Book of Ruth
and·he·is in·the·days⁺·of judging the·judges⁺
and·he·is hunger in·the·land
and·he·walks man from·House·of Bread Gloryhand to·lodge in·the·fields⁺·of From-Father
he and·his·woman and·the·two²·of his·sons⁺ :
and·the·name·of the·man Powr-King and·the·name·of his·woman My-Amiable and·the·name·of the·two²·of his·sons⁺ Piercedness and·Alldone Fruitfulïtes⁺
from·House·of Bread Gloryhand
and·they·enter⁺ the·fields⁺·of From-Father and·they·are⁺ there :
and·he·dies Powr-King the·man·of My-Amiable
and·she·survives she and·the·two²·of her·sons⁺ :
and·they·bear⁺ to·them women⁺ Fromfatherïtes⁺
the·name·of one Spine
and·the·name·of the·second Tendent
and·they·settle⁺ there as·ten·of years⁺ :
and·they·die⁺ also the·two²·of·them Piercedness and·Alldone
and·she·survives the·woman
from·the·two²·of her·children⁺ and·from·her·man :
and·she·arises she and·her·allnesses⁺
and·she·returns from·the·fields⁺·of From-Father
as she·heard in·the·field·of From-Father
as he·reckoned Yʜᴡʜ °his·people
to·give to·them bread :
and·she·goes from the·rising·place that she·was ➝there
and·the·two²·of her·allnesses⁺ near·her
and·they·walk⁺ in·the·step
to·return to the·land·of Gloryhand :
and·she·says My-Amiable to·the·two²·of her·allnesses⁺
ꜝwalk⁺ ꜝreturn⁺
woman to·the·house·of her·mama
ꜝlet·him·do Yʜᴡʜ near·you⁺ mercy
as·how you·did⁺ near the·dead⁺ and·near·me :
he·gives Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺
and·ꜝfind⁺ peaceful·place
woman the·house·of her·man
and·she·kisses to·them
and·they·bear⁺ their·voice and·they·weep⁺ :
and·they·say⁺ to·her
as with·you we·return⁺ to·your·people :
and·she·says My-Amiable ꜝreturn⁺ my·daughters⁺
to·¿what you·walk⁺ near·me
¿again to·me sons⁺ in·my·bowels⁺
and·they·were⁺ to·you⁺ to·mortals⁺ :
ꜝreturn⁺ my·daughters⁺ ꜝwalk⁺
as I·was·old from·being to·man
as I·said there·is to·me hope
also I·was the·night to·man
and·also I·enchilded sons⁺ :
¿for-¡lo! you·expect⁺ unto that they·become·great⁺
¿for-¡lo! you·√abstain⁺
to·not being to·man
not my·daughters⁺ as he·was·bitterness to·me very from·you⁺
as she·went in·me the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·they·bear⁺ their·voice
and·they·weep⁺ again
and·she·kisses Spine to·her·mother-in-law
and·Tendent she·was·joined in·her :
and·she·says ¡lo! she·returned your·yabamah
to her·people and·to her·Powers⁺
ꜝreturn after⁺ your·yabamah :
and·she·says Tendent ꜝdo·not·peg in·me
to·abandon·you to·return from·after⁺·you
as to that you·walk I·walk and·in·that you·repose I·repose
your·people my·people
and·your·Powers⁺ my·Powers⁺ :
in·that you·die I·die
and·there I·am·entombed
thus he·does Yʜᴡʜ to·me and·thus he·adds
as the·death
he·splits between·me and·between·you :
and·she·sees as bold she to·walk with·her
and·she·ceases to·speak to·her :
and·they·walk⁺ the·two²·of·them
unto their·entering House·of Bread
and·he·is as·they·enter⁺ House·of Bread
and·she·rumbles all·of the·city upon·them
and·they·say⁺ ¿this My-Amiable :
and·she·says to·them
ꜝdo·not·call⁺ to·me My-Amiable
ꜝcall⁺ to·me Bitter
as he·made·bitter Breasted to·me very :
I full I·walked
and·empty he·returned·me Yʜᴡʜ
to·¿what you·call⁺ to·me My-Amiable
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·responded in·me
and·Breasted he·did·bad to·me :
and·she·returns My-Amiable and·Tendent the·Fromfatherïte her·allness near·her
the·she·returned from·the·fields⁺·of From-Father
and·they⁺ they·entered⁺ House·of Bread
in·first·pierce·of crop·of hairbarley⁺ :
and·to·My-Amiable wellknown to·her·man man hero·of strength
from·the·family·of Powr-King
and·his·name In-Might :
and·she·says Tendent the·Fromfatherïte to My-Amiable ꜝlet·me·walk ¡please! the·field and·ꜝlet·me·glean in·the·shoots⁺
after that I·find grace in·his·eyes²
and·she·says to·her ꜝwalk my·daughter :
and·she·walks and·she·enters and·she·gleans in·the·field
after⁺ the·croppers⁺
and·he·is·fated·upon her·fate
the·division·of the·field to·In-Might
that from·the·family·of Powr-King :
and·¡lo! In-Might he·entered from·House·of Bread
and·he·says to·the·croppers⁺ Yʜᴡʜ near·you⁺
and·they·say⁺ to·him he·kneels·you Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·says In-Might to·his·youth
that·is·posted upon the·croppers⁺
to·¿who the·youth this :
and·he·responds the·youth that·is·posted upon the·croppers⁺ and·he·says
youth Fromfatherïte she
the·she·returned near My-Amiable from·the·field·of From-Father :
and·she·says ꜝlet·me·glean ¡please! and·I·gathered in·the·sheaves⁺
after⁺ the·croppers⁺
and·she·enters and·she·stands from·then·on the·dayplow and·unto now
this her·settling the·house little :
and·he·says In-Might to Tendent ¿not you·heard my·daughter ꜝdo·not·walk to·glean in·field after
and·also you·do·not·cross·over from·this
and·thus you·are·joined near my·youths⁺ :
your·eyes² in·the·field that they·crop⁺ and·you·walked after⁺·them
¿not I·commanded °the·youths⁺ to·not your·touching
and·you·thirsted and·you·walked to the·things⁺
and·you·drank from·wħich they·fetch⁺ the·youths⁺ :
and·she·falls upon her·face⁺
and·she·prostrates·herself ➝land
and·she·says to·him ¿know·why I·found grace in·your·eyes² to·recognize·me
and·I unrecognized :
and·he·responds In-Might and·he·says to·her
being·told·forth he·was·told·forth to·me all that you·did with your·mother-in-law
after⁺ the·death·of your·man
and·you·abandon your·father and·your·mama and·the·land·of your·childage
to people that you·did·not·know recent threeday :
he·shaloms Yʜᴡʜ your·work
and·ꜝlet·her·be your·hire shalomic from·near Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of Princepowr
that you·entered to·refuge under his·wings² :
and·she·says I·find grace in·your·eyes² my·lord as you·sighed·with·me
and·as you·spoke upon the·heart·of your·family·servant
and·I I·am·not
as·one·of your·family·servants⁺ :
and·he·says to·her In-Might to·the·season·of the·edibles ꜝapproach here and·you·ate from the·bread
and·you·dipped your·morsel in·the·sours
and·she·settles from·the·hip·of the·croppers⁺
and·he·√reaches to·her roasted·corn
and·she·eats and·she·is·satisfied and·she·lets·remain :
and·she·arises to·glean
and·he·commands In-Might °his·youths⁺ saying also between the·sheaves⁺ she·gleans and you·do·not·embarrass⁺·her :
and·also plundering you·plunder⁺ to·her from the·bunches⁺
and·you·abandoned⁺ and·she·gleaned and you·do·not·rebuke⁺ in·her :
and·she·gleans in·the·field unto the·evening
and·she·flails °that she·gleaned
and·he·is as·bucket hairbarley⁺ :
and·she·bears and·she·enters the·city
and·she·sees her·mother-in-law °that she·gleaned
and·she·lets·go and·she·gives to·her
°that she·let·remain from·her·satisfaction :
and·she·says to·her her·mother-in-law ¿wẖere you·gleaned the·day and·¿where you·did
ꜝlet·him·be that·recognizes·you knelt·to
and·she·tells·forth to·her·mother-in-law °that she·did near·him
and·she·says the·name·of the·man that I·did near·him the·day In-Might :
and·she·says My-Amiable to·her·allness knelt·to he to·Yʜᴡʜ
that he·did·not·abandon his·mercy
with the·living⁺ and·with the·dead⁺
and·she·says to·her My-Amiable present to·us the·man
from·our·goels⁺ he :
and·she·says Tendent the·Fromfatherïte
also as he·said to·me near the·youths⁺ that to·me you·are·joined
unto if they·were·all·done⁺
°all·of the·crop that to·me :
and·she·says My-Amiable to Tendent her·allness
good my·daughter as you·go near his·youths⁺
and they·do·not·peg⁺ in·you in·field after :
and·she·is·joined in·the·youths⁺·of In-Might to·glean
unto all·through the·crop·of the·hairbarley⁺ and·the·crop·of the·wheat⁺
and·she·settles with her·mother-in-law :
and·she·says to·her My-Amiable her·mother-in-law
my·daughter ¿not I·seek to·you peaceful·place that he·is·good to·you :
and·now ¿not In-Might our·wellknown·one
that you·were with his·youths⁺
¡lo! he winnowing °the·threshingfloor·of the·hairbarley⁺ the·night :
and·you·bathed and·you·libated·on and·you·placed your·garments⁺ upon·you and·you·descended the·threshingfloor
ꜝdo·not·be·known to·the·man
unto his·all·done to·eat and·to·drink :
and·ꜝlet·him·be when·he·beds and·you·knew °the·rising·place that he·beds there
and·you·entered and·you·stripped his·feet⁺ and·you·bedded
and·he he·tells·forth to·you
°that you·do :
and·she·says to·her
all that you·say to·me I·do :
and·she·descends the·threshingfloor
and·she·does as·all that she·commanded·her her·mother-in-law :
and·he·eats In-Might and·he·drinks and·he·is·good his·heart
and·he·enters to·bed in·the·end·of the·pile
and·she·enters in·the·obscurity
and·she·strips his·feet⁺ and·she·beds :
and·he·is in·the·half·of the·night
and·he·shudders the·man and·he·fumbles·around
and·¡lo! woman
bedding his·feet⁺ :
and·he·says ¿who you
and·she·says I Tendent your·amah
and·you·stretched your·wing upon your·amah
as goel you :
and·he·says knelt·to you to·Yʜᴡʜ my·daughter
you·did·good your·mercy the·afterward from the·headmost
to·not walking after⁺ the·choice·youths⁺
if pulled·down and·if rich :
and·now my·daughter ꜝdo·not·fear
all that you·say I·do to·you
as knowing all·of the·gate·of my·people
as woman·of strength you :
and·now as truly
as goel I
and·also there·is goel present from·me :
ꜝrepose the·night and·he·was in·the·dayplow if he·goels·you good he·goels
and·if he·is·not·pleased to·goel·you and·I·goeled·you I living Yʜᴡʜ
ꜝbed unto the·dayplow :
and·she·beds his·feet⁺ unto the·dayplow
and·she·arises in·ere he·recognizes man °his·tendent
and·he·says ꜝlet·him·not·be·known
as she·entered the·woman the·threshingfloor :
and·he·says ꜝgrant the·spancloak that upon·you and·ꜝhold in·her and·she·holds in·her
and·he·measures six·of hairbarley⁺ and·he·puts upon·her
and·he·enters the·city :
and·she·enters to her·mother-in-law
and·she·says ¿who you my·daughter
and·she·tells·forth to·her
°all that he·did to·her the·man :
and·she·says the·six·of the·hairbarley⁺ these he·gave to·me
as he·said to·me
ꜝdo·not·enter empty to your·mother-in-law :
and·she·says ꜝsettle my·daughter
unto that you·know
¿ħow he·falls speech
as he·is·not·quiet the·man
as rather he·was·all·done the·speech the·day :
and·In-Might he·went·up the·gate and·he·settles there
and·¡lo! the·goel crosser that he·spoke In-Might
and·he·says ꜝmove! ꜝsettle! ẖere such and-such
and·he·moves and·he·settles :
and·he·takes ten mortals⁺ from·the·elders⁺·of the·city and·he·says ꜝsettle⁺ ẖere
and·they·settle⁺ :
and·he·says to·the·goel
the·division·of the·field
that to·our·brother to·Powr-King
she·sold My-Amiable
the·she·returned from·the·field·of From-Father :
and·I I·said I·strip·out your·ear saying ꜝstock·up before that·settle⁺ and·before the·elders⁺·of my·people
if you·goel ꜝgoel
and·if he·does·not·goel ꜝtell·forth! to·me and·ꜝlet·me·know as there·is·ńot beyond·you to·goel
and·I after⁺·you
and·he·says I I·goel :
and·he·says In-Might
in·the·day·of your·stocking·up the·field from·the·hand·of My-Amiable
and·from·with Tendent the·Fromfatherïte the·woman·of the·dead you·stocked·up
to·raise the·name·of the·dead upon his·derivation :
and·he·says the·goel I·am·not·able to·goel to·me
lest I·ruin °my·derivation
ꜝgoel to·you you °my·goelment
as I·am·not·able to·goel :
and·this to·face⁺ in·Princepowr upon the·goelment and·upon the·bargain to·raise all·of speech
he·unsheathed man his·shoelatchet and·he·gave to·his·tendent
and·this the·witness in·Princepowr :
and·he·says the·goel to·In-Might ꜝstock·up to·you
and·he·unsheathes his·shoelatchet :
and·he·says In-Might to·the·elders⁺ and·all·of the·people witnesses⁺ you⁺ the·day
as I·stocked·up °all that to·Powr-King
and·°all that to·Alldone and·Piercedness
from·the·hand·of My-Amiable :
and·also °Tendent the·Fromfatherïte the·woman·of Piercedness I·stocked·up to·me to·woman to·raise the·name·of the·dead upon his·derivation
and he·is·not·cut·down the·name·of the·dead from·near his·brothers⁺ and·from·the·gate·of his·rising·place
witnesses⁺ you⁺ the·day :
and·they·say⁺ all·of the·people that in·the·gate and·the·elders⁺ witnesses⁺
he·gives Yʜᴡʜ °the·woman that·enters to your·house as·Ewe and·as·Weary that they·built⁺ the·two²·of·them °the·house·of Princepowr
and·ꜝdo strength in·Fruitful
and·ꜝcall name in·House·of Bread :
and·ꜝlet·him·be your·house as·the·house·of Rupture
that she·enchilded Palm to·Gloryhand
from the·seed that he·gives Yʜᴡʜ to·you
from the·youth this :
and·he·takes In-Might °Tendent and·she·is to·him to·woman
and·he·enters to·her
and·he·gives Yʜᴡʜ to·her pregnancy and·she·enchilds son :
and·they·say⁺ the·women⁺ to My-Amiable
knelt·to Yʜᴡʜ
that he·did·not·give·rest to·you goel the·day
and·he·is·called his·name in·Princepowr :
and·he·was to·you to·returning·of soul
and·to·sustain °your·gray·head
as your·allness that she·loved·you she·enchilded·him
that she good to·you
from·seven sons⁺ :
and·she·takes My-Amiable °the·child and·she·puts·him in·her·bosom
and·she·is to·him to·true·caretaker :
and·they·call⁺ to·him the·fellowdwellers⁺ name saying
he·was·enchilded son to·My-Amiable
and·they·call⁺ his·name Servant
he the·father·of He-Is the·father·of Intimate :
and·these the·childages⁺·of Rupture
Rupture he·bechilded °Courtyard :
and·Courtyard he·bechilded °High
and·High he·bechilded °People-Noble :
and·People-Noble he·bechilded °Copperer
and·Copperer he·bechilded °Garment :
and·Garmenture he·bechilded °In-Might
and·In-Might he·bechilded °Servant :
and·Servant he·bechilded °He-Is
and·He-Is he·bechilded °Intimate :