
to·enter to·do Hopover to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr in·Torahshalom
as not to·multitude they·did⁺ as·that·is·written :
and·they·walk⁺ the·runners⁺ in·the·letters⁺ from·the·hand·of the·king and·his·princes⁺ in·all·of Princepowr and·Gloryhand
and·as·the·commandment·of the·king saying
the·sons⁺·of Princepowr ꜝreturn⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Father-Hi-Hum Laugher and·Princepowr
and·ꜝlet·him·return to the·rescue
the·survivor to·you⁺
from·the·spoon·of the·kings⁺·of Blessed :
and ꜝdo·not·be⁺ as·your⁺·fathers⁺ and·as·your⁺·brothers⁺
that they·disguised·themselves⁺
in·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺
and·he·gives·them to·desolation
as·how you⁺ seeing⁺ :
now you·do·not·harden⁺ your⁺·spine as·your⁺·fathers⁺
ꜝgive⁺ hand to·Yʜᴡʜ and·ꜝenter⁺ to·his·sanctuary that he·made·sacred to·eternity
and·ꜝserve⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·ꜝlet·him·return from·you⁺ the·scorching·of his·nostrils :
as when·you·return⁺ upon Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·brothers⁺ and·your⁺·sons⁺ to·wombliness⁺ to·the·face⁺·of their·captors⁺
and·to·return to·the·land this
as gracious and·wombly Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and he·does·not·remove face⁺ from·you⁺
if you·return⁺ to·him :
and·they·are⁺ the·runners⁺ crossers⁺ from·city to·city in·the·land·of Fruits² and·Frustration and·unto Residence
and·they·are⁺ having·a·laugh⁺ upon·them
and·making·mockery⁺ in·them :
surely mortals⁺ from·Blessed and·Frustration and·from·Residence
and·they·enter⁺ to·Torahshalom :
also in·Gloryhand she·was the·hand·of the·Powers⁺
to·give to·them heart one
to·do the·commandment·of the·king and·the·princes⁺ in·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·are·gathered⁺ Torahshalom people much
to·do °the·feast·of the·matzahs⁺ in·the·new·moon the·second
congregation to·multitude very :
and·they·arise⁺ and·they·remove⁺ °the·offering·places⁺
that in·Torahshalom
and·°all·of the·incense·places⁺ they·removed⁺
and·they·drop⁺ to·the·river·of Gloominess :
and·they·slaughter⁺ the·Hopover
in·four and·ten to·the·new·moon the·second
and·the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ they·were·embarrassed⁺ and·they·sanctify·themselves⁺
and·they·bring·in⁺ upward·offerings⁺ the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·stand⁺ upon their·standing·place as·their·judgment
as·the·torah·of Moseh the·man·of the·Powers⁺
the·priests⁺ aspersing⁺ °the·blood
from·the·hand·of the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
as the·much in·the·congregation that they·did·not·sanctify·themselves⁺
and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ upon the·slaughter·of the·Hopovers⁺ to·all not pure
to·make·sacred to·Yʜᴡʜ :
as the·multitude·of the·people the·much from·Fruits² and·Frustration He-Is-Hire and·Residence they·did·not·purify·themselves⁺
as they·ate⁺ °the·Hopover in·not as·that·is·written
as he·mediated Firm-by-Yʜᴡ upon·them saying
Yʜᴡʜ the·good he·atones about :
all·of his·heart he·made·sure
to·investigate the·Powers⁺ Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of his·fathers⁺
and·not as·the·purification·of the·sanctuary :
and·he·hears Yʜᴡʜ to Firm-by-Yʜᴡ
and·he·heals °the·people :
and·they·do⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr that·are·found⁺ in·Torahshalom °the·feast·of the·matzahs⁺ seven·of days⁺ in·gladness great
and·praising⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ day in·day the·Debtorïtes⁺ and·the·priests⁺ in·things⁺·of might to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·speaks Firm-by-Yʜᴡ upon the·heart·of all·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
the·prudent⁺ prudence good to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·eat⁺ °the·assembly the·seven·of the·days⁺
offering⁺ offerings⁺·of shaloms⁺
to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·they·consult⁺ all·of the·congregation
to·do seven·of days⁺ after⁺
and·they·do⁺ seven·of days⁺ gladness :
as Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand he·heightened to·the·congregation thousand·of cows⁺ and·seven·of thousands⁺ sheep
and·the·princes⁺ they·heightened⁺ to·the·congregation cows⁺ thousand
and·sheep ten thousands⁺
and·they·sanctify·themselves⁺ priests⁺ to·multitude :
and·they·are·glad⁺ all·of the·congregation·of Gloryhand and·the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·all·of the·congregation that·enter⁺ from·Princepowr
and·the·lodgers⁺ that·enter⁺ from·the·land·of Princepowr
and·that·settle⁺ in·Gloryhand :
and·she·is gladness great in·Torahshalom
as from·the·days⁺·of Shalomo the·son·of Intimate the·king·of Princepowr
not as·this in·Torahshalom :
and·they·arise⁺ the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ and·they·kneel⁺ °the·people
and·he·is·heard in·their·voice
and·she·enters their·mediation to·the·home·of his·sanctuary to·the·skies⁺ :
and·as·all·done all·of this they·went⁺ all·of Princepowr that·are·found⁺ to·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
and·they·break⁺ the·posts⁺ and·they·hack·down⁺ the·Blessed·Ones⁺ and·they·wreck⁺ °the·daises⁺ and·°the·offering·places⁺ from·all·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right and·in·Fruits² and·Frustration unto to·all·done
and·they·return⁺ all·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr man to·his·freehold to·their·cities⁺ :
and·he·causes·to·stand Firm-by-Yʜᴡ °the·divisions⁺·of the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ upon their·divisions⁺ man as·the·mouth·of his·service to·the·priests⁺ and·to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
to·upward·offering and·to·shaloms⁺
to·assist and·to·gloryhand and·to·praise
in·the·gates⁺·of the·camps⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·the·allotment·of the·king from his·fortune to·the·upward·offerings⁺ to·the·upward·offerings⁺·of the·dayplow and·the·evening
to·the·rests⁺ and·to·the·new·moons⁺ and·to·the·assemblies⁺
as·that·is·written in·the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says to·the·people to·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
to·give the·allotment·of the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
because·of ꜝlet·them·be·firm⁺ in·the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·as·erupting the·speech they·multiplied⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr headmost·of grain winemust and·elixer and·honey
and·all·of inbringing·of field
and·the·tenth·part·of all to·multitude they·brought·in⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·Gloryhand that·settle⁺ in·the·cities⁺·of Gloryhand
also they⁺ tenth·part·of plowcattle and·sheep
and·tenth·part·of sanctuaries⁺
that·are·sanctified⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺
they·brought·in⁺ and·they·give⁺ piles⁺ piles⁺ :
in·the·new·moon the·third
they·pierced⁺ the·piles⁺ to·found
and·in·the·new·moon the·seventh they·were·all·done⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ Firm-by-Yʜᴡ and·the·princes⁺
and·they·see⁺ °the·piles⁺
and·they·kneel⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ
and·°his·people Princepowr :
and·he·investigates Firm-by-Yʜᴡ upon the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ upon the·piles⁺ :
and·he·says to·him Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·priest the·head to·the·house·of Just
and·he·says from·piercing the·high·offering to·bring·in the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ eating and·satisfied and·letting·remain unto to·multitude
as Yʜᴡʜ he·knelt °his·people
and·the·remnant °the·hum this :
and·he·says Firm-by-Yʜᴡ to·make·sure rooms⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·they·make·sure⁺ :
and·they·bring·in⁺ °the·high·offering and·the·tenth·part and·the·sanctuaries⁺ in·truth
and·upon·them foremost Assured-of-Yʜᴡ the·Debtorïte
and·Hearing his·brother second :
and·Powr-Lives and·Might-of-Yʜᴡ and·Peace and·Doing-of-Powr and·Heights⁺ and·Yᴡ-Awarded and·Powr-of-Powr and·Yʜᴡ-Props
and·Wiping and·Built-Yʜᴡ
reckoners⁺ from·the·hand·of Assured-of-Yʜᴡ and·Hearing his·brother
in·the·reckoning·of Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·foremost·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·Caller the·son·of Right the·Debtorïte the·gatekeeper to➝the·dawn
upon the·noble·offerings⁺·of the·Powers⁺
to·give the·high·offering·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·sanctuaries⁺·of the·sanctuaries⁺ :
and·upon his·hand Comfort and·From-the-Right and·He-Saves and·Heard-Yʜᴡ Said-of-Yᴡh and·Dwelling-of-Yʜᴡ in·the·cities⁺·of the·priests⁺ in·truth
to·give to·their·brothers⁺ in·divisions⁺
as·the·great as·the·small :
from·aloneside their·registration to·membered⁺ from·son·of three years⁺ and·to➝upward
to·all that·enters to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ to·speech·of day in·his·day
in·their·watches⁺ as·their·divisions⁺ :
and·°the·registration·of the·priests⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺
from·son·of twenty⁺ year and·to➝upward
in·their·watches⁺ in·their·divisions⁺ :
and·to·registration in·all·of their·toddlers their·women⁺ and·their·sons⁺ and·their·daughters⁺ to·all·of congregation
as in·their·truth they·sanctify·themselves⁺ sanctuary :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Aharon the·priests⁺ in·the·fields⁺·of the·cattle·drive·of their·cities⁺ in·all·of city and·city
mortals⁺ that they·were·punctured⁺ in·names⁺
to·give allotments⁺ to·all membered in·the·priests⁺
and·to·all registration in·the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
and·he·does as·this Firm-by-Yʜᴡ in·all·of Gloryhand
and·he·does the·good and·the·straight and·the·truth
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ :
and·in·all·of doing that he·pierced in·the·service·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ and·in·the·torah and·in·the·commandment
to·investigate to·his·Powers⁺
in·all·of his·heart he·did and·he·prospered :
after⁺ the·speeches⁺ and·the·truth these
he·entered Sanacherib the·king·of Blessed
and·he·enters in·Gloryhand and·he·camps upon the·cities⁺ that·are·fortified⁺
and·he·says to·cleave·them to·him :
and·he·sees Firm-by-Yʜᴡ
as he·entered Sanacherib
and·his·face⁺ to·the·battle upon Torahshalom :
and·he·consults near his·princes⁺ and·his·heroes⁺
to·close·up °the·waters⁺·of the·eyewells⁺
that from·exterior to·the·city
and·they·help⁺·him :
and·they·are·collected⁺ people much
and·they·close·up⁺ °all·of the·eyewells⁺
and·°the·river that·floods in·the·midst·of the·land saying
to·¿what they·enter⁺ the·kings⁺·of Blessed
and·they·found⁺ waters⁺ many⁺ :
and·he·makes·himself·firm and·he·builds °all·of the·rampart the·ruptured and·he·offers·up upon the·great·towers⁺ and·to➝the·exterior the·rampart after
and·he·makes·firm °the·fulling·of the·city·of Intimate
and·he·does sendout to·multitude and·guards⁺ :
and·he·gives princes⁺·of battles⁺ upon the·people
and·he·collects·them to·him to the·broadway·of the·gate·of the·city
and·he·speaks upon their·heart saying :
ꜝbe·firm⁺ and·ꜝbe·bold⁺
ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down⁺ from·the·face⁺·of the·king·of Blessed
and·from·to·the·face⁺·of all·of the·hum that near·him
as near·us much from·near·him :
near·him arm·of flesh
and·near·us Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ to·help·us
and·to·battle our·battles⁺
and·they·are·propped⁺ the·people
upon the·speeches⁺·of Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand :
after this he·sent Sanacherib the·king·of Blessed his·servants⁺ ➝Torahshalom
and·he upon Lakysh
and·all·of his·rule near·him
upon Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand
and·upon all·of Gloryhand that in·Torahshalom saying :
thus he·said
Sanacherib the·king·of Blessed
upon ¿what you⁺ trusting⁺
and·settling⁺ in·rocked·up·place in·Torahshalom :
¿not Firm-by-Yʜᴡ coaxing °you⁺
to·give °you⁺
to·die in·hunger and·in·thirst saying
Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
he·snatches·us·away from·the·spoon·of the·king·of Blessed :
¿not he Firm-by-Yʜᴡ
he·removed °his·daises⁺ and·°his·offering·places⁺
and·he·says to·Gloryhand and·to·Torahshalom saying
to·face⁺·of offering·place one you·prostrate·yourselves⁺ and·upon·him you·incendiate⁺ :
¿not you·know⁺ ¿what I·did I and·my·fathers⁺
to·all·of the·people⁺·of the·lands⁺
¿able they·were·able⁺ Powers⁺·of the·clans⁺·of the·lands⁺
to·snatch·away °their·land from·my·hand :
¿who in·all·of Powers⁺·of the·clans⁺ these that they·made·herem⁺ my·fathers⁺
that he·was·able
to·snatch·away °his·people from·my·hand
as he·is·able your⁺·Powers⁺
to·snatch·away °you⁺ from·my·hand :
and·now he·does·not·defraud °you⁺ Firm-by-Yʜᴡ and he·does·not·coax °you⁺ as·this and you·are·not·true⁺ to·him
as he·is·not·able all·of Power·of all·of clan and·kingdom
to·snatch·away his·people from·my·hand and·from·the·hand·of my·fathers⁺
¡yes! as your⁺·Powers⁺
they·do·not·snatch·away⁺ °you⁺ from·my·hand :
and·again they·spoke⁺ his·servants⁺
upon Yʜᴡʜ the·Powers⁺
and·upon Firm-by-Yʜᴡ his·servant :
and·accounts⁺ he·wrote
to·detract to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
and·saying upon·him saying as·Powers⁺·of the·clans⁺·of the·lands⁺ that they·did·not·snatch·away⁺ their·people from·my·hand
surely he·does·not·snatch·away Powers⁺·of Firm-by-Yʜᴡ his·people from·my·hand :
and·they·call⁺ in·voice great Gloryhandïte upon the·people·of Torahshalom that upon the·rampart
to·make·them·fear and·to·agitate·them
because·of ꜝlet·them·seize⁺ °the·city :
to Powers⁺·of Torahshalom
as·upon Powers⁺·of the·people⁺·of the·land
the·doing·of the·hands²·of the·adam :
and·he·mediates Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king and·Yʜᴡ-Saves the·son·of Bold the·prophet upon this
and·they·cry⁺ the·skies⁺ :
and·he·sends Yʜᴡʜ minister
and·he·stifles all·of hero·of strength and·foremost and·prince
in·the·camp·of the·king·of Blessed
and·he·returns in·shame·of face⁺ to·his·land and·he·enters the·house·of his·Powers⁺
and·from·the·outgoings⁺·of his·bowels⁺
there they·let·him·fall⁺ in·the·sword :
and·he·saves Yʜᴡʜ °Firm-by-Yʜᴡ and·°the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom from·the·hand·of Sanacherib the·king·of Blessed and·from·hand·of all
and·he·leads·them from·turninground :
and·many⁺ bringing·in⁺ tribute to·Yʜᴡʜ to·Torahshalom
to·Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand
and·he·is·borne to·the·eyes²·of all·of the·clans⁺ from·after⁺ surely :
in·the·days⁺ they⁺
he·was·pierced Firm-by-Yʜᴡ unto to·die
and·he·mediates to Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·says to·him
and·omen he·gave to·him :
and·not as·yield upon·him he·returned Firm-by-Yʜᴡ
as he·climbed his·heart
and·he·is upon·him anger
and·upon Gloryhand and·Torahshalom :
and·he·is·cashed·out Firm-by-Yʜᴡ in·the·climb·of his·heart
he and·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
and he·did·not·enter upon·them the·anger·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·days⁺·of Firm-by-Yʜᴡ :
and·he·is to·Firm-by-Yʜᴡ riches and·weight multiplying very
and·treasures⁺ he·did to·him to·silver and·to·gold and·to·stone precious and·to·spices⁺ and·to·guards⁺
and·to·all·of things⁺·of desire :
to·inbringing·of grain and·winemust and·elixer
and·lioneers⁺ to·all·of beast and·beast
and·flocks⁺ to·the·lioneers⁺ :
and·cities⁺ he·did to·him
and·stock·of sheep and·plowcattle to·multitude
as he·gave to·him Powers⁺
fortune much very :
and·he Firm-by-Yʜᴡ he·closed·up °the·going·of the·waters⁺·of Gusher the·uppermost
and·he·straightens·them to·beneath ➝evening·place to·the·city·of Intimate
and·he·prospers Firm-by-Yʜᴡ in·all·of his·deed :
and·surely in·the·scorners⁺·of the·princes⁺·of Babylon that·send·out⁺ upon·him to·investigate the·omen that he·was in·the·land
he·abandoned·him the·Powers⁺
to·know all in·his·heart :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Firm-by-Yʜᴡ and·his·mercies⁺
¡lo!·them written⁺ in·the·vision·of Yʜᴡ-Saves the·son·of Bold the·prophet
upon the·account·of the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand and·Princepowr :
and·he·beds Firm-by-Yʜᴡ near his·fathers⁺ and·they·entomb⁺·him in·the·upward·way·of the·tombs⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Intimate
and·weight they·did⁺ to·him in·his·death
all·of Gloryhand and·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
and·he·is·king Frustration his·son unders⁺·him :
son·of two² and·ten year Frustration when·he·is·king
and·fifty⁺ and·five year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·does the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
as·the·abominations⁺·of the·clans⁺
that he·disinherited Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·returns and·he·builds °the·daises⁺
that he·wrecked Firm-by-Yʜᴡ his·father
and·he·raises offering·places⁺ to·the·Masters⁺ and·he·does Blessed·Ones⁺
and·he·prostrates·himself to·all·of the·host·of the·skies⁺
and·he·serves °them :
and·he·built offering·places⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·said Yʜᴡʜ
in·Torahshalom he·is my·name to·eternity :
and·he·builds offering·places⁺ to·all·of the·host·of the·skies⁺
in·the·two²·of the·courtyards⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he he·made·cross·by °his·sons⁺ in·the·fire in·the·valley·of Son·of Hinnom
and·he·read·clouds and·he·read·copper and·he·practiced·sorcery
and·he·did ghost and·spiritknower
he·multiplied to·do the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ to·trouble·him :
and·he·places °the·sculpture·of the·idol that he·did
in·the·house·of the·Powers⁺ that he·said Powers⁺ to Intimate and·to Shalomo his·son
in·the·house this and·in·Torahshalom that I·chose from·all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
I·place °my·name to·eternity :
and I·do·not·add to·remove °the·foot·of Princepowr
from·upon the·adamah
that I·caused·to·stand to·your⁺·fathers⁺
only if they·watch⁺ to·do °all that I·commanded·them
to·all·of the·torah and·the·prescriptions⁺ and·the·judgments⁺ in·the·hand·of Moseh :
and·he·leads·to·wander Frustration
°Gloryhand and·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
to·do bad
from the·clans⁺
that he·destroyed Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Frustration and·to his·people and they·did·not·listen⁺ :
and·he·brings·in Yʜᴡʜ upon·them °the·princes⁺·of the·host that to·the·king·of Blessed
and·they·seize⁺ °Frustration in·the·briars⁺
and·they·chain⁺·him in·the·coppers²
and·they·cause·him·to·walk⁺ ➝Babylon :
and·as·rocking·in to·him
he·pierced·the·presence·of °the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
and·he·is·cashed·out very
from·to·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺·of his·fathers⁺ :
and·he·mediates to·him and·he·is·supple to·him and·he·hears his·graceprayer
and·he·returns·him Torahshalom to·his·kingship
and·he·knows Frustration
as Yʜᴡʜ he the·Powers⁺ :
and·after⁺ surely he·built rampart exterior to·the·city·of Intimate ➝evening·place to·Gusher in·the·river and·to·enter in·the·gate·of the·fish⁺ and·he·turned·around to·the·Cresttower
and·he·climbs·her very
and·he·places princes⁺·of strength in·all·of the·cities⁺ that·are·fortified⁺ in·Gloryhand :
and·he·removes °Powers⁺·of the·unrecognizee and·°the·idol from·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·all·of the·offering·places⁺ that he·built in·the·mount·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·in·Torahshalom
and·he·drops ➝exterior to·the·city :
and·he·builds °the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·offers upon·him
offerings⁺·of shaloms⁺ and·gloryhand
and·he·says to·Gloryhand
to·serve °Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
¡ah,·no! again the·people
offering⁺ in·the·daises⁺
only to·Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Frustration and·his·mediation to his·Powers⁺
and·the·speeches⁺·of the·visionaries⁺
the·speakers⁺ to·him
in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
¡lo!·them upon Speeches⁺·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr :
and·his·mediation and·supple to·him and·all·of his·sin and·his·disguisal
and·the·rising·places⁺ that he·built in·them daises⁺ and·he·caused·to·stand the·Blessed·Ones⁺ and·the·sculptures⁺
to·the·face⁺·of his·being·cashed·out
¡lo!·them written⁺
upon speeches⁺·of visionaries⁺ :
and·he·beds Frustration near his·fathers⁺
and·they·entomb⁺·him his·house
and·he·is·king Truth his·son unders⁺·him :
son·of twenty⁺ and·two² year Truth when·he·is·king
and·two² years⁺
he·was·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·does the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
as·how he·did Frustration his·father
and·to·all·of the·sculptures⁺ that he·did Frustration his·father
he·offered Truth and·he·serves·them :
and he·was·not·cashed·out from·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
as·being·cashed·out Frustration his·father
as he Truth he·multiplied transgression :
and·they·league⁺ upon·him his·servants⁺
and·they·put·him·to·death⁺ in·his·house :
and·they·strike⁺ the·people·of the·land
°all·of that·league⁺ upon the·king Truth
and·they·king⁺ the·people·of the·land °Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ his·son unders⁺·him :
son·of eight years⁺ Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ when·he·is·king
and·thirty⁺ and·one·of year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·does the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·walks in·the·steps⁺·of Intimate his·father
and he·did·not·move right and·left :
and·in·eight years⁺ to·be·king·him and·he he·is·still youth
he·pierced to·investigate to·Powers⁺·of Intimate his·father
and·in·two² and·ten year he·pierced to·purify
°Gloryhand and·Torahshalom
from the·daises⁺ and·the·Blessed·Ones⁺
and·the·sculptures⁺ and·the·libated·metals⁺ :
and·they·wreck⁺ to·his·face⁺ °the·offering·places⁺·of the·Masters⁺
and·the·hot·sun·idols⁺ that to➝upward from·upon·them he·hacked·down
and·the·Blessed·Ones⁺ and·the·sculptures⁺ and·the·libated·metals⁺ he·broke and·he·made·thin
and·he·asperses upon the·face⁺·of the·tombs⁺
that·offer⁺ to·them :
and·bones⁺·of priests⁺
he·burned upon their·offering·places⁺
and·he·purifies °Gloryhand and·°Torahshalom :
and·in·the·cities⁺·of Frustration and·Fruits² and·Heard and·unto Knot
in·their·swords⁺ turninground :
and·he·wrecks °the·offering·places⁺ and·°the·Blessed·Ones⁺ and·the·sculptures⁺ he·beat to·making·thin
and·all·of the·hot·sun·idols⁺ he·hacked·down in·all·of the·land·of Princepowr
and·he·returns to·Torahshalom :
and·in·year·of eight and·ten to·be·king·him
to·purify the·land and·the·house
he·sent °Rabbit the·son·of Aside-of-Yʜᴡ and·°Deed-of-Yʜᴡ the·prince·of the·city and·°Yᴡ-Brother the·son·of Yᴡ-Held that·commemorates
to·make·firm °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ to Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ the·priest the·great and·they·give⁺ °the·silver that·is·brought·in the·house·of Powers⁺
that they·gathered⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ the·watching⁺·of the·portal from·the·hand·of Frustration and·Fruits² and·from·all·of the·survivor·of Princepowr
and·from·all·of Gloryhand and·Son-of-Right
and·they·return⁺ Torahshalom :
and·they·give⁺ upon the·hand·of the·doer·of the·ministry
the·reckoners⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·give⁺ °him the·doers⁺·of the·ministry that doing⁺ in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·repair and·to·make·firm the·house :
and·they·give⁺ to·the·craftsmen⁺ and·to·that·build⁺
to·stock·up stones⁺·of quarry
and·trees⁺ to·the·allyjoints⁺
and·to·wall·in °the·houses⁺
that they·ruined⁺ the·kings⁺·of Gloryhand :
and·the·mortals⁺ doing⁺ in·truth in·the·ministry and·upon·them reckoners⁺ Unity and·Servant-of-Yʜᴡ the·Debtorïtes⁺ from the·sons⁺·of Bitterness
and·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ and·Shalomed from the·sons⁺·of the·Associateïtes⁺ to·be·forever
all·of giving·discernment in·things⁺·of song :
and·upon the·hefters⁺ and·forever⁺ to·all·of doing·of ministry
to·service and·service
accounters⁺ and·officers⁺ and·gatekeepers⁺ :
and·when·they·let·go⁺ °the·silver
that·is·brought·in the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
he·found Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ the·priest
°the·account·of the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Moseh :
and·he·responds Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ and·he·says to Rabbit the·accounter
the·account·of the·torah I·found in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·gives Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ °the·account to Rabbit :
and·he·brings·in Rabbit °the·account to the·king
and·he·returns again °the·king speech saying
all that he·was·given in·the·hand·of your·servants⁺ they⁺ doing⁺ :
and·they·melt·down⁺ °the·silver that·is·found in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·give⁺·him upon the·hand·of the·reckoners⁺
and·upon the·hand·of the·doers⁺·of the·ministry :
and·he·tells·forth Rabbit the·accounter to·the·king saying
account he·gave to·me
Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ the·priest
and·he·calls in·him Rabbit to·the·face⁺·of the·king :
and·he·is as·hearing the·king
°the·speeches⁺·of the·torah
and·he·tears °his·coverings⁺ :
and·he·commands the·king °Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ and·°Rising-Brother the·son·of Rabbit and·°Service the·son·of Who-As and·°Rabbit the·accounter and·°Deed-of-Yʜ the·servant·of the·king saying :
ꜝwalk⁺ ꜝinvestigate⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ about·me and·about the·survivor in·Princepowr and·in·Gloryhand
upon the·speeches⁺·of the·account that he·was·found
as great the·heat·of Yʜᴡʜ that she·was·melted in·us
upon that they·did·not·watch⁺ our·fathers⁺ °the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·do as·all that·is·written upon the·account this :
and·he·walks Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ and·that the·king to Momentina the·prophetess the·woman·of Shalom the·son·of Hope the·son·of Lack the·watching·of the·coverings⁺
and·she settling in·Torahshalom in·the·Second·House
and·they·speak⁺ to·her as·this :
and·she·says to·them
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
ꜝsay⁺ to·the·man
that he·sent °you⁺ to·me :
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
¡lo!·me bringing·in badness upon the·rising·place this and·upon that·settle⁺·him
°all·of the·oaths⁺ that·are·written⁺ upon the·account
that they·called⁺
to·the·face⁺·of the·king·of Gloryhand :
under that they·abandoned⁺·me and·they·incense⁺ to·Powers⁺ after⁺
because·of my·troubling
in·all·of the·doings⁺·of their·hands²
and·she·melts my·heat in·the·rising·place this and she·is·not·quenched :
and·to the·king·of Gloryhand that·sends °you⁺ to·investigate in·Yʜᴡʜ
thus you·say⁺ to·him
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
the·speeches⁺ that you·heard :
because he·was·soft your·heart and·you·are·cashed·out from·to·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺ when·you·hear °his·speeches⁺ upon the·rising·place this and·upon that·settle⁺·him
and·you·are·cashed·out to·my·face⁺
and·you·tear °your·coverings⁺ and·you·weep to·my·face⁺
and·also I I·heard the·revelation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
¡lo!·me I·gather·you to your·fathers⁺ and·you·were·gathered to your·tombs⁺ in·shalom
and they·do·not·see⁺ your·eyes²
in·all·of the·badness
that I bringing·in upon the·rising·place this and·upon that·settle⁺·him
and·they·return⁺ °the·king speech :
and·he·sends the·king
and·he·gathers °all·of the·elders⁺·of Gloryhand and·Torahshalom :
and·he·goes·up the·king the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·all·of the·man·of Gloryhand and·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom and·the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·all·of the·people from·great and·unto small
and·he·calls in·their·ears² °all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·account·of the·covenant
that·is·found the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·stands the·king upon his·standing·place and·he·cuts·in °the·covenant to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·walk after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ and·to·watch °his·commandments⁺ and·his·witnesses⁺ and·his·prescriptions⁺
in·all·of his·heart and·in·all·of his·soul
to·do °the·speeches⁺·of the·covenant
that·are·written⁺ upon the·account this :
and·he·causes·to·stand °all that·is·found in·Torahshalom and·Son-of-Right
and·they·do⁺ the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom
as·the·covenant·of Powers⁺ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·he·removes Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ °all·of the·abominations⁺ from·all·of the·lands⁺ that to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·puts·to·service °all that·is·found in·Princepowr
to·serve °Yʜᴡʜ their·Powers⁺
all·of his·days⁺ they·did·not·move⁺
from·after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·he·does Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ in·Torahshalom Hopover to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·slaughter⁺ the·Hopover
in·four and·ten to·the·new·moon the·headmost :
and·he·causes·to·stand the·priests⁺ upon their·watches⁺
to·the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ that·give·discernment⁺ to·all·of Princepowr the·sacred⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ ꜝgive⁺ °the·ark·of the·sanctuary in·the·house that he·built Shalomo the·son·of Intimate the·king·of Princepowr
there·is·ńot to·you⁺ burden in·the·shoulder
now ꜝserve⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·°his·people Princepowr :
and·ꜝmake·sure⁺ to·the·house·of your⁺·fathers⁺ as·your⁺·divisions⁺
in·the·writing·of Intimate the·king·of Princepowr
and·in·the·writing·of Shalomo his·son :
and·ꜝstand⁺ in·the·Sanctuary to·the·furrows⁺·of the·house·of the·fathers⁺
to·your⁺·brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of the·people
and·division·of house·of father to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
and·ꜝslaughter⁺ the·Hopover
and·ꜝsanctify·yourselves⁺ and·ꜝmake·sure⁺ to·your⁺·brothers⁺
to·do as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Moseh :
and·he·heightens Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ to·the·sons⁺·of the·people sheep·of lambs⁺ and·sons⁺·of mightygoats⁺ all to·the·Hopovers⁺
to·all that·is·found to·count·of thirty⁺ thousand
and·plowcattle three·of thousands⁺
these from·the·fortune·of the·king :
and·his·princes⁺ to·noble·offering to·the·people to·the·priests⁺ and·to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ they·heightened⁺
Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ and·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ and·Powr-Lives the·foremosts⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺
to·the·priests⁺ they·gave⁺ to·the·Hopovers⁺ thousands² and·six hundred⁺
and·plowcattle three·of hundred⁺ :
and·Assured-of-Yʜᴡ and·Heard-Yʜᴡ and·Given-by-Powr his·brothers⁺ and·Considered-of-Yʜᴡ and·Shoveled-by-Powr and·Yᴡ-Awarded the·princes⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
they·heightened⁺ to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ to·the·Hopovers⁺ five·of thousands⁺
and·plowcattle five·of hundred⁺ :
and·she·is·assured the·service
and·they·stand⁺ the·priests⁺ upon their·standing·place and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ upon their·divisions⁺ as·the·commandment·of the·king :
and·they·slaughter⁺ the·Hopover
and·they·asperse⁺ the·priests⁺ from·their·hand
and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ unmantling⁺ :
and·they·remove⁺ the·upward·offering to·give·them to·furrowings⁺ to·house·of fathers⁺ to·the·sons⁺·of the·people
to·present to·Yʜᴡʜ
as·that·is·written in·the·account·of Moseh
and·surely to·the·plowcattle :
and·they·cook⁺ the·Hopover in·the·fire as·the·judgment
and·the·sanctuaries⁺ they·cooked⁺ in·the·pots⁺ and·in·the·intimation-boilers⁺ and·in·the·prosperbowls⁺
and·they·cause·to·run⁺ to·all·of the·sons⁺·of the·people :
and·after they·made·sure⁺ to·them and·to·the·priests⁺
as the·priests⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon
when·offering·up the·upward·offering and·the·fats⁺ unto night
and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ they·made·sure⁺ to·them
and·to·the·priests⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon :
and·the·singers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Gatherer upon their·standing as·the·commandment·of Intimate and·Gatherer and·Truth and·Gloryhandish the·visionary·of the·king
and·the·gatekeepers⁺ to·gate and·gate
there·is·ńot to·them to·move from·upon their·service
as their·brothers⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ they·made·sure⁺ to·them :
and·she·is·assured all·of the·service·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·day he to·do the·Hopover
and·offering·up upward·offerings⁺
upon the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
as·the·commandment·of the·king Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ :
and·they·do⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr that·are·found⁺ °the·Hopover in·the·season she
and·°the·feast·of the·matzahs⁺ seven·of days⁺ :
and he·was·not·done Hopover as·him in·Princepowr
from·the·days⁺·of Heard-by-Powr the·prophet
and·all·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr they·did·not·do⁺ as·the·Hopover that he·did Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ and·the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ and·all·of Gloryhand and·Princepowr that·is·found
and·the·settling⁺·of Torahshalom :
in·eight and·ten year
to·the·kingship·of Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ
he·was·done the·Hopover this :
after⁺ all this that he·made·sure Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ °the·house
he·went·up Necho the·king·of Egypts² to·battle in·Karkemish upon Euphrates
and·he·goes to·call·on·him Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ :
and·he·sends to·him ministers⁺ saying ¿what to·me and·to·you the·king·of Gloryhand not upon·you you the·day as to the·house·of my·battle
and·Powers⁺ he·said to·agitate·me
ꜝcease to·you from·Powers⁺ that near·me and ꜝlet·him·not·ruin·you :
and he·did·not·turn Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ his·face⁺ from·him as to·battle in·him he·made·himself·unsearchable
and he·did·not·hear to the·speeches⁺·of Necho from·the·mouth·of Powers⁺
and·he·enters to·battle in·the·cleft·of Clout-Place :
and·they·torah⁺ that·torah⁺
to·the·king Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ
and·he·says the·king to·his·servants⁺ ꜝmake·me·cross·by⁺
as I·was·pierced very :
and·they·make·him·cross·by⁺ his·servants⁺ from the·chariot and·they·carry⁺·him upon the·chariot·of the·second that to·him
and·they·cause·him·to·walk⁺ Torahshalom
and·he·dies and·he·is·entombed in·the·tombs⁺·of his·fathers⁺
and·all·of Gloryhand and·Torahshalom
mourning⁺ upon Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ :
and·he·dirges Yʜᴡ-Heightens upon Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ
and·they·say⁺ all·of the·singers⁺ and·the·singers⁺ in·their·dirges⁺ upon Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ unto the·day
and·they·give⁺·them to·prescription upon Princepowr
and·¡lo!·them written⁺ upon the·dirges⁺ :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ and·his·mercies⁺
as·that·is·written in·the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·his·speeches⁺ the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
¡lo!·them written⁺
upon the·account·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr and·Gloryhand :
and·they·take⁺ the·people·of the·land
°Yʜᴡ-Held the·son·of Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ
and·they·king⁺·him under his·father in·Torahshalom :
son·of three and·twenty⁺ year Yᴡ-Held when·he·is·king
and·three new·moons⁺
he·was·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·removes·him the·king·of Egypts² in·Torahshalom
and·he·fines °the·land
hundred round·of silver and·round·of gold :
and·he·kings the·king·of Egypts² °Powr-Raises his·brother upon Gloryhand and·Torahshalom
and·he·turns °his·name Yʜᴡ-Raises
and·°Yᴡ-Held his·brother he·took Necho
and·he·brings·him·in ➝Egypts² :
son·of twenty⁺ and·five year Yʜᴡ-Raises when·he·is·king
and·one·of and·ten year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·he·does the·bad
in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ :
upon·him he·went·up
Prophethelpedkadre the·king·of Babylon
and·he·chains·him in·the·coppers²
to·cause·him·to·walk ➝Babylon :
and·from·the·things⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
he·brought·in Prophethelpedkadre to·Babylon
and·he·gives·them in·his·palace in·Babylon :
and·the·remainder·of the·speeches⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Raises and·his·abominations⁺ that he·did and·that·is·found upon·him
¡lo!·them written⁺ upon the·account·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr and·Gloryhand
and·he·is·king Yʜᴡ-Assures his·son unders⁺·him :
son·of eight years⁺ Yʜᴡ-Assures when·he·is·king
and·three new·moons⁺ and·ten·of days⁺
he·was·king in·Torahshalom
and·he·does the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·to·the·turn·of the·year he·sent the·king Prophethelpedkadre
and·he·brings·him·in ➝Babylon
near the·things⁺·of the·desire·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·kings °Just-Yʜᴡ his·brother
upon Gloryhand and·Torahshalom :
son·of twenty⁺ and·one·of year Just-Yʜᴡ when·he·is·king
and·one·of and·ten year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom :
and·he·does the·bad
in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
he·was·not·cashed·out from·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Heightens the·prophet from·the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·also in·the·king Prophethelpedkadre he·revolted
that he·told·him·seven in·Powers⁺
and·he·hardens °his·spine and·he·emboldens °his·heart
from·returning to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
also all·of the·princes⁺·of the·priests⁺ and·the·people they·multiplied⁺ to·disguise·oneself disguisal
as·all·of the·abominations⁺·of the·clans⁺
and·they·defile⁺ °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·made·sacred in·Torahshalom :
and·he·sends Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺ upon·them in·the·hand·of his·ministers⁺ yoking·up and·sending
as he·pitied upon his·people and·upon his·home :
and·they·are⁺ making·√mockery⁺ in·the·ministers⁺·of the·Powers⁺
and·despising⁺ his·speeches⁺
and·scheming·among·themselves⁺ in·his·prophets⁺
unto going·up the·heat·of Yʜᴡʜ in·his·people unto to·there·is·ńot healing :
and·he·offers·up upon·them °the·king·of Chaldeans⁺ and·he·kills their·choice·youths⁺ in·the·sword in·the·house·of their·sanctuary
and he·did·not·pity upon choice·youth and·virgin elder and·ancient
all he·gave in·his·hand :
and·all·of the·things⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ the·great⁺ and·the·small⁺
and·the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·the·treasures⁺·of the·king and·his·princes⁺
all he·brought·in Babylon :
and·they·burn⁺ °the·house·of the·Powers⁺
°the·rampart·of Torahshalom
and·all·of her·heights⁺ they·burned⁺ in·the·fire
and·all·of the·things⁺·of her·desires⁺ to·ruin :
and·he·strips the·survivor from the·sword to Babylon
and·they·are⁺ to·him and·to·his·sons⁺ to·servants⁺
unto king the·kingship·of Persia :
to·fill the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·mouth·of Yʜᴡ-Heightens
unto she·favored the·land °her·rests⁺
all·of the·days⁺·of the·be·desolate·her she·rested
to·fill seventy⁺ year :
and·in·year·of one to·Cyrus the·king·of Persia
to·be·all·through the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·mouth·of Yʜᴡ-Heightens
he·roused Yʜᴡʜ °the·breath·of Cyrus the·king·of Persia
and·he·makes·cross·by voice in·all·of his·kingship
and·also in·writing saying :
thus he·said Cyrus the·king·of Persia all·of the·kingdoms⁺·of the·land he·gave to·me Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of the·skies⁺
and·he he·reckoned upon·me to·build to·him house
in·Torahshalom that in·Gloryhand
¿who in·you⁺ from·all·of his·people Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺ near·him and·ꜝlet·him·go·up :