Psalm 1
the·blessedness⁺·of the·man that he·did·not·walk in·counsel·of wicked⁺
and·in·step·of sinful⁺ he·did·not·stand
and·in·seat·of scorners⁺ he·did·not·settle :
but rather in·the·torah·of Yʜᴡʜ his·pleasure
and·in·his·torah he·echoes daytime and·night :
and·he·was as·tree grafted upon furrows⁺·of waters⁺
that his·fruit he·gives in·his·season and·his·upper·leaf he·does·not·wilt
and·all that he·does he·prospers :
not surely the·wicked⁺
but rather as·the·chaff that she·wafts·him·away breath :
upon surely they·do·not·arise⁺ wicked⁺ in·the·judgment
and·sinful⁺ in·assembly·of just⁺ :
as knowing Yʜᴡʜ step·of just⁺
and·step·of wicked⁺ she·is·lost :