Book of 1 Samuel

Heard-by-Powr ­, part 1

and·he·is ­man ­one ­from ­the·Heights² ­Sentries⁺ ­from·the·mount·of ­Fruits²

and·his·name ­Powr-Stocked ­the·son·of ­Wombing ­the·son·of ­Powr-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Tochu ­the·son·of ­Top ­Fruitfulïte :

and·to·him ­two²·of ­women⁺

name·of ­one ­Grace

and·the·name·of ­the·second ­Cornergem

and·he·is ­to·Cornergem ­children⁺

and·to·Grace ­there·is·ńot ­children⁺ :

and·he·went·up ­the·man ­he ­from·his·city ­from·days⁺ ­➝days⁺

to·prostrate·oneself ­and·to·offer ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­in·Relaxation

and·there ­the·two²·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Upward ­My-Paw ­and·Copper-Mouth

priests⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­the·day

and·he·offers ­Powr-Stocked

and·he·gave ­to·Cornergem ­his·woman ­and·to·all·of ­her·sons⁺ ­and·her·daughters⁺ ­allotments⁺ :

and·to·Grace ­he·gives ­allotment ­one·of ­nostrils²

as ­°Grace ­he·loved

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·locked ­her·womb :

and·she·troubled·her ­her·rocker ­also ­trouble

in·sake·of ­her·thundering

as ­he·locked ­Yʜᴡʜ ­about ­her·womb :

and·surely ­he·does ­year ­in·year ­from·enough·of ­her·going·up ­in·the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

surely ­she·troubles·her

and·she·weeps ­and ­she·does·not·eat :

and·he·says ­to·her ­Powr-Stocked ­her·man ­Grace ­to·¿what ­you·weep ­and·to·¿what ­you·do·not·eat

and·to·¿what ­he·is·curtained ­your·heart

¿not ­I ­good ­to·you

from·ten ­sons⁺ :

and·she·arises ­Grace

after⁺ ­eating ­in·Relaxation ­and·after⁺ ­drinking

and·Upward ­the·priest ­settling ­upon ­the·throne

upon ­the·doorpost·of ­the·palace·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·she ­bitter·of ­soul

and·she·mediates ­upon ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·weeping ­she·weeps :

and·she·vows ­vow ­and·she·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­if ­seeing ­you·see ­in·the·humiliation·of ­your·amah ­and·you·remembered·me ­and ­you·do·not·forget ­°your·amah

and·you·gave ­to·your·amah ­seed·of ­mortals⁺

and·I·gave·him ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­his·life⁺

and·razor ­he·does·not·go·up ­upon ­his·head :

and·he·was ­as ­she·multiplied

to·mediate ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·Upward ­watching ­°her·mouth :

and·Grace ­she ­speaker ­upon ­her·heart

only ­her·lips² ­rattling⁺

and·her·voice ­he·is·not·heard

and·he·considers·her ­Upward ­to·drunk :

and·he·says ­to·her ­Upward

unto ­¿wħen ­you·get·yourself·drunk

ꜝremove ­°your·wine ­from·upon·you :

and·she·responds ­Grace ­and·she·says ­not ­my·lord

woman ­hard·of ­breath ­I

and·wine ­and·strong·drink ­I·did·not·drink

and·I·spill·out ­°my·soul ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

ꜝdo·not·give ­°your·amah

to·face⁺·of ­daughter·of ­no-benefit

as ­from·the·multitude·of ­my·meditation ­and·my·trouble ­I·spoke ­unto ­here :

and·he·responds ­Upward ­and·he·says ­ꜝwalk ­to·shalom

and·Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­he·gives ­°your·request

that ­you·requested ­from·near·him :

and·she·says ­she·finds ­your·family·servant ­grace ­in·your·eyes²

and·she·walks ­the·woman ­to·her·step ­and·she·eats

and·her·face⁺ ­they·were·not⁺ ­to·her ­again :

and·they·yoke·up ­in·the·dayplow ­and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·return⁺ ­and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­their·house ­➝the·High·Place

and·he·knows ­Powr-Stocked ­°Grace ­his·woman

and·he·remembers·her ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­to·the·encompassings⁺·of ­the·days⁺

and·she·progenates ­Grace ­and·she·enchilds ­son

and·she·calls ­°his·name ­Heard-by-Powr

as ­from·Yʜᴡʜ ­I·requested·him :

and·he·goes·up ­the·man ­Powr-Stocked ­and·all·of ­his·house

to·offer ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·offering·of ­the·days⁺ ­and·°his·vow :

and·Grace ­she·did·not·go·up

as ­she·said ­to·her·man ­unto ­he·is·yieldweaned ­the·youth ­and·I·brought·him·in ­and·he·was·seen ­with ­the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·settled ­there ­unto ­eternity :

and·he·says ­to·her ­Powr-Stocked ­her·man ­ꜝdo ­the·good ­in·your·eyes² ­ꜝsettle ­unto ­your·yielding ­°him

surely ­ꜝlet·him·raise ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°his·speech

and·she·settles ­the·woman ­and·she·suckles ­°her·son

unto ­her·yielding ­°him :

and·she·offers·him·up ­near·her ­as·how ­she·yielded·him ­in·cows⁺ ­three ­and·bucket ­one·of ­meal ­and·wiltbag·of ­wine

and·she·brings·him·in ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Relaxation

and·the·youth ­youth :

and·they·slaughter⁺ ­°the·cow

and·they·bring·in⁺ ­°the·youth ­to ­Upward :

and·she·says ­¡o! ­my·lord

the·living·of ­your·soul ­my·lord

I ­the·woman ­that·is·posted ­near·you ­in·this

to·mediate ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to ­the·youth ­this ­I·mediated

and·he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­°my·request

that ­I·requested ­from·near·him :

and·also ­I ­I·bequested·him ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

all·of ­the·days⁺ ­that ­he·was

he ­requested ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·prostrates·himself ­there ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :


and·she·mediates ­Grace ­and·she·says

he·exulted ­my·heart ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

she·was·high ­my·horn ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

he·was·broad ­my·mouth ­upon ­my·enemies⁺

as ­I·was·glad ­in·your·salvation :

there·is·ńot ­sacred ­as·Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­there·is·ńot ­your·if·not

and·there·is·ńot ­rock ­as·our·Powers⁺ :

you·do·not·multiply⁺ ­you·speak⁺ ­climbing ­climbing

he·goes ­surpassing·things ­from·your⁺·mouth

as ­powr·of ­knowledges⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·to·him ­they·were·balanced⁺ ­exploits⁺ :

bow·of ­heroes⁺ ­cast·down⁺

and·stumbling⁺ ­they·belted⁺ ­strength :

satisfied⁺ ­in·the·bread ­they·were·hired⁺

and·hungry⁺ ­they·ceased⁺

unto ­sterile ­she·enchilded ­seven

and·much·of ­sons⁺ ­she·was·exhausted :

Yʜᴡʜ ­putting·to·death ­and·keeping·alive

making·descend ­sheol ­and·he·offers·up :

Yʜᴡʜ ­disinheriting ­and·enriching

making·low ­¡yes! ­heightening :

raising ­from·dust ­pulled·down ­from·dump ­he·heightens ­wanting

to·settle ­near ­nobles⁺

and·throne·of ­weight ­he·derives·for·them

as ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­poured·pillars⁺·of ­land

and·he·puts ­upon·them ­world :

the·feet²·of ­his·merciful⁺ ­he·watches

and·wicked⁺ ­in·the·darkness ­they·are·silenced⁺

as ­not ­in·vigor ­he·is·heroic ­man :

Yʜᴡʜ ­they·are·plunged·in ­his·arguers⁺ ­upon·him ­in·the·skies⁺ ­ꜝlet·him·thunder

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·vindicates ­limits⁺·of ­land

and·he·gives ­might ­to·his·king

and·ꜝlet·him·heighten ­the·horn·of ­his·anointed :


and·he·walks ­Powr-Stocked ­➝the·High·Place ­upon ­his·house

and·the·youth ­he·was ­assistant ­°Yʜᴡʜ

with ­the·face⁺·of ­Upward ­the·priest :

and·the·sons⁺·of ­Upward ­sons⁺·of ­no-benefit

they·did·not·know⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ :

and·the·judgment·of ­the·priests⁺ ­with ­the·people

all·of ­man ­offering ­offering ­and·he·entered ­the·youth·of ­the·priest ­as·cooking ­the·flesh

and·the·skewer·of ­the·three·of ­the·teeth² ­in·his·hand :

and·he·struck ­in·the·cauldron ­or ­in·the·intimation-boiler ­or ­in·the·prosperbowl ­or ­in·the·scuttle

all ­that ­he·offers·up ­the·skewer

he·takes ­the·priest ­in·him

thus ­they·do⁺ ­to·all·of ­Princepowr

that·enter⁺ ­there ­in·Relaxation :

also ­in·ere ­they·incendiate⁺ ­°the·fat

and·he·entered ­the·youth·of ­the·priest ­and·he·said ­to·the·man ­that·offers

ꜝgive! ­flesh

to·roast ­to·the·priest

and ­he·does·not·take ­from·you ­flesh ­cooked ­but ­rather ­living :

and·he·says ­to·him ­the·man ­incensing ­they·incendiate⁺ ­as·the·day ­the·fat

and·ꜝtake ­to·you

as·how ­she·yearns·for ­your·soul

and·he·said ­not ­as ­now ­you·give

and·if ­I·did·not·take ­in·firmness :

and·she·is ­the·sin·of ­the·youths⁺ ­great ­very ­with ­the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­they·disregarded⁺ ­the·mortals⁺

°the·tribute·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·Heard-by-Powr ­assistant ­with ­the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

youth ­girded ­ephod·of ­lonen :

and·guise ­small ­she·does ­to·him ­his·mama

and·she·offered·up ­to·him ­from·days⁺ ­➝days⁺

when·she·goes·up ­with ­her·man

to·offer ­°the·offering·of ­the·days⁺ :

and·he·knelt ­Upward ­°Powr-Stocked ­and·°his·woman ­and·he·said ­ꜝlet·him·place ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you ­seed ­from ­the·woman ­this

under ­the·request

that ­he·requested ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·walked⁺ ­to·his·rising·place :

as ­he·reckoned ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Grace

and·she·progenates ­and·she·enchilds ­three ­sons⁺ ­and·two²·of ­daughters⁺

and·he·becomes·great ­the·youth ­Heard-by-Powr ­near ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·Upward ­he·was·old ­very

and·he·heard ­°all ­that ­they·do⁺ ­his·sons⁺ ­to·all·of ­Princepowr

and·°that ­they·bed⁺ ­°the·women⁺


opening·of ­tent·of ­assembly :

and·he·says ­to·them

to·¿what ­you·do⁺ ­as·the·speeches⁺ ­these

that ­I ­hearing ­°your⁺·speeches⁺ ­bad⁺

from·with ­all·of ­the·people ­these :

not ­my·sons⁺

as ­not ­good ­the·hearing ­that ­I ­hearing

making·cross·by⁺ ­the·people·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

if ­he·sins ­man ­to·man ­and·he·mediated·him ­Powers⁺

and·if ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·sins ­man

¿who ­he·mediates ­to·him

and ­they·do·not·hear⁺ ­to·the·voice·of ­their·father

as ­he·was·pleased ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·put·them·to·death :

and·the·youth ­Heard-by-Powr

walking ­and·greaten ­and·he·was·good

also ­near ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·also ­near ­mortals⁺ :

and·he·enters ­the·man·of ­Powers⁺ ­to ­Upward

and·he·says ­to·him ­thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ

¿being·stripped·out ­I·was·stripped·out ­to ­the·house·of ­your·father

when·they·are⁺ ­in·Egypts² ­to·the·house·of ­Pharaoh :

and·choosing ­°him ­from·all·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·me ­to·priest

to·go·up ­upon ­my·offering·place ­to·incendiate ­incense ­to·bear ­ephod ­to·my·face⁺

and·I·give! ­to·the·house·of ­your·father

°all·of ­the·fire-offerings⁺·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

to·¿what ­you·kick⁺ ­in·my·offering ­and·in·my·tribute

that ­I·commanded ­home

and·you·give·weight ­°your·sons⁺ ­from·me

to·keep·you⁺·in·shape ­from·the·headmost·of ­all·of ­the·tribute·of ­Princepowr ­to·my·people :

to·surely ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

saying ­I·said

your·house ­and·the·house·of ­your·father

they·walk·themselves⁺ ­to·my·face⁺ ­unto ­eternity

and·now ­the·revelation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­¡pierce·it! ­to·me

as ­that·give·me·weight⁺ ­I·give·weight ­and·that·despise⁺·me ­they·are·slightened⁺ :

¡lo! ­days⁺ ­entering⁺

and·I·hacked·off ­°your·arm

and·°the·arm·of ­the·house·of ­your·father

from·being ­elder ­in·your·house :

and·you·looked ­rocky·of ­home

in·all ­that ­he·does·good ­°Princepowr

and ­he·is·not ­elder ­in·your·house ­all·of ­the·days⁺ :

and·man ­I·do·not·cut·down ­to·you ­from·near ­my·offering·place

to·be·all·done ­°your·eyes² ­and·to·chastise ­°your·soul

and·all·of ­the·multitude·of ­your·house ­they·die⁺ ­mortals⁺ :

and·this ­to·you ­the·sign ­that ­he·enters ­to ­the·two²·of ­your·sons⁺

to ­My-Paw ­and·Copper-Mouth

in·day ­one ­they·die⁺ ­the·two²·of·them :

and·I·raised ­to·me ­priest ­true

as·how ­in·my·heart ­and·in·my·soul ­he·does

and·I·built ­to·him ­house ­true

and·he·walked·himself ­to·the·face⁺·of ­my·anointed ­all·of ­the·days⁺ :

and·he·was ­all ­the·remnant ­in·your·house

he·enters ­to·prostrate·oneself ­to·him

to·garnering·of ­silver ­and·round·of ­bread

and·he·said ­ꜝrash·me ­¡please! ­to ­one·of ­the·priesthoods⁺ ­to·eat ­morsel·of ­bread :

and·the·youth ­Heard-by-Powr ­assistant ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Upward

and·the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was ­precious ­in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺

there·is·ńot ­vision ­erupted :

and·he·is ­in·the·day ­he

and·Upward ­bedding ­in·his·rising·place

and·his·eyes² ­they·pierced⁺ ­waning⁺

he·is·not·able ­to·see :

and·the·lamp·of ­Powers⁺ ­ere ­he·is·quenched

and·Heard-by-Powr ­bedding

in·the·palace·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­there ­the·ark·of ­Powers⁺ :


and·he·calls ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­and·he·says ­¡lo!·me :

and·he·runs ­to ­Upward ­and·he·says ­¡lo!·me ­as ­you·called ­to·me

and·he·says ­I·did·not·call ­ꜝreturn ­ꜝbed

and·he·walks ­and·he·beds :

and·he·adds ­Yʜᴡʜ ­calling ­again ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·arises ­Heard-by-Powr ­and·he·walks ­to ­Upward

and·he·says ­¡lo!·me

as ­you·called ­to·me

and·he·says ­I·did·not·call ­my·son ­ꜝreturn ­ꜝbed :

and·Heard-by-Powr ­ere ­he·knew ­°Yʜᴡʜ

and·ere ­he·is·stripped·out ­to·him ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·adds ­Yʜᴡʜ ­calling ­Heard-by-Powr ­in·the·third

and·he·arises ­and·he·walks ­to ­Upward

and·he·says ­¡lo!·me

as ­you·called ­to·me

and·he·discerns ­Upward

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­calling ­to·the·youth :

and·he·says ­Upward ­to·Heard-by-Powr ­ꜝwalk ­ꜝbed

and·he·was ­if ­he·calls ­to·you

and·you·said ­ꜝspeak ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­hearing ­your·servant

and·he·walks ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·beds ­in·his·rising·place :

and·he·enters ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·posts·himself

and·he·calls ­as·time ­in·time ­Heard-by-Powr ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­ꜝspeak

as ­hearing ­your·servant :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr

¡lo! ­I ­doing ­speech ­in·Princepowr

that ­all·of ­that·hears·him

they·ring⁺ ­the·two²·of ­his·ears² :

in·the·day ­he ­I·raise ­to ­Upward

°all·of ­that ­I·spoke ­to ­his·house

piercing ­and·all·done :

and·I·told·forth ­to·him

as ­judge ­I ­°his·house ­unto ­eternity

in·guilt·of ­that ­he·knew ­as ­slighting⁺ ­to·them ­his·sons⁺

and ­he·was·not·waning ­in·them :

and·to·surely ­I·vowed·seven ­to·the·house·of ­Upward

if ­he·atones·himself ­the·guilt·of ­the·house·of ­Upward ­in·offering ­and·in·tribute ­unto ­eternity :

and·he·beds ­Heard-by-Powr ­unto ­the·dayplow

and·he·opens ­°the·pulldoors⁺·of ­the·house·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·Heard-by-Powr ­he·feared

from·telling·forth ­°the·insight ­to ­Upward :

and·he·calls ­Upward ­°Heard-by-Powr

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­my·son

and·he·says ­¡lo!·me :

and·he·says ­¿what ­the·speech ­that ­he·spoke ­to·you

¡please! ­ꜝdo·not·stifle ­from·me

thus ­he·does ­to·you ­Powers⁺ ­and·thus ­he·adds

if ­you·stifle ­from·me ­speech

from·all·of ­the·speech ­that ­he·spoke ­to·you :

and·he·tells·forth ­to·him ­Heard-by-Powr ­°all·of ­the·speeches⁺

and ­he·did·not·stifle ­from·him

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he

the·good ­in·his·eyes² ­he·does :


and·he·becomes·great ­Heard-by-Powr

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·was ­near·him

and ­he·did·not·let·fall ­from·all·of ­his·speeches⁺ ­➝land :

and·he·knows ­all·of ­Princepowr

from·Vindicator ­and·unto ­Well·of ­Seven

as ­true ­Heard-by-Powr

to·prophet ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·adds ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·being·seen ­in·Relaxation

as ­he·was·stripped·out ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­in·Relaxation ­in·the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Heard-by-Powr ­to·all·of ­Princepowr

and·he·goes ­Princepowr ­to·call·against ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·the·battle ­and·they·camp⁺ ­upon ­the·Stone ­the·Help

and·Palestinians⁺ ­they·camped⁺ ­in·Channel :

and·they·line·up ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·call·against ­Princepowr ­and·she·leaves ­the·battle

and·he·is·smitten ­Princepowr ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·they·strike⁺ ­in·the·line ­in·the·field

as·four·of ­thousands⁺ ­man :

and·he·enters ­the·people ­to ­the·camp

and·they·say⁺ ­the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·¿what ­he·smote·us ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·day ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

ꜝlet·us·take⁺ ­to·us ­from·Relaxation ­°the·ark·of ­the·covenant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·enters ­in·our·impresence

and·he·saves·us ­from·the·spoon·of ­our·enemies⁺ :

and·he·sends ­the·people ­Relaxation

and·they·bear⁺ ­from·there ­°the·ark·of ­the·covenant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺ ­settling ­the·cherubs⁺

and·there ­the·two²·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Upward ­near ­the·ark·of ­the·covenant·of ­the·Powers⁺

My-Paw ­and·Copper-Mouth :

and·he·is ­as·entering ­the·ark·of ­the·covenant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·camp

and·they·cheer⁺ ­all·of ­Princepowr ­cheer ­great

and·she·rumbles ­the·land :

and·they·hear⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­°the·voice·of ­the·cheer


¿what ­the·voice·of ­the·cheer ­the·great ­this ­in·the·camp·of ­the·Acrossïtes⁺


as ­the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

he·entered ­to ­the·camp :

and·they·fear⁺ ­the·Palestinians⁺

as ­they·said⁺

he·entered ­Powers⁺ ­to ­the·camp

and·they·say⁺ ­¡woe! ­to·us

as ­she·was·not ­as·this ­recent ­threeday :

¡woe! ­to·us

¿who ­he·snatches·us·away

from·the·hand·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­the·regals⁺ ­these

these ­they⁺ ­the·Powers⁺ ­that·strike⁺ ­°Egypts² ­in·all·of ­stroke ­in·the·outspeak :

ꜝmake·yourselves·firm⁺ ­and·ꜝbe⁺ ­to·mortals⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

lest ­you·serve⁺ ­to·the·Acrossïtes⁺

as·how ­they·served⁺ ­to·you⁺

and·you·were⁺ ­to·mortals⁺ ­and·you·battled⁺ :

and·they·battle⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·he·is·smitten ­Princepowr ­and·they·flee⁺ ­man ­to·his·tents⁺

and·she·is ­the·stroke ­great ­very

and·he·falls ­from·Princepowr

thirty⁺ ­thousand ­on·foot :

and·the·ark·of ­Powers⁺ ­he·was·taken

and·the·two²·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Upward ­they·died⁺

My-Paw ­and·Copper-Mouth :

and·he·runs ­the·man·of ­Son-of-Right ­from·the·line

and·he·enters ­Relaxation ­in·the·day ­he

and·his·tunics⁺ ­torn⁺

and·adamah ­upon ­his·head :

and·he·enters ­and·¡lo! ­Upward ­settling ­upon ­the·throne ­hand·of ­step ­sentry

as ­he·was ­his·heart ­shuddering

upon ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·the·man ­he·entered ­to·tell·forth ­in·the·city

and·she·cries ­all·of ­the·city :

and·he·hears ­Upward ­°the·voice·of ­the·cry

and·he·says ­¿what ­the·voice·of ­the·hum ­this

and·the·man ­he·sped

and·he·enters ­and·he·tells·forth ­to·Upward :

and·Upward ­son·of ­ninety⁺ ­and·eight ­year

and·his·eyes² ­she·arose

and ­he·was·not·able ­to·see :

and·he·says ­the·man ­to ­Upward ­I ­that·enters ­from ­the·line

and·I ­from ­the·line ­I·fled ­the·day

and·he·says ­¿what ­he·was ­the·speech ­my·son :

and·he·responds ­that·fleshes·out ­and·he·says ­he·fled ­Princepowr ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·also ­smiting ­great ­she·was ­in·the·people

and·also ­the·two²·of ­your·sons⁺ ­they·died⁺ ­My-Paw ­and·Copper-Mouth

and·the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­she·was·taken :


and·he·is ­as·he·commemorates ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­and·he·falls ­from·upon ­the·throne ­aftward ­about ­the·hand·of ­the·gate ­and·she·is·broken ­his·ripneck ­and·he·dies

as ­he·was·old ­the·man ­and·weighty

and·he ­he·judged ­°Princepowr ­forty⁺ ­year :

and·his·allness ­the·woman·of ­Copper-Mouth ­pregnant ­to·enchild

and·she·hears ­°the·hearing

to ­being·taken ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·he·died ­her·in-law ­and·her·man

and·she·stoops ­and·she·enchilds

as ­they·were·converted⁺ ­upon·her ­her·deformations⁺ :

and·as·the·season·of ­her·dying ­and·they·speak⁺ ­that·are·posted⁺ ­upon·her

ꜝdo·not·fear ­as ­son ­you·enchilded

and ­she·did·not·respond ­and ­she·did·not·put ­her·heart :

and·she·calls ­to·the·youth ­¿Where ­Weight ­saying

he·stripped ­weight ­from·Princepowr

to ­being·taken ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·to ­her·in-law ­and·her·man :

and·she·says ­he·stripped ­weight ­from·Princepowr

as ­he·was·taken ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ :


and·Palestinians⁺ ­they·took⁺

°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·they·bring·him·in⁺ ­from·Stone ­the·Help ­➝Breaster :

and·they·take⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·they·bring·in⁺ ­°him ­the·house·of ­Fishness

and·they·situate⁺ ­°him ­beside ­Fishness :

and·they·yoke·up ­Breasterïtes⁺ ­from·aftermorrow

and·¡lo! ­Fishness ­falling ­to·his·face⁺ ­➝land

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·take⁺ ­°Fishness

and·they·return⁺ ­°him ­to·his·rising·place :

and·they·yoke·up ­in·the·dayplow ­from·aftermorrow

and·¡lo! ­Fishness ­falling ­to·his·face⁺ ­➝land

to·the·face⁺·of ­the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·the·head·of ­Fishness ­and·the·two²·of ­the·spoons⁺·of ­his·hands² ­cut·off⁺ ­to ­the·sill

only ­Fishness ­he·survived ­upon·him :

upon ­surely ­they·do·not·step·forward ­the·priests⁺·of ­Fishness ­and·all ­that·enter⁺ ­the·house·of ­Fishness ­upon ­the·sill·of ­Fishness ­in·Breaster

unto ­the·day ­this :

and·she·weighs·down ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·Breasterïtes⁺ ­and·he·desolates·them

and·he·strikes ­°them ­in·the·hemorrhoids⁺

°Breaster ­and·°her·borders⁺ :

and·they·see⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Breaster ­as ­surely

and·they·said⁺ ­he·does·not·settle ­the·ark·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­near·us

as ­she·was·hard ­his·hand ­upon·us

and·upon ­Fishness ­our·Powers⁺ :

and·they·send⁺ ­and·they·gather⁺ ­°all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·them ­and·they·say⁺ ­¿what ­we·do⁺ ­to·the·ark·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr


Cellar ­he·turns·around

the·ark·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·turn⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·is ­after⁺ ­they·turned⁺ ­°him ­and·she·is ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·city ­rumble ­great ­very

and·he·strikes ­°the·mortals⁺·of ­the·city

from·small ­and·unto ­great

and·they·√burst⁺ ­to·them ­hemorrhoids⁺ :

and·they·send·out ­°the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­Sterile

and·he·is ­as·entering ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­Sterile

and·they·cry⁺ ­the·Sterileïtes⁺ ­saying ­they·turned⁺ ­to·me ­°the·ark·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·put·me·to·death ­and·°my·people :

and·they·send⁺ ­and·they·gather⁺ ­°all·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·they·say⁺ ­ꜝsend·out ­°the·ark·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·ꜝlet·him·return ­to·his·rising·place

and ­he·does·not·put·to·death ­°me ­and·°my·people

as ­she·was ­rumble·of ­death ­in·all·of ­the·city

she·weighed·down ­very ­the·hand·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­there :

and·the·mortals⁺ ­that ­they·did·not·die⁺

they·were·struck⁺ ­in·the·hemorrhoids⁺

and·she·goes·up ­the·cry·for·safety·of ­the·city ­the·skies⁺ :

and·he·is ­the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·field·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­seven ­new·moons⁺ :

and·they·call⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·the·priests⁺ ­and·to·that·divine⁺ ­saying

¿what ­we·do⁺ ­to·the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

let·us·know⁺ ­in·¿what ­we·send·him·out ­to·his·rising·place :

and·they·say⁺ ­if ­sending·out ­°the·ark·of ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­ꜝdo·not·send·out ­°him ­empty

as ­returning ­you·return⁺ ­to·him ­transgression

then ­you·are·healed⁺ ­and·he·was·known ­to·you⁺

to·¿what ­she·does·not·move ­his·hand ­from·you⁺ :

and·they·say⁺ ­¿what ­the·transgression ­that ­we·return⁺ ­to·him

and·they·say⁺ ­the·count·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

five ­hemorrhoids⁺·of ­gold

and·five ­rats⁺·of ­gold

as ­smiting ­one ­to·all·of·them ­and·to·your⁺·princes⁺ :

and·you·did⁺ ­the·shadows⁺·of ­your⁺·hemorrhoids⁺ ­and·the·shadows⁺·of ­your⁺·rats⁺ ­that·ruin⁺ ­°the·land

and·you·gave⁺ ­to·Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­weight

¿maybe ­he·slightens ­°his·hand ­from·upon·you⁺

and·from·upon ­your⁺·Powers⁺ ­and·from·upon ­your⁺·land :

and·to·¿what ­you·give·weight⁺ ­°your⁺·heart

as·how ­they·gave·weight⁺ ­Egyptian ­and·Pharaoh ­°their·heart

¿not ­as·how ­he·exploited·himself ­in·them

and·they·send·them·out ­and·they·walk⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝtake⁺ ­and·ꜝdo⁺ ­wagon ­new ­one

and·two²·of ­cows⁺ ­nursing⁺

that ­he·did·not·go·up ­upon·them ­harness

and·you·chained⁺ ­°the·cows⁺ ­in·the·wagon

and·you·returned⁺ ­their·sons⁺ ­from·after⁺·them ­➝the·house :

and·you·took⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·you·gave⁺ ­°him ­to ­the·wagon

and·°the·things⁺·of ­the·gold ­that ­you·returned⁺ ­to·him ­transgression

you·place⁺ ­in·the·stirbox ­from·his·hip

and·you·sent·out ­°him ­and·he·walked :

and·you·saw⁺ ­if ­the·step·of ­his·border ­he·goes·up ­House·of ­Sun

he ­he·did ­to·us

°the·badness ­the·great ­this

and·if ­and·we·did·not·know⁺ ­as ­not ­his·hand ­she·touched ­in·us

fate ­he ­he·was ­to·us :

and·they·do⁺ ­the·mortals⁺ ­surely

and·they·take⁺ ­two²·of ­cows⁺ ­nursing⁺

and·they·chain⁺·them ­in·the·wagon

and·°their·sons⁺ ­they·detained⁺ ­in·the·house :

and·they·place⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­the·wagon

and·°the·stirbox ­and·°the·rats⁺·of ­the·gold

and·°the·shadows⁺·of ­their·hemorrhoids⁺ :

and·they·are·straight⁺ ­the·cows⁺ ­in·the·step ­upon ­the·step·of ­House·of ­Sun

in·avenue ­one ­they·walked⁺ ­walking ­and·mooing

and ­they·did·not·move⁺ ­right ­and·left

and·the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­walking⁺ ­after⁺·them

unto ­the·border·of ­House·of ­Sun :

and·House·of ­Sun

croppers⁺ ­crop·of ­wheat⁺ ­in·the·deepland

and·they·bear⁺ ­°their·eyes² ­and·they·see⁺ ­°the·ark

and·they·are·glad⁺ ­to·see :

and·the·wagon ­she·entered ­to ­the·field·of ­Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·house·of ­the·Sunïte ­and·she·stands ­there

and·there ­stone ­great

and·they·cleave⁺ ­°the·trees⁺·of ­the·wagon


they·offered·up⁺ ­upward·offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·the·Debtorïtes⁺ ­they·made·descend⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·°the·stirbox ­that ­with·him ­that ­in·him ­things⁺·of ­gold

and·they·place⁺ ­to ­the·stone ­the·great

and·the·mortals⁺·of ­House·of ­Sun ­they·offered·up⁺ ­upward·offerings⁺ ­and·they·offer⁺ ­offerings⁺ ­in·the·day ­he ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·five ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­they·saw⁺

and·they·return⁺ ­Sterile ­in·the·day ­he :

and·these ­the·hemorrhoids⁺·of ­the·gold

that ­they·returned⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­transgression ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

to·Breaster ­one ­to·Mighty ­one ­to·Shekelry ­one

to·Cellar ­one ­to·Sterile ­one :

and·the·rats⁺·of ­the·gold ­the·count·of ­all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·the·five·of ­the·princes⁺

from·city·of ­fortification

and·unto ­the·atonement·of ­the·villager

and·unto ­meadow ­the·great ­that ­they·set·in·peace⁺ ­upon·her ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

unto ­the·day ­this

in·the·field·of ­Yʜᴡ-Saved ­the·house·of ­the·Sunïte :

and·he·strikes ­in·the·mortals⁺·of ­House·of ­Sun ­as ­they·saw⁺ ­in·the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·strikes ­in·the·people ­seventy⁺ ­man

fifty⁺ ­thousand ­man

and·they·mourn⁺ ­the·people

as ­he·struck ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·people ­stroke ­great ­

and·they·say⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­House·of ­Sun

¿who ­he·is·able ­to·stand

to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·Powers⁺ ­the·sacred ­this

and·to ­¿who ­he·goes·up ­from·upon·us :

and·they·send⁺ ­ministers⁺

to ­the·settling⁺·of ­Walledcity·of ­Forests⁺ ­saying

they·returned⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝdescend⁺ ­offer·up⁺ ­°him ­to·you⁺ :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Walledcity·of ­Forests⁺ ­and·they·offer·up⁺ ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·they·bring·in⁺ ­°him

to ­the·house·of ­Father-Noble ­in·the·hill

and·°Powr-Helped ­his·son ­they·sanctified⁺

to·watch ­°the·ark·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·is ­from·the·day·of ­settling ­the·ark ­in·Walledcity·of ­Forests⁺

and·they·multiply⁺ ­the·days⁺

and·they·are⁺ ­twenty⁺ ­year

and·they·are·grieved⁺ ­all·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­after⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­all·of ­the·house·of ­Princepowr ­saying

if ­in·all·of ­your⁺·heart ­you⁺ ­returning⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

ꜝremove⁺ ­°Powers⁺·of ­the·unrecognizee ­from·your⁺·midst ­and·the·blessings⁺

and·ꜝmake·sure⁺ ­your⁺·heart ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·ꜝserve⁺·him ­alone·him

and·ꜝlet·him·snatch·away ­°you⁺ ­from·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·they·remove⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

°the·Masters⁺ ­and·°the·blessings⁺

and·they·serve⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­alone·him :


and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr

ꜝcollect⁺ ­°all·of ­Princepowr ­➝the·Sentry·Post

and·I·mediate ­about·you⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·they·are·collected⁺ ­➝the·Sentry·Post ­and·they·fetch⁺ ­waters⁺ ­and·they·spill·out ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·they·fast⁺ ­in·the·day ­he

and·they·say⁺ ­there

we·sinned⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·judges ­Heard-by-Powr ­°the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­in·the·Sentry·Post :

and·they·hear⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­as ­they·collected·themselves⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­➝the·Sentry·Post

and·they·go·up⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­to ­Princepowr

and·they·hear⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·fear⁺ ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to ­Heard-by-Powr

ꜝdo·not·craft·silence ­from·us

from·crying ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­our·Powers⁺

and·he·saves·us ­from·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·takes ­Heard-by-Powr ­patchylamb·of ­fatmilk ­one

and·he·offers·him·up ­upward·offering ­all-all ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·cries ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­about ­Princepowr

and·he·responds·him ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·is ­Heard-by-Powr ­offering·up ­the·upward·offering

and·Palestinians⁺ ­they·approached⁺

to·the·battle ­in·Princepowr

and·he·thunders ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·voice ­great ­in·the·day ­he ­upon ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·he·rumbles·them

and·they·are·smitten⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·they·go⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from ­the·Sentry·Post

and·they·pursue⁺ ­°Palestinians⁺

and·they·strike⁺·them ­unto ­from·under ­to·House·of ­Goat :

and·he·takes ­Heard-by-Powr ­stone·of ­one ­and·he·places ­between ­the·Sentry·Post ­and·between ­the·Tooth

and·he·calls ­°her·name ­Stone ­the·Help

and·he·says ­unto ­here ­he·helped·us ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·they·are·cashed·out ­the·Palestinians⁺

and ­they·did·not·add⁺ ­again

to·enter ­in·the·border·of ­Princepowr

and·she·is ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·Palestinians⁺

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­Heard-by-Powr :

and·they·return⁺ ­the·cities⁺ ­that ­they·took⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­from·with ­Princepowr ­to·Princepowr ­from·Sterile ­and·unto ­Cellar


he·snatched·away ­Princepowr ­from·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·he·is ­shalom

between ­Princepowr ­and·between ­the·Amurruïte :

and·he·judges ­Heard-by-Powr ­°Princepowr

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­his·life⁺ :

and·he·walked ­from·enough·of ­year ­in·year

and·he·turned·around ­House·of ­Powr

and·the·Rolling ­and·the·Sentry·Post

and·he·judged ­°Princepowr

°all·of ­the·rising·places⁺ ­these :

and·his·turn ­➝the·High·Place ­as ­there ­his·house

and·there ­he·judged ­°Princepowr

and·he·builds ­there ­offering·place ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·is ­as·how ­he·was·old ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·places ­°his·sons⁺ ­judges⁺ ­to·Princepowr :

and·he·is ­the·name·of ­his·son ­the·firstborn ­Yᴡ-Powr

and·the·name·of ­his·second ­Father-of-Yʜᴡ

judges⁺ ­in·Well·of ­Seven :

and ­they·did·not·walk⁺ ­his·sons⁺ ­in·his·steps⁺

and·they·branch·out ­after⁺ ­the·profit

and·they·take⁺ ­bribe

and·they·branch·out ­judgment :



all·of ­the·elders⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­➝the·High·Place :

and·they·say⁺ ­to·him ­¡lo! ­you ­you·were·old

and·your·sons⁺ ­they·did·not·walk⁺ ­in·your·steps⁺

now ­ꜝplace! ­to·us ­king ­to·judge·us ­as·all·of ­the·clans⁺ :

and·he·is·bad ­the·speech ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Heard-by-Powr

as·how ­they·said⁺

ꜝgive! ­to·us ­king ­to·judge·us

and·he·mediates ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr

ꜝhear ­in·the·voice·of ­the·people

to·all ­that ­they·say⁺ ­to·you

as ­not ­°you ­they·rejected⁺

as ­°me ­they·rejected⁺ ­from·king ­upon·them :

as·all·of ­the·deeds⁺ ­that ­they·did⁺ ­from·the·day·of ­my·offering·up ­°them ­from·Egypts² ­and·unto ­the·day ­this


and·they·serve⁺ ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺

surely ­they⁺ ­doing⁺ ­also ­to·you :

and·now ­ꜝhear ­in·their·voice

surely ­as ­witnessing ­you·witness ­in·them

and·you·told·forth ­to·them

the·judgment·of ­the·king

that ­he·is·king ­upon·them :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­the·people ­that·request⁺ ­from·with·him ­king :

and·he·says ­this ­he·is ­the·judgment·of ­the·king

that ­he·is·king ­upon·you⁺

°your⁺·sons⁺ ­he·takes ­and·he·placed ­to·him ­in·his·chariot ­and·in·his·shockcavalry

and·they·ran⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­his·chariot :

and·to·place ­to·him

princes⁺·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·princes⁺·of ­fifty⁺

and·to·craft ­his·fieldcraft ­and·to·crop ­his·crop

and·to·do ­the·things⁺·of ­his·battle ­and·the·things⁺·of ­his·chariot :

and·°your⁺·daughters⁺ ­he·takes

to·compounders⁺ ­and·to·butchers⁺ ­and·to·bakers⁺ :

and·°your⁺·fields⁺ ­and·°your⁺·orchards⁺ ­and·your⁺·olives⁺ ­the·good⁺ ­he·takes

and·he·gave ­to·his·servants⁺ :

and·your⁺·seeds⁺ ­and·your⁺·orchards⁺ ­he·taxes·a·tenth

and·he·gave ­to·his·eunuchs⁺ ­and·to·his·servants⁺ :

and·°your⁺·servants⁺ ­and·°your⁺·family·servants⁺ ­and·°your⁺·choice·youths⁺ ­the·good⁺ ­and·°your⁺·donkeys⁺ ­he·takes

and·he·did ­to·his·ministry :

your⁺·sheep ­he·taxes·a·tenth

and·you⁺ ­you·are⁺ ­to·him ­to·servants⁺ :

and·you·cried⁺ ­in·the·day ­he

from·to·the·face⁺·of ­your⁺·king

that ­you·chose⁺ ­to·you⁺

and ­he·does·not·respond ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°you⁺ ­in·the·day ­he :

and·they·refuse⁺ ­the·people

to·hear ­in·the·voice·of ­Heard-by-Powr

and·they·say⁺ ­not

but ­rather ­king ­he·is ­upon·us :

and·we·were⁺ ­also ­we⁺ ­as·all·of ­the·clans⁺

and·he·judged·us ­our·king ­and·he·went ­to·our·face⁺

and·he·battled ­°our·battles⁺ :

and·he·hears ­Heard-by-Powr

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­the·people

and·he·speaks·them ­in·the·ears²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­ꜝhear ­in·their·voice

and·you·kinged ­to·them ­king

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr

ꜝwalk⁺ ­man ­to·his·city :


and·he·is ­man ­from·Son-of-Right ­and·his·name ­Snare ­the·son·of ­Father-of-Powr ­the·son·of ­Rocklet ­the·son·of ­Firstnessïte ­the·son·of ­I-Bloom ­son·of ­man ­Rightïte

hero·of ­strength :

and·to·him ­he·was ­son ­and·his·name ­Requested ­choice·youth ­and·good

and·there·is·ńot ­man ­from·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­good ­from·him

from·his·yoke ­and➝upward

climbing ­from·all·of ­the·people :

and·they·are·lost⁺ ­the·ruggedmules⁺

to·Snare ­the·father·of ­Requested

and·he·says ­Snare ­to ­Requested ­his·son ­ꜝtake ­¡please! ­with·you ­°one ­from·the·youths⁺

and·ꜝarise ­ꜝwalk

ꜝseek ­°the·ruggedmules⁺ :

and·he·crosses·over ­in·the·mount·of ­Fruits² ­and·he·crosses·over ­in·the·land·of ­Three ­and ­they·did·not·find⁺

and·they·cross·over⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Foxes⁺ ­and·there·is·ńot

and·he·crosses·over ­in·the·land·of ­Rightïte ­and ­they·did·not·find⁺ :

they⁺ ­they·entered⁺ ­in·the·land·of ­Top

and·Requested ­he·said ­to·his·youth ­that ­near·him ­ꜝwalk! ­and·ꜝlet·us·return⁺

lest ­he·ceases ­my·father ­from ­the·ruggedmules⁺ ­and·he·was·anxious ­to·us :

and·he·says ­to·him ­¡lo! ­¡please! ­the·man·of ­Powers⁺ ­in·the·city ­this

and·the·man ­weighty

all ­that ­he·speaks ­entering ­he·enters

now ­ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ ­there

¿maybe ­he·tells·forth ­to·us

°our·step ­that ­we·walked⁺ ­upon·her :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to·his·youth ­and·¡lo! ­we·walk⁺ ­and·¿what ­we·bring·in⁺ ­to·the·man

as ­the·bread ­he·proceeded ­from·our·things⁺

and·glimmer ­there·is·ńot ­to·bring·in ­to·the·man·of ­the·Powers⁺

¿what ­with·us :

and·he·adds ­the·youth ­to·respond ­°Requested

and·he·says ­¡lo! ­he·was·found ­in·my·hand

fourth·of ­shekel·of ­silver

and·I·gave ­to·the·man·of ­the·Powers⁺

and·he·told·forth ­to·us ­°our·step :

to·face⁺ ­in·Princepowr ­thus ­he·said ­the·man ­when·he·walks ­to·investigate ­Powers⁺

ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ ­unto ­the·seer

as ­to·the·prophet ­the·day

he·is·called ­to·face⁺ ­the·seer :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to·his·youth ­good ­your·speech ­ꜝwalk! ­ꜝlet·us·walk⁺

and·they·walk⁺ ­to ­the·city

that ­there ­the·man·of ­the·Powers⁺ :

they⁺ ­going·up⁺ ­in·the·upward·way·of ­the·city

and·they⁺ ­they·found⁺ ­youths⁺

going⁺ ­to·fetch ­waters⁺

and·they·say⁺ ­to·them

¿there·is ­in·this ­the·seer :

and·they·respond⁺ ­°them ­and·they·say⁺ ­there·is ­¡lo! ­to·your·face⁺

ꜝspeed ­now ­as ­the·day ­he·entered ­to·the·city

as ­the·offering·of ­the·day ­to·the·people ­in·the·dais :

as·you·enter⁺ ­the·city ­surely ­you·find⁺ ­°him ­in·ere ­he·goes·up ­➝the·dais ­to·eat ­as ­he·does·not·eat ­the·people ­unto ­his·entering

as ­he ­he·kneels ­the·offering

after⁺ ­surely ­they·eat⁺ ­that·are·called⁺

and·now ­go·up⁺

as ­°him ­as·the·day ­you·find⁺ ­°him :

and·they·go·up⁺ ­the·city

they⁺ ­entering⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­the·city

and·¡lo! ­Heard-by-Powr ­going ­to·call·against·them

to·go·up ­the·dais :


he·stripped·out ­°the·ear·of ­Heard-by-Powr

day ­one

to·the·face⁺·of ­entering ­Requested ­saying :

as·the·season ­aftermorrow ­I·send ­to·you ­man ­from·the·land·of ­Son-of-Right ­and·you·anointed·him ­to·foremost ­upon ­my·people ­Princepowr

and·he·saved ­°my·people ­from·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺

as ­I·saw ­°my·people

as ­she·entered ­his·cry ­to·me :

and·Heard-by-Powr ­he·saw ­°Requested

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·responded·him

¡lo! ­the·man ­that ­I·said ­to·you

this ­he·restrains ­in·my·people :

and·he·approaches ­Requested ­°Heard-by-Powr ­in·the·midst·of ­the·gate

and·he·says ­tell·forth! ­¡please! ­to·me

¿where ­this ­the·house·of ­the·seer :

and·he·responds ­Heard-by-Powr ­°Requested ­and·he·says ­I ­the·seer

go·up ­to·my·face⁺ ­the·dais

and·you·ate⁺ ­near·me ­the·day

and·I·sent·you·out ­in·the·dayplow

and·all ­that ­in·your·heart ­I·tell·forth ­to·you :

and·to·the·ruggedmules⁺ ­the·lost⁺ ­to·you ­the·day ­the·three·of ­the·days⁺

ꜝdo·not·place ­°your·heart ­to·them ­as ­they·were·found⁺

and·to·¿who ­all·of ­the·desire·of ­Princepowr

¿not ­to·you

and·to·all·of ­the·house·of ­your·father :

and·he·responds ­Requested ­and·he·says ­¿not ­Son·of ­Rightïte ­I ­from·the·small⁺·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·my·family ­the·least

from·all·of ­the·families⁺·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Son-of-Right

and·to·¿what ­you·spoke ­to·me

as·the·speech ­this :

and·he·takes ­Heard-by-Powr ­°Requested ­and·°his·youth

and·he·brings·them·in ­➝room

and·he·gives ­to·them ­rising·place ­in·the·head·of ­that·are·called⁺

and·they⁺ ­as·thirty⁺ ­man :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to·the·butcher

ꜝgive! ­°the·allotment

that ­I·gave ­to·you

that ­I·said ­to·you

ꜝplace ­°her ­near·you :

and·he·heightens ­the·butcher ­°the·leg ­and·upon·her ­and·he·places ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Requested ­and·he·says ­¡lo! ­the·survivor ­placed ­to·your·face⁺ ­ꜝeat

as ­to·the·assembly·time ­watched ­to·you ­saying ­the·people ­I·called

and·he·eats ­Requested ­near ­Heard-by-Powr ­in·the·day ­he :

and·they·descend⁺ ­from·the·dais ­the·city

and·he·speaks ­near ­Requested ­upon ­the·roof :

and·they·yoke·up ­and·he·is ­as·going·up ­the·morning ­and·he·calls ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Requested ­➝the·roof ­saying

ꜝarise! ­and·I·send·you·out

and·he·arises ­Requested ­and·they·go⁺ ­the·two²·of·them ­he ­and·Heard-by-Powr ­➝the·exterior :

they⁺ ­descending⁺ ­in·the·end·of ­the·city

and·Heard-by-Powr ­he·said ­to ­Requested ­ꜝsay ­to·the·youth ­and·he·crosses·over ­to·our·face⁺ ­and·he·crosses·over

and·you ­ꜝstand ­as·the·day

and·I·let·you·hear ­°the·speech·of ­Powers⁺ :


and·he·takes ­Heard-by-Powr ­°the·vial·of ­the·oil ­and·he·pours ­upon ­his·head ­and·he·kisses·him

and·he·says ­¿not ­as ­he·anointed·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­his·derivation ­to·foremost :

when·you·walk ­the·day ­from·near·me

and·you·found ­two²·of ­mortals⁺ ­near ­the·tomb·of ­Ewe ­in·the·border·of ­Son-of-Right ­in·Shadyplain

and·they·said⁺ ­to·you ­they·were·found⁺ ­the·ruggedmules⁺ ­that ­you·walked ­to·seek

and·¡lo! ­he·left ­your·father ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·ruggedmules⁺

and·he·was·anxious ­to·you⁺ ­saying

¿what ­I·do ­to·my·son :

and·you·changed·away ­from·there ­and·out ­and·you·entered ­unto ­the·powrtree·of ­Summit

and·they·found⁺·you ­there ­three ­mortals⁺

going·up⁺ ­to ­the·Powers⁺ ­House·of ­Powr

one ­bearer·of ­three ­kids⁺ ­and·one ­bearer·of ­three·of ­rounds⁺·of ­bread

and·one ­bearer·of ­wiltbag·of ­wine :

and·they·requested⁺ ­to·you ­to·shalom

and·they·gave⁺ ­to·you ­two²·of ­bread

and·you·took ­from·their·hand :

after ­surely ­you·enter ­the·hill·of ­the·Powers⁺

that ­there ­the·posts⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·ꜝlet·him·be ­as·you·enter ­there ­the·city ­and·you·pegged ­rope·of ­prophets⁺ ­descending⁺ ­from·the·dais

and·to·their·face⁺ ­wiltharp ­and·timbrel ­and·piercepipe ­and·lyre

and·they⁺ ­prophesying⁺ :

and·she·prospered ­upon·you ­the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·prophesied ­near·them

and·you·were·converted ­to·man ­after :

and·he·was ­as ­they·enter⁺ ­the·signs⁺ ­these ­to·you

ꜝdo ­to·you ­that ­she·finds ­your·hand

as ­the·Powers⁺ ­near·you :

and·you·descended ­to·my·face⁺ ­the·Rolling

and·¡lo! ­I ­descending ­to·you

to·offer·up ­upward·offerings⁺

to·offer ­offerings⁺·of ­shaloms⁺

seven·of ­days⁺ ­you·wait ­unto ­my·entering ­to·you

and·I·let·know ­to·you

°that ­you·do :

and·he·was ­as·he·faces ­his·yoke ­to·walk ­from·near ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·converts ­to·him ­Powers⁺ ­heart ­after

and·they·enter⁺ ­all·of ­the·signs⁺ ­these ­in·the·day ­he :

and·they·enter⁺ ­there ­➝the·Hill

and·¡lo! ­rope·of ­prophets⁺ ­to·call·on·him

and·she·prospers ­upon·him ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺

and·he·prophesies ­in·their·midst :

and·he·is ­all·of ­that·knows·him ­from·recent ­threeday

and·they·see⁺ ­and·¡lo! ­near ­prophets⁺ ­prophesying

and·he·says ­the·people ­man ­to ­his·tendent ­¿what ­this ­he·was ­to·the·son·of ­Snare

¿also ­Requested ­in·the·prophets⁺ :

and·he·responds ­man ­from·there ­and·he·says ­and·¿who ­their·father

upon ­surely ­she·was ­to·simile

¿also ­Requested ­in·the·prophets⁺ :

and·he·is·all·done ­from·prophesying

and·he·enters ­the·dais :

and·he·says ­the·intimate·uncle·of ­Requested ­to·him ­and·to ­his·youth ­¿where ­you·walked⁺

and·he·says ­to·seek ­°the·ruggedmules⁺

and·we·see⁺ ­as ­there·is·ńot

and·we·enter⁺ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr :

and·he·says ­the·intimate·uncle·of ­Requested

tell·forth! ­¡please! ­to·me

¿what ­he·said ­to·you⁺ ­Heard-by-Powr :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­his·intimate·uncle

telling·forth ­he·told·forth ­to·us

as ­they·were·found⁺ ­the·ruggedmules⁺

and·°the·speech·of ­the·kingship ­he·did·not·tell·forth ­to·him

that ­he·said ­Heard-by-Powr :


and·he·cries·up ­Heard-by-Powr ­°the·people

to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·Sentry·Post :

and·he·says ­to ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr


thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

I ­I·offered·up ­°Princepowr ­from·Egypts²

and·I·snatch·away ­°you⁺ ­from·the·hand·of ­Egypts²

and·from·the·hand·of ­all·of ­the·kingdoms⁺

that·squeeze⁺ ­°you⁺ :

and·you⁺ ­the·day ­you·rejected⁺ ­°your⁺·Powers⁺ ­that ­he ­savior ­to·you⁺ ­from·all·of ­your⁺·badnesses⁺ ­and·your⁺·rockinesses⁺

and·you·say⁺ ­to·him

as ­king ­you·place ­upon·us

and·now ­ꜝpost·yourselves⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·your⁺·stems⁺ ­and·to·your⁺·thousands⁺ :

and·he·presents ­Heard-by-Powr

°all·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·he·is·seized ­the·stem·of ­Son-of-Right :

and·he·presents ­°the·stem·of ­Son-of-Right ­to·his·families⁺

and·she·is·seized ­the·family·of ­the·Rainy

and·he·is·seized ­Requested ­the·son·of ­Snare

and·they·seek⁺·him ­and ­he·was·not·found :

and·they·request⁺ ­again ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

¿he·entered ­again ­here ­man

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­he ­concealed ­to ­the·things⁺ :

and·they·run⁺ ­and·they·take⁺·him ­from·there

and·he·posts·himself ­in·the·midst·of ­the·people

and·he·climbs ­from·all·of ­the·people

from·his·yoke ­and➝upward :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­all·of ­the·people ­¿you·saw⁺ ­that ­he·chose ­in·him ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­there·is·ńot ­as·him ­in·all·of ­the·people

and·they·cheer⁺ ­all·of ­the·people ­and·they·say⁺ ­ꜝlet·him·live ­the·king :


and·he·speaks ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­the·people ­°the·judgment·of ­the·kingship

and·he·writes ­in·the·account

and·he·sets·in·peace ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·sends·out ­Heard-by-Powr ­°all·of ­the·people ­man ­to·his·house :

and·also ­Requested

he·walked ­to·his·house ­➝Hill

and·they·walk⁺ ­near·him

the·strength ­that ­he·touched ­Powers⁺ ­in·their·heart :

and·sons⁺·of ­no-benefit ­they·said⁺ ­¿what ­he·saves·us ­this

and·they·despise⁺·him ­and ­they·did·not·bring·in⁺ ­to·him ­tribute

and·he·is ­as·crafting·silence :


and·he·goes·up ­Copperhead ­the·Peopledïte

and·he·camps ­upon ­Dry ­Roll-of-Witness

and·they·say⁺ ­all·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Dry ­to ­Copperhead

ꜝcut·in ­to·us ­covenant ­and·we·serve⁺·you :

and·he·says ­to·them ­Copperhead ­the·Peopledïte

in·this ­I·cut·in ­to·you⁺

when·gouging·out ­to·you⁺ ­all·of ­eye·of ­right

and·I·placed·her ­detraction ­upon ­all·of ­Princepowr :

and·they·say⁺ ­to·him ­the·elders⁺·of ­Dry ­ꜝslack·off ­to·us ­seven·of ­days⁺

and·ꜝlet·us·send⁺ ­ministers⁺

in·all·of ­the·border·of ­Princepowr

and·if ­there·is·ńot ­savior ­°us ­and·we·went⁺ ­to·you :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·ministers⁺ ­the·hill·of ­Requested

and·they·speak⁺ ­the·speeches⁺ ­in·the·ears²·of ­the·people

and·they·bear⁺ ­all·of ­the·people ­°their·voice ­and·they·weep⁺ :

and·¡lo! ­Requested ­entering ­after⁺ ­the·plowcattle ­from ­the·field

and·he·says ­Requested

¿what ­to·the·people ­as ­they·weep⁺

and·they·recount⁺ ­to·him

°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Dry :

and·she·prospers ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺ ­upon ­Requested

as·he·hears ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·he·is·scorched ­his·nostrils ­very :

and·he·takes ­couple·of ­plowcattle ­and·he·chunks·him·up ­and·he·sends·out ­in·all·of ­the·border·of ­Princepowr ­in·the·hand·of ­the·ministers⁺ ­saying

that ­he·is·ńot ­going ­after⁺ ­Requested ­and·after ­Heard-by-Powr

thus ­he·is·done ­to·his·plowcattle

and·he·falls ­the·trembling·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon ­the·people

and·they·go⁺ ­as·man ­one :

and·he·reckons·them ­in·Electrum

and·they·are⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr ­three·of ­hundred⁺ ­thousand

and·the·man·of ­Gloryhand ­thirty⁺ ­thousand :

and·they·say⁺ ­to·the·ministers⁺ ­that·enter⁺ ­thus ­you·say⁺ ­to·the·man·of ­Dry ­Roll-of-Witness

aftermorrow ­she·is ­to·you⁺ ­salvation ­as·the·heat·of ­the·sun

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·ministers⁺ ­and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·the·mortals⁺·of ­Dry ­and·they·are·glad⁺ :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Dry

aftermorrow ­we·go⁺ ­to·you⁺

and·you·did⁺ ­to·us

as·all·of ­the·good ­in·your⁺·eyes² :

and·he·is ­from·aftermorrow ­and·he·places ­Requested ­°the·people ­three ­heads⁺

and·they·enter⁺ ­in·the·midst·of ­the·camp ­in·the·watch·of ­the·dayplow

and·they·strike⁺ ­°Peopled ­unto ­the·heat·of ­the·day

and·he·is ­the·survivors⁺ ­and·they·are·scattered⁺

and ­they·did·not·survive⁺ ­in·them ­two² ­united :

and·he·says ­the·people ­to ­Heard-by-Powr

¿who ­that·says

Requested ­he·is·king ­upon·us

ꜝgive⁺ ­the·mortals⁺ ­and·we·put·them·to·death⁺ :

and·he·says ­Requested

he·is·not·put·to·death ­man ­in·the·day ­this

as ­the·day ­he·did ­Yʜᴡʜ ­salvation ­in·Princepowr :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­the·people

ꜝwalk⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ ­the·Rolling

and·we·renew⁺ ­there ­the·kingship :

and·they·walk⁺ ­all·of ­the·people ­the·Rolling ­and·they·king⁺ ­there ­°Requested ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·Rolling

and·they·offer⁺ ­there ­offerings⁺ ­shaloms⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·is·glad ­there ­Requested ­and·all·of ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr ­unto ­very :


and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­all·of ­Princepowr

¡lo! ­I·heard ­in·your⁺·voice

to·all ­that ­you·said⁺ ­to·me

and·I·king ­upon·you⁺ ­king :

and·now ­¡lo! ­the·king ­walking·oneself ­to·your⁺·face⁺ ­and·I ­I·was·old ­and·I·grayed

and·my·sons⁺ ­¡lo!·them ­with·you⁺

and·I ­I·walked·myself ­to·your⁺·face⁺

from·my·youth⁺ ­unto ­the·day ­this :

¡lo!·me ­ꜝrespond⁺ ­in·me ­before ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·before ­his·anointed ­°bull·of ­¿who ­I·took ­and·donkey·of ­¿who ­I·took ­and·°¿who ­I·intimidated ­°¿who ­I·smashed

and·from·hand·of ­¿who ­I·took ­atonement·price

and·I·hood ­my·eyes² ­in·him

and·I·return ­to·you⁺ :


you·did·not·intimidate·us ­and ­you·did·not·smash·us

and ­you·did·not·take ­from·hand·of ­man ­smidge :

and·he·says ­to·them ­witness ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·you⁺ ­and·witness ­his·anointed ­the·day ­this

as ­you·did·not·find⁺ ­in·my·hand ­smidge

and·he·says ­witness :


and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­the·people

Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·did ­°Moseh ­and·°Aharon

and·that ­he·offered·up ­°your⁺·fathers⁺ ­from·the·land·of ­Egypts² :

and·now ­ꜝpost·yourselves⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·me·be·judged ­with·you⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

°all·of ­the·justices⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

that ­he·did ­with·you⁺ ­and·with ­your⁺·fathers⁺ :

as·how ­he·entered ­Heeler ­Egypts²

and·they·cry⁺ ­your⁺·fathers⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·sends ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Moseh ­and·°Aharon ­and·they·let·go⁺ ­°your⁺·fathers⁺ ­from·Egypts²

and·they·settle⁺·them ­in·the·rising·place ­this :

and·they·forget⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­their·Powers⁺

and·he·sells ­°them ­in·the·hand·of ­Sysera ­the·prince·of ­the·host·of ­Courtyard ­and·in·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·in·the·hand·of ­the·king·of ­From-Father

and·they·battle⁺ ­in·them :

and·they·cry⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·they·say⁺ ­we·sinned⁺

as ­we·abandoned⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ

and·we·serve⁺ ­°the·Masters⁺ ­and·°the·blessings⁺

and·now ­ꜝsnatch·us·away ­from·the·hand·of ­our·enemies⁺ ­and·we·serve⁺·you :

and·he·sends ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Master-Argues ­and·°Server

and·°He-Opens ­and·°Heard-by-Powr

and·he·snatches·away ­°you⁺ ­from·the·hand·of ­your⁺·enemies⁺ ­from·turninground

and·you·settle⁺ ­trust :

and·you·see⁺ ­as ­Copperhead ­the·king·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­he·entered ­upon·you⁺

and·you·say⁺ ­to·me

not ­as ­king ­he·is·king ­upon·us

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ ­your⁺·king :

and·now ­¡lo! ­the·king ­that ­you·chose⁺ ­that ­you·requested⁺

and·¡lo! ­he·gave ­Yʜᴡʜ ­upon·you⁺ ­king :

if ­you·fear⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­and·you·served⁺ ­°him ­and·you·heard⁺ ­in·his·voice

and ­you·do·not·embitter⁺ ­°the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·were⁺ ­also ­you⁺ ­and·also ­the·king ­that ­he·was·king ­upon·you⁺

after ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your⁺·Powers⁺ :

and·if ­you·do·not·hear⁺ ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·were·bitter⁺ ­°the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·she·was ­the·hand·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·you⁺ ­and·in·your⁺·fathers⁺ :

also ­now ­ꜝpost·yourselves⁺ ­and·ꜝsee⁺

°the·speech ­the·great ­this

that ­Yʜᴡʜ

doing ­to·your⁺·eyes² :

¿not ­crop·of ­wheat⁺ ­the·day

I·call ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·gives ­voices⁺ ­and·rain

and·ꜝknow⁺ ­and·ꜝsee⁺ ­as ­your⁺·badness ­much ­that ­you·did⁺ ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·request ­to·you⁺ ­king :

and·he·calls ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­voices⁺ ­and·rain ­in·the·day ­he

and·he·fears ­all·of ­the·people ­very ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­and·°Heard-by-Powr :

and·they·say⁺ ­all·of ­the·people ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­ꜝmediate ­about ­your·servants⁺ ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­and ­ꜝlet·us·not·die⁺

as ­we·added⁺ ­upon ­all·of ­our·sins⁺ ­badness

to·request ­to·us ­king :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­the·people ­ꜝdo·not·fear⁺

you⁺ ­you·did⁺

°all·of ­the·badness ­this

surely ­ꜝdo·not·move⁺ ­from·after⁺ ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·served⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­in·all·of ­your⁺·heart :

and ­you·do·not·move⁺

as ­after⁺ ­the·null ­that ­they·do·not·benefit⁺ ­and ­they·do·not·snatch·away ­as ­null ­they⁺ :

as ­he·does·not·leave ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°his·people

in·sake·of ­his·name ­the·great

as ­he·willed ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·do ­°you⁺ ­to·him ­to·people :

also ­I ­¡pierce·it! ­to·me ­from·sinning ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

from·ceasing ­to·mediate ­about·you⁺

and·torahed ­°you⁺

in·the·step·of ­the·good ­and·the·straight :

surely ­ꜝfear⁺ ­°Yʜᴡʜ ­and·you·served⁺ ­°him ­in·truth ­in·all·of ­your⁺·heart

as ­ꜝsee⁺

°that ­he·made·great ­near·you⁺ :

and·if ­doing·bad ­you·do·bad⁺

also ­you⁺ ­also ­your⁺·king ­you·are·swept·away :


son·of ­year ­Requested ­when·he·is·king

and·two²·of ­years⁺

he·was·king ­upon ­Princepowr :

and·he·chooses ­to·him ­Requested ­three·of ­thousands⁺ ­from·Princepowr

and·they·are⁺ ­near ­Requested ­thousands² ­in·Storage ­and·in·the·mount·of ­House·of ­Powr

and·thousand ­they·were⁺ ­near ­Yᴡ-Given

in·the·hill·of ­Son-of-Right

and·the·remainder·of ­the·people

he·sent·out ­man ­to·his·tents⁺ :

and·he·strikes ­Yᴡ-Given ­°the·post·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­that ­in·Hill

and·they·hear⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

and·Requested ­he·hit ­in·the·shofair ­in·all·of ­the·land ­saying

they·hear⁺ ­the·Acrossïtes⁺ :

and·all·of ­Princepowr ­they·heard⁺ ­saying ­he·struck ­Requested ­°the·post·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·also ­he·made·himself·stink ­Princepowr ­in·the·Palestinians⁺

and·they·are·cried·up ­the·people ­after⁺ ­Requested ­the·Rolling :

and·Palestinians⁺ ­they·were·gathered⁺ ­to·battle ­near ­Princepowr ­thirty⁺ ­thousand ­chariot ­and·six·of ­thousands⁺ ­shockcavalry

and·people ­as·the·sand ­that ­upon ­the·lip·of ­the·sea ­to·multitude

and·they·go·up⁺ ­and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Storage

the·front·of ­House·of ­Iniquity :

and·the·man·of ­Princepowr ­they·saw⁺ ­as ­rockiness ­to·him

as ­he·was·bullied ­the·people

and·they·conceal·themselves⁺ ­the·people ­in·the·barrens⁺ ­and·in·the·briars⁺ ­and·in·the·clifftops⁺

and·in·the·bunkers⁺ ­and·in·the·wells⁺ :

and·Acrossïtes⁺ ­they·crossed·over⁺ ­°the·Descender

the·land·of ­Clout ­and·Roll-of-Witness

and·Requested ­he·is·still ­in·the·Rolling

and·all·of ­the·people ­they·shuddered⁺ ­after⁺·him :

and·he·waits ­seven·of ­days⁺ ­to·the·assembly·time ­that ­Heard-by-Powr

and ­he·did·not·enter ­Heard-by-Powr ­the·Rolling

and·he·scatters ­the·people ­from·upon·him :

and·he·says ­Requested

bring·to·approach⁺ ­to·me

the·upward·offering ­and·the·shaloms⁺

and·he·offers·up ­the·upward·offering :

and·he·is ­as·he·is·all·done ­to·offer·up ­the·upward·offering

and·¡lo! ­Heard-by-Powr ­he·entered

and·he·goes ­Requested ­to·call·on·him ­to·kneel·him :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­¿what ­you·did

and·he·says ­Requested ­as ­I·saw ­as ­he·shattered ­the·people ­from·upon·me ­and·you ­you·did·not·enter ­to·the·assembly·time·of ­the·days⁺

and·Palestinians⁺ ­gathered⁺ ­Storage :

and·I·say ­now ­they·descend⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·me ­the·Rolling

and·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­I·did·not·pierce·the·presence·of


and·I·offer·up ­the·upward·offering :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Requested ­you·were·mistaken

you·did·not·watch ­°the·commandment·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­that ­he·commanded·you

as ­now ­he·made·sure ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°your·kingdom ­to ­Princepowr ­unto ­eternity :

and·now ­your·kingdom ­she·does·not·arise

he·sought ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·him ­man ­as·his·heart ­and·he·commands·him ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·foremost ­upon ­his·people

as ­you·did·not·watch

°that ­he·commanded·you ­Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·arises ­Heard-by-Powr ­and·he·goes·up ­from ­the·Rolling ­the·hill·of ­Son-of-Right

and·he·reckons ­Requested ­°the·people ­that·are·found⁺ ­near·him

as·six ­hundred⁺ ­man :

and·Requested ­and·Yᴡ-Given ­his·son ­and·the·people ­that·is·found ­near·them

settling⁺ ­in·Hill ­Son-of-Right

and·Palestinians⁺ ­they·camped⁺ ­in·Storage :

and·he·goes ­that·ruins ­from·the·camp·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­three ­heads⁺

the·head ­one ­he·faces ­to ­the·step·of ­Dusty ­to ­the·land·of ­Fox :

and·the·head ­one ­he·faces

the·step·of ­House·of ­Brilliant

and·the·head ­one ­he·faces ­the·step·of ­the·border

that·peers·out ­upon ­the·valley·of ­the·Blotteds⁺ ­➝the·outspeak :

and·craftsman ­he·is·not·found

in·all·of ­the·land·of ­Princepowr

as ­they·said⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

lest ­they·do⁺ ­the·Acrossïtes⁺

sword ­or ­campspear :

and·they·descend⁺ ­all·of ­Princepowr ­the·Palestinians⁺

to·hone ­man ­°his·plowcraft ­and·°his·spade ­and·°his·hatchet

and·°his·plowcraft :

and·she·was ­the·urgefile ­mouth ­to·the·plowcrafts⁺ ­and·to·the·spades⁺

and·to·three·of ­√pitchfork ­and·to·the·hatchets⁺

and·to·post ­the·goad :

and·he·was ­in·day·of ­battle

and ­he·was·not·found ­sword ­and·campspear ­in·the·hand·of ­all·of ­the·people

that ­with ­Requested ­and·with ­Yᴡ-Given

and·she·is·found ­to·Requested

and·to·Yᴡ-Given ­his·son :

and·he·goes ­the·post·of ­Palestinians⁺

to ­the·crossing·of ­Storage :

and·he·is ­the·day ­and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Given ­the·son·of ­Requested ­to ­the·youth ­the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺

ꜝwalk! ­and·ꜝlet·us·cross·over⁺ ­to ­the·post·of ­Palestinians⁺

that ­from·region·across ­ⱦhat

and·to·his·father ­he·did·not·tell·forth :

and·Requested ­settling ­in·the·end·of ­the·Hill

under ­the·pomegranate ­that ­in·Flinging

and·the·people ­that ­near·him

as·six ­hundred⁺ ­man :

and·Brother-of-Yʜᴡ ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Good ­the·brother·of ­¿Where-Weight ­the·son·of ­Copper-Mouth ­the·son·of ­Upward ­the·priest·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·Relaxation ­bearer·of ­ephod

and·the·people ­he·did·not·know

as ­he·walked ­Yᴡ-Given :

and·between ­the·crossings⁺·of ­that ­he·sought ­Yᴡ-Given ­to·cross·over ­upon ­the·post·of ­Palestinians⁺

the·tooth·of ­the·clifftop ­from·the·region·across ­from·this

and·the·tooth·of ­the·clifftop ­from·the·region·across ­from·this

and·the·name·of ­one ­Eggish

and·the·name·of ­one ­Seneh :

the·tooth ­one ­poured·pillar ­from·north ­the·snip·of ­Storage

and·one ­from·negev ­the·snip·of ­Hill :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to ­the·youth ­the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­ꜝwalk! ­and·ꜝlet·us·cross·over⁺ ­to ­the·post·of ­the·foreskinned⁺ ­these

¿maybe ­he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·us

as ­there·is·ńot ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­restraint

to·save ­in·much ­or ­in·little :

and·he·says ­to·him ­the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺

ꜝdo ­all ­that ­in·your·heart

ꜝbranch·out ­to·you

¡lo!·me ­near·you ­as·your·heart :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Given

¡lo! ­we⁺ ­crossers⁺ ­to ­the·mortals⁺

and·we·were·stripped·out ­to·them :

if ­thus ­they·say⁺ ­to·us

ꜝbe·silent⁺ ­unto ­our·touching ­to·you⁺

and·we·stood⁺ ­unders⁺·us

and ­we·do·not·go·up⁺ ­to·them :

and·if ­thus ­they·say⁺ ­go·up⁺ ­upon·us ­and·we·went·up⁺

as ­he·gave·them ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·our·hand

and·this ­to·us ­the·sign :

and·they·are·stripped·out ­the·two²·of·them

to ­the·post·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·they·say⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

¡lo! ­Acrossïtes⁺ ­going⁺

from ­the·crevices⁺ ­that ­they·concealed·themselves⁺ ­there :

and·they·respond⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·host ­°Yᴡ-Given ­and·°the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­and·they·say⁺ ­go·up⁺ ­to·us

and·ꜝlet·us·let·know⁺ ­°you⁺ ­speech


and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Given ­to ­the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­go·up ­after⁺·me

as ­he·gave·them ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·goes·up ­Yᴡ-Given ­upon ­his·hands² ­and·upon ­his·feet²

and·the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­after⁺·him

and·they·fall⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yᴡ-Given

and·the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­causing·to·die ­after⁺·him :

and·she·is ­the·stroke ­the·headmost ­that ­he·struck ­Yᴡ-Given ­and·the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­as·twenty⁺ ­man

as·in·half·of ­responsibility·place ­couple·of ­field :

and·she·is ­shuddering ­in·the·camp ­in·the·field ­and·in·all·of ­the·people

the·post ­and·that·ruins

they·shuddered⁺ ­also ­they⁺

and·she·is·stirred·up ­the·land

and·she·is ­to·the·shuddering·of ­Powers⁺ :

and·they·see⁺ ­the·sentries⁺ ­to·Requested

in·the·hill·of ­Son-of-Right

and·¡lo! ­the·hum ­he·was·dissipated ­and·he·walks ­and·here :


and·he·says ­Requested ­to·the·people ­that ­with·him

ꜝreckon⁺ ­¡please! ­and·ꜝsee⁺

¿who ­he·walked ­from·near·us


and·¡lo! ­there·is·ńot ­Yᴡ-Given ­and·the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to·Brother-of-Yʜᴡ

bring·to·approach! ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺

as ­he·was ­the·ark·of ­the·Powers⁺ ­in·the·day ­he ­and·the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr :

and·he·is ­unto ­he·spoke ­Requested ­to ­the·priest

and·the·hum ­that ­in·the·camp·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·he·walks ­walking ­and·much


and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­the·priest ­ꜝgather ­your·hand :

and·he·is·cried·up ­Requested ­and·all·of ­the·people ­that ­with·him

and·they·enter⁺ ­unto ­the·battle

and·¡lo! ­she·was ­sword·of ­man ­in·his·tendent

rumble ­great ­very :

and·the·Acrossïtes⁺ ­they·were⁺ ­to·the·Palestinians⁺ ­as·recent ­threeday

that ­they·went·up⁺ ­near·them ­in·the·camp ­turninground

and·also ­they⁺ ­to·be ­near ­Princepowr

that ­near ­Requested ­and·Yᴡ-Given :

and·all·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­that·conceal·themselves⁺ ­in·the·mount·of ­Fruits² ­they·heard⁺

as ­they·fled⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

and·they·join·up ­also ­they⁺ ­after⁺·them ­in·the·battle :

and·he·saves ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·day ­he ­°Princepowr


she·crossed·over ­°House·of ­Iniquity :

and·the·man·of ­Princepowr ­he·was·bullied ­in·the·day ­he

and·he·causes·to·make·an·oath ­Requested ­°the·people ­saying ­cursed ­the·man ­that ­he·eats ­bread ­unto ­the·evening ­and·I·was·avenged ­from·my·enemies⁺

and ­he·did·not·taste ­all·of ­the·people ­bread :

and·all·of ­the·land ­they·entered⁺ ­in·the·foresthoneycomb

and·he·is ­honey ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·field :

and·he·enters ­the·people ­to ­the·foresthoneycomb

and·¡lo! ­waywalker·of ­honey

and·there·is·ńot ­catching ­his·hand ­to ­his·mouth

as ­he·feared ­the·people ­°the·seven :

and·Yᴡ-Given ­he·did·not·hear ­when·telling·seven ­his·father ­°the·people

and·he·sends ­°the·end·of ­the·branch ­that ­in·his·hand

and·he·dips ­°her ­in·the·foresthoneycomb·of ­the·honey

and·he·returns ­his·hand ­to ­his·mouth

and·you·light·up ­his·eyes² :

and·he·responds ­man ­from·the·people ­and·he·says ­telling·seven ­he·told·seven ­your·father ­°the·people ­saying

cursed ­the·man ­that ­he·eats ­bread ­the·day

and·he·is·tired ­the·people :

and·he·says ­Yᴡ-Given

he·roiled ­my·father ­°the·land

ꜝsee⁺ ­¡please! ­as ­they·lit·up ­my·eyes²

as ­I·tasted

little·of ­honey ­this :

¡yes! ­as ­iᵮ·only ­eating ­he·ate ­the·day ­the·people

from·the·plunder·of ­his·enemies⁺ ­that ­he·found

as ­now ­she·did·not·multiply ­stroke ­in·the·Palestinians⁺ :

and·they·strike⁺ ­in·the·day ­he ­in·the·Palestinians⁺

from·Storage ­➝Powerest

and·he·is·tired ­the·people ­very :

and·he·vultures ­the·people ­to ­the·plunder

and·they·take⁺ ­sheep ­and·plowcattle ­and·sons⁺·of ­plowcattle ­and·they·slaughter⁺ ­➝land

and·he·eats ­the·people ­upon ­the·blood :

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Requested ­saying

¡lo! ­the·people ­sinners⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­to·eat ­upon ­the·blood

and·he·says ­you·acted·covertly⁺

ꜝroll⁺ ­to·me ­the·day ­stone ­great :

and·he·says ­Requested ­ꜝbe·scattered⁺ ­in·the·people ­and·you·said⁺ ­to·them ­bring·to·approach⁺ ­to·me ­man ­his·bull ­and·man ­his·ovine ­and·you·slaughtered⁺ ­in·this ­and·you·ate⁺

and ­you·do·not·sin⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­to·eat ­to ­the·blood

and·they·bring·to·approach⁺ ­all·of ­the·people ­man ­his·bull ­in·his·hand ­the·night ­and·they·slaughter⁺ ­there :

and·he·builds ­Requested ­offering·place ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

°him ­he·pierced

to·build ­offering·place ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :


and·he·says ­Requested ­ꜝlet·us·descend⁺ ­after⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­night ­and·ꜝlet·us·spoil⁺ ­in·them ­unto ­the·light·of ­the·dayplow ­and ­we·do·not·let·survive⁺ ­in·them ­man


all ­the·good ­in·your·eyes² ­ꜝdo

and·he·says ­the·priest

ꜝlet·us·be·present⁺ ­here ­to ­the·Powers⁺ :

and·he·requests ­Requested ­in·Powers⁺

¿I·descend ­after⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

¿you·give·them ­in·the·hand·of ­Princepowr

and ­he·did·not·respond·him ­in·the·day ­he :

and·he·says ­Requested

ꜝapproach⁺ ­here

all·of ­the·corners⁺·of ­the·people

and·ꜝknow⁺ ­and·ꜝsee⁺

in·¿what ­she·was ­the·sin ­this ­the·day :

as ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·savior ­°Princepowr

but ­rather ­he·is ­in·Yᴡ-Given ­my·son ­as ­dying ­he·dies

and·there·is·ńot ­that·responds·him ­from·all·of ­the·people :

and·he·says ­to ­all·of ­Princepowr ­you⁺ ­you·are⁺ ­to·region·across ­one

and·I ­and·Yᴡ-Given ­my·son

we·are⁺ ­to·region·across ­one

and·they·say⁺ ­the·people ­to ­Requested

the·good ­in·your·eyes² ­ꜝdo :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­ꜝgrant! ­complete

and·he·is·seized ­Yᴡ-Given ­and·Requested ­and·the·people ­they·went⁺ :

and·he·says ­Requested

ꜝlet·fall⁺ ­between·me ­and·between ­Yᴡ-Given ­my·son

and·he·is·seized ­Yᴡ-Given :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Yᴡ-Given

tell·forth! ­to·me ­¿what ­you·did

and·he·tells·forth ­to·him ­Yᴡ-Given ­and·he·says ­tasting ­I·tasted ­in·the·end·of ­the·branch ­that ­in·my·hand ­little·of ­honey ­¡lo!·me ­I·die :

and·he·says ­Requested

thus ­he·does ­Powers⁺ ­and·thus ­he·adds

as ­dying ­you·die ­Yᴡ-Given :

and·he·says ­the·people ­to ­Requested ­¿Yᴡ-Given ­he·dies ­that ­he·did ­the·salvation ­the·great ­this ­in·Princepowr

¡pierce·it! ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­if ­he·falls ­from·the·hair·of ­his·head ­➝land

as ­near ­Powers⁺ ­he·did ­the·day ­this

and·they·ransom⁺ ­the·people ­°Yᴡ-Given ­and ­he·did·not·die :

and·he·goes·up ­Requested

from·after⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

and·Palestinians⁺ ­they·walked⁺ ­to·their·rising·place :

and·Requested ­he·seized ­the·kingship ­upon ­Princepowr

and·he·battles ­turninground ­in·all·of ­his·enemies⁺ ­in·From-Father ­and·in·the·sons⁺·of ­Peopled ­and·in·Blood ­and·in·the·kings⁺·of ­Depot ­and·in·the·Palestinians⁺

and·in·all ­that ­he·faces ­he·causes·to·do·wickedness :

and·he·does ­strength

and·he·strikes ­°Amalek

and·he·snatches·away ­°Princepowr ­from·hand·of ­that·loots·him :

and·they·are⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Requested

Yᴡ-Given ­and·Level ­and·King·of ­Safety

and·the·name·of ­the·two²·of ­his·daughters⁺

the·name·of ­the·first ­Multiplying

and·the·name·of ­the·small ­Brook :

and·the·name·of ­the·woman·of ­Requested

Brother-of-Amiability ­the·daughter·of ­Brother-of-Shell

and·the·name·of ­the·prince·of ­his·host ­Father-Lamp

the·son·of ­Lamp ­the·intimate·uncle·of ­Requested :

and·Snare ­the·father·of ­Requested ­and·Lamp·of ­the·father·of ­Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Father-of-Powr :

and·she·is ­the·battle ­firm ­upon ­Palestinians⁺

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­Requested

and·he·saw ­Requested ­all·of ­man·of ­hero ­and·all·of ­son·of ­strength

and·he·gathers·him ­to·him :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Requested

°me ­he·sent ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·anoint·you ­to·king

upon ­his·people ­upon ­Princepowr

and·now ­ꜝhear

to·the·voice·of ­the·speeches⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

thus ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

I·reckoned ­°that ­he·did ­Amalek ­to·Princepowr

that ­he·placed ­to·him ­in·the·step

when·he·goes·up ­from·Egypts² :

now ­ꜝwalk ­and·you·struck ­°Amalek ­and·you·made·herem ­°all ­that ­to·him

and ­you·do·not·pity ­upon·him

and·you·put·to·death ­from·man ­unto ­woman ­from·nursling ­and·unto ­suckling

from·bull ­and·unto ­ovine

from·camel ­and·unto ­donkey :

and·he·makes·himself·heard ­Requested ­°the·people

and·he·reckons·them ­in·the·Patchylambs⁺

hundred² ­thousand ­on·foot

and·ten ­thousands⁺ ­with ­the·man·of ­Gloryhand :

and·he·enters ­Requested ­unto ­the·city·of ­Amalek

and·he·prepares·an·ambush ­in·the·river :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­the·Stockïte ­ꜝwalk⁺ ­ꜝmove⁺ ­ꜝdescend⁺ ­from·the·midst·of ­Amalekïte ­lest ­I·gather·you ­near·him

and·you ­you·did ­mercy ­near ­all·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

when·they·go·up⁺ ­from·Egypts²

and·he·moves ­Stockïte ­from·the·midst·of ­Amalek :

and·he·strikes ­Requested ­°Amalek

from·Whirler ­your·entering ­Boundary

that ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­Egypts² :

and·he·clenches ­°Agag ­the·king·of ­Amalek ­living

and·°all·of ­the·people ­he·made·herem ­to·mouth·of ­sword :

and·he·pities ­Requested ­and·the·people ­upon ­Agag ­and·upon ­the·best·of ­the·sheep ­and·the·plowcattle ­and·the·seconds⁺ ­and·upon ­the·goats⁺ ­and·upon ­all·of ­the·good

and ­they·did·not·want⁺ ­their·making·herem

and·all·of ­the·ministry ­despicable ­and·dampened ­°her ­they·made·herem :


and·he·is ­the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to ­Heard-by-Powr ­saying :

I·sighed ­as ­I·kinged ­°Requested ­to·king

as ­he·returned ­from·after⁺·me

and·°my·speeches⁺ ­he·did·not·raise

and·he·is·scorched ­to·Heard-by-Powr

and·he·cries ­to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­all·of ­the·night :

and·he·yokes·up ­Heard-by-Powr ­to·call·on ­Requested ­in·the·dayplow

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·Heard-by-Powr ­saying ­he·entered ­Requested ­➝the·Orchardgrain ­and·¡lo! ­posting ­to·him ­hand

and·he·turns·around ­and·he·crosses·over

and·he·descends ­the·Rolling :

and·he·enters ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Requested

and·he·says ­to·him ­Requested ­knelt·to ­you ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

I·raised ­°the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr

and·¿what ­the·voice·of ­the·sheep ­this ­in·my·ears²

and·the·voice·of ­the·plowcattle

that ­I ­hearing :

and·he·says ­Requested ­from·Amalekïte ­they·brought·them·in⁺ ­that ­he·pitied ­the·people ­upon ­the·best·of ­the·sheep ­and·the·plowcattle

because·of ­offering ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

and·°the·remainder ­we·made·herem :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Requested

ꜝslack·off ­and·ꜝlet·me·tell·forth ­to·you

°that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·me ­the·night

and·he·says ­to·him ­ꜝspeak :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr

¿not ­if ­small ­you ­in·your·eyes²

the·head·of ­the·stems⁺·of ­Princepowr ­you

and·he·anoints·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·king ­upon ­Princepowr :

and·he·sends·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·step

and·he·says ­ꜝwalk ­and·you·made·herem ­°the·sinful⁺ ­°Amalek

and·you·battled ­in·him

unto ­their·all·done ­°them :

and·to·¿what ­you·did·not·hear ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·you·vulture ­to ­the·plunder

and·you·do ­the·bad ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­that ­I·heard ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·walk ­in·the·step ­that ­he·sent·me ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·I·bring·in ­°Agag ­the·king·of ­Amalek

and·°Amalek ­I·made·herem :

and·he·takes ­the·people ­from·the·plunder ­sheep ­and·plowcattle ­the·headmost·of ­the·herem

to·offer ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ ­in·the·Rolling :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­¿pleasure ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­in·upward·offerings⁺ ­and·offerings⁺

as·hearing ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

¡lo! ­hearing ­from·offering ­good

to·listen ­from·fat·of ­powrrams⁺ :

as ­sin·of ­divination ­bitterness

and·iniquity ­and·healthidols⁺ ­refusing·to·be·urged

because ­you·rejected ­°the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·rejects·you ­from·king :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­I·sinned

as ­I·crossed·over ­°the·mouth·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·°your·speeches⁺

as ­I·feared ­°the·people

and·I·hear ­in·their·voice :

and·now ­ꜝbear ­¡please! ­°my·sin

and·ꜝreturn ­near·me

and·I·prostrate·myself ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Requested

I·do·not·return ­near·you

as ­you·rejected ­°the·speech·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·rejects·you ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·being ­king ­upon ­Princepowr :

and·he·turns·around ­Heard-by-Powr ­to·walk

and·he·grasps·firmly ­in·the·wing·of ­his·guise ­and·he·is·torn :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Heard-by-Powr

he·tore ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·kingdom·of ­Princepowr ­from·upon·you ­the·day

and·he·gave·her ­to·your·tendent ­the·good ­from·you :

and·also ­the·forever·of ­Princepowr

he·is·not·false ­and ­he·does·not·sigh

as ­not ­adam ­he ­to·sigh :

and·he·says ­I·sinned

now ­give·me·weight ­¡please! ­before ­the·elders⁺·of ­my·people ­and·before ­Princepowr

and·ꜝreturn ­near·me

and·I·prostrated·myself ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺ :

and·he·returns ­Heard-by-Powr ­after⁺ ­Requested

and·he·prostrates·himself ­Requested ­to·Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­bring·to·approach⁺ ­to·me ­°Agag ­the·king·of ­Amalek

and·he·walks ­to·him

Agag ­comforts⁺

and·he·says ­Agag

surely ­he·moved ­the·bitter·of ­the·death :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr

as·how ­she·was·bereaved ­women⁺ ­your·sword

surely ­she·is·bereaved ­from·women⁺ ­your·mama

and·he·√executes ­Heard-by-Powr ­°Agag ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·Rolling :

and·he·walks ­Heard-by-Powr ­➝the·High·Place

and·Requested ­he·went·up ­to ­his·house ­the·hill·of ­Requested :

and ­he·did·not·add ­Heard-by-Powr ­to·see ­°Requested ­unto ­the·day·of ­his·death

as ­he·mourned ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Requested

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­sighing

as ­he·kinged ­°Requested ­upon ­Princepowr :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­unto ­¿wħen ­you ­mourning ­to ­Requested

and·I ­I·rejected·him

from·king ­upon ­Princepowr

ꜝfill ­your·horn ­oil ­and·ꜝwalk ­I·send·you ­to ­He-Is ­the·house·of ­the·Breadïte

as ­I·saw ­in·his·sons⁺ ­to·me ­king :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­¿ħow ­I·walk

and·he·heard ­Requested ­and·he·killed·me

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ox·of ­plowcattle ­you·take ­in·your·hand


to·offer ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­I·entered :

and·you·called ­to·He-Is ­in·the·offering

and·I ­I·let·you·know ­°that ­you·do

and·you·anointed ­to·me

°that ­I·say ­to·you :

and·he·does ­Heard-by-Powr ­°that ­he·spoke ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·enters ­House·of ­Bread

and·they·shudder⁺ ­the·elders⁺·of ­the·city ­to·call·on·him

and·he·says ­shalom ­your·entering :

and·he·says ­shalom ­to·offer ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­I·entered


and·you·entered⁺ ­with·me ­in·the·offering

and·he·sanctifies ­°He-Is ­and·°his·sons⁺

and·he·calls ­to·them ­to·the·offering :

and·he·is ­when·they·enter⁺

and·he·sees ­°Powr-of-Father

and·he·says ­surely ­before ­Yʜᴡʜ ­his·anointed :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­ꜝdo·not·look ­to ­his·sight ­and·to ­the·climbing·of ­his·rising ­as ­I·rejected·him

as ­not ­that ­he·sees ­the·adam

as ­the·adam ­he·sees ­to·the·eyes²

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·sees ­to·the·heart :

and·he·calls ­He-Is ­to ­Father-Noble

and·he·makes·him·cross·by ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·says ­also ­in·this ­he·did·not·choose ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·makes·cross·by ­He-Is ­Desolation

and·he·says ­also ­in·this ­he·did·not·choose ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·makes·cross·by ­He-Is ­the·seven·of ­his·sons⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­He-Is

he·did·not·choose ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·these :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­He-Is ­¿they·were·completed⁺ ­the·youths⁺

and·he·says ­again ­he·survived ­the·small

and·¡lo! ­tendent ­in·the·sheep

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­He-Is ­ꜝsend! ­and·ꜝtake·him

as ­we·do·not·turn·around ­unto ­his·entering ­ẖere :

and·he·sends ­and·he·brings·him·in ­and·he ­redblooded

near ­beautiful·of ­eyes² ­and·good·of ­sight


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­ꜝarise ­ꜝanoint·him ­as ­this ­he :

and·he·takes ­Heard-by-Powr ­°the·horn·of ­the·oil ­and·he·anoints ­°him ­in·the·impresence·of ­his·brothers⁺

and·she·prospers ­the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Intimate

from·the·day ­he ­and➝upward

and·he·arises ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·walks ­➝the·High·Place :

and·the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­she·moved ­from·near ­Requested

and·she·frightened·him ­breath ­bad ­from·with ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Requested ­to·him

¡lo! ­¡please! ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺ ­bad ­your·fright :

he·says ­¡please! ­our·lord ­your·servants⁺ ­to·your·face⁺

they·seek⁺ ­man ­knowing ­harp ­in·the·lyre

and·he·was ­when·being ­upon·you ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺ ­bad

and·he·harped ­in·his·hand ­and·good ­to·you :


and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­his·servants⁺

ꜝsee⁺ ­¡please! ­to·me ­man ­doing·good ­to·harp

and·you·brought·in⁺ ­to·me :

and·he·responds ­one ­from·the·youths⁺ ­and·he·says ­¡lo! ­I·saw ­son ­to·He-Is ­the·house·of ­the·Breadïte

knowing ­harping ­and·hero·of ­strength ­and·man·of ­battle ­and·discerner·of ­speech ­and·man·of ­figure

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­near·him :

and·he·sends ­Requested ­ministers⁺ ­to ­He-Is

and·he·says ­ꜝsend! ­to·me ­°Intimate ­your·son ­that ­in·the·sheep :

and·he·takes ­He-Is ­donkey ­bread ­and·bottle·of ­wine

and·kid·of ­mightygoats⁺ ­one

and·he·sends ­in·the·hand·of ­Intimate ­his·son ­to ­Requested :

and·he·enters ­Intimate ­to ­Requested

and·he·stands ­to·his·face⁺

and·he·loves·him ­very

and·he·is ­to·him ­bearer·of ­things⁺ :

and·he·sends ­Requested

to ­He-Is ­saying

he·stands ­¡please! ­Intimate ­to·my·face⁺

as ­he·found ­grace ­in·my·eyes² :

and·he·was ­when·being ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺ ­to ­Requested

and·he·took ­Intimate ­°the·lyre ­and·he·harped ­in·his·hand

and·he·was·rebreathed ­to·Requested ­and·good ­to·him

and·she·moved ­from·upon·him ­the·breath·of ­the·bad :


and·they·gather⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­°their·camps⁺ ­to·the·battle


Knitted ­that ­to·Gloryhand

and·they·camp⁺ ­between ­Knitted ­and·between ­Imprinted ­in·Limit ­Bloods :

and·Requested ­and·the·man·of ­Princepowr ­they·were·gathered⁺

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·deepland·of ­the·powrtree

and·they·line·up ­battle ­to·call·against ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·Palestinians⁺ ­standing⁺ ­to ­the·mount ­from·this

and·Princepowr ­standing⁺ ­to ­the·mount ­from·this

and·the·valley ­between⁺·them :

and·he·goes ­the·man·of ­between² ­from·the·camps⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

Stripped ­his·name ­from·Cellar

his·climb ­six ­mamacubits⁺ ­and·winnowhand :

and·helmet·of ­copper ­upon ­his·head

and·mail·of ­scales⁺ ­he ­been·robed·in

and·the·shekelness·of ­the·mail

five·of ­thousands⁺ ­shekels⁺ ­copper :

and·browguard·of ­copper ­upon ­his·feet²

and·javelin·of ­copper ­between ­his·shoulders² :

and·the·tree·of ­his·campspear ­as·tiller·of ­weaving⁺

and·the·flame·of ­his·campspear

six·of ­hundred⁺ ­shekels⁺ ­iron

and·the·bearer·of ­the·shield ­walking ­to·his·face⁺ :

and·he·stands ­and·he·calls ­to ­the·lines⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·he·says ­to·them

to·¿what ­you·go⁺ ­to·line·up ­battle

¿not ­I ­the·Palestinian ­and·you⁺ ­servants⁺ ­to·Requested

ꜝfeed⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­man ­and·he·descends ­to·me :

if ­he·is·able ­to·battle ­with·me ­and·he·struck·me

and·we·were⁺ ­to·you⁺ ­to·servants⁺

and·if ­I ­I·am·able ­to·him ­and·I·struck·him

and·you·were⁺ ­to·us ­to·servants⁺

and·you·served⁺ ­°us :

and·he·says ­the·Palestinian

I ­I·detracted ­°the·lines⁺·of ­Princepowr ­the·day ­this

ꜝgive⁺ ­to·me ­man

and·ꜝlet·us·battle⁺ ­united :

and·he·hears ­Requested ­and·all·of ­Princepowr

°the·speeches⁺·of ­the·Palestinian ­these

and·they·are·cast·down⁺ ­and·they·fear⁺ ­very :


and·Intimate ­son·of ­man ­Fruitfulïte ­this ­from·House·of ­Bread ­Gloryhand

and·his·name ­He-Is

and·to·him ­eight ­sons⁺

and·the·man ­in·the·days⁺·of ­Requested

he·was·old ­entering ­in·mortals⁺ :

and·they·walk⁺ ­the·three·of ­the·sons⁺·of ­He-Is ­the·great⁺

they·walked⁺ ­after⁺ ­Requested ­to·the·battle

and·the·name·of ­the·three·of ­his·sons⁺ ­that ­they·walked⁺ ­in·the·battle

Powr-of-Father ­the·firstborn ­and·his·second ­Father-Noble

and·the·third ­Desolation :

and·Intimate ­he ­the·small

and·three ­the·great⁺

they·walked⁺ ­after⁺ ­Requested :

and·Intimate ­walking ­and·returning ­from·upon ­Requested

to·tend ­°the·sheep·of ­his·father ­House·of ­Bread :

and·he·approaches ­the·Palestinian ­yoking·up ­and·becoming·evening

and·he·posts·himself ­forty⁺ ­day :


and·he·says ­He-Is ­to·Intimate ­his·son ­ꜝtake ­¡please! ­to·your·brothers⁺ ­the·bucket·of ­the·roasted·corn ­this

and·ten ­bread ­this

and·ꜝcause·to·run ­the·camp ­to·your·brothers⁺ :

and·°ten ­the·incisions⁺·of ­the·fatmilk ­these

you·bring·in ­to·the·prince·of ­the·thousand

and·°your·brothers⁺ ­you·reckon ­to·shalom

and·°their·pledge ­you·take :

and·Requested ­and·they⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr

in·the·deepland·of ­the·powrtree

battling⁺ ­near ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·yokes·up ­Intimate ­in·the·dayplow ­and·he·leaves ­°the·sheep ­upon ­watching

and·he·bears ­and·he·walks

as·how ­he·commanded·him ­He-Is

and·he·enters ­➝the·wagonway

and·the·strength ­that·goes ­to ­the·line

and·they·cheered⁺ ­in·the·battle :

and·she·lines·up ­Princepowr ­and·Palestinians⁺

line ­to·call·against ­line :

and·he·leaves ­Intimate ­°the·things⁺ ­from·upon·him ­upon ­the·hand·of ­the·watching·of ­the·things⁺

and·he·runs ­the·line

and·he·enters ­and·he·requests ­to·his·brothers⁺ ­to·shalom :

and·he ­speaker ­near·them ­and·¡lo! ­the·man·of ­between² ­going·up ­Stripped ­the·Palestinian ­his·name ­from·Cellar ­from·the·lines⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·he·speaks ­as·the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·he·hears ­Intimate :

and·all·of ­the·man·of ­Princepowr

when·they·see⁺ ­°the·man

and·they·flee⁺ ­from·his·face⁺

and·they·fear⁺ ­very :

and·he·says ­the·man·of ­Princepowr ­¿you·saw⁺ ­the·man ­that·goes·up ­this

as ­to·detract ­°Princepowr ­going·up

and·he·was ­the·man ­that ­he·strikes·him ­he·enriches·him ­the·king ­riches ­great ­and·°his·daughter ­he·gives ­to·him

and·°the·house·of ­his·father

he·does ­free ­in·Princepowr :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­the·mortals⁺ ­that·stand⁺ ­near·him ­saying

¿what ­he·is·done ­to·the·man ­that ­he·strikes ­°the·Palestinian ­ⱦhat

and·he·removed ­detraction ­from·upon ­Princepowr

as ­¿who ­the·Palestinian ­the·foreskinned ­this

as ­he·detracted

the·lines⁺·of ­Powers⁺ ­living⁺ :

and·he·says ­to·him ­the·people

as·the·speech ­this ­saying

thus ­he·is·done

to·the·man ­that ­he·strikes·him :

and·he·hears ­Powr-of-Father ­his·brother ­the·great

when·he·speaks ­to ­the·mortals⁺

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Powr-of-Father ­in·Intimate ­and·he·says ­to·¿what ­this ­you·descended ­and·upon ­¿who ­you·left ­the·little·of ­the·sheep ­they⁺ ­in·the·outspeak

I ­I·knew ­°your·overboiling ­and·°the·badness·of ­your·heart

as ­because·of ­seeing ­the·battle ­you·descended :

and·he·says ­Intimate

¿what ­I·did ­now

¿not ­speech ­he :

and·he·turns·around ­from·beside·him ­to ­snip·of ­after

and·he·says ­as·the·speech ­this

and·they·return⁺·him ­the·people ­speech

as·the·speech ­the·headmost :

and·they·are·heard⁺ ­the·speeches⁺

that ­he·spoke ­Intimate

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Requested ­and·he·takes·him :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Requested

ꜝlet·him·not·fall ­heart·of ­adam ­upon·him

your·servant ­he·walks

and·he·battled ­near ­the·Palestinian ­this :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Intimate ­you·are·not·able ­to·walk ­to ­the·Palestinian ­this

to·battle ­near·him

as ­youth ­you

and·he ­man·of ­battle ­from·his·youth⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Requested

tendent ­he·was ­your·servant ­to·his·father ­in·the·sheep

and·he·entered ­the·lion ­and·with ­the·bear

and·he·bore ­ovine ­from·the·flock :

and·I·went ­after⁺·him ­and·I·struck·him ­and·I·snatched·away ­from·his·mouth

and·he·arises ­upon·me

and·I·grasped·firmly ­in·his·old·beard

and·I·struck·him ­and·I·put·him·to·death :

also ­°the·lion ­also ­the·bear ­he·struck ­your·servant

and·he·was ­the·Palestinian ­the·foreskinned ­this ­as·one ­from·them

as ­he·detracted

the·lines⁺·of ­Powers⁺ ­living⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate

Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·snatched·me·away ­from·the·hand·of ­the·lion ­and·from·the·hand·of ­the·bear

he ­he·snatches·me·away

from·the·hand·of ­the·Palestinian ­this

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Intimate ­ꜝwalk

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·is ­near·you :

and·he·robes ­Requested ­°Intimate ­his·tunics⁺

and·he·gave ­helmette·of ­copper ­upon ­his·head

and·he·robes ­°him ­mail :

and·he·girds ­Intimate ­°his·sword ­from·upon ­to·his·tunics⁺ ­and·he·is·willing ­to·walk ­as ­he·did·not·try·out

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Requested ­I·am·not·able ­to·walk ­in·these ­as ­I·did·not·try·out

and·he·removes·them ­Intimate ­from·upon·him :

and·he·takes ­his·rod ­in·his·hand ­and·he·chooses ­to·him ­five ­division⁺·of ­stones⁺ ­from ­the·river ­and·he·places ­°them ­in·the·thing·of ­the·tendents⁺ ­that ­to·him ­and·in·the·gleaning·pouch ­and·his·sling ­in·his·hand

and·he·approaches ­to ­the·Palestinian :

and·he·walks ­the·Palestinian

walking ­and·presenting·himself ­to ­Intimate

and·the·man ­bearer ­the·shield ­to·his·face⁺ :

and·he·looks ­the·Palestinian ­and·he·sees ­°Intimate ­and·he·despises·him

as ­he·was ­youth

and·redblooded ­near ­beautiful·of ­sight :

and·he·says ­the·Palestinian ­to ­Intimate

¿dog ­I

as ­you ­entering ­to·me ­in·the·rods⁺

and·he·slights ­the·Palestinian ­°Intimate ­in·his·Powers⁺ :

and·he·says ­the·Palestinian ­to ­Intimate

ꜝwalk! ­to·me

and·ꜝlet·me·give ­°your·flesh

to·the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·to·the·beast·of ­the·field :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­the·Palestinian

you ­entering ­to·me

in·sword ­and·in·campspear ­and·in·javelin

and·I ­entering ­to·you ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­of·hosts⁺

Powers⁺·of ­the·lines⁺·of ­Princepowr ­that ­you·detracted :

the·day ­this ­he·locks·in·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·my·hand ­and·I·struck·you ­and·I·removed ­°your·head ­from·upon·you

and·I·gave ­the·carcass·of ­the·camp·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­the·day ­this

to·the·flyer·of ­the·skies⁺ ­and·to·the·life·of ­the·land

and·they·know⁺ ­all·of ­the·land

as ­there·is ­Powers⁺ ­to·Princepowr :

and·they·know⁺ ­all·of ­the·congregation ­this

as ­not ­in·sword ­and·in·campspear ­he·saves ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­to·Yʜᴡʜ ­the·battle

and·he·gave ­°you⁺ ­in·our·hand :

and·he·was ­as ­he·arose ­the·Palestinian

and·he·walks ­and·he·is·present ­to·call·on ­Intimate

and·he·speeds ­Intimate

and·he·runs ­the·line ­to·call·on ­the·Palestinian :

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­°his·hand ­to ­the·thing ­and·he·takes ­from·there ­stone ­and·he·slings

and·he·strikes ­°the·Palestinian ­to ­his·brow

and·she·sinks ­the·stone ­in·his·brow

and·he·falls ­upon ­his·face⁺ ­➝land :

and·he·is·firm ­Intimate ­from ­the·Palestinian ­in·the·sling ­and·in·the·stone

and·he·strikes ­°the·Palestinian ­and·he·puts·him·to·death

and·sword ­there·is·ńot ­in·the·hand·of ­Intimate :

and·he·runs ­Intimate ­and·he·stands ­to ­the·Palestinian ­and·he·takes ­°his·sword ­and·he·unsheathes·her ­from·her·barecover ­and·he·causes·him·to·die

and·he·cuts·down ­in·her ­°his·head

and·they·see⁺ ­the·Palestinians⁺ ­as ­he·died ­their·hero ­and·they·flee⁺ :

and·they·arise⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr ­and·Gloryhand ­and·they·cheer⁺ ­and·they·pursue⁺ ­°the·Palestinians⁺

unto ­your·entering ­Valley

and·unto ­the·gates⁺·of ­Sterile

and·they·fall⁺ ­the·pierced⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­in·the·step·of ­Gates²

and·unto ­Cellar ­and·unto ­Sterile :

and·they·return⁺ ­the·sons⁺·of ­Princepowr

from·blazing ­after⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

and·they·loot⁺ ­°their·camps⁺ :

and·he·takes ­Intimate ­°the·head·of ­the·Palestinian

and·he·brings·him·in ­Torahshalom

and·°his·things⁺ ­he·placed ­in·his·tent :

and·as·seeing ­Requested ­°Intimate ­going ­to·call·against ­the·Palestinian

he·said ­to ­Father-Lamp ­the·prince·of ­the·host

son·of ­¿who ­this ­the·youth ­Father-Lamp

and·he·says ­Father-Lamp

the·living·of ­your·soul ­the·king ­if ­I·knew :

and·he·says ­the·king

ꜝrequest ­you

son·of ­¿who ­this ­the·boy :

and·as·returning ­Intimate ­from·striking ­°the·Palestinian

and·he·takes ­°him ­Father-Lamp

and·he·brings·him·in ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Requested

and·the·head·of ­the·Palestinian ­in·his·hand :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Requested

son·of ­¿who ­you ­the·youth

and·he·says ­Intimate

the·son·of ­your·servant ­He-Is ­the·house·of ­the·Breadïte :

and·he·is ­as·he·is·all·done ­to·speak ­to ­Requested

and·the·soul·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given

she·was·leagued ­in·the·soul·of ­Intimate

and·he·loves·him ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­as·his·soul :

and·he·takes·him ­Requested ­in·the·day ­he

and ­he·did·not·give·him

to·return ­the·house·of ­his·father :

and·he·cuts·in ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­and·Intimate ­covenant

in·his·love ­°him ­as·his·soul :

and·he·unmantles·himself ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­°the·guise ­that ­upon·him

and·he·gives·him ­to·Intimate

and·his·tunics⁺ ­and·unto ­his·sword ­and·unto ­his·bow ­and·unto ­his·girdle :

and·he·goes ­Intimate ­in·all ­that ­he·sends·him ­Requested ­he·makes·prudent

and·he·places·him ­Requested

upon ­the·mortals⁺·of ­the·battle

and·he·is·good ­in·the·eyes²·of ­all·of ­the·people

and·also ­in·the·eyes²·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­Requested :


and·he·is ­when·they·enter⁺ ­when·returning ­Intimate ­from·striking ­°the·Palestinian

and·they·go⁺ ­the·women⁺ ­from·all·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­Princepowr ­to·sing ­and·the·whirldances⁺

to·call·on ­Requested ­the·king

in·timbrels⁺ ­in·gladness ­and·in·three-stringers⁺ :

and·they·respond⁺ ­the·women⁺ ­that·make·laughter⁺ ­and·they·say⁺

he·struck ­Requested ­in·his·thousands⁺

and·Intimate ­in·his·multitudes⁺ :

and·he·is·scorched ­to·Requested ­very ­and·he·is·bad ­in·his·eyes² ­the·speech ­this

and·he·says ­they·gave⁺ ­to·Intimate ­multitudes⁺

and·to·me ­they·gave⁺ ­the·thousands⁺

and·again ­to·him ­surely ­the·kingship :

and·he·is ­Requested ­eying ­°Intimate

from·the·day ­he ­and·out :

and·he·is ­from·aftermorrow ­and·she·prospers ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺ ­bad ­to ­Requested ­and·he·prophesies ­in·the·midst·of ­the·house

and·Intimate ­harp ­in·his·hand ­as·day ­in·day

and·the·campspear ­in·the·hand·of ­Requested :

and·he·hurls ­Requested ­°the·campspear

and·he·says ­I·strike ­in·Intimate ­and·in·the·wall

and·he·turns·around ­Intimate ­from·his·face⁺ ­times² :

and·he·fears ­Requested ­from·to·the·face⁺·of ­Intimate

as ­he·was ­Yʜᴡʜ ­near·him

and·from·near ­Requested ­he·moved :

and·he·removes·him ­Requested ­from·near·him

and·he·places·him ­to·him ­prince·of ­thousand

and·he·goes ­and·he·enters ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·people :


and·he·is ­Intimate ­to·all·of ­his·steps⁺ ­prudent

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­near·him :

and·he·sees ­Requested

that ­he ­prudent ­very

and·he·is·dislodged ­from·his·face⁺ :

and·all·of ­Princepowr ­and·Gloryhand

loving ­°Intimate

as ­he ­going ­and·entering ­to·their·face⁺ :


and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Intimate ­¡lo! ­my·daughter ­the·great ­Multiplying ­°her ­I·give ­to·you ­to·woman

surely ­ꜝbe ­to·me ­to·son·of ­strength

and·ꜝbattle ­the·battles⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·Requested ­he·said ­ꜝlet·her·not·be ­my·hand ­in·him

and·ꜝlet·her·be ­in·him ­the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Requested ­¿who ­I ­and·¿who ­my·livings⁺

the·family·of ­my·father ­in·Princepowr

as ­I·am ­married·one ­to·the·king :

and·he·is ­in·season ­giving ­°Multiplying ­the·daughter·of ­Requested ­to·Intimate

and·she ­she·was·given ­to·Flock-of-Powr ­the·Whirlïte ­to·woman :

and·she·loves ­Brook ­the·daughter·of ­Requested ­°Intimate

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Requested

and·he·is·straight ­the·speech ­in·his·eyes² :

and·he·says ­Requested ­I·give·her ­to·him ­and·ꜝlet·her·be ­to·him ­to·snare

and·ꜝlet·her·be ­in·him ­the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Intimate

in·two² ­you·intermarry ­in·me ­the·day :

and·he·commands ­Requested ­°his·servants⁺ ­ꜝspeak⁺ ­to ­Intimate ­in·the·obscurity ­saying

¡lo! ­he·was·pleased ­in·you ­the·king

and·all·of ­his·servants⁺ ­they·loved⁺·you

and·now ­ꜝintermarry ­in·the·king :

and·they·speak⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Requested ­in·the·ears²·of ­Intimate

°the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·he·says ­Intimate ­¿slight ­in·your⁺·eyes² ­intermarrying ­in·the·king

and·I ­man ­poor ­and·roasted :

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Requested ­to·him ­saying

as·the·speeches⁺ ­these ­he·spoke ­Intimate :


and·he·says ­Requested ­thus ­you·say⁺ ­to·Intimate ­there·is·ńot ­pleasure ­to·the·king ­in·brideprice

as ­in·hundred ­the·foreskins⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

to·be·avenged ­in·the·enemies⁺·of ­the·king

and·Requested ­he·considered

to·let·fall ­°Intimate ­in·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­his·servants⁺ ­to·Intimate ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·he·is·straight ­the·speech ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Intimate

to·intermarry ­in·the·king

and ­they·did·not·fill⁺ ­the·days⁺ :

and·he·arises ­Intimate ­and·he·walks ­he ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­and·he·strikes ­in·the·Palestinians⁺ ­hundred² ­man

and·he·brings·in ­Intimate ­°their·foreskins⁺

and·they·fill⁺·them ­to·the·king

to·intermarry ­in·the·king

and·he·gives ­to·him ­Requested ­°Brook ­his·daughter ­to·woman :

and·he·sees ­Requested ­and·he·knows

as ­Yʜᴡʜ ­near ­Intimate

and·Brook ­the·daughter·of ­Requested ­she·loved·him :

and·he·adds ­Requested ­to·fear ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Intimate ­again

and·he·is ­Requested ­enemy ­°Intimate ­all·of ­the·days⁺ :

and·they·go⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·he·is ­from·enough·of ­their·going ­he·was·prudent ­Intimate ­from·all·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­Requested

and·he·is·precious ­his·name ­very :

and·he·speaks ­Requested ­to ­Yᴡ-Given ­his·son ­and·to ­all·of ­his·servants⁺

to·put·to·death ­°Intimate

and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·son·of ­Requested

he·was·pleased ­in·Intimate ­very :

and·he·tells·forth ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to·Intimate ­saying

seeker ­Requested ­my·father ­to·put·you·to·death

and·now ­ꜝwatch·yourself ­¡please! ­in·the·dayplow

and·you·settled ­in·the·hiddenness ­and·you·were·concealed :

and·I ­I·go ­and·I·stood ­to·the·hand·of ­my·father ­in·the·field ­that ­you ­there

and·I ­I·speak ­in·you ­to ­my·father

and·I·saw ­¿what ­and·I·told·forth ­to·you :

and·he·speaks ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­in·Intimate ­good

to ­Requested ­his·father

and·he·says ­to·him ­ꜝlet·him·not·sin ­the·king ­in·his·servant ­in·Intimate ­as ­he·did·not·sin ­to·you

and·as ­his·deeds⁺ ­good ­to·you ­very :

and·he·places ­°his·soul ­in·his·spoon ­and·he·strikes ­°the·Palestinian ­and·he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­salvation ­great ­to·all·of ­Princepowr

you·saw ­and·you·are·glad

and·to·¿what ­you·sin ­in·blood ­innocent

to·put·to·death ­°Intimate ­gratuitously :

and·he·hears ­Requested ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given

and·he·vows·seven ­Requested

living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­if ­he·is·put·to·death :

and·he·calls ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to·Intimate

and·he·tells·forth ­to·him ­Yʜᴡ-Given

°all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·he·brings·in ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­°Intimate ­to ­Requested

and·he·is ­to·his·face⁺ ­as·recent ­threeday :

and·she·adds ­the·battle ­to·be

and·he·goes ­Intimate ­and·he·battles ­in·the·Palestinians⁺ ­and·he·strikes ­in·them ­stroke ­great

and·they·flee⁺ ­from·his·face⁺ :

and·she·is ­the·breath·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­bad ­to ­Requested

and·he ­in·his·house ­settling

and·his·campspear ­in·his·hand

and·Intimate ­harp ­in·hand :

and·he·seeks ­Requested ­to·strike ­in·the·campspear ­in·Intimate ­and·in·the·wall

and·he·spurts·out ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Requested

and·he·strikes ­°the·campspear ­in·the·wall

and·Intimate ­he·fled ­and·he·is·delivered ­in·the·night ­he :


and·he·sends ­Requested ­ministers⁺ ­to ­the·house·of ­Intimate ­to·watch·him

and·to·put·him·to·death ­in·the·dayplow

and·she·tells·forth ­to·Intimate ­Brook ­his·woman ­saying

if ­you·are·ńot ­delivering ­°your·soul ­the·night

aftermorrow ­you ­put·to·death :

and·she·makes·descend ­Brook ­°Intimate ­about ­the·window-piercing

and·he·walks ­and·he·bolts ­and·he·is·delivered :

and·she·takes ­Brook ­°the·healthidols⁺ ­and·she·places ­to ­the·branchbed

and·°the·vastpillow·of ­the·mightygoats⁺

she·placed ­his·headrests⁺

and·she·covers ­in·the·covering :

and·he·sends ­Requested ­ministers⁺ ­to·take ­°Intimate

and·she·says ­pierced ­he :


and·he·sends ­Requested ­°the·ministers⁺

to·see ­°Intimate ­saying

offer·up⁺ ­°him ­in·the·branchbed ­to·me ­to·put·him·to·death :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·ministers⁺

and·¡lo! ­the·healthidols⁺ ­to ­the·branchbed

and·the·vastpillow·of ­the·mightygoats⁺ ­his·headrests⁺ :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Brook ­to·¿what ­thus ­you·tricked·me

and·you·send·out ­°my·enemy ­and·he·is·delivered

and·she·says ­Brook ­to ­Requested

he ­he·said ­to·me ­ꜝsend·me·out ­to·¿what ­I·put·you·to·death :

and·Intimate ­he·bolted ­and·he·is·delivered ­and·he·enters ­to ­Heard-by-Powr ­➝the·High·Place

and·he·tells·forth ­to·him

°all ­that ­he·did ­to·him ­Requested

and·he·walks ­he ­and·Heard-by-Powr

and·they·settle⁺ ­in·Habitation :

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·Requested ­saying

¡lo! ­Intimate

in·Habitation ­in·the·High·Place :

and·he·sends ­Requested ­ministers⁺ ­to·take ­°Intimate

and·he·sees ­°the·group·of ­the·prophets⁺ ­prophesying⁺

and·Heard-by-Powr ­standing ­posted ­upon·them

and·she·is ­upon ­the·ministers⁺·of ­Requested ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺

and·they·prophesy⁺ ­also ­they⁺ :

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Requested ­and·he·sends ­ministers⁺ ­after⁺

and·they·prophesy⁺ ­also ­they⁺

and·he·adds ­Requested ­and·he·sends ­ministers⁺ ­third⁺

and·they·prophesy⁺ ­also ­they⁺ :

and·he·walks ­also ­he ­➝the·High·Place ­and·he·enters ­unto ­well ­the·great ­that ­in·the·Imagination

and·he·requests ­and·he·says

¿wẖere ­Heard-by-Powr ­and·Intimate

and·he·says ­¡lo! ­in·Habitation ­in·the·High·Place :

and·he·walks ­there

to ­Habitation ­in·the·High·Place

and·she·is ­upon·him ­also ­he ­the·breath·of ­Powers⁺ ­and·he·walks ­walking ­and·he·prophesies

unto ­his·entering ­in·Habitation ­in·the·High·Place :

and·he·dismantles ­also ­he ­his·coverings⁺ ­and·he·prophesies ­also ­he ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Heard-by-Powr

and·he·falls ­bare

all·of ­the·day ­he ­and·all·of ­the·night

upon ­surely ­they·say⁺

¿also ­Requested ­in·the·prophets⁺ :


and·he·bolts ­Intimate

from·Habitation ­in·the·High·Place

and·he·enters ­and·he·says ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­¿what ­I·did ­¿what ­my·guilt ­and·¿what ­my·sin ­to·the·face⁺·of ­your·father

as ­seeker ­°my·soul :

and·he·says ­to·him ­¡pierce·it! ­you·do·not·die

¡lo! ­he·does·not·do ­my·father ­speech ­great ­or ­speech ­small

and ­he·does·not·strip·out ­°my·ear

and·¿know·why ­he·hides ­my·father ­from·me ­°the·speech ­this ­there·is·ńot ­this :

and·he·vows·seven ­again ­Intimate ­and·he·says ­knowing ­he·knew ­your·father ­as ­I·found ­grace ­in·your·eyes²

and·he·says ­ꜝlet·him·not·know ­this ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­lest ­he·is·pained

and·yet ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·the·living·of ­your·soul

as ­as·stride

between·me ­and·between ­the·death :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to ­Intimate

¿what ­she·says ­your·soul ­and·I·do ­to·you :


and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­¡lo! ­new·moon ­aftermorrow

and·I ­settling ­I·settle ­near ­the·king ­to·eat

and·you·sent·me·out ­and·I·was·hidden ­in·the·field

unto ­the·evening ­the·third :

if ­reckoning ­he·reckons·me ­your·father

and·you·said ­being·requested ­he·was·requested ­from·me ­Intimate ­to·run ­House·of ­Bread ­his·city

as ­the·offering·of ­the·days⁺ ­there ­to·all·of ­the·family :

if ­thus ­he·says ­good ­shalom ­to·your·servant

and·if ­scorched ­he·is·scorched ­to·him

ꜝknow ­as ­she·was·all·through ­the·badness ­from·near·him :

and·you·did ­mercy ­upon ­your·servant

as ­in·the·covenant·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

you·brought·in ­°your·servant ­near·you

and·if ­there·is ­in·me ­guilt ­put·me·to·death ­you

and·unto ­your·father ­to·¿what ­this ­you·bring·me·in :


and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­¡pierce·it! ­to·you

as ­rather ­knowing ­I·know ­as ­she·was·all·through ­the·badness ­from·near ­my·father ­to·enter ­upon·you

and·not ­°her ­I·tell·forth ­to·you :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Given

¿who ­he·tells·forth ­to·me

or ­¿what ­he·responds·you ­your·father ­hard :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to ­Intimate

ꜝwalk! ­and·we·go⁺ ­the·field

and·they·go⁺ ­the·two²·of·them ­the·field :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to ­Intimate ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr ­as ­I·examine ­°my·father ­as·the·season·of ­aftermorrow ­the·third

and·¡lo! ­good ­to ­Intimate

and·not ­then ­I·send ­to·you

and·I·stripped·out ­°your·ear :

thus ­he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·Yʜᴡ-Given ­and·thus ­he·adds ­as ­he·does·good ­to ­my·father ­°the·badness ­upon·you

and·I·stripped·out ­°your·ear

and·I·sent·you·out ­and·you·walked ­to·shalom

and·ꜝlet·him·be ­Yʜᴡʜ ­near·you

as·how ­he·was ­near ­my·father :

and·not ­if ­I·am·still ­living

and ­you·do·not·do ­near·me ­the·mercy·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and ­I·do·not·die :

and ­you·do·not·cut·down ­°your·mercy ­from·near ­my·house ­unto ­eternity

and·not ­when·cutting·down ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·enemies⁺·of ­Intimate

man ­from·upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·adamah :

and·he·cuts·in ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­near ­the·house·of ­Intimate

and·he·sought ­Yʜᴡʜ

from·the·hand·of ­the·enemies⁺·of ­Intimate :

and·he·adds ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to·tell·seven ­°Intimate

in·his·love ­°him

as ­the·love·of ­his·soul ­he·loved·him :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­aftermorrow ­new·moon

and·you·were·reckoned ­as ­he·is·reckoned ­your·seat :

and·you·made·three ­you·descend ­very

and·you·entered ­to ­the·rising·place

that ­you·were·hidden ­there ­in·the·day·of ­the·deed


beside ­the·stone ­the·Procession :

and·I ­the·three·of ­the·arrows⁺ ­➝hip ­torah

to·send·out ­to·me ­to·target :

and·¡lo! ­I·send ­°the·youth

ꜝwalk ­ꜝfind ­°the·arrows⁺

if ­saying ­I·say ­to·the·youth ­¡lo! ­the·arrows⁺ ­from·you ­and·here ­ꜝtake·him ­and·ꜝenter! ­as ­shalom ­to·you ­and·there·is·ńot ­speech ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·if ­thus ­I·say ­to·the·boy

¡lo! ­the·arrows⁺ ­from·you ­and·out

ꜝwalk ­as ­he·sent·you·out ­Yʜᴡʜ :


that ­we·spoke⁺ ­I ­and·you

¡lo! ­Yʜᴡʜ ­between·me ­and·between·you ­unto ­eternity :

and·he·is·hidden ­Intimate ­in·the·field

and·he·is ­the·new·moon

and·he·settles ­the·king ­to ­the·bread ­to·eat :

and·he·settles ­the·king ­upon ­his·seat ­as·time ­in·time ­to ­the·seat·of ­the·wall

and·he·arises ­Yʜᴡ-Given

and·he·settles ­Father-Lamp ­from·the·hip·of ­Requested

and·he·is·reckoned ­the·rising·place·of ­Intimate :

and ­he·did·not·speak ­Requested ­smidge ­in·the·day ­he

as ­he·said ­fate ­he

if·not ­pure ­he ­as ­not ­pure :

and·he·is ­from·the·aftermorrow·of ­the·new·moon ­the·second

and·he·is·reckoned ­the·rising·place·of ­Intimate

and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­his·son

¿know·why ­he·did·not·enter ­the·son·of ­He-Is ­also ­recent ­also ­the·day ­to ­the·bread :

and·he·responds ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­°Requested

being·requested ­he·was·requested ­Intimate ­from·near·me ­unto ­House·of ­Bread :

and·he·says ­ꜝsend·me·out ­¡please! ­as ­offering·of ­family ­to·us ­in·the·city ­and·he ­he·commanded ­to·me ­my·brother

and·now ­if ­I·found ­grace ­in·your·eyes²

ꜝlet·me·be·delivered ­¡please! ­and·I·see ­°my·brothers⁺

upon ­surely ­he·did·not·enter

to ­the·table·of ­the·king :

and·he·is·scorched ­the·nostrils·of ­Requested ­in·Yʜᴡ-Given

and·he·says ­to·him

the·son·of ­the·guilty·of ­the·revolt

¿not ­I·knew ­as ­choosing ­you ­to·the·son·of ­He-Is


and·to·the·shame·of ­the·bareness·of ­your·mama :

as ­all·of ­the·days⁺ ­that ­the·son·of ­He-Is ­he·lived ­upon ­the·adamah

you·are·not·assured ­you ­and·your·kingship

and·now ­ꜝsend ­and·ꜝtake ­°him ­to·me

as ­son·of ­death ­he :

and·he·responds ­Yʜᴡ-Given

°Requested ­his·father

and·he·says ­to·him ­to·¿what ­he·is·put·to·death ­¿what ­he·did :

and·he·hurls ­Requested ­°the·campspear ­upon·him ­to·strike·him

and·he·knows ­Yʜᴡ-Given

as ­altogether ­she ­from·near ­his·father ­to·put·to·death ­°Intimate :

and·he·arises ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­from·near ­the·table ­in·scorching·of ­nostrils

and ­he·did·not·eat ­in·the·day·of ­the·new·moon ­the·second ­bread

as ­he·was·pained ­to ­Intimate

as ­he·embarrassed·him ­his·father :

and·he·is ­in·the·dayplow

and·he·goes ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·field ­to·the·assembly·time·of ­Intimate

and·youth ­small ­near·him :

and·he·says ­to·his·youth

ꜝrun ­ꜝfind ­¡please! ­°the·arrows⁺

that ­I ­torahing

the·youth ­he·ran

and·he ­he·torahed ­the·arrow ­to·make·him·cross·by :

and·he·enters ­the·youth ­unto ­the·rising·place·of ­the·arrow

that ­he·torahed ­Yʜᴡ-Given

and·he·calls ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­after⁺ ­the·youth ­and·he·says

¿not ­the·arrow ­from·you ­and·out :

and·he·calls ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­after⁺ ­the·youth

speedily ­ꜝhurry! ­ꜝdo·not·stand

and·he·gleans ­the·youth·of ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­°the·arrows⁺

and·he·enters ­to ­his·lords⁺ :

and·the·youth ­he·did·not·know ­smidge

surely ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­and·Intimate

they·knew⁺ ­°the·speech :

and·he·gives ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­°his·things⁺

to ­the·youth ­that ­to·him

and·he·says ­to·him

ꜝwalk ­bring·in ­the·city :

the·youth ­he·entered

and·Intimate ­he·arose ­from·beside ­the·negev

and·he·falls ­to·his·nostrils² ­➝land ­and·he·prostrates·himself ­three ­times⁺

and·they·kiss⁺ ­man ­°his·tendent ­and·they·weep⁺ ­man ­°his·tendent

unto ­Intimate ­he·made·great :

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­to·Intimate ­ꜝwalk ­to·shalom

that ­we·vowed·seven⁺ ­the·two²·of·us ­we⁺ ­in·the·name·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

Yʜᴡʜ ­he·is ­between·me ­and·between·you ­and·between ­my·seed ­and·between ­your·seed ­unto ­eternity :


and·he·arises ­and·he·walks

and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­he·entered ­the·city :

and·he·enters ­Intimate ­➝Produce

to ­Brother-of-King ­the·priest

and·he·shudders ­Brother-of-King ­to·call·on ­Intimate ­and·he·says ­to·him ­¿know·why ­you ­alone·you

and·man ­there·is·ńot ­with·you :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·Brother-of-King ­the·priest ­the·king ­he·commanded·me ­speech

and·he·says ­to·me ­man ­ꜝlet·him·not·know ­smidge ­°the·speech ­that ­I ­that·sends·you ­and·that ­I·commanded·you

and·°the·youths⁺ ­I·was·made·known

to ­rising·place·of ­such ­and-such :

and·now ­¿what ­there·is ­under ­your·hand ­five ­bread ­ꜝgive! ­in·my·hand

or ­that·is·found :

and·he·responds ­the·priest ­°Intimate ­and·he·says

there·is·ńot ­bread·of ­pierced ­to ­under ­my·hand

as ­rather ­bread·of ­sanctuary ­there·is

if ­they·watched·themselves⁺ ­the·youths⁺ ­surely ­from·woman :


and·he·responds ­Intimate ­°the·priest ­and·he·says ­to·him ­but ­rather ­woman ­restrained ­to·us ­as·recent ­threeday

when·I·go ­and·they·are⁺ ­the·things⁺·of ­the·youths⁺ ­sanctuary

and·he ­step·of ­pierced

and·¡yes! ­as ­the·day ­he·is·sanctified ­in·the·thing :

and·he·gives ­to·him ­the·priest ­sanctuary

as ­he·was·not ­there ­bread ­as ­rather ­the·bread·of ­the·face⁺ ­that·are·removed⁺ ­from·to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·place ­bread·of ­heat

in·the·day·of ­his·being·taken :

and·there ­man ­from·the·servants⁺·of ­Requested ­in·the·day ­he ­restrained ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·his·name ­Anxious ­the·Bloodïte

the·pinioned·one·of ­the·tendents⁺ ­that ­to·Requested :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·Brother-of-King

and·¿is·ńot ­there·is ­ẖere ­under ­your·hand ­campspear ­or ­sword

as ­also ­my·sword ­and·also ­my·things⁺ ­I·did·not·take ­in·my·hand

as ­he·was ­the·speech·of ­the·king ­√urgent :

and·he·says ­the·priest ­the·sword·of ­Stripped ­the·Palestinian ­that ­you·struck ­in·the·deepland·of ­the·powrtree ­¡lo! ­she ­obscured ­in·the·garment ­after⁺ ­the·ephod

if ­°her ­you·take ­to·you ­ꜝtake

as ­there·is·ńot ­after ­beyond·her ­in·this

and·he·says ­Intimate ­there·is·ńot ­as·her ­ꜝgive·her ­to·me :

and·he·arises ­Intimate

and·he·bolts ­in·the·day ­he ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Requested

and·he·enters ­to ­Akysh ­the·king·of ­Cellar :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Akysh ­to·him

¿not ­this ­Intimate ­the·king·of ­the·land

¿not ­to·this ­they·respond⁺ ­in·the·whirldances⁺ ­saying

he·struck ­Requested ­in·his·thousands⁺

and·Intimate ­in·his·multitudes⁺ :

and·he·places ­Intimate ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these ­in·his·heart

and·he·fears ­very

from·the·face⁺·of ­Akysh ­the·king·of ­Cellar :

and·he·doubles·back·him ­°his·taste ­in·their·eyes²

and·he·praises·himself ­in·their·hand

and·he·taus ­upon ­the·pulldoors⁺·of ­the·gate

and·he·makes·descend ­his·phlegm ­to ­his·old·beard :

and·he·says ­Akysh ­to ­his·servants⁺

¡lo! ­you·see⁺ ­man ­psycho

to·¿what ­you·bring·in⁺ ­°him ­to·me :

lacking·of ­psycho⁺ ­I

as ­you·brought·in⁺ ­°this

to·be·psycho ­upon·me

¿this ­he·enters ­to ­my·house :

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­from·there

and·he·is·delivered ­to ­the·barrens·of ­Adlam

and·they·hear⁺ ­his·brothers⁺ ­and·all·of ­the·house·of ­his·father

and·they·descend⁺ ­to·him ­➝there :

and·they·collect·themselves⁺ ­to·him ­all·of ­man·of ­overpouring ­and·all·of ­man ­that ­to·him ­defrauded ­and·all·of ­man ­bitter·of ­soul

and·he·is ­upon·them ­to·prince

and·they·are⁺ ­near·him

as·four ­hundred⁺ ­man :

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­from·there ­the·sentry·post·of ­From-Father

and·he·says ­to ­the·king·of ­From-Father ­he·goes ­¡please! ­my·father ­and·my·mama ­with·you⁺

unto ­that ­I·know

¿what ­he·does ­to·me ­Powers⁺ :

and·he·guides·them ­with ­the·face⁺·of ­the·king·of ­From-Father

and·they·settle⁺ ­near·him

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­being ­Intimate ­in·the·huntinglodge :

and·he·says ­Clout ­the·prophet ­to ­Intimate ­you·do·not·settle ­in·the·huntinglodge

ꜝwalk ­and·you·entered ­to·you ­the·land·of ­Gloryhand

and·he·walks ­Intimate

and·he·enters ­the·forest·of ­Craftiness :

and·he·hears ­Requested

as ­he·was·known ­Intimate

and·mortals⁺ ­that ­with·him

and·Requested ­settling ­in·the·Hill ­under ­the·esheltree ­in·the·high·place ­and·his·campspear ­in·his·hand

and·all·of ­his·servants⁺ ­posted⁺ ­upon·him :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to·his·servants⁺ ­that·are·posted⁺ ­upon·him

ꜝhear⁺ ­¡please! ­the·sons⁺·of ­Rightïte

also ­to·all·of·you⁺ ­he·gives ­the·son·of ­He-Is ­fields⁺ ­and·orchards⁺

to·all·of·you⁺ ­he·places

princes⁺·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·princes⁺·of ­hundred⁺ :

as ­you·leagued⁺ ­all·of·you⁺ ­upon·me ­and·there·is·ńot ­stripping·out ­°my·ear ­when·cutting·in ­my·son ­near ­the·son·of ­He-Is

and·there·is·ńot ­pierced ­from·you⁺ ­upon·me ­and·stripping·out ­°my·ear

as ­he·raised ­my·son ­°my·servant ­upon·me ­to·ambush ­as·the·day ­this :

and·he·responds ­Anxious ­the·Bloodïte ­and·he ­posted ­upon ­the·servants⁺·of ­Requested ­and·he·says

I·saw ­°the·son·of ­He-Is

entering ­➝Produce

to ­Brother-of-King ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Good :

and·he·requests ­to·him ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

and·huntfood ­he·gave ­to·him

and·°the·sword·of ­Stripped ­the·Palestinian ­he·gave ­to·him :

and·he·sends ­the·king ­to·call ­°Brother-of-King ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Good ­the·priest ­and·°all·of ­the·house·of ­his·father ­the·priests⁺ ­that ­in·Produce

and·they·enter⁺ ­all·of·them ­to ­the·king :

and·he·says ­Requested

ꜝhear ­¡please! ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Good

and·he·says ­¡lo!·me ­my·lord :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Requested

to·¿what ­you·leagued⁺ ­upon·me

you ­and·the·son·of ­He-Is

when·you·give ­to·him ­bread ­and·sword ­and·requesting ­to·him ­in·Powers⁺

to·arise ­to·me ­to·ambush ­as·the·day ­this :

and·he·responds ­Brother-of-King ­°the·king ­and·he·says

and·¿who ­in·all·of ­your·servants⁺ ­as·Intimate ­true

and·the·married·one·of ­the·king ­and·removed ­to ­your·hearguard ­and·weighty ­in·your·house :

the·day ­I·pierced ­to·request ­to·him ­in·Powers⁺ ­¡pierce·it! ­to·me

ꜝlet·him·not·place ­the·king ­in·his·servant ­speech ­in·all·of ­the·house·of ­my·father

as ­he·did·not·know ­your·servant ­in·all·of ­this

speech ­small ­or ­great :

and·he·says ­the·king

dying ­you·die ­Brother-of-King

you ­and·all·of ­the·house·of ­your·father :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to·the·runners⁺ ­that·are·posted⁺ ­upon·him ­ꜝturn·around ­and·put·to·death⁺ ­the·priests⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­also ­their·hand ­near ­Intimate

and·as ­they·knew⁺ ­as ­bolting ­he

and ­they·did·not·strip·out ­°my·ear

and ­they·did·not·want⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­the·king ­to·send ­°their·hand

to·peg ­in·the·priests⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­the·king ­to·Anxious

ꜝturn·around ­you

and·peg ­in·the·priests⁺

and·he·turns·around ­Anxious ­the·Bloodïte ­and·he·pegs ­he ­in·the·priests⁺

and·he·puts·to·death ­in·the·day ­he ­eighty⁺ ­and·five ­man

bearer·of ­ephod·of ­lonen :

and·°Produce ­the·city·of ­the·priests⁺ ­he·struck ­to·mouth·of ­sword

from·man ­and·unto ­woman

from·nursling ­and·unto ­suckling

and·bull ­and·donkey ­and·ovine ­to·mouth·of ­sword :

and·he·is·delivered ­son ­one ­to·Brother-of-King ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-Good

and·his·name ­Father-of-Remainder

and·he·bolts ­after⁺ ­Intimate :

and·he·tells·forth ­Father-of-Remainder ­to·Intimate

as ­he·killed ­Requested

°the·priests⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·Father-of-Remainder ­I·knew ­in·the·day ­he ­as ­there ­Anxious ­the·Bloodïte

as ­telling·forth ­he·tells·forth ­to·Requested

I ­I·turned·around

in·all·of ­the·soul·of ­the·house·of ­your·father :

ꜝsettle! ­with·me ­ꜝdo·not·fear

as ­that ­he·seeks ­°my·soul ­he·seeks ­°your·soul

as ­watch ­you ­near·me :

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Intimate ­saying

¡lo! ­Palestinians⁺ ­battling⁺ ­in·Sling

and·they⁺ ­looting⁺ ­°the·threshingfloors⁺ :

and·he·requests ­Intimate ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

¿I·walk ­and·I·struck

in·the·Palestinians⁺ ­these

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to ­Intimate ­ꜝwalk ­and·you·struck ­in·the·Palestinians⁺

and·you·saved ­°Sling :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Intimate ­to·him

¡lo! ­we⁺ ­ẖere ­in·Gloryhand ­fearful⁺

and·¡yes! ­as ­we·walk⁺ ­Sling

to ­the·lines⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·adds ­again ­Intimate ­to·request ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·responds·him ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·says ­ꜝarise ­ꜝdescend ­Sling

as ­I ­giving ­°Palestinians⁺ ­in·your·hand :

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­Sling ­and·he·battles ­in·the·Palestinians⁺ ­and·he·leads ­°their·stock

and·he·strikes ­in·them ­stroke ­great

and·he·saves ­Intimate

°the·settling⁺·of ­Sling :

and·he·is ­when·bolting ­Father-of-Remainder ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-King ­to ­Intimate ­Sling

ephod ­he·descended ­in·his·hand :

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·Requested

as ­he·entered ­Intimate ­Sling

and·he·says ­Requested ­he·made·unrecognizable ­°him ­Powers⁺ ­in·my·hand

as ­he·was·locked ­to·enter

in·city·of ­pulldoor ­and·bolt :

and·he·makes·himself·heard ­Requested ­°all·of ­the·people ­to·the·battle

to·descend ­Sling

to·rock·up ­to ­Intimate ­and·to ­his·mortals⁺ :

and·he·knows ­Intimate

as ­upon·him

Requested ­crafting ­the·badness

and·he·says ­to ­Father-of-Remainder ­the·priest

bring·to·approach! ­the·ephod :

and·he·says ­Intimate

Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

hearing ­he·heard ­your·servant

as ­seeker ­Requested ­to·enter ­to ­Sling

to·ruin ­to·the·city ­in·my·sake :

¿they·lock·up·me ­the·masters⁺·of ­Sling ­in·his·hand ­¿he·descends ­Requested ­as·how ­he·heard ­your·servant

Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

tell·forth ­¡please! ­to·your·servant

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·descends :

and·he·says ­Intimate

¿they·lock·up ­the·masters⁺·of ­Sling ­°me ­and·°my·mortals⁺ ­in·the·hand·of ­Requested

and·he·says ­Yʜᴡʜ ­they·lock·up :

and·he·arises ­Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­as·six ­hundred⁺ ­man ­and·they·go⁺ ­from·Sling

and·they·walk·themselves⁺ ­in·that ­they·walk·themselves⁺

and·to·Requested ­he·was·told·forth ­as ­he·was·delivered ­Intimate ­from·Sling

and·he·ceases ­to·go :

and·he·settles ­Intimate ­in·the·outspeak ­in·the·huntinglodges⁺

and·he·settles ­in·the·mount ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Tar

and·he·seeks·him ­Requested ­all·of ­the·days⁺

and ­he·did·not·give·him ­Powers⁺ ­in·his·hand :

and·he·sees ­Intimate

as ­he·went ­Requested ­to·seek ­°his·soul

and·Intimate ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Tar ­in·the·Crafty·Place :

and·he·arises ­Yʜᴡ-Given ­the·son·of ­Requested

and·he·walks ­to ­Intimate ­Crafty·Place

and·he·makes·firm ­°his·hand ­in·Powers⁺ :

and·he·says ­to·him ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­as ­she·does·not·find·you ­the·hand·of ­Requested ­my·father

and·you ­you·are·king ­upon ­Princepowr

and·I ­I·am ­to·you ­to·second

and·also ­Requested ­my·father ­knowing ­surely :

and·they·cut·in ­the·two²·of·them ­covenant ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·he·settles ­Intimate ­in·the·Crafty·Place

and·Yʜᴡ-Given ­he·walked ­to·his·house :

and·they·go·up⁺ ­Tarïtes⁺ ­to ­Requested

➝the·Hill ­saying

¿not ­Intimate ­hiding·oneself ­near·us ­in·the·huntinglodges⁺ ­in·the·Crafty·Place

in·the·hill·of ­the·Bleary

that ­from·the·right·of ­the·Desolation :

and·now ­to·all·of ­the·yearning·of ­your·soul ­the·king ­to·descend ­ꜝdescend

and·to·us ­his·locking·up ­in·the·hand·of ­the·king :

and·he·says ­Requested

knelt·to⁺ ­you⁺ ­to·Yʜᴡʜ

as ­you·pitied⁺ ­upon·me :

ꜝwalk⁺ ­¡please! ­ꜝmake·sure⁺ ­again ­and·ꜝknow⁺ ­and·ꜝsee⁺ ­°his·rising·place ­that ­she·is ­his·foot

¿who ­he·saw·him ­there

as ­he·said ­to·me

smooth ­he·is·smooth ­he :

and·ꜝsee⁺ ­and·ꜝknow⁺ ­from·all·of ­the·concealment·places⁺ ­that ­he·conceals·himself ­there

and·you·returned⁺ ­to·me ­to ­assured

and·I·walked ­with·you⁺

and·he·was ­if ­he·is ­in·the·land

and·I·searched ­°him

in·all·of ­the·thousands⁺·of ­Gloryhand :

and·they·arise⁺ ­and·they·walk⁺ ­➝Tar ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Requested

and·Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Home ­in·the·Arabah

to ­the·right·of ­the·Desolation :

and·he·walks ­Requested ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­to·seek

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·Intimate

and·he·descends ­the·clifftop

and·he·settles ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Home

and·he·hears ­Requested

and·he·pursues ­after⁺ ­Intimate ­the·outspeak·of ­Home :

and·he·walks ­Requested ­from·the·hip·of ­the·mount ­from·this

and·Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­from·the·hip·of ­the·mount ­from·this

and·he·is ­Intimate ­alarmed ­to·walk ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Requested

and·Requested ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­crowning⁺ ­to ­Intimate ­and·to ­his·mortals⁺ ­to·clench·them :

and·minister ­he·entered

to ­Requested ­saying

ꜝspeed! ­and·ꜝwalk!

as ­they·dismantled⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­upon ­the·land :

and·he·returns ­Requested ­from·pursuing ­after⁺ ­Intimate

and·he·walks ­to·call·against ­Palestinians⁺

upon ­surely ­they·called⁺ ­to·the·rising·place ­he

the·clifftop·of ­the·Devisive·Places⁺ :

and·he·goes·up ­Intimate ­from·there

and·he·settles ­in·the·huntinglodges⁺·of ­Eyewell·of ­Kid :

and·he·is ­as·how ­he·returned ­Requested

from·after⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·him ­saying

¡lo! ­Intimate

in·the·outspeak·of ­Eyewell·of ­Kid :

and·he·takes ­Requested ­three·of ­thousands⁺ ­man ­chosen ­from·all·of ­Princepowr

and·he·walks ­to·seek ­°Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺

upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·rocks⁺·of ­the·benefitdeer :

and·he·enters ­to ­the·fences⁺·of ­the·sheep ­upon ­the·step ­and·there ­barrens

and·he·enters ­Requested ­to·knit·over ­°his·feet²

and·Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺

in·the·flanks²·of ­the·barrens ­settling⁺ :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Intimate ­to·him ­¡lo! ­the·day ­that ­he·said ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·you ­¡lo! ­I ­giving ­°your·enemy ­in·your·hand

and·you·did ­to·him

as·how ­he·is·good ­in·your·eyes²

and·he·arises ­Intimate ­and·he·cuts·down ­°the·wing·of ­the·guise ­that ­to·Requested ­in·the·obscurity :

and·he·is ­after⁺ ­surely

and·he·strikes ­the·heart·of ­Intimate ­°him

upon ­that ­he·cut·down

°wing ­that ­to·Requested :

and·he·says ­to·his·mortals⁺ ­¡pierce·it! ­to·me ­from·Yʜᴡʜ ­if ­I·do ­°the·speech ­this ­to·my·lord ­to·the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

to·send ­my·hand ­in·him

as ­the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he :

and·he·crevices ­Intimate ­°his·mortals⁺ ­in·the·speeches⁺

and ­he·did·not·give·them ­to·arise ­to ­Requested

and·Requested ­he·arose ­from·the·barrens ­and·he·walks ­in·the·step :

and·he·arises ­Intimate ­after⁺ ­surely ­and·he·goes ­from·the·barrens

and·he·calls ­after⁺ ­Requested ­saying ­my·lord ­the·king

and·he·looks ­Requested ­after⁺·him

and·he·downscalps ­Intimate ­nostrils² ­➝land ­and·he·prostrates·himself :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·Requested

to·¿what ­you·hear ­°speeches⁺·of ­adam ­saying

¡lo! ­Intimate

seeker ­your·badness :

¡lo! ­the·day ­this ­they·saw⁺ ­your·eyes² ­°that ­he·gave·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·day ­in·my·hand ­in·the·barrens

and·he·said ­to·kill·you ­and·she·spares ­upon·you

and·I·say ­I·do·not·send ­my·hand ­in·my·lord

as ­the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he :

and·my·father ­ꜝsee

also ­ꜝsee ­°the·wing·of ­your·guise ­in·my·hand

as ­when·I·cut·down ­°the·wing·of ­your·guise ­and ­I·did·not·kill·you ­ꜝknow ­and·ꜝsee ­as ­there·is·ńot ­in·my·hand ­badness ­and·rebellion ­and ­I·did·not·sin ­to·you

and·you ­plotting·against ­°my·soul ­to·take·her :

he·judges ­Yʜᴡʜ ­between·me ­and·between·you

and·he·avenged·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·you

and·my·hand ­she·is·not ­in·you :

as·how ­he·says ­the·simile·of ­the·frontmost·time

from·wicked⁺ ­he·goes ­wickedness

and·my·hand ­she·is·not ­in·you :

after⁺ ­¿who ­he·went ­the·king·of ­Princepowr

after⁺ ­¿who ­you ­pursuer

after⁺ ­dog ­dead

after⁺ ­dishevel-moth ­one :

and·he·was ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·vindicator

and·he·judged ­between·me ­and·between·you

and·ꜝlet·him·see ­and·ꜝlet·him·argue ­°my·argument

and·he·judges·me ­from·your·hand :


and·he·is ­as·all·done ­Intimate ­to·speak ­°the·speeches⁺ ­these ­to ­Requested

and·he·says ­Requested

¿your·voice ­this ­my·son ­Intimate

and·he·bears ­Requested ­his·voice ­and·he·weeps :

and·he·says ­to ­Intimate

just ­you ­from·me

as ­you ­you·yielded·me ­the·goodness

and·I ­I·yielded·you ­the·badness :

and·you ­you·told·forth ­the·day

°that ­you·did ­with·me ­goodness

°that ­he·locked·in·me ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·your·hand ­and ­you·did·not·kill·me :

and·as ­he·finds ­man ­°his·enemy

and·he·sent·him·out ­in·step ­good

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·shaloms·you ­goodness

under ­the·day ­this

that ­you·did ­to·me :

and·now ­¡lo! ­I·knew

as ­king ­you·are·king

and·she·arose ­in·your·hand

the·kingdom·of ­Princepowr :

and·now ­vow·seven! ­to·me ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

if ­you·cut·down ­°my·seed ­after⁺·me

and·if ­you·destroy ­°my·name ­from·the·house·of ­my·father :

and·he·vows·seven ­Intimate ­to·Requested

and·he·walks ­Requested ­to ­his·house

and·Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺

they·went·up⁺ ­upon ­the·huntinglodge :


and·he·dies ­Heard-by-Powr

and·they·are·collected⁺ ­all·of ­Princepowr ­and·they·lament⁺ ­to·him

and·they·entomb⁺·him ­in·his·house ­in·the·High·Place

and·he·arises ­Intimate

and·he·descends ­to ­the·outspeak·of ­Sprigging :

and·man ­in·Home ­and·his·doing ­in·the·Orchardgrain ­and·the·man ­great ­very

and·to·him ­sheep ­three·of ­thousands⁺ ­and·thousand ­mightygoats⁺

and·he·is ­when·shearing ­°his·sheep ­in·the·Orchardgrain :

and·the·name·of ­the·man ­Wilted

and·the·name·of ­his·woman ­Father-of-Twirling

and·the·woman ­good·of ­prudence ­and·beautiful·of ­figure

and·the·man ­hard ­and·bad·of ­exploits⁺ ­and·he ­Dogïte :

and·he·hears ­Intimate ­in·the·outspeak

as ­shearing ­Wilted ­°his·sheep :

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­ten ­youths⁺

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·the·youths⁺ ­go·up⁺ ­➝Orchardgrain ­and·you·entered⁺ ­to ­Wilted

and·you·requested⁺ ­to·him ­in·my·name ­to·shalom :

and·you·said⁺ ­thus ­to·the·living

and·you ­shalom ­and·your·house ­shalom

and·all ­that ­to·you ­shalom :

and·now ­I·heard

as ­shearing⁺ ­to·you

now ­the·tendents⁺ ­that ­to·you ­they·were⁺ ­near·us

we·did·not·embarrass⁺·them ­and ­he·was·not·reckoned ­to·them ­smidge

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­their·being ­in·the·Orchardgrain :

ꜝrequest ­°your·youths⁺ ­and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·you ­and·they·find⁺ ­the·youths⁺ ­grace ­in·your·eyes²

as ­upon ­day ­good ­we·entered⁺

ꜝgive! ­¡please! ­°that ­she·finds ­your·hand ­to·your·servants⁺

and·to·your·son ­to·Intimate :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·youths⁺·of ­Intimate

and·they·speak⁺ ­to ­Wilted ­as·all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these ­in·the·name·of ­Intimate

and·they·are·at·peace⁺ :

and·he·responds ­Wilted ­°the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate ­and·he·says

¿who ­Intimate ­and·¿who ­the·son·of ­He-Is

the·day ­they·were·multiplied⁺ ­servants⁺


man ­from·the·face⁺·of ­his·lords⁺ :

and·I·took ­°my·bread ­and·°my·waters⁺


that ­I·butchered ­to·that·shear⁺·me

and·I·gave ­to·mortals⁺

that ­I·did·not·know

¿where ­from·this ­they⁺ :

and·they·convert⁺ ­the·youths⁺·of ­Intimate ­to·their·step

and·they·return⁺ ­and·they·enter⁺

and·they·tell·forth⁺ ­to·him

as·all·of ­the·speeches⁺ ­these :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·his·mortals⁺ ­ꜝgird⁺ ­man ­°his·sword ­and·they·gird⁺ ­man ­°his·sword

and·he·girds ­also ­Intimate ­°his·sword

and·they·go·up⁺ ­after⁺ ­Intimate ­as·four ­hundred⁺ ­man

and·hundred² ­they·settled⁺ ­upon ­the·things⁺ :

and·to·Father-of-Twirling ­the·woman·of ­Wilted

he·told·forth ­youth ­one ­from·the·youths⁺ ­saying

¡lo! ­he·sent ­Intimate ­ministers⁺ ­from·the·outspeak ­to·kneel ­°our·lords⁺ ­and·he·vultures ­in·them :


good⁺ ­to·us ­very

and ­we·were·not·embarrassed⁺ ­and ­we·did·not·reckon⁺ ­smidge

all·of ­days⁺·of ­we·walked·ourselves⁺ ­with·them

when·we·are⁺ ­in·the·field :

rampart ­they·were⁺ ­upon·us

also ­night ­also ­daytime

all·of ­the·days⁺·of ­our·being ­near·them ­tendents⁺ ­the·sheep :

and·now ­ꜝknow ­and·ꜝsee ­¿what ­you·do

as ­she·was·all·through ­the·badness ­to ­our·lords⁺ ­and·upon ­all·of ­his·house

and·he ­son·of ­no-benefit

from·speaking ­to·him :

and·she·speeds ­Father-of-Twirling ­and·she·takes ­hundred² ­bread ­and·two² ­wiltbags⁺·of ­wine ­and·five ­sheep ­done⁺ ­and·five ­quotas⁺ ­roasted·corn

and·hundred ­raisins⁺ ­and·hundred² ­lumps⁺

and·she·places ­upon ­the·donkeys⁺ :

and·she·says ­to·her·youths⁺ ­ꜝcross·over⁺ ­to·my·face⁺

¡lo!·me ­after⁺·you⁺ ­entering

and·to·her·man ­Wilted ­she·did·not·tell·forth :

and·he·was ­she ­charioting ­upon ­the·donkey ­and·descending ­in·the·hiddenness·of ­the·mount

and·¡lo! ­Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺

descending⁺ ­to·call·against·her

and·she·encounters ­°them :

and·Intimate ­he·said ­surely ­to·the·falsehood ­I·watched ­°all ­that ­to·this ­in·the·outspeak

and ­he·was·not·reckoned ­from·all ­that ­to·him ­smidge

and·he·returns ­to·me ­badness ­under ­goodness :

thus ­he·does ­Powers⁺ ­to·the·enemies⁺·of ­Intimate ­and·thus ­he·adds

if ­I·let·survive ­from·all ­that ­to·him ­unto ­the·dayplow ­pissing ­in·wall :

and·she·sees ­Father-of-Twirling ­°Intimate

and·she·speeds ­and·she·descends ­from·upon ­the·donkey

and·she·falls ­to·the·nostrils²·of ­Intimate ­upon ­her·face⁺

and·she·prostrates·herself ­land :

and·she·falls ­upon ­his·feet²

and·she·says ­in·me ­I ­my·lord ­the·guilt

and·she·speaks ­¡please! ­your·amah ­in·your·ears²

and·ꜝhear ­°the·speeches⁺·of ­your·amah :

¡please! ­ꜝlet·him·not·place ­my·lord ­°his·heart ­to ­the·man·of ­the·no-benefit ­this ­upon ­Wilted ­as ­as·his·name ­surely ­he

Wilted ­his·name

and·wiltedness ­near·him

and·I ­your·amah

I·did·not·see ­°the·youths⁺·of ­my·lord ­that ­you·sent :

and·now ­my·lord ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·the·living·of ­your·soul ­that ­he·deprived·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­from·entering ­in·bloods⁺

and·saving ­your·hand ­to·you

and·now ­they·are⁺ ­as·Wilted ­your·enemies⁺

and·the·seekers⁺ ­to ­my·lord ­badness :

and·now ­the·kneeling ­this

that ­he·brought·in ­your·family·servant ­to·my·lord

and·she·was·given ­to·the·youths⁺

that·walk·themselves⁺ ­in·the·feet²·of ­my·lord :

ꜝbear ­¡please! ­to·the·rebellion·of ­your·amah

as ­doing ­he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·my·lord ­house ­true ­as ­the·battles⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­my·lord ­battling

and·badness ­she·is·not·found ­in·you ­from·your·days⁺ :

and·he·arises ­adam ­to·pursue·you

and·to·seek ­°your·soul

and·she·was ­the·soul·of ­my·lord ­been·rocked·in ­in·the·rocklet·of ­the·living⁺ ­with ­Yʜᴡʜ ­your·Powers⁺

and·°the·soul·of ­your·enemies⁺ ­he·slings·her

in·the·midst·of ­the·spoon·of ­the·sling :

and·he·was ­as ­he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·my·lord

as·all ­that ­he·spoke ­°the·goodness ­upon·you

and·he·commanded·you ­to·foremost ­upon ­Princepowr :

and ­she·is·not ­this ­to·you ­to·reeling ­and·to·stumbleblock·of ­heart ­to·my·lord ­and·to·spill ­blood ­gratuitously

and·to·save ­my·lord ­to·him

and·he·did·good ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·my·lord

and·you·remembered ­°your·amah :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to·Father-of-Twirling

knelt·to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

that ­he·sent·you ­the·day ­this ­to·call·on·me :

and·knelt·to ­your·taste ­and·knelt·to ­you

that ­you·detained·me ­the·day ­this ­from·entering ­in·bloods⁺

and·saving ­my·hand ­to·me :

and·yet ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­Powers⁺·of ­Princepowr

that ­he·deprived·me

from·doing·bad ­°you

as ­iᵮ·not ­you·sped ­and·you·enter ­to·call·on·me

but ­rather ­he·remained ­to·Wilted ­unto ­the·light·of ­the·dayplow ­pissing ­in·wall :

and·he·takes ­Intimate ­from·her·hand

°that ­she·brought·in ­to·him

and·to·her ­he·said ­go·up ­to·shalom ­to·your·house

ꜝsee ­I·heard ­in·your·voice

and·I·bear·up ­your·face⁺ :

and·she·enters ­Father-of-Twirling ­to ­Wilted ­and·¡lo! ­to·him ­drinkingfeast ­in·his·house ­as·the·drinkingfeast·of ­the·king ­and·the·heart·of ­Wilted ­he·was·good ­upon·him

and·he ­drunk ­unto ­very

and ­she·did·not·tell·forth ­to·him ­speech ­small ­and·great ­unto ­the·light·of ­the·dayplow :

and·he·is ­in·the·dayplow ­when·going ­the·wine ­from·Wilted

and·she·tells·forth ­to·him ­his·woman

°the·speeches⁺ ­these

and·he·dies ­his·heart ­in·his·impresence

and·he ­he·was ­to·stone :

and·he·is ­as·the·ten·of ­the·days⁺

and·he·smites ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°Wilted ­and·he·dies :

and·he·hears ­Intimate ­as ­he·died ­Wilted

and·he·says ­knelt·to ­Yʜᴡʜ ­that ­he·argued ­°the·argument·of ­my·detraction ­from·the·hand·of ­Wilted ­and·°his·servant ­he·kept ­from·badness

and·°the·badness·of ­Wilted

he·returned ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·his·head

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­and·he·speaks ­in·Father-of-Twirling

to·take·her ­to·him ­to·woman :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·servants⁺·of ­Intimate ­to ­Father-of-Twirling ­➝the·Orchardgrain

and·they·speak⁺ ­to·her ­saying

Intimate ­he·sent·us ­to·you

to·take·you ­to·him ­to·woman :

and·she·arises ­and·she·prostrates·herself ­nostrils² ­➝land

and·she·says ­¡lo! ­your·amah ­to·family·servant

to·bathe ­the·feet²·of ­the·servants⁺·of ­my·lord :

and·she·speeds ­and·she·arises ­Father-of-Twirling ­and·she·chariots ­upon ­the·donkey

and·five ­her·youths⁺

that·walk⁺ ­to·her·foot

and·she·walks ­after⁺ ­the·ministers⁺·of ­Intimate

and·she·is ­to·him ­to·woman :

and·°Brother-of-Amiability ­he·took ­Intimate ­from·Powr-Seeds

and·they·are⁺ ­also ­the·two²·of·them ­to·him ­to·women⁺ :

and·Requested ­he·gave ­°Brook ­his·daughter ­the·woman·of ­Intimate

to·Rescueïte ­the·son·of ­Cheetah ­that ­from·Rolls⁺ :

and·they·enter⁺ ­the·Tarïtes⁺ ­to ­Requested

➝the·Hill ­saying

¿not ­Intimate ­hiding·oneself ­in·the·hill·of ­the·Bleary

upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·Desolation :

and·he·arises ­Requested ­and·he·descends ­to ­the·outspeak·of ­Tar

and·with·him ­three·of ­thousands⁺ ­man ­the·chosen⁺·of ­Princepowr

to·seek ­°Intimate ­in·the·outspeak·of ­Tar :

and·he·camps ­Requested ­in·the·hill·of ­the·Bleary ­that ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­the·Desolation ­upon ­the·step

and·Intimate ­settling ­in·the·outspeak

and·he·sees ­as ­he·entered ­Requested ­after⁺·him ­➝the·outspeak :

and·he·sends ­Intimate ­footspies⁺

and·he·knows ­as ­he·entered ­Requested ­to ­assured :

and·he·arises ­Intimate ­and·he·enters ­to ­the·rising·place ­that ­he·camped ­there ­Requested

and·he·sees ­Intimate ­°the·rising·place ­that ­he·bedded ­there ­Requested

and·Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Lamp ­the·prince·of ­his·host

and·Requested ­bedding ­in·the·wagonway

and·the·people ­camping⁺ ­turninground·him :

and·he·responds ­Intimate ­and·he·says ­to ­Brother-of-King ­the·Castdownïte ­and·to ­Father-of-Homage ­the·son·of ­Balsamed ­the·brother·of ­Yᴡ-Fathered ­saying

¿who ­he·descends ­with·me ­to ­Requested ­to ­the·camp

and·he·says ­Father-of-Homage

I ­I·descend ­near·you :

and·he·enters ­Intimate ­and·Father-of-Homage ­to ­the·people ­night

and·¡lo! ­Requested ­bedding ­asleep ­in·the·wagonway

and·his·campspear ­battered ­in·the·land ­his·headrests⁺

and·Father-Lamp ­and·the·people

bedding⁺ ­turninground·him :

and·he·says ­Father-of-Homage ­to ­Intimate

he·locked·in ­Powers⁺ ­the·day ­°your·enemy ­in·your·hand

and·now ­I·strike·him ­¡please! ­in·the·campspear ­and·in·the·land ­time·of ­one

and ­I·do·not·redouble ­to·him :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Father-of-Homage ­you·do·not·ruin·him

as ­¿who ­he·sent ­his·hand ­in·the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­and·he·was·innocent :


and·he·says ­Intimate ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ

but ­rather ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·smites·him

or ­his·day ­he·enters ­and·he·died

or ­in·the·battle ­he·descends ­and·he·was·swept·away :

¡pierce·it! ­to·me ­from·Yʜᴡʜ

from·sending ­my·hand ­in·the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·now ­ꜝtake ­¡please! ­°the·campspear ­that ­his·headrests⁺ ­and·°the·jug·of ­the·waters⁺ ­and·ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ ­to·us :

and·he·takes ­Intimate ­°the·campspear ­and·°the·jug·of ­the·waters⁺ ­the·at·the·head⁺·of ­Requested

and·they·walk⁺ ­to·them

and·there·is·ńot ­seeing ­and·there·is·ńot ­knowing ­and·there·is·ńot ­awaking ­as ­all·of·them ­asleep⁺

as ­the·slumber·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

she·fell ­upon·them :

and·he·crosses·over ­Intimate ­the·region·across

and·he·stands ­upon ­the·head·of ­the·mount ­from·afar

much ­the·rising·place ­between⁺·them :

and·he·calls ­Intimate ­to ­the·people ­and·to ­Father-Lamp ­the·son·of ­Lamp ­saying

¿not ­you·respond ­Father-Lamp

and·he·responds ­Father-Lamp ­and·he·says

¿who ­you ­you·called ­to ­the·king :


and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Father-Lamp ­¿not ­man ­you ­and·¿who ­as·you ­in·Princepowr

and·to·¿what ­you·did·not·watch

to ­your·lords⁺ ­the·king

as ­he·entered ­one·of ­the·people

to·ruin ­°the·king ­your·lords⁺ :

not ­good ­the·speech ­this ­that ­you·did

living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­sons⁺·of ­death ­you⁺

that ­you·did·not·watch⁺ ­upon ­your⁺·lords⁺ ­upon ­the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·now ­ꜝsee ­¿where ­the·campspear·of ­the·king ­and·°the·jug·of ­the·waters⁺ ­that ­his·headrests⁺ :

and·he·recognizes ­Requested ­°the·voice·of ­Intimate

and·he·says ­¿your·voice ­this ­my·son ­Intimate

and·he·says ­Intimate

my·voice ­my·lord ­the·king :

and·he·says ­to·¿what ­this ­my·lord ­pursuer ­after⁺ ­his·servant

as ­¿what ­I·did

and·¿what ­in·my·hand ­badness :

and·now ­he·hears ­¡please! ­my·lord ­the·king

°the·speeches⁺·of ­his·servant

if ­Yʜᴡʜ ­he·coaxed·you ­in·me ­ꜝlet·him·breathe ­tribute

and·if ­the·sons⁺·of ­the·adam ­cursed⁺ ­they⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­they·drove·me·off ­the·day ­from·rashing·myself ­in·the·derivation·of ­Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

ꜝwalk ­ꜝserve ­Powers⁺ ­after⁺ :

and·now ­ꜝlet·him·not·fall ­my·blood ­➝land

from·before ­the·face⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

as ­he·went ­the·king·of ­Princepowr ­to·seek ­°dishevel-moth ­one

as·how ­he·pursues ­the·calling·bird ­in·the·mounts⁺ :

and·he·says ­Requested ­I·sinned ­ꜝreturn ­my·son ­Intimate ­as ­I·do·not·do·bad ­to·you ­again

under ­that ­she·was·precious ­my·soul ­in·your·eyes² ­the·day ­this

¡lo! ­I·made·mistake ­and·I·stray ­multiplying ­very :

and·he·responds ­Intimate ­and·he·says

¡lo! ­the·campspear·of ­the·king

and·he·crosses·over ­one ­from·the·youths⁺ ­and·he·takes·her :

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·returns ­to·the·man

°his·justice ­and·°his·truth

that ­he·gave·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·day ­in·hand

and ­I·did·not·want

to·send ­my·hand ­in·the·anointed·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

and·¡lo! ­as·how ­she·became·great ­your·soul ­the·day ­this ­in·my·eyes²

surely ­she·becomes·great ­my·soul ­in·the·eyes²·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and·ꜝlet·him·snatch·me·away ­from·all·of ­rockiness :


and·he·says ­Requested ­to ­Intimate ­knelt·to ­you ­my·son ­Intimate

also ­doing ­you·do

and·also ­able ­you·are·able

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­to·his·step

and·Requested ­he·returned ­to·his·rising·place :


and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­his·heart

now ­I·am·swept·away ­day ­one ­in·the·hand·of ­Requested

there·is·ńot ­to·me ­good ­as ­being·delivered ­I·am·delivered ­to ­the·land·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·he·despaired ­from·me ­Requested ­to·seek·me ­again ­in·all·of ­the·border·of ­Princepowr

and·I·was·delivered ­from·his·hand :

and·he·arises ­Intimate

and·he·crosses·over ­he

and·six ­hundred⁺ ­man ­that ­near·him

to ­Akysh ­the·son·of ­Battered ­the·king·of ­Cellar :

and·he·settles ­Intimate ­near ­Akysh ­in·Cellar ­he ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­man ­and·his·house

Intimate ­and·the·two²·of ­his·women⁺

Brother-of-Amiability ­the·Powrseedsïte

and·Father-of-Twirling ­the·woman·of ­Wilted ­the·Orchardïte :

and·he·is·told·forth ­to·Requested

as ­he·bolted ­Intimate ­Cellar

and ­he·did·not·add ­again ­to·seek·him :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Akysh ­if ­¡please! ­I·found ­grace ­in·your·eyes² ­they·give⁺ ­to·me ­rising·place ­in·one·of ­the·cities⁺·of ­the·field ­and·ꜝlet·me·settle ­there

and·to·¿what ­he·settles ­your·servant ­in·the·city·of ­the·kingdom ­near·you :

and·he·gives ­to·him ­Akysh ­in·the·day ­he ­°Tziqlag

to·surely ­she·was ­Tziqlag ­to·the·kings⁺·of ­Gloryhand

unto ­the·day ­this :


and·he·is ­the·count·of ­the·days⁺

that ­he·settled ­Intimate ­in·the·field·of ­Palestinians⁺

days⁺ ­and·four ­new·moons⁺ :

and·he·goes·up ­Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺

and·they·dismantle⁺ ­to ­the·Bridgeïte ­and·the·Axerïte ­and·the·Amalekïte

as ­they⁺ ­settling⁺ ­the·land ­that ­from·eternity

your·entering ­➝Boundary ­and·unto ­the·land·of ­Egypts² :

and·he·struck ­Intimate ­°the·land

and ­he·does·not·keep·alive ­man ­and·woman

and·he·took ­sheep ­and·plowcattle ­and·donkeys⁺ ­and·camels⁺ ­and·coverings⁺

and·he·returns ­and·he·enters ­to ­Akysh :

and·he·says ­Akysh

to ­you·dismantled⁺ ­the·day

and·he·says ­Intimate ­upon ­Negev·of ­Gloryhand ­and·upon ­Negev·of ­the·Powrwombsïte

and·to ­Negev·of ­the·Stockïte :

and·man ­and·woman ­he·does·not·keep·alive ­Intimate ­to·bring·in ­Cellar ­saying

lest ­they·tell·forth⁺ ­upon·us ­saying

thus ­he·did ­Intimate ­and·thus ­his·judgment

all·of ­the·days⁺

that ­he·settled ­in·the·field·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·is·true ­Akysh ­in·Intimate ­saying

making·stink ­he·made·stink ­in·his·people ­in·Princepowr

and·he·was ­to·me ­to·servant·of ­eternity :


and·he·is ­in·the·days⁺ ­they⁺

and·they·collect⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­°their·camps⁺ ­to·the·host

to·battle ­in·Princepowr

and·he·says ­Akysh ­to ­Intimate

knowing ­you·know ­as ­with·me ­you·go ­in·the·camp

you ­and·your·mortals⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Akysh

to·surely ­you ­you·know

°that ­he·does ­your·servant

and·he·says ­Akysh ­to ­Intimate

to·surely ­watching ­to·my·head ­I·place·you ­all·of ­the·days⁺ :


and·Heard-by-Powr ­he·died

and·they·lament⁺ ­to·him ­all·of ­Princepowr

and·they·entomb⁺·him ­in·the·High·Place ­and·in·his·city

and·Requested ­he·removed ­the·ghosts⁺ ­and·°the·spiritknowers⁺ ­from·the·land :

and·they·are·collected⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

and·they·enter⁺ ­and·they·camp⁺ ­in·Serene

and·he·collects ­Requested ­°all·of ­Princepowr

and·they·camp⁺ ­in·the·Roll-of-Petition :

and·he·sees ­Requested ­°the·camp·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·he·fears ­and·he·shudders ­his·heart ­very :

and·he·requests ­Requested ­in·Yʜᴡʜ

and ­he·did·not·respond·him ­Yʜᴡʜ

also ­in·the·dreams⁺ ­also ­in·the·Lights⁺ ­also ­in·the·prophets⁺ :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to·his·servants⁺ ­ꜝseek⁺ ­to·me ­woman·of ­mistress·of ­ghost

and·ꜝlet·me·walk ­to·her ­and·ꜝlet·me·investigate ­in·her

and·they·say⁺ ­his·servants⁺ ­to·him

¡lo! ­woman·of ­mistress·of ­ghost ­in·Eyewell·of ­Saeculum :

and·he·makes·himself·unsearchable ­Requested ­and·he·is·robed·in ­coverings⁺ ­after⁺

and·he·walks ­he ­and·two²·of ­mortals⁺ ­near·him

and·they·enter⁺ ­to ­the·woman ­night

and·he·says ­ꜝdivine ­¡please! ­to·me ­in·the·ghost

and·offer·up ­to·me

°that ­I·say ­to·you :

and·she·says ­the·woman ­to·him ­¡lo! ­you ­you·knew ­°that ­he·did ­Requested

that ­he·cut·down ­°the·ghosts⁺ ­and·°the·spiritknower ­from ­the·land

and·to·¿what ­you ­ensnaring ­in·my·soul ­to·put·me·to·death :

and·he·vows·seven ­to·her ­Requested

in·Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­if ­he·is·fated·upon·you ­guilt ­in·the·speech ­this :

and·she·says ­the·woman

°¿who ­I·offer·up ­to·you

and·he·says ­°Heard-by-Powr ­offer·up ­to·me :

and·she·sees ­the·woman ­°Heard-by-Powr

and·she·cries ­in·voice ­great

and·she·says ­the·woman ­to ­Requested ­saying ­to·¿what ­you·tricked·me ­and·you ­Requested :

and·he·says ­to·her ­the·king ­ꜝdo·not·fear ­as ­¿what ­you·saw

and·she·says ­the·woman ­to ­Requested

Powers⁺ ­I·saw ­going·up⁺ ­from ­the·land :

and·he·says ­to·her ­¿what ­his·figure

and·she·says ­man ­elder ­going·up

and·he ­clothed ­guise

and·he·knows ­Requested ­as ­Heard-by-Powr ­he

and·he·downscalps ­nostrils² ­➝land ­and·he·prostrates·himself :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr ­to ­Requested

to·¿what ­you·stirred·me·up ­to·offer·up ­°me

and·he·says ­Requested ­he·was·rocked·in ­to·me ­very ­and·Palestinians⁺ ­battling⁺ ­in·me ­and·Powers⁺ ­he·moved ­from·upon·me ­and ­he·did·not·respond·me ­again ­also ­in·the·hand·of ­the·prophets⁺ ­also ­in·the·dreams⁺

and·I·call! ­to·you

to·let·me·know ­¿what ­I·do :

and·he·says ­Heard-by-Powr

and·to·¿what ­you·request·me

and·Yʜᴡʜ ­he·moved ­from·upon·you ­and·he·is ­aroused·against·you :

and·he·does ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·him

as·how ­he·spoke ­in·my·hand

and·he·tears ­Yʜᴡʜ ­°the·kingdom ­from·your·hand

and·he·gives·her ­to·your·tendent ­to·Intimate :

as·how ­you·did·not·hear ­in·the·voice·of ­Yʜᴡʜ

and ­you·did·not·do ­the·scorching·of ­his·nostrils ­in·Amalek

upon ­surely ­the·speech ­this

he·did ­to·you ­Yʜᴡʜ ­the·day ­this :

and·he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­also ­°Princepowr ­near·you ­in·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·aftermorrow ­you ­and·your·sons⁺ ­near·me

also ­°the·camp·of ­Princepowr

he·gives ­Yʜᴡʜ ­in·the·hand·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·speeds ­Requested ­and·he·falls ­the·fullness·of ­his·rising ­➝land

and·he·fears ­very ­from·the·speeches⁺·of ­Heard-by-Powr

also ­vigor ­he·was·not ­in·him

as ­he·did·not·eat ­bread

all·of ­the·day ­and·all·of ­the·night :

and·she·enters ­the·woman ­to ­Requested

and·she·sees ­as ­he·was·agitated ­very

and·she·says ­to·him ­¡lo! ­she·heard ­your·family·servant ­in·your·voice

and·I·place ­my·soul ­in·my·spoon

and·I·hear ­°your·speeches⁺

that ­you·spoke ­to·me :

and·now ­ꜝhear ­¡please! ­also ­you ­in·the·voice·of ­your·family·servant

and·ꜝlet·me·place ­to·your·face⁺ ­morsel·of ­bread ­and·ꜝeat

and·ꜝlet·him·be ­in·you ­vigor

as ­you·walk ­in·the·step :

and·he·refuses ­and·he·says ­I·do·not·eat

and·they·erupt⁺ ­in·him ­his·servants⁺ ­and·also ­the·woman

and·he·hears ­to·their·voice

and·he·arises ­from·the·land

and·he·settles ­to ­the·branchbed :

and·to·the·woman ­ox·of ­tetherstall ­in·the·house

and·she·speeds ­and·she·offers·him

and·she·takes ­meal ­and·she·kneads

and·she·bakes·him ­matzahs⁺ :

and·she·brings·to·approach ­to·the·face⁺·of ­Requested ­and·to·the·face⁺·of ­his·servants⁺ ­and·they·eat⁺

and·they·arise⁺ ­and·they·walk⁺ ­in·the·night ­he :


and·they·collect⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­°all·of ­their·camps⁺ ­➝Channel

and·Princepowr ­camping⁺

in·the·eyewell ­that ­in·Powr-Seeds :

and·the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­crossers⁺

to·hundred⁺ ­and·to·thousands⁺

and·Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­crossers⁺ ­in·the·afterward ­near ­Akysh :

and·they·say⁺ ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

¿what ­the·Acrossïtes⁺ ­these

and·he·says ­Akysh ­to ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­¿not ­this ­Intimate ­the·servant·of ­Requested ­the·king·of ­Princepowr ­that ­he·was ­with·me ­this ­days⁺ ­or ­this ­years⁺

and ­I·did·not·find ­in·him ­smidge

from·the·day·of ­his·falling ­unto ­the·day ­this :


and·they·are·angry⁺ ­upon·him ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·they·say⁺ ­to·him ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­ꜝreturn ­°the·man ­and·ꜝlet·him·return ­to ­his·rising·place ­that ­you·gave·him·to·reckon ­there

and ­he·does·not·descend ­near·us ­in·the·battle

and ­he·is·not ­to·us ­to·accuser ­in·the·battle

and·in·¿what ­he·makes·himself·favored ­this ­to ­his·lords⁺

¿not ­in·the·heads⁺·of ­the·mortals⁺ ­they⁺ :

¿not ­this ­Intimate

that ­they·respond⁺ ­to·him ­in·the·whirldances⁺ ­saying

he·struck ­Requested ­in·his·thousands⁺

and·Intimate ­in·his·multitudes⁺ :

and·he·calls ­Akysh ­to ­Intimate ­and·he·says ­to·him ­living ­Yʜᴡʜ ­as ­straight ­you ­and·good ­in·my·eyes² ­your·going ­and·your·entering ­with·me ­in·the·camp

as ­I·did·not·find ­in·you ­badness

from·the·day·of ­your·entering ­to·me ­unto ­the·day ­this

and·in·the·eyes²·of ­the·princes⁺ ­not ­good ­you :

and·now ­ꜝreturn ­and·ꜝwalk ­in·shalom

and ­you·do·not·do ­bad

in·the·eyes²·of ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Akysh ­as ­¿what ­I·did ­and·¿what ­you·found ­in·your·servant

from·day ­that ­I·was ­to·your·face⁺

unto ­the·day ­this

as ­I·do·not·enter ­and·I·battled

in·the·enemies⁺·of ­my·lord ­the·king :

and·he·responds ­Akysh ­and·he·says ­to ­Intimate

I·knew ­as ­good ­you ­in·my·eyes² ­as·the·minister·of ­Powers⁺

surely ­the·princes⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­they·said⁺

he·does·not·go·up ­near·us ­in·the·battle :

and·now ­ꜝyoke·up ­in·the·dayplow

and·the·servants⁺·of ­your·lords⁺ ­that ­they·entered⁺ ­with·you

and·you·yoked·up ­in·the·dayplow

and·he·lit·up ­to·you⁺ ­and·ꜝwalk⁺ :

and·he·yokes·up ­Intimate ­he ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­to·walk ­in·the·dayplow

to·return ­to ­the·land·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·Palestinians⁺ ­they·went·up⁺ ­Powr-Seeds :

and·he·is ­when·entering ­Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­Tziqlag ­in·the·day ­the·third

and·Amalekïte ­they·dismantled⁺ ­to ­Negev ­and·to ­Tziqlag

and·they·strike⁺ ­°Tziqlag

and·they·burn⁺ ­°her ­in·the·fire :

and·they·capture⁺ ­°the·women⁺ ­that ­in·her ­from·small ­and·unto ­great

they·did·not·put·to·death⁺ ­man


and·they·walk⁺ ­to·their·step :

and·he·enters ­Intimate ­and·his·mortals⁺ ­to ­the·city

and·¡lo! ­burned ­in·the·fire

and·their·women⁺ ­and·their·sons⁺ ­and·their·daughters⁺ ­they·were·captured⁺ :

and·he·bears ­Intimate ­and·the·people ­that ­with·him ­°their·voice ­and·they·weep⁺

unto ­that ­there·is·ńot ­in·them ­vigor ­to·weep :

and·the·two²·of ­the·women⁺·of ­Intimate ­they·were·captured⁺

Brother-of-Amiability ­the·Powrseedsïte

and·Father-of-Twirling ­the·woman·of ­Wilted ­the·Orchardïte :

and·she·is·rocky ­to·Intimate ­very ­as ­they·said⁺ ­the·people ­to·lapidate·him

as ­she·was·bitter ­the·soul·of ­all·of ­the·people

man ­upon ­his·sons⁺ ­and·upon ­his·daughters⁺

and·he·makes·himself·firm ­Intimate

in·Yʜᴡʜ ­his·Powers⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate ­to ­Father-of-Remainder ­the·priest ­the·son·of ­Brother-of-King

bring·to·approach! ­¡please! ­to·me ­the·ephod

and·he·brings·to·approach ­Father-of-Remainder ­°the·ephod ­to ­Intimate :

and·he·requests ­Intimate ­in·Yʜᴡʜ ­saying

I·pursue ­after⁺ ­the·clouttroop ­this ­¿I·catch·him

and·he·says ­to·him ­ꜝpursue

as ­catching ­you·catch ­and·snatching·away ­you·snatch·away :

and·he·walks ­Intimate ­he ­and·six ­hundred⁺ ­man ­that ­with·him

and·they·enter⁺ ­unto ­the·river·of ­the·Flesher

and·the·remnants⁺ ­they·stood⁺ :

and·he·pursues ­Intimate

he ­and·four ­hundred⁺ ­man

and·they·stand⁺ ­hundred² ­man

that ­they·were·carcassed⁺

from·crossing·over ­°the·river·of ­the·Flesher :

and·they·find⁺ ­man ­Egyptian ­in·the·field

and·they·take⁺ ­°him ­to ­Intimate

and·they·give⁺ ­to·him ­bread ­and·he·eats

and·they·give·him·to·drink⁺ ­waters⁺ :

and·they·give⁺ ­to·him ­piece·of ­lump ­and·two²·of ­raisins⁺ ­and·he·eats

and·she·returns ­his·breath ­to·him

as ­he·did·not·eat ­bread ­and ­he·did·not·drink ­waters⁺

three ­days⁺ ­and·three ­nights⁺ :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Intimate ­to·¿who ­you

and·¿where ­from·this ­you

and·he·says ­youth ­Egyptian ­I ­servant ­to·the·man·of ­Amalekïte

and·he·abandons·me ­my·lord ­as ­I·was·pierced ­the·day ­three :

we⁺ ­we·dismantled⁺ ­Negev·of ­the·Cutter ­and·upon ­that ­to·Gloryhand ­and·upon ­Negev·of ­Dog

and·°Tziqlag ­we·burned⁺ ­in·the·fire :

and·he·says ­to·him ­Intimate

¿you·make·me·descend ­to ­the·clouttroop ­this

and·he·says ­vow·seven! ­to·me ­in·Powers⁺ ­if ­you·put·me·to·death ­and·if ­you·lock·up·me ­in·the·hand·of ­my·lord

and·I·make·you·descend ­to ­the·clouttroop ­this :


and·¡lo! ­left·out ­upon ­the·face⁺·of ­all·of ­the·land

eating⁺ ­and·drinkers⁺ ­and·feasting⁺

in·all·of ­the·plunder ­the·great

that ­they·took⁺ ­from·the·land·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­and·from·the·land·of ­Gloryhand :

and·he·strikes·them ­Intimate ­from·the·evening·breeze ­and·unto ­the·evening ­to·their·aftermorrow

and ­he·was·not·delivered ­from·them ­man

but ­rather ­four ­hundred⁺ ­man ­youth ­that ­they·charioted⁺ ­upon ­the·camels⁺ ­and·they·flee⁺ :

and·he·snatches·away ­Intimate

°all ­that ­they·took⁺ ­Amalek

and·°the·two²·of ­his·women⁺ ­he·snatched·away ­Intimate :

and ­he·was·not·deflocked ­to·them ­from ­the·small ­and·unto ­the·great ­and·unto ­sons⁺ ­and·daughters⁺ ­and·from·plunder

and·unto ­all ­that ­they·took⁺ ­to·them

all ­he·returned ­Intimate :

and·he·takes ­Intimate

°all·of ­the·sheep ­and·the·plowcattle

they·led⁺ ­to·the·face⁺·of ­the·stock ­he


this ­the·plunder·of ­Intimate :

and·he·enters ­Intimate ­to ­hundred² ­the·mortals⁺ ­that ­they·were·carcassed⁺ ­from·walking ­after⁺ ­Intimate ­and·they·settle⁺·them ­in·the·river·of ­the·Flesher

and·they·go⁺ ­to·call·on ­Intimate

and·to·call·on ­the·people ­that ­with·him

and·he·approaches ­Intimate ­°the·people

and·he·requests ­to·them ­to·shalom :

and·he·responds ­all·of ­man ­bad ­and·no-benefit ­from·the·mortals⁺ ­that ­they·walked⁺ ­near ­Intimate

and·they·say⁺ ­because ­that ­they·did·not·walk⁺ ­near·me

we·do·not·give⁺ ­to·them

from·the·plunder ­that ­we·snatched·away

as ­rather ­man ­°his·woman ­and·°his·sons⁺

and·they·lead⁺ ­and·they·walk⁺ :

and·he·says ­Intimate

you·do·not·do⁺ ­surely ­my·brothers⁺

°that ­he·gave ­Yʜᴡʜ ­to·us ­and·he·watches ­°us

and·he·gives ­°the·clouttroop ­that·enters ­upon·us ­in·our·hand :

and·¿who ­he·hears ­to·you⁺

to·the·speech ­this

as ­as·the·dividend·of ­that·descends ­in·the·battle ­and·as·the·dividend·of ­that·settles ­upon ­the·things⁺ ­united ­they·divide⁺ :

and·he·is ­from·the·day ­he ­and➝upward

and·he·places·her ­to·prescription ­and·to·judgment ­to·Princepowr

unto ­the·day ­this :


and·he·enters ­Intimate ­to ­Tziqlag

and·he·sends·out ­from·the·plunder ­to·the·elders⁺·of ­Gloryhand ­to·his·tendents⁺ ­saying

¡lo! ­to·you⁺ ­kneeling

from·the·plunder·of ­the·enemies⁺·of ­Yʜᴡʜ :

to·that ­in·House·of ­Powr ­and·to·that ­in·Heights⁺·of ­Negev ­and·to·that ­in·Immanent :

and·to·that ­in·Bare-Bare ­and·to·that ­in·Ridgeplaces⁺ ­and·to·that ­in·Eshte-Moa :

and·to·that ­in·Trade ­and·to·that ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·Powrwombsïte

and·to·that ­in·the·cities⁺·of ­the·Stockïte :

and·to·that ­in·Heremah ­and·to·that ­in·Well·of ­Smoke ­and·to·that ­in·Atak :

and·to·that ­in·Alliance

and·to·all·of ­the·rising·places⁺ ­that ­he·walked·himself ­there ­Intimate ­he ­and·his·mortals⁺ :


and·Palestinians⁺ ­battling⁺ ­in·Princepowr

and·they·flee⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr ­from·the·face⁺·of ­Palestinians⁺

and·they·fall⁺ ­pierced⁺ ­in·the·mount·of ­the·Roll-of-Petition :

and·they·join·up ­Palestinians⁺

°Requested ­and·°his·sons⁺

and·they·strike⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­°Yʜᴡ-Given ­and·°Father-Noble ­and·°King·of ­Safety ­the·sons⁺·of ­Requested :

and·she·weighs·down ­the·battle ­to ­Requested

and·they·find⁺·him ­that·torah ­mortals⁺ ­in·the·bow

and·he·whirls·in·labor ­very ­from·that·torah :

and·he·says ­Requested ­to·the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­ꜝunsheathe ­your·sword ­and·ꜝstab·me ­in·her ­lest ­they·enter⁺ ­the·foreskinned⁺ ­these ­and·they·stabbed⁺·me ­and·they·exploited·themselves⁺ ­in·me

and ­he·did·not·want ­the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺

as ­he·feared ­very

and·he·takes ­Requested ­°the·sword

and·he·falls ­upon·her :

and·he·sees ­the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­as ­he·died ­Requested

and·he·falls ­also ­he ­upon ­his·sword ­and·he·dies ­near·him :

and·he·dies ­Requested ­and·the·three·of ­his·sons⁺ ­and·the·bearer·of ­his·things⁺ ­also ­all·of ­his·mortals⁺ ­in·the·day ­he ­united :

and·they·see⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr ­that ­in·the·region·across ­the·deepland ­and·that ­in·the·region·across ­the·Descender ­as ­they·fled⁺ ­the·mortals⁺·of ­Princepowr

and·as ­they·died⁺ ­Requested ­and·his·sons⁺

and·they·abandon⁺ ­°the·cities⁺ ­and·they·flee⁺

and·they·enter⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

and·they·settle⁺ ­in·them :

and·he·is ­from·aftermorrow

and·they·enter⁺ ­Palestinians⁺

to·unmantle ­°the·pierced⁺

and·they·find⁺ ­°Requested ­and·°the·three·of ­his·sons⁺

falling⁺ ­in·the·mount·of ­the·Roll-of-Petition :

and·they·cut·down ­°his·head

and·they·unmantle⁺ ­°his·things⁺

and·they·send·out ­in·the·land·of ­Palestinians⁺ ­turninground ­to·flesh·out ­the·house·of ­their·pains⁺ ­and·°the·people :

and·they·place⁺ ­°his·things⁺

house·of ­blessings⁺

and·°his·back ­they·hit⁺

in·the·rampart·of ­House·of ­Placidity :

and·they·hear⁺ ­to·him

the·settling⁺·of ­Dry ­Roll-of-Witness

°that ­they·did⁺ ­Palestinians⁺ ­to·Requested :

and·they·arise⁺ ­all·of ­man·of ­strength ­and·they·walk⁺ ­all·of ­the·night

and·they·take⁺ ­°the·back·of ­Requested ­and·°the·backs⁺·of ­his·sons⁺

from·the·rampart·of ­House·of ­Placidity

and·they·enter⁺ ­➝Dry

and·they·burn⁺ ­°them ­there :

and·they·take⁺ ­°their·bones⁺

and·they·entomb⁺ ­under ­the·esheltree ­in➝Dry

and·they·fast⁺ ­seven·of ­days⁺ :

2:1 2:11 3:4 3:11 3:19 4:1 4:18 5:1 7:2 7:5 8:1 8:4 8:7 8:22 9:1 10:1 10:17 10:18 10:25 11:1 12:1 12:6 13:1 13:15 14:12 14:17 14:19 14:36 15:10 16:1 16:12 16:17 17:1 17:12 17:17 18:6 18:14 18:17 18:25 19:11 19:15 20:1 20:5 20:9 20:42 21:5 24:16 25:1 26:10 26:15 26:25 27:1 27:7 28:1 28:3 29:1 29:4 30:26 31:1