Book of 1 Chronicles
Speeches⁺·of the·Days⁺ , part 1
adam Put Mortal :
Nesting Praise-of-Powr Descent :
Dedicated ¿Wħen-Sending? Lemek :
Peace Name Hot and·He-Beguiles :
the·sons⁺·of He-Beguiles
Conclusion and·Magog
and·Media and·Wine and·You-Course
and·Draught·of and·Tyras :
and·the·sons⁺·of Conclusion
Ashkenaz and·Dypat and·Togarmah :
and·the·sons⁺·of Wine Powr-of-Shah and➝Tarshysh
Kittïtes⁺ and·Dodanyms⁺ :
the·sons⁺·of Hot
Kush and·Egypts² Put and·Cashier :
and·the·sons⁺·of Kush
Seba and·Whirler
and·Sabtah and·Thundering and·Sabteka
and·the·sons⁺·of Thundering Sheba and·Dedan :
and·Kush he·enchilded °Revolt
he he·pierced
to·be hero in·the·land :
and·Egypts² he·enchilded °Ludïtes⁺ and·°Anams⁺ and·°Flames⁺ and·°Naptuchs⁺ :
and·°Patrosïtes⁺ and·°Kasluchs⁺ that they·went⁺ from·there Palestinians⁺ and·°Kaftowrs⁺ :
and·Cashier he·enchilded °Hunter his·firstborn and·°Castdown :
and·°the·Troddenïte and·°the·Amurruïte
and·°the·Girgashïte :
and·°the·Liveïte and·°the·Gnawïte and·°the·Synïte :
and·°the·Rambleryïte and·°the·Woolïte and·°the·Rampartïte :
the·sons⁺·of Name
Hooded and·Blessed
and·Arfakshad and·Lud and·Height
and·Counsel and·Whirl and·Geter and·Draught :
and·Arfakshad he·enchilded °Sendout
and·Sendout he·enchilded °Across :
and·to·Across he·was·enchilded two²·of sons⁺
the·name·of one Furrow·of as in·his·days⁺ she·was·furrowed the·land
and·the·name·of his·brother Small :
and·Small he·enchilded
°Not-Measured and·°Unsheathing
and·°Courtyard-of-Death and·°Month :
and·°Hadowram and·°Uzal and·°Diqlah :
and·°Ebal and·°Father-of-Mael and·°Sheba :
and·°Ophir and·°Whirler and·°Whimperer
all these the·sons⁺·of Small :
Name Arfakshad Sendout :
Across Furrow·of Tendent :
Twig Snorter Tarach :
Father-High he Father-Hi-Hum :
the·sons⁺·of Father-Hi-Hum
Laugher and·Powr-Hears :
these their·childages⁺
the·firstborn·of Powr-Hears Productions⁺
and·Glooming and·Chastised-of-Powr and·Spiced :
Hearsay and·Silence
Burden Sharp and·Tyma :
Column Resouled and·Front
these they⁺ the·sons⁺·of Powr-Hears :
and·the·sons⁺·of Incense the·concubine·of Father-Hi-Hum she·enchilded °Musical and·Ensnaring and·Vindictiveness and·Vindictiveness and·He-Allows and·Pit
and·the·sons⁺·of Ensnaring Sheba and·Dedan :
and·the·sons⁺·of Vindictiveness Dimness and·Dusty and·Dedicated
and·Father-of-Knowledge and·Powr-of-Knowledge
all these the·sons⁺·of Incense :
and·he·bechilds Father-Hi-Hum °Laugher
the·sons⁺·of Laugher
Esaw and·Princepowr :
the·sons⁺·of Esaw
Powr-of-Sterling Tendent-of-Powr and·Mustering and·He-Hoods and·Baldness :
the·sons⁺·of Powr-of-Sterling
Right and·Sayer Sentry and·Gatam
Tracker and·Depriver and·Amalek :
the·sons⁺·of Tendent-of-Powr
Peace Dawn Desolation and·Seared :
and·the·sons⁺·of Hair
Obscurance and·Offshoot and·Blotted and·Response
and·Thresher and·Treasure and·Threshr :
and·the·sons⁺·of Obscurance Creviceïte and·Rumbling
and·the·sister·of Obscurance Depriver :
the·sons⁺·of Offshoot
Upwardness and·Peaceful and·Ebal Ridge and·Vital
and·the·sons⁺·of Blotted Hawk and·Response :
the·sons⁺·of Response Thresher
and·the·sons⁺·of Thresher
¬Amran and·Augmenter and·Remainder and·Keran :
the·sons⁺·of Treasure
Agitation and·Irritation Aqan
the·sons⁺·of Thresher Counsel and·Ark :
and·these the·kings⁺ that they·were·king⁺ in·the·land·of Blood
to·face⁺·of king king to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
Devourment the·son·of Consuming
and·the·name·of his·city Dinhabah :
and·he·dies Devourment
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him
Whimperer the·son·of Dawn from·Fortified :
and·he·dies Whimperer
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him
Hurriedly from·the·land·of the·Rightïte :
and·he·dies Hurriedly
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him Hadad the·son·of Alone that·strikes °Vindictiveness in·the·field·of From-Father
and·the·name·of his·city Guilts :
and·he·dies Hadad
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him
Garment from·Arbor-Place :
and·he·dies Garment
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him
Requested from·Broadways⁺ the·Stream :
and·he·dies Requested
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him
Master·of Grace the·son·of Rat :
and·he·dies Master·of Grace
and·he·is·king unders⁺·him Hadad
and·the·name·of his·city Hissing
and·the·name·of his·woman Bettered-of-Powr the·daughter·of Spewing
the·daughter·of Waters⁺·of Gold :
and·he·dies Hadad
and·they·are⁺ the·alphas⁺·of Blood
Alpha Depriver Alpha Evil Alpha Yetet :
Alpha Tent-of-Dais Alpha Powrtree Alpha Facing :
Alpha Tracker Alpha Right Alpha Fortification :
Alpha Luxury-of-Powr Alpha Civic
these the·alphas⁺·of Blood :
these the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
See-Son Heard Debtor and·Gloryhand
He-Is-Hire and·Residence :
Vindicator He-Adds and·Son-of-Right
Knot Clout and·Blessed :
the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand City and·Vital and·Request
three he·was·enchilded to·him
from·the·daughter·of Safety the·Cashierïte
and·he·is City the·firstborn·of Gloryhand bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ and·he·puts·him·to·death :
and·Palm his·allness
she·enchilded to·him °Rupture and·°Dawn
all·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand five :
the·sons⁺·of Rupture Courtyard and·Pitied :
and·the·sons⁺·of Dawn Musical and·Rugged and·Truth and·Sustenance and·Liberty-Know all·of·them five :
and·the·sons⁺·of Orchardïte
Roiler roiling Princepowr
that he·disguised·himself in·the·herem :
and·the·sons⁺·of Rugged Help-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Courtyard that he·was·enchilded to·him
°Powr-Wombs and·°High and·°Dog :
and·High he·bechilded °People-Noble
and·People-Noble he·bechilded °Copperer
the·wellborn·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand :
and·Copperer he·bechilded °Garment
and·Garment he·bechilded °In-Might :
and·In-Might he·bechilded °Servant
and·Servant he·bechilded °He-Is :
and·He-Is he·bechilded °his·firstborn °Powr-of-Father
and·Father-Noble the·second
and·Hearing the·third :
Given-by-Powr the·fourth
¬Raddai the·fifth :
¬Ozem the·sixth
Intimate the·seventh :
and·their·sisters⁺ Balsamed and·Father-of-Twirling
and·the·sons⁺·of Balsamed Father-of-Homage and·Yᴡ-Fathered and·Deed·of Powr three :
and·Father-of-Twirling she·enchilded °Loadd
and·the·father·of Loadd
Remainder the·Powrhearsïte :
and·Dog the·son·of Courtyard he·bechilded °Abandoned woman and·with ¬Jerioth
and·these her·sons⁺
¬Jesher and·Turning and·Rambling :
and·she·dies Abandoned
and·he·takes to·him Dog °Fruitful
and·she·enchilds to·him °Brilliant :
and·Brilliant he·bechilded °Light
and·Light he·bechilded °In-Shadow-of-Powr :
and·after he·entered Courtyard to the·daughter·of Seller the·father·of Roll-of-Witness
and·he he·took·her
and·he son·of sixty⁺ year
and·she·enchilds to·him °Tower :
and·Tower he·bechilded °Enlightener
and·he·is to·him twenty⁺ and·three cities⁺
in·the·land·of the·Roll-of-Witness :
and·he·takes Bridge and·Height °the·lifeplaces⁺·of Forest from·with·them °¬Kenath and·°her·daughters⁺ sixty⁺ city
all these the·sons⁺·of Seller the·father·of Roll-of-Witness :
and·after the·death·of Courtyard in·Dog Fruitful
and·the·woman·of Courtyard Father-of-Yʜᴡ
and·she·enchilds to·him
°Murky the·father·of Hithorn :
and·they·are⁺ the·sons⁺·of Powr-Wombs the·firstborn·of Courtyard the·firstborn High
and·¬Bunah and·Arktree and·¬Ozem Brother-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·she·is woman after to·Powr-Wombs and·her·name Crown
she the·mama·of Vital :
and·they·are⁺ the·sons⁺·of High the·firstborn·of Powr-Wombs
Shell and·Right and·Sterile :
and·they·are⁺ the·sons⁺·of Vital My-Name and·Knowing
and·the·sons⁺·of My-Name
Noble and·Father-of-Glimmer :
and·the·name·of the·woman·of Father-of-Glimmer Father-of-Strength
and·she·enchilds to·him
°Brother-of-Discernment and·°¬Molid :
and·the·sons⁺·of Noble ¬Seled and·¬Appaim
and·he·dies ¬Seled not sons⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of ¬Appaims² Saving
and·the·sons⁺·of Saving ¬Sheshan
and·the·sons⁺·of ¬Sheshan Ach-Iᵮ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Knowing the·brother·of My-Name
Remainder and·Yᴡ-Given
and·he·dies Remainder not sons⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Yᴡ-Given Courier and·Abundant
these they·were⁺ the·sons⁺·of Powr-Wombs :
and he·was·not to·¬Sheshan sons⁺ but rather daughters⁺
and·to·¬Sheshan servant Egyptian and·his·name ¬Jarha :
and·he·gives ¬Sheshan °his·daughter to·¬Jarha his·servant to·woman
and·she·enchilds to·him °Seasonal :
and·Seasonal he·bechilded °Given
and·Given he·bechilded °Award :
and·Award he·bechilded °¬Ephlal
and·¬Ephlal he·bechilded °Servant :
and·Servant he·bechilded °Yʜ-He
and·Yʜ-He he·bechilded °Help-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ he·bechilded °Dress
and·Dress he·bechilded °Powr-Did :
and·Powr-Did he·bechilded °¬Sisamai
and·¬Sisamai he·bechilded °Shalom :
and·Shalom he·bechilded °Yʜ-Rises
and·Yʜ-Rises he·bechilded °Powr-Hears :
and·the·sons⁺·of Dog the·brother·of Powr-Wombs
Safety his·firstborn he the·father·of Tar
and·the·sons⁺·of Safety the·father·of Alliance :
and·the·sons⁺·of Alliance
Baldness and·Blossom and·¬Rekem and·Hearing :
and·Hearing he·bechilded
°Womb the·father·of Emptying-People
and·¬Rekem he·bechilded °My-Name :
and·the·son·of My-Name Home
and·Home the·father·of House·of Rock :
and·Dimness the·concubine·of Dog
she·enchilded °Scorch and·°Going and·°Shearer
and·Scorch he·bechilded °Shearer :
and·the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
Executive and·Yᴡ-Complete and·¬Geshan and·Rescue and·Dimness and·¬Shaaph :
the·concubine·of Dog Battering
he·enchilded Break and·°Tirchanah :
and·she·enchilds ¬Shaaph the·father·of Dung·Place
°Vain the·father·of ¬Machbenah and·the·father·of Hill
and·the·daughter·of Dog Bangle :
these they·were⁺ the·sons⁺·of Dog
the·son·of Brilliant the·firstborn·of Fruitful
Offshoot the·father·of Walledcity·of Forests⁺ :
Garment the·father·of House·of Bread
Detracting the·father·of House·of Fence :
and·they·are⁺ sons⁺ to·Offshoot
the·father·of Walledcity·of Forests⁺
Sight Half·of the·Peacefuls⁺ :
and·the·families⁺·of Walledcity·of Forests⁺
the·Remainderïte and·the·¬Puthite
and·the·¬Shumathites and·the·¬the·Mishraites
from·these they·went⁺ the·Leperïte
and·the·Eshtaolïte :
the·sons⁺·of Garment House·of Bread and·Distillïte
Crowns House·of Yᴡ-Fathered
and·the·half·of the·Peaceful the·Leperïte :
and·families⁺·of accounters⁺ the·settling⁺·of Pnai
Gaterïtes⁺ Hearingïtes⁺ Knittages⁺
they⁺ the·Stockïtes⁺ that·enter⁺
from·Hot·Springs the·father·of the·house·of Charioteer :
and·these they·were⁺ the·sons⁺·of Intimate
that he·was·enchilded to·him in·Alliance
the·firstborn Trueness to·Brother-of-Amiability the·Powrseedsïte
second Vindicator-Powr
to·Father-of-Twirling the·Orchardïte :
the·third to·Father-of-Shalom the·son·of Battering
the·daughter·of My-Terrace the·king·of Bridge
the·fourth Lord-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Festiva :
the·fifth Judge-Yʜᴡ to·Father-of-Dew
the·sixth Remaining-People to·Ox his·woman :
six he·was·enchilded to·him in·Alliance
and·he·is·king there
seven years⁺ and·six new·moons⁺
and·thirty⁺ and·three year
he·was·king in·Torahshalom :
and·these they·were·enchilded⁺ to·him in·Torahshalom
Hearing and·Turning and·Given and·Shalomo four
to·Daughter Safety the·daughter·of People-of-Powr :
and·He-Chooses and·Powr-Hears and·Power-of-Rescue :
and·Brightness and·Germination and·Shining :
and·Powr-Hears and·Powr-Knows and·Power-of-Rescue nine :
all the·sons⁺·of Intimate
from·aloneside sons⁺·of concubines⁺ and·Palm their·sister :
and·the·son·of Shalomo Broadened-People
Father-of-Yʜᴡ his·son Physician his·son Yʜᴡ-Judge his·son :
Yᴡ-High his·son Yʜᴡ-Holds his·son Yᴡ-Fire his·son :
Bold-Yʜᴡ his·son Help-of-Yʜᴡ his·son Yᴡ-Complete his·son :
Holder his·son Firm-by-Yʜᴡ his·son Frustration his·son :
Truth his·son Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ his·son :
and·the·sons⁺·of Buttressed-by-Yʜᴡ
the·firstborn Yᴡ-Gracious
the·second Yʜᴡ-Raises
the·third Just-Yʜᴡ
the·fourth Shalom :
and·the·sons⁺·of Yʜᴡ-Raises
Assured-of-Yʜ his·son Just-Yʜᴡ his·son :
and·the·sons⁺·of Assured-of-Yʜ chainedman
I-Requested-of-Powr his·son :
and·¬Malchiram and·Ransom-of-Yʜᴡ and·¬Senazar
Yʜ-Rises Yʜᴡ-Hearing and·Noble-Yʜ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Ransom-of-Yʜᴡ
Charred-of-Babylon and·Hearing
and·the·son·of Charred-of-Babylon Shalomed and·Grace-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Shalomness their·sister :
and·Consideration and·Tent and·Kneel-of-Yʜ and·Mercy-of-Yʜ Returned Mercy five :
and·the·son·of Grace-of-Yʜᴡ Rescue-of-Yʜᴡ and·Yʜ-Saves
the·sons⁺·of Yʜ-Healed the·sons⁺·of Shouting
the·sons⁺·of Servant-of-Yʜᴡ the·sons⁺·of Dwelling-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Dwelling-of-Yʜᴡ Heard-Yʜᴡ
and·the·sons⁺·of Heard-Yʜᴡ ¬Hattush and·Goel and·Bolting and·Youth-of-Yʜ and·Judge six :
and·the·son·of Youth-of-Yʜ To-Yᴡ-My-Eyes and·Firm-by-Yʜᴡ and·Help-of-Raising three :
and·the·sons⁺·of To-Yᴡ-My-Eyes Splendor-of-Yʜ and·Powr-Returns and·¬Pelaiah and·Heeler and·Yᴡ-Gracious and·Pulled-Up-of-Yʜᴡ and·¬Anani seven :
the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
Rupture Courtyard and·Orchardïte and·Brilliant and·Offshoot :
and·¬Reaia the·son·of Offshoot he·bechilded °Unity
and·Unity he·bechilded
°Brother-of-Water and·°¬Lahad
these the·families⁺·of the·Leperïte :
and·these the·father·of Vulture-Place
Powr-Seeds and·Desolate and·¬Idbash
and·the·name·of their·sister The-Shade-Facing :
and·Face-of-Powr the·father·of Fence
and·Help the·father·of Hurrier
these the·sons⁺·of Brilliant the·firstborn·of Fruitful
the·father·of House·of Bread :
and·to·Murky the·father·of Hithorn
they·were⁺ two²·of women⁺
Disease and·Youth :
and·she·enchilds to·him Youth °Holding and·°Digging
and·°Rightïte and·°the·¬achashtari
these the·sons⁺·of Youth :
and·the·sons⁺·of Disease
¬Zereth and·Tzabrilliance and·¬Ethnan :
and·Thorn he·bechilded
°¬Anub and·°the·¬Zobebah
and·the·families⁺·of After-Stronghold the·son·of Mountained :
and·he·is Pnai
weighty from·his·brothers⁺
and·his·mama she·called his·name Pnai saying
as I·enchilded in·pain :
and·he·calls Pnai to·Powers⁺·of Princepowr saying if kneeling you·kneel·me and·you·multiplied °my·border and·she·was your·hand near·me
and·you·did from·badness to·not my·paining
and·he·brings·in Powers⁺ °that he·requested :
and·Dog the·brother·of Pit he·bechilded °Price
he the·father·of Esht-On :
and·Esht-On he·bechilded °the·house·of Healing and·°¬Paseah
and·°Graceprayer the·father·of City Copperhead
these the·mortals⁺·of Soft :
and·the·sons⁺·of Tracker
Otny-of-Powr and·Prince-Yʜᴡ
and·the·sons⁺·of Otny-of-Powr Casting·Down :
and·¬Meonothais⁺ he·bechilded °Dusty
and·Prince-Yʜᴡ he·bechilded °Yᴡ-Fathered father·of valley·of craftsmen⁺
as craftsmen⁺ they·were⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Dog the·son·of He-Faces
Citizen Powrtree and·Amiable
and·the·sons⁺·of Powrtree and·Tracker :
and·the·sons⁺·of Praising-Powr
Tar and·Tar
Fearful and·Blest-of-Powr :
and·the·son·of Help
Remainder and·Revolt and·Dusty and·¬Jalon
and·she·progenates °Bitterness and·°My-Name
and·°¬Ishbah the·father·of Eshte-Moa :
and·his·woman the·Gloryhandïte she·enchilded °Descent the·father·of Fence and·°Alliance·of the·father·of Knitted
and·°Obedient-of-Powr the·father·of ¬Zanoah
and·these the·sons⁺·of Daughter-of-Yʜ the·daughter·of Pharaoh
that he·took Revolt :
and·the·sons⁺·of the·woman·of Splendor-of-Yʜ
the·sister·of Sighing
the·father·of Sling the·Frameïte
and·Eshte-Moa the·Batteringïte :
and·the·sons⁺·of Desolate
Trueness and·Shouting
Son·of Grace and·¬Tilon
and·the·sons⁺·of Saving
¬Zoheth and·Son·of ¬Zoheth :
the·sons⁺·of Request the·son·of Gloryhand
City the·father·of Walk
and·Laadah the·father·of Headrest
and·the·families⁺·of the·house·of the·service·of the·eggcloth to·the·house·of ¬Ashbea :
and·Yᴡ-Raised and·the·mortals⁺·of Lying and·Yᴡ-Fire and·Burner that they·mastered⁺ to·From-Father and·Returnïte Bread
and·the·speeches⁺ passed⁺ :
they⁺ the·formers⁺
and·the·settling⁺·of ¬plants and·Fence
near the·king in·his·ministry they·settled⁺ there :
the·sons⁺·of Heard
Daying-of-Powr and·Right
Arguer Dawn Requested :
Shalom his·son Spiced his·son Hearsay his·son :
and·the·sons⁺·of Hearsay
¬Hamuel his·son Remembered his·son Hearing his·son :
and·to·Hearing sons⁺ six and·ten and·daughters⁺ six
and·to·his·brothers⁺ there·is·ńot sons⁺ many⁺
and·all·of their·family
they·did·not·multiply⁺ unto the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand :
and·they·settle⁺ in·Well·of Seven and·¬Moladah and·Courtyard·of Fox :
and·in·Agitation and·in·Bone and·in·Childage :
and·in·Virgin-of-Powr and·in·Heremah and·in·Tziqlag :
and·in·House·of Chariotses⁺ and·in·Courtyard·of Horseses⁺
and·in·House·of My-Shape and·in·Gates²
these their·cities⁺ unto king Intimate :
and·their·courtyards⁺ Vulture-Place and·Eyewell
Pomegranate and·Balance·of and·Smoke
cities⁺ five :
and·all·of their·courtyards⁺ that turninground⁺ the·cities⁺ these unto Master
this their·seats⁺
and·their·registration to·them :
and·Returned and·¬Jamlech
and·Leveled the·son·of Bold-Yʜᴡ :
and·Yʜ-He the·son·of Yʜ-Settles
the·son·of Prince-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Deed-of-Powr :
and·To-Yᴡ-My-Eyes and·Heeler and·¬Jeshoaiah and·Deed-of-Yʜ and·Decked-of-Powr and·¬Jesimael and·Built-Yʜᴡ :
and·Abounds the·son·of ¬Shiphi the·son·of Powrtree the·son·of Hand-of-Yʜ the·son·of Watcher the·son·of Heard-Yʜᴡ :
these that·enter⁺ in·names⁺
wellborns⁺ in·their·families⁺
and·the·house·of their·fathers⁺
they·erupted⁺ to·multitude :
and·they·walk⁺ to·the·entrance·of Fence
unto to·the·dawn·of the·valley
to·seek tendage to·their·sheep :
and·they·find⁺ tendage well-oiled and·good
and·the·land broad·of hands²
and·quiet·of and·relaxed
as from Hot
that·settle⁺ there to·face⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ these that·are·written⁺ in·names⁺ in·the·days⁺·of Firm-by-Yʜᴡ the·king·of Gloryhand and·they·strike⁺ °their·tents⁺ and·°the·Homeïtes⁺ that they·were·found⁺ ➝there and·they·make·them·herem⁺ unto the·day this
and·they·settle⁺ unders⁺·them
as tendage to·their·sheep there :
and·from·them from the·sons⁺·of Heard they·walked⁺ to·the·mount·of Hair
mortals⁺ five·of hundred⁺
and·Rescue-of-Yʜᴡ and·Youth-of-Yʜ and·Yʜ-Healed and·Might-of-Powr the·sons⁺·of Saving in·their·head :
and·they·strike⁺ °the·survivor·of the·rescue to·Amalek
and·they·settle⁺ there
unto the·day this :
and·the·sons⁺·of See-Son the·firstborn·of Princepowr as he the·firstborn
and·when·he·pierces the·cot⁺·of his·father
she·was·given his·firstbornness
to·the·sons⁺·of He-Adds the·son·of Princepowr
and·not to·registration to·the·firstbornness :
as Gloryhand he·was·heroic in·his·brothers⁺
and·to·foremost from·him
and·the·firstbornness to·He-Adds :
the·sons⁺·of See-Son the·firstborn·of Princepowr
Dedicated and·Markedout Courtyard and·Orchardïte :
the·sons⁺·of Yᴡ-Powr
Heard-Yʜᴡ his·son Gog his·son Hearing his·son :
Who-As his·son ¬Reaia his·son Master his·son :
Well his·son
that he·stripped
Tiglath Pilhelped the·king·of Blessed
he wellborn to·the·See-Sonïte :
and·his·brothers⁺ to·his·families⁺
in·registration to·their·childages⁺
the·head Shoveled-by-Powr and·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·Devourment the·son·of Mighty
the·son·of Hearing the·son·of Yᴡ-Powr
he settling in·Bare-Bare
and·unto Prophet and·Master·of Home :
and·to·the·dawn he·settled unto to·enter ➝outspeak
to·from the·stream Euphrates
as their·stock they·multiplied⁺ in·the·land·of Roll-of-Witness :
and·in·the·days⁺·of Requested they·did⁺ battle near the·The-Lodgerïtes⁺
and·they·fall⁺ in·their·hand
and·they·settle⁺ in·their·tents⁺
upon all·of face⁺·of dawn to·the·Roll-of-Witness :
and·the·sons⁺·of Clout to·before·them they·settled⁺ in·the·land·of the·Bashan unto Salcah :
Yᴡ-Powr the·head
and·Ridgeplace the·second
and·Responder and·Judge in·the·Bashan :
and·their·brothers⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ Who-as-Powr and·Shalomed and·Seven and·My-Torah and·He-Riles and·Irritating and·Across seven :
these the·sons⁺·of Father-of-Strength the·son·of Brilliant the·son·of ¬Jaroah the·son·of Roll-of-Witness the·son·of Who-as-Powr the·son·of ¬Jeshishai the·son·of ¬Jahdo the·son·of Despisal :
My-Brother·of the·son·of Servant-of-Powr the·son·of Guarden
head to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·they·settle⁺ in·the·Roll-of-Witness in·the·Bashan and·in·her·daughters⁺
and·in·all·of the·cattle·drives⁺·of Strait upon their·outgoings⁺ :
all·of·them they·registered⁺
in·the·days⁺·of Yᴡ-Complete the·king·of Gloryhand
and·in·the·days⁺·of People-Argues the·king·of Princepowr :
the·sons⁺·of See-Son and·Cloutïte and·the·half·of the·stem·of Frustration from sons⁺·of strength
mortals⁺ bearers⁺·of guard and·sword and·stepping·forward⁺·of bow
and·been·discipled⁺·of battle
forty⁺ and·four thousand and·seven·of hundred⁺ and·sixty⁺ going⁺·of host :
and·they·do⁺ battle near the·The-Lodgerïtes⁺
and·Column and·Resouled and·¬Nodab :
and·they·are·helped⁺ upon·them
and·they·are·given⁺ in·their·hand the·The-Lodgerïtes⁺
and·all which·near·them
as to·Powers⁺ they·cried⁺ in·the·battle
and·supple to·them as they·trusted⁺ in·him :
and·they·capture⁺ their·stock their·camels⁺ fifty⁺ thousand and·sheep hundred² and·fifty⁺ thousand
and·donkeys⁺ thousands²
and·soul·of adam hundred thousand :
as pierced⁺ many⁺ they·fell⁺
as from·the·Powers⁺ the·battle
and·they·settle⁺ unders⁺·them unto the·stripped :
and·the·sons⁺·of the·half·of the·stem·of Frustration
they·settled⁺ in·the·land
from·Bashan unto Master·of Heremon and·Senyr and·the·mount·of Heremon they⁺ they·multiplied⁺ :
and·these the·heads⁺·of the·house·of their·fathers⁺
and·Dusty and·Saving and·Powr-of-Powr and·Help-of-Powr and·Yʜᴡ-Heightens and·Splendor-of-Yʜ and·¬Jahdiel mortals⁺ heroes⁺·of strength
mortals⁺·of names⁺
heads⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ :
in·Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺
and·they·fornicate⁺ after⁺ Powers⁺·of the·people⁺·of the·land
that he·destroyed Powers⁺ from·their·face⁺ :
and·he·rouses Powers⁺·of Princepowr °the·breath·of Pil the·king·of Blessed and·°the·breath·of Tiglath Pilhelped the·king·of Blessed
and·he·strips·them to·the·See-Sonïte and·to·the·Cloutïte
and·to·the·half·of the·stem·of Frustration
and·he·brings·them·in to·Chalach and·Alliance and·Mountana and·the·stream·of Shearance
unto the·day this :
the·sons⁺·of Debtor
Driven Associate and·Bitterness :
and·the·sons⁺·of Associate
People-High Elixer
and·Alliance and·Might-of-Powr :
and·the·sons⁺·of People-High
Aharon and·Moseh and·Bitterness
and·the·sons⁺·of Aharon
Noble and·Father-of-Him
Powr-Helped and·Island-of-Palm :
Powr-Helped he·bechilded °Copper-Mouth
Copper-Mouth he·bechilded °Father-of-Safety :
and·Father-of-Safety he·bechilded °Vacant
and·Vacant he·bechilded °Mighty :
and·Mighty he·bechilded °¬Zerahiah
and·¬Zerahiah he·bechilded °Bitterness :
Bitterness he·bechilded °Said-of-Yᴡh
and·Said-of-Yᴡh he·bechilded °Brother-of-Good :
and·Brother-of-Good he·bechilded °Just
and·Just he·bechilded °Brother-of-Shell :
and·Brother-of-Shell he·bechilded °Help-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ he·bechilded °Yᴡ-Gracious :
and·Yᴡ-Gracious he·bechilded °Help-of-Yʜᴡ
he that he·was·priest
in·the·house that he·built Shalomo in·Torahshalom :
and·he·bechilds Help-of-Yʜᴡ °Said-of-Yᴡh
and·Said-of-Yᴡh he·bechilded °Brother-of-Good :
and·Brother-of-Good he·bechilded °Just
and·Just he·bechilded °Shalom :
and·Shalom he·bechilded °Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ he·bechilded °Help-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ he·bechilded °Prince-Yʜᴡ
and·Prince-Yʜᴡ he·bechilded °Yʜᴡ-Justified :
and·Yʜᴡ-Justified he·walked
when·stripping Yʜᴡʜ
°Gloryhand and·Torahshalom
in·the·hand·of Prophethelpedkadre :
the·sons⁺·of Debtor
Driven Associate and·Bitterness :
and·these the·names⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Driven White and·Hearing :
and·the·sons⁺·of Associate
People-High and·Elixer
and·Alliance and·Might-of-Powr :
the·sons⁺·of Bitterness Piercedïte and·Budgeïte
and·these the·families⁺·of the·Debtorïte to·their·fathers⁺ :
White his·son Unity his·son Determination his·son :
Yᴡ-Brother his·son Decorater his·son
Dawn his·son ¬Jeaterai his·son :
the·sons⁺·of Associate
People-Noble his·son
Baldness his·son Chainedman his·son :
Powr-Stocked his·son and·Father-of-Gather his·son and·Chainedman his·son :
Under his·son Light-of-Powr his·son
Might-of-Yʜᴡ his·son and·Requested his·son :
and·the·sons⁺·of Powr-Stocked
Loadded and·Brother-of-Death :
the·sons⁺·of Powr-Stocked
Top his·son and·Peace his·son :
Powr-of-Father his·son Wombing his·son Powr-Stocked his·son :
and·the·sons⁺·of Heard-by-Powr the·firstborn ¬Vashni and·Father-of-Yʜᴡ :
the·sons⁺·of Bitterness Piercedïte
White his·son Hearing his·son Might his·son :
Hearing his·son Feast-of-Yʜ his·son Deed-of-Yʜ his·son :
and·these that he·caused·to·stand Intimate upon hands²·of song the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
from·the·peaceful·place·of the·ark :
and·they·are⁺ assistants⁺ to·face⁺·of dwelling·place·of tent·of assembly in·the·song
unto building Shalomo °the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·Torahshalom
and·they·stand⁺ as·their·judgment upon their·service :
and·these that·stand⁺ and·their·sons⁺
from·the·sons⁺·of the·Associateïte
Truth the·singer
the·son·of Yᴡ-Powr the·son·of Heard-by-Powr :
the·son·of Powr-Stocked the·son·of Wombing
the·son·of Powr-of-Powr the·son·of Underling :
the·son·of Top the·son·of Powr-Stocked
the·son·of Wiping the·son·of Loadded :
the·son·of Powr-Stocked the·son·of Yᴡ-Powr
the·son·of Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Secret-of-Yʜᴡ :
the·son·of Under the·son·of Chainedman
the·son·of Father-of-Gather the·son·of Baldness :
the·son·of Elixer the·son·of Associate
the·son·of Debtor the·son·of Princepowr :
and·his·brother Gatherer
that·stands upon his·right
Gatherer the·son·of Kneel-of-Yʜ the·son·of Hearing :
the·son·of Who-as-Powr the·son·of In-Deed-of-Yʜ the·son·of King-of-Yʜᴡ :
the·son·of ¬Ethni the·son·of Dawn the·son·of Decked-of-Yʜᴡ :
the·son·of Rugged the·son·of Determination the·son·of Hearing :
the·son·of Unity the·son·of Driven the·son·of Debtor :
and·the·sons⁺·of Bitterness their·brothers⁺ upon the·left
Rugged the·son·of My-Snare
the·son·of My-Servant the·son·of King :
the·son·of Considered-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Bold-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ :
the·son·of Bold the·son·of Built the·son·of Watch :
the·son·of Piercedïte the·son·of Budgeïte
the·son·of Bitterness the·son·of Debtor :
and·their·brothers⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺
given⁺ to·all·of the·service·of
the·dwelling·place·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·Aharon and·his·sons⁺ incendiating⁺ upon the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering and·upon the·offering·place·of the·incense
to·all·of the·ministry·of Sanctuary·of the·Sanctuaries⁺
and·to·atone upon Princepowr
as·all that he·commanded
Moseh the·servant·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·these the·sons⁺·of Aharon
Powr-Helped his·son Copper-Mouth his·son Father-of-Safety his·son :
Vacant his·son Mighty his·son ¬Zerahiah his·son :
Bitterness his·son Said-of-Yᴡh his·son Brother-of-Good his·son :
Just his·son Brother-of-Shell his·son :
and·these their·seats⁺
to·their·colonnades⁺ in·their·border
to·the·sons⁺·of Aharon to·the·family·of the·Associateïte
as to·them he·was the·lot :
and·they·give⁺ to·them °Alliance in·the·land·of Gloryhand
and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ turninground⁺·her :
and·°the·field·of the·city and·°her·courtyards⁺
they·gave⁺ to·Dog the·son·of He-Faces :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Aharon they·gave⁺ °the·cities⁺·of the·shelter
°Alliance and·°Whitetree and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Immanent and·°Eshte-Moa and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Stronghold and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Speakingplace·of and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Smoke and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°House·of Sun and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·from·the·branch·of Son-of-Right °Hill and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ and·°¬Alameth and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Responses and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
all·of their·cities⁺ three·of and·ten·of city in·their·families⁺ :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Associate the·remnants⁺ from·the·family·of the·branch from·the·half·of the·branch·of the·half·of Frustration in·the·lot cities⁺ ten :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Driven to·their·families⁺ from·the·branch·of He-Is-Hire and·from·the·branch·of Blessed and·from·the·branch·of Knot and·from·the·branch·of Frustration in·the·Bashan
cities⁺ three·of and·ten :
to·the·sons⁺·of Bitterness to·their·families⁺ from·the·branch·of See-Son and·from·the·branch·of Clout and·from·the·branch·of Residence in·the·lot
cities⁺ two² and·ten :
and·they·give⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
°the·cities⁺ and·°their·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·they·give⁺ in·the·lot from·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand and·from·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Heard
and·from·the·branch·of the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right
°the·cities⁺ these
that they·call⁺ °them in·names⁺ :
and·from·the·families⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Associate
and·he·is the·cities⁺·of their·border
from·the·branch·of Fruits² :
and·they·give⁺ to·them °the·cities⁺·of the·shelter °Yoke and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ in·the·mount·of Fruits²
and·°Section and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Rising-People and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°House·of Brilliant and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Powerest and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Cellar Pomegranate and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·from·the·half·of the·branch·of Frustration
°Youht and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Devouring-People and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
to·the·family to·the·sons⁺·of Associate the·remnants⁺ :
to·the·sons⁺·of Driven
from·the·family·of the·half·of the·branch·of Frustration
°Stripped in·the·Bashan and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Blessings⁺ and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·from·the·branch·of He-Is-Hire
°Sanctuary and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Speech and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Heightses⁺ and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°¬Anem and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·from·the·branch·of Blessed
°¬Mashal and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Service and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°¬Hukkok and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Broadway and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·from·the·branch·of Knot °Sanctuary in·the·Roll and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°¬Hammon and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Wallings² and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
to·the·sons⁺·of Bitterness the·remnants⁺
from·the·branch·of Residence
°Pomegranate and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
°Summit and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·from·the·region·across to·Descender·of Breath to·the·dawn·of the·Descender
from·the·branch·of See-Son
°Fortress in·the·outspeak and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°➝Yahatz and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Fronts⁺ and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Shining and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·from·the·branch·of Clout
°Heightses⁺ in·the·Roll-of-Witness and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°Camps² and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·°Consideration and·°her·cattle·drives⁺
and·°He-Helps and·°her·cattle·drives⁺ :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of He-Is-Hire Fangworm and·Edger Returns and·Watching four :
and·the·sons⁺·of Fangworm Mighty and·Yʜ-Healed and·Torahed-of-Powr and·¬Jahmai and·Spice and·Heard-by-Powr heads⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ to·Fangworm
heroes⁺·of strength to·their·childages⁺
their·count in·the·days⁺·of Intimate
twenty⁺ and·two² thousand and·six hundred⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Mighty ¬Izrahiah
and·the·sons⁺·of ¬Izrahiah Who-as-Powr and·Servant-of-Yʜᴡ and·Yᴡ-Powr Defrauded-of-Yʜᴡ five heads⁺ all·of·them :
and·upon·them to·their·childages⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ clouttroops⁺·of host·of battle
thirty⁺ and·six thousand
as they·multiplied⁺ women⁺ and·sons⁺ :
and·their·brothers⁺ to·all·of the·families⁺·of He-Is-Hire
heroes⁺·of strengths⁺
eighty⁺ and·seven thousand
their·registration to·all :
Son-of-Right Devourment and·First and·Known-of-Powr three :
and·the·sons⁺·of Devourment Etzbown and·Mighty and·Might-of-Powr and·Heights⁺ and·Civic five heads⁺·of house·of fathers⁺
heroes⁺·of strengths⁺
and·their·registration twenty⁺ and·two² thousand
and·thirty⁺ and·four :
and·the·sons⁺·of First Music and·Yᴡ-Musters and·Powr-of-Help and·To-Yᴡ-My-Eyes and·My-Sheaf and·Heights⁺ and·Father-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Responses and·¬Alameth
all·of these the·sons⁺·of First :
and·their·registration to·their·childages⁺ the·heads⁺·of the·house·of their·fathers⁺
heroes⁺·of strength
twenty⁺ thousand and·hundred² :
and·the·sons⁺·of Known-of-Powr Agitation
and·the·sons⁺·of Agitation Mustering and·Son-of-Right and·Ehud and·Cashier and·¬Zethan
and·Tarshysh and·Brother-of-Morning :
all·of these the·sons⁺·of Known-of-Powr to·the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺
heroes⁺·of strengths⁺
seven and·ten thousand and·hundred²
going⁺·of host to·the·battle :
and·Bruises⁺ and·Shrouds⁺ the·sons⁺·of City
Hurriers⁺ the·sons⁺·of After :
the·sons⁺·of Knot Half-of-Power and·Guarden and·Form and·Shalom the·sons⁺·of Agitation :
the·sons⁺·of Frustration
Blest-of-Powr that she·enchilded
his·concubine the·Heightïte
she·enchilded °Seller the·father·of Roll-of-Witness :
and·Seller he·took woman to·Shrouds⁺ and·to·Bruises⁺
and·the·name·of his·sister Battering
and·the·name·of the·second Tzalaf-One
and·they·are⁺ to·Tzalaf-One daughters⁺ :
and·she·enchilds Battering the·woman·of Seller son
and·she·calls his·name Feces·of
and·the·name·of his·brother ¬Sharesh
and·his·sons⁺ Tonguetied·of and·¬Rekem :
and·the·sons⁺·of Tonguetied·of Server
these the·sons⁺·of Roll-of-Witness
the·son·of Seller the·son·of Frustration :
and·his·sister the·Queen
she·enchilded °Man-of-Splendor
and·°Father-of-Help and·°Pierced :
and·they·are⁺ the·sons⁺·of Name-Knows
Brotherhood and·Yoke
and·Taking and·Melancholy-of-People :
and·the·sons⁺·of Fruits² Roar-of-Telach
and·Hail his·son and·Under his·son
and·¬Eladah his·son and·Under his·son :
and·Award his·son and·Roar-of-Telach his·son and·Help and·¬Elead
and·they·killed⁺·them the·mortals⁺·of Cellar the·children⁺ in·the·land
as they·descended⁺
to·take °their·stock :
and·he·mourns Fruits² their·father days⁺ many⁺
and·they·enter⁺ his·brothers⁺ to·sigh·with·him :
and·he·enters to his·woman
and·she·progenates and·she·enchilds son
and·he·calls °his·name In-Badness
as in·badness she·was in·his·house :
and·his·daughter Meat
and·she·builds °House·of Brilliant the·undermost and·°the·uppermost
and·°Ear Meat :
and·¬Rephah his·son and·Sparks and·Telach his·son and·Camp his·son :
Laadan his·son People-of-Splendor his·son Powr-Hears his·son :
Issuer his·son Yʜᴡ-Saved his·son :
and·their·freehold and·their·seats⁺
House·of Powr and·her·daughters⁺
and·to·the·dawn Youthful
and·to·the·evening·place Section and·her·daughters⁺ and·Yoke and·her·daughters⁺
unto Mighty and·her·daughters⁺ :
and·upon the·hands²·of the·sons⁺·of Frustration House·of Placidity and·her·daughters⁺ Taanak and·her·daughters⁺
Clout-Place and·her·daughters⁺ Saeculo and·her·daughters⁺
in·these they·settled⁺
the·sons⁺·of He-Adds the·son·of Princepowr :
the·sons⁺·of Blessed Right and·Level and·Level and·In-Badness and·Dangling their·sister :
and·the·sons⁺·of In-Badness
Alliance·of and·King-of-Powr
he the·father·of Irons :
and·Alliance he·bechilded °He-Rescues
and·°Watcher and·°¬Hotham
and·°Salvation their·sister :
and·the·sons⁺·of He-Rescues
¬Pasach and·In-Snip and·¬Ashvath
these the·sons⁺·of He-Rescues :
and·the·sons⁺·of Watch
My-Brother·of and·¬Rohgah and·Concealed and·Height :
and·the·son·of ¬Helem his·brother
¬Zophah and·¬Imna and·Third and·Toil :
the·sons⁺·of ¬Zophah
Rubble and·¬Harnepher and·Fox and·¬Beri and·¬Imrah :
Fortress and·Splendor and·Desolation and·Three and·Remainder and·Well :
and·the·sons⁺·of Remainder
He-Faces and·¬Pispah and·Lion :
and·the·sons⁺·of ¬Ulla
¬Arah and·Grace-of-Powr and·¬Rezia :
all·of these the·sons⁺·of Blessed the·heads⁺·of the·house·of the·fathers⁺ clean⁺ heroes⁺·of strengths⁺
the·heads⁺·of the·wellborns⁺
and·their·registration in·the·host in·the·battle
their·count mortals⁺
twenty⁺ and·six thousand :
he·bechilded °Devourment his·firstborn
Shooting the·second
and·After-Brother the·third :
Peace the·fourth
and·Healing the·fifth :
and·they·are⁺ sons⁺ to·Devourment
Regal and·Chaw and·Father-of-Splendor :
and·Father-of-Safety and·Amiability and·Brother-Bro :
and·Chaw and·Bruisersnake and·Their-Brilliance :
and·these the·sons⁺·of One
these they⁺ heads⁺·of fathers⁺ to·the·settling⁺·of Hill
and·they·strip⁺·them to Peaceful :
and·Amiability and·Brother-of-Yʜᴡ and·Chaw he he·stripped·them
and·he·bechilded °Might and·°Brother-of-Riddle :
and·Mornings² he·bechilded in·the·field·of From-Father
from his·sending·out °them
Hurriers⁺ and·°Consumerish his·women⁺ :
and·he·bechilds from New·Moon his·woman
°Whimperer and·°Prettygazelle
and·°¬Mesha and·°Kingm :
and·°Counsellor and·°Knit-of-Yʜ and·°Trickery
these his·sons⁺ heads⁺·of fathers⁺ :
and·from·Hurriers⁺ he·bechilded °Father-of-Good and·°¬Elpaal :
and·the·sons⁺·of ¬Elpaal
Across and·¬Misham and·Watch
he he·built °Vital
and·°¬Lod and·her·daughters⁺ :
and·In-Badness and·Hearing
they⁺ the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺
to·the·settling⁺·of Powerest
they⁺ they·made·bolt⁺ °the·settling⁺·of Cellar :
and·Brotherly ¬Shashak and·Heights⁺ :
and·Award-of-Yʜᴡ and·Burro and·Flock :
and·Who-as-Powr and·Ridge and·Yᴡ-Enlivened the·sons⁺·of In-Badness :
and·Award-of-Yʜᴡ and·Shalomed and·Firm and·Alliance :
and·Watcher and·¬Jezliah and·Whimperer the·sons⁺·of ¬Elpaal :
and·He-Raises and·Remembered and·My-Award :
and·To-Yᴡ-My-Eyes and·Shady and·Powr-of-Powr :
and·Decked-of-Yʜᴡ and·Shaped-of-Yʜ and·Watching the·sons⁺·of Hearing :
and·¬Ishpan and·Across and·Powr-of-Powr :
and·Service and·Remembered and·Grace :
and·Grace-of-Yʜᴡ and·Hooded and·Responses-of-Yʜ :
and·Yʜ-Ransoms and·Face-of-Powr the·sons⁺·of ¬Shashak :
and·Sunsong and·Morning-of-Yʜ and·Athl-Yʜᴡ :
and·¬Jaresiah and·Powr-Yʜ and·Remembered the·sons⁺·of Wombing :
these heads⁺·of fathers⁺ to·their·childages⁺ heads⁺
these they·settled⁺ in·Torahshalom :
and·in·Hillside they·settled⁺ the·father·of Hillside
and·the·name·of his·woman Battering :
and·his·son the·firstborn Service
and·Rock and·Snare and·Master and·Noble :
and·Fence and·Brotherly and·Memory :
and·¬Mikloth he·bechilded °Shimah
and·¡yes! they⁺ before their·brothers⁺ they·settled⁺ in·Torahshalom near their·brothers⁺ :
and·Lamp·of he·bechilded °Snare
and·Snare he·bechilded °Requested
and·Requested he·bechilded °Yʜᴡ-Given and·°King·of Safety
and·°Father-Noble and·°Man-of-Master :
and·the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Given Arguing Master
and·Arguing Master he·bechilded °Who-As :
and·the·sons⁺·of Who-As
¬Pithon and·King and·Taarea and·Holder :
and·Holder he·bechilded °Yʜᴡ-Decorated
and·Yʜᴡ-Decorated he·bechilded °¬Alameth and·°Might-of-Death and·°Musical
and·Musical he·bechilded °Going :
and·Going·of he·bechilded °¬Binea
Healing his·son Powr-Did his·son Aside his·son :
and·to·Aside six sons⁺
and·these their·names⁺ Help-of-Raising First and·Powr-Hears and·Gated-of-Yʜ
and·Servant-of-Yʜᴡ and·Grace
all these the·sons⁺·of Aside :
and·the·sons⁺·of Intimidation his·brother
Tonguetied·of his·firstborn
Mustering the·second
and·Power-of-Rescue the·third :
and·they·are⁺ sons⁺·of Tonguetied·of mortals⁺ heroes⁺·of strength stepping·forward⁺·of bow and·multiplying⁺ sons⁺ and·sons⁺·of sons⁺
hundred and·fifty⁺
all these from·the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right :
and·all·of Princepowr they·registered⁺
and·¡lo!·them written⁺
upon the·account·of the·kings⁺·of Princepowr
and·Gloryhand they·were·stripped⁺ to·Babylon in·their·disguisal :
and·that·settle⁺ the·headmost⁺
that in·their·freehold in·their·cities⁺
Princepowr the·priests⁺
the·Debtorïtes⁺ and·the·given-ones⁺ :
and·in·Torahshalom they·settled⁺
from the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand and·from the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right
and·from the·sons⁺·of Fruits² and·Frustration :
¬Uthai the·son·of People-of-Splendor the·son·of My-Sheaf the·son·of My-Saying the·son·of Built from
the·sons⁺·of Rupture the·son·of Gloryhand :
and·from the·Relaxationïte
Deed-of-Yʜ the·firstborn and·his·sons⁺ :
and·from the·sons⁺·of Dawn Shoveled-by-Powr
and·their·brothers⁺ six·of hundred⁺ and·ninety⁺ :
and·from the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right
¬Sallai the·son·of Shalomed
the·son·of Splendor-of-Yʜ the·son·of the·¬Senaah :
and·Yʜ-Builds the·son·of Wombing
and·Powrtree the·son·of Mighty the·son·of ¬Michri
and·Shalomed the·son·of Judge-Yʜᴡ
the·son·of Tendent-of-Powr the·son·of Yʜ-Builds :
and·their·brothers⁺ to·their·childages⁺
nine·of hundred⁺ and·fifty⁺ and·six
all these mortals⁺
heads⁺·of fathers⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·from the·priests⁺
Known-of-Yʜ and·Yʜᴡ-Argues and·He-Assures :
and·Help-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Shalomed the·son·of Just the·son·of Bitterness the·son·of Brother-of-Good
the·foremost·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·Decked-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Wombing
the·son·of Tattering the·son·of King-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Doer the·son·of Decked-of-Powr the·son·of ¬Jahzerah the·son·of Shalomed the·son·of Made-Shalom the·son·of Saying :
and·their·brothers⁺ heads⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺
thousand and·seven hundred⁺ and·sixty⁺
the·heroes⁺·of the·strength·of
the·ministry·of the·service·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·from the·Debtorïtes⁺
Heard-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Considering the·son·of Help-of-Raising the·son·of Considered-of-Yʜᴡ from the·sons⁺·of Bitterness :
and·Plowplow Crafty and·Roll-Account
and·Gift-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Who-As
the·son·of Remembered the·son·of Gatherer :
and·Servant-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Heard-Yʜᴡ
the·son·of Roll-Account the·son·of Gloryhandish
and·Kneel-of-Yʜ the·son·of Physician the·son·of Powr-Stocked
that·settles in·the·courtyards⁺·of Distillïte :
and·the·gatekeepers⁺ Shalom and·Heeler
and·¬Talmon and·Brother-of-Lot
and·their·brother Shalom the·head :
and·unto here
in·the·gate·of the·king ➝dawn
they⁺ the·gatekeepers⁺
to·the·camps⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Debtor :
and·Shalom the·son·of Caller the·son·of Father-of-Gather the·son·of Baldness and·his·brothers⁺ to·the·house·of his·father the·Baldnessïtes⁺ upon the·ministry·of the·service
the·watching⁺·of the·portals⁺ to·the·tent
and·their·fathers⁺ upon the·camp·of Yʜᴡʜ
the·watching⁺·of the·entrance :
and·Copper-Mouth the·son·of Powr-Helped foremost he·was upon·them to·face⁺ Yʜᴡʜ near·him :
Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Shalom-Yʜᴡ
gatekeeper·of opening to·tent·of assembly :
all·of·them that·are·clean⁺ to·gatekeepers⁺ in·the·portals⁺
hundred² and·two² and·ten
they⁺ in·their·courtyards⁺ their·registration
they⁺ he·set·the·foundation·of Intimate and·Heard-by-Powr the·seer in·their·truth :
and·they⁺ and·their·sons⁺ upon the·gates⁺ to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ to·the·house·of the·tent to·watches⁺ :
to·four·of breaths⁺
they·are⁺ the·gatekeepers⁺
dawn ➝sea ➝north and➝negev :
and·their·brothers⁺ in·their·courtyards⁺ to·enter to·the·seven·of the·days⁺ from·season to season near these :
as in·truth they⁺ the·four·of the·heroes⁺·of the·gatekeepers⁺
they⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·they·were⁺ upon the·rooms⁺
and·upon the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·turninground⁺ the·house·of the·Powers⁺ they·repose⁺
as upon·them watch
and·they⁺ upon the·opener and·to·the·dayplow to·the·dayplow :
and·from·them upon the·things⁺·of the·service
as in·count they·bring·them·in⁺
and·in·count they·let·them·go⁺ :
and·from·them allotted⁺ upon the·things⁺
and·upon all·of the·things⁺·of the·sanctuary
and·upon the·flour and·the·wine and·the·oil
and·the·white·incense and·the·spices⁺ :
and·from the·sons⁺·of the·priests⁺
the·compounders⁺·of the·compound to·the·spices⁺ :
and·Gift-of-Yʜᴡ from the·Debtorïtes⁺
he the·firstborn to·Shalom the·Baldnessïte
in·truth upon the·doing·of the·skillets⁺ :
and·from the·sons⁺·of the·Associateïte from their·brothers⁺ upon the·bread·of the·line
to·make·sure rest·of rest :
and·these the·singers⁺ heads⁺·of fathers⁺ to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ in·the·rooms⁺ outspurts⁺
as daytime and·night upon·them in·the·ministry :
these the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ to·their·childages⁺ heads⁺
these they·settled⁺ in·Torahshalom :
and·in·Hillside they·settled⁺ the·father·of Hillside Shoveled-by-Powr
and·the·name·of his·woman Battering :
and·his·son the·firstborn Service
and·Rock and·Snare
and·Master and·Lamp·of and·Noble :
and·Fence and·Brotherly
and·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ and·¬Mikloth :
and·¬Mikloth he·bechilded °Shimam
and·¡yes! they⁺ before their·brothers⁺ they·settled⁺ in·Torahshalom near their·brothers⁺ :
and·Lamp·of he·bechilded °Snare
and·Snare he·bechilded °Requested
and·Requested he·bechilded °Yʜᴡ-Given and·°King·of Safety
and·°Father-Noble and·°Man-of-Master :
and·the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Given Arguing Master
and·Argue Master·of he·bechilded °Who-As :
and·the·sons⁺·of Who-As
¬Pithon and·King and·Tachrea :
and·Holder he·bechilded °Foresthoneycomb
and·Foresthoneycomb he·bechilded °¬Alameth and·°Might-of-Death and·°Musical
and·Musical he·bechilded °Going :
and·Going·of he·bechilded °¬Binea
and·Yʜ-Healed his·son Powr-Did his·son Aside his·son :
and·to·Aside six sons⁺
and·these their·names⁺ Help-of-Raising First and·Powr-Hears and·Gated-of-Yʜ
and·Servant-of-Yʜᴡ and·Grace
these the·sons⁺·of Aside :
and·Palestinians⁺ they·battled⁺ in·Princepowr
the·man·of Princepowr from·the·face⁺·of Palestinians⁺
and·they·fall⁺ pierced⁺ in·the·mount·of Roll-of-Petition :
and·they·join·up⁺ Palestinians⁺
after⁺ Requested and·after⁺ his·sons⁺
and·they·strike⁺ Palestinians⁺ °Yᴡ-Given and·°Father-Noble and·°King·of Safety the·sons⁺·of Requested :
and·she·weighs·down the·battle upon Requested
and·they·find⁺·him that·torah⁺ in·the·bow
and·he·whirls·in·labor from that·torah⁺ :
and·he·says Requested to the·bearer·of his·things⁺ ꜝunsheathe your·sword and·ꜝstab·me in·her lest they·enter⁺ the·foreskinned⁺ these and·they·exploited·themselves⁺ in·me
and he·did·not·want the·bearer·of his·things⁺
as he·feared very
and·he·takes Requested °the·sword
and·he·falls upon·her :
and·he·sees the·bearer·of his·things⁺ as he·died Requested
and·he·falls also he upon the·sword and·he·dies :
and·he·dies Requested and·the·three·of his·sons⁺
and·all·of his·house united they·died⁺ :
and·they·see⁺ all·of the·man·of Princepowr that in·the·deepland as they·fled⁺
and·as they·died⁺ Requested and·his·sons⁺
and·they·abandon⁺ their·cities⁺ and·they·flee⁺
and·they·enter⁺ Palestinians⁺
and·they·settle⁺ in·them :
and·he·is from·aftermorrow
and·they·enter⁺ Palestinians⁺
to·unmantle °the·pierced⁺
and·they·find⁺ °Requested and·°his·sons⁺
falling⁺ in·the·mount·of Roll-of-Petition :
and·they·bear⁺ °his·head and·°his·things⁺
and·they·send·out⁺ in·the·land·of Palestinians⁺ turninground to·flesh·out °their·pains⁺ and·°the·people :
and·they·place⁺ °his·things⁺
the·house·of their·Powers⁺
and·°his·rollskull they·hit⁺ the·house·of Fishness :
all·of Dry Roll-of-Witness
°all that they·did⁺ Palestinians⁺ to·Requested :
and·they·arise⁺ all·of man·of strength
and·they·bear⁺ °the·body·of Requested and·°the·bodies⁺·of his·sons⁺
and·they·bring·them·in⁺ ➝Dry
and·they·entomb⁺ °their·bones⁺ under the·powrtree in·Dry
and·they·fast⁺ seven·of days⁺ :
and·he·dies Requested in·his·disguisal that he·disguised·himself in·Yʜᴡʜ
upon the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·did·not·watch
and·also to·request in·the·ghost to·investigate :
and he·did·not·investigate in·Yʜᴡʜ and·he·puts·him·to·death
and·he·turns °the·kingship
to·Intimate the·son·of He-Is :
and·they·are·collected⁺ all·of Princepowr to Intimate ➝Alliance saying
¡lo! your·bone and·your·flesh we⁺ :
also recent also threeday also when·being Requested king
you that·lets·go and·that·brings·in °Princepowr
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·you you you·tend °my·people °Princepowr
and·you you·are foremost
upon my·people Princepowr :
and·they·enter⁺ all·of the·elders⁺·of Princepowr to the·king ➝Alliance
and·he·cuts·in to·them Intimate covenant in·Alliance to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·anoint⁺ °Intimate to·king upon Princepowr
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·hand·of Heard-by-Powr :
and·he·walks Intimate and·all·of Princepowr Torahshalom she Trodden
and·there the·Troddenïte
the·settling⁺·of the·land :
and·they·say⁺ the·settling⁺·of Trodden to·Intimate
you·do·not·enter here
and·he·seizes Intimate °the·huntinglodge·of Tzion
she the·city·of Intimate :
and·he·says Intimate
all·of the·striking·of Troddenïte in·the·headmost
he·is to·head and·to·prince
and·he·goes·up in·the·headmost Yᴡ-Fathered the·son·of Balsamed and·he·is to·head :
and·he·settles Intimate in·the·huntinglodge
upon surely they·called⁺ to·him the·city·of Intimate :
and·he·builds the·city from·turninground
from the·fulling and·unto turninground
and·Yᴡ-Fathered he·keeps·alive °the·survivor·of the·city :
and·he·walks Intimate walking and·becoming·great
and·Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺ near·him :
and·these the·heads⁺·of the·heroes⁺ that to·Intimate
that·make·themselves·firm⁺ near·him in·his·kingship near all·of Princepowr to·king·him
as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ upon Princepowr :
and·these the·count·of the·heroes⁺ that to·Intimate
People-Return the·son·of Wisdomïte the·head·of the·third-ranking·men⁺
he he·aroused °his·campspear upon three·of hundred⁺ pierced in·time one :
and·after⁺·him Powr-Helped the·son·of Intimacy the·Brotherbroïte
he in·three the·heroes⁺ :
he he·was near Intimate in·the·Ampleness Bloods and·the·Palestinians⁺ they·were·gathered⁺ there to·the·battle
and·she·is the·division·of the·field full hairbarley⁺
and·the·people they·fled⁺ from·the·face⁺·of Palestinians⁺ :
and·they·post·themselves⁺ in·the·midst·of the·division and·they·snatch·her·away⁺
and·they·strike⁺ °Palestinians⁺
and·he·saves Yʜᴡʜ salvation great :
and·they·descend⁺ three from the·thirty⁺ head upon the·rock to Intimate
to the·barrens·of Adlam
and·the·camp·of Palestinians⁺
camping in·the·deepland·of Raphahs⁺ :
and·Intimate then in·the·huntinglodge
and·the·post·of Palestinians⁺
then in·House·of Bread :
and·he·yearns·for Intimate and·he·says
¿who he·gives·me·to·drink waters⁺
from·the·well·of House·of Bread that in·the·gate :
and·they·cleave⁺ the·three in·the·camp·of Palestinians⁺ and·they·fetch⁺ waters⁺ from·the·well·of House·of Bread that in·the·gate
and·they·bear⁺ and·they·bring·in⁺ to Intimate
and he·did·not·want Intimate to·drink·them
and·he·libates·out °them to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says ¡pierce·it! to·me from·my·Powers⁺ from·doing this ¿the·blood·of the·mortals⁺ these I·drink in·their·souls⁺ as in·their·souls⁺ they·brought·them·in⁺
and he·did·not·want to·drink·them
these they·did⁺
the·three·of the·heroes⁺ :
and·Father-of-Homage the·brother·of Yᴡ-Fathered he he·was the·head·of the·three
and·he he·aroused °his·campspear
upon three·of hundred⁺ pierced
and·to·him name in·the·three :
from the·three in·the·two² weighty
and·he·is to·them to·prince
and·unto the·three he·did·not·enter :
Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known son·of man·of strength much·of works⁺ from Collected-of-Powr
he he·struck °the·two²·of Lion-of-Powr From-Father
and·he he·descended and·he·struck °the·lion in·the·midst·of the·well in·the·day·of the·snow :
and·he he·struck °the·man the·Egyptian man·of measure five in·the·mamacubit and·in·the·hand·of the·Egyptian campspear as·tiller·of weaving⁺
and·he·descends to·him in·the·stem
and·he·robs °the·campspear from·the·hand·of the·Egyptian
and·he·kills·him in·his·campspear :
these he·did
Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known
and·to·him name in·three the·heroes⁺ :
from the·thirty⁺ ¡lo!·him weighty he
and·to the·three he·did·not·enter
and·he·places·him Intimate upon his·hearguard :
and·the·heroes⁺·of the·strengths⁺
Deed·of Powr the·brother·of Yᴡ-Fathered
Powr-Grace the·son·of Intimacy from·House·of Bread :
Desolationses⁺ the·Mountaineer
Dress the·Suchïte :
Rousing the·son·of Warped the·Hithornïte
Father-of-Help the·Responsesïte :
Tangled the·Hurrierïte
Upward the·Brotherbroïte :
Speedy the·Distillïte
Moment the·son·of In-Humiliation the·Distillïte :
With-Me the·son·of Argument from·the·hill·of the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right
Built-Yʜᴡ the·Dishevelïte :
Brilliant from·the·rivers⁺·of Convulsion
Father-of-Powr the·Arabian :
Might-of-Death the·Choiceïte
Powr-Conceals the·Foxbyïte :
the·sons⁺·of Opulence the·¬Gizonite
Yᴡ-Given the·son·of Strayer the·Mountaineer :
Brother-of-Mama the·son·of Hire the·Mountaineer ¬Eliphal the·son·of Light :
Digging the·¬Mekerathite
Brother-of-Yʜᴡ the·Suchïte :
Courtyard the·Orchardïte
My-Youth the·son·of Hyssop :
Yᴡ-Powr the·brother·of Given
Choicest the·son·of The-Lodgerïte :
Tzeleq the·Peopledïte
My-Snorting the·¬Berothite
bearer the·things⁺·of Yᴡ-Fathered the·son·of Balsamed :
Rousing the·Remainderïte
Itchy the·Remainderïte :
Light-of-Yʜ the·Castdownïte
Award the·son·of Ach-Iᵮ :
Comfortable the·son·of ¬Shiza the·See-Sonïte head to·the·See-Sonïte and·upon·him thirty⁺ :
Grace the·son·of Battering
and·Yᴡ-Judge the·Giftïte :
Mighty the·Blessingïte
Hearing and·Shoveled-by-Powr
the·sons⁺·of ¬Hotham the·¬Aroerite :
Known-of-Powr the·son·of Watcher
and·Yᴡ-Enlivened his·brother the·Tytzïte :
Powr-of-Powr the·¬Machavites⁺
and·Argumentative and·Yᴡ-Leveled the·sons⁺·of ¬Elnaam
and·¬Ithmah the·Fromfatherïte :
Powr-of-Powr and·Servant
and·Powr-Does the·¬Metsobajah :
and·these that·enter⁺ to Intimate to·Tziqlag
again restrained
from·the·face⁺·of Requested the·son·of Snare
and·they⁺ in·the·heroes⁺
the·helpers⁺·of the·battle :
armed⁺·of bow righties⁺ and·lefties⁺ in·the·stones⁺
and·in·the·arrows⁺ in·the·bow
from·the·brothers⁺·of Requested from·Son-of-Right :
the·head Brother-of-Help and·Yᴡ-Fire the·sons⁺·of the·Hearing the·Hillyïte
and·Powr-Abounds and·Rescue the·sons⁺·of Might-of-Death
and·Kneeling and·Yʜ-He the·Responsesïte :
and·Yʜᴡ-Hears the·Hillsideïte hero in·the·thirty⁺ and·upon the·thirty⁺ :
and·Yʜᴡ-Heightens and·Powr-Visions and·Yʜᴡ-Gracious
and·Yᴡ-Awarded the·¬Gederathite :
¬Eluzai and·Heights⁺ and·Master-Yʜ and·Watched-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Judge-Yʜᴡ the·¬Haruphite :
Powr-Stocked and·Defrauded-of-Yʜᴡ and·Helped-by-Powr and·Yᴡ-Help and·People-Return the·Baldnessïtes⁺ :
and·Beneficiary and·Award-of-Yʜᴡ the·sons⁺·of Wombing from the·Fence :
and·from the·Cloutïte they·were·separate⁺ to Intimate to·the·huntinglodge·of ➝outspeak the·heroes⁺·of the·strength mortals⁺·of host to·the·battle
lining·up⁺·of shield and·spear
and·face⁺·of lion their·face⁺
and·as·prettygazelles⁺ upon the·mounts⁺ to·speed :
Help the·head
Servant-of-Yʜᴡ the·second
Powr-of-Father the·third :
¬Mishmannah the·fourth
Yʜᴡ-Heightens the·fifth :
Seasonal the·sixth
Powr-of-Powr the·seventh :
Yʜᴡ-Gracious the·eighth
¬Elzabad the·ninth :
Yʜᴡ-Heightens the·tenth
¬Machbanai øne and·ten :
these from·the·sons⁺·of Clout the·heads⁺·of the·host
one to·hundred the·small
and·the·great to·thousand :
these they⁺ that they·crossed·over⁺ °the·Descender in·the·new·moon the·headmost
and·he filling upon all·of his·kidlands⁺
and·they·make·bolt⁺ °all·of the·deeplands⁺
to·the·dawn and·to·the·evening·place :
and·they·enter⁺ from the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right and·Gloryhand
unto to·the·huntinglodge to·Intimate :
and·he·goes Intimate to·their·face⁺
and·he·responds and·he·says to·them
if to·shalom you·entered⁺ to·me to·help·me
he·is to·me upon·you⁺ heart to·united
and·if to·trick·me to·my·rockers⁺ in·not violence in·my·spoons²
ꜝlet·him·see Powers⁺·of our·fathers⁺ and·ꜝlet·him·reprove :
and·breath she·was·robed·in °Loadded the·head·of the·third-ranking·men⁺
to·you Intimate and·near·you the·son·of He-Is
shalom shalom to·you and·shalom to·your·helper
as he·helped·you your·Powers⁺
and·he·accepts·them Intimate
and·he·gives·them in·the·heads⁺·of the·clouttroop :
and·from·Frustration they·fell⁺ upon Intimate when·he·enters near Palestinians⁺ upon Requested to·the·battle and they·did·not·help⁺·them
as in·counsel they·sent·him·out⁺ the·princes⁺·of Palestinians⁺ saying
in·our·heads⁺ he·falls to his·lords⁺ Requested :
when·he·walks to Tziqlag they·fell⁺ upon·him from·Frustration Comfortable and·Yᴡ-Awarded and·Known-of-Powr and·Who-as-Powr and·Yᴡ-Awarded
and·Powr-of-Yʜᴡ and·Shady
the·heads⁺·of the·thousands⁺ that to·Frustration :
and·they⁺ they·helped⁺ near Intimate upon the·clouttroop
as heroes⁺·of strength all·of·them
and·they·are⁺ princes⁺ in·the·host :
as to·season·of day in·day
they·enter⁺ upon Intimate to·help·him
unto to·camp great as·the·camp·of Powers⁺ :
and·these the·counts⁺·of the·heads⁺·of that·is·dressed to·the·host
they·entered⁺ upon Intimate ➝Alliance
to·turn the·kingship·of Requested to·him as·the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ :
the·sons⁺·of Gloryhand
bearers⁺·of shield and·spear
six·of thousands⁺ and·eight hundred⁺ dressed⁺·of host :
from the·sons⁺·of Heard heroes⁺·of strength to·the·host
seven·of thousands⁺ and·hundred :
from the·sons⁺·of the·Debtor
four·of thousands⁺ and·six hundred⁺ :
and·Yʜᴡ-Known the·foremost to·Aharon
and·near·him three·of thousands⁺ and·seven hundred⁺ :
and·Just youth hero·of strength
and·the·house·of his·father princes⁺ twenty⁺ and·two² :
and·from the·sons⁺·of Son-of-Right the·brothers⁺·of Requested three·of thousands⁺
and·unto here their·multitude
watching⁺ the·watch·of the·house·of Requested :
and·from the·sons⁺·of Fruits²
twenty⁺ thousand and·eight hundred⁺
heroes⁺·of strength
mortals⁺·of names⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·from·the·half·of the·branch·of Frustration
eight and·ten thousand
that they·were·punctured⁺ in·names⁺
to·enter to·king °Intimate :
and·from·the·sons⁺·of He-Is-Hire knowing⁺·of discernment to·the·seasons⁺
to·know ¿what he·does Princepowr
their·heads⁺ hundred²
and·all·of their·brothers⁺ upon their·mouth :
from·Residence going⁺·of host lining·up⁺·of battle in·all·of things⁺·of battle fifty⁺ thousand
and·to·flock in·not heart and·heart :
and·from·Knot princes⁺ thousand
and·near·them in·shield and·campspear
thirty⁺ and·seven thousand :
and·from the·Vindicatorïte lining·up⁺·of battle
twenty⁺ and·eight thousand and·six hundred⁺ :
and·from·Blessed going⁺·of host to·line·up battle forty⁺ thousand :
and·from·region·across to·the·Descender from the·See-Sonïte and·the·Cloutïte and·the·half·of the·stem·of Frustration in·all·of things⁺·of host·of battle
hundred and·twenty⁺ thousand :
all these mortals⁺·of battle flocking⁺·of line
in·heart shalomic they·entered⁺ ➝Alliance
to·king °Intimate upon all·of Princepowr
and·also all·of the·survivor·of Princepowr heart one to·king °Intimate :
and·they·are⁺ there near Intimate days⁺ three
eating⁺ and·drinkers⁺
as they·made·sure⁺ to·them their·brothers⁺ :
and·also the·present⁺ to·them unto He-Is-Hire and·Residence and·Knot bringing·in⁺ bread in·the·donkeys⁺ and·in·the·camels⁺ and·in·the·asses⁺ and·in·the·plowcattle edibles meal lumps⁺ and·raisins⁺ and·wine and·oil and·plowcattle and·sheep to·multitude
as gladness in·Princepowr :
and·he·consults Intimate near the·princes⁺·of the·thousands⁺ and·the·hundred⁺ to·all·of foremost :
and·he·says Intimate to·all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr if upon·you⁺ good and·from Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ ꜝlet·us·erupt⁺ ꜝlet·us·send⁺ upon our·brothers⁺ the·survivors⁺ in·all·of the·lands⁺·of Princepowr
and·near·them the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ in·the·cities⁺·of their·cattle·drives⁺
and·they·are·collected⁺ to·us :
and·ꜝlet·us·return⁺ °the·ark·of our·Powers⁺ to·us
as we·did·not·investigate⁺·him in·the·days⁺·of Requested :
and·they·say⁺ all·of the·congregation to·do surely
as he·was·straight the·speech in·the·eyes²·of all·of the·people :
and·he·congregates Intimate °all·of Princepowr
from Murk·of Egypts² and·unto to·Entrance·of Rampart
to·bring·in °the·ark·of the·Powers⁺
from·Walledcity·of Forests⁺ :
and·he·goes·up Intimate and·all·of Princepowr ➝Mistress
to Walledcity·of Forests⁺ that to·Gloryhand
to·offer·up from·there °the·ark·of the·Powers⁺ Yʜᴡʜ settling the·cherubs⁺ that he·was·called name :
and·they·carry⁺ °the·ark·of the·Powers⁺ upon wagon new
from·the·house·of Father-Noble
and·Might and·Brotherly
leading⁺ in·the·wagon :
and·Intimate and·all·of Princepowr making·laughter⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·Powers⁺ in·all·of might
and·in·songs⁺ and·in·lyres⁺ and·in·wiltharps⁺ and·in·timbrels⁺
and·in·ringers² and·in·trumpets⁺ :
and·they·enter⁺ unto the·threshingfloor·of ¬Chidon
and·he·sends Might °his·hand to·hold °the·ark
as they·released⁺ the·plowcattle :
and·he·is·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ in·Might
and·he·strikes·him upon that he·sent his·hand upon the·ark
and·he·dies there to·the·face⁺·of Powers⁺ :
and·he·is·scorched to·Intimate
as he·erupted Yʜᴡʜ rupture in·Might
and·he·calls to·the·rising·place he Rupture Might
unto the·day this :
and·he·fears Intimate °the·Powers⁺
in·the·day he saying
¿ħow I·bring·in to·me
°the·ark·of the·Powers⁺ :
and he·did·not·remove Intimate °the·ark to·him to the·city·of Intimate
and·he·branches·out·him to the·house·of Servant Blood the·Cellarïte :
and·he·settles the·ark·of the·Powers⁺ near the·house·of Servant Blood in·his·house three new·moons⁺
and·he·kneels Yʜᴡʜ °the·house·of Servant Blood and·°all that to·him :
and·he·sends Their-Brilliance the·king·of Rock ministers⁺ to Intimate
and·trees⁺·of cedars⁺
and·craftsmen⁺·of wall
and·craftsmen⁺·of trees⁺
to·build to·him house :
and·he·knows Intimate
as he·made·him·sure Yʜᴡʜ to·king upon Princepowr
as she·was·borne to➝upward his·kingship
in·sake·of his·people Princepowr :
and·he·takes Intimate again women⁺ in·Torahshalom
and·he·bechilds Intimate again sons⁺ and·daughters⁺ :
and·these the·names⁺·of that·are·children⁺
that they·were⁺ to·him in·Torahshalom
Heard and·Turning
Given and·Shalomo :
and·He-Chooses and·Powr-Saved and·Power-of-Rescue :
and·Brightness and·Germination and·Shining :
and·Powr-Hears and·Master-Known and·Power-of-Rescue :
and·they·hear⁺ Palestinians⁺ as he·was·anointed Intimate to·king upon all·of Princepowr
and·they·go·up⁺ all·of Palestinians⁺ to·seek °Intimate
and·he·hears Intimate
and·he·goes to·their·face⁺ :
and·Palestinians⁺ they·entered⁺
and·they·dismantle⁺ in·the·deepland·of Raphahs⁺ :
and·he·requests Intimate in·Powers⁺ saying
¿I·go·up upon Palestinians⁺
and·you·gave·them in·my·hand
and·he·says to·him Yʜᴡʜ ꜝgo·up
and·I·gave·them in·your·hand :
and·they·go·up⁺ in·Master·of Ruptures and·he·strikes·them there Intimate
and·he·says Intimate
he·erupted the·Powers⁺ °my·enemies⁺ in·my·hand as·rupture·of waters⁺
upon surely they·called⁺ the·name·of the·rising·place he Master·of Ruptures :
and·they·abandon⁺ there °their·Powers⁺
and·he·says Intimate
and·they·are·burned⁺ in·the·fire :
and·they·add⁺ again Palestinians⁺
and·they·dismantle⁺ in·the·deepland :
and·he·requests again Intimate in·Powers⁺
and·he·says to·him the·Powers⁺
you·do·not·go·up after⁺·them
ꜝturn from·upon·them
and·you·entered to·them from·the·snip·of the·weeping·willows⁺ :
and·ꜝlet·him·be as·you·hear °the·voice·of the·pacing in·the·heads⁺·of the·weeping·willows⁺
then you·go in·the·battle
as he·went the·Powers⁺ to·your·face⁺
to·strike °the·camp·of Palestinians⁺ :
and·he·does Intimate
as·how he·commanded·him the·Powers⁺
and·they·strike⁺ °the·camp·of Palestinians⁺
from·Hillside and·unto ➝Section :
and·he·goes the·name·of Intimate in·all·of the·lands⁺
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·gave °his·trembling upon all·of the·clans⁺ :
and·he·does to·him houses⁺ in·the·city·of Intimate
and·he·makes·sure rising·place to·the·ark·of the·Powers⁺
and·he·branches·out to·him tent :
then he·said Intimate
not to·bear °the·ark·of the·Powers⁺
but rather the·Debtorïtes⁺
as in·them he·chose Yʜᴡʜ to·bear °the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·assist·him unto eternity :
and·he·congregates Intimate °all·of Princepowr to Torahshalom
to·offer·up °the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ
to his·rising·place that he·made·sure to·him :
and·he·gathers Intimate °the·sons⁺·of Aharon and·°the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
to·the·sons⁺·of Associate
Light-of-Powr the·prince
and·his·brothers⁺ hundred and·twenty⁺ :
to·the·sons⁺·of Bitterness
Deed-of-Yʜ the·prince
and·his·brothers⁺ hundred² and·twenty⁺ :
to·the·sons⁺·of Driven
Yᴡ-Powr the·prince
and·his·brothers⁺ hundred and·thirty⁺ :
to·the·sons⁺·of Powr-Secret
Heard-Yʜᴡ the·prince and·his·brothers⁺ hundred² :
to·the·sons⁺·of Alliance
Powr-of-Powr the·prince and·his·brothers⁺ eighty⁺ :
to·the·sons⁺·of Might-of-Powr
People-Noble the·prince
and·his·brothers⁺ hundred and·two² and·ten :
and·he·calls Intimate
to·Just and·to·Father-of-Remainder the·priests⁺
and·to·the·Debtorïtes⁺ to·Light-of-Powr Deed-of-Yʜ and·Yᴡ-Powr Heard-Yʜᴡ
and·Powr-of-Powr and·People-Noble :
and·he·says to·them
you⁺ the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
ꜝsanctify·yourselves⁺ you⁺ and·your⁺·brothers⁺
and·you·offered·up⁺ °the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
to I·made·sure to·him :
as to·¿what·in·the·headmost not you⁺
he·erupted Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ in·us
as we·did·not·investigate⁺·him as·the·judgment :
the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
to·offer·up °the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·they·bear⁺ the·sons⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺ °the·ark·of the·Powers⁺
as·how he·commanded Moseh as·the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·their·shoulder in·the·shakepoles⁺ upon·them :
and·he·says Intimate to·the·princes⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺
to·cause·to·stand °their·brothers⁺ the·singers⁺
in·things⁺·of song wiltharps⁺ and·lyres⁺ and·ringers²
letting·hear⁺ to·heighten in·voice to·gladness :
and·they·cause·to·stand⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ °Truth the·son·of Yᴡ-Powr
and·from his·brothers⁺
Gatherer the·son·of Kneel-of-Yʜ
and·from the·sons⁺·of Bitterness their·brothers⁺
Rugged the·son·of Snared-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·near·them their·brothers⁺ the·seconds⁺
Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ Son and·Fierce-of-Powr and·Name-Heightens and·Powr-Lives and·¬Unni Powr-of-Father and·Built-Yʜᴡ and·Deed-of-Yʜᴡ and·Gift-of-Yʜᴡ and·¬Elipheleh and·¬Mikneiah and·Servant Blood and·Shoveled-by-Powr the·gatekeepers⁺ :
Truth Gatherer and·Rugged
in·ringers² copper to·let·hear :
and·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ and·Mighty-of-Powr and·Name-Heightens and·Powr-Lives and·¬Unni and·Powr-of-Father
and·Deed-of-Yʜᴡ and·Built-Yʜᴡ
in·wiltharps⁺ upon Girls⁺ :
and·Gift-of-Yʜᴡ and·¬Elipheleh and·¬Mikneiah and·Servant Blood
and·Shoveled-by-Powr and·Might-of-Yʜᴡ
in·lyres⁺ upon the·eight-stringer to·be·forever :
and·¬Chenaniah the·prince·of the·Debtorïtes⁺ in·burden
instructing in·the·burden
as giving·discernment he :
and·Kneel-of-Yʜ and·Powr-Stocked
gatekeepers⁺ to·the·ark :
and·Augmented-of-Yʜᴡ and·Yᴡ-Judge and·Given-by-Powr and·Loadded and·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ and·Built-Yʜᴡ and·Powr-of-Help the·priests⁺
trumpeting⁺ in·trumpets⁺
to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of the·Powers⁺
and·Servant Blood and·Yʜ-Lives
gatekeepers⁺ to·the·ark :
and·he·is Intimate and·the·elders⁺·of Princepowr and·the·princes⁺·of the·thousands⁺
that·walk⁺ to·offer·up °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ from the·house·of Servant Blood in·gladness :
and·he·is when·helping the·Powers⁺
the·bearers⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·they·offer⁺ seven cows⁺ and·seven powrrams⁺ :
and·Intimate garbed in·guise·of eggcloth and·all·of the·Debtorïtes⁺ the·bearers⁺·of °the·ark
and·¬Chenaniah the·prince·of the·burden the·singers⁺
and·upon Intimate ephod·of lonen :
and·all·of Princepowr offering·up⁺ °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·cheer and·in·voice·of shofair
and·in·trumpets⁺ and·in·ringers²
letting·hear⁺ in·wiltharps⁺ and·lyres⁺ :
and·he·is the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
he·entered unto the·city·of Intimate
and·Brook the·daughter·of Requested she·peered·out about the·window-piercing and·she·sees °the·king Intimate dancing and·making·laughter
and·she·despises to·him in·her·heart :
and·they·bring·in⁺ °the·ark·of the·Powers⁺
and·they·situate⁺ °him
in·the·midst·of the·tent
that he·branched·out to·him Intimate
and·they·present⁺ upward·offerings⁺ and·shaloms⁺ to·the·face⁺·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·he·is·all·done Intimate
from·offering·up the·upward·offering and·the·shaloms⁺
and·he·kneels °the·people in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·divides to·all·of the·man·of Princepowr
from·man and·unto woman
to·man round·of bread
and·shofairette and·firedrink :
and·he·gives to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of Yʜᴡʜ from the·Debtorïtes⁺ assistants⁺
and·to·commemorate and·to·gloryhand and·to·praise
to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
Gatherer the·head and·his·second Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ
Shoveled-by-Powr and·Name-Heightens and·Powr-Lives and·Gift-of-Yʜᴡ and·Powr-of-Father and·Built-Yʜᴡ and·Servant Blood and·Shoveled-by-Powr in·things⁺·of wiltharps⁺ and·in·lyres⁺
and·Gatherer in·the·ringers² letting·hear :
and·Built-Yʜᴡ and·Powr-Visions the·priests⁺
in·trumpets⁺ always
to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of the·Powers⁺ :
in·the·day he then he·gave Intimate in·the·head
to·gloryhand to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·hand·of Gatherer and·his·brothers⁺ :
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ ꜝcall⁺ in·his·name
ꜝlet·know⁺ in·the·people⁺ his·exploits⁺ :
ꜝsing⁺ to·him ꜝmake·music⁺ to·him
ꜝmeditate⁺ in·all·of his·wonders⁺ :
ꜝpraise·yourselves⁺ in·the·name·of his·sanctuary
he·is·glad the·heart·of the·seekers⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
ꜝinvestigate⁺ Yʜᴡʜ and·his·might
ꜝseek⁺ his·face⁺ always :
ꜝremember⁺ his·wonders⁺ that he·did
his·omens⁺ and·the·judgments⁺·of his·mouth :
the·seed·of Princepowr his·servant
the·sons⁺·of Heeler his·chosen⁺ :
he Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
in·all·of the·land his·judgments⁺ :
ꜝremember⁺ to·eternity his·covenant
speech he·commanded to·thousand·of saeculum :
that he·cut·in with Father-Hi-Hum
and·his·seven to·Laugher :
and·he·causes·her·to·stand to·Heeler to·prescription
to·Princepowr covenant·of eternity :
saying to·you I·give the·land·of Cashier
the·rope·of your⁺·derivation :
when·you·are⁺ adults⁺·of count
as·little and·lodgers⁺ in·her :
and·they·walk·themselves⁺ from·clan to clan
and·from·kingdom to people after :
he·did·not·set·in·peace to·man to·intimidate·them
and·he·reproves upon·them kings⁺ :
ꜝdo·not·touch⁺ in·my·anointeds⁺
and·in·my·prophets⁺ you·do·not·do·bad⁺ :
ꜝsing⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ all·of the·land
ꜝflesh·out⁺ from·day to day his·salvation :
ꜝrecount⁺ in·the·clans⁺ °his·weight
in·all·of the·people⁺ his·wonders⁺ :
as great Yʜᴡʜ and·praised very
and·fearsome he upon all·of Powers⁺ :
as all·of Powers⁺·of the·people⁺ no-powers⁺
and·Yʜᴡʜ skies⁺ he·did :
splendor and·magnificence to·his·face⁺
might and·celebration in·his·rising·place :
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ families⁺·of people⁺
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ weight and·might :
ꜝgrant⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ the·weight·of his·name
ꜝbear⁺ tribute and·ꜝenter⁺ to·his·face⁺
ꜝprostrate·yourselves⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ in·magnificence·of sanctuary :
ꜝwhirl⁺ from·to·his·face⁺ all·of the·land
¡yes! she·is·assured world she·is·not·shaken :
they·are·glad⁺ the·skies⁺ and·ꜝlet·her·twirl the·land
and·they·say⁺ in·the·clans⁺ Yʜᴡʜ he·was·king :
he·thunders the·sea and·his·fullness
he·exults the·field and·all that in·him :
then they·shout⁺ the·trees⁺·of the·forest
from·to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
as he·entered to·judge °the·land :
ꜝgloryhand⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ as good
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·ꜝsay⁺ ꜝsave·us Powers⁺·of our·safety
and·ꜝcollect·us and·ꜝsnatch·us·away from the·clans⁺
to·gloryhand to·the·name·of your·sanctuary
to·acclaim·one·another in·your·praise :
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
from the·eternity and·unto the·eternity
and·they·say⁺ all·of the·people truly
and·praising to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·abandons there to·the·face⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·Gatherer and·to·his·brothers⁺
to·assist to·the·face⁺·of the·ark always to·speech·of day in·his·day :
and·Servant Blood and·their·brothers⁺ sixty⁺ and·eight
and·Servant Blood the·son·of Gloryhandish and·Refuge to·gatekeepers⁺ :
and·°Just the·priest and·his·brothers⁺ the·priests⁺
to·the·face⁺·of the·dwelling·place·of Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·dais that in·Hillside :
to·offer·up upward·offerings⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ upon the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering always to·the·dayplow and·to·the·evening
and·to·all that·is·written in·the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ
that he·commanded upon Princepowr :
and·near·them Truth and·Gloryhandish
and·the·survivor·of that·are·clean⁺
that they·were·punctured⁺ in·names⁺
to·gloryhand to·Yʜᴡʜ
as to·eternity his·mercy :
and·near·them Truth and·Gloryhandish trumpets⁺ and·ringers² to·letting·hear⁺
and·the·things⁺·of the·song·of the·Powers⁺
and·the·sons⁺·of Gloryhandish to·the·gate :
and·they·walk⁺ all·of the·people man to·his·house
and·he·turns·around Intimate to·kneel °his·house :
and·he·is as·how he·settled Intimate in·his·house
and·he·says Intimate to Given the·prophet ¡lo! I settling in·the·house·of the·cedars⁺
and·the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ under curtains⁺ :
and·he·says Given to Intimate
all that in·your·heart ꜝdo
as the·Powers⁺ near·you :
and·he·is in·the·night he
and·he·is the·speech·of Powers⁺
to Given saying :
ꜝwalk and·you·said to Intimate my·servant
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
not you you·build to·me the·house to·settle :
as I·did·not·settle in·house
from the·day that I·offered·up °Princepowr
unto the·day this
and·I·am from·tent to tent and·from·dwelling·place :
in·all that I·walked·myself in·all·of Princepowr
¿speech I·spoke with one·of the·judges⁺·of Princepowr
that I·commanded to·tend °my·people saying
to·¿what you·did·not·build⁺ to·me house·of cedars⁺ :
and·now thus you·say to·my·servant to·Intimate
thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺
I I·took·you from the·habitation
from after⁺ the·sheep
to·be foremost
upon my·people Princepowr :
and·I·am near·you in·all that you·walked
and·I·cut·down °all·of your·enemies⁺ from·your·face⁺
and·I·did to·you name
as·the·name·of the·great⁺ that in·the·land :
and·I·placed rising·place to·my·people Princepowr and·I·planted·him and·he·dwelled unders⁺·him
and he·is·not·stirred·up again
and they·do·not·add⁺ sons⁺·of evil to·make·him·decay
as·how in·the·headmost :
and·to·from·days⁺ that I·commanded judges⁺ upon my·people Princepowr
and·I·cashed·out °all·of your·enemies⁺
and·I·tell·forth to·you
and·house he·builds to·you Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·was as they·filled⁺ your·days⁺ to·walk near your·fathers⁺
and·I·raised °your·seed after⁺·you
that he·is from·your·sons⁺
and·I·made·sure °his·kingship :
he he·builds to·me house
and·I·made·sure °his·throne unto eternity :
I I·am to·him to·father
and·he he·is to·me to·son
and·my·mercy I·do·not·remove from·near·him
as·how I·removed
from·wħich he·was to·your·face⁺ :
and·I·caused·him·to·stand in·my·house and·in·my·kingship unto the·eternity
and·his·throne he·is assured unto eternity :
as·all·of the·speeches⁺ these
and·as·all·of the·vision this
surely he·spoke Given to Intimate :
and·he·enters the·king Intimate
and·he·settles to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·says ¿who I Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ and·¿who my·house
as you·brought·me·in unto here :
and·she·is·small this in·your·eyes² Powers⁺
and·you·speak upon the·house·of your·servant to·from·afar
and·you·saw·me as·the·torah·of the·adam the·upward·way Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ :
¿what he·adds again Intimate to·you to·weight °your·servant
and·you °your·servant you·knew :
Yʜᴡʜ in·sake·of your·servant and·as·your·heart
you·did °all·of the·greatness this
to·let·know °all·of the·greatnesses⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ there·is·ńot as·you
and·there·is·ńot Powers⁺ beyond·you
in·all that we·heard⁺ in·our·ears² :
and·¿who as·your·people Princepowr
clan one in·the·land
that he·walked the·Powers⁺ to·ransom to·him people to·place to·you name greatnesses⁺ and·fearsome⁺
to·drive·off from·the·face⁺·of your·people that you·ransomed from·Egypts² clans⁺ :
and·you·give °your·people Princepowr to·you to·people unto eternity
and·you Yʜᴡʜ
you·were to·them to·Powers⁺ :
and·now Yʜᴡʜ
the·speech that you·spoke upon your·servant and·upon his·house
he·is·true unto eternity
and·ꜝdo as·how you·spoke :
and·he·is·true and·he·becomes·great your·name unto eternity saying
Yʜᴡʜ of·hosts⁺ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
Powers⁺ to·Princepowr
and·the·house·of Intimate your·servant assured to·your·face⁺ :
as you my·Powers⁺ you·stripped·out °the·ear·of your·servant
to·build to·him house
upon surely he·found your·servant
to·mediate to·your·face⁺ :
and·now Yʜᴡʜ
you he the·Powers⁺
and·you·speak upon your·servant
the·goodness this :
and·now you·willed to·kneel °the·house·of your·servant
to·be to·eternity to·your·face⁺
as you Yʜᴡʜ you·knelt
and·knelt·to to·eternity :
and·he·is after⁺ surely
and·he·strikes Intimate °Palestinians⁺ and·he·cashes·them·out
and·he·takes °Cellar and·her·daughters⁺ from·the·hand·of Palestinians⁺ :
and·he·strikes °From-Father
and·they·are⁺ From-Father servants⁺ to·Intimate
bearers⁺·of tribute :
and·he·strikes Intimate °Hadad-Helped the·king·of Depot ➝Rampart
when·he·walks to·post his·hand in·the·stream·of Euphrates :
and·he·seizes Intimate from·him thousand·of chariot and·seven·of thousands⁺ shockcavalry⁺
and·twenty⁺ thousand·of man on·foot
and·he·sterilizes Intimate °all·of the·chariot
and·he·lets·remain from·him hundred chariot :
and·he·enters Height·of Damascus
to·help to·Hadad-Helped the·king·of Depot
and·he·strikes Intimate in·Height
twenty⁺ and·two² thousand man :
and·he·places Intimate in·Height·of Damascus
and·he·is Height to·Intimate
servants⁺ bearers⁺·of tribute
and·he·saves Yʜᴡʜ to·Intimate
in·all that he·walked :
and·he·takes Intimate °the·controlshields⁺·of the·gold
that they·were⁺
upon the·servants⁺·of Hadad-Helped
and·he·brings·them·in Torahshalom :
and·from·¬Tibhath and·from·Sure the·cities⁺·of Hadad-Helped
he·took Intimate copper much very
in·her he·did Shalomo °the·sea·of the·copper and·°the·standing·pillars⁺
and·°the·things⁺·of the·copper :
and·he·hears My-Wandering the·king·of Rampart
as he·struck Intimate
°all·of the·strength·of Hadad-Helped the·king·of Depot :
and·he·sends °Hadowram his·son to the·king Intimate to·request to·him to·shalom and·to·kneel·him upon that he·battled in·Hadad-Helped and·he·strikes·him
as the·man·of the·battles⁺·of My-Wandering he·was Hadad-Helped
and·all·of things⁺·of gold and·silver and·copper :
also °them he·made·sacred the·king Intimate to·Yʜᴡʜ
near the·silver and·the·gold
that he·bore from·all·of the·clans⁺
from·Blood and·from·From-Father and·from·the·sons⁺·of Peopled
and·from·Palestinians⁺ and·from·Amalek :
and·Father-of-Homage the·son·of Balsamed he·struck °Blood in·Valley·of the·Salt
eight and·ten thousand :
and·he·places in·Blood posts⁺
and·they·are⁺ all·of Blood servants⁺ to·Intimate
and·he·saves Yʜᴡʜ °Intimate
in·all that he·walked :
and·he·is·king Intimate upon all·of Princepowr
and·he·is doing judgment and·justice to·all·of his·people :
and·Yᴡ-Fathered the·son·of Balsamed upon the·host
and·Yʜᴡ-Judge the·son·of Brother-of-Child commemorating :
and·Just the·son·of Brother-of-Good and·Father-King the·son·of Father-of-Remainder priests⁺
and·¬Shavsha accounter :
and·Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known
upon the·Cutter and·the·Courierïte
and·the·sons⁺·of Intimate the·headmost⁺ to·the·hand·of the·king :
and·he·is after⁺ surely
and·he·dies Copperhead the·king·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled
and·he·is·king his·son unders⁺·him :
and·he·says Intimate I·do mercy near Gracious the·son·of Copperhead as he·did his·father near·me mercy
and·he·sends Intimate ministers⁺ to·sigh·with·him upon his·father
and·they·enter⁺ the·servants⁺·of Intimate to the·land·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled to Gracious to·sigh·with·him :
and·they·say⁺ the·princes⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled to·Gracious ¿giving·weight Intimate °your·father in·your·eyes²
as he·sent to·you fellowsighers⁺
¿not in·sake to·examine and·to·convert and·to·footspy the·land
they·entered⁺ his·servants⁺ to·you :
and·he·takes Gracious °the·servants⁺·of Intimate and·he·shaves·them
and·he·cuts·down °their·tunics⁺ in·the·half unto the·straddle-place
and·he·sends·them·out :
and·they·walk⁺ and·they·tell·forth⁺ to·Intimate upon the·mortals⁺ and·he·sends to·call·on·them
as they·were⁺ the·mortals⁺ embarrassed⁺ very
and·he·says the·king ꜝsettle⁺ in·Breath
unto that he·grows your⁺·old·beard and·you·returned⁺ :
and·they·see⁺ the·sons⁺·of Peopled
as they·made·themselves·stink⁺ near Intimate
and·he·sends Gracious and·the·sons⁺·of Peopled thousand round·of silver to·hire to·them from Height·of Streams² and·from Height·of Battering and·from·Depot
chariot and·shockcavalry⁺ :
and·they·hire⁺ to·them two² and·thirty⁺ thousand chariot and·°the·king·of Battering and·°his·people
and·they·enter⁺ and·they·camp⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Tough-Waters
and·the·sons⁺·of Peopled they·were·gathered⁺ from·their·cities⁺
and·they·enter⁺ to·the·battle :
and·he·hears Intimate
and·he·sends °Yᴡ-Fathered
and·°all·of host the·heroes⁺ :
and·they·go⁺ the·sons⁺·of Peopled
and·they·line·up⁺ battle the·opening·of the·city
and·the·kings⁺ that they·entered⁺
alone·them in·the·field :
and·he·sees Yᴡ-Fathered as she·was the·face⁺·of the·battle to·him face⁺ and·aft
and·he·chooses from·all·of chosen in·Princepowr
and·he·lines·up to·call·against Height :
and·°the·remainder·of the·people
he·gave in·the·hand·of Father-of-Homage his·brother
to·call·against the·sons⁺·of Peopled :
and·he·says if she·is·firm from·me Height
and·you·were to·me to·salvation
and·if the·sons⁺·of Peopled they·are·firm⁺ from·you and·I·saved·you :
ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝlet·us·make·ourselves·firm⁺ about our·people
and·about the·cities⁺·of our·Powers⁺
the·good in·his·eyes² he·does :
and·he·approaches Yᴡ-Fathered and·the·people that near·him to·the·face⁺·of Height to·the·battle
and·they·flee⁺ from·his·face⁺ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Peopled they·saw⁺ as he·fled Height
and·they·flee⁺ also they⁺ from·the·face⁺·of Father-of-Homage his·brother
and·they·enter⁺ ➝the·city
and·he·enters Yᴡ-Fathered Torahshalom :
and·he·sees Height as they·were·smitten⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·send⁺ ministers⁺
and·they·let·go⁺ °Height
that from·the·region·across the·Stream
and·¬Shophach the·prince·of the·host·of Hadad-Helped to·their·face⁺ :
and·he·is·told·forth to·Intimate and·he·gathers °all·of Princepowr and·he·crosses·over the·Descender
and·he·enters to·them
and·he·lines·up to·them
and·he·lines·up Intimate to·call·against Height battle
and·they·battle⁺ near·him :
and·he·flees Height from·to·the·face⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·kills Intimate from·Height seven·of thousands⁺ chariot
and·forty⁺ thousand·of man on·foot
and·°¬Shophach the·prince·of the·host he·put·to·death :
and·they·see⁺ the·servants⁺·of Hadad-Helped as they·were·smitten⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Princepowr
and·they·make·shalom⁺ near Intimate and·they·serve⁺·him
and he·did·not·want Height
to·save °the·sons⁺·of Peopled again :
and·he·is to·the·season·of the·turn·of the·year to·the·season·of going the·kings⁺ and·he·leads Yᴡ-Fathered °the·strength·of the·host and·he·ruins °the·land·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled and·he·enters and·he·rocks·up °Many
and·Intimate settling in·Torahshalom
and·he·strikes Yᴡ-Fathered °Many and·he·demolishes·her :
and·he·takes Intimate °the·crown·of their·king from·upon his·head and·he·finds·her shekelness·of round·of gold and·in·her stone precious
and·she·is upon the·head·of Intimate
and·the·plunder·of the·city he·let·go multiplying very :
and·°the·people that in·her he·let·go and·he·is·prince in·the·jawcutter and·in·the·incisions⁺·of the·iron and·in·the·jawcutters⁺
and·surely he·does Intimate
to·all·of the·cities⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled
and·he·returns Intimate and·all·of the·people Torahshalom :
and·he·is after⁺·surely
and·she·stands battle in·Section near Palestinians⁺
then he·struck Tangled the·Hurrierïte °Portaler from·the·children⁺·of the·Raphahs⁺ and·they·are·cashed·out⁺ :
and·she·is again battle with Palestinians⁺
and·he·strikes Powr-Grace the·son·of Forest °Breadïte the·brother·of Stripped the·Cellarïte
and·the·treestick·of his·campspear
as·tiller·of weaving⁺ :
and·she·is again battle in·Cellar
and·he·is the·man·of Measure and·his·fingers⁺ six and·six twenty⁺ and·four
and·also he he·was·enchilded to·the·Raphah :
and·he·detracts °Princepowr
and·he·strikes·him Yʜᴡ-Given
the·son·of Hearing the·brother·of Intimate :
these they·were·enchilded⁺ to·the·Raphah in·Cellar
and·they·fall⁺ in·the·hand·of Intimate and·in·the·hand·of his·servants⁺ :
and·he·stands Accuser upon Princepowr
and·he·coaxes °Intimate
to·allot °Princepowr :
and·he·says Intimate to Yᴡ-Fathered and·to the·princes⁺·of the·people
ꜝwalk⁺ ꜝcount⁺ °Princepowr
from·Well·of Seven and·unto Vindicator
and·ꜝbring·in⁺ to·me
and·ꜝlet·me·know °their·count :
and·he·says Yᴡ-Fathered ꜝlet·him·add Yʜᴡʜ upon his·people as·them hundred times⁺
¿not my·lord the·king
all·of·them to·my·lord to·servants⁺
to·¿what he·seeks this my·lord
to·¿what he·is to·transgression to·Princepowr :
and·the·speech·of the·king he·was·firm upon Yᴡ-Fathered
and·he·goes Yᴡ-Fathered and·he·walks·himself in·all·of Princepowr
and·he·enters Torahshalom :
and·he·gives Yᴡ-Fathered °the·count·of the·reckoning·of the·people to Intimate
and·he·is all·of Princepowr thousand thousands⁺ and·hundred thousand man unsheathing sword
and·Gloryhand four hundred⁺ and·seventy⁺ thousand man unsheathing sword :
and·Debtor and·Son-of-Right
he·did·not·reckon in·their·midst
as he·was·abominated the·speech·of the·king with Yᴡ-Fathered :
and·he·is·bad in·the·eyes²·of the·Powers⁺
upon the·speech this
and·he·strikes °Princepowr :
and·he·says Intimate to the·Powers⁺
I·sinned very
that I·did °the·speech this
and·now ꜝmake·cross·by ¡please! °the·guilt·of your·servant
as I·was·mistaken very :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Clout
the·visionary·of Intimate saying :
ꜝwalk and·you·spoke to Intimate saying thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ
three I branching·out upon·you
ꜝchoose to·you one from·them and·I·do to·you :
and·he·enters Clout to Intimate
and·he·says to·him thus he·said Yʜᴡʜ ꜝaccept to·you :
if three years⁺ hunger and·if three new·moons⁺ swept·away from·the·face⁺·of your·rockers⁺ and·the·sword·of your·enemies⁺ to·catching
and·if three·of days⁺ the·sword·of Yʜᴡʜ and·unspeakable in·the·land
and·the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ
ruining in·all·of the·border·of Princepowr
and·now ꜝsee
¿what I·return °that·sends·me speech :
and·he·says Intimate to Clout rockiness to·me very
ꜝlet·me·fall ¡please! in·the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ as many⁺ his·wombliness⁺ very
and·in·hand·of adam ꜝlet·me·not·fall :
and·he·gives Yʜᴡʜ unspeakable in·Princepowr
and·he·falls from·Princepowr
seventy⁺ thousand man :
and·he·sends the·Powers⁺ minister to·Torahshalom to·ruin·her
and·as·ruining he·saw Yʜᴡʜ and·he·sighs upon the·badness
and·he·says to·the·minister that·ruins much
now ꜝslack·off your·hand
and·the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ standing
near the·threshingfloor·of Arkness the·Troddenïte :
and·he·bears Intimate °his·eyes² and·he·sees °the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ standing between the·land and·between the·skies⁺
and·his·sword unsheathed in·his·hand
branched·out upon Torahshalom
and·he·falls Intimate and·the·elders⁺ covered⁺ in·the·burlaps⁺ upon their·face⁺ :
and·he·says Intimate to the·Powers⁺ ¿not I I·said to·allot in·the·people and·I he that I·sinned and·doing·bad I·did·bad
and·these the·sheep ¿what they·did⁺
Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ ꜝlet·her·be ¡please! your·hand in·me and·in·the·house·of my·father
and·in·your·people not to·smiting :
and·the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ he·said to Clout saying to·Intimate
as he·goes·up Intimate to·raise offering·place to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·threshingfloor·of Arkness the·Troddenïte :
and·he·goes·up Intimate in·the·speech·of Clout
that he·spoke in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·returns Arkness and·he·sees °the·minister
and·the·four·of his·sons⁺ near·him concealing·themselves⁺
and·Arkness threshing wheat⁺ :
and·he·enters Intimate unto Arkness
and·he·looks Arkness and·he·sees °Intimate
and·he·goes from the·threshingfloor
and·he·prostrates·himself to·Intimate nostrils² ➝land :
and·he·says Intimate to Arkness ꜝgive! to·me the·rising·place·of the·threshingfloor
and·I·build in·him offering·place to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·silver full ꜝgive·him to·me
and·she·is·restrained the·smiting from·upon the·people :
and·he·says Arkness to Intimate ꜝtake to·you
and·ꜝlet·him·do my·lord the·king the·good in·his·eyes²
ꜝsee I·gave the·plowcattle to·the·upward·offerings⁺ and·the·trucks⁺ to·the·trees⁺ and·the·wheat⁺ to·the·tribute all I·gave :
and·he·says the·king Intimate to·Arkness
not as stocking·up I·stock·up in·silver full
as I·do·not·bear that to·you to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·offering·up upward·offering gratuitously :
and·he·gives Intimate to·Arkness in·the·rising·place
shekels⁺·of gold
shekelness six hundred⁺ :
and·he·builds there Intimate offering·place to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·offers·up upward·offerings⁺ and·shaloms⁺
and·he·calls to Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·responds·him in·the·fire from the·skies⁺
upon the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·the·minister
and·he·returns his·sword to her·scabbard :
in·the·season she
when·seeing Intimate as he·responded·him Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·threshingfloor·of Arkness the·Troddenïte
and·he·offers there :
and·the·dwelling·place·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·did Moseh in·the·outspeak and·the·offering·place·of the·upward·offering in·the·season she
in·the·dais in·Hillside :
and he·was·not·able Intimate to·walk to·his·face⁺ to·investigate Powers⁺
as he·was·frightened
from·the·face⁺·of the·sword·of the·minister·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says Intimate
this he
the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ the·Powers⁺
and·this offering·place to·upward·offering to·Princepowr :
and·he·says Intimate
to·rally °the·lodgers⁺
that in·the·land·of Princepowr
and·he·causes·to·stand quarriers⁺ to·quarry stones⁺·of masonry
to·build the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·iron to·multitude to·the·spikes⁺ to·the·pulldoors⁺·of the·gates⁺ and·to·the·allyjoints⁺ he·made·sure Intimate
and·copper to·multitude there·is·ńot shekelness :
and·trees⁺·of cedars⁺ to·there·is·ńot count
as they·brought·in⁺ the·Hunterïtes⁺ and·the·Rockïtes⁺ trees⁺·of cedars⁺ to·multitude to·Intimate :
and·he·says Intimate Shalomo my·son youth and·soft
and·the·house to·build to·Yʜᴡʜ to·make·great to➝upward to·name and·to·sprigging to·all·of the·lands⁺
ꜝlet·me·make·sure ¡please! to·him
and·he·makes·sure Intimate to·multitude to·the·face⁺·of his·death :
and·he·calls to·Shalomo his·son
and·he·commands·him to·build house
to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·says Intimate to·Shalomo
my·son I he·was near my·heart
to·build house
to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺ :
and·he·is upon·me the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ saying
blood to·multitude you·spilled
and·battles⁺ great⁺ you·did
you·do·not·build house to·my·name
as bloods⁺ many⁺
you·spilled ➝land to·my·face⁺ :
¡lo! son child to·you he he·is man·of peaceful·place
and·I·set·in·peace to·him from·all·of his·enemies⁺ from·turninground
as Shalomo he·is his·name
and·shalom and·quietness I·give upon Princepowr in·his·days⁺ :
he he·builds house to·my·name
and·he he·is to·me to·son
and·I to·him to·father
and·I·made·sure the·throne·of his·kingship upon Princepowr unto eternity :
now my·son
ꜝlet·him·be Yʜᴡʜ near·you
and·you·prospered and·you·built the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as·how he·spoke upon·you :
surely he·gives to·you Yʜᴡʜ prudence and·discernment
and·he·commands·you upon Princepowr
and·to·watch °the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
then you·prosper
if you·watch to·do °the·prescriptions⁺ and·°the·judgments⁺
that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh upon Princepowr
ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·bold
ꜝdo·not·fear and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down :
and·¡lo! in·my·humiliation I·made·sure to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ gold rounds⁺ hundred thousand and·silver thousand thousands⁺ rounds⁺
and·to·the·copper and·to·the·iron there·is·ńot shekelness
as to·multitude he·was
and·trees⁺ and·stones⁺ I·made·sure
and·upon·them you·add :
and·near·you to·multitude doers⁺·of ministry
quarriers⁺ and·craftsmen⁺·of stone and·treestick
and·all·of wise in·all·of ministry :
to·the·gold to·the·silver and·to·the·copper and·to·the·iron there·is·ńot count
ꜝarise and·ꜝdo
and·ꜝlet·him·be Yʜᴡʜ near·you :
and·he·commands Intimate to·all·of the·princes⁺·of Princepowr
to·help to·Shalomo his·son :
¿not Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ near·you⁺
and·he·set·in·peace to·you⁺ from·turninground
as he·gave in·my·hand °the·settling⁺·of the·land
and·she·was·subdued the·land to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·the·face⁺·of his·people :
now ꜝgive⁺ your⁺·heart and·your⁺·soul
to·investigate to·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·ꜝarise⁺ and·ꜝbuild⁺ °the·sanctuary·of Yʜᴡʜ the·Powers⁺
to·bring·in °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ and·the·things⁺·of the·sanctuary·of the·Powers⁺
to·the·house that·is·built to·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·Intimate he·was·old and·he·was·satisfied days⁺
and·he·kings °Shalomo his·son upon Princepowr :
and·he·gathers °all·of the·princes⁺·of Princepowr
and·the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
and·they·are·counted⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺
from·son·of thirty⁺ year and➝upward
and·he·is their·count to·their·rollskulls⁺ to·heroes⁺
thirty⁺ and·eight thousand :
from·these to·be·forever upon the·ministry·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
twenty⁺ and·four thousand
and·officers⁺ and·judges⁺ six·of thousands⁺ :
and·four·of thousands⁺ gatekeepers⁺
and·four·of thousands⁺ praising⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·things⁺ that I·did to·praise :
and·he·divides·them Intimate divisions⁺
to·the·sons⁺·of Debtor
to·Driven Associate and·Bitterness :
to·the·Drivenïte Laadan and·Hearing :
the·sons⁺·of Laadan the·head Powr-Lives and·¬Zetham and·Yᴡ-Powr three :
the·sons⁺·of Hearing Shalomness and·Visioned-of-Powr and·Mountaining three
these the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·Laadan :
and·the·sons⁺·of Hearing
Unity Abounding
and·Mustering and·In-Badness
these the·sons⁺·of Hearing four :
and·he·is Unity the·head
and·Abounding the·second
and·Mustering and·In-Badness they·did·not·multiply⁺ sons⁺
and·they·are⁺ to·house·of father
to·reckoning one :
the·sons⁺·of Associate People-High Elixer Alliance and·Might-of-Powr four :
the·sons⁺·of People-High Aharon and·Moseh
and·he·is·separate Aharon to·make·him·sacred sanctuary·of sanctuaries⁺ he and·his·sons⁺ unto eternity
to·incendiate to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ to·assist·him and·to·kneel in·his·name unto eternity :
and·Moseh the·man·of the·Powers⁺
his·sons⁺ they·are·called⁺ upon the·stem·of the·Debtor :
the·sons⁺·of Moseh
Driven and·Powr-of-Help :
the·sons⁺·of Driven Returned-of-Powr the·head :
and·they·are⁺ the·sons⁺·of Powr-of-Help Broadened-of-Yʜᴡ the·head
and he·was·not to·Powr-of-Help sons⁺ after⁺
and·the·sons⁺·of Broadened-of-Yʜᴡ they·multiplied⁺ to➝upward :
the·sons⁺·of Elixer Shalomness the·head :
the·sons⁺·of Alliance
Torahed-of-Yʜᴡ the·head Said-of-Yᴡh the·second
Powr-Visions the·third
and·Rising-People the·fourth :
the·sons⁺·of Might-of-Powr
Who-As the·head
and·Defrauded-of-Yʜᴡ the·second :
the·sons⁺·of Bitterness Piercedïte and·Budgeïte
the·sons⁺·of Piercedïte Powr-Helped and·Snare :
and·he·dies Powr-Helped
and they·were·not⁺ to·him sons⁺ but rather daughters⁺
and·they·bear⁺·them the·sons⁺·of Snare their·brothers⁺ :
the·sons⁺·of Budgeïte Piercedïte and·Flock and·Heights⁺ three :
these the·sons⁺·of Debtor to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·that·are·reckoned⁺·them in·count·of names⁺ to·their·rollskulls⁺
the·doing·of the·ministry
to·the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
from·son·of twenty⁺ year and➝upward :
as he·said Intimate
he·set·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr to·his·people
and·he·dwells in·Torahshalom unto to·eternity :
and·also to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
there·is·ńot to·bear °the·dwelling·place and·°all·of his·things⁺ to·his·service :
as in·the·speeches⁺·of Intimate the·afterward⁺
they⁺ the·count·of the·sons⁺·of Debtor
from·son·of twenty⁺ year and·to➝upward :
as their·standing to·the·hand·of the·sons⁺·of Aharon to·the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
upon the·courtyards⁺ and·upon the·rooms⁺
and·upon purification to·all·of sanctuary
the·service·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ :
and·to·the·bread·of the·line and·to·flour to·tribute and·to·the·wafers⁺·of the·matzahs⁺
and·to·the·skillet and·to·that·is·fried
and·to·all·of volume and·measure :
and·to·stand in·the·dayplow in·the·dayplow
to·gloryhand and·to·praise to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·surely to·the·evening :
and·to·all·of offering·up upward·offerings⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·new·moons⁺ and·to·the·assemblies⁺
in·count as·judgment upon·them always to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·watched⁺ °watch·of tent·of assembly and·°the·watch·of the·sanctuary
and·the·watch·of the·sons⁺·of Aharon their·brothers⁺
to·the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Aharon their·divisions⁺
the·sons⁺·of Aharon
Noble and·Father-of-Him
Powr-Helped and·Island-of-Palm :
and·he·dies Noble and·Father-of-Him to·the·face⁺·of their·father
and·sons⁺ they·were·not⁺ to·them
Powr-Helped and·Island-of-Palm :
and·he·divides·them Intimate
and·Just from the·sons⁺·of Powr-Helped
and·Brother-of-King from the·sons⁺·of Island-of-Palm
to·their·reckoning in·their·service :
and·they·are·found⁺ the·sons⁺·of Powr-Helped many⁺ to·the·heads⁺·of the·heroes⁺ from the·sons⁺·of Island-of-Palm and·they·divide⁺·them
to·the·sons⁺·of Powr-Helped heads⁺ to·house·of fathers⁺ six and·ten
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Island-of-Palm to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ eight :
and·they·divide⁺·them in·lots⁺ these near these
as they·were⁺ princes⁺·of sanctuary and·the·princes⁺·of the·Powers⁺
from·the·sons⁺·of Powr-Helped and·in·the·sons⁺·of Island-of-Palm :
and·he·writes·them Heard-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Given-by-Powr the·accounter from the·Debtorïte to·the·face⁺·of the·king and·the·princes⁺ and·Just the·priest and·Brother-of-King the·son·of Father-of-Remainder
and·the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺
to·the·priests⁺ and·to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
house·of father one held to·Powr-Helped
and·held held to·Island-of-Palm :
and·he·goes the·lot the·headmost to·Yʜᴡ-Argues
to·Known-of-Yʜ the·second :
to·Heremed the·third
to·Hairbarleys⁺ the·fourth :
to·King-of-Yʜᴡ the·fifth
to·From-Right the·sixth :
to·the·Thorn the·seventh
to·Father-of-Yʜᴡ the·eighth :
to·He-Saves the·ninth
to·Dwelling-of-Yʜᴡ the·tenth :
to·Powr-Returns øne and·ten
to·He-Raises two² and·ten :
to·Shroud three and·ten
to·Father-Seat four and·ten :
to·¬Bilgah five and·ten
to·Saying six and·ten :
to·¬Hezir seven and·ten
to·¬Apses eight and·ten :
to·¬Pethakiah nine and·ten
to·Firm-by-Powr the·twenty⁺ :
to·He-Assures one and·twenty⁺
to·¬Gamul two² and·twenty⁺ :
to·Pulled-Up-of-Yʜᴡ three and·twenty⁺
to·¬Maaziah four and·twenty⁺ :
these their·reckoning to·their·service to·enter to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ as·their·judgment
in·the·hand·of Aharon their·father
as·how he·commanded·him
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr :
and·to·the·sons⁺·of Debtor the·remnants⁺
to·the·sons⁺·of People-High Returned-of-Powr
to·the·sons⁺·of Returned-of-Powr ¬Jehdeiah :
to·the·sons⁺·of Broadened-of-Yʜᴡ
the·head Defrauded-of-Yʜᴡ :
to·the·Elixerïte Shaloms
to·the·sons⁺·of Shaloms Unity :
and·the·sons⁺·of Torahed-of-Yʜᴡ
Said-of-Yᴡh the·second
Powr-Visions the·third
Rising-People the·fourth :
the·sons⁺·of Might-of-Powr Who-As
to·the·sons⁺·of Who-As Slandered :
the·brother·of Who-As Defrauded-of-Yʜᴡ
to·the·sons⁺·of Defrauded-of-Yʜᴡ Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ :
the·sons⁺·of Bitterness Piercedïte and·Budgeïte
the·sons⁺·of Fierce-of-Yʜᴡ his·Son :
the·sons⁺·of Bitterness
to·Fierce-of-Yʜᴡ his·Son
and·Onyx and·Remembered and·Acrossïte :
to·Piercedïte Powr-Helped
and he·was·not to·him sons⁺ :
to·Snare the·sons⁺·of Snare Powr-Wombs :
and·the·sons⁺·of Budgeïte
Piercedïte and·Flock and·Heights⁺
these the·sons⁺·of the·Debtorïtes⁺ to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ :
and·they·let·fall⁺ also they⁺ lots⁺ to·near their·brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Aharon to·the·face⁺·of Intimate the·king and·Just and·Brother-of-King
and·the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺
to·the·priests⁺ and·to·the·Debtorïtes⁺
fathers⁺ the·head
to·near his·brother the·small :
and·he·separates Intimate and·the·princes⁺·of the·host to·service to·the·sons⁺·of Gatherer and·Truth and·Gloryhandish
that·prophesy⁺ in·lyres⁺ in·wiltharps⁺ and·in·ringers²
and·he·is their·count
mortals⁺·of ministry to·their·service :
to·the·sons⁺·of Gatherer Remembered and·He-Adds and·Given-Yʜᴡ and·Blest-of-Power the·sons⁺·of Gatherer
upon the·hand·of Gatherer
that·prophesies upon the·hands²·of the·king :
the·sons⁺·of Gloryhandish Great-Yʜᴡ and·¬Zeri and·Yʜᴡ-Saves Considered-of-Yʜᴡ and·Gift-of-Yʜᴡ six upon the·hands²·of their·father Gloryhandish in·the·lyre
that·prophesies upon gloryhanding and·praising to·Yʜᴡʜ :
the·sons⁺·of Truth Vacuity-of-Yʜᴡ Gift-of-Yʜᴡ Might-of-Powr Returned-of-Powr and·Heights⁺ Grace-of-Yʜᴡ My-Grace ¬Eliathah I-Greatened and·I-Heightened Help
Hard-Seat ¬Mallothi
¬Hothir Visions⁺ :
all these sons⁺ to·Truth the·visionary·of the·king in·the·speeches⁺·of the·Powers⁺ to·heighten horn
and·he·gives the·Powers⁺ to·Truth sons⁺ four and·ten and·daughters⁺ three :
all these upon the·hands²·of their·father in·the·song the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ in·ringers² wiltharps⁺ and·lyres⁺
to·the·service·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺
upon the·hands²·of the·king
Gatherer and·Gloryhandish and·Truth :
and·he·is their·count near their·brothers⁺
discipled⁺·of song to·Yʜᴡʜ
all that·gives·discernment
hundred² eighty⁺ and·eight :
and·they·let·fall⁺ lots⁺·of watch to·near as·the·small as·the·great
giving·discernment near disciple :
and·he·goes the·lot the·headmost to·Gatherer to·He-Adds
Great-Yʜᴡ the·second
he and·his·brothers⁺ and·his·sons⁺ two² and·ten :
the·third Remembered
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
the·fourth to·the·Formïte
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
the·fifth Given-Yʜᴡ
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
the·sixth Vacuity-of-Yʜᴡ
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
the·seventh ¬Jesharelah
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
the·eighth Yʜᴡ-Saves
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
the·ninth Gift-of-Yʜᴡ
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
the·tenth Hearing
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
øne and·ten Helped-by-Powr
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
the·two² and·ten to·Considered-of-Yʜᴡ
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·three and·ten Returned-of-Powr
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·four and·ten Gift-of-Yʜᴡ
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·five and·ten to·Heights⁺
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·six and·ten to·Grace-of-Yʜᴡ
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·seven and·ten to·Hard-Seat
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·eight and·ten to·My-Grace
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·nine and·ten to·¬Mallothi
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·twenty⁺ to·¬Eliathah
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·one and·twenty⁺ to·¬Hothir
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·two² and·twenty⁺ to·I-Greatened
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·three and·twenty⁺ to·Visions⁺
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·four and·twenty⁺ to·I-Heightened Help
his·sons⁺ and·his·brothers⁺ two² and·ten :
to·divisions⁺ to·gatekeepers⁺
to·the·Baldnessïtes⁺ Shalom-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Caller from the·sons⁺·of Gatherer :
and·to·Shalom-Yʜᴡ sons⁺
Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ the·firstborn Known-of-Powr the·second
Award-of-Yʜᴡ the·third
¬Jathniel the·fourth :
Hooded the·fifth Yʜᴡ-Gracious the·sixth
To-Yʜᴡ-My-Eyes the·seventh :
and·to·Servant Blood sons⁺
Heard-Yʜᴡ the·firstborn Yʜᴡ-Awarded the·second
Yᴡ-Brother the·third and·Hire the·fourth
and·Given-by-Powr the·fifth :
People-of-Powr the·sixth He-Is-Hire the·seventh
¬Peulthai the·eighth
as he·knelt·him Powers⁺ :
and·to·Heard-Yʜᴡ his·son he·was·enchilded sons⁺
the·realms⁺ to·the·house·of their·father
as heroes⁺·of strength they⁺ :
the·sons⁺·of Heard-Yʜᴡ Otny and·Powr-Healed and·Servant ¬Elzabad his·brothers⁺ sons⁺·of strength
Powr-of-Yʜᴡ and·Propped-of-Yʜᴡ :
all these from·the·sons⁺·of Servant Blood they⁺ and·their·sons⁺ and·their·brothers⁺
man·of strength in·the·vigor to·service
sixty⁺ and·two² to·Servant Blood :
and·to·Shalom-Yʜᴡ sons⁺ and·brothers⁺ sons⁺·of strength eight and·ten :
and·to·Refuge from the·sons⁺·of Bitterness sons⁺
Watcher the·head as he·was·not firstborn
and·he·places·him his·father to·head :
Dividend-of-Yʜᴡ the·second Dipped-of-Yʜᴡ the·third
Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ the·fourth
all·of sons⁺ and·brothers⁺ to·Refuge three and·ten :
to·these the·divisions⁺·of the·gatekeepers⁺ to·the·heads⁺·of the·heroes⁺ watches⁺ to·near their·brothers⁺
to·assist in·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·let·fall⁺ lots⁺ as·the·small as·the·great to·the·house·of their·fathers⁺ to·gate and·gate :
and·he·falls the·lot ➝dawn to·Shalom-of-Yʜᴡ
and·Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ his·son counselor in·prudence they·let·fall⁺ lots⁺
and·he·goes his·lot ➝north :
to·Servant Blood ➝negev
and·to·his·sons⁺ the·house·of the·gatherplaces⁺ :
to·Bruises⁺ and·to·Refuge to·the·evening·place
near the·gate·of Leafdrop
in·the·avenue that·goes·up
watch to·near watch :
to·the·dawn the·Debtorïtes⁺ six
to➝the·north to·the·day four
to➝the·negev to·the·day four
and·to·the·gatherplaces⁺ two² two² :
to·the·Parbar to·the·evening·place
four to·the·avenue
two² to·the·Parbar :
these the·divisions⁺·of the·gatekeepers⁺
to·the·sons⁺·of the·Baldnessïte and·to·the·sons⁺·of Bitterness :
Brother-of-Yʜᴡ upon the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺
and·to·the·treasures⁺·of the·sanctuaries⁺ :
the·sons⁺·of Laadan the·sons⁺·of the·Drivenïte to·Laadan the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·Laadan the·Drivenïte Powerlivesïte :
the·sons⁺·of Powerlivesïte
¬Zetham and·Yᴡ-Powr his·brother
upon the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
to·the·Peoplehighïte to·the·Elixerïte
to·the·Allianceïte to·the·Might-of-Powrïte :
and·Returned-of-Powr the·son·of Driven the·son·of Moseh
foremost upon the·treasures⁺ :
and·his·brothers⁺ to·Powr-of-Help
Broadened-of-Yʜᴡ his·son and·Yʜᴡ-Saves his·son and·Yᴡ-High his·son
and·Remembered his·son and·Shalomness his·son :
he Shaloms and·his·brothers⁺ upon all·of the·treasures⁺·of the·sanctuaries⁺ that he·made·sacred Intimate the·king and·the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ to·the·princes⁺·of the·thousands⁺ and·the·hundred⁺ and·the·princes⁺·of the·host :
from the·battles⁺ and·from the·plunder they·made·sacred⁺
to·make·firm to·the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·all the·he·made·sacred Heard-by-Powr the·seer and·Requested the·son·of Snare
and·Father-Lamp the·son·of Lamp
and·Yᴡ-Fathered the·son·of Balsamed
all that·makes·sacred
upon the·hand·of Shalomness and·his·brothers⁺ :
to·the·Elixerïte ¬Chenaniah and·his·sons⁺ to·the·ministry the·exterior upon Princepowr
to·officers⁺ and·to·judges⁺ :
to·the·Allianceïte Considered-of-Yʜᴡ and·his·brothers⁺ sons⁺·of strength thousand and·seven·of hundred⁺ upon the·reckoning·of Princepowr
from·region·across to·the·Descender ➝evening·place
to·all·of the·ministry·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·to·the·service·of the·king :
to·the·Allianceïte Torahed-of-Yʜᴡ the·head
to·the·Allianceïte to·his·childages⁺ to·fathers⁺
in·the·year·of the·forty⁺ to·the·kingship·of Intimate they·were·investigated⁺
and·he·is·found in·them heroes⁺·of strength in·He-Helps Roll-of-Witness :
and·his·brothers⁺ sons⁺·of strength thousands² and·seven hundred⁺ the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺
and·he·gives·them·to·reckon Intimate the·king upon the·See-Sonïte and·the·Cloutïte and·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustrationïte
to·all·of the·speech·of the·Powers⁺ and·the·speech·of the·king :
and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·their·count the·heads⁺·of the·fathers⁺ and·the·princes⁺·of the·thousands⁺ and·the·hundred⁺ and·their·officers⁺ the·assistants⁺ °the·king to·all·of the·speech·of the·divisions⁺ that·enters and·that·goes new·moon in·new·moon
to·all·of the·new·moons⁺·of the·year
the·division one
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
upon the·division the·headmost to·the·new·moon the·headmost
People-Return the·son·of Award-of-Powr
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
from the·sons⁺·of Rupture the·head to·all·of the·princes⁺·of the·hosts⁺ to·the·new·moon the·headmost :
and·upon the·division·of the·new·moon the·second Intimacy·Plant the·Brotherbroïte and·his·division
and·¬Mikloth the·foremost
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
the·prince·of the·host the·third to·the·new·moon the·third
Built-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Yʜᴡ-Known the·priest head
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
he Built-Yʜᴡ the·hero·of the·thirty⁺ and·upon the·thirty⁺
¬Ammizabad his·son :
the·fourth to·the·new·moon the·fourth Deed·of Powr the·brother·of Yᴡ-Fathered
and·Award-of-Yʜᴡ his·son after⁺·him
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
the·fifth to·the·new·moon the·fifth
the·prince Desolate the·¬Jizrach
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
the·sixth to·the·new·moon the·sixth
Rousing the·son·of Warped the·Hithornïte
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
the·seventh to·the·new·moon the·seventh
Dress the·Suchïte from the·sons⁺·of Fruits²
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
the·eighth to·the·new·moon the·eighth
Tangled the·Hurrierïte to·the·Dawnïte
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
the·ninth to·the·new·moon the·ninth
Father-of-Help the·Responsesïte to·the·son Rightïte
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
the·tenth to·the·new·moon the·tenth
Speedy the·Distillïte to·the·Dawnïte
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
øne and·ten to·the·øne the·and·ten·of the·new·moon
Built-Yʜᴡ the·Dishevelïte from the·sons⁺·of Fruits²
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
the·two² and·ten to·two² the·and·ten·of the·new·moon
Momentine the·Distillïte to·Otny-of-Powr
and·upon his·division
twenty⁺ and·four thousand :
and·upon the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
to·the·See-Sonïte foremost
Powr-of-Help the·son·of Remembered
Judge-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Battering :
to·Debtor Considered-of-Yʜᴡ the·son·of Raised-of-Powr to·Aharon Just :
to·Gloryhand Powr-of-Yʜᴡ from·the·brothers⁺·of Intimate
My-Sheaf the·son·of Who-as-Powr :
to·Residence Yʜᴡ-Hears the·son·of Servant-of-Yʜᴡ
Heights⁺ the·son·of Help-of-Powr :
to·the·sons⁺·of Fruits²
Savior the·son·of Might-of-Yʜᴡ
to·the·half·of the·stem·of Frustration
Yᴡ-Powr the·son·of Ransom-of-Yʜᴡ :
to·the·half·of the·Frustration ➝Roll-of-Witness
Handed the·son·of Remembered-of-Yʜᴡ
Powr-Does the·son·of Father-Lamp :
to·Vindicator Helped-by-Powr the·son·of Wombing
these the·princes⁺·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr :
and he·did·not·bear Intimate their·count
to·from·son·of twenty⁺ year and·to·beneath
as he·said Yʜᴡʜ
to·multiply °Princepowr as·the·stars⁺·of the·skies⁺ :
Yᴡ-Fathered the·son·of Balsamed he·pierced to·allot and he·was·not·all·done
and·he·is in·this anger upon Princepowr
and he·did·not·go·up the·count
in·the·count·of the·speeches⁺·of the·days⁺ to·the·king Intimate :
and·upon the·treasures⁺·of the·king
Might-of-Death the·son·of Decked-of-Powr
and·upon the·treasures⁺ in·the·field in·the·cities⁺ and·in·the·atoned-villages⁺ and·in·the·great·towers⁺
Yʜᴡ-Given the·son·of Might-of-Yʜᴡ :
and·upon the·doing⁺·of the·ministry·of the·field
to·the·service·of the·adamah
My-Help the·son·of Dog :
and·upon the·orchards⁺
Hearing the·Heightsïte
and·upon which·in·the·orchards⁺ to·the·treasures⁺·of the·wine
My-Award the·¬Shiphmite :
and·upon the·olives⁺ and·the·sycamores⁺ that in·the·lowland
Master·of Grace the·¬Gederite
and·upon the·treasures⁺·of the·oil Yᴡ-Musters :
and·upon the·plowcattle the·tendents⁺ in·the·Strait
¬Shitrai the·Straitïte
and·upon the·plowcattle in·the·deeplands⁺
Judge the·son·of Adlïte :
and·upon the·camels⁺
Mourner the·Powrhearsïte
and·upon the·ruggedmules⁺
¬Jehdeiah the·¬the·Merothonite :
and·upon the·sheep He-Abounds the·The-Lodgerïte
all these the·princes⁺·of the·fortune
that to·the·king Intimate :
and·Yʜᴡ-Given the·intimate·uncle·of Intimate counselor
man giving·discernment and·accounter he
and·Powr-Lives the·son·of Wisdomïte near the·sons⁺·of the·king :
and·Brother-of-Sludge counselor to·the·king
and·Hurried the·Longïte the·tendent·of the·king :
and·after⁺ Brother-of-Sludge Yʜᴡ-Known the·son·of Built-Yʜᴡ and·Father-of-Remainder
and·prince·of host to·the·king Yᴡ-Fathered :
and·he·congregates Intimate °all·of the·princes⁺·of Princepowr the·princes⁺·of the·stems⁺ and·the·princes⁺·of the·divisions⁺ the·assistants⁺ °the·king and·the·princes⁺·of the·thousands⁺ and·the·princes⁺·of the·hundred⁺ and·princes⁺·of all·of fortune and·stock to·the·king and·to·his·sons⁺ near the·eunuchs⁺ and·the·heroes⁺ and·to·all·of hero·of strength to Torahshalom :
and·he·arises Intimate the·king upon his·feet²
and·he·says ꜝhear⁺·me my·brothers⁺ and·my·people
I near my·heart to·build house·of peaceful·place to·the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·the·stool·of the·feet²·of our·Powers⁺
and·I·made·sure to·build :
and·the·Powers⁺ he·said to·me
you·do·not·build house to·my·name
as man·of battles⁺ you and·bloods⁺ you·spilled :
and·he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr in·me from·all·of the·house·of my·father to·be to·king upon Princepowr to·eternity
as in·Gloryhand he·chose to·foremost
and·in·the·house·of Gloryhand the·house·of my·father
and·in·the·sons⁺·of my·father
in·me he·favored
to·king upon all·of Princepowr :
and·from·all·of my·sons⁺
as many⁺ sons⁺
he·gave to·me Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·chooses in·Shalomo my·son
to·settle upon the·throne·of the·kingship·of Yʜᴡʜ upon Princepowr :
and·he·says to·me
Shalomo your·son
he he·builds my·house and·my·courtyards⁺
as I·chose in·him to·me to·son
and·I I·am to·him to·father :
and·I·made·sure °his·kingship unto to·eternity
if he·is·firm to·do my·commandments⁺ and·my·judgments⁺ as·the·day this :
and·now to·the·eyes²·of all·of Princepowr the·congregation·of Yʜᴡʜ and·in·the·ears²·of our·Powers⁺
ꜝwatch⁺ and·ꜝinvestigate⁺
all·of the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
because·of ꜝinherit⁺ °the·land the·good
and·you·derived·for⁺ to·your⁺·sons⁺ after⁺·you⁺ unto eternity :
and·you Shalomo my·son ꜝknow °Powers⁺·of your·father and·ꜝserve·him in·heart shalomic and·in·soul pleased
as all·of hearts⁺ investigating Yʜᴡʜ
and·all·of form·of considerations⁺ giving·discernment
if you·investigate·him he·is·found to·you
and·if you·abandon·him he·shuns·you to·onward :
ꜝsee now as Yʜᴡʜ he·chose in·you to·build house to·the·sanctuary ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝdo :
and·he·gives Intimate to·Shalomo his·son °the·build·of the·powrhouse and·°his·houses⁺ and·his·vaults⁺ and·his·upper·rooms⁺ and·his·chambers⁺ the·inface⁺ and·the·house·of the·atonement :
and·build·of all that he·was in·the·breath near·him
to·the·courtyards⁺·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ and·to·all·of the·rooms⁺ turninground
to·the·treasures⁺·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺
and·to·the·treasures⁺·of the·sanctuaries⁺ :
and·to·the·divisions⁺·of the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·to·all·of the·ministry·of the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·to·all·of the·things⁺·of the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
to·the·gold in·the·shekelness to·the·gold
to·all·of things⁺·of service and·service
to·all·of the·things⁺·of the·silver in·shekelness
to·all·of things⁺·of service and·service :
and·shekelness to·the·lampstands⁺·of the·gold and·their·lamps⁺ gold
in·shekelness·of lampstand and·lampstand and·her·lamps⁺
and·to·the·lampstands⁺·of the·silver in·shekelness to·lampstand and·her·lamps⁺
as·service·of lampstand and·lampstand :
and·°the·gold shekelness to·the·tables⁺·of the·line to·table·of and·table
and·silver to·the·tables⁺·of the·silver :
and·the·skewers⁺ and·the·aspersoria⁺ and·the·cups⁺ gold pure
and·to·the·atonement-basins⁺·of the·gold in·shekelness to·atonement-basin and·atonement-basin
and·to·the·atonement-basins⁺·of the·silver in·shekelness to·atonement-basin and·atonement-basin :
and·to·the·offering·place·of the·incense gold perfected in·the·shekelness
and·to·the·build·of the·chariot the·cherubs⁺ gold to·stretching⁺
and·knit·together⁺ upon the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ :
all in·writing from·the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ upon·me he·made·prudent
all·of the·ministries⁺·of the·build :
and·he·says Intimate to·Shalomo his·son ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·bold and·ꜝdo
ꜝdo·not·fear and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down
as Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ my·Powers⁺ near·you
he·does·not·slack·you·off and he·does·not·abandon·you
unto to·be·all·through all·of the·ministry·of the·service·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·¡lo! the·divisions⁺·of the·priests⁺ and·the·Debtorïtes⁺
to·all·of the·service·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺
and·near·you in·all·of ministry to·all noble in·the·wisdom to·all·of service
and·the·princes⁺ and·all·of the·people to·all·of your·speeches⁺ :
and·he·says Intimate the·king to·all·of the·congregation
Shalomo my·son one he·chose in·him Powers⁺ youth and·soft
and·the·ministry great
as not to·adam the·castle
as to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺ :
and·as·all·of my·vigor I·made·sure to·the·house·of my·Powers⁺ the·gold to·the·gold and·the·silver to·the·silver and·the·copper to·the·copper the·iron to·the·iron
and·the·trees⁺ to·the·trees⁺
stones⁺·of onyx and·fulfillments⁺ stones⁺·of powder and·embroidery and·all·of stone precious and·stones⁺·of linenstone to·multitude :
and·again when·I·favor in·the·house·of my·Powers⁺
there·is to·me dearest gold and·silver
I·gave to·the·house·of my·Powers⁺ to➝upward
from·all I·made·sure to·the·house·of the·sanctuary :
three·of thousands⁺ rounds⁺·of gold from·the·gold·of Ophir
and·seven·of thousands⁺ round·of silver perfected
to·plaster the·walls⁺·of the·houses⁺ :
to·the·gold to·the·gold and·to·the·silver to·the·silver
and·to·all·of ministry in·hand·of craftsmen⁺
and·¿who ennobled
to·fill his·hand the·day to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·ennoble·themselves⁺ the·princes⁺·of the·fathers⁺ and·the·princes⁺·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr and·the·princes⁺·of the·thousands⁺ and·the·hundred⁺
and·to·the·princes⁺·of the·ministry·of the·king :
and·they·give⁺ to·the·service·of the·house·of the·Powers⁺ gold rounds⁺ five·of thousands⁺ and·darchmas⁺ multitude
and·silver rounds⁺ ten·of thousands⁺
and·copper multitude and·eight·of thousands⁺ rounds⁺
and·iron hundred thousand·of rounds⁺ :
and·that·is·found with·him stones⁺
they·gave⁺ to·the·treasure·of the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ
upon the·hand·of Powr-Lives the·Drivenïte :
and·they·are·glad⁺ the·people upon their·ennobling·oneself
as in·heart shalomic
they·ennobled·themselves⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
and·also Intimate the·king
he·was·glad gladness great :
and·he·kneels Intimate °Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·eyes²·of all·of the·congregation
and·he·says Intimate knelt·to you Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr our·father
from·eternity and·unto eternity :
to·you Yʜᴡʜ the·greatness and·the·heroism and·the·sprigging and·the·forever and·the·splendor
as all in·the·skies⁺ and·in·the·land
to·you Yʜᴡʜ the·kingdom
and·the·bearing·himself·up to·all to·head :
and·the·riches and·the·weight from·to·your·face⁺
and·you ruler in·all
and·in·your·hand vigor and·heroism
to·make·great and·to·make·firm to·all :
and·now our·Powers⁺
gloryhanding⁺ we⁺ to·you
and·praising⁺ to·the·name·of your·sprigging :
and·as ¿who I and·¿who my·people
as we·restrain⁺ vigor
to·ennoble·oneself as·this
as from·you all
and·from·your·hand we·gave⁺ to·you :
as lodgers⁺ we⁺ to·your·face⁺ and·settlers⁺ as·all·of our·fathers⁺
as·the·shadow our·days⁺ upon the·land and·there·is·ńot hope :
Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
all·of the·hum this that we·made·sure⁺
to·build to·you house to·the·name·of your·sanctuary
from·your·hand he and·to·you all :
and·I·knew my·Powers⁺
as you testing heart
and·straightness⁺ you·favor
I in·the·straightness·of my·heart I·ennobled·myself all these
and·now your·people the·they·were·found⁺ ẖere
I·saw in·gladness to·ennoble·oneself to·you :
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Father-Hi-Hum Laugher and·Princepowr our·fathers⁺
ꜝwatch! this to·eternity
to·the·form·of the·considerations⁺·of the·heart·of your·people
and·ꜝmake·sure their·heart to·you :
and·to·Shalomo my·son ꜝgive heart shalomic
to·watch your·commandments⁺
your·witnesses⁺ and·your·prescriptions⁺
and·to·do all
and·to·build the·castle that I·made·sure :
and·he·says Intimate to·all·of the·congregation
ꜝkneel⁺ ¡please! °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·they·kneel⁺ all·of the·congregation to·Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺
and·they·downscalp⁺ and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ and·to·the·king :
and·they·offer⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ offerings⁺ and·they·offer·up⁺ upward·offerings⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ to·the·aftermorrow·of the·day he
cows⁺ thousand powrrams⁺ thousand lambs⁺ thousand and·their·libations⁺
and·offerings⁺ to·multitude to·all·of Princepowr :
and·they·eat⁺ and·they·drink⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·day he in·gladness great
and·they·king⁺ second to·Shalomo the·son·of Intimate
and·they·anoint⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ to·foremost and·to·Just to·priest :
and·he·settles Shalomo upon the·throne·of Yʜᴡʜ to·king under Intimate his·father and·he·prospers
and·they·hear⁺ to·him all·of Princepowr :
and·all·of the·princes⁺ and·the·heroes⁺
and·also all·of the·sons⁺·of the·king Intimate
they·gave⁺ hand
under Shalomo the·king :
and·he·makes·great Yʜᴡʜ °Shalomo to➝upward
to·the·eyes²·of all·of Princepowr
and·he·gives upon·him splendor·of kingship
that he·was·not upon all·of king to·his·face⁺ upon Princepowr :
and·Intimate the·son·of He-Is
he·was·king upon all·of Princepowr :
and·the·days⁺ that he·was·king upon Princepowr
forty⁺ year
in·Alliance he·was·king seven years⁺
and·in·Torahshalom he·was·king thirty⁺ and·three :
and·he·dies in·gray·head good
satisfied·of days⁺ riches and·weight
and·he·is·king Shalomo his·son unders⁺·him :
and·the·speeches⁺·of Intimate the·king
the·headmost⁺ and·the·afterward⁺
¡lo!·them written⁺ upon the·speeches⁺·of Heard-by-Powr the·seer
and·upon the·speeches⁺·of Given the·prophet
and·upon the·speeches⁺·of Clout the·visionary :
near all·of his·kingship and·his·heroism
and·the·seasons⁺ that they·crossed·over⁺ upon·him and·upon Princepowr
and·upon all·of the·kingdoms⁺·of the·lands⁺ :