Book of Deuteronomy
these the·speeches⁺ that he·spoke Moseh to all·of Princepowr
in·the·region·across the·Descender
in·the·outspeak in·the·Arabah the·snip·of Reeds between Sprigging and·between Sludge and·White and·Courtyards and·This Gold :
one and·ten day from·Withered
the·step·of the·mount·of Hair
unto Sanctuary Son-of-Rattle :
and·he·is in·forty⁺ year
in·øne and·ten new·moon in·one to·the·new·moon
he·spoke Moseh to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
as·all that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °him to·them :
after⁺ his·striking °Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte
that settling in·Consideration
and·°Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan
that settling in·blessings⁺ in·Arm :
in·the·region·across the·Descender in·the·land·of From-Father
he·willed Moseh
he·recorded °the·torah this saying :
Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ he·spoke to·us in·Withered saying
much to·you⁺ settling in·the·mount this :
ꜝface⁺ and·ꜝjourney⁺ to·you⁺ and·ꜝenter⁺ the·mount·of the·Amurruïte and·to all·of his·fellowdwellers⁺
in·the·Arabah in·the·mount and·in·the·lowland and·in·the·Negev and·in·the·shore·of the·sea
the·land·of the·Cashierïte and·the·Whitemost
unto the·stream the·great the·stream·of Euphrates :
ꜝsee I·gave to·your⁺·face⁺ °the·land
ꜝenter⁺ and·ꜝinherit⁺ °the·land
that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·fathers⁺ to·Father-Hi-Hum to·Laugher and·to·Heeler to·give to·them
and·to·their·seed after⁺·them :
and·I·say to·you⁺
in·the·season she saying
I·am·not·able alone·me bearing °you⁺ :
Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ he·multiplied °you⁺
and·¡lo!·you⁺ the·day
as·the·stars⁺·of the·skies⁺ to·multitude :
Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your⁺·fathers⁺ ꜝlet·him·add upon·you⁺ as·you⁺ thousand·of times⁺
and·he·kneels °you⁺
as·how he·spoke to·you⁺ :
¿ħow I·bear alone·me
your⁺·fatigue and·your⁺·burden and·your⁺·argument :
ꜝgrant⁺ to·you⁺ mortals⁺ wise⁺ and·discerners⁺ and·known⁺ to·your⁺·stems⁺
and·I·place·them in·your⁺·heads⁺ :
and·you·respond⁺ °me
good the·speech that you·spoke to·do :
and·I·take °the·heads⁺·of your⁺·stems⁺ mortals⁺ wise⁺ and·known⁺
and·I·give °them heads⁺ upon·you⁺
princes⁺·of thousands⁺ and·princes⁺·of hundred⁺ and·princes⁺·of fifty⁺ and·princes⁺·of tens⁺
and·officers⁺ to·your⁺·stems⁺ :
and·I·command °your⁺·judges⁺
in·the·season she saying
hearing between your⁺·brothers⁺ and·you·judged⁺ justice
between man and·between his·brother and·between his·lodger :
you·do·not·recognize⁺ face⁺ in·the·judgment as·the·small as·the·great you·hear⁺
you·are·not·dislodged⁺ from·face⁺·of man
as the·judgment to·Powers⁺ he
and·the·speech that he·is·hard from·you⁺
you·present⁺ to·me and·I·heard·him :
and·I·command °you⁺ in·the·season she
°all·of the·speeches⁺ that you·do⁺ :
and·we·journey⁺ from·Withered and·we·walk⁺ °all·of the·outspeak the·great and·the·fearsome he that you·saw⁺ the·step·of the·mount·of the·Amurruïte
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ °us
and·we·enter⁺ unto Sanctuary Son-of-Rattle :
and·I·say to·you⁺
you·entered⁺ unto the·mount·of the·Amurruïte
that Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ giving to·us :
ꜝsee he·gave Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·your·face⁺ °the·land
ꜝgo·up ꜝinherit as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your·fathers⁺ to·you
ꜝdo·not·fear and ꜝdo·not·be·cast·down :
and·you·are·present⁺ to·me all·of·you⁺
and·you·say⁺ ꜝlet·us·send⁺ mortals⁺ to·our·face⁺
and·they·dig⁺ to·us °the·land
and·they·return⁺ °us speech
°the·step that we·go·up⁺ in·her
that we·enter⁺ to·them :
and·he·is·good in·my·eyes² the·speech
and·I·take from·you⁺ two² and·ten mortals⁺
man one to·the·stem :
and·they·face⁺ and·they·go·up⁺ ➝the·mount
and·they·enter⁺ unto river·of Cluster·of
and·they·footspy⁺ °her :
and·they·take⁺ in·their·hand from·the·fruit·of the·land
and·they·make·descend⁺ to·us
and·they·return⁺ °us speech and·they·say⁺
good the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ giving to·us :
and you·did·not·want⁺ to·go·up
and·you·embitter⁺ °the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·you·complain⁺ in·your⁺·tents⁺ and·you·say⁺
in·the·hatred·of Yʜᴡʜ °us
he·let·us·go from·the·land·of Egypts²
to·give °us in·the·hand·of the·Amurruïte to·destroy·us :
¿where we⁺ going·up⁺ our·brothers⁺ they·caused·to·dampen⁺ °our·heart saying people great and·high from·us
cities⁺ great⁺ and·fortified⁺ in·the·skies⁺
and·also the·sons⁺·of Pendantïtes⁺ we·saw⁺ there :
and·I·say to·you⁺
you·do·not·awe⁺ and you·do·not·fear⁺ from·them :
Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ that·walks to·your⁺·face⁺
he he·battles to·you⁺
as·all that he·did with·you⁺ in·Egypts² to·your⁺·eyes² :
and·in·the·outspeak that you·saw
that he·bore·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as·how he·bears man °his·son
in·all·of the·step that you·walked⁺
unto your⁺·entering unto the·rising·place this :
and·in·the·speech this
you·are·ńot⁺ true⁺
in·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
that·walks to·your⁺·face⁺ in·the·step to·scout to·you⁺ rising·place to·camp·you⁺
in·the·fire night to·show·you⁺ in·the·step that you·walk⁺ in·her
and·in·the·cloud daytime :
and·he·hears Yʜᴡʜ °the·voice·of your⁺·speeches⁺
and·he·is·angry and·he·vows·seven saying :
if he·sees man in·the·mortals⁺ these
the·saeculum the·bad this
°the·land the·good
that I·vowed·seven
to·give to·your⁺·fathers⁺ :
beyond Dog the·son·of He-Faces he he·sees·her
and·to·him I·give °the·land that he·stepped·forward in·her and·to·his·sons⁺
because that he·filled after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ :
also in·me he·flared·his·nostrils Yʜᴡʜ
in·your⁺·roll-account saying
also you you·do·not·enter there :
Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer that·stands to·your·face⁺
he he·enters ➝there
°him ꜝmake·firm
as he he·derives·for·her °Princepowr :
and·your⁺·toddlers that you·said⁺ to·spoil he·is and·your⁺·sons⁺ that they·did·not·know⁺ the·day good and·bad
they⁺ they·enter⁺ ➝there
and·to·them I·give·her
and·they⁺ they·inherit⁺·her :
and·you⁺ ꜝface⁺ to·you⁺
and·ꜝjourney⁺ ➝the·outspeak the·step·of the·sea·of Reeds :
and·you·respond⁺ and·you·say⁺ to·me we·sinned⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ
we⁺ we·go·up⁺ and·we·battled⁺
as·all that he·commanded·us Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
and·you·gird⁺ man °the·things⁺·of his·battle
and·you·are·wealthy⁺ to·go·up ➝the·mount :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me ꜝsay to·them you·do·not·go·up⁺ and you·do·not·battle⁺
as I·am·ńot in·your⁺·impresence
and you·are·not·smitten⁺
to·the·face⁺·of your⁺·enemies⁺ :
and·I·speak to·you⁺ and you·did·not·hear⁺
and·you·embitter⁺ °the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·you·boil·up⁺ and·you·go·up⁺ ➝the·mount :
and·he·goes the·Amurruïte that·settles in·the·mount he to·call·against·you⁺
and·they·pursue⁺ °you⁺
as·how they·do⁺ the·speakerbees⁺
and·they·beat·down⁺ °you⁺ in·Hair unto Heremah :
and·you·return⁺ and·you·weep⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and he·did·not·hear Yʜᴡʜ in·your⁺·voice
and he·did·not·give·ear to·you⁺ :
and·you·settle⁺ in·Sanctuary days⁺ many⁺
as·the·days⁺ that you·settled⁺ :
and·we·face⁺ and·we·journey⁺ ➝the·outspeak the·step·of the·sea·of Reeds
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to·me
and·we·turn·around⁺ °the·mount·of Hair days⁺ many⁺ :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me saying :
much to·you⁺ turning·around °the·mount this
ꜝface⁺ to·you⁺ ➝north :
and·°the·people ꜝcommand saying
you⁺ crossers⁺ in·the·border·of your⁺·brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Esaw
that·settle⁺ in·Hair
and·they·fear⁺ from·you⁺
and·you·watched·yourselves⁺ very :
ꜝdo·not·chew·on·yourselves⁺ in·them
as I·do·not·give to·you⁺ from·their·land
unto step·of spoon·of foot
as inheritance to·Esaw
I·gave °the·mount·of Hair :
edibles you·get·brokencorn⁺ from·with·them in·the·silver and·you·ate⁺
and·also waters⁺ you·purchase⁺ from·with·them in·the·silver and·you·drank⁺ :
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ he·knelt·you in·all·of the·doing·of your·hand
he·knew your·walking
°the·outspeak the·great this
this forty⁺ year Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ near·you
you·were·not·lacking speech :
and·we·cross·over⁺ from·with our·brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Esaw that·settle⁺ in·Hair
from·the·step·of the·Arabah
from·Powrer and·from·Shell·of Hero
and·we·face⁺ and·we·cross·over⁺
the·step·of the·outspeak·of From-Father :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me to ꜝrock °From-Father
and ꜝdo·not·chew·on·yourself in·them battle
as I·do·not·give to·you from·his·land inheritance
as to·the·sons⁺·of Obscurity
I·gave °City inheritance :
the·Terrors⁺ to·face⁺ they·settled⁺ in·her
people great and·much and·high as·the·Pendantïtes⁺ :
Raphahs⁺ they·are·considered⁺ ¡yes! they⁺ as·the·Pendantïtes⁺
they·call⁺ to·them Terrors⁺ :
and·in·Hair they·settled⁺ the·Creviceïtes⁺ to·face⁺
and·the·sons⁺·of Esaw they·inherit⁺·them and·they·destroy⁺·them from·their·face⁺
and·they·settle⁺ under·them
as·how he·did Princepowr to·the·land·of his·inheritance
that he·gave Yʜᴡʜ to·them :
now ꜝarise⁺ and·ꜝcross·over⁺ to·you⁺ °the·river·of Zered
and·we·cross·over⁺ °the·river·of Zered :
and·the·days⁺ that we·walked⁺ from·Sanctuary Son-of-Rattle unto that we·crossed·over⁺ °the·river·of Zered
thirty⁺ and·eight year
unto completed all·of the·saeculum the·mortals⁺·of the·battle from·the·impresence·of the·camp
as·how he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·them :
and·also the·hand·of Yʜᴡʜ she·was in·them
to·rumble·them from·the·impresence·of the·camp
unto their·completed :
and·he·is as·how they·were·completed⁺ all·of the·mortals⁺·of the·battle to·die from·the·impresence·of the·people :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to·me saying :
you crosser the·day °the·border·of From-Father °City :
and·you·were·present the·snip·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled
ꜝdo·not·rock·them and ꜝdo·not·chew·on·yourself in·them
as I·do·not·give from·the·land·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled to·you inheritance
as to·the·sons⁺·of Obscurity I·gave·her inheritance :
the·land·of Raphahs⁺ she·is·considered ¡yes! she
Raphahs⁺ they·settled⁺ in·her to·face⁺
they·call⁺ to·them Determinators⁺ :
people great and·much and·high as·the·Pendantïtes⁺
and·he·destroys·them Yʜᴡʜ from·their·face⁺
and·they·inherit⁺·them and·they·settle⁺ under·them :
as·how he·did to·the·sons⁺·of Esaw
that·settle⁺ in·Hair
that he·destroyed °the·Creviceïte from·their·face⁺
and·they·inherit⁺·them and·they·settle⁺ under·them
unto the·day this :
and·the·Guiltieses⁺ that·settle⁺ in·courtyards⁺ unto Mighty
Kaftowrs⁺ that·go⁺ from·Kaftowr
they·destroyed⁺·them and·they·settle⁺ under·them :
ꜝarise⁺ ꜝjourney⁺ and·ꜝcross·over⁺ °the·river·of Shouting
ꜝsee I·gave in·your·hand °Rubbler the·king·of Consideration the·Amurruïte and·°his·land ꜝpierce ꜝinherit
and·ꜝchew·on·yourself in·him battle :
the·day this I·pierce giving your·trembling and·your·fear
upon the·face⁺·of the·people⁺
under all·of the·skies⁺
that they·hear⁺ your·hearing
and·they·were·stirred·up⁺ and·they·whirled·in·labor⁺ from·your·face⁺ :
and·I·send ministers⁺ from·the·outspeak·of Fronts⁺
to Rubbler the·king·of Consideration
speeches⁺·of shalom saying :
ꜝlet·me·cross·over in·your·land
in·the·step in·the·step I·walk
I·do·not·move right and·left :
edibles in·the·silver you·sell·brokencorn·me and·I·ate
and·waters⁺ in·the·silver you·give to·me and·I·drank
only ꜝlet·me·cross·over in·my·feet² :
as·how they·did⁺ to·me the·sons⁺·of Esaw that·settle⁺ in·Hair
that·settle⁺ in·City
unto that I·cross·over °the·Descender
to the·land that Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ giving to·us :
and he·did·not·want Rubbler the·king·of Consideration
our·making·cross·by in·him
as he·hardened Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °his·breath and·he·emboldened °his·heart
because·of his·giving in·your·hand as·the·day this :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me
ꜝsee I·pierced giving to·your·face⁺
°Rubbler and·°his·land
ꜝpierce ꜝinherit
to·inherit °his·land :
and·he·goes Rubbler to·call·against·us he and·all·of his·people to·the·battle ➝Yahatz :
and·he·gives·him Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ to·our·face⁺
and·we·strike⁺ °him and·°his·sons⁺ and·°all·of his·people :
and·we·seize⁺ °all·of his·cities⁺ in·the·season she
and·we·make·herem⁺ °all·of city·of adults⁺
and·the·women⁺ and·the·toddlers
we·did·not·let·survive⁺ escapee :
only the·beast we·spoiled⁺ to·us
and·the·plunder·of the·cities⁺ that we·seized⁺ :
from·Bare-Bare that upon the·lip·of the·river·of Shouting and·the·city that in·the·river and·unto the·Roll-of-Witness
she·was·not walledcity
that she·was·towering from·us
°all he·gave Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ to·our·face⁺ :
only to the·land·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled you·were·not·present
all·of the·hand·of the·river·of Vacuum and·the·cities⁺·of the·mount
and·all that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ :
and·we·face⁺ and·we·go·up⁺
the·step·of the·Bashan
and·he·goes Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan to·call·against·us he and·all·of his·people to·the·battle Arm :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me ꜝdo·not·fear °him
as in·your·hand I·gave °him and·°all·of his·people and·°his·land
and·you·did to·him
as·how you·did to·Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte
that settling in·Consideration :
and·he·gives Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ in·our·hand also °Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan and·°all·of his·people
and·we·strike⁺·him unto if·not he·let·survive to·him escapee :
and·we·seize⁺ °all·of his·cities⁺ in·the·season she
she·was·not walledcity
that we·did·not·take⁺ from·with·them
sixty⁺ city all·of the·rope·of Pebbled
the·kingdom·of Loaf in·the·Bashan :
all these cities⁺ fortified⁺ rampart climbing pulldoors² and·bolt
aloneside from·the·cities⁺·of the·villager multiplying very :
and·we·make·herem⁺ °them
as·how we·did⁺
to·Rubbler the·king·of Consideration
making·herem all·of city·of adults⁺
the·women⁺ and·the·toddlers :
and·all·of the·beast and·the·plunder·of the·cities⁺ we·spoiled⁺ to·us :
and·we·take⁺ in·the·season she °the·land
from·the·hand·of the·two²·of the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte
that in·the·region·across the·Descender
from·the·river·of Shouting unto the·mount·of Heremon :
Hunterïtes⁺ they·call⁺ to·Heremon Mail
they·call⁺ to·him Senyr :
all·of the·cities⁺·of the·straight·place and·all·of the·Roll-of-Witness and·all·of the·Bashan
unto Salcah and·Arm
the·cities⁺·of the·kingdom·of Loaf in·the·Bashan :
as only Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan he·survived from·the·remainder·of the·Raphahs⁺
¡lo! his·mattress mattress·of iron
¿not she
in·Many·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled
nine mamacubits⁺ her·length and·four·of mamacubits⁺ her·breadth in·mamacubit·of man :
and·°the·land this we·inherited⁺ in·the·season she
from·Bare-Bare that upon the·river·of Shouting and·the·half·of the·mount·of the·Roll-of-Witness and·his·cities⁺
I·gave to·the·See-Sonïte and·to·the·Cloutïte :
and·the·remainder·of the·Roll-of-Witness and·all·of the·Bashan the·kingdom·of Loaf
I·gave to·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustration
all·of the·rope·of the·Pebbled to·all·of the·Bashan
he he·is·called the·land·of Raphahs⁺ :
Enlightener the·son·of Frustration he·took °all·of the·rope·of Pebbled
unto the·border·of the·Bridgeïte and·the·Batteringïte
and·he·calls °them upon his·name °the·Bashan the·lifeplaces⁺·of Forest
unto the·day this :
and·to·Seller I·gave °the·Roll-of-Witness :
and·to·the·See-Sonïte and·to·the·Cloutïte I·gave from the·Roll-of-Witness and·unto the·river·of Shouting
the·midst·of the·river and·border
and·unto Vacuum the·river
the·border·of the·sons⁺·of Peopled :
and·the·Arabah and·the·Descender and·border
from·Lyre and·unto the·sea·of the·Arabah the·sea·of the·salt
under the·slopes⁺·of the·Pondering ➝dawn :
and·I·command °you⁺
in·the·season she saying
Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ he·gave to·you⁺ °the·land this to·inherit·her
dressed⁺ you·cross·over⁺ to·the·face⁺·of your⁺·brothers⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr all·of sons⁺·of strength :
only your⁺·women⁺ and·your⁺·toddlers and·your⁺·stock
I·knew as stock much to·you⁺
they·settle⁺ in·your⁺·cities⁺
that I·gave to·you⁺ :
unto that he·sets·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·brothers⁺ as·you⁺
and·they·inherited⁺ also they⁺
°the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ giving to·them in·the·region·across the·Descender
and·you·returned⁺ man to·his·inheritance
that I·gave to·you⁺ :
and·°Yʜᴡ-Saved I·commanded
in·the·season she saying
your·eyes² that·see⁺ °all that he·did Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·the·two²·of the·kings⁺ these
surely he·does Yʜᴡʜ to·all·of the·kingdoms⁺
that you crosser ➝there :
as Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
he that·battles to·you⁺ :
and·I·beg·grace to Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·season she saying :
My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ you you·pierced to·show °your·servant
and·°your·hand the·firm
that ¿who powr in·the·skies⁺ and·in·the·land
that he·does as·your·doings⁺ and·as·your·heroisms⁺ :
ꜝlet·me·cross·over ¡please! and·I·see °the·land the·good
that in·the·region·across the·Descender
the·mount the·good this and·the·Whitemost :
and·he·is·cross Yʜᴡʜ in·me because·of·you⁺
and he·did·not·hear to·me
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me much to·you
ꜝdo·not·add speaking to·me again in·the·speech this :
ꜝgo·up the·head·of the·Pondering and·ꜝbear your·eyes² ➝sea and➝north and➝right and➝dawn and·ꜝsee in·your·eyes²
as you·do·not·cross·over °the·Descender this :
and·ꜝcommand °Yʜᴡ-Saved and·ꜝmake·him·firm and·ꜝembolden·him
as he he·crosses·over to·the·face⁺·of the·people this
and·he he·derives·for °them
°the·land that you·see :
and·we·settle⁺ in·the·valley
the·snip·of House·of Gap :
and·now Princepowr ꜝhear to the·prescriptions⁺ and·to the·judgments⁺
that I discipling °you⁺ to·do
because·of ꜝlive⁺ and·you·entered⁺ and·you·inherited⁺ °the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your⁺·fathers⁺ giving to·you⁺ :
you·do·not·add⁺ upon the·speech that I commanding °you⁺
and you·do·not·diminish⁺ from·him
to·watch °the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
that I commanding °you⁺ :
your⁺·eyes² that·see⁺
°that he·did Yʜᴡʜ in·Master·of Gap
as all·of the·man that he·walked after⁺ Master·of Gap
he·destroyed·him Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ from·your·impresence :
and·you⁺ the·joining⁺
in·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
living⁺ all·of·you⁺ the·day :
ꜝsee I·discipled °you⁺ prescriptions⁺ and·judgments⁺
as·how he·commanded·me Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
to·do surely
in·the·impresence·of the·land
that you⁺ entering⁺ ➝there to·inherit·her :
and·you·watched⁺ and·you·did⁺
as she your⁺·wisdom and·your⁺·discernment
to·the·eyes²·of the·people⁺
that they·hear⁺ °all·of the·prescriptions⁺ these
and·they·said⁺ only people wise and·discerner
the·clan the·great this :
as ¿who clan great
that to·him Powers⁺ present⁺ to·him
as·Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
in·all our·calling to·him :
and·¿who clan great
that to·him prescriptions⁺ and·judgments⁺ just⁺
as·all·of the·torah this
that I giving to·your⁺·face⁺ the·day :
only ꜝwatch·yourself to·you and·ꜝwatch your·soul very lest you·forget °the·speeches⁺ that they·saw⁺ your·eyes² and·lest they·move⁺ from·your·heart
all·of the·days⁺·of your·life⁺
and·you·let·them·know to·your·sons⁺ and·to·the·sons⁺·of your·sons⁺ :
day that you·stood to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·Withered
when·saying Yʜᴡʜ to·me ꜝcongregate to·me °the·people
and·I·let·them·hear °my·speeches⁺
that they·are·discipled⁺ to·fear °me all·of the·days⁺ that they⁺ living⁺ upon the·adamah
and·°their·sons⁺ they·disciple⁺ :
and·you·are·present⁺ and·you·stand⁺ under the·mount
and·the·mount consumed in·the·fire unto the·heart·of the·skies⁺
darkness cloud and·sprinkling·cloud :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺ from·the·midst·of the·fire
voice·of speeches⁺ you⁺ hearing⁺
and·nature you·are·ńot⁺ seeing⁺ beyond voice :
and·he·tells·forth to·you⁺ °his·covenant that he·commanded °you⁺ to·do
the·ten·of the·speeches⁺
upon two²·of slates⁺·of stones⁺ :
and·°me he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ in·the·season she
to·disciple °you⁺
prescriptions⁺ and·judgments⁺
to·do·you⁺ °them
in·the·land that you⁺ crossers⁺ ➝there to·inherit·her :
and·you·watched·yourselves⁺ very to·your⁺·souls⁺
as you·did·not·see⁺ all·of nature
in·day he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺ in·Withered from·the·midst·of the·fire :
lest you·ruin⁺
and·you·did⁺ to·you⁺ sculpture·of nature·of all·of idol
build·of membered or punctured :
build·of all·of beast that in·the·land
build·of all·of skippingbird·of wing
that she·flies in·the·skies⁺ :
build·of all creeping in·the·adamah
build·of all·of fish that in·the·waters⁺ from·under to·the·land :
and·lest you·bear your·eyes² ➝the·skies⁺ and·you·saw °the·sun and·°the·moon and·°the·stars⁺ all·of the·host·of the·skies⁺
and·you·were·banished and·you·prostrated·yourself to·them and·you·served·them
that he·divided Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °them
to·all·of the·people⁺
under all·of the·skies⁺ :
and·°you⁺ he·took Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·lets·go °you⁺ from·the·cauldron·of the·iron from·Egypts²
to·be to·him to·people·of derivation as·the·day this :
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·flared·his·nostrils in·me upon your⁺·speeches⁺
and·he·vows·seven to·not my·crossing·over °the·Descender
and·to·not entering to the·land the·good
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you derivation :
as I dead in·the·land this
I·am·ńot crosser °the·Descender
and·you⁺ crossers⁺
and·you·inherited⁺ °the·land the·good this :
ꜝwatch·yourselves⁺ to·you⁺ lest you·forget⁺ °the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
that he·cut·in near·you⁺
and·you·did⁺ to·you⁺ sculpture nature·of all
that he·commanded·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
fire eating he
powr jealous :
as you·bechild sons⁺ and·sons⁺·of sons⁺
and·you·were·put·to·sleep⁺ in·the·land
and·you·ruined⁺ and·you·did⁺ sculpture·of nature·of all
and·you·did⁺ the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·trouble·him :
I·witnessed in·you⁺ the·day °the·skies⁺ and·°the·land as lost you·are·lost⁺ speeding
from·upon the·land
that you⁺ crossers⁺ °the·Descender ➝there to·inherit·her
you·do·not·prolong⁺ days⁺ upon·her
as being·destroyed you·are·destroyed⁺ :
and·he·scattered Yʜᴡʜ °you⁺ in·the·people⁺
and·you·survived⁺ adults⁺·of count
in·the·clans⁺ that he·leads Yʜᴡʜ °you⁺ ➝there :
and·you·served⁺ there Powers⁺
doing·of hands²·of adam
tree and·stone
that they·do·not·see⁺ and they·do·not·hear⁺
and they·do·not·eat⁺ and they·do·not·breathe⁺ :
and·you·sought⁺ from·there °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ and·you·found
as you·investigate·him
in·all·of your·heart and·in·all·of your·soul :
in·the·rockiness to·you
and·they·found⁺·you all·of the·speeches⁺ these
in·the·afterward·of the·days⁺
and·you·returned unto Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·you·heard in·his·voice :
as powr wombly Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
he·does·not·slack·you·off and he·does·not·ruin·you
and he·does·not·forget °the·covenant·of your·fathers⁺
that he·vowed·seven to·them :
as ꜝrequest ¡please! to·days⁺ headmost⁺ that they·were⁺ to·your·face⁺ to·from the·day that he·shaped Powers⁺ adam upon the·land
and·to·from·the·end·of the·skies⁺ and·unto the·end·of the·skies⁺
¿he·had·been as·the·speech the·great this
or ¿he·was·heard as·him :
¿he·heard people the·voice·of Powers⁺ speaker from·the·midst·of the·fire as·how you·heard you and·he·lives :
or ¿he·tried·out Powers⁺ to·enter to·take to·him clan from·impresence·of clan
in·trials⁺ in·signs⁺ and·in·omens⁺ and·in·battle and·in·hand firm and·in·arm branched·out
and·in·fears⁺ great⁺
as·all that he·did to·you⁺ Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ in·Egypts² to·your·eyes² :
you you·were·shown to·know
as Yʜᴡʜ he the·Powers⁺
there·is·ńot again from·aloneside·him :
from the·skies⁺ he·let·you·hear °his·voice to·instruct·you
and·upon the·land he·showed·you °his·fire the·great
and·his·speeches⁺ you·heard from·the·midst·of the·fire :
and·under as he·loved °your·fathers⁺
and·he·chooses in·his·seed after⁺·him
and·he·lets·you·go in·his·face⁺ in·his·vigor the·great from·Egypts² :
to·disinherit clans⁺ great⁺ and·strongboned⁺ from·you from·your·face⁺
to·bring·you·in to·give to·you °their·land derivation as·the·day this :
and·you·knew the·day and·you·returned to your·heart
as Yʜᴡʜ he the·Powers⁺
in·the·skies⁺ from·upward
and·upon the·land from·under
there·is·ńot again :
and·you·watched °his·prescriptions⁺ and·°his·commandments⁺ that I that·commands·you the·day
that he·is·good to·you
and·to·your·sons⁺ after⁺·you
and·because·of ꜝprolong days⁺ upon the·adamah
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you all·of the·days⁺ :
then he·separates Moseh three cities⁺
in·the·region·across the·Descender
➝dawn·of sun :
to·flee ➝there murderer that he·murders °his·tendent in·no knowledge
and·he not hating to·him from·recent threeday
and·he·fled to one from the·cities⁺ these and·he·lived :
°Fortress in·the·outspeak in·the·land·of the·straight·place to·the·See-Sonïte
and·°Heights in·the·Roll-of-Witness to·the·Cloutïte
and·°Stripped in·the·Bashan to·the·Frustrationïte :
and·this the·torah
that he·placed Moseh
to·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
these the·witnesses⁺
and·the·prescriptions⁺ and·the·judgments⁺
that he·spoke Moseh to the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
when·they·go⁺ from·Egypts² :
in·the·region·across the·Descender in·the·valley the·snip·of House·of Gap
in·the·land·of Rubbler the·king·of the·Amurruïte
that settling in·Consideration
that he·struck Moseh and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
when·they·go⁺ from·Egypts² :
and·they·inherit⁺ °his·land and·°the·land·of Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan the·two²·of the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte
that in·the·region·across the·Descender
dawn·of sun :
from·Bare-Bare that upon the·lip·of the·river·of Shouting and·unto the·mount·of Elevation he Heremon :
and·all·of the·Arabah the·region·across the·Descender ➝dawn
and·unto the·sea·of the·Arabah
under the·slopes⁺·of the·Pondering :
and·he·calls Moseh to all·of Princepowr
and·he·says to·them ꜝhear Princepowr °the·prescriptions⁺ and·°the·judgments⁺
that I speaker in·your⁺·ears² the·day
and·you·were·discipled⁺ °them
and·you·watched⁺ to·do·them :
Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ he·cut·in near·us covenant in·Withered :
not with our·fathers⁺
he·cut·in Yʜᴡʜ °the·covenant this
as with·us we⁺ these ẖere the·day all·of·us living⁺ :
face⁺ in·face⁺ he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ near·you⁺ in·the·mount from·the·midst·of the·fire :
I standing between Yʜᴡʜ and·between⁺·you⁺ in·the·season she
to·tell·forth to·you⁺ °the·speech·of Yʜᴡʜ
as you·feared⁺ from·the·face⁺·of the·fire
and you·did·not·go·up⁺ in·the·mount saying :
I Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
that I·let·you·go from·the·land·of Egypts² from·house·of servants⁺ :
he·is·not to·you Powers⁺ after⁺ upon my·face⁺ :
you·do·not·do to·you sculpture·of all·of nature
that in·the·skies⁺ from·upward
and·that in·the·land from·under
and·that in·the·waters⁺ from·under to·the·land :
you·do·not·prostrate·yourself to·them and you·are·not·put·to·service·of·them
as I Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ powr jealous
reckoning guilt·of fathers⁺ upon sons⁺ and·upon third·generation⁺ and·upon fourth⁺ to·that·hate⁺·me :
and·doing mercy to·thousands⁺
to·that·love⁺·me and·to·the·watching⁺·of my·commandments⁺ :
you·do·not·bear °the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·the·vanity
as he·does·not·find·innocent Yʜᴡʜ
°that he·bears °his·name to·the·vanity :
watching °the·day·of the·rest to·sanctify·him
as·how he·commanded·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
six·of days⁺ you·serve
and·you·did all·of your·ministry :
and·the·day·of the·seventh
rest to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
you·do·not·do all·of ministry you and·your·son and·your·daughter and·your·servant and·your·amah and·your·bull and·your·donkey and·all·of your·beast and·your·lodger that in·your·gates⁺
because·of ꜝlet·him·be·at·peace your·servant and·your·amah as·you :
and·you·remembered as servant you·were in·the·land·of Egypts²
and·he·lets·you·go Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ from·there
in·hand firm and·in·arm branched·out
upon surely he·commanded·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·do °the·day·of the·rest :
ꜝgive·weight °your·father and·°your·mama
as·how he·commanded·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
because·of ꜝlet·them·prolong⁺ your·days⁺ and·because·of ꜝlet·him·be·good to·you
upon the·adamah
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you :
you·do·not·murder :
and you·do·not·adulterize :
and you·do·not·steal :
and you·do·not·respond in·your·tendent witness·of vanity :
and you·do·not·desire the·woman·of your·tendent
and you·do·not·yearn·for the·house·of your·tendent his·field and·his·servant and·his·amah his·bull and·his·donkey
and·all that to·your·tendent :
°the·speeches⁺ these he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to all·of your⁺·congregation in·the·mount from·the·midst·of the·fire the·cloud and·the·sprinkling·cloud
voice great and he·did·not·add
and·he·writes·them upon two²·of slates⁺·of stones⁺
and·he·gives·them to·me :
and·he·is as·you·hear⁺ °the·voice from·the·midst·of the·darkness
and·the·mount consumed in·the·fire
and·you·are·present⁺ to·me
all·of the·heads⁺·of your⁺·stems⁺ and·your⁺·elders⁺ :
and·you·say⁺ ¡lo! he·showed·us Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ °his·weight and·°his·greatness
and·°his·voice we·heard⁺ from·the·midst·of the·fire
the·day this we·saw⁺
as he·speaks Powers⁺ with the·adam and·he·lived :
and·now to·¿what we·die⁺
as she·eats·us
the·fire the·great this
if adding⁺ we⁺ to·hear °the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ again and·we·died⁺ :
as ¿who all·of flesh that he·heard the·voice·of Powers⁺ living⁺ speaker from·the·midst·of the·fire as·us and·he·lives :
ꜝbe·present you and·ꜝhear
°all that he·says Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
and·you you·speak to·us °all that he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ to·you and·we·heard⁺ and·we·did⁺ :
and·he·hears Yʜᴡʜ °the·voice·of your⁺·speeches⁺
when·you·speak⁺ to·me
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me I·heard °the·voice·of the·speeches⁺·of the·people this that they·spoke⁺ to·you
they·did·good⁺ all that they·spoke⁺ :
¿who he·gives and·he·was their·heart this to·them to·fear °me and·to·watch °all·of my·commandments⁺ all·of the·days⁺
because·of ꜝlet·him·be·good to·them and·to·their·sons⁺ to·eternity :
ꜝwalk ꜝsay to·them
ꜝreturn⁺ to·you⁺ to·your⁺·tents⁺ :
and·you ẖere ꜝstand near·me
and·ꜝlet·me·speak to·you °all·of the·commandment and·the·prescriptions⁺ and·the·judgments⁺ that you·disciple·them
and·they·did⁺ in·the·land
that I giving to·them to·inherit·her :
and·you·watched⁺ to·do
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ °you⁺
you·do·not·move⁺ right and·left :
in·all·of the·step that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ °you⁺ you·walk⁺
because·of ꜝlive⁺ and·he·was·good to·you⁺
and·you·prolonged⁺ days⁺
in·the·land that you·inherit⁺ :
and·this the·commandment the·prescriptions⁺ and·the·judgments⁺
that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·disciple °you⁺
to·do in·the·land
that you⁺ crossers⁺ ➝there to·inherit·her :
because·of ꜝfear °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·watch °all·of his·prescriptions⁺ and·his·commandments⁺ that I that·commands·you
you and·your·son and·the·son·of your·son
all·of the·days⁺·of your·life⁺
and·because·of ꜝlet·them·prolong⁺ your·days⁺ :
and·you·heard Princepowr and·you·watched to·do
that he·is·good to·you
and·that you·multiply⁺ very
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your·fathers⁺ to·you
land emitting·of fatmilk and·honey :
ꜝhear Princepowr
Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ Yʜᴡʜ one :
°Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all·of your·heart and·in·all·of your·soul and·in·all·of your·very :
and·they·were⁺ the·speeches⁺ these that I that·commands·you the·day upon your·heart :
and·you·sank·your·teeth·into·them to·your·sons⁺
and·you·spoke in·them
when·you·settle in·your·house and·when·you·walk in·the·step
and·when·you·bed and·when·you·arise :
and·you·leagued·them to·sign upon your·hand
and·they·were⁺ to·tefillin⁺ between your·eyes² :
and·you·wrote·them upon the·doorposts⁺·of your·house and·in·your·gates⁺ :
and·he·was as he·brings·you·in Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to the·land that he·vowed·seven to·your·fathers⁺ to·Father-Hi-Hum to·Laugher and·to·Heeler to·give to·you
cities⁺ great⁺ and·good⁺ that you·did·not·build :
and·houses⁺ full⁺ all·of goodness that you·did·not·fill
and·wells⁺ quarried⁺ that you·did·not·quarry
orchards⁺ and·olives⁺ that you·did·not·plant
and·you·ate and·you·were·satisfied :
ꜝwatch·yourself to·you
lest you·forget °Yʜᴡʜ
that he·let·you·go from·the·land·of Egypts² from·house·of servants⁺ :
°Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ you·fear and·°him you·serve
and·in·his·name you·vow·seven :
after⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
from·Powers⁺·of the·people⁺
that turninground⁺·you⁺ :
as powr jealous Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·your·impresence
lest he·is·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·you
from·upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah :
°Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
as·how you·tried·out⁺ in·the·Trial :
watching you·watch⁺
°the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·his·witnesses⁺ and·his·prescriptions⁺ that he·commanded·you :
and·you·did the·straight and·the·good in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
because·of ꜝlet·him·be·good to·you
and·you·entered and·you·inherited °the·land the·good
that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·your·fathers⁺ :
to·thrust °all·of your·enemies⁺ from·your·face⁺
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ :
as he·requests·you your·son aftermorrow saying
¿what the·witnesses⁺ and·the·prescriptions⁺ and·the·judgments⁺
that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ °you⁺ :
and·you·said to·your·son
servants⁺ we·were⁺ to·Pharaoh in·Egypts²
and·he·lets·us·go Yʜᴡʜ from·Egypts² in·hand firm :
and·he·gives Yʜᴡʜ signs⁺ and·omens⁺ great⁺ and·bad⁺ in·Egypts² in·Pharaoh and·in·all·of his·house to·our·eyes² :
and·°us he·let·go from·there
because·of bringing·in °us
to·give to·us °the·land
that he·vowed·seven to·our·fathers⁺ :
and·he·commands·us Yʜᴡʜ to·do °all·of the·prescriptions⁺ these
to·fear °Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
to·good to·us all·of the·days⁺
to·keep·us·alive as·the·day this :
and·justice she·is to·us
as we·watch⁺ to·do °all·of the·commandment this to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺ as·how he·commanded·us :
as he·brings·you·in Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to the·land that you entering ➝there to·inherit·her
and·he·plundered·off clans⁺ many⁺ from·your·face⁺ the·Castdownïte and·the·Girgashïte and·the·Amurruïte and·the·Cashierïte and·the·Villageïte and·the·Liveïte and·the·Troddenïte
seven clans⁺
many⁺ and·strongboned⁺ from·you :
and·he·gave·them Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·your·face⁺ and·you·struck·them
making·herem you·make·herem °them
you·do·not·cut·in to·them covenant and you·do·not·grace·them :
and you·do·not·intermarry in·them
your·daughter you·do·not·give to·his·son
and·his·daughter you·do·not·take to·your·son :
as he·removes °your·son from·after⁺·me
and·they·served⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and·he·was·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ in·you⁺
and·he·destroyed·you speeding :
as rather thus you·do⁺ to·them
their·offering·places⁺ you·wreck⁺
and·their·posts⁺ you·break⁺
and·their·Blessed·Ones⁺ you·hack·down⁺
and·their·sculptures⁺ you·burn⁺ in·the·fire :
as people sacred you
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·you he·chose Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·be to·him to·people·of dearest
from·all·of the·people⁺
that upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah :
not from·your⁺·multiplied from·all·of the·people⁺ he·was·charmed Yʜᴡʜ in·you⁺ and·he·chooses in·you⁺
as you⁺ the·little from·all·of the·people⁺ :
as from·the·love·of Yʜᴡʜ °you⁺ and·from·his·watching °the·seven that he·vowed·seven to·your⁺·fathers⁺
he·let·go Yʜᴡʜ °you⁺ in·hand firm
and·he·ransoms·you from·house·of servants⁺
from·the·hand·of Pharaoh the·king·of Egypts² :
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ he the·Powers⁺
the·powr the·true
watching the·covenant and·the·mercy to·that·love⁺·him and·to·the·watching⁺·of his·commandments⁺ to·thousand·of saeculum :
and·shaloming to·that·hate⁺·him to his·face⁺ to·cause·him·to·be·lost
he·does·not·keep·aft to·that·hates·him
to his·face⁺ he·shaloms to·him :
and·you·watched °the·commandment and·°the·prescriptions⁺ and·°the·judgments⁺ that I that·commands·you the·day to·do·them :
and·he·was on·the·heels you·hear⁺ °the·judgments⁺ these
and·you·watched⁺ and·you·did⁺ °them
and·he·watched Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·you °the·covenant and·°the·mercy
that he·vowed·seven to·your·fathers⁺ :
and·he·knelt·you and·he·multiplied·you
and·he·knelt the·fruit·of your·belly and·the·fruit·of your·adamah your·grain and·your·winemust and·your·elixer the·calf·of your·alephs⁺ and·the·blessings⁺·of your·sheep
upon the·adamah
that he·vowed·seven to·your·fathers⁺ to·give to·you :
knelt·to you·are from·all·of the·people⁺
he·is·not in·you sterile and·sterile and·in·your·beast :
and·he·removed Yʜᴡʜ from·you all·of piercing
and·all·of the·sicknesses⁺·of Egypts² the·bad⁺ that you·knew he·does·not·place·them in·you
and·he·gave·them in·all·of that·hate⁺·you :
and·you·ate °all·of the·people⁺ that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you
she·does·not·spare your·eye upon·them
and you·do·not·serve °their·Powers⁺
as snare he to·you :
as you·say in·your·heart
many⁺ the·clans⁺ these from·me
¿ħow I·am·able to·disinherit·them :
you·do·not·fear from·them
remembering you·remember °that he·did Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·Pharaoh and·to·all·of Egypts² :
the·trials⁺ the·great⁺ that they·saw⁺ your·eyes² and·the·signs⁺ and·the·omens⁺ and·the·hand the·firm and·the·arm that·is·branched·out
that he·let·you·go Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
surely he·does Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·all·of the·people⁺
that you fearful from·their·face⁺ :
and·also °the·leper
he·sends·out Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·them
unto lost the·survivors⁺ and·that·are·hidden⁺ from·your·face⁺ :
you·do·not·awe from·their·face⁺
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·your·impresence
powr great and·fearsome :
and·he·plundered·off Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °the·clans⁺ these from·your·face⁺ little little
you·are·not·able their·all·done speeding
lest she·multiplies upon·you the·life·of the·field :
and·he·gave·them Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·your·face⁺
and·he·rumbled·them rumble great
unto their·being·destroyed :
and·he·gave their·kings⁺ in·your·hand
and·you·caused·to·be·lost °their·name
from·under the·skies⁺
he·does·not·post·himself man in·your·face⁺
unto your·destroying °them :
the·sculptures⁺·of their·Powers⁺ you·burn⁺ in·the·fire
you·do·not·desire silver and·gold upon·them and·you·took to·you
lest you·are·ensnared in·him
as the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ he :
and you·do·not·bring·in abomination to your·house
and·you·were herem as·him
detesting you·detest·him and·abominating you·abominate·him as herem he :
all·of the·commandment that I that·commands·you the·day you·watch⁺ to·do
because·of ꜝlive⁺ and·you·multiplied⁺ and·you·entered⁺ and·you·inherited⁺ °the·land
that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·fathers⁺ :
and·you·remembered °all·of the·step that he·caused·you·to·walk Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ this forty⁺ year in·the·outspeak
because·of your·humiliating to·try·you·out to·know °that in·your·heart ¿you·watch his·commandments⁺ if not :
and·he·humiliates·you and·he·lets·you·hunger
and·he·gives·to·you·eat °the·whatness that you·did·not·know
and they·did·not·know⁺ your·fathers⁺
because·of your·letting·know as not upon the·bread alone·him he·lives the·adam
as upon all·of the·going·of the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ he·lives the·adam :
your·garment she·did·not·decay from·upon·you
and·your·foot she·did·not·dough·up
this forty⁺ year :
and·you·knew near your·heart
as as·how he·instructs man °his·son
Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ your·instructor :
°the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·walk in·his·steps⁺ and·to·fear °him :
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
that·brings·you·in to land good
land·of rivers⁺·of waters⁺
eyewells⁺ and·rumblewaves⁺
going⁺ in·the·cleft and·in·the·mount :
land·of wheat and·hairbarley
and·vine and·fig and·pomegranate
land·of olive·of oil and·honey :
land that not in·destitution you·eat in·her bread
you·are·not·lacking all in·her
land that her·stones⁺ iron
and·from·her·mountains⁺ you·quarry copper :
and·you·ate and·you·were·satisfied
and·you·knelt °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
upon the·land the·good that he·gave to·you :
ꜝwatch·yourself to·you
lest you·forget °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·not watching his·commandments⁺ and·his·judgments⁺ and·his·prescriptions⁺
that I that·commands·you the·day :
lest you·eat and·you·were·satisfied
and·houses⁺ good⁺ you·build and·you·settled :
and·your·plowcattle and·your·sheep they·multiply⁺
and·silver and·gold he·multiplies to·you
and·all that to·you he·multiplies :
and·he·was·high your·heart
and·you·forgot °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
that·lets·you·go from·the·land·of Egypts² from·house·of servants⁺ :
that·causes·you·to·walk in·the·outspeak the·great and·the·fearsome copperhead burner and·scorpion
and·thirstiness that there·is·ńot waters⁺
that·lets·go to·you waters⁺
from·the·rock·of the·flint :
that·gives·to·you·eat whatness in·the·outspeak
that they·did·not·know⁺ your·fathers⁺
because·of your·humiliating and·because·of your·trying·out
to·do·good·you in·your·afterward :
and·you·said in·your·heart
my·vigor and·the·bone·of my·hand
he·did to·me °the·strength this :
and·you·remembered °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as he that·gives to·you vigor to·do strength
because·of raising °his·covenant that he·vowed·seven to·your·fathers⁺ as·the·day this :
and·he·was if forgetting you·forget °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·you·walked after⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and·you·served·them and·you·prostrated·yourself to·them
I·witnessed in·you⁺ the·day
as lost you·are·lost⁺ :
as·the·clans⁺ that Yʜᴡʜ causing·to·be·lost from·your⁺·face⁺
surely you·are·lost⁺
on·the·heels you·do·not·hear⁺
in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
ꜝhear Princepowr you crosser the·day °the·Descender
to·enter to·inherit clans⁺
great⁺ and·strongboned⁺ from·you
cities⁺ great⁺ and·fortified⁺ in·the·skies⁺ :
people great and·high the·sons⁺·of Pendantïtes⁺
that you you·knew and·you you·heard
¿who he·posts·himself
to·the·face⁺·of the·sons⁺·of Pendant :
and·you·knew the·day as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ he the·crosser to·your·face⁺ fire eating
he he·destroys·them and·he he·cashes·them·out to·your·face⁺
and·you·disinherited·them and·you·caused·them·to·be·lost speeding
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to·you :
ꜝdo·not·say in·your·heart when·thrusting Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °them from·to·your·face⁺ saying
in·my·justice he·brought·me·in Yʜᴡʜ
to·inherit °the·land this
and·in·the·wickedness·of the·clans⁺ these
Yʜᴡʜ that·disinherits·them from·your·face⁺ :
not in·your·justice and·in·the·straightness·of your·heart
you entering to·inherit °their·land
as in·the·wickedness·of the·clans⁺ these Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ that·disinherits·them from·your·face⁺
and·because·of raising °the·speech that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·your·fathers⁺
to·Father-Hi-Hum to·Laugher and·to·Heeler :
and·you·knew as not in·your·justice Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you °the·land the·good this to·inherit·her
as people hard·of spine you :
ꜝremember ꜝdo·not·forget
°that you·angered °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·the·outspeak
to·from the·day that you·went from·the·land·of Egypts² unto your⁺·entering unto the·rising·place this
embittering⁺ you·were⁺ near Yʜᴡʜ :
and·in·Withered you·angered⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·flares·his·nostrils Yʜᴡʜ in·you⁺ to·destroy °you⁺ :
when·I·go·up ➝the·mount to·take the·slates⁺·of the·stones⁺ the·slates⁺·of the·covenant
that he·cut·in Yʜᴡʜ near·you⁺
and·I·settle in·the·mount forty⁺ day and·forty⁺ night
bread I·did·not·eat
and·waters⁺ I·did·not·drink :
and·he·gives Yʜᴡʜ to·me °the·two²·of the·slates⁺·of the·stones⁺
written⁺ in·the·finger·of Powers⁺
and·upon·them as·all·of the·speeches⁺ that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ near·you⁺ in·the·mount from·the·midst·of the·fire in·the·day·of the·congregation :
and·he·is from·end·of forty⁺ day
and·forty⁺ night
he·gave Yʜᴡʜ to·me °the·two²·of the·slates⁺·of the·stones⁺ the·slates⁺·of the·covenant :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me ꜝarise ꜝdescend speeding from·this
as he·ruined your·people
that you·let·go from·Egypts²
they·moved⁺ speeding from the·step that I·commanded·them
they·did⁺ to·them libated·metal :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me saying
I·saw °the·people this
and·¡lo! people hard·of spine he :
ꜝslack·off from·me and·I·destroy·them
and·I·wipe °their·name
from·under the·skies⁺
and·I·do °you
to·clan strongboned and·much from·him :
and·I·face and·I·descend from the·mount
and·the·mount consumed in·the·fire
and·the·two²·of the·slates⁺·of the·covenant
upon the·two²·of my·hands² :
and·I·see and·¡lo! you·sinned⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
you·did⁺ to·you⁺
ox·of libated·metal
you·moved⁺ speeding
from the·step that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °you⁺ :
and·I·clench in·the·two²·of the·slates⁺
from·upon the·two²·of my·hands²
and·I·break·them to·your⁺·eyes² :
and·I·fall to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ as·the·headmost forty⁺ day and·forty⁺ night
bread I·did·not·eat
and·waters⁺ I·did·not·drink
upon all·of your⁺·sin that you·sinned⁺
to·do the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ to·trouble·him :
as I·was·dislodged from·the·face⁺·of the·nostrils and·the·heat
that he·was·angry Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺ to·destroy °you⁺
and·he·hears Yʜᴡʜ to·me
also in·the·time she :
and·in·Aharon he·flared·his·nostrils Yʜᴡʜ very to·destroy·him
and·I·mediate also about Aharon in·the·season she
and·°your⁺·sin that you·did⁺ °the·ox I·took and·I·burn °him in·the·fire
and·I·beat °him grinding doing·good
unto that he·made·thin to·dust
and·I·drop °his·dust
to the·river that·descends from the·mount :
and·in·Consumption and·in·Trial
and·in·Tombs the·Yearning
angering⁺ you·were⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ :
and·when·sending Yʜᴡʜ °you⁺ from·Sanctuary Son-of-Rattle saying
ꜝgo·up⁺ and·ꜝinherit⁺ °the·land
that I·gave to·you⁺
and·you·embitter⁺ °the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and you·were·not·true⁺ to·him
and you·did·not·hear⁺ in·his·voice :
embittering⁺ you·were⁺ near Yʜᴡʜ
from·day my·knowing °you⁺ :
and·I·fall to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ °forty⁺ the·day and·°forty⁺ the·night that I·fell
as he·said Yʜᴡʜ to·destroy °you⁺ :
and·I·mediate to Yʜᴡʜ and·I·say
My·Lord Yʜᴡʜ ꜝdo·not·ruin your·people and·your·derivation
that you·ransomed in·your·greatness
that you·let·go from·Egypts² in·hand firm :
ꜝremember to·your·servants⁺
to·Father-Hi-Hum to·Laugher and·to·Heeler
ꜝdo·not·face to the·hardness·of the·people this
and·to his·wickedness and·to his·sin :
lest they·say⁺ the·land that you·let·us·go from·there
from·no able Yʜᴡʜ
to·bring·them·in to the·land that he·spoke to·them
and·from·his·hatred °them
he·let·them·go to·put·them·to·death in·the·outspeak :
and·they⁺ your·people and·your·derivation
that you·let·go in·your·vigor the·great
and·in·your·arm that·is·branched·out :
in·the·season she he·said Yʜᴡʜ to·me ꜝsculpt to·you two²·of slates⁺·of stones⁺ as·the·headmost⁺
and·ꜝgo·up to·me ➝the·mount
and·you·did to·you ark·of tree :
and·I·write upon the·slates⁺
that they·were⁺ upon the·slates⁺ the·headmost⁺ that you·broke
and·you·placed·them in·the·ark :
and·I·do ark·of trees⁺·of paddlewoods⁺
and·I·sculpt two²·of slates⁺·of stones⁺ as·the·headmost⁺
and·I·go·up ➝the·mount
and·the·two²·of the·slates⁺ in·my·hand :
and·he·writes upon the·slates⁺ as·the·writing the·headmost °the·ten·of the·speeches⁺
that he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺ in·the·mount from·the·midst·of the·fire in·the·day·of the·congregation
and·he·gives·them Yʜᴡʜ to·me :
and·I·face and·I·descend from the·mount
and·I·place °the·slates⁺
in·the·ark that I·did
and·they·are⁺ there
as·how he·commanded·me Yʜᴡʜ :
and·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr they·journeyed⁺ from·Wells Sons⁺·of Aqan Chain
there he·died Aharon and·he·is·entombed there
and·he·is·priest Powr-Helped his·son unders⁺·him :
from·there they·journeyed⁺ ➝the·Cloutclout
and·from ➝the·Cloutclout She-Is-Good
land·of rivers⁺·of waters⁺ :
in·the·season she he·separated Yʜᴡʜ °the·stem·of the·Debtor
to·bear °the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·stand to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ to·assist·him and·to·kneel in·his·name
unto the·day this :
upon surely he·was·not to·Debtorïte dividend and·derivation near his·brothers⁺
Yʜᴡʜ he his·derivation
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·him :
and·I I·stood in·the·mount as·the·days⁺ the·headmost⁺
forty⁺ day
and·forty⁺ night
and·he·hears Yʜᴡʜ to·me also in·the·time she
he·did·not·want Yʜᴡʜ your·ruining :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me
ꜝarise ꜝwalk to·journey to·the·face⁺·of the·people
and·they·enter⁺ and·they·inherit⁺ °the·land
that I·vowed·seven to·their·fathers⁺ to·give to·them :
and·now Princepowr
¿what Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
requesting from·near·you
but rather to·fear °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·walk in·all·of his·steps⁺ and·to·love °him
and·to·serve °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all·of your·heart and·in·all·of your·soul :
to·watch °the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·°his·prescriptions⁺
that I that·commands·you the·day
to·good to·you :
¡lo! to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
the·skies⁺ and·the·skies⁺·of the·skies⁺
the·land and·all that in·her :
only in·your·fathers⁺ he·was·charmed Yʜᴡʜ to·love °them
and·he·chooses in·their·seed after⁺·them in·you⁺ from·all·of the·people⁺ as·the·day this :
and·you·snipped⁺ °the·foreskin·of your⁺·heart
you·do·not·harden⁺ again :
as Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
he Powers⁺·of the·Powers⁺
and·the·lords⁺·of the·lords⁺
the·powr the·great the·hero and·the·fearsome
that he·does·not·bear·up face⁺
and he·does·not·take bribe :
doing judgment·of orphan and·widow
and·loving lodger
to·give to·him bread and·garment :
and·you·loved⁺ °the·lodger
as lodgers⁺ you·were⁺ in·the·land·of Egypts² :
°Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ you·fear °him you·serve
and·in·him you·are·joined
and·in·his·name you·vow·seven :
he your·praise and·he your·Powers⁺
that he·did with·you °the·great⁺ and·°the·fearsome⁺ these
that they·saw⁺ your·eyes² :
in·seventy⁺ soul
they·descended⁺ your·fathers⁺ ➝Egypts²
and·now he·placed·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as·the·stars⁺·of the·skies⁺ to·multitude :
°Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·you·watched his·watch and·his·prescriptions⁺ and·his·judgments⁺ and·his·commandments⁺ all·of the·days⁺ :
and·you·knew⁺ the·day
as not °your⁺·sons⁺ that they·did·not·know⁺ and·that they·did·not·see⁺
°the·instruction·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
°his·greatness °his·hand the·firm
and·his·arm that·is·branched·out :
and·°his·signs⁺ and·°his·deeds⁺
that he·did in·the·midst·of Egypts²
to·Pharaoh the·king·of Egypts² and·to·all·of his·land :
and·that he·did to·the·strength·of Egypts² to·his·horses⁺ and·to·his·chariot that he·topped °the·waters⁺·of the·sea·of Reeds upon their·face⁺
when·they·pursue⁺ after⁺·you⁺
and·he·loses·them Yʜᴡʜ
unto the·day this :
and·that he·did to·you⁺ in·the·outspeak
unto your⁺·entering unto the·rising·place this :
and·that he·did to·Dathan and·to·Father-of-Height the·sons⁺·of Powr-of-Father the·son·of See-Son
that she·widened the·land °her·mouth
and·she·devours·them and·°their·houses⁺ and·°their·tents⁺
and·°all·of the·uprising that in·their·feet²
in·the·impresence·of all·of Princepowr :
as your⁺·eyes² that·see⁺
°all·of the·doing·of Yʜᴡʜ the·great
that he·did :
and·you·watched⁺ °all·of the·commandment
that I that·commands·you the·day
because·of ꜝbe·firm⁺ and·you·entered⁺ and·you·inherited⁺ °the·land
that you⁺ crossers⁺ ➝there to·inherit·her :
and·because·of ꜝprolong⁺ days⁺ upon the·adamah
that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·fathers⁺ to·give to·them and·to·their·seed
land emitting·of fatmilk and·honey :
as the·land that you entering ➝there to·inherit·her
not as·the·land·of Egypts² she
that you·went⁺ from·there
that you·seed °your·seed
and·you·gave·to·drink in·your·foot as·the·guarden·of the·greens :
and·the·land that you⁺ crossers⁺ ➝there to·inherit·her
land·of mounts⁺ and·clefts⁺
to·the·rain·of the·skies⁺ she·drinks waters⁺ :
land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ investigating °her
always the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·her
from·the·headmost·of the·year
and·unto afterward·of year :
and·he·was if hearing you·hear⁺ to my·commandments⁺
that I commanding °you⁺ the·day
to·love °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ and·to·serve·him
in·all·of your⁺·heart and·in·all·of your⁺·soul :
and·I·gave the·rain·of your⁺·land in·his·season torahingrain and·gleaning-rain
and·you·gathered your·grain
and·your·winemust and·your·elixer :
and·I·gave herb in·your·field to·your·beast
and·you·ate and·you·were·satisfied :
ꜝwatch·yourselves⁺ to·you⁺
lest he·beguiles your⁺·heart
and·you·moved⁺ and·you·served⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and·you·prostrated·yourselves⁺ to·them :
and·he·was·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ in·you⁺ and·he·restrained °the·skies⁺ and he·is·not rain
she·does·not·give °her·fruitcourse
and·you·were·lost⁺ speedily from·upon the·land the·good
that Yʜᴡʜ giving to·you⁺ :
and·you·placed⁺ °my·speeches⁺ these
upon your⁺·heart and·upon your⁺·soul
and·you·leagued⁺ °them to·sign upon your⁺·hand
and·they·were⁺ to·tefillin⁺ between your⁺·eyes² :
and·you·discipled⁺ °them °your⁺·sons⁺ to·speak in·them
when·you·settle in·your·house and·when·you·walk in·the·step
and·when·you·bed and·when·you·arise :
and·you·wrote·them upon the·doorposts⁺·of your·house and·in·your·gates⁺ :
because·of ꜝlet·them·multiply⁺ your⁺·days⁺ and·the·days⁺·of your⁺·sons⁺
upon the·adamah
that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·fathers⁺ to·give to·them
as·the·days⁺·of the·skies⁺ upon the·land :
but rather watching you·watch⁺ °all·of the·commandment this that I commanding °you⁺ to·do·her
to·love °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ to·walk in·all·of his·steps⁺ and·to·be·joined in·him :
and·he·disinherited Yʜᴡʜ °all·of the·clans⁺ these from·to·your⁺·face⁺
and·you·inherited⁺ clans⁺
great⁺ and·strongboned⁺ from·you⁺ :
all·of the·rising·place that she·steps·forward the·spoon·of your⁺·foot in·him to·you⁺ he·is
from the·outspeak and·the·Whitemost from the·stream the·stream·of Euphrates and·unto the·sea the·afterward
he·is your⁺·border :
he·does·not·post·himself man in·your⁺·face⁺
your⁺·trembling and·your⁺·fear he·gives Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ upon the·face⁺·of all·of the·land that you·step·forward⁺ in·her
as·how he·spoke to·you⁺ :
ꜝsee I giving to·your⁺·face⁺ the·day
kneeling and·slight :
that you·hear⁺ to the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
that I commanding °you⁺ the·day :
and·the·slight if you·do·not·hear⁺ to the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·you·moved⁺ from the·step
that I commanding °you⁺ the·day
to·walk after⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺ that you·did·not·know⁺ :
and·he·was as he·brings·you·in Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to the·land that you entering ➝there to·inherit·her
and·you·gave °the·kneeling upon the·mount·of Axes⁺
and·°the·slight upon the·mount·of Ebal :
¿not they⁺ in·the·region·across the·Descender after⁺ the·step·of the·entrance·of the·sun
in·the·land·of the·Cashierïte
that·settles in·the·Arabah
the·snip·of the·Rolling
beside the·powrtrees⁺·of Torahingrain :
as you⁺ crossers⁺ °the·Descender
to·enter to·inherit °the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ giving to·you⁺
and·you·inherited⁺ °her and·you·settled⁺ in·her :
and·you·watched⁺ to·do
°all·of the·prescriptions⁺ and·°the·judgments⁺
that I giving to·your⁺·face⁺ the·day :
these the·prescriptions⁺ and·the·judgments⁺ that you·watch⁺ to·do
in·the·land that he·gave Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your·fathers⁺ to·you to·inherit·her
all·of the·days⁺
that you⁺ living⁺ upon the·adamah :
losing you·lose⁺ °all·of the·rising·places⁺ that they·served⁺ there the·clans⁺ that you⁺ heirs⁺ °them °their·Powers⁺
upon the·mounts⁺ the·high⁺ and·upon the·hills⁺
and·under all·of tree thriving :
and·you·wrecked⁺ °their·offering·places⁺ and·you·broke⁺ °their·posts⁺
and·their·Blessed·Ones⁺ you·burn⁺ in·the·fire
and·the·sculptures⁺·of their·Powers⁺ you·hack·down⁺
and·you·lost⁺ °their·name
from the·rising·place he :
you·do·not·do⁺ surely
to·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
but rather to the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ from·all·of your⁺·stems⁺
to·place °his·name there
to·dwell·him you·investigate⁺ and·you·entered ➝there :
and·you·brought·in⁺ ➝there your⁺·upward·offerings⁺ and·your⁺·offerings⁺
and·°the·high·offering·of your⁺·hand
and·your⁺·vows⁺ and·your⁺·noble·offerings⁺
and·the·firstborns⁺·of your⁺·plowcattle and·your⁺·sheep :
and·you·ate⁺ there to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·you·were·glad⁺ in·all·of the·sending·out·of your⁺·hand
you⁺ and·your⁺·houses⁺
that he·knelt·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
as·all that we⁺ doing⁺ ẖere the·day
man all the·straight in·his·eyes² :
as you·did·not·enter⁺ unto now
to the·peaceful·place and·to the·derivation
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you :
and·you·crossed·over⁺ °the·Descender
and·you·settled⁺ in·the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ deriving·for °you⁺
and·he·set·in·peace to·you⁺ from·all·of your⁺·enemies⁺ from·turninground and·you·settled⁺ trust :
and·he·was the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ in·him to·make·to·dwell his·name there
➝there you·bring·in⁺
°all that I commanding °you⁺
your⁺·upward·offerings⁺ and·your⁺·offerings⁺ your⁺·tenth·parts⁺ and·the·high·offering·of your⁺·hand
and·all·of the·choicest·of your⁺·vows⁺
that you·vow⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ :
and·you·were·glad⁺ to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
you⁺ and·your⁺·sons⁺ and·your⁺·daughters⁺
and·your⁺·servants⁺ and·your⁺·amahs⁺
and·the·Debtorïte that in·your⁺·gates⁺
as there·is·ńot to·him dividend and·derivation with·you⁺ :
ꜝwatch·yourself to·you
lest you·offer·up your·upward·offerings⁺
in·all·of rising·place that you·see :
but rather in·the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ in·one·of your·stems⁺
there you·offer·up your·upward·offerings⁺
and·there you·do
all that I that·commands·you :
only in·all·of the·yearning·of your·soul you·offer and·you·ate flesh as·the·kneeling·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ that he·gave to·you in·all·of your·gates⁺
the·defiled and·the·pure he·eats·him
as·the·prettygazelle and·as·the·powrdeer :
only the·blood you·do·not·eat⁺
upon the·land you·spill·out·him as·the·waters⁺ :
you·are·not·able to·eat in·your·gates⁺ the·tenth·part·of your·grain and·your·winemust and·your·elixer
and·the·firstborns⁺·of your·plowcattle and·your·sheep
and·all·of your·vows⁺ that you·vow
and·your·noble·offerings⁺ and·the·high·offering·of your·hand :
but rather to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ you·eat·him in·the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·him
you and·your·son and·your·daughter and·your·servant and·your·amah
and·the·Debtorïte that in·your·gates⁺
and·you·were·glad to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all·of the·sending·out·of your·hand :
ꜝwatch·yourself to·you
lest you·abandon °the·Debtorïte
all·of your·days⁺ upon your·adamah :
as he·broadens Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °your·border as·how he·spoke to·you
and·you·said ꜝlet·me·eat flesh
as she·yearns·for your·soul to·eat flesh
in·all·of the·yearning·of your·soul you·eat flesh :
as he·is·far from·you the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·place his·name there
and·you·offered from·your·plowcattle and·from·your·sheep that he·gave Yʜᴡʜ to·you
as·how I·commanded·you
and·you·ate in·your·gates⁺
in·all·of the·yearning·of your·soul :
surely as·how he·is·eaten °the·prettygazelle and·°the·powrdeer
surely you·eat·him
the·defiled and·the·pure
united he·eats·him :
only ꜝbe·firm to·not eating the·blood
as the·blood he the·soul
and you·do·not·eat the·soul near the·flesh :
upon the·land you·spill·out·him as·the·waters⁺ :
because·of ꜝlet·him·be·good to·you and·to·your·sons⁺ after⁺·you
as you·do the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ :
only your·sanctuaries⁺ that they·are⁺ to·you and·your·vows⁺
you·bear and·you·entered
to the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ :
and·you·did your·upward·offerings⁺ the·flesh and·the·blood
upon the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·the·blood·of your·offerings⁺ he·is·spilled·out upon the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·the·flesh you·eat :
ꜝwatch and·you·heard °all·of the·speeches⁺ these
that I that·commands·you
because·of ꜝlet·him·be·good to·you and·to·your·sons⁺ after⁺·you unto eternity
as you·do the·good and·the·straight
in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
as he·cuts·down Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °the·clans⁺ that you entering ➝there to·inherit °them from·your·face⁺
and·you·inherited °them
and·you·settled in·their·land :
ꜝwatch·yourself to·you lest you·are·ensnared after⁺·them
after⁺ their·being·destroyed from·your·face⁺
and·lest you·investigate to·their·Powers⁺ saying ¿ħow they·serve⁺ the·clans⁺ these °their·Powers⁺
and·I·do surely also I :
you·do·not·do surely
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as all·of the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ that he·hated they·did⁺ to·their·Powers⁺
as also °their·sons⁺ and·°their·daughters⁺
they·burn⁺ in·the·fire to·their·Powers⁺ :
°all·of the·speech that I commanding °you⁺
°him you·watch⁺ to·do
ꜝdo·not·add upon·him
and you·do·not·diminish from·him :
as he·arises in·your·impresence prophet
or dreaming·of dream
and·he·gave to·you sign or omen :
and·he·entered the·sign and·the·omen
that he·spoke to·you saying
ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ after⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺ that you·did·not·know·them and·we·are·put·to·service·of⁺·them :
you·do·not·hear to the·speeches⁺·of the·prophet he
or to the·dreaming·of the·dream he
as trying·out Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ °you⁺
to·know ¿you·are⁺ loving⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
in·all·of your⁺·heart and·in·all·of your⁺·soul :
after⁺ Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ you·walk⁺ and·°him you·fear⁺
and·°his·commandments⁺ you·watch⁺ and·in·his·voice you·hear⁺
and·°him you·serve⁺ and·in·him you·are·joined⁺ :
and·the·prophet he or the·dreaming·of the·dream he he·is·put·to·death as he·spoke mutiny upon Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ that·lets·go °you⁺ from·the·land·of Egypts² and·that·ransoms·you from·house·of servants⁺
to·banish·you from the·step
that he·commanded·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·walk in·her
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·your·impresence :
as he·coaxes·you your·brother the·son·of your·mama or your·son or your·daughter or the·woman·of your·bosom or your·tendent that as·your·soul in·the·hiddenness saying
ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·serve⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
that you·did·not·know
you and·your·fathers⁺ :
from·Powers⁺·of the·people⁺ that turninground⁺·you⁺
the·present⁺ to·you
or the·afar⁺ from·you
from·the·end·of the·land and·unto the·end·of the·land :
you·do·not·want to·him
and you·do·not·hear to·him
and she·does·not·spare your·eye upon·him
and you·do·not·pity and you·do·not·cover upon·him :
as killing you·kill·him
your·hand she·is in·him in·the·headmost to·put·him·to·death
and·the·hand·of all·of the·people in·the·afterward :
and·you·lapidated·him in·the·stones⁺ and·he·died
as he·sought to·banish·you from·upon Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
that·lets·you·go from·the·land·of Egypts² from·house·of servants⁺ :
and·all·of Princepowr
they·hear⁺ and·they·fear⁺
and they·do·not·add⁺ to·do as·the·speech the·bad this in·your·impresence :
as you·hear in·one·of your·cities⁺ that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you to·settle there saying :
they·went⁺ mortals⁺ sons⁺·of no-benefit from·your·impresence
and·they·banish⁺ °the·settling⁺·of their·city saying
ꜝlet·us·walk⁺ and·ꜝlet·us·serve⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺ that you·did·not·know⁺ :
and·you·investigated and·you·examined and·you·requested doing·good
and·¡lo! truth assured the·speech
she·was·done the·abomination this in·your·impresence :
striking you·strike °the·settling⁺·of the·city she to·mouth·of sword
making·herem °her and·°all that in·her and·°her·beast to·mouth·of sword :
and·°all·of her·plunder you·collect to the·midst·of her·broadway
and·you·burned in·the·fire °the·city and·°all·of her·plunder all-all
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·she·was tel·of eternity
she·is·not·built again :
and he·is·not·joined in·your·hand smidge from the·herem
because·of ꜝlet·him·return Yʜᴡʜ from·the·scorching·of his·nostrils and·he·gave to·you wombliness⁺ and·he·enwombed·you and·he·multiplied·you
as·how he·vowed·seven to·your·fathers⁺ :
as you·hear in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·watch °all·of his·commandments⁺
that I that·commands·you the·day
to·do the·straight
in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
sons⁺ you⁺
to·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
you·do·not·clout·yourselves⁺ and you·do·not·place⁺ baldness between your⁺·eyes² to·dead :
as people sacred you
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·in·you he·chose Yʜᴡʜ to·be to·him to·people·of dearest
from·all·of the·people⁺
that upon the·face⁺·of the·adamah :
you·do·not·eat all·of abomination :
this the·beast that you·eat⁺
bull ovine·of lambs⁺ and·ovine·of mightygoats⁺ :
powrdeer and·prettygazelle and·donkey
and·√goat and·thresher and·tauantelope and·prunee :
and·all·of beast clawed·of claw and·creviced·of creviced·of two²·of claws⁺
offering·up·of chaw in·the·beast
°her you·eat⁺ :
surely °this you·do·not·eat⁺ from·the·offering·up⁺·of the·chaw
and·from·the·clawed⁺·of the·claw the·creviced
°the·camel and·°the·hare and·°the·rabbit as offering·up·of chaw they⁺ and·claw they·were·not·clawed⁺
defiled⁺ they⁺ to·you⁺ :
and·°the·swine as clawed·of claw he and·not chaw
defiled he to·you⁺
from·their·flesh you·do·not·eat⁺
and·in·their·wilted·body you·do·not·touch⁺ :
°this you·eat⁺
from·all that in·the·waters⁺
all that to·him fin and·scale you·eat⁺ :
and·all that there·is·ńot to·him fin and·scale you·do·not·eat⁺
defiled he to·you⁺ :
all·of skippingbird pure you·eat⁺ :
and·this that you·do·not·eat⁺ from·them
the·eagle and·the·clawbird and·the·mightybird :
and·the·seer and·°the·hawk
and·the·soarer to·her·nature :
and·°all·of eveningbird to·his·nature :
and·°the·daughter·of the·responderbird
and·°the·violentbird and·°the·emaciationbird
and·°the·flowerbird to·his·nature :
°the·cupowl and·°the·breezer and·the·gasper :
and·the·vomitbird and·°➝the·wombbird and·°the·droppingbird :
and·the·nostrilbird to·her·nature
and·the·dukypat and·the·bat :
and·all·of the·crawler·of the·flyer
defiled he to·you⁺
they·are·not·eaten⁺ :
all·of flyer pure you·eat⁺ :
you·do·not·eat⁺ all·of wilted·body to·the·lodger that in·your·gates⁺ you·give·her and·he·ate·her or selling to·unrecognized
as people sacred you
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
you·do·not·cook kid in·the·fatmilk·of his·mama :
giving·a·tenth you·give·a·tenth
°all·of the·inbringing·of your·seed
that·goes the·field year year :
and·you·ate to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·the·rising·place that he·chooses to·make·to·dwell his·name there
the·tenth·part·of your·grain your·winemust and·your·elixer
and·the·firstborns⁺·of your·plowcattle and·your·sheep
because·of ꜝbe·discipled to·fear °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ all·of the·days⁺ :
and·as he·multiplies from·you the·step as you·are·not·able his·bearing
as he·is·far from·you the·rising·place
that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·place his·name there
as he·kneels·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·you·gave in·the·silver
and·you·rocked·up the·silver in·your·hand
and·you·walked to the·rising·place
that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·him :
and·you·gave the·silver in·all that she·yearns·for your·soul in·the·plowcattle and·in·the·sheep and·in·the·wine and·in·the·strong·drink
and·in·all that she·requests·you your·soul
and·you·ate there to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·you·were·glad you and·your·house :
and·the·Debtorïte that in·your·gates⁺ you·do·not·abandon·him
as there·is·ńot to·him dividend and·derivation near·you :
from·end·of three years⁺ you·let·go °all·of the·tenth·part·of your·inbringing
in·the·year she
and·you·set·in·peace in·your·gates⁺ :
and·he·entered the·Debtorïte as there·is·ńot to·him dividend and·derivation near·you and·the·lodger and·the·orphan and·the·widow that in·your·gates⁺
and·they·ate⁺ and·they·were·satisfied⁺
because·of ꜝlet·him·kneel·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all·of the·doing·of your·hand that you·do :
from·end·of seven years⁺ you·do release :
and·this the·speech·of the·release
releasing all·of master the·fraud·of his·hand
that he·goes·to·defraud in·his·tendent
he·does·not·bully °his·tendent and·°his·brother
as he·called release to·Yʜᴡʜ :
°the·unrecognized you·bully
and·that he·is to·you with your·brother ꜝlet·her·release your·hand :
limit·of as he·is·not in·you wanting
as kneeling he·kneels·you Yʜᴡʜ
in·the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you derivation to·inherit·her :
only if hearing you·hear
in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·watch to·do °all·of the·commandment this
that I that·commands·you the·day :
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ he·knelt·you
as·how he·spoke to·you
and·you·took·pawn·from clans⁺ many⁺ and·you you·do·not·pawn
and·you·ruled in·clans⁺ many⁺
and·in·you they·do·not·rule⁺ :
as he·is in·you wanting from·one·of your·brothers⁺ in·one·of your·gates⁺
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you
you·do·not·embolden °your·heart and you·do·not·stop·up °your·hand
from·your·brother the·wanting :
as opening you·open °your·hand to·him
and·taking·pawn·from you·take·pawn·from·him
enough·of his·lack
that he·is·lacking to·him :
ꜝwatch·yourself to·you lest he·is speech near your·heart no-benefit saying she·was·present the·year·of the·seven the·year·of the·release
and·she·was·bad your·eye in·your·brother the·wanting
and you·do·not·give to·him
and·he·called upon·you to Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·was in·you sin :
giving you·give to·him
and he·is·not·bad your·heart when·you·give to·him
as in·the·roll-account·of the·speech this he·kneels·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all·of your·doing
and·in·all·of the·sending·out·of your·hand :
as he·does·not·cease wanting from·the·impresence·of the·land
upon surely I that·commands·you saying
opening you·open °your·hand to·your·brother to·your·humiliated and·to·your·wanting in·your·land :
as he·is·sold to·you your·brother the·Acrossïte or the·Acrossïte
and·he·served·you six·of years⁺
and·in·the·year the·seventh
you·send·him·out free from·near·you :
and·as you·send·him·out free from·near·you
you·do·not·send·him·out empty :
giving·as·a·pendant you·give·as·a·pendant to·him
and·from·your·threshingfloor and·from·your·vat
that he·knelt·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ you·give to·him :
and·you·remembered as servant you·were in·the·land·of Egypts²
and·he·ransoms·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
upon surely I that·commands·you °the·speech this the·day :
and·he·was as he·says to·you
I·do·not·go from·near·you
as he·loved·you and·°your·house
as he·was·good to·him near·you :
and·you·took °the·awl and·you·gave in·his·ear and·in·the·pulldoor
and·he·was to·you servant·of eternity
and·¡yes! to·your·amah you·do surely :
he·is·not·hard in·your·eyes² when·you·send·out °him free from·near·you
as second hire·of hireling
he·served·you six·of years⁺
and·he·knelt·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all that you·do :
all·of the·firstborn that he·is·enchilded in·your·plowcattle and·in·your·sheep the·membered
you·make·sacred to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
you·do·not·serve in·the·firstborn·of your·bull
and you·do·not·shear the·firstborn·of your·sheep :
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ you·eat·him year in·year
in·the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ
you and·your·house :
and·as he·is in·him smudge hobbling or blind
all·of smudge bad
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
in·your·gates⁺ you·eat·him
the·defiled and·the·pure united
as·the·prettygazelle and·as·the·powrdeer :
only °his·blood you·do·not·eat
upon the·land you·spill·out·him as·the·waters⁺ :
watching °the·new·moon·of the·April
and·you·did Hopover
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as in·the·new·moon·of the·April he·let·you·go Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ from·Egypts² night :
and·you·offered Hopover to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ sheep and·plowcattle
in·the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ
to·make·to·dwell his·name there :
you·do·not·eat upon·him sourdough
seven·of days⁺ you·eat upon·him matzahs⁺ bread·of humiliation
as in·alarm you·went from·the·land·of Egypts²
because·of ꜝremember
°the·day·of your·going from·the·land·of Egypts²
all·of the·days⁺·of your·life⁺ :
and he·is·not·seen to·you vivayeast in·all·of your·border seven·of days⁺
and he·does·not·repose from the·flesh that you·offer in·the·evening in·the·day the·headmost to·the·dayplow :
you·are·not·able to·offer °the·Hopover
in·one·of your·gates⁺
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you :
but rather to the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·make·to·dwell his·name
there you·offer °the·Hopover in·the·evening
as·entering the·sun
the·assembly·time·of your·going from·Egypts² :
and·you·cooked and·you·ate
in·the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·him
and·you·faced in·the·dayplow
and·you·walked to·your·tents⁺ :
six·of days⁺ you·eat matzahs⁺
and·in·the·day the·seventh constrained-assembly to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
you·do·not·do ministry :
seven sevendays⁺ you·count to·you
from·piercing heremsickle in·the·risen·grain
you·pierce to·count
seven sevendays⁺ :
and·you·did the·feast·of Sevendays⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
the·dampness·of the·noble·offering·of your·hand that you·give
as·how he·kneels·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·you·were·glad to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ you and·your·son and·your·daughter and·your·servant and·your·amah
and·the·Debtorïte that in·your·gates⁺
and·the·lodger and·the·orphan and·the·widow that in·your·impresence
in·the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·make·to·dwell his·name there :
as servant you·were in·Egypts²
and·you·watched and·you·did
°the·prescriptions⁺ these :
the·feast·of the·knit·shelters⁺ you·do to·you seven·of days⁺
from·your·threshingfloor and·from·your·vat :
and·you·were·glad in·your·feast
you and·your·son and·your·daughter and·your·servant and·your·amah
and·the·Debtorïte and·the·lodger and·the·orphan and·the·widow that in·your·gates⁺ :
seven·of days⁺ you·feast to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ
as he·kneels·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·all·of your·inbringing and·in·all·of the·doing·of your·hands²
and·you·were surely glad :
three times⁺ in·the·year he·is·seen all·of your·membered with the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·the·rising·place that he·chooses
in·the·feast·of the·matzahs⁺ and·in·the·feast·of the·Sevendays⁺ and·in·the·feast·of the·knit·shelters⁺
and he·is·not·seen with the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ empty :
man as·the·gift·of his·hand
as·the·kneeling·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ that he·gave to·you :
judges⁺ and·officers⁺ you·give to·you in·all·of your·gates⁺
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you to·your·stems⁺
and·they·judged⁺ °the·people judgment·of justice :
you·do·not·branch·out judgment
you·do·not·recognize face⁺
and you·do·not·take bribe
as the·bribe he·blinds eyes²·of wise⁺
and·he·twists speeches⁺·of just⁺ :
justice justice you·pursue
because·of ꜝlive and·you·inherited °the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you :
you·do·not·plant to·you Blessed·One all·of tree
beside the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ that you·do to·you :
and you·do·not·raise to·you post
that he·hated Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
you·do·not·offer to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ bull and·ovine that he·is in·him smudge
all·of speech bad
as the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ he :
as he·is·found in·your·impresence in·one·of your·gates⁺
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you
man or woman that he·does °the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·cross·over his·covenant :
and·he·walks and·he·serves Powers⁺ after⁺
and·he·prostrates·himself to·them
and·to·the·sun or to·the·moon or to·all·of the·host·of the·skies⁺ that I·did·not·command :
and·he·was·told·forth to·you and·you·heard
and·you·investigated doing·good
and·¡lo! truth assured the·speech
she·was·done the·abomination this in·Princepowr :
and·you·let·go °the·man he or °the·woman she that they·did⁺ °the·speech the·bad this to your·gates⁺
°the·man or °the·woman
and·you·lapidated·them in·the·stones⁺ and·they·died⁺ :
upon mouth·of two² witnesses⁺ or three witnesses⁺ he·is·put·to·death the·dead
upon mouth·of witness one :
the·hand·of the·witnesses⁺ she·is in·him in·the·headmost to·put·him·to·death
and·the·hand·of all·of the·people in·the·afterward
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·your·impresence :
as he·is·too·wonderful from·you speech to·the·judgment between blood to·blood between vindication to·vindication and·between touch to·touch
speeches⁺·of arguments⁺ in·your·gates⁺
and·you·arose and·you·went·up
to the·rising·place
that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·him :
and·you·entered to the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺
and·to the·judge
that he·is in·the·days⁺ they⁺
and·you·investigated and·they·told·forth⁺ to·you
°the·speech·of the·judgment :
and·you·did upon the·mouth·of the·speech that they·tell·forth⁺ to·you
from the·rising·place he
that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ
and·you·watched to·do
as·all that they·torah⁺·you :
upon the·mouth·of the·torah that they·torah⁺·you and·upon the·judgment that they·say⁺ to·you you·do
you·do·not·move from the·speech that they·tell·forth⁺ to·you right and·left :
and·the·man that he·does in·overboiling to·not hearing to the·priest that·stands to·assist there °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
or to the·judge
and·he·died the·man he
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·Princepowr :
and·all·of the·people they·hear⁺ and·they·fear⁺
and they·do·not·boil·up⁺ again :
as you·enter to the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you
and·you·inherited·her and·you·settled in·her
and·you·said ꜝlet·me·place upon·me king
as·all·of the·clans⁺ that turninground⁺·me :
placing you·place upon·you king
that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·him
from·the·impresence·of your·brothers⁺ you·place upon·you king
you·are·not·able to·give upon·you man unrecognized
that not your·brother he :
only he·does·not·multiply to·him horses⁺
and he·does·not·return °the·people ➝Egypts²
because·of multiplying horse
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·said to·you⁺
you·do·not·add⁺ to·return in·the·step this again :
and he·does·not·multiply to·him women⁺
and he·does·not·move his·heart
and·silver and·gold
he·does·not·multiply to·him very :
and·he·was as·he·settles
upon the·throne·of his·kingdom
and·he·wrote to·him °the·second·of the·torah this upon account
from·to·the·face⁺·of the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ :
and·she·was near·him
and·he·called in·him all·of the·days⁺·of his·life⁺
because·of ꜝlet·him·be·discipled to·fear °Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
to·watch °all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this and·°the·prescriptions⁺ these to·do·them :
to·not high his·heart from·his·brothers⁺
and·to·not moving from the·commandment right and·left
because·of ꜝlet·him·prolong days⁺ upon his·kingdom he and·his·sons⁺ in·the·impresence·of Princepowr :
he·is·not to·the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ all·of the·stem·of Debtor dividend and·derivation near Princepowr
the·fire-offerings⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ and·his·derivation they·eat⁺ :
and·derivation he·is·not to·him in·the·impresence·of his·brothers⁺
Yʜᴡʜ he his·derivation
as·how he·spoke to·him :
and·this he·is the·judgment·of the·priests⁺ from·with the·people from·with the·offering⁺·of the·offering if bull if ovine
and·he·gave to·the·priest
the·arm and·the·cheeks² and·the·stomach :
the·headmost·of your·grain your·winemust and·your·elixer and·the·headmost·of the·shearing·of your·sheep you·give to·him :
as in·him he·chose Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ from·all·of your·stems⁺
to·stand to·assist in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ he and·his·sons⁺ all·of the·days⁺ :
and·as he·enters the·Debtorïte from·one·of your·gates⁺ from·all·of Princepowr
that he lodger there
and·he·entered in·all·of the·yearning·of his·soul
to the·rising·place that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·assisted in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ his·Powers⁺
as·all·of his·brothers⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺
that·stand⁺ there to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ :
dividend as·dividend they·eat⁺
aloneside his·sales⁺ upon the·fathers⁺ :
as you entering to the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you
you·are·not·discipled to·do
as·the·abominations⁺·of the·clans⁺ they⁺ :
he·is·not·found in·you
making·cross·by his·son and·his·daughter in·the·fire
divining divinations⁺
cloud·reader and·reading·copper and·sorcerer :
and·allied alliance
and·requesting ghost and·spiritknower
and·investigating to the·dead⁺ :
as the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ all doing·of these
and·in·the·roll-account·of the·abominations⁺ these
Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
disinheriting °them from·your·face⁺ :
complete you·are
near Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
as the·clans⁺ these that you heir °them
to cloud·readers⁺ and·to divining⁺ they·hear⁺
and·you not surely
he·gave to·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
prophet from·your·impresence from·your·brothers⁺ as·me
he·raises to·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·him you·hear⁺ :
as·all that you·requested from·near Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·Withered
in·the·day·of the·congregation saying
I·do·not·add to·hear °the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
and·°the·fire the·great this I·do·not·see again and I·do·not·die :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·me
they·did·good⁺ that they·spoke⁺ :
prophet I·raise to·them from·the·impresence·of their·brothers⁺ as·you
and·I·gave my·speeches⁺ in·his·mouth
and·he·spoke to·them
°all that I·command·him :
and·he·was the·man that he·does·not·hear to my·speeches⁺
that he·speaks in·my·name
I I·investigate from·near·him :
surely the·prophet that he·boils·up to·speak speech in·my·name °that I·did·not·command·him to·speak
and·that he·speaks
in·the·name·of Powers⁺ after⁺
and·he·died the·prophet he :
and·as you·say in·your·heart
¿ħow we·know⁺ °the·speech
that he·did·not·speak·him Yʜᴡʜ :
that he·speaks the·prophet in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ and he·is·not the·speech and he·does·not·enter
he the·speech
that he·did·not·speak·him Yʜᴡʜ
in·overboiling he·spoke·him the·prophet
you·are·not·dislodged from·him :
as he·cuts·down Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °the·clans⁺
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you °their·land
and·you·inherited·them and·you·settled in·their·cities⁺ and·in·their·houses⁺ :
three cities⁺ you·separate to·you
in·the·midst·of your·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you to·inherit·her :
you·make·sure to·you the·step
and·you·made·three °the·border·of your·land
that he·derives·for·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·he·was to·flee ➝there all·of murderer :
and·this the·speech·of the·murderer
that he·flees ➝there and·he·lived
that he·strikes °his·tendent in·no knowledge
and·he not hating to·him from·recent threeday :
and·that he·enters with his·tendent in·the·forest to·hew trees⁺
and·she·was·banished his·hand in·the·axe to·cut·down the·tree
and·he·plundered·off the·iron from the·treestick
and·he·found °his·tendent and·he·died
he he·flees to one·of the·cities⁺ these and·he·lived :
lest he·pursues the·goel·of the·blood after⁺ the·murderer as he·has·heat his·heart
and·he·caught·him as he·multiplies the·step and·he·struck·him soul
and·to·him there·is·ńot judgment·of death
as not hating he to·him from·recent threeday :
upon surely I that·commands·you saying
three cities⁺ you·separate to·you :
and·if he·broadens Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °your·border
as·how he·vowed·seven to·your·fathers⁺
and·he·gave to·you °all·of the·land
that he·spoke to·give to·your·fathers⁺ :
as you·watch °all·of the·commandment this to·do·her that I that·commands·you the·day
to·love °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ and·to·walk in·his·steps⁺ all·of the·days⁺
and·you·added to·you again three cities⁺
upon the·three these :
and he·is·not·spilled blood innocent
in·the·impresence·of your·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you derivation
and·he·was upon·you bloods⁺ :
and·as he·is man hating to·his·tendent
and·he·ambushed to·him and·he·arose upon·him
and·he·struck·him soul and·he·died
and·he·fled to one·of the·cities⁺ these :
and·they·sent⁺ the·elders⁺·of his·city
and·they·took⁺ °him from·there
and·they·gave⁺ °him in·the·hand·of the·goel·of the·blood and·he·died :
she·does·not·spare your·eye upon·him
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·blood·of the·innocent from·Princepowr and·he·was·good to·you :
you·do·not·skim the·border·of your·tendent
that they·bordered⁺ headmost⁺
in·your·derivation that you·derive
in·the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you to·inherit·her :
he·does·not·arise witness one in·man to·all·of guilt and·to·all·of sin
in·all·of sin that he·sins
upon mouth·of two²·of witnesses⁺ or upon mouth·of three witnesses⁺ he·arises speech :
as he·arises witness·of violence in·man
to·respond in·him mutiny :
and·they·stood⁺ the·two²·of the·mortals⁺ that to·them the·argument to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·the·face⁺·of the·priests⁺ and·the·judges⁺
that they·are⁺ in·the·days⁺ they⁺ :
and·they·investigated⁺ the·judges⁺ doing·good
and·¡lo! witness·of falsehood the·witness
falsehood he·responded in·his·brother :
and·you·did⁺ to·him
as·how he·determined·evil to·do to·his·brother
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·your·impresence :
and·the·survivors⁺ they·hear⁺ and·they·fear⁺
and they·do·not·add⁺ to·do again as·the·speech the·bad this in·your·impresence :
and she·does·not·spare your·eye
soul in·soul eye in·eye tooth in·tooth
hand in·hand foot in·foot :
as you·go to·the·battle upon your·enemies⁺ and·you·saw horse and·chariot people much from·you
you·do·not·fear from·them
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ near·you
that·offers·you·up from·the·land·of Egypts² :
and·he·was as·you·are·present⁺ to the·battle
and·he·approached the·priest and·he·spoke to the·people :
and·he·said to·them ꜝhear Princepowr
you⁺ presenting·themselves⁺ the·day to·the·battle upon your⁺·enemies⁺
ꜝlet·him·not·be·soft your⁺·heart ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ and ꜝdo·not·be·alarmed⁺ and ꜝdo·not·awe⁺ from·their·face⁺ :
as Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
that·walks near·you⁺
to·battle to·you⁺ near your⁺·enemies⁺ to·save °you⁺ :
and·they·spoke⁺ the·officers⁺ to the·people saying
¿who the·man that he·built house new and he·did·not·dedicate·him
he·walks and·ꜝlet·him·return to·his·house
lest he·dies in·the·battle
and·man after he·dedicates·him :
and·¿who the·man that he·planted orchard and he·did·not·pierce·him
he·walks and·ꜝlet·him·return to·his·house
lest he·dies in·the·battle
and·man after he·pierces·him :
and·¿who the·man that he·betrothed woman and he·did·not·take·her
he·walks and·ꜝlet·him·return to·his·house
lest he·dies in·the·battle
and·man after he·takes·her :
and·they·added⁺ the·officers⁺ to·speak to the·people
and·they·said⁺ ¿who the·man the·fearful and·the·soft·of the·heart
he·walks and·ꜝlet·him·return to·his·house
and he·is·not·dampened °the·heart·of his·brothers⁺ as·his·heart :
and·he·was as·all·done the·officers⁺ to·speak to the·people
and·they·reckoned⁺ princes⁺·of hosts⁺ in·the·head·of the·people :
as you·are·present to city
to·battle upon·her
and·you·called to·her to·shalom :
and·he·was if shalom she·responds·you
and·she·opened to·you
and·he·was all·of the·people that·is·found in·her they·are⁺ to·you to·levy and·they·served⁺·you :
and·if she·does·not·make·shalom near·you
and·she·did near·you battle
and·you·rocked·up upon·her :
and·he·gave·her Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·your·hand
and·you·struck °all·of her·membered to·mouth·of sword :
only the·women⁺ and·the·toddlers and·the·beast and·all that he·is in·the·city all·of her·plunder you·spoil to·you
and·you·ate °the·plunder·of your·enemies⁺
that he·gave Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·you :
surely you·do to·all·of the·cities⁺
the·afar⁺ from·you very
that not from·the·cities⁺·of the·clans⁺ these they⁺ :
only from·the·cities⁺·of the·people⁺ these
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you derivation
you·do·not·keep·alive all·of gasp :
as making·herem you·make·them·herem the·Castdownïte and·the·Amurruïte the·Cashierïte and·the·Villageïte
the·Liveïte and·the·Troddenïte
as·how he·commanded·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
because·of that they·do·not·disciple⁺ °you⁺ to·do
as·all·of their·abominations⁺
that they·did⁺ to·their·Powers⁺
and·you·sinned⁺ to·Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
as you·rock·up to city days⁺ many⁺ to·battle upon·her to·clench·her you·do·not·ruin °her·tree to·banish upon·him axe
as from·him you·eat
and·°him you·do·not·cut·down
as the·adam the·tree·of the·field
to·enter from·your·face⁺ in·the·rocked·up·place :
only tree that you·know as not tree·of edibles he
°him you·ruin and·you·cut·down
and·you·built rocked·up·place upon the·city that she doing near·you battle unto her·descending :
as he·is·found pierced in·the·adamah that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you to·inherit·her
falling in·the·field
he·was·not·known ¿who he·struck·him :
and·they·went⁺ your·elders⁺ and·your·judges⁺
and·they·measured⁺ to the·cities⁺
that turninground⁺ the·pierced :
and·he·was the·city
the·present to the·pierced
and·they·took⁺ the·elders⁺·of the·city she ox·of plowcattle that he·was·not·made·to·service in·her
that she·did·not·draw·out in·harness :
and·they·made·descend⁺ the·elders⁺·of the·city she °the·ox to river rugged
that he·is·not·served in·him and he·is·not·seeded
and·they·broke·the·spine·of⁺ there °the·ox in·the·river :
and·they·approached⁺ the·priests⁺ the·sons⁺·of Debtor
as in·them he·chose Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·assist·him
and·to·kneel in·the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·upon their·mouth he·is all·of argument and·all·of touch :
and·all·of the·elders⁺·of the·city she
the·present⁺ to the·pierced
they·bathe⁺ °their·hands²
upon the·ox that·is·broken·the·spine·of in·the·river :
and·they·responded⁺ and·they·said⁺
our·hands² they·did·not·spill⁺ °the·blood this
and·our·eyes² they·did·not·see⁺ :
ꜝatone to·your·people Princepowr that you·ransomed Yʜᴡʜ
and ꜝdo·not·give blood innocent
in·the·impresence·of your·people Princepowr
and·he·was·atoned to·them the·blood :
and·you you·consume·by·fire the·blood the·innocent from·your·impresence
as you·do the·straight in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ :
as you·go to·the·battle upon your·enemies⁺
and·he·gave·him Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·your·hand and·you·captured his·captivity :
and·you·saw in·the·capture
woman·of beautiful·of figure
and·you·were·charmed in·her
and·you·took to·you to·woman :
and·you·brought·her·in to the·midst·of your·house
and·she·shaved °her·head
and·she·did °her·skipnails⁺ :
and·she·removed °the·garment·of her·captivity from·upon·her and·she·settled in·your·house
and·she·wept °her·father and·°her·mama month·of days⁺
and·after surely you·enter to·her and·you·mastered·her
and·she·was to·you to·woman :
and·he·was if you·were·not·pleased in·her and·you·sent·her·out to·her·soul
and·selling you·do·not·sell·her in·the·silver
you·do·not·make·a·sheaf·for·yourself in·her
under that you·humiliated·her :
as they·are⁺ to·man two²·of women⁺ one loved and·one hated
and·they·enchilded⁺ to·him sons⁺
that·is·loved and·that·is·hated
and·he·was the·son the·firstborn to·the·hated :
and·he·was in·day his·deriving·for °his·sons⁺
°that he·is to·him
he·is·not·able to·make·firstborn °the·son·of that·is·loved
upon the·face⁺·of the·son·of that·is·hated the·firstborn :
as °the·firstborn the·son·of that·is·hated he·recognizes to·give to·him mouth·of two²
in·all that he·is·found to·him
as he the·headmost·of his·vitality
to·him the·judgment·of the·firstbornness :
as he·is to·man son defiant and·bitter
he·is·ńot hearing
in·the·voice·of his·father and·in·the·voice·of his·mama
and·they·instructed⁺ °him
and he·does·not·hear to·them :
and·they·clenched⁺ in·him his·father and·his·mama
and·they·let·go⁺ °him to the·elders⁺·of his·city and·to the·gate·of his·rising·place :
and·they·said⁺ to the·elders⁺·of his·city our·son this defiant and·bitter
he·is·ńot hearing in·our·voice
letting·loose and·boozer :
and·they·executed⁺·him all·of the·mortals⁺·of his·city in·the·stones⁺ and·he·died
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·your·impresence
and·all·of Princepowr they·hear⁺ and·they·fear⁺ :
and·as he·is in·man sin·of judgment·of death and·he·was·put·to·death
and·you·hanged °him upon tree :
she·does·not·repose his·wilted·body upon the·tree as entombing you·entomb·him in·the·day he
as the·slight·of Powers⁺ hanged
and you·do·not·defile °your·adamah
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you derivation :
you·do·not·see °the·bull·of your·brother or °his·ovine banished⁺
and·you·hooded·yourself from·them
returning you·return·them to·your·brother :
and·if not present your·brother to·you and you·did·not·know·him
and·you·gathered·him to the·midst·of your·house
and·he·was near·you unto investigating your·brother °him
and·you·returned·him to·him :
and·surely you·do to·his·donkey and·surely you·do to·his·garment
and·surely you·do to·all·of the·lost·thing·of your·brother that she·is·lost from·him and·you·found·her
you·are·not·able to·hood·oneself :
you·do·not·see °the·donkey·of your·brother or his·bull falling⁺ in·the·step
and·you·hooded·yourself from·them
raising you·raise near·him :
he·is·not thing·of hero upon woman
and he·is·not·robed·in hero garment·of woman
as the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ all doing·of these :
as he·is·called·upon nest·of skippingbird to·your·face⁺ in·the·step in·all·of tree or upon the·land young·buds⁺ or eggs⁺
and·the·mama lying·down upon the·young·buds⁺
or upon the·eggs⁺
you·do·not·take the·mama upon the·sons⁺ :
sending·out you·send·out °the·mama
and·°the·sons⁺ you·take to·you
because·of ꜝlet·him·be·good to·you
and·you·prolonged days⁺ :
as you·build house new
and·you·did parapet to·your·roof
and you·do·not·place bloods⁺ in·your·house
as he·falls that·falls from·him :
you·do·not·seed your·orchard two·things²
lest she·is·sanctified the·fullness the·seed that you·seed
and·the·inbringing·of the·orchard :
you·do·not·craft in·bull and·in·donkey united :
you·are·not·robed·in scratchnez
wool and·flaxes⁺ united :
great·ropes⁺ you·do to·you
upon the·four·of the·wings⁺·of your·covering that you·cover in·her :
as he·takes man woman
and·he·entered to·her and·he·hated·her :
and·he·placed to·her exploits⁺·of speeches⁺
and·he·let·go upon·her name bad
and·he·said °the·woman this I·took
and·I·am·present to·her
and I·did·not·find to·her virginity⁺ :
and·he·took the·father·of the·youth and·her·mama
and·they·let·go⁺ °the·virginity⁺·of the·youth to the·elders⁺·of the·city ➝the·gate :
and·he·said the·father·of the·youth to the·elders⁺
°my·daughter I·gave to·the·man this to·woman and·he·hates·her :
and·¡lo! he he·placed exploits⁺·of speeches⁺ saying I·did·not·find to·your·daughter virginity⁺
and·these the·virginity⁺·of my·daughter
and·they·stretched⁺ the·garment
to·the·face⁺·of the·elders⁺·of the·city :
and·they·took⁺ the·elders⁺·of the·city she °the·man
and·they·instructed⁺ °him :
and·they·fined⁺ °him hundred silver and·they·gave⁺ to·the·father·of the·youth
as he·let·go name bad
upon the·virgin·of Princepowr
and·to·him she·is to·woman
he·is·not·able to·send·her·out all·of his·days⁺ :
and·if truth he·was
the·speech this
they·were·not·found⁺ virginity⁺ to·the·youth :
and·they·let·go⁺ °the·youth to the·opening·of the·house·of her·father and·they·lapidated⁺·her the·mortals⁺·of her·city in·the·stones⁺ and·she·died
as she·did wiltedness in·Princepowr
to·fornicate the·house·of her·father
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·your·impresence :
as he·is·found man bedding near woman mastered·of master and·they·died⁺ also the·two²·of·them
the·man that·beds near the·woman and·the·woman
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·Princepowr :
as he·is youth virgin
betrothed to·man
and·he·found·her man in·the·city and·he·bedded near·her :
and·you·let·go⁺ °the·two²·of·them to the·gate·of the·city she and·you·lapidated⁺ °them in·the·stones⁺ and·they·died⁺
°the·youth upon speech·of that she·did·not·cry in·the·city
upon speech·of that he·humiliated °the·woman·of his·tendent
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·your·impresence :
and·if in·the·field he·finds the·man °the·youth that·is·betrothed
and·he·grasped·firmly in·her the·man and·he·bedded near·her
and·he·died the·man that he·bedded near·her alone·him :
and·to·the·youth you·do·not·do speech
there·is·ńot to·the·youth sin·of death
as as·how he·arises man upon his·tendent and·he·murdered·him soul
surely the·speech this :
as in·the·field he·found·her
she·cried the·youth that·is·betrothed
and·there·is·ńot savior to·her :
as he·finds man youth virgin that she·was·not·betrothed
and·he·clenched·her and·he·bedded near·her
and·they·were·found⁺ :
and·he·gave the·man that·beds near·her to·the·father·of the·youth fifty⁺ silver
and·to·him she·is to·woman under that he·humiliated·her
he·is·not·able her·sending·out all·of his·days⁺ :
he·does·not·take man °the·woman·of his·father
and he·does·not·strip the·wing·of his·father :
he·does·not·enter wounded·of crushing and·cut·off·of spillway in·the·congregation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
he·does·not·enter bastard in·the·congregation·of Yʜᴡʜ
also saeculum tenth
he·does·not·enter to·him in·the·congregation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
he·does·not·enter Peopledïte and·Fromfatherïte in·the·congregation·of Yʜᴡʜ
also saeculum tenth
he·does·not·enter to·them in·the·congregation·of Yʜᴡʜ unto eternity :
upon speech·of that they·were·not·in·front·of⁺ °you⁺ in·the·bread and·in·the·waters⁺
in·the·step when·you·go⁺ from·Egypts²
and·that he·hired upon·you °Devouring-People the·son·of Consuming from·Petowr Height·of Streams² to·slight·you :
and he·did·not·want Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·hear to Devouring-People
and·he·converts Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·you °the·slight to·kneeling
as he·loved·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
you·do·not·investigate their·shalom and·their·goodness
all·of your·days⁺ to·eternity :
you·do·not·abominate Bloodïte
as your·brother he
you·do·not·abominate Egyptian
as lodger you·were in·his·land :
sons⁺ that they·are·enchilded⁺ to·them saeculum third
he·enters to·them in·the·congregation·of Yʜᴡʜ :
as you·go camp upon your·enemies⁺
from·all·of speech bad :
as he·is in·you man
that he·is·not pure from·fate·of night
and·he·went to from·exterior to·the·camp
he·does·not·enter to the·midst·of the·camp :
and·he·was to·face evening he·bathes in·the·waters⁺
and·as·entering the·sun
he·enters to the·midst·of the·camp :
and·hand she·is to·you
from·exterior to·the·camp
and·you·went ➝there exterior :
and·nail she·is to·you upon your·earaxe
and·he·was when·you·settle exterior
and·you·dug in·her
and·you·returned and·you·covered °your·filth :
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ walking·oneself in·the·impresence·of your·camps⁺ to·snatch·you·away and·to·give your·enemies⁺ to·your·face⁺
and·he·was your·camp sacred
and he·does·not·see in·you bareness·of speech
and·he·returned from·after⁺·you :
you·do·not·lock·up servant to his·lords⁺
that he·is·snatched·away to·you from·near his·lords⁺ :
near·you he·settles in·your·impresence in·the·rising·place that he·chooses in·one·of your·gates⁺ in·the·good to·him
you·do·not·exile·him :
she·is·not sanctuary·girl from·the·daughters⁺·of Princepowr
and he·is·not sanctuary·boy from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
you·do·not·bring·in payment·of fornicator and·price·of dog the·house·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·all·of vow
as the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ also the·two²·of·them :
you·do·not·bite·with·interest to·your·brother
biting·interest·of silver biting·interest·of edibles
biting·interest·of all·of speech that he·bites :
to·the·unrecognized you·bite·with·interest
and·to·your·brother you·do·not·bite·with·interest
because·of ꜝlet·him·kneel·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·all·of the·sending·out·of your·hand
upon the·land that you entering ➝there to·inherit·her :
as you·vow vow to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
you·do·not·keep·aft to·shalom·him
as investigating he·investigates·him Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ from·near·you
and·he·was in·you sin :
and·as you·cease to·vow
he·is·not in·you sin :
the·going·of your·lips² you·watch and·you·did
as·how you·vowed to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ noble·offering
that you·spoke in·your·mouth :
as you·enter in·the·orchard·of your·tendent
and·you·ate grapes⁺ as·your·soul your·satisfaction
and·to your·thing you·do·not·give :
as you·enter in·the·risen·grain·of your·tendent
and·you·plucked snips⁺ in·your·hand
and·heremsickle you·do·not·exalt
upon the·risen·grain·of your·tendent :
as he·takes man woman and·he·mastered·her
and·he·was if she·does·not·find grace in·his·eyes² as he·found in·her bareness·of speech
and·he·wrote to·her account·of cutting·off⁺ and·he·gave in·her·hand
and·he·sent·her·out from·his·house :
and·she·went from·his·house
and·she·walked and·she·was to·man after :
and·he·hated·her the·man the·afterward
and·he·wrote to·her account·of cutting·off⁺ and·he·gave in·her·hand
and·he·sent·her·out from·his·house
or as he·dies the·man the·afterward
that he·took·her to·him to·woman :
he·is·not·able her·master the·headmost that he·sent·her·out to·return to·take·her to·be to·him to·woman after⁺ that she·was·defiled
as abomination she to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ
and you·do·not·cause·to·sin °the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you derivation :
as he·takes man woman new
he·does·not·go in·the·host
and he·does·not·cross·over upon·him to·all·of speech
innocent he·is to·his·house year one
and·he·gladdened °his·woman that he·took :
he·does·not·rope millstones² and·chariotstone
as soul he roping :
as he·is·found man stealing soul from·his·brothers⁺ from·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
and·he·made·a·sheaf·for·himself in·him and·he·sold·him
and·he·died the·stealer he
and·you·consumed·by·fire the·bad from·your·impresence :
ꜝwatch·yourself in·the·touch·of the·leprosy to·watch very and·to·do
as·all that they·torah⁺ °you⁺ the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ as·how I·commanded·them you·watch⁺ to·do :
remembering °that he·did Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·Bitterness
in·the·step when·you·go⁺ from·Egypts² :
as you·go·to·defraud in·your·tendent fraud·of smidge
you·do·not·enter to his·house to·pawn his·pawn :
in·the·exterior you·stand
and·the·man that you fraudster in·him
he·lets·go to·you °the·pawn ➝the·exterior :
and·if man humiliated he
you·do·not·bed in·his·pawn :
returning you·return to·him °the·pawn as·entering the·sun
and·he·bedded in·his·garment and·he·knelt·you
and·to·you she·is justice
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
you·do·not·intimidate hireling humiliated and·wanting
from·your·brothers⁺ or from·your·lodger that in·your·land in·your·gates⁺ :
in·his·day you·give his·hire and she·does·not·enter upon·him the·sun as humiliated he
and·to·him he bearing °his·soul
and he·does·not·call upon·you to Yʜᴡʜ
and·he·was in·you sin :
they·are·not·put·to·death⁺ fathers⁺ upon sons⁺
and·sons⁺ they·are·not·put·to·death⁺ upon fathers⁺
man in·his·sin they·are·put·to·death⁺ :
judgment·of lodger orphan
and you·do·not·rope
covering·of widow :
and·you·remembered as servant you·were in·Egypts²
and·he·ransoms·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ from·there
upon surely I that·commands·you to·do
°the·speech this :
as you·crop your·crop in·your·field and·you·forgot sheaf in·the·field you·do·not·return to·take·him
to·the·lodger to·the·orphan and·to·the·widow he·is
because·of ꜝlet·him·kneel·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all·of the·doing·of your·hands² :
as you·flail your·olive
you·do·not·redo·the·sprigs after⁺·you
to·the·lodger to·the·orphan and·to·the·widow he·is :
as you·harvest your·orchard
you·do·not·exploit after⁺·you
to·the·lodger to·the·orphan and·to·the·widow he·is :
as servant you·were in·the·land·of Egypts²
upon surely I that·commands·you to·do
°the·speech this :
as he·is argument between mortals⁺
and·they·approached⁺ to the·judgment and·they·judged⁺·them
and·they·justified⁺ °the·just
and·they·caused·to·do·wickedness⁺ °the·wicked :
and·he·was if the·son·of striking the·wicked
and·he·let·him·fall the·judge and·he·struck·him to·his·face⁺
as·enough·of his·wickedness in·count :
forty⁺ he·strikes·him he·does·not·add
lest he·adds to·strike·him upon these stroke much
and·he·was·roasted your·brother to·your·eyes² :
you·do·not·muzzle bull when·he·threshes :
as they·settle⁺ brothers⁺ united and·he·died one from·them and·son there·is·ńot to·him
she·is·not the·woman·of the·dead ➝the·exterior to·man stranger
her·yabam he·enters upon·her
and·he·took·her to·him to·woman and·he·yabammed·her :
and·he·was the·firstborn that she·enchilds
he·arises upon the·name·of his·brother the·dead
and he·is·not·wiped·away his·name from·Princepowr :
and·if he·is·not·pleased the·man
to·take °his·yabamah
and·she·went·up his·yabamah ➝the·gate to the·elders⁺ and·she·said he·refused my·yabam to·raise to·his·brother name in·Princepowr
he·did·not·want my·yabamming :
and·they·called⁺ to·him the·elders⁺·of his·city and·they·spoke⁺ to·him
and·he·stood and·he·said
I·was·not·pleased to·take·her :
and·she·approached his·yabamah to·him to·the·eyes²·of the·elders⁺
and·she·dressed·down his·shoelatchet from·upon his·foot
and·she·spit in·his·face⁺
and·she·responded and·she·said
thus he·is·done to·the·man
that he·does·not·build °the·house·of his·brother
and·he·was·called his·name in·Princepowr
the·house·of the·dressed·down·of the·shoelatchet :
as they·strive·together⁺ mortals⁺ united man and·his·brother
and·she·was·present the·woman·of one
to·snatch·away °her·man from·hand·of that·strikes·him
and·she·sent her·hand
and·she·grasped·firmly in·his·shameful·places⁺ :
and·you·put·an·end·to °her·spoon
she·does·not·spare your·eye :
he·is·not to·you in·your·purse stone and·stone
great and·small :
he·is·not to·you in·your·house bucket and·bucket
great and·small :
stone shalomic and·justice he·is to·you
bucket shalomic and·justice he·is to·you
because·of ꜝlet·them·prolong⁺ your·days⁺
upon the·adamah
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you :
as the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ all·of doing·of these
all·of doing·of evil :
remembering °that he·did to·you Amalek
in·the·step when·you·go⁺ from·Egypts² :
that he·was·fated·upon·you in·the·step and·he·tails in·you all the·feeble⁺ after⁺·you
and·you tired and·belabored
and he·did·not·fear Powers⁺ :
and·he·was when·setting·in·peace Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·you from·all·of your·enemies⁺ from·turninground in·the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you derivation to·inherit·her
you·wipe °the·memory·of Amalek
from·under the·skies⁺
you·do·not·forget :
and·he·was as you·enter to the·land
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
giving to·you derivation
and·you·inherited·her and·you·settled in·her :
and·you·took from·the·headmost·of all·of the·fruit·of the·adamah that you·bring·in from·your·land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you and·you·placed in·the·crate
and·you·walked to the·rising·place
that he·chooses Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·make·to·dwell his·name there :
and·you·entered to the·priest
that he·is in·the·days⁺ they⁺
and·you·said to·him I·told·forth the·day to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
as I·entered to the·land
that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·our·fathers⁺ to·give to·us :
and·he·took the·priest the·crate from·your·hand
to·the·face⁺·of the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·you·responded and·you·said to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ Heightïte lost my·father
and·he·descends ➝Egypts²
and·he·lodges there in·adults⁺·of little
and·he·is there to·clan great strongboned and·much :
and·they·do·bad⁺ °us the·Egyptians⁺ and·they·humiliate⁺·us
and·they·give⁺ upon·us service hard :
and·we·cry⁺ to Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of our·fathers⁺
and·he·hears Yʜᴡʜ °our·voice
and·he·sees °our·humiliation and·°our·toil and·°our·squeezing :
and·he·lets·us·go Yʜᴡʜ from·Egypts²
in·hand firm and·in·arm branched·out
and·in·fear great
and·in·signs⁺ and·in·omens⁺ :
and·he·brings·us·in to the·rising·place this
and·he·gives to·us °the·land this
land emitting·of fatmilk and·honey :
and·now ¡lo! I·brought·in °the·headmost·of the·fruit·of the·adamah
that you·gave to·me Yʜᴡʜ
and·you·set·him·in·peace to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·you·were·glad in·all·of the·good that he·gave to·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ and·to·your·house
you and·the·Debtorïte
and·the·lodger that in·your·impresence :
as you·are·all·done to·cause·to·tax·a·tenth °all·of the·tenth·part·of your·inbringing in·the·year the·third the·year·of the·tenth·part
and·you·gave to·the·Debtorïte to·the·lodger to·the·orphan and·to·the·widow
and·they·ate⁺ in·your·gates⁺ and·they·were·satisfied⁺ :
and·you·said to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ I·consumed·by·fire the·sanctuary from the·house and·also I·gave·him to·the·Debtorïte and·to·the·lodger to·the·orphan and·to·the·widow
as·all·of your·commandment that you·commanded·me
I·did·not·cross·over from·your·commandments⁺ and I·did·not·forget :
I·did·not·eat in·my·iniquity from·him and I·did·not·consume·by·fire from·him in·defiled
and I·did·not·give from·him to·dead
I·heard in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ my·Powers⁺
I·did as·all that you·commanded·me :
ꜝpeer·down! from·the·home·of your·sanctuary from the·skies⁺ and·ꜝkneel °your·people °Princepowr
that you·gave to·us
as·how you·vowed·seven to·our·fathers⁺
land emitting·of fatmilk and·honey :
the·day this Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ that·commands·you to·do °the·prescriptions⁺ these and·°the·judgments⁺
and·you·watched and·you·did °them
in·all·of your·heart and·in·all·of your·soul :
°Yʜᴡʜ you·said the·day
to·be to·you to·Powers⁺ and·to·walk in·his·steps⁺ and·to·watch his·prescriptions⁺ and·his·commandments⁺ and·his·judgments⁺ and·to·hear in·his·voice :
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·said·you the·day to·be to·him to·people·of dearest
as·how he·spoke to·you
and·to·watch all·of his·commandments⁺ :
and·to·give·you uppermost upon all·of the·clans⁺ that he·did
to·praise and·to·name and·to·sprigging
and·to·be·you people sacred to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ as·how he·spoke :
and·he·commands Moseh and·the·elders⁺·of Princepowr
°the·people saying
watching °all·of the·commandment
that I commanding °you⁺ the·day :
and·he·was in·the·day that you·cross·over⁺ °the·Descender
to the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you
and·you·raised to·you stones⁺ great⁺
and·you·limed °them in·the·lime :
and·you·wrote upon·them °all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this when·you·cross·over
because·of that ꜝenter to the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you land emitting·of fatmilk and·honey
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of your·fathers⁺ to·you :
and·he·was when·you·cross·over⁺ °the·Descender
you·raise⁺ °the·stones⁺ these that I commanding °you⁺ the·day in·the·mount·of Ebal
and·you·limed °them in·the·lime :
and·you·built there offering·place
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
offering·place·of stones⁺
you·do·not·exalt upon·them iron :
stones⁺ shalomic⁺ you·build
°the·offering·place·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·you·offered·up upon·him upward·offerings⁺
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·you·offered shaloms⁺ and·you·ate there
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·you·wrote upon the·stones⁺ °all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this recording doing·good :
and·he·speaks Moseh and·the·priests⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺
to all·of Princepowr saying
ꜝquiet and·ꜝhear Princepowr
the·day this you·had·been to·people
to·Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·you·did °his·commandments⁺ and·°his·prescriptions⁺
that I that·commands·you the·day :
and·he·commands Moseh °the·people
in·the·day he saying :
these they·stand⁺ to·kneel °the·people upon the·mount·of Axes⁺
when·you·cross·over⁺ °the·Descender
Heard and·Debtor and·Gloryhand
and·He-Is-Hire and·He-Adds and·Son-of-Right :
and·these they·stand⁺ upon the·slight in·the·mount·of Ebal
See-Son Clout and·Blessed
and·Residence Vindicator and·Knot :
and·they·responded⁺ the·Debtorïtes⁺ and·they·said⁺ to all·of the·man·of Princepowr voice high :
cursed the·man that he·does sculpture and·libated·metal the·abomination·of Yʜᴡʜ doing·of hands²·of craftsman and·he·placed in·the·hiddenness
and·they·responded⁺ all·of the·people and·they·said⁺ truly :
cursed roasting his·father and·his·mama
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed skimming the·border·of his·tendent
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed leading·astray blind in·the·step
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed branching·out judgment·of lodger orphan and·widow
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed bedding near the·woman·of his·father
as he·stripped the·wing·of his·father
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed bedding near all·of beast
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed bedding near his·sister
the·daughter·of his·father or the·daughter·of his·mama
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed bedding near his·relative-by-marriage
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed the·striking·of his·tendent in·the·hiddenness
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed taking bribe
to·strike soul·of blood innocent
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
cursed that he·does·not·raise °the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this to·do °them
and·he·said all·of the·people truly :
and·he·was if hearing you·hear in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·watch to·do °all·of his·commandments⁺
that I that·commands·you the·day
and·he·gave·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ uppermost
upon all·of the·clans⁺·of the·land :
and·they·entered⁺ upon·you all·of the·kneelings⁺ these and·they·caught⁺·you
as you·hear
in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
knelt·to you in·the·city
and·knelt·to you in·the·field :
knelt·to the·fruit·of your·belly and·the·fruit·of your·adamah and·the·fruit·of your·beast
the·calf·of your·alephs⁺ and·the·blessings⁺·of your·sheep :
knelt·to your·crate and·your·vivayeastbowl :
knelt·to you when·you·enter
and·knelt·to you when·you·go :
he·gives Yʜᴡʜ °your·enemies⁺ that·arise⁺ upon·you
smitten⁺ to·your·face⁺
in·step one they·go⁺ to·you
and·in·seven steps⁺ they·flee⁺ to·your·face⁺ :
ꜝlet·him·command Yʜᴡʜ with·you °the·kneeling
in·your·barrels⁺ and·in·all·of the·sending·out·of your·hand
in·the·land that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ giving to·you :
he·raises·you Yʜᴡʜ to·him to·people sacred
as·how he·vowed·seven to·you
as you·watch °the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·you·walked in·his·steps⁺ :
and·they·saw⁺ all·of the·people⁺·of the·land
as the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ he·was·called upon·you
and·they·feared⁺ from·you :
and·he·let·you·remain Yʜᴡʜ to·goodness
in·the·fruit·of your·belly and·in·the·fruit·of your·beast and·in·the·fruit·of your·adamah
upon the·adamah
that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·your·fathers⁺ to·give to·you :
he·opens Yʜᴡʜ to·you °his·treasure the·good °the·skies⁺ to·give the·rain·of your·land in·his·season
and·to·kneel °all·of the·doing·of your·hand
and·you·indebted clans⁺ many⁺
and·you you·are·not·indebted :
and·he·gave·you Yʜᴡʜ to·head and·not to·tail
and·you·were only to➝upward
and you·are·not to·beneath
as you·hear to the·commandments⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ that I that·commands·you the·day to·watch and·to·do :
and you·do·not·move from·all·of the·speeches⁺ that I commanding °you⁺ the·day right and·left
to·walk after⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺ to·serve·them :
and·he·was if you·do·not·hear in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·watch to·do °all·of his·commandments⁺ and·his·prescriptions⁺
that I that·commands·you the·day
and·they·entered⁺ upon·you all·of the·slights⁺ these and·they·caught⁺·you :
cursed you in·the·city
and·cursed you in·the·field :
cursed your·crate and·your·vivayeastbowl :
cursed the·fruit·of your·belly and·the·fruit·of your·adamah
the·calf·of your·alephs⁺ and·the·blessings⁺·of your·sheep :
cursed you when·you·enter
and·cursed you when·you·go :
he·sends·out Yʜᴡʜ in·you °the·curse °the·rumble and·°the·rebuke
in·all·of the·sending·out·of your·hand that you·do
unto your·being·destroyed and·unto your·lost speeding
from·the·face⁺·of the·badness·of your·exploits⁺ that you·abandoned·me :
ꜝlet·him·join·up Yʜᴡʜ in·you °the·unspeakable
unto his·all·done °you
from·upon the·adamah
that you entering ➝there to·inherit·her :
he·strikes·you Yʜᴡʜ in·the·emaciation and·in·the·fever and·in·the·blazing and·in·the·scorching and·in·the·sword
and·in·the·blight and·in·the·greenishness
and·they·pursued⁺·you unto your·lost :
and·they·were⁺ your·skies⁺ that upon your·head copper
and·the·land that unders⁺·you iron :
he·gives Yʜᴡʜ °the·rain·of your·land haze and·dust
from the·skies⁺ he·descends upon·you
unto your·being·destroyed :
he·gives·you Yʜᴡʜ smitten to·the·face⁺·of your·enemies⁺
in·step one you·go to·him
and·in·seven steps⁺ you·flee to·his·face⁺
and·you·were to·irritation
to·all·of the·kingdoms⁺·of the·land :
and·she·was your·wilted·body to·edibles
to·all·of the·flyer·of the·skies⁺ and·to·the·beast·of the·land
and·there·is·ńot cause·for·shuddering :
he·strikes·you Yʜᴡʜ in·the·infection·of Egypts² and·in·the·hemorrhoids⁺
and·in·the·itch and·in·the·helios
that you·are·not·able to·be·healed :
he·strikes·you Yʜᴡʜ
in·psychosis and·in·blindness
and·in·marvelment·of heart :
and·you·were feeling·around in·the·noonpeak² as·how he·feels·around the·blind in·the·blackness
and you·do·not·prosper °your·steps⁺
and·you·were surely intimidated and·robbed all·of the·days⁺ and·there·is·ńot savior :
woman you·betroth and·man after he·beds·her
house you·build and you·do·not·settle in·him
orchard you·plant and you·do·not·pierce·him :
your·bull butchered to·your·eyes² and you·do·not·eat from·him
your·donkey robbed from·to·your·face⁺
and he·does·not·return to·you
your·sheep given⁺ to·your·enemies⁺
and·there·is·ńot to·you savior :
your·sons⁺ and·your·daughters⁺ given⁺ to·people after and·your·eyes² seeing⁺
and·all·doneness⁺ to·them all·of the·day
and·there·is·ńot to·the·powr·of your·hand :
the·fruit·of your·adamah and·all·of your·labor
he·eats people that you·did·not·know
and·you·were only intimidated and·smashed all·of the·days⁺ :
and·you·were psycho
from·the·sight·of your·eyes² that you·see :
he·strikes·you Yʜᴡʜ in·infection bad upon the·knees² and·upon the·legs²
that you·are·not·able to·be·healed
from·the·spoon·of your·foot and·unto your·scalp :
ꜝlet·him·cause·to·walk Yʜᴡʜ °you and·°your·king that you·raise upon·you
to clan that you·did·not·know you and·your·fathers⁺
and·you·served there Powers⁺ after⁺ tree and·stone :
and·you·were to·desolation
to·simile and·to·toothed·word
in·all·of the·people⁺
that he·leads·you Yʜᴡʜ ➝there :
seed much you·let·go the·field
and·little you·gather
as he·chomps·him the·multibug :
orchards⁺ you·plant and·you·served
and·wine you·do·not·drink and you·do·not·garner
as she·eats·him the·fangworm :
olives⁺ they·are⁺ to·you in·all·of your·border
and·oil you·do·not·libate·on
as he·plunders·off your·olive :
sons⁺ and·daughters⁺ you·bechild
and they·are·not⁺ to·you
as they·walk⁺ in·the·captivity :
all·of your·tree and·the·fruit·of your·adamah
he·inherits the·ring-ringbug :
the·lodger that in·your·impresence
he·goes·up upon·you ➝upward ➝upward
and·you you·descend beneath beneath :
he he·indebts·you
and·you you·do·not·indebt·him
he he·is to·head
and·you you·are to·tail :
and·they·entered⁺ upon·you all·of the·slights⁺ these and·they·pursued⁺·you and·they·caught⁺·you
unto your·being·destroyed
as you·did·not·hear in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·watch his·commandments⁺ and·his·prescriptions⁺ that he·commanded·you :
and·they·were⁺ in·you
to·sign and·to·omen
and·in·your·seed unto eternity :
under that you·did·not·serve °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·gladness and·in·goodness·of heart
from·multitude·of all :
and·you·served °your·enemies⁺ that he·sends·him·out Yʜᴡʜ in·you
in·hunger and·in·thirst and·in·bare and·in·lack·of all
and·he·gave harness·of iron upon your·neck
unto his·destroying °you :
he·bears Yʜᴡʜ upon·you clan from·afar from·the·end·of the·land
as·how he·soars the·eagle
clan that you·do·not·hear his·tongue :
clan mighty·of face⁺
that he·does·not·bear·up face⁺ to·elder
and·youth he·does·not·grace :
and·he·ate the·fruit·of your·beast and·the·fruit·of your·adamah unto your·being·destroyed
that he·does·not·let·survive to·you grain winemust and·elixer
the·calf·of your·alephs⁺ and·the·blessings⁺·of your·sheep
unto his·causing·to·be·lost °you :
and·he·rocked·in to·you in·all·of your·gates⁺ unto descending your·ramparts⁺ the·climbing⁺ and·that·are·fortified⁺
that you trusting in·them in·all·of your·land
and·he·rocked·in to·you in·all·of your·gates⁺
in·all·of your·land
that he·gave Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·you :
and·you·ate the·fruit·of your·belly the·flesh·of your·sons⁺ and·your·daughters⁺
that he·gave to·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·rocked·up·place and·in·overpouring
that he·overpours to·you your·enemy :
the·man the·soft in·you
and·the·consoling very
she·is·bad his·eye in·his·brother and·in·the·woman·of his·bosom
and·in·the·remainder·of his·sons⁺ that he·lets·remain :
from·giving to·one from·them from·the·flesh·of his·sons⁺ that he·eats
from·no he·let·survive to·him all
in·rocked·up·place and·in·overpouring
that he·overpours to·you your·enemy in·all·of your·gates⁺ :
the·soft in·you and·the·consoling that she·did·not·try·out the·spoon·of her·foot situating upon the·land
from·consoling·oneself and·from·soft
she·is·bad her·eye in·the·man·of her·bosom
and·in·her·son and·in·her·daughter :
and·in·her·plunderafterbirth that·goes from·between her·feet² and·in·her·sons⁺ that she·enchilds
as she·eats·them in·lack·of all in·the·hiddenness
in·rocked·up·place and·in·overpouring
that he·overpours to·you your·enemy in·your·gates⁺ :
if you·do·not·watch to·do °all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this
that·are·written⁺ in·the·account this
to·fear °the·name the·weighty and·the·fearsome this
°Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·he·did·wonderously Yʜᴡʜ °your·strokes⁺
and·°the·strokes⁺·of your·seed
strokes⁺ great⁺ and·true⁺
and·piercings⁺ bad⁺ and·true⁺ :
and·he·returned in·you °all·of the·sickness·of Egypts²
that you·were·dislodged from·their·face⁺
and·they·were·joined⁺ in·you :
also all·of piercing and·all·of stroke
that not written
in·the·account·of the·torah this
he·offers·them·up Yʜᴡʜ upon·you
unto your·being·destroyed :
and·you·survived⁺ in·adults⁺·of little
under that you·were⁺
as·the·stars⁺·of the·skies⁺ to·multitude
as you·did·not·hear
in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ :
and·he·was as·how he·rejoiced Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺ to·do·good °you⁺ and·to·multiply °you⁺
surely he·rejoices Yʜᴡʜ upon·you⁺
to·cause·to·be·lost °you⁺ and·to·destroy °you⁺
and·you·were·yanked⁺ from·upon the·adamah
that you entering ➝there to·inherit·her :
and·he·scattered·you Yʜᴡʜ in·all·of the·people⁺
from·the·end·of the·land and·unto the·end·of the·land
and·you·served there Powers⁺ after⁺ that you·did·not·know you and·your·fathers⁺ tree and·stone :
and·in·the·clans⁺ they⁺ you·do·not·let·take·a·wink
and he·is·not peaceful·place to·the·spoon·of your·foot
and·he·gave Yʜᴡʜ to·you there heart stirred·up
and·all·doneness·of eyes² and·anguish·of soul :
and·they·were⁺ your·life⁺
hanged⁺ to·you from·before
and·you·trembled night and·daytime
and you·are·not·true in·your·life⁺ :
in·the·dayplow you·say ¿who he·gives evening
and·in·the·evening you·say ¿who he·gives dayplow
from·the·trembling·of your·heart that you·tremble
and·from·the·sight·of your·eyes² that you·see :
and·he·returned·you Yʜᴡʜ Egypts² in·ships⁺
in·the·step that I·said to·you
you·do·not·add again to·see·her
and·you·sold·yourselves⁺ there to·your·enemies⁺ to·servants⁺ and·to·family·servants⁺ and·there·is·ńot stocking·up :
these the·speeches⁺·of the·covenant that he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh to·cut·in with the·sons⁺·of Princepowr in·the·land·of From-Father
from·aloneside the·covenant
that he·cut·in with·them in·Withered :
and·he·calls Moseh to all·of Princepowr and·he·says to·them
you⁺ you·saw⁺ °all that he·did Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·eyes² in·the·land·of Egypts²
to·Pharaoh and·to·all·of his·servants⁺ and·to·all·of his·land :
the·trials⁺ the·great⁺
that they·saw⁺ your·eyes²
the·signs⁺ and·the·omens⁺ the·great⁺ they⁺ :
and he·did·not·give Yʜᴡʜ to·you⁺ heart to·know
and·eyes² to·see and·ears² to·hear
unto the·day this :
and·I·cause·to·walk °you⁺ forty⁺ year in·the·outspeak
they·did·not·decay⁺ your⁺·garments⁺ from·upon·you⁺
and·your·shoelatchet she·did·not·decay from·upon your·foot :
bread you·did·not·eat⁺
and·wine and·strong·drink you·did·not·drink⁺
because·of ꜝknow⁺
as I Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺ :
and·you·enter⁺ to the·rising·place this
and·he·goes Rubbler the·king·of Consideration and·Loaf the·king·of the·Bashan to·call·against·us to·the·battle and·we·strike⁺·them :
and·we·take⁺ °their·land
and·we·give⁺·her to·derivation
to·the·See-Sonïte and·to·the·Cloutïte
and·to·the·half·of the·stem·of the·Frustrationïte :
and·you·watched⁺ °the·speeches⁺·of the·covenant this
and·you·did⁺ °them
because·of ꜝmake·prudent⁺
°all that you·do⁺ :
you⁺ posted⁺ the·day all·of·you⁺
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
your⁺·heads⁺ your⁺·stems⁺ your⁺·elders⁺ and·your⁺·officers⁺
all·of the·man·of Princepowr :
your⁺·toddlers your⁺·women⁺
that in·the·impresence·of your·camps⁺
from·the·hewing·of your·trees⁺
unto the·fetcher·of your·waters⁺ :
to·cross·over·you in·the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ and·in·his·oath
that Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
cutting·in near·you the·day :
because·of raising °you the·day to·him to·people and·he he·is to·you to·Powers⁺
as·how he·spoke to·you
and·as·how he·vowed·seven to·your·fathers⁺
to·Father-Hi-Hum to·Laugher and·to·Heeler :
and·not with·you⁺ alone·you⁺
I cutting·in °the·covenant this
and·°the·oath this :
as with that he·is ẖere near·us standing the·day
to·the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
and·with that he·is·ńot ẖere near·us the·day :
as you⁺ you·knew⁺
°that we·settled⁺ in·the·land·of Egypts²
and·°that we·crossed·over⁺ in·the·impresence·of the·clans⁺ that you·crossed·over⁺ :
and·you·see⁺ °their·detestations⁺
tree and·stone
silver and·gold that near·them :
lest there·is in·you⁺ man or woman or family or stem that his·heart facing the·day from·near Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
to·walk to·serve
°Powers⁺·of the·clans⁺ they⁺
lest there·is in·you⁺ root fruitful headweed and·poison :
and·he·was when·he·hears °the·speeches⁺·of the·oath this and·he·knelt·himself in·his·heart saying shalom he·is to·me
as in·the·bondage·of my·heart I·walk
because·of sweeping·away the·overflowing with the·thirsty :
he·does·not·want Yʜᴡʜ pardoning to·him
as then he·smokes the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ and·his·jealousy in·the·man he
and·she·lay·down in·him all·of the·oath
that·is·written in·the·account this
and·he·wiped Yʜᴡʜ °his·name
from·under the·skies⁺ :
and·he·separated·him Yʜᴡʜ to·badness
from·all·of the·stems⁺·of Princepowr
as·all·of the·oaths⁺·of the·covenant
that·is·written in·the·account·of the·torah this :
and·he·said the·saeculum the·afterward your⁺·sons⁺ that they·arise⁺ from·after⁺·you⁺
that he·enters from·land afar
and·they·saw⁺ °the·strokes⁺·of the·land she and·°her·diseases⁺
that he·pierced Yʜᴡʜ in·her :
cypressa and·salt burning all·of her·land
she·is·not·seeded and she·does·not·cause·to·grow
and he·does·not·go·up in·her all·of herb
as·the·conversion·of Sodom and·Gomorrah Adamah and·Prettygazelles⁺
that he·converted Yʜᴡʜ
in·his·nostrils and·in·his·heat :
and·they·said⁺ all·of the·clans⁺
upon ¿what he·did Yʜᴡʜ thus to·the·land this
¿what the·scorching·of the·nostrils the·great this :
upon that they·abandoned⁺
°the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ Powers⁺·of their·fathers⁺
that he·cut·in near·them
when·he·lets·go °them from·the·land·of Egypts² :
and·they·walk⁺ and·they·serve⁺ Powers⁺ after⁺
and·they·prostrate·themselves⁺ to·them
Powers⁺ that they·did·not·know⁺·them
and he·did·not·divide to·them :
and·he·is·scorched the·nostrils·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·land she
to·bring·in upon·her °all·of the·slight
that·is·written in·the·account this :
and·he·expels·them Yʜᴡʜ from·upon their·adamah
in·nostrils and·in·heat and·in·anger great
and·he·drops·them to land after as·the·day this :
to·Yʜᴡʜ our·Powers⁺
and·that·are·stripped·out⁺ to·us and·to·our·sons⁺ unto eternity
to·do °all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this :
and·he·was as they·enter⁺ upon·you all·of the·speeches⁺ these the·kneeling and·the·slight
that I·gave to·your·face⁺
and·you·returned to your·heart
in·all·of the·clans⁺
that he·banished·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ ➝there :
and·you·returned unto Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ and·you·heard in·his·voice
as·all that I that·commands·you the·day
you and·your·sons⁺
in·all·of your·heart and·in·all·of your·soul :
and·he·returned Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °your·captives⁺ and·he·enwombed·you
and·he·returned and·he·collected·you from·all·of the·people⁺
that he·scattered·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ ➝there :
if he·is that·is·banished·you in·the·end·of the·skies⁺
from·there he·collects·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
and·from·there he·takes·you :
and·he·brought·you·in Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to the·land that they·inherited⁺ your·fathers⁺ and·you·inherited·her
and·he·did·good·you and·he·multiplied·you from·your·fathers⁺ :
and·he·snipped Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ °your·heart and·°the·heart·of your·seed
to·love °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·all·of your·heart and·in·all·of your·soul because·of your·life⁺ :
and·he·gave Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
°all·of the·oaths⁺ these
upon your·enemies⁺ and·upon that·hate⁺·you that they·pursued⁺·you :
and·you you·return
and·you·heard in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·you·did °all·of his·commandments⁺
that I that·commands·you the·day :
and·he·let·you·remain Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ in·all·of the·doing·of your·hand in·the·fruit·of your·belly and·in·the·fruit·of your·beast and·in·the·fruit·of your·adamah to·goodness
as he·returns Yʜᴡʜ to·rejoice upon·you to·good
as·how he·rejoiced upon your·fathers⁺ :
as you·hear in·the·voice·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·watch his·commandments⁺ and·his·prescriptions⁺
that·is·written in·the·account·of the·torah this
as you·return to Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·all·of your·heart and·in·all·of your·soul :
as the·commandment this
that I that·commands·you the·day
she·was·not·too·wonderful she from·you
and·not afar she :
not in·the·skies⁺ she
saying ¿who he·goes·up to·us ➝the·skies⁺ and·he·takes·her to·us
and·he·lets·us·hear °her and·we·do⁺·her :
and·not from·region·across to·the·sea she
saying ¿who he·crosses·over to·us to the·region·across the·sea and·he·takes·her to·us
and·he·lets·us·hear °her and·we·do⁺·her :
as present to·you the·speech very
in·your·mouth and·in·your·heart to·do·him :
ꜝsee I·gave to·your·face⁺ the·day
°the·life⁺ and·°the·good
and·°the·death and·°the·bad :
that I that·commands·you the·day
to·love °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ to·walk in·his·steps⁺
and·to·watch his·commandments⁺ and·his·prescriptions⁺ and·his·judgments⁺
and·you·lived and·you·multiplied
and·he·knelt·you Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·the·land that you entering ➝there to·inherit·her :
and·if he·faces your·heart and you·do·not·hear
and·you·were·banished and·you·prostrated·yourself to·Powers⁺ after⁺ and·you·served·them :
I·told·forth to·you⁺ the·day
as lost you·are·lost⁺
you·do·not·prolong⁺ days⁺ upon the·adamah
that you crosser °the·Descender
to·enter ➝there to·inherit·her :
I·witnessed in·you⁺ the·day °the·skies⁺ and·°the·land
the·life⁺ and·the·death I·gave to·your·face⁺
the·kneeling and·the·slight
and·you·chose in·the·life⁺
because·of ꜝlive you and·your·seed :
to·love °Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
to·hear in·his·voice and·to·be·joined in·him
as he your·life⁺ and·the·length·of your·days⁺
to·settle upon the·adamah that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·your·fathers⁺ to·Father-Hi-Hum to·Laugher and·to·Heeler to·give to·them :
and·he·walks Moseh
and·he·speaks °the·speeches⁺ these to all·of Princepowr :
and·he·says to·them son·of hundred and·twenty⁺ year I the·day
I·am·not·able again to·go and·to·enter
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·said to·me
you·do·not·cross·over °the·Descender this :
Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ he crosser to·your·face⁺ he he·destroys °the·clans⁺ these from·to·your·face⁺ and·you·inherited·them
Yʜᴡ-Saved he crosser to·your·face⁺
as·how he·spoke Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·did Yʜᴡʜ to·them
as·how he·did to·Rubbler and·to·Loaf the·kings⁺·of the·Amurruïte and·to·their·land
that he·destroyed °them :
and·he·gave·them Yʜᴡʜ to·your⁺·face⁺
and·you·did⁺ to·them
as·all·of the·commandment
that I·commanded °you⁺ :
ꜝbe·firm⁺ and·ꜝbe·bold⁺
ꜝdo·not·fear⁺ and ꜝdo·not·awe⁺ from·their·face⁺
as Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺ he that·walks near·you
he·does·not·slack·you·off and he·does·not·abandon·you :
and·he·calls Moseh to·Yʜᴡ-Saved and·he·says to·him to·the·eyes²·of all·of Princepowr ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·bold
as you you·enter with the·people this
to the·land that he·vowed·seven Yʜᴡʜ to·their·fathers⁺ to·give to·them
and·you you·derive·for·her °them :
and·Yʜᴡʜ he that·walks to·your·face⁺ he he·is near·you
he·does·not·slack·you·off and he·does·not·abandon·you
you·do·not·fear and you·are·not·cast·down :
and·he·writes Moseh °the·torah this
and·he·gives·her to the·priests⁺ the·sons⁺·of Debtorïte
°the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ
and·to all·of the·elders⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·commands Moseh °them saying
from·end·of seven years⁺ in·the·assembly·time·of the·year·of the·release in·the·feast·of the·knit·shelters⁺ :
when·entering all·of Princepowr to·be·seen with the·face⁺·of Yʜᴡʜ your·Powers⁺
in·the·rising·place that he·chooses
you·call °the·torah this before all·of Princepowr in·their·ears² :
ꜝcongregate °the·people the·mortals⁺ and·the·women⁺ and·the·toddlers
and·your·lodger that in·your·gates⁺
because·of ꜝlet·them·hear⁺ and·because·of ꜝlet·them·be·discipled⁺ and·they·feared⁺ °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·they·watched⁺ to·do
°all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this :
and·their·sons⁺ that they·did·not·know⁺ they·hear⁺ and·they·were·discipled⁺
to·fear °Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
all·of the·days⁺ that you⁺ living⁺ upon the·adamah
that you⁺ crossers⁺ °the·Descender ➝there to·inherit·her :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh ¡lo! they·were·present⁺ your·days⁺ to·die
ꜝcall °Yʜᴡ-Saved and·ꜝpost·yourselves⁺ in·tent·of assembly and·I·command·him
and·he·walks Moseh and·Yʜᴡ-Saved
and·they·post·themselves⁺ in·tent·of assembly :
and·he·is·seen Yʜᴡʜ in·the·tent in·standing·pillar·of cloud
and·he·stands the·standing·pillar·of the·cloud upon the·opening·of the·tent :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh
¡lo!·you bedding near your·fathers⁺
and·he·arose the·people this and·he·fornicated after⁺ Powers⁺·of the·unrecognizee·of the·land that he entering ➝there in·his·impresence
and·he·abandoned·me and·he·scuttled °my·covenant
that I·cut·in with·him :
and·he·was·scorched my·nostrils in·him in·the·day he and·I·abandoned·them and·I·hid my·face⁺ from·them and·he·was to·eat
and·they·found⁺·him badnesses⁺ many⁺ and·rockinesses⁺
and·he·said in·the·day he
¿not upon as there·is·ńot my·Powers⁺ in·my·impresence
they·found⁺·me the·badnesses⁺ these :
and·I hiding I·hide my·face⁺ in·the·day he
upon all·of the·badness that he·did
as he·faced
to Powers⁺ after⁺ :
and·now ꜝwrite⁺ to·you⁺ °the·song this
and·ꜝdisciple·her °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr ꜝplace·her in·their·mouth
because·of ꜝlet·her·be to·me the·song this to·witness in·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
as I·bring·him·in to the·adamah that I·vowed·seven to·his·fathers⁺ emitting·of fatmilk and·honey
and·he·ate and·he·was·satisfied and·he·was·bountiful
and·he·faced to Powers⁺ after⁺ and·they·served⁺·them
and·he·scuttled °my·covenant :
and·he·was as they·find⁺ °him badnesses⁺ many⁺ and·rockinesses⁺
and·she·responded the·song this to·his·face⁺ to·witness
as she·is·not·forgotten from·the·mouth·of his·seed
as I·knew °his·form that he doing the·day
in·ere I·bring·him·in
to the·land that I·vowed·seven :
and·he·writes Moseh °the·song this in·the·day he
and·he·disciples·her °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·he·commands °Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer and·he·says ꜝbe·firm and·ꜝbe·bold
as you you·bring·in °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
to the·land that I·vowed·seven to·them
and·I I·am near·you :
and·he·is as·all·done Moseh to·write °the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this upon account
unto their·completed :
and·he·commands Moseh °the·Debtorïtes⁺
the·bearers⁺·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ saying :
taking °the·account·of the·torah this
and·you·placed⁺ °him
from·the·hip·of the·ark·of the·covenant·of Yʜᴡʜ your⁺·Powers⁺
and·he·was there in·you to·witness :
as I I·knew °your·bitterness
and·°your·spine the·hard
¡lo! when·I·am·still living near·you⁺ the·day embittering⁺ you·were⁺ near Yʜᴡʜ
and·¡yes! as after⁺ my·death :
ꜝcongregate⁺ to·me °all·of the·elders⁺·of your⁺·stems⁺ and·your⁺·officers⁺
and·ꜝlet·me·speak in·their·ears² °the·speeches⁺ these
and·ꜝlet·me·witness in·them
°the·skies⁺ and·°the·land :
as I·knew after⁺ my·death as ruining you·ruin⁺
and·you·moved⁺ from the·step
that I·commanded °you⁺
and·she·called·upon °you⁺ the·badness in·the·afterward·of the·days⁺
as you·do⁺ °the·bad in·the·eyes²·of Yʜᴡʜ
to·trouble·him in·the·doing·of your⁺·hands² :
and·he·speaks Moseh in·the·ears²·of all·of the·congregation·of Princepowr
°the·speeches⁺·of the·song this
unto their·completed :
ꜝgive·ear⁺ the·skies⁺ and·ꜝlet·me·speak
and·she·hears the·land the·sayings⁺·of my·mouth :
he·sprinkles as·the·rain my·taking-in·knowledge
she·cascades as·the·dew my·saying
as·hairfrosts⁺ upon grass
and·as·many·rains⁺ upon herb :
as the·name·of Yʜᴡʜ I·call
ꜝgrant⁺ greatness to·our·Powers⁺ :
the·rock complete his·work
as all·of his·steps⁺ judgment
powr·of truth and·there·is·ńot evil
just and·straight he :
he·ruined to·him not his·sons⁺ their·smudge
saeculum warped and·knotted :
¿to·Yʜᴡʜ you·yield⁺ this
people wilted and·not wise
¿not he your·father he·stocked·you·up
he he·did·you and·he·makes·you·sure :
ꜝremember days⁺·of eternity
ꜝdiscern⁺ years⁺·of saeculum and·saeculum
ꜝrequest your·father and·he·tells·forth·you
your·elders⁺ and·they·say⁺ to·you :
in·deriving·for uppermost clans⁺
when·he·splits sons⁺·of adam
ꜝlet·him·post borders⁺·of people⁺
to·the·count·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
as the·dividend·of Yʜᴡʜ his·people
Heeler the·rope·of his·derivation :
he·finds·him in·land·of outspeak
and·in·null·of yowling·of desolation
he·turns·around·him he·discerns·him
he·protects·him as·the·manling·of his·eye :
as·eagle he·rouses his·nest
upon his·robber·birds⁺ he·flutters
he·stretches his·wings² he·takes·him
he·bears·him upon his·pinion :
Yʜᴡʜ alone he·guides·him
and·there·is·ńot near·him powr·of unrecognizee :
he·carries·him upon daises⁺·of land
and·he·eats produce⁺·of field
and·he·suckles·him honey from·clifftop
and·oil from·flint·of rock :
butter·of plowcattle and·fatmilk·of sheep near fat·of goats⁺ and·powrrams⁺ the·sons⁺·of Bashan and·rams⁺
near fat·of allkidneys⁺·of wheat
and·blood·of grape you·drink pitchwine :
and·he·is·well-oiled Straightmost and·he·kicks
you·were·well-oiled you·were·thick you·were·covered
and·he·leaves Power he·did·him
and·he·lets·wilt the·rock·of his·salvation :
they·make·him·jealous⁺ in·strangers⁺
in·abominations⁺ they·trouble⁺·him :
they·offer⁺ to·the·demons⁺ not Power
Powers⁺ they·did·not·know⁺·them
new⁺ from·present they·entered⁺
they·did·not·hair·up⁺·them your⁺·fathers⁺ :
rock he·enchilded·you ꜝfrustrate
and·you·forget powr that·whirls·in·labor·you :
and·he·sees Yʜᴡʜ and·he·disregards
from·the·trouble·of his·sons⁺ and·his·daughters⁺ :
and·he·says ꜝlet·me·hide my·face⁺ from·them
I·see ¿what their·afterward
as saeculum·of perversions⁺ they⁺
sons⁺ not truth in·them :
they⁺ they·were·jealous⁺·me in·not powr
they·troubled⁺·me in·their·vapors⁺
and·I I·make·them·jealous in·not people
in·clan wilted I·trouble·them :
as fire she·was·fevered in·my·nostrils
and·she·smolders unto sheol undermost
and·she·eats land and·her·fruitcourse
and·she·enkindles foundations⁺·of mounts⁺ :
I·sweep·down upon·them badnesses⁺
my·arrows⁺ I·am·all·done in·them :
seared⁺·of hunger and·fed·bread⁺·of sparks and·scourge bitter
and·tooth·of beasts⁺ I·send·out in·them
near heat·of cowering·animals⁺·of dust :
from·exterior she·is·bereaved sword
and·from·chambers⁺ terror
also choice·youth also virgin
suckling near man·of gray·head :
I·said I·edge·them·out
ꜝlet·me·give·rest from·mortal their·memory :
iᵮ·not trouble·of enemy I·am·dislodged
lest they·make·unrecognizable⁺ their·rockers⁺
lest they·say⁺ our·hands² she·was·high
and·not Yʜᴡʜ he·worked all this :
as clan lost counsels⁺ they⁺
and·there·is·ńot in·them discernment :
iᵮ·only they·were·wise⁺ they·make·prudent⁺ this
they·discern⁺ to·their·afterward :
¿ħow he·pursues one thousand
and·two² they·put·to·flight⁺ multitude
if not as their·rock he·sold·them
and·Yʜᴡʜ he·locked·up·them :
as not as·our·rock their·rock
and·our·enemies⁺ mediators⁺ :
as from·the·vine·of Sodom their·vine
and·from·the·fields⁺·of Gomorrah
their·grapes⁺ grapes⁺·of headweed
clusters⁺ bitter·things⁺ to·them :
heat·of serpentines⁺ their·wine
and·headweed·of sillsnakes⁺ cruel :
¿not he stored near·me
sealed in·my·treasures⁺ :
to·me vengeance and·shalom-making
to·season she·shakes their·foot
as present the·day·of their·calamity
and·he·hurried ramready⁺ to·them :
as he·vindicates Yʜᴡʜ his·people
and·upon his·servants⁺ he·sighs·within
as he·sees as she·proceeded hand
and·limit restrained and·abandoned :
and·he·said ¿where their·Powers⁺
rock they·refuged⁺ in·him :
that the·fat·of their·offerings⁺ they·eat⁺
they·drink⁺ the·wine·of their·libator
they·arise⁺ and·they·help⁺·you⁺
ꜝlet·him·be upon·you⁺ hideout :
ꜝsee⁺ now as I I he
and·there·is·ńot Powers⁺ near·me
I I·put·to·death and·I·keep·alive I·impaled and·I I·heal
and·there·is·ńot from·my·hand snatching·away :
as I·bear·up to skies⁺ my·hand
and·I·said living I to·eternity :
if I·made·toothed the·flash·of my·sword
and·she·holds in·judgment my·hand
I·return vengeance to·my·rockers⁺
and·to·that·hate⁺·me I·shalom :
I·make·get·drunk my·arrows⁺ from·blood
and·my·sword she·eats flesh
from·blood·of pierced and·capture
from·head·of dishevelings⁺·of enemy :
ꜝshout·out⁺ clans⁺ his·people
as the·blood·of his·servants⁺ he·avenges
and·vengeance he·returns to·his·rockers⁺
and·he·atoned his·adamah his·people :
and·he·enters Moseh and·he·speaks °all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·song this in·the·ears²·of the·people
he and·Savior the·son·of Issuer :
and·he·is·all·done Moseh to·speak °all·of the·speeches⁺ these to all·of Princepowr :
and·he·says to·them ꜝplace⁺ your⁺·heart
to·all·of the·speeches⁺
that I witnessing in·you⁺ the·day
that you·command⁺·them °your⁺·sons⁺
to·watch to·do
°all·of the·speeches⁺·of the·torah this :
as not speech empty he from·you⁺
as he your⁺·life⁺
and·in·the·speech this you·prolong⁺ days⁺ upon the·adamah
that you⁺ crossers⁺ °the·Descender ➝there to·inherit·her :
and·he·speaks Yʜᴡʜ to Moseh
in·the·bone·of the·day this saying :
ꜝgo·up to the·mount·of the·Regions·Across⁺ this the·mount·of Prophet that in·the·land·of From-Father
that upon the·face⁺·of Breath
and·ꜝsee °the·land·of Cashiers⁺
that I giving to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr to·freehold :
and·ꜝdie in·the·mount that you going·up ➝there
and·ꜝbe·gathered to your·people⁺
as·how he·died Aharon your·brother in·the·mounting·of the·mount
and·he·is·gathered to his·people⁺ :
upon that you·disguised·yourselves⁺ in·me in·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
in·the·waters⁺·of the·arguing·of Sanctuary the·outspeak·of Tzin
upon that you·did·not·sanctify⁺ °me
in·the·midst·of the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
as from·before you·see °the·land
and➝there you·do·not·enter
to the·land that I giving to·the·sons⁺·of Princepowr :
and·this the·kneeling that he·knelt Moseh the·man·of the·Powers⁺ °the·sons⁺·of Princepowr
to·the·face⁺·of his·death :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ from·Syny he·entered and·he·dawned from·Hair to·them
he·shined from·the·mount·of Sprigging
and·he·came from·multitudes⁺·of sanctuary
from·his·right fire·of edict to·them :
¡yes! concealing people⁺
all·of his·sacred⁺ in·your·hand
and·they⁺ they·were·√seated⁺ to·your·foot
he·bears from·your·speeches⁺ :
torah he·commanded to·us Moseh
inheritance the·congregation·of Heeler :
and·he·is in·Straightmost king
when·gathering·together heads⁺·of people
united the·stems⁺·of Princepowr :
ꜝlet·him·live See-Son and ꜝlet·him·not·die
and·ꜝlet·him·be his·adults⁺ count :
and·this to·Gloryhand and·he·says
ꜝhear Yʜᴡʜ the·voice·of Gloryhand
and·to his·people you·bring·him·in
his·hands² he·argued to·him
and·help from·his·rockers⁺ you·are :
and·to·Debtor he·said
your·Completionses⁺ and·your·Lights⁺ to·man your·merciful
that you·tried·him·out in·Trial
you·argue·him upon the·waters⁺·of Arguing :
that·says to·his·father and·to·his·mama I·did·not·see·him
and·°his·brothers⁺ he·did·not·recognize
and·°his·sons⁺ he·did·not·know
as they·watched⁺ your·saying
and·your·covenant they·protect⁺ :
they·torah⁺ your·judgments⁺ to·Heeler
and·your·torah to·Princepowr
they·place⁺ incense in·your·nostrils
and·all-all upon your·offering·place :
ꜝkneel Yʜᴡʜ his·strength
and·the·work·of his·hands² you·favor
ꜝimpale thighs² that·arise⁺·him and·that·hate⁺·him from they·arise⁺ :
to·Son-of-Right he·said
the·intimate·of Yʜᴡʜ
he·dwells to·trust upon·him
enshrouding upon·him all·of the·day
and·between his·shoulders² he·dwelled :
and·to·He-Adds he·said
the·knelt·to·of Yʜᴡʜ his·land
from·luxury·of skies⁺ from·dew
and·from·rumblewave lying·down under :
and·from·luxury·of inbringings⁺·of sun
and·from·luxury·of produce·driven·up·of months⁺ :
and·from·head·of mountains⁺·of frontmost
and·from·luxury·of hills⁺·of eternity :
and·from·luxury·of land and·her·fullness
and·favor·of dwelling·of senehbush
she·enters! to·the·head·of He-Adds
and·to·the·scalp·of the·envowed·of his·brothers⁺ :
the·firstborn·of his·bull magnificence to·him and·horns²·of highauroch his·horns²
in·them people⁺ he·butts·at united limits⁺·of land
and·they⁺ the·multitudes⁺·of Fruits²
and·they⁺ the·thousands⁺·of Frustration :
and·to·Residence he·said
ꜝbe·glad Residence when·you·go
and·He-Is-Hire in·your·tents⁺ :
people⁺ mount they·call⁺
there they·offer⁺ offerings⁺·of justice
as legion·of seas⁺ they·suck⁺
and·panelled⁺·of buried⁺·of sand :
and·to·Clout he·said
knelt·to the·broadening·of Clout
as·coyote he·dwelled
and·he·preyed·upon arm ¡yes! scalp :
and·he·sees headmost to·him
as there division·of prescribing panelled
and·he·comes heads⁺·of people
the·justice·of Yʜᴡʜ he·did
and·his·judgments⁺ near Princepowr :
and·to·Vindicator he·said
Vindicator chewcub·of lion
he·pounces from the·Bashan :
and·to·Knot he·said
Knot satisfied·of favor
and·full the·kneeling·of Yʜᴡʜ
sea and·south ꜝinherit! :
and·to·Blessed he·said
knelt·to from·sons⁺ Blessed
ꜝlet·him·be the·favored·of his·brothers⁺
and·dipping in·the·oil his·foot :
iron and·copper your·latches⁺
and·as·your·days⁺ your·toughness :
there·is·ńot as·the·powr Straightmost
charioting skies⁺ in·your·help
and·in·his·majesty wisps⁺ :
home Powers⁺·of frontmost
and·from·under arms⁺·of eternity
and·he·drives·off from·your·face⁺ enemy and·he·says ꜝdestroy :
and·he·dwells Princepowr trust alone the·eyewell·of Heeler
to land·of grain and·winemust
¡yes! his·skies⁺ they·sprinkle⁺ dew :
your·blessedness⁺ Princepowr ¿who as·you people he·was·saved in·Yʜᴡʜ
the·guard·of your·help
and·that the·sword·of your·majesty
and·they·deny·themselves⁺ your·enemies⁺ to·you
and·you upon their·daises⁺ you·step·forward :
and·he·goes·up Moseh from·Arabahs⁺·of From-Father to the·mount·of Prophet
the·head·of the·Pondering
that upon the·face⁺·of Breath
and·he·shows·him Yʜᴡʜ °all·of the·land °the·Roll-of-Witness unto Vindicator :
and·°all·of Knot
and·°the·land·of Fruits² and·Frustration
and·°all·of the·land·of Gloryhand
unto the·sea the·afterward :
and·°the·Negev and·°the·round the·cleft·of Breath the·city·of the·palms⁺ unto Least :
and·he·says Yʜᴡʜ to·him this the·land that I·vowed·seven to·Father-Hi-Hum to·Laugher and·to·Heeler saying
to·your·seed I·give·her
I·showed·you in·your·eyes²
and➝there you·do·not·cross·over :
and·he·dies there Moseh the·servant·of Yʜᴡʜ in·the·land·of From-Father upon the·mouth·of Yʜᴡʜ :
and·he·entombs °him in·the·valley in·the·land·of From-Father
the·snip·of House·of Gap
and he·did·not·know man °his·tomb
unto the·day this :
and·Moseh son·of hundred and·twenty⁺ year when·he·dies
she·did·not·wane his·eye and he·did·not·flee his·freshness :
and·they·weep⁺ the·sons⁺·of Princepowr °Moseh in·Arabahs⁺·of From-Father thirty⁺ day
the·days⁺·of the·weeping·of the·mourning·of Moseh :
and·Yʜᴡ-Saved the·son·of Issuer full breath·of wisdom
as he·propped·up Moseh °his·hands² upon·him
and·they·hear⁺ to·him the·sons⁺·of Princepowr and·they·do⁺
as·how he·commanded Yʜᴡʜ °Moseh :
and he·did·not·arise prophet again in·Princepowr as·Moseh
that he·knew·him Yʜᴡʜ
face⁺ to face⁺ :
to·all·of the·signs⁺ and·the·omens⁺ that he·sent·him Yʜᴡʜ
to·do in·the·land·of Egypts²
to·Pharaoh and·to·all·of his·servants⁺ and·to·all·of his·land :
and·to·all·of the·hand the·firm
and·to·all·of the·fear the·great
that he·did Moseh
to·the·eyes²·of all·of Princepowr :